Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17

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i m.Tiiwwiin. l ia r., j a
Orchard & Wilhelm (2arpet Qo.
1414'16 1820 Douqlas Street, Omaha.
Undoubtedly (he largest assortment of worthy and appropriate pieces
for the Christinas giving are here.
The Christian world bu an undying !n
terest in tha little tows of Bethlehem,
Judea, aod at Christmas day draws uear
how natural that our thought ahould turn
In the direction of that historic and aacred
city. My Jouroey from Jerusalem to Beth
lehem ten yeara ago In company with a
dozen other on horaeback la atlll green In
my memory. It was. a delightful ride amidst
tha moat thrilling scenes and aasocla
tlona. It should ba remembered that the
people and country of Palestine are much
the aame today at la the time of Christ
r In the day of David, J. COO yeara ago;
kenoe tha Interest and profit of a visit to
that land today by Chrlatlan people. The
Inhabitant of the land atlll journey on
foot or ride on donkey and camel, a In
the olden time. You may now aee two
person altting on the ground faring earn
other and grinding at the old band atone
mill, aa In the time of our Savior.
The road from Jerusalem to Rethlebem
la eicellent and runa through a picturesque
country. The country waa at Ita best when
X aaw It, having Just came out of the aprtng
rains and clothed in IU richest garmenta.
Thewhlte macadamized ro 1 running through
a land of rich and beautiful green looked
like a broad, white chalk mark acroaa a
green Brussels carpet. Good roads are In
dicative of civilization, but Paleatlne has
few of the former and little of the latter.
Thla lovely road to Bethlehem waa not
made by the Indolent native Araba, but by
the more enterprising Franciscan monks.
Traveling over thla fine road made me think
of the great roads Rome built in many
places of Ha empire, aome of which I had
recently aeen, particularly the Applan way,
remalna of which are, atlll to be aeen after
more than 1,000 yeara of use.
Thla road to Bethlehem la one of the moat
aacred and historic of earth. Ruth and
Naomi, living In the neighborhood of
Bethlehem, had doubtlcaa trodden It many
tlmea, aa alro bad Boat, who married Ruth.
Abraham must have taken thla route aa he
Journeyed to Jerusalem from the south to
offer Isaac on Mount Morlah. Jacob would
naturally have taken the aame, going from
father'a home to hla Uncle Laban'a la the
far northeast. David and Solomon must
often have Journeyed thla way, alnce the
former waa born at Bethlehem and the lat
ter bad famoua poola of water aomewhat la
that direction. The wlae men In going from
Jerusalem to Bethlehem would take thla
very road, aa did Joseph and the virgin
when going to Bethlehem to be taxed, and
also when they returned to Jerusalem to
present the young child to the Lord In the
temple. One haa peculiar thoughta and
feelings Journeying over a road at once ao
fclstorlo and aacred.
A Point of Traditional Interest.
A short distance from Jerusalem we came
to where tradition aaya the "star of the
east" reappeared unto the magi, which tra
dition la not out of harmony with the acrlp
ture account of the aame. General Lew
Wallace In hla Immortal "Ben Hur" telle
of the atrange meeting of three men, one
each from India, Ferala and Greece, on the
plalna of Arabia, and that a atar auddenly
appeared to them when they mounted their
white camela and one after another atarted
after the star which went before, looking
like specter fleeing from their ahadowa.
The nature of thla atar haa been varloualy
viewed by different writers, aoma holding
It waa a sort of Jack-o'-lantern, other
that It waa a conjunction of planeta or a
real star, while othera conaldered It the
holy ghost or a atar mado by the Lord for
that apeclal occasion. Whatever It waa,
whether naturo or revelation, it led to the
Christ of history. Just aa all thlnga were
Intended to do. We have now reached the
grave of Rachel, a plain, arched, houselike
tomb by the wayside. Thla devoted wife
waa accompanying her husband, Jacob, back
to hla old home, when abe died here en
route, and here abe waa burled. It haa
alwaya seemed to me that It waa sad that
thla noble woman'a body ahould have to
aleep In thla lonely place and In a strange
land, tnatead of with the dust of her loved
ones at her old home. But It la often the
eaae that people muat be burled In a atrange
land or In the deep blue sea. How tenderly
our government cared tor its soldiers who
died In the Philippines and Cuba, bringing
home aa many of them as possible to be
hurled In their native land near their
friends and loved ones.
