Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1902, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTAIILISIIED JUNK 19, 1871. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MOllNING, DECEMBER 24, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THH EE CENTS. FIVE THOUSAND DIE Bassian Earthquak Calamity Snrpaues All Early Btoriei About It. EIGHT HUNDRED BODIES NOW RECOVERED Multitude! Dig for Victim and Money, but Make Slow Frogreu. GOVERNMENT TREASURY IS OVERWHELMED FiTe Million Boublee Are Buried Beneath Heaped-Up Debris. SHOCKS STILL CONTINUE OVER LARGE AREA Vcrkmrii Labor In I'oaiUat Fear of Fresh Disaster, aa F.rk Dlatnrb anee Seems Mora Violent Thaa the Last. ASHKABAD. Russian Turkestan, Dec. 21. Even the worst of the earlier report! of the recent earthquake dlssster at Andtjan qulta underestimates the appalling Ions of lit. A telegram todsr from the scene of the catastrophe puts the number of rictlms In tbe native quarter of the town at 4,000. Already 800 corpses hare been disinterred from the ruins. Tbe work of excavation progresses slowly. The state treasury, containing 6,000,000 roubles, la In the ruins and excavations to get the money are carried on under the supervision of a strong cordon of police. The water In the wells baa disappeared and a general subsidence of the site of the town la feared. Large numbers f laborers are being sent to exsavate. Sappers have arrived and are xpected to make more rapid progress. Tbe shocks continue with Increasing violence. Tbe area of seismic disturbances comprises 100 square vents. The Russian population Is camping at the railroad station, where 600 cars are placed at tbe disposal of the population. The local government officials are quartered In cars. Bhtds for the destitute are being built as rapidly as possible. Free soup kitchens have been started and officials are aiding the departure of the Inhabitants by distributing food, money and free railroad tickets. At St. Petersburg It Is estimated that nearly 6,000 have been killed by the earth quake at Andljan. Tbe engineer officers at Andljan, who are superintending the excavations being made with tbe view of recovering the burled treasure at the altea of the army depart ment, state treasury, etc., the erection of sheds to shelter officials and other home less people, report that although the work la progressing as rapidly as possible month must elapse befr tbe civil and military officers will be in houses. The railroads are aiding by all possible means, furnishing free transportation for provisions and materials and conveying the . In babltanta free of charge tj the towns In . the irovaramrtit -of - PsrgtMana. - The cash remittances In aid Of the destitute people have thus tar been very small. BERNHARDT PLAYS NEW PART French Aetreaa Creates Tltlo Role la Strong Drama by Faal Ilervlee. PARIS, Dee. IS. Sarah Bernhardt, play ing at her own theater tonight, added a freah branch to her many laurela by the creation of the title role In "Therolgne de Merlcourt." Tbe play Is by Paul Hervleu and deala with the meteoric condition of a woman who, beginning as a courtesan, be comes an Important personage and ends In a lunatic's cell. The action ahlfts from Vienna to Parla and a number of the stirring scenes of the revolution are re-enacted with much real- Ism. Tha laat acene Is located In the Balpetrlere asylum, where Therolgne evokes the pbantoma of celebrities whose beada aba saw fall under tba guillotine. CHINAMEN MUST STAY OUT Canada Will Mot Conseat to Aid Ship pers In Clreamventlna; Amer. tea Law. VICTORIA. B. C, Dec. 23. An application made by tba agent of the steamer' Manauese, just eoia to ins Northwestern commercial company, oy captain ic. r. came or Seattle to have a crew of twenty Chinamen landed here from the Orient to be transferred to Manaues on Its way north haa been re fused by th collector of customs, whose decision haa been upheld by th Dominion minister of Justice. The application waa made with a view of circumventing the laws of th United Elatea regarding tba Importation of Chi nese crews. In Soattle and San Francisco similar applications have also been refused. DEWEY FETED IN SAN JUAN Flaa;s Wave, People Cheer and Gov. eraor Reeelrea American Admiral. BAN JUAN. P. R.. Dec, 23. Admiral Dewey arrived here oa board Mayflower thla morning. Thousands of people thronged tha wharf. The city and public and private buildings were decorated wltb flaga and the tort fired a aalute. Tha admiral was escorted by artillery, Infantry and mounted police to the palace, where a reception was held. Tonight tbe admiral will be the gueat of Oovernor Hunt at a reception In honor of th debut of bla oldest daughter, Eliza beth. . Newfoaadlaad Waali Mareoal. 