10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, DE EMBER 20, I!02. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Markst Praret of Little Intmt U Dcalen, 111 Commodities Bfing DulL PRICES HARDEN TOWARDS CLOSE OF DAY Mar Waeai mm Cora mm Oats I ertat, While ProtUlm nans from Thursday's Prices to Fire Centa Better. CHICAGO, Dec. 19 There was little of Interest In the trading today on the Hoard of Trade, boih grain and provision mar kets being dull, but ringing prices were firmer May wheat being up 'a i''. May corn higher and oats ,1i"o higher. January provision! were unchanged to 6c higher. Htatlstlc were against the wheat market and early prices were lower, but local trad era were good buyers at the decline and a strong tone developed, Lower cables, jmall clearances ami fair receipts were the main weakening Influences. Trading was only moderate and no special feature wns manifested May opened a shade to 'Afjc lower at J6Ven6!4jC and alter selling oil to 7''&76e there was a gradual rally, the top being reached at 77ti77'e. The clone il Vu'c hlsher at 77c. lecemlier closed He higher at 73'o Bradstrect's reported exports for the week of wheat an-1 (lour at l,256.X) bu., compared with 4.33,M) bu. the corresponding week laat ymr. Clearances todav of wheat and flour were eiiial to 84.(jb bu. Primary receipts were 679,000 bu.,. against tif.Vt a year ago. Minneapolis ami Imluth reported receipts of 447 cars, which, with local receipts of 41 cars, none contract, made total receipts for the three points 4M cars, against 622 last week and iii a year ago. iv'arm weather throughout the went and southwest Imparted firmness to corn and comparatively small local receipts added to the tone of the market. May closed with a gain of So at 4.1S'43ic, after selling be tween 43c and 43iC. December cloxeU c lower at 4'4e Local receipts were 257 cars, eight of contract. Oats were firm, but the market was ex tremely dull, with the volume of bualness very light. May was in good demand by commlaalon houses and shorts, and closed strong. Va'c higher at 33-Sc. after rang ing between 3"'tc and 34V344c. Local receipts were IS cars.. Provisions were easier early on lower prices for hogs, but shorts took advantage of the lower prices and covered freely, thua advanrlng the price. Home realizing towards the end of the aesslon caused a slight reaction, but the close was firm, January pork being up Be at 116.45. January lard was 2 '4c higher at 13.72V, and ribs were unchanged at 18.37V4. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 66 cars; corn, 366 cars; oats, li cars; hogs, 21,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Yes'y. Wheat ! I Dec. 73HV4 73M. 73 73H 7H May 70V;rH77 OttjeW'S 77 fe' 73HrS July TiWif 74 73V4 74 Corn Dec. 46 4?4 46V. 46 464 46 Jan. 46 ft'i 4.V 45 4VS, 4S'4 May 43 6", 43 43 43(& 43 H Onts tDec. 30, ZlVfiAi 30 14 304 May 324a, X(ji 32' 32?, E'iS'Ji Pork Jan. 16 80 16 60 16 30 16 45 16 40 May 16 67' IS 75 16 66 16 70 16 62V4 Lard Dec. 10 22'4 10 2JA, 10 20 10 20 10 25 Jan. 9 67H 9 72H 9 66 9 72Vj 9 70 May 9 07 9 15 9 07V4 9 15 9 10 nibs Jan. S7H40 8 35 87 8 37V4 May 8 27V. 8 37 8 27 8 32 8 30 No. 1 tNew. Cash quotations were- as follows: FLOUR Market dull and steady: winter patents, $3.40133. 50; straights, $3.103.30; spring patents, $3.40)3.70; straights, $2.90 J.20: bakers. 12.25gC.7i. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 7476c; No. 8, 68 69c; No. 2 red, 7.K&73c. CORN-No. 2, 46c; No. 2 yellow, 46e. OAT8 No. 2. 81 c; No. 8 white, Slc. RYE No. 2. 4fic. BARLEY Good feeding, 37tf41c; fair to choice malting, 4R'b(6j. 8EEDB No. 1 flax. $1.15; No. 1 north western, $1.28. Prime timothy, $3.65. Clover, contract' grade. $10.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $17. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $10 20l0.2o. Bhort ribs aides (loose), $8.3708 62. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $H.238.60. Bhort clear aide (boxed), $8.7569.00. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 26,700 21,600 Wheat, bu 64.000 16.700 Corn, bu 226.900 111.100 Oats, bu 301.600 193.400 Rye. bu 39.700 3.300 liarley, bu 101.600 12,400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was quiet and steady; cream eries, lKC8c; dairies, 174T5c. Eggs, firm; loss off, 26c. Cheese, firm. 1313V4c NEW YORK OEXKRAL MARKETS. floatations of the Day Tarisa, Commodities. NEW YORK. Dec. 19.-FLOrR-Reeelpt. 9.995 bbls.; exports, 8,794 bbls.; market firm again, but quiet; winter patents, $3.6"3.J; winter stiaights, 3S.45S3.S5: Min nesota patents, 34.60a4.20; winter extras, 12.863.15, Minnesota bakers, $3.25f(3.40; win ter low grades, $2.65.9:. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. 13.104j3.4o; choice to fancy. $3 50 fl3.66. buckwheat flour, quiet, $2.302.35, pot and to arrive. CORN MEAL Steady; yellow western. $1.20; city. $1.18; Hrandywine. $3.403.55. RYE Steady; No. 2 western. 58,c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2. 54(S64c, track; state, 65 66c, c. I. f., New York. BAPLEY-Dull; feeding, S940c, c. I. f.. Buff.; malting. 48uHOe. c, j. f., Buffalo. WHiiAT-Rerelpts. 15,600 bu. ; exports, 73, 428 bu. Spot, Arm; No. 2 red, 80c, eleva tor; io. 1 red, 79c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 85c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 8c, t. o. b., afloat. Op tions were flrn ill day and especially In the afternoon, when export business alarmed shorts. There was verv little wheat for sule, a big export demand, weather west wsa threatening and coarse grains strength a help to the market. Closed firm at 124714c net advance; May. (to jwSe, closed at SOTic; July, 7SVii78c, closed at 78c; December closed at 83c. CORN Receipts, 26,260 bu.; exports. 1,248 bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2, 62c, elevator, and 68e, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 69c; No. 2 white, 6ic. Options opened steady, but rallied and were firm thereafter on light contract arrivals, sharp advance In near positions and general covering. The close was Hfic net higher. January, S3Vrt R4c, closed at 64c; March, 61c, closed at He; May, 4S's,3'48 -16c, closed at 48c; De cember closed at 60c. OATS Receipts. 67.000 bu.; exports. 2.666 bu. Spot, firm on white; No. 2. 87c; No S. 8c; No. $ white. 88c: track white, 37 43c; standard white. 29c; No. 2 white, 9r; track mixed western, nominal. Op tions deve'oped unusual activity and strength on a scare of shorts. HAY Firm; shipping, 65i270c; good to choice. $0.M.(til00. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. 1U crop, 2'37c; 1901 crop. 24(J26c: olds, 71 J2c; Tactile coast.. '902 crop. 26(g31c; 1901 .crop. 2.Vu2c; olds, 7Ql?c. HIDKiJ y met ; Qalveeton. 20 to 23 lbs., 18c; Texas, dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c; California, 21 to 25 lbs . lc. LEATHER Dull; acid. 24fi26He- PROVISIONS Reef, quiet; fumllv, $16 01) 4SIMW; mess. $: 5ti 11.00; beef ha ml, $'J0.50 C22 00; packet, $14.etl6.00; city, extra India mess. 26.ll"j2 (). Cut meats, easv; nick led bellKs. la oo.76; pickled shouhlt rs, H.:Mf (60; pickled hams, $n.rll 75. Laid, easy; western steamed, $11.70; refined, dull; continent. $10 90; South America, $11.60; com pound, 7. 