Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Panther bad no extra one, so the only
course left for the officer waa either to link
the ships or Irt them go free.
CARACAS. Dee. 2 The Red D liner
Caracas hat safely entered tha harbor of
Iji Qusyrs.
The' mall, freight and psssengera of th
Steamer were landed at 11 o'clock.
The captain of tbe rrulier Tribune notified
the commander of Caracaa that throughout
bit stay at La Ouayra th ablp roust leave
the harbor every night.
Thla meaaure la regarded as vexatious
nd causes great expense to the owners ot
the steamer.
This decision, however, waa not arrived
t without some difficulty, due, It la
claimed here, to the lack of unity of action
on the part of the allies.
The commander of the British cruiser
Tribune yesterday notified Mr. Bchuck, the
consul of Great Britain, that Caracaa
could enter La Ouayra today. Tribune
then BRlled, leaving the Italian cruise
Olovannl Bausan In charge of the blockade.
The first act of the commander of Olo
vannl Bausan waa to notify the agents ot
the Red D line that Caracaa would not
be allowed to land Ita passengers, malls or
freight. The commander of tbe United
States gunboat Marietta, Lieutenant Com
mander Dlehl, the commander of the
French cruiser Troude and the Vnltod
State consul were Immediately Informed
of the atand taken by the Italian com
mander, whose decision waa regarded aa
violating tbe terms of the decree establish
ing the blockade, which allowed all steam
ers coming from the United States ten dayi
grace. -
Mr. Boulton of Boulton A Co., agents
of tbe line, and all tbe foreign merchants
entered protests against the Italian com
mander's decision and the commander of
Marietta and ' the United States ' consul
cabled to Washington for Instructions.
Meanwhile Lieutenant Commander Dlehl
after an bour'a conference with the Italian
commander, succeeded In convincing hliu
he was wrong In Ma Interpretation of the
blockade decree anu .Inally the captain of
Olovannl Bausan assured Commander Dlehl
that Caracaa would be allowed to enter La
Ouayra without hindrance.
Mr. ' Boulton then waa notified that
Caracaa would have free entry and lie
:abled to Wlllemstnd. where the ablp was
twaltlng orders, instruc lng Captain Wood
rick to proceed to La Ouayra.
Olovannl Bausan and Tribune captured
the following prizes yesterday: s
The schooner Castor, loaded with salt,
from Araya.
The schooner Mnrla Lulaa, with cargo ot
:ocoa, from Caronero. '
The sloop Joseplta Carmtn ' Devegda,
oaded with general cargo, from Carbnero.
The sloop Cornelia, from Guante.
- Castro to Fla-ht Rebels. , .
President Castro' will leave tomorrow for
U Victoria, where the revolutionists utt
ler General Matoa were recently defeated.
Coro, . which Is surrounded on the land,
tide by revolutionists, la not blockaded,
Ifl Caracaa thla Is believed to mean .that
ihe British and German fleets are working
in harmony with the revolutlonlsta and
.Mowing the free entrance ot steamers
from Curacao bringing arms and ammunl-
Cannot Load 'Cargo.
LA GUAYRA, Deo. 23. The Red D line
teamer Caracas will not be permitted to
nter Puerto Cabello, but must land the re
mainder ot lta cargo at WlllemaUd,. Cur
acao. '
The authorities have .advised the foreign
oasula that steamers arriving here before
Oocember 30 will be allowed to enter the
ort and discharge cargo during the day,
mt will not be allowed to take cargo on
oard. This has created general dlssat-sfactlony-a
there 4s no duty on goods
hipped from Venezuela, "'
All mail steamers arriving after Decern
er SI win be boarded by the blockading
quadron, and neutral passengers and mails
ont ashore under a flag of truce. No ex
ceptions to this rule In tbe matter of na
ionallty will be made.
A achooner which attempted to make
. ort at t30 tonight waa captured.
Liiidonsi Makes Statement.
LONDON, Dee. 23. An Important and
lengthy, communication dealing with the
T rltlsh 1 views vof the arbitration of the
Venezuelan question, was made . by Lord
;nadowne to the United 8tates charge
i'aflatrsa, Mr. White, this evening. It waa
'ranamlttcd immediately to Waahlngton.
. Lord Lansdowne'a communication, con
tains no final decision.
Speaking at , Dunfermline tonight. Sir
Henry. Camphell-Bannerman said there was
io excuse tor the government allowing
;reat Britain to "glide" Into the present
position In Venesuela. '
"It la a paltry quarrel," asserted the
speaker, "with a disrupted, distracted and
vtckety state; If there ever waa a case
for arbitration, .this la one." , . .
The . War office, he believed, had done
well, when Its Inatructlons had been timely,
cut ,,they were often wrong, and some
times were not given.
