Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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Please Do Your Shopping in the Morning
so far as convenient
Please take small parcels with you
We will consider it a favor.
A Great Constantly Changing Exposition of Beautiful Things for Man, Woman and Child
at Prices Lower Than They Can Be Found Anywhere Else
"in n nr
Is Ira m II II II . Inl ILU IL 1 1 M u
Dress Patterns for Xmas
These Patterns Make Most Sensible Gifts
Full Dress Pattern at $2.98-A
full ' drmi pattern, Cheviot, Golfing
cloth, Scotch nulling, itorm serge, hen-
rletta. prunella, etamlnes,
etc., all colors and black.
Full Dress Pattern at $4.98 A
full dress patters, Venetian, broad
cloths, tweeds, Scotch flaked suitings,
cheviots, unfinished worsteds, eta-
mines, mistrals, etc., all
colors and black, at..
On Bargain Square at 49c.
All our 85c Scotch flannel waistings, silk and fancy
striped waiptings, Bedford cord and zlOr
novelty waistings, at T37L
On Bargain Square at 39c.
All our highest grade French flannel challle, Qp
Albatross and waistings, at.
Black Dress Goods Main Department
Imported dress goods, canvas, etamlne.
artnure, CO-lnch cheviots, 52-Inch un
finished worsted, granites,
etc., worth J1.25 and 1.50, atOVC
Tremendous bargains In colored dress
goods at 49c, Cheviots, vlgeroux,
storm serges, prunellas, mistrals,
etamlnes, slcllllan, .to
Christmas Fur Suggestions
Our superb display e-f furs offers an unusually large number of scarfs and
coats that are suitable for Christmas gifts. No present can be prettier or
more eagerly welcomed than a selection of our cloak and fur stock.
$20.00 double table and Isabella fox ,f f Q
scarfs at V.VO
912.50 squirrel and sable scarfs 98
.. 98c
Children's fancy fur sets at 98o, 11.60. f AD
1.08 and ....J.VO
130.00 Astrakhan and near seal -4 c? gf
jacket, at lO.UU
Swell Cloaks at Modest Price
12.50 Cloaks for 15 Monte Carlos and kerseys,
montasrues, etc. All the 42 and 45-ln. long, semi
fitted backs, with hlffb. storm oollars, g QQ
$15.00 Cloaks at $6.98
15.00 cloak In atl the popular Silk Monte Carlos at $12.50
shapes and cloths, L QO Pretty new coats Cf
at "-'O worth up to 129, at 1 A. OU
110.00 fox scarfs, two brush tails,
2.50 American stone marten scarfs
2.00 Coney muffs
Neckties, Mufflers " Gloves ' Xmas
A matchless showing of men's fin. neckwear.
one put up in a separate box.
Vc Reversible and French four-in-hand from
0 Tr', i 1"0 down to ft,OC
Ascoia at Cfln English squares
$1.00 and DUL at $1 and .....
Terk scarfs at $1.00, 75c, SOo
600 dozen tecks, four-in-hands, asc.ts and
puffs, the regular SOe qualities go at
Christmas Qtoves A fine line of wool, kid and mocha gloves
finely adapted for Christmas OEZ 4-r O CA
presents from OC It! AiOU
Boyt' and lien's Sweaters A full line of men's and boys'
wentrs, plain color, and A C O C?f
fancy stripes running from ....1 OC IU J tj J
Holiday flufflers The 6Uo quality
at ,
War sweater Necks
at ,
Holiday mufflers of the finest French squares, quilted
Oxfords, automobiles, etc., at $1, $1.25 and up to ...
Welcome Gifts for Men
la the men's department Is t be
found everything that a nil wears.
The most pleasing .election of things
practical, useful and lasting holiday
gifts for men. Wall, everything Is
good th. prices are moderate.
Smoking Jackets
from $3.98 to $8.50
Tour cholc. of a very attractive Una
of men's smoking jackets and house
coats, all new patterns and perfect
fitting. There Is nothing like a
smoking jacket for comfort and ease,
3.98 8.50
Bath and Lounging: Robes By a fortunate purshase we put on sale a
manufacturer's entire sample lln. of men's bath and lounging robes at great
reduction. They are all wool checked patterns
eiderdown, Turkish toweling, etc. greatest
values at
2.98 1. $12
Special Sale of Rogers Peet & Co.'s Clothing
For the first time in ths history of the manufacturing of Rogers-Peet
clothing, these highest grade garments ar. offered at special sale. No cloth
ing la the world la as good as thla, non. so perfect, bob. so well mad. and
boo. hold the shape so satisfactorily.
