Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Baltimore,' Md.
Liuooln Polioe Working on Case and Sensa
tion ia Likely to Develop.
Governor 8Tf t Will Recommend
Appropriation af $7B,0(M for Ne
braska Representation nt
St LouliT'Exposltlon.
(From a Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 19. (Special.) The mys
terious disappearance of $1,020 from the
Lincoln Safe Deposit and Truat company U
occupying the attention of Ihe police. The
money n the property of Mayor Wlnnett
and ii placed In the depository during
the month of November. It wai taken
som time between that time and Decem
ber t. The theft haa been kept quiet by
all partlea concerned nntll today.
Some time ago Mr. Wlnnett went Into
the depository and aecured hit box from
the attendant. He then went Into the pri
vet apartment reaerTed for the customers
and examined the contents. He relockcd
the box and returned It to the attendant.
In replacing; the contents In the box, how
ever, be left the purse containing a $1,000
bill and two 110 bills lying on a shelf In
the private rcom. He then left the bank.
Later he thought of the purse and re
turned to the apart menu to get It. The
Mirth ia an almost in
fallible eign of good
health. A sick woman
may force a smile or at
times be moved to laugh
ter. But when a woman
ia bubbling over with
mirth and merriment abe
ia surely a well woman.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription haa
made thousands of melancholy and mis
erable woven cheerful and Happy, by
curing the painful womanly diseases
which undermine a wotuin'i health and
strength. It establishes regularity and
so does away with monthly misery. It
dries debilitating drains and so cures
the cause of much womanly weakness.
It heaja inflammation and: ulceration,
and cures the bearing -down pain a,
which are auch a source of suffering to
aick women.
"I k ami pleasure In rceonimesdiBsj Dr.
Tierce's Karaite Prescription for female weak
aa. wnlea Mr. Susannah Permentrr. of
Paula Store, ahelby Co-.Teaaa, I was troubled
wub. bearing down (ami in ray bark and hips
far ata year, and I wrota to iWtor Pierce for
dvk. I tried him ' Favorite freacrintion ' and
bottles cured me. 1 feel like a new per ton
ad i thank Dr. Pierce fur my health. Life la a
ardien to any one without health. I have told
areat many of nay Inanda abont the great
saedtcine 1 teak.
Accept no substitute for " Favorite
Prescrirtion." There ia nothing "Juat
ai ROOd."
Dr. Pierce'a Common Sense Medical
' Adviser is sent frtt on receipt of
aumpa to pay expense of mailing only.
Send a I one-cent elanipe for the paper
covered book., or 31 stamp for the
cloth bound. Addrcts Dr. &. V. fierce,
Buflalo,W. V.'
purse was gone. Tha matter waa reported
to the manager and the latter by the
records found that very few men had been
In the private apartments since the mayor
had left. These men, who It Is known were
In the apartments, are among the most
prominent In the city, and something sen
sational Is liable to result. One of the
men was put In the sweat box by the police
today, but It Is thought nothing was
learned. The matter haa been reported to
the county attorney, but so far no arrests
have been made and the police are unable
to aay who has tho money.
It waa In this depository that Dr. Far
nam recently discovered that he was $1,600
wealthier than he supposed by finding that
amount In his strong box, with no record
of how It got there. Today Dr. Firnam
said he had found that the $1,600 had been
paid to him by a farmer and that .he had
neglected to make a reccrd of It.
Conference on Charities.
A. W. Clark of Omaha waa In Lincoln
today to attend a meeting of the committee
to prepare a program for tha state confer
ence of Charities and Corrections to be held
here February 5 and (. The committee de
voted some time to the discussion of legis
lation In legard to wife abandonment. Rep
resentative Kennedy of Omaha Is prepar
ing a bill now to be presented at the next
legislature to make wife abandonment a
felony. Mr. Clark believes the legislature
will pace the law, aa ,11 has been tried In
many other states and haa resulted In
much good.
