Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1902, PART I, Image 1

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    J The Omaha
9 PAGES 1 TO 12.
jTAiiLisiu:i) .tune is, isti.
Ons Being Organized in London for Amer
icans with Fat Purges,
Scheme Does Not Appear to Meet with
Payor from Aay Quarter.
Women, Hot U Be Outdone, Hate One to
Air Their Pet Pads.
11 Sorts of Sports Are tnder the
Patronage of Thla Vnlqne Or.
gunlsatlon. Which la Ei
pected to Be "Cheery."
Copyright, 192. by Press Puhllehlng Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 20. (Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The Co
lumbia club for American millionaires In
London, which was planned early this year
with a great flourish of trumpets, but
which mysteriously collapsed, la being re
Tired, apparently, under the title of the
Calumet club. Precisely the same scheme
s of the dead Columbia project Is out
lined and the misleading statement Is made
that the only reason the former venture
Has not carried through was because It
voi Impossible to And suitable premises In
The syndicate which has the scheme In
hand will allow "a few English members
Of high social position to be admitted to the
roll, but otherwise the now club will be
Vail street In London."
Furthermore, the syndicate claims to
have secured a house on the corner of
Clarges street, facing the Turin club, which
has Just been vacated by the imperial
Service club. There w: be an American
bar and It is asserted that It will be a
reproduction In fac-slmlle of the cafe In
the New York Yacht club and will have an
American steward-ln-chlef and cocktail
,mlxer. It remains to be seen whether the
rot particularly credulous American mil
lionaires will be drawn into this under
taking until tney snow somemiog more
about It and Its originators than la ob
tainable at the present moment.
One for the Women.
The growth of women's clubs la becoming
n Important social question In London, for
club women notoriously are careless In the
management of their own homes.
The latest feminine eccentricity In the
elub line Is "the Ladles' Sports club," an
Institution where facilities will be given
for woman to cultivate all manner of sports
and pastimes. Men will be admitted oc
casionally aa onlookers at the displays.
The committee Includes women represent
ing different pastimes Lady Helen Vin
cent, skating; Lady Bathurst, driving; Lady
Bcott Montague, motoring; Lady Edith
Vllllera. dogs; Miss Lottie Dodd, tennis,
and Lady Deolea, cats.
All members can bring their canine,
feline or other, except masculine, pets,
which privilege la expected to make the
club "very cheery," aa the current Jargon
has it.
Daughter of King of Belglnm In Com
mon Madhouse and Given
Soaat Attention.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
BRUSSELI.8, Dec. 10. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Countess
Donneremark, who accompanied the count
ess of Beufort on the latter'a visit to the
Llndenshof asylum to inform the unhappy
Princess Louise of Coburg of the death of
her mother, the queen of the Belgians,
"I can remember the princess as a very
attractive girl, not beautiful, but very
comely, with plump, rosy cheeks, a good
figure and a wealth of golden hair. Now
I aaw her old. faded and heart-broken, her
hair grown gray and thin, her face haggard
and her eyes hollow with a frightened ex
pression, her figure bent. She evidently
la In a atate of great physical exhaustion
and takes no care of her personal appear
ance. When we saw her she waa wearing
a dirty, ragged, old, pink, dressing gown,
and her hair looked as it It had not been
dressed for days."
It is considered disgraceful that King
Leopold should allow his daughter to be de
tained In an ordinary asylum and neglected
In thla fashion, but he is Implacable In his
hatred of her and of his second daughter,
Countess Lonyay.
Hons of Lords and Office of Works
at Oats Over a llonao
(Copyright, IX. by Prese Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Deo. 20. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Bridget
Delaney, the principal housemaid of the
House of Lords, has been the cause of
bad blood between two government de
partments. The office of worka resolved. In
order to minimize the danger of fire, te
limit the number of officials residing In
the houses of Parliament, and last January,
without consulting the House of Lords or
the lord great chamberlain, removed the
principal housemaid' furniture from her
rooms. The lords were offended and Im
mediately opened a long correspondence,
which cultlmated In an ultimatum to the
chief commissioner of works, that If the
furniture was not returned within a month
the lords would take measure to have the
rooms suitably furnished. Aa the officials
of work remained obdurate the furniture
has been bought at a coat of 426. The
wages of the principal housemaid are It
a week.
Francis Joseph Compelled to Forego
HI" tsual Christmas
(Copyright, 10O2, by Tress Publishing Co.)
VIENNA, Dec. 20 (New York World Ca
blegram Special Trlegrani.) Emperor
Francis Joseph's health la not restored and
lha severe nest her niskes it imperative that
he be exceedingly careful of himself. For
I the first time since his younger daughter,
r Archduchess Marie Valerie, married twelve
Nlrs ago, he will deny himself iha pleasure
of spending Christmas with hla grandchil
dren. The emperor will have aa absolutely
solitary Chrlsu&aa In tbe snowed-up castle
w aoa.