Here I David's well la the suburbs of
Bethlehem. Abundance of good water waa
often aa object in Paleatlne, because of
1 fX.
Give point to tha fact that exceaaiv or
irregular eating disturb the digestion.
Via utmare or night hag haa it'a day tima
correspondence In tha undue fullneea'
after eating, with tha belchinps and our
or bitter rising to often experienced after
too haaty or too hearty eating.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cure dvspepsia and other diseases of tha
atomach and it allied organs of diges
tion and nutrition. When these diseasea
are cured, tha whole body share in the
increased strength derived from food
properly digested rod perfectly aaatmil-au-d.
Vour Geldea Medical Dtacovery sad Dr.
Catarrh Re tardy hare b of grot
kruttU lu m. writes trrof) Flaaaat A. Olinr,
of Viol, ru'.toa Co.. Ark. cfor I hm4 the
tov luc-iiuuucd rwmctitca my sleep waa mot
'uu4 ; diy-tioa bad: a cnctiauJ faeltag of
puvry. l'puw frl Uk a bew maa. Any ooe
i kd ai mrilicml traloiaut fur aaaal catarrh
1 do no bucr than to take treatment of
i-t a V. rim I know hia medicines are all
I 4 :i i lliu claw o ducaaea.
; , tacuiea a dealer tempted by the
Xl'.v.e ciore profit paid on the aale of leaa
i;.r. j, u.ur. medicines will offer tha cua
to p.-r substitute aa being "just aa
1" as the "Discovery." It ia better'
t . Liin br-cause it paya better, but it ia
i. t ...! for you, if vou want tha
l . i.c that ka cured otbeta, aad
v u vm j believe will cure yen.
i . !;-'SV Pleasant PeUetl clean
t' .ri system ftom accumulated
i. .
Being a description of a visit to
the Holy Land In the year 1901.
Article written for tha Christ
mas Number of the Twent'cth
Century Farmer and reproduced
by permission.
which fart Jacob made a great well or
cistern In Samaria to catch the rains and
melting snows from Mount Gerlzlm, which
well still bears the name of thla Illustrious
old patriarch. Thla la the well from which
David so much craved a drink when cut oft
from It by the I'hllllstlncs. There la no
place like home and no water ts quite so
sweet os that which come from the old
homo well, over which hung "the old oaken
bucket, the Iron bound bucket." Three
of David' braveat men broke through the
ranka of the enemy and brought their king
a drink from this well, but this act so
touched the heart of David with a sense of
gratitude and unworthlnesa that he did not
feel he could drink the water at so great
a cost.
Now rise before our admiring and ador
ing gaze the Justly famoua village of
Bethlehem, so old, so historic snd so sacred.
Crowning tho summit of two knolls and
neBtllng among the terraced vineyards, the
olive and orange grovea. shrubbery and
flowers, one can hardly wonder that Bet'.lc
hem haa been called the "perfection of
beauty." Aa a bird builds ita neat among
the Ivy vines under the leave of a house,
so Bethlehem nestles among the hills and
vines and trees and flower. It la a long-drawn-out
town of white limestone housea,
without a single brick or frame building In
It. I think the same 1 true of all the
cltlea of Paleatlne. There are about 500
aquare ahaped houses In the city of Bethle
hem and perhaps 4,000 Inhabitants. How
charming ia aome of the aeenery around
thla place. There Is no more beautiful
natural scenery on earth than aome por
tions of the Holy Land.
The graceful, and .beautiful women of
Bethlehem have become proverbial for their
good looks, a fact which baa ever attraoted
the attention of nearly all tourist there.
This I a Christian city. In which, it I said,
not a Jew, or. Mohammedan resides. The
only other town In Paleatlne which la
really Christian Is Nazareth, though it ia
not absolutely ao, aa ia Bethlehem. Ita
women are handaome, also. Christianity
la not only productive of beautiful char
acters, but beautiful phyalcal featurea.
America, the most Christian country of the
Packing Christmas Boxes
"Ever help send off Christmas boxee.
Jim?" asked the senior partner, who la
"Not that anyone ever beard -of," an
swered the Junior, who la single.
"You don't know . what you've missed,"
replied the married man. "Why, If I wa
out of a Job at this season of the year I'd
start out with an equipment something
like this: Three weights of wrapping
paper; ditto string; a table of mall and
express rates; some excelsior for packing;
a pastepot and patience."
