i I FEAST OF THE NEW S VENDORS "Eighty Vigorom Appetitei Collide t Turkey, Pie lad Other Edibles. 'ith ONE SATISFIED, THE OTHER DEMOLISHED rrrl, o Plonrri, o Dwallon Tolled Coats, but Fnnrtlon Makes lp tn Interest What It l.arks la Style. Eighty of the moat prominent and beat known young business men of Omaha were banqueted at 6:30 last night at the First Congregational church by courtesy of the women of that congregation and aa guests of the three dally newspaprra whose edi tions they retail. Afterward they were the fcueata of Manager Carl Rotter of the Or rheum theater. The affair at the church was a function of much pomp and circumstance. Hon. Joe Carroll and Hon. Mogy Bernstein, with Captain Crip of the supply station at Six teenth and Farnam atreeta, were given the seats of honor at the east end of the ban quet hall, facing the profllea of the other guests, who ranged along the two long ta bles extending westward. All were In full dress Tery full by the time they were through eating. Mr. Joey Newman got his too full and had to be helped out Into tho air and revived. All delivered addresses, extemporaneous, but pointed and full of philosophy. Mr. Fatty Fisher said the oceaslon would re main Impressed upon both his cerebrum and his cerebellum through all future epochs and that In the meantime he'd be glad to get another helping of turkey. Mr. Mickey Free expressed an entire concordance with the sentiment of the occasion nnd wondered If he could be: put next to a third slab of the angel food. Mr. Two Sticks declared that the event had Inclined him to optimism, notwithstanding he was two feet shorter than he was before he got under tho street car. Mr. Jumbo (maiden name "Little Eddy") toasted the five vokinteer cooks and eleven waiters and Immediately there after'gave them all something to do. It's la the Air. Mr. Cream Satda, real Syrian, and Mr. Nano Pasha, real Turk, spoke of the facility with which one of foreign birth may In uoculate hlmaelf with the germ of Yankee strenuoslty and incidentally Inquired how '.he celery was holding out. Mr. Shanty Campbell dessertated upon the immutable law of human progress and stated that he llmself was getting along very well at that writing. Mr. Ooo-Ooo Eyes O'Brien de fended as rightcocs and imperishabl-i tho principle of free speech, but admitted that personally he was too full for further ut terance. Mr. Oshy Rosenthal denounced as maliciously and designedly falsa tho derog atory rumor that he had surreptitiously ac quired and sold a ball and chain belonging at the police station and then to prove his good Inclinations stowed seven pickles away in his right-hand pocket. Mr. Buddy Cramer iteotiite.' tho Joys of be ..g "off to Cali fornia, In a boxcar, but drew the conclu ilon that the mashed potatoes should come his way by express. Mr. Joey Mahan, the dude too proud to hustle, deprecated any manual toll tending to detract from In herent daintiness, but allowed he could i.lspose of more jelly without tolling hla lunch hooks. Mr. Ixzy, who generally is not where nil mother thinks he is, occupied a seat ad jacent to the base of supplies, having ar rived half hour earlier than "the bunch" 'or that express purpose, and he waa a very busy Iity through tbo entire pro eedlrig, because he sat next to Mr. Little Shanty, con man, who had successfully gold-bricked a waiter Into giving them through service to the pie works. Mr. Hunky Orapenhelsor begged to be excused Trom speaking, because the day's open air meetings had made him husky of voice. Other devoted considerable attention to the provisions of the pure food law. Sot Too Frond to Walk. Those who had not their private car riages had walked to the church from the rendetvous back of The Bee building In a body and left the same way, first pausing to give a Comanche hurrah as an expres sion of the gratitude they felt. Another hurrah was for Manager Relter and an other was as encouragement to a Bee staff photographer, who was trying to get them still long enough for a flashlight. This was but one of several annual din ners given the newsboys of Omaha, but the guests seemed no less Interested and pleased with the progress of the meal. There was good order, and somewhere out In this broad universe they had found water and soap enough to reduce their complexion to approximately the normal. This morning, while more fortunate chil dren slumber peacefully on In cozy beds, these ambitious little business men will have to tumble out In the semi-darkness to take up a burden almdst as great as NOBODY 13 EXEilPT. A How Preparation Which Everyone Will Seed looser or Later. Almost everybody's digestion Is disor dered more or less, and the commonest thing they do for It Is to take some one of the many so-called blood purifiers, which In many cases are merely, strong cathartics. Such things are not needed. If the organs are In a clogged condition, they need only a little help and they will right themselves. Cathartics Irritate the sensitive linings of the stomach and bowels and often do more harm than good. Purging Is not what Is needed. The thing to do is to put the food In condition to be readily digested and aaalmilated. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do this perfectly. They partly digest what Is eaten and give the stomach Just the help it needs. They stimulate the secretion and excretion of the digestive fluids and relieve the congested condition of the glands and membranes. They put the whole digestive system In con dition to do Its work. When that Is done you need take no more tablets, unleas you sat what does not agree with you. Then take one or two tablets give them needed help and you will have no trouble. It's a common sense medicine and a com mon sense treatment and it will cure every time. Nt OD'7 cur tD but cur the cause. Goes about It in a perfectly sensible and scientific way. We have testimonials enough to fill a book, but we don't publish many of them. However Mrs. K. M. Faith, of Byrd's Creek, Wis., says: "I have taken all the Tablets I got of you and they have done their work well in my case, but I feel like a different person alto gether. 1 don't doubt it I had not got them I should have been at rest by this time." H. K. Wlllard. Onslow, la., says: "Mr. Whit cf Canton, waa telling me of your Dyspepsia Tablets curing him of Dyspepsia from which h. suffered for eight years. As I am a sufferer myself I wish you to send me a package by return mall." Phil Brocks. Detroit. Mich., says: "Your Dyspepsia cure has worked wonders in my case' I suffered for years from dyspepsia but am now entirely cured and enjoy life as I never have before. I gladly recommend them." It will coat 60c to find out Juat how much Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet will help you. Try them that's the best way to decide. their own weight and to toll through the day and other more meaner meals may follow this one real feast of the wboU trudging year. NORTHERN MILLIONAIRE HERE Thomas l,onr) of Minneapolis Spends Few Honrs In Omaha on War West. Thomas Lowry, the Minneapolis cspltallst, president of the Boo railroad and also presi dent of the Twin City Rapid Transit com pany, which embraces all the street car lines In Minneapolis. St. Paul. White Bear, Stillwater and the other suburban lines In that vicinity, was in Omaha aeveral hours yesterday with Mrs. Lowry on their way to Colorado Springs for a holiday visit and to become acquainted with a new granddaugh ter whom Mr. Lowry says is his Christmas present. Mr. Lowry Is making extensive Improve ments on both his railroad and street car lines. He has already ordered 11,000,000 worth of new equipment for the Soo road, all of which will be placed In use during the coming year. "The natural increase In the volume of our trsfflc, both passenger and freight, has made it necessary for us to Increase our equipment," said Mr. Lowry. "The Soo road haa enjoyed one of the moat prosper ous periods of Ms history In the yesr Just closing. We hsve done considerable build ing and have materially added to our equip ment, but the next year will show more ex tensive improvements." Mr. Lowry denied the rumors that he had been Intending to project his line up into Canada. He said he had all the territory he wanted in the United Statea and would confine himself to this domain for a while at least. He also said that hs waa not in terested In any railroad building in Colo rado. Mr. Lowry spoke with real of the vast Improvements being n.ade in tho Twin City Rapid Tram-it company. "We are building a central power plant In Minneapolis that will furnish power for our entire street car system and for some other things, too, If it, is required." said Mr. Lowry. "Wo have been operating our cara with several plants In St. Paul a-id Minneapolis, but when this central plnnt is completed all theso plants will te abandoned and the motive power will all come from this one establishment. We will expend $2,500,000 In the establishment of this plant. The foundation Alone, on which we are now working, will cost $100,000. Thi plant will start with 27,000 horse-power and will be enlarged as occasion demands. We expect to have It In operation some time In 1904." Mr. Lowry was a republican candidate for United States senator to succeed the late Cuahman K. Davis in the legislature of 1900, when Moses E. Clapp of St. Paul was elected. When asked If he expected to become a candidate for the same office again, the jolly Scotchman merely smile 