Any Rogers-Peet Men's Suits at $17.50 Your choice of-fl f
our entire suck for $17.6u the proper and regular price I I I
U up to 27.50, for " V V-7
Rogers-Peet Man's Overcoats at $23.00 -Your " f -v
choice ofontiro stock for ZS The proper and regular r I II I
- prioe of these U up to 135.00 for v
Other Makes of Fine Overcoats and Suits at $10
Here ar. men's suits and ovecoats In th. newest styles and swellest fabrics.
Not a suit and overcoat in this entire lot worth less f "X "V
than $1( 00 take your choice XVeJv
Great Values in Jewelry Novelties
for the few remaininr days before Christmas we have made wonderful reductions
ii ijii i mis. si paw
Jennings Bros, and Wm. A.
Rogers quadruple plated
ware, consisting of cake baskets,
Dickie castors, nuiiare, creamers
and large slz. trays, 98 C
Steel Beaded Bags, One lot
Comb and Brush Sets, fancy of flan sui beadod hags
lined boxes, antique and Ivory g
finish, trimmed with sterling Hen's Scarf Pins solid gold
silver, mat silver and Roman f,"1, m!5:.;...1.35
sliver. Jewelers' price
$3.50 our .f
Comb, Brush, Tray and Mir
ror Set, hand decorated on
Porcelain, gold, German sil
ver and oxydlzed handles,
fully gusranteed not to tarn
ish. Positively worth $4.60
our price for the
set of 4 pieces ...
Special Holiday Prices In rich
Ohio cut glass. We have an
array of very remarkable val
ues for Christmas buyers.
Sterling Silver Plate 6 knives
and six forks, warranted
worth $2.50,
Leather Ooods. Bags aud
purses of all kinds In seal, wal-.
rus, levant, QJA Art
etc., from 49a to... .JMU.UU
Knives and Forks Six knives
and six forks sterling brand
1J pieces In nicely - OES
lined box, at leO
Ladles' and Oents rianlcure
and nilitary Sets, that
have sold up to A C O '
$10.00, at fleVO
Wm. A. Rogers Horse Shoe
brand teaspoons, fj
set of six at aDw
Ladles' Full 14 Karat Qold
plated bracelets, chased and
plain, guaranteed for
10 years, worth up to r Q
$2.60. at VOC
Ladles' sunburst pins Gold
plat, or German silver very
handsome ornaments worth
up to $3.60 special QQ.
Christmas price at...OC
Sterling Sliver Souvenir
SPOONS Olive spoons, sar
dine forks, sugar spoons, bon
bon spoons, etc., worth up
Wm. A. Rogers Carving Sets
real stag handles, O QU
worth np to S4.00, at
Opera Glasses Lamiar trade
mark "The Fly," gr O Q
worth up to $12, atOtVO
Pearl Opera Glasses, achro
matic lense, $1.25, $1.49 and
Cuff Buttons. Solid gold
cuff buttons, rose gold, great
Beautiful Holiday Handkerchiefs
A Assortment of Dainty Gift Handkerchiefs. Every Style and All Prices.
Complete and Handsome Handkerchief Display Ever Shown in Omaha.
The Most
Three Immense lots of fine lac. handkerchiefs, mad. ef French Valenciennes, Una mechlln and
lac. dotting In dainty whit, showy styles, worth up to $1.00 each, go at
Man's large all. all silk handkerchiefs with silk embroidered Initials, worth In a regular way
i ail siik handkerchiefs with silk embroidered Initials, worth In a regular way -i - let
up to 75o go at ddLmit7
Ladles' all silk handkerchiefs, handsomely rllk emlrcldered. In h'e and all colors worth regularly up to
rCc go at
Ladles' and men's all linen band embroidered Initial handkerchiefs, mad. of fin. quality linen all
laoe go at, each
A New York Importer's sample Una of band-made and real lac. handkerchiefs. A great variety of ladles' hand-mad.
and real lac. handkerchiefs, at handkerchief department. Handkerchiefs In this lot worth (J I i nn ICftCC
up to $15.00 go at, special, each tplIiVO'l)lt)
11,600 handkerchiefs suitable for men's, ladles' and children's Christmas presents. In plain white and fancy
colored border, all neatly hemstitched, many styles, worth up to 10c each go at
Ladles' fine lac. and embroidered edge handker
chiefs, worth up to lOo each, at
Ladles' all linen handkerchiefs, all widths hemstitching,
10c quality, at
Ladles' hand embroidered Initial handkerchiefs, sheer
linen, worth 20c, at ..
