Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Fire Sweeps Knoiville Business Buildings
in Early Morning.
Same Block Destroyed Which Fell to
Flames five Yean Ago.
Chattanooga Responds with Help on Special
Train at Lightning Speed.
Tears for Entire Downtown DUtrlct
.Are General!? 'Entertained Till One
fracture Crnmbln and Mops
Spreading; Conflagration.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Dee. 12. The wont
Are which baa ravaged the business portion
of the city since the disastrous million-dollar
conflagration of 1897 broke out at 4:30
this morning In a four-story building on
Commerce avenue, directly opposite the
Central lire station and occupied by the
Knoxvllle Panta company.
: In two houra buildings adjoining It on
Commerce avenue, occupied by Broyles, Me
Clellan A Luckey, agricultural Implement
dealers; the David Commission company,
the Immense establishment of the Brown
Hardware company on Gay street; 8hanklln
Grain company and the R. H. Chat tee com
pany building on the same streets, had been
completely gutted.
The six-story building of McTeer, Hood
ft Co.. wholesale clothiers, and the three
tory building of the Davies Furniture com
pany, which were reported destroyed, with
stood the storm of flying embers and were
but little damaged.
. Drandau & Kennedy, retail clothiers; W.
T. Newton, Jeweler; the Whltle-Spencer
Trunk company and other retail stores on
Gay street, opposite the burning structures,
wore considerably damaged.
Conservative Insuranoe men say the loss
will be between $400,000 and 1500,000. Other
estimates place It much higher.
The McTeer and Davis buildings seemed
doomed, and, although they were In flames
time and again, they were saved with small
damage by the hard work on the part of
the Bremen. Several other structures were
on Are at times, including the big estab
lishment of Gillespie, Shields A Co., whole
rale batters, but they were protected.
Hlaae Is Most Speetacnlar.
The Art was most spectacular and
attracted a crowd numbering Into the thou
sands. It Is a miracle that no one was
hurt with the showers of falling glass and
the terrific explosions In the Brown Hard
ware company that scattered bricks, burn
ing embers and all conceivable articles of
Chattanooga was called on for aid when
the fire was at Its height, and an engine
company had run by special train twenty
nine tnltoa In tWfTrry-rtiree minutes toward
fhls city when stopped by wire, the fire
being now under control.
The collapse of the Brown building saved
the business dlsttict from a loss of $2,000,000
at least, the flames being easily bandied
after that structure had fallen.
The heaviest loss Is that of tbe Brown
Hardware company, which carried a $180,000
Partial estimates on the losses are as
follows: R. H. Chattee company, whole
sale liquors, stock and building, $15,000;
Knoxvllle Pants company, stock and build
ings, $10,000; Broyles. HcClellan ft Luckey,
farming Implements, stock and building,
$25,000; Shanklln Grain company, stock and
building, $15,000; David ft Co., stock and
building, $40,000; Haynes ft Henson, whole
sale shoes, $10,000; McTeer, Hood ft Co.,
wholesale clothing, $5,000; Davies Furniture
company, stock and buildings, $4,000; dam
age to other buildings and stocks, $10,000.
All the firms, except the David Commis
sion company, were Insured.
Rag (dale and Bridge Reach Ran Fran
cisco After Labors la
BAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2$. J. G. Rags
dale, United States consul at Tien Tsln, and
W. E. Balnbtldg'e, secretary of the United
States legation at Pekln under Mr. Conger,
were among tbe passengers returning today
on the transport Thomas from the Orient.
Messrs. Ragsdale and Balnbrldgn, who were
appointed to appralae the dumage austained
by American residents of China as a re
sult of the uprising, recently completed
their report, which Is now on Coptic, due
here on Wednesday. The report was be
gun In April and It was finally completed
on November IT. It shows that 120 claims
were submitted by Americana who. suffered
by tbe Boxer war, aggregating $4,000,000,
but only $1,600,500 of this amount will be
available out of the Indemnity which China
has to pay. The largest loss was sustained
by the Chlna-Japanes Trading company,
an American concern, and was for some
thing over $500,000 In gold.
Six-Year-Old Hoy Operated Upon by
Dr. I.orens ns Resalt
f Letter.
NEW TORK, Dec. 2$. Dr. Lorens has
performed his last public operation In thla
vicinity for congenital dislocation of the
Alvln Louis Black, t years old, was the
patient. He Is the boy who sent a doll
to Lollta Armour, daughter of J. Ogden
Armour of Chicago, to operate on whom
Dr. Lorens came to this country.