Herkshlrr Property Ni Innirr Pleases
the Ks-Polllenl Doll of
fw York.
(Copyright. 1!2. by Press Publishing Co.)
WANTAGE. England, Dec. 20. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.) A
report comes from a well authenticated
source that Richard Croker would willingly
sell all his Reikshlre estates If he could
find a suitable purchaser. There is great
dissatisfaction sniong his workmen, ss he
has reduced their wages, although once he
was a most liberal employer. It would not
be easy to find a buver for so much land
! In such a place, a great part of It being
hill land, for which Mr. Croker paid con
siderably more thsn It Is generally thought
to be worth. He Is much pleased with his
new estate In Ireland. It Is pretty certain
that he never would have bought all this
land around Wantage If he could have had
this Irish property at the time he first
wanted it. He probably will find his cream
ery there much more satisfactory, as no
one who has had charge of the one in
Wantage knows anything about managing
such concerns. He has spent moBt of his
time lately In Letcombe, keeping very
quiet and rarely being seen In the village.
He has had several visitors at Moat house.
People ere no longer allowed to explore
i his grounds. A signboard Is up which
warns them sgalnst trespassing, Mr.
Croker having been much annoyed by curi
ous crowds.
Rare Clause In F.duratloa 11111, Which
le Important to Their Con
stituency. (Copyright 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 20. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Parliament
has been prorogued until February 1. The
most striking incident of the session in the
House of Commons was the dramatic, tacti
cal victory achieved Tuesday by the Irish
party, under John Redmond, on the educa
tion bill. Chairman Redmond summoned
the party by wire to support an amendment
made to the education bill In the House of
Lords by which the cost of Internal re
pairs to voluntary schools should be at the
public charge Instead of being provided by
the funds at the disposal of the school
Prime Minister Balfour favored this
amendment, but owing to the large seces
sion of his regular supporters he was afraid
to risk government defeat by making it a
question of confidence In the ministry. So
ho left. It an open question for the house
to decide and it was carried by only S3
votes. As nearly sixty Irish members
voted for it this concession, vastly Impor
tant to poor Catholic schools, was secured
for them by the Irish party. It was the
only time in the six-months' discussion of
thla bill that the Irish members were in a
position to determiue the result and their
unity, discipline and organization enabled
them to utilize It to the full.
Marie Pegard Compiles tt In Four
Volumes Containing 170
Separate Reports.
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Dee. 20. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Mra. Marie
Pegard, a chevalier of the Legion of Honor
and one of the most remarkable women In
France, has Just finished a monumental
record of tbe work done at the Historic
Women's congress, held In Paris during the
last exposition. Four bulky volumes con
tain 275 reports sent from all points of the
world, the whole forming a unique testi
monial to the thoroughness with which the
woman question was discussed by the dele
gates to the congress (of whom five were
appointed by the United States government
to represent America).
Mrs. Pegard Is not an advocate of ex
treme measures. "Slowly but surely" Is
her motto. When the World correspondent
asked her which camp (there are two
feminist camps In France) she belongs to,
she replied: "The reasonable one. We
have already made it Impossible for a man
to take his wlfe'a money anl spend it with
another woman, and gradually, I am confi
dent, women will obtain all their rights.
But they must not try to take the place
of men. for, after nil, woman'a place ia In
the home and family."
High Officer of the Russian Govern
ment la Dismissed by
the Csar.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 20 (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.) M.
Kovalevsky, Finance Minister DeWltte'a
rlgbthand man, has been obliged to resign
his position In the Russian ministry of
finance owing to a scandal.
Elsie von Schabelsky, an actress of great
beauty and talent, is the theatrical sensa
tion of the sesson here. A short time ago
she circulated notes signed by Kovalevsky
to the value of $100,000. Kovalevsky re
fused to meet them, saying that his sig
nature was forged by Miss von Schabelskv
The story got to the rzar'a ears and Privy j
Councillor Kovalevsky was told that he
had better quit the public service.
Miss von Schabelsky, who has been the
pet of fashionable society here, is the di
vorced wife of a colonel of cavalry. After
the divorce shs went on the stage, and
with the support of friends, of whom
Kovalevsky was the most conspicuous, she
opened a small theater here. The under
taking did not succeed. She got into debt
and has now disappeared, leaving Kovalev
sky to meet the storm.
Waa Hired to Work l'p Sentiment In
Balgarla Favorable to Prince
(Copyright. 11. by Press Publishing Co.)