8T. JOHNS, N. F., Dee. 23. Slgnor Mar eonl baa aent a telegram to Premier Bond announcing hi. complete auccea. in th. hla reply th. premier expreaa.d the hope that when tb charter of tb Anglo-Amer ican company expiree ia April, ll0l. Mar coni will establish a, wireless station ber. Oetogeaarlaa la Married. LONDON. Dee. 23. The octogenarian marquis of Donegal was quietly married here today to Miss Violet Twloiug, a Ca nadian, about $0 yeara ot age. Lord Lord Strathcona gave the bride away. Bla Uaa lor Canada. VICTORIA, B. C. Dec 23 Tb Chin Mutual llnar Uoyun Du, from Liverpool, la bringing a large nlns-toa gun for tb new battery bow being built oa Blgnal transmission of wireless messages oaiweeu " " " V, . V t7L ,Z , ' The theory that the crown princess Is auf C.p. Breton and England, and referring "t hu,. "r,D from BenUI "nation i. now only with gratitud. to th. encouragement be re- , about Jo b 'lY . l-ably propagated by tb. Saxon court, and eelved from Newfoundland a vear aco. In "hey ran upstairs, and getting out of a .... ....... . . PRETENDER WINS A VICTORY lead of Forty of th-1 Sol diers Are Now t In Ilia Teat. TANGIER, Morocco, Doe. 2S Thv perlal troops have been totally dcfea sfter a sanguinary battle with the rebels, headed by the pretender to the throne. The latter decapitated forty of the sul tan's soldiers. Their heads are now orna menting his tent. Imperial reinforcements have been sent to attempt the capture of Tata, the headquar ters of the pretender. By the success Of the rebels the sultan has ordered his sol diers to spare no one at Taza, In spite of those who counseled hlra to not Indulge in excesses. LONDON. Dec. 24. In a dispatch from Tangier the Dally Mall says the sultan's troops have entered Taxa and tbe pre tender has fled to the Ghlat hills. The Times correspondent at Fet consid ers the situation undoubtedly serious. "The pretender," he says, "bss had a great success, but Morocco appears to have a charmed existence and this rebellion will probably prove aa futile aa previous ' ris ings." It Is a curious thing that the mystery surrounding the personality of the pre tender has not been solved. At the be ginning of the rebellion he was supposed to be an educated Moor of the lower class, who gained a reputation for aanctlty by conjuring. Today under the same title of "Bu Hamara" tbe pretender Is an unknown person, whose Identity has entirely baf fled discovery and to whom 'the native of Sarahun Is playing the subservient rola of vizier. CARDINALS VISIT THE POPE In Their Gorareou Red Robea Preaent Christmas Greetings to the Pontiff. ROME, Dec. 23. There waa a pictur esque scene In the pope's private library today when all the cardinals arrived in Rome to present the pontiff wltb their Christmas greetings. Tbe visitors wore their gorgeous red robes. A remarkable fact waa that, with tha ex ception of Cardinal San 8tefano and Car dinal Parlcchl, all the assembled prelates. many of whom weer very old, appeared exceptionally well, animated and full of plans for the future. Cardinal Santo 8tefano, aa dean of tbe sscred college, read the congratulatory ad dress. The pope spoke at. some length in reply and expressed keen sorrow at the fact that his Jubilee year waa embittered by painful events, referring, evidently, to tha divorce .bill. The pontiff In this connection said: "What they want la tbe fall of Chrlattan order and the reconstltutlon of tba states on tba baala of Paganism." 'The pope pleaded for a spread of Chris tian democracy "on tha linea preached by tba church to oppose the seditious, social istic doctrine which now acknowledges no God." . , TEXT OF MARCONI'S MESSAGE Oa from Lord Mints and -On from Inventor the First to Re Flashed Over th Oceaa. (Copyright, 1908, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Dec. 23. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Tba follow ing la tbe actual text of Lord Mlnto's mes sage to King Edward, which waa the first complete message transmitted acrosa tbe Atlantic by Slgnor Marconl'a wireless system: To His Majesty, the King: May T be per mitted by means of this wireless message to congratulate your majesty on the suc cess of Marconi's great Invention connect ing England with Canada. MINTO. (Signed.) At the ssme time Slgnor Marconi aent the following message to the klng'a private secretary: Lord Knollys, Buckingham Palace, Iin dnn: On the occasion of the first wireless telegraph communication acrosa the At lantic ocean, may I be permitted to present by means of this wireless message, trans mitted from Canada to England, my re spectful homage to his majesty, the king. (Signed.) MARCONI. BOMB BURSTS IN CATHEDRAL Supposed Aaarrhlat Makes CInassy At tempt to Destroy St. Peter's Charrh, Genera. GENEVA, Switzerland. Dee. 23. A dyna mite bomb waa exploded at tba entrance of Bt peter cathedral last night. The , doorway waa damaged, but not aerlously, The outrage la supposed to hav been per petrated by an anarchist. The bomb waa filled with acrap Iron, which exploded violently, and but for the clumsy manner In which the bomb waa placed th,e damage to tha cathedral un doubtedly would hav been serious. Win dows of neighboring houses were shattered and an Inmate of an adjacent bouse waa thrown out of hla bed. An hour before the explosion th police frustrated an attempt to blow up the resi dence of Counselor Fasaldy. Th. outrage la supposed to have been committed In re venge for proposed anti-anarchist legisla