INSTALL IIS SEW PASTOR Oatellar Prebyteriaa Church the Eoeca of an Iapresjiye Ceremony. REV. WALTER S. REYNOLDS IN CHARGE Presbytery f Omaha the I)oBd Bftnrm the People a.d the Preacher Who la Ra Their Leader. The Impressive ordination service of the Presbyterian church waa observed last evening, when the preabytery of the city of Omaha assisted In the Installation and formal ordination of Walter S. Rey Holds an the new pastor of the' Caatellar Btreet Presbyterian church. The services were very largely attended by members of the churoh; Seated upon the rostrum were the pas tors of the churches or that denomination In this city. Rev. Daniel Grleder of the First Qorman Presbyterian church preside as moderator and opened the installing exercises with an Invocation. Rev. A. 8. . C. Clarke of the Lowe Avenue church read the scriptures, after which Rev. Rob. art Tj. Wheeler, D. D.,' pastor of the South Omaha Tresbyterian church, preached the Installation sermon. 'He took for his subject "The Beginning and Ending of Right Character," and for his text Hebrew 11:25. He pointed out the fact that true and righteous living re characterized and remiltant from three facts, choosing, striving and enduring In the Christian religion. The true beginning of right character Is the right choice. There Is a transitory pleasure In sin, but Its end Is destructive. In these days It Is too easy, he admonished bla congregation, to forget and find that we are worshiping In a lavender water religion, and that our Christianity Is but . Imaginary. No Amer ican born will deny that there Is a Christ, he said, though the masses of the Amerl cans say there la a God. but his laws won't apply In their everyday business Ufa and cares. In life's Waterloos Ood sus tains us by Invisible things. Charge to the Pastor. In the absence of Rev. Matthew B. Low rle the Installation prayer waa offered by the moderator, who a'sto conducted the ex amination of the candidate and received the sanction of the people whom be is to sprve. The charge of the congregation was de livered by Rev. Clarence G. Reynolds, pas tor of the First church of Jollet, 111., who bade the newly installed pastor a hearty godspeed. He Informed him that he had not entered the ministry, but had been born Into It. He bespoke the consecration of the new pastor's whole strength to the service and admonished him to practice whBt he preached and to live the word at all times, to be a man of prayer and con scious of Christian strength. Above all else be asked that he preach the word and not worry bis people with higher criticisms. ine pulpit for the people proclaims the true doctrines of Christ's words. Perfect faith means the preaching of the atone ment. A houae-golng pastor means a church-going people. He was to make his church one family In Christ. , Char to the People. The charge to the people was delivered "ty Rt Edwin H. Jenks, D. D., of the First Church, who urged the members of the church to stand strongly and firmly by their new pastor. He admonished them to re member that the church Is a unity. He also urged the congregation to pay their pastor well and not forget that the mints ters of today al too many, are much under I paid. ;SnrnMi4,'hha- wilA your love' and ' help him In bl battle by coming to church. There Is toothing so discouraging as empty pews and the absence of familiar faces." After the benediction by Rev. Walter Reynolds a short reception was held at the close of the services, that all who were present might meet and greet the newly In stalled pastor. Mr. Reynolds came to Castellar church last September, since when he haa served that people. He Is a graduate of Wooster university and the McCormlck Theological somlnary. His early ministerial training was received while acting as assistant pastor of the Third Presbyterian church In Chicago. Rev. Reynolds will reside with his family at 2615 South Fifteenth street. COLD WAVE FOR CHRISTMAS Xero Weather la Predicted to Greet lasts Claua la Omaha) Toalft-ht. It la quite probable that Santa Claus will not be put to the annoying Inconvenience of bringing his own weather with him when he comes to Omaha on his Chrlatmas eve rounds. Weather Forecaster Weloh has promised to do this much to lighten the burden of good old Saint Nick, and so the frosty bearded old fellow may be ex pected to bring a bigger load of presents. Mr. Welch haa sent for a fresh assort ment of genuine wlater weather and he expects the first consignment In by 4 o'clock this afternoon, and Is quite con fident that by evening the mercury will descend to sero at least, so that by the ' time Santa Claua makes hla sly advent there Is little dqubt that he will find things doing In the weather line. ELKS' NIGHT AT THE ORPHEUM Omaha Wearers of the Aatler Pay a UUle Trtbate to Manager Retter. Omaha lodge No. 39 of Elks' tendered Manager Relter of the Orpbeum a testi monial