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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1902)
TIIE CVMAITA DAIX.Y BEE: TUESDAY, BECEMBETt 23, 1902. Tiie omaha Daily Bee E. ROSE WATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TERMS OF SUH8CR1PT10N. Dally Bee (without lunftkH, fn Year..!" laliy lee anil buirlay, one Year ' Illustrated Hps, One tear Sunday lire, On Yenr t-murilay Id-e. One Year Twentieth century Farmer. One Year 2.00 l.W 1.W DELIVERED BY CARRIER. I5a11y H'-e (without Sunday), per copy.... 2c DHy Hec (without Sunday), per week....c Dally Hee (including Sunday), per week..l;c Bunday Ret-, pT cuyy 00 Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week bo Evening lie (Including Bunday), per week ;",.'"10c Con.plalnta of Irregularities In delivery Should be addressed lo City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha c ity Hall Building-, Twenty-fifth and M Streets. Council Bluffs lo 1'earl Street Chicago 1040 Unity Building. New York T Park Row Building. Washington S"l Fourteenth Street. CORRESl'ONDE.NCE. Communication! relating in newa and edi torial matter should te addressed: Omaha Dee, Editorial Department. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Stat of Nebraska, Douglaa County, George B. Tischuck. secretary of The Be Puullshlng Company, being duly iworn says that tho actual number of full ana complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of November, l'2, a 1... 81,470 1 2W,4ft( 1 31.4HSO 4 ai,aot) 1 41.0H5 34,eru T ai.aio t,340 Jilt. STB JO 81.300 ji so.uto Jl 3O.70O 13 30.H20 14 80.T30 K 31,310 8N.433 XJ 8O.MU0 is! 30.K70 1J 80,940 ?0 80.MM 21 80.1130 22 31.410 2M.310 24 80,1)20 25 81.000 28 81.OO0 27 80,70 28 31,130 2J 31.480 a,. 28,475 Total Less unsold and returned copies. .3St.OJO . 0,237 Net total a!es ' It Net average sales t ao,76B GEORGE B. TZ8CHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to tjefor. m. this 30th VhUNOAtS: ' (6eal) Notary Public. Santa Claus may be able to wear bis furs after all. Having pasHed the shortest day of the yoar, Father Time will now resume his policy of daylight expansion. Our Dave's last omnibus postofflee bill will make Its appearance early In Jan uary "after we get back from home." Old 1902 seems to be In a hurry to fill In Its full quota of casualties and accidents before It has time called on It Lucky the tax assessor does not make his rounds right after Christmas while the presents are still "beautiful and costly." FaraphrnKliiK' the great poet to fit new conditions, some men ure bom arbitra tors while others have arbitration thrust upon them. Our wealthy men who may be at a loss In wbnt direction to exhibit their holiday generosity might remember the auditorium fund. By this time Mr. Harrlman ought to know something about the" Union Pacific lockout The question la, What is he going to do about it? Excitement In the tariff debate seems to be confined chiefly to the lenjrthy disquisitions' in the editorial columns of a few Iowa newspapers. Wall street banks have not asked the secretary of the treasury to come to their relief for several weeks and there Is really danger that they may get out of the habit A carload 'of westbound Christmas mall was destroyed by fire at Syracuse, N. Y., and those who are disappointed In hearing from their eastern friends will know where to charge It Kipling has fired a steel-pointed poem at the Anglo-German alliance. It will have about the same effect as a volley of blrdshot would have on the steel-clad 'turret of a big warship. When It comes to raising the limit of the lighting fund, It should be remem bered that Omaha now spends more moneys for street lighting than most uerican cities of Its population. Putting down a new cable In the Pa cific While Marconi wireless messages are shooting across the Atlantic without so much as a by-your-leave to the cable companies Is a sort of electrical paradox. Nebraska democratic editors have re covered sufficiently to prepare for their annual meeting to devise ways aud means of keeping up their courage. Ne braska populist editors have not yet been heard from. If the United States senate puts In all Its time of the present session on state hood bills. It will at least save the conn try from a lot of half-baked legislation that might otherwise percolate through the congressional hopper. It might be well to settle the pay of the Isthmian canal commissioners In ad vance. The size of the stipend and per quisites will have much to do with de termining the amount of pressure ex rrted on the lineup of 4he applicants. Tha government of The Netherlandc has decided to malutaln a position of strict neutrality with reference to the Venezuelan trouble. To translate Into plain English, the Dutch do not propose to burn their fingers In some other per ton's fire. i . Politics and religion may not always mix, but Christmas philanthropy mixed with politics during the Christmas sea on may prove a good investment. That Is evidently the distilled