Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 13
The Omaha Sunday Bee. oh 3 El EDITORIAL SHEET, g PAGES 13 TO 20. g ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBE'lt 21, 1902. SINGLE COI'V FIVE CENTS. $ liiidiiii on? MS 0PEI1 EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS AND ALL HOLIDAY GOODS. Even our forced sale prices arc cut. Not a dollar's worth of holiday goods will be carried over. OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS should take advantage of the special railroad rate to attend these sales. T3 f mi JiMY BJeMs iig II 831 SEDSATIBQAL CLEAHBG SALE BEGIEIS BOtMY EIB. Assortments are complete, goods are all arranged to make selection easy plenty of clerks to attend to your wants promptly. You can find just what you want at Uayden's and in this astonishing clearing sale the prices are marked ridiculously low. Come as early as you can. Remember every dollar's worth must be sold. Ilayden's prefer to selfthe goods while in season. THIS 18 T HE OITOHTUXIT V YOU HAVE WAITED FOU. THE BIO FORCED HALE TO RAISE $328.27800 BY JANUARY 1st, 1903, IS NOW IN FULL 13 LA ST People of Omaha, you never saw such values before as are now offered you. Hayden Bros, are making prices on Books, Holiday Notions, Furnishings, Jewelry, and, in fact, on every line that will force every shrewd, economical buyer to do her trading at Hayden Bros. We must have the cash. We have the goods In sell. We guarantee every cent's worth. We make prices that save you at least 23 per cent on the lowest prices quoted bv any other house. Where else can you find such tempting inducements as Havden Bros, extend to vou in THEIR OR EAT CLEARING AND FORCED SALES. . Silk Dress Patterns and Waist Pat terns for Christmas PriceB reduced as they never were before. For the next three days, you can buy silks at almost your own figure. This Bale includes about everything in the Big Silk department. Waist Pattern of beautiful stripe ailk, I SKIRT PATTERN of black taffeta, con- eontalna 4 vsrds of silk scd worth ft A 98c t fancy colors, $2, on sale for only - 1 a 7 U WAIST PATTERN of the finest fancy Ilk, 3V4 yards each, white and all colors, pattern worth up to $5.00, for only 1.03 WAIST PATTERN of elegant black peau da sole, black taffeta, black satin, black moire and black brocade silks. In small, neat designs, each pattern contains 8V4 yards and Is worth $5.00 and $6.00, on salo for the next three day. at 2. Prices Gut on High Grade Black Dross Silks BLACK PEAU DS BOIE, 24-lnch wide, worth $2.60, I QA on sale at I sOU BLACK PEAU DE BOIE, 24-inch wide, worth $3.00. I "18 on sale for 1 1 I U BLACK PEAU DE SOIE, 24-inch wide, worth $4 00, en sal for . 1.98 Mail orders received oil these silks will be filled on same day, and if unsatisfactory, in any way, we will exchange. ForCQd Sale OookS Opsn Every Evenln The book stock of Omaha la at Hayden'a. The best holiday gifts. Complete as sortments to select from. Prices half the usual figures. 6,000 line cloth bound books at 74c This line Includes all the beat authors, Dick ens, George Elliot, Burns, etc., "T'm at only f 2V Children's books In an endless assortment of all the best authors in this line, worth 10c up to COc. No other store can com pete with this line of children's I)' A books at 6c, 7ttc. 10c and Iaa2v The Woodbine padded leather bound edi tion of the poets, elegant books, regu- lar $1.25 edition, sale price 75c Nothing mora appropriate for s Chrlatmaa gift. Our great forced sale makes the prices aatonlKhlacly low. Orer $38,000 Forced Furniture Sale ' worth of beat made, best finished, most artistic furniture In highest quality, on aala. Bought far spot cash from the leadlag manufacturers of Wisconsin and Michigan. Make yeur aelectloni now. . Chiffoniers, hard wood, worth $115 sals price only Ore drawara 3.S5 2.25 Kitchen Cabinets, worth 6.76, for Iron Beds worth $1.60, for . Iron Beds worth $3.3, for Iron Beda worth $.T5, tor . ..