Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Senate and Home ChamUn BnoTted for
ths Coming Section
Cslp Mas It i!,p .Several of lb
Principal Legislative Plum, Are
Decided tpon Already.
(From a Btaff Corre!rrndrt.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 24. (Special.)-When
the legislators of the mate come to tho
City to take up the work of the coming
Session they will find that the house and
Senate roomi hare been newly cl-anrd cnJ
refurbished. Cnder the supervision of Sec
retary of 8tate larsh the work hfcs been
lu progress for the laat two weeks, and
Bow the houxes are spick and span In
Try particular, ready for the occupancy
f the state lawmakers. The carpets
have all been taken up and newly cleaned.
Matting of a deep red color Is laid In
the alales and the furniture has been
freshly varnished. In place of the old-fash-toned
leather-covered couches hat have
done service for the ounglng statesmen of
the last two-decades new oak setroes of a
fashionable pattern are 'installed. Tho
work has been done under th supervision
of W. H. Clark, who la a candidate for
the stewardship at the penitentiary.
Plana for Ini-jfuriit Ion.
Plans for the Inauguration of Governor1
Mickey have Just about been completed.
The goveroor-rlect held a conference with
the present Incumbent in tho office of Oav
ernor Savage laat night, and the program
for the ceremonies with which the chungo
In the executive office in accompanied waa
arranged. Governor Mickey ..expressed his
pleasure with the plans as arrangod. There
will be little ahowy display beyond the gold
lace on the uniforms of the members of
Governor Savage's military staff, who will
be present. . r.
Mr. Mickey mrt Governor Savage' last
Bight at the Llndell and talked over the
plans. The Inauguration will take place
on January 8, while -the legislature con
venes and perfects Ha organization ' on
January 6. January 8 Governor Savage will
entertain the governor-elect at luncheon at
the executive mansion. In tho afternoon
Povernor Savage will receive Oovernor
lect Mickey at the state house aud the
w governor will be sworn In. Then Gov
ernor .Mickey will deliver his inaugural to
the legislature In Joint session In the
house of representatives. In the evening
k reception will be held at the state house
In honor of the newly elected officials.
This part of the entertainment will be
held In representative hall. The old and
the new executives will be In the receiving
line, with the military staff of Governor
Bavago In full dress uniform.
After the conclusion of the inaugural
ceremonies the executive mansion will be
turned over to Governor Mickey at the ear
liest practicable moment.
Oiatrlbuttou of l.rxUlatlv Plains.
The distribution of the big plums In the
gift of the houke of representatives seems
to have been aettled, according to gossip.
A rumor la current that John Wall of Ar
cadia will have no opposition In hta can
didacy for the position of chief clerk of
the house. It la claimed also by the
friends of C. H. Barnhard of Table Rock
that be will get the assistant clerkship
without a contest. Mr. Barnhard was Jour
nal clerk two years ago and gave geaeral
satisfaction jn that capacity, while Mr.
Wall waa the chief clerk.
George L. Slmpkins, deputy game and
Beh commissioner, has applied to Governor
Mickey for reappointment to the position
and haa many endorsements for the place.
Among his more prominent supporters are
Senator Dietrich; D. E. Thompson, Con
gressman Uurkett and G. VV. Holdredge,
general manager of the B. & M. His only
opponent Is Harry McConnell of Albion,
who Is hla deputy at present.
Holiday Trade Ciood.
Local merchants are well satisfied with
the holiday trade. Kor the last three days
the larger atorea have been thronged with
shopper, seeking Christmas gifts. The de
partment atorea of the city have been at
times so rushed that It was an Impossi
bility to cope with the crowds. One no
ticeable thing about the Christmas buying
this year has been the demand for high
grade gocda and wares. The furniture
stores especially have mot with a better
class of trade tbau in former years. The
main object with the average shopper this
year aeema to be quality ra'.ber than
Another advantageous factor In the
Christmas trade Is the seasonable weather
which haa prevailed during the last few
days. Thla haa aid 'd greatly in movlnj tho
atocka of winter goods which the mer
chants bad on handa. The heavy Christ
mas buying will undoubtedly clarify the
local credit situatlcn to a, considerable ex
tent by increasing deposits and liquidation
of short-time loans.
