Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1902, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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Member of Coming Legislature Coming
Iito Capital to Talk it Orer.
Cndahy romptir Baf Proprrtr oa)
Which to Erect a Distributing
Plant and Poultry Wr.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 20. (Special.) Aa the
time draws near for the convening of the
legislature considerable mora Interest la
being developed and much more talk la
being Indulged In a to who will be th'i
apeaker of the house and t,he president
pro tern, of the aenate. So much Interest
la being taken In these two positions that
apparently the minor offices are being lost
' alght of. And, while there are many who
preteid to forecast the organisation of
both hcuses, when It comes down to bot
tom facta the prognostications are all
guess work. One man who is prominent
In the management of the candidacy of cne
of the applicants for the speakership aald
this afternoon that It was Impossible to
tell who would win out, but from the re
ports coming to him It would be either
Mockott or Thompson. Both of these men
had attained some degree of leadership
during the past sessions of the legislature
and both were well known.
While most of the talk around the ho
tela la about these two, It Is by no mesne
certain that either baa a cinch on the of
fice. During the week DelesDernler and
Sweczy have both been at the capital look
ing after their Interests and conferlng
with friends. Sears was also here, but
what they did or what encouragement any
of them received Is not known. Rouse has
not been here during the last few days,
but several of his friends have spoken
good words for him around the hotels.
Sweezy and Rouse are In contiguous terri
tories and It Is not known whether that
will Injure or help them.
The fight for the speakership la consid
erably mixed with the race for president
pro tern of the senate. Since It Is be
lieved that Harrison and Mockett have no
deal or compromise on, It la aald that the
Harrison contingent will take what It
can get and allow the Mockett element to
do Ita own getting. During the last few
days Wilson of Pawnee county has been
requested several times to allow his name
to be mentioned In ccrnectlon with the
speakership. 80 far Mr. Wilson has not
announced his Intention. It la believed by
some that this la a move to hurt Mockett,
as It la likely that Wilson could get soma
of the latter'a support In that part of the
Paul Jessen was here from Otoe county
during the last few days doing consider
able hobnobbing with politicians, but It
Is not public what he accomplished or ex
pected to accomplish. In the meantime
O'Neill of Lancaster Is pegging away and
his friends are doing the same to land the
office that Harrison wanta.
Waiting for Mickey.
When Governor Mickey atrlpea town
Monday morning, aa he Intends to. he will
find awaiting him a number of frlenda of
Office aeekera who will use strenuous ef
forts to have the governor announce the
ramee of aeveral appointees. Among these
friends are members of the National Guard,
who are anxious to have a band In the ap
pointment of an adjutant general.
Several prominent members of the guard
were In the city last night and a quiet ccn.
"terenca was had between them and local
members with a view to arriving at tomi
understanding as to how best to reach thi
governor with one of their comrades. It
la believed that the wishes of the guard
will have some weight with the governor
and the guard doea not Intend to allow the
opportunity to assist In naming the man
rsrape It. There are several candidate
who would meet with the approval of the
guard, but the first thing the guard will
Inetst on Is that the appointee be a veteran
of the Spsrlsh-Amerlcan war. Amonj
those who can 1111 the bill bo far as that,
requisite Is concerned are: Major Glffen
and Captain Ringer of Lincoln and J. H.
Culver of Mliford. The friends of Adjutant
General Colby still believe that he will
continue to draw the salary for the office
after Governor Mickey takes his seat.
Notwithstanding the Impression given
out by Governor Mickey that he would not
appoint a atate oil Inspector until the term
rf the present Incumbent has expired, It la
thought that If he remains In Lincoln very
long during the week this placo will be
decided upon.
t'adahy Ballds In Lincoln.
The Cudahy Packing company has pur
chased a lot at the corner of M and Eighth
atreeta and in the spring will erect a
tructure for the accommodation of Ita
Lincoln business. The building and Im
provements will cost about $60,000. It will
be three stories high, with a basement,
fitted for a poultry house. Cold storage
will occupy a large part of the building.
The entrance of thla company Into Lin
coln la taken aa an indication that It in
tends to meet the competition of Armour,
who has established a number of branch
poultry distribution stations throughout
the state. It la expected the erection of
the building will begin by March 1.
State Meeting of Contractors.
