Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Zipiranti for Oil Inspector and Adjutant
General Are Butj People.
Pern formal ftchool (ontrotrnr I
Wartnlaa; t 4'onaty Attoraeye
Meet and Olaraaa Seeded
(rrom a Staff Cnrreiponder.t.)
LINCOLN, Dec. (Special. )-A number
of representatives and politicians were In
Lincoln laat night, drawn here by the an
nouncement that Governor Mickey wan to
be In town. Much pressure was brought
to bear on the governor to get him to name
the next adjutant general and the state
oil Inspector. In regard to the latter officer
the governor said that ho did not Intend
to do anything at the present and In fact
would not think of It now. It was said
aome tlm ago that the governor had In
timated that he would appoint a Lancaster
man for this place. This was thought by
tome to mean that a Lancaster man would
not land the adjutant general plum.
Friends of Lancaster candidates for the
coal oil Job and the adjutant generalship
were conspicuous around the governor to
assist In landing the right plum If only one
was to fall In this county. In the mean
time. It Is said, the governor was open to
conviction on the position of adjutant gen
eral and that he would make no appoint
ment for the next ten days. Among those
conspicuous around headquarters last night
were: Senator J. C. Hedges of Adams
county. Congressman Norrls of McCook,
Senator Anderson of Saline, Representative
Kerns of Auburn, Representative Good of
Nemaha and Johnson and Colonel Culver,
who wants General Colby's place. Thomp
son, candidate for speaker, was here yes
terday and Mockett was doing a stunt
around the representatives last night.
Governor Mickey sa'.d this afternoon that
Food Commissioner Bassctt was not a can
didate for reappointment and that several
applications bad been Bled for his place.
Dlacnaa Bible Headlag.
The application for a rehearing in the case
whereby a writ of mandamus was granted
by the supreme court to slop a school
teacher from reading the bible in the pub
lic schools haa created considerable talk
rmong teachers, especially since the State
Teachers' association has no announcement
on Its program of bible reading or Its dis
cussion. State -Superintendent Fowler said
today: ,
I have been asked several times whv
bible reading In the public school ha no
Place on the offlclil program of the State
Teachers' association, home thlrtv differ
ent meetings arc arranged for. Including
general forenoon FeHstoim In the new uni
versity chHpt'l. general evening reunions In
St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church and
afternoon rennl ns of the auxiliary assorla.
tlnns and section meetings, and on these
thirty programs everything is discussed,
from paper cutting to the migration of the
Ions In electrolytes. xi-ept the reading of
the bible. Shakespeare? Yes, in accord
ance with a petition in a general session of
the awoelutlon one year ago the executive
committee arranged with the munuger of
the Oliver for the presentation there of
Shakespearean plnys Frlilnv and Suturriav
evenings and Saturday matinee. "The
Taming of the Shrew" and "Much Ado
About Nothing" are the choicts for the
Nebraska tciuhers. though of courw every
f ne of the general public Is welcome to
the theater who has tho price 50 cents to 11.
That Is why you llnd the Shakespearean
Teast provided. Hecause the t'arliers wanted
It. tlut the bible reading? Well, the pro
pram for the association was made up and
-eany for the printer, with no blanks, be
fore the derision of the supren.- court was
handed down. The bible la read in a ma
jority of Nebraska's school rooms and al
ways bus ,beeu and la continuing to be
read. I have visited a numbir of schools
during the last two months, high schools
us well as primary rooms und kindergart
ens, where the blbl was read and the
Lord's prayer recited by the pupils in con
cert In hllRsful Ignornnee of the decision of
the supreme court. There are thousands of
teach.ra In the state who know little or
nothing of that decision. Many of them,
the younger girls pnrtlciil.irlv, are not
t.ewspupers renders. Kuilghten them? Well,
perhaps. Walt until the (Clearing has been
passed upon.
Medina; of formal Board.
