THE OMAHA DAILY JIEE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1902. MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS Betting; in Reading for the Sesiion of the Miaiag Congres. )S TO BE INCORPORATED IN COLORADO thllkoot District Primlifi to He An other Cripple Creek, Mlaea There Carrying the Mac Klad f Ore. DEADWOOD, 8. D.. ITec' 21. (Special.) The executive committee of the American Mining congress met in Dead mood Mat Thursday for the purpose of drafting arti cles of incorporation and a constitution and bylaws. There were present at the meeting: Hon. J. A. Richards of Boise City, Idaho, president of the congress; Prof, "i. R. Buckley of Missouri, second vice president; S. W. Russell of Deadwood, first vice president, and Irwin Mahnn of Scran ton, I'a., secretary of the congress. It bad been the Intention of incorporating tha American Mining congress under the laws of the state of South Dakota, but after a consultation with the leading lawyers of the Black Hills It was found that the limita tions of the atatutes of this state pre sented obstacles' which would work a detri ment to the congress In certain things, so ft was resolved at the meeting to apply to the state of Colorado for a charter, and to Incorporate under the laws of that state. ' Katertalnateat Money Pledged. The members of the executive committee, alnce their arrival In the Black Hills, have been the guests of , the Black Hills Mining Men's association, and at the meeting of the association on Thursday night were the guests of honor. At that meeting the Work which the association has done toward raising the necessary funds for the enter tainment of the members of the American Alining congress, which will hold its first meeting under Its new charter In i)eadwood and Lead, was shown, and the sum raised te date amounts to $5,000, with $10,000 more pledged by the different big mining com panies of the Hills. The committee fin ished its work Thursday afternoon, and it will be submitted to the congress at Its first meeting for ratification and adoption. The Black Hills Mining Men's association ha taken hold of the matter of the coming meet-ing of the congress in dead earnest, and were it to be held tomorrow It would find everything prepared for the meeting. The association has been actively at work adding to the costly collection of minerals which it gathered at the time of the quarto-centennial exposition held In this city, and when the congress meets next year It will possess the finest collections of orea and minerals In the west, and the most costly. Hlval for Cripple Creek. KEYSTONE, S. IX, Dec. 21. (Special.) The Chllkoot district of the southern Hills Is producing some mines which will not be long In attracting attention, and mines, too, the product of which will make the district famour. This district Is the only one In the black Hills which resembles la Its characteristics the Cripple Creek dis trict of Colorado4.' The geological forma tions and the ore taken from the mines re the same In everything and will prove to be as rich. Several of the properties which are hetnr worked in the district are producing a very fair quality of ore, not- withstanding the fact that very little work bat been done on any of them. Ono of the best developed properties is that of the tvanhoe company, which has lately resumed work on its shaft, which la following down a flve-foo' vein 'of ore. Assays from the vein, will go from $19 .to $35 a ton gold. The ore Is a free mllllnz nroDosltlon. the poncen.trates from which., are Bald to be j very rich-, and the company is now making ' arrangements to ship a carload of it either te Denver or Omaha for treatment. Baya Old Water niiht. CUSTER CITY, S. D.'. Dec. 11. (Special.) The old 8prlng creek and Rockervtlie Bume and. water right has been sold,, and ' It Is rumored that the purchaser has been I. A. Baxter, who is putting in the smelter Bt Sheridan, Pennington county. The water power w'll be utilized to ran the electric light plant which will be built by the Da kota-Calumet Copper Mining company at i that place, but It will require a great deal ' of repairing before it will be In condition to furnish power for that rurpose. The ; Bume was built In 1880 by Captain West at . .an expense of $80,000 and was' used for the purpose of bringing water to miners work ing the high burs along the banks of the , treek. It never was 'a paying investment. for after the water had been brought to the ground most of It failed to pay even good wages. It has for many years been k historical landmark.Tjut has for that time been of 'no practical use and Its pur ehaae by Mr. Baxter will undoubtedly be the means of. putting It to a profitable use The Empire-Baker group of mines, owned by William Tarrant and partnera. la one of the beet group-of claim altuated near Custer, City. This group of rlalrae con sists of fourten locations, on all of which thero Is t showing of ore. Since it has been In the possession of its present owners there haa bn 10;)00 expended on It In development work, and vho expenditure has not proven a bad investment, in tho opin ion of Mr. Tarrant", who is giving tho work bis supervision. This work has been done, for the most part, on three locations, on the outcrop of a large vertical, which has been traced on the surface for ,i width of over ISO .feet fer the entire length 'of the three rlalms mentioned. At different places along Its surface openings have been made, and from them all ore had been taken which will assay well. Running through thla big vein of ore Is a aeam about twelve leet wldo, which carries free .gold, sad from which assays running up Into the hu ad reds of dollars to the ton, gold, have been made. The average value of this twelve-foot seam, however. Is about $10 to the ton, but there are occasional pockets In It which are very rich. The ore Is a free-milling, concentrating proposition, and the owners are undecldjd whether to ne gotiate for a plant or not. aome of them thlrfklng that the mine will stand a little further development. Work Is going on and