Parol for Itnabvlile Man.
Governor Savage has granted a pardon to
Lloyd Cardwell, sentenced to ten yeara In
the. penitentiary for criminal assault from
Rushvllle, Sheridan county. Cardwell, ac
companied "by his wife, left yesterday for
his home.
He Is a ranchman, 21 years of age and
had only been married a shcrt time when
he waa arrested for aseaultlng a young
woman whom he waa taking to hla home to
nurse his alrk wife. At tho trial an effort
aa made to break down tho character of
the young woman and one of the witnesses
ho testified against her waa later sent to
the penitentiary for perjury.
Ln Short Man Basy.
The long and short man are again get
ting busy In Lincoln and as a consequence
the police are also much scouting
around. H Hickman was held up at the
point cf a revolver, near Tenth and O
street, and lost $2 by the transaction. W.
H.. Gerhart stood for a holdup and Is out
a gold watch and 12. These two men had
been making Christmas purchases. Both
aald a long and a short man did the work.
Someone else touched W. B. Price for a
geld watch as he was going through the
crowd In the Burlington station.
Girl TfaanUa Governor.
A. E. Lawrence, whose release was se
cured from the penitentiary because of a
pathetic letter written to Governor Savage
by Lawrence's daughter, left the state
prison this morning and has gone to Nor
folk, his home. This pardon seemed to
have with general approval and the
governor has received several letters com
mending him for the act. This morning he
received a picture of the little girl, as a
Christmas present, accompanying which
was a letter of thanks.
Keep Btiapeeta la Jail.
The police are having a difficult time with
their suspected train robbers. This morn
ing the men were taken before Justice
Grecno on a charge of -having robbed a
store at Raymond, and upon motion of the
ocunty attorney, they were discharged.
The police Immediately rearrested the
men and took them before Judge Cosgrove
on a charge of carrying concealed weapons.
Cramer and John Doe were fined $10 and
costr each and Standlah was discharged. He
was again arrested and lodged In Jail as
a auspicious character. In default of the
wherewithal to pay the fines. Doe and
Cramer were committed to Jail, and the
police believe before their sentences have
expired sufficient evidence will have been
found against tbem to keep them longer.
Slate Home Deserted.
At the state capital Christmas day will
be generally observed. Public buildings and
most pf the stores will be closed. MoBt
of the occupanta of the state house left
for their homea today and othera are going.
There will be special services at most of
the churches.
Hold Ip a Batcher.
Two masked men entered the meat mar
ket of H. Hauschildt. 7U North Fourteenth
street, covered him with revolvers and then
looted the cash drawer of about $50. They
made their eacape after Bring several shots
at Hauschildt.' There la no clue to the
Identity of the men.
Priion gentenoe Will Not Expire Uitil
April 29, 1904-
Former Prearher on Parole Will, fa
leas Governor Takes Farther
Action, I?e Responsible to
fate tor More Than Year.
Moat of Them Are Partially Inaared
and Many Will Soon Reaame
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 2t! (Special.)
The fire which broke out In the old Ma
sonic block yesterday morning at S o'clock
was extinguished shortly before noon yes
terday after a heroic light on the part of
the Beatrice firemen,' and the wreck and
ruin of one of the most costly conflagra
tions In the history of the city stands as a
reminder of what was, at the time of Its
building, one of the most beautiful blocks
In Beatrice.
The loss on the building was $33,000, with
$23,000 insurance. The loss to the Beatrice
National bank, which Included movable
furniture and fixtures, la $1,000, with no In
surance. The other losers are Day's irug
store, $8,000, with $5,000 Insurance; H. J.
Dolflis. $3,500, with $1,500 insurance; J. E.
Cabbey, $500, no insurance; R. W. Grant,
$3,000, with $1,000 Insurance; Trevett, Mat
tis ft Baker, $2,000, covered by Insurance;
Beatrice School board, $500, covered by In
surance; J. R. Mason, $1,000, with $500 In
surance; Painters' and Carpentera' lodge,
$300, fully insured; F W. Barclay, plumb
ing stock and tools. $1,800, with $1,500 in
surance; G. H. Johnson ft Son, $2,500, fully
The losses In the Le Paidevin block, ad
joining the one destroyed, were $3,500 on
tho Voortman stock of clothing and several
hundred dollars to other occupants. The
building was damaged to the extent of $5,
000. ,
Nearly all of the firms which occupied
quarters in the destroyed block have en
gaged In business In temporary locations
elsewhere In town.
