Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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enade daily on the beach at La Ouayra and
It la feared (bey mar be the object of some
demonstration. At Caracas everything ,1a
quiet.. President Caatro went to -.La Ytd
torla today.
In an Interview today Lopat Baralt, mln
' later of foreign affairs, aatd be had 'not
been Informed of a declaration of war by
Great Britain.
"I am greatly surprised at the new that
uch a atep should be taken," he aald. "I
bad believed that the matter waa ap
pro i thing a aettlement, Venezuela having
offered te submit unconditionally to tbe ar
bitration ol Uta":Cnttd State minlater or
Freeldent Roosevelt. Venezuela doe not
regard the editing blo6kade a tantamount
to state of war, but the country la pre
pared to resist to tb utmost."' ' ..' "
Germany .know Anxiety.
BERLIN, Dec. 24. Germany I anxious to
receive President Rooeevelt'a acceptance of
the formal Invitation from Germany' and
Great Britain, to act aa arbitrator In tbo
Yenetaclua controversy.
The Oermnn governments preference la
very decidedly .In, favor of arbitration
through President Roosevelt, rather than
through The Hague tribunal, because It be
lieves the president will reach an early de
cision, whereas The Hague court would re
quire tuatry- month, The official here also
Insist that ft la d (he United Slates' ad
vantage to have the president decide the
Tbe German steamer Siberia, which aallod
from Hamburg for Venezuela yesterday,
carried an expert en International law,
who will set a counsel for Commodore
Bcherrer on technical legal questlona aris
ing during the blorksde.
Commodore , Hchedder , reports that the
Cerman blockade of Puerto Cabello began
December. 22 and that tho blockade pt
Maracalbo by ' tbe Germans commenced
Malta Will Not Land. .
PARIS, Dec. 24. The only official atten
tion given her to the Venezuelan block
ed la ad announcement of the Postofflce
department that the mall boat leaving
Bordeaux and Marseilles will cease to
touch at La Ouayra, Puerto Cabello and
Carupano, and all -correspondence for Ve
nezuela will be artia fo Port de Prance,
Martinique, during the' 'blockade. - '"
LA OUAYRA, VenezoVla,' Dec. 24. The
Dutch steamer Prlnx Wlllem II, from New
York, December 5, arrived off La Griayra
this morning, but owning to difficulties
with the blockading squadron and to the
refusal of the company' agent to pay the
port charges left without communicating.
Italy Kaay to Pleuee.
ROME, Dec. 24. Italy' reply to the
arbitration proposal of Venezuela through
Minlater Bowen and the government of the
United mates, among 'other things, says
Italy would be pjeased for. arbitration tat
tled by resident, Roovv4lU 'and adde that
If not thus settled jtaly will have no ob
jection to reference to The Hague tribunal.
Write Christmas Letter to the Pope,
Other Cardinal and Oath
, " olle Crowned Head.
BALTIMORE, Dec. 24. Cardinal Gibbons,
In accordance .with the' annual custom, has
ent letters' of greeting appropriate to the
season of Chrlstmaa to th pope and each
ol . the cardinals, numbering over sixty,
throughout the world.
.His eminence has likewise sent a letter
t each of the Catholic crowned heads. In
cluding the emperor of Austria, tbe king of
Spain, the kng and queen of-Portugal, the
king of th tlelglaris," th king "of Saxony
and- th prince regent of Bavaria. - -
The cardinal sends these Christmas let
ters to, the monarch evry rye, 'In aq
cerSance with etiquette, as he hlmaelf Is a
prince of the Catbollo church..- Bolng an
American, however, th title it merely One
of lorm In hi caae.
Safe Blown Open and Cash, Stamp
and Registered Mall Art
. Takes.
' ! ' ' ": t ; f i
J1LOOMINGT6N. III.. Deo. S4. The gang
of, bank and . postofflce robbers which haa
been at work ' in thl violnlty recently
cleaned out the poptofflco at Towanda last
Mjbt. - -. i -.-.
me hundred dollars In money and all th
stamps and registered mall, estimated In
ralue at from $.".00 to $1,000, was taken. Th
lafe waa blow, but no on awakened. A
utual, there Is no clue.
. Overt arned Lamp Start Fire. -.' '
CORNINO, N. Y., Dec. 24. Lawrence.
Tfoga county, Pennsylvania, was visited by
' disastrous fire today. It originated in
Bprtng'a millinery store from an overturned
lamp and all the buildings on one1 aide of
Main atreet were destroyed, Including Wing
Boatwlrk's large department store. The
R6stling blobk and opera houte, the Darl
ington block and flv other stores wer
burhad. The, loa '. mot than 150,000.
' -
' ' ' fosr Balldlna- Destroyed.
felBLEY, la., Dc. 24 ISpeclal Tele
gram.) Last night Or destroyed four
frame buildings worth $4,000 . and de
atroyed merchandise valued at $3,000. In
surance on the bulldog. I aa f llowi:
John taboos, 00;.' Mr, Lister, $500; MUs
. Anderson, $1,150.
Baalc BvltdlaaT Baraed.
