THE OMJVITA DAILY PEK: SATURDAY, DECEMHEIt 20, 1002. WILL RETIRE ON PENSIONS SISTERS OF CHARITY For tin Children For tlia Grownups Many Haass Will Dieanrsnr from Union Facifio Pa Bsl't January L RELY ON PE-RU-NA TO FIGHT fecial - Sbrisiisias !) illustrated number See EXT SUNDAY The IilustraUi B:e wil issu? a manifieit holiJay number, tnac is fu.i from the first page of thr Iiumnatei -Cover to the last witi pictures done in the b:st style of the engrav.r's art, with seasonable Christmas ma cer, special artic es, poems and ever.hing that wojld t.nd to make this number ths best of a lonj ser.e3 of sp:cial numbers. It will contain WAITING FOB SANTA CLAIS. a typical plrture of a beautiful little girl, whose attltudo will apfwa! not only to lorers of art, but to lovers of children. TO A CHRISTMAS DEBUTANTE, a poam by Tom Masson, dedicated to the girl who la Juat coming out. It la accom panied by an ldpal picture. NEWSBOYS AT CHRISTMAS is an nrlrlnnl poem by Mr. Thomas J. Krlly, In hlH best vein. It la handsomely Illum inated by half tone anti pen drawing Illustrations. WHEN CHRISTMAS BEGINS is an article on the birthplace of Christ, Illus trated from photographs of the scenes as they exist today. LOCAL A1IS TO SANTA CL AL'S tells how the expressmen, freight men, dtll ery men, mall carriers and messenger boys are rushed at Christmas time. Il lustrated from photos by a staff artist. UNDER THE MISTLETOE Is a dainty con ceit by the staff nrtlst treating the subject on new and original lines. One of the real art features of the number. WOMAN LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER Is a tale of the only woman In the world who Is In charge of a lighthouse. Illus trations from photographs. SPIRIT OF THE CHRISTMAS GREENS Is an other pwrn appropriate to the oc casion and Is Illustrated by a handsome half-tone abowlng the meaning of the event CHILDREN WHO STUDY MUSIC Is a special article for the youngfolks who are devoted to art It Is Illustrated from photographs of . a fine lot of young Omaha players. CHILDREN AND SANTA ClAL'S Is a pare collection showing the tots In vari ous conditions of expectancy. Photo graphs were made by a staff artist REAL AMERICAN SANTA CLAUS tells how the engineer, the mall clerk, the ex pressman, the stage driver struggle to deliver Christmas gifts. BEFORE THE DAYS OP SANTA CLAUS tells of the toys that existed In times of the Pharaohs and the like. TRACKING AMERICAN INDUSTRIES through the Alps Is the topic of Frank (. Carpenter's weekly letter, which Is Illus trated from photographs made Id Switzerland. MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES are many, including all the regular depart ments of The Illustrated Bee, which are complete as usual. APPLIES TO ALL BRANCHES OF SERVICE Maar Kmplwyra Da Sot Look Mn Favor t'pon the Penelon Srhrme to Be Tat lato Effect First of Year. CATARRH, COUGHS, COLDS atid GRIP aO INCE ITS ESTABLISHMENT The Illustrated Bee has Issued many handsome numbers on special occasions, each of them a triumph of the art in printing The coming: Christmas numb:r will be found fully equal to anv of its pr:d:cessors, and in many ways superior. It is a number The Bee takes much pleasure in comme ldinj to its readirs as up to The Bee standard, which means the best. If you are not already a subscriber, you should place an order with your newsdealer today for the Special The Christmas Number Illustrated Bee Out on Sunday Out on Sunday YEW AUDITORIUM PRESIDENT Trrd A. Nash Advanced from Vice Presidency and Eseratlve Com mittee Appointed. Fred A. Nash Is the new president of the Omaha Auditorium company. He was ad vanced from tha vice pranldcncy at a meet ing of the director held at the Millard hotel Thursday night, and at the same time Thomas C. Byrne was elected vice presi dent and an eecutVya rommlttee of (even members was appointed. Mr. Nah' accepted he presidency on condition that the buslnoss of the company Would be placed In the hands of an execu tive committee and tha officers. He said be had perfect faith In the board of direc tors, but a body of twenty-five was too large and the direct management of the enterprise could be better attended to by smaller and more compact organization. President Nash has selected the follow ing gentlemen to serve on the executive committee: F. A. Sanborn, C. H. Pickens, F. H. Davis, J. F. Carpenter, E. P. Feck. Ward Burgess and J. L. Kennedy. The deceased had been a member of the department tor nearly ten years and was held In high esteem. McOrcel's death was due to an attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. MtGreel had only recovered from the same disease when her little child fell a victim to It, being taken later to the hospital, when Mr. McOreel contracted the fever. The funeral will probably be held Moo-day. Don't Coaeh A!! Riant. Restful sleep follows use of Dr. King's New Discovery, the best lung cure in the world. No cure, bo pay. 60c, 11.00. 