A call has been Issued by contractora of
Lincoln for a atate meeting of contractors,
to be held here January 21 and 22. TI10
object of the meeting wlllbe to devise
waya and means of securing the modifi
cation or revision of the present lien law
and such other legislation aa may be f
benefit to the building fraternity. Special
rates of one fare for the round trip have
been secured from the railroads for the
Horn for Holidays.
All tralna out of Lincoln went home"
last night and about 400 students of the
State university took advantage of the
closing of that institution to go where the
tralna went. The university will be closed
until January 5, though the offices In the
building will be opened each day except
Christ mss dsy. The public schools closed
yesterday afternoon and will remain closed
until January 6.
Kew Corporations.
The Omaha Crockery company haa filed
articles of Incorporation with the secre
tary of atate. The capital stork Is fjO.OGO,
f which 25.000 Is paid up. The Incorpo
rators are: Howard H. Baldrldgc. Frank
, W. Judson. H. L. Porterfleld, E. A. Hlnlchs
and E. C. McCormtch, all of Omaha.
The Red Front Mercantile company of
Valentine has Incorporated, with a capital
atock of (60,000. The Incorporators are:
W. 8. Jackson, Frank Brayton and Henry
W. Hoenlg.
York After normal School.
YORK. Neb.. Dec. SO (Special. V The
Commercial club ot York have taken up
the location of a normal school at York
and are going after the Institution in
earnest. During the legislature two years
ago there waa considerable agitation about
the location of a normal school hero.
Slace that time fine new library build
ing has been built and a large new Young
Men's Christian association building coat-
The Center of Incessant and Enthusiastic Activity
No necromancer could conjure more Christmas attractions. In a thousand delightfully varied ways is the enchantment of the Vuletide ac
centuated. Every show case, very counter, every table is gleaming witli t lie most attractive things that the world's most nimble finger have produced. We know of no other store where you
can so advantageously unload your holiday merchandise perplexities than right here. We call particular attention to our vast assortments of Handkerchiefs, (lloves. Umbrellas, Ladies' Neck
wear, Men's Furnishings, Waist and Dress Patterns, Table Linens, Fancy Sheets, Fancy Hosiery, Ladies' Hath Robes, Silk Skirts and Petticoats, Furs, Jackets and Suits, also Stag Horn and
Ilurut Wood Articles, Toilet and Manicure Sets
Strictly reliable and fashionable hand
kerchiefs; immense assortments to select
from. There Is nothing more pleasing,
nothing more sure to satisfy the recipi
ent, than a gift of a handkerchief. OCR
EST. Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs
(Hand worked.) Every thread warranted
pure linen: very latest atylea of letters,
ten different patterns to select f"
from, each, 25c, 15c, 10c and... OC
KERCHIEFS Narrow hemstitched border
newest style of printing
Ladies' Fine Linen Cambric
, 4 and H-lnch hems, extra values
at 35c, 2nc, 16c, Uc,
10c, 8 l-3c and
Ladies' Sheer Linen Hand
kerchiefs With narrow hemstitched borders, war
ranted every thread linen; compare these
with 25c qualities shown elsewhere spe
cial 6 handkerchiefs for 85c, 4 J"
each, only IOC
Narrow Hemstitched
Fine Embroidered Batiste Handkerchiefs,
unusually dainty designs; compare these
with 20c grades elsewhere 41
each, only IZ2C
Dainty spray work embroidery, forming a
continuous line all round the handker
chief; narrow hemstitched border; com
pare this with 25c grades elsewhere
at, each IDC
Fine Fancy Sheer Linen
Comprising the daintiest, the choicest
hand and machine embroidered, hem
atltched, scalloped, lace edged and em
broidered; odd and artistic designs;
atylea that you can't find elsewhere
marked extremely low at each,
$1.50. $1. 75c, 50c, 30c and ,
choice variety of pretty designs at each,
$7.50. $6.50, $5.00, $3.00, 4 f--a
$1.75 and LOU
Heal Brussels Made Duchesse
Lace Itorder Handkerchiefs
At each $10. $8.'$7. $6, $5.50, . O O C
$4.60, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50. and a0
New Glove Handkerchiefs
Dainty embroidered aheer linen union
centers, with Mccklln lace borders about
10 inches square), special, each,
50c and
HANDKERCHIEFS Fine hand worked
Initial, 3 handkerchiefs In a very pretty
picture box while they last 'jr
at, a box ZOC
Fine Handkerchief Centers
Both plain and daintily embroidered
at each 50c, 25c,
15c and
Pocket books and fans
Fine Combination Pocketbooks
In all the newest leathers and newest
shades at each $3.50, $2.50, $2, 4 rf
$1.60. $1.25 and LUU
Fine Imported Silk Gaiue Fans
With dainty lace, spangle and Coral de
signsat each $7.50, $6, $5, $4, "7 r
$3. $2. $1.60, $1.25, $1 and OC
Ing $15,000 Is to be erected at once. Tork
already haa more than a state reputation
as an educational center.