VIENNA. Dec. 20 (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Philip Walda
pfel. who acted as Prince Ferdlnsnd's ad
vance agent when the prince was Intriguing
for the Rulgailan throne, hss Just died In
Buda-resth. Waldspfel brought suit against
rrlnce Ferdinand In 1887 for $2,000, claimed
to be a balance due for trouble and ex
pense, "in procuring him. the throne of Bul
garia." Tha Hungarian agent was able to
show lettera from Count Eugene Zlcby and
'Count Councilor Flrshmann Instructing
him to go to Sofia and Tienova and do all
in hla power to increase Ferdinand's popu
larity. Hi afterward tried to play a politi
cal part In Bulgaria, but tt was discovered
that he had been bribed simultaneously by
the Bulgarian and the Russian governments
and be found it safer to return to Buds-
I Penh, where be bought the fine house lu
jwblco aa Has Just aiea.
Future King of Bavaria to Make a Trip
Around the World.
Is to Come Incognito and Official Excep
tion is Precluded.
Has Been a Decidedly Gay Young Man
in Hit Day.
Latter Is Known aa One of the Moat
Beaatlfal and Most Charitable
Woman In Bavarian
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
MUNICH, Dec. 20. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Prince
Rupert, destined to sit on the throne of
Bavaria and declared by the Jacobins to be
the rightful (Stuart) heir to the English
t ,.nr will I -1 V T'nlta Ct.ta. In 1004
The one time most gay of young royal
pruuigais, uuw a seuaiu umrrieq mau, win
be accompanied by bis wife, the beautiful
Princess Marie Gabrlelle, grand daughter of i
the king of Portugal. Thir infant son.
bor;i in September last, will probably be left i
v ri T. 4 1. I ! I
to assume duty as the head of his people
upon the death of his cousin. King Otto,
who Is a hopeless Imbecile and has long
been confined In an asylum. When King
Otto dies, which must be very soon, Prince
Ludwtg, the father of Prince Rupert, who
Is heir presumptive to the throne, will ab
dicate in favor of his son. The country is
now ruled by Frtnce Leopold, grandfather
of Prince Rupert and uncle of King Otto, as
It Is the Intention of Prince Rupert to
make a tour of the world, going first to
India, China and Japan, thence to San Fran
cisco and through the United States. His
object Is to acquire at first hand a knowl
edge of the various countries, their people
and their industrial and administrative
systems, with a view to his own future rule
of Bavaria.
Wild Oats All Sown.
The prince Is 33 years old, a stout, demo
cratic young man, who has had his fill In
the gayest capitals of Europe, despite royal
commands, threats and restrictions. His
mother waa the Archduchess Marie Ther
esa of Austrla-Eate, of the branch of Mo
dena. Hta father. Prince Ludwlg, Is the
actual legitlmatlst heir presumptive to the
throne of Great Britain. The prince ia an
officer In the Bavarian army, and it was
while he waa a lieutenant that he aowed
his wild oata. It waa hta custom to disap
pear from Munich or some army post every
bow and then, proceed to Parts, or aoma
other equally gay city, and have a royster
tng time with other young bloods, the con
cert hall favorltea of tha time. One the oc
casion of the maneuvers of the German
army at Mets In 1893, the prince left Munich
to Join his regiment at the rendesvous,
there to meet the German emperor. He did
not arrive at Metx, and a search disclosed
him In tha company of a young woman at
Wurtemburg. For thla he was sent to a
lonely army post and ordered to be good.
Prince Carl, Prince Rupert'a younger
brother, was as wild aa his brother, and
was one time set upon marrying a ballet
girl, morganltlcally, thereby following the
example of a rich kinsman, Duke Ludwlg,
who at 60 and a widower, married Antolne
Barth, a ballet girl, daughter of a Munich
mechanic, with whom he ia very happy.
Prince Leopold thwarted the plan, but did
not prevent the two from eloping; They
were caught in a aecluded retreat In the
Alps and were returned to this city.
Wife Reforms Him.
Prince Rupert married the Duchess Marie
Gabrlelle, daughter of Duke Charlea Theo
dore of Bavaria, head of one branch of tha
Bavarian family. In July, 1900, the affair be
ing a notable state celebration at Munich.
The princess, who Is the daughter of the
duchess of Braganza, daughter of the king . unT(.rBtes and a large proportion of them
of Portugal, Is known as ono of the most ! n,ve been teachers or governesses. Dr.
beautiful women In the realm. She Is La,,, emphatically asserts that the
also very good and charitable and has sue- ; forced trB,nlnK t0 wn,ch thl8 cla of
ceeded In reforming her husband. It is women ,ubmt themselves Is most hurtful,
understood that the prince and princess will j It , mongtrougi- ne ,8ygi .-to subject
travel through the United States Incognito. , women to thlg competition and if the com
whlch will, of course, preclude any official j petltlon do.g not cease the effects upon
recognition of the visit on tho part of the i f,Itur(, generations will be disastrous."
