Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Umfcl Inactivity Pervades Grain Fit on
Board of Trade.
Hlsb-Prlced Hog mud Lark of elllnK
Pressure Keep Provisions Klrtn
ea Market Which Wn
Oallt Active.
CHICAOO. Dee. 22.-The usual Inartlvlty
pervaded the grain pita tin the Hoard of
Trade today, out price were firm. May
wheat doffing M.'&Vic higher. May corn
was up a fraction and oata were c high r.
Provisions were strong. May closing irom
64j7'ic to 17Vic higher.
Wheat waa extremely dull, with prac
tically no outside business. The foreign
aituatlon waa considered strong, ths
world s shipments being light and a large
decrease In the amount on psssage being
recorded. l.arsc receipts and a bearish ea
tlmate of the Kuaalan crop waa the main
tear factors. May opened a shade to c
higher at KiftllSc to 77 but on selling
on liberal receipts the price declined to
77Ve. A smaller Increase In vleible than
had been expected an Increase of only
65,onn bushels, where l,&no,ij bushels had
been looked for created a Somewhat
firmer feeling later In the day and the
close was at T7,iT7VCi the top price of
the day, with a gain of '',c. World s
shipments for the last week were 6,li!u."i
bushels, against 6,497,uoO bushels last week.
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to bushels. Primary receipts were
1.264.U00 bushel, compared with KVI.Vnj
a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth re
ported receipts of l,t.72 cars, which, with
local receipts of HO cara, with 1 of contract
grade, made total receipts for the three
points of 1,152 cars, against 1,187 cars last
week and 816 a year ago.
Corn was dull and easier on the nearby
deliveries, but firm for May. Ixcal senti
ment was slightly bearish, the weather
being more favorable for the movement
and the receipts larger. Commission housej
reported a dearth of orders from the out
side and there waa little of Interest In the
trading. May closed a shade higher at
Vi'ton, after selling between 4:f,c and 434
Local receipts were 41.1 cars, 5 of
contract grade.
Oats showed more strength than either
of the other grains and a good demand
existed for the May option, while the offer
Inga were light. Commission houses were
the best buyers of May, but a prominent
long also bought freely. A good cash de
mand was a dull Influence, but receipts
were larger and had a depressing effect.
May closed He higher at 33 V mc, after
ranging between 3.iHe and 33c. Local re
ceipts were 279 cars.
Provisions were firm on the absence of
any particular selling pressure and on
higher prices for hogs at tne yards. Trad
ing was qulto active, there being an es
pecially good demand for the May prod
ucts. Outsiders were the best buyers and
the offerings were supplied largely by
packers. The close was firm, with May
pork, 17Hc higher at $16.60; May lard was
up MWa 15c at S9.374 and ribs were 5-a7Wc
higher at $8.6Mj8.57H.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
110 cars; corn, 586 cars; oats, 340 cars; hogs,
27,000 head.
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
ATttclea.j Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat'y.
( drn
74Ufii 74
, 771,
77 V
74 - 74
45H1H4 4&74
46U 4fvVti
464 46
44'! 45
3 32 31 S
It 60
16 00
1 ff7 16 60 16 65 16 60
16 IS I 16 00 16 16 15 97H
10 85 10 25 10 25 10 28
85 824 85 9 824
8 474 8 48 8 474 8 45
8 60 8 60 8 674 I 60
10 324
8 47H
No. 2. tNew.
Cash quotations were aa follows:
FLOUR Market quiet and steady; winter
patents, $3.4003.60; straights, S3.10ft3.3n;
spring patents, 13.40913.70; straights, 2.903
2.20; bakers. $2.252,75.
WHEAT No. 8, spring. 74W76c; No. 8
spring, 6S4jr72c; No. 2 red, 7474c.
CORN-tNo. 2, 45c; Noi t yellow. 45c.
OATS-No. 2, 82c; No. 8 white, S2c.
KYB No. 2, 484c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 641c; fair to
choice malting, 4666j.
BKEDS No. 1 flax. $1.15; No. 1 north
western, $1.23; prime timothy, $3.76; clover,
contract grade, $10.86,
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $17.
Lard, per 100 lbs.. tl0.2fr(r 10.35. Short ribs
Ides (loose), $8.374ifjti.624. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), h.iVt8.50. Short clear
Ides (boxed). $8,6248.874. ' '
Following were the receipts and shipments
of flour and grain Saturday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbla 18.300 14.64X)
Wheat, bu 66,800 e.noo
Corn, bu 25.100 86,400
Oats, bu 278,W 208 3)0
Rye, bu 8.100 6.100
Barley, bu 108,000 12,800
On the' Produce exchange today the but
ter market was quiet and eaaler; cream
eries, lht)2Sc; dairies, 17fe2Sc. Eggs, firm,
loss off, cases returned, 25c. Cheese, firm.
new York general markets.
Quotations of the Das- oai Various
NEW TORK. Dec. 22. FLOUR Receipts.
17,175 bbls.; exports, 14.875 bbls.; market
steady, with a fair Inquiry for spring
patents; winter patents, M.tKg.3.u;
winter straights, $3,464(3.55; winter extras,
$285431.16; winter low grades, 12 AM?! 96;
Minnesota patents, $4.OiK(;-4.20; Minnesota
bakers, $3 2&Vn3.40. Rye flour, steady; fair
to good, $3.10o 3. 40; choice to fancy, tS.oOcjy
8 60. Buckwheat flour, quiet, $2.3002.35. spot
and to arrive.
CORN MEAL Quiet; yellow western,
11.20; city, $1.18; lirandywlne. $3.43.56.
RYE Quiet ; No. 2 western, 68c, f. o.
b., afloat; atate, 55iSi&6c.
BARLEY Steady; feeding. 39g4nc. c. i. f..
Buffalo; malting. 4Suc. c. I. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 101,400 bu.; exports,
181,866 bu. Spot, steady; No. $ red. 79c,
f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 87c,
f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 874Ci
t. o. b., afloat. Options were generally quiet,
but firm, all day. buying motives were rain
reports from Argentine, higher cables,
small visible supply Increase and renewed
export demand. The close was 4ft4c net
higher. May, 81 ll-l814c; July, 7n67S7,e,
closed at 78c; December, 83yxjc, cloaed
t K3'e.
CORN Receipts, 86,109 bu.; exports, 83.786
bu. Spot, steady; No. I 61Vi&2c. elevator,
and 6c, f. o b., afloat) No. 2 yellow, 694a;
No. 2 white, 60c. The option market waa
dull, but steady to firm, on cable news,
the wheat advance and covering, and closed
44c uet higher. January, 634i864c, closed
at 63ic; March. 6ott5o4c. cloaed at 6o"4c;
May, 4Hfc48Hc; December cloaed at 60c.
OATS Receipt a 4S.UA) bu. ; exporta 1340
bu. epot. firm; No. 2, 38c; No. t, S74ff374c;
No. S white, 341i38e; track white, a43c
standard white, 3a0394c; No. 2 white, 3ad
fc394c; track mlx,ed western, nominal. Op
tions were very quiet, but steady. Decem
ber closed at 3914c.
HAY Steady; shipping, 65S70c: good to
choice. vx jl m). .
HOPS 4ulet ; state, common to choice
1902. 29j'37c; 111. l4!iic; olda. 7nj72Hc- pa
cific coast, l&VJ, l&lc; 1901, Ofcitic; olda, 74
124c. "
HIDES Steady; Oalveaton. 20 to 25 Iba
18c; California, 21 to 26 Iba., 19c; Texas dry'
24 to 80 iba.. 14c. '
PROVISIONS-Beef. quiet; family, $16 00
flt8.uu; men. I10.5u.nll.00; beef hama, Uu.&o.
22.U0; packet. 14.UU 16.00; city extra India
mesa, $26 0oj28.00. Cut roeata, quiet: pickled
bellies. 9.tXM.T6; pl.-kled shoulders, $8 25
8.50; pickled hams, $11.604311.76. Lard flrnr
western steamed, $10.80; rertned. ateady
continent. $11; South America, $11.60; com
pound, IJ.6txu7.75. Pork, ateady; family, 1,0;
short clear, $21 0J23.uU; meas. $1S.
TAI.Ix)W-DjII; city. 64c.