5117.55. Pork, quiet; famllv, tit: .knv .U.. S1 (.tAO iHt. - 1 0 n rn TALLOW Easy; city, 6c; country. Vie. RICE Firm; domestic, fslr to extra, 4 tjD'mc, jniHn, fwc, nominal. PEANl'TS Steady : fancy, hand picked. 4tric: other domestic. J',i.6V,c. CABBAC1E Steady ; domestic, per 100, White. $1 60IG2.50; rd, $1 6.3(10. RCTTER Receipts, $.471 pkgs.; steady; state dairy, 2i(a'c; creamery, extra, toe; cresmerv. common to choice, Z2ra2vc. CHEESE Recelpta. 2.1t4 pkgs.; Arm fsney, Isrge. state, full cream, colored and white, September 13c; late make. 13l4c; fancy, small, coiorea ana wnite, beptera ber. 13Siil3c: late make. 134ri3c. EOOS Receipts. 6.412 pkgs.; quiet; state and Pennsylvania, average best, 2ic; west ern, poor to fancy, 2oi26c. POULTRY Auve. weak; chickens, 10c; turkeys. IScVi fowls. HsnUc. DresKed. Arm; western cmcaens. i.wijv; western fowls, 12Wc: western turkevs. 19c. METALS Tin de-llned 16a In the London market to 115 15a 6d and futures to 116 2s td, and was lower here also, with s ot quoted at $26.5oii 256i. Copper was Arm and hlher In London, with spot at cl 7s (d and futures 51 15s, but remained dull and nominal locally. Standard Is quoted at $10.75. lake at $11(5 and electrolytic and casting at $1146. There wis a decline of Is 3d In lyomion lead to 10 lis. with th local market autet and unchsnged at $1 12V Spelter declined In both markets, lottns 2 here, where It closed at $4 87 end 2s 64 In London, closing at 19 15s. Iron In Olaagow closed at 64a and In Middles borough at 4. a. Locally It was dull. War- rants continue nominal. No. foundry n"rthrrn. '3 36; N 1 foundry northern. No. 1 foumlry smitern find No. 1 foundry southern soft, $:.' .r2J. OMAIIt tj. IMI.KI,K M l II K KT9. I'ondltlnn of Trade and Oaotatlosia osi Slnple intt fnnry Produce. EOlJ CanMe-1 strck. 21c. LIVE PorLTHsY-llens. 7t7'ic; old Tnn. era. 4f(!"c; turHcys, l.i.-; ducks. Mi!c; geese. 7V,'iHc; spring chickens, per lb., br. PRESPEP POULTRY ITens. STiSc: vounit chickens. 1V; ti:rkeys, ltVijlsc; ducks, WS lie; eeese. KKilONc. HUTTER-Paek'lng stock. KfilPic. choice dalrv. In t n . Iili.'lc; separator, rftSoc. FRERH T"ISI!--TrotTt. V'nWc; herring. 5c; p'cke'el, 8', p'fce, 9c; pc'ch, 6c; buffilo, dressed, 7c; suntlsh, 3c; bl ieflns. 3c: whl.e flsh. Ic; salmon. lc; had'lork, 11c; codfish. 12c; redsnapiier. 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb, .lit ; lobsters reen. per l?., 2c; bnll henils. 10c; catfl'h. 14c; black bass. 20c; halibut, lie. CORN New. 40c. OAT 3 22c. RVK-Nn. 2. 4.c. I,RAN-P-r ton, $13 50 HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale llav Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 uplund, $S.Ft; No. 1 medium. $7 60; No. 1 coare. $7. Pye strsw. $6. These prices are for liny of good color and quality. De mand lair, recelpta light. OYSTERS Ftanlnrds. per can. 2V: ex'rn selects, per can. Xic: New York counts, per can. '2c: bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75: bulk, standards per gnl.. $1.40. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. TREEP 4 to 5 feet, per dozen. $1.75; 7 to 9 feet, $3.r.0- 6 to 7 ffet, $2.50; 9 to 10 feet, $4 50; lare, for school and church pur poses, 12 to 14 feet, each. $l.ocfti,60; extra large, 15 to 20 feet, each, $2.K,ifi4.0O. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 2x?x4 feet (about 6" lbs.). $4; per barrel, $1.50. INO NEEDLE PINES-Per dosen. $2.60 3.'irt. MISTLETOE BPAKCHKf Per lb.. JOc. EVERGREEN WREATHING In colls of 20 yards, per coll 90c; flve-coli lots, 85c. WREATHS Magnolia and galnx wreaths, per dcren, $1.60fi2.0fl; evergreen wreaths, per dosen. 1602.00; holly wreaths, per dozen, $1.505200. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamazoo, per do.. 25c; Utah, per doz., 45c; California, per Uoi., for stalks weighing l.-ora 1 to 1 lbs., each, it, ft 75c. POTATOES Per bu., 60c. SWEET POTATOES Iowa Muscatlnes. per bbl., $3 25; Kansas, $2.25. TURNiPS-I'e- bu.. 30c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. BEETS-Per .basket. 4c. CUCl'MMERS Hothouse, per obi.. $1.50. PARPNIUS-Per bu., 40c. CARROTS-Prr IK, lc. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dozen bunches, 45c. RADISHES Southern, per dosen bunches, 46c. WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $3; atrlng benns. per bu. box $1.5'. CABBAGE Miscellaneous Holland aeed. per lb., iVic. ON l(NS New home grown. In sacks, per bu., 75c: Spanish, per crate. $1.75. NAVY BEANS Per bu. $2 60. TOMATOES New California, per 4-bas-ket crate, $2.75. CAL1FLOWER California, per crate, $2.60. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2.00; Colorado, per box, $2.25. APPLES Western, per bbl., $2.75: Jona thans, $4; New York stock. $3.25; California Bellflowers, per bu. box, $1.60. GRAPES Catawbns, per basket, 18c: MMngas. per keg, $6 00ig7.00. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per bbl.. $9.50; Bell and Bugles, $10.60; per box, $3.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.mv'2.60. LEMONS California fancy, $3.75; choice, $3.50. ORANGES Florida BHehts. 13.75; Cali fornia navels. $3.60; California aweet Jaffcs. Pll sizes, $2.75. DATES Persian, in 70-Ih. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.2o. FIGS California, per 10-It. cartons, $1; Turklrh. per 35-lb. box. HifflSc. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, $6. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case, $3.13. CIDER New York. $4.60; per bbl., $2 75. SAUERKRAUT- -Wisconsin, per bbl., $2.26; per bbl.. $3.75. POPCORN-Per lb.. 2e: sheHed. 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. 6c: No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6e; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides. Rf?12c; sheep pelts, 26Fr75c: horse hides, tl.50fr2.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell1 per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazls, per ib.. 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft ahell. per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; oec-ns, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts. per doz., 50c; chestnuts, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1.00: hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.60: cocoanuts, per 100, $4 . OLD METALS. ETC.-A. B. Alplm quoted the following prices: Iron, country, mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, 'stove plate, per ton. $S; copper, per lb.. 8c; brass, heavy, per lb., 8c; Brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 8c; zinc, per lb., 2c: rub ber, per lb., c. WEARB COMMISSION COMPANY. 