tho ground seems to be holding its own Wherever opened on the course of the vein, and It Is more than probable that the re sults cf the development work will be the rectloa of a mill of some kind. The own rs have recently refused to bond the round for handsome sums. , Produclaar HU-a Ore. The Bi-Metalllc group of, claims, altu ated in the same district with the famous Sunbeam mine, la producing some very rich ore, but . the vein from which It Is being taken, a vertical, la a very narrow one, at (he present depth of the shaft, about lorty-five feet, belpg but fourten inches Tide. The ore carries free gold, aud a ample taken the entire width of the vein, and aasayed last week, gave a return of 1101 la gold and two ounces in silver to the Job. The property Is owned by John Wise and arncctatea, who are working a shift of four men on It. Kew Strike la Old District. HILL CITY, 8. D.. DecA tl. (Special.) e-A bow strike of rich gold ore has been pad In the vicinity cf the Tiger and It Is attracting a great deal of atten tion from raj&ers o( thia district. The jlme was when the Bengal Tiger was con sidered the richest mine la the Black 1111 la, and ll former owner, James Long, took from It while It was yet a prospect several small fortunes In specimens, some of the specimen containing more gold than quart t. He sent aome of these specimens tj New Orleans by the request of the man agement of the exposition which waa he:d In that city several years ago and they were confiscated by the management or lest; at least Mr. Long never heard from them again. These specimens-' were wcrth and it la a low estimate $16,000. for they contained that much gold, and tho collec tion was a small one. Since that date the mine, although It continued to pre dues rich rock, never produced any near as rich aa before. A. mill was built on the mine, but it never paid to operate, the vein from which all the rich ore had been taken seeming to grow barren as depth was made on it. It proved to be a "speci men" mine and, although It still con tains good ore, a hoodoo seems to fol low It and of late It has not been worked. The new strike In the vicinity of this once famous mine' Is said, however, to be of a different nature from the strike in the Bengal Tiger and, while the ore Is rich, the values appear to be more evenly dla trbuted through it. Work on the smelter or the Dakota-Calumet company is progressing rapidly and the plant should be In operation shortly after the first of the year. The other cop per proposition In the same vicinity, the Maloney Blue Lead, is developing finely and the ore In the drifts from the main tunnel Is growing richer all the time. It Is said that a smelter will also be erected on this ground next year. The parties developing the Blue Lead have placed al most $100,0(10 Into the work, but tbe ahow. Ing that It Is now being made seema. to have warranted their faith In the ground. RAILROAD MIXES IN THE FIGHT; northwestern Determined to Keep Mate Capital on Its Line of Road. 8IOUX FALLS, 8. D., Dec. 21. (Special.) The latest development In the campaign now being waged by friends of the towns of Mitchell, Huron and Redfleld to secure the resubmission by the coming session of the state legislature of the state capital lo cation question Is an understanding which Is said to have been reached by the Chi cago & Northwestern railroad interests, which at present favor Pierre and are op posed to the resubmission of the ques tion. According to seemingly reliable Informa tion which has been received here, the offi cials of the railroad company who have personal charge of the matter of preven tion, If possible, the removal ef the capi tal from a town on their line of road, are preparing to concentrate their-forces-upon Huron, which Is on their road, If It ap pears that the removallsts have enough votes to control the legislature and resub mit the capital location question. Prisoner Sets Himself on Fire. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Dee. 21. (Special.) County Coroner Hawkins of this city was today notified of the death, under unusual circumstances, of a man whose name Is said to be Chester Weatherham, at Oar retaon, this (Minnehaha) county. Weather ham waa placed In the Oarretson Jail on the charge of Intoxication. Last night he in some manner set himself on fire, re ceiving Injurlec which resulted In' his death about two hours after. It la be lieved he by some means secured matches and started the fire, but whether or not with suicidal Intent Is not known. Bonnd to Commit Solelde. SIOUX FALLS". 8. D., Dec. 21. ISpeclal.) Edith Blanchard, a young woman who la employed In a local hotdl, last night, as the result or a-quarrel with a .sister who works at the same hotel, attempted to com mit sulci Je. by drinking a quantity of wood alcohol. While a physician was working over her sho Informed him that It was use less to try(to save .her life,, as she would make another, and More successful attempt as soon as an opportunity presented Itself. It Is said. the girl came, from Spirit. Lake, la., where her family Is highly respected: Pardon for Perjurer. - ' : ' ; PIERRE, 8. D Dee. 21. (Special.) Governor HerreicJ haa granted a pardon- to Patrick Carber, 'who has served1 ti little over a year on a four-year sentence for perjury, having been, sent from. Lawrence county. The pardon had been-recommended by the pardon board, as well as asked for by the Jury and presiding Judge of the court) In which the conviction ' was secured. Besides It was shown that -the wife, of Car ber is dying .of consumption and could live tut a short time. On this showing the pardon was granted. Don't Accept Counterfeit. For piles, skin diseases, sores, cuts bruises, burns and other wounds nothing equals DeWltfs Witch Haxel Salve. - Don't accept counterfeits. .None genuine .except DeWltfs. "I hsve suffered -since 1865 with protruding, bleeding plies and until recently could find no permanent relief," saya J. F. Oeral! cf St. Paul, Ark." "Finally I tried DeWltfa Witch Haxel Salve,' which soon completely cured me." BICYCLE