Dassrll-lleary Trial Oeraplea Attea.
tloa of the District Coort of
Platte Coaaty.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.)
District court Is still grinding away on the !
Dussell-Henry suit, in which the plaintiff, '
A. Dussf II, sues for fulfillment of a con- 1
tract mrde in Denver last March at the
time of the marriage of Miss Jessie Dussell
to Robert Henry, the contract being for $500
and being given for defraying the expenses
of the young wife, who wss then so soon to
become a mother, and tor the care ot the
child. Mrs. Mr.ry A. Henry,, mother of the
young groom, who made the contract, after
wards refuted It on the grounds that It waa
obtained under atreaa of great excitement
and by a misrepresentation of the facta.
Tho defense, admitting part ot the clalma
ot plaintiff, wti granted the opening and
closing perloda in which to present their
testimony, and their first period closed just
prior to adjournment last night. They at
tempted to prove Mra. Henry'a excited and
overwrought condition by Denver witnesses,
most ot whose testimony waa ruled out on
account of being merely hearsay.
The prosecution Is holding forth today
and numerous witnesses have been exam
ined, including Attorney J. Q. Rudn. who
accompanied the sheriff to Denver last
Msjrch when the latter went to secure
young Henry on the ground of statutory
assault, and to whom the contract waa
given by Mrs. henry. The attorney'a tes
timony waa. In effect, that no duress waa
laid on her either la the matter of making
the contract or la bringing about the mar
riage of her son Robert and Jeasie Dussell.
The case will In all probability occupy
the balance of the week, and next week
It la expected that the Borr tiers boys and
the Humphrey boys, charged with the mur
der of their stepfather, will come up. The
latter case la attracting extraordinary In-
Holiday Neckwear
The bigness of our showing and the great
variety of Ideas are the wonder of every
one who visits our Neckwear section.
Attractive Hand made Perfect
Fitting Stocks
Very latest creations; new effecta all
colors, at each-$5, $1, $3, $2.50, r
$2, $1.50, $1. 75c, 60c and OUC
New Automobiles (Tie and
In taffeta crepe de chine, etc.. In black,
white and delicate shades, at each,
$3. $2.50. $2, $1.50, $1. 75c and OUC
Hand Hemstitched Japanese
Silk Scarfs
In all the delicate shades also CC
black and white special, each.... OUC
Imported Liberty Silk Squares
and Scarfs
Very delicate shade, brilliant soft fin
ished silk special, 4
each l.a0
Imported Long Crepe Scarfs
In beautiful hand block printed designs
at each $6. $5 A r f
and 4-OU
High Grade Novelty TJuffs and
In Liberty gauze, chiffon, lace, taffeta
and chenille. In black, white and black
and all white at each $20, $15, $13.50.
$10. $8.50, $7.50, $5.60, "J J-f
$4.60 and 0OU
Fine Lace and Embroidery
Turnover Collars
Exquisite and very latest Ideas at each
$3.50, $2.60, $2, $1.60, $1. Q f-
75c, 60c, 35c and 4b OC
Venetian and Irish Crochet
Wide Lace Collars
At each $5. $4, $3, $2,
$1.60, $1.35 and
Real Brussels Made Valen
ciennes and Duchesse Laces
Elegant designs at a yard $6.75, $5.50,
$4.60. $2.60, $1.50, $1.00, r?r
76e, 60c and OUC
Fine French Valenciennes Lace
New designs for bordering handkerchiefs
at a yard 35c, 25c, 20c, 15c, f"
12V4c. 10c 8c, 6c and ; OC
Colgate's and Hilbert's
WATERS and SACHETS in all odors.
Art Needlework Dcpt
Is crowded with new Ideas, new goods and
new designs for the holidays.
