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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1902)
s 13 TITK OMAHA DATLT TlEEt SATURDAY, PKCrMTinrt 20, 1002. KO SETTLEMENT THIS WEEK tTathlof Will B Dons with Strike Until President Bart Retarni. DECISIVE ACTION EXPECTED NEXT WEEK President f Boiler Makers Raid Hare Rerelre Hfiutc from Haw Tark with Information; that Gives Hop. No decisive action will bo taken In the Union raclflc strike until next week at least. Authoritative sources disclose the Information that the conference of officials In New Tork evolved no basis of settlement which can be made public until President Burt'a return to Omaha. This, It was learned from the president's office here, wlU be some time next week. Hence all envelopments await his coming. President John McNeil of the boiler mak er, who Is now the aggressor on the side of the strikers, has gone to Kansas City, his home, where he will remain for several day. Before President Burt's departure for New Tork an understanding was had Vet ween him and Mr. McNeil that the 1atr ter should wait In Omaha for a telegram (rem the former, which would be sent as noon as the conference with Harrlman and the other directors was over. It was Understood this telegram would con tala some statement of the pol icy decided on. While Mr. McNeil de clined to discuss the matter before leaving yesterday. It was learned from reliable sources that he had heard from Mr. Burt and that the message contained hopeful In formation. McNeil and Burt will meet In Omaha next week, when, doubtless, other trlke representatives will be called In and the whole proposition thoroughly discussed. Donfct of Immediate Action. It cannot be said that the strikers are especially dubious as to the outcome of this conference next week, yet there Is considerable doubt of an Immediate settle ment. The men are decidedly In favor of bringing matters to a peaceful end, how ever. They still maintain their determina tion to hold out for their original demands. They fear the company will insist on re taining its nonunion men and thus par ticipate prolongation of the present struggle. The strikers declare they will never work with the men who were Imported to take their places. There is a rumor that Edward Dickinson, formerly general manager of the Union Pacific, was called to New York to par ticipate In the conference. If negotiations for a settlement, which seem to have made good progress, ulti mately fnll. lt Is apparent that a more bit ter conflict than ever will be waged. There seems to be no doubt that the strlto Will be extended throughout the entire Harrlman system. Involving the boiler bakers, blacksmiths and machinists. It has been understood on good authority that the International head of the ma chinists, James O'Connell of Washington, has met and talked with President Burt In the east, but the result of any such conference ha not been learned here. Mr. O'Connell, it Is known, opposes baety or radical action at this time and has cau tioned his men to go slowly In any move ment looking to a complication of the battle., Nevertheless, assurances have come from him that he and the entire cen tral organization are In heartiest co operation with the men who are combat ting the Union Pacific and will so con tinue until the fight is won. Wright wrongs no man. Wright's old fashioned buckwheat flour Is pure. If It's a Christmas present you are look ing for read our ad on Page 7 and come and ee us. Harden Bros. eemrnti of the Theaters. With matinee and evening performances today thla week'a bill at the Orpheum will be brought to a close. It has scored a genuine "hit," many pronouncing It equal to the best of the season, and despite the counter-attraction of Santa Claus' doings It has attracted large audiences. Among the offerings on the new bill opening mat inee tomorrow one very unusual feature Is announced. Captain Webb's educated seals and sea lions will give their unique and remarkable performance, which Is the first of the kind to be presented on a local stage. They have been taught to do a clever and varied lot of tricks that are said to be wonderful In them, and appeal with almoit a human Instinct for sympa thy and admiration. Concerning Miss Mary Munchhoff, who sings at :he Boyd next Tuesday evening, the Hanover (Germany) Courier says: "She enchanted her audience with her crystal