The bachelor looked puasled. His partner
stopped to light a fresh cigar.
"I'd go from house to bouse, doing up
Christmas parcels for women. The season
la necessarily short, but I'll wager I could
work eighteen hours a day and within a
week some appreciative husband would
offer me a life Job.
"Ton see. It's this way. Sunday evening
at our house haa always been dedicated
to rest and reading, but laat night, Juat
as I got comfortably aettled, my wife
bustled Into the room wttb that expreaalon
on her face which cornea but once a year
and then. Juat before Christmas.
" "Theodore, dear,' she said, 'I do wish
you'd paok that box for Seattle. It must
go tomorrow.' (My hero was bunting for
bis sword Just at this point and I clung
to the book.) 'I think I've done my duty
la buying the things, especially aa Harry
la your brother. Tou might at least pack
"That touch of martyrdom won out.
Down went my book. 'Trot out your stuff 1
I said, cheerfully.
"Jim, there are Just Ave people In Harry's
.family, .but In two minute our library
table looked like a bargain counter. And
behind the meas sat my wife, her lap full
of white tlaaue paper, and red and green
ribbons and sprsys of holly.
1 told her that the flrat thing I needed
was a box, and she suggested the box I
keep my trousers in. Now that box Is ona
of my weak points. I don't know what It
originally contained and I den't care, but
It's the beat receptacle for trousers I ever
aaw; Just the right length snd wldtn, ana
It slide under the bed to perfection.
"I refused to sacrifice my box, and w
compromised on the paateboard concent
that my laat suit came home in. It was
one of those things with Saps on the cor
ners which double up like an envelope oa
the slightest provocation. We finally de
cided to paste the Cape, and I held each
one till It dried.
"Heavy paper? There wasa't a decent
Spsrkllng and clear la the city water In
New Tork. but they took thirty-three dead
eels out of one main the other day and
one was three feet long.
Mrs. Lucy A. Clough of Boston cele
brated her ninety-first birthday recently
and baked fourteen plea aa a contribution
to the refreshments for the party.
Romeo Cooper, a St. Louis boy of 7 years,
while eating raw oystera the other day
found a pearl between hla teeth which hla
narenta took to a jeweler and sold for
The boy that wss born to Mr. and Mrs.
T. l.unn of Mammoth Springs. Mo., re
cently makes the twenty-fourth in that
family for whom Santa Claus muat make
Tha oldest armorer in the t'nlted States,
still In the employ of the government, la
benjamin tlobbs of Springfield, Mass. He
haa been working there for more than
fifty years.
The rlty of New Tork does a little In
the agricultural Una occasionally. Thus
$1K2.10 nas been received from the net pro
ceeds of an auction sale of apples held
on the new Croton ani division of the
new aqueduct. It haa been transmitted to
the city chamberlain for the credit of the
water fund.
A man waa arrested recently near Bask
ing Ridge, N. J., for violating the game
laws. "1 lie constable who arreated the man
called up Justice Bow.ra by telephone.
His honor beard the evidence over the
wire and fined the offender $J0 and costs,
which was paid.
Paul Kruger In his memoirs tells the
story of a secretary ahum he punished for
beii.g drunk bv tying him to a wagon
wherl. purlng the night $.000 KaRlrs and
about 4.VU0 Zulus attacked 1'ie bor camp
and were not drive eft till daybreak. The
secretary s ept so soundly that he noticed
nothing of the fight, and the neat day,
wban he at laat awoke, he looked around
lu astonishment and eaked: "Have you
Seopie bees CatiUaa during tha UsUlf .
globe, has, It Is raid, the moat handsome
people In the world, and I believe it. There
Is no telling how much Greece, whose people
were so handome and whose philosophy
In aome particulars ao nearly aproached
the truth, aa found in our acrlpturrs espe
cially as It relates to the Incarnation bor
rowed from the Hebrews, or unconsciously
absorbed from them, to affect not only
their Ideaa, but their physical appearance.
The women of Christian countries are not
only Indebted to Christianity for their so
cial standing and most of their comforts
and enjoyments, but for their physical
beauty and Intellectual attractions as well.
In all this, snd In other higher ways,
woman owes a debt of gratitude to the
Chrlatlan religion to Him who was born
at Bethlehem which she never can repay.