Elegant Designs in Handmade
Doylies, Center Pieces and
Lunch Cloths
Comprising hand made Cluny and Batten
berg lace, IrlBh hand embroidery and
Mexican hand drawn work at each
$6.60, $5. $4. $3. $2, $1.60, p
$1, 75c. 50e and ZOC
Handsome Hand Embroidered
Sofa Til lows
. Embracing the season's most advanced
Ideas in needlework for each, P Sr
$12.60. $10, $8, $7. $.1.50 to O'UU
Real Down Sofa Pillows
In all sires at very reasonable prices.
to be embroidered.
Floss, Wools, Silks
Columbia. Shetland floss black, white
plain shades and mixed.
ERY SILK In all colors.
Store Open
terest and many unauspected developments
may appear.
Fraak Roberts, Formerly of Sooth
Omaha. Finally Turns I'p at Ilia
Parent's Home at Ilaatlaa;s.
HASTINGS, Neb., Dec. 20 (Special.)
Frank Roberts, the young man who disap
peared mysteriously about a month ago
from South Omaha, where he waa employed
bv the Amprlrnn anil Pnclflf. ITrnraa. tym
panies. Is now in Hastings at the home ot
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Roberts.
When asked about his disappearance be I
ea'd that everything was a blank to him j
from the time he left Omaha until he
found himself in Chicago. It Is quite evi
dent he became demented. He has been
under the constant care of a physician
aince coming home and Is still In a weak
Explosion Injures m Bnlldlna;.
YORK. Neb.. Dee. 20. (Special.) Yes
terday afternoon the residents of North
York were alarmed by an explosion which
made tho buildings shake and was heard
for miles arcund. Th cupola of the
Downle Wright Manufacturing company
had been dumped and when the hat con- '
tents came In contact with the moUt soil (
It caused an explosion that made the few !
employee who were In the vicinity at the '
time think that the building was falling j
In on them. A large hole waa torn in the
wall where the explosion occurred. Hap
prnlng at tho noon hour, no one was in
Deafree of Honor Officers.
HASTINGS. Neb.,' Dec. 20. (Special )
The newly elected offlcera of the Degree
of Honor of the Ancient Order of the
United Workmen lodge are aa follows:
Chief of honor, Mrs 8. C. Gebout; past
chief of honor, Mrs. Philip Yager; lady of
honor, Mrs. A. Deets; lady of ceremony,
Mra. H. B. Borley; recorder. Mrs. George
Rogers; financier. Mra Al Hlbbard; re
ceiver, Mrs. H. Hauter; usher. Miss May
Holiday Gloves
Kid Gloves for Street and Evening
w ear
Trefousse suedes,
Sbelburn piques,
2- clasp .'.
Trefousse Dcloms suedes,
3- clasp
Terrln's La Mure Glace,
Dent's English walking gloves,
2-clasp 1 4UU
White piques, self and black
Arachne, best dollar glove
The above lines all come In the leading
colors, black, white, modes, tan, brown
and gray.
Evening and Full Dress Gloves
12, 16 and 20-button lengths.
Street Gloves
I'nllned Morhas, two large
pearl clasps
Unllned reindeer, two large
pearl clasps
Best walking and driving
gloves made, 2-clasp
Black, modes and grays a large as
sortment of children's gloves.
Golf (.loves
An endless variety of black, black and
white, fancy mixtures and plain
colors, 75c and OUC
Men's Gloves
Complete lines of the most desirable
atylea In silk lined and unllned kid glovea
and golf gloves.
Silk lined gloves at $2.00,
$1.50 and
Dress and walking glovea at
$2.00. $1.50. $1.25 and
Oolf gloves In the newest colors and
jrs and
atrlpea for men and boys.
$1.00 down to, a pair.
Handsome Silks
for Holiday Gifts
We offer special inducements
for the Holidays.
Crepe de Chines and Crepe
These beautiful fabrics for dinner and
evening wear are here In profusion,
every shade and tint. Including the ex
quisite Ivory (special 1 rr
values), $1.35 and 'sU
NOVELTY SILKS Specially reduced to
close out odd pieces, broken assort menta,
etc.; a good collection of atylea and
colors sale price - ' A Q
yard T"-C
Black Silks
Our celebrated "warranted to wear"
black taffeta dress silka make a very
choice Xnias presents special sale for
thla week, 21-inch, 24-lnch, 27-lnch at
per yard $1.25, $1.15. $1.00 or
and OJC
Imported Black Pcau de Soie
Rich, lustrous goods that positively wear
well at $1.35. $1.25, QQ
$1.00 and O JC
TARTAN PLAIDS In all the new com
bination of colorings at, r r
yard. $1.00 and JC
MOIRE VELOURS In evening shades.