Mich., . Dee. 24. Mr which
brpke out early .odav ha destroyed the
First National' Bank building and aeveral
other business block and 1 atlll burping.
Th loa wU be heavy.'
"Dy Hammer and
Hand .
Alio Arts doo $tand ",
The motto of" one of the
mediaeval Guildi of Handi
craft. It applict with pecul
iar lores to the Art of the
Silversmith. This has been
recognized to the full by the
,"' Silver mil hs .
In its workshops, the
largest in : the . world
devoted to solid silver
working, machinery is
subordinated to the
"cunning' of the handi-
worker. Hence it is
that Gorham Silver
has an artistic quality
peculiarly its own. ;
jewslar .
kMp it
ShriJLing of 8taaon Ilnally Locate Hig
.'j Manja Omaha,
I Wasted oa tho tkarg of Kidnap,
in and Aasaaltlnar Asss Bllawa
'Kla-at of September
14 Last.
STANTON, Neb., Dec. a, (Special.)
Sheriff King went down to-Omaha and re
turned with Welch Lowry.- who Is now
quartered In the local jail. Lowry la the
man who abducted Anna Bllawa from the
residence of W. S. Bordner, near Stanton,
In September last, and who was th objeo
tlve of an exciting man hunt. In spite of
the efforts made no trace waa procured of
him from tbe next day after the crime waa
committed. On that day h waa seen to
enter a cornfield across the river, from
Stanton and rt was believed that the posse
had him surrounded, but he gave them the
slip. Later It waa reported that he was un
der arreat at Onaws, but th prisoner
proved to be another man and waa promptly
released. , ,
Sheriff King never gave up the search and
a few day ago located hla man in Missouri.
Discovering that Lowry contemplated a trip
to Omaha, the sheriff waited patiently un
til Lowry set foot on Nebraska sol) - and,
then arersted him and. brought him, to
Stanton. , , . , ,a
Story o( the Crime,'-. . ,
Tbe . crime with which Lowry stand
charged I on of th most daring In trfti
criminal history of th state. 'Ha waa
enamored with Anna Bllawa, but ah re
fused to have anything to do with him on
account of his dissolute habit. Od the
night of September 14 of thl year Lowry
cams to the residence of W. Q. Bordner,
where the Bllawa girl was' working, put
Udder up to the second-story window aud
entered the room where she waft, sleeping
with the two-Ilrtre -daughters rjf her em
ployer.' HI' victim wa compelled, at the
point, of a revolver to arise, dresaand ac
company hlm The children were told that
if they made any outcry, he -would return!
and kill their parents, and In thia way they
were kept quiet, not daring 4o make any
outcry until morning, when their parent
came to call them. In this manner Lowry,
with hi victim, had a good start of th
posse which waa organised for purault.
He took to the sandhills with his victim,
who. according to her atorv. he reneatedlv
- - - i
aauniitrpri Lata in tfiA afterftAnfi mhm cnr I
advantage of the approach of some neigh
bor, which Attracted ' Lowry' - attention,
and eacaped. making her way to the horn
of her brother, where the arrived In an
exhausted condition, and for aeveral daya
waa In a atate of total collapse, but hat
atnee fully recovered.
Tbe posses kept up the pursuit for sev
eral daya, but Lowry finally eluded them
and made hi way out of the country.
Doctor Stretch tho Meek of Patient to
Restore: Consciousness, hat
le Die Instead.
DETROIT. Mich.. Dec. 24. In an attempt
to relieve th pressure on the brain and
restore a dying man to consciousness. In
order to secure au ante-mortem statement,
physician' last night stretched the -heck of
William P. Hackett, whose throat had been
slashed by bis stepson In a quarrel at their
Mm The last effort failed. Hackett died.
'The moat strenuoti effort wef mad to
rally the dying man for a final Interval of
rorvBelousneas, wherein he might make a
statement. The pbysictana ad. listed a
atretching apparatus to hi head, drawing
It away from the ahouldera. Thl waa done
to relieve the pressur of the blood clot on
the spinal cord and let th brain revive
The welghta were put on and for hour
the doctor watched for some Indication
that reaaon waa. returning. At time a
flicker ot life seemed to come to the face,
but faded again before anyming aad been
spoken. Turn by turn the doctora watched
until there was -no longer any hop that
tti. patient could be revived.: , : a ; .
Sam Syndteate Seeks to Gala Control
-' f all Properties la
-' ' ' '- ' . ' f :
LOUISVILLE.-Kf.; Dec. 24. Th Courier
Journal tomorrow will aay: A prominent
man who I famallar with th detail ot the
transaction, tald last night that th east
ern syndicate which ha been, negotiating
for cotl property In Kentucky has secured
control of all the mlnea In the stats except
those of the St Bernard Coal company.
The agrregat to be paid for th mine it
W, J. Hendrtck, formerly attorney gen
eral of Kentucky, who engineered the deal,
atill refuse to discuss th transaction other
than that he Is endeavoring to purchase
for friend In (he east the coal mine In
Tennessee. Oeorge H. Malloy and Mr. Ut
ile of New Tork, who are also Interested,
aay they are not In a position to giv any
details of th .deal.- '.' , ' .
