Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Tiftfen Million Dollar Oorrranj ta Take
Over All the Properties.
iParposv nf Renrannlred Company la
to nnlM Lines to III air, Krr.
moat, Lincoln, Plattanionth
and lonn Points.
The long looked for street railway con
solidation wan perfected ypsterday and at
the same time the announcement was made
that on January 1 all the employes of the
consolidated company are to be given an
advance tn wagea.
The consolidation was effected hy making
the Omaha tt Council Bluffs Street Railway
company out of the old Omaha A Florence
Street Railway company by amending the
articles of Incorporation of the last men
tloned concern so that with a capital stock
increased from $200,000 to $13,000,000 it may
take over the Omaha street railway and the
properties of the other companies In this
Tlclnlty and build extensions to Blair, Fre
tnont, Plattsmouth, Wahoo, Lincoln and
Ortswold. la.
The directors of the new company an
Bounce that all of the $15,000,000 of stock
will not be Issued now, but a large part
of It will be issued as the company pro
ceeds to build its Interurban lines.
Taken Material Form.
The consolidation took material form yes
terday morning when there was filed with
the county clerk by Guy C. Barton a lengthy
document ahlch u labelled "Certificate
of Increase of capital stock and amend
ments to the articles of Incorporation of
Omaha A Florence Street Railway com
The Increase waa from a capital stock
of $200,000 to a capital stock of $15,000,000
and the Omaha & Florence Street Railway
company becomes the Omaha & Council
Bluffs Street Railway company, with prin
cipal office In Omaha. For the Omaha ft
Florence Street Railway company the cer
tificate Is signed by Guy C. Barton, presi
dent; William' S. Cox, aecretary and Guy
C. Barton, Frank Murphy, W. A. Smith,
W. V. Morse and Luther Drake as di
rectors. The transaction is thus prefaced In tho
At the regular snnual meeting of the
stockholders of Omaha & Florence Street
Hallway company, held at th office of
the company in the city of Omaha, Octo
ber 7, and duly adjourned to December
22, liwj, the directors of such corporation
were authorized by the holders of all of
the canltal stock to file with the secre
tary of state a certificate of the Increase
of Its cuplta. stock from IJOO.UOO to 115,
JOQ.OOO. Increase to Fifteen Million.
Now, therefore, the directors of said
corporation hereby certify that In the
opinion of Its directors the Omulia & Flor
ence Street Hallway company requires an
increase In the amount of Its capital Block
Torn fun.uwt to lio.iiOu.iioo and that the
amount of the desired Increase of the capi
tal stock ot said corporation la $14.M),uu.
And the officers of the corporation hereby
execute the following ar.l firm amendments
to the articles of Incorporation of the said
Omaha & Florence Street Hallway com
pany which was duly passed and udopted
ly the unanimous vote of all of the
nock holders present at the said annual
meeting, who constituted the holders of
all of the capital stock of the said Omaha
tt Florence Street Railway company and
who, by like unanimous vote, directed the
president and secretary of the company In
Its name to duly execute and record this
certificate of such amendments; that Is
to say, the articles of Incorporation of the
Omaha & Florence Street Hallway com
tany are amended.
Then are given aeven articles. The first
fleslgnates that the name of the corpora
tion shall be "Omaha and Council Bluffs
Elrset Railway company." The second ar
ticle gives Omaha aa the place ot transact
ing business.
In Nebraska, and Iowa,
The third article states that tho general
Mature of the business shall be tho "con
struction, maintenance and operation of
atreet railroads in Nebraska and Iowa,
with cara propellud by electric power, or
ty other lawful motive power except steam;
the purchase or leasing of street railroads
ud railway bridges, together with their
equipment and franchises, and the opera
tion ot the aame in Nebraska and Iowa; to
build and operate telephone lines; pur
chase, lease or manage and conduct lake
and pleasure resorts; to purchase or oth
erwise acquire such real estate and per
sonal property. Including the stocks, bonds
and obligations of other corporations en
gaged la similar business, as may be neces
sary or convenient to the purposes of this
corporation, to execute, sell and deliver
such bonds, mortgages, notes and trust
deeds aa may be necessary or proper to
carry out the corporals purposes of the
This article further provides that "the
termini of the street railroads which this
corporation proposes to construct, main
tain and operate" In Nebraska outside
Omaha, shall be as follows, and they shall
be constructed upon such right of way as
upon such county or other roads aa may
Lines la All Directions.