1 and said: "There will be another contest two years hence." Senator Clapp was elected to fill out the four years of the unexpired term of Sen ator Davis. Mr. Lowry made a call on the editor of The Bee while in the city. He and Mrs. Lowry proceeded west In their private car over the Union Pacific. TO HURRY AUDITORIUM WORK Director Resolve to Levy Additional Assessment of Twenty Per Cent. At special meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Auditorium -company held yesterday at the office of F. A. Nash the ex ecutive committee submitted a report aa follows: The executive committee respectfully recommends: First That an additional as sessment of 20 per cent be made on the stack of the company, payable on or before January 6. 1W3. Second That Immediate action be taken to collect all overdue sub scriptions to the stock of the company. This recommendation is made for the rea son that it is the sense of the committee that the work of building the auditorium fchould be pushed with all possible diligence and dispatch. This report was signed by all members of the committee and after brief discussion the board unanimously adopted the following resolutions: Resolved. That an additional assessment of 20 per cent on the stock of the Omaha Auditorium company be and Is hereby made payable on or before January 5, 1903, and tho secretary in directed to notify sub scribers accordingly. Resolved, That all overdue subscriptions to the stock of the Omaha Auditorium com pany be collected wlthojt further delay, and that Immediate notice be given sub scribers of the passage of this resolution. JACKS0NIANS WANT ORATORS Anxiously Awaiting- Replies to Invita tions Bent to Color and Watterson. The committee which haa In charge the matter of providing speakers tor the annual banquet of the Jacksonlan club, to be held Thursday, January (, Is anxiously awaiting replies to Invitations sent to Bird S. Coler, late candidate for governor of New York, and Henry Watterson of Louisville. Congressman Snallenberger has promised the club that he will secure the services of one senator or congressman for tha ban quet, but so far has not produced bl man.. Benator Patterson of Colorado ha been In vited to be present. Among the persons who will be present are W. H. Thompson of Grand Island and . Ham Lewis of Chlcsgo. who formerly represented the state of Washington In con gress. W. J. Bryan has given a provisional promise to attend, saying that If he can return to the state In time he will be here, as he will accept no other engagement for that night. He i now in the south and may not be able to return in time. BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS Midland Glass and Palat Company Fells Ont to Plttabnrg Corporatlon. Arrangements have been completed whereby the stockholders of the Midland Glass and Paint company have disposed of their holdings to the Pittsburg Plate Glass company and that company will take charge of the business of the local concern about the first of the coming year. Frank W. Judson. who has been the secrotary of the Midland Glass and Paint company, will become resident manager for the Pittsburg concern. The offices and wsrerooms of the company will be removed from their present quarters to the room now occupied by the Mark Harnea and Saddlery com pany In the Nash building. The Pitts burg Plate Glass company Is one of tbe .strongest concerns tn the country. It has a capital stock of $10,000,000. Preparing (or "Hen Hir." Yesterday eight mechanics, the advance guard of the f'irce which will remodel tho stage of the Hoyd theater for the produc tion of "Hen Hur'' during the wetk after New Year , reached tha city. They will do the preliminary work, snd will be rein forced nf st Monday by another detachment. It Is ntortiiry to build s stife on lop of the rne now In use at tne Boyd, in order to Install the mschlnery incidental to the production of the piece. In all other theaters where this spectacle has been pat on u has been found practicable to remove a ronton of the atsie and thus secure sufficient room for the operation t.f the machinery Ho solid Is the construction nf the Boyd this method had to be sbunduned and the falae stag, waa adopted as the vnly solutloi TIIK OMAHA DAILY liEE: WEDNESDAY, DAMAGE CLAIMS NUMEROUS Latest One Puts City Claim Agent in Beminisctnt Mocd. MUNICIPAL PHOTOGRAPHER IS KEPT BUSY Whenever Anybody Takes a Sidewalk Fall the Plrtnre Man Itnrrlea to the Scene with Ills Camera. The city clerk has received from Mrs. Susie Cottrell a notification that she pro poses to demand of the city of Omaha 110,000 tor injuries sustained In a fall a few weeks ago In front of 1401 Douglas street. She avers that the sidewalk there was rough and icy, and that the "ssld Injury wss caused on account of the side walk being left in such rough and icy con dition." The injury, she explains, is per manent, as by falling she broke her coccyx, the lower extremity of the spine. When the communication was mentioned to City Claim Agent George C. CockrW., he said: , "In view of the fact that every time any. body gets hurt outside his own door yard he generally tries to gel the city to pay tor It, I expected that this claim would be showing up In due time, and the city Is fully prepared for It. It happened to bn two city hall men who picked up Mrs. Cot trell when she sat down that evening, and they mentioned the matter to me. I went down the next morning and had tho plac photographed. It was as clear of ice as a walk could be. and In addition to the evidence of the photograph, I have several witnesses who will testify to the same. Measure of Self-l'rotectton. "Attempts to make the city pay for all accidents of all kinds have become so numerous that now we send a photographer on the run nearly every tlmo we hear of anybody falling and slipping. It is a measure of self-protection for tho city th.tt more than Justifies Its slight cost. Ono who has never had anything to do with the legal department has no Idea how many fake claims we have to puncture right at the start to save the bother of beating them in court, nor what a help this photography Is. Omaha paid out only $2,540 in settlement of personal injury claims last year, whereas South Omaha, one-fourth the size, paid out in tbe neigh borhood of $2,200 for the same period. This year our total will run a llttlo higher, but I do' not know how much, as the annual reports are not ready. "The public never hears of some of the claims and requests which are filed, as they are of such trifling consequence as to receive scarcely more than a laugh and a teas. One man wanted pay for breaking the leg of his dog, and explained very frankly that he himself had sat upon the dog and caused the fracture. He consid ered the city responsible because the walks were wet and slippery at the time. Held City for His Nose. "Another man bumped Into a telephone pole out In tbe suburbs one dark nlgbt and wanted damage for the resulting frac ture ot hi nose. Another fell over a fire hydrant, sprained hi wrist and wrote City Attorney Connell that he would settle for $30 and a week' board at some asylum. One night last winter an Italian peanut vender wrenched a wheel off hi cart aa he wa going over the car track and came up to the city hall a day or two after to make us pay tor the glass broken and for having a new wheel put on. "But the worst we ever had as a dem onstration ot gall was by an Omaha busi ness man quite well known out in the north part of town. He slipped on the Ice or snow In front of hla own residence one evening and wanted the city to pay him for the time he wa laid up with a sprained ankle. I told him If he ever made such a proposition again we would have him arrested and fined for maintaining a nuisance, endangering publto safety and conspiring against the city." H0CT0R REFUSES THE PLACE Announce that lie Will Not Accept Position In County Auditing Department. Thomas Hoctor gave It out cold and flat In South Omaha yesterday that he will not serve as deputy In the county auditing office, for which place he was named a month ago when the deputy county clerk ship was given to A. J. Webb, thun serving In the place to which Hoctor was ap pointed. Hoctor said that he "had never worked under a boss and doesn't propose to commence now." A year ago he retired from the office of county commissioner with the consent of a majority of the democrats ot his terri tory, and thereafter remained in the con struction contracting business and in lnJ nocuous desuetude until tbe death ot County Clerk Miller, when he promptly bobbed up as a candidate for Miller's Office. He lost to John C. Drexel, but upon tho latter there was imposed the condition that Hoctor be made deputy clerk. When it came to a "show-down" this was aban doned and Hoctor sidetracked into the auditor's office. This he appeared to ac cept, but now turns down. IMPOSES ON OMAHA CHARITY Yotan Cltlsen Sends Sick Relative Here for Free Hospital Treatment. Mary Jordan, who claims that she is a resident of Yutan, Neb., was taken to police headquarters from the Union depot Monday evening, Just after she bad arrived In the city to receive treatment at a hospital. She claimed that a relative placed her on board the train, telling her that she could re ceive free treatment here. She Is under the matron's care at the Jail and appears to be slightly demented. Surgeon Mick is in consultation with the County hoepital au thorities and the patient may be taken there, though she is not a resident of Doug las county. The authorities claim that they have had aeveral such cases recently from up tbe state, where people are sent to Omaha with the understanding that they will receive free treatment at the hospitals. Stw York Governor Protests. ALBANY, N. Y.. Doc. 23. Governor Odell has telegraphed to Secretary of Agriculture Wilson a protest againat the removal of the quarantine against Connecticut, which haa been imposed owing to the prevalence ot hoot and mouth disease among cattle in New England. Amrrlraa Venture to. Incorporated. ALBANY. Dec. 23 Certificates of lneor porstlon waa filed today by the American Venture company tmlnes) of New York, capital $'J5t'.