Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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TV TT! T m m
xito union raoino Trains imn Two and
Three Daji Late.
Ko Stories f Snfferlnr to Relate,
(,"ir Took Good Care of
Stalled Travelers Mall
ervlce Impaired.
Five t'nlon Paclflo passenger trains that
had been mow bound In tbe west for two
t.r .n asys reached Omaha yesterday
Four arrived between 7 and S:3G in it,.
morning; the fifth came In at 2:45 In the
nernoon. ah me trains were fairly well
filed with passengers, who had undergone
thrilling experiences. The first four trains
that arrived were laid up at Cheyenne, the
track being blockaded from there to 8ldney.
None of these trains were entirely covired
with snow, but were hemmed In on all
sides, ao that progress was Impossible.
The last train to got in. Atlantic express
No. 4, bad been blockaded at Smced, Neb ,
and had by all the odds the worst time
of It. Still It came through with all its
passengers unharmed, as did the other
trains, home of No. cars were fringed
around the top edges with snow, showing
plainly where they had been.
One of the passengers on No. 4 waa K.
M. De Belle, editor of the Cheyenne Trib
une. He said their train reached Bmeed at
1:60 Saturday morning, and got out at
about 7 o'closk Sunday eveniug. During
the siege the passengers were cared for
a well as facilities would permit, though
they had to content themselves with one
meal a day. The company paid for thee
meals, as It did also for those for the pas
sengers on the other four trains at Chey
enne, which were tied up two days. Mr.
De Belle said it was with the utmost dlf.
Acuity that the huge steam plows made
their way through the great embankments
of snow. He confirmed a previous report
that ten englnoa were still In the blockade.
The lifting of the blockade which re
lieved the congestion o" east bound trains
enabled the west bound trains to proceed.
6lx west bound passengers had been tied
up between Cheyenne and Sidney for flfty
two hours. No serious suffering was re
ported, however. The most eventful of all
the reports came from off the Kansas-Pa-clflo
division, where a Union Pacific train
was said to have been entirely covered
with snow and, therefore, completely at
the mercy of. the blockade.
The Burlington trains out west are aald
to be still blocked by the snow, but tin
Omaha trains on the Burlington are arriv
ing on time, ciearly so, In every case.
Cripple Hallway Mall Service.
Testerday there were missing at the
office of the chief clerk of the railway
mall service forty-five clerks who should
have been on duty, and these forty-five
were somewhere between here and Chey
nne. Friday twenty men were sent west over
the Omaha and Ogden route and none came
In. Saturday twenty more went out with
Done arriving, and on Sunday only alxteen
were sent west, aa the government ran out
of mall car and Union Paclfio No. 8 left
at 4:20 In the afternoon without a mall
car, tbe mall destined for Union Pacific
points west of Omaha being held here
until cars arrived.
Testerday four mall trains arrived and
(our were expected to get In some time In
tbe afternoon. The eastbound trains came
from Cheyenne by way of LaSalle, polo.,
while the westbound tralna went by . the
way1 of the Julesburg. cutoff and the ma
jority of the clerks were In the pocket
between Julesburg and Cheyenne when the
trains left Cheyenne.
There are elgLty-one clerks on the
Omaha and Ogden route and with the
eleven men who arrived on tbe three trains
yesterday thirty-one are available for
service. Out of six crews which operate
kver the Omaha and Ogden route regularly
there are but parts of two In the city.
Effect Omaha OBIce.
The effect of the disarrangement of the
service on the Omaha and Ogden route la
severely felt at the Omaha ppstofflce, par
ticularly In the registry division. At this
time of the year all of the available clerks
In the local postofflce are put Into the reg
istry division because of the large number
of registered packages which are sent out
and received during the holidays.
Yeaterday registered and ordinary
mall from three trains was delivered at the
postofflce and the clerks In both branches
were given more work than It waa possible
to dispatch. In the limited quarters of the
registry department pouches were piled so
thick that It waa with difficulty that the
clerks secured room to work.
