Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Taipajen' Lengui Starts MoreiEtnt for
Charge in Bchcol Law.
RNtmnradi Less mbrf of Members
4 romprnanllnn Adrqeate to (he
Time Itrqnlrnl for the
Public Service.
At called meeting of the Taxpayers'
league held on Thursday evening the ques
tion of making some Important changes In
th school laws applicable to cities of the
first and second classes was fully discussed,
after which the following resolutions wore
unanimously adopted:
Whereas. The public erhnol laws of Ne
braska pertaining- to metropolitan cities In
their present form and efftct have been a
constant source of trouble, dissatisfaction
and litigation to superintendents, teachers,
employes and taxpayers. And as we firmly
believe the lawmakers and public at larse
never Intended or expected or even now
desire to have any person or number of its
el turns In large, populous school districts
contribute their valuable time gratuitously
and neglect their peonal Interests by serv
ing in the responsible and onerous cipaelty
of a director without receiving a fair and
just compensation for his services; there
fore, be It,
Resolved, ss the sentiment of this league,
Thst any person elected to perform the
duty of a school director In this district
should receive a reasonable and fair com
pensation for services rendered. And thit
each member of the Hoard of Kducatlun
should be required to furnish a satisfactory
bond to the district for the faithful per
formance of his duty.
Resolved, also. 1 hat we favor a reduc
tion of the number of tha Hoard of Kdiicn
tlon, as we recognize that a smaller body
of Just and competent members will trans
act business more carefully and expedi
tiously than a more cumbersome body and
with the knowledge of receiving h salary
will give more thought nnd attention and
practice more honesty and economy In its
management of school uffalrs than have
been displayed by the present and past
boards of education under the present
School laws. V also believe that the
enormous overlaps In the school fund that
occur each year In consequence of a wllfull
and unlawful misappropriation of the funca
could be averted by a change In the law.
Resolved, That a committee of ten cltl
lens and taxpayers who have the Interest
of the public schools at heart be selected
to meet with like committees from Omaha
and Uncoln for the purpose of formulating
a revision of the school laws of the stnte
In conformity with the views expressed In
these resolutions, their recommendstlons to
be presented to the coming session of the
legislature with an eirnest request that
the school lawa governing cities of the first
ajid second classes be nmended'to conform
with the suggestions herein Indicated.
The following committee was appointed:
David Anderson, E. H. Howland, T. J.
O'Nell, Dana Morrill, Bd Howe, A. L. Berg
qulat, A. A. Nixon, Ed Johnson, T. J. Nolan
end Richard 0'Keeffe. ,
The question of a fire and police commis
sion was discussed at some length, hut no
action Was taken, the matter being referred
to the general committee of the league for
a report before action Is taken.
It Is expected that the members of this
league will be welj represented when a
meeting of; the charter revision committee
la called.
Maxwell Work Masons.
William Maxwell la In Jail, being held
temporarily on a charge of being druak. It
la asserted by M. W. drelat that Maxwell
gave him the Masonic sign of distress and
waa given $5. Later on Orelst found that
Maxwell was having good time In an N
treet ealoon and he caused his arrest. The
police say that Maxwell has been borrowing
money from Masons here, putting up vari
ous; stories. He showed receipts for lodge
dues paid to a lodge at Plkevtlle, Ky. These
receipt are presumed to he forgeries. Max
well will be brought before Judge King to
day, when he will be given an opportunity
of squaring matters. , ( . ; .-.. i r
No Particular Change.
The condition of Clyde Lake, who shot
himself Thursday night In an N street sa
loon, was about the aame last night. Blight
temhorrages were noted during the day by
the attending physicians, hut It la hardly
thought that he la aerlously Injured. The
young man la still at the home of his
mother In tho Rowley block, on Twenty
sixth street, and the doctors are giving him
very attention possible.
1 Looking; After Seirera.
Mayor Koutsky had a couple of men at
work yesterday cleaning catch basins In the
Sowntown portion of the city, so that when
the rain commenced the aewera were free
and the water ran off rapidly. At the pres
ent time tha street force la kept down to
one or two men, but some work which
counta la performed every day, as was
shown by the opening of the catch basins
when needed.