Mr. Armour was appealed to by tbe
parents of the boy and wrote a personal
letter to Dr. Lorent, asking hlra to operate
on the child, who had remembered his lit
tle girl, and the operation of Sunday,
which was pronounced successful, was tbs
outcome of this request.
Dr. Lorens will leave for Boston, where
be will operate an hour after his arrival.
Montana Electors Poll Twlea aad
Each Time Deadlock Ensues
n taunt.
BUTTE, Mont.. Dec. 21 The second
election for representstlve In the legisla
ture from Tellowstone county has resulted
In another tie.
Before each candidate received 731 votes
and thla time each got 635. A blrd elec
tion will probably be held.
Prosecution, However, In Sew York
Gambling; Cases (.alna Nothing;
from Witness.
NEW YORK, Dec. 22. J' - Lewlsohn,
who the court decided sh' f -wer the
district attorney's questl v ,v. ther
he knew Rlrhard Canflcld, . "'.
Icged. Is the proprietor of a ' 1
houe, today answered In the afllrnji. " "
He was next asked. "Were you evef
Canfleld's prior to December 21, 1S97? Ha
at first refused to answer, but later on
advised of his attorney that the statue
of limitation, which bar any prosecullou
after five years for gamblir.g. removing the
constitutional privilege, Mr. Lewlsohn said
he had not.
He declined to nnBwer when asked If he
had been In the house recently. Mr. Lsu
trrbacb, attorney for Lewlsohn, Is author
ity for what occurred at the Inquiry.
Lewlsohn was rearrested today. He left
the criminal court building Immediately, in
In the custody of an officer, for the supreme
court, where application was o be made for
a writ of habeas corpus. He was after
wards arraigned before Justice White,
charged with a misdemeanor as a contuma
cious witness. The hearing on this charge
went over until the third Monday In Jan
uary. Lewlsohn Is also held on a warrant
charging him with contempt of court for
refusing to answer questions today. Subse
quently a writ of habeas corpus was applied
for and granted by Justice Scott.
Porto Rico Court Hears Chargea
Against Men Accused of Beat
ing; Customs.
SAN JUAN, Porto Rico. Dee. 22 Robert
Giles, a government contractor and man
ager of the Automobile Transportation com
pany, has been arrested in connection with
tbe smuggling cases. He was arraigned,
charged with smuggling, and pleaded not
The preliminary examination of Benjamin
Butler, supervisor of elections; Commander
O. W. Mentt, In charge of the Country
club, and Robert Oiles, charged with
smuggling two lots of wines and liquors
from St. Thomas on the United States
steamer Uncas and the lighthouse tender
Lasel, began here thla afternoon.
Commander Mentx was heard first. He
was in command of Laurel on its trip to
St. Thomaa, where from thirty to thirty
five cases of liquors were purchased. Some
of these were put off at Culebra, but four
teen were brought to San Juan. Of thb
latter, six were marked "Robert Giles,"
while others were addressed to Captain
Andrew Dunlap, commander of the naval
stat,lon here.
One of the witnesses, the captain of a
launch, said Captain Dunlap ordered him
to go on board Laurel and get certain
cases; that he did so and delivered them
to Captain Dnnlap.
A customs Inspector seized and opened
the cases marked "Robert Giles."
HsMsgal, 111 and la Financial
Trouble, Compelled to Cancel
All His bates. " """"
CHICAGO, Dec. J2. The American tour
of Mascagnl and his Italian opera company
came to a close today In this city with the
cancellation of all dates.
The culmination of Mascagnl's woes came
last evening, when an attachment was made
on his personal effects by a constable rep
resenting a local claim agent for $184.
As a result of his flnanolal difficulties
Mascagnl is now confined to his room at the
Auditorium annex suffering from nervous
The company was scheduled to leave Chi
cago at 9 o'clock this morning for the west,
the first engagement to have been at Keo
kuk, la.
The member of Mascagnl's troupe, solo
ists, musicians and choristers, will be
given passage here tomorrow at the Italian
consulate. Thla was decided at a confer
ence tonight, at which the attorney for
the government of Italy was empowered by
the composer to act for him.
The funds will be furnished by the com
poser himself, who recently received about
$6,000 from his bankers In Rome, and Is
altogether more than $10,000 to the bad
as the result of his Ill-starred tour.
Laura Blasrar Tells Why She Did Not
Make Pnblle the Fact of
Her .Marriage.
FREEHOLD, N. J.. Deo. it. Further tes-
i given by Miss Blggar today, and the de-
It n so then rested.
Miss Blggar, crosa-examlned by Mr. Wil
son, counsel for the state, said that she
had kept her marriage secret because Mr.
Bennett bad asked her to do so. She sail
she had employed Mollis Deskln as her
maid and had discharged her about a year
The witness said she had always been a
dutiful and faithful wife to Mr. Bennett.