$1.35 ..$16 ..$3.6 I Couches worth $14.00, at $7.00. Chairs aad rockers In tha greatest variety aver shown la Omaha oa aala In thla great forced aala at'oaa-half regular prlcea. Forced Salo Draperies Extraordinary Drapery sale; every pries cut to the very lowest notch for thla great aala. Ropa Portlcrea, la all ths various styles and colors, $1.25 up. Ona lot of Hopes, slightly soiled; In thla lot are tome worth $3.00; all go at $1.00. Tapestry Portieres en sale at $1.43, $2. 25, $2 98. $3.98 and $4 88. Elegant Mercerised Silk Portieres, worth from $10.00 to $16 00, oa aala at $5.50. $7.60 and $8.50. Big cut la Lacs Curtain prices Nottingham Curtalna from 69o to $2.96 pair. Ruffled Musllna aa low aa 49e. Bruaaela Net Curtains, aala pries, $3.49, 13 96. $4.98. $5.50 and $(.50 pair. IrUh Point Curtalna for $196 pair. taln 4H yards of 64-Inch black oll-bolled taneia, worm iz. pattern for only taffeta, worth $2.00 yard, whole A AO UiUU DRESS PATTERN of 12 yard of rich all Ilk peau de sole this pattern Is worth $12.00, and will sell 100 A patterns, each UtUU DRESS PATTERNS of 12 yards high trade black peau de sole, all silk and war ranted to wear, pattern worth 1 1 Tf? $18.60, one sale, per pattern Ill U DRESS PATTERNS of 8 yards best grade 36-Inch wide black peau de sole this Is the best grade of wide peau de eole made and each dress pattern la worth $20, on sale, per pattern, oaly 12,50 BLACK TAFFETA, oil boiled, 24-Inch wide, worth $2.00, ' on sale for ... 98c BLACK TAFFETA, oil boiled, 24-lnch wide, worth $2.60, on tale for 1.25 A full Una of bibles. $3 leather bound bibles at 07c Complete stocks of the Alger, Optlo and Henty books for boya. A full line of Meade's, Cary'a and Abbott's books for girls. All the new copyright books, worth I $1.60, on sale at Is. 1,000 of Kipling's works on sals Omaha view stationery on sale at Hayden'a. Get Hayden's prices on ping pong sets, etc. Kitchen Cupboarda, worth $7.60. for Solid Oak Extension Tables, I ft., worth $8.60, for Solid Oak Extension Tables, I ft., worth $10.60, for .... Iron Beda worth $7 86. for ,. Iron Beds worth S H, tor .. Iron Beds worth $10.50, tor .. 3.35 3.C5 85 $4 85 $4.5 $j.M Bed Room Suits, solid oak, nicely carved and fine finish; bed, dresser and commode, worth $27.50, for only $15.95. Matreesea good ticking, sale price $1.15. Bed Spring, full etie; sale price 19c. Center Tables, solid oak, worth 16c, at 39c. Center Tables, solid oak, worth $3.60, at sc. Center Tablea, solid aak, worth $2 95. at $1.25. Center Tablea, aolld oak. worth $160, at $1 Bo. Coucbea worth $3 00, at $4 00. Couches worth $12 M, at $4.00. Forced Salo Garpofs Sensational Rug and Carpet sale; ooat cuts no figure In thla price-cutting saH. 30-In. all wool Smyraa Ruga, very cheap at $3.50. go at $1.49. Aimlnster Rugs, such aa Blgelow'a, Electra'a aad Baaford'a, worth $3.60, at $138. I In room alia rugs, all Smith's 1-8x10-1 Axmlnater Ruga, worth $36.00, at $15 95. 9x13 Wilton Velvet Ruga, ths sntlre line of patterns, a regular $30.00 rug, at $19.93. T-x Art Squares at $!.?. Best all wool Isgrata Carpet that haa sold all seeean at i&e sad 70c, at 4e. Bruaaela Carpet, ths onea that hare sold always at 76e yard, go at 49c. Bee our Has of Oriental Rugs at domsatla Rug Bfiosa, Gloaks, Suits, Furs and Bath Robes At a most oppottune time. Just before spot cash, about $10,000 worth of Furs, Coats, Monte Carlos and Silk Undersklrtn. will be ready fcr Monday's sale at one-half 'Women's Bath Robes. In all colors, red, pink, blue ond gray, $5.00, $4.00 and $2.98 each. Women's Dressing Bacques, elaborately trimmed, $2.00 quality, for 05c. 200 Women's Suits In this sale, a great many of them silk lined, at $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. 100 Women's Silk Underskirts, made of Glvenaud's best taffeta, ruffled and flounced, on salo at $4.90, $3.90, $8.1)0 and $12.00. 100 Women's 45-ln. long Cloaka, In the new styled, In this rale at $25.00, $20.00, $18.00 and $12.60. 