RICE Quiet; domeatlc. fair to extra. 4Vc
Bt'TTKR Recelpta, 2.312 pkga. ; ateady;
state dairy, 234c; creamery, extra, 29c
treamery, common to choice, J0rp2tic. '
CHEESE Hectlpts, 4,4to pkga.; quiet;
fancy, large, atate, full cream, colored and'
state and Pennsylvania, average teat, 2&c'
western, poor to fancy, 20a26e.
POULTRY AIHe, unsettled. Dressed
eksy; western chicks, 13c; western fowls'
lJ.(H?'ic- western turkeys, lie.
METALS There waa a ahurp advance In
the London tin market today, quotation,
being 42 higher at 117 I'm for apot anJ
a.118 2a td fur futures, and Influenced by
this the local market waa higher by nearly
Sr. with spot closing firm but quiet at
$2i O01ij4.ti0. Copper declined 6s In lxmdon
to 461 2a 6d foi spot and 51 10a for fu
tures, but remained unchanged and nominal
here at $10.76 for standard. $1166 for lake
and $11 45 for electroltic and lasting. Lead
waa dull and unchanged here at $-4 124 and
In I-onJun at 10 lbs. Biwlter advanced
i M la Lundoa to 19 i7 id, hll hers It
Dvpientuet, uiic; taie maae, uyisvc
fancy, amall, colored and while, ttontember
13c: late make. ISJjIJVc. '
EdQS Recelpta. i.167 Dkas.: frrevulae-
declined 24c lo $4 5. lrn In Olnpgow was
quoted st 54s snd In M Iddles borough at
47s 14d. Locally It tin qnlf-t anl un
chann'd. No. 1 northern found!)- Is quoted
at $23.Kri:6.i! nn.l No. 2 northern, No. 1
southern nn No. 1 pouthern soft foundry
st $22 Wri23.00 Wsrrants continue nominal.
Condition of Trade and r-aotallnas en
S'frl find Knnry Prodnce.
FOOP CamMed Ktock, 21c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 7ij"4c: old roos
ters, 41 5" ; turkeys, lie: ducks. Pjji'c;
pcrre, "4J8c; spring chickens, per lb., 8ift
DRKBSKD POULTRY Hens. c; young
chickens. 9c; turkeys, lttfjlSc; ducks, lollc:
grfe. ll'c.
PUTTER-racklng stock, VWnr. choice
dalrv. In tubn. 2iiilc; separator, 29W.10O.
FRESH FISH-Troiit. 9?10c; herring, 5c;
picketel, 8c, pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffilo,
dressed, 7c; sunfish, 3c; hl.iel'ns. 3c; white
fish, 9c: salmon, J0c; hndilock, 11c; codfish.
12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per
lb Sot; lobsters, green, per lh., 2c; bull
lienrls, 0c; catfl-h. 14c; black bass, 20c;
halibut, 11c.
CORN New. 40c.
OATS ;,2c.
RYE No. 2. 4r,c.
TnN-P-r ten. $13 50.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' assocJulon: Choice No.
1 upland, $8.50; No. 1 medium. $7.60: No. 1
coarse, $7. Rye straw, $6. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fnlr. receipts light.
OYSTERS Standards, per can, 2Se; extra
selects, per can. 3flc: New York counts, per
can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75;
bulk, standards, per ral.. $1.45.
TREES 4 to 6 feet, per doxen, $1.75; 7 to
feet, $3 .50- 6 to 7 feet, $2.50; 9 to 10 feet.
$1.50; large, for school and church pur
poses. 12 to 14 feet. each. $1 .001.50: extra
larce, 15 to Wl feet. earn. 2 0O54 00.
HOLLY RRANCH12S Per case nf 2x2x4
feet (about 6" lbs.), $4; per barrel. 21.50.
LONO NEEDLE PINES Per doxen. $2.50
20 yards, per coll 90c; five-coll lots, 85c.
WREATHS Magnolia and galax wreaths,
per doxen, $1.5O4i2.0fl; evergreen wreaths,
per dozen, $1. 502.00; holly wreaths, per
doxen. $1.50g2O0.
NEW CELERY Kalamazoo, per do,, 25c;
Utah, per dos., 45c; California, per dos., for
stalks weighing 1 to 14 lbs., each,
45'i 75e.
POTATOES Per bu., 50c.
SWEET POTATOES Iowa Muscatlnes,
per bbl., $3 25; Kansas, $2.25.
TURNIPS Pe' bu.. 0c; Canada ruta
bagas, per lb., lc.
BEETS Per basket, 40c.
CI CUMPERS Hothouse, per doi., $1.50.
PARSNIPS-Per bu., 40c.
CARROTS Pet lb., lc.
GREEN ONIONS Southern, per doxen
Dunchs, 45c.
RADISHES Southern, per dozen bunches,
WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $3; string
beans, per bu. box $1.50.
CABBAGE Miscellaneous Holland eed.
per lb., j4c.
ONIONS New home grown. In cacks,
per bu., 75c; Spanish, per crate, $1.75.
NAVY BEANS Per bu. $2 00.
TOMATOES New California, par 4-bas-ket
crate, $2.7.V
CALIFLOWER California, pr crate,
PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2.00;
Colorado, per box, $2.25.
APPLES Western, per bbl.. $2.75: Jona
thans, $l; New York stock. $3.25; California
Bellflowers, per bu. box, $1.60.
GRAPES Cats wbas. per basket, 18o;
Malagas, per keg, $6.00(37.00.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per bbl.,
$9.50; Bell and Bugles, $10.50; per box, $3.26.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to slie,
$2.01141?. 60.
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy, $3.76; choice.
ORANGES Florida Brlghts, $3.75; Cali
fornia navels, $3.50; California sweet
Jaffna, all sites, $2.75.
DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.,
6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.25.
FIGS California, per 10-r. cartons, fl;
Turkish, per 36-lb. box, 1418c
GRAPE FRUIT Florida, $6.
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case,
CIDER New York. $4.60; per 4 bbl., $2.75.
SAUERKRAUT--Wisconsin, per 4 bbl.,
$2.25; per bbl.. $3.75.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 4c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 6c: No. 1 green. 5c;
No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 64c; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 84c; No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 812c;
sheep pelts, 2576c: horse hides, $1.60fj2.50.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. . soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Brails, per ib., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 15c; aecans, large, per lb., 124c;
small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos.,
6oc; chestnuts, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb.,
54c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black
walnuts, per bu., $1.00; hickory nuts, per
bu., $1.60; cocoanuts, per 100, $4 .
quotes the following prices: Iron, country,
mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per
ton, $8; copper, per lb., 84c; bmss. heavy,
per lb.. 84c; Drass, light, per lb., 64c;
lead, per lb., 8c; sine, per lb., 24c; rub-
urr, per 10,, oftc.
110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb
Telephone 1B10.
CHICAGO, Dec. 22. WHEAT There has
been a steady but dull wheat market, the
whole range within 4c and the trade small.
The news has been rather bullish, but the
market has been rather indifferent to
this. Argentine reported rains and harvest
delayed. The weather west and southwest
is undesirable. Minneapolis reported all Its
mills running. The visible Increased 665,
0O0 bu. The local stock Increased 80,000 bu.
On passage decreased 1,752,000 bu. World's
shipments were 6,120,000 bu. The English
visible Increased 737,000 bu., compared with
decreases last year both In the American
and English visible. Duluth reports 70,
000 bu. sold ifloat at Buffalo. New York
reports thirty loads for export. Local re
ceipts, 80 cars, with 1 of contract; esti
mates for tomorrow, 110 cars.
CORN Market has been very quiet,
within a range of 40 for the active fu
tures. The December and January were at
about the low points so far. Clearances,
61,000 bu. The visible Increased 844,000 bu.;
the local stock. 1,352,000 bu.. Increased 262,
000 bu. ; on paaage Increased 661,000 bu.
World's shipments, 2,363,000 bu., which la
about the same as the previous week.
Primary receipts, 926.000 bu., against 648,
000 bu. last yer. There were 16 cars of
No. 2 out of private elevators. Samples
have been abOJt steady.
OATH Have been active and strong, up
at their best 4c to Sc. The December
showed the most strength. The local stock,
1,686.000 bu., decreased 141,000 bu.; the visi
ble decreased 176.0UO bu. ; clearances, 11,000
bu.; local receipts. 279 cars, with 18 cars 3f
standard; estimates for Tuesday 340 cars.