It 1 stated that J.- Pierpont Morgan la
not a member of the syndicate and will
have nothing to do with th management
of. the mines, although he may hav a hand
In financing th deal.
Corbett and inlllvan to Be Among
th Attraction at Salvation f
rnf Dinner.
TOLEDO, O., Dee. 24 At th Salvation
Army dinner to the poor of Toledo tomor
row Jamea J. Corbett, John L. 8ulllvan,
Mayor (Oolden Rule) Jone and Rev. F. D.
Keltey will address, th assembled dldnr.
Sullivan and Corbett, who ar appearing
at rival theatera. thl week, both volun
teered to act a waiters at th dinner, but
th army " suggested that they make' a
speech. When they learned that Jones aad
Kelaey would speak they accepted th In
vitation. ' . i
Skat by Man Dnrtna a daarrel, Waa
Tkta Tarn Plstel m
CRQOK8TON, -Minn., DscJ 24. Osorg
Roedahl, a laborer, laat night shot and
Instantly fclllsd Carolina A. Moon, aged
It, and then aent two bullet Into, hit
. H ls tUl allv. but will Ala. If' 1
thought th shooting was the result of
a quarrel.
rire Doairay Atcblsaa, Tepek A
Santa Pa Inatltntlna at AU
, bna.aera.aa, Itw ktiUa,
! ALBUQUERQUE, -N. M.. . XHa. 't4.-rTh
Atchison. Topeka A Santa F railroad hos
pital baa been totally destroy by Sra.
which 1 eupposad te have originated from
defective flu. Tfc patients wer gotten
out ssfely, bu. 41tUf anything else
about . the building waa saved. One of th
pat fonts, whose nam waa not learned,
died, from exposure. and fright.
Noted Showmaa aad Torfmaa, Partner
of;Baffalo Bill, Answers
Vlaal Call.
NEW YORK, Deo. 24. Nat Salisbury,
controlling partner in the Buffalo Bill
shows, died today at Long Branch from dis
ease of tbe stomach.
Nat Salisbury was one of th best known
men In the country, not only from his con
nection with the Buffalo Bill Wild West
show, but from ether enterprise with which
he haa . been connected. While be was
'generally, .looked upon as a western man,
and waa such In that hla manners were of
the west and he considered It hi horn a
much at men of hla claas ever have a home,
he waa in the broader sense a citizen of the
country at large. His has been an active
figure at different time In Numerous fields,
principally those which cater to the amuse
ment loving public. His name has been
associated with tome of the beat known
racing horse In th country, particularly
the Iowa mare, Allx, th one-time queen
of the trotting turf. He ha also been the
moving spirit In numerous theatrical
venturea, but his great effort waa the put
ting of th Wild West upon Its feet. The
idea around which the show was built and
the working out of the details waa un
doubtedly that of Cody's and the other
spirits of the plain whom he gathered
around him. It wa in placing It before
the public and organizing it upon the iow
man's basis that the training and experi
ence ot Salisbury was Invaluable and that
it proved ao Immensely profitable waa un
questionably due In great measure to his
ability In thl line.
;. George W. Thatcher.
SALT LAKE., Utah. Dec. 24. George W.
Thatcher, a. Utah pioneer, and for year
promnnt In political and church affairs.
Is dead at his home In Logan, Utah, after
a long Illness, aged 62 year. Mr. Thatcher
crossed the plains with hi parent with
on of the first bands of Mormon emigrant.
In be nearly daya he wa one of tbe famous
"Pony Express" riders and waa Identified
with many-enterprises. Mr. Thatcher waa
a delegate, to tbe national democratic con
vention in Kansas City in 1900.
Jolln Llherm.
DAVENPORT, la., Deo. 24. Julius Lii
cherm, county attorney, and one ot the moat
prominent republican politician In Iowa,
died thia morning from a complication of
troubles, aggravated by active participation
In the last campaign. '''' "
Joseph L. McBlrney.
NEW YORK, Deo. 24. Joseph L. Mc
Blrney, treasurer ot the National Lead
company, died today of pneumonia.
Prick Coke Company Anaoance
Voluntary lacreas of Elht ' :
Per Cent oa Janaary 1.
PITTSBURG, Pa., Deo. 24. Notice will
fee posted throughout the Connellsville coke
regions today granting the 20.000 employe
ot the Frlck Coke company a voluntary ad
vance In wage averaging S per cent. ' .
The Increase will take effect January 1
and fnclude the miner, coke - drawers,
drivers, eager and laborers. It mesas that
tbe company will next year dispense- In
wages to its men $1,600,000 more than It
did last year, and that It will continue to
pay the' highest wage of any concern . In
the United States employing thl kind of
The Frlck company la a subsidiary com
pany of th United State Steel corpora
tion. '
Nnvel ra'ertakt" 1 to Be Attempted
ay Operator Near Port Morlen, -'flora'
Seotla. '
GLACE BAY. N. 8., Dec. 24. An opera
tion. Interesting In the history ot Nova
Scr.tla mining, la planned by Ochletree Mc
Donald, who ha bonded coal areas near
Port Morlen. i1 ' ' ' '.'