MOIRE ANTIQUES In navy, reseda,
brown, black and white at 1 O C
per yard 1. fcJ
High Grade Nove'tles in
Leather Wrtst Bags
A most beautiful assortment being shown
for the holidays, in Suede, Morocco, Seal,
Walrua, Snake. Lizard, Sea Bear, etc.,
elegantly mounted In gold, , oxodized
silver, French Gray and gun metal. Jew
eled, at. each. $15, $12. $10. $8. 4 fr
$6.50. $5. $3.50, $2.50, $2. $1.50 and..l-UU
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Farrell; Inside watch, Mra. Sorrenson: out
side watch, Mra. L. B. Foote.
Arapahoe Farmers Organise.
ARAPAHOE, Neb.. Dee. 20. (Special
Telegram.) A branch of the Farmers' Co
operative Grain and Livestock association
waa formed here today. In spite of a
fierce storm that raged all day the town
was filled and the crowd was addressed by
E. C. Beyfield of Chicago and C. Vincent of
Omaha. Mr. Vincent effected a thorough
organization. Canvassers were appointed
to extend the membership through all the
territory adjacent to Arapahoe. The busi
ness men will give active support to the
movement. Delegatea will attend the atate
meeting called at Lincoln for January 22.
Two Yeara for Itobbery.
AINSWORTH, " Neb.. Dec. 20. (Special
Telegram.) Carl Pettljohn, the young man
who was arrested at Long Pine about two
weeka place tor robbing a drunken negro
soldier ot some $125, was brought to Atns
worth, and on a plea of guilty before
County Judge Potter was bound over In tho
sum of $1,000 to the district court, waa
sentenced to two yeara in the penitentiary
thla morning by Judge Harrington at a
apeclal altttng of the court and will be
taken to Llncolu In the morning.
City of Ashland Loses Rome Water.
ASHLAND, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.)
The city waterworks sprung a leak Fri
day, and from 9 o'clock at night until 11
o'clock thla morning 60.000 gallons of water
disappeared that was not used by water
consumers. M. W. Urch, the water com
missioner, has been looking over the line
today to ascertain the cause, as It Is be
lieved the mains have been tapped by some
miscreant. Only one foot of water re
mained in the tank when pumping was re
sumed this morning.
--Myall Loarloa Electa OaVeere.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.)
Loyal Myatlc legion. No. 20t, met last
night and elected officers for the enaulng
term aa follows: W. E. Lenhart, worthy
counselor; Thomaa 8patt, worthy vice
counselor; Mra. Albert Spoasler, worthy
Mars Neck Dressing
Holiday Suspenders, Glovea, Handker
chiefs, Huffier, Etc.
Men's linen handkerchiefs at
each, 76c, 60c, 35c, 20c and....
Silk handkerchiefs at $1.00, 75c
Silk lined kid and Mocha gloves, at a
,J:!0-.!1.60 1.00
Walking gloves at $2.00, $1.60, 1 A.-v
$1.20 and e l.yjyj
OOLF GLOVES In black and rrt
colors at $1.00. 75c. 65c and
60c, 35c and
Fancy Suspenders
Fancy silk suspenders in separate boxes,
gold plated mountings, at 7Cr
pnlr, $1.75, $1.50, $1.26, $1.00 and. ... '
Fancy silk suspenders for
boys, at a pair
MEN'S TIES at 50C.
Four-ln-hands, Teck. As- Cflr"
cots, putt and string, each JUL
Fine heavy silk four-ln-hands
Fancy Hosiery
Men's fancy half-hose In fine lisle and
silk embroidered effects, at f) r
a pair, 75c, 50c, 36c and JL
Silk Mufflers
FLERS Great variety of patterns, at
each. $2.25, $1.75, $1.50, r r
$1.00 and JUC
Square mufflers, white, black and fancy
at all prices, each $3.00 7C
to '
The new shapea In full dress mufflers.