(A. The directors are AuguHte Nathe of Denver. Juan Goldman of Mexico 'lty, J. L. loiter of Chicago and C. F. Hathaway. W. J. Arkell. W. K. Qlllet and V. F. Wing, all of New York City. Jeffries Would Retrieve Himself. Bl'TTE, Mont.. Dec. 23 -Clark Ball, man ager of J. J. Jeffries, today povted a for feit of $1 uuO. which he will pay Jack Mun. roe amateur champion heavyweight of tho Pacific coaitt. If he can again stay four rounds vith Jeffries In a battle for a knockout. The bout may be pulled oft this week. " Traasvaal Leasee Meeting-. A meetln of tha TraiiMvul leiitu wm called for yesterday evening In the rooms J of the Jacknnlan club, but not ninny were in sttendarce. The meeting was for the purpose of taking some action In the inter est of Albert Lynch, the leader of the Irish commando during the Doer war, mhi Is now under trlnl lor hlxh treason against the Hrltieh crowp It wn decided that another meeting be called as soon as possible after Christmas. BIGLOW'S "MOTHER" IS A MAN Lawyer Ascertains that Federal Prlsa oner Has Bees Fooling ' Him. After a comparison of notes between Attorney McFarland. Judge Munger and others about the federal building, a con clusion was reached that the person who passed as the mother of Walter Blglow, the youth convicted of robbing the post office at Wood River, Neb., was not only not the lad' mother, but ws not even a woman. Blglow Is a boy about 22 years old, and was only one of three Implicated In tbe postoffice robbery. It Is believed that Big low played the smallest part In the affair and that he was a tool In the hands of professional burglars. The other two men were never apprehended and Blglow, up to date, Is the only one to be punished for the crime. After Blglow was arrested and up to a few days before his trial he appeared to be entirely friendless, and his only visitor was the Jailer. Then a person dressed In woman' clothes appeared on the scene and applied to Assistant United States Attorney Rush for permission to visit Biglow, stat ing that she was the boy's mother. The alleged mother was referred to United States Attorney Summers, who re ferred her to Judge Munger, who granted her permission to visit the prisoner. Thl she did and then she railed upon J. M. Mo Parland rnd engaged him as attorney to defend Blglow. She. hinted that the boy came of good family and that she wished to work as much in secret as possible. After the boy was convicted she disap peared. It Is thought that the person was one of tbe men guilty with Biglow of tbe robbery and that he appeared on tbe scene to look after his own interests and avoid being Implicated. Judge Munger yesterday afternoon sen tenced Blglow to three years' imprisonment nt Sioux Falls. TO C0NSIDERCITY CHARTER Commercial Clnh 'ames Committee to Cn-Opernte with Real Es tate Exchanste. At the meeting of the executive commit tee of the Commercial club yesterday W. S. Poppleton brought up the subject of amend ments to the city charter. He said the members of tho Douglas county delegation to the legislature are preparing bills af fecting the charter, and desired to consult representative citizens on the subject; that to that end the Real Estate exchange had appointed a committee which thought the Commercial club should co-operate by ap pointing a similar committee. Joint meet ings to be held with the Douglas county delegation and a number of citizens who may be especially interested in matters under discussion. Upon his motion the chairman, H. S. Weller, appointed as such committee W. S. Poppleton, Euclid Mar tin, John Steel, J. H. Dumont and E. E. Bruce. The preparation for the annual election of directors was placed in the hands of a committee, consisting of C. H. Pickens. O. H. Lee and F. E. Sanborn, who will make up a Hat of 120. names, from which the directory of sixty wjll be elected. It was decided to give a dinner to the Nebraska delegation jn, the next federal congress during the month ot January. MAKES LOCAL C0L0K YELLOW Mornlnar Paper Garble Telegraphic. Report to Annoyance of J. C. Root. By