Need More Flata.
Real estate dealers say that since there
la a good proapect ot coal being acarce this
winter there has been an unusual demand
for apartments in steam-heated flats. The
demand, said one dealer last night. Is far
In excess of the supply. Another real es
tate man said that Investors could make
good returns on their money by erecting
comfortable steam-heated flats for families
In th's city.
Maft-le City Gossip.
rsrriel Rnth. Twenty-third and II street.
Is down with typhoid fever.
Money Is being raised for the purchase of
a pipe organ for St. Agnes' church.
Michael Munda and wife. Fortieth and Q
streets, announce the birth of a son.
From now until after thf holidays the
rtores here will be kept open evenings.
Huslness men generally had their side
walks cleaned of snow and Ice yesterday.
Mrs. A. L. Colemsn of Chicago Is here
visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. Qll
chrtat. A son has oeen born to Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Pernam, Twentieth and Missouri
The soft weather yesterday and the rain
has delayed the harvesting of Ice In this
B. E. Wilcox Is rapidly recovering from
an attack of fever and expects to be at his
office next week.
A ping pong table has been Installed by
Secretary Marsh In the Young Men's Chris
tian association rooms.
Captain D. 8. Parkhurst, president of
the South Omaha Llvi Stock exchange, has
returned from a business trip to Chicago.
John Hopkins has been sentenced to
thirty days It the county Jail for stealing
clothing from members of the Salvation
Better street car servl-e has been prom
ised the special committee of the council
appointed to wait upon President Murphy
a few days ago.
D. E. Jenkins of Omaha will speak at the
men's meeting of the Young Men's Chris
thin association on Sunday afternoon. Miss
Myrtle Keefer will sing.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fitxgerald entertclned
the HiKhland Park Whist club Thursday
evening. Mrs. J. B. Watklna and J. M.
Tanner carried off the prizes.
Frank Thompson has sold his business at
2414 N street and will ovote his ttme to
looking after his buildings to be erected at
Twenty-fourth and 11 streets.
John I j. Howe, the express messenger
who was accidentally shot In Council Blurt's
Thursday nlcht. Is a cousin of E. L, Howe,
city treasurer of South Omaha, and also of
J. O. EaMman.
Frank Daniels and company,
direction of Kirk LaShelle, In '
i a
:fn the good old -'
fashioned. -way.
' Not Aged Artificially.
Hot Colored Artificially. .
A Great Stirnulinl.
At the Boyd.
under the
'Miss Sim
plicity." an operatic comedy. Book by
n. A."Barnett, music by II. I Hearts and
staged by Ned Wayburn. The principals
In tho cast: , ,
"My Man Blossoms" FTank Daniels
Philip Mont fort Frank Turner
lArd Bob. Montfort's pal Mark Lane
Arthur Tammona, Esq., Montfort's pal..
Grafton Baker
Dr. Willie Pellet, an enthusiast
Douglas Hint
Sergeant Jean Thomas Michel of the
King's Own John Wheeler
Faon, Michel's companion. . .Harry Holllday
Kpnrt Mlrhel'a comnanlon .. .Frank Conway
Pvgmce. Michel's companion. .Sinclair Nash
Madamolselle Clair de Lolnvllle
uraca urr irr
Patty Yarrell, her duenna
Rop'aiiel'a "beggar maid Mai Lowery
Ludv Dorothea Walalngnam nagges,
chaperon of tne ftloniiori party
Kate I art
Margery Bagges Isabelle U Armonde
Madame Michel Grace Cannon
If Frank Daniels were welcome f-r no
other reason, the fact that he mvariaDiy
comes with a new song would be enough
o guarantoe him a Joyous greeting from
admirers who grow more fond of him with
each passing year. And this time he has
whole bouquet of songs that are new
and which ought to readily replace some
of the favorites that have been doing duty
now for well, no matter how long. He
Is the same Jolly, clever, funny Daniels we
have alwaye known. He likes fun, and is
even suspected of enjoying his nightly ,
performances aa much as any one in the
theater. His methods are his own ana
are really kaledloscoplc, in the regard that
hile they are alwaye Daniels, they are
never .exactly t.wlce alike, no matter aow
reminiscent they may seem of things you
have seen him in before. "Miss Simplic
ity" has become heiress to the accumu
lated fun of a host of funny pieces Mr.
