Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, I1EC.EMHEH 23, 11)011. 5 .1 I won-ara, ) SPECIAL NOTICES trill be taken ill 11 m. ft the evening edition and !! A so p. as. ; norili, aae Saaday tilllti. 1 l- a war Brat lasertlea, a or thereafter, "alhlaa Itkta lav lees than Sow far tba first laser, tloa. These ad vertlsesseats aaast B ran eonaeeatlvely. Advertisers, fcy reqaeatlaar ttered cheek, raa aaawara ad. ess4l ta a aaaabered letter la rara at The baa. Aaawara aa addresses' will a deliver aa areeentatiaa at tae ktfkailr, WmD-IITl'AT109. WANTED, place to do light housekeeping. Inquire at No 1308 South 13th strt. A-M1I7 23" WARTED-MALE HELP. HUSTLING deputies wanted; men or women; splendid, contract . Tha Garden- r, iis i) Uioj. B 275 WANTED for U. 8. army, ablebodled un married men belwe.n bkfi of 21 and 35. cltlaena of United States, of good char acter and tempera ta habits, who can apeak, read ana write English. For In formation apply to . Recruiting Officers, 'J." "J"1 DoS Sts.. Oranha, and post office building, Lincoln, Neb. B 31 0o0P fnenger wanted; high saisrlos. A. D. T. Co.. 2U So. Uth Bt B Mi8 WANTED. I good hustlers. Open until 8 P. m. Western Art Co., 1714 Nicholas at B M2W WANTED-Stenosrapher with aome ex perience. Addreaa O., Bee office. Council Bluffs. B-MH44 WANTED Two wlda awake traveling men to represent ua In Iowa and Mis souri; prefer those who have had ex- perlence In selling goods to farmers; will pay regular weekly salary md commis sion, and will guarantee a hustler a per manent poaltion and good lncoma. Ad dress, giving references, a 7, Be. . . B MS41. WANTED An Intelligent, up-to-date Scan ' rilnavlan-American to travel In northern Iowa and southern Minnesota, prrer one i who has had experience In soliciting In small town and on rural routes; we will . guarantee a good Income to a bustler; salary or commission. Address, giving references, to 4, Bee. B MS) PANTS pressed, JOe; suits. 30c; we call . and deliver. 11a 8. 16th, upstairs. 'Phone B-M87Q J 17 WANTED 6 solicitors, and collectors. A ""proposition: early advancement. (27 Pax ton block. B 910 24 WANTED, person to call on retail trade and agents for manufacturing house, local territory salory 819.70, paid weekly, and expenaa money advanced. Previous ex perience unnecessary. Business success ful. Inclose self-addressed envelope. Standard House, Caxton Bide-., Chicago. B M274 22 WANTED, two good hustling salesmen. H. B. Ridgley Mds. Co., 707 S. 16th st. B 146 29 WANTED, at once, experienced hot soda man. 8. E. Whaley ft Co., 41 Broadway, Council Bluff B M118 WORTHY young man or woman to take scholarship In Omaha's leading business and shorthand college and pay for It when course Is finished and position se cured. Address 8 21, Bee. B M157 J 4 WANTED, cltrver salesman and advertising solicitor to represent established company manufacturing a high grade specialty used In leading hotels, livery. ' cab and automobile burns, and the better busi ness 6fnes.'-''To a good salettnnn and so llcltor with Al references we can offer an attractive proposition on a high grade commission. Address 8 28, Bee. ' - B 168 S3 SALESMEN WANTED. EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type writers Monroe Co., 811 N. 16th St., Omaha, . & 4TO SELL, side . Jlna. .easy seller, large ... proms, sells everywhere.; carry sample in pocket. Address 8 Bee. Council Bluffs. 807 J IS WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, girl for general housework; family of four; good wages to right party. ' Nona but tnoivwghly competent help need apply. 126 8. 87th Bt. TeL , A26i C M857 100 Qirla. Call Canadian offloe, lath 4 Dodge. C 940 WANTED, girl for general housework; good wages, small family. Mrs. Slmeral, 676 N 2.ith ave. C-M8SI WORTHY young man or woman to take scholarship In Omaha's leading business and ahorthand college and pay for It . when course Is finished and position se cured. Addresa 8 20, Bee. O M168 J4 WANTED, girl for general housework. 2818 Mason St. C 164 WANTED. - workllg housekeeper; small family of adults. 273 N. 18th st. C M174 WANTED, washwoman. Call 1064 Georgia ave. C M171 25 WANTED, woman for housework; family . of three) can sleep at home; must apply at once; no washing. 161 Grace st. - . . . . C M175 23 SOU RENT HOUSES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office. 111 V Farnam, or Tela, ll&j-m. P-W) ' 14 O I !CCC in ail parte of city. The O. IIUUOCO uavls Co., to Bee Bldg. D 8U fOR RENT, one 9-room house, with gas, water and sewer: just been placed In first-class repair; In good location. C. M. Bachmann, 436-37 Paxton block. D 178 FOR RENT, forty acres In tha city limits of South Omaha; small house, excellent place for feed yard. The Omaha Realty Company, Uul Douglas St., upstairs. D 239 HOUSES. 0. O. Wallace. Brown Block. D 94 , l-KOOM modern, near High school. 327.80. . 8-room house. 26tn and Charles, KO.Ort. In a. 268 Cap. Ave. -TeL 171. Uoblson. . . - - U-431 HOUSES and Data. Ring alt. Barker block. D 946 . 7-HOOM modern house, 2317 Charles. Tele- . phonu A-2&M. D 1U MAQQARD Van ft Storage Co. Tel. ltM. 1-ROOM boua 1421 Sprague. Tel. 8H. D Mu38 I4TH AND K 8TS., South Omaha, 8 nice t room cottager; rental, 818 per month. Wll.lam K. Potter, receiver, XK Hrown Dioca. j-ai.M HOL'SKS. IS upwards. Beiuis, Paxton Blk. 8741 8. 