United States government. I Mr Laudberg states that Swedish women
I nho have been educated at academies have
OCCUPIES UNIQUE POSITION remarkably small families when they have
I any and that In too many cases their
Lieutenant Colonel Carter of tho Ufa j family relations are unhappy, owing to
Guards Rises f
runs tha
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 20. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Lieutenant
Colonel Gordon Carter of the First Llfa
Guards, the "swellest" regiment In the
British army, has risen from the ranks to
the position of second In command of the
corps. He hss thus attained a position no
guardsman who Joined as a troepnr ever
held before. Guards troopers often get
commissions, but never heretofore In their
own corps. Colonel Carter Is the seta of a
farmer. He served in tha ranks several
years. In 1880 he received a commission
as riding master; waa made a lieutenant
In 1881; from that time until 1894 he served
as adjutant, being made a captain In 1887.
He was appointed major in 189S and got a
brevet rank as lieutenant colonel In 100.
In tbe Boer war be aerved with a com
posite battalion of the Household cavalry
with no little distinction. He was often
mentioned In the dlspatchea and haa alx
claspa to his medal.
Tennata of the Mnrlborougha Disap
pointed Over Their
(Copyright. 19f, by Press Publishing Co )
WOODSTOCK. England. Dec. 20 (New
ork Word Cablegram-Special Telegram.)
The duke and duchesa of Marlborough
being on the wsy to the Delhi durbar,
Blenheim palace is closed for Christmas for
the first time since they were married.
This has csused unfeigned regret among all
classes In its neighborhood, for the Blen-
hlem Cbrlttmss ball has been en Important
soclsl event of lale years. Tha loss to the
tradesmen, both here aud In Oxford, would
have been serious bad not the duke and
the duchess ordered, before tbey left, all tbe
usual Christmas supplies. Thle week tbelr
steward haa been around giving the duch
ess' usual weleoms and useful prese a ta
o the tenants and tbe laborers.
French Inventor Has a Scheme for
Displacing Railway Pas
senger Trains.
(Copyright. OT, by Tress Puhllehlng Co.)
PARIS, Dec. 20. (New York World Ca
blegram Pperlal Telegram.) Serpollet, the
automobile Inventor, tells the World cor
respondent that he Is building the first
motor car of a series Intended to revolu
tionize railway traveling In France. The
idea originated with Frank Gardner, who
first suggested replacing railway locomo
tives by powerful automobiles. Serpollet
believes that ft will be possible to sub
stitute for the present sleeping car trains
three or four spacious motor cars, each ac
commodating forty passengers, and reduc
ing the time taken for the Journey, say
from Paris to Monte Carlo, by one-half.
Such automobile trains would save the cost
of locomotives, do away with smoke, steam,
cinders, noise, vibration and the necessity
for stopping to take up water and would
economize In service, requiring only a
driver.' Each car, complete In Itself, would
run attached to others or separately.
The Paris-Lyons and Parls-Marselllea
railway officials are skeptical about a revo
lution being near, but the confidence of
Gardner and Serpollet In V plan Is shown
by their going to great'' to prove
Its feasibility. Serpolle 4?,he new cars
will be ready In June.' 7
The Belgian goverr ' aa approached
Gardner and Berpoll' , a view to sub-
tl,tutln8 fr tbe
stem of railway
& " Antwerp motor
" ry thirty to forty
tbe trip In twenty
Instead of fifty min-
of the Invention la
an be utilized for the
wagons which wr
passengers and,
j to twenty-five
' . . Ji
utes. one a-i
new carrlagesv.jeres8 electrlo traction
means a complete transformation of a rail
way plant and consequently enormoue ex
Some Sleep Peacefully While Caae
Which May Mean Death im
Them Is Being Tried.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Dec. 20. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) One of the
strangest and most picturesque cases ever
before a French court Is sow being heard at
Montpelller, where 107 Arabs are being tried
for revolting at Marqueritta, Algeria, in
April of last year. Fear of the weight
which local Influences and prejudices might
have upon a Jury led the government to
order the trial before Herault assizes away
from Algeria. The charges against the
prisoners Include murder, pillage, rebellion,
assault and battery. But none of the ac
cused seems to care much what befalls
him. A large force of military keepa the
Araba under observation. The proceedings
are conducted In French and Arabic. Fifty
lawyera are engaged in defending the pris
oners. So oppressive la the odor In the
court that the building ia purified with car
bolic acid every time the hearing la sus
pended. The names of the accused being
unpronouncable, they are designated by
numbers. Some are magnificent specimens
of the "child of the desert," bU as theyjarf
better off In prison than at 'home, they Tire
In no hurry for the trial to end. Many can
not tell where or when they were born.