Daniels has exploited in years gone by,
but all these riches have been so recast and
worked over that they aeem an entirely
new lot. In evidence of which we will
hear "Don't Mind Me" and "Babette" for
awhile at least.
"Miss Simplicity" la nearer to a comic
opera than anything Mr. Daniels has ever
had. It doesn't contain any especially
ambitious music, but it has plenty of mel
ody, a great deal of Jingle, several solos
and duets and a couple of octets that
were called for often by the audience last
night. It Is particularly strong In cho
ruses, and the choius baa been selected
with an eye to the stage picture as well
aa to the voices and the result la pleasing.
While the voices blend most harmoniously,
the singers themselves, garbed in hues
that alone would seem garish, are grouped
on the stage ao designedly that the pris
matic result la one of a rich mingling ot
tints, producing a splendid series of pic
tures. Mr. Daniels is assisted by singers
and comedians who are well qualified to
secend his effort and who contribute much
to the general excellence of the perform
ance. VI tne staging or me piece u is
enough to say that It Is up to the Kirk
LaShelle standard.
Boyd's theater was packed In spite of the
depressing weather and the audience was
very generous in Us recognition of the
many good thlnga served. At the end of the
first act Mr. Danlela tried to satisfy the
curtain call demand by merely bowing, but
finally succumbed and made a speech. His
remarks were simply a continuation of
what he bad been saying In the play and
made tha hit of the season so far as cur'
tain speeches are concerned.
Miss Simplicity" will be repeated at a
matinee and evening performance today.
The Hochmaa Recital.
Theme and variations Tschalkowsky
(al Pallet Music from tne opera ai-
ceste" Qluck-St. Baens
(b) Melody Brahms
(c) Barcarole , Hochman
(d) Etude Bauer
(a) Prelude Chopin
(b) Etude Chopin
(c Nocturne..... nopm
(d Polonslee Chopin
Midsummer Night's Preara iist
Thla was the program which attracted all
too few of the music lovers of Omaha to
the Koantze -Memorial church laat night,
but the audience waa aggressively enthusi
astic, demanding the best powers of tho
distinguished young pianist, Arthur Hoch
man. .
Mr. Hochman,' of course, will be spoken
of as excelling in Chopin or Lis it. or what
ever one's predilections are In connection
with such a program. But to the aenae of
the critic, whole not a pianist, by actual
experience, but Is yet a lover of the music
of the pianlstlc realm of composition,
Hochman appeared to be a musician who
is full ot temperament, who has abundant
technique, ponderoua or buoyant. Strong or
delicate, as the occasion demands.
He procure a tone which la strikingly
diapason In quality, and which rings full
ot richness, and again be fascinate ono by
his beautiful pianissimo. His "trilling."
to borrow from the vocalist, is a marvel
tf cUinneas and .accuracy, which perhaps
suggest the answer to the question oae Is
. tempted to ask, whether hs does not some
' times ;.ac rifle the general Idea of a phraae
to the embellishment of Its termination.
His' bringing out ot contrapuntal treat
: ment ot themes is decidedly original, and
the general effect of bis playing hs In
creased notably by the tact that on feels
' that (he la listening to an honest, straight
1 forward, convincing and highly magnetic
piece of plaiUttc work. -He la, Ikough
VEll Y holiday line throughout the entire store is the
strongest that ripe experience, limitless facilities and
the determination to excel can assemble. Every price
quotation is the lowest possible, and preserves the essential
of highest quality for which th is store is justly noted.
day Your Christmas Shopping
Christmas Furs
for Women and Children
As appropriate and desirable a gift as can be selected
is an article of fur. If you contemplate purchasing furs, a
visit to our fur section will prove
not only interesting, but profitable,
for our carefully selected stock of
skins and fashionably made articles
of furs are priced so reasonable that
no matter what your selections may
be you will be securing the best
value obtainable in this city.