110-111 Board of Trade. Omaha, Neb Telephone 1510. CHICAGO. Dec. 19 WHEAT The mar ket early was dull and rather weak. Ca bles Inclined to follow yesterdav's market. Later the market advanced and the close Is slightly over yesterday. Local receipts, 41 cars, with 65 estimated for tomorrow. Minneapolis had 431 cars and Duluth 16 cars. Receipts at primary points, CW.oon bushels, against 649.000 last year. Ship ments, 1S6.000 bushels, against 107.000 laat year. Clearances 346,000 bushels and for the week 3.256.000, compared with 4.130 000 last year. Seventy loads of wheat at New York for export. Weather map unfavor able over the wewt. CORN Wet weather hsa Imnrnvxt condition In corn and predictions of un settled weather over the west. Market early was weak, with later prices advanc ing fully Vc. Cash market showed more strength. Receipts. If7 cars, with 355 rr. timated for tomorrow. Primary receipts were 6ii6.0fl0 bushels, against 2GO.O0O last year. Cables off fractionally. The clearances for today were 21.(V-o bushels nrd for the week 1,526.000. Considerable buying by local com mission nouses. New lorn reports 15 loads taken for export. OATS There has been considerable buy ing by a large Interest, and this, together witn tne unsettled weather, resulted In putting prices up. Cash market much ntronger thnn yesterday. Receipts, 135 r. wun m estimated tor tomorrow Clearances. 6 000 bushels. PROVISIONS The market nnen.,4 w.oW on lower prices for hogs. Tnere was little stuff for sale and the market advanced on general buying orders. Armour & Co. led ine ouying. i nere were 36.ion hogs. Mar ket weak, 10015c lower, closing active and feeling strong. Estimates ror Inmnrms 22,000. Hoes In the west todav. 80.500; last , ot t.j". mi iifpi vrnr. hm emi WEARE COMMISSION- COMPANY. St. t.onls Qraln aad Provisions. 8T. LOUIS, Dec. 19-WHEAT-Higher; No. S red. cash, elevator, nominal; track. 72r7?o; May. 76'ic; July, 72c bid; No. 2 hard. 6Str7mc. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 4i544'ie; track. 44j44c; December, 43c; Baay, 39i Q 3c. OATS Higher: No. caah. S2c; track. 22Mr33'Ae; December. 82c. nominal; May. S2c. bid: No. 2 white. S6c. RYE Higher 6Cc. FI-OL'R Steady ; red winter patents. $3 35 63.50; extra fancy and straights. $J.OMi3.15; cleer. 129(;3flO. HKKT Tlmothv. $2 9047140. CORNMEAL Steady at $2 80. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 70iff72c HAY Firm, timothy, $11.00$) 16.00; prairie. ti(.6(iri2.no. IKON COTTON TIES $1.07. PAOOINO 6 6-l416 7-16c. ttK-MTT-lne. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: jobbing, tlft 7n. Dry salt meats, stesdv; clear short 9 02; clear rilw $9, short clears, $9 So." Rp.con. stecdv: tici'H. extra rhorts. $10.50; clese riM in.W: short clear. $'. POULTRY Chickens, 8c: springs, 8i8Uc; turkeys, strong, 13Hjjl4c; ducks, 12c: geese, 9c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 23Q30c; dairy. 1j 2?c. LOOS Steady; 22c. lesa off. Recelntp. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7oro Wheat, bu ivn l3!co corn, pj us.onrt M.ono Outs, bu 59.000 23.000 nalath Grata Market. DULUTH. Dec. 19-WHKAT-Cash. No. 1 har-V 74c; No. 2 north'-rn. 71c: No l north ern. 73V..C; t'cemljcr. 73c; May. T5Tc. OATS December, 81Sc; May, JOc. Pearl Market. PEORIA, Dec. 19 CORN Dull ; new No. S. 4?e. OATS Steady; No. white, Jle, billed through. Phlla'elrfcl Prsffsee Market. PHILADELPHIA. De. 19. BUTTER Firm, good Oman.1: extra western cream- err 81c; extra nearby prints, 83c. tuu-Bieaay, put quiet; ircsn nearby and western. 2c: fresh southwestern V ..; fresh southern. 26c; loss off on all.' CHKKSE-Klrm. fair demand; New York full i reams, prime sm ill. l.i-c- tint to god smnll. l.l'oMV; j rime lasge, l3c; fair to good Inrge. I3jrl3'c. Liverpool (irsln and Provlsloas. LIVERPOOL. Deo. 19 -WH KAT-Ppot. fjnn; No. red western, winter, am llvl; No. 1 California, tis M.d Futures steady; December. 6s l'4d; March. Ks ld; May. 6s Ci iH.V Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 5s l',d; old, hs 3(. Ktiturea quiet; January, 4s 6d; March, 4s 2d. PROVISIONh-Peef. firm; extrs. India mess. Il?s. pork, firm; prime mess west ern. P." fid Unms. short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 6(s. Bacon, Cumberland cut. 26 to ' l'., fiili-. 4S; shirt rll.s. U to 24 lbs, riulet. 'Ps; long clear middles llht. 2S to 34 ibs.. (il!t. 4!s 61; lens clear ml -id lea. heavv, 25 to 4.1 lbs., qiilet. 49; shott clear bacKs, IS to 2" Ibx.. dull. 4Ps; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 6!s; shoulders, square, dull. 4,3s 6l. Iird. prime western. In tierces, dull, 64fr.-is; American refined. In rails, dull. Wis 6d. ni'VTFR Nominal. CHEESE-Strong; American finest white and coined. 59s. TALIX1W Prime city, quiet. 27s 6d; Aus tralian In London, firm, 34s 3d. Recelpta of wheat during the last three days were 130,000 centals, Including 107,000 American. Receipts of American corn during the last three days were 14,1M centals. Kansns City Ciraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 19. WHEAT De cember, 62c; May, 69fi9c: cash. Wc( 6Kc; No X hard, S,(?j67c; No. 2 red, 66a7c; No. 3. 65a:Hc. CORN December, 36ff36"c; Mav, 87Uf) 37e; No. 2.mlxed. ,37';i37c; No. 2 white, 37Sr."3c; No. 3, 37'r37c. 'UT3-No. 2 white, 34c; No. 2 mixed, 32 32c. RYE No. 2. 45e. HAY-Cholce tlmothj-, $11.501!.00; choice prairie. $9.o0r10.00. BITTTER Creamery, 25t27c; dairy, fancy, 22c. EGGS Freeh. 22c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 6V 400 12,no Corn, bu lon.ooo 14.4on Oata. bu 2-S.0U0 2.000 Toledo Uraln and geed. TOLEDO. Dee. 19. WHEAT - Dull, higher; cash and December. 77c; May, 81c. CORN Dull, higher; December, 44c; May, 44c. OATS Dull, higher; December. 33V4c; Mav, 43ic RYE No. 2, 37e. SEED Clover, falrlv active, lower; De cember, $13.42; January, $S.47j: March, $6.60; prime timothy, $1.7d; prime alelke, J8. Minneapolis Wheat. Flonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 19. WHEAT De cember, 73c; May. 75c; on track. No. 1 hard, 74Hc; No. 2 hard. 73Vc; No. 2 north ern. 72c. FLOUR Firm: flrot patents, $3 90f7'4 0ft; second patents, $.3.75fi3.Kr.; first clears, $2.9i) 3.00; second clears, $2.302.40. BRAN In bJlk. $13.00. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dee. 19. WHEAT Steady; No. l northern. 7777c; No. 2 northern, 7576c; May, TriS'. RYE Steady; No. 1, 61c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 64c; sample, 3S 68c. CORN May, 43Se. . SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Prices React Strongly and Close Below Opening; Quotations. NEW YORK, Dec. 19. Today's stock market showed the natural effect of the elimination yesterday of a large short In terest and the consequent lack of an Im portant sustaining influence. Yesterdav'e rush of prices upward led to realizing. The professional traders on the floor, appre ciating this state of affairs, worked for a reaction all day and were rewarded In the latter part of the day. by a sharp break In prices, which carried moet of the leaders generally below last night. Some renewed anxiety was felt over the Venezuelan situa tion, owing to the provisional nature of the reply from Great Britain and Germany to the proposition for arbitration. The fore cast of the weekly bank statement did not show as good a showing as was counted upon In the middle of the week, and there WHd some selll.ig. due to disappointment on that score. London also turned seller to day, reversing the position of yesterday. Most of this selling, however, was purely arbitrage business, the advance here going ahead of London and allowing opportunity to cover eules here by buying In London. Published reports of a heavy flotation of railroad bonds and of the Vanderbllt sys tem In London attracted some attention this morning and contributed to a sharp rise In New York Central. This develop ment promised such Important res u I to In the exchange situation that It was accepted with avlllty by bullish traders. Unfor tunately the rumor met with denials from authoritative quarters, and this helped to turn the market downward. 