The coal areaa which he controls are
wholly submarine and he Is planning to
alnk a shaft on a rocky Islet known at
Flint Rock, mining hla ooal from under the
ooean bed.
There seems to b no doubt that during
th succeeding generation mining will b
carried on extensively In Cape Breton,
which t has large fields of submerged coal
beda. ..-.'.-. ;.
Mtlwankee.and Alabama, Great Seath.
, arm Beth Grant Increase ta
Bmploye. ;
. CHJCAGQ. Deji Th 4.'f00 engineer
and firemen on th Chicago, Milwaukee
St. Paul system will receive an increase I
pay of about T per cent, according to an
agreement reached today.
' ' CHATTANOOGA. Tnn:, De. .24. An
nouncement wa mad her tonight that th
wagea ot all engineer, conductor, fire
men and station employes ef th Alabama
Great Southern had been increaaad from t
to 10 .per cent. Thia affect about 1,600
Keeper ( Golden Oat Ushtkoas
- Make HlHtif ana Death
Is th Reanlt.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 24. Captain John
McKsnna, keeper ef th lighthouse at Llm
Point, on th Marin county sbor of th
Qplden Gat, wat killed laat night by fall-
lag over a twenty-foot cliff situated nr
th government property of which h had
charge. He I gsuppoied to hav made a
mtsstsp In th darkness.
Dr. Flint Say Rlek Man Baa Tamed
Caraer and Will Maw-
NEW TORK. Dee. 14. On leaving th
Vanderbllt residence tonight Dr. Flint said;
"Mr. Vanderbllt ha turned th corner; he
will get well."
B. X O. Will Bnlld Braaek Raaa.
BALTIMORE, ' Dee!. 14. The Baltlmor
A Ohio railroad official In thl city an
nounced today that the company will build
a new railroad om 200 mile long, which
will, shorten the distance between Balti
more and Pittsburg by at laat fifty miles
aad, la connection with cutoff to be built
west of Pittsburg, will bring Chicago
Ighty oatUs nearer Baltimore. In th con
struction of ths nw line the old South
Pennsylvania rout will b utilised.
H. B. and . Hubermaa. t'lir retnodld
end repair. 11 S South IStb street.
Callahan Printing Co. CaU Its. TU E. Hth,
French liinlston Consider Famous Safe
Frau3 and "Arrant Details.
Parisian Street Hawker Obtala
Empty Model of Swindlers' Vault,
Which Sell Readily to Giddy
. Christmas Crowd.
. PARIS, Dec. 24. At a result ot confer
ence between K. Combe and the min
ister ot Justice complete arrangement hav
been made' for the reception of the mem
bers of the Humbert '"family, now under
arrest. The " precaution has been taken
not to disclose what prison th fugitive
will occupy,' or whether they will be taken
from th train, aa popular demonstration
It feared. The government authorities ar
howlng great activity In preparing for
th prosecution.
' M. Hennlffe, chief of detective, who has
gone to Madrid, 1 ' accompanied by four
civil guards, four police Inspector and two
of the best detective In the service. It
It expected the 'will occupy a special car
with the prisoner, whos arrival la awaited
In Pari with Intense Interest.
Th affair continue to be the universal
topic for discussion and even affect the
Christmas holiday,-mahy of(th novelties
depleting phases In the ease. One of these
la a miniature ef Humbert's aafe, as empty
aa that which induced bankers and others
to lend million to the Humbert.
The nature of the legal proceedings has
not yet been definitely settled, though the
statement In th extradition papera that
the accused are charged with swindling
and - Irregular bankruptcy proceedlnga,
gives a general idea of the line of the
prosecution. . - , '"T
The .creditors-are chiefly interested In
rescuing the remnant, of their asset snd
plana ar on foot for a meeting of creditor,
with a view to arranging an equltablo
division. i- t r
Mexican of AU Rank Praise Admin.
titration at Rtlrina- Minlater
' of' War.
MEXICO, Dee. S4. The resignation of
General Benardlno Reyes, who since Jan
uary 1, 1900, has held the post of minister
of war, has caused a decided sensation In
political circlet. He made an excellent
record and butlf np a great reservist army
aa an auxiliary fo the regular forces. Hla
administration ha ' been praised on all
sides and on hit retirement has the' gen
eral good will of hi mtnlsteral associates.
It Is' reported that he will now become
again governor of the Independent atai Of
Neuvo Leon, and It I probable that Gen
eral Frisco Mela, present minister of mine
and public works, will succeed to the va
cancy In the War ' department. Thia wlQ
Involve other cabinet change.
The immediate Cause Of General Reyes'
resignation I said' to have been articles
appealing In La Protest, a paper which
violently attack the finance minister, which
article were attributed to a near relative
of General Reyes, though this I denied to
day by the person concerned. At all event,
General Reyea fell it Incumbent on him to
tender his resignation. - n
' Note between President Diet and Gen
eral Reyea relative to tbe resignation were
published this venlng,,r ;.