Cash demand eart Is good.
PROVISIONS Market has been strong.
Armour bought May pork and ribs. Trade
has been fair, with little disposition to
sell. There were 36.000 hogs; market firmer
and pricea 6c higher. Estimates for Tues
day, 27,000. Hogs In the west today, 59.7(11,
against 61,700 last week and 87, SO last year.
St. I.oala Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 22. WHEAT-Steadv:
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track.
734fe74c: May, 764c; July, 724c bid; No. 2,
hard. 7ot724c
CORN Firm; No. 2 caah, 444c; track,
444iM4,c; December. 45c; July, J'igsyc.
OATS Steady; No. 2. cash. J2c; track.
$24'i33c; December, 324c; May, 334c; No.
2, white, 35c.
RYE Lower, at 48H44o.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $3 35
(3.50; extra fancy and straights, $3.o5o3.30;
clear. $2.9"iii3..
6EED Timothy, steady, $29003.40.
C( iRKMKAL Steady at $2 30.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 7ig73c.
HAY Firm: timothy. $11 00&15.00; prairie,
$10.5041 11.60. '
RAOGINO-6 i-Will l-16c.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing,
standard mees. $17.95. Lard, steady, $10.25.
Dry salt meats (boxed), quiet; extra short,
$9 124; cler ribs. $9; rhort clears, $9 50.
Bacon (boxed), quiet; extra shorts, $10. W;
clear ribs, $10.50; short clear, $11.
METALS Lead, steady at $3.90 bid.
Spelter, dull at $4 50.
POULTRY Firm ; chickens, 84c; turkeys,
14fcl4c: ducks. 12c; geese. $0.
Hl'TTER Quiet; creamery, 23SOc; dairy,
EGGS Steady; 22c, loss off.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls lo. ll.OoO
Wheat, bu 104.000 35
Corn, bu 221.WO j.oi
Oats, bu So.ojo
Unlntk Grain Market.
DULUTH. Dec. 22. WHEAT Cash, No.
1 hard. 744c; No. 2 northern, 714c; No. 1
northern, 73Sc; December, 734c; May,
'"oATS December. 314c; May, S34c.
Llveruool Grain Sknsl Provisions.
f LIVERPOOL. Dec. 21 WHEAT 8pot.
No. I red wvsteru, winter, nrm at 5sU4d;
No. I California, .steady at 6s Id. Futures.
dull; December, 6s 141; March. s ld; May,
6.1 Id.
1 CORN Knot,; American mixed,
I new, 5s4'i. American mixed old, 6s 4d.
ru'ures, dull; January, 4s64d; March, 4s
PEAS Csnadlan. s 74d.
FLOUR St. Louis, fancy winter, 2Ss 5d.
l'opfl At London, Pacific coast, ftYm at
C6 ISsfi 7
PROVISIONS Beef, extr.i India mess,
steady, 113s 9d. Pork, steady; prime mess
weftern 9o!. Hams, short cut, 14 to 15 lbs.,
63 6d. Bacon, Cumbcrlai d cut 26 to 30 lbs.,
inlet, 4Ks; short rllis. 18 to 24 lbs., quiet,
4;ts; on clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs.,
quiet, 4Ss fl; long clear middles, heavy, 35
to 40 ib'., dull, 48, short clear backs, 16 to 2
ins., quiet, ls, clear belllcw. It to 16 lbs.,
quiet, 58s 6d. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13
lbs., quiet, 43s. Lard, prime western. In
tierces, quiet, 661 6d; American refined In
palls, dull, 5Ks.
BUTTER Nominal.
CHEESE Firm; American finest white
and colored, nils.
TALI)W-Piime city, dull. 27s 3d.
Imports cf wheat Into Liverpool last week
were 31.3O0 quarters from Atlantic ports,
none from Pacific ports and 25,000 quarters
from other ports.
Imports of crrn from Atlantic ports Inst
week were ! quarters.
The Provision exchnnge here will be
closed on December 25 and 26 and January 1.
Kansas City Grata and provisions.
femher, 24e; May, t4fi;!e; cash, No. 2
hard, 654f74c; No. 3, 634fe'5c; No. 2 red
one; No. 3, 65c.
CORN December, 364c; May, 37S,c; cash,
No. 2 mixed, 36ffS7c; No. 2 white, 374c;
No. 8, 3"4c
OATS No. 2 white, S34c.
RYE No. 2, 44c.
HAY Choice tlmothv. Ill.&0ifrl2.00: choice
prairie. $9.50fi 10.00.
BUTTER Creamery, 2527c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS 214c
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 187.200 24,800
Corn, bu 230.400 67.200
Oats, bu 36,000 6,001)
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. Dec. 22. The visible sup-
Rly of grain Saturday, ap compiled by the
lew York Produce exchange, was as fol
lows: WHEAT-48,816.000 bushels; Increase, 665,
000 bjshels.
CORN 6,342.000 bushels; Increase, 844,000
OATS 6,018,000 bushels; decrease, 175,000
RYE 1,270,000 bushels; decrease, 32,000
BARLEY 3,142.000 bushels; decrease, 342,
000 bushels.
Philadelphia, Prodnce Market.
Dull and lc lower; extra western cream
ery, 3oc; extra nearby prints, 33c.
EGGS Dull and easier: fresh nearby, 27c,
loss off; fresh western. 27c, loss off; fresh
southwestern, 2Mi27c, loss off; fresh south
ern. 26c, loss off
CHEESE-Firm but quiet; New York full
creams, prime large, 13-ifj'Mc; New York
full creams, fair to good large, 13134c;
New York full creams, prime email, 13ic;
New York full creams, fair to good small,
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO, O., Dec. 22 WHEAT Market
dull, higher; cash and December, 78c; May,
CORN Dull, steady; December, 454c;
May, 434c.
OATS Dull, steady; December, 834c;
May, 344c.
RYE No. 2, $1,524.
SEEDS Clover, fairly active; December,
$6,674; January, $8.70; March, $-1,824; prime
timothy, $1.75; prime alslke, $8.
Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran.
cember, 734c; May, 734734c; on track.
No. 1 hard, 754c; No. 1 northern. 744c; No.
2 northern, 734c.
FLOUR First patents, $3.9O4.0O; second
patents, $3.753.86; first clears, $2.90tf3.00;
second clears, $2.30S2.4O.
BRAN In bulk, $13.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
ket steady; No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2 north
ern ,754t!v764c; May, 774c.
RYE Steady; No. 1, 61ig62c.
BARLEY Steady ; standard, 66c; sample,
CORN May, 434c.
vPeorta. Market.
PEORIA. t)ec 22. CORN Dull; No. 2,
OATS Dull; No. $ white, 334Q32C
Sew York. Money Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. 22. MONEY On call',
firm, at 64&6 per cent; close, 6$ 6 per cent;
time money was easy, with sixty days st
6 per cent and ninety days and six months
at 654 per cent, prime mercantile paper,
6 per cent.
$6.86625 for demand and at $4.82875&4.83 for.
sixty days; posted rates, $4.84 and $4,874;
commercial bills, $4.824&4.834.
SILVER Bar, 484c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
The closing quotations on bonds ar as
U. 8. nf. ts, g....l074 Hocktng Vil. 44,.. .10
do coupon .lot L. & N. unl. 4, 1014
to la, ( 1UT4 Un. Csntral 4 78
do coupon 1074 do 1st Ine 134
do new it, nl 136 Minn. St. U 4...10j
do coupon 11 ,M.. K. Ss T. 4, M
do 4s, rag 10141 do Is 81
do coupon 1094 N. Y. C. U 1024
do tt. rag 103 Mo sen. 14, 131
do coupon 101 N. J. C. (. bt 1154
Atrh. ,n. 4, 101 No. Pacific 4s 1034
do ad. 4, 10 I lo li 714
B. O. 4, l2lN. A W. o. 4 IOO14
do 14' 4!Rdin ,n. 4, M4
do conT. 4, 1044 Bt. U I V o. 6i..ll!