The Normal School board met this after
noon In tho office of thu state superintend
ent. The report of Dr. Clark of the Peru
normal was read. Dr. Clark reported a
deficiency in the coal fund. This, he said,
wae caused by the fact that the last leg
islature cut down the appropriation for this
fund $1,800 less than the proportion of
four years ago. Accounts for the year were
audited, the members drew their salaries
and they said that was all they did. It Is
alao said the salary fund Is $3,000 short.
The members held a star chamber session,
nrlnar I p Old Bills.
Among the accounts that were either
vetoed or not allowed by the last legisla
ture or for seme other reason were not
paid before are the following that wert
filed by the auditor today: J. V. Chase
wants $1,445 for extra time put In while
liex was engineer at the capltol building.
Mr. Chase said the bill was allowed, but
was left off the appropriation bill by the
George T. Ccrccran said that the state
owed him $1,127 for work done In the
office of Attorney General Smyth. Corcoran
made a transcript of the evidence In the
case of the Stcte against the Union Paclflo
Railroad Company about the rate law.
Mrs. H. K. Datves, wife of the former
superintendent of tho Omaha deaf and dumb
Institute, asks for 1366 back pay as matron
of the. Institution. And It Is expected that
there are others coming.
DrfeaCa Peru Normal.
Among the representatives who were get
ting acquainted with themselves and other
Always iha Samo
Good Old
The Prlda of Milwaukee
tend Postal Card tor New Brochure
which, tella .why
All Druggists or Direct
14IS Donates t. Tel. XOHl.
rtal J a-4 i-l, i ,.
X r V: ( "-" 1 ..... Urtmm
Uf M k rrrt..Ur-. tlLlllill
y i.ra kali. l. t..ii.u. mui.
si.41 a n. rh-J-, S
legislators lsst night was Representative
Oocd of Nemaha and Johnson counties and
with them were a good many of the native
sons of Peru, who were by no meana
backward in telling everybody, including
candidates for legislative offices, what they
wanted. They want that normal school
kept at Peru. And not only that, but they
want the state of Netraska to spend
some money In an additional bullJIr.g and
to hi up the present normal school to
accommodate the largely "Increased at
tendance that Is sure to result If the school
Is not removed."
In answer to State Superintendent Fow.
ler's resson for wanting the normal school
at Peru removed to some other place. Mr.
Good haa a word to say. Not that he fears
there Is any danger of the coming legisla
ture acting on the advice of tho superin
tendent, he said, but because the impres
sions that are going out over the state
might cause some of tho legislators to re
fuse to vote tho appropriation that Peru
wants so badly. Mr. Good says:
"In the first place one who cares to
figure It out will find that 80 per cent of
the Inhabitants of Nebraska live within
100 miles of the city of Peru. No town
In the state has been better equipped by
nature for a state school than has Peru.
And as for It being difficult to reach and
get out of, It Is not so bad as one would
Imagine after reading the accounts of the
traveler who went over the state and Into
Missouri and Iowa to get to his destination,
because he happened to start from Peru.
We have two trains each way dally and
three each way three times a week. As
to the low attendance at the school, that
Is not because It Is at Peru. The legisla
ture granted the schools at Fremont, the
Wesleyan Institute and all schools having
Invested $100,000 the right to Issue cer
tificates like that of the State normal
schools. This took many of the students
who would otherwise have attended the
Peru normal. Besides all this," said Mr.
Good, "the ground upon which the normal
school stands was presented to tho state
by the Methodist church In 1S67 with tho
understanding that there should be erected
and maintained upon It a normal school.
The state cannot remove the school without
violating that agreement."
Warns Hotel Men.
Deputy Labor Commissioner Watson has
served notice on all hotel keepers and
others In Omaha, Lincoln and other cities
who have not complied with the law reg
ulating fire escapes to fall in line by Jan
uary 1 or take the consequences. Mr. Wat
son said the consequences would be a law
suit. This law has not yet been tested and
the labor commissioner is anxious to give
it a trial. It Is thought the first case will
go through the grind to the supreme court
and a thorough test made. Mr. Watson
said he had on several occasions notified
proprietors of buildings of the law, but
that very little attention had been paid to
It. He will see that fire escapes are placed
according to law.
