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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1902)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2., 1002. MAY BRING ON BIG CONTEST tumor that Georg J. Gould and E, H. Ear rim&n Are at Out. SUPREMACY IN, WEST SOUGHT BY EACH Pa Story l to the Kffect tbat Gnald Ilaa riaaaed rampnlaa Reaelr Ids f! spend 11 lire of Fifty Million Hollars. Tor lomi time It hit been an open secret tbat George J. Gould and E. H. Harrlman i were at outa. Now, this Impression aema to preva'-l generally. Though both men are dlrctora in the t'nlon Pacific, they have been known to disagree radically of late Upon aome of the tnoet Important policies affecting their mutual Interests, and the estrangement Is said to have assumed seri ous aspects, so serious In fact that open hostilities arc looked for with the advent of the new year. Already Gould, who seems to be the aggressor, baa manifested unmla tatable feelings of animosity In his evident determination of circumventing the Harrl man Influence, heretofore a formidable ob stacle In the perfection of Gould plana. Gould, during this year, has assumed a policy of astonishing aggression In the ex tension of his roads in the east and south west, and before the close of another year this policy. It is said, will be carried to extremes that will have a depressing effect on the Harrlman opposition. It la reported that Gould has planned a campaign of extension that will Involve on outlay of at least $50,000.000 this in addi tion to what be has already accomplished In forcing his way Into Pittsburg, with the Wabash against the opposition of the Penn sylvania Interest, and tailing out half a doien roads In the southwest. It Is said to be Gould's determination to secure absolute control of every road or system hereto fore dominated by Gould money. Probably the most vigorous efforta will be exerted In developing the Missouri Pa cific, for which, despite the1 fact of Mr. Gould's connection with the Union Pacific, four outlets to the Pacific are planned. It J the purpose to make the Missouri Pa cific a most dangerous rival of the great Overland Route. Here Is where Oould la expected to deliver. hta most effective body blow to the Harrlman Interests. Goald and Stllwell. It Is no longer doubted that Gould bas entered Into a substantial alliance with President Stllwell of the Orient road, this of course means that the Missouri Pacific will bave one outle't to the Pacific over tbe Orient, but the most valuable connec tion comes through the Central Pacific and the Oregon Short Line, which Gould can reach by means of the Denver A Rio Grande, which Is under hia control. And here ia presented a peculiar Incident In this threatened warfare, that of one combatant using common property as a means of ac complishing bis designs against bis as loclat and foe. It Is not at all unlikely that Gould will meet with some pretty strong opposition In the oerfcctlon of this scheme, if E. II. Harrlman remains where he Is, In the saddle of the combination that controls the Union Pacific, Southern Pa cific, Oregon Short I.lne add Central Pa cific. In this connection it may be a'ated tbat tor aome time there bas been current a rumor that Harrlman'a tenure haa been gravely menaced, and the rumor has even gone so far as to say that Harrlman ascen dency was at an end, and that as a result af Gould's relentless enmity. But this is disbelieved. If Gould proceeds with the campaign be has mapped out, as there Is every indica tion tbat be will, another very interesting phase of the war may be developed and bring into the arena the Moore brothers, who control the Rock Island and the 'Frisco. It baa already become evident that both these systems are reaching out for control o tbe southwest, and it is apparent tbat their aggression will complicate the situa tion seriously, for It will have to be reck oned with by Gould. President Yoakum of the 'Frisco Is credited with the avowed ambition of becoming the head of the .great est railroad system in the United tJtatee. . and to realize bia Utopian project he will be unable to recede from any of tbe glgan tlo plans he has laid for beating out the Rock Island in the southwest. The Rock Island la proceeding like an avalanche on Its crusade of extension, and while the 'Frisco la, too, there will be no time for llckerlng with newcomers If the Yoakum chimera