last night in the shape of a fra ternal visit. The members occupied seats in ft body on the first floor. Juat after the Interlude by the ercheatra, Mr. Relter waa called . before the curtain. He responded with little speech, thanking the brother forth pleasure and honor, .and told sev eral of his latest stories, which elicited enthusiastic applause. He waa just about to exit, when Brother Page stepped onto the stage and In"' the behalf of the lodge preaeated the popular manager with a handsome umbrella appropriately Inscribed for the occasion. SWINDLED BYA BAD CHECK Caanlaar Street Merchaat Salter aad Two Mea Are Held at the tatloa. J. N. Nelson, who conduct a dry goods Store at 2222 Cuming street, was victimized yesterday to the cite at of $30 la money and 15 worth of merchandise through the me dium of a forged check.' A man, a stranger to the shopkeeper, bought a bill of goods amounting to $S aad In payment presented a eh,ck for $35 drawn by W. U Seabroo of lut North Sixteenth street, the payee being Fig prune Cereal Tatte like Coffee Better than Coffee. The secret U ta tha perfect bleading and roaatinf of fruit and grain. ftOU) BY AU QROCat&a. ' George Button or bearer. The customer I (aid that he i Button and that he lived I at lll Cuming aireet. When the forgery I was discovered Detective. Donahue and Heltfeld were put I to work on the ease. Frank Belt of 2624 Bherman avenue and James ftchulti of Forty-ninth street and Cnderwood avenue were last night ar rested. it was thought that either one of them approximated the description of ' 4 1 1 V I . 1 . . ... . ' mici a given oy nelson, mey win o brought before the latter for Identification. luv kt.f Miss Mary Munchoff In a song recital. The program: Polonaise, op ... Paderewskl Mr. Gahm. II Penslernso o. F. Handel With flute oMIgato by Mr. I'ederscn. (R)t'aro mlo ben Q. ot (b) Itc-rceuBe . Wagner r Staiidchen J. Brahms (d Halrienroalelr. F. Schubert (e Auftrage R. Schumann tf) Pastorale Utaet Miss Munchoff. a) Gavotte .....Oluck-Brahms (b) Dais, Petite (c) Menuet Moderne.... Joseph Gahm Mr. Gahm. Mary of Allendale Hook Pastoral , Verncinl Vullaby (Dedicated to Mis Munchoff) . J. Gahm The Nightingale A. Alableff Variations i r.Proch Mies Munchoff. The triumDh which was accorded tn Mlsa Mary Munchoff at the Boyd ' last night, when she appeared In her first home con cert after many years of foreign study, was a triumph of which she Is assuredly ' proud, and the memory of which will last until she has sung her last aong on this sphere, which heaven grant may be very many years distant. It was a coronation! The crown of lov ing sympathy woven with sterling appre ciation and golden approbation was placed, not on the brow, but on the heart of the singer who came back to her own people and who was by them received right roy ally, and while acclamation poured forth the oil of comfort she was hailed and anointed and crowned as an artist and as an example of success through earnest work. I Miss Munchoff haa worked Incessantly, ! intelligently and bravely, patiently search ing for the true art path and walking In it uncompromisingly. She has not hurried. She has succeeded, and Omaha Is proud of her achievement. She Is an example for all students to look to, and her work last night will have Its effect In many an Omaha studio for the next few months, students will be en thused and teachers will find their work more earnestly absorbed. Miss Munchoff haa been somewhat unfor tunate, since her arrival In this country, In having a press agent (whoever he' may be) whose Idea seems to be that she should be "clrcussed," to use an advertising phrase. It Is not necessary to boom her as "America's greatest soprano," nor Is It ( prudent to advie the public that she Is a second Patti, or the superior of Mclba or . Bombrlch, that she taught German v whnt coloratura singing Is, etc Such statements are Intrinsically and historically Incorrect and are absolutely unnecessary. She Is the "first Mary Munchoff," artist and her place Is hers and no one, else's; it Is an enviable place, which she herself has made, and it can stand on Its own merits absolutely. Critics have differed and will differ as to Miss Munchoffs classification, most of them considering her a pure example of colorature singing, of which Emma Nevada Is a splendid type, and of which many discerning ones consider Mme. Nevada the absolute-monarch. . ..' y; After hearing Mary Munchoff last night, in various kinds of work the impression grew upon the musical critic of The Bee that Miss Munchoff is notably a "lleder" singer, an adept at the difficult and oft attempted field the classic song. A critic Is not entitled to any considera tion If he does not support his opinion by evidence, and therefore It devolves upon the present writer to state that in defense of his position he notices in Miss Munchoff a fascinating power of