On the 22d Inst, Signer Reyes sent In his
resignation, through . the Stat department.
He said aa hi name had been uaed In
varloua connections to eaasa division in
the government's policy, Just when the
country needed tranquility, In order to pass
safely through current economical difficul
ties be considered It hi duty to resign aa
minlater ot war and a general of division
In th army, and added thai hit' decision
waa irrsvocabl. He renewed assurance of
loyalty to the person and policy of Presi
dent Dia.
.; President Dlas, In accepting the resigna
tion through the minister of state, compli
mented General, Reyr heartily and skid he
regreted hi decision. He refused to accept
hit resignation of hla. army title, and asked
General Reye to retain It.. ,
Marconi Operator. . In Bnjglana Cor,
reetly Record Wlrelea Tele-
HALIFAX. N. Dee. 24. Wireless
message aent In Italian by Marconi to
General Bualnt, aide de camp te the king
oi Italy, to th lady in ' waiting to th
queen dowager, Marghetita, and to th
Italian minister of Marine hav been re
calved at Poldhu, Cornwall,' by operators
who have no knowledge of th Italian lan
guage. Thlt is considered sn Interesting
proof of the accuracy with Which messages
may be transmitted.'
Ths following message wat tent today tr
the dlrectora of the Mareonl Wireless Tel
egraph company In London: ,
My beat Christmas ' wishes to my co
directors and famine, sent for the flrt
Urn by transatlantic wlrlV telegram.
Th Glee Bay station It now.cloted for
th Christmas holidays.
Will Not Sell Caraeao.
AM8TERDAM, Deet 24 In the second
chamber of the , ttatee tribunal M. Van
Kohl, minister of colonies, declared today
that the rumor that the Dutch govern
ment contemplated telling the Island .of
Curacao to Germany or any other foreign
power were without foundation.
Police Walek Anarchist.
ROMS, De. 24. Several alleged an
arohlsts who were refuaed admission Into
the United States have arrived at Genoa
on the way te their homee. - They have
t a A - . 1 1 . .. .111
DiB piaoea uuuvr pvtis lAj-Twiu-uivfa.
Brilliant Reception Given by Governor
nnd Mr. Raat ' ta Intro
dae Daagrhter.
SAN JtJAN, P. R.. Dec. 14. The recep
tion given last night at the executive man
sion here by Oovernor Hunt and Mrs. Hunt
to formally Introduce te toclety their eld
st daughter, Mlaa flltabeth Hunt, was
th moat brilliant line th American oc
cupation of the taland.
Among tho present wer Admiral
Dewey. Rear Admiral Sumaer, Taylor,
Crownlnshleld and Cogblan, and scores of
other naval and military officer, besides
many prominent Americans, Porte Rlcans
and Spanish civilian from thia city and
all the Inland townt. Altogether there were
at leaat 10 person present.
Tenant Take Cold front Insnflleleat
Heat oa Aoeeaat ef Lack
,v of Coal.
NEW TORX, Dee. S4- 4. P. Morgan ha
been summoned t app la th district
moalclpel court ta answer In a euit broaght
egalnat hla for fM daawg.
The claimant, a tenant In a bouse owned
by Mr. Morgan, askt these damage en the
gronnd that he csngtit severs cold, throng,
th house not being heated owing to th
lack of coal.
Organisation ta Slve Flv Hundred
Lear of Bread to th
Flv hundred people will be made happy
thl morning ss a result of the char
ity of the membert of the Omaha Bakers'
union. Th baker conferred with Chief of
Police Donahue yesterday relative to
the distribution of K00 loaves of fresh,
warm bread, which will be given out to thi
needy poor Christmas morning. The dele
gation waa referred by the chief to thi
Salvation Army headquarters, on Capitol
avenue, where the food will b dispensed
under th direction of Health Officer Wool
drldge. aids Mississippi blacks
Governor Offers Reward tor Arrest of
Those Forclntt Kearroe to
JACKSON, Ml., Dec. 24. Governor Lon
glno today offered $50 reward for the ar
rest and conviction ot any person who
forces a negro to leave Lincoln, Amite,
Franklin or Pike counties. Hundreds ot
negro residents have been served with
notice to leave these counties during tho
last few months, supposedly by white Peo
PromUea Republican Committee to
Stop In Colorndo Capital
Dnrlna- March, ;
DENVER, Dec. 24 D. B. Blrley. chalr-i
man of the republican state central com
mittee, waa advised by telegraph today
that Preldent Rooevelt will visit Denver
bout the middle of March. From Denver
be will go to New Mexico and Oklahoma. .
Detective Sharkey Who Accidentally
Kill Ranker Fish I Given
Ten Year.
NEW YORK, Dec. 24. Thomas J. Shar
key, the private detestlve 'who wa con
victed of manslaughter' In the second de
gree for having killed Nicholas Flnh, the
banker, on September 25, was today sen
tenced to state prlaon for ten years.
Boy on Rnttleahlp low a Wish Friend
and Relative a merry
NEW YORK. Dec. 24. The Associated
Press has received the following dispatch:
- PORT OF SPAIN. TrlnHad, Dec. 24
The Associated Press, New York: The crew
of the battleship Iowa wish their relatives
and friend a merry Christmas and a happy
New Year. U. 8. 8. IOWA.