He. strongly emphasised the Importance
ot preserving the good will ot the United
Etatea and said It would require a case
ot the first Importance to Justify any ac
tion, likely to alienate the good feeling and
confidence ot tbe American people. It waa
not enough to be on the beat possible terma
or avoid actual hostilities. It waa easentlal
to the policy of Great Britain to atlmulate
intimate friendship and any course which
threatened In any degree the continuance
of that perfect feeling ot friendship or In
validated It to any extent waa a crime not
only against both nations, but against hu
manity itself.
.Banal Treitnaent (or France.
PARIS, Dec. 23. The Foreign office has
received President Castro's acceptance ot
the conditions of the French note. The
president aays France will receive equal
treatment with tha other powers In the
settlement and payment of claims.
It fa expected hers that tbe United States
and ether powsrs which are not resorting
to tores will receive a similar assurance
to that given to France. The official view
here" favors, first, arbitration; aecond, tbe
appointment of an International commis
sion .similar to tha commlaslona appointed
In the caaea ot Egypt and Greece. In case
the 'commission Is appointed. It Is probable
that .the French claims will be included
in those to be adjudicated by the com
mission. PUERTO CABELLO. Dec. !S. Thla port
has,bfn effectively blockaded alnce y ester
Say.; The blockade la enforced against ves
sels of all nationalities.
'' Deserts from the Navy,
Chief Donahue has received notice of re
ward from the Navy department for the
peraun of Clay W. Lawrence, a third class
apprentice, who on November deserted
from the United Slates training ship Mohl
cad. then lying In Han Kramlaco harbor.
A yuuim Iwrence riillmed here and has
relatives living in thla city it Is thought
mai ne naa reiurnea 10 umans.
There is no -waste
Silver Polish
Cleans as well as polishes
$AoH economical in use
Alt tasoeaaibls
jawvuaie asap It
'aj cents a package
Unit Intrrnationallj to Aid Agriculture
and Sale cf Product,
Kew "oeletr with Extensive Program
Is to lie Incorporated in Indian .
polls Today and Hopes '
to Control frlres.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Dec. 23. Tbs In
ternational Society of Equity of North
America will be Incorporated- tomorrow."
It has been organized after months of
correspondence : between all parte of the
country. " ',' . , . :
Objects Are Extensive. , , t .
The objects are stated aa follows: f
1. To promote ah J encourage organisation
snd co-operation among farmers, atocK
men, horticultures, gardeners and men of
klnared vocations, by the .establishment of
a national society with such branch an.l
iocal a may be necessary tq carry
out Bl.lh Ot'JfClH
I. To obtain profitable prices for all pro
ducts oi the farm, Kariitn and orchard.
3. To encourage ihe bulletins; and main
tenance of elevators, cold storage houses
anu wrvtiousu In the principal marast
centersor In all localities where necessary,
so that farm tfreuuee may be beld for ad
Va:it..(.eous prices.
4. To encouiage prohibition of the adul
terat.on of iuol and asaiat the marketing
of ihe same.
6. To secure legislation In the- Interest
of agrlcu.ture, horticulture, stock raising
and gardening -
6. To secure equitable rates of transporta
tion. 7. To open up new markets and enlarge
old ones.
8. To s cure new grain, frolt-and vegeta.'
ble seem irom ton inn countries and dis
seminate the samo, with a view to Im
provement of crops and giving a greater'
. To report crops, crop conditions and
mtrket reports In this and foreign coun
tries, so that farmers may operate Intelli
gently In planting and marketing.
10. To encourage the establishment of In
stitutions of learning, so that farmers and
their sons and daughters may be educated
In scientific and Intensive farming and for
the general advancement of agriculture.
II. To encourage the Improvement of high
ways. 12.. To encourage the Irrigation of land.
13 To promote social Intercourse.
14 To encourage the settlement of dis
putes without recourse to law.
15. To advance similar societies In foreign
Officers Are Appointed, i
The Incorporators are J. A. Everitt, E. A.
Hlrichfleld, Mark P. Turner, A. D. McKln
ney. Hiram W. Miller and Sid Conger, oil
Inspector for Indiana. All are heavy land
owners. The officers are: President, J. A.
Everitt of Indianapolis; - vice president,
Seldon R. Williams of Fort Worth, Tex.;
secretary, A. D. McKlnney of Indianapolis;
treasurer, Hiram W. Miller of Indianapolis;
organizer, Sid Conger of Shelbyville, Ind.
Mr. Everitt said tonight:
We expect to organise the millions en
gaged In agriculture. A complete system
of crop reporting will be maintained
through an official organ. Knowlna- tho
amount of crops produced and the consump
tion from past experience)), an equitable
minimum p Ice will be fixed by the directors
ot the national body and reported at once
to all parts of the country. Once fixed the
price will rule on that crop tor the year.
(Continued from First Page.)
through the streets with an American den
tist, who, at her request, taught her to
ride, though the king and crown prince
commanded her not to learn. The name
Ot the dentist was at . Drat eoupled with
hers when it waa beard that she had dis
appeared, but as ba Is quietly living here
with his family the story was dropped.