Interpretation, a wonderful command of the beautiful and elusive "mezsa voce" and a wealth of tone color, In the lower registers especially. Bhe has also that gift of expressing by her countenance, sincerely and without mannerism, the meaning and sentiment of what she sings. In fact. It is In her colorature work that any mannerism Is noted unworthy of such an artist, namely a tendency to terminate a cadence by closing the mouth suddenly, and an Inclination to close the eyes In ecurlng certain pianissimo. These are trifles, but Miss Munchoff Is a great artist and as such she cannot afford to do any. thing Inelegant. In colorature work, roulades, trills and "shakes" the artist showed a magnificently trained organ, and the months and months and years of careful, conscientious study and practice bore fruit last night. Her trill is like the rippling tone of a rare bird of song, and In her "Nachtlgall" song she literally and actually was a glorious "nightingale." Her runs and arpeggios were not always as "clean" as one might look for, but yet hex work was always dainty. Flexibility, she has, flor. Idlty, she has, It must be admitted, but nevertheless, while not criticising her s a colorature singer, the thought impresses Itself that she Is primarily a heart-singer and she sends her tones right bom. Mr. Joseph Gahm played two numbers and responded to generous encores; par ticularly enjoyable were the compositions of his own. His "Lullaby," sung by Mlsa Munchoff (to whom it Is dedicated), was vociferously applauded and repeated, after being beautifully and poetically sung. Mr. Oahm also played most artistic accompani ments and some of them were very din cult. Mr. Pedersen played a most effective Bute obligate THOMAS J. KELLY. A Iraathblew to Malaria. Electric Bitters kill and expel malaria fever and ague or no pay. Only 60o. For sale by Xuhn a Co. Marriage Mceasea. These marriage licenses were Issued yes terday; Name and Residence. A re William Smith. South Omaha i Grace Dunn. South Omaha..... u James J. Condon, Omaha 14 Mary F. Roach. Omaha n Henry C. I-ander, Omaha (4 Annie L. McDonald, Providence, Pa M Oodlove 8. Johnson, Omaha jj Florence E. McCartney, Omaha 21 Pharlea N. McKlnney, Harrison Co., Ia.. 37 May J. Dempale. Harrison Co., la '.. 27 James T. Fry. Klkhorn. Neb U Clara M. W'idgery, Elkhorn, Neb 23 Michael Leragh. Sjuth Omaha 2 Bridget McShan. South Omaha XI Mlalster from Eeaador Arrives. NEW YORK, Dee. 23-Dr. Alfred Paqueriao. minister of Ecuador to the I n Hod States, arrived today on the ateamer Alliance from Colon. Musical i i " A, THE OMAHA DAILY CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Power Canal Ordinaries u Amended bj Haicail ii Passed. FIVE VQTE IN FAVOR OF THE CHANGES Meaat Moves Tea Anaeadaaeats Dr slaaerl to Render Franchise t ae leaa to the Promoter aad They Are Adopted. By a vote of 5 to J, Haarall, Hoye, Mount, Whlteborn and Karr voting together and Burkley being absent, the city council re fused to pass the Rosewater franchise ordi nance without amending it In a manner which is said by Mr. Rosewater to be ab solutely subversive of the ends which he seeks to accomplish In the construction of a water power electrical plant for Omaha. The question did not come up until a greater part of the business of the evening had been disposed of and then upon mo tion of Mr. Hascall the ordinance was brought up, and Mr. Mount moved ten amendments, nine of them Inserting in the various sections of the ordinance as pre viously published after the words "Andrew Rosewater, his successors or assigns," the words "or any other person or corporation who may accept the terms or conditions of this ordinance, their successors or as signs," and the other providing that the franchise shall be forfeited If the plant is not In active operation at the expiration of three years from the date of the ordinance. The amendments were seconded by Mr. Hascall. As soon as they were offered Councilman Zlmman moved that the ordinance be re committed to the Judiciary committee tor further consideration, so the councllmen could give the proposed amendments some consideration. Mr. Hascall opposed the motion. Challenges Sincerity of Majority. Mr. Lobeck said that If the opponents of the Rosewater ordinance were sincere- In their desire to have a power plant con structed they would not oppose this ordi nance, but would prepare another providing for a franchise open to the first comer and both ordinances might be submitted to the people of the city at the same election, per mitting the voters to select the one which they may desire. After Mr. Trostler had advised the council to defeat the ordinance In toto rather than attempt to kill It by amendments, a vote was taken and the amendments adopted by the vote given above. Mr. Hascall then moved that the ordi nance as amended be ordered engrossed and that the city clerk be