essence of the Christinas contributions cf the Jack onlaa candidate for mayor and his chief f suit. . VlSTRVStrVL VF OtBMAVT. The opinion expressed by a former minister of the United States to Ven ezuela, that It Is undoubtedly Germany's design to see how far she can go without becoming Involved In actual war with this country, and thnt she wants to force our hand on the Monroe doctrine, Is undoubtedly shared by many. Within the past year or two men prominent in public affairs have expressed distrust of Germany, professing to believe that she contemplated the acquisition of territory In this hemisphere by colonization or otherwise, regnrdless of the well known position of the United States. Officers of our navy have been quoted as saying that our next war would probably bo with Germany as the result of an at tempt by that power to contravene the i Monroe doctrine. It would be difficult to present any very substantial ground or reason for this distrust and suspicion of the nation whose government has In the most un qualified way declared and manifested its friendship toward this republic. When last year Germany Informed our government In regard to the claims against Venezuela and the method It was proposed to take to collect them, that government gave the most explicit and salsfactory assurances that It bad no de signs upon the territory of the southern republic. It has strongly and with evi dent sincerity disclaimed any desire to possess even soi much as a coaling or naval station in this hemisphere. Noth ing has occurred In connection with the existing trouble to cause a reasonable doubt as to the sincerity of these as surances. On the contrary, Germany has again stated that she Is not seeking und does not desire territory and she is willing to submit her claims to arbitra tion upon such conditions as wll insure their payment If the decision should be In her favor an obviously proper and legitimate requirement In dealing with an Irresponsible country like Venezuela. The fact that many Germans have gone to South America and that In por tions of that continent notably In Brazil, there are considerable colonies of them, has created the Impression that this was a movement on the part of the German government having for Its object the gaining of a foothold which would ulti mately enable It to acquire territory. There is not the slightest evidence, how ever, that the German government has had anything more to do with the emi gration of its people to South America than to the United States. They have gone to the southern countries for the same reason they have come here, that Is, to Improve their condition, and they are generally loyal to the countries to which they have gone, the Germans In Venezuela even, as has been reported, having condemned the action of their native land. The notion that Germany wants to force the hand of the United States on the Monroe doctrine has nothing at pres ent to support it Whatever opinion the statesmen of that country may hold" re garding the doctrine, they will respect It because they know It would be futile to do otherwise. And this equally ap plies to every other European power. STEEL TRUST EXPANSION. The absorption of the Union Steel company by the United States Steel cor poration and the reported negotiations for sale to the trust of the most ex tensive iron and steel corporation In Ohio, shows that the trust Is making headway in removing competition and estaDiisiiing a monopoly. . It Is stated that the great combination cave the former owners of the Union Steel com pany a clear profit of fl5.000.000 or thereabouts, which means more than 100 per cent on their total investment It Is probably prepared to pay in the same proportion for the Ohio corporation which It Is seeking to buy. The trust must do a great deal more purchasing In order to secure the com plete monopoly which It undoubtedly alms to establish, but if unchecked It may ultimately accomplish Its purpose. It Is suggested that what It has already done furnishes an Interesting object les son for speculators and promoters eager for large profits quickly won. It makes the Steel trust, remarks the Cleveland Leader, a shining target for attacks by men whose object Is to make the great est possible quantity of money in tho least possible time. It seems hardly possible that a monopoly of Iron and steel production can ever be established In th' country, but there Is no doubt that this Is what the men In.t'-ie United States Steel corporation are contemplat- FRUTESTINQ MERCHANTS. The merchants of Germany trading lth South America, and nartloularlv vlth Venezuela, are protesting against tho policy of the government toward that country, which they reasonahlv tlibik will result In a loss of business toa them. This Is doubtless Inevitable. for the bovcott of German and British goods in Venezuela has already been r.tted and it is altogether probable that other South American countries will show their sympathy with the sister state by refusing to