la to become a fact. A Para, Strenart heulnsr To ale. Malt-Nutrlne is unlike the many other .preparations with similar names. It is a pure, strengthening, palpatable malt tonic, while others are simply a strong, dark beer. Prepared only by tbe Anheuser Busch Brewing Ass'n, St. Louis, V. S. A. SENATOR DEITRICH AT HOME Passes Throaah Omaha and Talks of Affairs at the National Capital. Senator Charles H. Dietrich spent yes terday In Omaha on tbe way to his borne In Hastlpgs. After leaving Washington tbe senator visited bis daughter at Bryn Mawr, Pa. The aenator la enjoying the best of health and reports legislation effecting Nebraska matters in satisfactory condition. The matter of an appointment to the United Statea district attorneyship ia in statu quo, awaiting the disposition of th bill pending In the house to divide Ne braska into two Judicial districts. Senator Dietrich will see Governor Mickey and recommend to him tbe estab llahment of an experimental farm In west ern Nebraska to be operated in connection with the agricultural college. The senator will remain at home during the holidays Oa Nature's Plaa. Colds are quickly cured by Chamber- aln'a Cough Remedy. It acts on nature's plan, loosena the cough, relieves tbe lungs and opens tbe aecretlons, effecting a per manent cure. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia. It la pleasant to take, both adults and children like It. ' Price 25c; large alee. 60c. PERSONALLY COMOCCTED Florida Eicsralon Via "Dixie Flyer" Route. On Tuesday, January th, an excursion will be run from Neoraska to Florida with through sleeping cars from Omaha and Lin coln, via Burlington Routs to St. Louis and the "Dixie Flyer" Route from there to Jack sonvllle. This excursion will be a personally eon- ducted one and will be In charge of Mr. George W. Bonnell, C. T. A., B. ft M. R. R., Lincoln, Neb., who la thoroughly familiar with the points of Interest enroute and In the atate of Florida. As you pass through Cairo, Martin, Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon, and make a 12-hour stopover at Chatta nooga, where an experienced guide will conduct the party through Chattanooga Park, pay a visit to Lookout Mountain and other polnta of interest; tbe trip will be an interesting and Instructive one. An early application for sleeping car space Is suggested. Ask for copy of illus trated booklet outlining the trip at 140S Farnam St., or write W. H. BRILL, Diet. Pass. Agt., Illinois Central Railroad, Omaha, Neb. Call for it once and you will never call for any other, Cook'a Imperial Extra Dry. Bas a delicious taste that pleases. SHIELDS GIVES UP GAME Eaters Noll Prosequi la Case Trmaaprd In Asralast Kd ward Rosewater. George W. Shields, aa county attorney, yesterday entered nolle pros equl in the case against E. Rosewater, charged with unlawful expenditure of money aa a can dldate for United Statea senator. There were also nolled the five cases against Horace G. Burt, president of the Union Pacific, and W. Arnett, charged with false imprisonment of strikers. RANfl THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE Even children drink Grain-O because the like it and the doc tort aay it la good for them. Why not? It contains all of the nourish tuent of the pur grain and Bon of the poisons of coffee, TRY IT TO-DAY. A) (room avervwherei Ut bb4M, ferneckaf REALTY MEN GIVE THANKS Express Gratltade for Coarteslea Re ceived Darin Repeat State Convention. Yesterday was thanksgiving dsy In the Real Estate exchange, and on mo tion of J. W. Robblna votea of thanks were eitended to Swift and Company and P. D. Manchee for favora given at South Omaha Friday, to the Union Pacific Railroad company for tbe In vitation to visit the shops, to the Board of Education for tbe use of the assembly rooms by the convention, to the Remington Typewriter company for the use of type writers and to the street railway company for the gratultoua use of cars on the trip to South Omaha. In advance of theso thanks a letter waa received from James Conkllng, president of the state associa tion, thanking the local exchange for its courtesy In providing for the convention. After the convention committee bed re ported the total expenses of the conven tion $107.60 the committee wss given a vote of thanka with lta discharge. W. L. Selby, from the legislative com mlttee, reported that be had found a law on the statute books providing