Fancy Shirts
We have the most fashionable atylea In
fancy shirts, white grounds with small
figures, or narrow stripes 1 Cr
In two qualities, at $1.60 and I.UU
Holiday Hosiery
Ladies' Fancy Lisle Thread
In all the fancy shades, black with
fancy atrlpea, openwork, embroidered. In
colore, white, all-over CTfA'
lace OU
Ladies' Black Lace Hose
In all the new patterns, with plain etrlpo,
to be embroidered in fancy Cf
colore, also boot patterna OUC
Ladies' Imported Black Lisle
embroidered with daisies and rosebuds.
In fancy colora, a regular 4 Cf
$2.00 hose, for LOU
Ladies' Thread Silk Hose
In all the pretty evening shades, sky
blue, cardinal, pink and - ff
heliotrope; special UU
We have the finest assortment of blsck
- thread Bilk hose In the city for our
holiday trade; black silk embroidered
with daisies, forget-me-nots, fieur de Us
and fancy stripes; also all-over lace.
In black and white, O
$3.75, $4.00, $4.50. $5.00 and Z'O
Toilet Articles, Etc
Hair brush, comb and mirror aets. In
French atag horn, antique Ivory, ster
ling silver, ebony and burnt woods.
Military Hair and Clothes
Manicure Set's, Collar and Cuff
Boxes ,
Novelties in Natural Wood
Such as match safes. Ink wells, pen
wipers, smokers' sets and varioua other
Doveltlea at very reasonable pricea.
propheteas; Mra. Frank Lee, worthy sec
retary; Frank Lee, worthy treasurer.
York Wants a Depot.
YORK, Neb., Deo. 20. (Special.) -At a
meeting of the business men the question
ot a new Burlington depot waa agitated.
After considerable discussion a committee
was appointed to visit the officials of the
Burlington and ascertain if a new depot
will be built at York.
To Attend Teachers' Meeting;.
BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. 20. (Special.)
Forty-three out of the forty-eight school
teachers of thla city will attend the an
nual meeting of the State Teachers' asso
ciation, to be held In Lincoln December 31
and January 1 and 2.
Largest Una In the World.
The new aixteen-lnch gun recently built
for the United States government, besides
being tho largest In the world, la the most
powerful weapon ever devised by man.
The most reliable medicine ever devised
by man is Hostetter's 8tomach Bitters, In
troduced over fifty years ago aa a cure for
nausea, heartburn, belching, Indigestion,
dyspepsia or malaria. Don't fall to try It,
also obtain a copy of our 1903 Almanac
from your druggist. It is free.
Parlfle Wire Will Qnlte l..:ely Work
to lloaolala by Christ,
maa Day.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20. The first
link of the great ocean cable which Is to
connect the United Statea with the far
east hsa been laid and the cable ship 811
vertown Is proceeding so rapidly that it
would not be at all surprising If Christmas
greetings from Governor Dole of Hawaii
to President Roosevelt are sent over the
cable from Honolulu on Christmas day. At
noon today 1.054 knots of cable had been
reeled out.
If a slightly better ratio Is maintained
during the next five daya, with bo atorms
or accldenta to Interfere with the work. It
Xmas Presents
Our Cloak department Is the recognized
headquarters for handsome, stylish and
durable Clonks, Tailor Made Suits, Skirts
and Fura. and we carry the most complete
line of ready-to-wear garments In the city.
You v ill be able to save money If you
purchase your Xmas presents here.
Big Cut on Ladies' and Misses'
27-inch Half-Fitting Jackets
Made of American Woolen Mills, all wool
Kersey, Skinner Satin, Linings, Wide
Sleeves, with turnback Cuffs.
$7.50 Coats for $V0P.
$3.00 Coats for $6.00.
$10.00 Coats for $7.00.
$12.00 Coate for $7.50.
$13.00 Coats for $8.50.
$15.00 Coats for $10.00.
Beautiful Silk Waists
In Taffetas, Peau de Cyne and Crepe do
Chine. All colors: only one or two of
a size to close.
$12.00 Waists. $6 00.
$10.00 Waists. $5.00.
$8.00 Waists. $4.00.
$1.00 Waists, $3.00.
If you have a scarf of any kind and want
a Muff to match we have a fine assort
ment of Electric and Near Seal, Mink.