clear voice and truly perfect vocal skill. The meat lovely property of this wonderful voice, which ripples forth like liquid silver. Its warm timber, that Is not wanting even in the highest tones." Seats are now being reserved very rapidly, but a few choice ones re left. Hew Train Service Via Vnlon Parlflc. Effective Pecmber 21, the Union Pacific will place In aervlce a new train to and from North Platte, leaving Omaha at S a. m. dally, making Five passenger trains to North Platte; Blx pasbenger trains dally to Grand Is land. Following changes In time of other Union Pacific trains: No. 43, leave 4 p. m.; No. 3, leave 4:20 p. m.; No. 2. arrive 7:60 p. m.; No. I, ar rive 5:60 p. m. City Ticket Office, 1S24 Farnara street. Vnlon station. Tenth and Marcy streets. Telephone 629. Holiday Kate Tla Wanaak Hallroad. Oa December II, 19, 20 and 21 the Wabash will sell round trip tickets from Chicago to many points In Canada at half fare. Tickets good returning January 10. 190S. Call at Wabtish corner 1601 Farnam street, or address Harry E. Moores, G. A, P. D., Omaha, Neb. Our store's attractions are their low prices. Read our big ad on Page 7. Hay den Bros. Get loir Money Ready. The P. E. O. society will hold a handker chief sale Saturday afternoon and evening t the Enrolls shoe store, 203 Bouth Fif teenth street. The proceeds will be used to- furnish a room In the New Methodist Episcopal hospital. HOLIDAY RATES THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. Iowa, Nebraska. Minnesota. December 24, 15, 31, January L Very low fares. 1401-1403 Farnnm street. Holiday Rate. Oa December 24. 25 and 31 and January 1 the Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul rail way will sell roud trip tickets to points within 200 miles at tare and one-third. Final limit. January t. City Office. 1504 Farnam St. Good breakfast King Cole Whole Wheat Pan Cakea. Hayden Bros, are making another big slash In prlcea. Read the ad on Page 7. Publish yeur legal aoticss la The Weekly fees. Ts'ephone 13a. rKRIWAM.Y COSDtCTED Florida Raearalon Via "Dlalo Flyer" Rsate. On Tuesdsy, January th, an excursion will be run fnw Nebraska to Florida with through s'eeplng cars from Omaha and Lin coln, via Burlington Route to St. Ixnils ani the "Dixie Flyer" Route from there to Jack sonville. This excursion will be a personally con ducted one and will be In charge of Mr. Oeorge W. Bonne!!, C. T. A.. B. ft M. R. R., Lincoln, Neb., who Is thoroughly familiar with the points of Interest enroute and In the state of Florida. As you pass through Cairo, Martin, Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon, and make a 12-hour stopover at Chatta nooga, where an experienced guide will conduct the party through Cbattnnooga Park, pay a visit to Lookout Mountain and other points of Interest; the trip will be an Interesting and Instructive one. An early application for sleeping car space Is suggested. Ask for copy of Illus trated booklet outlining the trip at 1402 Farnam St., or write W. M. BRILL, Dist. Pass. Agt., Illinois Central Railroad, Omaha, Neb. You'll find Just what you want at our big store, and It won't cost much, either. Read our ad on Page 7. Hayden Bros. Good position Oses. Good opening for a newspaper or m sia lics solicitor. Permanent position for a competent man. Address Twentieth Cen tury Farmer, Bee Building. Omaha. SCHOOL RUNS RIGHT ALONG Business of the Stanberry Normal la affected by Tana-led Litigation, "One of the most tangled pieces of liti gation that has appeared on the books of the federal courts of Missouri Is the one affecting the ownership of the property formerly In possession of the Stanberry, Mo., Normal school association," said Charlea H. Haskell, deputy United States marshal of St. Joseph, who was here yes terday. "The Stanberry Normal school Is one of the great educational Institutions of Missouri and Messrs. Robblns and Moore have made It a better seat of learning than It ever was before, according to those who are In a position to know. As present con ditions stand there Is a judgment for a small sum against the Stanberry Normal School association, and just who of the long list of men Interested In the property, past and present, are responsible is a question yet to be determined in the federal courts. The present litigation can In no wise effect the standing or efficiency of the school un der present