18TH BT.. -room cottage, city water. rental 110. William K. potter, receiver. : lua wown piock. . u-auu MODERN T-room house, near park. 1508 Bo. tsth. . D-7M TOR RENT A fine located B-rootn cottage. li.J a. llth St., IU. Also a good 7-room ' house, 1622 N Kd St., 818. The Omaha Realty Co., M01 Louglaa St., upstairs. ; . Uotll I1UUJI;5h.C Petera 4s,Co., Bee Blitg. D 40 7-R house, good condition, mod. except fur. . nai, barn; near JMlh at:d Lake; cheap to . light 4ariy. bweet 4s Headley. Tel. 14T8. 1 ti-sri VAN and baggage wagons. TeL 1185-114& V k54 tX)R RENT. 8-room cottage. 1211 Callfor nla St.. rcut reduced; 8-room cottage, 1U6 N. l&lh St., inquire at 7 N. lth st .... D M178 24 FOR RENT.- -ro)B house. Just newly pauvrrd and repaired, all modera exrvpt furiiai. t-d l aiul Popi'leton Ave., Hi. To t-r- om houara. 80tb and California tile.. all motiera, elky water ana utter. Oue 4 room house, 87th and Cuming 6ta., city water, CM. BACHMANN. ti II Paxton Rik roB RENT MO IS ES. FOR RENT. H0 8-room modern house, 8202 roppletoo avenue. t"S 8-room modern house,, 472 North 39th st. t -room modern house. 8428 B. th st. 8J0 lo-room moilf-rn house end barn, 2210 Poppleton avenue. 11 J 8-room modern house, 431 Farnam St. 17 7-room modern house and barn, 701 8. 86th st. BKENNAN I)VK TO, j s. nth st D 874 Jsnl FOR RENT, furnished house; every con venience, 135 N. 32d ave., 840. W. T. Graham, Ilee bldg. D M106 24 DOUBLE FT. AT, 1S11 Howard Bt., 12 rooms In first-class repair, new plumbln, two hath rooms. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 1601 Fsrnam St &M987 Jl FOR RENT rrnilJHED ROOMS. DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Fnmarn. E 847 81 PER WEEK 422 Bo. ISth St, one blok south of court house. E 848 STEAM-HEATED rooms. 810 per month. Barker Hotel, Uth and Jones Sts. E-M96J.. AETNA HOUSE. European, Uth and Dodge E 9-1S ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th ft Chicago , E 950 L M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. E M951 I ROOMS for light housekeeping. 11W So. llth St. E M271 LARGE south front alcove room, modern. 2680 Harney. E 26 CENTRA I,, steamheated, furnished room. 220 N. 23d St. E 670 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new modern home; hot water heat; references. 1618 Webater. 15 MS 16 J16 DESIRABLE steam heated rooms, private, detached house, close In.. 22J6 Farnam st. . E M140 23 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. PRIVATE family. 600 South 25th avenue. F-M133 FURNTSHED room on first floor and one on second. 212 8. 25th St F 824 YOUNG man, quiet, studious, wants well heated room with cultured, elderly family. Address 8 27. Bee F M176 23 FOR RENT L'NFl'RNISHEI) ROOMS. TWO unfurnished or partly furnished; light housekeeping if desired. 8U24 St. Mary's ave. G M(7 FOR R. NT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Store In (Irst-cIaBS location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C Peters ft Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 CENTRAL, grocery, drug, meat market with fixtures; also fine laundry, with tie .tin neat ana power, iisara, za) N. 234. -1446 FOR RENT The building formerly occu- ?led by The Bee at 814 Farnam St. It baa our stories and a basement which was formerly uBod as ..Tne Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If ntereuted apply at ofilce to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1-201 OFFICES In the Bee building, 210.00 per iiiuuiii uu. mniu pnee inciuues neat, light and janitor service. R. C. Peters Co., Rental Agents, Ground floor. Bee Kid. . . I-27J FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 816 Farnam, 22x90. four aiories ana nrst-ciase cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, secre tary The Bee Building Co., room 100. Bee building. I M567 FOR SALE, complete .outfit of furniture anu stove, call at 1706 14. 33d at. Phone L W71 I-M608 ELEGANTLY modern, hot water heat. 1 vuii or i wo rooms in new duck Dunning, ground floor; good location for' business offices. . Call at, 1616 Webater St . I-M647 STORE ROOM. 1(15 Howard St.. desirable room with full basement; 850.00 per month. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St FOR RENT, small office with waiting room in umana nauunai Man cunning. Omaha Bafe Deposit ft Truat company, 210 So. Uth St., Omaha. . 1167 25 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit aunscrlptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY PARMER. Steady employment, with assured good in come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make naaily 86o to 8100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. . 208 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, two or three furnished rooms with board for man, wife and daughter; f refer In private family and within walk ng dlatam.e of High school. Address, with full particulars, 8 W, Bee. K M119 23 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, five carloads of second-hand furniture; highest prices paid. Drop a card or telephone T7L Joe Levin. S' N. 16th st. N M908 J 19 FOR SALE FIRNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.,- 1410 Dodge. TeL 8020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. - " O 957 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, BTC. NEW and secondhand vehicles or- sale cheap. 