Their examination is conducted through in
terpreters.' While the indlctmetwere be
ing read most of the Arabs (eoi e(Jf whom
probably will be condemned .nrl death)
alept peacefully. 00
Noted Swedish Specialist Gives Over
Education aa One of the
(CopVripht. 19f2, by Press Publishing Co.)
STOCKHOLM, Sweden. Dec. 20. (New
York World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
Hermann Laudberg of the great Swedish
lunatic asylum at Upsala says that lunacy
Is increasing among Swedish women, and
more especially among the educated classes.
In the lower classes insanity Is brought on
chiefly by the cares of life or Intemper
ance, but in the educated women the main
cause, he contends,, is their education.
Most of the women patients at Upsala havo
, -a,.,,....! )n the niBh .chools or the
their inability to discharge household
Miss Parkinson Recelrea Knthnslastlo
- Reception at Paris Opera
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Dec. 20. New York World
Cabllegram Special Telegram.) Elizabeth
Parkinson's debut at the Opera Comlque
this week In "Lakine" was a great succesa.
The American colony turned out in force
and gave tbe young singer an enthusiastic
Miss Parkinson Is engaged for three years
at the Comlque. She has a most melodious
voice, alngs faultlessly and acts intelli
gently. Not one rehearsal with tbe or
chestra did the management give her, so
Monday evening was the first time in her
life she had sung with an orchestra. This
showa how little interest is felt here In
the debuts of foreign artists. Nothing more
unjust can be imagined than to make a
young girl go on the atsge and sing before
a critical audience without having allowed
her one single orchestra rehearsal. Miss
i.-j .v -..
r ....
each act.
Tllre rlklini rno A linnrt
Chamberlain Woald Pat South Afrl...
ibo same uovera
saeatal Baala.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Dec. 20 (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The World
correspondent hears on the highest author
ity that Colonial Secretary Chamberlain s
scheme for settling tbe South African prob
lem Is to grant a system of federal auton
omy based strictly on the Canadian model.
Every book ot Importance treating of the
Canadlaa system, of government was ob
tained for Mr. Chamberlain before he
atarted and be haa been diligently studying
thsm sine.
Secretary of Agrioultire Beliees Ravages
of Disease Are Stayed.
Connecticut, Although Quarantined, Has No
Single 8ick Aiimal.
Government Officiali 8'aughter Beasts to
Stamp Out Trouble.
Delegation Calls at Department nnd
After Hearing Measures Taken Say
Everything Practicable Is Al
ready Being Done.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. -Secretary Wil
son believes that all danger of the foot and
mouth disease spreading from New England
to other states has now passed, as careful
Investigation by government experts failed
to reveal a single esse in Connecticut,
though that state was iucluded In the gen
eral quarantine order.
Dr. Raymond, chief of the bureau of ani
mal Industry, who is In New England, per
sonally directing the fight against the epi
demic, will return here In a few days to
confer with Secretary Wilson and It will
then be determined when to remove the
quarantine against Connecticut.
A committee from Chicago, headed by the
president of the stock yards company, has
been In conference with Secretary Wilson
regarding the extent of the Infection and
measures taken to combat It. Secretary
Wilson told them what had been done and
they expressed confidence that every prac
ticable step had been taken In safeguarding
the stock of the country.
"In a few weeks," said Secretary Wilson
today, "we will have destroyed every ani
mal Infected with or exposed to tbe foot
and mouth disease."
President Nominates Osceola and West
Point Postmasters in Senate
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. The president
today sent the following nomination to the
Livingston Bayard, Pennsylvania, to be
a chaplain.
Postmaaters appointed:
Nebraska Henry H. Campbell, Osceola;
James 8. Elliott, West Point.
Iowa William Orchard, Gllddon; J. W.
Foster, Humboldt; William R. Boyd, Cedar
Rapids; Alfred C. Harris, Eldorado; Henry
D. Overholt, Iowa City; 'William H. Need
ham, Slgourney.
Illinois James P. Jack, Newton.
Missouri James Taylor, Fayette.
' SoulaJDakota Jsmes A.-Stewart,-Edge-mont;
John A. Bushfield, Miller.
The senate today confirmed the following
Ryrus Beebe, Iowa, to be an Indian In
spector; A. M. Tinker, Massachusetts, In
dian inspector; Brigadier General Charles
Heywood, marine corps, to be major gen
eral, Postmaaters:
Nebraska D. M. McCleod, Schuyler.
Illinois James P. Jack, Newton; T. N.