buy German and British goods. These countries may quarrel among themselves, as they fre quently do, but when a foreign power attacks any of them they' are one In sympathy, as has been shown In the present Instance. Germany has had a very considerable trade with Venezuela and It was steadily glowing. A Berlin paper Is authority for the statement that $150,000,000 of German capital Is Invested in Venez uela, which may be somewhat ex aggerated, though undoubtedly the amount Is large. It is easy to understand.' therefore, the anxiety of German merchants in . regard to the possible effect of the pending trouble upon the future of their trade not only with Veneiuela, but also with the coun tries In sympathy with her. It has cost them a good deal to secure this trade and to have It greatly reduced 'or perhaps wholly lost Is a serious matter to them. Meanwhllo the course of the United States In regard to the trouble promises to prove very favorable to our commercial relations with several of the southern countries. We think It will be very generally admitted 'that the policy of President ttoosevelt aud Secretary Hay has been eminently wise and Judicious. rTflr jnol'T CHARTfn KKTlSlOXt Public discussion of ' the proposed amend ments to the South Omaha charter will begin this week under the auspices of the mayor and city council of that town, and will doubtless be participated In by taxpaying citizens of all classes and all shades of political opinion. The charter of Omaha Is, if anything, more defective than the charter of South Omaha, but no steps have as yet been taken toward charter revision by public discussion that would enable the Doug las delegation to formulate charter amendment bills In conformity with the demands of taxpayers and citizens. While the popular mind cannot prob ably be diverted from the all-absorbing Christmas distribution, preliminary steps should be taken without further delay for public meetings to be held within the ten days between Chrlstmoa and the convening of the legislature. An op portunity should be given to representa tives from this county to the legislature to acquaint themselves with the popular demand. The Douglas delegation should by all means be Informed and Instructed as to the nature of the amendments that are Imperatively needed for efficient and economic municipal administration. The magnitude of the interests In volved should Impel the commercial bodies and taxpayers generally to make public declaration as to changes thut will meet their approval and changes deemed by them detrimental to the pub lic Interest. Unless such action Is taken Omaha will be torn up during the ses sion of the legislature and the city will be scandalized by the washing of dirty linen before legislative committees that can and should be avoided. Omaha's prosperity has been seriously crippled by snap Judgment charter leg islation railroaded through at the tall- end of the session by lobbyists repre senting contractors and corporations In terested In defeating charter reforms In the Interest and for the protection of the community. The only safeguard against such dark lantern work Is publicity and full and free discussion before the ses sion or tne legislature opens, ir any very radical changes 'In municipal gov ernment are contemplated they should be fully ventilated before they are em bodied Into the statute. Tht SYSTEM OF GRAZING LEASES, Any legislation for leasing the public land to cattlemen In Nebraska and other western states must be considered with most scrupulous regard to the public In terest The public land Is the heritage of the people and. any disposition of It In large quantities, whether by lease or otherwise, should be jealously made and uryler the most careful safeguards for the best ultimate results. There Is force In the view that Im mense tracts or western land still owned by the government are not suited for farming nor to be taken up In quar ter sections by home builders under ex isting land laws. Mucn or it is or a character and so situated that It will not grow grain nor can It bo Irrigated This has been demonstrated time and again by the failure of those who have attempted general farming. As was fully developed by investigations under the Agricultural department, the only use that can be made of this land Is by grazing Its thin grasses, and it has to be done by handling It In considerable tracts. These facts are well ascertained, but they do not alter the further fact that occupation and enclosure of the grazing lands are In large part illegal. Many of the cattlemen have gone on In viola tlon of the law and It Is unquestionable that extensive frauds under the home stead and other acts have been perpe trated. There Is no excuse or Justifica tion for a situation that has been rife with scandal, and certainly the time has come when It ought to be finally wiped out. At present a strong disposition la man ifested to solve the question by Inau gurating a system of grazing leases. If It Is undertaken