1L Frost 14U and Leavenworth. P-o8 GOOD family horse. U18 Farnam. . . P-M77I 38 SECOND-HAND depot wagon, in .good shape; will sell for fc; worth twice that amount. 2&.V) Farnam. P MSo 2a FOH SALE MIsCELlAftKOLS. FENCE LATH for- flulck shipment crib bing, coiubluailon ladders. M Douglas. NEW and lUhand typewriters. 1118 Farnam FOR BALK,' phonographs, superior to sny other musical Instrument. 86, up. The W'lttmann Co.. 16J1 Farbaw. Q tts INDIAN goods and relic, uu Farnam. tOHAND safe cheap. Dertght, 1119 Farnam. CHRISTMAS perfumea. Write for catalog. Shtrman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Q-M&u-a SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balke-Coilender Co.. 407-8 8. 10th. Q-M793 J7 A BEAUTIFUL LIGHT You try before you buy one of Fletcher's non-cxplol v gasoline lamps; one week s trial free. Louis Flcscher, 1622 Capitol ave. ' Q Mils-28 FREE FOR XMAS GoldVedged glass bottle of choice wine, corkscrew with every order of Prlmo WhlKkey, price 83.10 gal lon; charges prepaid. Meyer Klein, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 63 No. lbth, Omaha. Q MJ61 TWO good double sleighs, 848 and 866: newly fainted; Rockawaya, depot -wagons, iroughams. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Harney Bis. Q M71 Janll 76 LADIES' and gents' watches. 150 dia monds, left in pawn, good aa new, selling at half price. Diamond Loan om-o. lwl Douglaa- ii FOR BALE, a gerjlne buffalo overcoat. Call at King ft Bniead Overall factory. Bise of coat, 44; lengih, 6e Laches Q-M115 13 HORSES, cowa, heifere. wasons and all kinds of farm implements, nearly new. Hh. rman t Cofeuman, N. 84th Bt , near iilUsr Pgrk. V-Mi7 U YOU CAN TALK TO OVER 30,000 READERS WITH A LITTLE WANT-AD. FOR SALE MISCELLtCANOlS. FOR SALE, good letter copj-preas and stand. I tlist-class condition. 86.80. In quire Bee business office. Q Mj66 FOR BALE First mortgage note bearing Six pr cent Interest, payable every six months, haa about 2H years to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party amount, l,8uo. Inquire C. M. Bachmann. Room mi. Fax ton Block. SELL IMtters as side line on pommtssloni fine article, well advertised. &V8 Cuming. Q M771 J 13 FOR BALK A number of good second hand bol'ers Apply Bwlft and Company, poum vims na. ij mu a CLAIR IVOYNTS.' MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass street 8966 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8.15. 8906 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, 2d floor. R. 1 T-M342 JH Miss Iverlng, massage baths, 01 N. Uth 8t -251 Jan8 MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th R. 7. T MS34 30 GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky. 7M 8. 13th. T M869 J17 MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St.. baths. T-M145 29 MME. SAUNDERS gives magnetic treat ment. 1819 Leavenwurth St. Flat 1. T-M167 29 PERSONAU DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenxer block. U 967 VIAVI, Woman's Way to Health. Home treatment, .uooaiei tree. 316 tsea Bldg. Omaha. U 9W RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Send for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO.. 832 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U 970 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Douglas. U-969 DR. B. M. JACKSON, specialist in chronio diseases. 1506 Farnam St Consultation free. U 971 SOCIALIST headquarters, 619 N. 16th at Literature of all kinds, treating on all subjects. U 23 Janl TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U-973 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. . Mrs. Qardels, 2234 Lake. TeL Red-14. U-97J PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; babies adopted. 2701 B. 18th at Mrs. Usher. Tel. F-3218 - , U M2SSJS ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. B. J. Scanncll, agent, 609 Ware block. U MS36 lb ANY CASE of. dandruff or falling of hair cured for 81; 30 years' experience; this Is no fake, but .absolute cure: It not cured will refund money; can also give many testimonials; ladles , can call or address, except Saturday. T. J. Clark, 2419 N. 24th st, Omaha, Neb. U M644 WHY NOT get a t aa or gasoline lamp for an X'mas present? It In. just tha thing yon need. Prices from 82.60 up. . WeJsbach mantels, burners' and caps. Louis Flesch er, 1622 Capltot -rve. --..'u- U Maao hb PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; first-class in . every respect; ' babies adopted. Dr. I' L. Miller.- 2604 Blondo st 'Phone F-1182.; U M816 OMAHA DYE WORKS, 1615 Howard, fash ionable cleaners, dresses. - suits, - cloaks, draperies, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpets. . . U M824 J18 CHIROPODY manicuring, facial and spe cial masHage taught and practiced. A. Mayer. 612 Bee bldg. Consultation free. Tel. 1716. , U M837. ACCORDEON PLEATED SKIRTS Noth Ing ec nice for Xmas; all sizes and prices, from doll skirts up. The Goldman Pleating Parlors, 800 Douglas blk., 16th and Dodge sts., opposite Hayden'e. U M836 23 ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th St., 2d floor. . U-M835 J16 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Oerlsch, 8626 California st Terms reasonable. U-MS07 J19 A NICE Xmas preeent blackboards, globea, dictionaries, library books by standard authors, 29c. - Omaha School Supply Co.. 1621 Howird at' U MSU6 24 YOUNG man. stranger In. city, desires to meet refined young lady, about 22; must be stylish and popular. Address S 26, Bee. U-163 22 WANTED, to correspond with widow not over 36; would consider marriage If can form the acquaintance of right party. Address S 26, Bee. U 164 23 B aw 1 sail 1 I . laui'B MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4V PER CENT on business property. C per cent on resilience properly. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 0. ISTH ST. W-874 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co.,- Hi Bo. Uth. W 976 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds snd warrants. R. C. Peters ft Co., 1708 Farnam bt.. Bee Bldg. W-4tal I TO i P. C. money. Bemis, Paxton Blk. W 976 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat Bank Bldg. TeL 1648. FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 978 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Fa man Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam street W 9W PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1621 Douglns. W 979 - MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. R ACVTOGET CMO I TO PAY Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or If you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN Without aecurity, except your own agree tnuut to repay. Our service is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All we ask '.a that you give us a call be fore you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Boaro of Trade Bldg. TeL 221)8. (Established im Hut 8. 16th St X-M664 "WE WILL BE VERY BUSY" NEAR XMAB. DON T WAIT. OUR MONEY IS GOING FIST. LOANS TO EVERY ONE WHO WORKS WITHOUT MOR'iUAGE. ' ENDORSER ' OR PUBLICITY. Wa give ail .he lime you ask to repay on easy weekU .ir monthly payments. 1 RY L'8 ON FURNITURE LOANS. Goods remain in your undisturbed posses sion. Discount If paid before due. Open evenings to 6 o'clock until Xmas. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. GET OFF ELEVATOR AT THIRD FLOOR. ROOM 3U. PAXTON BLOCK. X 417 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- tilry, horcs. cows, elg. C. F. Reed. 1, us B is. Jk-taJ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. WE WILL LOAN MONEY CHEAPER THAN ANY WHO PUBLISH RATE8. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. SALARY LOANS NO SECURITY PLAIN NOTE NO MORTGAGX EASIEST PAYMENTS.... NO ENDORSER LIBERAL TREATMENT.. NO PUBLICITT Open an account with THE OLD RELIABLE AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY, Third Floor Paton Block Third Floor. Northeast corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Entrance on Sixteenth Street THIRD FLOOR. MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, icwelry. to salaried people. Foley Ixan :o.. Sue. to Duff Green, I Barker block. . . JC-8S6 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business conridentlal; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J.' A. Hutton Co. X-4.48 TRY US -for- SALARY and CHATTEL LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 638 Paxton Block, 16th and Farnam Bt Top Floor. X-MC28 WE LOAN money on furniture, pianos and diamond Low rates. Any length of time. Private OMAHA CHATTEL, LOAN BANK, 1404 Farnam, upstairs. Tel. A-2118. X 504 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 4o offleea in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg X-5 BUSINESS CHANCES. INVESTORS. ATTENTION. Write us regarding Investments that will net you from 10 to 18 per cent, and abso lutely safe. Western Realty and Invest ment Co., Fremont, Neb. Y 806 J 13 TO GET In or out of business oall on WU llamav Room 411, McCague building. Y-991 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located; If you desire a quick sale send ua description and price. . Northwestern Business Agency, D 813, Bk of Commerce bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. . Y-M129 D31 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick see J. ft. see J. h Y M990 jonnson, o-id n. x. L,ne. FOR SALE complete stock of second-hand furniture; doing a good business; fine lo cation; store can be leased or stock can be removed; thla can be bought at a bar gain; reason for selling is bad health. Ad dress P49, Bee. Y-M088 PERFUMES, 8.000 kinds. Catalogue: Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. T-M823 D GOOD location for a bank; brick building, . fine fixtures, safes and time lock for . 8900.00. Addresa P 69,. care Omaha Bee. Y M691 J18 IF YOU want to get In or out of bualness or buy or sell property communicate with Northwestern Clearing Co., N. Y. Life .bldg. T-M178 FOR SALE, millinery stock and fixtures of one of the oldest millinery establish- , ments In Omaha. Established over twenty years. Joyce, 1624 Douglas. . Y M988 PARTNER, young; man. Industrious, good habits, some money for manufacturing business of 28 years' standing. Address 8 19, care . Bee. . , Y M144 23 MAIL order business, manufacture my own goods; roll top desk, typewriter, cuts, ' trade secrets, stock, etc, etc.; 840 net last week; only reason selling, sickness. Price. 