ownership." THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE If you use Graln-0 in place of coffee you will enjoy it Just as much for it tastes the same ; yet, it 1 is like a food to the system, dis tributing the full substance of the pure grain with every drop. TRY IT TO-DAY. At grocers everywhere ; 1 Be, sad S6c per package. gBBL Attractive Combinations l-$350 Piano 1 0jflfl 11250 Player WfUU 1 $300 Piano OOKfl 1 $225 Player UUvU OPEN EVENINQS. Remember, we sell the Cecilian a, Lyraphone Piano Player The two best players In the world. Both are S note players. Remember alao that most ether Piano Players are only 6$ note play ers. The CECILIAN has separate con trol of the base and treble, and Is the only Player capable of tha elastlo human touch so much sought after. Until January 1st we give free, with each player purchased, $25 worth of musio and a $5.00 player bench. Call at eur parlors. We are open evenings until Christmas. Piano Player Co. Arlington Block, 1511-13 DO DOB STREET. Over Morton's Hardware and Hardy's 89c Store. NO POISON Has Ever Been Found in the Enamel of AGATE NICKEL-STEEL IQtchenTJtenals The BLUE LABEL Protsctsd by Decision of United Stats Court Pasted on Every Piece PROVES ITe If substitutes are of fered, write us This trade-mark Is on every piece of genuine Agate Ware. KINDS Sold by Flrst-rlsM Department and rtouse turuUblDf Htora. Mu4 for Mw Bookltt. LALANCB . CROSJEAN MFC. CO.. aw Ton soitoi cbicaoo OR s3 g(Co.)&) i i r; i 1520 N 0PEN I ti EVENINGS fj jj LNTIL jj X.MAS L Jd) n I'-mJM : J II IS Closing Out the Toys Saturday we begin to close out our Entire Stock on Hand of Toys & Holiday Goods Our recent spot cash purchase of an entire wholesale toy stock was at such a remarkably low price that a further cut in prices means Almost Giving Away Toys Our policy in years past has been to close out the toys; never carry anything over. Every year we open up a spick and span new stock. Today the Closing Out Begins ALL THE IRON TRAINS, HOOK AND LADDER trucks, fire engines, etc., that as high as $1.50 each, go on ALL THE TOY SOLDIER SETS THAT HAVE 1 f been sellinc as hicrh ns $2 a set. ro nr. lo VJ v-J n n 7 o ALL THE DAISY AIR GUN RIFLES THAT have been sold for $1.00. co at ALL THE HOC BLACKBOARDS, GO AT 15c ALL THE 25C BLACKBOARDS, GO AT '.5c ALL THE $1 MAGIC LANTERNS, GO AT 50c $2.50 Games for $1 All the high cost games, Parker Bros, ping pong, electric Question answerer; all the drug stores, grocery stores, bakery shops, etc , that 1 (f were sold or $2. 50 each, all go at lJJ ALL THE CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOKS, WORTH up to $1.50, go at 5c, 10c, 15c, 1 9c, 48c ALL THE BALANCE OF THE ELSIE BOOKS CQn go at, each tyL ALL THE NEW CLOTH BOUND nENTY BOOKS, many copyrighted titles among them, each 1f) worth $1.00, go at IVL ALL THE LATE PUBLICATIONS n )- ja and many copyrights go at, each... lUCe ZvC, 4C Watch l Our J? Windows L ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER. io7 nortn loin at. odd, k.u. --j BOMB CHRISTMAS WATCHES AND DIAMONDS." A particularly choice selection of fine presentation watches. The cases are of 14 and 18k gold. Some gemmed with diamonds, some plain rich yellow (Guinea alloy) and others beautifully engtaved and carved Mada by the American Watch Case Co., who make no . light . weight cases. Their reputation for catering to fine trade only, la universally known among Jewelers, and a watch eaa of their make Is a life time recommendation for the Jeweler who sells It. In theo canes we fit 17, 19. 21 and 23 Jeweled movements of Elgin or Waltham make. Move ments of these grades will, with proper care, last aa long aa the cases; their timekeeping qualities suited to the most exacting requirements. Prices, $60.00 to 1265. Wife sweetheart or sister will appreciate a dia mond ring or a nanasome oroocn Cure the COLD and stop the COUQH. Ask your druggist, or send 25c to Howell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. REMEMBER THE LITTLE TOES They get cold and hare corns. Just like the big ones. Our boys' $1.30 shoes fitted by salesmen that know how to fit shoes, that prevent cold feet and. corns. There is something about these boys' shoes that make them the best kind of Christmas presents. We have, too, a fine line of boys' slippers that are made just like papa's, with heels in the low cut Faust style. You can have Christmas shoes and slippers properly fitted after Christ mas. Open evenings now. DREXEL SHOE GO. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe Home 1419 FARNAM STREET. Leave your orders with ua for your Christ mas Candles. We have a fine line of Chocolates and Opera Bott Botts and will have made and parked fresh, 2-lb., S-lb. or 6-lb. boxes for Christmas delivery. Kuhn & Co,, Druggists 15th and Douflas Sis. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best jtrtemMaval Weekly, OPEN EVENINGS -ilLtU NTH have been selling CHn one big table, each. 25c Watch Our Windows w e nave some very choice ones. A HOWELL'S ANTI-KAVF Drugs at . Moderate Prices All the Time From early morn till dewy eve" whether It Is budding spring, leafy June or "sere October," our Drug Emporium Is the MECCA of medicine buyers, for the reason that they can always rind Just what they want are always supplied with It without olTlcfous suggestions as to what la better and last, but not least, are given the low est price obtainable west of Chicago. THESE PRICES CINCH THE ARQU MENT: $3.50 MARVEL WHIRLING SPRAT BTRINGE we sell J2.09 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder 11c $1.00 Kilmer's Hwamp Root 74c 11.00 Llsterlne, we sell (!6o 26o IjHterlne, we ei-ll 19c 6oc Pyrup of Figs, we sell :!4c 5oc Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ?itc 100 iure 2-grain quinine pills for iic 11.00 M ine of Cardul. we sell 66c 1-pound packagn mixed bird seed for.. 4c 5c William's Pink Pills, we sell.... S9c Ke Malted Milk, we sll . 40c $1.00 Bqulbb's Bareparllla 76c $1.00 White Ribbon Liyuor Cure 75c You can have all you want of article advertised. 25c laxative Bromo-Qulnlne 15e 26c Orangetne, we sell lc $1 00 Plnkham's Compound, we sell .... fi9c $1.00 Pe-runa, we sell tt'c $1.75 8. 8. 8., we. sell $1.14 $1.00 Pierce's Medlrlnes, we sell 6ic Allcork's Porous Plasters, 2 for 25c raider's New Toth Powder for 10c 60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream for : 29c Sherman & McGonnell Orus Co. WHOLE8ALE AND RETAIL. DRUGGISTS Cor. 16th and Dodge 8t., Omaha. WHAT LOOKS WELL! WEARS WELL.! AND IS SWELLER. ON-A-MAN than a genuine pair of $3.60 or 12 .50 Oniitiod Shoes Bold from factory lo wearer at same price always. Our line of $3.60 Bootees cannot be equaled for less than $i.00. We are the factory and guarantee every pair to be satisfactory. Regent Shoe Co,, 205 Ss. 13 1 h mm? THB .PIANO SALE -IS AT SCDLLER & MUELLER'S Where yon have the largest stock and greatest variety to select from. PRICES SLASHED Owing to the placing of heavy or ders In mld-sumratT, even our large business has not been abls to dis pose of the many cars of pianos that have arrived during the last month, consequently we have determined to close out several hundred Instru ments, even If we are compelled to ANNIHILATE PROFITS Modern business methods demand that the up-to-date merchant should turn his money as often as possible. In accordance with this principal we shall sell pianos until January 1st, with the retail profits entirely re moved. ONCE AGAIN . We desire to remind you that this sale Is not a sale of piano riff-raff, but a sale of the world's best piano products, rianos of UNQUESTIONABLE REPUTA TION Stelnway A Sons, Steger A Sons, Vose & Sons, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chase, George Steck, Manon ft Hamlin and over twenty othc SPECIAL BARGAINS In baby parlor grands, artistic styles and colonial cases, from some of the leading factories of America, rianos that are good enough to grace a king's palace, but don't think you have to pay king's prices. Just now you can buy these kinds of pianos from us at prices and even lees than some dealers would ask you for pianos of commercial grade only. EASY TERMS Our popular easy payment plan will be In vogue during this sale. This means that no matter bow mod est your Income you can buy a piano from us. JuBt stop and think, why should you and your family be with out a piano when as low as $1.00 per week will satisfy us. Remember it's room we need and not the money. A SUGGESTION An Ideal Christmas Gift. One of Our Beautiful High-Grade Pianos. Sctimoller & Mueller 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs It is Not Only Rumored, but Is a fact that we carry the finest line of Wines, Liquors, etc., la the city. WHIiKIKS. Old Crow Old Elk Hermitage James B. Pepper Old Oscar Pepper Yellowstone Old Overholt Old Taylor Kentucky Colonel John Gibson & Son Guckenhelmer Plnche's Golden Wedding New Hope Clark's Pure Rye. The above whiskies are bottled In bond. We also carry the famous Hunter s Rye, Wilson's Rye and Baltimore Rye. The prices on the above whis kies are $1 .00, $1.25 and $150 per quart bottle. We have the following CANADIAN WHISKIES; Walker's Canadian Club, Segram's Canadian Whlnky and fiooderman & Wort's at $1.25 per quart. DON'T FORGET Ol'K OWN P. RAND THE CEL KHKATKD JACK DAW-12-yeur-old Maryland Rye. WI1SES. VIRGINIA DARE and ESCAPE KNONG. (The native wlnea of North Carolina.) RFPSOI.DS TABLE WIXES. Clarets, Rieslings and Del Prado. 