Aside from this extra work eaused by
the delay of tbe trains there was more than
tbe usual local business yesterday. The
alushy streets Saturday kept many people
at home who would generally have aent
their Christmas packages at that time, so
yesterday the local bualness was almost
equal to the usual combined business of
Saturday and Monday.
Free Christmas Dlaaer to the Poor.
The Salvation Army has already received
(61 names toward the 1,000 that It Is ar
ranging to give free Christmas dinners to.
Most of these names have been obtained
through the kindness of the county agent
Symptoms of a Tory Common TroaMef
There Is no dlrease ao common In tbe
United States as catarrh becauae It appears
In so many forms and attacka ao many dif
ferent .organs.
It a a common mistake to suppose that
catarrh Is confined to the nose and throat.
Any Inflammation of the muooua membrane
wherever located, accompanied by abnormal
secretions. Is catarrh. Catarrh of stomach
or bladder, or intestines Is nearly aa com
mon as nasal catarrh and much more seri
ous although It Is true that stomach ca
tarrh and catarrh of other Internal organs
Is the result of neglected nasal catarrh.
A new remedy has recently appeared
which ao far as tested seems to be re
markably effective In promptly curing ca
tarrh, wherever located. The preparation Is
sold by druggists generally under name of
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and in addition to
being very palatable and convenient, pos
sesses extraordinary merit. In many cases
giving Immediate relief from the cough
ing, hawking and constant clearing of the
throat and head, thoae symptoms with
which everyone Is familiar who has evsr
suffered from eolda In the head and throat.
Catarrh la simply a continuation of theaa
symptoms until tbe trouble becomes
chroolo and grows gradually worse from
year to year.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablsta are compoaed of
Blood root, red gum and similar antiseptics
and catarrh specifics, from which It will be
seen that no secret la mads of tbe Ingredi
ents and alao that no mineral poisons are
used, as Is the case with many well known
catarrh medicines.
For catarrh of the nose, throat, bronchial
tubes, tor catarrh of stomach. Intestines or
bladder no preparation la so safs and gives
such rapid and permanent results as
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets.
All druggUta aell them at 60c for full
sited package. You cam use them with as
surance tfiat you will not contract the
cocaine or morphine habit aa the result
from this catarrh cure are apparent from
the tuit day's use, i
t2 1?'." '" who will spprerlate
1rn .SJKLV',n- ..H"",","' wl" be distributed
v.m- iviiVa,Lnn Arm" hB"- ,R1S Capitol
Thl h 'n ?,?eEuy ,'l"ni""i Irom I to 3.
VP f '"'"rfc o receive donations of f.o I
Jnm. Ih.09r h eare to contribute. The
jlmI -l" ,,b,-ln ""ted by nrla-adl-r
m T .f.1 ot lh ,l,t headquarter.
sacrellaloaa Thief Draws Maalmam
Seateaee After Hearing; Re fore
lodge Berka.
George Hayes, who makes a specialty of
robbing churches of their altar brasses,
was arraigned yesterday morning In po
lice court and sentenced to thirty dsys. He
pleaded guilty to the chsrge of larceny
from tbe Church of St. Mary Magdalene.
1618 Douglas street. When the sacrellglous
nature of his depredations was pointed out
to him the prisoner, solemnly pointing bis
finger at the Judge, said:
'Not at all. If I should take an over
coat from aome poor man It would be dif
ferent, but when I steal from a chuich I
take from a body of persons, and the share
of each Is so small that no one feels his
loss. Do you see?"
"Yes, I see," replied Judge Berk.i.
"Thirty days."
There are other charges of petit larceny
against Hayes, but action on these will be
deferred. Aa the churches were not locked
no burglary charge can be brought. The
prisoner took four candlesticks from St.