Brnsh I'p I.earlalat Ire Hall. '
The desks In the representative hall and
the senate chamber have been brushed up,
revarrrlshed and placed In ahape to receive
the legislators. Cards with the names of
the various legtalatore and the county each
represents have been printed, and the sec
retary of state has printed a map of ths
counties and the names of the legislators.
Everything around the state house Is being
cleaned and put In shape, and there Is ev
ery evidence that something Is going to
occur. Many of the senators and repre
sentative have called at the atate house
and familiarised themselves with the halls,
but very few of them care to talk about
the needs of the state at the bands of th
Favors Exposition Appropriation.
It la now known positively that Governor
Savage will recommend to the next legis
lature the appropriation of $76,000 for the
Nebraaka exhibit at th 8t Louis exposi
tion. Governor Savage has refused re
peatedly to glv out any advance informa
tion In regard to his coming message or
the recommendations that he will make,
but this morning It waa stated by on who
had heard It from the governor that auch
would be his recommendation.
Ia the meantime the governor Is peg
ging away at the message and will havs It
ready for the legislature by the time the
legislature gets ready for It. He refused to
glv out any Information concerning ths
contents of th metsag at thia time. This
refusal, he said, waa due t the fact that
there waa constantly changing conditions
and th message wss changing just aa con
stantly. "Likely th morning th legisla
ture meets there will be some changes la
tha messsge, he said. "I raa't tell my
self. I desire to get up a document that
will please me, and until I get It In that
shape I shall not divulge Its contact. I'd
be a chump If I did "
Portland Also Wants Exhibit.
John H. Knapp, special commissioner of
th Lewis and Clark Centennial exposition
to be held at Portland. Or., May 1 t Octo
ber tl, 106. was bar this morning and had
a conference with Governor Savage. Mr.
Knapp desired th governor to include la
his recommendation to tha legislatur for
an appropriation for th St. Louis ei posi
tion a recommendation te include ia that 1
appropriation the Portland ax position. Mr.
Knapp waa assured by Governor-Savage that
he would do so. Later he saw Oovernor
elect Mickey, who was passing through the
city, and he, too, promised to recommend
that Nebraska have an exhibit at Portland.
The exhibit at Portland, said Mr. Knspp,
would be no additional cost to the state.
His plan ia to have the exhibit that Ne
braska sends to St. Louis transferred to
Portland at the close of the St. . Louis
exposition. The railroads, he said, had
agreed to ship the exhibit free of cost.
Portland will furnish the buildings In
which the exhibits will be placed unless
the varioua state desire to have aeparate
buildings. In that case each state will
furnish its own building.
The state of Oregon has appropriated
$500,000; Portland, $500,000, and congreaa
will be asked to appropriate $2,600,000 to
pay the expenses of the exposition. Most
of the states west of the Mississippi havo
signified the intention to take part in th
Governor Mickey was In Lincoln a short
time this morning and left for York, and
expects to return to Lincoln the first of the
I Blveralty Brawn and Rrnln.
The university team and the university
seconds defeated the Young Men's Chris
tina association and the high school teams
in basket ball last night, the former win
ning by a score of 18 to 25 and the later
by a score of 18 to 26. Both games were
red hot and snappy from start to finish.
The State university students have be
gun preparations for the Interstate de
bates. The preliminary debatea will be
held during the latter part of January.
The Interstate debates will be between Nebraska-Colorado
at Colorado Spring In
March; Nebraska-Kansas at Lawrenc In
April; Nebraska-Missouri at Lincoln prob
ably early In May. These two questions
have been decided upon for two of the de
bates: Resolved, That as a general principle ths
continuance of public service Industrie In
the United States should be Insured by thn
leaMslature compelling the arbitration of
disputes between the companies and their
The other question decided upon Is:
Resolved, That experience proves that
the concentration of vast aggregations of
rapltal In thr hands of single private manu
facturing corporations Is Inimical to public
Both questions will be debated In the pre
liminary contest. It has not been decided
with what state Nebraska will debate the
latter question, but the first will be handled
by Kanaas and Nebraska.