But how tame la all the natural scenery
about Bethlehem as well as the physical
beauty of Ita people as compared with Its
wonderful history. It waa here Jerome, tha
father of church history, lived, wrote and
died, and bis old grotto homo Is still
pointed out to the tourist. It was near
here where, by the decree of Herod the
Great, the male Infants were alaln in order
to reach Christ, and nip his kingdom In
the bud, and thus do away with any possi
ble rivals to Hrrold's own crown. Hero
lived Eonz, the great grandfather of David,
and ancestor of Jesus Christ, and here was
born David, the aon of Jessie, aweet singer
of Israel.
Above all, here waa born the King of
Kings and Lord of Lords. Here the Incar
nation appeared among men. Crowning the
place of our Lord's birth Is the Church of
the Nativity, said to have been built by
direction of St. Helena, mother of Con
atantlne the Great, and Is the oldest
Christian church on earth. Today, in as
many separate parts of this church, worship
the Latin, Greek and Armenian Christians.
Here la pointed out the reputed site of the
manger In which Jeaus was born. A silver
atar mark the place, and over which ia the
inscription, "Here Jesua Christ waa born of
the Virgin Mary." Tongue haa no word,
earth no symbol and imagination no con
ception which will do Justice to one' feel-
sheet In the house, so she suggested past
ing three pieces together. The boys offered
to do that part, and were kept out of mis
chief for Ave minutes, during which time I
wandered Into the pantry, looking for that
nice ball of string In the rlghthand corner
of the lefthand lower drawer.
"It was a nice ball, made up of every
conceivable sort of twine from tinsel cord
off candy boxes to light-weight rope, all
carefully tied together. I weeded out the
stoutest twine and knotted It to the best
of my ability.
"On my return to the library I found the
boys sitting on the seams of the paper so
as ta press 'em. Teddy was so delighted
with the success of the scheme that he
beat a tattoo with hla heels and a bole
through the paper.
"I aald we'd better let the question of
paper go until the box was packed and
roped. By this time my wife had laid out
all the packages, each one tied with rib
bon, and insinuated that it was time that
I got down to business. For variety and
clumalneaa commend me to that collection
of Christmas gifts, and every other one,
according to my wife's statement, was
" 'Oh. Theodore, do have a care. That's
a paplermache dog for the baby.' Or, 'Oh,
that's one of those dear bisque figures.'
"It took a five minutes' argument to con
vince ber that each breakable object would
have to be packed separately In a small
box of Its own In cotton batting. Item:
Dabs of cotton all over my smoking Jacket.
"Juat a I got the package decently bal
anced she dived under the table and
brought forth a forgotten treasure, a mis
erable Jack-in-the-box, which towered
three good Inchea above every other gift.
It waa no use to balk. She bad picked it
up at a bargain at the 16-cent store and to
Seattle It had to go. I repacked the whole
blooming outfit and roped it.
"Then we barked back to the paper prob
lem. With best intentions she hsd pasted
a patch over the hole left by Teddy's ex
uberant heels and the sheet looked like a
crasy patch-work quilt. With the first
folding of the stuff every (cam ripped.
"A timely Inspiration aaved the day, or
rather, the evening. Hal remembered that
Williams, the stationer across the street,
sold big sheets of wrapping paper to the
boys to cover their school books with. He
started over there, but before he struck
the first landing my wife called hlra back.
" 'You'd better go yourself, Theodore,'
she said. "That Williams got all tangled
Prof. Hill McClelland Bell has Just been
Installed head of the college of liberal arts
of Drake university.
II. I Butterfteld of Lansing. Mich., has
been offered the pro.ldency of the Rhode
Island agricultural college.
General Alexander 8. Webb haa resigned
the presidency of the city college at New
Tork. HIj auccceaor has not yet been se
lected. Dr D. If. Peareons of Chicago haa given
$25,000 to Falrmount college. Wichita. Kan.,
and made a pledge of an additional $2.0O0
provided the college raised $T5.0u0 by De
cember. 193.
Judge William Albert Keener, for the laat
twelve years profeasor in the Columbia
university law school and until last year
Its dean, haa resigned to devote his time to
the practice of corporation law after Janu-
. ary l.
A New Knglander, who does not wish his
i name to be known haa given Oberll'i col
I lege 150.000 to form a part of the new ,a
' fund for the endowment and equipment of
' the college. The gift waa unsolicited. Tha
same perron gave $a0,O0o to the pevloua
fund of a Ilka sum.