Stylish Cluster Scarfs, in
American or Siberian Marten,
brook Mink and other stylish
furs, long husky . 1 QA
tails, at ;.
Real Marten Cluster Scarfs,
choice prime skins, A CC
G tails, only....... ."v
Stylish Long Fur Boa, in best
American Marten, C QA
long.large toils, only -JevJ
Snhle Fox Scnrfa. riiictIh rnrv
fine quality, 2 large husky tails, sold Q g?
everywhere for 1500, only -
Double Fox Scarfs, in Sable or Isabella blend, 2
large tails; regular $25.00 values, 18 75
Children's and Misses' Fur Sets
Child's China Lamb Fur Set,
Child's Fur Set of China Lamb and An
gora, with pocketbook
Child's Fur Set of White Angora and Lamb
with pocketbook and large collar
Misses' Fur Set of natural Oppossum, A QA
with cluster of six tails, collar iind muff...l
Misses' Fur Set of Sable-dyed Fur, cluster
luster O ff
of flix tails, collar and muff
isses' Fur Set of imitation Stone Marten, A f(X
cluster of six tails, collar and muff. . . T"e VV
Christmas Gifts ror M,on nncl Wonion- rroni
. zL.ovory Inoh of spaoo and ovory
cornor pcops a suggestion of what to buy Tor&olf gratlflcn
tion. Novelty and economy go hand and hand, JLll that9
loft for you is tho plcaauro of choosing from this porfoct
holiday stock surrounded by ovory convonlonco and facil
ity that contributes to comfort.
We're proud of the offering.
It is a planned-for-special. We
arranged for the best grade of
50c silks in a big assortment
of patterns both light and dark
in coloring in all new effects.
There are just 100 dozen of
these. We haven't marked
them 50c though' they are
worth every cent of it. We
are eoing to sell O SZ ,
them Saturday for JJs
Leather Chatelaines and Wrist Bags
Ladies stylish leather wrist bags, latest
shape with heavy steel chains and polished
metal frame, in black, tan and 'IQp
brown, eilk lined. Worth 1.00, JVC
Metal Chatelaines and Wrist Bags
Children's White Metal Chatelaines with
long neck guard chains nnd chate- C Qp
laine attachments, at 23c, 4Sc and. - w
Ladies' White Metal, Oxidized nnd dun
Metal Chatelaines in all the latest shapes and
frames, beautiful and inexpensive presents
for ladies, misses and 1 T
childreu,50c, 75c and lVJJ
German Silver Mesh Chatelaines, white
gun metal and oxidized, also fancy beaded
effects, made with heavy frames and chains
to match, silk or chamois linings. The
handsomest and most serviceable goods
manufactured, $1.00,
Ladies Handkerchiefs
Ladies' plain white hemstitched
handkerchiefs in plain and lace
edges at 5c each.
4 jT Ladies' plain white and hem
I 9 C Btitce ace eSe an(i embroid'
AVrw ere(j handkerchiefs, and width ot1
hem one-fourth, one-half or three-fourths
inch at 10c each. ,
Fancy Box Handkerchiefs
For Ladles and Children.
1,000 boxea children fancy colored tape edge cam
brio Handkerchtcfi, S In a
box, 10c
. beautiful children's colored bordered cambric hem
stitched handkerchiefs, full size and fast colors,
600 boxesy boxed, S In a box, 19c a box.
Christmas Suspenders
Fancy silk mixed web, best fine gilt
trimmings, put In fancy box,
each, 35c.
Fine quality fancy colored silk rubber suspenders.
French calf end and trimmed In nickel and gilt. In
Ingle fancy box, 45c.
Good quality fancy colored satin suspenders. In plain
black, white and fancy colors, with gold plated trim
mings. Single box, 75c.
Beautiful line high grade mercerized and silk web suspenders.
CROWN MAKE, new neat patterns, silk, leather or cantab
.ends, also solid colored satins, for
embroidering monogram and initials on
at $1.00
young, a somewhat astounding master' of
finesse and repose.