The fourth annual meeting of the Inde
pendent telephone companies' representa
tives Is In session at th Lincoln hotel and
will hold over until Saturday evening. It
la expected that aeventy-flve members will
b her before th meeting adjourns.
Elevator Full of Grain. -
MEMPHIS. Neb.. Me. 19. (Special.)
Farmers In the vicinity of Memphis have
been compelled to step shelling out their
corn crop. Th capacity of Rallsback
Bros.' and the Duff Orain company's eleva
tor la limited by the supply now on band
and the B. A M. agent hss been unable to
secure freight cars to haul th crop to
Telephone System for Hebron.
HEBRON. Neb., Dec. 19. (Special.) At
a special meeting of th city council held
here a franchise was granted to C. M. Mc
Neill of Beatrice, Neb., and W. G. Fran
cis of Kansas City, Mo., to operate a tele
phone system la Hebron.
Dlaehara-e Confessed Mnrderer.
BEATRICE. Neb., Dee. 19. (Special Tel
egram.) Fred Old, the man who Impli
cated himself snd Ephram Herrod in th
murder uf David Jonas of Wyinpr, a 4 who
Established 8823
has been occupying quarters In the county
jail since his arrest. Was discharged by
Judge Lemon on motion, by the eounty at
torney. Olds has gone to Wymore, his
former home. The authorities believe his
mind I unbalanced.
Attorney Will Ask to Have Sentence
nnd flea of Gallty Set
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dee. 19. (Spe
cial.) No further steps were taken today
in the matter of O. A. Baxter, secured of
th premeditated murder of his 4-months'-old
baby boy. Induced to plead guilty to the
charge of manslaughter after the positive
and Incriminating evidence given against
him before the coroner's Inquest by his
wife and sentenced to the oenitentlary for
ten years. But tomorrow the attorneya for
the old man will file a motion In the court
to set aside the verdict and reopen the
case. And there can be no question of the
acquittal of the man, though he came so
near going to Lincoln, possibly to spend
ell the remainder of his days In prison.
He la nearly 70 yeara of age.
Graft Doe not Work.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 19. (Special Tele
egram.) 4 smooth grafter visited this city
today. He registered at the Paddock hotel
as W. S. Bowman of Kansas City and de
posited $800 In the safe with the clerk.
He later purchased a pair of $5 shoes at
the Chicago aboe store and the footwear
was paid for at the hotel office, according
to the stranger's instructions. He called
at the hotel after the goods hail been de
livered and returned the shoes to the store,
saying that he was dissatisfied with them.
He received the $5 paid by the bote) clork
and also bis valuable package, but In at
tempting to Jump out of town without set
tling his board bill or paying for the shoea,
he was caught at the depot by an officer
and made ; to square his accounts. He left
town en route for Lincoln this, evening.
Go to Testify In Mirier rase.
ASHLAND, Neb., Dee. 19. (Special.)
Dr. A. S. von Mansfclde of this city, his
son, Charles H. von Mansfelde of Omaha
and Nelson Sheffer have Been called to
Alede, 111., to testify in the case In which
Miss Tona Dunlap la charged with giving
poisoned candy to Miss Allle Dool of that
place and causing her death. Dr. Mansfelde
and hla son are expert witnesses for th
defense. . Miss Dunlap visited relatives in
Ashland last winter only a short time be
fore the alleged poisoning oeourred. Her
aunt, Mlsa Emma Helmle of Ashland, haa
been In Aledo some time in her 1 behalf.
Miss Helmle will testify that she told her
niece that atrychnlne Is a remedy for corna.
Telephone Exehanare Abont Ready. .
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. 19. (Special.)