The crown princess had a lively Viennese
manner. She was Independent and high
spirited, and was Inclined to ridicule the
observance of the little Saxon court, which
takes Itself more seriously.
Prlneesa la In Geneva.
GENEVA, Deo. 23. The crown princess of
Saxony is here under tha nam of Fraulein
von Oben.Her brother. Archduke Leopold
Ferdinand, and Prof. Glron are at tha same
The archduke has assumed the name ot
De Burlano. Tbe party are living quietly
and propose to spend Christmas here.
She Is with tho Tator.
BERLIN, Dec. 23. A dispatch from Dres
den to the Lokal Anxelger confirms previ
ous advices from Geneva to the effeot that
the crown prlnceas of Saxony is in Geneva
with Prof. Glron.
He la deacrlbed as ' 24 years ot age and
"a atriklng personality, with large, bright
eyea." The court ot the fugitive prlnoess
haa been dissolved.
' The Tageblatt'a Dresden correspondent
says: Tbe difficulty between the princely
couple dales from prior to King Albert's
death. They had several painful scenes
during ths king's Illness.
It Is reported here that the crown prince's
recent accident, ostensibly tha breaking of
one ot his legs while hunting In tha Ba
varian mountains , near -Salsberg, was an
Invention, the tact being that he bad a tight
with his brother-in-law. Archduke Leopold
Ferdinand, and the crown prince was so
badly bandied that he had to. take to his
The Saxon minister says that the affair Is
definitely closed so far as tha Dresden court
is concerned.
Tbe letters of the 1 crown princes have
been selxed. She is expected to give birth
to a child In May.
MUNICH. Bavaria, Deo. 23. It is an
nounced that Archduke Leopold Ferdinand
left here to And his sister. Th view held
at the Bavarian court is that the princess
may yet return to Dresden.
The court at Munich excuses her conduct.
alleging that th princess waa terrorised by
Prof. Glron and yielded to his threats.
Most Rev. Frederick Temple of Can
terbury est Prlmato of All
Saarland la Dead.
LONDON. Dec. 23. The Most Rev. Fred
erick Temple, archbishop of Canterbury
and primate .of all England, who has been
ill for some time paat. Is dead.
The archbishop of Canterbury passed
way quits peacefully at 1:16 oclock la the
presence of his wife and two son. His
death had been anticipated for some day
and only the archbishops remarkable vital
ity enabled him to counteract hi extreme
weakness. Tbe final collapse occurred
about o'clock and he was unconscious
toward the end.
The primate died ot old age. The pa
thetic acene In Westminster abbey at the
coronation of King Edward was one of the
earlier Indications of his falling atrength.
Then came the collapse in the Houae of
Lords at the conclusion of a vigorous
speech in support of the education bill.
He bad not left his bed sines. Ths
bishop of Winchester is considered likely
to be his successor.
The funeral will take place on Saturday
at noon In Canterbury cathedral.
Japan Opposes Raaala, In Core.
BERLIN, Dec. 23. A dispatch from
Seoul, dated December 20, aays that when
tbe Coresu cabinet was reconstructed Yl
was appointed .-minister - ot . the' treasury
la compliance with ths wish of Russia, but
uoon Japan protesting, Yl boarded Bus-
stall gunboat and has determined to re
main en board pending a settlement.
Cigarette Factories Fall to Analo
Amerlena Tobneco Cnm
. hlnotlon.
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 23. It Is now prac
tically certain that an American-English
syndlcste, with headquarters In London and
Chicago, will purchase three large cigarette
factorlea In thla city, a deposit of $60,000,
gold, to guarantee the trade having been
The companies to bo -taken over are the
Bueno Tono, with a capital of 14,000,000,
and Loutsana CI La Cigar Clgarrea, with
a capital of 1,760, 000. The third la a pri
vate concern - The total amount of the deal
la about $11,000,000, silver. . The- payment
will be partly In cash and partly In mort
gage bonds.
The purchasing company will be known as
the Mexican Tobaccq corporation and rumor
ascribes to tbe syndlcste the purpose of
buying up all tbe Important cigarette en
terprises In tbe country. " It la believed
that the purchase is "for the Anglo-American
trust. ' ' ,
?ov- rinuent action o prevent a total ab
sorption ot the Industry by foreigners Is
rumored. v . '
'Exile - to' 0,olet Donkhohora.
WINNIPEG, Man.. Dec. 23. Peter Vere
gin, the Doukhobor leader, who w.ts re
cently released from exile In Siberia, ar
rived today on his way td Yorkton to Join
the Doukhobor colony. The government
expects he will exert a beneficial Influ
ence over. his countrymen.
Mraantnr Will Be President.
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 23. General Ber
nando Reyes, minister ot war, has resigned.
This Is considered a move ot far-reaching
political significance, as It practically leavea
Sonor Limantur, minister of finance, atone
In the race for the presidency tq succeed
General Nord Takes Oath.