Ex-Sheriff Smock of Freehold, called In re
buttal by the state, aald that In October,
1901, Bennett Introduced the defendant as
Miss Blggar.
Young- Raak Clerk Is Accused of Steal
lag; Tea Thousand Roubles
aad Absconding;.
OAKLAND, Cal.. Dec. 2 Having been
unsuccessful In his fight against extradi
tion, S. 1. Grin, tbe young bank clerk, who
about two years ago absconded from Russia
with about 10,000 roubles and came to this
country to get an education, has started
eaet In custody ot United States Marshal
He will be taken to New York by the
marshal and there delivered to Russian offl-
i ceri, who will be sent to meet htm. Grin
I la sKnilt 91 v.iri nf ffA VI idmlfi hi-
Called States Guaa Will Be Allowed to
Boom Welcome Win Cour
tesy Demaada.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 22. Several amend
ments have been made in the army regu
lations for tbe firing ot salutes. I: Is pro
vided that salutes may bo fired on Sunday
whn required by International courtesy.
An ex-prnldent of the United States
shall receive a salute of twenty-one guns.
The vice governor of the Philippines, an
office which has been established since the
rules were drawn. Is entitled to receive a
salute ot seventeen guns, the same aa that
received by the aealstaat secretary ot war.
Wife of Saxony's Heir Mysteriously Disap
pears from Austria.
Trace of Missing Woman, Who Is
"aid to Have Vanished Because
Illicit Lore Affair with
, American Dentist.
(Copyright, 1902. by Tress Publishing Co.)
VIENNA, Dec. 22 (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The crown
princess of Saxony, an Austrian archduch
ess, left Dresden In great distress for Salz
burg, where her parents live, owing to a
love affair with an American dentist, the
consequences of which are undeniable.
Her parents, who have three young
daughters still unmarried, disowned her
and drove her from the castle. One of her
four brothers took her part and accompa
nied the crown princess. The Saxony
crown prince refuses to hush up the ecan
dal. All court festivities have been coun
termanded. Court' Publishes Scandal.
DRESDEN, Saxony, Dec. 22.-By order of
the king and crown prince the court cir
cular today announces the crown princess
of Saxony fled from her home on the night
of December 11.
"In a state of Intense mental excitement
sho suddenly deserted her ramlly at Salz
burg and went abroad." says the official
record. "The Saxon court functions for the
winter, Including the New Year's reception,
have been canceled." Rumors to this ef
fect have been current for soma days, but
have been generally discredited, but It is
now known that she has vanished so com
pletely that the police of every kingdom In
Europe have for ten days been unable to
trace her. The official announcement was
made In order to obtain tbe aid of the gen
eral public, and because the court Action
that she preferred to remain In retirement
at Salzburg rather than to return to her
husband and children at Dresden cannot
longer be maintained.
Goea to Austrian Court.
Accompanied by the crown prince, the
princess went to the castle of Emperor
Francis Joseph, near 8alzburg, a month
ago. A week after their arrival the prince
broke his leg while hunting and was brought
back to Dresden. The princess, however,
remained at the castle. Why she did so
the people of the court did not know, ex
cept that with gloomy tenacity the prin
cess usually dees what she pleases.
For a little while this explanation suf
ficed, then fragments of gossip began to
reach Dresden.
It was said the princess had surrendered
herself to periods of nervous excitement
and that her eccentricities caused much
concern to her suite and to some of her
Austrian kinsfolk. It Is now believed that
ahe was under surveillance, and her disap
pearance Is therefore considered the more
On December 11 the princess, who ap
peared to be In an unusually tranquil mood,
retired before 12. Three hours later, when
a maid looked lato -the royal bedchamber,
something In the appearance of the bed
prompted her to go cloaer and examine It.
Instead ot the princess the maid perceived
a dummy figure. She awakened the lady In
waiting and the latter, with other members
of the princess' suite, searched all the
neighboring apartments, then the entire
caatlo, and finally the ground, but no trace
of the missing woman was found.
At dawn the police of Salzburg were In
formed of the disappearance and inquiries
were maae tnrougnout tho whole country
side, but with no tangible result. The in
quiry was gradually extended to all parts
of the kingdom, and on authority from
Dresden, by the end of the second day, to
all Europe. The theory of suicide was sug
gested and a fruitless search for the prin
cess' body has been made without result.
The disappearance of the princess doubt
less will cause the circulation of many sto
ries, and It is already reported that she
eloped, but Inquiries made here have
brought out nothing to substantiate this
Sny Jealousy Waa Cause.