Welsht led la Athletic Contest oW
r , Fonnd Too LI it lit and Too .
' ' ' Small.
NEW YORK, Dec. 21. James Sullivan,
chairman of the American Athletic union,
today announced that a flfty-slx-poirati
weight which has been used at many ath
letic contests and with which three records,
Including one world's record, were pup
posed to have been broken, had been
weighed and measured by him and. found
both under weight and under alte. . .
John Flanagan on October 2 1901, waa
credited with a world's record of 91 feet 4
Inches, and on October 26, 1902, Richard J.
Sheridan of the Paat'.lme Athletic club wns
credited with the American record of
38 feet 4H Inches, unlimited run and follow,
and at the 8tar Athletic club games At
Long Island City on November 1, 19H2,
James 8. Mitchell threw the same weUht
80 feet I Inches from a stand without fol
low. .
The matter will be called to the attention
of the record committee and an Invesllgn
tlon will be made of all other weight
throwing records made with thin weight.
The test rhowed that the weight was an
ounce and a half -light and the triangular
handle measured from a half to two and a
quarter inches too little.
Poor Memory Load to Ron,
Charley Bloom of 110S FAirnam street and
Mary Snyder of 10 Webster street will
spend Christmas In the city jail, because
Charley has such a poor memory when
under the influence of holiday stimulants.
Charley had a pocketbook with 116 In It
and before going out for the evening put It
in hla aock a a perfectly safe place. After
he had been at Mary'a for a while he felt
In his pockets for his money and found It
gone. He naturally accused her of touching
him and when she denied knowledge of.
th fit n tried to cnoke her, and atruck
her with a bottle of whisky, demanding
restitution. At the police utatlon, much
to the surprise of Charley, the money was
Christmas Hve Dane.
Th first annual dance of th Frlendshln
club, an' organisation of colored waiters,
came oft last night in Washington hall.
Th severity of the night made the attena-
a nee smaller tnan it would otherwise have
been. A number of prises, which were
donated by merchants, were given during
the evening to the handsomest woman and
finest appearing man, best dancers, etc.
Ole Jackson Is president and T. Van, vice
president of the organisation.
The Franklin club gave Ita Initial dance
In OsthofT hall and will continue weekly
throughout the season. The hall waa well
Street Railway Men Join t'nloa.
The weekly meeting of the Amalgamated
Association of Street Railway Employes
wa held Tuesday evening and yesterday
afternoon In Labor Temple because of
Christmas, and not last night as is the
custom. Nominations were made of varloua
men for office and an election will be held,
probably at the meeting next Wednesday
plglit. Some new members were admitted
into th union.
Oraad Island Dividend Passed.
NEW YORK. Dec 24.-Th following
statement rcgardln the meeting of the
St. Joseph dt Grand Island director wa
made publlo today: At a meeting of the
board of director December 23. It wa d,
elded that. In view of the following re
qulrementa, vis..- th rbul.dmg of the
bridge at St. Joseph. Mo.. t a cost of
$4uO,&jO, and th necessity nf additional
equipment, estimated to cost fSOu.uoo, no
dividend will be declared on th first pre
ferred stock. . ..
Roseaed teaman Dies.
BOSTON, Dec. 2. Edward Bummervllle
of Providence, R. I., one of the ten men
reacuad after ths disaster to th schooners
Frank A. Palmer and Louise H. Crary, died
today from the effects of exposure. lie left
Palmer In his underclothes and for nearly
four daya while in the "at had no protec
tion from the weather. The other survivors
art doing well, although Captain i-otter of
Crary la Suffering greatly from hi frosen
Transportation Company Reorganised
BENTON HARBOR, Mich., Dec. 14 -Soc-retary
Morton of the Graham dt Morton
Transportation company announced today
that th company had been reorganised
under the laws of Indiana and that tbe en
tire fleet of boato-operated by the company
had been purchased by President J. H.
Graham, while the real estate of th com
pany had passed Into the handa of the
Crawford tat. .
. Old Maa Shot by Robber.
ST. LOUIS. Deo. 24 John Moog, aged M,
who for th laat twenty years baa kept a
cigar store at SOeO Boulh Fourth street,
waa found dead in hla plac of business
lata tonight. Somebody unki.own to th
poUc had ontared th ator and shot th
aged man and then blp4 theiusetv tu
tii content
- -
Fort j ililee an - Hour Wjnd Helps te
Demoral se South Dakota Traffio-
Iowa and Northern Mute Feel Fnry of
Icy Illast When Mercury TnmMea,
Tempests Howl anil Drift
Til Deep on Track.
lU'RON, B. D., Dec. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) Railroading ovpr this section of
the atate Is badly detnornllxed today by
now filling the cuts and low places. A
forty miles an hour wind ha prevailed
alnce Tuesday afternoon and the snow Is
packed' In solid drifts. All trains on the
Watortown-Huron division of the Great
Northern are blockaded south of Benson.