8t. Paul was a conspicuous center of strength, with con tinued rumors of an early Issue of the new stock authorized. The advance was ac companied by some evidence of manipula tion and the gain was almost entirely wiped out. The continued eager demand for anthracite sustained the coalers. Great Northern preferred roae sharply without explanation. The sharp advance of copper in London helped Amalgamated Copper. These special points of strength served to sustain the market during the early part of the day In face of the realising, which was In evidence from the start and most notably so 1n those stocks which have led the week's advance. Southern Pacific. Mis souri Pacific, Sugar, Manhattan and Ixniis vllle & Nashville were all sufferers on this score, i here was some check to the sell ing before the close, whlcn was firm. The fact that the loss of the hanks to the sub treasury this week Is $4,315,000 less than It was last week, while Interior exchange on New York has ruled nt high rates, gave rise to hopes of a large recuperation this week In the cash reserve of the banks, but It seems that the regular Interior move ment has been sufficient to offset this largely decreased drain to the subtreasnry. Consequently a small net loes of less than $100,000 Is Indicated for the week. This did rot Include today's transfer of $350,000 to New Orleans, which Is supposed to bo duo to the large speculation In cotton at that point. The news of this transfer was a factor In brer.klng the market today. The report of the weekly exnorts of grain was also a disappointment, the outgo of wheat being more than 1.030,000 bushels lets than In this week a year ago. and the growth in the corn exports proving but moderate. Sterling exchange however, made a fur ther decline today, making the time loan market show the effect of arrowing sup plier, the rate for short periods falling to 6 per cent flat, with no additional exaction for commission. The bond market was better sustalred than stocks. rrflecMng some lnvs'ment de mand in anticipation of the January cou nore. Totnl sales, par value. 53.950.OO. United States bonds were all unchanged on the lust rill. The fallowing are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atfhlton do pfrt. H"-; Ro Railway WW do DM 1V Bil Ohio.... liHTrai 4 Pacific... 4S AO Bfd . lOVToifdo. St. U & w. r,n,din Pi'.IHc CansdA Ho ChM. A Ohio Chli-sfo Alton. .lMVi! do prd.. 4 . ;t Union Pacifio . 40 do ptd . MS WabMh . 1H . tn, . 4'S . n . n . t " . 4 .I-no .110 .124 .lit . 57 . 144 . to . )4 . M . s'i . . s . r.- . T", .210'i .114, .174 do prd. 70 I do prd... Chicago. Ind. h... 14 Wheeling ft L. E. do ptd . l do td prd.. rhlrivo A E. III.. Coli-ago at O. W . do lat prd do Id pld Chicago A N. W . Chicago Ter. & Tr do prd C. fi. C. St. v., Colorado So do 1st ptd do d prd IVI. de Hudson... ..IM Wla. cntral .. li do pfd .. H) Adama El .. Sd American El ..115 t'nt'ed States El.... .. 14, Walls-famo Ex ... 41 Amnl. Copnrr . .. af'1 American Car Ac F. ... f do prd ... Amer. Un. Oil ... 4 j do prd ...142 American 8. A R . ...:4" do pM ... Anac. Mining Co... ... ) Brooklyn k T ... n4 Colo. Fuel A Iron. ... ' Cona. (iaa . .. 41'iCnt. Ttcco ptd.. ...lli Gn. Eleclrio ... ', Hocking foal L. W Donror aV R O. ' do prd Brio so lit prd.... do td prd Orait Nor. prd. Hoiking Vallar do ptd t4 Inter. Pspar .... .... ITS .... 7"', r.T .... T5 444 ; no ti .... J' ....10 r i ...ns Illinois Cantral U3, do p'd loa Central IT lntr. Powr do. prd Laka Lrls A W ... do prd T.. A N Manhattan L Met. 81. Rr Mfx. Cantral Mn. Nlllonal . 6'4 La.:!d Uta . 47 National ntacult .lis National Lead .. . 12?Vi No. American .. .144 Psclfo Coast ... .Ut Pclc Mall . 22 Pcoplo'o Ga ... . 1 P--acd S. Car . MIr.n A 81. L. .1' . do prd Mo. Pmclnc 1"14 Pullman P Car. M . K. A T tr.is Rcrubllp Hlaal do p'd M's do ptd Td N. J. Central I S'igar l?lTJ N. Y. Cantral l.'.t'i Tnn. Coal A Iron... Norfolk A W t.'ilrlon llig A P 1 do prd o . do prd "a Ontario A W V. S. l-alhar )1 Pcnrarlvanla lftlla do prd rru Reading l, V . Pnbber li do lot ptd M do prd (i do td prd Will'. 8. sisal J4', at. L A 8 P f do pld uti do lrt prd 1 Wrnern I'nlon 17", do td prd a Amir. Ixxomotlva ... tr, St. U 8. W M do prd do pfd 5 K. C. Douthara v Si. Paul ,17V, do prd ML do prd I? Rock l.land 4 -"t 8a. Pacitto ;', do prd tl Dank t Irarlaga. OMAHA. Pec. It Bank clearings, n.Vrr. 9S7S; corresponding; day laat year, l,0ti7. fiCl' lp.-.ase tn9T8'4 CHICAGO rec 19 Cleartnss. $ST S m; balances, ii.LU.vtS; New York exchange. 1 tWfi.1 COc premium; foreign exchange, sterl ing:, reported at W .64 for sixty days and at $4 lor demand. NKW YORK. IVr, 19. Clearings, I1..07. 714: bnlancea i.SNK.'3. fc BOSTON. Ivc, 19. Clearings, I21.S1.791; b'4lnuces, tl.49i'M. ST. 1X1 IM, Pec. 19 -Clearlncs. S 910.24;; balances. 1.740; money, steady. 5H per cent; New York exchange, "oc premium. CINCINNATI Iec. 19. Clearings, H.1B0.. 9V; money, t pep Cent; New York exchange at par. ieiT Yerlt Moner Market. NEW YORK. Pec. 19. MONEY On call, siendy at 4i per cent, closing at bit per cent; easier; sixty and ninety days, per cent; six months, 5Vr3, per cent; prime merrantl'e paper, 6 per cent. STERLING EXCIIANOE Steady at de cline, with actual hutlness In hankers' bills at $4 .R6"n4 for demand and at 14 RXfi-d; 4 S3 for sixty dnys; commercial bills, W.S2ij 4i4.R.. SILVER Bar, 4SHC; Mexican dollars, 87c. BOND8 Government, steady; railroad, firm. The closing quotations on bonds ara follows: f. 8. rf. Jg. reg ....I07H t.. N. nnl 4a 101 do coupon 10V4 Mex. Cantral 4a 71 do la, rcg m; do la Inr x do coupon ln; Minn. A Si. L. 4a. ..!" do new 4a. rcg Ill M . K. A T. 4a 7'ni do coupon l.v. do ts 91 do 4s, rag irw N. T. Central la ltd do coupon 109 do gan. Ia 1M do 6c. reg lo.l N. J. C. gen. U Uf '4 do coupon ln.x Ko. Pacific 4s 103 Atchison gen. 4a I"!' do a 71 do adj. 4s ov, N. W. eon. 4a im Bal. ft Ohio 4a 101 Reading gen. 4a do aa 4 St L. I M e. s....llt', do ronr. 4s 101 Bt. U A 8 F. 4s.... (7 Canada So. 2 K 8t. L. 8. W. la S Cantral of Oa. 6a irtsi do as i dn la Inc T4 8 A. A A. P. 4a.... M Chra. A Ohio 4a. . ,W So. Pacific 4a 0 Chicago A A. Ia... 71 Ro. Railway In 11 C, R. A Q. n. 4a.... K Teiaa A Pacific s...ll C. M tt St P g 4s. .ll T.. St. U. A W. 4a.. 7D4, C. A N. W. c. 7a....l3J Vnlos Pacific 4a 104 C. R. I. A P. 4a....in do eonr. 4s 104 r f r l I . h. II Wabash la 114 Chicago Ter. 4s M j do ta lot Colorado Bo. 4a 1 do deb. B 74 Pcnier A R. O. 41...101 West Shore 4a 111 Erie prior Hen 4a.... 7 Wheel, ft I.. C. 4a.. tl do General 4a M wis. Cantral 4a 11 F. w ft I). C. la . ..109 Can. Tobacco 4s 44 Hocking Val. 4a...l0 Boston Stock Qnef avtloas. BOSTON, Pec. 19 Call loans, 6H2 Per cent: time lonns. firi7 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchison 4a..' io"V Adventure II Ras la lAllouei 1 Mex. Central 4a 7 Amalgamated S7 Atchison ?Vi Rlngham t7 dn prd M ecalumet A HaeU...44 Roston or Albanj JM ICentennlal 1(1 Roston A Ms 11)1 Copper Range 64 Ponton Klevated 1M Dominion Coal US N. Y., N. H. A H...I.24 Tranklln I Fltehbnrg ptd 141 Mohawk 15 t'nlnn Pacific 9) Old Dominion 11 Mc. Central SI't Osceola il American Sugar 124 Parrot tl do ptd lis Qulncj 1 American T. ft T....ll Ranta Fa Copper. ... 