PORT AU PRINCE, Dec. 23. General
Nord, the newly-elected president ot the
Haytlan government, took the oath to sup
port the constitution today.
Postofllco Holds Letters. Saprenae
Coort Orders Injunction and
Federal Coart Considers.
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 23. The American
School ot Magnetic Healing, known as the
Weltmer, school, applied to Judge Phillips
today for an Injunction prohibiting the
postmaster of Nevada, Mo., from interfer
ing with the delivery of mall to the school.
Two years ago the postmaster general
Issued a fraud order against thla school and
undei that order the postmaster at Nevada
withheld the mall. The school fought tbe
order through several courts. Anally secur
ing Judgment in the United State aupreme
court, which decided that the Injunction
prayed for must be granted because the
fraud order had been issued without full
investigation. .
Judge Phillips today took all the. paper
to look over before issuing the Injunction.
Banks Throng-hoot tho Land Subscribe
to Fnad Perpetuating Youthful
Victim of Bandits.
LA PORTE, Ind.. Deo. 23. Judge J. C.
Rlobter ot tbe Thirty-third Indiana ju
dicial district today appointed State Sen
ator Daniel L. Crumpacker, Charlea E.
Herold and Esra T. Scott of Weatvllle
trustee of the Wesley Reynolds fund.
They will administer the money to sup
port the parents and sister and erect a
suitable monument to the memory ot Wes
ley Reynolds, a 16-year-old boy, who
while defending the Weatvill bank, waa
hot and killed by bandits.
. Contribution are being received from
every stste in the union, banks and cas
ualty companies being the most liberal
givers. Tbe bandit are still at liberty.
Customs Officers TJnmask Great Smnsr
gllna; Conspiracy and Im
pound Goods.
NEW YORK. Dec. 23. On board the
steamer St. George, which arrived from
Antwerp on Deoember 19 and la now lying
t Hoboken, - custom house inspectors to
night seised 1,800 pounds of luttatrs
wrapper tobacco, which firemen were about
to smuggle ashore in a email boat.
Some of the tobacco was concealed In th
coal bunkers.
From Information received by the cus
tom house authorities it 1 believed, plan
were laid to smuggle $10,000 worth of to
bacco, on St. George.
Mores Former Iowa Official to St.
Joseph as Assistant Super
intendent. ST. JOSEPH, Deo. 23. J. V. Brown will
j become ths successor of R. K. Smith a as
' slstant superintendent of the Burlington
! lines, with headquarters In St. Joseph,
j Mr. Brown has been chief clerk to Gen
i eral Manager Levy at St. Louis and was
formerly connected with the Burlington
lines In Iowa. Mr. Smith is made division
superintendent on th Iron Mountain rail
Contest for Bantam Wela-ht Cham
pionship Ends with 'Frlseo
Han's Protest.
OAKLAND. Cal.. De. 2J.-The cham
pionship bantam contest between Harry
Forbes of Chicago and Frank Nell ot San
Franciaco, before the Reliance club to
night, ended In an unsatisfactory manner
In the seventh round. Nell claimed that
he had been hit below the belt and danced
against the ropes for a second and then
fell to the floor.
He waa carried to his corner and eg
a ml next by physicians, who said they
could see no evidence of a foul, but would
give a positive decision In an hour. The
referee, therefore, reserved hla decision
pending the report of the physicians. The
public was divided aa to whether a foul
blow waa atrurk
Nell made a brave battle tor aeven rounds
and took much punishment. Forbes proved
to be a general In the ring and constantly
Jolted his opponent. It was only In the
rushes and fierce fighting that Nell made
a ahowlna- During the entire fight Forbes
wee composed and landed well placed
blows, snd It looked aa thourb he would
surely win. At the finish Net) claimed to
be In treat pain, but outside of the alleged
Injury he shuwed little punishment.
At the end of an hour tha physlclana de
cided that Nell had not been Injured by a
foul blow. Iteferee Smith declared Forbes
the, winner of tha eonteat.
More Money, , (or New Orleans.
NEW; YORK. Dec. 23. Th subtreasury
mads teli graphic transfer of $200,000 to
New Orleans today.
Take Laxatl's Bromo Quinine Tablet. Thl
signature j fry ft ' " on ovary box.
Point Loms Children Xcpt Without Food to
Kill Animal Hatnre,
Elect tit Around In Muslin Costumes
While Mrs. Tlnaley Tells Wonder
ful Dolnita ot Her Dos; nnd
Solemnly Eats Fruit.
SAN DIEGO, Cal.. Dec. 23. In the Tlng-ley-Tlmes
libel suit today the deposition
of Dr. J. A. Anderson of Ban Francisco,
once a member of the Tlngley cabinet, waa
read. He described his Initiation Into the
Society of Lost Hysterica of Antiquity,
where all who were present sat on can
vasses and were supposed to be laltlng part
In an ancient ceremony. All were dreased
In light muslin costumes and the rite waa
solemnised In the open air. The Initiation
conaisted chiefly In Mra. Tlngley telling of
her dog "Spot"' and what It had done.