D. W. Cook says that the Beatrice Na
tional bank will erect a new and auitabie
building upon the rulna of Its old site, and
that It will be a creditable structure for
the most prominent corner In the city.
Beatrice Landlord Arrested.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special.)
A. F. Swart, proprietor of the Randall
house In thla city, waa arrested yesterday
morning on a complaint sworn out by
Miss Munday, a former employe of the ho
tel, on a charge of assault and battery.
The arrest Is the outgrowth of an alterca
tion which occurred between Miss Munday
and Landlord Swart In the kitchen of the
hotel Sunday morning, In which plaintiff
alleges that defendant struck her. Swarfs
hearing- ti aet for next Monday morning
at 9 c clock.
(From a BtafT Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dee. 24. (Special Telegram.)
By a blunder on the part of Governor Rav
age. Rev. Rowland P. Hills is still a con
vict. Intending to make the bigamist
preacher a Christmas prtsent of a commu
tation of sentence, the governor Juggled
the records and, Instead of accomplishing
his purpose, only succeeded In taking six
months and two days from the original
The records show that even with this
much taken from the sentence, the min
ister will not be a free man' until April
29. 1904.
By the following letter, which the war
den of the penitentiary sent to Rev. Hills,
he explains the time the latter has to
Letter from Warden.
Dr. Rowland P. Hills, Blair, Neb.: Dear
Sir There appears to be some misunder
standing regarding your sentence and It
commutation and I hasten to Inform you
of the facts, so that you may govern your-
wii accorain.iy.
You were sentenced October 13, 1900, to
four years in the penitentiary. You secured
an order from- the supreme court suspend
ing the eenten'-e. On the 29th of July,
19ijI, the-supreme court affirmed the sen
tence and ordered Its execution.
Therefore your sentence dates from July
29. imoi, under the holding of Hon. Frank
Prout, attorney general of this state. A
four-year sefhence credits you with eleven
months' good time, bo your "good time"
sentence would expire August 29. 194.
Now his excellency, Hon. Ezra P. Savage,
has commuted your four-year sentence to
three years, five months and twenty-eight
days, thus cutting off six months and two
days from the original sentence of four
This commuted sentence (practically
three years and six months), also carries
with it a good time allowance of nine
months. The goo.l time sentence, there
fore, with the commutation, will entitle
you to a discharge on April 29, 1904, being
two years and nine months from the 29th
of July, 1901.
Governor Savage Intended to pardon Rev.
Hills. To a reporter for The Bee he said
last night: "1 commuted Mr. Hills' sen
tence ao that he would be a free man by
Christmas. He only had three more days
to serve."
, After giving orders In regard to the let
ter to be sent Mr. Hills, Governor Savago
ordered the employe at the penitentiary
to keep the matter from the public as much
as possible, as he did not want hla mistake
Even after the letter had been sent by
the warden. Governor Savage said that he
had commuted his sentence In order that
he might be at home Christmas. The gov
ernor thought Hills' time would be out In
six months and two days. Since August
11 Hills has been out on parole.
Clerk Makes Mistake.
In an Interview this afternoon in re
gard to the mistake made In the papers
commuting the sentence of August Hills,
Governor Savage said It was his Intention
to free the man. "It la his misfortune
that a mistake was made, for he will have
to stand by the record. The first I knew
of any Intimation that there had been a
mistake made was when the warden of'
the penitentiary -told me about it and
asked for instructions. I told him to atand
by his written orders. The clerks In the
office, paid by the state, are supposed to
have charge of such papers and keep them
correct. I haven't the time to look over
them. When a paper comej to me marked
'O. K.' I Judge It is all right and go
ahead. Mr. Clancv has the nanrn in thi I
case locked up and when he returna I
shall ask hiin to explain. But of course
the people will" blame mo for It," con
cluded the governor.