VIENNA. Doc. 22. It Is officially ex
plained here that the princess disappear
ance la due to mental derangement. There
is little doubt that It waa caused by domes
tic discord, growing out of her husband's
relations with an actress of the Dresden
court theater. It Is asserted that the prin
cess frequently threatened flight on this
account and that ahe was incensed at her
father, the grand duke of Tuscany, for
counseling her to forgive ber husband.
It Is rumored here tonight that the prin
cess was accompanied by the French tutor
of her children.
Paaaena-era on Deutachland Deny the
Sensational Reports Printed
la London.
PARIS, Dec. 22 Passengers on Deutach
land. arriving here today, deny the sensa
tional reports printed in London, alleging
that there waa a panic on board that ship
Saturday night. The facts are as follows:
Shortly after midnight a tremendous,
grating sound waa heard, like tbe racing
of great acrewa. Comparatively few of the
passengers were aroused by the nolje,
many of them not knowing that anything
bad occurred until the following morning.
The officers anj crew did not display the
slightest uneasiness, and there waa no In
terruption of the ususl discipline.
At no time waa there the alighteat panic
or excitement among tho women or men.
Within an hour, the ship wsj again under
steam and Its arrival at Plymouth was only
slightly delayed.
Goes to Jail for Stamping- on Brooch
Containing Emperor's
BERLIN. Dec. 22. A Polish school girl
named Kopec has been sentenced to four
teen days' Imprisonment at Ioowazlau,
province of Posen, for lese majecte, Id
having stamped on a brooch contalnlrg Em
peror William's picture.
Such brooches were presented to "ths
pupils when his majesty visited Posen.
Drouth Affects Wool Traffic.
SYDNEY. N. 8. V. Dec. 22. The serious
effect of the drouth is shown by the wool
traffic on the railroads of New South Wales
for the current yesr, which Is only SK.Ooo
bales, compared with 527,000 In lSul.
General Miles at Port Arthur.
FEK1N Dec. 22. The Russian offlciala at
Port Arthur entertained General Miles on
bis arrival there and are now sending hlia
to Taku on board a cruiser.
Estate at a Man llausred for Murdee
Cannot Collect I'pon Ilia
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. The question of
the effptt of murder upon a life insurance
policy, when Issued upon the life ot the
murderer, was today passed upon by the
United States supreme court in an opin
ion delivered by Justice Brewer. The case
in which tbe opinion wss delivered was
that of M. Burt against the Union Central
Life Insurance company. William E. Burt
of Travis county, Texas, was the name ot
the man Insured. His policy was made
payable to his wife, Anna M. Burt, and In
case of her death to her executors.
During the following year Burt's wlfn
died and he afterward was charged with
ber murder and was found guilty and exe
cuted. Afterward the estate made an effort to
collect upon the policy, but tbe Insurance
company resisted payment. The lower
courts, Including the court at appeals for
the Fifth circuit, sustained the position
of the company, and today's opinion af
firming the decision of the court ot ap
peals holds the policy Invalid on the
ground that to sanction payment under the
circumstances would be contrary to public
President Intends to Ask Enabling;
Legislation When Senate Ratifies
Cuban Reciprocity.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. President Roose
velt has let it be known that before he de
cided to send the Cuban reciprocity treaty
to the senate and not to the house, be con
sulted the leaders of tbe house and the
members of his cabinet. After mature con
sideration it was determined that It was
unnecessary to send the Cuan treaty to
the house, notwithstanding the fact that It
affected revenues of the government.
Precedents were looked up carefully. It
was found that previous reciprocity trea
ties had been aent direct to the senate for
ratification. This was notably true of the
Newfoundland treaty, which waa regarded
as being on all fours with the Cuban
treaty, and no objection was ever raised
to tbe consideration by the senate alone of
that treaty.
The president, however, Intends, when
the Cuban treaty Is ratified by the senate,
to send a message to both branches ot
oongress recommending such legislation as
will make It operative. This will afford
the house full opportunity to approve the
negotiations for reciprocity with Cuba.
Saya He Had Dellarhtful Outing; In
8 pita of tbe Incessant
WASHINGTON. Dec 22. President
Roosevelt and family arrived In Washington
from Rapldan, Va., at 11:25 o'clock today.
They were met at the station by Secretary
Cortelyou and were driven directly to the
White House. The trip bom Rapldan was
made without noteworthy Incident.
The president was lu. Vcxtvflaot- aptrlta
and expressed himself as having bad a de
lightful outing, notwithstanding the Inces
sant rain of yesterday.
President Roosevelt reached his office In
the executive building about noon and
began Immediately to dispose of official mat
ters that had accumulated during his ab
sence. He received only a few calls.