Prof. Wl'.llam Jamea Rolfe, the well known
j educator of Cambridge. Mans., has .lunt
celebrated hla 75th birthday. Hla oldest
i aon, John Carew Rolfe, baa been at the
j head of the Latin department of the I'nl-
veralty of Pennsylvania alnce September.
I President Bchurman of Cornell university
iuiimii that the naw hall of tha liberal
aria lo be erected there ba named afu-r
' Goldwln Smith. I'rwlder.t Hchurman calls
him "the most llluatrloua exponent of lib
eral culture who ever aat in the Cornell
Dr. Frank Wlgglesworih Clarke, pro
feaaar of mineral chemietry In the Co'ur.i
lln ui,lvrKv, haa teen Invited by lh
Philosophical society of Mane holer. Knif
land. to deliver the Wilds lecture on tho
ateinlo theory on the lHb anniversary of
tho propounding of this theory at Man
Chester by John Pal tou.
--; - '.rTaf ..
4. r .
I figs aa ona stands on the spot hallowed by
the birth of the Savior of tho world.
BUent night, hallowed night.
Lend In deep silence aWp;
Softly glittered Bright Pethlehem'a atar,
Beckoning Iracra eye from afar.
Teace forever shall r-ln.
Peace forever shall reign.'
Among the hills near by shopherda were
watching their flocks, when the holy angels
bepan to sing and shout over the Savlor'a
llrth. What hallowed and thrilling assocla
tlona these amidst which to spend Christ
maa! But while we have not the manger
with us we have what la Infinitely better
we have Him who waa born la that manger
and the Magnet of the world. Old Herod
sought the young Child's life, but still the
influence of Hlra who was born in Bethlc
hem ia ever increasing among men. The
Herodium, or burial place of Herod, Is in
full sight of Bethlehem, but the' old king
Is gone, and his kingdom also, and there la
not a lineal descendant of his on any throne
today, and his very name is cast out aa vile,
while He whom Herod sought to kill has
more power In the world today than ever
before. He la now lifting empires off their
hlngea. turning the streams of tha centuries
Into new channels, creating new eras and
governing tha agea.
"The Ilocrc of Drrnd."
Bethlehem signifies "the house of bread,"
and how beautifully and forcibly thla haa
been verified in the history of events.
Through him who was born In Bethlehem
the town haa become the house of bread to
hungry and starving millions of human
beings. Behold our own Christian nation
feeding the starving people of Cuba and
India! Aa the Scripture Indicate, Beth
lehem la not the least of earth's cities, but
the greatest of then all, through the ad
vent of Jesus ChrlBt.
Well might the holy angels sing
Of Him who is our glorious King,
Who came to earth throutrh line of Shem,
And bom In Judea's T?eth!chem.
Well might tne great and wise men come
From far off lands their eastern home
With gold and eplces. each of them.
To worship the Child In Bethlehem.
Well mlKht the world fall at Hla feet.
To pay Him homage of love so sweet.
Since angets brought their dlndem
And crown Him King at Bethlehem.
Greatest Opening
of the Season.
up about our newspaper bill last month
and made mn pay it twice. He doesn't
know how to keep accounts and he'll surely
cheat a little boy like Hal.'
"I pulled on my shoes, slipped on my
overcoat over my smoking Jacket and slid
across the street. I forgot to take back the
6 cents I gave Hal and had to wait while
the stationer chased Into the side door of
the saloon next door tor change for a
$5 Sill.
"Well, finally the bundle was wrapped,
tied and addressed and after the young
stera had gone to bed the lady of the
house checked np the damagea:
"A broken evening.
"Several outbursts of temper on both
sides of the house.
"Scraps of twine and paper all over the
"A dab of paste on my new leather
" 'Theodore,' she said wearily, aa she
ran the sweeper over the carpet, 'I'll be
real glad when this Christmas excitement
is over. It's lovely to pick up bargains
snd cute little things, but this final rush
la maddening. I believe I'm getting old.'
"I took off my bat to the first sentiment
and then tried to settle down to my book,
but somehow I didn't give a hang whether
the hero won out in his next duel or not.
The thought uppermost In my mind waa
whether that package would reach Seattle
In safety, or every one of the seventeen
knots in the twine would part company
The Junior partner looked thoughtful.
Mechanically be leaned over and touched
tho messenger call. Then he dashed off a
"It's a line to Sis," he explained, aa he
sealed the envelope and drew a large pack
age from the lower drawer of bis desk.