Mary Magdelene's, which were found In the
pawnshop of John Wright; St. Teter's,
Twenty-eighth and Leavenworth, contriL
uted four more, which were recovered from
the U. S. pawnshop; the Holy Family, Sev
enteenth and Izard, lost two, which were
sold to the American Loan office; In addi
tion to two more sticks, a crucifix was ta
ken from St. John's, Twenty-fifth and Cali
fornia streets, these also being located In
the American shop; and In Adlcr's pawn
broking establishment were found two
aticks and ten rosaries, one of them the
property of Father Judge, all of them
looted from the Church of the Sacred
Heart, at Twenty-second and Blnney
Hsyes csrrled with him a discharge,
thought not to be genuine, from the army
In the Philippines. When arrestej ha was
on his way east from San Francisco, riding
In Pullman cars and paying his traveling
expenses by looting churches.
Will Sell Sixty Feet of Klchelaa Street
to the Adams Jt Kelly Com
The city council met yesterday afternoon
as a committee of the whole. A proposi
tion waa presented by the Adams ft Kelly
company asking permission to purchase
city property on Nicholas street west of
Twelfth, fronting their proposed new fac
tory. Tbe street there now la 100 feet wide
and their idea is to make It a forty-foot
roadway and pay the city In the same pro
portion as they paid for the property
which it fronts. This plan gained- the ap
proval of the city council and a resolution
ordering appraisers to pass upon the prop
erty will be appointed at tonight's council
The Rosewater franchise question again
came up, and after the discussion of the
main points by the city engineer a test
vote ot the council waa taken, which
ahowed the members to take the same
stand as heretofore. -
Despondent Because He Could Not. Ecturn
to Home in Eonmania.
Announcements of the Theaters.
The Elks will attend the Orpheum to
night In a body, they having reserved sev
eral hundred seats on the first floor. Elks'
night is one of ths annual eventa at this
theater that are looked forward to with
pleasure, for the presence of the "best peo
ple on earth" Is alwaya a happy event, and,
in addition to this (act, the bill on this
week Is excellent.
Wednesday matinee and night Henry V.
Eamond's exquisite comedy, "When We
Were Twenty-one," will be given at the
Boyd. Walter Walker, the well known
comedian, will be aeen In the role of
Richard Carewe, and Miss Nita Rogers as
Phyllis, both roles In which Nat C. Oood
win and Maxtne Elliott made auch splen
did impressions at the Boyd two seasons
ago. The Imp will be peraonated by Edwin
Beldwln. The aame scenery and effects
used In the orlgfnal Ooodwln-EUIott
production will be seen. Walter Walker Is
not unknown here. His last visit to Omaha
waa as the star ot "A Bachelor's Honey
Joseph F. Clutter petitions for divorce
from Rachel, charging desertion.
Louise F. Simpson petitions for divorce
from Oliver M.. alleging abandonment.
They were married at Boulder, Colo., July
t. 1892.
John Dwyer, arrested for the larceny of
a piece of silk from the Boston store, was
sentenced to thirty days In Jail by Judge
Frank Bean has been .held to the district
court from the police court for the larceny
of a pair of shoes. His bonds were placed
t $800.
Judge Dickinson granted a divorce to
Bertha Parr, wife of Jacob, and awarded
her lu0 alimony and ITS for attorney's fees.
The ground waa extreme cruelty.
Oracle Fields charges Lou Fields with
desertion and neks divorce and the restora
tion of her maiden name, Patterson. They
were married In Omaha on June 7, 1898.
Sam Splgle and Jacob Milder, who were
charged with concealing property which
James Campbell Is said to have stolen,
have had their hearing act by Judge Berka
for January t.
Jennie McCrea asks divorce from John,
whom she married In Omaha on December
18, 1&99. She charges violent cruelty. Judge
Reed has given her the protection ot a
restraining order.
The Saratoga kindergarten achool has led
in celebrating the Christmas season, having
held Its tree festivities at ths school,
Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue,
under ths direction 'of the teacher, Miss
Alice Chambers.
