Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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banning Story by tha Daughter ef a
Louisiana 8oprerae Ootirt Jidge.
The Lot Bonnets of aa Office Boy"
U Riser's Lateat-Sereral Atreaa
Articles of Interest to Women
In Jaaaary Pearson..
"Bayou Trlste." by Josephine Hamilton
Nichols, Is a charming story of southern
life. The author Is the daughter of Chief
Justice, Nlcholls of the Louisiana supreme
court and Is thoroughly fsmlllar with her
subject. The negro characters are evi
dently drawn from life, there being noth
ing of the traditional negro of Action about
the group of old family servants that hold
the readers attention from first to last.
The time of the narrative Is since the war,
the scene being laid at Boutbmeade planta
tion, on Bayou Trlste, near the creole Til
lage or vieuxtemps, and deala with the
presents. In a brief and concise manner,
much knowledge of benefit to laymen and
professionals. The business man may read
ily perceive the seeming intent of an appll
cant for . position; also how his patron,
betray themselves In drawing checks and
notes at hand, carefully. Indifferently, or
too precise. To women this volume Is more
than a pastime, in every particular, a serl-
Hucm ni-n receiving a letter from
friend or an adorer, whether ha or she Is
true or consumed with Jealousy. Published
by Peter Eckler
C. Page A Co. have nuMt.h.t -.
Noblest Friend, the Horse." by Francis N.
Ware. The book has over fifty Illustrations
of noted horses, horses of noted people, and
erenea Illustrating special point in the
management, etc., of horsea. Among the
matters discussed by Mr. Ware are: "Horse
Nature and Education," "Tricks, etc..
Taught by Kindness," "Driving." etc. Mr!
Ware Is president of the American Horse
Exchange and manager of the Boston Horse
Oity Kakei a Bafinjr, by Appealing Damage.
Case to tlit Supreme Court.
nee Molaea Maa Picked t ta a De
aieated Condition Dealer. Walt,
laa- for Tea-lack lea
Before CattlaaT.
The state supreme court has handed down
decisions In three cases which will Interest
South Omaha taxpayers. In the personal
Injury case of Vincent Wrenlnskel, where
ault was brought for J5.000 and Judgment
rendered for 11,600, the court affirms the
In the Ed Burke case, where a verdict
of ll.EOO wss given, a rehearing of the
arguments has been granted by the supreme
court. This case was taken to the supreme
court on an appeal and a bearing held. W.
C. Lambert, at the time city attorney, asked
"Raymund Lull, First Missionary to the
Moslems," Is one of the new publications of
funR at W agnails company. Rev. Samuel.
M. Zwerner. himself miui,. .. .
fortunes of the young master of the broken- Moslems, is most appropriately the blog- for rplearlng and thla has been granted,
down old home and of his humor-lovlnr rapher of of the man who rmm.A .h. Tne Ed Hager caae was reveraed. the su-
gospel to the Saracens-Raymund Lull, the i , cuu" uo,a,n ,n" na no
"Moody of the Middle Ages." Rsymund i ''"J? " n8t. the c'ty- Ther w" conMa-
Lull was of all great men of the middle I ,al" ,DOUl ,nl8 la, V lne 1 me K
age. the most versatile In character and ' "p or '? "f,0, "T. ,7
atrenuou. in endeavor. HI. achievement. b rym " ad. that hb'a
in any single line of actlvltv would of i bee? ,n.,ured wh"8 dr,v D a,on a Mrtaln
them.BWo. m.w ....i. roaa- amoert went alter Hager, and by
- . . v. w uHnv vvueiuri auin TUiuuiQi
sister. It is grave and gay by turns, the
love story of both the young people being
Interwoven with the portrayal of the free
nd Joyous life of the plantation.
"American Animals," a handsomely
printed, bound and illustrated book by
Wltmer 8tone and William Everett Cram,
Is the ninth volume in the new nature
library published by Doubleday, Page
Co., which has Included several volumes of
unusual Interest. It Is termed by the au
thors a "popular guide to tho mammals of
North America north of Mexico, with Inti
mate biographies of the more familiar
species." The Illustrations are of a re.
markable character. The several colored
plates are reproduced from the paintings
of A. Radclyffe Dugmore and the black and
white pictures, of which there are many,
are the result of successful and extraordi
nary exptrlmenta with the camera op
erated by Mr. Dugmore. The porcupine.
the 'possum, the polar bear, the deer, the
mooae, the gopher, the squirrel, the fox
and their friends and enemies are taken
In their most undress and natural mo
ments. Theae pictures have the Interest
which always attaches to the "snap shot,"
portraying the wild creatures In their un
premeditated momenta.
"The Love Sonnet, of An Office Boy," by
B. E. Klaer, published by Forbes ft Co., is
a small book of amusing poema which give
expression to the sentiment, of a small
office boy who Imagines himself In love
with a young woman employed as stenog
rapher. The book is admirably Illustrated
by John T. MoCutcheon, whose drawings
have had ao large a share In the popularity
of George Ades' fables. The delightfully
realistic little touches, showing either
acute observation or Imagination on the
part of the writer, are illustrated by the
Yesterday I stood behind your chair
When you was kind of bendln' down to
And I rould see your neck, so soft and
And notfc where the poker singed your
And then you looked around and seen me
And kind of smiled, and I could seem to
A sudden emntr. alnklsh feelln' where
I'm all filled up when I've Just e't a meal.
Dear Frankle, where your soft, sweet fin
Hit on the keys. T often touch my lips.
And wunst I klmed your little overshoe,
And I nave got a nairpin tnat you wore
One day I found It on the office floor
I'd throw my Job up If they fired you.
The table of contents of the January
Pearson's shows that the current number
of this deservedly popular magailne amply
realises its readers' expectations. A con'
vlnclng article on the utility of women's
clubs, by Mrs. Phebe Hansford, an able
paper by Miriam M. Greeley , on the pro
ceedlnga of the New York State Federation
of Women's Clubs recently held In New
York, and one by Harriot 8. Blatch on war
and the work of women In the woman's
department will be of special Interest to
all women readers.
As a writer of boys' stories Everett T.
Tomllnson is already widely known. His
stories of colonial days have been espe
dally successful, and his latest book. "L'n
der Colonial Colors." published by Houxti
ton. Mifflin it Co., a tale of war, adven
ture and friendship, is in his best vein. A
more Lerolc enterprise couldt hardly be
found than ha has chosen Arnold's expe
dition to Quebec No sportsman or canoe
1st passes over the course of that famous
march through the Maine woods without
a thrill of admiration for the men who
biased the tr.-Ul In their daring attack on
Canada. The story of the expedition and
the assault on Quebec Is told with much
spirit and with such mastery of historical
detail that It carries the reader along com'
pletely convinced. Famous charactera ap
pear, in the narrative, which is lighted by
bo little humor. 1
"The Outlook Story Book for Little Peo
ple" Is published by the Outlook Publishing
company and edited by Laura Wtnnlngton.
the volume being made up of fifty or more
short stories and verses, illustrated with
drawings and photographs. In the list of
contributors are many of the best known
writers for young people. The stories are
extremely vsrled In character, but many
of them are atudles of nature, and the
book Is of a thoroughly wholesome and
profitable sort.
"The Reflections of Ambroslne," by Elinor
Olyn. author of "The VisHs of Eilxabcth."
Is a new novel written in the form of a
diary of a girl born In the United States
and trained in France by an arlatorrattc
grandmother. She Is taught the moat ex
quisite deportment "manners are not for
others.' thev are for one'a self," says her
grandmother. Ambrosine'a life is frugal
and she has to sacrifice her own comfort
and desires for the sake of others. She
marries a man she loathes because aba is
bidden to do so by her srandmother, who
thq. secures for her wealth and a hus
band before her own death. Her marriage
is disagreeable to her, and she despises
her husband and all his relatives. Am
broslne (ells how she treated the husband
she despised and how he treated her, how
all tb matrons of her acquaintance seem
to have lovers as well as husbands, how
aer own spouse, driven afield by her cold
Bees, proves unfaithful. Published by
Harper ft Brothers.
"The Rmoke and tbo Flaaie" la a study
la the development of religion by Charlea
r. Dole. The suggestive title of thia book
originates is the author's happy illustra
tion of the undeveloped religtoua Ideas ef
the early ages of (be Christian era as the
green fuel which gave rise to the dense
theological smoke that preceded the purer
flame of higher and truer spiritual Ideals
resulting from the gradually dawning mod-
era concept ion of God aud nature and man.
The procesa and progress of thla growth in
religious life and thought are traced step
by step In a thoroughly entertaining and
richly Instructive account of the alow
chaos of centuries from the old religion
ta the new.
Richard Walquer. In "bis little volumn.
He wa. poet, novelist, scientist, philoso
pher, theologian, evangelist in Christian
lands and missionary to the heathen. One
of Lull's biographers states that the works
of Lull numbered 4,000. Many of these have
been lost. Of his writings in Latin. Cata
lonlan and Arabic It is said that 1.000 were
extant in the fifteenth century. Less than
fifty are extant today In printed form, the
many unpublished manuscript are to be
found scattered through the libraries of
Europe. The present biography contains a
bibliography of 321 titles of Lull's books.
twenty-one titles of books about Lull.
Frederick Remington's new book, "John
Ermine of the Yellowstone," published by
Macmlllan company. Is the story of a white
boy who Is brought up among the Indians
and kept In Ignorance of the waya and lan
guage of the whites until he falls In with an
old humpbacked hermit, who teaches him to
shoot mountain Hons and to speak Eng
lish. In due time came the United States
troops, and John, as the hermit has chris
tened the Weasel, having by this time-made
his mark by shooting a Sioux In the back, is
enlisted as a scout. Aa a white of Indian
training he Is In an unfortunate position
on both sides, and after doing brave service
in warfare he comes to a tragic end through
his love for a white woman. She became
engaged to an officer and when the latter
demands a photograph which John has car
ried in his bosom, the white Indian shoots
his rival In the arm, escapes Into the desert
and ia afterward shot through the heart
by an Indian scout. The story Is slight,
but is told with knoweldge and sympathy
and the accompanying pictures by the
author are interesting.
"Wild Roses of California," by Grace
Hlbbard, Is a small book of nature poems
songs to bird and flower compose the bulk
of the book, though there are poems of love
and sentiment to lend variety. The book
haa a dainty white cover decked with rose
buds. Published by A. M. Robertson, San
Hayden Bros, announco gigantic salo on Fiarus
and Organs and all other musical instruments
In order to make a display of our magnificent
line of holiday instruments, we are compelled to
to a grand piano. NO W IS THE TIME, HA V- iM&W
DEN BROS. THE PLACE. Parties expecting
to purchase a piano, organ, guitar, violin, mandolin, banjo, accordion, cornet, clarionet, piccolos,
flutes, talking machines, zither, autoharps. music rolls, music satchels, concertinos, leather
cases, wooden cases, canvas cases, a sheet of music, in fact anything in the way of musical mer
chandise should take advantage of the remarkable low prices we are making for the nuxt 10 days
'Blkey The . Sklcycle, and Other Tales
of Jlmmleboy," is the latest boys' book.
from the pen of John Kendrlck Bangs. Jlm
mleboy travels to Saturn on his new bicycle
and rides clear around the planet on the
largest of the rings, which turns out to be
a very wide road, smooth as glass and made
of beaten gold. Many adventures have Jim
Is and 'his bicycle among the strange people
they meet, and the whole adventure comes
to an end when Jlmmle falls out of bed.
The Imp of the Telephone" Is a very email
person who lives In the little square box,
with the small keyhole In It. He snows
Jlmmle many things he never saw before,
but of which ha has heard and often won
dered. Then Jlmmle has some surprising
experiences while riding on hi. magic sled,
and again while ho sojourns In "Toytown,"
Published by Rlggs Publishing company.
This I. For You" Is a collection of love
poem, of the saner sort, by William Sinclair
Lord, chosen from the writings 01 many or
our best poets. The poems are free or all
maudlin sentimentality. One Chrlstmaa
morning the 4-year-old daughter of a book
man greeted him at the foot of the stairs
with a happy smile, a small package and,
"Father, this Is for you." Turning to a
table laden with gifts, Drst wire, tnen
brother, then others, each made their gift,
accompanied by a dainty, "This Is for you."
It occurred to this bookish man there was
aolna a begging one of tbe beat titles for a
universal gift book that bad as yet re
malned unused. With this speech there
went alwaya a token of affection, and so
a book bearing such a title must breathe a
message of love. Published by Fleming
H. Revell.
means of photographs and a special detect
ive learned that Hager had been Injured
j In Council Bluffs. This wa. proven to some
; extent, but the Jury awarded Hager a ver
dict of $1,000. An appeal was taken by the
city and tbe result Is that tbe supreme court
has returned sn adverse opinion.
Since the city legal department decided
to appeal all personal damage suit, to the
supreme court Instead of making settle
ments fewer suits have been filed and less
cases have been appealed. The decisions
mentioned were turned over to the city
clerk yesterday. It Is understood that In
the future all damage cases will be ap
pealed to the supreme court.
Attempted Suicide.
Shortly after 9 o'clock last night Clyde
Lake attempted to commit suicide while
standing In front of the bar at Adam
Shook', saloon, C611 N atreet. The bullet.
Bred from a 38-callber revolver, entered
Just above tbe heart and followed a rib, the
ball being located Just under tbe skin be
low the left shoulder blade.
A number of men. Including Walter Lake,
were In the saloon at tbe time Clyde en
tered and asked Shook to draw beer for
seven. When Shook started for the beer
faucet Lake, who Is only 21 years of age,
reached over the bar and picked up a re
volver. He fired one shot wild and the
next shot made the wound described.
Powder marks on the clothing show that
when the second shot wss fired the revolver
was held close to the body.
As soon as possible young Lake waa
taken to his room In the Rowley block.
Twenty-sixth and N streets. Drs. Sapp
and White were called. They gave tem
porary relief and then proceeded to cut out
the ball. The doctors were of the opinion
that tbe wound was not fatal unless com
plications set In.
Lake waa employed at Armour's. It was
stated by friends that the young man had
been drinking considerable of late. No
cause except despondency can be given for
the act.
Rentalaa Seat Away.
The remains of Walter Wolbol were for
warded to Centennial, Wyo., last night by
Undertaker George H. Brewer. The de
ceased cam from Wyoming ten days ago
and was stricken with fever. He was taken
to the South Omaha hospital, where bo
was given the best of care, but death cam
Andrew Wilcox Demeated.
We especially rail your attention to the extraordinary low prices we are making in Pianos
the many bargains in store for you.
1 Upright Piano 95 00 1 Upright Piano
1 Upright Piano 110 00 1 Upright 'Piano
We merely mention a few of
Upright Piano.
Upright Piano.
..165 00
..175 00
...135 00
...145 00
1 Upright Piano 125 00 1 Upright Piano 155 00
sortment of the world's famous Chiekeriug, Fischer, Decker, Wegman, Conover, Cable, Kstey, Jacob Doll, Franklin.
Kingsbury, Price and Temple & Wellington Pianos. A large line of Estey and Chicago Cottage Organs on sale.
.185 00
.195 00
In addition to the above mentioned wo have a very large as-
The sbove books are for sale by the Me-
geath Stationery company, 1308 Farnam at.
I Guitar 1 98
I Guitar 2 25
t Guitar 2 75
1 Guitar 3 50
1 Guitar 3 85
1 Guitar 6 00
1 Guitar 6 50
1 Guitar 7 00
1 Mandolin 1 95
1 Mandolin... 2 50
1 Mandolin 3 50
1 Guitar 7 50 1 Mandolin 4 00
1 Guitar 8 00 1 Mandolin 4 50
1 Mantlwlin 6 00
1 Mandolin 6 50
1 Mandolin 7 50
1 Mandolin 8 50
1 Mandolin 9 00
1 Guitar.
4 50 1 Guitar 9 00 1 Mandolin 5 00 1 Mandolin.
9 50
rv AT a 7 a
1 Guitar 5 00 I Guitar 10 00 1 Mandolin 5 oU 1 Mandolin 1U UU
Also a complete line Washburn and Bruno Guitars and Mandolins.
1 Violin 1
1 Violin '. 2
1 Violin 3 50
1 Violin 4 50
1 Violin 5 50
1 Violin
.7 50 l Violin 25 00
.8 50 1 Violin 30 00
.9 50 1 Violin 35 00
O (n We are agents for the celebrated Mar
Y, j3 tn violin.
1 Accordion 98c
6 50 1 Violin 20 00 1 Accordion 1 50
1 Violin
1 Violin
1 Violin
1 Violin
1 Violin 15 00
Accordion. . . .
Accordion .
2 00
3 00
Accordion 3 50
4 50
5 00
6 50
Violin Cases
Violin Cases Brown canvas, lined with
flannel, good quality, 75c
Black wooden ease, with lock. SSa
Telephone 1683.
Accordion. .
Accordion. ."
Accordion. ...
And upwards to 125.00.
Leather Violin Cases
Black, covered with pebbled cloth of all
fleece lined leather, handles with nickel
springs, clasps and lock.
Leather covered, full pluah lined, leather
handles, nickel lock and spring clasp,
black or orange. C7I.
A very large stock of Oultar, Banjo and
Mandolin Leather Casea on sale.
Andrew H. Wilcox of Des Moines. Is.,
was taken in charge by the police yesterday
afternoon because of tbe unsettled condi
tion of his mind. When apprehended by
the police Wilcox was In the vicinity of the
L street viaduct picking up hay baling
wire. These wires he wrapped Into a
bundle. To tbe police he said that the
bundle represented documents he was
directed to convey to the late President
McKtnley. Dr. Sapp, city physician, in
vestigated the case and recommended that
the patient be aent to the insane ward at
the county Jail, pending a further Investi
gation. Wo Ic Tt.
At Seymour lake and at the Jetter pond
the Ice Is about seven and a half Inches
thick, but work on these fields ha not com
menced yet. Now that the cold weather Is
keeping up the chances are that the Ice
men will hold off for ten-Inch Ice. Should
there be a warm spell cutting will com
mence at once.
School Taeatlaae.
The, holiday vacation of the public schools
will commeace on December t3. Schools
will reopen on January 6. . Teachers and
pupils who wish to take trips during the
holiday vacation can secure eonce.slons
from the railroads by securing a certificate
from Superintendent McLean.
Preparing (or Christmas.
Most if not 'all of the Sunday schools In
the city are preparing for a Chrlstmaa en
tertainment for the children. Some of the
churches are arranging for elaborate
Christmas trees and in this outsiders have
requested to assist. Presenta to please tbo
children are being purchased In large quan
tities. At most of the churches there will
be a program preceding1 'the distribution of
the gifts to the youngatdrs. -
Hlsjh School L.tierarr Exercises.
The A. B. L. society of the South Omahs
High school, consisting of the senior and
Junior classes, will hold an open aesslon at
the assembly room in the high school this
afternoon. An Interesting program has
been prepared, one feature being the dis
cussion of manual training in the public
schools. After the debate the question
will be open for discussion.
Maa-le City Gosalp.
Henry C. Murphy Is back from a trip to
Hannibal, Mo.
Stephen Vols Is on the streets again after
a week's Illness.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
O. L. Conrad, .101 South Twenty-second
street. 1
Thomas M. Halloran, Twenty-fourth and
N streets, announces the birth of a
George L. Dare left last night for hU
home In Oklahoma, after a ten days' stay
with friends here.
F. L. Corwln, superintendent of the Union
Stock Yards RallroHd company, has re
turned from a business trip to EC Joseph.
O. F. Zerlg, a prominent railroad men of
St. Louis, waa a visitor at the offices of
the Union Stock Yards company yesterday.
E. A. Cudahy stated to a Bee reporter
yesterday afternoon that he was well sup
plied with coal and that cars were arriving
Improvement, to the boilers supplying
heat to the city hall building were made
yesterday afternoon and evening. The in
tention is to increase the heating capacity
at once.
Dr. Warren H. Rlabaugh returned yester
day from Ohio, where he was called by the
illness of his father. Dr. SlabauKh Bald
that his father was somewhat improved
when he left.
charged with working a drunk. The officer
saw Butler go Into the alley on Ninth street
between Capitol avenue and Dodge with
another man, who was under the influence
of liquor. The prisoner maintained that he
and the other man had merely stepped Into
the alley to avoid meeting another person
whom they did not wish to see. A $20 con
, federate bill was found In Butler's pocket.
Paplls Give Musical Program and
Please Large Aodlence of
A pupils' recital ws. given last evening
In Brownell hall, which was largely at
tended and proved to be a very pleasing
event. The spacious auditorium was filled
with an appreciative audience and the num
bers on the program were well received.
The first number, a waits from "Faust,"
waa given by the Misses Edith Bradley,
Irene Matters, Lillian Oberfelder and Flor
ence Juell, and was followed by Miss Ruth
Holmes, who rendered an "Air de Bal
let," "A Rose," by Miss Minnie Spelts, and
"Les deus Alouettes," by Miss Loretta
Hydinger. A novelette In B minor was
rendered with much effect by Miss Ruth
Evans, aa were also other numbers by tbe
Misses Olive Patterson, Dorothy and Janet
The second part of the program com
prised an instrumental selection, "Msrsche
Mllltalr." by the Misses Elizabeth Davis,
Bonnie Prichard, Oussle Be ana and Marlon
Tilton. Vaise, in E minor, by Mlas Mona
Kloke; "Dance of tbe Gnomes," Elizabeth
Taliaferro; g lullaby, by Miss Gertrude
Graves; a sonata, by Miss Leland Burks;
"Morgepstimmung,H by Miss Mabel Perry;
"Vecchlo Mlnuetto," by Miss Louise Van
Gleson, and "Ungarlsche Tanze," by the
Misses' Mabel Perry, Elizabeth Goodell,
Mona Kloke and Egarda Lyman.
Charged with working a Drssk,
J. F. Butler, giving the Richelieu hotel
as his place of residence, waa at a late hour
last night arrested by Patrolman Crow and
Always Something
New to Show You.
Book Prices that
Talk for Themselves
Big Reduction
in $1.50 Fiction
RALPH MARLOWE, by Haylor 73c
SIGN OF THE PROPHET, by Haylor 75c
CAPT. RAVENSHAW, by Stophona 75c
JACK RAYMOND, by Volnlch 75c
CRISIS, by Churchill S5c
We have numerooa other books of fiction nt remarkably low
prices, nni In addition we have reduced the price on all the
late $1.50 books of Fiction In our Immense stock to f 1.08
Our Holiday Line of Gift and Juvenile Books la, as usuuL Uie
best In the west
Christmas Cantata at Grace Lutheran.
1308 farnam St.
Open Evenings.
The pros-ram wss divided Into two Darts.
the first illustrating prophecies of the birth
of Christ and the second concerning the ,
oraee iutneran church was comfortably' birth of Christ. Seven scenes or tableaux i done in the scene of Esther hefor Ah.
son and Francis Roeder. Mrs. (1. W. Icken
and Messrs. John Penuray and Chauncev
Jensen. The best work of the evening waa
filled last night, the occasion being the
presentation of a Christmas cantata by th
young men ana women or tne congregation.
on biblical subjects with musical Bettings
and appropriate costumes were given, the
soloists being Misses Danford, Emily Peter
auerus. 1 he program was arranged by
Rev. Mr. Kuhu and the music by E. J.
J-A LA Al ! J I JJl J rL W. V JLL 1 . J 1
Between all points on the Burlington Route west of the Missouri River, within 200 miles of selling station.
Also very low rates on the Burlington Route, east of Missouri River.
cL a fa
"U te Read Character by Handwriting."