Ladles' and men's sheer linen hemstitched handker
chiefs, worth 20c, at
Ladles' all linen embroidered and lac. edg ed hand
kerchiefs, 25c quality, at
Ladles' lac. edged embroidered Inserting handker
chiefs, worth up to 60c, at
Ladles' sheer linen embroidered and revered handker
chiefs, worth up to $1.00, at
Men's lOo quality colored bordered handkerchiefs,
at ,
Ladles' and men's plain all linen and fancy Japanett.
chiefs, silk embroidered Initial, worth up to 25o,
at 10c and
Children's fancy handkerchiefs,
broldered Initials, at
S In a box, silk em-
Chlldren's embroidered initial handkerchiefs, 8 In
box, at
Colored bordered handkerchiefs,
In a fancy box.
Ladlea' and men's hand embroidered initial handker
chiefs, ( In a box, worth $1.00, at 85c and
Men's and boys' fancy brocaded allk handkerohlefs,
at 15o and
Fancy silk and wool mufflers In stripes, plaids and checks
worth 75c, go at
Large six. plain silk and brocaded mufflers , go at
7Bo and
Men's large size white snd fancy colored border silk
handkerchiefs, worth 50c, at
Ladlea' and men's all linen handkerchiefs, I In a
fancy box, all latest style, at 98c, $1.49 and ,
Fancy Shirts for Gifts
Men's fancy stiff bosom dress
shirts plain or pleated shirts
newest styles guaranteed
Sar- 2 50 ST 75c
nen's white shirts White shlrU
of the best makes laundered or
ceied- 50c75o$l
lien's night shirts in eotton. sat- -een,
flannelette and domet. I ea
ch ooae from r1.5050c
Fancy Vests in pique, velvet and silk, all the new
shadings, all sizes, 34 to 46. We will change thera for
you if jon should get one that does j! 4) sy OA
not fit. Special prices IpItoaW.VO
Fine Watches at Half Price
In the few days that remain
before Christmas we will offer
the most astonishing bargains In
high grade watches ever known
to Omaha or any other city.
Gent's 12 size 14k gold filled
cases, Elgin
or Waltham
movement at
Ladles' 6 size 14k itsmped and
guaranteed to wear 20 years.
N. Y. stand
ard move
ment at. . .
Boys' 12 size 14k filled cases, warranted for 20 years.
open face, sc-ew bezel front and back,
N. Y. Standard movement posi
tively worth 112.00, at
d for 20 years,
Closing Out all of the Toys
Monday we begin the bit; clearing sale of all kinds of toys and holiday goods.
Nowber. In Omaha Is there such a large display of children's toys, books, games,
etc.. as at th. Boston Btore." Nobody In Omaha can make th. price we make, simply
became with our ever ready cash we secured a big wholesale toy stock at less than
one-fourth Its regular price, and tomorrow w. begin to close out the tors. Our toy
department Is the only en. in Omaha that opens np every season with absolutely new,
fresh stock. No carried -over toys ever shown, and the prices that we will mak. on
th. toys, beginning Monday, will surely close them all out.
' We will place on one big counter $1.00 On another counter we have all kinds of $2.50,
11.60 and 1100 toys, CJfs 3, 14, and 5 Bne Imported novelty toys
at OliC that w. win ekae out at P
All the children's books will be closed out. In many Instances these prices are about half
reach: 5c, 10c 15c, 19c, 25c, 39
And hundreds of other toy bargains, 4oo numerous to mention, will ta nlooad on mJa tn morrow A tmm
on lot U told out another wlii tajL tin placa. Tber vtli b exrtiixix Cuia uxuorruv in akmluu tftur taj Arpi.