The announcement waa made at the ex
ecutive offices that between Christmas and
New Year'a day the president would not
make any appointments for receiving call
ers, and that during that week he would
have no regular office hours.
He will spend as much time In the open
air horseback and carriage riding aa his
duties will permit.
Man Convicted of Manufacturing; Alum
Baking; Powder Must Pay
a Fine.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. The United
States supreme court today dismissed, the
writ of error In the case of Whitney Lay
ton against tbe state of Missouri on the
ground that no federal question bad been
raised in the trial court.
The case Involved the constitutionality
of the pure food law of the state and has
attracted much attention. Layton, whoso
place of business Is St. Louis, waa found
guilty in the trial court of the use of
alum In the manufacture of baking pow
der and a fine of $100 was -assessed against
him. The verdict wss affirmed by the state
supreme court.
The effect of today's opinion Is to leave
the verdict against Layton stsndlng, but
It did not enter upon any queation as to
the merits of the case. The opinion was
delivered by Chief Justice Fuller.
Remains of Former Governor of Ala
bama Are Burled at Arlington
with Military Honors.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. The remains of
General Swayne, a soldier, lawyer and only
military governor ot Alabama, were burled
with full military honors at the National
cemetery at Arlington today.
The body arrived here from New York
at 7:30 o clock this morning and was es
corted to St. John's Episcopal church by a
large detaenment of troops.
Tbe services at the church were brief and
simple, consisting of tbs reading of the
Eplacopal aervlce, prayer being held and
singing by a male quartet.
The casket was draped with the American
flag and there were floral emblems from
the Loyal Legion, Grand Army of the Re
public and other patriotic organizations.
The casket waa carried by six military
men to the caisson.
Americans Invest Five Hundred Mil
lion Dollars la Last Five
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 Five hundred
million dollars In gold is the amount of
American capital Invested in Mexico by
1,117 American companies and Individuals,
according to estimates carefully prepared
by the consul general at Mexico City.
Practically all of this has been Invented
within five yesrs. Seventy per cent of the
total is Invested In railroads.
Mines hsve consumed $. 000,000 and $28..
000.000 Is Invested In agriculture. Manu
facturing ranks fifth. Other enterprises
Include banks, truit companies, electric
light and power plants, gas and water
works, telephone system and similar Industries.
8npreme Court Will Hear Cass of 8outh
Dakota Against North Carolina.
Purchasers of Indian Heirship Lands
to Maadamus Indian Department
to Compel Isaaaace of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Deo. 22 (Special Tele
gram.) The original' cause of the state ot
South Dakota against the state of North
Carolina was today assigned for hearing In
the supreme court on April 3, 1903. The
case grows out of certain bonds originally
guaranteed by the atate of North Carolina,
which that state subsequently repudiated.
a number of them having In some means
come Into the possession of the state of
South Dakota. Under former decisions of
courts, where Individuals have sued the
state of North Carolina to recover on the
same class of bonds that South Dakota
holds and seeks to secure payment. It has
been held that the state could not be sued
directly. South Dakota, however, being an
equal sovereignty with North Carolina, can
come Into the supreme court with a suit.
The supreme court today affirmed with
costs the decision of the supreme court ot
Nebraska in the case of tbe Chicago, Bur
lington ft Qulncy Railway Company against
Kate O. Wolfe, which was argued In court
last Wednesday. The points at Issue were
fully set forth In The Bee when the caao
was up for argument.
Dietrich Starta Home.
Senator Dietrich Is on his way to Ne
braska and expects to reach Hastings on
Wednesday. He stopped at Bryn Mawr, on
his way west, to pay a short visit to his
Land Buyers Are Anxlona.
It Is understood that mandamus pro
ceedings will shortly be Instituted to com
pel the Interior department to take up and
dispose of cases wherein private citizens
have bought or agreed to buy from tho
Indians so-called heirship lands. These
transactions were made under rules pro
mulgated by the Interior department. Later
these rules were revised and then sus
pended beforo deeds c relinquishment
could be secured. Money was advanced In
each and all cases and the suspension of
the rules governing the sale of these lands.
It Is alleged, meana the loss of consider
able money to would-be purchasers. In
view of the large number of Indian reser
vations in the west It Is easily apparent
how greatly the west Is Interested in this
Omaha Men la City.
Dr. S. R. Patton of Omaha Is in the city.
W. J. Connell of Omaha Is In Washington
on business before the court of claims.
Routine of Departments.
Postmasters appolted today: Iowa C. E.
Davison, Little Rock, Lyon county, B. J.