Hochman deserrea watching!
Report of County Treasurer.
The report of County Treasurer O. Fred
Klsaoser, Knowing the whereabouts of the
county funds, December 1, 19u2, follows:
Balance November 1 $110.2148
November collections 58,416.85
Total 18.7T8.27
Balance December 1 $136.63S.M
November disbursements 33,141.61
Cash In drawer 828 16
Cheeks In drawer 17,348.23
Postage account 71.10
Protest money 413.46
On rteposlt In banks
Merchants' National S6.7?48
United States National 26.3SS.44
Commercial National 10.0l696
First National .2.81
Packers' National 14.9.SO.OT
Omaha National 14.717.53
Union National 6,937.48
Total $168,778.27
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday,
December 19:
Warranty Deeds.
Edward Finney to L. C. Wolfe, lot 19.
block 13; lot 7, block 15: lot 13, block
18, Clifton Hill $ 1
F. 8. Blayney to Peter Kragskow, a
375 feet lot 13, Kensington add 200
H. a. Qrove and wife to W. M. Sick,
lota S and 4, block 26. Benson 300
A. I Reed et al to Peter K. Jler, sub
dlv lot 10, in government lot 3, In
23-16-13 8,000
A. P. Tukev et al' to Minnie M. Mil
ler, lot 8. block 8. Clifton Hill 1,703
Quit Claim Deeds.
Joseph D. Peet to Milton Trust com
pany, lots 7 and 8, block ., B. K.
Rogers' add 220
I C. Peet et al to Milton Trust com
pany, lots 7 and 8, block . 8. E.
Rogers' add 1
Marrlaare Licenses.
These marriage licenses were Issued yes-
trday to:
Name and Address. Age.
Louis N. Coffey, Omaha 21
Jennie J. Geer.a, Omaha, 18
Arthur 8. Pearse, Omaha 25
Mary O. Lehmer, Omaha !3
ls Secret
Tha choicest pi select rain and
thorough, maturing is the secret of
the purity, tha perfection and tha
excellence of
( 1
It is the only one
of its kind and
nothing like it.
It Is particularly
recommended to
women because of
Its age and ex
Sheriff la Ordered to Prtrest Ho-GoTcrn-Cor'bett
Contest Srbed.
tiled for Detroit.
F. A. Keller..
LANSING, Mich., Dec. 19. Governor Bliss
will not permit tne McGovern-Corbett fight
which was to have been held in Detroit next
He wrote this afternoon to Sheriff Dick
son of Wayne county, calling his attention
to the law on the subject and telling him
that he expected him to see that the fight
waa not held in Detroit.
In the letter the governor calls the
sheriff's attention to the decisions of tho
supreme court against fights In Michigan,
and tells him that it ho needs assistance to
prevent the fight It will be given him.
DETROIT, Deo. 19. Matchmaker Consl
dlne of the Metropolitan Athletic club In
sists that the proposed McGovern-Corbett
bout Is not to be a prlie fight, but a spar
ring contest, within the law.
He says a bout under similar articles will
be given In Light Guard armory next Friday ! "reenleaf
night and that the law will be tested. Con- nenaon
tlon and the Horse Owners association
were asked to recommend two of their
members for membership In the American
Turf congrcas.
With the Rovrlers.
The Gate Cltys took three straight games
from the Krug Parks on the Gate City
bowling alleys last night. The score:
. 174
. 169
. 1SS
. 148
. 190
3d. Total.
do away with certain objectionable features
sometimes Imposed, as, for Instance, being
compelled to do other work when employed
for stenographic: work.
Totals 856 805 41 2,602
Mortality Statistics.
"The following births and deaths were re
ported at the office of the Board of Health
durlnK the twenty-four hours ending ut
noon Friday:
Births William Baxter, 2012 North
Twenty-third street, girl; Albert J. Dale,
i 8318 Parker street, boy: Frederick Klmes,
' 17" I South Eighteenth street, girl.
! Deaths Arthur Moraine. 26(18 Burt street,
j aged 10 days; Mrs. Mary Beauclalre, Ninth
Francisco .,
F. Krug.T.
Bongele ...