Then she eat some 'fruit, which was sup
posed to be a mystic symbol and a part of
the high Initiation which was taking place.
Anderson waa also made a eon of the Ris
ing Sun.. At thla Initiation each candidate
held a sunflower.
There wac another order known as the
Ancient Order ot Scribes, which was ex
ceedingly high.
Deg Comforted Her.
Anderson related In some detail what
Mrs. Tlngley had said about the dog "Spot."
Once she was east down and "Spot'.' went
to a heap of lettera on the floor and
picked out one from Dr. Allen Griffin,
which greatly comforted her.
When Mrs. Tlngley welcomed visitor
she wore a large purple robe that gave her
a queenly appearance, but when welcoming
a bridal couple married at the homestead
aha wore her sacred costume, something
like a skirt, but rather longer.
"The one I wore," be said, "waa like a
wrap belted at the waist. Men and women
wore about the same."
All thoe who took part carried lime
light to enable them to read Improvised
part and response. The ceremony took
place at night and waa supposed to be of
great antiquity.
Coming to the queatlon of food he said
there was a class of new bibles there,
with whom Mrs. Tlngley said she had great
trouble, because Dr. Woods would not fall
Into line with her Idea. He desired, to
have them fed, while she desired to have
them starved first, because then she could
more quickly kill out their low animal na
ture. She believed in giving them but
light food and the doctor protested.
Starve Soul Into Being;.
"I. was going. through the grounds once
with Mrs. Tlngley," witness continued.
"We came to the babies. She was explain
i lng her methods starvation, withholding
food. She said that In on case she wlth
( held food twenty-four hour. Tbe child
was about 1 year old. She said that th
! child' low nature waa subdued and broken;
that the quickest way to bring it about was
to withhold food until the child came to
it lenses Until Its soul appeared."
Parenta, he said, were permitted to see
their children once- In two weeks, Mrs.
Tlngley's reason.' being tbat parental fa
voritism and parent law interfered with
the proper development of children and
should be avoided as much as possible.
Ha said he lift th Universal Brother
hood because Krs: Tlngley rejected two ar
ticles of hi' deetfraed for the official Jour
nal, because, as he said, he would not ac
knowledge her, to, be divine.
Tailors and Employes Come to Terms
and Work Will Not Be
Interrupted. '
CHICAGO, Dec. 23. The threatened
lockout of 25,000 . garment worker and
clothing maker employed in Chicago was
averted tonight when Cutter' union No.
21 accepted the agreement presented by
the employing tailor. While there are still
some differences, the chances are that they
will be settled by arbitration.
The employer insisted upon the union
abandoning its demand for half pay for
men laid off after having been In the em
ploy ot the tailor for forty-five days, but
offered, as substitute, to give half pay
to men who had teen in their aervlc for
two seasons and who were laid off for
more than four weeks. This offe? was ac
Land Department Ofllclnls Claim that
Montana Man Is Guilty of
ANACONDA, Mont.. Dec. 23. David Lov
ell's entry to tho townslt of Sac'o on the
Great Northern ha been suspended pend
ing an investigation by the land office.
When he applied for title in 189 he said
th land was unoccupied, and three ysars
latsr, when taking out his final receipt,
he alleged he had don the work required
by law.
Special agents of th land department
now aa neither statement was true.
Lovell ha sold many town lots, which
have been improved at great expanse.
Breeders' Associations Mot Bead
quartern from Missouri to
Windy City.
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 23. Th American
Galloway Breeder' association, which since j
188 has had it headquarters In or near '
V.h.M Pltw will mn Jantiarv 1. move tn I
Chicago, following tha example of the
Hereford association. The headquarters of
tha Shorthorn Breeders' association, which
ars now in Springfield, Mo., will also be
moved to Chicago within a few' week.
Th breeder of Angus cattls, th fourth
In ths quartet of associations of beef pro
duclng cattle breeders, are already there.
Indiana Governor Sends Fake Foot
racers Baek to Colorado
INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 23. The governor
ot Indiana has Issued a requisition for
Oeorge Ryan and J. H. Ashmor, Indicted
at Petersburg, Ind., on a charge ot help
ing bunco Frank C. Torrey, tbe "Klondike
king," out of $63,000 In a fake foot race,
pulled off at Colorado Sprlnga. Aahmore
and Ryan are at Hot Springs, where they
and four other conspirator were Indicted.
Guatemala Tells American Oflclal He
la He Leaser Wanted In that
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. 23. Tbe Courier
Journal tomorrow will aay: A Louisville
man today received a telegram from New
Orleana ' saying that President Caber a of
Gusts ma la hat notified U Vuitsd State
consul general. McN'ally. to leave the
country, aa he I persona non grata to the
Guatemalan government.