Fullenkamp, Overton, Lee county; Mellie
Beavers, Woodland, Decatur county. South
Dakota Rutherford H. Fulton, Avon, Bon
homme county; ' Charles "W. Lyman,"TaI
cottf Clark county; Thersa J. Boyd, Van
dervoort, Clark county.
A poetoffice has been established at Plum
Creek, Kossuth county, la., with Jorgensen
Johannsen as postmaster.
Willis B. Newbold of Farmlnton, la
has been admitted to practice before the
Interior department.
The comptroller of the currency has ap
proved the First National bank of Omaha
as a reserve agent for the First National
bank of Osceola, Neb., and the Drovers'
Deposit National bank of Chicago for the
First National bank of Orange City, la.
Ernest B. Bachellcr of Omaha and Alfred
T. Allen of Perry, la., have been appointed
stenographers and typewriters In tbe Inter
state Commerce commission office.
Kills Two Men, Wrecks Two Freight
Trains and Demolishes Four
LIBERTY. Ind., Dec. 22. A helper engine
on the Cincinnati, Hamilton ft Dayton
railroad got beyond control today, made
two wild runa between Connorsvllle and
this place, wrecked two freight trains, de
molished four engines, killed two men and
Jnjured two othera
Engineer Callahan of the helper ran to
College grove, helping a freight. He was
to take the switch east of Liberty. When
he reached the awltch and attempted to
reverse part of the machinery would not
respond and the engine got beyond con
trol. Near Liberty It collided with a freight.
In some way the helper was reversed and
started back, running through Liberty at
the rate of seventy miles an hour.
It dashed Into another freight which waa
being hauled by two engines. Those killed
In the collision were Mike Foley of In
dianapolis, brakeman, and Rout Osborne
of Connorsvllle, fireman on the helper en
Symptoms Continue Encouraging and
There Is Xow Strong; Hopa
of Hla Recovery.
NEW YORK, Dec. 22. Though no au
thoritative statement could be obtained aa
to the condition of Cornelius Vanderbilt at
7 o'clock this morning, It waa said at tho
house that tbe encouraging symptoms of the
last two days had continued and that hope
was strong for Mr. Vanderbllt's recovery.
At 9:60 o'clock the physicians made public
the following bulletin:
Mr. Vanderbilt had a very restless night
and la still seriously 111. His general condi
tion and temperature remain about the
same. Any alight change, perhaps, are
on the side of Improvement. FLINT.
Dr. Delfleld said tonight:
Mr. Vanderbilt is better, but Is a sick
man. He will continue to be critically 111
for a week and Is not yet out of danger.
The peritonitis however, has been entirely
eliminated and I hi re is every reuson u
believe that he will recover.
Dr. Scharman Will Speak In Western
Cities During; Christmas
ITHACA. N. T., Dec. 22. Cornell uni
versity closed its doors tor the Christmas
recess today.
Dr. Schurman will take a long western
trip, speaking In Omaha, Lincoln. Chicago
and St. Louis. The Cornell Musical clubs
left today for their Christmas trip. They
will appear In a dozen cities of the middle
Forecast for Nchrnska Fslr and Warmer
Tuesday; Wednesday I'rubnbly Snow.
Temperature at Omaha Y'eaterdayt
Hour. Den.
ft a. m it. '
l a. m it 11
T a. m its
K a. m , , , , . sin
l a. ni lea
10 a. n it I
11 a. m 311
111 m at
Hour. Hen-.
1 p. m. . . . . at
8 p. ni l
21 p. nt ..... . V J
4 p. m Hi
ft p. ni ..... . set
it p. m a
T p. m sett
N p. m SCO
0 p. ni ao
Two Men fterlonsly Injared and
Two Hnrllnsrton Knalnes
Smashed I p.
Two men seriously Injured, one engine lu
tbe scrap pile and another one badly bat
tered and out of service Is the net result
ot a wreck In the Burlington yards at South
Omaha yesterday evening.
Switch engine 276. In charge of Engineer
T. D. Helan, was at the top of the hill
about 10 o'clock, when the throttle be
came disconnected and the engineer could
do nothing to control It, though he stayed
at his post and made the effort. The wild
engine came down the hill Into the yards
at high speed and crashed Into switch en
gine 172 at F street and Boulevard. The
force of the Impact was terrific and both
engines were badly smashed. 276 being
practically a scrap heap and 172 so badly
disabled that the shop force will have con
siderable work putting It Into condition for
service again.
T. D. Helan, the engineer of the wild en
gine, was badly hurt about the head and
his face was burned by esrsplng steam.
M. Hoops, fireman of 172, was severely
scalded from the knees down and slightly
hurt about the head.