. m
. 173
. 163
. 146
. 122
3d. Total.
avenue and J street, aged 63 years; Cathe
rine Fraser, 2566 Douglas street, aged 65
years; Baby Schrock, 619 North Sixteenth
street, aged 13 days; Miss Ethel Murrav,
2331 South Tenth street, aged 15 years; H.
N. McGrew, Douglas County hospital, aged
51 yeara.
Money Goes to Keir Orleans.
NEW YORK, Dec, 19 The local barke
today transferred $250,000 to New Orleans
through the subtreaajry.' The subtreaaury
made an addition shipment of $100,000 to
New Orleans.
Publish your legal notices In The Week!)
Bee. Telepbono 23S. .
466 !
800 , 749 2.346
sidlne declares that McGovern and Corbett
will meet here as planned.
In his letter to Ebertff Dickson Governor
Bliss says:
i unuersiana tnat wnat la Heine railed a ttt.i..
sparring match between Young Corbett Slevers '
and Terry McGovern In being arranged to 1 Howard
take place In Wlvnn rnnnlv f m. Ilmu In I . . .
T ...... ...... i ... ---- " fliarua
rw,;r... v. ... .... uu
Yus"i"""i iim it ;u mime hi ma inai
this sparring contest Is to be a prize fight.
In contemplation of the statute prohibiting
contests of this character, and after mak
ing such Investigations us were possible, I
have om to the concIuHlon that the con
test as arranged to be held comes within
the definition of a prise tight, as laid down
by the supreme court. I her by xv
Queat and dirert that you take such steps
as may be necesrary to prevent the taking
place of these prize fights.
Totals 797
On Clark's bowling alleys last night the
Gate City Juniors were defeated by the
high school team. Score:
1st. 2d.
118 159
3d. Totsl.
Steriicker 146
Totals 717 729 740 2,186
Only Two ot the Farorltea Lose on
Slow ' Track at New
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 19. Wateredge
end Cogswell were the only beaten
favorites. The former was practically left
et the post afid closed a big gap.
Weather clear; track alow. Results:
First race, five and a half furlongs:
Harry won, pageant second, Farmer Jim
third. Ttme: 1:10 1-6.
Second race, selling, seven furlongs: Tlllo
won, Dut-h Carter second, Sarllla. third.
Time: 1:30 l-o.
Third race, one mile: Tom Klngsley won.
Rough Kl'ter second, Hanover Uueeu third.
Time: l;4HS-5.
Fourth race, high weight handicap, seven
furlongs: Golden Rule won. Antonlus sec
ond. Death third. Time: 1:30 1-5.
Fifth race, selling, one mile and an
eighth:' Erne won. Cogswell second, Mar
cos third.- Time: 1:59 4-5.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Sweet Alice
won. Suburban Queen aecorid. Half Pay
third. Time: 1:17 2-5.
OldRaelas; Rody Renew Life with
Sis Clubs to Oppose
CINCINNATI. Dec. 19 In opposition to
the Western Jockey club the American
Turf congress was reorganised here today.
The Quarn City Jockey club of Newpor.,
Ky.. invited the attendance of the Illinois
Jockey club, MUsourl Jockey club, Kansas
City Jockey club, Baltimore .Racing asso
ciation and Kw Orleans Jockey club.
It was drcldt-d to continue the American
Turf congress nnd the following officers
were elertud: president. Frank Y- Fowler;
vie president, Clem Creveling; treasurer,
Judge W. W, Helm; secretary, James
The secretary wss authorised to open
Seneral offices In Newport, Ky., and retain
udge Helm, who has alwsya been the at-lri.-y
fur the American Turf congress, s
Ths Horse Breeders' Protective eesoeia,-
. 155
. 160
. 122
. 123
. 126
rtk!lhed Two Yssrt, Btfors ths PebIM trery Dsy.
Cspitgi $50,000. graram rice. Pre't intlnnnl BmV DPfPrenrw? titmlshrt
U. no Broadara. New Vera.
m Canal $u New Orleans, I
Totals 6S6 i
Stephens & Smiths team waa
794 2.170
last night on Clark's alleys by the Wood
men of the World tenpln team. Score;
W. O. w.
1st. $d. 3d. Total.