Instructed to pub lish the ordinance as engrossed for two weeks as required by law. Mr. Zlmman a an amendment offered a concurrent resolu tion providing for the same course. The amendment was lost and the Hascall mo tion carried by the same vote, with the ex ception of Howe, who voted In the affirma tive on both the motion and the amend ment. Charge of Connlvaaee. An unusual thing occurred when the clerk reported the result of advertisement for propoaals for the purchase of strips of ground on either side of Twelfth street north of Nicholas street, the bids received being from Adams Kelly, $150; C. B. Den ney, agent, $208, and T. F. Bwift, 3305. As soon as the report was read' Mr. Hascall moved that the matter be referred to the building and property committee, saying that the property could not be sold to any one but the owner of the abutting prop erty unless an easement , is, given that owner. Mr.. Lobeck said tha. he had been informed by Mr. Kelly of tho firm of Adams ft Kelly that one of the other bidders had called the firm up by telephone and told It that Its bid was lower than another and that the successful bidder would withdraw for a consideration. The highest bidder was T. F. Swift, who was in the hall, and as soon as Mr. Lobeck had made his state ment Mr. Swift was on his feet. "I have heard that statement before," he said, "and have heard my name connected with it and I desire to say that It Is ab solutely false so far as I am concerned, as I have made no such representations." The matter was referred. Later in the evening a communication was received from Adams ft Kelly asking that Twelfth street north of Nicholas be made fifty-two feet wide Instead of 100 feet, as at present, and offering $900 for the strips taken from the width of the street The company said that plans are already prepared for the con struction of a new factory building at that place and the additional ground Is needed to carry out the project, the price offered the city being the same as that paid for similar ground recently. For Charter Amendment. A communication was received from the mayor asking the council to take steps to secure the co-operation of the Douglas county delegation In the Nebraska legisla ture for certain amendments to the city charter whereby some of the Important funds of the city may be Increased to the Improvement of the service. The matter was referred to the president of the coun cil, with power to act for the body. The ordinance providing tor the creation of street Improvement district No. 810 was passed and because of the failure of the owners of the abutting property to desig nate the character of the paving in that district, the ordinance provides that Dodge street from the east side of Twenty seventh avenue to the weat side of Twenty ninth avenue shall be paved with sheet asphaltum and curbed with combination curbs and guttering. Resolutions were passed providing for the payment to George R. Crandall, J. p. Connolly and John F. Dalley, sewer con tractors, money retained in the guaranty fund until the work had been found satis factory. This money, together with money due on the partial estimate of C. D. Wood worth, will be paid as soon as funds are available. Lla-ht Dills Ordered Paid. The same action was taken on certain bills of the Omaha Gas company and the Globe Light and Heating coming for the months of September and October, which had been held out of former appropriation sheets, but this action was not taken until after the comptroller had reported that he had Investigated the matter and recom mended the payment. The payment was or dered over the protest of Mr. Zlmman. Upon the recommendation of the finance ccmmlttee $2M was placed at the disposal of the city engineer from the general fund. The regular appropriation ordinance was passed. Hoye, Whitehorn and Zlmman vot ing in the negative. Councilman Burkley was exeused from attending the meeting. FIND THE CITY INtTrESTING Two lowaas Find So Troable la Dla. lasj af Thae la Omaha. A $75 gold watch and a missing portion of a bank roll are the links la toe chain of evidence which hold Frankie Baker and Mary Haley, 1021 Capitol avenue, prison ers at police headquarters, while Chris Lock ub and Chris Sorensen, two residents of Iowa, claim they are the aggrieved par ties. The men came to town Monday and visited at No. 102L The watch waa missed seme time later, gorenaen, la the role of HEE WEDNESDAY, a detective, went to recover It and Is said to have been "touched" for $76. Both men appeared at police headquarters yesterday afternoon and the women were promptly arrested. OFFICERS FAVOR CANTEEN Their Report Demoralising! Effects from Low Reaorte Near Fort Leavenworth. A report of the officers at Fort Leaven worth, Kan., on the subject of the canteen at that post has been received at the army headquarters here. They are unanlmoualy In favor of the