transplanting the date line of a dis patch trom Fort Smith, Ark., and garbling Its contents, a local yellow Journal has made J. C. Root of this city, the sovereign commander of the Woodmen of the World, the leading figure in a court scene at El Paso, Tex., In which he had no part what ever, being safely here In Omaha, hundreds of miles away. The dispatch purported to be an account sent to a St. Louis paper ot an outbreak by Mies Alice Frlzzel, plaintiff In a slander suit against A. C. Root, Inter rupting the trial by firing a revolver and driving the defendant out of tbe court room. The Fort Smith Root has no relationship to J. C. Root of this city, and the only local feature of tho case arises from the fact that Miss Frlzzel was plaintiff In a spectacular damage suit against the Omaha Street Rail way company recently. The distortion of the report has naturally caused some an noyance to Mr. Root as a case in which tbo zeal ot tin imaginative reporter has over shot his discretion. GIVE INSTEAD OF RECEIVE Sunday School Children Will Observe Christmas with a Dona tion Party. The Sunday school ot the Central United Presbyterian church, Twenty-fourth and Dodge streets, will have n Christmas ob servance out of the ordinary. There will be no Christmas tree, nor Santa Claus, nor treat, the school complying with the sug gestion ot tho Sunday School Time and the growing practice ot the leading schools ot the country by giving Instead of receiv ing. Each class will bring an offering for the needy, either presenting it in appropri ate costume or with a suitable exercise. One claks, for Instance, bringing tea and rice, will be dressed as Japanese; another, bringing several bushels ot potatoes, will sing a song written for the occasion. A com mute with the pastor. Rev. John M. Rosa, at Its head. If seeking worthy persons who need the offerings. There will be an ap propriate program, and the interest in ttie affair promises to fill the Sunday school rooms on Christmas eve. STRANgIr DIES IN HOTEL His Xauie Is Frank Kosa and He Probably Is From Dodge, Nebraska. Frank Koza, probably from Dodge, Neb., died yesterday morning at the Prague hotel. The stranger had been critically ill at the hotel for the' last four days and Monday evening the management asked the pcllce department to remove him to tbe city Jail. This the night captain refused to do, as the patient was too ill to withstand the shock. Koza was about 60 years of age. The body is being held by Coroner Bralley until word Is received from the dead man's relatives. ua Mature' Plaa. Cold are quickly cured by Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. It acts on nature's plan, loosens the rough, relieves the lungs snd opens the secretions, effecting a per manent cure. It counteracts any tendency Of a cold to reault In pneumonia. It is pleaiant to take, both adults and children like it. Price 25c; large size. f0c. Small Raise lor t hrlataiaa. Hurglars broke Into the office of C W Hull & Co.. li Ncrth Tw ent v-fourth street, ;-.r.d Kick- 20 cents. The yullc think boys did tue work. DECEMI1EII 24. I!02. pi P 55 D AMONG THE RECENT BOOKS "Shadow of the Crar" Deals with One Phase of Russian Life. TRAGIC TALE OF LOVE AND INTRIGUE Romance Drala with the Kate of a Beautiful Maiden Who la In the Power of a Greek Trleet. "Tho Shadow ot the Ciar," by John R. Carling. is one of the late publications of Little, Brown A Co. While in Dalmatla on a short furlough Paul Creaslngham, the hero, chance to meet with a beautiful maiden who haa escaped from a convent. She tells Paul that her bame I Barbara, but that she knows nothing more about herself further than that Cardinal Ravenna Is her guardian and Jailer, for to all In tent and purposes she has been a pris oner at the convent. Paul find an ancient castle near at hand which is occupied by an old Greek servant named Lambro and hi wife. Jacinths, an English woman. They refuse admittance to' the castle at first, but under pressure finally allow the wan derer to enter. In the morning Barbara 1 found to have contracted a fever, and ao she and Paul are compelled to remain the guests of the strange couple for two months. That they should fall In love 1 Inevitable. On the last day of their stay they visit an Island which Is a mile or so from the main land. While there Barbara Is retaken by emissaries of Rav enna, and Paul Is left on the Island with out means of escape, aa his boat I set adrift by the captors. An earthquake com ing at this Juncture complicate matters, for, though both soldier and maiden es cape, each thinks the other lost. Two years after be learn accidentally that Cardinal Ravenna waa not killed In the earthquake, and that he has been appointed archbishop to a small Independent