8WKKT WIAES. Ports, Fherrtees, Muscatels, Tokays, Ma derlas and Malagas. Avrats and Distributers (or the Famoas RODERICK. DHU Scotch See us before making your holiday pur chases. We have a complete line and can save you money. CackleyBros., Opposite Poatofllc. Telephone 114(4. MOHPmNEgSSifS f A m N COUNSELING early attention to the gift-buying we're unselfishly advising for your interest-. A day or two later, when the final rush sets - in, varieties will become depleted, and the hurry and bustle will interfere wjth that calm fxcerci'M of judgntfttt vhitk i dmirubk, J-'or your greater convtnitnee we" art keeping ojxn fvenings 'till Chnftmai. A Gigantic Sale of Boys' Suits Friday morning we inaugurated the Greatest Boys Suit Sale on Record. With the opening of the doors, the crowds thronged our children's de partment. We placed on sale the entire stock of boys' suits purchased from New York's foremost suit manufacturers. On ac count of the backward sea son he found himself over stocked with more suits than he could sell at regu lar prices. He needed the money, we needed the suits. Saturday we will continue selling Boys' Suits worth $3, $3.50, $4.00 185 They are made to fit boys 4 to 16 years of age. Made of the finest cheviots and cassimeres, cut in the latest style, norfolk and double breasted. A second invita tion should not be required to take advan tage of this sale, as it is the greatest money's worth ever produced by this or any other store on earth. SATURDAY SPECIAL BUY YOUR HOLIDAY GOODS TOMORROW and TAKE ADVANTAGE of our FREE- CHRISTMAS OFFER A BOTTLE OF FINE PORT WINE FREE with every purchase amounting to over one dollar. A HANDSOME DECAN1ER FILLED WITH WINE, FREE with every gallon purchase of $3 or over. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIDAY LIQUORS the most complete line in the west. Our prices the lowest. LADIES can deal at our store with perfect propriety. "If 'it comes from Hillers it must be good " illLLEEi LIQUOR GO. 1309 Farnam -Branch TO AND THE EAST. Splendid Service. Fast Time 5 Trains Dally. The only double-track railway to Chicago. Pullman Compartment snd Drawing Koom Sleeping tart. Dining ud Huflet-I.lbrar, T r. Free Keclinlnf Cbair Car, snd has Day Coaches. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING For tickets and Information apply to General Agent's Office, 1401 and 1403 Farnam 8trset I ggFggGsHLSsSasUsVitfsianXriBM one of boys' 522 N. 16!h-Phone 1241 Found It Yet? Only six mors Mays to look and th longrr you look the more bewildered you S- t a l.l tha lens assortment there Is to select from. lietter corn In and eee what a pretty array of t'L'T UI.A8H OKSUINB HKAVY t'KVSTAU sU-rllii silver novel ties, mounted military hand brushes and romli and mirror sets, chatelaine bugs In sterling and German sliver, a swell line of mounted or plain porkethooka and riuraes at prlcon which will astonish you, 'cauxe they were I.oukIU at Just 35 per r. nt lens than wholesale and we are offering them at 25 per cent ietnt. thereby FavliiK you nearly 100 per cent and at the same time make 10 per cent otiraelves. We sIho have a moet romi!et line of Chrtot nias perfumes, cigars in boxes from 12 to &o. at prices from 6oc per box lo 13 60 A full bx of 60 of any leading 6c clxur for tl 75. Candy n profusion, In boxes or In bulk. Come and see what els w ara too busy to write It all down. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORB Tel. T4T. a. W. Cor. Iln Chlomo. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Ladles' and gents' Watches of every de scrlption. You will ssts money If you buy of ma I have from the cheapest to the very best grade. Bee me and get my prlcea before you buy. II. P. FnWIDSEII, 701 Kvrta sixteenth BtreeP '