"I was up there to dinner yesterday and
she suggested that I come back tonight
with the presents I Intended Bending down
home. We were to pack the box together.
I thought It was a great scheme, but I
guess she'd find me no end of a duffer at
such work. I'll Just send up my stuff with
a dollar for express cbsrges and let her
do the rest."
When the messenger had departed the
Junior reached for hla hat. "Come on, old," he aald feelingly and gratefully;
"we'll lunch at McKeanw today, and It's
on me. When I think of the er fate
you've saved me from, I feel that you have
several banquets coming."
Cardinal Svampe, the archbishop of Bo
logna, Italy, haa forbidden the priests in
his dtoceoe to use blcyclea.
Aa there haa long been a Union church In
Shanghai, arrangements have recently been
made for the organisation of a similar
church In Pekln.
Rev. Thomaa H. Lewis has the rare dis
tinction of being preelden of two colle-B
nt one time, the Wewtern Maryland and the
Adrian of Adrian, Mich.
Rev. Charlea Inglls of Ixndon, Kngland,
la conducting revival services In Baltimore.
He haa held similar services In nearly
every part of the world.
Ir. Lyman Abbott, who haa been living at
Cornwall. N. Y.. haa rertfd a property on
Thlrtv-elrhth atreet. New York City, where
he will shortly take up his residence.
There la a movement now on foot to se
cure from concrete legislation to clasetfy
army chaplains In two ranks, the seniors
to rank aa majors and the Juniors as cap
tains. Rev. Dr. J. P. Ingraham of St. Lraila Is
the oldest minister In point of service In
that city, having service in the pulpit over
fifty years. He waa a chaplain In the civil
It Is rumored that Archbishop Farley h-s
recommended the annolntin.nt of Monslg
pnr Mooney, the neeeent vicar general of
New York, as auxiliary bishop of the dlo
cene. The Gordon Memorial college, established
Khartum through the eff"r of 'ord
Klteheprr after hi. conouest of the follow
ers of the mehdlst. vto secured for It an
dowment fund of $6on.000. waa opened on
Nnvmr-er S.
FIHah of the Holv Ghost and fs. haa trav
e'd more n'le. In foreign landa than any
o'her man In the I'nlted 8tate last ye.r.
He ha twt'-e been to Jerusalem from the
"-". i riiuiiii uu wrK, nit. inurn int
Orient from end in erd and covered In
dolrg n. shout l.ono ml... He has hap.
, Uied 2,00 converts up to tue prcse&l Uiua.
3 pieces that are us
Oriental rug at all
Parlor Cabinets
make appropriate gifts. Some very
choice onea In mahogany, at
at HI "
up to
China Closets
$12.75. 115.75. $21.00, $23 .00, Oflfl DO
$:6.00 and so on up to aiUUiUU
About, 4S pattern
ranging from $26.00
to chooee from,
Q pattern of couches to choose from.
Borne trtra good values at $9.00, $11.75,
$14.00. PanLaaote couches ifi ei
$li.T5 and lO.DU
Genuine leather conches, "TIE Dfi
$34.00, J2S.Q0, H3.00 up to f WW
Dressing Tables
What lady will not appreciate one of
theee pretty pieces oa a giftT About
4 patterns in all woods and flnUhes,
u".0.?.. 120. 00
Davenport Sofas
Choice collection of these, ranging
...f. 125.00
Music Cabinets
Golden oak or mahogany at $7.75.
$850. 1s.OCv I1-C0. $lii and QQ
Sewing Tables
Some old colonial reproductions In
SewtEg or work table V -?rt
them at $12.00 $13., $15.00, raising
gradually ta price up wia.UU
Teak Wood
pe4rrtals and tuborvttos. Our own
Importation. We guarantee to save
you at least Z5 per cent from our
retail price-. Some very pretty
pteces at $7.75. $&0. tfi.00. CC Cl
Jl4.00. $16.00 up to 00,uu
furniture pieces that are useful, ornamental and very appropriate for gifts.
I. II - . B 1 flV
V-aeTV. e
No matter how you want to go," "Southern' or "Scenic'
route, in a tourist sleeper or aboard the finest train in America,
the Rock Island is the line to take. Don't make any mistake
about that. Thro' tourist cars daily from Kansas City and once
a week from Omaha to Los Angeles and San Francisco via El
Paso. Tourist cars three times a week from Omaha to San
Francisco and Los Angeles via the "Scenic'' line through Colo
rado and Utalv
Golden State limited leaves Kansas City daily and offers
unrivalled service to all points in Southern California. Berths,,
tickets and full information at all Rock Island ticket offices, or
1323 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
in, . i
Vj mm, lsiuHWfw.s'i'-l tin J' "
..,.,m.. -, .