that the county commissioners shall have power to place a valuation upon property which in the opinion of the board is not worth the total amount of taxes assessed against It, andt the property may be sold for that as sessed valuation, the proceeds to balance the tax charges, leaving the property clear. This was one of the most important lawa desired by the exchange and the matter waa referred back to tbe legislative committee with Instructions to ascertain If the law is still in force. Upon motion of F. D. Wead the secretary waa Instructed to notify thf members of the Douglas county delegation to the atate legislature that the, local exchange favors the enactment Into law St the resolutions adopted by the state convsntion of real estate dealers, and upon motion of H. T. Clarke be was .instructed to secure infor mation as to the amount of money ex pended and the plana adopted by statea west of the Mississippi river to advertlae the resources of the states. Upon motion of B. A. Benson $20 waa voted to the atate preaa bureau, Mr. Ben son saying that every commercial body In the state would be asked to contribute like amount. Announcements of the Theaters. Tbe Orpheum will give a special Christ' maa matinee thla afternoon and a perform ance to make merry the happy holiday at 8:15 thla evening, for both of which occa slons the demand for aeata la brisk and In dlcates crowded houses. Webb's six edu cated aeala are a novel and interesting feature and probably create more talk and curiosity than any act of the season. Stuart Barns, tbe sweet singer snd storyteller, it repeating hia former success, as are also Harrla and Walter. The other "stunts" furnlab well-adjusted variety and, aa a whole, the ahow la an excellent attraction tor the occasion. The Christmas attraction at the Boyd will be "Florodora," which opens this aft ernoon for an engagement that concludes with the week. A matinee will be given Saturday. "Florodora" thla aeaaon la even better than it waa last season. The com pany of seventy-five includes clever and debonnaer Iaadore Ruah, considered the best-dressed womsn on the Amerlcsn stage; Corlnne, Alt Wheelan, Grace Hazard, Wll- lard Curtis, Charlea Dax, Charlea Bowers and Alfred Cabiell. The chorua la known aa the beauty chorus, because of the hand some women it contatna. Corlnne, who en acts the role of Dolores, is well known here from the past successes ahe played in aa a star in seasons past. TENANT LAW IS DEFECTIVE So Judge Blabaugh Decides in tbe Presby terian Hospital Case. NO REPEALING CLAUSE IN THE NEW ACT Therefor Court Holds tbat Old Law la . la Force and Thirty Days' Notice of EJectroeat Mast Be Glrea. Unusual Interest attachea to tbe decision for the defendant, given by Judge Slahaugh In the district court yesterday In the forcible entry and detainer suit of F. 8. Pusey, trustee of the owners of the Presby terian hospital building, against tbe hospltsl sssoclatloo. The decision attracta atten tion because In giving It the Judge held that the amended law in auch caaes Is un constitutional snd therefore the original law atlll atands. Tbe difference la tbat the amended law requirea only three daya' notice after a failure to meet the rental obligations of tbe contract, whereas the old law required first a thirty-day notice and then a three-day notice. The defect In the amended law la that It contains no repealing clause removing the part of tbe old law sought to be amended. The association vacated the hospital building aome months ago, but this suit had been started- prior to that and so tbe fight had to be carried through because of the costs involved. CITY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Preparation for the glttlna- Will Be Mad In the Near Fntnre. Tax Commissioner Fleming expects to have his assessment totals compiled by the last of the week and be ready to certify to tbe council that the assessment Is made. The council will not be able to alt aa a board of equalization until aome time in January, aa . after the, commissioner certifies, it will be necessary to adopt at a regular meeting a resolution declaring for auch sitting and then advertlae six days before the sitting begins. City Clerk EUbourn states that all are waiting on Mr. Fleming now and will be ready to act' as promptly aa possible after he la heard from. What Thff Demand. Headaches, liver complaints, 'bowel dis orders demsnd Dr. King's New Life Pllla They are gentle, but cure or no pay. 2So. For sale by Kuhn A Co. Holiday Rates. On December 24, 25 and SI and January t the Chicago, Milwaukee sV St. Paul rail way will aell round trip tickets to . points within 200 miles at fare and ene-thtrd. Final limit, January 2. City Office. 