re-establlshment of the can teen. Under the present conditions It Is asserted the neighborhood of the post Is surrounded by evil houses and low saloons, which are constantly making trouble and which are ruining the morals of the younger soldiers. It Is also pointed out that a can teen maintained In an orderly manner ac cording to military discipline would not only be the means of keeping the soldiers orderly, but the profits of the canteen, re verting to the soldier, would give the men an Increase of luxuries on their table. The city authorities of Leavenworth have united with the army officials there to try and close or at least reduce and regulate the saloons and houses about the post. MINNEAPOLIS MILLER HERE W. H. Dnnwoodlo Say Coal Banal? I Important Question la the Worth. W. H. Dunwoodte, one of Minneapolis' prominent millers, and his wife passed through Omaha yesterday enrout to Colo rado Springs. They stopped several hours In the city Mr. Dunwoodle at one time supplied Omaha with a large portion of Its flour and retains a natural Interest In the city, with whoss progressive spirit he was much impressed. The matter of coal supply, Mr. Dunwoodle said, was one of great Interest Just now in the frozen north and yet, he said, the big mills had not suffered from any dearth. As they use water power mostly, only sup plementing with steam, they are not In a way to endure severe hardship from the lack of coal. DEATH RECORD. Senator Dwlicht M. Sabla. CHICAGO, Dec. 23. Former United States Senator Dwlght M. Sabln of Minnesota died suddenly early this morning In his apart ments at the Auditorium annex. Senator Sabln had been a guest of the hotel since November t, being accompanied by his wife and daughter. He was stricken with heart failure about 11 o'clock last night and a physician was summoned. He found Mr. Sabln Is a dying condition and beyond medi cal aid. The patient remained unconscious for upward of an hour and the end was peaceful. For twenty-five years he was prominent in national republican politics, being a member of the national republican committee from 1878 to 1884 and Its chair man from 1882 to 1884. ( Late St. Joseph Mayor's Mother. RT. JOPBPH, Dec. 23! Mrs. Grace Combe, aged 72, mother of ex-Mayor John Combe, died here today after a short Illness. She was born In Scotland, became a convert early In life to the Presbyterian faith and took a conspicuous part, In religious mat ter In the west. John Armstrong;. ' ABERDEEN, S. V,, iDee. 23. (Special Telegram.) John Armstrong, a prominent citizen of Desmet, 8. D.r was found dead. In his bed at the Ward hotel this morning. He retired In apparent, good health last evening. Death supposed to be due to heart disease. A (hsnntna Heater. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the oest tn ths world, cure cuts, vornt. burns, bolls, ulcers, sores and piles or no pay. 25c. For sal by Kuhn d: Co. FAVORITES FIGHT FOR RACES Iaarleslde Outsider Wla by Head, Oaly One First Choice Scor ia; Victory. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 28.-Raclng at Ingleslde today was marked by close fin ishes and the defeat of favorites, only one first choice getting hoine in front. The weather was fine and the track good. Minder carried off the riding honors bv landing three winners. On two occasions he beat Ransch by a head when the latter boy was on a favorite. Results: First race, seven furlongs, selling: Hun garian won. Hutch Miller second, Nannie Nolan third. Time: 1:30. . Second race, futurity course: The Weave won, Mllaspinl second. Blackthorn third. Time: 1:13H. Third race, seven-eighths of a mile, sell ing: Klckum Bob won, Parsifal second St. Rica third. Time: l!29. """" Becon. Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth, selling: Ian Tar won, Artllla second, Qa lanthu third. Time: 1:60. Fifth race, eleven-sixteenth of a mile, selling: May Joslin won. The Major sec ond. Little Margaret third. Time: 1:094. Sixth race, one mile, purse: Diderot won IUowaho second. Marque third. Time: 1:43. HICKS RULED OFF FOR GOOD New Orleans Steward Refaae Entries from Raelasj Firm aad Coatlaao Jockey' Snapeaaloa. - NEW ORLEANS. Dee. J3.-Fadlng Light, Hayward Hunter and Flo Carllne were the winning favorites today. The stewards have recommended that entries of horse belonging to tne lirm of Hatfield St Ownby De refused for the remainder of the meeting and also that the auopenalon of Jockey Hicks be continued Indefinitely. Weather fair, track fast. Hesulta: First race, five furlongs: Fading Light won, Sweet Nell second, Candareen third. Time: 1:03. Second race, selling, seven furlongs: Paul Creton won Tlllo second. Play Like third. Time: 1:291-6, Third race, selling, one mile and a six teenth: uvla won, Charlce Ramey sec ond, Nettle Reg' nt .hlrd. Time: 1:608-5. fourth race, hanulcap, one mile and a quarter: Major Waulr won, Barrack sec ond. Jssle Jarhoe third. T'me: un. Fifth race, selling, one mile and five fur longs: Hayward won. Lady Ohorlttter sec ond. Cogswell third. Time: 1:62 -6 Bixth race, one mile: Flo Carllne won, WMful cond. Handsplnner third. Time: Wilt the Bowler. ,A ytT.r In'ereeUng match occurred on th Oat City bowling alley last night between two three-men teams. Score: ,. M. Id. 4th. Sth.T't'l. O Martin u li 149 161 160 774 10 1 12 174 177 Kh3 Velty 2o4 U3 2U 164 141 M Total 633 alat "ali 4h "dTIJ t669 ,, ! d. 3d. 4th. 6th.T t l. "u Ii7 la 146 111 lh 7K Howard 1M It) 161 17.J J4t 7B7 M. L. Martin Ut 146 2uu ttt 17 j Totals 611 4CT6o"m Z 246S Batterworth I Athlelle Director. CHICAGO. Dee. 2J.