Dlseasa Code Revision.
A number of county attorneys of the
state met at the office of County Attorney
Caldwell this afternoon and discussed
legislation. Mr. Caldwell acted as chair
man and County Attorney Clapp of Jeffer
son as secretary. Many of the attorneys
were in favor of a committee being ap
pointed to revise the code. No official ac
tion was taken on an extension of term or
on the salary question, though one attor
ney wrote that he was doing $5,000 worth
of work In his county for $650, and that
after the first of the year that would be
cut down to $800 the salary, not the work.
Suspects Are Clerer.
The three suspects In the county Jail,
thought to be the Burlington train robbers,
were taken before Justice Greene this aft
ernoon on a charge of robbing a ktore at
Raymond. When the men were arrested
two 'Of them were wearing shoes the fac
tory number of which were Identified by
the merchant as the kind that he handled.
One wore a cap that the merchant also
Identified. The shoes were given the men
last night to wear to the county Jail, and
this morning when they were shown to the
court the numbers In the shoes had been
cleverly erased. The merchant, however.
Identified the shoes without the numbers
and the case was continued until Wednes
day. One Letter Falls.
Another little girl haa written a letter to
Governor Savage requesting him to par
don her papa, so that he fan go home by
Christmas. This little girl Is 9 years of
age, and her letter Is not unlike that of
the little Lawrence 1 girl who said her
mother was In distress, had five children
to support and that the letter was written
without her mother's knowledge. After
speaking of these things the little girl goes
Miss Lawrenco one better by saying that
she was writing In the Voodshed and
bought the stamp with I cents that she had
saved up for Christmas. The letter Is well
written, but It will (all In Its efforts, as
her father was convicted of burglary and it
Is known that the family Is in good finan
cial circumstances.
Voann- Man at Alasworth I'nrter f l,6O0
Bonds with Berloas Charge
to Answer,
AINSWORTH, Neb., Dec. 23. (Special
Telegram.) Sheriff Curry arrived last night
from Center, Knox .county, having in cus
tody Walter Wood, a young man living In
the western pert of this county, who was
wanted on a charge of assault on a 14-year-old
girl v, ho had been living with the
family of Byron Stall, taken by them from
the Homo of the Friendless at Omaha.
The complaint was sworn out on Informa
tion from Rev. Sala. who has been bar
frequently finding homes for the children
,or thst Institution. Wood waived pre
liminary examination today and was bound
over to the next term of the district court,
which meets here next Monday, the bonds
being placed at $1,500.
I neatiaa; Does No Good.
i WYMORE. Neb., Dec. 23. (Special Tel-
egrani.) Frank Joslyn, a bridge carpenter
, in the employ of the B. M., returned
home last night and found Lee Morgan, an.
other railroad man in the bouse. Joslyn
beat Morgan Into Insensibility and then
pitched him Into the street. This morning
Morgan and Mrs. Joslyn left for Kansas
City over the 1'nlon Pacific. Mrs. Joslyn
has two children and Morgan has a wife
and four children.
Banker Snrprlaea friends.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec !. (8peclal.)
The friends of H. J. Sldner, the cashier
of the Bank of Nlckerson, were somewhat
surprised to learn last week that he was
a married man. He was married at Omaha
on November 1 to Miss Ella McQlll. The
groom returned home Immediately after the
ceremony and the bride went east. On Sat
urday Mr. and Mrs. 81dner returned to
Nlckerson together and will commence
Kindles Fire with Coal Oil.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. 21. (Special.)
Martin Hudson, a son of George Hudson
of Saunders county, undertook to kindle
the kitchen fire Sunday afternon with kero
sene. There were some coals In the stove
and la the explosion which followed the
top of the stove went to the celling, young
Hudson'a hair and eyebrows were singed
and his (ace badly turned and eyea eon
slderably Injured.
Eenratiora! Development of the Killing of
Harvey Lill e of David City.
Officials Ksnresa Confidence They
Have a Hood rase. While Friends
of the Aeensed Spont the Idea
She la a Mnrderraa.