tion and the refusal of tha federal govern ment to grant amneaty to the anarchists who were imprisoned In connection with tbe recent street car atrlke. TAKE BROTHER FOR BANDIT Oatarl Farmer Fie from Relative, bat Afterward Relara and hoot Him, BRANT FORD, Ont., Dec 23. Wesley Watson of Detroit, waa ahot and Instantly . killed hv his brother Samuel at MlddlenorC i near thla city, trday. Samuel and another brother, Jamea, own a farm near Middle- port and the third brother. Wesley, lived in Detroit. Last night Wesley came horns unexpectedly. It Is supposed to spend the j Christina, holiday.. The brother at borne, j wtndow went to tbe bouse of a neighbor, where they apent th night. They re turned today armed with a ahot gun. Wes ley had gone Into th. house and, finding nobody there, went to bed. Tbe brothers opened the door In which ba alept, ha raised up in bed and Samuel fired, killing him Instantly. Th tw mra bad recently been attacked by robbera. af Fraad Inspect Caasht. BUENOS AYRES. Dec. 23. Mme. Alonza, aid to be the mistress ot Romaln D'Arlg nac, who waa arrested with other membera of tbe Humbert family In Madrid last Sat urday, waa taken into custody upon ber arrival her from Franc. A Quantity of ber baggag was aclisd. PRINCESS ABANDONS COURT Louire of Saxonj Renounces Prospect of the Queenship- UGLY CHARGES AGAINST PRINCE On the Other Hand Her Fllaht la ald to Have Been- Precipitated Be cans of Scandal of Her Owa. DRESDEN, Saxony, Dec. 23. King George and Crown Prince Frederick know where the Crown Princess Louise haa sought refuge, but they have decided to accept the , estrangement of the princess and her hus band aa Irreparable. Thev have mad the rahlnet nrlvv to tha clrcumatancca of the princess' flight, aa they aee them, and a decree of divorce Is talked of as a necessary sequence to the princess' resolution to leave tbe court for ever. This determination the princess an nounced to her husband early in November, after one of their frequent violent scenes. She also confided her Intention to separate herself utterly from the court and all its "wretchedness" to two or three of her lntl- . mate friends, and discussed with them the Impossibility of ber longer enduring the artificial etiquette of the court and the "forced companionship of a man who was loathsome to her." Queenahlp Has No Charms. The princess wrote to her mother at th area seventy-four square miles; popula end of November that It waa her purpose tlon, 1,560. Sully, Jasper county, one to leave the crown prince and give up tbe route; area, twenty square miles; popula prospect of the queenship, which. Instead tlon, 320. Thornburg, Keokuk county, one of being attractive, tbe printers frequently ; route; area, sixteen square miles; popula sald, was detestable to her. tlon. 450. What Cheer, Keokuk county, one She formally told membera of her en- additional; area, eighteen aquare miles; tourago that she was going to visit ber i population, 525. parents at Salzburg. The letter of the prlncesa to her mother brought the arch duchess Immediately to Dresden. She Im plored ber daughter to reconsider ber de termination and make tbe best of an un pleasant situation for the sake of her chil dren and see aa little of the crown prince as possible. Tbe prlncesa replied, according to one of ber confidants, that she would aee nothing of that "beast," that the tutelage of ber children was largely taken out of her hands and that she could not bear to see them will tender hla resignation, spoiled by "the hypocrisica of the court." Mr. Crossland waa appointed from Mls What she complained of In the prince waa ! sourl In January last and his conduct has hla Intemperance, hla Infidelities and, aa 1 been under Investigation owing to a per ber partisans affirm, bla cruelty of dlaposi- aonal encounter between himself and on tlon. They affirm that be haa had for yeara : a liaison wltb an actress named Baste, and It la credibly reported that at a review of troops at Grimms, a couple of yeara ago, tha prtneo fell from his horse, intoxicated, in front of. hla regiment. However true these Incidents may be. Hie court and all Dresden knew that a charm separated the affections of tha crown prlncesa from the crown prince. Though he seemingly had general admira tion for bla wife tha prince did hla share t ,urrenn, au . inca 10 impress ais will upon her, but ho alwaya hoped that she would In th end hum bla herself. Foealblr Maun ta tha Dan.. . , VIENNA, Dec. 23. Th flight of the crown prlnoeas of Saxony la the abaorblng topic of the day here. All kinds of sen satlonal reports are In circulation. When ahe left Salzburg, accompanied by ber brother. Archduke Leopold Ferdinand, the princess went to Munich, where ber French tutor awaited her. Her brother waa also Joined there by a Viennese woman and tbe two couples proceeded to Brussels and then to Geneva. It appears that when tbe crown prlace returned recently to Dresden, after bia hunting accident In tbe Tyrol, be discov ered that a secret correspondence existed between tbe princess and tbe French tutor, whose former relatione wltb ber