TRUST. REORGANIZED Kew Company- Is Formed " to Take Over All Properties of ' Old Coaeern. NEW YORK, Deo- 21. The American Bicycle, company committee haa adopted a' reorganisation plan, filed with 'the Cen tral Trust company of' New York, which provide for a new company io acquire the properties from the old by purchase. ' The new company will issue $2,500,000 t per cent cumulative first preferred stock for cash redeemable all or any part at '110, $10,000,000 noo-cumulatlve per cent pre ferred stock preferential as to both divi dends snd assets and $10,000,000 common atock. Holders of the present t per cent debentures will be entitled to par In sec ond preferred stock. Preferred atock is en titled to $50 In new common stock for each share and to ty first preferred stock In return for a required assessment of $! a share. The common' atock Is also as sessed $9' a share and may receive $9 In new first preferred stock and $25 Jo new common atock. .... , The stock of the new eompang will be held under a voting trust, for five years. A syndicate haa underwritten the cash payment required. A Man Badly lajarra. Or painfully burt, burned, bruised or wounded gets quick comfort from Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. It conquers pain. 26c. For sale by Kuhn Co. RAILWAY CLERKS COMBINE Demaad More Money and Leas Work trout Santa Fo Cem ony. LOS ANOELES. Cal., Dec. 21. Efforts are being made by the general office clerks of the Santa Fe to form a union. There are about 150 freight clerka, handler and checkers In tbe employ of -the. road bare, who have prepared a schedule which Is now In the hands of the general superintendent. In addition to ask'ng for a 40 per cent Increase In wage the freight and pasaen ger traffic clerks-require aa eight-hour day and pay (or overtime. , , - MURDERED MAN AN OMARAN Jobn W. Bairinger of It- Louis Wag lor", in Thia Oity. FATHER ARMY OFFICER STATIONED HERE stabbed by Man Who Attempts to Commit Palclde Immediately After Commlttlas the Crime, John- W. Barrlger, who was stabbed to death by Thompson Morton at St. Louis, was a native of Omaha, the son of Gen eral John W. Barriger, who for many years waa chief commissary of the Department of the Platte, serving under Generals Augur and Crook, The family resided on Caldwell street, near Twenty-sixth, where tho man killed Friday waa born. John W. Barrlger was a nephew of D. W. Barrlger of thla city, who. Is connected with the Omaha Elevator company, and who was chief clerk of the eornmlssrtry de partment while his brother was chief com missary officer. Mr. Barriger was In Cali fornia at the time of the tragedy. He ar rived In Omaha Saturday evening, and In response to a telegram from his brother, General Barrlger, left for St. Louis that night. Additional details' of the tragedy are as follows: As the murderer was dragged from hrs victim, Into whose body he was frantically attempting to drive a large clasp knife, Morton swallowed bichloride of mercury. Froth upon his lips aroused the suspicions of the policemen who arrested him and prompt use of the stomach pump prevented him from carrying out his prearranged plan of suicide. Barrlger lived but thirty min utes and made no statement; As the officers held Morton before hts victim be said haughtily and without a vestige of remorse: "He don't need to Identify me. 1 did it." Later In tbe office of chief of detectives Morton said: "Gen tlemen, it Is absolutely useless to question me; I will not discuss this matter. It would only Involve others and make more trouble. I should not have done It." It Is known that Morton was frequently employed on construction work with Bar rlger near Cape Girardeau, Mo., and it Is said they had some dilutes concerning their work. Morton was discharged by the company a few months ago, but It does not appear that Barrlger was In any way re sponsible for bis discharge or that the frlenflly relations of the two men were in terrupted. - Barrlger married four years ago Miss Edith Beck, a beautiful St. Louis girl. He leaves a young child and his widow. When Barrlger came to work the morn ing of the tragedy he seemed to be In cheerful spirits, and when Morton called at an office adjoining his own and asked to see Mr. Barrlger the latter called pleas antly to Morton to come In. Employes say the two men conversed in low tones for a tew minutes before the sound of the scuffle attracted attention. Barrlger then ran out Into the hallway, with Morton clinging to him and brandishing a large knife. In the hall the two men fell to-tbe floor together, and before Morton could be subdued he had driven the knife Into Barrlger's body four times. CLERKS' UNION ORGANIZED Men and Women Join New Lodge I'n der American Federation of - .' "''".'' Labor. Retail Clerks' union No. 220 waa per fected at Labor temple yesterday with a charter membership of ninety-eight. It charter was obtained from the American Federation of Labor and tbe permanent or ganization .waa effected by-Thomas L. Wil son; fourth vice president of the Inter national Association of Machinists, who Is a national' organizer for the American Federation-.. The union was started, and In fact temporarily organized, about two weeks ago. ; William Grleb, secretary of, the local lodge of International Brotherhood of Black smiths, and . other prominent labor repre sentative participated In the meetlug. The clerks elected as their president, ecretary and treasurer, respectively, Wil liam 8. Striker, Miss Florence Wheel fr and Miss Alma Anderson. Women as well as men are, therefore, members oC the new union. Miss Mary L. Gibbon, a stenographer, ad dressed the meeting, directing hor remarks particularly to, the members of her own tex who had. affiliated themselves with the union. , ' . , ' "It Is high time you girls and women were Improving your condf'lon," said Mlas Gibbon. "Do you not 'think you have worked for $1 a day about a iong as you ought?" The answer to this question . was one round of enthusiastic, cheers. In which It waa uotlced all the female members Joined with a vim; as If to give