1.000 Women's Coats, Including our own tremendous stock, at slaughter prlcea, cut In two; commencing Monday, ths $10.00 coats at $5.00, the $12.50 coats at $6.98, ths $14.00 coats at $7.50, the $20.00 coats at $10.00. 200 tight fitting back Coats, worth $10.00; your choice, $3.95. CHILDREN'S COATS Children's long Cloaks, made of heavy Zibellne Scotch frieze; ages 6 to 14; trimmed with velvet, in all colors; on sale at, each, $6.50. 200 Children's Coats, short and long and medium lengths, on aale at, each, $1.00. Useful as Well Any of these articles would make a very appropriate Christmas prices that canont be duplicated elsewho re. 13x?6 Solid Steel GKe Wagons J)v Sleds- IQ0 up from 13 Tbs best Air Rifle, made that Ifln should sell for $1.00 tor ISlu regular $4.50 22-callber Rifle ft J Warranted Single Shot 1 fle dun , No. 8 Warranted Cook O ft 15 Stove UsSU U-lnch Air-Tight Heater 5 95 15-Inch Coral Oak a splendid n OC heater for U'93 $26.00 Steel Cook the Fame aa any steel range large square oven 41 ftj? and Very handsome for lOiWW e.j ..-.av-. L.M j . : No. 8 solid copper, nickel pi ntcfO- lea iveuiea 19b Beautiful Chaftnc Dishes, re "2.75 elsewhere for la for Very liannnome ones Hide handles worth $lt for.. Beautiful Braes 5 O'clock Teas 5.95 1.75 Hendeome Tilting 5 O'clock Tecs nickel plated worth 16 for , 2-plece set staff handle Carvers S-plece set etug handle worth 34 for Very handeome S-plece set, Hterllng silver mount edsells regular for IT , Christie 3-Knife Set Fine solid nickel ellver Knives and Forks better than any plated 3.75 .69" 195 395 ...15c 2 65 IBS, Civ Al7T a' '.?vV. Forced Sale on Holiday Goods Ribbons, handkerchiefs, neck ruffs, mirrors, brush sets, etc, etc., at forced-sale, closing-out prices. Big sampls lot ladles' fancy garters, worth 25o to $2.50, In separata boxes, on sals at 6c. 10c, 15c; In glass boxes at 25c, 85c, tOc and $1.00. Tha gents' sets of military brushes go at 75c, $1.00, $1.25. $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50 per set, worth $1.50 to $4 00. Ladies' neck ruffs, the largest line In the city, worth $1.60 to $22.50, on sale at $1 00 to $15.00. Hayden's leather goods department has by far tbs largest and best assorted line Men'a cigar and cigarette cases, military brush sets, card cases, pocketbooks bill books. Utter books, sbsvlng mirrors, cloth and hair brushes, etc, etc.. on sds clal aala. Optical Dept. Gold, gold-filled or plated eyeglasses or spectacles, any style, fitted with finest Im ported lenses A SPLENDID CHRISTMAS GIFT. Ws'll fit ths lenses to ths recipient's eyes accurately, WITHOUT EXTRA COST, after Chrlatmaa. Prlcea from 98c up. ir A Christmas, our Now York buyer got, for Ilnth Robes, Suits, 45-Inch loose back They arrived by express Saturday, and to cne-fcurth their real value. WAIST DEPT. 600 Silk Waists, worth $7.03, at $2.9(i. CO dox. French Flannel Waists at $1.60. -25 doz. Waists, worth up to $4.00, for $2.50. 10 dor.. Moreen Underskirts for, each, $1.00. 25 doz. heavy Mercerized Underskirts, 15-Inch flounce, ( rows of ruffles, worth $3.00. for $1.50. FUR DEPT. The Furs from this pur chase to be closed out at half price. River MlDk Scarfs for $1.00. Coney Muffs at $1.00. Very best quality Beaver Capes at $00.00. Astrakhan Collarettes at $2.90. Extra long Fox Scarfs at $10.00. Sable Opossum Scarfs at $2.90. American Marten Scarfs at $1.60. 30-tuch Astrakhan Capes at $9.00. Very best quality Near Seal Coats at $35.00. Wrapper aale Monday morning, 8 to 11 o'clock. 