Canada 80. 1, 10, ,st. I A 8. F. 4a. ,. 7
Central of Oa. U....HX Bt. L. 8. W. 1, H
do lit I no 75 I do la 84
C. as O. 44 103 '8. A. A. P. 4,.... 874
C. A. 14, 79 80. Paotflo 4, 04
C. B. Q. a. 4,.... 6T8o. Railway (a 11,
c, M t Bt r f. U..H3 Tu Pacific la...ll4
C. N. W. e. 7a.
IMS, 1., St. u. at W. 4,.. 76
.1084 Union Pacific 4a 1044
. 714 do conr. a 1U64
. M Wabash la 114
. 114 do Is ims,
.101 I do deb. B 75
. ,74 West ghora 4a Ill
. Wt4 Wheal. Set L. E. 4a.. it
.110 iWIl Cantral 4, ,14
C. R. I. P. 4a..
Oca A 8. L. g- 4a
Chicago Tar. 4a.
Colo. So. a
Denvar A R. 0. 4a
Brla prior Uaa 4a...
do gcnaral 4a
F. W. a- O. C. 1,..
Boston Stock Quotations.
BOSTON, Dec. 22. Call loans, 644 per
cent; time loans, 6&6 per cent. Official
closing of stocks and bonds:
Atchlaon 4a 1004 Allouea
Oaa. Is , Amalgamated
Max. Cantral 4s Tt lulu, barn
Atchlaon M4 Cal. Hacla
do pfd M iCenteantaJ ...
... 14
... i4
... 24
... 14
... 07
... 84
... 674
... 154
... 624
... li
... 14
... M
... 8
... 114
... K4
... 44
... 44
... (
Boaton A Albany. ...IM4 Copper Ran,
Hoalon A Ma
Boaton ElaTatad ...
N. T.. N. H. H.
Kltchburc pfd
Unloa Pacific
Max. Cantral
Antar. Sugar
do ptd
Amer. T. T
Dam. I. A 8
Oanarml Elactiie ...
Maaa. Klactrlo
do pfd
tlnltad Fruit
U. 8. Steal
do pfd
Wt. Common ....
.IM inomlnioa Coal ...
.lit Franklin
.735 lala Royal ......
.141 Mohawk
. t4 Old Dominion ....
. 2240cola ,
.1MI Parrot
.163 Santa Pa Copper..
. M4 Tamarack
.177 Trlmountmla
. 354 Trinity ,
. M t'nitad States .....
.110H Utah
. K4 Victoria
. 844 Wlr.oua ,
. M iWolvertn ,
. 124l
New York Mining notations.
NEW YORK. Dec. 22-The following are
the closing prices on stocks;
Adam, Con li Llttl Chief t
Alloa 11 Ontario BT3
Breaoa 4a Ophlr 120
lirunawtrk Con 1 Phoenix 4
Comatork Tunnel ... ft Putoal 30
Con. Cal. A Va 124 Savace T
Horn 4'llrar 115 Sierra Nevada 13
Iron Silver aO Bmall Hopes 10
Leadvllla Con Standard 12S
.Bank Clearing.
CHICAGO. Dec. 22. Clearings, $33,267,559;
balances, $3,141,373; New York exchange,
2ic premium; foreign exchange unchanged;
ste-Ung postrd at $4.84 for sixty days and
at $4,874 for demand. "
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 22 Clearings. $9,062,487;
balures $1.188.iKi0; money, steady at biii
per cent; New York exchange, 6t'c premium.
BOSTON. Dee. 22. -Clearings, $17,116,773;
balances. $11,230,137.
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 22. Clearings.
$15,838,774; balances). $2,752,172; money, 6 per
BALTIMORE. Dec. 22-Clearlngs, $2,156.
3K: balances, $37,424; money. ( per cent.
NEW YORK, Dec. 22. Clearings, $137,
447.749; balances, $7.:'),773.
CINCINNATI, Dec 22 Clearings. $4,596.
65u; money, 6 per cent; New York exchange,
I Jo discount. '
Dry Cooda Market.
change In the general run of the bime de
mand. Buyers are placing moderate or
der, for cotton goods at previous prices in
both simples ar.d fancies. More buying In
heavy l.rown cottons for China; tone firmer
In eHr; kmhIb; print cloths qjlet and un
changed. Cotton, spot steady, and under
wear In moderate demand and general mar
ket unchained.
r. Market.
quiet: Cordova, 74il2c. futures opened
steady at a partial decline or 6 point,, fol
lowing the tieclliea abroad: ruled quiet but
(airly steady uujar 11,: ni eyvertuj by thorn,
moderate buying for the long account and
renewed selling by Importers, with the close
steady on the opening bnsls. Sales footed
up 27.750 bags. Including December at 4 45c;
January, 4.45c; February, 4.60c; March. 4.7uc;
May, 4.86114 9c; July, oc; September, 6.15c;
October, 6.20c.
Market Shows Considerable Strensrth
Before flood Volume of Bsalneaa.
NEW TORK. Dee. 22,-There was a food
volume tif business In stocks today and
toe marset snowed strength and breadth.
The iarge dealings and the notable strength
In a few prcmlnent securities had a notable
f'jmpninetic errect on the whole market.
The tradlllaT Showed diminished animation
as the day progressed, but the high level
of prices attained was prettv well held,
althought the closing was slightly irregular
by reanor. of a feverish movement In Sugur.
The stocks which led the market had Indi
vidual grounds for strength, mostly In
the shape of rumors of a probable Increase
In dividends, or of other benefits. This
was the In Missouri Pacific, Nesr York
Central and In the outside market. The
rumor concerning Northern Securities was
to the effect that there is to be some ex
traordinary distribution among Great
Northern stockholders, of which the North
ern Securities company Is the principal one.
No official sanction was given to any of
these rumors, nor was there any confirma
tion 01 ine reports tnat valuable rights ars
to be given to stockholders in connection
with the proposed new stock Issue. Sugat's
strength was sttrlbuted to a further drive
against the shorts In connection whh the
prospects for the Cuban reciprocity treaty.
Canadian Pacific and Its allied stocks wero
: strong features without special explanation,
j Amalgamated Copper was helped by re
ports thai copper litigation In Montana has
Dien paused inclettnltely py common con
sent of both contending interests in the
inuusiry. itit room traders on the Stock
exchange were somewhat skeptical of the
advance and contested It by short sales.
There was evidence of activity on the part
of the recently quiescent pools and large
professional operators were supposed to
be at work to life the level of prices. United
States Steel wns prominent and strong,
althought sluggish as usual.
Satlhiaction was professed over the status
of the Venezuelan question and confidence
seemed to be felt in the money situation.
Concessions In rates for time loans helped
this confidence materially. The 6 per cent
rate wus shaded for any longer time than
sixty days. The continued downward course
of sterdng exchange gives rise to a supposi
tion of some special development In that
field not yet dlscloxed. There are vague
-umors of blocks of railroad bonds placed
abrond, although representatives of large
railroad Interests report that the American
market still offers the best Held for railroad
bond. Tho suggestion comes from Berlin
that foreign bankers co-operated with tho
New York bankers' pool In guaranteeing
the $60,000,000 fund for the money market
to the extent of at least agreeing to refrain
from fiirther contract of credit to New
York. The large movement of currency to
New Orleans, $5n0,000 today, following large
shipments on Friday and Saturday, is sup
posed to be for the purpose of holding
cotton in that market in anticipation of
higher prices in January. The movement
seems to cause no misgiving, although It
seems likely to cut down the export move
ment of cotton and thus affect the foreign
The bond market was broad and strong.
Total sales, par value, $3,020,0ii0. United
States bonds were all unchanged In the
last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchanger'
Atchison 134 So. Railway 114
do pfd v do pti
Baltlmora Ss Ohio... H Taxaa Pacific 40 Vi
do pfd
T.. Bt. L. A W.
Canadian Pad Bo 1304
Canada Southern .... 74
Chea. A Ohio 47
Chicago A Alton 124
do pfd
lnt'n'l Power ...
Laclede Oaa ....
.. 71
.. 444
.. 184
.. 4
.. it
.. 284
.. 424
.. 14
.. U
.. 164
.. 604
.. t4
.. 144
.. 89L
.. 144
.. 40
.. 40
.. 14
.. 81
.. 844
.. 804
National Blacult
National Lead .
I nlon Paclna ...
do nfd
00 pra li)'-,
Chicago, I. A L.... 74
do pfd ,1
Chicago A Ot. W..
do let ptd
do Id pfd
Chicago A N. W...