1504 Farnam St. Publish your legal notloes la The Weekly Bee. Telephone iZS. Monroe Coal and Feed Co, 807 N. 18th St. Tel tTL, . Through the klndneaa of the Richardson Drug company, their employea will all eat turkey for Christmas dinner. The company. In accordance with lta usual custom, bar ing presented each employe with a line turkey. Dress Suit Talk. Every tailor her begins at the beginning- to do hts best work on your suit and he keeps light on doing hia best until the last stitch Is taken. If he wasn't that sort of a tailor If he didn't do his work la that way he wouldn't be working for os, that's all there Is to that Dress suits and Tuxedos '$50 to $75. Overcoats $25 to $65. Suits $25 to $50. MacCar thy Tailoring Co. 'Phone 1801. 1710-12 Farnam St. Bee Bldf h maha. Two 'Phones A Beantlfal Calendar. Tbe Milwaukee Railway haa published an artlstlo calendar for 1903. Six sheets, 10x15 inchea, of beautiful reproductlona In colore of paatel drawings by Bryson. Prlco, 25 cents. On sale at City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam atreet. A. B. Hubermann, jeweler. 13th and Douj las. Quality and lowest prices guaranteed. HOLIDAT RATES TUB NORTHWESTERN LINE. Iowa, Nebraska. Minnesota. December 24. 25, SI, January L Very low farea. 1401-1403 Farnam atreet. Good breakfast King Cole vVbsle Wheat Pan Cakes. LOCAL BREVITIES Have Root print It, Try the Chicago laundry. 'Phone . Dr. A. W Nason. dentist. 4 Bee Bldg. Dr. Qulnby. homeopathlst. 331 Bee Bldg Dr W. H. I'auchstt, l Be B!2g. Tela A -424 and 1L O. R. Kelly, dentist, removed to 344 Be building Tel. Ladles' and Misses' suits, skirts, waists, furs, cloaks, millinery, etc.. cash or credit. People's Ntore. 16th and Farnam. Vincent J. Iobrosky es divorce from LouUla, charging Infidelity. He names Krark Markvlcka as co-respondent. Plain tiff and defendant were married at W'ahoo, Neb., In October, lWl. Judge Estelle Instructed the jury to find fur the defendant in Maggie Flunk's suit agtiliiat the i. II. Evans Steam Laundry company for I15.U0O. Mla Frank lost her right hand In a mangle at the laundry out day last summer while feeding Into It a torn towel. Her attorneys have Hied a motion for a new trial. The cane has been fouKht hard In court for several days. 1,11 lie Donald sues for divorce from David because of nonaupport and aaka the district court to reatruln the Farmers' bank of Lyons. Neb., from paying hlta the fcx he haa on deposit ana Simon Plnkley from paying him U per montU wage u&Ul be Las sivta few aiuaooya ... . Our delivery business has so increased the work of our telephone that one 'phone is no longer sufficient, so that we now have two 'phones: If you call 747 and central says "BUSY," tell her to give you the other one and If that, too, Is busy, we will do our best to get through as quickly ss possible and ask you to kindly call again fn a minute. Kemember we are OPEN ALL NIQHT and charge nothing extra for delivering goods IN CITY OK TO DEPOT IF FOR MAIL OR, EXPRESS ORDERS. Physi cians will find a complete line of P. D.'s or Htearn's Antl-Toxlne or Vaccine Virus at any hour in day or night. With such men as H. B. CASHMAN. A. C. MACLENNAN, K. W. SCOTT. GARFIELD HAYHOW, G, HtTTTON and H. T. YATE8, In our pre scription and aales departments the publlo is amply protected against errors being made and warranted in receiving courteous and prompt attention. As to prices, all we ask is a fair comparison. OPEN ALWAYS. CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE lei. f 47. . W. Car. aHa Kite) Calean . SCIIAEFER'S Our Elgin 11ns of lamps, candlesticks and candelabrat make an attractive Xmaa gift and also see us for gas and slectrlo fixtures. F. Me Russell 313 South 1 5th St. TetephoneSOJ I Mtm xius ndaMAPPV. NEW YEAI a I w I 7 LOU hi lit i 11) MEIIY XMAS HAPPY EAR SALE BEGINS SATURDAY WE. WILL IJEGIN A GHAND CLEANING SALE OF A $150,000 STOCK OF CLOTHING WILL, BE SOLD goo Q75 Regardless of Cost or Value THE fMX)ST SENSATIONAL HAHOAINS EVEtt OF FERED AT A CLEANING SALE IN OMAHA. Choice of tf Entire Stock of Men's 4) $10and$l20vercoatsand Suits at Choice of (Tt