Both men were taken to the South Omaha
hospital, where they were cared for. While
their injuries are painful, neither of them
are likely to die or bo permanently crip
pled as a result.
Mental Doctor Claims Divine Powers,
but Insists on Fee Being;
DETROIT, Mich., Dec. 22. Doctors James
M. Pebles, Walter T. Bobo and Charles M.
Creenx of the People's Institute of Health,
Battle Creek, Mich., were convicted In the
United States district court here today of
violating the postal laws. A thirty-day
stay of proceedings will prevent Immediate
The persons were charged with an at
tempt to obtain money by fraud by means
of advertisements of their mental "cure"
sent by mall. During the trial Dr. Bobo
said he believed Dr. Pebles had a healing
power like that of Jesus, only that the doc
tor's power was smaller, but admitted that
a patient at a distance faithfully following
Dr. Pebles' Instructions would derive no
benefit It he had not prepaid the fee of $1.
V baa It Ri-ver Rlnos Beyond Controlling-
Banks nnd Sweeps Neighboring-
EVANSVILLE, Ind., Dec. 22. The river
remains stationary here at forty feet. It
is expected to begin to recede before morn
ing. Today at Troy, Ind., seventy miles
above here, it w&s already falling rapidly.
Farmers are getting ready to move back
to the bottoms and by the last of the week
It Is expected the river will be back In its
natural channel. Reports of damage to
corn and livestock are still coming In, al
though the damage has not been as W avy
as waa anticipated.
The Wabash river la also rising and alarm
Is felt by farmers living along that stream.
Thousands ot acres of corn land are al
ready flooded.
Pays Eight Million Dollars for Ken
tucky Fuel Deposits West of
Green River.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Dec. 22. Negotiations
have practically been concluded whereby
a syndicate, of which J. P. Morgan Is a
director, will obtain control of all the coal
mines and coal property west of Green
river In Kentucky, except the mines owned
by the St. Barnard Coal company. Tho
consideration ia $8,000,000.
Jchn Hendrlck, formerly attorney gen
eral of Kentucky, was the agent through
whom the negotiations were conducted.
The agents of the syndicate have also
made efforts to get control of coal prop
erty In other parts of the state, but ao
far as Is known have not purchased any.
Fires Ona Through Bedroom Win
dow and Must Go to
McPHERSON. Kan.. Dec. 22. Dr. Rvnn
the aged farmer charged with shontlnv
Miss Maude Holmes, aged 18, waa found
guilty in the crlmtnal court here today.
On the evening of July 6 Miss Holmes
was preparing to retire, when she was
struck with the full charge of a shotgun.
fired through her bedroom window. She
wss dangerously, but not seriously,
For weeks Miss Holmes had received
anonymous letters, of which Dr. Ryno was
believed to be the writer. The letter
led to his arrest and formed the basis of
the prosecution.
Anna Peck of Kew York I'neonacloua
as Result of Accident
on Railroad.
PHELPS, N. Y.," Dec. 22. For a month
Miss Anna Peck has been unconscious and
her physicians think that if she ever re
gules consciouanebs her mind will be a
Miss Peck and her sister, Mrs. Van Huy
sen, were struck by a New York Central
train at Oaka Qprners last month and the
girl's condition is the result ot the Injury
she received.
Mrs. Van Huysen Is also In a dangerous
Movements of Ocean traaels Dec. 22.
At Hr-m-n Arrived: Kron I'rinx Wll-hi-lm.
from New York via I'lyrnouth and
At Plymouth Balled: tiraf Walderstre,
frum Ilamliura. for New York.
At I Iverp'iul Arrived: (icorglc, from
New York: I'nibrla, from New York.
At Napl.-a Arrived: Phoenicia, from New
York. Sailed. Palalla, for Ni-w York.
At OlanKow SalltU; TrltonU, for 8t.
Juhn, M. 1.
President Has No Answer to Bequest that
Hague Arbitrate,
Formal Notes Suggesting Roosevelt at
Mediator Now on Way,
Ships Will Not Be Called Off Unless Arbi
tration Details Are Arranged.
Uovernor of Trinidad Issues Royal De.
cree Announcing that Hostilities
Have Actually Begun Against
South American Republlo.
(Copyright. 19"2. by Press Publishing Co.)
CARACAS. I)c. 22. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Two more
Venezuelan gunboats have been found and
selxed by the blockading fleet on the gulf
of Parla. They were taaen to the British
Island of Trinidad by the English sloop of
war Alert.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 22. President
Roosevelt has not accepted the position of
arbitrator of the Venezuelan controversy.
In fact, when tho official day closed he
had not formally received sny request from
the European powers to do so.