Chicago T. A T....
do pfd
C. C. C. A St., 1,..
Colo. Southern .....
do let pfd ,
do pfd
W. A L. E
do Id Dtd....
Wla. Central ...
12 s
do pfd
Adama Express .
174 Am. Kxpreaa ...
. M V. b. Express...
do Id pfd
Walla-lfarao Ea.
Dela. A Hudaon 14 Amal. Copper ..
Del,., L. A W..
Denver A R. O.'
do pfd
do let pfd....
do Id pfd....
Ot. Nor. ptd
Hocking .Valley
do ptd
Illlnola Central .
Iowa cantral ...
:. 40
Amer. C. A r...
do pfd
04 Amer. Lin. Oil..
. : . 14, . ao prd
.J. W4Amer. 8. A R...
.u 464 do pfd .V
...IMMiAna. Mln. Co....
... 74 Brk. Rap. Tr....
... M4C0I0. r. A I....
.1444iCon. Oa,
.ff 18 Con. Tob. pfd....
do pfd . .
L. E. A'W...,...'U1.' 4
do . pfd a.tvallt
vrr ."7linerai JMectrio
aa Mwltin. ri
lnt'n'l Paper .
do pfd
Louie. A Naeh.... 1234
Mannattaa L .....
Met. Bt. Ry
Max. Central
Mex.' Natlol.,1 ...
Minn. A St. L ...
Mlaaourt Pacific ..
M., K. A T
do pfd
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central
Nor. A Weal
do pfd
Ontario A W
do let pfd
do 3d pfd
St. L. A 8. r....
do let pfd......
do Id pfd
St. L. 8. W
Bt. L. 8. W
St. Paul
do pfd
80. Pad lie
4.. 1484 No, American
,.,nu racino toaa
,. 1j4 Pacific Mall ..
... 184, People', Oaa ..
,..10 Preased Steel Car.... 40",
.ilimi uu piU ............
i.. 184 Pullman Pal. Car.. ..1)8
.. bH Republic Steel .
,..188 I do pfd
,.,1614 Sugar
714.Tenn. C. A I...
... tl IU. B. A P. Co..
... 14 T. 8. Leather..,
...16AS, do pfd
... 3 V. 8. Rubber....
-,. 88 do pfd
... 774 V.. 8. Steel
t. 7114 do pfd
... 77 Western Union ,
..704 Am. Locomotive
.. 17 1 do pfd
,,. 80 K. C. Southern.,
..1784 do pfd
...12 Rock Iiland ....
... 444 da pfd
. 684
. 78
. II
. 8i
. 164
. 81
. 14
. 644
Cotton Market.
Firm; saleo, 4,700 bales; ordinary, 4c:
good ordinary, 74c; low middling, 71-l6c;
middling, 84c: good middling, 8 11-lSc; mid
dling fair, 94c. Receipts, 13,728 bales:
stock, 384,685 bales. Futures, steady; De
cember, 8.21(8.23c; January, 8.22Jt8.23c: Feb
ruary, 8.274.29c; March, 8.33(U8.34c; April.
8.34ru.3Sef May, 8.42&.43c; June, 8.46o.47c:
July, 8.48iS8.4c. .
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 22. COTTON Firm;
middlings, 84c; sales, 100 bales; receipts,
4.103 bales; shipments, 4.C92 bales; stock,
2.634 bales.
in fair demand; prices, 2&i per cent higher;
American middling, fair, 6.20d; good mid
dling, 4.72d; middling, 4.56d; low middling,
4.44d; good ordinary, 4.32d; ordinary, 4.20d.
The sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of
which 600 were for speculation and export
and included 9,300 bales of American. Re
ceipts, 13.200 bales; American futures
closed quiet and steady; American mid
dling, g. o. c. December, 4.62d; December
January, 4.61&-4.62d; January-February,
4.6Hh4.52d; February-March, 4.61Q4.62d;
March-April, 4.46tj4.5d; April-May, 4.61
4a3d; May-June, 4.63d; June-July, 4.63d;
July-August, 4 63d; August-September.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 23.-WOOL Strong; me
dium grades and combing. 17&204c; light
tine, lbio 19c; heavy line, 13 15c ; tub washed.
NKU- YORK, Dec. 22.-WOOL Firm.
ElKta Batter Market.
ELGIN. Deo. 22. BUTTER Firm; sales
for the week, 69.502 lbs.
Kansas City I.tve Stoek Market.
ceipt, 4.460 head. Including 660 Texans;
calves. 180 natives; steady to higher; quar
antines higher; choice export and dressed
beeef steers, $5.20g3.15; fair to good, $3.969
6 16; Blockers and feeders, $2.704.26; west
ern steers, $2.7yi6.25; Texas and Indian
steers, $3.70ft-4.1o; Texas cows, $2,600.00;
native cows. $1.6..JM.i; native heifers, $2.30
i3.75; canners, $1.0ui'2.26; bulls, $1.76(a3.16'
calves. $2.25ri4.25.
liOOS Recelpta, 3,300 head; market
steady, 6riluc higher; top, $6,324; bulk of
wiles, $6.1(14.25; heavy, $6.0Mi.3-'4; mixed
packers, $6. 024446. 324; light. fc.StW6.10:
yorkers. $6. (KiH. Ill; pigs, Vo.U" 3.K5.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.000
head; market steady; native lambs, $4.00
jr 5.4'; western lambs. $3 8541-4.35; fed ewes
$3.0irtf3 n; native wethers, .&; west
ern wethers, $3.004.20; Blockers and feed
ers, $2.IA'ij3.35.
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
8T. LOUIS, Dec. 22-CATTLE-Recelpts,
3.C.O. Including 2.200 Texan,; market steady
to atrung, with natives higher; nstive
shipping and export astecrs. $i.&lnti.OO, with
strictly fancy worth up to $6.76; dressed
beef and butcher steers, $4.0oa.75; steers
tinder 1,000 Iba., $3.7.j.iJ; atorkera ard
feedera, $2.3Titi4.0ii; cowa and heifer,, $2.2j
t74.5u; canera, $1.5)'iu2.50; bulla. $2.2uj.MI;
cal vet). 4.t 7(J ; Texas and Indian ateers,
$..3i4HO; cows and heifers. U.iitoS2u.
HOOU Receipts, 3,5u; market sirong, 5$
luc higher; pigs and lights, $t.ia'(j6 16;
packers, $6.10rf(t; 30; butcher,, $6. 2ua6..-j.
BtlKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, SJyjO;
market ateady to firm; native mjttons,
$3.4iK(4.25; ldinbs, $4-4' iia.50; culls and buck,,
W'-'i'i"'. , tuckers, il.664i3.uo; Texans,
$2.703 .
Ml. Joseph Live Stawk Market.
ceipts, 1.52; natives, $3 o 26; Texaa and
westerns, t3Uuuja.a6; Ftockers and feeders,
J.i"l4 .40.
Hoia Receipts, 4.HU; medium and
heavy, Wtb. j6. pigs, 4 2wj.15. bulk,
$6 hI
UHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 813: na
tive lambs, $5 65; yearlings, $; wetbers.
His;, $4.1
Cattle Receipts Moderate and Prioei Big
Dime Higher.
Better Grades of Fat Sheep nasi
La sabs Held Jast Aboat Steady, but
Common Kinds Were n Little
low Ko Chance In Feeders.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
Official Monday 2,417 6,85 4.2.U
Same day last week 2.681 6.470 8.K49
Hams week before 7.159 7.770 IS.jWl
Same three weeks ago.. 6.60 7.627 20.613
Same four weeks ago... 6.6n7 6.228 ' 15.5l
Same day last year 2,724 8.728 2.623
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date and comparisons with
mi year;
1902. 1901. Inc. Dec,
Csma 9K1.9S9 804.669 187430 ....
Hogs 7 2,193.2. 2,366,637 163.285
eneep 1.716.466 L3U3.000 413.466 ....
The following table shows the average
price of hogs sold on the South Omaha
marset tne last several days, with com
parlsons with former years:
Date. I 1902. 1901.1900.189.1898.1897.1896
Dee. 1...
Dec. 2...
Dec. ...
Dec. 4...
Dec 6...
Dee. ...
Dec T...
Deo. 8...
Dec ...
Dec 10..
Dec. 11...
Dec. 12..