Our Entire Stock Men's . $15 and $18 Suits and Overcoats at Our recent great clothing purchases have left us with thousands of high grade Overcoats and Suits. These Must Be Closed Out Quickly BEGINNING SATURDAY, DEC. 27 We will offer these suits at prices that will startle the whole city. Not a Garment will be Spared Everything will go at a cut price to clear our tables in the shortest possible time. NEVER SUCH A CLOTHING OPPORTUNITY IN OMAHA Come early on Saturday and get unrestricted choice from the vast stocks. Watch, J Our, 7 BRA 3?r&L,Oft3 Windows Drex L. Shooman Wishes all h.a friends a rerjr merry merry Cbrlstmaa, and he don't want you to forget that the "Drexel Special" ia the best $3.60 shoe ever put on a man'a foot. After you'70 had your Christmas dinner, looked at the presents, had a good nlght'a sleep, come down and let .ua show you thla shoe. Box calf, vjcl kid and patent leather in all the new lasts. DREXEL SHOE CO. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe Home 1419 FARNAYl STREET. I SO if dpi ins Au thc Year LlV-J VJaZ5 Through Always AT CUT PRICES. Write for our Catalogue of Drugs, Per fumes and Rubber Goods. 25c Brandreth's Fills or 19c 2oc Orangelne for I'M ifia "Williams' Pink Pills for 3; 25c Brown's Bronchial Troches l!c True Violet Soap, box i cakes, for 25c 25c Llsterlne, we sell 19c 2oo Kirk s Juvenile Soap for luu 25c Kramer's Headache Capsules for.. 2ic 6uc Coke's Dandruff Cure for 4ic $1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure for 75c tl.OO HoHtetter's Hitters for 74c bxi Mull s Grape Tonic for 4c 2So Graves' 'Tooth Powder for lUc One pound Mixed Bird Seed for 4c 11.00 Pierce's Medicines for ftc 26c Shrader's Fig Powder for 2"c 6io Stuart's Dysuepsla Tablets for 39c Wc Colgate's Pansy Blossom Perfume. ounce 30 $1.00 Llsterlne (Lambert's) for 6le $100 Peruna for &c The above is the genuine, bearing top strip label. $1.00 pure t-graln Quinine Pills for 25o Garfield Tea for , , l"c Theee Are Sherman McConnell a Prices. 60c Wakelee's Camellne for 4"c $1.00 Wine Cardul, we sell frk: bc Agnew"s Catarrh Powder for 4"c 35c Mistletoe Cream, we sell loo 6oc Svrup of Figs, genuine, we sell.... Uc WE G1VK YOU WHAT YOU ASK. FOK. tl.uO Newbro's HerplcUle, we sell 74c 0c Neale's Catarrh Tablets, we sell.. 4c $1.(0 White Ribbon Liquor Cure, we ell io.: (Special prices in full dozen quantities on above remedy.) $100 8wamp-Hxt (Kilmer s), we sell.. 74c $3 60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe for $2.09 $5c Mennen'a Talcum Powder for lie SHERMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG CO. Wholesale and Retail Druguist. Cor. X6lh and Dodge. Omuha. Neb. WE WILL Have our store open till noon CHRiSTMAS DAY. Lo ok for the name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler J516DusU Street. Let Us Stock You Up fdr Christinas With some of our Select Whiskies, Scotch Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Prepared Cock tails, Prepared Punches, etc. WHISKIES We carry the famoua Wilson Rye, Hunter Rye and Baltimore Rye. In fact, we have a complete line and can satisfy In quality and price. We have the following CANADIAN WHISKIES: Walker'a Canadian Club, Segram'a Canadian Whisky and Gooderham & Wort's. DON'T FORGET OUR OWN BRAND THE CEL EBRATED JACK DAW 12-year-old Maryland Rye. SCOTCH WHISKIES John Dewar, Andrew Usher Co, House of Commons (Black snd White), Encore, Don Murdock, King William (V. O. P.), Roderick Dhu, the best of them all, for which we are western distributors. BRANDIES Henneay ft Co. (Three Stars), E. Rcmy, Martin ft Co., Plnet Casttllon ft Co., Cognac (Imported), Repsold's Cognac, George . Saunter, Cusenler's Apricot (Im ported), California Apricot, California Peach and Apple. PREPARED COCKTAILS Club Cocktails (Heubletn ft Bros.), Saxe rao (Handy ft Co.), Eagle Cocktalla. WINES VIRGINIA DARE and ESCAPERNONG, (native wines of North Carolina.) REPSOLD'S TABLE WINES Clareta, Rctsllngs and Sauternes. DEL-PR ADO 8WEET WINES Porta, Sherries, Muscatels and Angelicas. PUNCHES Cohassett Punch and Cardinal Punch. These are prepared and all ready for use. WK HAVE THE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OP WINES AND L1QI OHS IN THE WEST. Cackley Bros., Opposite Postofflee. Telephone 1148. Winter Shoes Examine our beautiful window dls Dlav of men'a shoes. If ther striken your fancy and you ara not too proud j to weai a $3.50 or $2.60 