It la said aome venturesome Americans
who were recently Involved In an unsuc
cessful attempt to tart a revolution have
been making their headquarter at the
American consulate alnce their failure.
Mr. McNally Is also unpopular with the
American colony, the members of which
have urged that he be recalled.
Illinois Turkey Shooter Lets Fly by
Accident nnd Scatters Bnllets
Anton Crowd.
ALTOPASS, III.. Dee. 23. Ten men were
shot by tbe accidental discharge of a shot
gun In the hands of Mastin Batson at a
turkey-shooting match at Phillip Creek,
four miles west of here, thla afternoon.
Abe Norton received twenty-three shots
in the hesd and face nnd la more aerlously
wounded than the others. Seven shots
struck James Brookes, a boy, In the neck,
cutting the flesh away almost to the Jug
ular veltr. The others received lesser
wounds In the face.
They were standing twenty-flve yards
from Boston when the accident occurred.
He Waa resting his gun on hla arm and,
forgetting It was cocked, pulled the trigger.
Xearroea Shoot Two Men Who Aid Con
ductor Trying; to Collect
PINK BLTJFF, Ark., Dec. 23. The pas
senger train on the St. Louis Southwestern
which arrived here from the south today
was the acene of a riot near McNeil Sta
tion thl morning.
A number of negro section hands became
turbulent snd refused to pay their fare.
During the altercation S. S. ?ltman and
tbe brakeman, who went to the assistance
of the conductor, wer snot and danger
ously wounded. Four of the ncgroea were
arreated and placed In Jail at Camden, and
other arrests arn expected.
Many Cases Reported In Mnnlla, While
la Other Provinces Physicians
Cannot Check It.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. The trans
port Thomas brings news of a new cholera
outbreak In Manila. When Thomas left
there thirty cases of cholera were being re
ported dally.
Army surgeons arriving on Thomas aay
the disease Is raging unchecked In tbe
southern provinces. In Hollo the death
rat la very heavy and the authorities seem
powerless to check the epidemic.
World's Fair Souvenirs Mny Be Pur
ehaaed by Curious Col
lectors. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 23. The 50,000 souvenir
gold dollars coined for tbe Louisiana Pur
chase exposition were delivered to the fair
officials today and placed on sale.
Dr. W. K. Fischel. L. H. Laldley, H.
Tuholske, F. J. Luts and William O. Moore
have been kppolnted a committee for the
International Medical congress to be held in
St. Louis in 1904.'
Mother of Tosag'Helr to Senator's
Millions la Not Expected
to Live.
BUTTE, Mont., Dec. 23. Mrs. W. A.
Clark, Jr., daughter-in-law of Senator Clark
ot Montana and mother of the newly born
heir to the Clark millions, Is not ex?
pected to live.
Six physicians were In consultation at
her bedside today and a noted specialist
1 coming from Denver on a special train.
Lackawanna Steel Company Obtnlus
First Shipment ot Ore and
Is Ready for Work.
BUFFALO, N. t., Dec. 23. The Lacka
wanna Steel company received Its flrst
consignment of (.250 tons of ore today.
Ita arrival, which marked the opening
ot the. plant, waa th occasion for a noisy
celebration along the water front. The
Lackawanna company has a capital of $10,
000,000 and will employ 16,000 men.
Lamar Bays Friends Took tho Thou
sand Dollar Bill as a
NEW TORK. Deo. 23. "Kfd McCoy" has
been exonerated from ths charge ot steal
ing a 11,000 hill from David Lamar. In
withdrawing' tbe charge today Lamar ex
plained that he had been the victim of a
practical Joke, perpetrated by some friend
with whem be wa drinking.
Jadaro Denies New Trial to Lynch and
Klnar Who Killed Colonel
SALT LAKE, Deo. 23. District Judge
Booth today refused a new trial In tbe
case ot James Lynch and R. L. King,
under sentence of death for the murder of
Colonel Prowae, nearly two year ago. Tbe
two men will accordingly be shot on Feb
ruary 20.
Convicted Murderer Scales Jail Wall
In Bold Attempt for
CANON CITY, Colo., Dc. 23. Frank
Cook, serving a life sentence for a mur
der committed In Gunnison county in 1864,
has eacaped from the penitentiary, scaling
th wall. Bloodhound are on hi trail.
Philippine Paymaster's Boy Shoots
Himself Dead at Sap
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 23. Nstbsnlal
Whipple, th son of Colonel Whipple, V. 8.
A., who Is at present chief paymaster In
the Philippines, shot himself through tbe
heart this morning.
Mrs. James Injured.
Mrs. Jaynes, wife of Superintendent
Jaynea of tha Omaha road was knocked
down yesterday evening at Fourteenth and
Douglus streets by Alninn Klngen of TilH
South Twelfth street, who was riding a
bicycle at a high rate of speed along lou
las street, airs. Jaynea, with her husband
was waiting for a street car and wa
thrown clone to the wheels. Hhe suffered
a sllgbt Injury to the spine and a contusion
of tbe forehead, Klngrn was arrested and
will answer to ths cbargs of fast and
reckless riding.