bad created a acandal. resulting In tha tutor's expulsion from Saxony. Besides disclosing the couple's relatione, the letters revealed another scandal. Im mediately afterward the prlncesa left her home and went to Salzburg. The fact that ahe took a trunk filled with Jewelry and other valuablea indlcatea that ahe waa prepared for an emergency. It la reported that Archduke Leopold Fer dinand haa written to Emperor Francis Joaeph renouncing hla rank and dignitaries aa a member of the Imperial house,- and saying he will become a private subject. The archduke Intends to take the nam of Leopold Woelfllng. He haa returned all hla orders and decoratlona, Including that of the Golden Fleece, and haa resigned his commission in the Austrian army. It ta ex- pected he will marry hla Viennese compan , Ion, aa bla relatives prevented him from ; taking thla step morganatlcally several I months ago. The archduke waa at one time aecretly betrothed to Donna Elvira, the aecond daughter of Don Carlos, who eloped with ' Flllppo Folocht In 1896, and is now re ported to be anxious to marry him. He la ' regarded as weak mentally. He professed to be an extreme radical and almoat an i archlcal In hla views. The whole of the archduke's career la red olent with acandal, dating from the time when ha started to accompany the heir to the throne on a tour of the world. He only got ao tar aa Colombo, where be was obliged to leave the ship on account of his scan dalous behavior. The archduke haa sines been mixed up In a number of affairs and was confined for some months In an asylum. Quarrels 'with Her Farenta. Tbe princess' attitude recently, until abe had actually gone, appeara to have been that of disdainful Indifference and disbelief that ahe really intended to carry out ber tbreata. The crown prlncesa' daya at Salzberg were spent In controversy with her father and mother, who did not excuse ber for a mo- meut In ber mad desire to leave her posi tion and family. Her brother took bla sla- i ter' Prt' Jne clrcumatancea of ber flight are still obscure, and no further reliable new" U The only fact that f ear 'V thl b k,n "", . crown Prlnc" kaow where ahe la and are In eommunlca- j - " ,D.orbed by ,h. Mn..ton. th cause of the princess' departure. Tbe Dresdener Nachrichten, one ot the principal newspapers, and having conserv ative leanings, after saying It could almost be aorry for th. prlnceas, with a deposition Incompatible wltb that ot tba prince, and disliking the etiquette if thla court, sug gests that to "find the reason for her de parture one must find tba man." The man In tbe caae who Is associated In gossip with ths princess is a haudsome Frenchman, who waa tutor to the ptlncesk' children. He waa peremptorily discharged tt order ot the crown prince December 2. Aa instance ot the princess' lawless dis regard ot court mannera waa ber cycling (Continued oa Second Page.) la, IUI lUiat ru turns, as, is iiiii.lL iuin a IX M 1 r WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Established at Anoka, Si Tovra oa the Elkhora Estenaloa. (From a Staff Correrpondert.) WASHINGTON. Dec. 13. (Special Tele gram.) A postoffice haa been established at Anoka, Boyd county. Neb., and Paul F. Danker commissioned postmaster. Tbe comptroller of the currency haa au thorized the First National bank of Fonda, la., to bgln business with a capital of $25,000. 1 he proposition of Tom E. Parmelee to enlarge the present room occupied as a postoffice at Flattsmouth, Neb., and lease tbe samo for ten years from January 1 at 1-200 Dcr annum has been accepted by tha postmaster general. The postoffices at Clearfield, Dahlonega, Dike, Elliott, Inwood, Lake Park, Lohr- vllle- U"9 Tr'6' Medlapolla, Melvin, Mtl- ton, North English. Sloan, Spragueville, la., Brlatow and Emerson, Neb., Montrose, Roubaix, S. D., Welling, Mama and Spring Valley, Wyo., become money order officea on February 3 next. Postmasters appointed Nebraska: James B. Berry, Holt county, vice J. T. Prouty, resigned. South Dakota Hana A. Nord- nK. Westport. Brown county. Wyoming Alexander W. Siller, Arvada, Sheridan county; Elizabeth A. Rice. Embar, Big Horn county. These rural free delivery routes will be established In Iowa February 2: Fremont, Mahaska county, two routes; area covered, thirty-five square miles; population, 1,005. Melrose. Monroe county, three routes: LIBERIAN MINISTER RESIGNS Has Personal Difference with Monro fan Official and Relln. qolshea Fast. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 The Stat de partment haa granted leave of absence to J. R. Crossland, minister resident to Li beria, who on hla return to thJa country of the officials of the Monrovlan legation. Rlaraal Men Com Home. WASHINGTON. Dec, 21 At . tha la gtance of General Oreely twenty-ona men of the signal corpa have been ordered borne from the Philippines, having served mora than three yeara in the Islands.. It la with difficulty that theae men can be apared, there being only about forty-five ; signal men in the archipelago, but aa three yeara In that climate entitiea other brancbea of the serrlce to return home, It la the wish of the chief algnal officer that the aam rules should apply to the signal corps.. c- -v4 " Gaglaad Take Most Patents. WASHINGTON, Deo. 23. Tha atatlstlca of the patent offlo for tha year ending December 31 next show that more patenta hav been Issued to residents of England than to people In any other country of Europe. , The patenta Issued to English In ventors number 899; Germany next, wltb 743. Roosevelt Bee Bothern's Hamlet. WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Mrs. Roose velt, accompanied by Mr. and Mra. Proctor, Misa Ethel Roosevelt and Kermlt Roose velt, occupied a box at tbe new National theater tonight to witness Mr. E. H. Bothern's performance of "Hamlet." They frequently applauded the atrong features of Bothern's acting. Admiral Schley la Sick. WASHINGTON. Dec. 23. Rear Admiral Schley la 111, Buffering with an acute at tack of lumbago. Hla condition, however, la not at all serious, though tbe attack will confine him to hla bed for a few daya. CUTS OFF FREE TRAVELING Western Paaaenarer Aaaoelatloa Vote to Reatrlct Passes to East. ern Men. ' CHICAGO, Dec. 23. The executive offi cer of the western railroads agreed today to exchange annual passes with, tbe rail roads in the central association territory and southern lines, but not to Issue any free transportation to officers or agenta of the roads caat of Pittsburg and Buffalo or to representatives of fast freight lines of which trunk lines are members. A proposition that the western lines re fuse to exchange passes with all llnjs east of Chicago and St. Louis received only a few votea. SAY ALIENS MAY BE KILLED Wabash Officials Claim Relative of Killed Italian Cannot Re. . . eover Damages. DETROIT, Mich.. Dec. 21 The Wabash clalma exemption from liability In dam age aulta Instituted by relatives of twelve Itallana killed In Michigan a year ago. Tbe claim la aet up that the dead, men were aliena and, therefore, outside the provisions of the Michigan statutea relat ing to death by wrongful act, and further more were contract laborera and. therefore. wnen killed engaged in an offense under the immigration law. SAFE ROBBERS ATTACK JAIL Steal Thoaaand Dollar from Post office, Ratter la Prison Door and Escape. BLOOMINGTON. 111.. Dec. 23. Safe 1 cracksmen robbed the postoffice at Leroy I'", ,O'.,1'00 ,0 m0Dey' 'U,fP registered letters. Proceeding north to 8aybrook, eight miles, the robbers attacked the Jail, using a telephone pole aa a battering ram. Tha gang then escaped in a atolen horse and buggy. ASK PROTECTION FOR SUGAR Mlrhlsaa Maaafact orcra' Association Opposes Ratlfleatloa of Cnhaa Reciprocity Treaty. SAGINAW, Mich., Dec. 22. Th Michi gan Sugar Manufacturers' association to day adopted resolutions protesting against the treaty wltb Cuba which reduces tb (rtaeat tariff on augar. I BEATRICE HAS A BAD FIRE names Start In Day's Drug Store and Boan Spread. MASONIC TEMPLE A MASS OF RUINS Girls Jump from Darning Candy Fac tory at St. Joseph and Tw Are Fatally Injured Other Fires la Other Flacea. BEATRICE. ' Neb., Dec. 23. (Special Telegram.) Fire originating In the base- ment of Day'a drug store. In the Masonlo temple block, totally destroyed the entire block and contents at 2 o'clock thla morn ing. Tbe fire Is supposed to have been of incendiary origin. The flames apread from the basement to tbe floor above, and be fore the arrival of the fire department waa beyond control. The Beatrice National bank, Trevltt, Mattla ft Baker, private bankers, Day's drug store and a number of lawyers, In- iirance agents and real estate men occu- j pled the building. j The fir waa discovered by Judge Calll aon, who roomed over the drug store. He was awakened by the smell of smoke and, although crippled by rheumatism, man aged to crawl to a window, break the glass and call for help. His crlea were heard by the printers In a nearby printing office, who turned in the alarm and rescued him. lasalflelent Water Pre tan re. The firemen were hlndei'ed In their fight with the flames by an Insufficient water pressure, caused by the Installing of a new boiler at the city pumping station. Tbe Masonic temple Is situated on the southwest corner of Sixth and Court streets. The Lepoldevln banck and sev eral large clothing store are situated ad Joining It on the west. The fire spread to the roofa of these buildings and was checked only with the utmost difficulty. Th fire burned all day in the Masonic temple, and the east walls of the building have fallen In. The other walls were dynamited to prevent the apread of the Are to other buildings. The Paddock hotel caught fire from the flying sparks twice during the night and panic-stricken guesta deserted it for places of safety. The bank vaulta, which contained $300,000 In money, beeldes valuable papers, are burled beneath tone of wreckage, but are intact. The contenta. It la thought, will not be damaged. Tbe Beatrice National opened for buslnesa In the Nebraska bank building promptly on time thla morning. Los Will Re Heavy. Tha losa from tha fir will reach $150,000, partially covered by Insurance. Tbe prin cipal loaera are