pair of shoes, come In. t We have only $3.60 and $2.50 shoes and you cannot pay more if you wished to We aell shoes from our factory to the wearer and divide the profit with you. "0NIM0D" Shoes Give Satisfaction. Regent Shoe Co,, 20S So. 131 0 Mo9?b 11 Br 1 H Vicp v Close Christmas as Usual Hayden Bros., the &g: Store; will close as usual, all cUy Christmas to give all a chance to enjoy the day fully- We extend to our employes, friends ani custom:rs the compli ments of the season. HAYDEN BROS. THE TIME HAS C0F.1E AT LAST Now the slaughter begins. he wise economical woman who waited will now realize that she can buy $1.00 worth of goods for too. Now the clean-up bcglna on winter goods FURS, SKIRTS. SUITS and CHILDREN'S JACKETS. From now until January 1st It Is not a question of price It la a qucatlon of sell. IT MEAN'S FORCED SELLING. As Is our custom every season, we clean up every garment. Not oue carried over, no matter what the price on these garmenta; no matter what they bring they must be aold. Sale begins Friday morning. lill 1000 WOMEN'S JACKETS i half tight fitting, 22-Inch and LONG CLOAKS, closing out at less than the price of the linings SO doten women'a flannel walsta In plain and trimmed styles the $2.50 quality, at All our dreaslng sacques, worth up to $2.00 at All our ladlea muffs that sold up to $3.00 at 400 women's skirts In heavy cloths, that sold up aa high as $4.00, I MO for !s4U Women's silk skirts at lesa than half price $10.00, $8.00 and .., Women's wool astrakhan capea for 6.00 2.75 Monte Carlo?, 3.90 1.00 75c 2.00 7.50 100 women's suits worth $12.50, at 100 women'a suits that sold up to $40. 0v, $50.00 and $60.00, on sale at WOMEN'S FUR SCARFS AT YOUR OWN PRICES. $25-830 Boys' Clothing Sals BOYS' SUITS In double-breasted styles; made to wear, correct In atyle, casstmerea and cheviots, gray and brown mixtures; regular $2.50 values FORCED I Ef BALK PRICE IsUU 865 BOYS' SUITS In dressy black and blue Oxford graya and browns. In checks and Scotch mixtures, strongly and stylishly made up; the greatest variety and valuo In boys' suits ever put on sale 2 50 974 BOYS' VERY FINEST SUITS In Irish and Scotch cheviots, casslmeres and worsteds and aerges. In plain blacks and blues, Oxford graya and all the popular shades and stripes, checks and mixtures; handsomely made up, worth up to $6.00 SALE) PRICE 3.50 CHILDREN'S NOVELTY SUITS In Rus sian blouses, sailors, manly and the popu lar two-button double-breasted styles, with vest and every new fashion for boya, all shades, best selected fabrics, artistically tailored, the climax of style and Q JA quality, ages S to 8 years at..... QiUU A GREAT VARIETY OF PRETTY NOV ELTIES to choose from in Overcoats for the little fellows, worth up to ft OP $10, on sale at $o. $4 and WlsCU 127 REEFERS In good all ' wool Irish frlese, worth up to $5.00 O QC on sale at falUU 175 REEFERS Made of fine gray Chin chilla and friezes, storm collar, casslmere linings, worth $2.60 salo I OK price - lifcU Jl nDi, Furniture at Our Own Prices Shiverick Furnitur Co., Omaha, Neb. "You can have goods at your offer you pay freight." The above telegram refers to a consignment of Fur niture ablpped to one of the largeat houses In the city and greatly over-atocka ua at thla season of the year which must be reduced a we have not the room and shall make, commencing Friday, some ridiculously low prices on Furniture. HOW IS THE TIME In the early years of life Is the time to learn to save. It's easier to learn then than after habits of extravagance are formed. The boy who spends his pennies foolishly, will spend his dollars foolishly If he ever has any. Buy the boy a bank and teach him to s.ive something. ' He'll be glad of It when he Is older ani wants to go Into business for himself. Pennies make dollars and dollars make a man independent. , CITY SAVINGS BANK, OMAHA, MSB. 0. W. LYMAN, PlwalA.nt. JOHN r, FLACK, Vlc.-PrnM.nt. CliAS. gt. DATES, Trraaurar. HOWELL'S LITTLE ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS Purely Vegetable) Entirely Harmless mid In Action. Free sample Howell Drug Co., 16th and Capitol Ave ollarI HAY FEVER, CATARRH Oppression, Suffocation Neuralgia PROMPTLY CURtO BY Espic's Cigarettes, cr Powder LfOUGCRA I CO., New Vert, sad all Draoalsts WHEN YOU BUY A i Arm- " Tow are not paying lor CHKO.HO-. .iCllc.Mt , r'ufcli DEALS ETd bwl lorFINEQUALITT HAVANATOBACCO. EQUALto IMPOHTEDCIGABJlV