In an informal manner the president has
been notified that the European powers In
timately concerned In the present South
American difficulty desire that he should
undertake the responsibility of arbitrating
the points at issue. Thus far they merely
have been taking "soundings," with a view,
probably, of ascertaining bow he would re
ceive a formal proffer.
Roosevelt Confers with Hay.
The president and Secretary Hay had a
long conference today. They went care
fully over the situation as It had developed
since Saturday, but It is understood that
nothing arose during the past .forty-eight
hours to warrant the president in chang
ing his opinion. So far as can be learned
no specific reasons have been advanced by
tho European powers for objecting to Tho
Hague tribunal. It Is hold by the admin
istration that The Hague court was consti
tuted to arbitrate Just such controversies
as that which has arisen between Venez
uela and the powers and that It would be
desirable from every point of. view that
the present dispute should go to that tri
bunal for adjudication.
The acceptance by the powers of tho
principle of arbitration Is a matter of
great gratification to the president and his
cabinet. That all the powers have Inti
mated, too, that they would prefer the
president to act la taken as a notable com
pliment to the president personally and to
his administration. ;
While it Is recoanlzed hr bis closest ad.
visors-ana ry the president himself that
some unpleasant possibilities might at
tend his performance of tbe duties, bia
friends assert that he will shirk no respon
sibility that be may deem it hla duty to
Opinion varies as to the termination ot
the blockade of the Venexuelan porta. In
some quarters It Is assured that It Presi
dent Roosevelt accepts the duty ot arbi
trator the allies will call oft the blookada
at once.
On the other band, It Is pointed out that
custom requires tbe terms ot tbe arbitra
tion to be accurately defined, and this will
consume some time, pending which the
blockade will continue.
Blockade Goes lato Ettect.
Tbe following cable has been recclied
from Commander Diehl of Marietta, which
lies at La Guayra. The message comes by
way of Haytl and is dated yesterday:
The British vice admiral established an
effective blockade from and after Decem
ber 20 of La Guayra, Carnerno, Quanta,
Cumana, Qarupano and the mouth of the
Orinoco. Vesseis sailing from the United
States and West Indies before date of
notification were allowed grace steamera,
ten days; sailing vessels, twenty days.
Other ports: Steamers, twenty days: sail
ing vessels, forty days; veesels In blockaded
ports, fifteen days. Full text. If desired.
Ambassador Tower has notified tbe State
department from Berlin that he has re
ceived official notification from the Ger
man government that the German squad
ron has blockaded Maracalbo and Puerto
Cabello, effective December 20.
Lieutenant Marbury Johnson, the officer
detailed by Admiral Dewey to go to tho
relief of Minister Bowen at Caracas, haa
advised the Navy department of hla ar
rival there.
It Is .ulte evident from the developments
here .iat Germany Is the originator and
promoter of the suggestion that President
Roosevelt act as tbe arbitrator. Great
Britain and Italy, It Is believed, Inclined
toward arbitration by The Hague tribunal,
but of course they would not Indicate any
preference officially In the matter If Presi
dent Roosevelt gave the faintest Intimation
f accepting tbe charge. Indeed, officially,
the allies stand on record as supporting
the German lead in this matter.
Advices have been received here from
Rome that the former Italian minister at
Caracas, Mr. Riva, will return to Italy at
once and that Bnron Allottl, who waa
formerly attached to the Italian embassy
here, will remain on board tha Italian war
ship Giovanni and In the event of a re
newal ot diplomatic negotiations between
Italy and Venezuela will become charge
Secretary Hay was Informed of this fact
today by Slg. Mayor Deaplsnches, the
Italian ambassador. Baron Allottl made
many friends during his stay in Washing
ton and is regarded thoroughly competeut
for bis new charge.
Blockade Will Continue.
BERLIN, Dec. 22. The blockade ot tha
Venezuelan coast will continue until a defi
nite arrangement for arbitration has been
reached. Germany will be satisfied It
President Roosevelt undertakes the task.
His acceptance would be considered a suf
ficient guarantee that Venezuela would pay
if It lost.
The blockade of the Venexuelan coast
will continue until a definite arrangement
for arbitration has ben reached. Ger
many will be satisfied If President Roose
velt undertakes the task. His acceptance
would be considered a sufficient guarantee
that Venezuela would pay If It lost.
Asking President Roosevelt to arbitrate
was the emperor's suggestion. An In
direct Inquiry, three or four days ago, aot
eliciting a refuaal from the president, a
request has now been made In direct form.
Although Germany Is ready to submit It
case to any Impartial tribunal, it would
prefer President Roosevelt for the reason
that Prevldent Cajtro ts more likely to
accept the decision of tbe president of tha