H. O. Day, druggist; tbe Beatrice National bank, Trevltt, Mattla ft Baker, O. H. Johnson ft Son, H. J. Dobbs, lawyer; Judge Cobbey, lawyer; Richard Grant, architect; city Board of Education, and numerous others. Tba buildings on th opposite aid of th street were damaged by tha flam. : " 'JBlrl Jtas from Window. . ST. JOSEPH. Mo.,r,Decr23!i-F"irT" broke out at 6:45 o'clock this morning in Chaae ft Sons' candy manufactory and destroyed It. Sophia Mlntua, aged 15 years, and Mattla Leslie, aged 20 yeara, girls employed at the place. Jumped from a thlrd-atory window and were fatally hurt. MIbs Mlntua right leg waa broken and ber bead badly cut. MIbs Leslie'a skull waa fractured. There were fifty girls employed In tha factory and many othera Jumped from aec ond and third-story windows, many sus taining alight Injuries. Laura Crawford, May Dakln and Rosa Kraua were Injured about the head by Jumping, not fatally. The origin of the fire la -unknown. The factory had been running night and day to fill holiday ordera and the night and day shifts were changing at the time the Are broke out. The losa on the candy factory la $100,000. Douglass ft Co.'B commission bouse, ad Joining Chase'swas damaged to the extent of $5,000, fully, lnaured. The atreet railway company'a power house la across .the alley and It waa slightly damaged. The feed wlrea wsra cut and atreet car traffic waa auspended for several hour. Fireman 1 Killed. BRADFORD, Pa., Dec. 23. The Are which broke out early thla morning de stroyed the Odd Fellows block, entailing a loss of $150,000. Among the losers are the Star Publishing company, postoffice, Bauer'a Insurance agency and tbe armory of Company C, National guard. While removing the occupanta tbe ladder fell, precipitating four firemen to the floor. Tbaddeus Green waa killed and Tbomaa Angul, W. McCafferty and John Blgler were serious, but not fatally, hurt. Tenaats Have Harrow Escapes. CINCINNATI, Dec. 23. Fire In a three atory block In a flat In Mount Auburn at 4 o'clock thla morning Imperiled the Uvea of the three famlllea In the building and aent eight persona to tbe hospital, one or two of whom may not recover. The fire atarted In the cellar among some rubbish under the gas meter, causing a gas explosion, which tore up a portion of the first floor. The Are then caught tbe stair way and tbe frightened inmatea running down the atalrway were painfully burned. Mra. Tbomaa and ber eon and daughter on the third floor were reacued by Are lad ders. Theodora Aylward and wife and three children on the second floor were all serl ously burned. Mildred, aged 9, inhaled flames and la In a serious condition. Gar land Thomaa, aged 17, la likewise In a crit ical condition. Edward Werder and family, on th first floor, escaped by Jumping out of tbe win dow. All the Injured were taken to Christ hospital. The damage by fire waa small. Foar Buildings at Van Meter. VAN METER. la., Dec. 23. Van Meter Buffered a $2,500 fire thla morning, which destroyed four small frame buildings on East Main atreet. Tbe losses In detail are aa follows: E. Ooar, buildings, $2,000; In aurance, $1,200. William Smith, photo- roank (T 1 1 tB atiA hnillahAlH onAila atf.AJt . nU insurance Ed Martin.' bou.ehoTd goods $20; no Insurance. Klre at Hcllalr, Ohio. BELLAIRE. O., Dec. 23. A fire started In a mysterious manner thla morning, de stroyed the wholesale produce house of Boyd A Co., th. new plant of tbe Enamel Brick ft Tils company, tb. warehouse of Stsward Good, a flour mill and four dwelling bouse. Loss animated at $100,000. Bobbed While at Dloaer. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Dec. 23. While A. W. Williams ot Hartford, Conn., and bis wife wer at dinner at the Westminster hotel tba lock of on of tb doors leading Into tbelr apartmenta waa picked, their trunka broken open and $3,000 worth of Jewelry atolen. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair, Much Co'der Wednesday, With Cold Wave In North and Eastern Portions; Thursday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hour. lira. Hoar. Den-. R a. m lit 1 p. m Sts O a. m ...... SM 2 p. n . . . . . . 2fl T a. in . i! p. in ..... It" a. m 31.1 4 p. ni HO H a. in.,,.,, 211 It p. m at III a, m sir H p. m SI 11 a. na S!T T p. m .11 18 m ZS M p. m SUt I p. m Kil GIGANTIC CHICAGO SCHEME Inder Ground Railroad la to Re Rallt Inder Gronnd Railroad la to Re Rt at a Coat of Maay Millions of Dollars. NEW YORK, Dec. 23. New York and Chicago tapitalista are said to have Joined forces to launch In Chicago one of the most colossal traction ventures, according to th Dally News, the city has known. The scheme Is for an underground rail road, combined with a new elevated, the cost of the entire project to be from $51, 000.000 to $55,000,000. Briefly stated, the plan comprehends the construction of a tunnel under the down town streets, making 'a complete loop of the business section, to connect with a new elevated road, which It Is proposed to con struct parallel with the North Side line, to be reached by means of an Incline. The acheme is designed largely to benefit the stock yards