The Independent Telephone company has a
big force of men at work and a lot of wires
and cables strung ready for use. It Is now
putting In the 'phones and the exchange
will open for business on Saturday, though
it 'will be a month before the work ia com
pleted. A line ia being put up to Jamas
town and Leavitt.
Ready for Ice Harvest.
MEMPHIS. Neb., Deo. 19. (Special.)
Armour A Co. haa a foree of men at work
on its lake afthia place removing the snow,
Tha company will begin harvesting th 1c
crop next week. The Ice Is now eight
Inches thick and of good quality.
' Old Ice on Hand.
ASHLAND. Neb.. Dec. 19 Bn.l.l l
No Ice Will be a-athered at'. I..
house here this winter, as th crop gath
ers laat winter haa not txi used.
That's All!
Released by Governor Isragt
Hespense te Letter front HI
Little Daughter.
LINCOLN. Dec. .19. Governor Savage to
day gave Daisy Lawrence, aged 10 years, of
Norfolk a Christmas present In the shape
of a pardon for her father, who Is serving a
three years' sentence in the atate peniten
tiary for erabezxlement.
The pardon was granted in response to a
pitiful letter from the little girl.
Snow la Eastern Kebrssks and Iowa,
bnt Fnlr In East San
dnr. WASHINGTON, Deo. 19. Forecast:
For Nebraska Snow In east, fair In th
west portion Saturday; Sunday, fair.
For Iowa Rain or snow Saturday, colder
In west portion; Sunday, fair and colder
In east portion.
For Kansas Generally fair Saturday,
colder in east portion; Sunday, fair.
For Mlsssourl Rain Saturday In east,
fair and colder In west portion; Sunday
colder in east portion.
For Montana Fair Saturday, except rain
or snow In extreme northwest portion;
8unday, fair In eaat, rain or snow In north
west portion.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Satur
day and- Sunday.
For Uprth Dakota Fair Saturday,
warmer In northwest portion; Sundsy, fair.
For Illinois Rain Saturday, brisk to high
south winds near the lake; Sunday, fair
and colder. .
For South Dakota Snow In east, fair In
west portion Saturday; Sunday, fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA. Dec. 1 Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
1901. 1901. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature.... 42 t U 29
, Minimum temperature.... 26 11 it 10
Mean temperature 347 29 14
I Precipitation It .00 .00 .09
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature , 26
Excess for the day a
Total excess since March 1 199
Normal precipitation 03 inch
Excesa for the day 13 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 10.04 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 71 inch
j Deficiency for cor. period 1901.... I.TI Inches
ivucivm; lui vur. jmtiuu, ivuu vt incn
Report from Statteaa at T P. M.
. c
: 3
Omaha, raining
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, cloudy
Cheyenne anoalng
Salt Lake City, cloudy....
Rapid City, cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Wllliston, e'ear
Chicago, raining
St. IjouIc, raining
St. Paul, cloudy
I'avenport, raining
Kansas City, raining
Havre, clear
Helena, clear
IMirrvarck. clear
Oalveaton, part cloudy
4X .!
22 S4i .00
22 i .no
241 It! .40
22 2 .(.2
K 41 T
2: 211 T
ti 1X1 .00
' 4 .M
441 6" .02
321 321 .01
H 44 T
481 .04
341 .00
221 .0
24 .0
M 1
T indicates fce of precipitation.
K A. WET."H.
.Local Forecast GmctaX
Etorm Bald to th Wont Which Has
Viiited State in Fifteen Tears.