care must be taken to Impose such restrictions as will prevent the exhaustion of the grasses and to preserve the title safely for any future contingencies that may arise, for It Is not easy to foresee all the uses that the progress of agriculture may develop In any particular kind of land. But the most difficult thing to provide for will be the securing of fair access for all to the privileges of grazing these lands. The Just complaint Is that they have been too much monopolized by a com paratively few large companies, and no system Is wanted or should be tolerated that will maintain or fortify such mo nopoly. It would be better to leave the law as It Is. and to enforce Its provisions rig- Idly against all violators than by Incon siderate and Ill-guarded changes to In augurate on these lands a new era of monopoly and scandal, and to establish it under conditions which It would be more difficult than It now Is to uproot. Some ambitious member of the coming Nebraska legislature can earn a reputa tion for himself by procuring the enact ment of a law that will give the people more prompt election returns. As It is the newspapers have taken upon them selves in this state the task of gathering ejection figures for the benefit of the gen eral public often not only without the co-operation of the officials In charge, but sometimes over their deliberate obstruc tion. The law should provide a com plete system of reports from the various election boards to the county clerk and from the county clerk to the secretary of state, and there ahould be sufficient penalties for willful neglect or delay to make It worth while conforming to the law. The expense within the various counties should be borne by the county and the expense of communication to the secretary of state should be borne by the state. The cost however, would not be at nil heavy compared with the satisfac tion the people would get out of It. Under the new rules of the Chicago Board of Education teachers in the ele mentary grades in the public schools who successfully pass a promotional ex amination will be entitled to a raise of $25 a year until their salaries reach a maximum of $900. At the first promo tional examination, made last week, only 150 out of 1.100 teachers employed In the elementary grades presented them selves for examination, but the test proved eminently satisfactory. This Is a new departure that will doubtless be emulated In the near future In other cities. Promotions of public school teachers, whether In the elementary or In the higher grades, should be made on merit and not on political pull, and those who are best equipped and most effi cient should receive the higher salaries In their respective grades. The Iowa Board of Control recom mends the creation of a fund, so that when a building of any of the state Institutions Is destroyed hy fire or other wise, it can be replaced without wait ing for action by the legislature, which may not meet for a year or more. The fire losses are distributed to the tax payers, but the inconvenience and time that Is lost on the present system are very serious. Public opinion unani mously favors the board's plan, and It is In fact no more than a formulation of business views of the people regarding the subject. Making; the Old Man Pal. Cleveland Plain Dealer. John Bull would do well to ask himself it he Is wise In getting Into such fast and reckless company. The kaiser seems much too gay for his gouty old companion. Bat the Money Gets There. Saturday Evening Post. Congress is divided Into two parts. The house originates all appropriations and the senate appropriates all originations. Then a Joint committee disjoints both and de cides what shall be done. Real Strenuous Life. Chicago Record-Herald. Venezuela has had 104 wars in seventy years. The number would undoubtedly have been larger If it had not been for rain and darkness and other circumstances that were beyond human control. Where Do the Profits Got Philadelphia Record. One of the most unfathomable mysteries of the age is: What becomes of the profits of the coal Industry? The mine operators make nothing, nor do the carrying compa nies, nor the wholesale dealers, nor the re tailers, nor the miners. It appears to be a bad business all around. Flattering; Vote of Confidence. Minneapolis Journal. ' When President Roosevelt proposed to Great Britain and Germany that they sub mit the Venezuelan matter to The Hague tribunal they proposed In reply that he do the arbitrating himself. That Is a flatter ing vote of confidence In our government and particularly In our courageous and up right chief executive. The American people are not the only people who have acquired a high Idea of Theodore Roosevelt. Limit of Service In Philippines. Indianapolis Journal. A recent roster of the United States troops in the Philippines shows that there are none whose service there began earlier than September, 1900, and a considerable number who arrived there In 1901 and 1902. Three years Is about