John Olsen left his bay horse and open
buggy hitched at Twenty-eighth and Cum
ing streets yesterday evening, and when hs
returned later it waa mlselng. The police
were asked to locate the rig, whether lost,
strayed or stolen.
Tom Wheeler a cttlsen of Plattsmouth,
suffered last night by reason ot varloua
chanaes In the tonoaraDhy of his features.
made during a fight In a saloon at Sixteenth
and Chicago streets. He waa arreated and
antiseptic bandages applied.
Police Judge Berka will hold court Christ
mas day that he may dole out justice to
those who commit infractions of the city's
laws during tbe evening preceding the holt
day and also to relieve the expected con
gested condition of the jail.
C. Compton of Seventh and Leavenworth
streets was arrested last night by four
members of the detective force for being
drunk. Compton tried a realatance and now
has seven stitches in his Dead, ana me ad
ditional charge of resisting arrest.
The Transvaal league will meet at the
hall ot the Jacksonlan club at I M tonight
for the miruoae of irotesting against tho
action of the British government in arrest
ing and Indicting for high treason Arthur
Lynch, aa Irish-American who fought with
the Boers.
Mary Smith of Yutan, Neb., waa last
nlaht a curat of the city In the matron's
department of the city prison. Shi was 111
and a stranger la umana, ana came nere
to enter a hospital, but had neglected to
make any arrangements lor auch a course
of sctlon. She was sent to the head
quarters from the Union station, where she
had been for hours. Bhe had only H
jr. j. Caahln. general salesman for Swift
and Company, lrft yesterday to visit friends
In Chicago and aaginaw. ftiicu.
n N. Bover. a prominent and wealthy
farmer of Hamilton county, Nebraska, baa
been successfully operated upon la the
Methodist hospital for appendicitis, , ,
Salclde Leaves Letter In Which He
Iteoneats that r a rents In Old
Cooatry Be Sot Informed
of the Tragedy.
Driven to desperation through his fsllure
to return to his old home In Roumsnla,
and despondent because of trouble which
he had with his brother, Joseph Fsier. aged
19 years, ended his existence yesterday
morning by hanging himself In one of the
passageways under the areaway of the side
wslk of the Victoria hotel. 1308-1310 Dodge
street. When the body was found life waa
From the appearance ot tbe body at the
time It was discovered It would appear that
Faler had placed ar. old wagon seat against
the outer wall of the . passageway, upon
which he stood to arrange the towel by
which he hung himself to one of the rods
supporting the girders of the walk. Loop
ing one end sbout his neck, it Is thought
that he Jumped from the seat and strangled
to death.
Careful preparation had been made that
Identification of his liody might be com
plete, as the suicide had taken the pre
caution to Indite a final letter to his
brother, Sam Faler, who resides at 2013
Pierce street, which be pinned to the lapel
of his coat.
Discovery of the Body.
The body was found by John Hagen, whs
resides at 101S Marcy street and who Is a
driver for the Riverside Yeast company.
He was covering his morning route about
18 o'clock and upon stepping Into the
passageway where Faier's body was hang
ing was nearly struck dumb when he opened
tne door and the cold corpse struck him In
the face, tbe opening of the door forcing
the lifeless form to sway. Hagen rushed
from the place and gave the alarm. The
police department was notified and Dr.
Mlck hurried to tbe scene. He found tbe
victim dead when he arrived. Coroner
Bratley was notified and took charge of the
John Haly, fireman of the Victoria hotel,
stated that Faler had inquired regarding
Wolf Segal, who Is the cook at tbe hotel,
about 9 o'clock. Until his body was
found he had not again been Been.
Faler came to this city about three
months ago, thinking that a future full of
wealth and happiness waa In store for him,
as his brother, Sam, waa prospering.
Leaving a poaltion as watchman and book
keeper In Roumanla, he found that he was
handicapped In this country and wearied
of his existence here. He wrote to his
parents in his home country and asked for
money with which to secure his return
Gets Money from Home.