-Horace Butterworth has been appointed director of physlral culture and athletic at th Northwestern university, taking the place of Dr. Hul !',er.. .Mr- """"worth Is a graduate of the I'nlversliy of Chicago nd ha been an Instructor of gymnastics at the univer sity since 1SS2. Lately, In addition to .giv ing instruction, h haa been manage of athletics. Huoae Fall to Bowler. BOONE, la.. Dec il Th. All-Am.rtcan bowler beat th Koon team today Five game were played. In whlrb Boone' total x-ur waa t.Ust; All-Ainertiaiis, 1 Ml x two-men contest of three game between Peterson and Voorhle of th All-Amrtca team and Crowley and Sha unweber of Hoone resulted In a Bears at Lyj7 fur liuona to U tar Ui AU-AmMlcaa, DECEMHEK 24, 1002. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Broken Appear at High School to Discount Teacher' Warrants. SCHOOL DISTRICT FUNDS EXHAUSTED Tarkey Belling; oa Loral Market at Very Hlch Price Christmas Mall I EseeedlnKty Heavy Magle City Ooaalp. Balary warrants tor the teacher In the public schools were Issued yesterday aft ernoon, the schools closing for the usual holiday vacation. Something unusual was witnessed at the high school build. n when the teachers emerged from the office of the secretary, where the warrants for De cember were given out. Several Investors were on hand with cash In their clothes for the purpose of cashing the teachers' war rants, naturally at a discount. Quite a number of the teachers sold their warrants to the money lenders who hovered outside, but some walked straight to the city treas urer's omce, where they were given face Value for their paper. It Is a well known fact that the school fund are exhausted, and that all warrants draw Interest at the rate of T per cent Hence the rush for securities of this kind. Some of the members of the Board of Education are not In favor of the action taken by warrant brokers yesterday, and 1 atop will doubtless be put to the praotlce j or permitting money lenders from fre quenting the high school grounds on teach ers' pay day. The teachers who cashed their warrants at the city treasurer's offlc were not charged any discount, as there wss enough money on hand to pay off the few who called. Now the school district fund Is entirely exhausted and from this time on it will be necessary for the people to pay a high rate, of Interest for all salaries and ex penses contracted by the Board of Educa tion. That there will be another big over lap In the high school funds Is evident to anyone who haa looked Into the affairs of the board. An advertisement Is now running In one of the local papers asking for bids for ad ditional steam heating apparatus for a four-room addition to Lowell school. Plans of the apparatus desired may be seen at the office of the architect of the board and all bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 2100. As usual, the board reserves the right to reject any or all bid. These bids are to be turned over to the board not later than 8 p. m. on Monday, January 6. The Installation of this heating plant at this time will only tend to Increase the overlap and thus Increase the amount of Interest now being paid on the school debt. Turkey Cot Money. First-class turkey are scarce and are selling tor from 21 and 25 cents a pound. Some frozen stock held over Is being sold at rates less than those mentioned. Hotel . keepers and proprietor of restaurant are 1 wondering what to do for Chrlstma. With turkey at 25 cent a pound they say that no money can be made by serving a meal and many of the restaurants will provide the usual weekday menu for guests. Heavy Chrlstma Malla. On account of the heavy malls Postmas ter Etter has been compelled to put on ad ditional help. This additional help, how ever, Is allowed by the postal department during the holiday season without a spe cial requisition, as It Is customary. All of the carrier going out from the. central postofflce are loaded down these days, and In many Instances It Is hard work to com plete the delivery In the time allowed, as two trips over one route are frequently necessary on account of the weight to be carried. With all the extra mail to be carried few complaints are being made and the service here Is considered