Several Metres Reported Lost and Two
Mall Carrier Also Reported Lost
Drop la Tesaperatnr Weald
lajnre Stock.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Dec. 19. (8peclal
Telegram.) Probably the worst bltsxard
that has visited southeastern Wyoming,
western Nebraaka and northern Colorado
In fifteen years Is In progress. Snow began
falling at midnight and the atorra Increased
In fury today, being accompanied by a high
wind that piled the snow In high banks and
tilled the railroad cuta. At noon business
was practically auspended In the city and
It la feared owing to the Inability of the
dealers to deliver coal there will be much
Reports from the country Indicate that
the bllxzard extend from Rawlins aa far
oast as North Platte, north to Casper and
south to Denver. The railroads are run
ning rotarlea and wedge plow and large
gangs of shovelers are at work, but It ap
pears that a blockade must surely occur
unless the storm abate.
Several stages are reported lost In the
storm en the Laramie plain and two mall
carriers are believed to have been lost
north of Cheyenne.
There have been ne loeaes of stock aa
yet, but should the temperature take a sud
den drop the worst la feared.
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 19. A cold rain pre
vails all ever Kansas tonight and baa been
la progress for the last six hour. Th
temperature ia much higher than at any
time for a week and the snow, which cov
ered the ground to a depth of five Inches,
Is rapidly melting. The ground baa not
been froien to any extent and winter wheat
Is In One condition.
Workmen Have Narrow Escape.
HOOPER. Neb., Dee. II. (Special.) Th
bridge over the Elkhorn river, about five
miles east of Hooper, Is closed te travel
on account of an accident which occurred
thla afternoon and the workmen narrowly
escaped being killed. Builder Frank Wal
lace was engsged In putting In a new
needle beam on one span, and by the
breaking of a bolt the entire spaa fell
dowa Into the river. Mr. Wallace received
a bad gash on the head, but It la not
thought will result In serloua Injury. He
went home to Fremont today. A farmer
coming to town waa just about te drive
over the place that waa being repaired
when the aectloa dropped out. The bridge
will not be open for travel for aoma time,
until new material can be placed.
Children Help the Poor.
FREMONT. Neb.. Deo. 19. (Special.)
The pupils in the publlo schools yesterday
took up a collection for the .poor of the
city, amounting te ever $40. One-half of
thl. waa given to th Charity elub and ono
half to th Women's Relief corn, to be
used by them In their discretion. The do
nations were almost entirely In small
amounts and a good many children gave
their nickel and pennies to help thos la
Rlarht a ike Bpot
Where rheumatism pains rub Bucklea'a
Aralca Salve, the great healer. 'Twill work
wonder. Stop pain, or a pay. tte. For
sale by Kuba AC.
Acensed Minnesota Man Wonld Have
Anotber Chance If Fnneral
Had Rot Been Held.
ST. PAUL. Dec. 19. The supreme court
banded down a decision today granting new
trials to Irwin A. Gardner and John Fitch
ette, In tho police corruption cases.
Gardner was convicted of bribery and his
attorneya contended that aa he was a wit
ness before the grsnd Jury his evidence
before that body could not be used against
htm. They also urged that evidence show
ing other offenses than that charged in the
Indictment were admitted. The upper court
admitted these contentions.
It will now be necessary to reindict Gard
ner, as all other indictments against him
have been polled. The new trial for Fltch
ette, who was eonvlcted of extorting money
for an appointment to the police force,
cornea late. The funeral waa held last
Sloax Fall Prelate Sustain Intcrnnl
Injnrlee from Runaway at
HURON, 8. D., Dec. 19. The Rt. Rev.
W. H. Hare of Sioux Falls, of the Episcopal
church. Is under a physician's care as the
result of Injuries received In a runaway.
No bonea are broken, but he la Injured In
ternally, the nature and aeverity of which
have not been fully determined. '
Delicious DrinK.s
and Dainty Dishes
Vseaualsd for 8moothas,Ieliccy,M Flavor
Eumia the package yo receive aad auk sure
thai U bears ear trade nrk.
Vbow th dacUiosa of tM U. fl. Cearts ethaf
Cocoa I atilla-to b lahalad .or a14
" B A K. E ' C O C O A.'
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
EataWkhad iffe DOKCUUTCI, MAS.
J , ft 3l