Dec 13..
Dec. 14..
Dec. 16..
Dec 16-...
Dec. 17..
Dec IS
Of I
I 711
8 76
8 261 3 23 $ II
t 95
. a
6 92
. 061
. ml
4 .4
8 28
8 291
3 2a
3 09
3 14
8 II
t 81
3 21
4 68
4 77
$ 80
$ 37
8 85
I 0
4 84
4 81
I 81
. 04
3 81
t 28
$ i
t 29
2 311
S 27
3 23
3 171
8 00
3 1
4 781
4 80
8 M
. Ill
. 13
I 92
$ 9S
3 96!
3 98'
8 92
3 94
4 Oil
4 02
I 131 $ XI
3 131 I 21
3 161 I 17
4 82
4 77
4 81
6 094
6 21
8 20
2 201
4 86
4 84
3 33
$ 27
3 3
8 23 8 28
S 2t i II
3 29 ', 8 17
. 26
4 83
4 73
4 771
4 79
4 81 1
4 80
3 26
I 311 8 17
2 28
3 28
3 321
3 31 3 II
Dec 19...
- i u
Dec. 20..
Dec. 21...
Deo. 22...
3 33
0 061
3 28i 2 17
8 84
3 24 8 74
Indicates RunAav e, Tnl.ta. ftnltdav
The official number of cars ot stock
orougni in today by escn road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's,
C. M. A Ht. P. Pv ... a a
Union Paclflo system.. 1 11 1
C. & N. W. Ry 24
.. K. At M. V. R. R.. 24 7 14
C, Bt. P., M. V O.... 6 1
B. A M. Ry 37 7
c. n. o 1 1
C. R. I. A P en at BRK
C, R. I. & P., west... 4
iiunois central tiy... 6 4
Total receipts ....101 04 19
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as ioiiows, eacn Duyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 398 o07 350
Swift and Company 606 791 806
Armour & Co 379 605 1,433
cuaany packing Co 425 1,065 311
Armour, Sioux city 19 2,470
Vanaant A Co 161
Lobman A Co 118
W. I. Stephen. 25
run & Huntzinger 54
Hamilton A Rothschild.. 131
Wolf A Murnan 208
B. F. Hobblck 8
Other buyers 95 1,188
Totals 2.627 6,428 3.587
CATTLE There was a llrht run nf cattl.
here today, but still there were about as
many as were generally expected. The
oemana on tne part of packers was In
fairly good share. so that Drlcea on all
desirable grades showed considerable Im
provement. Trading ruled active from
start to finish and about everything was
uisposea 01 in good season.
Receipts included about fifteen cara nf
corn fed steers, but the quality was rather
on the common order, and in fact there
was nothing on sale at all that could be
called good. Packers, though, all had to
have a few Cattle, so that the market was
active and fully a dime higher, and a good
many sales looked as much as 15c higher
than the close of last week.
The cow market also took on considerable
lire, and all Kinds, from canners to the
better grades of cornfeds, changed hands
rreeiy at an advance ot a full dime. The
kinds that suited packers In many In
stances sold 16c higher and some sales
looked even belter than that. It was. In
other words, an uneven market, the same
as was the case last week. Owing to the
moderate offerings the pens were cleared
In good season.
Bulls dtd not (how much change this
morning, although It was easy fer sellers to
close out st steady prices. Bulls, though,
sold higher last week In proportion to Cowl
than they have for some time past, so that
they did not Improve much today. Veal
calves and stags commanded steady to
strong prices.
There were only a few stockers and feed
ers In the yards, but the few desirable
bunches that did arrive sold at strong
prices. The common grades, though, were
neglected and nard to move at any price,
the same as has been the case all along.
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 ,M 1 ftO 1 880 I 76
tO Ml I 60 14 Kt IN
1 1141 1 IS 1 1161 4
I 1111 I 00 II Ki 4 10
1 1116 I 10 11 101 16
11 ll I 16 II 1141 4 16
1 7:1 1 4 1111 4 IS
1 161 I 16 II 1171 4 lit
11 1011 I tO I Ht I U
16 881 I 40 1 U 4 16
7 904 I 40 tl 126 4 11
I I 60 1 11F.4 4 10
1 741 I 60 14 1166 4 46
II Ill I 60 M 1224 4 60
II 1M7 I 60 11 12M 4 60
1 M I 68 I 1144 4 60
1 101 I 60 7 1241 4 60
1 110 I 40 1 1280 4 60
I Ml 1 60 14 1111 4 40
II 1113 I M II 1621 4 76
I ,40 I T6
IT 741 I 10 I? 7 $ It
I M0 1 Tl 1 ...10S1 I la
1 130 1 71 1 ,71 t 66
1 840 1 00 t 1101 t 66
1 740 I 00 T 774 I 89
1 760 I 00 II K4 111
I til t 00 It ,11 I M
1 170 i 00 I loot t 00
1 110t I 00 1 MO t 00
I ,41 I 00 4 til I 00
11 Ill 10 1 MO I Ot
I M IN 1 1040 I 00
1 140 I 16 1 lit I 00
I loit I it 11 lout 1 on
1 1011 I M II 1001 I t
1 710 I M 1 109 I 00
1 170 I 16 t tool I ot
10 TfrO I U 1 1164 I 00
1 IM I M It 1040 I 06
1 1144 I 21 16 ,81 I ot
1 U80 I If 1 not I 10
I 107t t M It Ml I 10
t mo I tt 1 1070 I 10
1 10M I 40 1 MO 1 10
II 841 I 40 I list 1 S
II 87 I 40 II lot I 11
1 110 I 40 I..... T7I I 16
1 tM I 40 1 11(4) 11
1 1011 I 40 M 1036 I II
1 1004 I 60 11 tat I 10
1 10M I M 10 1017 I M
1 841 I 60 t UU 1 6
1 1044 I 60 17 i 1 ts
II 1000 I 10 4 MS I M
I ISO I 66 1 1070 I 15
4 10U0 I 60 1 1120 16
1M I 60 1 106, 1 ts
1 HM 60 1 1000 I 26
1 1100 I 60 1 1041 I 16
t 841 t M II 10i, 1 M
1 1010 I 66 1 1041 t S
"I I M 1 1176 I M
II 831 66 T 840 I M
M 146 I M 11 747 1 S
1 140 I M 1 1000 I 40
1 1040 I tO 1 ,70 I 40
It MO I M 1 14, t 40
t 161 I 80 II It, I 40
1 1080 I 45 t 112, I 46
841 I 46 1 12 W , 60
It H4 t 70 i U70 I 60
11 821 t 70 1 lout 1 60
1 UU 1 15 1J7I I 60
1 " 1 II 1 ....114 I 60
I I IS I .......... .11M I Tl
11 1191 I M 1 1040 I 76
1 1071 t M I UU 4 0
1 470 I 60 4 171 I 10
I T30 2 i 1 ,10 1 ti
1 I'O l 1 440 I 60
11 tM I SS 18 fr,i 1 a,
1 1040 1 76 1 70S I 60
1 1420 I IS 1 1J7, 1 j,
1 120 I lo 1 H40 I 16
I t'6 I 40 1 isjo 1 ,0
1 10 I M 1 12 1 2,
1 1110 I M 1 1700 I K
1 8.10 1 M 1 1140 1
1 117, I M 1 lf,70 I so
1 1M0 t 7, 1 1110 I n
1 14 1 71 1 14oo I n
1 1490 I 78 1 1371 I 40
1 1410 I tS 1 1160 I 40
1 120 I to 1 11M I 60
1 1110 I M 1 .147, I 84
1 12 I M 1 14M I M
1 117 I ! 16M I 71
1 W IU I lit I M
t 440 I 0 1 M I M
1 170 I 76 1 110 I M
1 I't I 76 1 140 I 6s
1 120 4 M I ! IU IU
1 Ot 4 10 1 110 I Tl
1 IM I M 1 17t I It
t liv t n
1 640 I 76 4 146 I
li M IM l..v TM I M
I, 176 I 84
If 774 I M
72 : 4 00
68 171 4 00
.. 741 4 00
64 rows R'.'4 2 So 1 bull 9?0 2 30
1 steer I020 I w
HOUS There were only Just a few hogs
on sale this morning, shout a third of the
receipts being consigned direct to local
packers. The mi.rHet was s little slow In
opening, but when buyers and sellers
finally got together on prices It did not
take long tor practically everything to
change hands. The general market was
tuloc higher than Paturdsv. The bulk of
the sales went from W.Ht to If 15, with
choice hogs selling from tfi.15 to $iV3o. The
lighter weights sold largeiy at I I". with a
few sales below that figure. Representa
tive sales:
No. A. 8h. Pr. No. At. 8a. Pr.