Beaver, Fox, Martin and Per- s Cf
slan Lamb, at $20.00 to J, 3U
Fur Scarfs and Fur Sets
Make a very desirable present for Ladles'
and Misses. We have them In all the
new shapea In Baum Martin, Sable and
Isabella Fox, Gray Squirrel and C An
Lynx, from $40 down to J.UU
Ladies' and Misses Monte
Carlo and Long Coats
In Montlnacs, Zlbellnes and Kerseys, all
colora. all atylea; also an exceptional
fine showing of Ladles' Valour Monte
Carloa and Blouces, beet of linings and
workmanship, $45.00 H Zf
down to ' JKJ
Ladies' Walking Suits
of Zlbellnes, Scotch mixtures and Snow
Flake materials, Norfolk, Blouse and
8lot Seam Jacketa, latest cut r rr
Skirts. $30.00 down to ;lJ.UU
Black Dress Goods
Practl cat Holiday Gifts
Thin and light weight fabric for fancy
dress skirts we have an unequalled line,
comprising all the popular weaves.
46 Inches wlde a yard, 1 fr
$1.85. $1.50, $1.25 and l.UU
line of all the season's popular weaves,
cheviots, canvas and basket cloth,
camel's hair, xlbrllne, Venetian cloth, 62
Inches wide at a yard, $2.00, or
$1.60, $1.25. $1.00 and , OJC
A complete line of lightweight material
for house gowns batiste, veilings. Hen
riettas and French serge, a yard from
$1.25, $1.00, 85c, 75c down CO-.
Holiday Umbrellas
Our assortment larger than ever, em
bracing all the new novelties In handles,
natural sticks, stiver and pearl, 4 fr
copper, etc, from $10 to.
Great Sale of Ribbons
All silk ribbons, suitable for holiday pur
poses, such as pillow ribbons, fancy work,
hair and neck boks, wonderful values
at, a yard. 20c. 15c. 12c, 10c, f
8c, 7c, 6c and , OC
la reaaonable to expect that communlca.
tlon with Honolulu will be bad on Christ
mas day.
Denver Wanta Roosevelt.
DENVER, Dec. 20. President Roosevelt
waa today Invited by the mayor to visit
Denver while on his trip to the Pacific
coast next summer.
Clearing and Colder la Eastern Ne
braska Today and Inoif
in Iowa.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 20 Forecast :
For Nebraska Fair In west, clearing and
colder in east portion Sunday; Monday fair.
For Iowa Snow and colder Sunday, prob
ably followed by clearing; Monday fair.
For Illinois Fair in south, rain or snow
In north portion Sunday; brisk to high
shifting winds, becoming northwest; Mon
day fair.
For South Dakota Fair Sunday, colder
in extreme west portion.
For Wyoming Fair Sunday and Monday.
For Colorado Fair Sunday, warmer In
west portion; Monday fair. ,
For Montana and North Dakota Fair
Sunday and probably Monday.
For Missouri Fair In weat and south,
rain or anow In northeast portion Sunday,
followed by clearing and colder; Monday
Local Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 20. Official record of tem
perature, and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
, 1912. 1901. 1900. 19.
Maximum tempersture... S 22 M 50
Minimum temperature.... 33 8 24
Mean temperature 34 7 42 37
Precipitation 62 00 00 00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for thla day and aince March 1,
Normal temperature 25
Excess for the day 11
Total excess aince March 1 2.0
Normal precipitation 01 Inch
Excess for the day 49 inch
Preclultatlon since March 1 K M Inches
Iflciency since Marrh 1 2 inch
Deficiency ffT cor. period. 11... 1.81 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 19U0... .10 Inch
What could be more practical for a gift
than table linens. Our special prices of
last week on tablecloths will be continued
till Christmas.
Handsome pattern Table Cloths, In Real
Irish Linen. 2x3 ysrds, 2x2'4 yards ntvl
2x2 yards, at, each $.1.50, f) OC
$3.00 and tQJ
Same quality as above. In 24x3 yard.
2Hx2'., yards, at $5.25 and $4.50. Dinner
napkins to match, $3.50 dozen.