DAVID CITY, Neb., Dec. 3 (.Special
Telegram.) The excitement Incident to the
murder of Harvey Llllle on October 24
of this year was intensified this morning,
when Mrs. Lean M. Llllle wss arrested
charged with the crime of murdering he."
husband. The complaint is made by County
Attorney A. M. Wstling in his ofnclal ca
pacity. Ever since Mr. Lillie was murdered strong
suspicion had been centered on Mrs. Lll
lle, some, however, believe she is wholly
Innocent of the crime charged. The day
after the murder was committed detectives
were employed and have been constantly
working on the case alnce. The officers
claim they have a strong case of circum
stantial evidence, and confidently believe
tbey will have no trouble In convicting
the defendant. -
Mrs. Lillie was arraigned before County
Judge C. M. Skiles thia evening and
pleaded not guilty. The court fixed the
amount of the bond at $2,000, which waa
furnished by her father, Hon. James Hill,
and Bert Jcncs of Bellwood. The prelim
inary hearing has been oet for next Mon
day morning.
The accounts of the crime published at
the time were that Lillie, who was the
agent of the Nye-Schneldcr Grain company,
and supposed to have means, was shot and
killed by a burglar. His wife elated that
she was sleeping by his side and was
wakened by the shot and that the robber
fired at her, missing the mark, however,
then making his escape. All efforts to
trail the robber failed and It was reported
some time ago that the officials suspected
the wife of doing the shooting and ar
rests were dally expected. None were
made until today, when public interest had
died out and was hardly anticipated.
Indications tint He Was Thrown from
Horae and Was I'nable to
Reach Home.
KIMBALL, Neb.. Dec. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) The remains of John Gotte, the
ranchman, lost In Friday's storm, were
found this morning by the search party
a half mile from his ranch In a drift. It
is thought that his horse threw him and
injured him ao that he was unable to reach
the ranch. There was no one at the ranch
excepting his little daughter and he must
have perished long before help reached
Fined for Assaulting; Teacher.
HASTINGS, Neb., Dec. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) The case of the state against Mrs.
Lottie Murphy for assault and battery was
heard today In the district court and the
defendant was fined $10 and costs. Miss
Mary E. James Is a young school teacher
In Silver Lake township and she alleges
that while performing her duties on Wed
nesday, November 19, she was assaulted by
the defendant and badly beaten without
any Just cause. The complaining witness
further alleged that the defendant had ao
cused her of making false statements con
cerning defendant and that when she de
nied the charges, she was immediately at
tacked by the defendant and beaten so
badly that she was confined to her bed for
a week. The case will probably be ap
pealed. Young- Man Badly Hart.
GRAND ISLAND. Nob., Dec- 23. (Spe
cial.) Henry Boeltz, a young farmer, re
siding on the farm of his brother, five
miles north of the city, while discharging
an old musket which had been lying
around the house for several years, met
with a serious accident. The gun, weak
ened by rust, exploded and a piece of the
metal flew through the bone of the nose
and shattered the right eye. The loss
of the sight in this eye and permanent
disfigurement will be the result under the
best outcome of the accident possible.
Catholle Fair Proves Success.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Dec. 23 (Special.)
The annual fair of the Catholic church
closed Saturday night, having continued
for six evenings. It was a most success
ful one, the net proceeds amounting to
about $1,000. The attendance was beyond
expectations and every booth was well
patronized. A large number of valuable
presents were distributed to holders of ad
mission tickets.
European Skin Specialist Says Dand
ruff la Cnnsed hy Parasites.
Upon that theory, proved beyond a doubt,
a cure for dandruff was sought after.
Scientists, chemists, druggists and phy
sicians all "took a hand" and the successful
Issue Is the present product known as
"Newbro'a Herpiclde."
Thla remedy actually kills the parasites
that Infests the hair bulb, does its work
most effective and contains not an atom of
substance injurious to anything else than
the germ alone. Herpiclde causes the hair
to grow as nature Intended it should, soft
and abundant.