31 100 ... I 60 ;: ... I It
II Ill ... I 46 24 ... I 16
M 161 ... 6 lit 40 t IS
41 Ill ... t 06 . 241 tut t 16
76 IM ... t 111 t ... I li
86 80 I 10 M IJ4 ... I 174
II 221 120 I 10 77 226 40 t 17',
M. ...... .214 ... I lit, ,2 170 120 I 17',
10 Ill 120 t 12 IM ... t 174
81 141 120 t 12, ,1 im 60 t 17V,
l ITS 120 I 12 ,1 246 10 t 17V
M U4 ... I 16 II 120 ... t 10
80 231 ... t 16 61 1-7 80 4 20
41 IM 80 t 16 II HS ... 20
"t Ml 110 I IS 48 20 IM t 10
71 134 ... I 16 M IM M I 20
M 287 110 I IS 60 Ill ... I IK,
14 lot ... 6 16 47 121 ... I n
0 240 10 I 16 41 Ill 40 I 10
SHEEP There was not an excessive sup-
f'ly of sheep and lambs on sale this morn
ng, so that the market on better grades
was fairly active and Just about steady
with the close of last week. The quality
of the offerings as a whole was nothing
extra, though there were a few bunches of
pretty good stuff. Lambs sold as high as
16.10, and some wethers and yearlings
mixed brought 4.16. The commoner grades
were a little neglected and hard to sell at
steady prices, but still the prices paid
showed very little change from last week.
Receipts of feeders were limited, and so
also was the demand. Quotations, though,
remained Just about where they were last
Quotations for fed stock: Choice Inmbs,
5.0O5o.25; alr to good lambs, 4.KTiift.00;
choice yearlings, 4.0wu4.2o; fair to good
yearlings, 13.754.00; choice wethers,
4 00; fair to good, $3.26'u3 0; choice ewes,
3.5ojii4.00; fair to good, H.ooij3.o0; feeder
lambs, I3.00'(j'4.00; feeder vearllnga, $3.003.50;
feeder wethers, 22. 75.25; feeder ewes, $1.60
fi2.2S. Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
1 cull ewe lso 2 50
S cull ewes ah -2 5o
120 ewes 110 S 60
6 ewes l6 4 00
66 nstive ewes 100 3 75
13 native owes 120 3 s5
120 wethers 120 4 20
28 native lnmha 77 4 50
1 native wether 100 4 75
4 native lambs 70 6 00
88 lambs !)2 6 to
382 Wyoming ewes.. 7b 1 00
0 cuu ewes i8 2 HI
1 buck 190 3 00
1006 western ewes K0 3 15
10 cull lambs 64 8 76
48 native ewes... , 127 3 75
'if native lambs 94 4 75
249 South Dakota feeder ewes.. 83 2 SO
3 South Dakota feeder ylgs... t 3 25
61 South Dakota feeder wethers 71 3 35
249 South Dakota feeder wethers 67 3 35
Cattle and Hoars Both Go Illsrttrr,
While sheep Remain Steady.
CHICAOO. Dec. 22. CATTLE Receints.
M.000 head; market 104f25c higher: good to
prime steers, $5.60g.40; poor to medium,
3.oo6.40; stockers and feeders, 12.004(4.60;
cows. $1.25-4.60; heifers, $2.'KKiijo.00; canners,
II. 25 .60; bulls, J2.0O4j4.4O; calves, 3.00ttf
.w; jexas-reu steers, J. tbqsu.oo.
HOGS Receipts. 36.000 head: estimated to
morrow. 35.000: left over. 7.000: market 61a
10c higher; closed easy; mixed aud butch
ers, t6.S4.a6; good to choice heavy, $6.35
i6.60; rough heavy, $6.0tVi(.3O; light, $5.76
6 15; bulk of sales, $. 0016. 30.
SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 19,000
head; sheep and lambs steady; good to
choice wethers, $4.0op4.60; fair to choice
mixed. $2.7wa 1.00. western sheen. S3.7M4
4.40; native lambs, $4-005.60; western lambs.
onicial yesterday:
Receints. Shlnments.
Cattle 834 11,363
Hogs 16,940 1,6
Sheep 6,645 l,2i7
Kevr York Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 4,749 head; steers opened slow,
closed l6j'15c higher on Chicago advices;
nine cars late and unsold; bulls steady;
cows steady., to nrm; steers, $4.0oty6.60;
extra, tti.&o; oxen and stags, $3.0U(p4.6O;
bulls, $2.7ofji-i.20: cows, . $l.ftof3.86; cables
quoted live cattle slow at 12jjl3c per lb.,
dressed weight; sheep firm at 12ftl3Hc;
lambs 14c, dressed weight; refrigerator
beef unchanged; shipments today, none;
tomorrow, 700 cattle, 1,454 sheep and 2,760
quarters of beef. 1
CALVES Receipts, 1,578 heau; veals
steady; barnyard calves and westerns
lower; one car westerns unsold: veals, $6 00
9.60; ba.-nyard calves, $3.0(a3.7Tj; westerns,
$2.75?M.OO; city dressed veals, lltnltc per lb.
HOQS Receipts, 12,221 head; market lofj
25c lower; state hogs, $6.30(96.40; mixed
western nominal.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receinta 111007
head; sheep dull and easier; lambs 10fff2io
lower: f.illy 15 cars unsold: sheen. la.iSftii
$4.00; cullsv $2; ono car choice, $6; Canada
lumuB, s ioyo-io; cuus. J.!XX(H.W.
Sioux City Live stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Dec. 22 (RneHal Tel..
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 900; stockers
steaay, Kiners nigner; oeeves. S3.5iKii5.25:
....wo, wui.b ai.u iiiiAcu, fi.M) yo , U , BtoCKerS
ana ieeaera, ..uuh4.w; yearlings and calves.
HOOB Receipts. 3.200: 5e hlarher: aelllno-
ennafeaf receipts. &uu; steady.
Stock la Slffht.
TH fflllAWilltr wae tKaa laAAe,t. II
stock at the six principal cities yesterday:
Cattle l-I... tav,A.
Omaha 2,417 6.085 4.232
rtat.a. elt'an, SJIIT7T- U.
Chicago : 14.000 36.000 19,000
jvaneas iiy 4.4.1U 1 an sim
St. Louis 2.000 2.600 2.0.O
it. joeepn "... l.boz 4.103 fill
loux City D00 3,200 600
.. 26.269 66.188 28,646
December 22, 1902.
Havlna- from earlv In ih -4
vised the purchaser-i of cotton for January
delivery In New York and still believing
iai win aioca 01 cotton now nere is worth
much more than the orenent nrican nf
January contracts, and entirely dlspropor-
nunaiin w me existing snort interest, l
take this meane of sua-Kestlna- to thnaa
who hold January contracts that they will
consult their own best Interests bv ar
ranging; to take up and pay for their cot
ton. 1 would further Inform those who
have yet made such arrangements that I
have advised all members of the New Vnrk
Cotton exchange that 1 shall on Monday
uu a 1 avnu iiieremier until turtner notice,
be pleased to "loan Dlaces" on anv nntlcea
for the delivery of January contracts, thus
rendering it unnecesaary that any holder
of contracts for the delivery of cotton in
January should be 'summarily sold out
upon notice to the advantage of those who
may be short. It has not Infrequently
happened In the psst that a tender of a
few thousand bales of cotton has been
used to cointel the liquidation of a far
larger quantity of contracts. It Is my
purpose that in the present Instance no
such Inequitable procedure shall obtain
I shall be pleased to have any holders of
contracts for January delivery of cotton
communloate with me in confidence In
their own Interest, either by mail or
wire. 1 neoaore . i-nce, 71 Wall street
New York City.
P. B: Wears. Pres. C A. Wears. V-Prea.
Established 1862.
juemoera or tne principal Exchanges '
Private) Wlrea in All Imu,.