1 Dominion I. A 8 Wi Tamarack 141 ('.en. Electric 174 ITrlmnuntain It Masa. ElnctrlO KtiiTrinltv I do prd n t'nlted States 91 Vnlted Fruit insu.'1'tah M f. 8. Steal 34 "(Victoria 4 do prd K3 W'lnona 4 Wastlngh. Common... K Wolverine U Bid. "Ex-dlvldend. Sfrr York Mtnlnar lnotatlosis, NEW YORK, Peo. 19 The followin g are the closing prices on rnln.ng- stocks: Adama Con 20 Alice 15 Hrveca 4e Rrunawlrk Con I Comatock Tunnel ... 6 Con. Cal. ft Va 110 Horn Silver 12B Iron Ftlvor 84 Leadvllla Con I Mttla Chief ... (InUrlo ... ...173 ...106 ... ... is ... 13 ... 7 ... IS ...IIS iphlr Phoenix Potoal Ravggo Sierra Navada Small Itopas .. Standard Forelarn Financial. LONDON. Doc IP. The demand for money was active today and supplies were rhort. Borrowers were larajely dependent on the Bank of England. Business on the Stock exchange was more cheerful owing; chiefly to the recovery In Americans. Pro fessionals were the main supporters of prices. (Sonsols were firm. Home rails more active and higher. Americans opened above parity and to fair business, but later they slackened and closed quieter and be low the best quotations of the day. Grand Trunks reacted. Kaffirs were in fair re quest and made a slight advance. PARIS, Dec. 19. Prices were firm on the bourse today, the new aspect of the Ven ezuelan situation inducing the hope that tho questions In. dispute will shortly be settled. South Americans were In fair In quiry and most of tha Industrials hard ened. Rio tintos were more active on tho firmness of copper in New York. Kaffir opened strong and closed quieter. The pri vate rate of discount was 2 13-11 Three per cent rentes. ' S9f 20e for the account; exchange on London, 25f 24Ve for checks. BERLIN, Dec. 19. Business was quiet on the bourse today.1 Governments were firm. Banks were dull on the mildness of the weather. Exchange on London, 20m 44pfg for checks; discount rates for short bills, 2Vi per cent; for , three months' bills, t per cent. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Dee. 19. COTTON Firm: sales. 8.660 bales; ordinary, 6Tc; good ordinary. THc; low middling, 7 ll-16c; mid dling 814c; good middling. 8 11-16c; middling- fair. 9Hc; receipts, 9,686 bales; stock, JS4.839 bales. Futures, steady; December, 8.18c. bid; January, 8 213S.22c; February, a.2SS8 27e; March. 8.32'ft8.33c; April. 8 S5 8.37c; May, 8.44t).41c; June, 8 42j3.44c; July, 8.4".(S.4Tc. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows total at 43.496.7a8 bales, of which i.OBl.TM la American cotton. NEW YORK. Dec. 19-COTTON-After opening steady at unchanged prices to an advance cf 1 point ruled crulet for a time, early cables being unsatisfactory, public speculation not as expected and local senti ment having a bearish flavor. Late, how ever. It became apparent tnat the week end figures were to be very strong, and a buying movement eet in. which carried prices 411 points above the closing level of the previous day. and on that basis thi market closed Arm. Total sales futures were figured at 275,000 bales. All classes of trailers became buyers early In the day an-i an attitude Initiated by small estimated re ceipts for the day at Important points. The demand wns accelerated by favorable spot cotton dispatches from New Orleans and other points of accumulation In the south. At New York spot q not at iocs were marked up 6 points. Rhorts were the best buyers. An element of firmness was the world's visible ' supply increiie, which amounted only to 12HO00 balos. against 197.0OO bains last year. The American increase was onlv 830.000 bales, whereas the Increase 'in I he American "llb!e for the corresponding week last year was 1S1.000 bales. It was evident that the absorption of cotton was still proceeding upon a record sale, with 110 correspondent increase in th movement of cotton. Thl. according to Superintendent Kin? of the New York exchange, amounted to 370. "-9 bales for th week, aa brought Into sight, against 399,072 for the corre sponding week last year, making the total amount brought Into sight 8.118.063 bales, against ,0M,fH last ye. Fstlmnted for tomorrow (Saturday): Call for 6 000 to 7000 bales at New Orleans, a gain t 13.091 bales last year, while Galveston Is scheduled for S,t) to 11,000 bales, against 13,279 last year. Wool Market. PONTON. Dec. 19 -WOOI-The Commer c'al Bulletin will say In tomorrow's report on the wool trade of the United States; "Wool values are steadily moving unward r.n both medltim and fine grades. The de mand from manufacturers this week has Improved and It Is believed ths.t after the turn of the year large sales will occur. The new heavyweight goods season Is opening under auspicious conditions. - Australian wool markets have closed for the holidays, with purchases to date for the United States a third i-aa thsn last year. The re celits of wool It, Boton since January 1. I!, hsve been 107.639.sl9 pounds, agilnst rfl 614.f'T pounds for the same period in 19'1. Th Boston shipments to dste are !Kw.e9o pounds, aralnst shipments of 257.. e7.7f: pounds for the rame period In 194. Tho stock on hind in Boston January 1, IV. wag 77.!i0 4M pounds; the total stock todav Is 18. KM. 677 pounds. The stock on hand December tl, 1901, was 7s,028.13J pounds." 'free Market. VFW YOTK. Dee. 19 COFF:F.K8pot Rl.v quiet: No. 7 invoice, f.c. Mild, stead v; Cc-dova IW'rVr. Futures opened steady. i'h prices unchanged to K points lower. CnK-s fncrillv were In line with local et 'iripatlor and cut little figure as an lnfmnce. The statistical situation also ):iekd new feature hevdnd heavv elir. ance. for the Unltei B ates a"d larg- drains In the Havre slock. Ift to local Incentive, the market was extremely dull all the ses 'oi. barely moving from opening figures. Th f-ual b-r.r Interest sold spot, foreign eoint'les nbrorblrg most of the offerings. Th close wis p;let. with quotations un changed to 5 polrta lowr. Total sslea were 7J0 bags, includlpr January at 4bOc; March. 4 7ic: Mav 4 ?ii4 !Ke; July. 06c; September, J SOc: October. S.Zoc. Stock In sight. The following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal cities yesterday: Cntflfl, Hn-a lin.n omsna S.oon Chicago 7 (iio Kansas City 1V St. Louis I S110 St. Joseph 1 "0 Sioux City J00 ln.oo 4.000 JVmn 7 S mo "sio . 8.&00 11 ov run l.rA) 773 50) Tot ls ...IT.&jtf 74.3UO 19,771 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Oontinusd Slow Sale, with Price on Down Grade. HOGS FULLY TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER been Receipts l ight, hat Valaes on Both Fat Sheen and Unbi Took Tamhle of Falls- Fifteen to Twenty-Five Tents. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 19. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Uheep. ... 2. Ml 6.470 $.249 .. 4.525 7,5 12,!W0 ... 4.4.' 1o,7Fi7 .452 ,.. $.0M 11.200 8.678 ... 1.0) 10,500 4,000 Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday.... Official Thursday Official Friday Five days this week...l7.rV5 Same days last week.... 27,033 Same week before 21,470 Same three weeks ago. ..18,622 Same four weeks ago. ...24.294 Same days laat year 16.176 4(v.tM0 49.110 42.R21 10.019 3S.106 42.917 43,391 4S.40 41.0M 63. M 11.379 6n,077 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following- table shows the recelnta of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omnha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: 1902. lorn. 98.57 802,401 2.176.947 1.332.9H9 1,709 160 1,300,789 following table shows Inc. 186, 41 Dec. iM.or Cattle Hogs Sheep The 408,171 the average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with former years: Date. I 1P0J. 1901. 190O. 189. 1K.1I7.1W Nov. 24... Nov. 26.. Nov. 26... Nov. 27.., Nov. 28.. Nov. 19. . Nor. o... Dec 1..., Dec. t..., Dec. Dec. 4... Dee. 5..., Dee. ..., Pee. 7..., Dec. .... Dec. 9.... Dec. 10... Dec. 11... Dc. 12 ., Dec. 13... Dec. 14... Dec. IB... Dec. 16... Dec. 17.., Dec. 18... Dec. 19... 6 15 t 00 S 82! 3 46! II 771 1 38! 1 27 3 21 034! K 7 a 4 ST 1 S0 11 9H oa Ut 1 24 3 24 I f-Sl I 761 t 28 1 i r. 4 711 4 741 4 (9 1 731 1 20 X ! 1 191 1 3: 6 09H 3 801 001 4 71 I 21 1 74 1 25 5 761 1 18 I 1 13 S 8I 8 801 I 17 3 27 3 38 3 3 09 3 8 1 3 09 3 00 8 19 3 31 1 21 1 17 3 20 a 3 28 3 17 3 17 8 17 8 16 3 18 C 0 s 9; 4 Kl a 4 l 4 68 4 77 4 84 3 23 08'4j! 137,4,1 0 22M. ( 54 V t 16 a I 074' 3 I H! 3 19 3 21 o 06! I 0 S 04 a t 861 1 36 3 23 3 23 4 81 3 81 t 28i 4 78 4VJ 3 83 a"! 3 921 S 301 3 1 06'4j S 291 S13 3 13 3 15 a 12 6 08 s 11 14 8 81 a 4 82i 4 771 4 811 4 861 4 84 I 4 83 4 73! 4 T? 5 96 5 S8-V C I61 til 3 S 8 96 S 87 1 38 8 20 21 8 96i 3 331 1 95! 8 271 3 23 09 3 Z4 3 29 16l 26 4 01 1 SO! I 1 26 1 98 I 3 92i 3 28 84! 26l 12 3 31 14'il 01HI 3 31 Indicates Sunday. Indicates Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. c. M. & Bt. p z Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific system 19 C. N. W 7 F., E. A M. V 22 C, St. P., M. tt O B. & M 20 C. B. k Q 9 C, R. I. A P., east.. 8 C R. I. A P., west.. .. Illinois Central 1 Total recelpta 99 13 2 2 .. .. 17 6 28 28 1 8 8.. 18 6 1 16 16 4 1 3 150 26 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was at iouows, eacn nuyer purchasing tne num n-r 01 neaa indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. 1.443 2.237 2.701 2.483 2,352 Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Ifi9 Swift and Company 973 1.843 Z.145 758 Armour Co 636 Cudahy Packing Co 853 Armour, from Sioux City 99 Vansant & Co 29 Lobman A Co 3 Hill & Huntslnger 14 William Underwood 8 Livingstone A Schaller.. 4 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 31 Wolf Muman 1 B. F. Hobblck 6 Dennis A Co 46 Other buyers 191 Co Totals 3.607 11.216 4.181 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were again quite liberal at nearly all points and the general tendency of prices continued down ward. The market here was slow In open ing, and when buyers finally did start out It was very evident that they were not fiartlcularly anxious for fresh supplies un ess they could get them for less money. There were about 16 cars of cornfed steers Included In the receipts, and the quality was rather common on the whole. Buyers were generally bidding a little lower than yesterday, so that the prices paid were certainly no better than at the close of last week, and In some cases they looked lower. A large proportion of the recelpta this morning consisted of cows and heifers, so that packers had a good opportunity to pound the market, and they were not slow about making the moat of It. As compared with yesterday the bulk of the stuff sold easily a dime lower, but the market was rather uneven owing to the rapid fluctua tions that have been taking place this week, and for that reason some sales looked considerably better than others. The gen eral market, though, was safely a dime lower than yesterday. Bulls, veal calves and stags also eased off a little. Choice veals, though, held right close to steady. There were only just a few stockers and feeders In the yards, and very few or them were what could be called good. Specu lators claimed they were willing to pay fully steady prices for good stuff, but that there was no demand from the country for the common stuff. As a result sellers found It a difficult proposition to dispose of that class Tt stock at any price. Representative sales: BEEF HTE1SKH. No. hi.'. 10!! II.. II. i 44.. It.. AT. .. 12 ..1111 .. 750 .. .. .. 1 .. ISA .. 74 .. M ..loot ..10.15 ..lM ..1171 ..vn Pr. No. At. Pr. t 1I4 4 on 1 1040 4 00 7 1171 4 no II 1M1 06 17 1111 4 01 1 Ill 4 06 10 1048 4 " t4 1131 4 OS 40 12S', 4 10 14 lift 4 IS M 1.1 4 41 I! IStO 4 M 17 11M 4 15 1 ...1114 40 I 00 M i t 00 1 o 1 09 I 10 1 1.1 I ts. 1 r I M t V) 1 no t o 8TF.ERS AND HEIFERS. ..10S7 4 00 rma aav COWS. t 1 I 1 (0 I I I I I I a T t I t t It 1 1 1 1 t 14 I 4 4 14 t 11 1 I 11 I 1 1 t 1 4 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 t 1 1 1 1 4 t I ... 0 ... 74 ... 740 ... 170 ... 0 ... 740 ... 110 ... 70 ... IOS ... M ... 110 ... 4711 ...loon ... 7J ... 0 ... 7K ...1070 ... 1 ... tr ...M0 ... r ...4I ... Sa ... 161 ... 4 ... IV) ...Hot ... 4T ... Ml ...two ... MO ... SSI ...ln?a ...1010 ...till ...inn ...into ... IM ...loon ... Ml 1 10 1 ISO 8 75 1 :. Il hi t 10 t no 1 his t M 1 M It 1071 t SO 1 0l to 1101 I M t n 1 nr. 1 u t 01 1 110 t s t 10 It 1041 t M 1 10 II 1140 I 00 i 10 . 1 KIM) I 00 t 10 I I1M I 00 i 10 1 1 I 00 1 1 t 10 t 00 1 1 1 nat a 00 t ti I lofco a no a is 1 o in a 10 17 77 1 00 a 10 so inai a m a 10 1 mo a m a m to iou a or a at 11 mrr a cs a s t iooo a 10 a 15 11 irni a ia a 40 a 107) a n a 40 11 m 111 a 41 1 110 I is a n 1:1 1 is a M 51 11 71 a to a 10 ao ...1047 a as a m t mo a ts a so 1 iv) a ns a so a i7o a 11 a m a not 1 s 1 SO !!4 a IS I U 14 1074 8 40 I ) a aS t r a m a un a t a SO !)! a M a so ' 4 ....naa a a 1 o 1 ns 1 is a HEIFERS. 1 so t a a a i i4 4x4 a to a in a m a is tii a m a n a it, a r-o a is 4 as7 a mi a 1 mo a is BULLS. I SO 1 1440 a 00 a 4 1 im 1 10 a si 1 n?s a to a " a i--. i a n 1 i4Mi 1 n a m 1 im 1 1.) a an 1 it:o 1 fo 1 00 1 IM I I) J 00 1 1MI) 1 o 1 on 1 mo a 76 a e CALVES, a s 1 to sr. 4 M 1 174 6 tS .. TTS .. t7 .. HI .. 4 .. SW .. 410 .. 670 .. 170 ..1110 ,. 410 KM '0 lino , 141 II40 1170 , 1510 1S70 H7 , o IM S tl 9TAG& 1 10 COWS AND HEIFERS. UN as 11 Mi t STOCK CALVES. tii 1 1 m in 6TO"KERS AND FEEDER8. sv 1 I Soo I as aan 1 I p. 1 4a ;m I M a 70 1 40 iou I la S I. a I 4 ? am a sao a so 711 I STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 444 'I 171 I SS WYOMING. A. Pr No A v. Pr. t.... s'.'.'., No. 8 feeders.. I.S 3 40 3 feeders . 