100 doz. Flannelette Wrappers, 39c. 10 doz. $1.50 Wrappers, 69c. 15 doz. $2 50 Wrappers at $1.00. as Ornamental present, at Regular No. 8 Western Washer for , Regular Round Western Washer.... .... i.. Vandeerlst's Square Washer $2.F Folding Ironing Board for Wood Frame Wringer for 2.59 259 .2.49 ..89c .109 Barney ft B?rry eolld steel J f Skato ytv B. B. Ladles' Skates 1Q, solid steel O1" 25c Skate Sharpeners Two-foot Pocket C Rule O1- Slx-lnch Compass iQrt for 13 Aiie-er Bit Brae for Set of six Pits for Hand Saw for Hatchets for Squares for Planes solid steel frame- for I9 ..89 ..25c . I0c: 19c .29c 25c snd 35c Pocket Knives Fine Warranted Torry Raxcrs Fire Horse Hide Razor Strops Fine line of Pesrl Handle Pocket Knlv up from Fine Razor Hones Imported stone up from 10c 98c 25c 35c 25c of leather goods ever shown In the city. Ladle3 genuine seal and alligator pocket--books nt 50c, $1.00 and $1 25, worth $1.00 to $2.50. Ladles' combination books, with hand kerchief holders, at 25c, 50c, worth 60c and $1.00. Handkerchiefs In endless variety at 3 cents up. Pure linen lacs trimmed handkerchief worth tOc at 2Ee. Pure linen, lace-trimmed handkerchiefs. worth $1.00. at 50c. Grand Salo Military Brush Sets All our men's sets of ebony military brushea and comba In satin lined boxes that were $1.98. now 98c. All our men's sets of ebony military brushes, comb and mirror. In aatla lined box, elegant goods, that war $698, In thl. sals $3.48. LIU LZ3 Holiday Furnishings Safe Everything suited for holiday gift giving In fine Oloves and Mlttons, fancy Neck wear and Suspenders. Mufflers. Umbrellas and furnishings of every kind. All tho nowest, freshest and most correct styles end qualities. VERY SPECIAL TRICES DURING THIS SALE. Nothing more ap propriate, acceptable or desirable. Buy now and avoid next week's hurry and scramble. Ladles' and Children's Golf Gloves, In all the newest colors, regular 50c quality, on sale at 25c. Ladles' 50c Stockings, In black and fancy colors, at 25c. Ladles' Silk Shawls, regular $3.00 qual ity, on sale at $1.98. Ladles' Sweaters, in all styles, at $1.98, $2.50 and $3.50. Ladles' $1.50 Kid Gloves, In all the new styles, at $1.00. Men's fine Silk Neckwear, In all the latest shades, worth up to $1.00, on sale at 25c and 60c. Men's $1.00 Silk Suspenders at DOc. Pictures for Christmas Gifts The great pleasure In giving Is In know ing that your gift Is the best value ob tainable for the price paid. To enable our friends to make this kind of Christmas gift, we will place on sale Monday and continue the sale until Christmas, Pictures of all kinds, at prices such as have never before been made. Prices less than one-fourth value. Pictures worth 10c for lc. Pictures worth 25c for 10c. Pictures worth 75c for 19c. Pictures worth $1.60 for 35c. Pictures worth $2.75 for 65c. Pictures worth $3.85 for 95c. Pictures worth $4.00 for $1.00. Pictures worth $5.00 for $1.60. Pictures worth $8.00 tor $2.25. Pictures worth $10.00 for $3.00. Pictures worth $15.00 for $5.00. Pictures worth $20.00 for $7.00. Pictures worth $25.00 for $8.00. Pictures worth $35.00 for $12.C0. Pictures worth $65.00 for $20.00. Thousands of pictures In this eale at your own price.. This must surpass all other picture sales in Omaha. China Dcpt What Is nicer for a Xmaa present than a fine French Limoges china dpeorated din ner set, when you can buy it r-.t the price of a common porcelain one? We have a full 100-pleco French Llmcgcs china dinner set, regularly sold at $35.00, at $14.69. A full 10 piece decorated Austrian china dinner set, generally rold at $25.09 at $10 9S. Decorated porcelain dinner sets we have as low as $5.95 for a 100 piece set. The largest line of beer steins, now so popular, from 25c up, In Omaha. A full line of the celebrated VILLERAY and BOCK STINES from METTLACH, GER MANY. Beautiful china teasets from 25c up. Wster. wine and cognac sets. Splendid line of line cut Raemers In beau tiful tints. Cups and saucers for 5c per pair up to $5.00 per pair. Fancy china plates Thousands of them in every known style and decoration from all over the world; prices from 5c up. Lamps Everything snd every kind stand, parlor, library, student, etc. A fine parlor lamp, with vase and shade, decorated, for 89c. Salsd and berry dishes from 10c up. Table Linen Buy a nice tablecloth for your Xmaa din ner; It makes a beautiful present. Our prices are less than ever. HEMSTITCHED SETS 8-10 half bleached tablecloth, with nap kins to match, hemstitched, sold regular at $5.00, forced sale $3.98. 