the limit of time that American soldiers ought to serve there con tinuously, and it will probably be the policy of the government to change them as often as that. " TWAIN'S TRIBUTE TO REED. Humorist Touches fpon the Pathos of the Statesman's Death. Mark Twain in Harper's Weekly. He wore no shell. His ways were frank and open, and the road to his large sym pathies was straight and unobstructed. His was a nature which Invited affection com pelled It, In fact and met it half way. Hasce he was "Tom" to the most of his Mends and to half of the nation. The ab breviating of such a man's name is a pat ent of nobility., and Is conferred from the heart. Mr. Reed had a very strong and decided character, and he may have had enemies. I do not know. It he had them, outside of politics, tbey did not know the man. He was transparently honest and honorable, there were no furtlvenesses about him, and whoever came to know him trusted him and was not disappointed. He was wise, he was ishrewd and alert, he was a clear and capable thinker, logical rea soner and a strong and convincing speaker. His manner was easy and engaging, his speeches sparkled with felicities of phras ing threwn off without apparent effort. and when he needed the happy help of humor he had a mine of It as deep and rich aa Ktmberley to draw from. His services to his country were great, and they were gratefully acknowledged. I cannot remember back to a time when he waa not "Tom" Reed to me, nor to a time when he would have been offended at being so addressed by me. I cannot remem ber back to a time when I could let him alone' In an after-dinner speech if be waa present, nor to a time when he did not take my extravagances concerning him and misstatements about him In good part, nor yet to a time when he did not pay them back with usury when his turn came. The last speech he made was at my birthday dinner at the end-of November, when natur ally I was his text. My last word to him was in a letter the next day; a day later I was Illustrating a fantastic article on "Art" with his portrait among others a portrait now to be laid reverently away among the Jests that begin In humor and end In pathos. These things happened only eight days ago, and now he is gone from us, and the nation Is speaking of him as one who was. It seems incredible, impos lble. Such a man, such a friend, seems to us a permanent possession; his vanishing from our midst Is unthinkable, as unthink able as was the vanishing of the Cam panile, that had stood for a thousand years and was turned to dust In a moment. I have no wish, at this time, to enter upon light and humorous reminiscences con nected with yachting voyages with Mr. Reed In northern and southern seas, nor with other recreations In his company In other places they do not belong In this paper, they do not Invite me, they would Jar upon me. I have only wtehed to say how fin and beautiful was his life and character, and to take him by the herd and say good bye, aa to a fortunate friend who has done J well his work and goes a pleasant Journey. There is a Santa Claus Philadelphia Some Ignorant and superservlceable per- sons can always be found at this time of year who think they are called upon to re- form the human race by saying there Is no such person as Santa Claus or Kris living. Also at times he seems to some of Krlngle, and that to teach children belief In us to be unfair In bis discrimination In the such a mythical personage la Idlotlo and matter of gifts, but he usually manages to subversive of good morals. We have re- have something for everyone, and at least celved a letter from a little tot to whom all of us can get as much love and bless -rumors of this kind have come and she Ings as we want. That is because he wants our opinion on the subject. We give It gladly. Of course there Is a Santa Claus. Don't believe anyone who tells you to the contrary. The Inquirer Is nearly 75 years old, and it has been one of Its grandest pleasures annually to chronicle his appear ance and distribution of rich gifts. If we believed there were no Santa Claus or that he would not arrive on schedule time this week we should feel like going out of busi ness, for life would scarcely be worth liv ing. Our little correspondent need not be wor ried by the arguments produced, such as that it would bo Impossible for Santa Claus to do all the work In one night, or that no one has ever seen him or that If he Is as good as he Is claimed he would distribute his presents better. Such arguments as these have been brought against every good man and every good Institution that ever existed. A very wise man wrote a book to prove that Napoleon never lived, and he made a very good argument, too, but that did not alter the facta. It Is true that Santa Claus has a big Job ahead of him, bnt he Is ruled by love, and love la the most powerful thing In the world. It can do any thing and has been the mainspring of all the good things the world has ever known. It is also true that Santa Claua Is never BITS OP WASHINGTON LIFE. Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched On tho Spot. Half a dozen senators called on the presi dent recently to talk about some Important position which was about to be filled. The senators found Mr. Roosevelt more Inclined to discuss "Bill" Sewall, the noted Maine guide, from whom he had just received a letter. Finally one of the senators said: "Mr. President, you seem to be much inter ested In this guide." "Yes, senator, I am," replied the president "BUI Is an Interest ing man and a real friend. He is the only man In the United 8tatea who on writing to the president about an office or any thing else addresses him as ' Friend Theodore " "Uncle Joe" Cannon was opposing the plaza feature of the new Union station bill. Uncle Joe la against the contemplated scheme for beautifying Washington on gen eral principles and he never misses an op portunity to protest. "I wore my old slouch hat one day," he said, "and went over to the Congressional library, where they have the models of this great scheme for beauti fying Washington. The man In charge sized me up right the very first time as a countryman from Illinois. " 'What's It all about T' I asked. "He told me In detail. 'How much will It cost?' I asked again. " "The cost Is estimated at a thousand million dollars.' " 'Great Scott!' I said. 'Will the people stand It?' " 'Sure.' he replied. 'They've got to stand It.' " Representative Champ Clark of Missouri once gave some vivid verbal sketches of Mr. Reed' which the latter's friends rec ognized as true to life. In the greenback year In Maine," said Mr. Clark, "he escaped defeat by only 115 majority. When he went to supper he thought he was defeated. When he re turned to headquarters after supper his followers set up a mighty shout. Not hav ing heard of his election, he said , to them: 'You are making a tremendous fuss over the corpse.' In relating that incident In his life be naively remarked: "The coun try came near losing the Invaluable serv ices of a great statesman on that occasion." Army and navy officers are enjoying a hearty cbackle over the discomfiture of a well known retired officer who Is a familiar figure at several clubs, reports a Washing- ton correspondent. This officer has a son of considerable promise, but of tender years. A few years ago, so the story goes, the officer married a fortune and soon after discovered that he had heart disease and went on the retired list. "Jack," said a visitor to the son the other day, "what are you going to be when you grow up?" "Well," said the 8-year-old, with grave deliberation, "I've been thinking of that for some time and I think that when I'm a man I'll get heart disease and go on the retired list, just like papa." It is the declared experience of all Arctic and Antarctic travelers that which is com monly called in temperate regions "raw weather" is much more trying than the rigors of extreme high or low latitudes, This view is emphatically shown by Lieu- tenant Peary, whom a Chicagoan saw In Washington this week. It was rather a chilly afternoon and the man of Arctic fame wss closely wrapped In a heavy over coat, the collar turned up over his ears. He sat Just over a beater In a street car and the Chicagoan, who felt quite comfort able on the platform, was much surprised. The Washington correspondent of the New York Evening Post writes: The annual miracle Is again to be chronicled. George Graham Vest Is still alive and In the United States senate, keen, alert and strong of mind. The robust, like McMillan, drop out; old-timers like Hawley tall and stay away, but Vest, a physical shadow, scarcely able to stand alone, returns year after year. A few weeks ago his son, well and hearty In the morning, sank In a night and died. But this wonderful little giant seems destined to live on in spite of all pre dictions and appearances. As long ago as the struggle over the treaty of peace with Spain in the early months of 1899 the newspapers speculated on the effect his death would have on the final roll call for ratification. When he was. brought Into the senate to past his vote he looked the frailest man who had ever mustered energy enough to get to the capltol. He has been failing gradually since, but Is still on duty whenever he csn be. His remarks at the last session. In the discussion of the Hampton Roads conference, were made peculiarly Impressive by their allusion to the fact that he waa the only survivor of the senate of the confederacy, and he added that as he should not be long In joining his twenty-five colleagues on the ctber side. In Justice to their memory he wished to offer the historical correction which he then presented. The appointment of a day for eulogies on the late Senator Sewell of New Jersey recalls a reminiscence of that gentleman. He was on the appropriations eommltteo and on one occasion he and Congressman Cannon were on a conference committee. Tbey disagreed about aomethlng and each showed a good deal of