1 Foi sal by Kuhn Co. FIREMAN M'GREEL IS DEAD Member of Engine Company !fo. 2 aceumba to Attack of Typhoid Fever. After an Illness of seventeen days Pipe man John MrGreel of Engine company No. I of tha fire department died yesterday morning at 1:10 at his home, 1119 North Eighteenth street, at the age of 35 years. PLENTY OF WYOMING COAL State Mine Inapertor Does Not t'nder atand the Scarcity In Thla City. Mayor Moores received a call yesterday morning from "Noah Young, state mine In spector of Wyoming, and Dr. F. C. Rugg of Glen Rock, Wyo. Dr. Rugg Is on his way to New York for the purpose of tak ing a post graduate course, but Mr. Young will remain In the city for a few days on business, . partly of an official character. 8peaklng of the present scarcity of Rock Springs coal in this vicinity, Mr. Young said that he waa at a loss to account for It, as there has been more coal mined this year by a half million tons than any previ ous year. There has been, he says, in the five years of his incumbency as mine in spector, an increase of 2.000,000 tons In the output of the Rock Springs mines, the production of the past year having beea 6.000,000 tons. THAT THROAT-TICKLING It's first, the throat; Then, the bronchial tubes ; Next, the lungs; At last, Consumption. There's nothing so bad for a cough as coughing ! There's nothing so good for a cough as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral The best time to take it Is when the cold flrst comes on, when the trouble is in the throat. Throat tickling, throat colds, throat coughs are all easily controlled with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Doctor first prescribed this nearly 60 years ago. They use it more today than ever. They know its ingredients. They understand how it heals con gested membranes and overcomes inflammation. Ask your own doctor bout using this medicine for colds, coughs, and all lung troubles. . O. ATBa OO., Lowalt, But. L" ooagh Ut .prior, mmi it took Jut oa. bottl of Ayer's Ca.rr Faetaml ta , .. . a. J. a. DAseoaTa, St. JoMpk. Mick, DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURES Health Commissioner Ralph la Per. lectins Arrangements for Lab oratory Work. Health Commissioner Ralph Is now per fecting arrangements for laboratory devel opment of cultures from supposed cases of diphtheria and will probably have his plan in operation before January 1. Dr. Ralph ' has been trying for a long time to aecure a laboratory for the use of his department and in his annual report to the mayor and city council, which is now being prepared, he will earnestly urge that such facilities be afforded his department, but In the mean time he has found a means whereby the development of diphtheria cultures may be secured at comparatively small expense to the city. One of the medical colleges has agreed to conduct the laboratory work, and the physicians will be furnished with con veniences tor the collection of the cultures and will be encouraged by the department in that work. Dr. Ralph has selected a number of drug tores in different parts of the city, and as far as is possible covering tha entire city, where physicians may upon applica tion be furnished with the glass tubes and other convenlencea required in gathering cultures. These tubes will be furnished at the expense of the city and when re. turned to the health department by phy sicians will be sent to the laboratory for the development of the culturea. BUCK'S CHRISTMAS CANTATA "The Comlnar of the Ktnsr" ta Be Pre sented at Flrat Methodist Charch. The special feature of the Christmas aeason musically will be the presentation I for the first time In Omaha of Dudley , Buck's Christmas cantata, or short ora , torlo entitled "The Coming of the King." ! It will be given at the First Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday evening at 7:30 j sharp. The work la said to be replete I with musical Interest and full of interest ! log gems. Some prominent names