8-10 fringed tablecloth and napkins to match, sold regular at $3.60, forced aalo price $1.85. 8-10 bleached tablecloth, hemstitched, with napkins to match, sold regular for $6.00, forced salo price $4.50. TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS 6-4 tapcrtry table covers, In all colors, aold regular at $2.00, for $1.25. 8-4 tapestry table rovers. In all colors, sold regular at $4 50, for $2 75. 10-4 tapestry table covers. In all colors, sold regular at $5.00, forced aale price $3.50. Fancy bed sheets snd pillow case s ts. hemstitched and embroidered, regular $3.00, for $2.25. Fancy towels, hemstitched, stand covers and lunch cloths, dresser scarfs, tray cloths, doylies. Ping Pong Salo Ths most complete line of ping pong sets ever brought to Omaha. Prices cut to sell before Christmas. Engravod Visiting Cards A Dies New Year'a gift; 100 elegantly engraved visiting cards, with plate, for $1.00. U2) ui lyj ) Slaydens Forcing Out Ail the Toys, Fancy China, Fancy Toilet Gases, Fancy Celluloid Pieces, and Every Article in the Toy Fairyland Room. Prices to Clear Out Everything Only three days left to sell this great toy assortment. Thousand of doV lars worth of toys, etc., at such SLASHED PRICES as only Hayden's would attempt. No toy atock in Omaha with ths assortment to be found here. AND REMEMBER EVERY ARTICLE has been TRICED to make sure of THEIR SELLING. Grandest and biggest assortment of handsome fancy cases, collar and cuff, shaving sets, dressing cases, manicure. Jewel cases, etc., we ever had, to be sold at half thj PRICE8 they should bring. $1.50 cuff and collar boxes, 69c; shaving sets worth $3.60. at $1.75; $5.00 sets at $2.75; fancy celluloid handkerchief or glove boxes, worth $1.00 and $1.50, at 25c and 39c; hobby horses worth $3.50, slashed the price to 95c. All tha handsome kid body and patent dolls priced at less than one-third their value. Finest corked stuffed kid body dolls, real hair, sewed wigs, movable; eyes, worth $1.50. at 60c. - Hayden's doll stock bigger than the entire TOY STOCKS of all other Omaha bouses combined. Hill climbing engines, usually sold at $1.50 to $1.75, at 95c. Magic lanterns worth $1.50 to $2.25. at 63c. BOYS' TOOL CHEST8 worth $1.00. at $1.98. JUVENILE AND PICTURE BOOKS BY THE CARLOAD, 10C EACH. HAYDEN'S TOY DEPARTMENT IS ON THE MAIN FLOOR. Easy of access 100 sales people to wait on you. Thousands of suggestive features to greet you at the entrance of the ONLY BIG TOY DISPLAY In the city. Watches and This Christmas watch aale affords th a splendid value In the very best makes watches, 7 to 21 jewel movements. Evor THE GRAND RING SALE Is ths sensa tion of the season. See our solid gold, fhell rings, plain, chased and set; a writ ten guarantee with each ring; JKs on sale at $1.00, 50c and s(3C . EVERYTHING IN FIRST-CLASS JEW ELRY In the Jewelry department, on main nocr, special sale on solid gold goods. GREAT SALE ON SILVERWARE Just the thing for holiday presents. A most complete line In tea sets, berry dishes, buttpr dishes, bon-bons, sugar and cream ers, candle sticks, rake stands, nut bowls, soup bowls, baking dishes, bread trays. EVERYTHING IN JEWELRY AT FORCED SALE PRICES Grsaf forced Sale of Shoss : Thla Includes everything In the shoo department except ths Ultrs, Btet ?on aud Crossett fctues. Tlieso goede are tho best mads and we ars bound by an agreenent with tho factory not to cut the price. Noth ing else reserved. This forced sale Includes the magnificent lot of Christmas slippers for men and women all to be closed out. Wa must have the money by January 1st. WW Ififf t . ,T 1 . .' W Women'B $5.00 shoes, for Men's $3.50 shoes, for. Women's $3.00 6hces, for Men's $2.50 slippers, for :. Men's $1 50 slippers, for Men's 75c bath slipper., for