Silk Dress Patterns for Gifts
No more thoughtful present can be given a woman
than a beautiful silk dress pattern somethinK thut is
bound to be highly appreciated. We have them at
modest prices.
Unmade Silk Dress Patterns for $12. Extra special' silk unmade dress
patterns, each containing 12 to 14 yards, very wide black "Bonnet" peau de
sole, every piece stamped with the manufacturer's name, positively worth
$1.B a yard, Monday's price and until f if
Christmas leUU
$13.00 Crepe de Chine Pattern for $9.50. Over fifty-five new fashionable
shades. Including all the delicate tints and black and white, usual selling
prtc. 11.00 a yard. Crepe ds Chine Is the most popular silk fabrio for party
dresses, and a pattern of It will mak. a handsome Christmas gift. fV g" f
Bpecial price for entire pattern of 14 yards " 0 U
Unmade Silk Skirt Pattern at $6.50.-100 unmade blaok taffeta skirts,
full 36 Inches wide. Phoenix mills, or Bonnet, Lyons, taffeta. Each pattern
contains 6 to 8 yards, and quality fully guaranteed by the manu- 1 f
facturer. We mak. the very low price, for entire pattern OeOLI
Unmade Silk Waist Pattern at $2.95. $1.00, $5.00 and 15.00 fancy velvet
new hair line stripe taffetas and new small pin checks In Ioulsen. and taf
feta 2 and S tons Roman stripe velours, and a lot of white silk y r g
walstlngs, each pattern containing 4 yards, our special, a pattern MiVO
Extra Special. 1,500 yards of eltgaiht Bntin in evening shades, especially
ad'ipted for fancy work, linings and waists, trorfA 7So a yard, OQ
Monday, per yard .OVw
Holiday Values, Silk! Flannel Waists
$7.50 Silk Waists for $2.50
New silk waists in great vari
ety. All this fall's best styles in
peau de soie and taffeta, all even
ing shades, including black.
These make the most appropriate
Christmas presents. Many of,
them worth up to $7.50, on sale
on bargain square 50
French Flannel Waists at
75c and $1.50. A sample
line of ladies' high class French Flannel Waists. Reds,
blues, tans, blacks. Tailor made and elaborately eir.-
broidered and trimmed with applique and silk ribbon.
All on sale
at . .. .
..75c and 1.50
Holiday Neckwear and Gloves
Ladles' Lace Collars lo medium and large sise;
about 100 styles go on bargain counter, worth, up
to 3.00 each, at fSV
4Qc. 7Sc. OSc tanrl SI. SO .h A-
Ladles' Lace Ties A big sample line of fine lace
ties, many styles, worth up o f i A
to 11.00 each, go at OVC"! VC
Ladles' Neckwear A New York manufacturer's
samples and surplus stock of high grade silk ruffs,
boss and neck scarfs, made of the finest silk chif
fons and silk liberty, In black, whit, and cream.
We will sell this grand lot of neckwear the way w.
bought It at 50c on the dollar- (Q j-rt I rf
worth up to S9 each, at 1 VO J.3U"4.0U
Fancy Silk Neckwear Tab stock collars, etc,, at 39c, 50c and98o
High Grade Kid Oloves Two extra specials of ladles' high grade kid
T:loves at glove department In this lot will be found all th. best makes of
adles' (doves made of real kid. In dress, suedes and mochas, In blaok, white,
gray, modes, tans and oxbloods. Every pair guaranteed QUP aH 1 Kfk
and fitted to the hand If desired - '"t UHU l.OU
$1 and $1.50 Kid Oloves-Black, white and all colors, at59o
Ladies' All Wool Qolf Qloves New colorings, worth 50c and 75, at 39c
Holiday Elegance
in Shoes & Slippers
Very fine footwear.
At very modest prices.
The only perfectly new, complete
stock, embracing everything in footwear
to be worn this season.
Our magnificent display
Of shoes and slippers on the second
floor is not equaled outside of New York
Ladies' Shorn from 1.50 to 8.00
Ladies' Slippers from 50c to 5,00
Men's Slippt-re from 50c to 2.50
Men's Shoes from 50c to 6.00
Children's Slice from 25c U 2..Kr
Dolls' Shoes given
away free with every
pair of Children's
Shoes sold on the
second flor