excellent. Doe Not Make Bluff. An Omaha yellow journal, through its South Omaha representative, has seen lit to state In his paper that Joseph Koutsky, brother of Mayor Koutsky, Is making a bluff when he offers a reward of $100 for the arrest and conviction of anyone sell ing diseased meat tn South Omaha. When shown the Item last evening Mr. Koutsky said that he meant exactly what be said, and he again stated that the money was titabllthsd Two Yaara. Capital $50,000. GRAHAM RICE, Prti't. Ml Canal St, New Orleans, U. freight 500 Per Cent Six S 1 Our One-Horse-Play Lest Six Days Wednesday, Scotch Pla d, 7 to 5, wo.1 Thursday, Com Foster, 8 to 5, won Friday, Swaat Alice, I to 2, won Saturday, Harry Wilson, I to 3, won Monday, Old Hutch, 3 to 5, won Yesterday, Flocarline, I to 6, won Given good weather and a fair track at New Orleans and we can't lone a bet for you. Even when the track la bad, the worst we ever get la an even break Our dispatches Indicate good weather and a good track Indefinitely from now on and our famous corps of track experts announce that never In the hltitory of Maxim & Gay Company have they had up their sleeve such a bunch of good things aa they will spring for the benefit of our clients in the next ten dnys You can't afford to mUs us from now on. We are clearly in our stride. If yoii are wise you will tut in and get some of the pickings at once. 5)0 per cent are the dividends earned past six days, and yet the plays we have made In tbut period are the most conservative that could have been selected. The six were sure winners. We never shoot at the moon. The stockholders of the Maxim U Gay Company bet thousands dally on the one-horse selection nd the money of our clients la therefore as precisely handled as theirs. The outlook for the present Is really glowing. The track Is In good condition and promises to re main so. Our experts are on the ground now a month, and they bare mas tered every detnll of the game. They look forward for the next fortnight to the biggest winning percoutage of tbelr career. Hiring along with us, you will get the money. We Handle Your Money with Caution .. u ,urc" of 'lr precautionary measures to surround our tremendou operation with every safeguard I apparent to all. A every raee-soer realize publicity m to our rlanne.1 cou.. btfore the racea are run wuuld endanger sure, as and therefore ,w, al low none. Asa pledge of good faith, the Maxim & Gay Company at pm day place, in the hand of the editor of the New Orleans Item the s" lection on wMch the money of our client is to I played, and also mall, to each subscriber tha Tname of th. selection, auch utter be.rfng a postmark at least one hour prior to tut tin" the race Is run. W hen p-ally re.jucated the name of the horse and the odd ."cured ar communicated by te earauh after the rare, to ,.i.-,.,u,. u ouu8 "curl All money of hi ..r-C!l!iU ' Plttced, tnrouK('"'-- Sl Uchtensteln. the noted eastern ho get It down In a dozen cities through agent, and thereby aecurei bookmaker, w best reaulta. irtfm'JlZuy I V , u u. nurae, sjau. f or a I1U0 dally ulav on una horaa h'L K"I r,r,e,r V.Uy? vumt Proportion, ltemlt direct to the Maxim A o,,S pany, tJt Canal tr. New Orlean. All account received bv ihi Mnim a r?J tompany will b played by Mr. Bol l.lchtn.iein. o ome Xr iglnt oMhi Ma.lra i iV'.C, ul-H?ZijLte?uJDT umes all renpon.ibllity for a proper ex ecution of It allenta' order. Our friends ar through th mail without registerlurf. Hit c.hmvkm auceotwl '-- iwxLUUd. tlra Dnmpt' near neighbor, William Rosa, Vaa called Ill-Wlll. he wai to crosa. Jim Dump invited him to tea And fed him " Force.' He lang-tied with flee, For " Force " was Just the food for him. "It filU the Bin," Mid "Sunny Jim." "FORCE" The tUadv-to-Serv Cereal brings health closer than a neighbor. Sweet, crisp flaKta f wheat aad aaalt. Bat For" threo time a day. Our people are eating ' Force ' thm Urns a day. ". H. Burma. 43 on deposit at the Packers' National bank. Now let some of these fellows who are hollering go after the money," aald Mr. Koutsky. Maglo City Ooaalp. Born, to Mr. and Mr. Prank Mockler, a son. The banks and city offices will be closed all day on Thursday. Miss Edna Van Arm an haa gone to Indi ana to visit friend. A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Trapp, 2027 T street. Edward Cahnw 1 back from a trip through the western part of the state. Clyde Lake, who shot himself a few nights ago, appears to be doing nicely. The Lotus club gsve a very enjoyable dancing party at Masonic hall last night. A eon has been born to Mr, and Mrs. William Schneider. Thirty-eighth and 8 street. Mr. Frank E. Jones haa gone to Harvard Neb., being called there by the Illness of her mother. L. A. Sandwlck of No. S Are company has gone to Marshalltown, la., for a ten day' vacation. The two men Injured In the Burlington wreck are getting along nicely at the