Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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ElaWata Programi Arranged for Choirt of
Vie Catholio Churche
Son frrvlce at knnilit Memorial
. tlinrrh and Cfcrl.tmaa ObirrT
once by Knights Templar
at Mainalo Temple.
At St. rhllomena's cathedral Chrlstmae
, day pontlBf mam tie celebrated by
. IMshop Scanuell at S a. m. Very Rev. Wll
. Ham Kelly will be assistant priest; Revs.
,i P. . A. McOovern and Michael 8trltch,
I deacons of honor; Rev. Jtmci W. Stenson,
deacon of ,lh mass, and Rev. Charles
i Meyer, subdraoon. The. blahcip will fire a
,ehort'"iniructlon at this aervlca. Low
; mumps will follow every half hour from
. 7 uatil o'clock.
At Kfc20' solomn blkh maaa will be chanted
by-Rev. Jamri W. Btenson, assisted by Very
, Rev. A. M. Colanerl, deacon, and Rev. P.
'A. McOovern. aubdeaeon. Father McOovern
will deliver the sermon.
' Moznrt's .Seventh Man will be sung by
throimb r. of,; the. Junior choir at the
pontifical mats at S a. m.
. "At . jJmv svle-nn ira maso at 1:30 a. ra.
' hfliii'y';,tiHtr.wlU gi.vo 4 he following pro-
7 grain:
't Kyrle Marao
j, ' Chorus. '
f rTirlste ".. J .-
- MiMMary MoSharss and Mr. Clinton Miller.
OlofU , .
'; Chorus.-
'. Orntlns Aglmuwi.'.
; Misses Elia and .oenmfctre. Croft and Mr.
. 1 . . Cllnttm Miller.
V .",'" Mr?'T. f. Bwlft. '
Quoniani uui'a-tiuu.w
' ' ."-Alls Verank-a poharty. ,
if. X'um r,hcto.riptrltirV.'......7. ,
V 1 ' Chorus,
'ml Ptrntor La Hsche
' MIhs Genevleye Crort and. Messrs. Miller
N - and Hwllt.
v Credo i. '.V.'. , Grand Italian
' " . Chorus.
Et In t'n;(m
Mr. A. Kroeger.
Deum Do Deo ,.
. Miss Genevieve Croft and Mr. Clinton
ft Incnrnatu Est :.,
lira. X.' K: Cobry," MIm Goneviev Croft,
Mewn Miller and Swift
Male Chora.
Et Hesurrexlt
Mrs. T. A. Cobry and Choir.
Et Vltam ..
Offertory Adeste Fidelea Novello
eanrius Mario
( . . i . Chorus.
Benedlcttis Marao
miss veronica Uoherty and Choir.
Airnua Del Marao
Misses Ella and Oennvleve Croft, Mesara.
. . ' Miller and Kroeger.
At the Church of tha Sacred Heart on
Christmas morning services begin at S
' 'clock with high mass, at whloh tha muslo
wlir bo rendered by the Junior and senior
? choirs combined. Masses at 7 and 9 o'clock
and a high maaa again at 10:30. celebrated
by Rev. Eugona Oeary. Father Judge wtll
preach ' the sermon. Following la 'tha
, musical program:
Kyrle Farmer'a B Flat
trla. Farmer'a B Flat
MWira M. McCarthy, K. Hiiee, M. Carlln
and Mra. Fowera.
, tW4 -vu. a, i. ..
M. J. Cannon, Jr
I' i.Vs- f 1 i Mr. J. Olvler.
.V Vreao i. Hano'i In V
v Choir.
i Deum de Deo , ,
..Miss 'Margaret Flynn, Mr. and Mra.
'i--. 'i Powers.-.,:. - ,, .,
jO fcj. Jueamstus Et...
J mJUhw Addle Htebert.
. . ' atlases Reynolds, Carroll, Burnett and
- Jucobberger. ,
Offfrtnry Artcsle Fidelea
iTivie 'hrus
. y" Anneis". chorus
; . t ehephrrds" Chorua...
Church. Chorus..
Junior Choir
...Boys' Choir
Senior Choir
..Farmer'a B Flat
' BenPdictna
Mioses M. and A. Flynn, Mr. and Mra.
fM.. " J. C. Bwlft, '
' ( Aimua Del. .;..Mereadanta
. Mint Abble 8anlan and Mra. Powera.
' Mrs. J. E. Reagan will preside at tha
;' organ for'the aentor choir and Mlsa Metcalfe
tot the Junior choir.
At 8t. John'a church. Twenty-fifth and
. California streets, a solemn high mass will
ba celebrated- by Rer. M. P. Dowling, S. J.,
president of Crelghton university, at 8 a.
m., follow d by low masses every half hour
until 9:30 a. m.
At 10:30 thera will ba another aolema
high mass, with Rev. M. Bronsgeeat, 8. J.,
as celebrant. Rev. W. Rtgge, B. J., aa
deaaott, and Rev. J. Anderson, 8. J., aa
leubdeacon. Rev. M. Strttch, B. J., wilt
preach and Prof. Eugena Daly, B. J., will
act aa master of ceremonies. Bt. John's
choir will execute the following program,
"selected, from Pacini's Orand Italian Maaa;
Kyrl :
. ' Mrs. M Bethgs and Choir.
Olorlfc. Ollainn
., H. V. Burkley. and Choir.
DoBilne Deus ....Pacini
- ; ; T J. McBhane. .
In Gloria Del Patrts
, Mrs. K. Cudahy,
Et In Umjnv ,
, Miss A, Houston,
Novatlo's Adeste
Mrs. Cudahy and Choir.
.Qlory ,to Ood
, . Mrs. Cudahy and Choir.
'v Organist. John Av Bchenck; directress,
tVra. C.Burkhard.
Tha following Is tha program which will
be rendered at Bt. Peter'a church on Christ
mas day at 10:90, nndar the dlreotlon of
Mlsa Margaret Judge, erganlat:
.Gloria -.......i-..
f Quartet and Chorua,
' Adeste Fidelea
Sanotue. .....-.
Uaaa Bulo The Nativity...
.1 . Mr. BallufT.
Arnjs Dt-I
.:. Novello
iVjucano-Solo The Birth of a Klnc
Mlsa Flnley ...
A Bolutarfci Duct Welgand
. , 1 . . Mlssne, Flnley and Utviui.t
Tsmtum -aCrgo Chorus Rossi
roBtVide Mourlan
Duiii.g the mass solos will be sung by
t especially valuable during the
1 tumrner season, when outdoor occu
pations anl sports are most in prder.
yield to It, and it Ms' particularly
pyreeable when yed ia . the bath
after violent exercise." "
i " t
Mlwa Flnley, I-ehman, Rnth and O'Brien
and Meaiwe. Balluff, Ingoldaky, Bushman
and Dnyle.
The following program will be given at
Trinity cathedral r
Processional liarkl the Hsrald Angela
Blog '
Hymn. tfore Bermon Bhout the Olad
Tldrnits ,
Recessional Oh, Little Town of Bethle
hem Solo Oh. Hnly Night Adolph Adams
Mr. W. H. Wllklna.
Anthem Ping, Oh Hesvens Tours
Te teum Festival In F Tours
Kyrle Tours
(ilorta Tours
Banrtua Tours
Gloria In Rscclsls Tours
Organ polos piayed by F. H. Wright.
Ia Ia C. M. . .
Hallelujah chorus Handel
Gloria from's Twelftli Mass
Mr. Rohra, solo cornetlat, will assist.
Christmas services will be held In
Kountie Memorial church today at 10:30
a. an. The aervlca for the day will be sung
by the united choir of forty voices, who
will also present the an thorns: "Harkl
What Mean Those Holy Voices?" by Sulli
van, and "Drop Down, Te Heavena," by
Barnby. The pastor, Edward Frederick
Trefx, will preach the sermon on "A Savior
Born." , . ,
Mount Calvary com man dory No. -1,
Knlghta Templar, will bold Ha f)(tenth
Christmas observance at Masonic 'temple
at, 10 o'clock, ChEiatmaa'BMrnlbgv to which
the members and their women are Invited.
There will be the customary toaata to tha
eminent grand . master and the grand
master, and tha program will be excep
tionally beautiful in character. ThU Is,
the program: . (
Bong-Orward,. Christian Soldiers.,...,..
. Choir. .
Address of welcome...-
Eminent fffr Knight Benjamin F. Thomaa.
Song There Were . Shepherd
Address Knight of tha Voim...:.,v.:.;.
Sir Knight Asel Bteere, Jr.
oung le ueurn umiamua
Address Christina to Knights Tembl&r.
Sir Knight Sylvester A..Bar)e.
Bong When Jesca Was Born in Bethle
hem ,
Address The Departed Sir Knights
Sir Knight E. Comble Smith.
Bolo Kaco to Face
Jo F. Barton.
Address The Heal and the Ideal..
Sir Knight Frank 11. Gaines.
Bong Sing, O Heavens
Blr Knight E. M. Jones will be musical
A cantata entitled "A Good Time with
Santa Claua" will be given at 7:80 p. m.
Thursday at the Grace Baptlat church,
Tenth and Arbor atreeta.
The 8unday school Christmas entertain
ment of the Hanacom Park Methodist
church will be given In the auditorium of
the church thla evening at 7 o'clock aharp.
Following is the program:
Processional march. '
The Heralder. j '
Organ prelude, "The Coming of tha
King" (Dudley Buck), Mlsa Joaephlne
Bong by the school. '
Response from the Angels.
Song by the primary department, "The
Little Lord Jesus."
Recitation by Kathervne Mlsslewita.
Recitation by Klwood Pratt. . .
. Bolo by Hasel Ralph.
Bong by the school. "
Recitation by Majorie Foots..
Boo by Anna Dennis. .
Bong by tout boya. "ChtlstmaS Blzpence,"
Pong by the school. a,
"The Toys' Rebellion."
Bong by the school.... . . - V
Recitation by Kdward Partridge. -
Violin solo by Miss Eva Beay. :
Recitation by Mildred Foot.
Brmg by twelve girls, "Bhlfie Out for
Jesus." . ...:' . ,,
Recitation by Marguerite Robenton.,- , i
Piano solo by Frang Strawri, "Lost Hope'
(Lv M. Oottschalk). - . 1
Recitation by FJtaa TMteei . i ..
Recitation by Haael ClarU.
Bong by trie school and collection.
Bong by the primary department, "Don't
Tou Know It'a Christmas?" ,
Ftuita and hia friends.
Recessional, Charles Cocke.
gnrvtvora of Tha - Wars Generously
Remembered ay (he. General
WASHINGTON, Deo. 24. (Special.) The
following pensions have been granted:
Issue of December 5:
Nebraska: Increase, Reissue, Etc. Milton
B. Bishop, Beatrice. $10; Charles M. Phil
lips, Wukefluld, $24; Alois Hilbert (de
ceased), Omaha, $50. Wldowa, Minora and
Dependent Relatives Mary L. Hurt, Ulys
ses. $8; Fhebe E. Hobbtna, PlfttUmouth, $8.
Iowa: Original William C. Maleby, In
dianapolis, $8; Casalua C. Hopkins, Water
loo, $; George W. Anderson, Runnels, i.
Increase, Reissue, Etc. William H. Scott,
West I'nion, $30: Joseph H. Clark, Daven
port, $34; BylvaAus H. Carlow, Bloomtleld,
M; Samuel O. Carlton, Osceola, $17; Chris
tian Pence, Cedar Rapids, $8: Joseph James,
Creston, $17; Jacob Searlea, Soldiers' Home,
Marshailtown, $13! KdKar Ia Rice, Des
Moines, $:i0. Widows, Minors and Depend
ent Relatives Ellen Dargan, Fanora, $8;
Alice Davis Coleaburg, is; Ellsa J. Wright,
Wlnteraet, $8; Sarah Jane Warmataff, Cone,
$12; Lime Lliley. FarlUo Junction, $S; Lura
E. Lewis, Lemara, $13.
. Wyoming: Original Barney Snider, Ben
nett, $. Widows, Minora and Dependent
Relatives Rachel L. Foster, Buffalo, $12.
Issue of December :
Nebraska: Original James D. Cook (war
with Spain), Greaham. $8. Wldowa, Minora
and Dependent Relatlvea Doucey Traak,
Homer, $8.
Iowa: Original William N. Sanderson
Farragut, $6: Joseph B. Trigg. Rorkford, $8.
Increase, Reissue, Etc. William D. Bonner,
Jewell, $12. Widows, Minors and Dependent
Relatives Lydia M. Blood, Ii. dependence,
$S; Sarah Osborne Oilman, $; Jennie E.
Kohnl. Fairtleld. t&.
en uerrrnce Jtaena.t a red
weeks. Infant dgagnter of Mr.' end Ml
otar a., rpnersen, JUeoemoer iU2.
Funeral Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock
from family residence, 1019 South Twenty
third street. . Interment at Forest Lawn
cemetery, .Friends invited...',
In Omaha Public
With the general agitation for the Intro
duction of . isanaaj training,! domeatio
acleace, the aimpler constructive work and
other sew or extra subjects into tha achool
curriculum, tha question of the average
chlld'a capacity haa come up for aome dis
cussion, together w with. r the . number of
hours that ha la able to devote each day
i .iu7. ucewp. ia.i iare a very
wide and rery Inureatior difference of
opinion among the local teaehera regarding
the plan of keeping or allowing a child to
remain after the cloae. of the achool aea-
alona to atudy or make up any deficiency
la hia day a work. Thogh the afternoon
aeealon cloaea at St SO o'clock in many of
tha achools. tha pupll are detained until 4
o cioca every evening. Many oi me teach-
vi. rvsru inn iiin nan nuur as a real
privilege to tha children and devote it to
apeclal help oa points or subjects, upon
which he la weak, maintaining that this
extra ttenlap and . b,elp. glone makea It
poaaible for many of the pupils to keep
up their grades. On tha other hand, there
are moae wno, inougn juat aa conacien- individuality. 1 kae examined earefully
tloua and eacceaaful teachers, feel that thla many of the plan booka of the teachers
extra half hour ta as. Injustice to. teacher ' under my supervision and have noted how
and pupil alike; that the five houra de- their Individuality ha been cultivated,
voted to atudy la ample time tar tha av- While there are aome general outlines of
erage child to master all that la required' certain atndlea, many of which are found
of him. and that the extra half hear, with In the proper treatment at topies In
the assurance of the teaeher a apeclal help, science geography. history, biography,
not only kaepa him Indoors longer than ba pieces of literature and prooeasea of
should be, but enceursgee children at ba mathematics that may follow certala
alack la the regular work, aa they know uniform or general treatment, ' there are
they will be allowed and helped to tnake also many subjects that progressive teach
It up. Then, too, they aay that tf the pu-' era can work out only ill their own wgy.
pit known he haa to keep up hia work In If ia In thia line of preparation tb-t lndl
claaa. tf aa exseOta to make bin grade, ho vlduallty is developed and It marks the
will make sufficient effort to keep up, and highest form of personal growth. By this
thera wUI he B9 aeeeaalt of hia remaining, prooeaa the teacher 'flnda her self 1 wish
lUilroada and Express Oonpaniat Object to
Payment of Perwnal Tajag,
Maawaa Gets Thirty Daya la Jail
a4 Will Have Pictar
. Beat Breadeaat.-
There promisee to be a lively time about
the collectloa of peraonal tales from the
railroads and the express companies. It
waa reported on the atreeta yesterday that
the railroads would not pay any peraonal
taxea and the express companies are also
Indifferent- The contention la mad that
the city has no right to levy personal taxea
on railroada or expreaa companies.
When this matter, waa brought to the
attention of a city official last night he aald
that he rather guessed that the taxes would
be paid, aa the law permitted the treaaurer
to aend.out a. personal tax collector to levy
on any peraonal property found. The ex
preaa companlea have horses and wagons
here and the railroads frequently leave
para atandlng in, the yarda. ,
I In an informal manner the question waa
brought to the .attention of City Treaaurer
Howe yesterday , evening. The latter, aaid
that he had not given the matter any con
sideration, bat admitted, that the law, gave
him the right to levy on property where
taxes wero. pot, p(d, 4 While Mr,, Howe did
not say that he would make a levy, be
intimated in language not to be misunder
stood that It would ba advisable for all
those owing taxea to pay up aa eoon aa
possible. r , f
As the railroada and express companies
do. a big business here. It la deemed no
more than right by . the city officiate that
they pay a portion of the tat needed te
maintain the city .government and tha im
provements constantly being made.
" Maxwell ffeatenreg.
William Maxwell waa given a aentence of
thirty daya in the county Jail yesterday
afternoon by Judge King. The prisoner
plead guilty to the charae of obtaining
money under false pretenses. Maxwell la
man who came here some time ago
and gave the Masonic signal of distress and
then proceeded to blow in the money ob
tained for booxe. A circular order went
out some time ago warning Masona agalnat
Maxwell, who some times goea by the name
of Walter Gray. The statement fa made" .b.beeB '.V bu"ia" of
fleecing Maaona for aome three years. Dur
ing hia time In the county Jail tie will be
subjected to the Bertilllon examination and
will be "mugged." The photographa will
be sent to Masona all over thla eectlnn of
the country In order to put a atop to hia
work of Imposing upon lodges la any part
of the country.
Offer Still Good.
Before leaving for hia farm yesterday
afternoon Joseph Koutaky stated to a Bee
reporter that hia offer of $100 reward for
the arrest and conviction of any one aelling
diseased meat inside the city limit waa
atlll good. Mr. Koutaky aald that hia
money waa on deposit at the Packers Nat
tlonal bank, and that so far it had not been
covered by any of the Omaha yellow Jour
nala. In the meantime there is - a clos
watch kept on all butcher shop. ' ' '
, , Btter ntwrne Tha a We. -j'
Chief Btter of. the Are department not!-
fled tke.nawapaperalast night rthab Manager
Manchee of Swift 'n Corapenyiiad aent
to each menjber of ba. department a Christ-
mae turkey. The chief deaired that -'the
thanka of the department, himself Included,
be aent to Swift and Company through the
preaa. The firemen erfy that the turkeys
will be out of eight tonight.'
A box of cigar waa aent to each of the
Are halls by "aha local Boston store.
Jaagntnt Rendered..
A judgment waa rendered In Justice
Caldwell's court yesterday agalnat the city : In order to obtain better protection for
in the personal Injury case of Carrie Ho- ' the nation'a wealth the Treasury depart
man. The woman brought ault for $195, ment haa decided to add to Ita masaiv
and waa awarded damages amounting to vaults and complicated locka a novel eleo
$190 and costs. The decision of the justice trio barglar alarm. While the government
la to be appealed to the district court by la endeavoring to guard the nation'a wealth
the clty'a legal department. In her petl- It la very important that we should en
tlon Carrie Homan asserts that aha alipped deavor to protect our health from the In-
on the sidewalk at Thirty-ninth and Q
atreete and Injured one of her hands ao that
ahe cannot use It for aome time.
Catholio Order of Foresters.
Court No. 1265, Catholio Order of For
eatera, haa elected these officers: M. P.
Hinchey, chief ranger; P. J. Barrett, past
chief ranger; C. B. Hale, vice chief ranger;
T. J. Pitsgerald, recording aecretary; P, J.
Martin, treasurer; John Flvnn, financial ,
aecretary; M. R. Dore, Adam Proninakl and
Peter Thompson, trustees.
till Paying- Taaee.
Yesterday afternoon the Western Union
Telegraph company paid Ita city taxea for
1902 in full. Some of the corporatlona are
faking advantage of the law and are paying ,
half at thla time and th. other. half UtAt''-'"
The railroada are falling behind la thla
matter and ao are aome of the naeklnc
bouses. The city needa the money juat now
and it taxea are paid In before January 1
the city will aava a large amount in Inter-
eat. . , ,
Magte nrr aosste.
There will be only one delivery tit mall
South Omaha councllmen sav that thev
want more Are In the street cars.
A daughter has been bora to Mr. and
Thla question came up tor discussion at a
- wm
f'v.ou . v um tog raufcaiiy aiviuea in opm
ion to reach any definite eenclualen, though
atrong points were made on both aldea.
There are few prlnctpale or Wkchers who
do not appreciate the privilege of planning
.nd carrying out their work in their own
individual way and It ta especially gratify-
m, to them when a auperiatendent exhibits
willingness and confidence in them to the
extent of allowing them to do ao. Beoauae
the average auperintendent finds it naoea-
,ary. or thinks ba doea. to Insist upon tha
application of hia own Ideaa on certain
mattera the average teacher not lnfre-
ouently flnda herself handicapped la at
talnlng or maintaining certain results. Ia -
apeaklng of the plan f teacher baina
granted thla responsibility. Dr.' Mslony, one
of the district auperintendenta of ' New
Tork, aald recently:
"A marked result of thfa nrenaratlan t
the teaehera la the development of their
and t
Most of the stores win rloa at noon and
some win not be open at all today.
The Ice rrp la growing rapidly and rut
ting may commence tne nrst or-next week.
Teddy Bhanahan la bark at his desk at
the I'srli era National bank, .after a alt
weeks Illness.
James McGuIre of Kansas City, a fore
man In the Cudahy plant there, ra here
spending the bolidsys with friends.
Joseph Koutsky and his wife left yestef
day afternoon frrr Ntirkolla cOinty. where
they will spend cnristmaa on their farm.
Balratlaa Army Distributes Tree) Raa-
el and Fifty Baskets froaa
In tb rooms of tha Salvation Afaiy at
1515 Capitol avenue there gathered yeater
day afternoon at 3 o'clock asch a body Of
people aa formed a typical picture ol tha
"other aide" of Christmas. They were
there at the Invitation of -the army an
each of them held in one hand a card which
entitled them to a dinner on Christmas day.
They were ao scantily clothed that It
seemed Incredible that some of them had
walked many miles through yesterday's
winter wind to reach the headquarters. For
them thla visit waa .all that waa to dis
tinguish Christmas from any other day! and
Adjutant H. O. Crawford was their Santa
Claua. ' . i-.i .. ,
Two hundred and nffy Christmas baaketa
were given away and each contained chicken
or goose, bread, potatoes, fruit and pie In
quantities according to the several needs.
In each Instance, previous to tha donation,
the caaO had been examined by ofBcera of
the army or Officer Wooldridge, who worked
with the army, and found to be worthy.
Then, according ' te the ayatem by which
the distribution was made; a postal card
waa mailed to the family which entitled
them to a' baiket.'" The : cards were num
bered and tha baskets were given numbera
corresponding, so that each family or per
son received What waa their share.
All but two of the1 15 ft baskets were given
out at tha headquarters yesterday after
noon. Of the two Officer Wooldridge carried
one basket to a family, which, In addition
to being afflicted with poverty, ia nursing
several cases of Smallpox among its mem
bers. The other dinner will be cooked by
the wife of Adjutant Crawford and served
I sin w a man wno is lying cnppien wiiu
,h,m..,.m . h.4 . .(...
covered only with carpeta, and with hia only
ahelter from the storm a dilapidated shed.
The baskets were furnished by money
gathered by the pots1 on the atreet corners,
by subscriptions and contributions. The
! bread, and meat 1vas given by the Cudahy
Packing company.
At tha Boyd.
."When We Were Twenty-One" waa pre
sented at the Boyd last night by a com
pany which apparently underetanda tha
spirit of the piece, and faithfully, and it
k4 mmiA ttrlffl timet, aitpMlk ttnAjte-
ultM glve )nteiiigent interpretation to
i ih. ,d, of th- gnthor. The tleoe la by
far. the beat of the Esmond list Of code
dies, and although thera la aome reaaon for
objection to the tons of the third act, it ia
a really delightful conceit. Ita wit la Of
the polished sort, and Ita humor aubtla and
rich, all the while portraying the deepest
and beat of human, emotions. And in this
Ilea the only excuse" jforthe banality of the
tl,.r(, ct " BffPr the. fo11 for tb rMt
the play; although the aotlod of tha' piece
would be but itttlei disturbed were tha
contrast less vivid. Mr. Walter Walker haa
the part of Richard Carewe, and Mlsa Meta
Rogers la Phyllte' Brlcksoo, and they are
both good in the parte. The rest of the
cast is acceptable; in fact, the company aa
a whole ia good ..'and Ita performance ta
rery satisfactory. The engagement waa
only for one night.'- .
. i .
I Protection for flatloa'a Wealth.
roads of diaeaae. Then Hostetter'a Stomach
Bitters la needed. If will atrengthen the
stomach, purify the blood and cure in
digestion, dyspepsia, constipation, bilous
ness and malaria. Try It today.
Marriage Licenses.
Marriage licenses were issued yesterday
Name and Residence.
VVIIham A. OUbaugh, Omaha..
Minnie A. Walker, Omaha
Clifford A. OUbaugh, Omaha..
Llda Rogers, Council Bluffs....
Richard J. Trostler. Omaha ...
Blanche R, Pray, Omaha ,
Harry M. McCormack, Omaha
Josephine Tenlck, Omaha
Robert W. Hvder. Omaha
1 Maria A. Hanus. Able, Neb
' George W. Miller. Hastings. Neb.,
I Catherine M. Docaett. Omaha
Wlllard E. Chambers, Omaha.
jra f. Bneiiy, Omaha
Elmer Booth. Omaha
Addle Edwards, Kennard, Neb
George Whltmer, Lincoln, Neb.......
I Laid. B. iiiggina. Lincoln, Neb.......
Raymond M. Johnson, Blair, Neb...'.
Ooldle E.- Tucker, Blulr. Neb
John Harsh, Atlantic, lai
Joaephlne Tapham, Atlantic, Ia .'
John Jackson, Neola, Ia
Carrie B. K liner. Neola, Ia...U."",'"
to encourage n effort (B this direction
tun u.precaie any
attSmnt Of limaHn.
uaenm or principals to establish formal
plana that would tend to uniformity and
cutting to a pattern. Should any system
of achoola or body of teaehera be molded
Into a common. Uniform plan It would pre.
dues only a machine and ba deprived of
animation. ' , .
Th local principal who feels she haa" a
grievance because of aa old building or an
"annex" or aome other In her judgment
architectural deflclenoy, may find a little
comfort in the knowledge that other princi
pals have trouble beyond her own. The
superintendent of achool buildings In New
Tork City proposes building an elaht-atorv
building la one of the crowded parte
01 ta,t cUjr w" Pu aa met with
much favor, but also much opposition. Dr.
Maxwell, the superintendent of schools,
think tb pUa entirely feasible. Of eourss
th. prepeaed f building is fireproof and
equipped wits elevators far carrying the
pupils up aaf down, but th elevatora are
to be constructed for aatety and not for
speed. Tha children would' ensemble oa
tha arst'fioor and be taken np to their
recitation floor, claaa at a time, on one
elevator. Those favoring thia plaa think
auca a building would be quite aa aafe aa
the flve-atory batldtnga now In use, while
those opposing It contend that 1,000 chil
dren could never be safely or quickly dis
tributed over auch a building by the meana
proposed. U Is pointed, out that If the
elevatora were large enough to accommo
date an entire elass of fifty, and there were
six of them. It would take at Last half aa
hoar fceforo th last claaa eoo4 be carried
Mr. Frank Bumess, Sixteenth
streets. . i ,
DEOlOffiEIl 15. 1!02.
Greatest ' in the
Tha most wonderful record In tvll history merit made It. Advertising" haa serred to make'
OASOARET3 known, but the greatest ndvertisment ever printed could do no more than Ret
a person to vry uaouahbtb onoe. Then comes the test, and ir casoafktb did not prove
their merit there would not be s sale of nearly a MILLION BOXES A MONTH. Th'.e sucr
has been made by the kind words of our friends. . No one who tries CASO ARETS fai'.a t: be
pleased and talk nicely about
THE- PERFECT HOME MEDICINE. , They are a perfect euro
Biliousness, bout etomaon,
all bowel diseases. Genuine
K00.OU0. Dampis aaa Dooxast
Xatirea Baport SoldienV Ifiadeedi and Qen-
' ar&l Orders Fall Invealigatioa
Water Care and riogarlngs Will Be
Probed sis Justification for Clr
ealar Allegrlagt Btlaeoadact ay
Flllalnea Ezamlaed.
MANILA, Dee. 24. Alleged cruelties
perpetuated on natlvea by eoldlere are be
ing Investigated throughout the country.
When General Miles waa at Llpa. In
Luaon, natives told him that during the
campaign or reconcentratlon American
aoldiara had , committed acta of cruelty
and violence. ' He referred the complaints
to General Davis, who detailed Colonel
Morrla C. Foots of the Twenty-nfnth In
fantry to Investigate.
Colonel Foots found the chareea of vlo.
lence to be untrue, but. It ia believed, ha
discovered proofs , that the water cure had
been administered in aome instances. ;
Major George K. Hunter of the Fifteenth
cavalry also made certain charaes ae-ainat
Captain Robert L Howae of the Sixth cav
alry. . . . '
' Prliasen Wklvptd to Death.
At the time specified Cantain Hows
lieutenant colonel of the Thirty-fourth in
fantry. Major Hunter aald that native of
flclals of Laoag had whipped prlaonera,
two of whom died from the effects. At
the time of this alleged .occurence Major
Hunter waa eerving at Laoag and reported
the matter to Oovernor Taft. who fn.
forjpud GeneraL f.MacArthui., Oaptaln
Howte denied the charges, t, ;
.A Investigation; w'ae ' ordered' arid.ifhe'
bodies of the two' prisoners who died were
exhumed. In their report' the Investi
gators held Captain Howae to be blame
less. Major Hunter la now In Manila,, how
ever, and aaya the Investigation baa not
yet been completed.'
, After' leaving Manila General Miles ca
hied General Bell directingthlm to report
whati oaaes of misconduct on the part of
the enemy had led him to Issue circular
No. 6, In Which it waa charged that the
enemy had boloed American wounded,
used American uniforms, planted Infernal
machines, shot poisoned arrowa, violated
their paroles, assassinated friendly na
tlvea, accepted office under the Ameri
cana for the purpose of obtaining Informa
tlon and entered the American lines by
deceit. General Bell haa written an ex.
tended report enumerating the instances
which led to his action. '
- The Inquiry Into the rausea which led
to th death of Father Augustine haa been
completed and forwarded to Washington.
It ia aald that a large aum baa been
raised by natlvea of the aouthcrn islands
and aent to Boston to aid in the private
prosecution' of the Augustine case.
Cantacll Holds Special Meetlagr to Cor.
rect Error Made Ta ra
dar KlaTht.
A mistake by Councilman Mount Tuesday
night in offering amend menta to the pro
posed Rosewater franchise ordinance waa
the cauae for a apeclal meeting of the
council on a "hurry-op" call Wednesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock.- Mr. Mount offered
hia amendments to the ordinance In a
written form, In which the ordinance waa
referred to by the number which it car
flea aa a document of the council. The
.amendments had evidently been prepared
by aome one not familiar with the pro
ceedings of the council, for when the clerk
took up the amendments to. engross the
bill he found that the number mentioned
In the Mount amendments referred not to
the Rosewater franchlse:ordrnance, but to
another document pending befpre the coun--ell.
.Then cam the call for. the apeclal
It waa a 5 to 4 play, and when a motion
waa mad to reconsider the -rote by which
tha wrong document was amended Tuesday
evening the vote showed Kara, Haacall,
Hoye, Mount and Whltehorn.ln line for. the
Tha rtilea f the council provide that
s vote may be reconsidered at tha same
meeting or at a subsequent regular meet
ing by a majority vote, but upon another
occaalona it rqeulrea under the rules a
two-thirds vote to reconsider, and the mi
nority of th council, oalllna attention to
th fact that tha meeting waa apeclal, in- ) iui a majoruy coma not tore
reconsideration and that Ave waa not two
thirds of the council. President Karr came
to the relief et hia fellowa by deciding that
a bar majority could reconsider at a ape
clal - meeting, and the ameodmenta, by
mala fore, war removed from the ordi
nance' which Mr. Mount had Inadvertently
Then th '. Rosewater rdlnence, un
amended, came np again. The majority
seemed to fear amendments, ao a new or
dinance waa Intrvducad. embracing the
provisions of tha ordinance considered
Tuesday night. It waa read the first and
second time, 'ordered published for two
weeka ia th official papers and tha, council
adjourned. ,
Known the Wori over.
Per It wonderful cure Dr. Klng'a New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs snd
Colda. It curea or ne pay. For sale by
Kuhu. Co. I
Feara Dofoass Lawta at a Trap.
There was a tweoty-Bvo-blrd shoot yes
terday afternoon between Charlca Lewis
them. OA 9 CARETS are easiest to
meat Headache, Bad Breath, Bad Blood, Pimples, Plies, worms and
tablet stamped O O O. NEVER BOLD IN BULK. All draggists, lOo,
ires. Aaaress Diening nemeay ua.
" Overland Route "
Via Omaha
204 miles shorter to . La,ke City
278 miles shorter to . San Francisco
27 miles shorter to . . Los Angeles
355 miles shorter to . . . Portland
12 hours Quicker to l.aks Citv
16 hours quicker to San Francisco
16 hours quicker to . . , Los Angeles
16 hours quicker to Portland
y Electric Lighted Trains Dailx IV
" I Full information cheerfnll. fnrnihed en Tiliei1on lo- I- .
QS1 MTV lit Iff? I Li. I L liO tinuill OT I S..
win iiiiMi iii
Not "man-made" but nature's gift for
the cure of Constipation, whether
chronic or acute. Action natural no
pain, no gripe. At your Druggist.
Large bottle, 35c; small bottle. 15c.
and Frank Fogg at the Omaha dun club
grounds, which resulted aa follows:
Iwls 12220 22121 12110 20221 1221 Jl
Fogg 12122 02122 22111 1221 221U1-22
Today there will be shooting at live birds,
but no aot program. ' The .traps have all
been overhauled and there is an ample
aupply of birds.
Ingle.ldc'a Big Race Goes to Outsider
' ' After Most Bxrltlnar
BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 24. The handicap
at six furlorws was the feature at Iiigleslrie
today. A Meld of four went to the post,
with Kenllworth the favorite at 3 to 2. Sad
8a an took the lead and held It until the end
winning against a fierce drive from Hua
chuca. Weather clear; track good. Results:
First race, seven furlonxH, selling: Mon
tana Peress won; Matin Bell second. Chap
pie third. Time: l:au.
j H-cond race, one mile, sei;f.g: Nlgretto
I wuN, isinrem second, ignacio intra, lime:
Third rnce, seven furlongs, Belling: Ned
Dennis won, Jim Gore second, Mocorito
third. Time: :2iH--
Fourth race, six furlongs: Sad Sam won
Huachuca second, Kenllworth third. Time:
Fifth race, futurity' course,-selling: Bvl
vanla Talbot won, Bt. Illcho eecond. The
Owl third. Time: 1:13.'
Hlxth raoe, one mile, selling: Btayve won,
Mllaa second, iiorton third. Time: 1:43.
New Orleans Hares Fait to Oat.lde.ra,
Oaly Two Favorites Provtaa;
' Victors,
24.-F.lsl L. and
Barilla were the winning favorites todav.
vv eatner clej.r: track fu.t Ra.,i
Urat raoe, seven furlongs, aelling: Hiram
Johnson won, Major Tenny second Le
moyne third. Tlmei 1:283-. .
Second race, rive furlnr nk.i.n.
Agnee Mack second, Harry third. Time:
race. .It anrf . h.lf .
Ing: Boundle won, Bister Kale II eecond"
us iuui. ucnon ir.ira. lime: 1:211-6.
rourth race, one mile: Elsie Won, Utile
Bcout second, Artena third. Time: 1 41 2-6
Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell.
!SF:a B5I"'" W.P- Moeketo second. Marcos
third. Time: 1:60
Sixth rate, six and a half furlongs: Bum
mer won Ed L eecond, Flanaur third,
lime: 4
With the Bawls
The Omaha High achoel team defeated
the Fremont High school at tenpins lust
night on Lents A Wllilama' bowling alleys.
The acore:
2d. 3d. Totsl.
ltil - 135 4H2
20 1(V) 4'7
177 s 1&0 4T3
124 i:
W lu 4Mi
m m 2.342
2d. Jrt. Tolal.
lbC Iji 4i&
14 li2 4.V)
)M 173 4a,
!:. lf.7 4't
! 146 45?
"m "rri a
Pierce ...
Mungee ,
Benaon ..
. y..
......... 142
Denslow .
Crooks ...
A. Frits..
Bland ....
. . k rn... . ......
.. 770
buy, to carry, to take, to cive.
for Constipation, Appendicitis
uoicago or new ion. m
n.unwwn i n mi
nnrffir a tli'urtri iHiM'iii
viti idX't rMnnAlVi o i i
tiMi aid
V, hy Not
Tou have been to rurcpe.
Tou have aeen Calttornla and
Colorado. Why not try Mex
ico! It ta worth while.
Tb curious architecture:
the vaat plazas, where the en
tire population of tha .city
gathera sightly to listen to
the stirring strains of a mill
tary band, the rare; beauty of
the women; Jhe picturesque
attire of the men; the primi
tive methods of agriculture
thse ar only a, tew of the
acorea of things that can be
aeen and enjoyed' in Mexico
Cut out tbla ad. send It to
ua. and we will mall you a
book about Mexico. Tells
just what you want to know.
Ticket Office, )323
ItSr FarnamSt.'
Evory Wonian
Is suansMd and iboaKI tiw
about j.. ci.dMral
MARYFL Vhlrl.rg ftoray . iHt
am Hfief,. Hm- f.L
i)U.r. htii uini ten il.
"Ulan SlUl .lirtnr. I-
Room tC4 Times Bid.. N. t.
for bale by
Corner and Chicago Bta.. Omasa.
la tb worst t i on aewtn. yet tb
incil to cure sou a-NUv
V HAT TO Do. Maiy nave ciu.piea, apoui
o Ui akin, aorta in the mouik alexia,
falling hair, bone pain., (..terra; doni
knuw it la BUhjd IV loll N. tivn-J le L)iL
BKuVVN. WU. Arcn ML fbllaaetuma. PaT
for b HOW N o tiU. CLlil 4.o pel
bottle; lasts on. month. Hold only a
bhcrn;an as MoCauueil Drug Cj., l:b a 114
ldge Sis.. Omaha.
Brown's Capsules "? "LV? Jz
C-7 I 4
1MM .n9 V(K1K0 Bt.