"Commencing at the city of Omaha, run
ning thence norward through the city ot
Florence to the line ot Washington county;
thence northerly through the town of Cal
houn to and Into the town of Blair, and
the length ot such railway Is sbout twenty
five miles; commencing at Omaha, running
westerly through the villages of Millard,
Elkhorn and Valley, In the county of
Douglas, thence to and Into the -city ot
Fremont, In Dodge county, and the length
at such railway Is about forty-six miles;
commencing at Omaha, running aouth-
westerly through Douglas and Sarpy coun- I
ties to Saundcra county, thence through
(V'aboo and Ashland, and through Lancaster
sounty into the city ot Lincoln, and the
length of such railway Is sbout fifty-six
allies; commencing at South Omaha and
runalng through Cass county to the city
f riattsinouth, twenty-one miles."
In Iowa the line which the company
will operate outside Council Bluffs will
commence at that city and run easterly
through Pottawattamie county to the town
of Ortswold in Cass county, the length
tbout twenty-six miles. The article
further specifies the termini ot the street
railroads which' the company proposca to
construct and operate In "the city ot
Florence" and gives the prospective length
la ten miles.
. Capital Hook Provided For.
The fourth artirle deals with the financ
ing ot the merger and reads:
The amount of the capital stock of the
Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Hallway
toinpany ahull be tlkuuMw). which uliall be
divided into 15" m0 shares of the. par value
of UuO each. The capital subscribed shall
be paid In at such times and on such con
dltlnns as the board of directors may pro
scribe. All of fcucji share of stock shall
be transferable only by written aaalgnment,
entered upon tin books of th company.
Ot said Uo.tu) shares. ino.i0 shares shall
b common stock and aliarra shall tie
preferred stock. The preferred stock shall
be entitled to dividend (cumulative from
end after January 1, jmui ( the rate of
but not exceeding 1 per cent for each
quarter of a nr. In each and every' rtmal
year in preference and priority to any pa
me nt In or for such quarter of a year of
any dividends rn the common slock: but
only from the undivided net profits of tha
company when and as determined by the
board of director, and only If and when
tho board shall declare dlvlln ls therefrom.
S'o dividend shall be paid fur any portion
ii f a year upon the common stock unless
the proportion of said preferred dividend for
that portion of such year, and for each pre
ssing )sx and lu I ul tax frum aw
after January shall first have been
paid e set apart
In the event of any llquldntlon or dlstrl
butlrn of the rapltnl of tho company,
whetlur through Insolvency as the termina
tion of th corporate exlMerr-o, or other
wise, after lainmrtt of the debts of the
compiinv, the holder of preferred stork
shall lie paid the pur value thereof, to
gether with all accrued dividends then due
and unpaid, before the holders shall be
entitled to any payment on accojnt thereof,
and the remainder of the nsoet, after pay
ment as aforonld, h:ill be distributed
pro riita anions the holders of said cum
min sl"ik exclusively
All stock of tin company Nutted prior to
October 7. l'J"2 pin II be considered common
stock, and the holders, upon surrender
thereof, shnll lie entitled to an eittlvalent
amount at par of the common stock of the
The caoltnl stock mny be Increased, or
these articles otherwise amended, at any
regular meeting of the stockholders or at
any special n-.eetlng called for that purpose,
of which notice shall have been mailed to
the lnt known postoftlce address, of each
stockholder ai least thirty d ivs prior to
such met ting, but no change shall be
made In the terms of preference of the pre
ferred stock. The amount of preferred
stock shnll not be Increased without the
consent of the holders of a majority of the
preferred Ltock.
Illrth of the Company.
The fifth article provides that the date
of the commencement of this corporation
shall be October 6, 1SP1, and the date of
termination October 5, 19!0.