will be dropped from the cay rolls of the Union Pacific Jan- I uary 1, when the new pension system goes Into effect. The exact number of names has not been obtained, as the reports from ; the various quarters are coming In slowly, ' but it Is understood that the list will be large and will include names of veteran i employes from the various departments of the company. It appears that the auditing cparirnem win lose nivio uwu im,j an other department at the general headquar ters In Omaha. The names of Cook. Mills. Lavldge and Reed, which have appeared on the pay rolls of the Union Pacific for twenty years or more will be dropped from General Auditor Young's roll, and possibly one or two more. John R. Manchester, general claim agent, probably will be the most prominent veteran around the headquarters affected by this system. Among the prominent officers of the Union Pacific In other cities who, It Is said, will come under the benefits of this magnani mous dispensation are these: J. D. Ten broeck, traveling passenger agent, Albany, N. T.; R. Tenbroeck, general eastern agent, Boston; George Ady, city passenger and passenger agent, Kansas City; D. W. Hitch cock, general agent passenger department, San Francisco. This list Is not supposed to be complete, but these are a few of the more prominent In the traffic circle who, It held, will be effected. Primarily for Shop Employes. The pension system. It is said, was de signed primarily with reference to the men employed in the company's shops, where there were so many old-timers. The com pany Is said to have devoted much time try ing to evolve some successful method of dispensing with these old men, where age is more of a factor in Incapacitating men than in any other department of the com pany's service. Arbitrary discharge of these old employes has not proved the most feasible way out of the difficulty. Such a departure Incurs the displeasure of the trade unions to which the discharged men belong, and the company at once hazards Its peaceful relations with or ganized labor by pursuing this course. This test has been made. Less than a year ago there was a thinning out process to some extent and matters have not been en tirely adjusted over that action yet. Just about the time the pending strike began, or a few days before, the company let out some of its oldest shopmen and the strikers In corporated this as one of their grievances when the order came to quit work, so that the company has decided that this Is not a successful expedient. The pension system Is expected to adequately meet the demand. Men Are Not Enthusiastic. The strikers' attitude toward the pension system Is not one .of great enthusiasm, to say the least. In fact, many of the men do not display the Interest In It which might naturally be expected. As one of them "I never expect: to get any thing from this pension system. The com pany will take good care that none of Its men- In the shops get old -enough to be pensioned. They will be .leti-aait." - . But from the officials' standpoint this Is a pessimistic view. The pension system was promulgated In the best faith and after close observation of iti workings on other 1 roads, it has been organized, tor operation on all the Harrlman lines and many clerl- . cal employee are greatly enthused over It. ' Not many Omaha shopmen will be pen sioned under this system right away. Of , the machinists these are named as cos- I stbtlitles: Edward Edwards, Otto Gugler Henry Jones; blacksmiths, John Bonnl vler; boiler makers, John Clare, Pompy Krause and U. Flannigan. There are other candidates in other towns along the road. Armstrong Is said to have more than any other one shop. The trainmen, aa well as the shopmen and the other employes, are subject to this system also. How many engineers, fire men, conductors, brakesmen or switchmen are 85 or 75 years of age and have been In the service of the Union Pacific for twenty years cannot now be stated. ' "rsr rrsVS ShsVSfcr' S-h-hp---sV-ajh-' '"sV--BVsVrsVB'BV-ssV-srSP B-Bafep. SfSS- SISTER BEATRIxT ; which threatened to be of a serious eharao ter. "We began to use it and experienced such wonderful results that since then Peruna has become our favorite medicine for In fluenia. catarrh, cold, cough and bron chitis." Another recommend from a Catholic Institution of one of the Central States written by the Sister Superior reads as follows: "A number of years ago our attention was railed to Dr. Hartman's