emphasis to their feelings. Miss Gibbon dwelt upon the necessity of working women and girls organizing for self-protection and expressed a hope that every female clerk in Omaha would join the clerka' union. One of the gentleman member of the new union said he fully expected to sen the membership reach several hundred In a very short time. BURT'S C0MINGJS DELAYED President of I'nlon Pacific Tarries and Negotiation Are Re tarded. No developments In the negotiations for a settlement of the Union Pacific strike are probable before the laat of thla week or the flrat of next. President Burt will not be In the cUy until Friday and possibly Saturday, and no ateps are to be taken until be arrives. He was expected back from New York sooner than thla, but Information came from his residence yesterday that be bad planned to spend Christmas with bis son In Chicago and would not be In Omaha until Friday at leaat. President McNeil of the bollermakers, who has been in direct communication with President Burt, is still In Kansas City, but will be in Omaha to meet Mr. Burt on the latter return. AII the strike leaders are anxious for a resumption of negotiations with Mr.-Burt. who' they hope will come back from New York prepared to aettle up all pending differences. No sanguine expectation are being Indulged in, how ever. ROBS CHURCHES FOR LIVING Georae Hayes Gives tp laformatloa aa to I'alqae Criminal Career. v When placed In the "sweatbox." George Hayes, who was arrested by Detectives Drummy, Mitchell and Btryker for the theft of tbe crucifix and altar decorations of St. Mary Magdalene cMircb, branded himself aa a professional church robber and jtare up Information which allowed the officers to .directly trace to his thievery tbe loss of property from six different edifices In Omaha. ' Hayea claim that kl bom Is In Evans- ton. III., but from articles In his posses sion he Is known to have come from an eastern state and during the last few weeks has been traveling to this -city from San Francisco. Hayes travels in the best of style, as the sleeping berth coupons found on him show, and be admits that he ha robbed Innumerable ehurehes while en-routc-, extending his Journey eastward from the proceeds realised by pawning the arti cles he secured.' Several of the churche from which he confeFsed taking property had not missed the articles until notified 8unday after noon by Detective Drummy, who followed the trail exposed by the prisoner' confes sion, securing sufficient evidence to Insure his trial m the district court. It 1 thought by the officers. TRAINS AT MERCY OF SNOW triable to Make Time Beranse Tracks ( In Places Are Blocked. The terrific winds and heavy storms in the west during the last few days have seriously Impaired train, service. While the worst effects have been felt by the Union Pacific, whose line traverses that territory where blizzards and snowdrifts are more frequent, every road entering Omaha has, to some degree, been hindered in transportation. Yesterday scarcely a road had Its trains In on time. Those en tering from the east and south were late In 'some cases, but thla waa of course due to heavy Christmas travel, and not to the weather. The Union Pacific did not have a through train from the west Saturday nor Sunday, both Nos. 2 and 6 being abandoned, and No. 102, the new exclusive fast mall train, waa badly off schedule. The Union Pacific was able, however, to run its Denver trains on as good time as usual. It waa through Wyoming where the trouble occurred. Be tween Sidney and Cheyenne the tracks were entirely blocked with snow and in other places they were seriously Interfered with. The Rock Island failed to bring in Its through train from the west Saturday, but managed to pull It through yesterday. LUTHERANS DEDICATE CHURCH Three Impressive .Service Held Com memoratlve of the Oc casion. FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 21. (Special.) The new German Evangelical Salem Lu theran church on Fourth street was ded icated today In the presence of a large aumber of people. Services were held morning, afternoon and evening, the formal dedication services being In the morning and conducted in the German language. The church waa well filled when the pro cess'.on of the clergy. In their somber black robes, arrived at the outer door of the rob ing room, and after receiving the key of the church from the trustees passed through to their seats in the chapel. Rev. C. Goede, the pastor of the church, then took his position In front of the altar and read the usual opening service. The sol emn service of consecration was then read by Rev Fred Wupper of Hooper, the secre tary of the Nebraska synod. It closed with Impressive prayers dedicating the building and all therein to the service of God. The dedication sermon was preached by Rev. Wupper and a second sermon by Rev. L. Orauenhorst of Columbua. a( the close of the last sermon Rev. Charles Goede was formally installed as pastor of tbe church by Rev. Wunper. He was accompanied at the altar by two deacons of hi church, B. Langboop and August Elchstadt. jr. Music was occupied today by the chorus. The in terior woodwork is of bard pine and the seats oak opera chairs. The Interior of the church presents a tasteful appearance. The walls are a dark green. The celling, which extends up Into the roof. Is of pressed metal and of a lighter thade than the walls. The altar Is of an elaborate Gothic design of pure white, trimmed with gold, and the pulpit of the same design'. Opposite the chancel at the north end of the church Is a gallery, which was occupied by the chorus." The. Interior woodwork Is of hard pine a.nd the seats oak opera chairs. The services this afternoon were in Eng lish and opened with the singing of the old hymn. "A Mighty Fortress I ur God." Two sermons were delivered, one by Rev. A. B. Learner of West Point and the other by Dr. Neef of Yutan. Revs. Sick of Fontanelle and Wupper of Hooper preached in the evening. The new church is a direct outgrowth of the opposition of the Missouri synod to se cret societies. It