state on the borders of Russia. He goes there to learn of Barbara' fate and find her the princess of Czernova with Ravenna still her confessor. In "Mary Had a Little Lamb" 'Fannin M. Dlckerson tells tbe true story ot the real Mary and the real lamb for the benefit of the little ones. It Includes portrait of Mary in her old age, a lovely old lady, Mary Bawyer Tyler, and other attractive illustration by Herbert A. Owen. It 1 an interesting little book, not only for tho children, but for those who are older. Published by Frederick A. Stoke a Co. "Jesus' Way," by President William De Witt Hyde of Bowdoin college, attempt to show what Christianity waa as Jesus taught It to his disciples, when It was known simply a "the way," before It bad been cast Into a theolpgy by the person ality of Paul, or expanded Into a philosophy by the writer of the Fourth Ooaoel, or stereotyped into an Institution by Catholic symbols, or reduced to a system by Protes. tant creeds. Tha essential of practical Christianity are presented in so simple and compact a form that the busy man may see clearly what sort of a life Jesus meant that he should live. Published by Houghton, Mlffln & Co. In "Tolstoi as Man and Artist" we have a study of the great Russian writer from the pen of Dmitri Merejkowskl, a country man and himself an author of repute. Merejkowskl treat tbe subject from a new psychological point of view, analysing the several traits of Tolstoi's character, tracing tbe growth of character, the mo tive, the varying methods and indicating his shortcomings. Intellectually, and point ing out wherein lies the peculiar greatness ot the man. To accentuate theae things be contrasts Tolstoi with Destolevskl, hi an. tithesls In nearly every rcapect. Tbe two men are typical Russians; Tolstoi "1 lord of the present," Destoievikt's fame, the writer believes, is of tbe future. He say the nearer Tolstoi Is to the body, the animally primitive "natural" man, the more faithful and profound Is hi psycho physiology for he denies him acute psy chological powers. In proportion as Tolstoi leaves thl field for that ot spirituality, un connected with the body, leaving ths pas sions of tbe heart for ths passions cf the mind, bis psychology becomes doubtful, while his rival, Destolevskl, becomes greater. Merejkowskl calls Tolstoi "the greatest portrayer ot tha human animal In language, the first to strip the human frame of all social and historical wrap ping, and again entertain the Aryan Idea." Criticism and critical anaylsia go hand In hand in this work, which deals Impartially and Justly with the authors ot "the two greatest works of the European literature of to day, "Anna Karenlna" and "Tbe Brothers Karamaiov." Published by O. P. Putnam Son. The above book ar for sal by tha Megeath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnam St. Mis Blagar Asala en Itsss. FRKKHOLD. N J . Dec. tt -The taking ot testimony in the itlggax trial Was con srssHsaaeasssssrsri Oh, Joy "Flap Jack "-lucky sinner Has apple pie for dinner. Joy is yours when the pie is made from the Tn&ic&l Presto (Better than flour) PRESTO Apple-pie with mouth-melting crust (not even by chance can it be soggy) browned to a turn i sure to coma right every rime. Presto doe it not tha cook. The H-O SEEN Company cluded and the lawyers for Ihoth sides be gan summing up. MIhh Illggar again went on the stand today. Son contradicted the testimony given by Josie Lane and her former mnld. Mollle Deskln, to the effect that Miss Higgur had maintained Improper relations with other men during Bennett life. Dr. Hendricks denied the statement made by Josie Lane as to his relation with Miss Ulggar. MEN ANXIOUS BUT FIRM Strikers Ont on System Are Still De trrmlnrd. Mar Vice Presi dent Mulberry. Third Vice President Mulberry of the In ternational Association of Machinists, who has been an active leader In the Union Pa cific strike, returned to Omaha yesterday from the west after spending several week out on the system. He left Cheyenne Thursday on the Union Pacific, but was de layed on account ot the snow blockade. He says that the snow was not as deep aa first reported. He says the rotary plow, pushed by nine Luge engine, did some effective work,, but wa (tailed in the deepest of the blockade. Mr. Mulberry will proceed to Chicago. He say there 1 great anxiety over tbe system over the prospect of a set tlement, but that If the negotiation tall the men will be more determined than ever and will not flag In their fight. No further new has com from Presi dent Burt, and, therefore, no development have taken place. Mr. Burt 1 not ex pected home until Friday. WRECK ON THE UNION PACIFIC Two Freight Train Collide at Roarers, bnt Ko Live Are Lost. Two Union Pacific trelght