The sixth article stipulates that the
Indebtedness or liabilities of this corpora
tion shall not at any time exceed two
thirds of Its capital stock and the liability
of the several stockholders of this cor
poration shall be limited to the amount
of the unpaid subscriptions of said stock
holders respectively to the stock of this
The seventh article covera the methods
of managing the company. There are to
be nine directors, elected the second Mon
day of each January. A majority will
constitute a quorum in their meetings and
all vacancies are to be filled by the re
maining members, pending the next regular
election. It is provided also that at any
time after the filing of this certificate and
prior to the second Monday of January,
1903, the stockholders may elect directors
to serve until the latter date. There la
a vote for each sbar, with proxies ap
pointed In writing accepted.
At their first meeting after their elec
tion the directors are to elect a president,
first and aecond vice presidents, a secre
tary, an assistant aecretary and a treas
urer. One man may serve as both secre
tary and treasurer. The directors are em
powered to make, alter and repeal bylaws,
appoint committees or agents and do the
other usual things.
Deeds to Makt Delivery Complete.
At noon there was filed with the register
of deeds three deeds of conveyance which,
in effect, give the Omaha Street Railway
company ownership of the properties ot
the Benson & Halcyon Heights Street
Railway company, the Metropolitan Street
Railway company and the Metropolitan
Cable company ot Omaha,' the transfer
marking a final step preliminary to the
Omaha Street Railway company'a deliver
ance to the merged body.
The directors of the Benson line, being j
first duly authorized so to do by the consent
In writing of the holders of all the capi
tal stock of the company, make the con
veyance "In consideration of $1 and other
valuable considerations." Frank Murphy
as president and W. V. Morse as secretary
sign the deed for the Benson company.
The transfer includes the franchise, stock
and all things else.
The same men In the same capacltlea
sign for the Metropolitan Street Railway
company, which has the South Omaha fran
chise The return la also $1 paid In hand
and other valuable considerations.
Guy C. Barton, as president, and William
S. Cox, as secretary, signed the deed given
by the Metropolitan Cable Railway com
pany of Omab.t, which has the Dundee
line. In this transaction the directors sell
for $10,000 "and other valuable considera
tion." Advance In Wages.
The advance in wages of the motormen
and conductors Is 5 per cent for the men
who have been employed by the company
for more than a year and 10 per cent for
those who have served more than two years.
This will make the rate for one-year men
21 centa an hour and tor those who have
passed the two-year porlod 22 cents. All
new men will work at the rata ot 20 cents
an hour for the first year.
The new wage acale goes into effect the
first day of the new year. Men who have
been In the employ of the company for a
fraction of the year on that date will be
credited for the time already served In de
termining the date for the advancement
of their wages.
Members of the new street car employes
union are Jubilant over the voluntary ad
vance in wages allowed them, and tbey
are certain that the formation of the union
had aomethlng to do with thla action on
the part of the company. Some of the non.
union men are saying that the raise was
granted on their account, to show the men
that it was unnecessary -for them to organ
ise for the purpose of securing better pay,
but thla story is taken with eome aalt by
the unionists.
"The union wss not considered by at all
by the directors in making thla Increase
In wages," said Secretary Morse. "We
know ot no union. All of the men are to
ba given the benefits of the raise, whether
tbey belong to a union or not."
Obnoxious Hales Annulled.
It is understood also that the company
has determined to revise the rules for the
regulation of their employes, abolishing
that particularly obnoxious one under
which a man was laid off for seven days
v . .:fe i vase Wt &4 $-k m. a fe
- -
"i,m rrs n rn rTsnnTrr
Extraordinary Purchase of
10,000 Dozen
A JVew York importer closes out to us at spot cash his en
tire line of handkerchiefs, including over 100 dozen, high
grade samples at less than, half price. A wonderful op
portunity to get useful Christmts preseiti at less than
half wh it they are wortlu We offer today in lots at
these astonishing prices .
10c Handkerchiefs at 21c 7,000 handkerchiefs suitable for men .ladles
and children's Christinas presents, in plain white and fancy colored bor
ders, all neatly hemstitched, mme with laoe and embiuid. 1
ered corners, worth up to 10c, go at s 2,
1 5c Handkerchiefs at 3c In this immense lot will be found mens plain white
and fancy colors bordered, also ladies' lace add embroidered hem-
studied handkerchiejs many worth up to 15c, J
at each
Ladles' Fine Sheer Linen Hand Embroidered lnital handker- i.(r
chiefs, all letters, -0u quality at 1 V w
Ladles' and Men's Extra Fine quality, all pure linen handker- 1
chiefs, all w idths of hemslitchinfr, worth 20c, at 2
Ladies' Sample Handkerchiefs on cards, some are the finest imported
Swiss embroidered, others are sheer linen embroidered and lace edged In
neat showy patterns, worth In a regular way up to A Cf--OEJf-.