Croseman, Edwardsvllle; H. M. Martin,
Oklahoma C. F. Neerman, Stillwater;
W. H. Campbell, Anadarko; William En
glish, Hobart; J. T. White. Lawton; M. A.
Younkman, McLoud; W. C. Johnson, Gran
ite. Montana S. Working, East Helena; W.
E. Baggs, Stevensvllle.
Colorado D. A. 8tone, Trinidad.
South Dakota W. H. Bonham, Deadwood.
California O. W. Lovls. Redwood City;
J. W. Short, Fresno; H. C. Thompson,
Stanford university.
Also several promotions in the navy and
revenue cutter service.
Negroes Discharged from Army Drill
and Organise Philippine
WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. Advices from
Manila say the Ladrones which are har
raBsing the rural population are in many
Instances led by negroes who have been
discharged from the army and are employ
ing their military knowledge In drilling
and organizing the bandits.
In the province of Bulacan It la under
stood that a band of BOO Ladrones led by
an American negro are scheming to wipe
out the constabulary and that four miles
out from the town of Caloocan four Amer
ican blacks are engaged in drilling a large
number of highwaymen In military tactics
and training them In the use of firearms.
Because of the Increasing activity of the
Ladrones the continued withdrawal and
concentration of troops In the Islands Is
causing apprehension among the inhabi
tants of many provinces who have de
pended wholly upon the military for pro
tection. The Ladrones are said to be no
toriously bold and numerous in Rlzal and
the president of that province recently
railed on Adjutant General Helstand for
Ptttsbarg Man Held for Trial for Seek
ing Hidden Informa
tion. . i
WASHINGTON. Dec. 20 James Kifer of '
Pittsburg. Pa., has been Indicted by the
federal grand Jury tor attempting to bribe
an employe of the office of the comptroller
-...- H. ! .it.i i. . ik.
- : : . " .
, tried to secure a copy of eerta'n records
relating to the Pittsburg National bank
'. t,. ti.A h.n rftiM1 th. inform. tin
T ' . ,.
cy me comptroller.
A & nwmnamm r rBVRie,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Application has
Deen maae io ine municipal ooara or Ma-
... . .v- i.. .-V.I1.V - . ...
una iur iu. iv a ireigni
ana passenger line mio ine cuy. it is
proposed that the freight wagons shall
crr' 1 ' UR,r
coaches as many as thirty-five passengers.
The line will penetrate every section of
the city with a liberal system of transfers.
To Spend Sunday in Virginia.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. Prejldent
Roosevelt, accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt
and four of their children left today for
Rapldaa, Va., . to aia' Bj.ndav with
Forcnt fnr Vehr.i.-kn -Fnlr In Wct.
Clearing- nml Col.W In Kast Portion Sun
day; Momlay Fair.
1 Newest Fa da of Knallsh Women.
Rnvnrlnn Vrlnre Touring World.
Unairr of t'nftle Dlarnse Passed.
Roosevelt Is Axkrd to Arbitrate.
B Sccrrtnrv ha Talks on Money.
Moriran t re Monrnsrtia Canal.
Snow Plows I nnniit Hear Tracks.
Trainmen Ask for n It nine.
3 rwa from Nrlirnska Towna.
I nil Inn Kill tnolficr In Fight.
4 Santa Tlnna Krrpa People Rosy.
Affairs nt Sonth Omahn.
B Must Make War to Keep Trade.
Greatest of Swindlers Arrested.
O Pnat Week In the Socio I World.
To Reach for Settlers.
T Funeral of Mra. Cirant.
Trolley Car in t rash.
Council Rlnffs News.
10 5fw from Over town.
Violence Parlour strike Is Shown.
11 The Proving of llainp Paddleford.
14 Aiiinsementn nnd Mnalc.
Itt F.dltorlal.
IT My Journey to Bethlehem.
Packing of Christmas Boxes.
IS) Hard Knocks at the Start of 1.1 fc.
10 Weekly Sporting Review.
SO Mra. Grant a Model Mother.
For a Wet Holiday.
Zt Railroads Watch Ticket Scalpers.
Christmas Mnlrn1 Programs.
F.ngllh Selects Hla Deputies.
23 In the Domain of Women.
SW Story, "Seven Secrets."
26 Rnchclor Girl In New York.
Little Known Men of Cienlua.
Iore of Rare Coins.
27 Markets and Financial.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
Hour. Hear. Ilnnr. Deg.
B a. ni as 1 p. m T
6 a. m :iH ii p. m. . . . . 7
7 a. m RS a p. m...... .IT
a. in att 4 p. m an
a. m as 9 p. in at
10 a. ra .'17 t p. m a I
11 a. m a7 7 p. m 8:1
12 m 37
California Flyers Collide, Injuring
Many and Slaying
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20. A telephone
message from Byron Hot Springs ssys a
rear-end collision occurred there tonight
In which twenty-seven people were killed
and Injured. About fifteen were killed.