district. The Intcrborough Rapid Transit company of New York, whtch built the big underground railways In that city, la aald to be really at the head of the acheme. Eight New Yorkers have been In terested, it Is said. Only six Chlcagoana have ao far been mentioned In the deal. It la further re ported that It was the Intention of the pro- motera to Introduce the petition to the ; i.uuui.11 u.iure iqb spring election, until u was inarnea m.ii Mayor Harrison did not approve of the plan. MAKES MORGAN A DOCTOR Chlcaaro to Theological Seminary v Decree on Moody's Snccessor. Be. CHICAGO, Dee. 23. The dtrectora of the Chicago Theological seminary hav con ferred upon Rev. G. Campbell Morgan of i London, D. L. Moody's successor in the Northfleld extension work, the degree of I doctor of divinity. The seminary haa been sparing In Its conferment of honorary degrees. The first j one who received the degree of doctor of ; divinity from the institution waa Rev. I Timothy Dwlght, late president of Yale university. About tm yeara ago the same I degree was conferred upon Rev. Charlea Denny, now professor In tha United Free Church college, Glaagow. INSURANCE FIRMS MUST PAY Conrt Holds Companies Liable for pol - . leles Plna r Twenty-Five ;''",' ' Pv Cent' KNOXVTLLE), Tenn., Dee. 23. Th chan cery court today gave Judgment to a local merchant against the Oriental of Hartford, Conn.,- the Manchester of England, the Phoenix of Brooklyn and the Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance companlea for inaur- j havo gone to extraordinary lengtha In their ance, plua 25 per cent penalty under a J resistance of diplomatic efforts. A not state law which provldea this additional able case arose in Salvador. Recently a burden on Inaurance companlea If they fall to aettla losses within sixty daya after a fire. The companlea will appeal and attack the constitutionality of the statute which makea ; them liable for the penalty. FEAR FOR HOSPITAL INMATES ! Albuqaerqae Institution Catches Fire and Patient May Be Lost. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., Dec. 23. At 10 o'clock tonight the big hospital of. the Santa Fe-Pacific here Is a mass of flames and there Is no hopes ot saving It. Twenty-five patients, some of tbem serlouBly 111, were In the Institution, but It Is believed all have been saved, but it is possible that thla may not be bo. Tbe firemen are taking great rlska in a hopeleBB effort to save the handsome addi tion. The fire started on the roof, which waa ablaze before discovered. VANDERBILT HOLDS HIS OWN Ha (Inlet Klht Without the Ap pearance of Xew Symptom or Complications. NEW YORK, Dec. 23. The phyalcianB at tending Cornelius Vanderbllt Issued the fol io lug bulletin at 9:40 this morning: Mr. Vanderbllt has had a more quiet night and seems to be holding his own, without the appearance of any new symp toms or complications. His temperament was moderately high and does not yet show a tendency to become lower. FL,INT, JANE WAY. At 11:30 tonight tbe following bulletin was issued: Mr. Vanderbllt's condition is a little more satisfactory this evening. There ha been no marked change. BOILING WATER KILLS MAN St. Loala Cooperasje Employe Falls Iato Vat and Die While Comrade Gase. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 23. Benjamin Lora bach, an employe of the St. Louis Cooper age company, while removing barrel atavea from a large vat of boiling water today, fell in. His fellow employes heard hla screams and did all they could to save blm, but be cooked to death before their eyes. HOLD UP HUBBARD SALOON Two Maakcd Mca Kob Drinkers, Loot Till and Rnccraafolly Make Their Escape. HUBBARD, Neb., Dec. 23. Two masked men, heavily armed, entered a crowded saloon here tonight, robbed everybody In the place, looted the till and made their escape. The amount secured la not known. Movements of Ocean Vessels Dec. 23. At New York Arrived: Rotterdam, from Amsterdam; Kroonlaml. from Antwerp; Trave, from Narles. Hailed: Lnmtardla, ror in. a pies anil uvnoa; Hurdrau, fur Havre Nomadic, for Liverpool. At Hamburg Arrived: Deutschland, from Nw yora. At Lut-ensiown Arrived: Nonrdland. from flillaili-liihla, for Liverpool, and uroceeded At liruw Heart I'asS'-d: Noordland, from Philadelphia, for Liverpool. At Naples Arrived: Calabria, from Mar seilles, fur ts'cw York. FEAR HAGUE COURT Cabinet Afraid Monroe Dactrine May Suffer in Veneznelan Arbitration. PREFER AMERICAN JUDGE TO TRY CASE Urge Roosevelt to Consent and Signify Acceptanoe of Allioa' Offer. CALV0 DOCTRINE IS ALSO INVOLVED Latin Republic Claim Diplomats Ears No Right to Demand Pay. DEBTORS MUST TRY LOCAL LITIGATION Mediator Will Hav Many Theory Froblem to Bettl and Mast Not Delay If Blockade is to Be Lifted. WILLEMSTAD, Island of Curacao, Dec 23. (By Boat from Laguayra.) The revolu tlonlsta have anawered President Caatro'a proposition that they should unit with the government and turn their arma against the foreigner who have attacked Venezuela by referring the president to General Mates, the only chief capable of dealing with the matter. WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Th