3500; snap for energetic young man. Answer only if you mean business. Ad dress 8 23, Bee. Y 166 82 FOR BALE, one of the best 83.000 general merchandise stocks In northeast Ne ' braska. Address 8 29, Bee. Y 169 24 FOR EXCHANGE. For Exchange. Beautiful new 6-room modern cottage full lot, on motor line. Bemis park, 88,000 ; 3600 cash, 11,260 mortgage, balance good clear - land. Modern new 7-room cottage, lam, full lot, near 30th, on Maple St., 82.600 cash and clear lot worth 31.000. These are fine houses. It you want a good deal, see . me quick. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Z M101 814 Will consider equity In amall farm for nice house on full lot situated near end of Farnam at. line, encumbered for 3900. Cheap at 32.000. Douglas County Realty Co , First Floor N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Z M169 26 WANTED, good farm land In Iowa or Dakota in exchange for surplua stock of dry goods, clothing and shoes; stock all new, In first-clan condition. Address 8 30, rare Omaha Bue. Z M177 28 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stockralaers about it The best way to reach them la through THE TWENTIETH : CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 40,008 homes 01 farmers and siockraisers, so if rou have a good piece of land to sell at a easonable price you ought to find a buyer among tnem. The cost of an ad Is small 2 cents ner word. THb TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. - RB-eoi HOMESEEKER3' ASSOCIATION. 1022 Best farm In Saline county, Neb., 200 acres, very fine buildings, wells, cisterns, tanks and piping; isrni worth 376 per acre. Owner obliged to leave the state. Will take 860 per acre if sold at once. Im provements worth largo part of this price. Move quick and get this. Homeseekers' Asa'n, First Floor N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. RE M168 26 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 1208 Farnam street. RE at? HOU8ES and loU In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 663, Bee Bldg RE 994 FARM FOR RENT. 70 acres, unimproved, six mlle S. W. of Omaha, near DeHolt Place, 83 per acre. GEORGE ft COMPANY. 16U1 Farnam St RE-kM 31 WHAT? HOME IN HANSCOM PARK FOR 12,500.00. Eight rooms, all modern. Dear car Una and school. Owner haa not consented to this figure, but think we can get him down to it- Let us show it to you. THE BYRON REED CO.. 213 8. 14TH ST. RE M9u8 IOWA and Nebraska real estate first mort gages for sale; XX years' experleuce. 1 ay ft Heae, Council Bluffa. Rai 80S 3 RANCH aitd farm lands for sale by the Union Paciflo Railroad company. B. A. McAlleater, land coenniiaaloaer, Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha. Neb. RE 8o TAXIDERMIST. i. tC. WALLACE, SU8 8. Ulk st MEDICAL. MARRIED ladles, suffering from erregn l titles srod 4c to Dr. Ferrer, Station A, New Torfc, for "Parker's Periodical Pllla,"1 an unfailing speclflo -M2M DR. PRIES treats sucreesfully all diseases and IrTegnlsrlttes of women, from any cause. Experienced and reliable. 1513 Dodge street, Arlington block. Omaha, Neb. Tel. 823$. - J19 MARRIED ladles. Buffering from Irregu larities send 4c to Ilr 1'nrr.r. citation A. New York, for "Parker's Periodical Pills.'' an unfailing specific. M236 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal II I Is are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. BICYCLES. GIVEN AWAY for almost nothing, second hand bicycles, until Dec. 87th; these wheels are put in first-class shape and are just aa good aa new. Louis Flescher, 1621 Cspltol ave. M 621 88 DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. TWOS. CORMICK. private detect ive. 617 Karbach block. Telephone A-r8L -868 JIT SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. OREGO S. H.. Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat free. Om. Com. Col., 17 ft Doug. -998 A. C VAN 8ANTS school, 711 N. T. Life. 999 BOYLE8 college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. 1000 NER Burtness ft Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. IV 00 LOST. $75 Reward Stolen, from the Nelson Morris ranch, near Herman, Neb., Dec. IS, 1908. one gray rnrse, weight about 1.100 pounds, branded "C" on left Jaw, foretop clipped; also one Marks Bros.' saddle. Burt county will pay 8&0 for capture and conviction of thief and owner will pay 826 for return of property. Notify E. V. Morgan, Herman, Neb. Lost M17J LO8T, black cheviot overcoat, at Orpheum theater, Sunday night: return to theater and receive liberal reward. LAND TO RENT. TWENTY acres finest garden land In the city. Apply at once at Room 842, New York Life Bldg. 714 SHIRTS TO ORDER. OMAHA SHIRT FACTORY, 1916 Farnam. 763 J13 DANCING SCHOOL. ATTEND Morand'a school or Wed. assem blies and learn the latest waits fad of the eastern cities, the most graceful waits ever Introduced. Classes for beginners now forming. Adults. Tues. and FrL; children, Saturday afternoon. Private les sons. 'Phone 102. 847 Ji COAL AND WOOD. HALD RICE. 606 8. 16th Bt Tel. US. L 281 J8 WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY Repairing promptly done; satisfaction guarantee a. n. r. jrranasen, 704 N. 19 th st M846 JS PHONOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES. ALL MAKES talking machines: send for catalogue. Omaha Bicycle Co.. Uth and . Chicago. M63S PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fees unless success ful 818 S, 16th St, Omaha. TeL 179ft. 246 PATENTS Sues ft Co.. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., and Equitable Bldg.. Washington, D. C. No fee If we fall. Illustrated hand book free. Only western Arm having a Washington office. Patents sold. M841 Janl LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, 8c; collars, 8c; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. TeL A-178J 114 OSTEOPATHY. Dr. Grace Deegan, 638 Be Bldg. Tel. 2068. 110 GID. E ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Bulte 616. N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL 1661 116 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma chlnist lot OMAHA Safe snd Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes, a. Andreen, Prop., 101 So. 10th St 104 CABINET making, lit 80. 17th, Tel. L-2368. M301 It TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON All work promptly done, satisfaction goat an teed. A. Monroe, 1607 Davenport Bt Phone 2011 M344 J6 TICKET BROKJIR8. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Philbln. 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 74. 119 CUT RATES-Member Am. Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. W. C. Norrls. 1406 Farnam. Phone B 8118. 380 Jl STORAGE. . OM. Van Stor. Co.. UU Faro. Tela. 1669-861. -46 EXPRESSMAN'S DoL Co. Tel. 1196-1145. 8SR GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. EGGS, 20C PER DOZ. T. ft E Batterton, grocers, 824 N. Uth Bt 2tit EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping. , eta. O. R. IUtbbun Room 16, Com I Nat. bank 180 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. 114 TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay moreT Lambert 828; superior to 8100 machines. Sent on approval. Monroe ft Co.. 8U N. Uth Bt.. Omaha. - H FLORISTS. HENDERSON, florist 1619 Farnam Bt TeL 1266. 818 A. NORLANDER. 708 Bo. lth st Cut flowers, bouquets, ferns, dishes, roping, wreath, Xmas holly. MK39 24 MASttt'ERADB COSTUMES. THEO. LIEBEN. lolt Farnam, costumes. MU6 STATUARY. BUY your Christmas presents: selling out 713 South 16th. M576 2S MASSAGE. I FACIAL soaasages. 81-09. 1711 Dodge. 4iS Jan CANDY AND CIGARS. ALSO school supplies snd lsundry office. Mrs. U Daffii, ji N, 241a st -MU JU GOLD AND SILVttR PLATING. OM. PLATING CO., Bee bldg. TeL 3635. fc7 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. lil UPHOLSTERING. OMAHA Furniture Repair. Wks.. mi Far nam. Tel. 84tit 249 Janl PETERSEN ft LUNDBURO. 115 8. 17th. TeL L-S68. -647 Jl CARLSON ft CO., Xttl Leavenworth. Tel. 2MR. MS Jl SIGN PAINTING. 8CHROFDER Sign Works, 208 8. 17th. We also ship signs. Write us. 876 June HAND LAUNDRY. FAMILY washing- specialty. 1318 N. 14th st TeL H3.8. a. W. Sampson. M585 J BHOEMAKINQ. SHOES mad for lam folks. J. T. Miller, ft N. 16th. M667 J8 MUSIC. THOS. 1. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. MERRIAM. 00 rotor table winter home. Tel 16 F-tuJ LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN ft PRICE. 28 U. 8. N l Bk. Bid. 101 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. T. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where lot NEB. COLLECTION CO., 806 N. Y. Life. -M6S9 FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 B. 13th. low HAIRDRESINO AND MANICURING. ADROIT Hair Basaar. 1620 Douglas St 643 JanT HATS RENOVATED. HATS dyed and blocked, latest style. Ramser ft Kerr, 207 N. 17th. Send hats by mail. M618 Jll HORSE BLANKETS. HARNESS, saddles, suit cases and vallate. Cornish. U10 Farnam st TeL 2314 -178 D2S SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. E. H. ULLERY ft CO.. 16U Howard st M636 J12 COAL AND FEED. J. B. HEATH. 2308 Cuming st Tel. R2869. M9UJ J 19 LIGHTNING RODS. OMAHA Lightning Rod Co.. 1611 Webster Bt, manufacturers of and wholesale and re tall dealers in copper cable lightning rods. -2S6W-1 BAKERY. THREE LOAVES home mads bread for lOo at Boston Bakery, 420 North 16th street. 277-J4 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. TeL 1773. MS CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. All kinds of carpenter work and repairing romptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ith and Lake streets. 470 PAWNBROKERS, EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential U01 Douglas - 117 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phons 1717. 806 a 16th. -Ul THB DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. -113 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Derlght U19 Farnam. 107 MILK DEPOT. MRS. IL FILLEY, 1310 N. 24th St. M610 Jan POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending De cember 27, lis, will close (PHOMPtLy in all casej) st tha general postomce as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcels Post mails for Oermany close at 6 p. m. Wednesday, per a. s. "Branden burg.1' Regular and supplementary mnlls close at foreign station half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that supple mentary mails for Europe snd Central America, via Colrn, close one hour later at foreign station). Traasatlaatlo Malls. TUE8DAY At 1.30 a. m. for ITALY direct per s. s. Lombardia (mall must be directed per s. s. Lombardia"). WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EU ROPE, per s s. St. Louis, via South ampton; at 8:80 a. m. (supplementary 10 m. m) for GREAT BRITAIN and IRE LAND, per s. s. Cymrio. via Queenstown (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed 'per s. s. Cymric"). THURSDAY t 7 a. in. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN. PUH-Ik9A.t'.XURKfeY- EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENXO MAR QUIZ, per a. s. La Bavoie. via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. a. La Bavoie''). BATUHDAY At 7:30 a, m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Amsterdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Amster dam' ); at 9:80 a. m. (supplementary 11 a. m.) for EUROPE, pr a. a. Etrurla, via vlueenstown; at 11 a. m. for DKN- . MARK direct per s. s. Island (mall must be directed "per s. s. Island"). PRINTED MATTEH. ETC.-Thls steamei takes printed matter, commercial papers and samplea fot Germany only The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship un less BLeclall) directed vy 1; After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mulls named above, addi tional supplementary mails are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German stuaniers. an- remain t.pen until within ten minutes (it the hour of sailing ef steamer. Malls tot Soatk aad Central Aaaerlea, West ladles, Ete. THEJ?DAT At . 3Q m- (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rlca) and SOUTH PA ClFlfi PORTS, per s! s City of Washing ton, via Colon (letter mall for Guatemala must be directed "per s. s. City of Wash ington ); at 13 m. for PEHNAMBUCO SANTOS and SAO PAUlii, per s. sT Ore clan Prince mall for other parts of Bra sit must be directed "pr s. 'a. Grecian Prince '): at 12 it) p. m. (supplementary V ;i,(0r rri THOMAH. BT. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD lolJ NDH BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per . a. Caribbee; at 6: p. m. for JAMAICA, per a. a. Admiral Far ragut, from Boston; at 11:80 p. m. for BAH AMAH, pr steamer from Miami, Florida. WEDNESDAY-At 12 m. for CUBA, YU CATAN, CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Laperanxa (mall for other parta of Mexico must ds directed "per b. s. Esperanca"); at UJO p. m (supplementary 1 p. m) for TURKU IBLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Ier . s. New Ttrk; at 11:30 p. m. tor POSTOFFICB NOTICE. JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from 1'hlladrlphta. Till K!UAV-At 12 m. for CRARA Bfd MAKANHAM. per a. a. Hilary (mall for other parts of Itraxll must be directed "per s. e. Hilary '). FRIPAY At 'i a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and FARAUUAT, per s. Norge; at 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. a Silvia; at 12 m. for (ll'ANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, p s a. Santiago de Cubs; at 12 m. for MEX ICO, rer s. s. Santiago, via Tamnloo (mall must be directed "per S. s. San tiago"). SATURDAY At 6 a. m, for BERMUDA, per b. s. Pretoria; at 9 a. m. supple mentary 8:80 a. m) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. a Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per e. s. Philadelphia,"); at 1:80 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTL'NH ISLAND, JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Alene (mall fot Costa Rlca must be directed "per a. s Alene"): at . 9:30 a. m. supplemental 10 30 s. m.) foi I HAYTI and SANTi MARTA, rer S. S. Adirondack; at 16 s m. for CUBA, per a. s. Morro Caatl via Havana; at 10 a. m. for YUCATAN per s. e. TJomo, via Progreso; at 11 a. nt for ARUENT1NE. URUGUAY and PAR AGUAY, per s. s. Sailor Prince: at 12:3 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Curttyba, vli Matanaas (ordinary mall only, whlol must be directed "per a. s. Curttyba"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to Nortl Cydney, and thence by steamer, close a this oflice dally at 6:80 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday anj Saturday). Mails for Mlquelon, by ral to Boston, and 1 hence by ateamer, clos at this offlrs dally at 6 So p. m. Mails to Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa. Fla., am thence by steamer, close st this offlo dally, except Thursday, at VSO s. m. (th connecting e'ores sra msde on Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays). Malls fx Mexico City, overland, unless sped all addressed for dispatch by steamer, clos et thla office dally, except Sunday, ai 1.80 p. m and 11:30 p. m.. Sundays at ; p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costi Rlca, Rellii. Puerto Cortes and lettei mall for Guatemala, by rail to New Or leans, and thence oy svenmtr. clore al this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:81 p. m. and U:30 p. m.. Sundays at 1 p. m. and ll:30 p. m. (connecting closes har Mondays at 11:S0 p. m. for Bellse, Puerte 'Cortes snd letter mall for Guatemala, and Tuesdays at 11:30 p. m. for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malls. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and spe cially addressed matter for the Philip pine Islands, via San jranolsco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to December "22. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a, Peru. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to December 22. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Zealxadla. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, B. C, close here dally at 80 p. m. up to December 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India. Merchandise for United States Postal Agency at Shang hai canot be forwarded via Canada, Malls for China snd Japan, via Seattle oiose here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to De cember 24, Inclusive, for dlspa ch per s. a. Rlojun Maru. Malls for the Philippine Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here daily at 6:20 p. ra. up to December 27, Inclusive, for dis patch per U. 8. Transport Mails for Hawaii, China, Japan and. Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close her dally at 6:30 p. m. up to. December 29, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which la forwarded via Europe) New Zea land, FIJI, Samoa end Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. after December 13 and up to January 8, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. So noma. (If the Cunard ateamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this dispatch, extra malls closing at b-M a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4 -80 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6.80 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until tha arrival of the Cunard steamer.) Malls for Australia (except West A us. tralla, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands (mall must be specially addressed), via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here dallv at 6:80 p. m. up to-January 3, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Manna. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here naiiy at 6:80 p. m. up to January .ncluslve, for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Tranapsciflc mails sre forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is srrsnged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Regis tered mall olosea st p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postomce, New York, N. Y December 19, 1902. LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Lee-Glass-Andreoaen Hardware Company, Omaha.- Neb., Dec. 13, 1905. No tice Is hereby given to (he slot kholdcra of the Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware . com pany that the annual meeting of the stock holders of the company will be held at the offices of the said company, corner of Ninth and Harney ilrcLts, In the city of On-aha. In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, Jan uary 13, A. D. 1903, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of direct ors for the company to serve curing the ' ensuing year, and to transact a trh other business as msy be presented st such meet ing. H. J. LEE. Ptesldent W. M. GLASS, Secretary. D18 DSOt SERGEANT AS SANTA CLAUS Patsy Havey Receives mar t'aasaal Call Over the 'Pkoas at the Station. Desk Sergeant Havey at. tke police sta tion was somewhat surprised Sunday on answering the ring of the telephone to hear the question la a childish, voice,, "Are you Santa Claus?" The sergeant road a noncommittal ans wer, which was taken by his questioner as an affirmative. "Well, please, I'd like a pair of skates." Patsy put his hand over the receiver of the 'phone while he laughed, and then asked, "What size do you wear?" At the other end of the line he beard the ques tion, "What site do I wear, mamma?" and the patient, reply, "I don't know, my child." . . "Well," contlued the sergeant, "you try to be- a good boy until Christmas and we'll see what we can do." On Natare'a Plan. Colds sre quickly cured by Chamber lain's Cough Rnmady. It acts on nature's plan, loosens the cough, relieves the lungs and opens the secretions, effecting a per- ' manent cure. It counteracts, toy tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia.- It Is pleasant to take, both adults and children like It. Price 25e; large size. C0c. THE REALTY RECORD. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Monday, December 22: Warranty Deeds. J. C. Parker et al to Frank Meyer, , lot 6, block 4. Improvement associa tion add I 600 W. C. Crane and wife to W. F. Fow ler, B109 feet lot 15. block 15. same.... 1.60s Gecirge A. Ostrom. trustee, to G. 8. Beuawa, lot 4, Roehme's sub 1 Elisabeth Illkkensderfer and husband to J. C. Johnson, lot 6, block 6, Creighton Helghta 600 C. H. Jensen and wifs to O. 8. Hen awa, lot 26, block 11. Omaha View.. . fA Thrvmas Hoctor and wife to Timothy UroJertrk, lots 1, 3 id 8, block 10 first add to Cortigan Place L Anna Cortigan to Ca-thne Mella, lot 7, block 23, same 398 W. F. Fowler snd wife to J. A. Ken nedy. n63 feet of sl09 feet lot 16, block 15, Improvement association add.... 1,000 Mary It. Shelby et al to J. A. Creigh ton. undVj of swVt se Si 86-16-10, and other property 1 500 A. D. Putnsm and wife to Harry Mar rowlts, s33 feet lot 1, block 24. Omaha 1.600 ttalt rial Deeds. J. C. Havemeyer and wife to Carrie 8. Stewart, lots IX and 19, block 1, Monmouth park 600 Deeds. E. E. Hart and wife to C. R. Hannon, vril feet of r44 feet lot I, block 8&2. Omaha 1 Metropolitan Street Railway company to Omaha Street Railway company, all lands, franchises, rights, etc., In South Omaha J Benson ft Halcyon Heights Street Hallway company to name, all lands, franchises, etc., owned by the grant ors i Metropolitan Ktreet Railway company ' to same, same , J Total amount of transfers SKJof - 1 V