Bought and sold for cash or
. 1 1
OMAHA BRANCH. 110-111 hoard of Trade.
leiepnone lots.
W. E. Ward. Local Manager
Small Investors
fa n InVHt thole uvln.i.ln !..,.. .
- ---- ...... .. . ,,, m i icinrra in
dustrial stock to net 8. The company has
uu i-uiiiiMTiiuiFii ana me control Is held by
'rn 1-uiiijei-ieii wim ine eianaard Oil t o
Writ, for full i.urtl....!... t,....r" ' '
any bank In Chicago.
Dept. 15, Rookery Bldg., Chicago, 111.
- leas City, lisi,
1 87S I 18
1 440 I M
1 110 1 :s
4 117 I 26
1 761 I !t
pill, WAY TIMK CARD eatlnaed. .
MnrllHKtoa 4 Mlssnarl Itlver.
, . , Leave. Arrive
Wymore, Beatrice tnd
IJnco!" MO am til1:SB am
Nebraska Lxpresi, a 1:40 am a 7:46 pin
Denver Umlted a 4:25 pm a 6:4 am
Black Hills and Puget
Sound Express all:10 pm a 2:10 bra
Colorsdo Vestlbulrd
. fll'f - a 2:10 pm
Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:52 pm a 9:17 am
Port '.'rook and Platts-
mouth b l: pm bli aism
Bdlcvue eV Pacific Jet.. a 7:50 pm a 8:27 oni
Bellevue A Pacific Jet. .a 2:00 am
Kaasas City, St. Joseph at Connell
Kansas City Day Ex.. .a 45 am a :( pm
St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all: am
Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a C.16 urn
thlcaao, tlarllasMoa el Qalney.
Chicago Special a J:oo am a 4:( pm
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:0o pm a 7:10 am
Chicago Local a 9:30 am all:00 pni
Chicago Limited a 1:06 pm a 7:20 am
Fast Mall a 2:46 pm
Chicane, Reek Island Paelfle.
, teave. Arrive
Chicago Daylight L'fd..a 6:00 am a :45 sm
Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a :35 pm
Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:06 pm
Des Moines Express.. . .a 4: pm bll:50am
Chicago Fast Express. . .a 6:35 pm a 1:25 pru
Rocky Mountain L t d.. a 6:60 pm a J5 am
Lincoln. Colo. Springs.
1 enver, Pueblo and
a 1:20 pm e. 5:00 pm
.... a 1:20 pm al2:40 pm
Colo., Texas, Csl.
Oklahoma Flyer.
t nlon I'Mclfle.
Overland Limited,
The Fast Mail...
..a 9:40 am
a 7:50 pm
a 2:25 pm
California Express a 4:20 pm
Pacific repress all:30 pin
Kastem Kxpress a 6:30 pm
The Atlutitlc Express... a 7:3o am
The Colorado Special. . .a 7:10 am a 1:40 am
Chlcngo Special -a 2.40 am
Lincoln Beatrice and
Stromshurg Express.. b 4:00 pm bl2:,V pm
North Platte Local a 9:00 am a 6:15 pin
Grand Island I-oca. b 6:3o pm b 9. .6 pm
C'lilfitsro H on h western.
"Ths Northwestern Line."
Fact Chlcnas
.a 3:40 sm
a 7:00 am
lxnal HIojx City...
Daylight St. Paul...
Daylight Chicago...
Local Chicago.......
T ncal Carroll
Fast Chlcngo
Fast St. Paul.
Limited Chicago....
Faot Mall
Local Slnux City....
...a 8:00 pm
...a 5:10 am
...a 7:35 am
...a :on sm
...a10:55 am
...a 4:00 pm
...a 6.r0 pm
...a 7:55 pm
..a 8:10 pm
...b 4:00 pm
a am
a 3:50 pm
al0:2. pin
all :20 pm
a 5:10 pm
a 9.M am
a 4 -OS pm
a S:15 am
n 9:20 am
a 2:40 pm
b 9:60 am
Bt. I,ouls "Cannon Eh'.l"
Express a 5:56 pm
St. Louis Local. Coun
a 9:20 am
tsl0:30 pm
a 5:10 pni
a f 05 an
bl0..l5 pm
ai0:3o pni
cil Bluffs a 9:15
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a T:20 am
ChlcSKO, Minneapolis &
St Paul Limited a 7:50 pm
Minneapolis A St, Paul
Express b 7:20 am
Chicago Express
Chteaao, Mlltvankee A St. Paul.
Chicago A Omahl Ex..b 7:40 am
Chicago Limited Ex a 6:00 pm
Missouri Paeitlo.
8t, Louis Express sl0:00 am
K. C. and St. L. Ex a 10:50 pm
b 3:41 pm
a 7.50 am
n 1. 25 pm
a 6:16 am
Fremont, , Llkuorn jfc Missouri
Black Hills. Deadwood.
Lead, Hot Springs ....a pm a 6:00 pm
Wyoming, Casper and
Douglas ............. ...U 1:00pm e (:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
City, Superior. Geneva,
Exeter and Seward ...a 1:00pm b 6:00 pm
Bonesteel, Lincoln. Nlo- .
brara and Fremont. ..b 7:30 am blO:25 am
Fremont Local c 7:30 am
Clilcaeo. St. Paul, Minneapolis at
Twin City Passenger... 6:30 am a 9:10 pm
Sioux City Passengei...a 2.C0 pm U:30 am
Oakland Local b 6.5 pm b :45 am
Missouri Pacifle.
Nebraska Local, Via
Weeping Water b 4:10 pra n!0:25 am
a Dally. a Dally except
Dally exeept Saturday. e
Monday, e Sunday only.
Sunday. d
Dally except
Resumption of tripe by the mammoth
popular twin-screw steamers Cuinmoti
wculth and New England, to the Medlter
ranean from Boston, direct to Gibraltar,
Algiers, Genoa. Naples and Alexandria,
New England" Jan. 17, Feb. 2
"Commonwealth".. Jan. 8, Feb. 14, March 2J
To Azores. Naples and Genoa.
!!Xa"ouver Jn. 10, Feb. 21
Cambroman" Jan. 31. March U
'Proceeds through to Alexandria on the
January and February voyages.
Also sailings Boston to Liverpool; Port
land, Me., to Liverpool. For rates, book
let, etc., apply to local Agent or COM
PANY'S) u.' b ICE. Oa Dearborn St., Chicago.
will leave January SI. and a second tour,
visiting the MARDI GRAB, also leaves
February 21. Entire trip is made In spe
cial private vestlbuled train of finest
PULLMANS. Private car tours to Cali
fornia frequently during winter. Parlies
Annual tour to Egypt and HOLY LAND
Januarv 81. Write for booklet mentioning
tour. 232 Clark St.. Chicago. M170
Why Not
You have been to Europe.
You bavs seen California and
Colorado. Why not try Mex
ico! It Is worth while.
The curious architecture;
ths vast platas, wbers tbs en
tire population of tbs city
gathers nightly to listen to
the stirring strains of a mili
tary band; ths rars beauty of
.ths women; the picturesque
ttlre of tbs men; the primi
tive methods of agriculture
these are only a tew of the
scores of things that can be
seen snd enjoyed In Mexico
Cut out tbls ad. send It to
us, and we will malt you a
book about Mexico. Tellt
Just what you want to know.
Ticket Office, 1323
Farnam Si.
Oft A HA, NEB.
la i ha worst disease oa aarUL vat tne
eatisal to curs wlltM kUU KNOW
WHAT TO DO. Many have pimples, spoia
on Uis skin, sores in the moult, .leers.
ailing nair, bone paics, caiarra; uou
know it la BLOOD PolbON. beo-J to DK
BROWN. WK Arch Bt. f bliantrtpnia. Pa,
for BROWN'S liLOol, CORK. H-"0 pet
bottle; laats on, month. Mold only S
blierman A McConnell Drug Co., lath an
Hodge Sts . Omaha-
Brown's Capsules MD?uin
r ISth and Dodgs Sts.
WHITE DOVf. C UHC ccr. 'mK. to dr.i ruy rT
turn fur ttrvng drink. itm pprUr for which cftnuirf
eilt trier him itil rrnjfdr. 04 ea in mr iWuJf
wilb or wil.wulliowl4:i of puHt tuUieii; tl t
Shrro.ui St McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha.