Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Doctors Ad-nit Portion ii Grave, bat Still
Hope foT Recovery.
Official Bulletin Says He Holdi Hit Own
and ii No Worie.
Presence of Medical Men Indicate Extreme
leverity of Illness.
inmates o( House Inr Report la Abso
lutely I d(oihiIpiI and Clnlm Ilia
(hinrfi of Restoration to
Health till Exist.
NEW YORK, Dee. Cornelius Vsn
derbilt passed a fairly good night and at
7 o'clock hope had not been abandoned.
The presence of two dorton In the houae
Indlcsted that Mr. Vsnderbllt's con
dition ontlnued moat grave, although a
ervant In the bouaehold aald he had pasaed
a good night.
Pr. Austin Flint, jr., at 9:15 Issued the
following bulletin:
Mr. Vanderbllt had a fair night nnd hna
field hla own. The fart that he la no worse
this morning la encouraging.
Drs. Flint, Janewajr, Brown and Dela
fl eld held a consultation previous to the Is
suance of the bulletin lasting about
twenty-five minutes.
Dr. Deisfleld aald:
Mr. Vanderbllt la a very alrk man. but
there Is hope and he la not going to die
A rumor that Mr. Vanderbllt was dead
was circulated shortly after noon today.
Inquiry at the alck min'i home showed
that the report was untrue.
This afternoon Reginald Vanderbllt and
Miss Cathleen Nellson arrived at the house.
Mr. Vanderbllt made Inquiries and left his
card, while Mlsa Nellson remained In the
carriage. A close friend of Mr. Vanderbllt
today said:
"Mr. Vanderbllt Is low, but there Is
lope." '
Dr. Austin Issued this bulletin at 11:30
"The symptoms of peritonitis are subsid
ing. In other respects Mr. Vanderbllt is
holding his own."
Witnesses la Conspiracy Trial All
Testify la Faror of the)
FREEHOLD. N. J., Dee. 1. Dr. Hen
dricks, one of the defendants In the case
against Laura Blggar and others for alleged
conspiracy to get Henry M. Bennett's es
tate, waa on of the witnesses at the trial
H said P. J. MoNulty and Attorney Wat
terson of Pittsburg called at the Bayonne
sanitarium to see Miss Blggar regarding the
estate. Witness said his only Interest in
the will was to have it probated and that at
the time of Mr. McNulty's call the ques
tion was discussed whether Miss Blggar
would be better off as a common law wife
of Mr. Bennett than in her present condi
tion. Willis Blggar. eon of Miss Blggar, and her
former husband, J. W. Connell, testified
that bis father came from the west to see
Mr. Bennett before the latter's death. P.
J. McNulty testified at to his part In em
ploying a Pittsburg detective to unearth the
alleged conspiracy.
Laura Blggar took the witness stand this
afternoon and swore that she was married
to Bennett fourteen or fifteen years ago.
On Thanksgiving day, she said, Mr. Ben
nett proposed , to her. He Insisted there
were no obstao'leg In the way of their mar
riage. Letters passed between them nearly
very day and she anally accepted him.
She aald she consented to a quiet marriage
because she did not want the publto to talk
about her.
lateratate Asrreeaaeat with Operators
Likely to Bo Ameaded
Meat Tear.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Dee. 18. The in
terstate agreement between the miners and
operatoYa may be amended at the national
convention here In January and February
to Include Iowa. The operators of Iowa
nave been willing to Join Indiana, Penn
sylvania. Ohio and Illinois at the last three
conventions, but were debarred largely be
cause of opposition from the operators of
the Pittsburg district.
The objection was that the Iowa oper
ators did not have an association like tho
ether states, but they recently organlied
and have employed John P. Reese, presi
dent of the Iowa miners, as their commls
t. Louis Mem Receive Seateaees of
rive Teare Each la Peal,
BT. LOUIS, Mo., Deo. II. The Joint trial
of five former members of the house of
delegates en charges of bribery, which
began on Tuesday, ended tonight in a sen
tence of Ave years for each man.
The defendants, John A. Sheridan, Charles
3. Denny, Charles Outke, Edmund Bench
and T. E. Albright, after hearing the ver
dict, filed motiona for a new trial and
were released on bond.
Kehraaka Coaarresaaaaat Lies Seriously
111 at Madlsea with Aaaea. '
MADISON. Neb., Dec II. Judge John S.
Robinson, representative In congress from
the Third Nebraska district. Is lying seri
ously 111 at his horns here, and It Is feared
he cannot recover. He Is suffering from
Herds Are Killed O la Maosachasetts
and Rhode Ulead to Stay
BOSTON, Deo. It. Condemnation of cat
tie afflicted with the foot and mouth dis
ease Is progressing rapidly ta Massachu
setts) and Rhode Islaad and slaughter of
herds la reported at many places.
Raajllsh Court Awnrd Dimages
Aajalast strikers Mho Inter
rupted Business of Company.
LONDON. Dec. 19 After a long trial
in tho king's bemh division of the high
court of Justice the case of the Tafavale
Railroad company srslnst the Amalga
mated Society of Railway Servants. In
volving many quetlona rf the utmost im
portance to fades unionism, resulted to
day In a verdict In fnvor of the plaintiffs.
The latter complained of malicious mo
lestation, picketing. Intimidation, etc.,
during the strike of 1900.
The Judge today reserved hla decision on
the question of damages until the next
sitting of the court.
The railroad corgpany which seeks to
recover damages contends that there waa
a conspiracy on the part of the society
to injure its business and further that
there was an unlawful combination to
carry on the strike of 1900.
Tonne; Men Filled to Siberia for Riot
Ins; Are Allowed to Hetara
to Rnaela.
8T. PETERSBURG, Dec. 19. The czar
has granted amnesty to the students ban
ished for rioting on his name day.
He telegraphed to the minister of the In
terior as follows:
Let the studenta who are banished for
creating disturbances return from Siberia,
nlthotich they should not for the present
be allowed to live In towns where there are
high .schools Care must nevertheless be
taken that the young men on their return
be entrusted to the keeping of their fam
ilies, as such surroundings will familiarise
them with order
The telegram, which la equivalent to an
Imperial decree, pardons fifty-nine students
exiled to Siberia in addition to the sixty
two students previously psrdoned.
Grand Jary Finds Trae Rill Against
Artbar Lynch, Member of
LONDON, Dee. 19. The grand Jury sum
moned to consider the Indictment of Colonel
Arthur Lynch, a member of Parliament for
Galway, who was arrested on June 11 on a
charge of high treason, on account of the
part he took In the South African war,
where he la alleged to have commanded the
Irish brigade, returned a true bill today
against the defendant.
The lord chief Justice, Baron Alverstone,
In charging the jury, remarked that It was
sixty-two years since a grand jury had to
deal with such a charge, which was the
highest crime known in law. Colonel
Lynch's trial at the bar la expected to begin
January 20.
Aaarlo-Amerlcaa Chareh Asks
to Save gafferlna
People. ,
BT. PT5TERSBURO, Dee. IS. Four hun
dred thousand persons are reported to be
destitute and starving as a result of the
crop failure In Finland.
The Anglo-American church here has
undertaken to feed and clothe the sohool
children of four Finnish parishes and has
Issued an appeal for assistance. The con
ditions are aald to be worse than those of
1867, when 100.000 persons died.
Frightful Fatality Attends Earth,
qaake la Rasalan Central Asia
on December 18.
LONDON. Deo. 19. A special dispatch
from St. Petersburg says 10,000 persons
were killed by the earthquake December
18 at Adjljan, Ruaslan Central Asia. They
were mostly native Turcomans.
Abandoned Steamer le Saved.
LONDON. Dec. 19 The British steamer
North Point, from Philadelphia, December
S, for London, which passed the steamer
Llxard today, signaled that It hsd in tow
the German steamer Pure Oil, from Ham
burg, for Philadelphia, which had previ
ously been abandoned. Further signals
were obscured by the mist, but it Is sup
posed that North Point meant to convey
the Information that the crew of Pure Oil
had been saved.
Commissioner to St. Loals.
BERLIN. Dee. 19. Secretary von Noatlx
of the Saxon legation In Berlin has been
appointed Saxony's special commissioner to
the St. Louts exposition. He will co
operate with Herr Lewsld, the German
Imperial commissioner to the exposition, in
Inducing the manufacturer of Saxony to
participate In the fair.
Member of Parliament Sentenced.
DUBLIN, Dec. 19. John Roche, member
of Parliament for East Galway, was sen
tenced by the criminal court at Roscommon
to a month's Imprisonment In default of
ball on the charge of unlawful assembly.
Army oncers OSTer Service.
LIMA, Peru, Dec. 19. A number of army
officers here propose cabling their names to
the president of Venexuela, offering their
services in esse of the situation becoming
more complicated.
Tower Presents Credentials.
BERLIN. Dec. 19. Ambassador Tower
pre.ited his credentials to Emperor Wil
liam at the palace today. All the members
of the staff of the embassy were present.
Reslajas Claim to Throae.
MADRID. Dec. II. The Heraldo today
says Don Carlos purposes to renounce his
claim to the throne in favor of his son.
Don Jaime.
Baadearath Approves Tartar.
BERLIN, Dec. IS. The Bundesrath todsy
approved the tariff bill in the form In
which it passed the Reichstag.
Colorado Mine Shot Dowa oa Aocoaat
of Marder of Manager to
Be Rropeaed.
TELLURIDE, Colo., Dee. II. It Is an
nounced that operations will be resumed
December 27 in the Smuggler-Union mine,
which waa closed down Immediately after
ths murder of Arthur L. Collins, general
manager of the company, on November It.
Over 600 miners will be employed.
O. B. Kemp, who wss the head book
keeper of the compsny previous to the as
sassination of Manager Collins, has besa
made temporary manager. A regular man
ager will be appointed next month at a
meeting at the direct ore ta Boston.
'h of Anthracite Strike Cemmission ii
" V' Bad y Shaken.
Too Many n Included la the
Sam Paid t t Maa aad Re.
celpted' For by
SCRANTON, Ta.. Dec. 19 When the
strike commission resumed today Judge
Gray referred to the alleged misleading
wage returns msde by the Pennsylvania
He said he had been Informed that the
auditor of the company notified one of the
assistant recorders, when the figures were
handed In, that the company was unable to
give In all cases the exact number of men
sharing In the earnings, and added that he
did not wish to convey the Impression that
the commission Impugned the good faith of
the company.
The lawyers for the nonunion men then
called James Ellas of Scranton, who told of
an attempt to blow up his home. The build
ing was considerably damaged and his wife
was beaten by the wives of strlkerc.
Counsel for the nonunion men submitted
lists of boycotts against merchants in snd
about Wilkesbsrre, which, they claimed,
were ordered by the striking mine work
ers. Thirty witnesses were then called to tell
stories of alleged boycotts, intimidations,
dynamiting and violence during the late
strike. Each witness was a sufferer In one
form or another at the hands, they alleged,
of union men. One man was asked to re
sign from a Carbolic temperance society
and another expelled from a local lodge of
the Ancient Order of Hibernians after a
membership of twenty-six or twenty-eight
Judge Gray asked one of them If be re
mained at work to keep the pumps In good
repair and he aald he did.
Mr. Darrow aaked him how long he
worked and was proceeding to examine
him along this line, when the chairman
interposed again with the remark that men
often work fifteen hours or more to help
save a neighbor's house.
The commission will meet at I tomorrow
and adjourn at 11:45 for the holidays.
Philadelphia Yooth Kills Woman Agi
tator Who Broke Hla
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 19. Voltalrtne Le
Cleyre, a noted anarchist and teacher of
languages, was shot and fatally wounded
by Herman Helscher, a former pupil, today.
The woman is dying in a hospital and
Helscher Is In custody. Unrequited lova la
cald to have promoted the deed.
When arrested Helscher's only explana
tion was: "We were sweethearts, sh and
I. She brok.e my heart and deserved to be
Miss Le Cleyre was standing at a street
corner awaiting a car. Helscher, who had
disguised himself by means of a false moua
tauche, approached her from the rear and
accosted her. Almost at the same moment
he drew a revolver from his pocket and
pointed It at her. She turned and at
tempted to run away, but had gone only
a few steps when Helscher began firing
upon her. After discharging five shots,
three of which took effect, he replaced the
pistol tn his pocket and started to walk
away. He made no effort to escape and
was Immediately arrested.
Miss Le Cleyre ran a short distance and
then sank, exhausted, upon a doorstep.
To a magistrate afterwards she denied
acquaintance with Helscher, but when he
was brought before her minus the false
moustache she at' once recognised him.
She declined, however, to accuse him of
having shot her, but asked the police If
he had admitted It. Neither would she
state the nature of her relatione with
Two bullets took effect In the woman's
rlgnt side below the shoulder and another
embedded Itself In the right side of the
chest. The physicians held out no hope for
her recovery.
Miss Le Cleyre haa attained widespread
notoriety through her anarcblstlo utter
ances and Intimacy with Emma Goldman
and other anarchists. She Is an accom
plished linguist and musician, and haa
written much anarchistic literature and
many erotic poems.
Force of Coastabalary la Field Ce-Operatlaa-
with Police of
MANILA, Dec. 19. The roundup of la
drones in Rlsll province Is proceeding. A
large force of constabulary ts In the field
and the Manila police are co-operating with
It. They are cordoning the north part of
the city to prevent the ladrones entering.
The United States fleet Is assembled for
the evolutions which are to commence to
morrow and continue for a fortnight. They
will consist largely In landing tactics and
the selxure, fortifying and supplying a
naval base on the west cosst of Luton,
near Sublg. The battleship Kentucky Is
here and Oregon Is expected dally.
Germany Will Traasfer Experts From
New York to Chicago Ifest
CHICAGO, Dec. 19 The agricultural
progress of the United States and the work
of the American farmer are being noted by
the German government, which Is taking
speclsl Interest In the subject for the com
ing year.
According to Information received by Dr.
Walther Weber, the German consul here,
Chicago has been chosen as the center of
operations of ths experts' bureau during
the coming year, an order having been
made to transfer the bureau from New
York to this city.
Itallaa Wba Kills Three Mea la De.
tease of Hie Own Life
Gees Free.
READING, Pa.. Dec. II. Antonio Taddal.
an Itallaa aged 17, who on July 4 laat shot
John Trajrer, Edward Hartman and Samuel
Sltxel. young men who had assaulted him
after having tried to pick a fight with him.
while be waa playing a street piano, and
all three of whom subsequently died, was
acquitted in court here todsy. Taddal
claimed aelf-defense and said that he killed
the three aaea to save hla ewa lit.
British Minister "ays Islanders F.a
ergy Is Rapidly Rrlasrlaa; Sew
Republic Fee ward;
WASHINGTON. Dec. 19 A striking pic
ture of the development of Cuba since the
Spanish war is presented in a report by
Lionel Carden, the British minister to
Havana, a copy of which has just resetted
The minister says:
It Is highly satisfactory to note the re
markable progress the llanl has made In
the last three years In spite of the de
plorable condition in which It waa left at
the end of the war.
The production of sugar has risen from
135.000 tons In 1W1 tn over (tOOOO tons In 1B"1
' and probably will reach l.ot.flnt tons this
year. I He cultivation and manufacture of
tobacco, as well ar the minor Induetrlts.
show ronsldr rable Improvement. The stock
nf rattle on the Island, thanks to the large
Importations is row nrnbablv upward of
j 75".OM), as compare with le-a than MO.oiO at
the beginning of 1R99. and. finally, the value
of the exports has Increased from 9,I6O.00,
to 12.o.imo, and would have reached a
! much higher figure but for the fall In the
price of sugar.
In considering how little financial assist
ance the Cubans have received from
abroad. It speaks highly for their energy
and Industry that they should have
achieved so much in so short a time and
with such limited resources at their com
mand. The report is full of advice to English
traders as to the best means of meeting
American competition and holding the
Cuban trade, which Is being taken rapidly
from them by the United States. '
Secretary Informs Members as to
Venesnelaa Sltuatloa aad Ae.
tlon Taken by Him.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 19. Secretary Hay
laid before the cabinet the latest phases of
the Venexuelan situation as shown by the
correspondence he had ha with our am
bassadors and the foreign officers at London,
Berlin and Rome and also acquainted the
members with the circumstances of the ex
chsnges which had taken place with the
ambassadors in Washington.
After a thorough discussion of the ques
tion the cabinet gave Its unqualified ap
proval to ' everything thst has been done
by Secretary Hay and also to his plans for
the future so far as they were outlined.
It is gathered that the attitude of the
United States Is a waiting one, In the hope
that the allies will soon be able to agree
on the basis upon which they are willing
to accept arbitration.
It was stated that while the Venexuelan
situation was realised to be important, the
subject did not engross the entire atten
tion of the cabinet. So far no notice of the
projected blockade of Venexueta haa been
officially aerved on our government.
Hoaso Committee Considers Suspen
sion of Coastwise Kavlaa-
tloa Laws. ., ' '
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. Tho houae ora
mlttee on merchant -marin. and . fisheries
today considered the McCuii resolution to
suspend the coastwise navigation laws, so
ss to permit foreign ships to carry coal
from one point to another on the coast.
It was stated that an extortionate rate
of freight Is being charged for the trans
portation of coal from shipping porta to
market porta, and that in Boston the lack
of facilities to unload coal as rapidly as It !
arrives is the greatest obstacle to distri
bution. At one time within a week fifteen
schooners laden with coal were watting to
be discharged.
The committee postponed further con
sideration until after the holidays.
If the resolution should be finally passed
It would be in the Interest of a reduction
of freight rather than because of any scar
city of tonnage.
Former Secretary Caere Calls Upon
President Roosevelt to Soar,
seat a Plan.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. Former Secre
tary Gage and John H. Rhoads, chairman
of the finance committee of the New York
Chamber of Commerce, called upon the
president today to present to him resolu
tions recently adopted by the Chamber of
Commerce in advocacy of a more elastic
currency system.
President Roosevelt received them cordi
ally, but did not indicate what hla attitude
toward the resolutions would be.
Mr. Gage and Mr. Rhoads later had a
talk with Chairman Fowler of the houae
committee on banking and currency, giving
their views on the currency question.
They submitted to Mr. Fowler a copy of
resolutions sdopted by the New York
Chamber of Commerce.
Will Re Present with Veteraas aad
Politicians at Servlree Over
Mrs. Great.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. President
Roosevelt expects to sttend the funeral
services of Mrs. Grant, to be held in the
Metropolitan Methodist church tomorrow
Members of the cabinet, of the diplomatic
corps snd of both houses of congress, snd
representatives of the Grsnd Army of the
Republic, the Loyal Legion, the Union
Veterans' Legion, the Army of the Tennes
see, the Army of the Cumberland and ths
Army of the Ohio also will be present.
Cabaa Reciprocity Treaty Will Bo
Seat Oaly to Seaata by tho .
WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. The president
has concluded that It will not be necessary
to send the Cuban reciprocity treaty to the
It la said that the houss may satisfy
Itself by passing upon ths reciprocity
proposition Incidental to the conslderstloo
of some legislation which will be necessary
to give effect to the treaty, though that
document will be ratified solely by the
senate, it ratified at all in Washington.
Ta Redaee Colomblaa Tartar.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 19. Minlater Hart,
at Bogota, has cabled the State department
that a recent government decree provides
tor a progresalvs reduction of 10 per cent
monthly In the export dutlea of Colombia,
beginning January 1, 1903.
Pavers Fowler Bill.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. The house com
mittee on banking and currency today fa
vorably reported the currency blU reported
by Chairman Fowler.
Secretary Shaw Sees No Objection to Selling
Present PcitofSoe.
Nebraska Congressmen Think BUI
Prepared by the Cattlemen Should
Be Amended lie fore Pre.
sented to Hoase.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 (Special Tele
gram ) Representative Burkett left for
Nebraska tonight. Before leaving he made
public a report from the secretary of the
treasury In relation to his bill permitting
the government to sell the present post
office st Lincoln to the city of Lincoln and
allowing the government to construct a
new building on the vacant portion of the
square now occupied by the present post
office. Secretary Shaw, who makes the rc
rort on the bill, advises the chairman of
the public buildings and grounrta commltte
that there Is no objection to Mr. Burkett'c
bill. He states thnt the government owns
the entire square upon which the present
postoftice and the conrt house building la
located, the square being approximately
8nrx300 feet In dimensions. To quote from
the report the secretary says:
"The northerly portion of the square Is
about 200x300 feet in dimensions snd Is
used as a public park. In the event of the
sale of that portion of the site lying south
of the driveway above referred to, together
with the building, there would remain suffi
cient lands, sbout 200x300 feet, upon which
to construct the new building provided for
na Indicated by the bill In question, the de
partment sees no objection to the sale of
the present building, together with the
southerly portion of the block on which
sa'd building stands."
The report also contains the Information
that the entire block referred to was orig
inally donated to the United States by tho
city of Lincoln.
Differences on Leaalne; Rill.
The bill formulated by cattle growers of
Nebraska Is now under consideration by
members of the Nebraska delegation with
a view of reaching an agreement upon the
meaaure and If possible present a united
front for Its passage. There is considerable
doubt as to whether the classes of lands
as agreed upon exactly fits the conditions
obtaining In western Nebraska. Represent
ative Shallenberger, who Is Interested In
the cattle business himself, believes that
a steer can be pastured on less than thirty
acres of land. He said the fact that a
number of cattlemen on tho western range
had been able to put up large quantities of
hay showed that tho la-.d waa much more
productive In grass than was borne out
by ths statements of the delegation of cat
tle growers who were In Washington this
week. Mr. Shallenberger said, however,
that he was not opposed to the measure,
but would endeavor to bring about such
modifications as he knew his people would
be Interested In.
Congressman Stark stated today that he
believed something ahould be done to pet
-sw-etep. to the everlasting- dispute between
the government and the cattle raisers. He
believed, however, that the state of Ne
braska should have some say In the ques
tion whether the public domain should be
set aside for leasehold purposes or not, and
he suggests an amendment to the bill to
the effect that the act shall not be put In
operation until a proclamation shall have
been made by the president, and that no
proclamation shall Issue until the legisla
ture of Nebraska shall by resolution re
quest such action. The ressons for this, he
said, were that as a part of the public
domain In the state of Nebraska It paid no
taxes and that lands could not be taxed
until patents had been issued. In the
event of the leasing proposition going
through. Judge Stark thought that the gov
ernment would receive the benefits derived
from such leases and at the same time
make it Impossible for the state of Ne
braska to levy a tax on the same. Before
this was done he believed the legislature
of Nebraska should have a right to say
whether or not the lands should be taken
out of the homestead provision and be
given over to the general government to
realize on the proposition.
Measure Likely to Pass.
There Is, however, a growing feeling that
the bill as agreed upon by the Nebraska
delegation will receive almost unanimous
support when the time comes to present
It to congress. Representative Mondell of
Wyoming stated today that he waa In fa
vor of the measure, as would be all the
representatives from the cattle-growing
states of the west. "I have always been
In favor of some such bill as a starter,"
said Mr. Mondell. "There are vast areas
In the west that are not susceptible of Ir
rigation." he ssld, "snd will continue to
remain Idle unless used for grazing pur
poses. If the Nebraska delegation can agree
on the measure proposed I believe It will
have a vary general support from western
Representative Burkett today recom
mended the appointment of Henry Baker
as postmaster at Cedar Creek.
Upon the earnest solicitation of Mr. Bur
kett an order was today Issued establish
ing rural free delivery at Havelock and
Mrs. Charles MeNsde Wlllard of Hebron,
Neb., Is in the city for the purpose of con
sulting members of the Nebraska delega
tion in congress ai to the advisability of
going before the legislature of Nebraska
and asking that body to purchase her a
home In Hebron for a State normal achool.
Conserving Water Sapply.
Senator Warren today had a conference
with the secretary of the Interior and pre
sented with his recommendation a reso
lution adopted by the city council of Chey
enne, petitioning the Interior department
to have a topographical aurvey made of
the Crow Creek forest reserve and con
tiguous districts, and that such districts
be added to this reserve as will Insure the
preservation of the water supply of Mid- I
die Crow creek, Laramie county, and pre
vent its pollution
Representative Mondell has asked the In- i
dlan office t" take steps to have tho lands
in the Shoshone reservation In Wyoming
allotted in severalty to the Shcahone and
Arapahoe Indians now on the reservation,
and the unoccupied lands remaining after
allotment opened to public settlement.
Congressman Shallenberger haa accepted
an invitation of the Merchants' and Manu
facturers' club of Baltimore to deliver an
address before the club oo Jsnuary 29 next,
being the anniversary of McKInley'a birth
day. Csptstn Charles 8. Lincoln, Second In
fantry, now on leave of absence at Ames,
la., has been ordered to Fort Wsyne, Mich.,
for temporary duty, pending arrival In the
United States of his regiment.
The poslofflce at Ioka, Keokuk county,
la., has been discontinued.
The comptroller of the currency hsa ap-
ICoatlnued aa Seoond Page.)
Force ist f.-r N linens Pnow In Fast, Fntr
In West Portion Saturday; Sunday Fulr.
Temperature at Omnha Vesterdnyt
Hour. Dear. llonr. Ilea.
R a. m .1.1 1 p. m 42
a. tn :t.f 2 i. in 41
T a, m .til a p. tn ...... 4 1
st a. m .MH 4 p. tn to
n n. m :! n p. m !
lit a. m - l p. 4
11 n. m 42 7 t. m 40)
13 in 42 N p. ni It
ft i. in
Chlenaro Rinse Attacks Folton Market
In Karly Hoars of Mara,
t" .
CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Fire' this morning
partially destroyed the Fultcn market,
causing a loss of 1100. OoO. The msrket Is
composed of wholesale butchering estab
lishments and several manufacturing
plants. All the second floor and the greater
part of the third floor from 12S Fulton
street were destroyed. The principal losses
were Rothschild & Sulzberger, Wackenhelm
A Co., Swift nnd Company, Cook County
Shoo company and the Acorn Brass works,
manufacturers of gusollne lamps.
CHICAGO, Deo'. IS. Several persons had
a narrow escape from death tonight in a
fire that destroyed the Zollinger apart
ment building, lorated at Forty-fifth and
Evans avenue. The flames spread so rapidly
that these v. ho occupied the upper stories
were cut eff from the stairways and were
rescued by firemen Just a few minutes be
fore one cf the outer walls collapsed.
Yon n a; Civil Knarlneer Is Stabbed to
Death In the Rrnnlte
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 19 John W. Barrlnger,
Jr., resident engineer of the St. Louis,
Memphis Southeast Railway company at
Clalrvllle, Mo., was stabbed to death by
Thompson Morton, an unemployed civil
engineer. Morton, shortly after his ar
rest, was found to be suffering from bi
chloride of mercury and waa taken to the
city dispensary for treatment. His recov
ery is doubtful.
Morton thus far has refused to name any
motive for the killing of Barrlnger. The
victim, who lived but thirty minutes after
the stabbing, was unable to speak except
Barrlnger, whose age was 27, was a son
cf a prominent army officer In the eaat.
and one of his brothers also is an officer
In the Philippines.
Massachasetts Man Claims Roosevelt
Hired Thnics to Assaalt
II I m on Street.
CHELSEA, Mass., Dec. 19 "I want a
warrant for President Roocevelt," said
Charles C. Sample, a well-to-do citixen,
tod-iy, at the Central police atatlon.
'"He hired' Tins-McCarthy ""1 Jm Far
ley to assault me," continued the applicant,
"and I was assaulted by them on Eastern
avenue. Roosevelt was there in bis carriage
and encouraged the men while they were
striking me."
Then he rambled on making a string of
complaints against the president and the
coal question.
The man was laboring under excitement
and resisted arrest. He was overpowered,
and a loaded revolver and a razor found on
him. He is held for an examination by
physicians. "
1 orlc norlora Honor Vienna
Snrarcon and Praise His
NEW YORK, Dec. in. Eloquent tribute
to Prof. Adolf Lorenz were paid tonight at
a reception given him by 300 members of
the New York Academy of Medicine. Dr.
Virgil P. Glbney, in introducing the guest
of the evening, declared his achievements
to be a revelation in surgery.
"We hail him," said the speaker, "as
one of the greatest benefactors who has
ever come to our shores."
Dr. N. F. Shaffer said that the profession
had seen Prof. Lorenx do what had been
thought to be Impossible and urged him to
return to this country, where bis knowl
edge had proved to be of Inestimable value
to humanity.
Kaarle's Crew Claims Seventeea Thon
aand for Bnrnlng Spanish
NEW YORK, Dee. 19. United States
Judge Edward B. Thompson today declared
invalid a claim of $17,000 against the United
States entered by Lieutenant Commander
William H. Sutherland as prize money for
the crew of Eagle, a converted gun boat,
which destroyed the Spanish steamer Santo j
Domingo during the Spanish-American war. I
The government maintained that only
$1,100 could be recovered, as the 8anto Do
mingo was burned on the sands of southern
Cuba. The government claimed that only
such sum as it hsd received an equivalent
for should be paid out. i
Repabllo Company Makes Artlaaasi
Stockholders, with Seats In I
PITTSBURG, Dec. 19 The Republic Iron
and Steel company will submit a plan for
making the workmen stockholders In the
company to the next convention of the
If the plan Is adopted the men will be
given representation on the board of di
rectors. Movements of Oeraa Vessels Dee. 10.
At New York Arrived Lomhardlo. from
Genoa and N.'ijiies. 1
At Plymouth Arrived Moltke, from New j
York, for Cherbourg and Hamburg, and
At Liverpool Balled Taurlc, for New
1 Ul K.
At London ArriveitM
New York. Sailed -Abydos, for Sun Fran-
At Chiiatlansand Arrived Oscar II, from
New York.
At Holyhead-Paam-d Ping Suey. from
Ta.oma. etc., vU Jiong Kong, etc., for
At Naples Arrived North America, from
New York.
At Rotterdam Arrived Ryndam, from
New York.
At Klncale Head Passed Norseman
from Portland, for Liverpool.
At Scllly Passed Moltke, from New
Yc rk, for Plymouth, Cherbourg and Ham
burg. . Alu,,P';wl?. folnt-Passed-Cymbel'lne.
for PhlUdelvhla.
Britain Wants Safeguards, Germany Apolo
gies and Italy Wait on Others.
England Sees No Value in Mere Arbi
trators' Award.
Iadividoal Firms May Offer Awuranoei
that Cah Will Be Found.
Kaiser's tiovernnient In HalalasT Qoes
tlou of Woanded Honor Makes
Final l)erllos Difficult aad
Keeps Settlemrat Back.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 19. Secretary Ha
has received partial responses from the
governments of Great Prl'atn, Germany
and Italy respecting tho proposal to arbi
trate the Veneiuelan difficulties
Great Britain la favorable to arbitration
with proper aafeguards; Oermany accepts
arbitration in principle, but finds a multi
tude of small adjustments to be msde be
fore entering Into the agreement: Italy,
as the Junior partner of the allies, declares
that it Is favorable to arbitration, but
would be bound by the action of the senior
As far as England Is concerned the safe
guards referred to are believed to relate to
the question of guarantee, which Is full of
difficulties In this connection somo con
sideration Is again bolng given to the feasi
bility of responsible private parties assum
ing responsibility for any award asaesaed
against Venezuela.
Will Help to Rednre Risk.
If this ran be arranged the United States
government will do what It can to reduce
their risks.
The German position presents the great
est difficulties, for not. only does It Involve
a demand for apologies, which sro ex
tremely repugnant to Vener.uels, but also
presents so many points requiring adjust
ment that It Is evident that many days, or
perhaps weeks, must elapse before the ad
justment ran be affected and the case pre
pared for arbitration.
The feeling Is growing here that The
Hague tribunal should undertake the case
If arbitration is agreed t'o. Mr. Dowen, It
Is reported, wishes to come to Washington
in order personally to effect an adjustment
with the resident ambassadors of the al
lies, but, while the State department makes
no statement on" the point. It Is believed
that It does not regard this plan with favor.
It Is also pointed out that In some phases
the disputes will not admit of arbitration.
Such, for Instance, as the attacks on Brit
ish and German subjects and the German
legations at Caracas, and the arresU of
consular officers.
The United States government inclines to
the view that there is a disposition to In
sist needlessly on gus ran toes for payment
of any Judgment that might be rendered by
the arbitrators. It believes that the force
of public opinion would absolutely Insure
a settlement.
Germany Will Accept.
BERLIN, Dec. 19. The answer of Ger
many to the arbitration proposal Is Its
acceptance. The delivery of this reply to
the United States for transmission to Mr.
Bowcn Is delayed for a day or two tor
tactical reasons, probably through the ex
pectation that another solution may b
found, possibly by President Castro yield
ing. Four days sro the Idea of the Ger
man government was in favor of re'ectlng
arbitration, and that la understood here to
have been the temper of the British For
eign office. While It Is Impossible to trace
the steps which led to a reversal of this
view. It appears that the state of publlo
opinion in the United States ao far aa Ger
many la concerned haa produced a revision
of the first idea.
Rebels Near Caraeaa.
PORT OF SPAIN. Trinidad, Deo. 1. It
ts reported here that the Venezuelan revo
lutlonary Generals Penalosa. Renald, Rlera
and Solague, with a force said to number
10,000 men. are marching on Caraeaa and
are believed now to be near that city.
CARACAS, Dec. 19. The Venezuelan an
swer to Germany's ultimatum has Just been
made public.
In part It la as follows:
The Venezuelan government Is unsbls to
disc-over in Its correspondence a single
sentence offensive In tone.
With regard to the publication of the
note of March . IStuI, marked "confiden
tial:" This note lost Its confidential charac
ter through the publication of a .nemoran
dum by the German ambassador to the
Vr.ited States In which was Incorporated
the note In question.
Regarding the other points, each of which
comes within a certain law, it is only neces
sary to call your attention to the abnormal
circumstances which havs paralyzed any
course of action relating to these matters.
The Venexuelan government Is now con
sidering the appointment of a fiscal agent.
The imperial government desires that
Venesuela Immediately satisfy the claims
arising from the civil war and that othar
matters be arbitrated.
The Venexuelan povernn" nt only awaits
the time when the work of pacification. In
which It Is earnestly engaged, shall permit
It. to Issue an order re-establishing publto
credit. The claims arising out of the pres
ent war, which still devastates the republic,
will be treated with all Juatlce under ths
l.iws to be pusned to cover ths require
ments. t'pon the special command of my govern
ment I refrain from replying to that part
of your note which relates to Joint action
on the part of Germany and the United
Kingdom. A power like Venexuela, which
Is In need of no stimulus to cause It to
ful' II Its legal obligations to Its utmost
ability, can never expect any course of
action which shall not conform to the
principles of mutual respect and the rules
of reciprocal cordiality.
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Italian Diplomat Stayed.
(Copyright. Wi. by Press Publishing Co.)
SAN JUAN. Porto Rico. Dec. 19. (New
York World Csbl-gram Special Telegram.)
Baron Allottl, the Italian diplomatic at
tache, who arrived here from New York
yesterday with orders to proceed to Ven
ezuela, wss Instructed today to go aboard
the Italian cruiser Baussn, upon arriving
at La Guayra, Instead of going to Caracas.
I'alveralfy Authorities Deride to Flaea
Founder's Head la lastl
lulloa. DENVER. Colo., Dec. 19 Edwsrd A.
Wagner, a Denver graduate of Corni II uni
versity, today received a letter saying the
directors of Cornell had decided to accept
the offer of Mrs. Vlnole Ream Hoxle of her
piaster bust of Ezra Cornell, to be repro
duced In bronze tor the university.