trains. No. 11 and 26, collided near Roger at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Reports of the wreck are Imperfect, but It I said that both engine re badly demolished and that there wero some serious casualties. This report comes through sources outside of the Union Pa cific general offices. At headquarter tbe statement Is made that tbe wreck wa a very inconsequential affair, that the en gine were somewhat damaged, but not de molished, and that while two or three per son suffered alight Injuries there were no serious casualties. The statement also wa made that no live itock wa on either train. Tbe cause ot the head-on collision is sup posed to be disclosed in the statement of the engineer on train No. 11, who say be could not see the flagman for the steam of hi engine. It Is (aid that neither train wa running at a full speed. A soon a report of the wreck reached headquarters two company physicians were sent to the soene of the accident. PRINTERS WANT MORE PAY Employe of Job Hound Aak lor Flat Hate of Eighteen Dollnra. The Job printer of tbe city, through a committee of seven taken from the em ploye of the seven largest Job houses, are holding conference with the employer looking to an Increase in wage to a flat rat ot $18 per week, with fifty-three hour to constitute a week's work. At the pres ent time fifty-four hour constitute a week's work and the wage are $17.20 per week. Always New to . Book Prices that Talk for Themselves Big Reduction in $1.50 Fiction RALHI MARLOWE, by Haylor 75,. SIGN OF THE PROPHET, by Haylor " 75. CAPT. RAVEX8HAW. by Stephens 75,. ROLL OF THE UNCOXQUKRED, by Dalton 7.v JACK RAYMOND, by Volnlch 7,v CRISIS, by Cburqhlll tOe We have numerous other books of Action at remarkably lovr prices, and In addition we have reduced the prlre on all the late $1.50 books of Fiction In our immense stock to $1 08 Our Holiday ,lne of Gift and Juvenile Rooks Is, as usual, the best In tbe west . STATIONERS. 1308 mmmmsKtniBssBF ODELL WANTS QUARANTINE Protest Against Order Removing Best.rio tiom on Connecticut Cuttle, NEW YORK WILL KEEP BARRIERS UP Secretary Wilson C'lnlms that N Dan. Brer F.xlxts, as Stork in Ques tion Sever Had Koot and Month Disease. ALBANY, N. Y.. Dec. 23. Governor Odell has telegraphed to Secretary of Agriculture Wilson a protest against the removal of the quarantine against Connecticut, which has been Imposed owing to the prevalence of foot and mouth disease among cattle In New England. HARTFORD, Conn., Dec. 23. Regarding the announcement trom Albany that the New York authorities will maintain a quar antine against cattle from Connecticut in spit of the removal ot the embargo by the Agricultural department, Cattle Commis sioner Aver said that such action wa en tirely uncalled tor. There wa not a single case of tha disease In the tat and never bad been. . He added: A far a the importation of rattle from Massachusetts and Rhode Inland Is con cerned, the quarantine regulation which have been In force to prevent cattle be ing brought across the Connecticut border will be continued. Wilson Denies Denser. WASHINGTON. Dec. 23. Secretary Wll aon received a telegram thl afternoon from Governor Odell saying that the New York authorities wished to act In harmony with the national government, but would be obliged to quarantine everything coming into New York state unless absolutely as sured of protection by tha federal govern ment. Secretary Wilson wired the following reply: There is no dlseaso In Connecticut. The federal quarantine remains on Vermont, Masaachusetts and Rhode Island. The state of Connecticut has also rigid quaran tine against Massachusetts and Rhode Island. I do nut think removal of quaran tine from Connecticut Increases danger to your state. Bhall do everything possible to confine disease. Work ot killing effected herds well advanced. Dr. Salmon reached here today. He will return to New England on Friday. He said tbe total number of cattle slaughtered on account of tho disease was about 1,000, ot which 761 were destroyed In Massachusetts, where most of the case had been found. He believed the danger of any spread of the disease would be passed In nnother week. Praetlcally Stamped Out. ITHACA. N. Y., Dec. 23. Prof. Jamei Law, director of the Cornell Veterinary college, who has spent some time In con Junction with tbe federal authorities In vestigating the foot-and-ir.outh disease, stated today that the dlenso wa now prac tically stamped out. Canada Southern Dividend. NEW YORK. Dec. 23 The Canada South ern railway ha declared a dividend of 1 5er cent for the half year ending December 1. Thl I a reduction of nne-lmlf of 1 per cent from the dividend declared last De cember. Something Show You. farnam St Open CvenlnQS. i