The Northwestern division has experienced
more difficulty in movtng trains today than
at any time last winter. No trains went
west till this afternoon and none went
aouth. The express from the east, due at
S thia morning, arrived six hours . late.
Snow, flows are busy and the road will be
clear, tomorrow. An Immense amount of
Christmas merchandise and mall has accu-
. mulated here.
,, TOPEKA, . Kan., Dec. 24. Zero weather
prevails all ovqr Kansas tonight. The col 1
Is more sever, than at any time thix
A strong wind Is blowing from the north
aud there are, indications ot snow.
Iowa Aleo gaffers.
LA CROSSE. Wis., Dee. 24. A severe
bllnard Is prevailing In this soot Ion. Over
three Inches of show hat fallen and It is
getting colder :
Railroad traffic th and out ot the city 1
considerably delayed. The storm is re
ported general In the Dakota, Iowa and
Minnesota and the lake region.
MINNEAPOLIS. . Dec. 24. Dispatches
from various points In Minnesota and the
Dakotas tell of a forty-mlte wind and
rapidly falling temperature. The mercury
the Red river valley is 12 below and
will reach 20 below or mor before morn-lng;'-j
g - ' v
MILWAUKEE. WIS.. Dee.' 24. The entire
tate f ? Wisconsin is In the grip of Icy
winter, being swept by a bllnard. Th!
thermometer has 'been' falling steadily for
twenty-foul" hours. In northern Wisconsin
the drifting snow is Impeding traffic.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 24 A
fllerce bllnard has' been raging here sine
( o'clock thlt evening and trains on all
roada ere from three to Ave hour late.
At midnight the storm wat still raging
Washington la Visited.
SEATTLE. Wash., Dee. 24. The worst
ttorm that 'has visited this section thin
season has been raging for thlrty-slx hours.
There are nine snow slide on the Pacific
division and five dirt slides on the coast
lines from tbe rain in this vicinity. No
train have arrived here today.
EVERETT, Wash., Dec. 24. A fierce
i snowstorm is raging along the line of the
Great Northern. A snow slide at Madison
carried away the railroad bridge last
night, forcing tbe Great Northern west
bound overland to continue on the tracks
ot the Northern raclflc.
; Killed While Shootlna- Sparrows.
SPRING VTLLE, Aln.. Dec. 24. Prof.
Jacob Forney of. tho State unKymlty wa
accidentally Killed here today while shoot
ing sparrow. He whs a eon of the late
Major Oeneral John H. Forney of the con
federate army
Perry Phillips of 1113 Capitol avenue wa
arrested by Officer Ryan yesterday after
noon end charged with petit larceny.
Mr: Oeorge W. Miller of Hastings. Neb.,
and Miss Katherlne M. Doggett were mar
ried . Wednesday afternoon by Rev.
Charles W. Savldge at hla residence.
Burning rags in a chimney flue In the res
idence or George H. Harr, Ml" Caldwell
street, called the fire department out
Wednesday afternoon at Ml o'clock;
da mare.
Last evening at 7:20 fire was started In
the house occupied by Henry Graacks at
2511 North Twentieth street bv a Christmas
tree taper. Ihe family stopped the lire'
before the arrival' of the department, with ,
a damage of only 15. I
At 6:40 yesterday evening the fire depa.-t- !
ment wan -railed to 40 North Twenty-fourth
atreet, where the story and a half frama
cottage occupied by Mrs. Minnie Roakes
and for which U. 8. Henawa is agent, and
the contents thereof were damaged by tiro
to the extent of tiuu. The blase waa caused ,
by some paptr becoming ignited. !
Mr. Hary M. McCoifneck and Miss '
Josephine Tenlck were married Wednes
day afternoon at the residence of Rev.
Charles W. Savldge, who officiated. Mr.
MoCormack represent the MacOlllls &
Giblis Lumber company of Milwaukee, and
Mies Tenlck Is the well known aolo singer
of this city. They left yesterday afternoon
for" a short Wedding trip.
Uoa Pains, Itcblne, Scabby
gala Diseases.
ON K Permanently -cured, by taking
Botanic Blood Balm. It destroys the
active poison In th blood. If you hav
aches 'and pains In hdnes. back and joints.
Itrning acaouy BKin. ttiuoa ieeia noi,
! Swollen O lands, Kinlng and Bump on in
Kkin, uncus fatcnt-s in Mouin, nor
Throat. Plmpa, Copper-Colored Spots, all
run-down, I 'leer on any part vt the body,
lialr or Eyebrow falling out, tu
Dotanle Blood Bnlra. guaranteed
to cur even the worst and most deep
seated cases where doctors, patent meul
clne nd hot springs fall. Heats all
sores, stop all ache and pain, reduce
al! swellings, makes blood pur and rich,
comp etely changing the entire Douy Into
a clean, healthy condition. B. B. B. haa
cured thousands after reaching . the laat
tagc ot Blood poison.