cabinet spent mor than two hours today discuss ing the situation. AH the members were present except Secretary Moody, who la out of tho city. Secretary Root was the first to arrive. The president denied himself to all callers and remained in consultation with the soc- retary of war unti, th rr,val of th- othef mernbcrB Secretary Hay brought to the meeting practically nothing new relating to tha sit uation. No response baa been received to the president's original suggestion to the powers that they refer the controversy to The Hague tribunal and no formal re quest had been received for the prcaident to act aa arbitrators. Will Appoint Uonrd. It ta underatood that the prosldonfe plan. if he determinea to arbitrate, roi tt-c platee the appointment of a board of aibiliators. He would not rely In such an Important undertaking on any one man, neither dooa he feel himself able to spare th time nee- essary for an examination In detail of each of the many clalma that would be presented against Venezuela. Necessarily such a board would Include lawyera thoroughly familiar wltb the practice of International law. . - 1 It Is aald tbe crucial point la likely to be the famous "Calvo doctrine." v blch waa laid down by a great Latin-American In- ' ternatlonal lawyer, and for many yeara baa been regarded as beyond question by all the-Latin-American republic. ' It deulea the right of ahy nation to Intervene' Uipfcj- . , matlcally on behalf of ona of tta subject .! ' i where th courts ot tha country are open ic-ltn. ,Thtt Vtnisnelavhaa,9SKtwahat fif''---. all clalmanta In th present controversy- British, German, Italian and French might have gone before the Venexuelan court to obtain Judgment. So determined are tbe South American-countries to ad here to thla doctrine that anm. f United Statea corporation obtained, after arbitration, a Judgment against the gov ernment. The verdict waa received with intense indignation In Salvador, and bo In- tense was tbe anti-foreign feeling that a law waa passed within the last few weeks STfr 'vSSgg'ZS L?0V to give evidence before any court on be half of a foreigner claiming damagea against the government. s Monroe Doctrine In Dancer. It Is now known that aome membera of the cabinet are opposed to referring th matter to The Hague tribunal, because. In the first place, they have no desire to aubmlt the Monroe doctrine to the aibitra- ment or any nou-Amnrlcan trlhnn.r that the fairness of The Hague, tore la impeached, but most of them represent turopean ana monarchical lntereaia, and It I realized that their make them unsympathetic when they wer required to deal with uch? an essentially American aubject aa the Monroe doctrine. v it is true that on Its fce the arbitra tion proposal contains nothing to indicate that thla doctrine Is to be assailed, but ao numerous are the queetlona that will coma before the board that It I apprehended here that the famous doctrine can hardly be kept from consideration. Another reason that animate tha cab inet In thla Inclination Is their conviction that an inordinate length of time would be consumed If tbe issue was taken to The Hague. The machinery la sufficient, but ponderous and difficult to put In motion. First, there must be arranged a baala of arbitration, and arbitrators must be se lected by the parties to the caae, who must In turn choose an umpire or umpires, and while all this la going on the blocked would continue with tta ever-present danger of active hostilities and bloodshed that might render nugatory all attempts at arbitration. , On the other hand, If the president un dertake the settlement be can get rid of all red tape and atart the work In a few daya. Senator Cullom called at the Btate de. partment today with a bundle of tele grams, protesting against the president ac cepting tbe offer to arbitrate. Tbe following cablegram waa received at the Navy department from Commander Dlehl of Marietta, dated La Guayra: Ocrmany establishes blockade of Puerto Cabello on December 22, Murac albo Decem- ner z. Bieami-ra irom tne united Stutea and West Indies ten days grace, sails twenty days. Steamers from the other ports, twenty days, sails forty day. Ves sels not Venezuelan in blockaded ports, fifteen days grace. Tell Why Ships Wer Bunk. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publlahlng Co.) WILLEMSTAD, Curacao, Dec. 23. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tbe true story ot tho sinking of Ven ezuelan vessels by tbe German cruiser Panther, as learned today from official aources, Is that the commander ot the cruiser bad to choose between sinking tb vessels or permitting them to go free after seizing them when he waa called to land marines to aid Consul Leni, who bad sig nalled that th. consulate waa being at tacked. Panther baa seized tha two vessels In th harbor and waa escorting them outsld when tbe distress signal waa seen on th German consulate ashore. Consul Lena was known to be tb only German at the consulate. Th commander ot Panther decided to return and land, marines. Th Venezuelan ships bad no anchor and