Sample pattern Table Cloths, real Irish
Linen, 2x2 yards, worth Q QC
$6.00, at. each O.cU
Sample pattern Table Clnths, real Irish
Linen, 2x24 yards, worth QC
$8.50. at, each ,kJO
Sample pattern Table Cloths, real Irish
Linen, 2x3 yards, worth C QC
$1.50. at, each U. tD
Farople pattern Table Clothe, rrnl Irish
Linen, 2x34 yerds. worth D QC
$10.60, at. each U- U D
Sample pattern Table Cloths, r-al Irish
Linen, 2x2-i yards, worth ft fpi
$10.00. at. each O.OU
Sample pattern Table Cloths, renl Irish
Linen, 2ix3 yards, worth 7 ( f-
$12.00. at, each I UU
Sample Napklna to match, in dinner
size, worth $9.50, f- j-
at, dozen O. U U
Napkins at $10.00, $8.50, $6.60. $5.75 $4 7,
$4.25, $3.75. $3.25. $3.00, $2.75, $2.50, $:.2;.'
$2.00. $1.75. $1.25 a
Large line of Bureau Scarfs and Pillow
Shams with lace Insertion, QC
special sale price, each OC
Sample line of very fancy Bureau Scarfs
and Pillow Shams at $3.00. $2.75, C.fn
$2, $1.60, $1.40. $1.26, $1.00. 75c. ..OUC
Large assortment of Towcla at 85c, 75c.
69c, 65c, 60c, 35c, 25c, 20c, A f '
1114c and 1UC
Real Irish Hand Embroidered Doylies and
Centerpieces, also real Cluny Lace, at,
each. $3.75, $2.75, $2.50, $1.75. $1.50, $1.35.
$1.25, $1.00, 85c, 76c, OC
65o, 35c and ZDC
Maid's Flannelette Wnist Pat
terns 3 yards In each, at, OQn
each, 45c and OOC
Maid's Percale and Gingham
8 yards, 10 yards and 12 yards, A ff
at, each, $1.50, $1.25 and 1'UU
Flannels and Waists
Marcella Walstlngs, made to look like
the expensive Imported goods, r? "
3-yard pattern, each I Ow
French Flannels
For a special run we have taken all the
75c, 80o, 85c, 90c and 95 qualities and
put them in two special lots, fif
at, yard, 69c and out
Wool Washable Waistings
In black or white, red, green, O C
pink, blue, gray and tans, yd O Jvy
Slumber Bobes
Made from raw silk In rainbow colors,
very acceptable Christmas Q f f
gift, each O, U U
Blankets and Gomforts
What could bring more cheer to a home
thin a good Blanket or Comfort. Our
atock la Immense and pricea purse-tempt -tng.
Good Fleece Blankets
at $1.75, $1.50. $1.39, $1.25, $1.15, CQo
II, 90c. 85c, 75c and, pair OOL
Wool Blankets
at $12.60, $10, $8.50, $7.50, $6.50, OOC
$5.50, $5, $3.85, $3.50 and, pair....O. aU
Wool filled and Laminated Cotton Com
forts, at $4.75, $2.60, $2.25, $1.85, A ((
$1.75, $1.60, $1.15, 11.25, each
Jaaei Daley Ooei on War Path add Talits
Life of Littlo Jim.
Marder la tho Desalt of Spree Among;
the Indiana at Wlnnchaso Agency
Ucpnty marshal on the
Scene Promptly.
As the result of a drunken row about
two miles north of the Winnebago Indian
agency Friday afternoon one Indian Is
dead and another la by this time In the
bands of Deputy Marshal Allan, charged
with being a murderer.
Deputy Allan left yesterday morning for
the acene of the affair and telephoned In a
meager account from Pender. According to
his recital, while the Indians were enjoy
ing a spree Friday afternoon James Daley
reached the fighting mood and started on
the war path armed with a neck yoke.
Little Jim waa the first bravo that rrosr.ed
bis path and Dalley promptly knocked him
down. Allen atates that Little Jim died
yesterday morning at 11:30. Harold and
Robert McKee, other Indiana, will be he ld
aa witnesses.
I.enlsvllle Man with Thousands on
Hie life Declared No ,
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Dec. 20. The cor
oner's Jury, which baa bern Investigating
the death of R. C. Whayne, who was found
dead two daya ago with a gunshot wound
in the breast, this afternoon returned a
verdict of accidental death. Mr. Whayne
carried Ufa Inaurance to the value ot $100,-
1 000 and waa thought to have committed
I aulclde.