Old Company Seeks to Block Work
of Construction of Its
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D-. Dec. 23 (8pecial
Telegram.) A suit which promises to be
ene of the most Interesting of its kind In
the northwest was instituted In the United
States court in his city today by the North
western Telephone Exchange company
against the Cltlxens Telephone company of
Sioux Falls, which for several weeks has
been carrying on the work of constructing
a rival telephone system here. The plain
tiff company alleges In substance that the
manner of constructing the new system
conflicts with the wires and poles of its
own lines, and that unless relief Is granted
its property and rights will be Interfered
with and its franchise unlawfully and uu.
necessarily Impaired. In accordance with
the petition of the plaintiff company. Judge
Carland has issued an order to show cause
which la returnable December 30. The tem
porary restraining order will be in effect
until the hearing on that date, when it
will be determined whether or not a perm
anent injunction ahall be granted.
Judge Jones of the state circuit court
today dissolved the restraining order which
prevented the Cltlxens Telephone company
from placing its poles on a section of oue
of the residence streets and refused to
grant an Injunction. As yet the stste su
preme court has not been called upon to
decide a case of this kind and this case
accordingly will be carried to It for an
Double Track on I'nion Paelde.
RAWLINS. Wyo., Dec. 2$. (Special.) -It
la announced that tut Uaion Paclfio will
In the spring put In a double track between
Point of Rocks and Rock Springs, a dls
tsnce of twenty-five miles. The side tracks
at Thayer, Baxter and Salt Wells stations
are especially long, and as these will be
connected up only about twenty miles of
new work will hsve to be done. Con
tracts have not yet been awarded for the
work, but the surveys have been completed.
Mock la Kot Injnred.
RAWLINS. Wyo., Dec. 23. (Special. )
The recent storm did not cause any dam
age to the live stock Interests In this lec
tion. Just enough snow fell to Insure
plenty of water for stock and to place the
ranges In prime condition for feeding.
Woman Attempts to Kill Herself.
BONESTEEL. S. D.. Dec. 23 (Special Tel
erram.) Mrs. Mel Henderson of Fairfax
attempted suicide at noon today by shoot
ing herself. The bullet entered below the
heart. She may die. Jeelousy of her hus
band was the caure.
Sew lorW Central Makes early One
Million Dollars Lena Than
I.nat Year.
NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Directors of the
New York Central and allied lines today
declared the regular dividends, except that
the Canada Southern's was fixed at 1 per
cent for the six months. Last year it was
1H per cent.
The New York Central statement for the
quarter ending December 31, 1902. showed
net earnings of $5,823,400, as compared with
$6,3f.0,947 for the corresponding quarter
last year. The not earnings for the la3t
six months of this year were $13,019,900. a
decrease of $567,700. The surplus after
payment of the last quarter's dividends was
reported at $361,700, a decrease of $683,044.
The surplus for the six months showed a
decrease of $942,500.
According to semi-official explanations,
these differences arose from the increaso
In tho capital stock demanding larger div
idend payments.
Ctrll Officers t'nable to Maintain Order
In Several of the Philip,
pine Provinces.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. It is stated
by officers arriving on the transport Thomas
that the provinces of Cavlte, Batangas and
Tayabas, In the Philippines, are to be placed
under military control, because of the diffi
culties of the civil government with la
drones. In speaking of the situation, D. J. Cou
ncil, a Manila newspaper man. said:
The proposed change Is due to the In
crease of robber bands which Infest these
provinces. Aglipay, a Filipino agitator, haa
declared hlmr.eif pope of the Filipino na
tional church. lie is at the head of a
movement for the revolution of tho ln
Burrectoa. At present the ludrones keep the con
stabulary In a state of constant fear. They
come within a few miles of Manila and
fire upon the mounted patrols. The mili
tary authorities do not Interfere, becausa
the situation k in the hands of the civil
Sllvertown Encounters Fresh Heavy
Weather and Caanot Reach Hon.
olnla by Christmas.