This money, amounting to $50, was re
ceived last Friday. The elder brother, with
whom the suicide made his home, quarreled
with the young man, taking him sharply to
task for asking aid from his father. In the
altercation which followed the older brother
overpowered him and took the money, re
turning it to his people, be claimed, telling
the despondent brother to work and earn
his own fare home.
Faler had been In the employ of the West
ern Distilling company, 718 South Sixteenth
street, but left his position last Saturday
morning, drawing $7.55 for his wages. Since
then be has. It lk thoughtbeen roaming,
disheartened and homesick, about the
streets until he committed suicide.
In the letter which was found upon his
person the suicide told his brother that he
did not wish the news of his death to be
sent to his parents. He also wrote that hs
was despondent, could not get work, and
that he could aa easily take his own life
today as wait any longer. -He then In
formed his brother that It he wished to see
him to follow him in death, bidding him an
affectionate good-bye at the conclusion ot
his letter.
of Little Jim, another Wlnnebsgo Indigo,
on Frldsy.
The murder wss the result of a drunken
fight. In which the three Indians were In
volved. The preliminary examination was
held before Commissioner Ploan at Pender,
and the evidence showed that Little Jlra
was killed bya neck yoke In the hands of
Davis. Davis said that he had no knoml
edge o? the fight, and remembered nothing
after taking the fourth drink out ot a Jug
of whisky which they had procured a few
hours before the murder.
At the conclusion ot the examination
Davis and McKee were remanded to the
Douglas county Jail, without ball, to await
the action of the federal grand Jury.
Mr. Allan ssys that the ssle of liquor
on the reservation Is st this time worse
than it has ever been, that tbe Illicit dealers
are carrying on their work In a more open
manner, and that those who are familiar
with existing conditions express surprise
that mora murders have not been com
Winnebago Indiana Aro Bronn-ht
from Pender to Await
Trial Hero.
James Allan, deputy United States mar
shal, yesterday brought down from Pen
der James Davis and Howard McKee, Win
nebago Indiana, charged with the murder
i. s. looaar Accepts over to Become
Genernl Advertising; Agent
nt Chlcaaro.
Charles S. Young, for the last year ad
vertising agent for tbe B. A M.. baa ac
cepted the position ot general advertising
agent for the Chicago, Milwaukee 8t.
Paul, with headquarters In Chicago, and
will assume tbe duties ot this office Janu
ary 1. This announcement Is made by
F. A. Nash, general western agent of the
Milwaukee, under authority of F. A. Miller
of Chicago, general passenger agent.
Mr. Young was offered this position by
the Milwaukee after he had accepted the
position of assistant advertising agent ot
the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy at Chi
cago. The Milwaukee place, being an ex
ecutive position, naturally was more
lucrative and offered greater attractions
than the Burlington office. The position
of asslstsnt advertising agent ot the Bur
lington is therefore left vacant, but will
be filled doubtless by the first of tbe yesr.
Several men are being . considered for the
place, among them P. P. Fodrea, who has
been assistant to Mr. Young for the past
year. Mr. Fodrea, like Mr. Young, went to
the B. A M. from the reportorlal staff of
The Bee. He has made an excellent record
aa assistant advertising agent and is be
lieved to stand a good chance of this pro
motion. Tbe Milwaukee has mapped out an ex
tensive plan ot advertising for the coming
year. It has appropriated a large sum of
money, as large. It Is said, as any other
western road, for this purpose. Its traffic
alliance with the Union Pacific for through
service to the coast will be one of the
chief features of advertising.
Mr. Young has been with the B. A M.
four years, having begun his career as
assistant to Advertising Agent Campbell,
who la now with the Rock Island. He 1
held this position three years and one
year was In the position of advertising
t 4 f ft
a a
Life out of doors and out of the parties which they play and the enjoy
went which they receive and the efforts which they make, cornea the
greater part of that healthful development which is ao essential to their
happmea. when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organ,
on which it acta, ahould be auch aa physicians would aanction, because its
component puts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physician., and parent,
well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little one, enjoy,
because of its pleasant flavor, it. gentle action and its beneficial effects, ia
k ,"PJl F'r-nd tor the aame reason it i, the only laxative which ahould
be used by fathers and mothers.