stubhornnesi. Finally Cannon said: "Well, gentlemen, I am prepared to stay here until the senator gives In." Turning to the clerk of the ap propriations committee General Sewell said quietly; "Mr. Cleaves, will you have my Inquirer sern, but that Is his own affair. Neither baa anyone ever seen lev or goodness of any kind, but we know that they exist and that without them life would not be worth comes to celebrate the birth of the Christ child, through Whom the world Is being made better and better all the time. It la not always the material thing which bring the most happiness, and surely there are some rich people who seem to be the most miserable on earth. Santa Claus brings the best things In abundance to all who want them. Surely there Is a Santa Claus. When you find all the kindness gone out of the world, when all people hate each other and try to do all manner of evil, when the earth becomes unendurable, then you can believe there la no Santa Claus, and not before. But so long as there are loving words and tender hearts and unselfishness, so long as people love to help each other and make each other happy, Just so long you may believe that Santa Claus Is the most real person In the world and you must pay no attention to people who will not believe anything except they see It. These are the blindest people In the world. 'The things that are unseen are eternal," said ons of the best and wisest men who ever lived, and It Is true. i use of spectacles. We said that the saf- Santa Claus may not bring us all the fron-colored medical journals would soon things we want; perhaps that would not be be echoing this nonsense. This has come good for us, but he will bring ua Joy. and j true, and we read In our contemporaries that la always good. that "falling eyesight Is the dcplnrablo but i unavoidable concomitant feature of ad vanced civilization," that the habit of wear meals served here until further orders?" ing glasses Is the proof of this, a habit Mr. Cannon stared aghast, made some con- growing not only In Germany, but all over cession and eventually the trouble was the world, and that gas and the electrlo smoothed over. In talking about it later i ngnt have much to do with this eyesight "Uncle Joe" said: "I always bow to the failure, possibly, also, dust and toe. and win or tne majority nrst, oecause i can i help myself, and, second, because I fre quently have found the majority wiser than myself." Senator' Wellington of Maryland has a mysterious admirer. He la about as much surprised that anyone should single him out as an object of admiration as Is any one who has watched his erratic political course. One day when he sat down to his desk he found a large bunch of Amer- lean Beauty roses. No card accompanied the gift. A few days later he found an- other and much larger sheaf of the same flowers, attached to which waa a card bearing the words "Semper Fldells." There was no name and none of the pages or at tendants could learn how the roses reached his desk. The senator Is getting a bit nervous over this mysterious manifesta tion. PERSONAL NOTES. Joaquin Miller has made a great deal of money out of his lands In Texas. Congressman Beldler of Cleveland owns mines in the MaBclllon district from which about 750,000 tons of coal Is taken an nually, but he Is unable to obtain fuel for his home In Washington. A bottle dropped Into the sea by a New York man has found Its way to England, where it was picked up on Chesll beach. Interesting, but, of course, the best bot tles travel In the opposite direction. The will of the late Herbert R. Bishop of New York leaves $56,000 to Instal in the Metropolitan Museum . of Arts his extra ordinary collection of jades, which he gave to the institution last April. This will j u","le ' iuu.Ui Vu. i ..vo. i treasure ui iuib sun iu mo cuuuu;. According to the statement of Walter Damrosch, leader of the celebrated Phil harmonic orchestra, Andrew Carnegie offered to give $500,000 to perpetuate that organization if others would subscribe as much, so as to make the permanent fund $1,000,000. No public document bearing King Ed ward's signature is ever carried by post men, though the king's private letters are usually intrusted to the ordinary post. Wherever the king may be two king's mes sengers or more leave London every day bearing official papers that his majesty j mu,,t deaI wltn Immediately. When the late General Wager. Swayne was military governor of Alabama he es tablished the first school for negroes In the south, at Talladego, where now stands a college bearing his name. He also Issued a military order permitting the use of negro evidence,, the exact wording of which waa Incorporated In the constitution of the state and has been followed by the other states formerly In rebellion. Senator Clark of Montana Is supposed to he worth nine figures, but when he arrived in New York from Europe with his niece a few days ago he did not have money enough to redeem his baggage. The amount was $1,600 and he tendered his