1140 3 li 3 feeders . . M jj IB -OA-Receipt of bogs were liberal this morning anil prices at all points stiff-red a decline. ( lit. age. was 'ei-one,! iii ir.o lower nn l the ilet line In ,-e wns 1 I ' eb -ut the same The bulk of the h-,g soid from lo 97Vg to $A . with a few choice Inmls going at oo7i fcnd ?t 10. The lightweight hogs sold mostly from $.'. to V9V The lighter the Welsh's ,he harder It was to make a sale ni.d plgr were exlremelv hard to sell at satisfactory prices and. as will be noted from the sales bemw, they brought considerably less than hogs. Trading as not setlve st tho decline, but still the bulk of the arrivals was disposed of In good searon The close of the market was If anything a start, weaker than the opening Representative sales: No. At. ti Pr. No. At. h. Pr to I4S ... t SO 70 IM . . 4 00 II 1S ... S 7S SO ;i 11 gnu 1 517 40 S So SJ 7 140 loo is in 110 a ao ss ?m laj a o-. TO. HI ... S " . 6 27a ... 1 02U t"0 ... SM an t7 41) 4 rji. 14 48. IV 10 S o aa i 1 an 4 oi 7 274 W III s l 40 4 n;v, S7 aoo II) I of, I 270 ton I 02 76 277 200 4 0;v 4 W7 140 4 15 S" US ... I IS 71 tog ... 6 IS 14 t'l ion 6 IS 0 IM ln 6 IS Tl 141 too S I7H 66 150 ... 6 I7L, 10 14T 40 171, 71 184 10 I 7', II 104 ... I 00 74 ., 141 120 4 00 4 144 40 4 CO '1 141 ... 100 a. .121 ... 100 10 2tl ... goo ti. ...... .126 ... a no 1 m 120 00 0 211 40 a 00 IS 2l SO I SO s 12s ... no SI 271 120 a 00 49 rr ... 100 T 244 ... 1 00 78 14 no 1 no 47 154 40 4 on 17 107 ... I 00 I HI ... 4 on 71 t;o 40 a no 4 110 ... 4 on TS 194 40 4 SO 47 725 10 I 00 40 171 80 4 00 SI 198 14n I 00 1 2M M M 14 278 100 I 00 av 11 ... n?1 ll ...tas an tot', l4 10 4 0?s ... .144 0 I PJ14, ....241 II 4 Kt ...Ml IO0 4 0-', . .. 1 ... I njv, ....178 40 4 021, ....111 ... 4 0:1 El... ... II... 11... ES... 64... 45.... 12... ...soi ... 4 mi 64 lot t0 I 01V4j IS 144 40 4 OIL, ! UT ... 4 01", E7 Ill 40 I 05', Tl IS 140 I 02', an 261 40 4 om i i4i so I 0:14 61 t4 10 4 01' t 1T 91ft ... I 03', 70 22 40 6 021, 14 224 40 I 014j 71 2T-1 10 I 02'4j 61 400 I OS 60 10 4 05 0 25 ... I OS I! 241 ... 4 OS 61 2S.1 60 6 OS II 174 ... I 06 44 2! 100 OS IB 110 ... ins 78 110 SO I OS SI 114 10 I OS z:o 10 a on u 7 am H ' 40 I 00 141 40 4 OS J ait 40 a 00 10 tit ... a os 2 ?a 1 a 00 as ii ... 4 no T 2S too 4 00 70 "II ... 4 OS 845 140 8 00 El 811 140 4 OS fi 147 IM 4 00 TT 2l 100 I OS ll t"0 4 00 65... ?4 ... 8 0S ? S 80 4 00 87 248 140 4 OS 24 ... 4 00 IT 824 1 40 4 06 " !4 ... I 00 tf 2M ... 4 06 44 140 I 00 71. 244 ... 4 OS J' 21 240 4 00 42 2S ... 4 07V J 'l SO 4 00 SS 8tJ ... 8 07S 250 80 4 00 SO MS 40 4 07"4 227 120 4 00 10 JC4 ... 4 10 J ... a 00 ao is ao a 10 ao its ... goo SHEEP There was not a heavy supply of sheep am lambs on sale this morning, but prices took quite a tumble. Packers) claim they have been paying too hlsh prices here for some time, an compared with other markets, and that thev are now going to get this market down In line with others. As compared with yesterday afternoon the market Is fully IOiSMSc lower, or. as com pared with yesterdav morning, the decline amounts to fullv lf.3'2fo and In some cases sales were made that looked even worse than that. The least decline was on strictly choice nstlvcs that packers could use for their Christmas trade. Owing to this sud den tumble In prices trading was naturally rather slow and it was late before a clear ance was made. The stocker and feeder market continued hoiit steady. Supplies were light, ao that. W'hlle the demand was also limited, prices showed very little change. Quotations for fed stock: Choice lambs, tS.0OifJ6.2ft; nr to good lambs. 4.oO((W.0O; choice yearlings. 14.OcvfM.25; fair to good yearlings, !3.754.00; choice wethers, l.l.OO fOO; fair to good, 33. 263. SO: choice ewes, 13.505M.W; fair to good. 13.OTif3.50: feeder lnmbs, t3.00Tt.OO: feeder venrllngs, 33.OOfl3.25; feeder wethers, r.7523.o0: feeder ewes, 11.50 T!.2Z. Representative gales: No. pr Jed ewes... 107 j 4R 1 buck loo 4 no 9 fed lambs 78 5 ro 22.2 fed ewes 102 a 46 20 fed ewes gj j ro 49 fed ewes 97 j 50 MS fed wethers , 91 3 ss 20 native yearlings 8t 4 25 native lambs no 4 25 25 cull wethers 70 00 8 cull lambs 4A 2 00 10 cull ewes us 2 50 96 western ewea o 300 l.buck 200 3 00 18 western ewes H2 3 25 IB cull lambs 55 3 25 35 natrve ewes n 3 50 28 native ewes 129 3 75 5 native ewes 134 3 75 48 native ewes, b 130 3 so 38 native ewes, 144 400 18 western lamns 5. 4 4V I 61 western lambs 64 4 23 1 15 western lambs 8 4 s ' 18 western wethers 132 4 R0 38 native lambs....... 73 4 7s 24 western lambs 73 4 75 250 western le.mbs 78 4 7. 155 western lambs 715 4 75 ft western lambs 79 5 00 hi native lambs 89 8 25 1 native ewe VA 4 00 66 native lambs 64 4 M London Stock Miarkef. LONDON. Dec. 19. Closing quotations: Conaols for monair.13 1S-1 New York Central ... .ir.su do account .12 18-1' Nortolk A Weatarn. 71", Anaconda At"hlaon dn ptd Baltimore A Ohio.. .... 4t .... 84 dn prd 414, Ontario A Weatarn... -, .101)' iPnrsrlranla .inov. Rtn Mines , .18ii R-adlns . 48141 do !at ptd . ISHl dn td prd .177"' Southern Railway . do ptd , 8S' ISonthem Pacific. . . ItSjt'elon raelflc . . ION . 114, . 4H4 . ai . If, . as .101 Canadian Pacts- Chraansake A Oblo. rhicao n. w C. M. A St. P.... riehoera Dsnver A R. O.... do pfd Erla do 1st pfd do td ptd Illinois Ontral l.nulsTllI A Nash.. Mlsro.irl, g T.. . 34' H dn prd . IF'.j fnltrd Statea Steal.. . 4 dn ptd .14HWbaah .IMVj do ptd . 14 lis. 841, , ? PAR SILVER Quiet st 2? S-1d per ounce. MONET S"fi74 per cent. The rate of dl count In the open market for short bills Is S74(P4 per cent and for three-months' bills 3 i-WW3 5-16 per cent. CHICAGO LIVE! stock market. Cattle Are Slow and Both Roars and heep Lower In Price. CHICAGO. Dec. 19 CATTLE Receipts. Tooa head: alow; good to prime steers. 15 40 C50; poor to medium. !3.0(vrjl25; stockers snd feeders. 12.00(fr4 50: cows. !1.25fii 4 50; heifers. t2.00TS.OO; canners. 81.25f! 40: bulls. I?.0(jt4.40; eab-es. 13.0O)3.75; Texas fed steers. 83 75N.SO. HOGS Recelnts. 38.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 20.000 heart: left over, 8 500 head: 10;fTl5e lower: cloeed slow; mixed and butchers, 15.804W.20; good to choice heavy. 86 2'.RR; rough heavy. 35.4O4i6.20; light. 36 r.mfton: bulk of es.le. 36. 00474. 30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 11 000 head: lr"315c lower: good to choice weth ers. $3.75(774. 40; fair to choice mixed, 12.75T8 3.75: western sheep. tS.SOrfM 40: native lambs. 34.O0fT6.75: eastern lambs, 34.50(95.75. . onirlal yesterday; Recelnts. Shipments Cattle 1098 4. 45-! Wogs 37.649 - 5.587 Sheep , 24.404 4.178 Ifewr Tnrk Live Stock Market. ,NEW YORK. Dec. IS. CATTLE Re celnts, 4.239 head: steers active, but 105?15c lower: cows, stesdv to 10c off: bulls, un changed: steers. t39fr660; tall ends. 13 76; bulls. 13 .5mtf2.n- rows. 8I.WX1M 85. 1-ar.iea minted live cattle selling at 124ft13",e; Chrletmas steers. 14?14Uc. r-essed weleht: sheep, stesdv: refrleerstor beef. 10c; ship ments tomorrow. 1. 605 head rattle. 917 head sheep and 4.500 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 733 head: vesla slow, about steady for nrlme rraesers snd wee, erns lower: veals. 15.00436 tv: choice little calves. 15; western snd southern. 33.124rS.60; few hsrnvards. 