The records at the governor's office
show that Hills was committed to the
penitentiary October. 13, 1900, and the com
mitment shows that hla time would ex
pire November 13. after making allowance
Tor good time. By the governor's records
the time of his discharge would bo June
11. 1003, a date different from tho record
kept by the warden.
Manwelller; president, Mr. W. Kl'.len; vice
president. H. L. "pauldlng; chaplain, Mr.
Lulu Talbert; secretary, Mlsa May Harsch-
man, treasurer. Dr. H. T. Holdea.
"eenre at ftarnrUe and Rsrape
with Their Bootr with Fossa
I Parsalt.
SURPRISE, Neb.. Dec. 4. (Special.)
Robbers dynamited the safe of the State
bank of Surprise during the night and se
cured $3,000 in money. They dug a hole In
the brick vault and then blew open the
safe. They made their escape, but blood
hounds harp been put on the trail. At last
reports they had not been captured.
Snow Disappears at Beatrice.
BEATRICE,. Neb., Dec. 24 (Special.)
The snow, which has covered the ground
to the depth of four or five Inches for the
last ten days has disappeared and farm
ers In thla section will attempt to gather
the corn remaining In .the fields before
auolher snow comes.
Beatrice Firemen's Fair Opena.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Dec. 24. (Special.)
The firemen's fair opened here last nl?ht
for one week la the Fifth street audi
torlum with a large attendance. The Jef
frey twins of Wyniore gave aw hcur's en
tertainment, followed by a muslckl pro
gram rendered by local talent. Prizes
will be awarded each evening and the
firemen intend to make the present fair
the best ever held in the city..
I asar bb .-v annaaBnaawi
Drive It away
Drive it away!!
That wolfish cough of yours
Coughs are deceitful,' de
structive. They tear delicate
membranes, prevent healing,
and prepare the way for seri
ous lung troubles. Quiet your
cough. Bring rest to your
throat and lungs.
For 60 years the doctors
have prescribed Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for
coughs, colds, asthma,
bronchitis, pneumonia.
J. o. im CO.. LawsU. Km.
Drive away your Cough jjif
Jr.a.M 1 i
' i'.5s 3 ' '
i ir.- in i .y
r i
Says She la Glad that Talk Which
Has Been Going Round Haa
DAVID CITY. Neb.. Dec. 24. (Special.)
As reported In these dispatches this morn
ing. Mrs. Lena M. Lilllo was arrested yes
terday evening, charged with the crime of
murdering her husband, Harvey Lillle, on
the morning of October 24. The complaint
Is signed by County Attorney Walling.
When arersied by Sheriff West Mrs. Lil-
lie showed no eigns of humiliation what
ever, as the sheriff stated to the reporter.
She seemed dazed at first, wh"n
arrested," said Sheriff West. "She sat down
on the leungn for a few minute?, but aside
from this I could not see that she was af
fected In the least."
When arraigned before Couuty Judge
Sklles last evening Mrs. Lillle, from ap
pearances, did not comprehend that eh
was charged with a crime so serious In its
nature as that of murder In the first de
gree. She seemed to be more Interested
In who the spectators were than the pro
ceedings of the court.
Mr. and Mrs. Lilllo resided In thla city
for elcht or ten yesrs. During thla time
Mr. Lillle was In the employ of the Nye
Schnelder company, and was considered
ono of their most trustworthy employes.
He had the confidence both of his employ
ers and the public. Mis. Llllie has been
considered one of the leading society
women of the eity and has been highly re
spected by all. They had one child, Edna,
about 12 years of age.
The preliminary hearing has been aet
for neat Monday morning before County
Judge C. M. Skilea. This will be one of
the moat Interesting clmlnal casoa ever
tried In Butler county. Judge Matt Miller
will appear for the defendant. Mra. Lil
lle positively refuses to be interviewed by
the nwespaper reporters, but. in speaking
to others of the affair she stated that she
had known of the talk that waa going the
rounds and was glad that It had culminated.
Christmas Will lie Cold and Fair F.
cept In Western Portion of
WASHINGTON, Dec. J4.i-Forecaat:
For Nebraska Fair In east, enow In west
portion Thursday; continued cold; Friday
warmer, with fair In south and snow In
north portion.