Old J Ilheumallsa. Catarrh, Besewa,
., Itrhlnar Humor, aerofala.
ares caused by an awful Poiaoned condi
tion of the Blood. B. P. B. atop Hawking
anrt Spitting, Ache and Palm. Itching and
Scratching; cure Rheumatism. Catarrh;
heal all Beabr Scales, Eruptions, Watery
Blisters, foul festering Bores: by giving a
pur; healthy blood supply to affected parts.
Bl t B Cnrea (aartri of nil Kind
Suppurating Bwelllnga, Eating Bore, Tu
mors, uatv Ulcers. It kill tb Canoer
poison and heai the sores or worst cancer
perfectly - II yeu hav a persistent Pirn-
Pain, teke Blood Balm and they will dis
appear before they devo'.op Into Cver.
uasls Uluod Balm B. B. tl. la
Pleasant and af to take. Thoroughly
tesisd far 10 year. Composed of pur
eoianltt' Ingredient - Strengthena weak
Idneys end weak stomachs, cur dyspep
sia. Ctimi let airectluna with each bottle.
gold la Osnaaa by Boston Store Drag
Depart a eat lOlh and Doiflat Sla.
In Connell Bladoby H. K. Anderson,
aao Bvoadnar. la Sonth Omaha by
Dillon Ornar Co.. 24th aad K.
fall r writs hsr abaft stares.
Blood Balm at by espre oa r
elet el )U
Little Liver PUIS.
Muet Bear Signature) of
5e FaoSlmll Wrapper Below.
ll.h ana
aa "'
. a.o est
of .altr-a
and Ms " "I
mm taW. !!-
IjT B.rr. sal
.-'a. .1 th en
. ..... Mlloul):
A OU IBOlt-l- Will .ixe .w-
mend GOUKAUD'S CREAM a th least
harmful nt all the nkln prepare lion. or
sale by all drualt. and fncy goods deal
er in the U. . n:id Europe.
Florin. T. MOfKl. Trop'r,
7 Great .Tone Ht.. N T .
l rerom-
In Pullman sleepers oa fast
trains, trl-weekly, personally
New car, courteous employe, satla
fylng meals. The cheap and com
fortable way to go. , ' '
Chicago to Loa Acgelea and San
Why stay at home?
The California tcur described In our
books; mailed for 10c In stamps.
Aanress rassenger urace,
Aicnison, lopeaa tz cania .r
Railway, De Holnea, la.
In ait UlatAitCli
of MEN.
12 ye.tra of buc
ccseful prattle let
O ai una.
n.. w 4 . . utihaiii .iiiilnM. naia
nil rp cur.4 I ." wlllioul i.uulii, piu ot
rILLd i ot urn. Unl (uaraDtx to ran
you or money ra'uadrd.
ew.i.ll IC nin4 tor life ans tb pelsos
dlrlllLId thorousblr clnn4 from U
onplewly an lorer. No BKKAKINO OUT el
tbe simee o the ebln or l.oe. TrMtm.nt oenuias
n ansrous 'us er lojorloae BMlemes.
151 f IV MCU tmm Cioomi or VICTIM TO
fillAll l3r.ll KBHVOU tiKBlUTT OH BX-
CKCAT 7. VM a-4 blIli.L AGED; ,U , ol jjtaj
vtsar aa streustb. w" lu.palro an b.
rur tuaraaued.
STRICTURE wusr?zssi
pi wist, rje "iff.sssi rri
Eft SSSX -Tnrr.. .
Consultation Ftee. Treaimrnt by tlall.
( nil ur nddres. 11 e. 14th .
rrimrc O CC1IICC ubah4
M"A Pv a flEVI BfcftNS natriny er
Wmi fA H ervuuane.aiiraen!tof abuse,
fl ri 1 falllrn iimuliuod. dralnt, lMrl.
MBBf M 3 Married men aad men Intending
tu marry uuld lake a bun atuinlaning rviulii
mall weak penn and kit Dower rinured. tl.ujat
Bherman dt McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
r- f- r0 i Woodward St Burgee.
tJKJ I L O Manager.
gperlal Chrlstmaa Day Mntlneo, Xo
nlaht and Bnlane of Week
The Beat of All Ilualcal Comedies. '
Company of 75, Including Isadora Hush,
Corlnne, Alf Wheelan.
Pi teen Matinee, 2bc to 11.00; night, 25o
to 1. W. - --'.-..
Price Matinee, ttc, too; night, S5c, too, 76c.
-,Tlephen USL '
Christmas Maflnee Today.
: TO.MUHT-elilS ,'.' .C
PRICES-lOc, , Ke ' aid' f&v' ' '
tbtU and Dqualn eta
Umaha Lvadllm Unt.l
I'KriAI. I K M lMK
U 30 to p. m.
SUNDAY. 6 0 p. m. DINNER. 7B
Steadily Incraaaln builnua haa ...... ...
tated an enlargement of thl cafe, doublln
Its former capacity. - ' "
Klneat Cafe West of New Tork.
tiO.oua. Jn. Htcnt .Improvaraeata,
Open Jan. 3rd to May lLth. '
Under New Management.
i. iX. ilayes. C. A. Urant, Less.
I Tory small and aa ei
V take a mg-axv
. . OBK
HcSj Purely
I California