Women's knit slippers, worth $1.25, for Child's canvas leggings, worth 50c, at Come In the morning if possible. Shsei tilu sic Sale AH ths new folios containing the latest popular music on Bale tomorrow at only 43c per copy, by mall 55c; regular price on these books Is 75c. "The Star Dance Folio" No. 2, contain ing sut-h well liked pieces as "Josephine," "My Jo," two step; "Rip Van Winkle Was a Lucky Man," "Jennie Lee," waltx; "Mis ter Dooley," etc. "Charles K. Harris' Dance Album" con tains 55 selections arranged tor danro music, such pieces as "Hello Central, Give Ms Heaven," "I've a Longing In My Heart for You Louise." "I'm Wearln" My Heart Away for You, Mid ths Green Fields Haydsn's Forced Salo cn Groceries, Candies and Provisions Hayden's will sell the goods themselves and raise the money. We savs you 25a' on every dollar. Note tho prices. . I lbs. mixed nut Imported Sul- IPi . tana raisins.. IQS1 Cltron in all grades. ,;cm.!5c. 48c wortn Sue, in Q f forced sa! Minute tapioca, worth lie. In P forced eale Fruit purtdlni;, worth 15c, In forced P.. sale O1- Jellycon, worth lfvo. In forced f .. sale Jjt Bromanslelon. worth lie. In forced C sale Qt- Cleaned Patron jl.. currants f Currents 10 Cleaned Acme currant 14, Imported French currant 13 California loose Muscatel A I . raisins 4) Ic union eel from ljie to. OruhKo pi-rl, from 124c to.. Choice evapor 35c 35 7c ated apples... Fancy Mies ap .ISc pies. 10c, liWc. All new "I ., peuches I v S-lb. can California lieachen, worth I'V, In this lf,. forced sale t-lb. can 'llfornla apricot, very bext. worth 25c, In this forced ft rale J I-lb. ran California plums, all kinds, esc plums, cam California send- tln ed raisins I(J(- Fancy Callfor- In i uia rslslns. ...L ilums, all worth 26c per can, In thU sals Oi- Jewelry Sale e most exceptional opportunity to secure of watches. All prices and all sizes In y watch guaranteed. You save money. smoking sets, shaving cups and brushes, napkin rings, etc. everything known In silverware. Attend our main aisle sale on silverware a complete line of both ebony end sterling silver toilet novelties will be A found on main floor. 8 FECIAL IN ROGERS' SILVERWARE. Rogprs' cold meat forks, gravy ladles, salad forks, pie knives, etc., at 63c. A special sale on triple-plated coin silver knives and forks at $1.48. A lot of sample clocks, gold-plated, at frcra $1.48 to $2.50, up. ; , 3.S0 .2.43 I.CS 1.48 93c 39c 93c 20c of Virginia." "Will I Find My Mamma There." and lots of others. "Feist Dance Folio" contains twenty, five dances tor parlor or ballroom, such, pieces as "Hunky Dory," "Day by Day.T "In the Valley of Old Kentucky," "If Tlmsj Wus Money I d He a Mlllionalrs," etc. Charlfs K. Harris' Vocal Album, contain'' lng 26 poriiUr selections, such as "For Old. Time's Sake," "A Rabbi's Daughter," "There'll Come a Time Rome Day." "I Used, to Know Her Years Ago," and lots of other pretty ones These folios would make a nice Christmas gift for anyonl that likes luio popular music. Mall order filled the same day we receive them. S-lb. can California i-lb. can beets, worths 25c. In this f forced aale QQ People of Omaha-- Our lcih la your gutn and we huvo ths Koods to sell. The very bent blood red Colunihla river ealmun, worth io tn a prr can, In tli'n forced lll. sale Can Hiickeral, urth c to froo r,t. In this I r . forced sale iQG Can you afford to miss this sale? Ferc.4 Kale ef Mrala-. ' Three pounds ag rum pound lartg-U" grapes, worth c, In this "I i furced sale... f 91- rci tarlneH, only BluekUcrHes, nly Cherries, only Apricots, only 2-lh. can best sweet C'.rn.... 2-lu. can brut Miir.K Leans.. 2-lb. can brut succotash 2-1 L. can lima beans S-lb. can liMkeH 7c lie He 5c beans, worth 15c In tl.U forced f?,. kale 0- S-lb. can hulled corn, worth 15c. In this forced l? sale U1- l-lh. can pumpkin, worth J6c. In this forced Cn suls at Q- rancy rso hani.i. . .. Gnort salt pork 1 ...I24c i"......?0 Hume mad pork sausa 4