SAN FRANCISCO, Deo. i 23. Sllvertown
cannot now reach Honolulu during Christ,
mas day, as heavy . weather . has again
been encountered. ' ' '
The following message wea1 received from
the cable ship today: '. "
"During the last twenty-four hours 197
knots of cable have been laid, making the
total up to noon of 1,677 knots. Tho
weather Is partly clear. A' strong south
westerly breeze has somewhat retarded
progress. Latitude 26 north, longitude
1.48.4 west."
Cold Wave Will Visit Parta of Ne
braska and All Iowa
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Forecsst:
For Nebraska Fair, much colder Wed
nesday, with a cold wave In north and east
portions; Thursday, fair.
For Iowa Fair, colder Wednesday; cold
wave by night; Thursday, fair.
For Missouri Fair Wednesday, colder In
north portion; Thursday fair, colder In
southeast portion.
For Illinois Cloudy Wednesday, prob
ably snow in north portion, colder at night
and Thursday, with a cold wave In north
portion; winds shifting to northwest and
becoming high.
For Kansas Fair, colder Wednesday;
Thursday, fair.
For North Dakota Fair Wednesday,
colder In east portion; Thursdsy, not sa
cold, fair in east and probably snow in
west portion.
For South Dakota Fair and much colder
Wednesday, with a cold wave; Thursday,
fair and not ao cold.
Colorado Fair Wednesday In west, colder
and cloudy in east portion, possibly snow;
Thursday, fair.
For Wyoming Cloudy and colder Wed
nesday, probably snow; Thursday, fair.
For Montana Increasing cloudiness Wed
nesday, probably snow In west portion, not
so cold in north central portion; Thursday,
probably snow with warmer in east portion.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 23. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
1903. 1901. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature.... 31 43 32 M
Minimum temperature.... IS M 21 !S
Mean temperature !5 T8 26 42
Precipitation T T .17 T
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1.
Normal temperature a
Deficiency for the day I
Total excess since March 1 2(5
Normul precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Precipitation Mince March 1 29.61 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 36 inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1901.... 6.9u Inches
Kxcens for cor. period, 1900 13 inch
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
: c
: B
Omaha, cloudy
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, dear
Salt Lake Cltv, cloudy
Rapid City, clear
Huron, car
Chicago, cloudy
St. LouIk, cloudy
St. Paul, snowing
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas City, cloudy
Havre, part cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Bismarck, cloudy
Galveston, clear
I 31 i Slj T
S'H, 40 T
S2 41'i .00
2x. 3; .no
4i T
32: 461 .00
2H 34i .00
321 22) T
361 J6' .00
! l .16
32. tl .00
341 $4 .00
4 - I T
281 321 .00
361 .00
63 bl .00
Indicates sero.
T indicates trsce of precipitation.
Local forecast Omelal
DCOEMDETl 24. 1902.
A Letter From a Beautiful Albany
i V.IvS .
j McGAHAN. j
m m 1SS SARA McGAHAN. 197 Third
street, Albany, N. Y., writes:
"A few months ago I suffered with
a severe attack of Influenza which
nothing seemed to relieve, fly hearing;
became bad, my eyes became Irritated
and feverish. Nothing seemed right,
and nothing I ate tasted good.
"I do not know what Peruna Is
made of, but know it is a wonderful
medicine to drive away sickness, and
restore you to health. Within two
weeks I was perfectly well, and now
when any of my friends are sick I ad
vise them to take Peruna."- Sara
A Cold Is the Starting Point of One
Half the Diseases of Mankind.
It is through colds that most of the ill
nesses come to the human tamlly. Our
climate is responsible for most diseases.
The ill effects of the climate first expresses
Itself through a cold. Immediately follow
ing the cold, Is a derangement of one or
more of the organs. It may be In the head.
It may be in the stomach. It may be in
the pelvic organs, but some where in the
body the cold is sure to settle.
If Peruna is used at this Juncture, all
trouble would be averted, but unfortunately
many people do not use Peruna.
Some of them use some other remedy,
and some of tbem use nV remedy, and the
cold is allowed to develop into influenza,
(la grippe) or chronic catarrh. At this
stage even of the disease, Peruna will cure,
but of course It takes longer. Used In time
Peruna never falls, to break up a cold and
thus avert a great deal of sickness.