Peruna, and since then we have used It with wonder ful results for grip, coughs, colds and ca tarrhal disease of the head and stomach. "For grip and winter catarrh especially It has been of great service to the Inmates of this Institution." I A letter recently received by Dr. New York, reads as follows: Hart man from Sister Beatrix, 410 W. 80th atreet, Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sir: "1 cannot ay too much In praise of Peruna. Eight bottles of It cured me of catarrh of the lungs of four years standing-, and I would not have been without It for anything. It helped several Sisters of coughs and colds and I have yet to fiod one case of catarrh that It does not cure." SISTER BEATRIX. INTERESTING LETTERS FROM CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS THE SISTERS GOOD WORK. Dr. S. B. Hantman, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sir. "The young: girl who used the Peruna was suffering; from laryngi tis and loss of voice. The result of the trcatmeut was most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after further use of the medicine we hope to be able to In every country of the civilized world the Sisters of Charity are known. Not only do they minister to the spir itual and Intellectual r.eeds of the charges committed to their I say she Is entirely cured." Sisters of care, but they also minister "wliariiy. to their bodily needs. With This young girl was under the care of the so many children to take care Slaters of Charity and used Peruna for of and to protect from cli mate and disease, these wise and prudent sisters have found Peruna a never-falling safeguard. Dr. Hartman receives many letters from Catholic Sisters from all over the United States. A recommend recently received from a Catholic Institution ' In Detroit, Mich., reads as follows,: catarrh of the throat, with good results as the above letter testifies. From a Catholic Institution In Central Ohio comes the following recommend from a Sister Superior: "Some years ago a friend of our Institu tion recommended to us Dr. Hartman's I Peruna as an excellent remedy for the In fluenza, of which we then had several cases SISTERS OF CHARITY All Over the tolled States ate Pt-ro-na for Catarrh. A recommend recently received from a Cathollo institution in tha southwest reads as follows: A Prominent Mother Superior Sayi: "I can testify from experience to tha efficiency of Peruna as one of the very best medicines, and It gives me pleasure to add my praise to that of thousands who have used It. For years I suffered with catarrh of the stomach, all remedies prov ing valueless for relief. Last spring I went to Colorado, hoping to be benefited by a change of climate and while there a friend advised me to try Peruna. After using two bottles I found myself very much Improved. The remains of my old disease being now so slight, t consider myself cured, yet for a while I Intend to continue the use of Peruna. I am now treating another patient with your medicine. She has been elck with malaria and troubled with leucorrhoea. I have no doubt that a cure will be speedily effected." These are samples of letters received by Dr. Hartman from the various ord ers of Catholic Sisters throughout the United States. The names and addresses to these let ters have been withheld from respect to the Sisters, but will be furnished on re quest. One-half of the diseases which afflict mankind are due to some catarrhal de rangement of the mucous membrane lin ing some organ or passage of the body. A remedy that would act Immediately upon the congested mucous membrane re storing it to Its normal state, would con sequently cure all these dlspases. Catarrh is catarrh wherever located, whether It bo in the head, throat, lungs, stomach, kidneys or pelvic organs. A remedy that will cure it in one location will cure it in all loca tions. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use . of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart rasn. giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, O. ransom Central Laker Union. A gnod attendance was present at the regular session of the Central Labor union held In the large hall In Labor temple last , evening. Only the regular routine of bunl ness waa transacted and the meeting waa adjourned early. W. R. May. representa ' tlve of the tobacco union from 8t I.Qula. ' spoke a few words of parting before his re ' turn to the MlHourl city next Sunday He ) complimented the labor organisations of this city ard said that he hid never before wltnensed avion, a perfect organlcatlon of the labor bodies as existed In Omaha. BANQUET 0FJTKINLEY CLUB Governor Commlna of Iowa Aceepta Invitation to Be Among; the Speakers. C. G. McDonald of the committee on ar rangements has received from Governor Cummins of Iowa a letter. In which the governor states that unless something un foreseen happens be will be In Omaha to address the McKlnley club at Its banquet at the Millard hotel January 29, the birth day of the departed president. Probably he will be asked to speak on tariff reform. The club is also in correspondence with Charles G. Dawes of Chlcaao. former eotnn. troller of the currency under McKlnley and i very near him in both public and private affairs. If Dawes will come he will be asked to speak on McKlnley. The other speakers will be local men. Sixty-five signed for banquet tickets when the project was first set on foot and the final total is expected to reach into the hundreds. AFTER DESERTING HUSBANDS Chief Donahne'a Bill Now la Handa of Member of State Legislator. While speaking of hla proposed bill for the Imprisonment of all husbands who are found rulltr of deserting their wives and families. Chief Donahue stated yesterday that he had placed the measure In the hands of a member of the atate legislature and that It would be carefully investigated also by the members of the 8tate Board of Corrections and Charities. The chief has received a letter from Frank W. Bryant of North Platte, In which the wrltor states that the measure as propoaed by the Omaha chief is one .that should be given the support of the legislature and that the residents In that vicinity are In accord with It. . LOCAL BREVITIES. Three nickel watches were stolen by sneak thieves from the Schmelser sporting goods store, l'il Farnam atreet. Lydla A. Heckly desires divorce from I Holomon. ail-ring non-support and accusa tions of Infidelity on her part. They ware married January 7, 1871. Trie Northweatern's Atlantic express. No. s. dally, which has left Omaha for Chicago at 4 56 p. m., will leave at 6:50 p. m. here after, beginning Sunday. The time of ar riving in Chicago, 7:16 a. ra., remains the same. The train, therefore, will make a gain in time of nearly an hour. The one ai d a half story frame building at 4112-14 North Twenty-eighth avenue, oc- ; cupted by Jacob H. rToctor and orrned by Edward II. Smith, was damaged by Are at i 4 45 o'clock yesterday afternoon to the ex- I tent of i&. The blaae was caused by I clothing which waa bung too cloee ta tha J stove, BIG FINE FOR WIFE BEATER Police Jadge Aaaeaaea Man Forty Dollars for Drlvlnsr Wife front Homo, Denying t the sccusatlons made against him by hla wife, while she was on the stand in the police court. John McCrae, who was arrested and charged with hav tng choked and beaten her and later driven her from home, maintained bis 'n nocence and claimed that Mrs. McCrae waa entirely at fault In running from the house and being found uaconscloua in tha snow by neighbors. Judge Berks, from the testimony which was submitted, took a different view of the cas and fined Mc wmianwamiZ4 CALIFORNIA ? No matter how you want to go, "Southern'' or "Scenic' route, in a tourist sleeper or aboard the finest train in America, the Rock Island is the line to take. Don't make any mistake about that. Thro' tourist cars daily from Kansas City and once a week from Omaha to Los Angeles and San Francisco via El Paso. Tourist cars three times a week from Omaha to San Francisco and Los Angeles via the "Scenic'' line through Colo rado and Utah. Golden State limited leaves Kansas City daily an d offers unrivalled service to all points in Southern California. Berths, tickets and lull information at all Rock Island ticket offices, or addressing, C A. R UTHERFORD, D. P. A 1323 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. P. S. Write for "The Golden State" a beautifully illustrated booklet descriptive of California, Interesting, instructive, practical sent free on request. I ' ....WHY STAY.... If. A GOLD OFFICE? Warm Rooms $10.00 Up IN THE BEE BUILDING. Rental price Include Heat, light, Water and Janitor Service. R. C. PETERS V Co,, Ground Floor Rental Agents. Bee Bldg. v i v a m a ar SAVE FUEL-WORRY If YOUR DEALT TRIES TO TAUT YOU INTO THE MISTAKE OF BVTYING AKOTMEB MAX E, WRIT Z TO US. Charter 0&k5iweI&fieCa ( OT-LOVia.MOf , v v Crae 40 sal costs.