The Stockton Flyer ran Into the "Owl"
train Which left this city at 4:30 this after
noon for Los Angeles. Most of the in
jured were passengers on the "Owl."
Twenty-seven injured were taken to Byron
A report at midnight states that ten per
sons were killed.
Of these one has been Identified as Clar
ence Oluff of Fr.enno. The unidentified in
clude three women, one man, one Japanese
boy, one Japanese man, two Chinese and
one laborer.
The Owl train was stopped about a mile
weat ofi Byron on account -of the engine
breaking down. The brakeman was acnt
half a mile down the track to flag tbe
Stockton local, which was following and
which left Oakland Mole half an hour after
the disabled train.
The engineer of the following train an
swered the signals, but for some -reason
not yet known he rushed his train along
utterly disregarding the danger signals
and crashed into the rear car of the dis
abled train.
Oregon Railroad Provides for Em
ployes Serving for Twenty
Years nnd Over.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 20. Veterans in
I the service of the Oregon Railroad & Nav
i lgation company will receive tho compll-
ments of the Christmas season from the
j company In the shape of a circular notice
i Inaugurating the new pension system on
) January 1. The circular Is Issued today
and la dated December 25. It saya:
On January 1, ISnS, the Oregon Railroad
and Navigation company will establish a
pension system and provide the necessary
funds for the same, the benefits of which
will accrje to those employes who hare
been twenty years continuously In the com
pany's service and who have reached an
one necessitating retirement therefrom.
The amount of pension to be paid any
employe will depend on the length of his
continuous service with the company and
his average monthly salary during the last
ten years thereof.
Northwestern I'nlverslty Decide to
Dedicate New nnlldlngs on
CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Northwestern uni
versity Is making great preparations to
celebrate the next anniversary of founders'
day on January 28. Tbe occasion will be
made memorable by tbe formal dedication
of the niw professional school building
which haa Just been completed at a cost
of over $900,000.
The president of Yale will deliver the
dedicatory address.
Says He Haa No Conference with Mch
icna President In
OKLAHOMA, Dee. 20. William J. Bryan
was here tonight, on bis way to Mexico.
He atated in answer to an Inquiry that a
conference with President Dial being the
object of his mission was first brought to
his knowlfdge by newspnpers. and that he
la going on private business.
Movements of Ocean Vessels, Dee. 2tO.
: At New
York Arrived: Cvmric. from
-lvernool : Mongolian. from Glasaow:
Kaiser W'llhelm der (Srosse, from Bremen.
bouinMmptnn ami i iiernourg; ia Havole,
from Havre. Baled: Minnetonka. for Lon-
don; l.ucunia. for Liverpool; Patricia, for
Hamburg via Plymouth and Cherbourg;!
I an-nana, for Antwerp; oorctnm, for
i i"ui"kiic tufuriuuui, ciiiiuia, lur
! oiuKifiiw and IJvernool.
At Yokohama-Arrived: Hong Kong
' -" ' nan v uunuimu,
I for Hung Kong.
At Hong Kong-Arrived:
Victoria, from
Tacoms via Yokohama.
I At Uueenstown Arrived: I'mbrla, from
I Merlon, from Hiintnn
for Uverpool, and
At Hremen Hailed
Neckar. for New
At Ijveroool Sailed : Saxonla. for New
York via Mmillr. Sal'eU: Bavarian, for
Halifax and St. John.
At Southampton Silled: Philadelphia,
for New York via Cherbourg, and passed
Hurst Castle.
At Pl mouth Arrived: Kron Prlna Wll
helm, from New York.
At Crook Haven Passed: Umbrls, from
.'sw York, for Liverpool..
Allies Request President to Arbitrate Dif
ficulties with Veneiuela.
reels That He Would Thus Become Judge,
Counsel and Constable.
Mediator Might Thus Have to Adjudicate
on Own Country's Case.
London and Berlin Both Issaa Proc
lamations Declaring Ports Closed
to Navigation Pending Settle
ment of Present Troubles.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 20. President
Roosevelt has proposed to the allied powers
that the Venezuelan dispute be submitted
to the arbitration of The Hague tribunal,
and they have replied with a counter pro
posal that President Roosevelt, himself,
arbitrate the Issue.
President Roosevelt does not wish to ac
cept the offer, however, feeling that he
would thus become at once Judge, Jury and
constable and would be under the moral
obligation to execute his own Judgment;
and still, rather than see the dispute pro
ceed to extremes, it is probable he will
reluctantly consent.