75c, go in two lots at lijl 6uw
25c and 50c Silk Handkerchiefs at 10c and 25c All the ladies' . 11 pure
allk embroidered handkerchiefs from this stock, over 100 styles, embroidered
In all white and fancy colors, many worth up A f jCt CZ
to 60c go at IViC LX JC
$1.00 Handkerchiefs at 48c One immense lot of the finest all linen and
embroidered and lace edged handkerchiefs, many handkerchiefs In this lot
are hand embroidered and neat French revered and Mexican A Qf
drawn work, worth up to $1.00, go at tOw
75c All Silk Hufflers at 39c All All the $1.00 and $1.50 Silk luff-
the all silk and allk and wool fancy lers, great many stylos in black,,
mufflers, black, white and Offc white and colors, worth "n
all colors, go at OVC up to $1.50, go at Oy C
50c and 75c doll Gloves at 39c One large bargain square, big lots of all
kinds of plain and fancy, all wool golf gloves. In this lot will be found al
the latest styles of Imported and domestic gloves, sold in a OO
regular way up to 75c a pair cbo Ice
Today Grand Special Sale of
Holiday Rugs and Table Covers
There isn't a more acceptable Christmaa present than a handsome rug or
beautiful table cover. Tomorrow we make a special sale of thera as follows:
Oenulne Axminster Rugs 27x60 at 4 no
each l.vo
Large 36x72 floquet Rugs Most beautiful patterns in floral o rr
and Oriental effects regular price I7.5it at, each JsOLI
A largo showing of velour tapestry and chenille table covers These were
especially bought by us for the holiday trade and we will place them on sale
tomorrow at
59c, 98c, 1.25, 1.98, 2.98, 3.98, 4.98 each
for being even aa much as a minute lato
In reporting for duty. It la said, also,
that hereafter the men will not be re
quired to wait around the car houses for
hours without pay before going out on
their runs. Mr. Morse would not admit
that there had been any change in the
rulea, but thesa are rules which the com
pany has never publicly admitted to he
in force.
New Train Service Via Union Pacific.
Effective December 21, the TJnion Pacific
will place in service a new train to and
from North Platte, leaving Omaha at 8 p.
m. daily, making
Five passengers tralna to North Platte;
Six passenger trains daily to Grand Is
land. Following changes in time of other Union
Paciflo trains.
No. 4a, leave 4 p. m.; No. 3, leave 4:20
p. m. ; No. 2, leave 7:50 p. m.; No. 6. ar
rive 5:50 p. m.
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam street.
Union station. Tenth and Marcy streets.
Telephone 629.
Miss Mary MnneholT,
Who sings In concert at the Boyd Tuesday
evening, will be greeted by one of the
largest, aa well aa one ot the most rep
resentative, audiences that baa ever as
sembled In Omaha. The real coloratura
finger la aa rare a bird today aa the real
representative of the Italian bel canto, and
the greatest musical critics of the world
have placed Miss Munrhoff first in this
class. She has been named the second
Pattl, and is without doubt one ot the moBt
Interesting concert singers in the world
today. A few choice seats are still unsold.
The concert begins promptly at 8:30, and
no one will be seated during the singing of
a number.
KULAKOFF8KY Mrs. Bessie, aged 9
years, wife of I KulakonVky and mother
of M , I. and K. Kulakorfaky and Mrs.
Mushktn and Mrs. Andelpon, at her resi
dence, 1014 Seuth Tenth street.
Funeral waa at 1 p. m. Monday.
es owifw windows
Florida Excursion Via "Dixie Fixer"
, Route.
On Tuesday, January 6th, an excursion
will be run from KeDraska to Florida with
through sleeping cars from Omaha and Lin
coln, via Burlington Route to St. Loula and
tha "Dixie Flyer" Route from there to Jack-
This excursion will be a personally con
ducted ono and will be in charge of Mr.