South Omaha hospital. The Sunday school of the First Methodist churoh will ttlve a Christmas entertainment at the church this evening. The Baptist Sunday school will hold Christmas exercises this evening. Gifts will be made to ihe Child s Saving Institute. The case of Carrie Homan agntnst the city will come up In Justice Caldwell's court today. The plaintiff claims damages to the extent of t2"0 for personal injuries ecelved by a fall on a sidewalk. R. B. Hawley, formerly local manager of the A. D. T. company In South Omaha, but now located In New York City, was here yesterday, the guest of Sam and Harry Christie. The Eastern Star will give a mystery box social at Masonic hall on the evening of January 10, instead of on December 31, 3 previously announced. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the South Omaha hospital. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. C. n. llennlnger of Grand Island Is at the Merchants. Frank A. Qllcrcst of Kearney, Neb., Is In the city on business. W. R. Olassle of Bellefourche, S. D., Is a guest at the Merchants. , H. M. Arnold, a stockman from Torrlng ton, Wyo.. is at the Millard. C. K. Randall, a Newman Grove banker, Is registered at the Merchants. Dr. Ralph, city health commissioner, srer.t yesterday In Kansas City. John W. Hoffman, fire insurance adjuster of Kansas Cliy, Is at the Millard. J. C. Burch and wife have gone to Lima, O., their old home, to spend the holidays. 8. D., R, J. and V. K. Kllpatrlck, railroad contractors, are In the city for a few days. C. N. Miller, an Insurance man from Des Moines, is one of the old-timer at the Millard. W. H. Croft, a representative of the bras trust with headquarters at Chicago, Is at the Millard. R. McClelland and wife, former resident of Omaha, but now of Tabor, la,, are spending a tew day at the Millard. J. H. Bell, with hi two daughters, Luclle and Hazel, of York, Neb., are stopping at the Millard while In the city on a Christ mas shopping excursion. Colonel W. H. Phelps of St. Louis, assist ant general solicitor of the Missouri Paclflo railroad. Is visiting hla daughter, Mrs. W. H. Rothert, 807 North Thirty-ninth street. Bafor th fublle (very Day. k'oiionai Bcnk References Fumisnel 280 Broadway. New York. dinners Dividend in 6 Days For a I dally play" on one hor. orooar x- cauuuura against Bending uiunoy 7 fij$f . cry J' Attractive Combinations 1 -f350 Piano ) 01011 l--f250 Player) 011111 1 $300 P ano !S350 11225 Playe OPEN EVENINQS. Remember, we sell the Cecilian .ndLyraphonj Piano Player The two best players In the world. Both are 66 note players. Remember also that most other Piano riayers are only 58 note play ers. The CECILIAN haa arperate con trol of the base and treble, and Is the only Player capable of the elastic human touch so much sought after. Until January 1st we give free, with each player purchased, $25 worth of music and a 10.00 player bench. Call at our parlors. We are open evenings until Christmas. Piano Player Co. Arlington Block, 1511-13 DODQE STREET. Over Morton's Hardware and Hardy's S9o Store. . . Why Not Mexico? Tou have been to Europe. Tou have seen Calllornla and Colorado. Why not try Mex ico! It Is worth while. The curious architecture; the vast plazas, where the en tire population of the city gathers nightly to listen to the stirring strains of a mili tary band, the rare beauty of the women; the picturesque attire of the men; the primi tive methods of agriculture thfse are only a lew of the scores of things that can be seen and enjoyed In Mexico Id MID-WINTER. Cut out this ad. send It to us, and we will mall you a book about Mexico. Tells Just what you want to know. Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St. OriAHA, NEB. Specialists In ail Ul.r.A jtiS and DISORDERS of MEN. 12 years of auo b-ssful practls ia Uniuti.i. t IIAKGFS LOW. ARIGOCEU HYDROCELE and II CO cur I ' -'r wuuuut liuUus. ptia of ILLbW Iom of vim Ltsal uraai Is sura you or munar rfuo4d. Cyjul I? ran for lit and th ptto lrlllLI9 Ihorwakljr elnnW tram th aritm. Scuu vrr tau and rrcpiom aiappra uinpitlr an lrTr. He "UHEAKINO OUT" ml th dlu en th skin ar fro. lratmnl ooaula so augrous drugs or Ifcjatious mMtcio. VfC .If HEM '"" Elctlx or VICTIMS TO IfkAIV III II fSHVOta I'EDIUTY OH IX. HALUT1UN, WASTING WEAKNESS, with KARLT IjHCAY ib VftVNO and IdlLiLiLIC AOKD: lank or Urn. vigor and rnath, wita organ impair an waas. I Curra. s'tatautMd. I CTDIftTil JC or4 vita a n.w horn trt wlnlUIUilt ami. h Bala, a tntiaa Vnm buAifira. 'HINAHV. Klda an Bladdr Troab). Wak back Burntog Urto, rrquncr of Vrlnallng. tlnao High Color, or with lr atdlBMat a standi. , CuaiaaltaUea Vie. Traatmeva by Mall, I tall jf ndare. lift . 14tb St. OR. SEARUS & SEARLES. OMAHA OAK SAVE FUELVY0R!iY IF YOUR DEALER TWr TO TAUT YOU INTO THE MISTAKE 0T BUYING ANOTHER MAXE.WRITI TO US. Charter OikStoveRinseGa ST-leVl&.MQr ii r 1 w ManaMsasB Jit i