For Iowa Thursday, fair; Friday, fair
and warmer In west portion. ,
For Illinois Fair Thursday and colder
In south portion; Friday, fair and con
tinued cold; brisk to high north winds.
For Colorado Fair Thursday, except
probably snow In northeast portion; Fri
day, fair and warmer. '
For North Dakota Pair and continued
cold Thursday; Friday," fair and warmer.
For South Dakota Fair and continued
cold Thursday, except South winds In ex
treme west portion; " Friday, snow and
For Kansas Fair Thursday and con
tinued cold Friday.
For Wyoming Fair and warmer In west,
snow In east portion Thursday; Friday, fair
and Warmer.
For Missouri Fair Thursday and colder
In southern portion; Fir day, fair.
Stockmen Feel Re Alarm.
CHAMBERLAIN, S. , D., Dee. 24. (Spe
cial.) Since the heavy snowfall of the last
two weeks throughout, the- range country
there has been considerable apprehension
as to the condition of stock. Sylvan Win
ter, a prominent stockman and a member
of the firm of Kaufman Winter, has just
returned to Chamberlain from a two days'
tour of Investigation west of the Missouri
river, and he reports that stock haa not suf
fered in the least. He was forty miles
west, and says that there Is an abundance
of feed on the aldehUls and the uplands,
and that some of ills stock that waa found
miles from the home ranch waa In better
condition that the stocky that had not
atrayed away from home., He declares
stock Is doing well; -that there have been
no losses and that there 4a absolutely noth
ing In present condtion to create the least
Burned to Death in Jail.
SIOUX FALLS, 8u.D.'Dec. 24. (Special.)
Full particulars haver been received here
concerning tho burnlng 'to' death at Oar
retson, Saturday nlghCof Chester Weather-
burn, while an occupant Of the Jail at that
place. When Weatherburn was placed In
the Jail he was bndly Inebriated. He got
an idea that by burning down the door of
his cell he could escape from prison. With
this purpose he pulled the excelsior out of
a mattress and piled It and all the loose
articles in the room agalnBt Iho door and
then set fire to the pile. When tho fire
was discovered it had gained such headway
that it was impossible to put It out in time
to aave the unfortunate man'a life. In
fact. It was only after a desperate fight
that the jail building was saved from destruction.
Blahop In Recoveries;.
PIOCX FALLS, S. D.. Dec. 24. (Special.)
--South Dakotans In general, and, for that
matter, thousands of other residents of the
northwest, will be pleased to leirn that
Right Rev. W. H. Hare, Episcopal bishop
of South Dakota, who was badly injured a
few days ago by being thrown from a wagon
while driving to a mission station on the
Standing Rock Indian reservation, has re
turned to hla home in this city. He Is
mending rapidly and expects within a few
days to have fully recovered from the ef
fecta of hla unpleasant experience.
Charared with lrly Crime.
ABERDEEN, S. D., Dec. 24. (Special.)
Thomas McDonald is charged with having
robbed hla employer, M. D. Wlddls, of sev
eral hundred dollars In cash and other
property. Mr. Wlddls has been quite III
and had left his business In the hands of
McDonald, whom he trusted Implicitly.
McDonald has disappeared and cannot be
Belle Crawford of alliance Commit
Salcldc Wlthbat Any Knawa
Cause for Aft.
ALLIANCE, Neb, Dec. 24. (Special.)
Belle Crawford. aVd 32 yean, committed
suicide this morning In a house of Ill-fame
by drinking carbolic acid.
No motive Is known for the act. The
deceased's parents reside In Deadwood,
8. D.
&ew UdEt of Achates.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Dec. 24. (SDeial.l
Norfolk lodge No. 40. Royal Achate. as
Instituted laat night ith forty charter
members, by Deputy Mrs. Jennie S. Hloka.
assisted by Irving G. Bartxht, supremo
prealdent, of Omaha. The following officers
were elected, fast president, Mrs. Charles
Flow of Gaa Xear Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN, 8. D., Dec. 24. (Special.)
A strong flow of natural gas was struck
while drilling an artesian well on the farm
of A. F. Brooks, fifteen miles southwest of
Aberdeen. The gas Is of good quality and
burns well. The well Is being drilled deeper
and the result Is being watched with great
ss tar. s
'M. i TT "nil II II i f-
mmmm .
cts Qeriyt
Vets pieasatxtly.