George W. Bonnell, C. T. A.B. ft M. R. R.,
Lincoln, Neb., who Is thoroughly familiar
with the points of Interest enroute and In
the state of Florida.
Aa you pass through Cairo, Martin,
Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon,
and make a 12-hour stopover at Chatta
nooga, where an experienced guide will
conduct the party through Chattanooga
Park, pay a visit to Lookout Mountain and
other points of Interest; the trip will be
an Interesting and instructive one.
An early application for sleeping car
space la suggested. Ask for copy of illus
trated booklet outlining the trip at 1402
Farnam Bt., or write W. H. BRILL, Dlst.
Pass. Agt., Illinois Central Railroad,
Omaha, Neb.
Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota.
December 24. 25. 81, January 1.
Very low fares.
1401-1403 Farnam street.
Holiday Bates.
On December 24, 25 and 81 and January 1
the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul rail
way will sell round trip tickets to points
within 200 miles at fare and one-third.
Final limit, January 2.
City Office. 1604 Farnam St.
All members of Local No. 264 are re
quested to attend meeting, election of offl-J
cers, Wednesday, Dec. 24, at 2 o'clock p. m
Recording Secretary, 1509 Capitol Ave.
In which to do your Christmas trading. To assure a tri
umphant wind-up to the most tremendous holiday business
this store has ever known, we offer matchless bargains in
every department for the two final days of Christmas shop
ping. No effort has been spared to keep our assortments
complete to the very last. Disirable novelties for gifts
abound in every section. Store open Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings. Below are a few hints that will
make it easy to select something handsome and appropri
ate at a small expenditure.
Men'? t'veivo.its. . ....... .f 50 to 2o.OO'
Men's Suits ."i.00 to f 22.00
Men's Trousers $1.00 to 0.00
Boys' Suits $1.00 to $0.00
Hoys' Overcoats ? 1.00. to 17.00
Boys Keefers , $1.00 to $5.00
Youths' Overcoats $1.00 to $15.00
Youths' Suits $4.00 to $15.00
Smoking Jackets $3.50 to $10.50
Bath ttobes $1.5)0 to $10.50
Dressing Gowns ..$1.90 to $10.50
Suspenders 15c to $2.90
Sight Kobes .. ,. .45c to $1.50
Underwear ' 35c to $2.00
Men's Handkerchiefs .... , 5c to $1.00
Women's Handkerchiefs ,.5c to 50c
Special Notice to Mothers.
We arc now offering the best childs reefer in America at
81 for boys 4 to 8, made of a fine chinchilla, with velvet collar.
The boy would greatly appreciate one of these suits for a
Christmas present, and just think, only 81.85.
l-$350 Piano ) ftHill
1 $250 Player C'tflJU
1 $300 Piano ) tOm
1 $225 Player
Remember, we sell the
Cccilian .j Lyraphone
Piano Player
The two best players in the world.
Both are 65 note players.
Remember also that most other
Piano Players are only 68 note play
ers. The CECILIAN baa separate con
trol ot the base and treble, and Is
the only Player capable of the
elastic human touch ao much sought
Until January 1st we give free, with
each player purchased, 25 worth of
music and a $5.00 player bench.
Call at our parlors. We are open
evenings until Christmas.
Piano Player Co.
Arlington Block,
Over Morton's Hardwsrs and Hardy's
99c Store.
To the Girl Who Sings
A little book which will prove de
lightful to all mudio lovers.
T.adles or gentlemen who wish to get a
box of clgnrs for a Christmas preaen.
for winif friend will d well to come
to our store or consult our list and
order from It. We have clears in
boxes of 12. 2i arvd ii-AI.L FRKSH
ami with trust-smashing prices.
Wholesals and Retail DruKKlnts.
li,LU luiii D odo. a. Neb.
Purely Vegetable
Entirely Harmless
mid In Action.
Free sample. Howell
It is Only a Measure
of prudence to keep a supply of good liquors
In the house for use In emergencies social
or otherwise. Note the following list.
It may suggest something you want. If
so, call on us and we will treat you right.
John Dewar, Andrew Usher & Co., House
of Commons, Black and White, Encore,
Don Murdock, King William (Vop.), Rod
erick Dhu. tho bost of them all. for which
we are western distributers.
James Hennesy & Co., Three Stars, Remy
Martin ft Co., Plnet, Qastillon ft Co., Cog
nac (lnrported), Repsold'a Cognac, George
Saunier, Cusenier's Apricot (Imported),
California Apricot, California Peach and
Club Cocktails, Heubleln ft Bros., goze-
rac (Handy ft Co.), Eagle Cocktails, Rep
sold's Table Wines and Del Prado Sweet
(The native wines of North
We also carry the famous
Hunter's Rye, Wilson's Rye
and Baltimore Rye. The
prices on the above whis
kies are 11.00, 11.25 and tl.60
per quart bottle.
We have the following
Walker'a Canadian Club,
Segram's Canadian Whisky
and Oooderman & Wort's
at $1.25 pr quart.
12-ytur-olJ Maryland Rye.
Opposite Poattffllce. Telephone 1148.
We have a beautiful line of Reading Gas
or Klei'trl T.nmiiu miltAlile for the nnrlor.
I den or houduir. They make useful Christ
mas gilts.
F. M. Russell
313 South 15th St. Telephone 503
t A lemmaum
0 Kftr.kAfl
You arc not payin lor CIIKOMO. tu , rithb DELS, ETCt, bnt
r. B. &1CS IsXRCAMTiLlO CXUAA CO. llwj; UL Louis. Vniau M4,
if a
Suit Cases $1.25 to $15.00
Seal Cnps .$3.50 to $0.00
Cloth and Plush Caps 25c to $1.75
Mufflers 25c to $1.50
Neckwear 15c to 75c
Pajamas $1.00 to $2.50
Gloves 25c to $2.00
Umbrellas 45c to $0.00
Ladies' Shoes , $1.00 to $2.00
Ladies' Slippers ....$1.00 to $1.00
Men's Shoes $2.00 to $3.50
Men's Slippers 75c to $1.45
'Bors' Shoes 05c to 1.00
Women's Furs 1.05 to 100.00
Women's Silk Waists $2.00 to $7.50
Women's Jackets $3.00 to $45.00
Children's Furs 75c to $7.00
Drug Co., 16th and Cap ltol Ave.
Patent Leathers
The men folk like a visit from San
ta Claus as well as the little follows.
Patent leathers make fine Christ
mas presents.
Ideal kid, patent calf, all patent or
kid or cloth tops all the new styles
and shapPB.
We have such a large line over 20
different styles that we can easily
please the most exacting with style
and fit.
Speaking of fits
You can have your purchase fit to
his feet after Christmas.
The same rule appllea to our
Chrlstmss slippers.
Omaha's lIp-to-Date Shoe House
Assortment Still Good
but Its moving and we have plenty of help
to snow goous ana iv l-'KICKH AltK NOT
A HAI.K. We refer to that CON.skjn.
ITHXKD IP NOT HOLD. Genuine ei.r
glass; ster Ing silver mounted ebenol,!
Docket hrmkH. tiair liritui,..u , ..
and mirrors, chatelaine bnea sum) l,vu
etc. 1'OCKKT HOOKS AT M l'Ku
i.r.nn iiiain it r. i 1 1 ,A K VVMOI.KHAI.
l-l 1 ,or Al l.KiS.S 'MAN ('(KIT
bee these nonets to nrniree hitn t
"WHY PAY MORK" W unn,u.
, . . , . ' , , ' ' ' "I 1 C L
n.Bii wiinii m miiKing dui a misnomer
Hiinn ii iiv I ni'rii iii ii'h
C'remo C!nar. 2 for
... Bo
... f.o
... 6c
... ll
New Cuba Cigars. 2 tnr .... .
I.llllun Rnaell 1'lnars. 2 tnr !"
A full assortment of Christmaa
$!.(( Ferjra, Renulne, only
I.Wl Tierces Hemedlea
:c.c Genuine C'astoila
too Hind's Honey and Almond Cream.
si.mi iiiuMacRi Biimaiiarllla
tl .il Canadian Malt Wlilskev '
Jl-Ou Hers Molt Whlsky ...'"
Id. T4T. . W. v or. ihisi svnal Chicago.