Consolidated Corporation Becomes the
Owner of th Omaha Property.
Deed Conveys She Boail and All Fran
chises nnd Other nights Owned
or to Be Acquired t,T
Old Company.
There was filed with the county register
cl deeds yesterday a deed of conveyance
which gives the Omaha at Council Bluffs
Street Railway company all property of
the Omaha Street Railway company for
llO.OOt',000. Willi the exception of the
Union Taclflc deed, it Is said to be the
largest ever filed with tbe Douglas county
The preface states that the Omnha Street
Railway company, "being first duly author
ised so to do by the consent of the hold
ers of all the capital stock of said corpo
rstlon duly given In writing, and und.T
and pursuant to a resolution cf tho Board
of Directors of said Omaha Street Railway
company, In consideration ot tbe receipt
Of 310,000.000 In hand paid, the receipt of
which Is hereby acknowledged, and of
ether valuable considerations and agree
ments," has sold, released and conveyed
unto the Omaha, A Council Bluffs Street
Railway company. Its successors and as
signs, "all tbe railroads, property, rights,
privileges and franchises of every kind
and nature whatsoever now owned, and in
or to which tho Omaha Street Railway
company now has any right or claim, or
which it may hereafter acquire. Including
all pieces pr parcels of land located In
tbe county of Douglas;" also the rights,
privileges and franchisee conferred upon
th Omaha Street Railway company by the
deeds recently given by th old or sub
ordinate companies.
Spend Halt Million Dollars In. Acquir
ing Ohio Wells and
LIMA, O., D. 28 W. L. Russell, as
trustee for English capitalists, today
closed a deal for the purchase of the oil
lease of the Shawnee, Kerr, Spellary A
Jones, Kerr, Klanser sV Vanclev and the
Anglalse Oil companies.
Thtiee leases comprise 6, 00 acres of
tested oil lands, with 273 producing wells
and n average dally output of 600 barrels.
The purchase ' price was $550,000..
Jury Says She Had Itltrht to Shoot the
Person Who Horsewhipped
a, Her.
BLOOMINOTON, 111.. Dec. 23. The Jury
In the case of Daisy Carleton, charged with
the-murder of Mrs. Joseph Leslie, today
rendered verdict of not guilty. Her plea
was self-defense. Mrs. Leslie, who waa
said' to be Jealous of Miss Carleton, at
tempted to horsewhip the latter, waylay
ing her on the street. Miss Carleton, who
had been warned, carried a revolver and
shot her assailant when attacked.
Cleric ot Weare' 'Commission Com
j ... ..puny. n.nd,., Sioux City Man :
CHICAGO, Dec.' 23. Benjamin C. Jolley,
former confidential clerk of the Weare
Commission' company, and Charles G. Mc
Neil of Slouz City, la., who Jointly have
been on trial In Judge' Brentano'a court
during the last ten days on a charge of con
spiracy to defraud ' the ' commission com
pany, were found hot guilty by tbe Jury to
Victims ot Thatcher Island Disaster
Are Rapidly Gettlns;
BOSTON, Deo. 28. .-Most of th survivor
of the crews of Prank . Palmer and Louis
D. Crary, which were sunk off Thatcher's
Island on Wednesday, were today reported
to bo Improving rapidly,
Daniel Carlaon ot Palmer wa able to
leave th relief hoepltal today and the
others,,, save . Captains Potter and Somer
vllle, will leave during the next few day.
Florida, Conductor Shoots Companion,
but is Exonerated at In
v . 'Sjuoat.
PENSACOLA, Fla'., Dec. 23. In a fight
over dice here tonight "Walter Humphreys,
a conductor on the Louisville ft Nashville,
shot William Garnet, a grocer.
The coroner's Jury found that Humphreys
had acted In self-defense, Garnet having
previously threatoned to kill him.
Missouri Governor's Wife Lies In Most
1 f .tl.l v.-
ferson City.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Deo. 23. Mrs.
A. M. Dockery, wife bf the governor, who
waa suddenly attacked with heart troublo
yesterday, la reported In a critical condition
tonight and there Is said to be but little
hope for her recovery.
FAIRBUXtY. Neb.. Dec. 23. (Special.)
Alason E. Houghtelen of this city was mar.
rled. Thursdsy svenlng to Mrs. Hannah M.
Kennedy at Topeka, Kan., ths home of the
bride. Mr. Houghtelen Is a prominent bus
iness man ot Falrbury, where he haa been
engaged in the milling business, and tbe
bride waa a former resident of this city,
where ber parents still reside. The newly
wedded pair left Topeka on a wedding tour
to tbe Paclflo coaat.
hi tke evrMt aa stoat hMltk
Isl W eloss, an ks Ha yiac
la tha bat ksaus tor sally aa.
iKaliit th. aaij
(hit ewars) sIms t aa
AaMflsaa catBip&fns as tha
r.rta Biaoaltloa of tsoe.