was organized about two years ago and worshiped In the Advent church on Fifth street. Last winter a num ber of members felt themselves forced to leave the other Lutheran church here on account of others of it member being turned out of the church on account of be longing to secret order and Joined, them. Rev. C. Goede, then of Bennington, was secured as a pastor, and under his ministry the church has prospered. The new build ing cost upward ef $4,000. and it comple tion I largely due to the energy of tbe pastor and the trustees, three of whom, B. Langhoop. Aug Elchstadt and A. Janowskl were removed from the old Lutbern church for joining lodges. CASES SET DOWN FOR HEARING Supreme Court Makes Aulgnneat for the Call of January , , (From a Staff Correspondent.) -LINCOLN. Dec. 21. (Special.) Follow lng Is a list of cases that will be called for hearing January 6 in the supreme court: Teake against DIttberner, Madison; Farn nam agalnut lr.coln. Lancaster; Ferguson against Hcrr. Klchardson; Ingiehttrt agalnt Lull, Dougias; L.-aKe against Lucas, Dodge; IJale against Council iHUffa Savings bark, lougU;-I'arkcr agulnat Nothumb, Seward; tnicKt, Hook Iglaml & parlllc Railroad compuny against young. Lanc-ater; Hillera attainst Vt-iaer. Webster; Ml leu against Bal laiitine. Frontier; Vila against (J rand Isl and L L. I. & c. S. Co., Hall; Perry Live bto-K Commission company agulnat Biggs, Sewurd. Plalnview Btate bank agalnat liecht. Pierce; Penfold against Urover. Kouglas; Reisi-hU-k agalnal Kelger, Rich ardson; Oalleiiiine agalnut Fullerton Buf. falo; Bockei agalnut Breen, Douglas; 'joalin Wlllann, Uouglas; Coleman against spearman. Kirov: i,.tif- , . i.., & ..u.. Thayer, Gfnau against Abbott, Ballne; I.ydick against Gi l, Burt; Normand against Bank of Talmuge, Otoe; Normand against Hank of liucK otoe; South Omaha against ligne, Iouglaa; Fowler against Thomsen, Dodge; Wemern I'nlon Telegraph company agaliiHt Wakefield. Dixon; Herlet against Drrlhaue. Nemaha; Stocker against Ne maha county, Nemaha; 8ickler ajainat ilannlx, Buffalo; Pope against Whltcomb, nullne; McHale against Maloney, Douglas; Seannan against Oately. Harpy; McKee agalnrt Kagan, Sherman; Chicago, Burling ton & Quinoy Railroad company aganmt Custer county, Custer; Valley county Kt;anat Mlford, Valley; Lincoln against hirst National bank. Lincoln iancaster; Ciretch aganiKi Maxneld, Saline; Mt-nMnger against Hiclner Medlnger company, Doug lav; Smith agalnal Thompson, Otoe; Mc Eidon agalnut Fatlun, Otoe; Farmers bank ax&iriat lioyd, Otoe; V. P. Steam Baking company against Omaha Street Hallway company, Douglas; standley against flay, HoMnson & Co., Douglaa (two cases); Carl son uaainKt Jordan, Kearney; Omaha Ian and Trust company against Dale, Douglaa; Cuyler agalnat Tate, Sherman; Hrlght against Chapman, Sherman; Heno against btate. Sheridan; Mollne against State, 1'helps; bout-her agalnut State Keya Paha: Morris against lJriton. Douglaa; National Wall Paper company against Columbia Na tional hank, lincMster; Parker against State, Boyd; Connecticut Trust an-) B. D. company against Fletcher, Franklin. BroBB-kt asorno foe BarlaJ. WEST POINT, Neb., Dee. II. (Special.) t The bodv of Mrs. Victoria Grohowakv. .a farmer pioneer resident of this county, who died In St. Bernard' hospital, Council Bluffs, waa brought here for burial. She was $2 years old and leaves two sons, Michael, of Washington, D. C, and Thomas, of Beemer. She died of old age. Wsrrasl for Rspress Compaay, FREMONT, Neb.. Dec. 21. (Special.) Deputy Game Wardens Slrapkln and Car ter were In the city yesterday looking after the shipment of Vf'lrle chicken and quail from Verdigris to Chicago. Deputy Carter filed a complaint In the county court, charg ing T. D. Buchanan, the messenger of the American Express company, running be tween Bonesteel and Omaha, and the ex press company with unlawfully having In their possession 500 prairie chickens and thirty-ell quail. A warrant was Issued for the parties and the rase will probably come up on Monday. It Is thought that the express company, which Is really the party In Interest, will put up a strong fight. The wardens are of the opinion that the unlawful traffic has been going on for some time with the connivance of the company. OIL SHIP BURNS IN HARBOR Life Savin Crew Ooea to Heacae, bnt Falls to Reach Vessel. GLOUCESTER, Mas., Dec 21. A large vessel, believed to be either a tank steamer with oil or a (ailing craft loaded with come highly Inflammable material, was burned tonight In Maasachusetts bay about twenty mile outside of Boston harbor. A life saving crew from Gloucester made an effort to reach tbe ship, but a strong south east gale drove them back when they were still ten miles away. About 10:30 tonight Boston fishermen came Into port and reported passing within two miles of the burning vessel, but did not attempt to ascertain Its Identity. Tbe crew of one of them reported smelling burning oil and stated that the vessel waa a large one. They were unable to say, however, whether It was a steamer or a sailing vessel, but they thought the former. These two fishermen passed about 8:30, but at 10:30 It could still be seen from shore, burning fiercely. The vessel was flrat noticed about 4 o'clock this afternoon by the keeper of Eastern Point Light at the entrance of the harbor. At that time the vessel was evidently enveloped In thick smoke, but a few min utes later a sudden explosion took place and flames broke out. The Dolllver's Neck life saving crew at once started for the ship, but the weather waa tempestuous and after getting some ten miles off shore and a considerable distance from tbe burning vessel, they became exhausted and turned back. Just before they did so they saw aj small schooner, evidently a fisherman, run up close to the vessel and after lingering a few minutes, sail away. This led them to believe that it had been able to rescue some of the crew. About 10:30 tonight the Boston schooners Gertrude and Emma W. Brown came In, both having passed within a short dis tance of the burning vessel, but neither was able to give it name or tell of tbe fate of the crew. RATES WILL NOT GO - UP Journal of Commerce Saya New Sched nles la Some Cnsea Are Slow Decreases. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. The Journal of Commerce tomorrow ' will say: For aome time past report have been current that beginning with the first of the year rail road freight rate will be increased on general merchandise. A printed copy of this classification proves that no general Increase in rates has been effected and furthermore there do not seem to be any heavy advance on any class of goodj In transferring them from one class to an other.. There are in all some 200 changes. Some of these will Impose a slight Increase In freight rates, while many show actual re ductions. By far the greater part of the changes made consist In fixing a minimum weight on which a carload rate will be al lowed or In Increasing or reducing the minimum weight already established on certain kinds of shipments. Not. a few change leave the classifica tion undisturbed, but impose new condi tions aa to how the merchandise Is to bo packed In order to enjoy the same rating as under the present classification. ORIENT WILL RUN NEXT YEAR Br tain Missouri Pacific Tracks ' .Trains Can Commence in Febrnary. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 21. A. E. Stillwell. president of the Kansas City, Mexico A Orient, returned today from New Tork and announced that, beginning about February I 15, the Orient would operate trains south I of Wichita to Sweetwater, Tex., using the . Missouri Pacific tracks for about thirty j miles from Wichita, until the Orient lines are laid. This announcement 1 made following a conference with George Gould, president, and Russell Harding, third vice president and general manager of the Missouri Pa cific, both of whom are directors of the Orient company. , BETTER WAGES ARE DEMANDED Louisville Jt Nashville Men Claim Tay- ghoul ao Raised. LOUISVILLE. Ky., Dec. 21. The execu tive committee of the firemen and engineers of the Louisville ft Nashville, which held a conference on Saturday with the general manager of the company, made a demand for an Increase in wages and gave the man agement until January IS to reply. The executive committee which presented the request wtll meet on that date to re ceive tho gnawer. - It Is not believed that a strike wtll result, even if the demands are refused, as the men say they do not desire to "tie up'" tbe system. ABOLISH GRADE CROSSINGS Clevelaad Decides to Spend Ten Mil lion on Elevatln Tracks. CLEVELAND. Dee. 21. Work will be commenced In the spring to rid Cleveland of 11S grade crossings. The estimated cost Is 110,0110.000, and It will require ten years to do the work. Beven railroads are con cerned. FLAMES RAGEIN JCN0XVILLE Barns Tbree Wholesale Hoasea aad Blasa Still la Spite af Fire. KNOXVILLE, Trnn., Dec. 22 Fire haa just broke out in the Knoxvllle knitting mill building on Commerce avenue. In the heart of the wholesale district. The same block la threatened with total destruc tion, which burned out la 1S97. causing a loss at that time of over $1,000,004. BIG MONEY POOL HELPS OUT Demonstrates Intsrert Are Bound to Protect Market LOAN CONTRACTIONS ARE NOT HEAVY High Prices a fterloa Haadlcap to Kew Katerprlsea sad Also a Seri ous Setback to tbe Ex port Trade. NEW TORK, Dec. 21 (Special.) Henry Clewa, In hts weekly letter, saya: The creation of the ITiO.OiO.Oiio loan pool by many ,,f the big New York banks had a decidedly beneficial effect. It was a very practical demonstration that powerful In terests Were agreed in protecting the mar ket agnlnst an unnc ssary crll. that good and legitimate borrowers would secure such accommodation as they might need, and that no funds would be a valla Wo for specu lative purposes. What the emergency was, serious enough to mil for sucn unusual action, Is not revealed. It was probably general, and can no doubt b .'aced back to the large amounts of money Involved In various underwriting and syndicate opera tions. For some time past It has been no secret that this was the wrskest spot In the whole situation, and some of our ablest flnuncleYs have been sorely pussled to know how the period of streis anticipated at this season of the year would be met. It Is believed that all serious danger haa been averted, and such, it is to be hoped, will prove to be the case. The mere assurance that $6,0ii0.000 -will be available in case of crlHls tends to remove apprehension and prevent such an emergency. It may be the money will not be wanted for the same reason that a depositor will not withdraw his account so long as he has confidence in bis bank. The influence, however, of this offer by strong bankers upon sentiment Is highly Important and beneficial. Call money was easier at once, though time money re mains about f per cent. Small Contraction of Loan. It Is worthy of note that in spite of the heavy liquidation of the last three months the contraction of loans has been only $60,000,000 since hlghwafer-mark In tho mid dle of August. Thla Is a comparatively small reduction, and la probably explained by the fact that American loans abroad have been freely canceled or shifted to New York. Foreign bankers have been some what distrustful of American methods of financing, and this has thrown us more upon our own resources at a somewhat Inconvenient season. As a result we ought to ship less gold In 1908 for settlements. So this enforced retrenchment haa Its advant ages. While time money la on a 6 per cent basis and good stocks on a 4i4V per cent basis. It la evident no legitimate widespread bull market can be expected, in spite of the points decline lately experienced. Either money rates or stocks must decline In order to equalize this difference; Just which remains to be seen. There is much reason in the argument that after such an uninterrupted decline as that Just noted a good reaction is due. Considering the ac tivity and soundness of general business, any Improvement in the monetary situation woula certainly warrant a fair recovery. The year