It Is believed that any derision he might
render would be sure to bring upon him
the enmity of one or other of the parties
to the controversy, but to prevent blood-,
shed, destruction of property snd Interfer
ence with great commercial Interests, it la
believed he will rest this providing his
suggestion anent The Hague court Is re
fused. Howes Will Sign Protocol.
If an agreement Is reached Mr. Bowen,
representing Venezuela as a plenipoten
tiary, would sign, with the representatives
of the allies, a protocol rtatlng that the
case Is to be submitted to arbitration; that
Venezuela admits the right of diplomatic
Intervention on behalf of . a claimant, a
principal tt has always resisted, and that
the details of the arbitration shall be ar
ranged In a formal treaty which It pledges
Itself to sign. This treaty will provide In
the greatest details for tho security of for
eign interests against vexatious snd ex
tortionate Interference on the part of the
Venezuelan government hereafter and will
Insure the administration of exact Justice
in the settlement of claims and specifically
relieve foreign residents of Venezuela from
forced loans and persecution during revo
lutions. It Is believed to be a safe prediction
that Mr. Roosevelt will renew his sugges
tion that the case be submit tel to The
Haguo tribunal, adding to the arguments
he has already adduced that tbe United
Statea, having claims of Ita own to the
r amount ef about $100,000 la a party In Inter
est, and It would be unfair to put Mm tn
the position of arbitrating his own claim.
The powers, on tho other Land, claim
that President Castro would feel lightly
bound by any decision rendered from The
Hague, but would be certain to heed a
Judgment delivered by President Roose
velt. It Is said at the State department
that no matter how these two proposi
tions are disposed of there will be no
backward step, and that an agreement of
some kind which will bring about a peace
able settlement of the Venezuelan trouble
will result from the present negotiations.
Of course it President Roosevelt should
accept the charge it Is understood that
the actual burden of arbitrating the
claims would not be undertaken by him
personally, but probably would, aa la cus
tomary, in such esses, confided to one of
the trained secretaries of the department.
Rlnekaile Is Proclaimed.
LONDON, Dec. ?0.--The official proclama
tion of the blockade of Venezuela ports was
gazetted this morning and becomes effective
The text of the proclamation Is aa follows:
FOREIGN OFFICE. Dec. 20-It is hereby
notified that as the Unlte1 States of Ven
ezuela have failed to comply with the de
mands of his malesty's government, a
blockade by his malesty's naval forces of
the ports of La Oimyra, Carenero. Quanta,
Cumana and Carjpann and the mouths of
the Orinoco is declared, and such blockade
will be effectively maintained from and
after the 3'th of Decemher. subject to the
allowance of following days of grace:
For vessels salllre' before the date of this
notification from West Indian ports and
ports or- the east coasrt of the continent of
America, ten days for steamers and twenty
davs for snlllng vessels.
From all other ports, twenty days for
steamers and forty doys for sailing vesaele.
For vessels lying In the ports now de
clared to he i-locWaded. fifteen days.
Vessels which attempt to run the block
ade will render themselvea liable to all
measures authorised by the law of nstlons
and by the respective treaties between his
maiesty and the different neutral powers.
The Foreign office says tbe blockade ef
the Venezuelan coast will not be relaxed
until the powera enforcing their clalma
agree on a method for the arbitration of
their respective cases and Veqezuela ahows
a disposition to act sincerely.
Stress la laid on the difficulty In view of
the diversity of the claims In deciding en
a method of presentation and on the nego
tiations which will be Involved before a
settlement la In sight.
It Is not definitely decided whether sep
arate rases can be embodied in one docu
ment, should tbe projected arbitration take
definite ahape.
It aeema that the proposal to aubmlt to
President Roosevelt's arbitration ema
nated from the Oerman government. The
Pnrlirn nfflre here iivi It has fhe itrAnt.
! est reasons for believing that be will de-
cljne to act aa arbitrator.
Allies Control Orinoco.
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Puhllehlng Co.)
CARACAS. Dec. 20. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The Ori
noco river continues in the possession of
the combined European fleets. Two French
gunboats reached La Guayra today, but one
of these, Tronde. left later fur Wlllem
atad, Curacao.
A notification that the blockade of Ve
nezuelan porta by the allied powera would
he made effective todar was transmitted to
i the Venezuelan government this morning
by the British consul at La Guayra, and
the rate of exchange Immediately Jumped
five points.'
Tbe people here are ettll Ignorant of tho
answer to tbe offer of arbitration, and the
government, which is in possession of the
reply, is puzzled by the wording, and, more
over, cannot understand why. If Germany
and Great Britain have accepted, thj
blockade should be made effective the aauo
day that their acceptance Is announced.
Madame von I'ilgrtm-Ualtazzl left for I A
Guayra today to rejoin her buaband. She
Continued on Second Page.)