Syrup of Figa is the only remedy which act, gently, oleasantlv and
naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating 5 d which "can!?, the
aystem effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results
uu .t "!,?? the ?,d-time cathartica and modern imitations, and against
which the children ahould be ao carefully guarded. If you would have them
grow to manhood and womanhood, etrong, healthy and happy, do not riv
them medicinee, when medicine, are not needed, and when nature need
assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and
gentle Syrnp of Fig,. r r
Its quality i, due not only to the eacellence of the combination of the
laxative principlea of planta with pleasant aromatic syrupa and juices, but
also to our original method of manufacture and aa vou value the health of
the little ones, do not accept any of the aubstitutea which unscrupulous deal
er, aometimea offer to Increaae their profits. The genuine article may be
bought anywhere of alt reliable druggista at fifty cents per bottle. Pleas j
to remember, the full name of the Comnanv
CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.UP CO.- ia printed on
xne iront oi every pack
age. In order to get Ita
beneficial effects it is al
waya necessary to buy
tne genuine only.
A t. C
A. r-y-'-
Flakes of Dandruff on the Collar and
shoulders ot a Gentleman
in Fnll Dress.
This Is the thing you quite frequently see
In the ballroom a man's black dress coat
literally covered with dandruff.
It must be annoying to the wearer and
certainly not a pleasant, thing to observe.
But dapdruff can be eradicated. It Is a
germ disease that will some day cause
Newbro'a Herplcide kills the hair-destrsy-lng
germ and stimulates the hair to a
rich, abundant growth. n!,tt does more
keeps the hair soft and piiant.
Furthermore, Herplctdei la a most pleas
ant toilet accessory pleasing of odor and
cooling to the scalp.
Publish your legal notlees la Ths Weekly
Bee. Telephone iSS.
Marriage Licensee.
Marriage licenses have been issued to the
Name and Residence.
Peter Jacobson, Omaha
Mary Jorgensen, Omaha
Bteve Wagmire, South Omaha
Lilt Slousher, Council Bluffs, la
IJbb Starnder, Omaha
Ella Trebeau, Wyandotte, Kan
Irvln W. Parr. Omaha
Elisabeth Zlmmer, Omaha.
Ralph Overmlre, Omaha....
Alice E. Thomas, Omaha..
Fred D. Stltt, Omaha
Jessie M. McClenlcharn, Omaha
Charles 8. Klrkpatrick, Springfield Neb. 31
Mra. Nettle J. Boob, Springfield, Neb.... SI
Nolln Abood, Omaha M
Kdith Bhabook, Omaha 18
Peter Nelaon, Omaha 43
Carrie Lund, Omaha ST
... n
... so
... 41
... !
... 4S
,.. 51
... n
Electrical Plants Combine, with If any Mil
lions of Capital.
American Beads Hew Concern, Which
W1H Amonnt to Consolidation, Al
though Factories Will still Bo
Nominally Independent,
BERLIN, Dec. 22. The Allgemine Blek
trlcatea Oesellschaft, with $22,150,000 cap
ital In bonds, and tbe t'nlon Blektrlcates
Oesellschaft, having $85,000,000 capital,
have reached an agreement amounting to
a practical consolidation, the directors of
each company being elected members ot
the bosrd of the other, so that the man
agement Is Identical, though the eompanles
nominally remain separate.
The step is the result of tbe crisis In
the German electrical Industry. It was
found that tbe manufacturing companies
had outrun the demand and various efforts
were msde to organise a combine after the
model of those In America. The Allgemine
took the lead In these efforts, but found
most of the other companies demanded too
high a rating In the proposed combina
tion. The first negotiations were opened with
the Schubert company of Nuremburg, which
surprised the country last summer by an
nouncing sensational losses through the
shrlnksge in tbe value ot Its securities and
The Allgemine attempted to secure con
trol of the Schubert through a group of
Berlin banks which back the Allgemine.