closes with no signs of a cessation in that activity; on the contrary, there is every evidence that, if merchandise prices could be made to decline somewhat in pro portion to the drop In stocks, a new and safer business level would be reached on which plenty of new contracts could be placed with confidence. Utah Prices a Handicap. Present high prices are a serious obstruc tion to i.ew enterprise. The effect of high price has been strikingly illustrated In our lorelgn trade returns, whloh slioweu a loss of $116,000,000 In exports during the last eleven months and an Increase of $75,000,000 In imports. Much of this loss can be traced to the' deficit of last year corn crop and its effect upon other cereals and meat which form a large part of our exports; but higher prlcea for cotton and oils, also manufactured products generally, stimu lated Imports and checked exports until our excess of export for the eleven months of this year was only $337,400,000, compared with $5Z7.900,000 for the same time last year and $S71,tH,U4 the year before. So persist ent and heavy a decline In our International trade balance Is highly significant. There is a probability of a change for the better in this respect, for there Is a good demand for corn for export this year, and the recent declines in wheat and corn ere favorable to an outward movement of those staples. Reaction Anticipated. The Immediate outlook for the stock mar ket la for a natural reaction after the recent very heavy decline In prices. Currency is beginning to return from the Interior more freely and treasury absorption are di minishing, while tower prices for wheat and corn promise a better supply ofexport bills. To this extent the situation seems slightly better. The Venezuelan situation Is a less disturbing factor, for there seems to be no jmlsui de-standing between the l.'ntted States j and European powers about the acquisition j or new territory the -vital point of the Monroe doctrine. . Preparations for January disbursements) will soon be completed and a temporary money flurry would not be surprising. ALOut the middle of next month, 'however, the monetary situation should ahow Improvement, and If other de velopments continue favorable we will cer tainly have a good, trading market. The ' general trend or tne market or tne present ' promises to be more confident on the buy- Forelarn Financial. LONDON, Dec." 21. The tone of the Stock exchange at the end of laat week waa cheerful, the feature being the general im provement In Americans. Those securities were uneasy In the early 'part of the week, but closed firmer.. The feeling that the end of the money atringency abroad has been sighted, - together with Increasing confidence in the judgment of Wall street and a hope that there will be no further gold shipments to New York and liuenoa Ay res this month has added strength to the trabuirf. At one time ooutn American securities were threatened by the Venezue- , an situation but they stiffened on later developments, coupled with the crop report from the Argentine Republic. Canadian i rails advanrrd in sympathy with Americans and home rails were helped oy satisfactory traffic return and the, prospect of better dividends. African were stronger in the J expectation or oeuer conauions in rjouin j Africa. The fact that there Is no longer any fear cf an Increase In the bank rate thla year, together with the prospect that the market will right Itself when money : flows lr January and the Indicated rise in ! consols contributed to the buoyancy at the j end of the week. BERLIN, Dec. Zl. During the last week the bourse has In a manner been Influenced by. the Venezuelan situation. Values re mained firm under light trading. The suc cess of the bank combination for the relief of the New York money market made a good impression here and the prophets of disaster admit that again they were mistaken. The Vosslche Zeltung says It supposes that European financial magnates supported the New York combination, promising to discontinue the withdrawal of loans. Money contlnuta to be abundantly offered here. The rate for the rarry-over reached &' per cent, but call money was only 2Vi per cent. Foreign exchange had a downward tendency and domestic loans were firm. Foreign rentes developed con siderable activity during the week and al most all Industrials here have gained, par ticularly chemicals. Several electrical coal shares weakened upon warmer weather and the decline'ln coke shipments. Irons gained Several points notwithstanding the fact that some price reductions were annexed during the week. The London Iron syndi cate redured Ike price of rails by 4 marks, and the Slegen syndicate reduced the price of foundry Iron 2 marks. Shares of the Hamburg-American and the North German Lloyd linea advanced moderately upon Hamburg buying. The International as sociation of sugar statistlca estimates the F.uropean crop thla year at $.174, 743 tons, a decrease of 1.3UN.900 tone from lust year In Germany the yield is estimated at 1.704. T.4 tons, a decreac of MU.iNO tons. German railroad receipts for the month of Novem ber amounted to 34.3o0(000. an increase of $1,062,700 over the aame berlod of last year. The foreign trade of Germany for eleven months of this year amounted to 40.044.216 ions vf Imports, a decrease of H.S&ft tons frnm the Maur,s fur the corresponding ! period of last year. Kxports for thene eleven mouths amounted to 3ol.Ki2.3ft2 tons, an In crease of Z.433,3i4 over laat year. i nr ex ports of Iron and manufactured articles Increased 866,71-7 tons during the first eleven months of as compared to the first eleven months of 1K01. The increase In the exportation of cement to the l ulled States for the time specified amounts to 132,000 "maDRID. Dee. 21. The Bank of Spain proposes to establlHh branches in Havana, Mexico City, New York and Buenos Ayres. Dry oods Market. MANCHESTER Dec. 21.