Taa sr. at vtatasa has aavar
ks esMIU la eicvtlaaoa.
Sole Makers, Bhcims, It Y.
ol bf all raapMUkla wlaa 4
Kill Proprietor, Inlnre Wife nnd Serv
ant nnd Decamp with Thus,
sand Dollars.
MANNINGTON. W. . V., Dec. 23 The
residence of Robert Floyd, two miles north
of here, was blown up with dynamite by
robbera tonight. Mr. Floyd was killed In
stantly and Mrs. Floyd and a servant girl
were seriously Injured. -
One thousand dollars., which It I said
Floyd had In the house, la mlsBing.
Trust Companies to Mrrtrc.
NEW YORK. Dec. :X The directors of
the Atlantic Trust company todny dwUled
1 accept the terms of the Metropolitan
Trust ci.mpHnv for the nbsorntlon .if tbe
Atlnntlc by trie Metropolitan ctmpuny. It
Is understood that holders of Atlnntlc
stock will receive on nhi're of Metropolitan
for emh two eharcs of their own stock.
Among the Muscles and Joints
The Pais? and Aches of
Right on It track
It Penetrates. Searches, Drives Out.
No laate. XMu ouoi. Cau u jiimu iu tiasf
Ol Water, tea, or touon wtuiuul yalioul i
White rtibbon JKemedy will cur or de
stroy lUe uiaeaaeu appetite for aicoJiolli
stimulants, whether wio palieut is u cuii
liruicu ineurtuie. a "tippler,' kouial unnket
or Urunnaru. Impowi.u.t lur unona to
have au appetite toi aicohoiic liuuvis aftsi
using While Klbbon Remedy,
lunuratu u liiuum wa V. C T. S
Mrs. Aloore, press superintendent of
mans curisuan 'i eiiiperoc Lulon, Vea
luia, canioruM,; "1 nave lealet
Vvhile Kibbon Ualnuuy on veiy uLiimaU
drunkards. Slid tie cures have been many.
In maor naes the Kemedy was giVun -cietly.
1 cheerfully rtcomniend anu inuorss
White Ribbon Kemedy. MembtU ot our
Union art delighted to find an economical
treatment to aid us In our temperance
work." v
Druggists or by mall. $1. Trial package
free by writing Mrs. A. M. Townaend (tot
years necretaiy of a Woman's Chrlsttai
Temperat ce Union). 218 Tremont St., Bos
ton, Miibt. Sold In Omaha by
Phono 747. 8. w:1 Cor.'lGth and Chicago,"
Goods delivered 'REfc) to any part of city. '
Dr. Burktiart's Wonderful Offer.
l fanAaosa Huts a ai V
f dsn. -a am - - -jr msm m pw 7 -
In the abodes of the rich and the poor
Dr. Iiurkhart's Vegetable Compound Is es
teemed as a posltve cure for all Blood, '
Stomach and Bkln Diseases, Sick Headache,
Palpitation or the Heart, . Catarrh. Rest
lessness at Night, Malaria, Night Sweats.
Pimples on the Face and I. a Grippe. 10'
days' trial free. All druggists.
I)H, t. H. Alt'! , Cincinnati, O.
Treats all forms of
27 Years Experience,
17 Years In Omaha,
Hla remarkable suc
cess has never been
equaled and every day brings many flatter
ing reports of the good be Is doing, or the
relier ne nss given.
Hot Springs Traatmant for Syphilis
And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKING
OUT" on tbs skin or face and all external
algna of the disease disappear at once.
V&HltiOCELE aViVrffii-?
U. . . .ii cases curcu ot nerv
VCtt OUsUJJ oat debility, los ot
i.u.i..ji.i aischaxe, ktlriuiurs, '
Uioal, n.luuey aim Uittfiuer iJiaeasos, iiy-
Treatment by uiaii. f. U. ilox iW. Office
ever in s. liih street, Detween 1-ariiaiu and
Imusuui streets, UMA1U, Mtt.
Woodward & Burgess
Prices Mat., Kc. too; night, too, (Oe, Ti .
Five performances,' opening '
The Greatest ' and -Most Successful of A '
Musical Comedies
Secure seats Arly. Prices Mat. 2Sc i
ll.ou; night, iic to 11 W. . ,
Telephone 153L
Any Part of House, 20c.
Children, i.o.'r sits
1 fi. XI.,. '
SPECIAL CIIKISTlyfAH mativkk t. .
Ml 1 U uh.W
Y,,; leaning Hotel
ai'K i 'i. 1 7;i m;. r";
lo t p. in. "'
SUNDAY, 6:30. p. m. D1NNKR. 7ic I
Dteadlly Increaatmr hilni h ,.
Jaied an enlargement Of AhU vats. 4ouLllng
Its former capacity.