check, but the customs officer could not ac- cept it, as the rules of the department expressly demand payment In "gold or Its ! equivalent." The senator went to hie hotel ana later sent nis reprcseniauve wuu mv required amount In satisfactory form. The Job Pay Well. Cincinnati Erojulrer (dem.) Colonel Bryan's material prosperity may be looked upon aa a vindication of the pol icy of keeping right on running for the presidency after the close of the polls. He has kept In the publlo eye and has maintained htmeelf as the organ of large part of the population. We arc vr proud of the ftct that doc tors so gener ally indorse Aycr's Cher ry Pectoral. There are two reasons for this: First, we send the formula to any physician upon request; and, second, the physician " Thm'0 aU sMsMsaettM sees for himself that the medicine is all we claim for It. We make no extravagant claims. We raise no false hopes. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Sixty years of experience make us believe that this is the best medicine in the world for colds, coughs, croup, bron chitis, and all other throat and lung troubles. And the doctors agree With US. Tarasslusi XSc, lc, $l 0. J. C. 4VEB CO., Lowell. Mass. THE OLD RELIABLE Mi Absolutely Puro THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE LIGHTS AKU Ol It EVES. Medical Opinion Concerning; Itecent i Statements. American Medicine. In our Issues of March 8 and April E, 1902, we noticed the newspapertnh delusion that falling eyesight is a result of civilization. , and that the proof of this Is In the Increased travellng underground. The cure advocated Is that "an Individual should avoid poring over small print by artificial light, except when absolutely necessary." Poor news paperdom! To write without thinking, without any knowledge of the faots, and without seeking any knowledge, Is so easy that in the stilted language quoted, It seems " a deplorable but unavoidable concomitant feature of advanced civilization." A little time ago this same writer explained that thm Ill-hAnlth nf fnrlvla tea a rtiiA n lnBanltary ,, ,e(jentary existence ha led." j He ,,, not care tQ ,parn that CarlvIe. , ,Btence.. waa not ,nBanltary and absolutely not sedentary, because he exercised In the open air the greater part of the waking portion of every day. In the same way our contemporary advises the uso of the rush lights and tailowdips of our ancestors In stead of our superior gas and electrlo lights. Spectacles, we may add, are not a proof of falling eyesight, as there is no scientific proof whatsoever that tho eyesight of civ ilized people Is falling, and there is every reason to believe that It Is Improving. If there were proof of falling eyesight tho cure for It Is not to "avoid tho poring," but to get proper spectacles for tho porer. POINTED HKFLKCTIONS. Baltimore American: Spartnous I won der why the Indians uoed just one pipe In their conciliatory conferences? Smartlcus Because tlity didn't have a pipe apiece. Detroit Free Press: Mother Are your Christmas preparations quite complete, dear? daughter (home from boarding school for the holidays) Oh, yes, motherl I have one stocking all mended. New York 8un: Mrs. Benhnm I smell smoke. Benham Keep quiet; I don't want every body to know that I bought this suit at a Are sale. Harper's Bazar: The Parson Your wife, Ir, is trying to run my church. Wltherby If that 1 really the case the only thing for you to do is to Join my poker club. New York Tribune: Diogenes was hunt ing for a flat. "But." he exclaimed, "you advertise five rooms and a bath. Where la the bath?" "The bath?" repeated the Janitor, non chalantly. "Oh, yes! You take that before vou come here." Pleased with the Idea, the old cvnlc pur chased a tub, and henceforth was never seen without It. Washington Star: "A senator must at tach a Kreat deal of importance to In fluence, must he not?" said the young man who Is learning the politics business. "Yes," answered Senator Sorghum, "In fluence and affluence." MY SECRET. S. W. OtllUan In Baltimore American, Though you be wiser far than I, I cannot . envy you. The busy world has countless ways I may not learn, 'tis true. Yet one grand truth I've won at last. From which the lure of all the past And all the coin that e'er was cast Could never make me part: I've found the secret door that leads Into the human heart. Mythology's a blur to me, All history's a blank I know not who won Waterloo, The allies or the Frank; Yet while I know the hidden road Down which the tides of care have flowed That lent a human heart Ha load, Content I'll play my part, And gd full oft the way that leads Into the human heurt. For he who finds the path by which The heartaches come and go. Who speaks the sympathetic word That lightens human woe. Will aye be loved by those who feel His tenderness about him steal; From him they care not to conceal The tears that fain would start. I'm glad I know the door that leads Into the human heart. riyk. JTsep et pfarfny U U him, Ji Biking tetter." 4