-DRY OOODS The cloth market last week wus firm and steady and aftor protracted negotiations fair business was done. Inquiries frpm India were numerous, with tendencies to lncreas.. The placing of business from China of a sortlng-up character ssslsted the recovery of exi hange. A moderate trad through th miscellaneous South American and Levant cuauunls waa executed during the week. Yarns were moderate. Rn!n-s waa slightly In favor of buyers, although (he week turn-over did not weaken tlu position ef producers. CHICAGO I.IVF. MIHK MiHkt.T. Hoa;s Are Higher, with a tinod Market Sheep Doll and Cattle Slow, CHN-AOO. tcc. jn CATTI.r n.'.vlpt. Jon; market plow; good t. pi line st.ers, $6 40ti t n0 : poor to menluin, V .ot'ue - tock er and feeders. $:' ti4 f.-; cows. $1.2.'.n 4 ;; heifers, $.'.0ihT to; canncrs. 1 1 . 2 . 4-1 , nulls. $2 004.40; calves, U.WV&; Texas f.-.l steers, 13."5fi4.M HIHIS-Kecrlpts, 21,000 bead; estimated Monday, 3S.tno; left over. S.OoO; market hui 16c higher; mixed and butchers. $' ,ni; good to choice heavy. $ 3jl b.W: rotmh hwtvy, $6 3Vu6 fto; roueh heavy. $Wi.i&; llsht, 5.Wjj.05; bulk of sales. $ no.iirt.;j. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Kccelpl. l.N head; sheen dull; lambs lower, good to . V, . . .... wA.kMvA . l t . i ..I. r . I ... i i ( vow.v- nuxri,, I . U 1. TV , 1111 III lllllirn mlverl t'2 7ft4l3 Kf. ' VA-f.Ht..rn .!.. t: -..'. 1 lit native lambs, $4.00ip&.,j6; western lamt, gii.mj j6.15. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle P.4.'-4 4.lrtS Hogs 37.:64 4.W3 Sheep 1.!,60 2,tJ Kansas City Live flock Market. KANSAS' CITY. Dec. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, but head: market unchanged; cholon export and dressed beef steers, $.1 lji ii.'; fair to good, $3 itviib.vb; stockers and feed ers, $2 I'iwit AH); western fed steers. $3.0011 5. 2;.: Texas and Irullun steers. $2.6.Vii-4i; Texas cows, $2.1f2.70; native cows, $1 25 ii :."; na tive heifers, $1.7."i(Ji4 00; canners, $IT:'u2".i; bulls. S1.K54jS.I5; calves, $2.60'3i00. Kccclptt for the week, 40,mh.i head. 1KK58 Receipts, 2. tin) head; good hnn 6'al0c higher; top, $H3o; hulk of sales, $6.. fi6.17S; packers, $ti.(vUti.l5; light, $li.nsr 10; yorkers, S6.n6ii 10: pigs, io.oO'utf 00. Receipts for the week. W.&00 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 200 head; market steady; native lambs, $4.tV.-jj,M; western lambs, $3.Iv.j4.35; fed ewe.-, H.oo! $.96; native wethers, $3. 01 14 4. Ho; western wether $3.0tifi4 20; stockers and feeders, $2.00dj3..1S. Receipts for the week, 3f.,1uo head. New York Live Stork Market. NEW TORK, Ilec. 20. REEVES Re ceipts, 30 head, all consigned direct; no salea reported; dressed beef steady; city dressed native sides, i-tillc per lb.; Texan beef, 6Hj7Hc. Cables last received quoted American steers at 12'viii:eV., dressed weight, and refrigerator beef at loc per lb. for average. Kxports today were l.ivJa beeves, 47 sheep and 4,6H) quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 102 head; ofTcrltiKS mainly westerns, no sales reported; city dressed veMls, $11. Otiftf 14.00 per cut. HOUS Receipts, l.ojti head; no sales re ported. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.X76 head; market very dull, with generally lower tone; about 12 cars of stock unsold ; sheep sold st I3.1W.00 per cwt.; culls, $1.S0; lambs, $5.00i1ti.OO- dressed mutton, 6a'Sc per lb.; dressed lamos, 7Vul0c. St. l.onla Live Slock Market. ST. 1X5118, Pee. 20. CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 head, Including l.fVoO l'exans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.6fi6.0O. with strictly fancy worth up to $ 75; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4. is! i6.75; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.75'i,5.lKi: stockers and feeders, $2. XjgM.OO ; cows and heifers, $2.2c!i4 (V0; canners, tl Wtt2..')0; hulls, $2.50i!-4.00; calves $4. 00(67. 00; Texus and In dian steers, $2.l!i((j'4.25; cows and heifers, $2.30fi3.35. HOGS Receipt. 3.&00 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $fi.KTu6.o5; packers, $6.00r(l.r; butc hers, tt. 10fo 6 3f. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, W0 head; market steadv; native muttons, $3.4tvl)4.0rt; lambs, $4.3.Vi-a fiO; culls and bucki, $2.004.00; stockers, $1.503.00; Texuns, $2.70'a3.80. St. Joseph Live Stork Morket. ST. JOSEPH, Dec. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 57S head; Texan and westerns, $3.00 (h&M: natlven. t3.6outi.0Yj: cows and heifers. 1 Xl storkers nnrl feeders. 13 OlHtf'4 40 HOGS Recelpta, 4.G35 head; medium -ftml heavy, $6.106.324; bulk of sales, $6 15ir 20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, IM) head; yearlings, $4.50; wethers, $4.25, ewes, $4. The only double-track railway between the Miiiourl River and Chicago. The routo of tho famous train Overland Limited Equipment and Time tht Best Pullman Compartment snd Drawing Room Sleeping Cars; Buttet Smoking and Library Cars; Dining Cars; hree Reclining Chair Cars, and modern Day Coaches. . THE BEST OF EVERYTHING - 6 Daily Trains to CHICAGO For tickets and information apply to office of General Agent, 1401 and 1403 Farnam St. CHICAGO I NORTH-WESTERN RY. Why Not Mexico? You have been to Europe. You have seen Calltornla and Colorado. Why not try Mex ico! It I worth whlls. Tbe curlou architecture; th vast plains, wber the en tire population of the city gathers nightly to listen to the stirring strains of a mili tary band; the rare beauty of tbe women; the picturesque attire of the men; tbs primi tive methods of agriculture thvse are only few of th core of things that can b een "and enjoyed in Mexico In MID-WINTER. Cut out tbls sd, send It te u, and we will mall yon book about Mexico. Tell Just what you want to knew. Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St. OHArlA, NEB. SHIP l' VOIR HIDES STRANGE BROS. HIDE CO. laa tlty, Iowa. P. B. Wtirt, Pres. C. A. Wear. V-Pres. Established 182. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Members of the principal Exchange. , private Wires to All Point. GRAI. PHO VISION. Hiathl, HO.MD Bought and sold for cash or future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH, llu-lll Board of Trad. Islenbuna Ijlt W. . Ward. Lwcal Urwiu,