The banks contemplated a practical com
bination ot the two eompanles by extend
ing financial support to the Schubert, but
the negotiations came to nothing. The
Allgemine then entered into negotiations
with the Union, which were conducted so
secretly that the announcement today
took the market by surprise, and ita pub
lication caused a rise in electrlcals, Allge
mine gaining 6H and Union 2 1-3 points.
The Union owns the Thomson -Houston pat
ents tor Germany and neighboring coun
tries. The technical manager ot tUe combine Is
an American, Mr. Magee.
The combination's greatest rival, the Slo
mens A Halske company, capitalized at
$23,250,000, held Its annual meeting today
and declared a 4 per cent dividend, against
S per eent In 1901.
The company's report ssys of the com
bine that the Siemens A Halske company
Is able to go on alone, but If the situation
Is cleared up a combination may become
' Good breakfast King Cole Whole Wheat
Pan Cakes.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lehmer,
at 1822 Emmet street, was filled with friends
Isst evening Invited to witness the mar
riage of their daughter, Miss Msry Oliver
Lehmer, and Mr. Arthur 8. Pearse, which
waa solemnised at 7:30 o'clock. Throughout
the house the color scheme of pink and
green prevailed, quantities ot pink earns
ttbns being used with the palms, ferns
and smllag In effective combination. The
guests stood chiefly In the rear parlor and
hall, and to the opening chorda of the
bridal chorus from "Lohengrin," played
by Mr. Robert Cuscaden and Miss Corlnne
Paulsen, Masters Philip Lehmer and
Charles Gardner stretched tbe white satin from the foot of ths atslrwsy across
tbe reception hall to the east side of tbe
front parlor, forming an aisle, through
which the bridal party passed, and dlvldmg
tho room where the members of the family
and relatives stood.
As the party entered the parlor the maid
of honor, Mlos Ella Phelps, walked alone.
Her gown waa of green liberty silk and
she carried a shower of pink carnstiona.
Mr. lehmer walked with his daughter and
Mr. Edwin Chapln, as groomsman, attended
Mr. Pearee. The bride's gown wss ot white
batiste, with trimmings of real lace, over
white satin. Before an improvised altar
of palms and ferns. In the front parlor, the
marriage service was resd. Rev. F. A.
Hatch of Plymouth Congregational church
An Informal reception followed the wed
ding, Mr. and Mrs. Pearae leaving later
in the evening for a brief wedding trip.
Both young people are widely known In
Omaha, this having been the brlde'a home
since childhood. For tho last two years
she has been a teacher In the public schools,
having resigned her position as teacher ot
the fourth grade at Lothrop school a wock
ago. Mr. Pearse Is ot the corps of in
structors in the Omaha High school, being
one of the teachers of biology.
About 500 lnvitatlona were Issued for the
wedding and among' the guests from out of
the city were: Mr. snd Mrs. H. W. Mc
Clure ot Sioux City, Mrs. Fletcher Depew
ot Denver, Mrs. M. K. Gardner of Pitts
burg, Pa., and Mrs. J. C. Hltchmsn ot
Mexico City.
Parity nnd A are.
must be combined In beer In order that it
may be wholesome. If the name of the
Anheuter-Busch Brewing Ass'n., St. Louis,
Mo., appear on the labela ot the beer with
which you are served you are absolutely
sure of purity and proper aging. Bud
welser, Mlchelob, Blsck and Tan, Pale
Lager, Faust, Anheuser-Standard, Export
Pale and Exquisite are the brews. All
orders promptly filled by George Krug,
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railroads in Americs and JEvrop& and have
dined on such of them as have reataxcranl cars.
J would rather dine on a Burlington Jlouie
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