Acts BerveficiaJIyi
ctstrjly as a -Laxative
rup of Figs nppeals to the cultured and th
well-informed and to the healthy, because its com
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
quantv or sucstance. In the process of
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects buy the
genuine manufactured by the
Louisvill. Ky.
r Jv by tll. drui'ats
.3vf" Frrcico.Cl.
new ropk.N.Y.
Price, f i f t. cervta per- bottl.
No matter how you want to go, "Southern' or "Scenic'
route, in a tourist sleeper or aboard the finest train in America,
the Rock Island is the line to take. Don't make any mistake
1 about that. Thro' tourist cars daily from Kansas City and brice
a week lrom umana to i-os ngeies ana oan r rancisco via m
Paso. Tourist cars three . times a week from Omaha to San
Francisco and Los Angeles via the "Scenic'1 line through Colo
rado and Utah.
Golden State limited leaves Kansas City daily and' offers
unrivalled service to all points in Southern California. Berths,
tickets and full information at all Rock Island ticket offices, or
1323 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
P. S. Write for "The Golden State" a
beautifully illustrated booklet descriptive
of California, Interesting, instructive,
practical sent free on request.
Hrrreld Kames Examiner.
PIERRE, S. D., Dec. 24 (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Herreid this evening ap
pointed E. E. Hemmingway of Brookings
public examiner, to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Examiner Aurand.
Mr. Hemmingway has accepted the appoint
ment and will qualify at once.
He noltla-Aa.tln.
FfLLERTON. Neb., Dee. 24 (Special.)
There occurred last evening at the home
of Edward Keyuolds In this olty the mar
r'.ag of Raymond J. Reynolds to MUs Jot
Kit Austin. Rev. J. . M. Bothwell of the
Methodist Episcopal church was the offi
ciating clergyman. The groom la a part
ner of Reynolds t Sons, a prominent
grocery firm in this city, and the bride Is
a very estimable young womau, whose
home la in Yorkville, 111., but who haa
spent a considerable portion of the laat
two years with friends at Wayne, Neb.
SIDNEY. Neb., Di'c. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) Herbert A. Webb and Mary A.
Otteman were married here today. Rev.
Lemer of the Lutheran church officiating.
The groom is employed at the Union Pa
cific shops and the bride has resided lyre
since childhood with her parents. They
left for Omaha tonight.
At the reaidence of the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Shelley, 1502 South
Thirty-second avenue, yesterday afternoon
at 5 o'clock, Mr. Wlllard Edwin Chamber!
and Mita Ora Pearl Shelley were quietly
jini-iin 'HOX
,,ainfi ii mu
Rev. Hurry Oranlson Hill offlcl-
BT. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 24.- The marriage
of Major George Bushnell of Fort Logan.
Colo., and Mlu Ethel Barnard, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barnard cf tbla city,
was solemnized at the bride's home this
Canon City Man Mast Answer (hirgt
of Assisting t'leeln-f
CANON CITY, Colo.. Dec. 24. Thomas
J. Prescott of South Canon was arrested
today on an Information filed by the dis
trict attorney, charging blin with aiding
In the escape of Frank Cook from the state
Cook was serving a life term sentence
for murder and had a large sum of money
deposited with the prison authorities,
whirh, a few days before his escape, was
given to Prescott on an order from Cook.
Kuhn & Co,, Druggists
15tti and Douglas Sis.
....WHY STAY....
Warn Rooms $10.00 Up
Rental prlc Includes Heat, Light, Water and
Janitor Service.
R. C. PETERS & Co., Ground Floor
Rental Agents. Bee Bldg.
rr iT
In Omaha are our regular patron, beeause they want
the bent beer made and that's lilue Klllon. it lx n r
fectly md fully fermented. It la not a young beer. II
will not cause biliousness. Every bottle la Hterlllxi-n
after oelng waled. The highest priced materials urt
uaed greatest cure In brewing and cleanllneaa, and our
own pure artesian well water. Telephone ua your order
Brewing Co. Omaha. PhontIZi