McKelvey '117 138 163 407
Style 119 132 4 846
Yates 170 167 101 438
Forgan 167 129 151 487
Foley 108 166 150 424
Totals (71
8. 8.
Richard 127
F. Uefholts 165
Schmela 83
H. Lefholta 143
Champion 131
Totals 4
731 648 1,061
3d. Total.
667 1,901
Initial Step Taken for Organisation ot
the Stenographers of
Initial ' steps toward the organlia
tion of the Shorthand end Typewriters'
union of Omaha were taken by nine ao em
ployed in a meeting et the county court
house Thursday night. It Is the Intention
to take In all who are shorthand stenog
raphers or typewriters by profession, and
perhaps to take In the women also. It Is
estimated that if restricted to men alone
the membership, could be 1,500.
C. C. Valentine Is acting chairman until
formal organisation can be accomplished
and Frank Sutcllffe as secretary. The com
mittee on constitution comprises II. B.
Boyles of the Boyle s achool, chairman;
Charles Potter In Judge Blabaugh's court,
and L. J. Qulnby, Journal clerk In the office
of the clerk of the district court.
Becretsry Sutcllffe, who Is reporter In
Judge Read's court, waa Instructed to
write to the American Federation of La
bor for a charter. An organizer from La
bor temple waa present and coached the
proceedings. If the charter comes In time
the members expect to organise formally
at a meeting which will be held next Tues
day evening at Boyles' school.
It Is stated that the object In organising
Is to better the standard of the profession,
better the wages and unite la aa effort to
350 Per Gent Profit
in Three
Out One Horse Per Day Play at New Or
leans Gets the Money. i
Wednesday, Scotch Plaid,
Thursday, Com Foster, -Friday,
Sweet Alice,
8 to 5 Von
7 to 5 Won
I to 2 Von
The above were the three and onlj three horses on which we
placed the money of our clients at New Orleans during the last
three days. Of course every 20 played is $t0 ahead on the opera
tion and every f 100 played is ?330 ahead. Our one-horse-per-day
play is more conservative than buying government bonds' and
more remunerative than Standard Oil. From fair weather and a
good track we cannot lose a bet for you at New Orleans. Bend
us by telegraph your account at once, if you want to enjoy the
choice picking we have in store for you today and every day next
The arrangements which we have made for this winter are perfect. .For the pas
two years we neve been handlcspped at this track by the publicity which has bee
... . n .111 Inrnrmut nn hV 1 1
name of the horse we select Is not communicated
rly sale. This year we have provided against this. Th
races, in
to anybody before the
order to enable clients to back our choices we have secured the services of Mr. So
Lichtensteln, a noted Eastern bookmaker and member of the Metropolitan Assoc!
tlon. who places tne money at tne ir.-.
Arrjunt will be acceoted subject to conditions
Maxim s uav vo
which are given below. As a
pledge of god faith the Maxim at u uonumii ai i i i
the Editor of the New Orleans Itarn the selectlona the money will be played on. and
also to mall the selectlona to out-of-town subscribers before noon each day of the
races such lettere to bear poslmsrk of not later than 1 p. m. of the day the races are
. k.', it al.,. undertakes to telegraph on request to any subscriber every evening
J , I nnma tt ill. hnreS DlttVed.
Conditions of suhacrlptions to our service at New Orleans are as follows:
Fee for information, 110 weekly. . .
Charge for placing your money st the trsrk is five per cent of the net weekly win
nings Weekly remittances of profits. Accounts subject to withdrawal at a moment s
S..tfce omclal cl.ming odds guaranteed, it EMIT WRECT TO MAXIM & GAY CO..
The following are the minimum accounts thst will be accepted.
For 110 dally play on each horse. u0. For 3J dally play on each horse. $100. For
$50 daily play on each horse, For $100 dally play on each horse, $a00.
Do no) I&trust Money to ths Mails Without Registering. JJtfStW