The fact Is Peruna should be In every
. c n . j r, . . .- f
AFamlly of Nine Protected From Ca-
tarrhal Diseases by Pe-ru-na.
Mrs. Fred Bartz, 7901-3 Ivory avenue,
St. Louis, Mo., writes:
"As long as we have had Peruna In the
house we have not needed a doctor, and
iu not gmy or (uhii's GlycGrolo of Rosgs
8tick, Jest GOOD Fof ch8ppsd Handj
r ! 1 ,,.11, 1 ,
No matter how you want to go, "Southern'1 or "Scenic''
route, in a tourist sleeper or aboard the finest train in America,
the Rock Island is the line to take. Don't make any mistake
about that. Thro' tourist cars daily from Kansas City and once
a week from Omaha to Los Angeles and San Francisco via El
Paso. Tourist cars three times a week from Omaha to San
Francisco and Los Angeles via the "Scenic line through Colo
rado and Utah.
Golden State limited leaves Kansas City daily and offers
unrivalled service to all points in Southern California. Berths,
tickets and full information at all Rock Island ticket offices, or
1323 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
Most of the I Inesses That
Come to the Human family
Are the Direct Result of
there are nine of us in the family. "Peruna
has rendered us greater service than five
doctors and all the patent medicines I
used in the six years that I was sick. I
was so bad that no one thought I would
ever recover." Mrs. Fred Bartz.
Peruna Is becoming hotter and better
established every day.
It Is simply foolishness on the part of
I any household to allow themselves to be
without Peruna.
holiday Dinners and Catarrhal
Christmas and New Years brim? their
Joys long anticipated and heartily enjoyed.
But the pleasure of holidays la not entirely
unalloyed. The big dinners, the nuts and
candles, the thousands and one delicacies
and rich viands that tempt the palate and
seduce the appetite, are too well known to
need mention.
All this leads to deranged stomachs.
Catarrh of the stomach is the Immediate
results. Gastric catarrh, the doctors call
It. One or two dosea of Peruna at the time
prevent a long siege with catarrh of the
stomach (generally called dyspepsia). What
the doctors doctors call dyspepsia, and the
people call indigestion, is in reality catarrh
of the somach.
Holiday over-eating is not entirely con
fined to the children, cither. The old folks
sometimes do so, too. Whole families of
ten suffer together. Catarrh of the stom
ach. That is the correct name of it.
Right here Peruna, the friend of the
family, comes to rescue. No family will
exactly safe without Peruna. Nothing will
take the place of Peruna. Insist upon
having It and no other.
I If you a not derlve prompt and satis-
I factory results from the use of Peruna,
wrUe once o Df Hartman glvlng . fu,
statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give ' you bis valuable advice
j gratis.
' AddreBS Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Santarium, Columbus, Ohio.
, , 1 , M
P. S. Write for "The Golden State" a
beautifully illustrated booklet descriptive
of California, Interesting, instructive,
practical sent free
ptll.WAV TIMK ARD-Contlnaed.
nnrllnartoa A Mlaaonrl River.
Leave. Arrive
W ymore, rteattlce ind
IJncoln Mo am
Nebraska Exprrsb a S:40 sm
Denver limited a 4;-a inn
black Hills and puaet
hll :n. sti
a 7:45 pm
a t:4o am
bound Express all -.10 pro a 1:10 pin
Colorado Vestlbuled
t lyer
Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:51 pm
Fort Crouk and Plaits-
mouth b 8:20 pm A Pacific Jet. .a 7:a0 pm
Bellevue A Pacific Jet.. a 1:01) am
a 3:10 pm
a :1? hi:i
bll :OJ nni
a 8::'7 am
Kanaaa City,
St. Joseph A Coanetl
Kansss City
ty r
Day Ex. ..a :43 am a 6:06 pm
'er a nm A11-IU mm
St. I.ouls Flyer.
naii!M uy iigni &x..aio:du pm a 6.1j am
hicaoro, Ilurlinat on Qnlncy.
Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4 'Aft Inn
. iiimu iniiuuiru rjK..a 1 :w pm
fnlcHuu 1acbI a 9:0 am
ChlcaKO l.!niit?i a S:Uj pm
Fast Alall
a 1M am
all:0i) pm
a i :M a.-v.
Mi pm
I'nion Pacific.
...a 9:40 am
a 7:50 pm
a 3:26 pm
Overland t.lrvlleil
! The Fast Mail
California Kxnrcsa a 4:20 pm
I'uclMc l"xpri all:;) pro
K.astern (express , a 8:30 pr.i
lie Atlantic fc.xpres... a 7:311 um
The Colorado Special... a 7:10 am a 3 40 11m
Chicago Hperlai a 3:40 am
Lincoln Keatrlce and
Slronnpurg Kxpress..b 4:00 pm M2:&n pm
North I'lHite l.vcitl a :( am a 6:15 pin
Urand lM.iriil Locit, li J:. pm l 9:3i pm
ttilcatio. Kuril Inland A. I'acille.
Phloaao D.iyllrht Lfd.j 5:io am a :4."i sm
Chicago Iiaylleht luteal. a 7:00 am 9:35 -m
Chlaito Kxprens till: 1.1 am a B:iu pm
lies Moines Kxpresa....a :." pm bll:50aiii
Chicago l'ust Express... a o;. pm a l::'j pie
Rocky Mountain Tt'd .a 0:50 pm a 4 Di am
Lincoln. Colo SprlnRS.
Denver, Pueblo and
Wet a 1:J0 pm a S:P0 pm
Colo.. Texas, Cal. and
Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm al2:49 pm
(hieaiio or(hwc:ern.
"The Northwestern Line."
r"ut Chicago a 3:4" am a 7:00 am
Mail a S:00 pm a 8.30 am
Local Slo.ix City a 5:10 am a 3:50 pm
Daylight St. Paul u 7:35 am alo:K pm
Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am all lMiim
I Local Chk'kgo aid. 55 am a 6:1" pm
I.ocal C arroll a 4:oo nm a 9:Po um
Fast Chicago a 5:50 pm a 4:05 pm
Fast St. Paul a 7:55 pm A 8:15 am
Limited Chicago a S:10 pm a 9:20 am
Fast Mall a 2:40 pm
Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm D 9:&o am
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 6:55 pm a 8:20 am
St. Loul Ical, Coun
cil HlufTs a 9:15 am a 10: 30 pm
Illlnola Central.
Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm
Chicago, Minneapolis &
St Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:06 an
Mlr.neapi.llB & St. Pau'.
Express b 7:20 am MO:35 pm
Chicago Express al0:3o pm
Chlcaao, Milwaukee SI. I'aal.
Chicago & Omahi Ex..b 7:40 am b 3:40 pm
Chicago Limited Ex a 4:00 pm a 7:50 um
Missouri Pacific.
St. Loulh Express alO:00 am a 6:25 pm
K. C. and SU L. Ex alO:50 pm a 6:15 am
Fremont, Elkhorn Jk Bllaaonrl
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills, Dead wood.
Lead. Hot Springs. ....a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm
) uming, Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 pm 6:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
City, Superior. Geneva.
Exeter and Seward. ...a 1:00 pm
Bonesteel, Lincoln, Nio
brara and Fremont. ..b 7:30 am
Fremont Local c 7:30 am
b 6:00 pm
blO:25 am
Minneapolis A
Twin City Passenger. ..a :30 am a 9:10 pm
Sioux City Passeni,'et...a 2:00 pm all:20 am
Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 8:46 um
Mlaaonrl Paclflc.
Nebraska Local, Via
Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 am
a Daily. d Dally except Sunday. d
Dally except Saturday. a Dally except
Monday, c Sunday only.
We are Just In receipt af a shipment of
the above named goods, direct from Paris,
We Invite the patronage of "Hard to
Please" perfume customors,
Sherman cUlcConnell Drug Co,
Corner 16th and Dodge Bts., Omaha,
on request.