Cheap Trip .
Oe to California la a comfortable
Pullman Sleeper oa a faet train,
with pleasant people. In charge) of
aa experienced af-eot, anil save
many dollars, aa compared with
hlcheet-claea service.
Personally-conducted excursion
over th Banta Fe three times a
week, Chlca( to Lo Aajulsa and
Baa Francisco. Also through cars)
from Boston and St PauL
Aale for tourist car pamphlet.
E. L. Palmer. Passenger Agent,
Dea Moines, la.
I aTT"' -a
C - T" f f-t f
. tSt.JLX it V A w
At this season of
for the Holiday
Thousands of patterns to select
from the cheapest domestic
prices from $1.00 to $500.00.
It haa been our cuatom for years to
carry only the new and novel ideas
in bric-a-brac. Goods are imported
directly by us and we are now show
ing hundreds of pretty pieces that
are entirely new in the west. We
earnestly request your Inspection.
Egyptian Work
Odd, attractive pieces at KM A Bfl
and .WV
Candle Sticks
In old brass and wrought iron at
)C, 75c, 0c. $1.00 and up 5.75
From the far off Finland, something
new and very choice at R flfl
$1.75 up to c.JVr
German made steins in abnudanca
at 40C, aoc, )o, $1.60 and up
Austrian Ware
Pretty ornamental and ui
ful pieces at 75c $1.00
Our own Importation, aome exquisite
pieces at $126. $150. $3.00, $$.50. $S. 00
and up. One large special lot on
apeclal aale to close out at one-third
Wa have a Ursa stock of
real bronie figure, ana or
namanta. also poltarv ne
ural aod baati at Tto, Si,
I1.C4. 11.00 an oa to
Swedish Pottery
Choice pieces at $2.25 up g QQ
Royal Vienna
Vases and ornaments, 75c,
M:."?. 5.00
Metal ink Stands
And aah trays new and novel, JOo,
35c, 60c, 75c, $1.00 and up 6 00
Wrought Iron
Our mechanical window la tha
most Interesting attraction In the
city. Do not fall to see it In oper
ation. t c ir-:a r
beautifully illustrated booklet descriptive
of California, Interesting, instructive,
practical sent free on request.
the year we gather together
showing, hundreds of novol
from in all sizes
rug to the fine silk
Turkish Rockers
The largest showing and best values
we have ever offered in full Turkish
genuine leather rockers and chalra;
M patterns. We start them at $1.50
and grade them gradually T ft ft
up In prtoe to AkM3
(0 patterns, embracing all sizes, a
slgna; aome with the lattice work
doors, others with the genuine leaded
glass doors. Borne are the low dwarf
eaaea, others medium height. 1'rettr
ones in Blrdsey maple, weathered
oak and golden oak and mahogany
mahogany and a vat range t(
of prices from $3.00 up to.. llVr.W
The most
popular mod
erate priced
chair and the
most comfort
able chair for
price. Special holiday show
In all wooda and finishes from
and all in between
prices up to
Parlor Chairs
and Rockers
Wa have made apeclal efforts thla
season to show our parlor pieces and
have gathered a superior collection of
odd parlor chalra in mahogany, oak
and gold finished, upholstered and
In wood seat. Pretty odd parlor
chalra and rockers, commencing at
$185 and at almost any In between
price up as high as you wish to go.
Ladies' Desks
In golden oak. blrdaeye maple, ma
hogany, also weathered or Flemish
oak, $4.75, $5.60 and on up to $100.00.
Some exqulelte pieces In house
desks, large roomy and handaome.
Library Tables
$60 and at aU In bo- OAft flfl
tween prices up to -SVU.UU
Open Evenings
Until Christmas
r u Cutj -
Quaker BDaid Rye
is preferred to all other brands by those who
know (rood Whiskey when they taste it. For
Eanog, Hot Punches, tilth BmlU, or for
aay other purpose requiring an absolutely
it is unequalled. Carefully distilled and thor
oughly aged, bottled and sealed under the
most rigid sanitary conditions, it is the
auosf ptrftct Whiskey made. For sale at
all the leading bars, cafes and drug stores.