11 12 V, I city dressed veal. low. lf&Mc. HOGS Receipts. 3.100 heart: easier; good westerns, 16 li; few state. 36.60. latter ex treme. SHEEP AVr LA MRS Receipts. 7.193 head: sheen. ir.f'26 lower: sheep. l?.6Afi4 0-: few extra sheen. 14 50; culls. 12; lambs. 14.75 4(6 10; culls, 13.50; Canadian lambs, 35.76. Kanssa City Live llork Market. KANSAS CITT. Dee. 19 OATLE Re ceipts 1.1S0 natives, 8'41 Texans. 20" native calves; beef steers, dull at last Frldsv's nrices: good corn cows and heifers, IV 2V lower: range canners. ftVf lower: eho'ce export snd dre1 heof steers. 8"i.10 fit. 00: fale to rood, 83..WK1.0R: stockers and orfrs K.t'JH 00; western-fed steers 13(10 -'.25: Texas and Indian steers. T.4 r: Texas cows. Vf vMtlt 'f): "stive cows. 11 3 83: native heifers. 8l.76drl.00; cerners. W.75 43? !": bulls I1.8r)i" 9".: calves, S2.8. 00. HOGS Receipts, 7.000 head: market dull snd iodise lower: tip. 86 ): bulk of pales, f. Oixa" iVt: beaw. 84. OT1 TO; mixed rick e', 15 KJf 10; light. 8.8036.05; yorkers, 6 nuuA 5; plrs 16 64j4 . SHEEP AND LA MRS Reeelots. 1 or0 brsd: market stendy to easy; nstle lambs. 14 004(5 40: western lambs. 33 . 8.Vfr4 . 3" : fd ees. 3J.ilor8.95: native we' hers, !3.'?t4.6: western wethers. 13 (K:r4.20; stockers and feeders, 12.00J3.35 I. I.aals Live Stock Market. ST LOl'IB. Dee. 18 CATTLE Receipts. t '. head. Includlns 2ioo Texans: market steady for btst oualltlea to a ehsrte lower for Inferlcr grdes- native shlnplng snd export sl'ers. 3t (4 nft; dressed bee' and butcher st.rs, ft 2ifi.r0; fers under 1 '"0 it s. 13 7?flo !T: stockers and feeders. 12 4't 4.00; cowa and heifers. 12..44. 75; canners. 81 V.? .V; bulls, 12 SMffl.50: calves. M flojl 7."0; Texas and liwil.m steirs, 32. 104, 8": icvis nnrt h lf rs. 2M1.1 St. HoO.S-lSi-, cipts. ..Vim head: market 10f :-e 1..T, ,-; pig and tights, 8"i "v,r.10; pack ir. " 61 , b itchcrs. $r..U1i4n. SUKKP AND I.AM H8 -Receipts. 1JWM bend: market rtco.iy io a shade lower; natlie muttons, IT. otHM.si; lambs. 3.f-tt f..'s; c-ills iind bucks. 1J t-? 4 .tX; stockers, tl.6tWr3.i8i; Texnns. IJ.7oji3.S0. t. Joseph I, la e tnrk Market. ST. JOSEPH, Dec. 73 CATTLE Re ceipts. I S)" heart,' natives, H rs'it .; Texas niI weefrns. J.t 0 11 . ; hu'ls and stap:. I.' o 4r4 40; slock-rs- and feeders. 13.iS4.;o. lit MIS Receipt. P.ai' head; medium and heavy. 16.'i;(ii.2;,; pigs. J4.t6.oo; bulk, W.oi fjfi 15. SHKEP AND LA M It? Receipts, TTS head; native lambs, s.i.75; yenrllngs, 14.50; wethers, It. 35; ewes. 14.25. Moot City Lire Mock Market. SlOfX CITT. ti . Dee. 19. (Special Tele prim.) C ATT LE Receipts. S"0; steady; beeves, 8,1 S'"if5.26; cows, bulls and mlxel, tl.5v,i.75; stockers and feeders, U6tf)4.O0; yenrllpgs and calves. I? JOli 3. 75. HOGS Receipts, 3.500; market, ltl? lower. IS WitC. 20; bulk. 35.77-4 rt.. BHEEP Receipts, 600; steady. (iOVERTMEST iTOTICE. CHIEF OI "A RTKRM ASTER'S OFFICE. Omnha. Neb.. December 13, 1?J)2. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, sublcct to the usunl conditions, will be received at this office, until Ki a. nr.. central standard time December 24. 1!2. for furnishing material anil labor In construction, In the shortest possible time, of a temporary frame stable In Fort Crook. Neb. Full In formation furnished on rtppllcatlon to this office, where plans and specifications may bo seen or to the Quartermaster. Fort Crook Proposals to be marked "PropsnU for Stables," and addressed to JNO. W. PULLMAN. Chief Quartermaster 4tD-l-16-20-r I.K.GAI, XOTICB. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Ie-Glass-Andreesen Hardware Company. Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 13. 1002. No tice is hereby given to the stockholders of the Leo-Glass-A ndreesen Hardware com pany that the annual meeting of the stock holders of the company will be held at the offices of the said company, corner of Ninth and Harney ltreet. in the city of Omahn. In the state of Nebrasks. on Tuesday. Jan uary 18, A. D. 1903, at 3 o'clock p. in.. lor the purpose of electing a board of direct ors for the company to serve during the ensuing year, and to transact such other business aa may be presented at such meeting- II. J. LEE, President. V. M. GLASS. Secretary. D18 D3)t ggm.ttraiij.,4.,, Strong Nerves are the true source of good, lieslthy appearance. Persons with half-starved aiervesel wsyt lock worried and "clrajced-out." You cannot be happy without nerve vigor; you cannot be natural without all the powers which nature meant you to have. produce healthful glow which art cannot Imitate. They uvlgorate every organ, put new force to the nerves, elasticity to the step sad round out the face and form to Hues of health and beauty. 81 00 Tr twtv . R Sm.-- t i.v. ... - - 1 l - j V " 1 1 . wiiiica guaraatee), kAUU. Kuokfreau For sal by &.unn 4 Co.. Ornate, unions LiiiK biore. Hon Hi tintna. Davis Drug Co.. Counoil Uluffa. ta. DR. McGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forma of ISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY 37 Tears Experience, 17 Tears In Omaha, His remarkable sue- tmm ha a nvar tieen equaled snd every day brings many flatter ing reports of the good he Is doing, or tha relief he haa given. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKING OCT" on the skin or faoe and all extornal slgna of the dlsesse disappear at once, n'l aAt?il nlCPlCt: wrmimnilr aurad In ULUUU UldCttwt lar, than BO Uay a. UlUta-lfifiCI C Cur guaranteed In IHniUUWasks. LKBS THA31 6 OA VS. UvcH au.uu J oases cured of nerv ous debility, loss of . a...iJ4 ouicnargss, Dingiuta, Oiosl, Klousy and Biauuer Ulsaases, Hy urocetS. WUICK CURKtl-LOW CJIARGE8. Trvatment by mall. P. O. ttux 7th. Ofllce over Us a. 14 Hi sireot, between s arnatn and Douglas streeia, iVMAliA, MUM. Why Not Mexico? Tou have been to Europe. You have seen California and Colorado. Why not try Mex coT It Is worth while. The curloui architecture; the vast plazas, where the en tire population of tha city gathers nightly to listen to the stirring strains of a mili tary band; the rare beauty of (he women; the picturesque "Hire of the men; the prl mi ll ve method of agriculture ih.-se ara only a few of the ?ores of things that can be seen and enjoyed In Maxlco u MID-WINTER. Cut out this ad. aend It to ua. and we will mall yeu a book about Mexico. Telli Just what you want to know. Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St. OrtAHA, NEB. P. It. Wears, Pres. C. A. Wears. V-Prea. Established 1862. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Members of the Principal blxcbanges. Private Wires to Ail Points. GRAIS, PHtlVIVIONM. D'llHKIJ. BONDS Bought and sold for cash or future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH. 1W-11I Roard of Trade. 1 elephone 1318 W. It. Ward. Local M-nager. SHIP IS VOIR ELIDES STRANGE BROS. HIDE CO. lass City, Iowa. Small Investor? AS WELL. A8 LARGE INVESTORS Csn Invest their savings In a Preferred In dustrial stock to ret . The company his no compeilllim and the control la he'd l.y tren connected with the Ktandr.rd Oil Co. Write, for full particulars. References any bank in Chicago. W J. HILAND8. Dept. It, Rookery Bldg., Chicago, 1U. i i