Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    Ti ie umaiia Daily Bce.
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George B. Tzschuck. secretary of Tht
Bee Publishing Company. Being duly sworn,
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complete copies of The Daily, Morning,
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month of November, 19v2, was as follows:
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International weather observation:
Bqually In the vicinity of Venezuela.
South American cable companies are
the ones that are reaping the harvest
of the pending unpleasantness.
The best feature of the real estate
dealers' meeting- Is that Nebraska de
serves all the good things that they are
aylng of It ,
With Governor Mickey at the helm,
we may be sure of less fuss nnd feathers
and more brain and business In the ad
ministration of state affairs.
v Real estate never escapes Its full share
'ft taxation. That Is why real estate
men are Interested in seeing to It that
111 other classes of property pay their
tall share.
' New Hampshire will submit to popular
Vote the question of female suffrage, as
a good many other states have done, but
y whether the voters will submit to It Is
Bald to be doubtful.
f The discovery of a bank defalcation
amounting to $175,000 by a bookkeeper
In a bank at Darnstadt, Germany, is
simply a reminder that dishonesty
knows no nationality, creed or politics.
By 'a singular oversight, no interna
tional bankruptcy court has been estab
lished to which the Latin-American na
tions could resort when they get into the
fix in which Venezuela now finds itself
No use worrying for the present about
the succession to Judge Norrls on the
district bench. Judge Norrls' term as
member of congress for the Fifth Ne
bra ska district does not commence until
next March.
Between justifying high valuations of
their property for the purpose of main
talnlng Increased traffic rates and low
valuations for the purpose of evading a
ust share of the tax burdens the rail
road lawyers are up against it.
A single transatlantic liner has sailed
for Europe carrying money orders aggre
gating $100,1115, representing Christmas
gifts sent abroad by people of the
United States. The American cousin
must be in high esteem in the old coun
try. '
j .-i
The startling announcement comes all
the way from Tacoiua that his accl
doncy, &oernor Savage, will quit Ne
braska for good, shortly after the ex
plratlon of his term of office next month,
No one in Nebraska will go into mouru
lng over the loss.
Those high-toned gentlemen caught In
the raid on those high-toned New York
gambling houses, who refused to answer
for fear of Incriminating themselves.
seem to have taken their tip from the
redoubtable deputy of our own county
attorney, who ninde the same answer
when caught in a simitar fix.
Governor Mickey will not counte
nance dancing by participation in an
Inaugural bull and so the ball is off.
But the people of Nebraska will find
solace for the loss of the Inaugural ball
la the assurnuce the governor's action
gives that neither Mill he sanction any
more bull fights with the executive pres
And now another eminent Nebrakan
is to the fore. Collector of Revenue
Cruzen at Porto Itlco has climbed into
the public prints by ordering the seizure
of a shipment of liquors smuggled
across the cuvtouis line in a government
lighthouse teuder. Collector Cruzen
does not propose to let any liquors get
put him not if he knows it
It is understood to be the position of
our government that the so-called pa
cific blckade of Venezuelan ports shall
not apply to American ships. In It
Is pointed out, it merely follows a prin
ciple consistently observed for Many
years. It holds that a peace blockade,
or blockade established prior to a
declaration of war, is applicable only to
the country against which It Is directed
nnd that neutral nations are not com
pelled to observe It. In other words. It
Is the view of this government that only
Venezuelan vessels are subject to the
existing blockade and that American
vessels, merchant as well as national,
may enter and leave the ports of Ven
ezuela at will.
There Is European precedent for this
attitude. A writer on the subject says:
"At the time of the blockado of
La riata, In lS4rt, by Great Britain and
France, Lord Palnierston said In Parlia
ment that unless war existed the govern
ment had no right to prevent not only
vessels of third powers, but also British
merchant vessels, from communicating
with the ports. It was In accordance
with that view that the blockade of
Greece in 1850 was maintained by the
British government. So also in the
blockade of 1880, the powers authorized
the detention of Greek vessels only."
This rule was departed from In 1897 In
the blockade of Crete, which was made
applicable not only to all ships under
the flag of Greece, but to vessels of the
six powers or of a neutral If the cargo
was destined for the Greek troops or the
Interior of the island. In regard to that
blockade the United States department
of State replied to the notification of the
powers simply taking note of the com
munication, not conceding the right to
make such a blockade and "reserving
the consideration of all international
rights and of any question which n.ay lo
any way affect the commerce or Interest
of the United States." The present atti
tude of our government is therefor en
tirely consistent and has the support of
European precedent.
It Is most important that onr South
American trade shall be protected nnd It
is gratifying to find the Washington au
thorities fully alive to this. There is
very great probability that onr commer
cial relations with the southern coun
tries will be very materially benefited as
result of the Venezuelan Imbroglio.
British and German goods are already
being boycotted in Venezuela and It is
altogether likely that this will spread to
adjoining South American republics, to
the advantage of the trade of the United
States. While there Is some dissatisfac
tion In the southern republics sympa
thizing with Venezuela because the
United States has not Interposed in the
difficulty with the European powers,
that feeling will disappear with a better
understanding of our position by those
countries and be followed by an im
proved sentiment toward the United
States, which there Is every reason to
expect will show itself in an enlarged
trade. Every legitimate and proper ef
fort should be made to protect our South
American trade. '
The bill reported by the ways and
means committee, providing for a re
duction of the tariff on Philippine
products coming into the United States
to 25 per cent of the existing schedule.
will undoubtedly pass the house of rep
resentatives without unnecessary delay,
but there may be protracted considera
tion of it in the senate, from the effort
that will doubtless be made to have
the products of the archipelago admitted
free. This Is what the democrats of the
house desire and of course those in the
senate will urge It, perhaps for the re a
son urged by the house democratic
leader, that any duty in those products
Is "unjust unconstitutional and un-
There Is no doubt that the proposed re
duction of duties would bs very bene
ficlal to the trade of the Philippines and
it Is of course the policy of the United
States to promote the Industrial and com
merclal interests of the islands in every
practicable way. The reduction which
the bill provides for was earnestly recom
mended by Secretary Root in his annual
report and has been advocated by the
Philippine commission as being most
necessary to the improvement of rna
terlal conditions In the archipelago. The
secretary of war referred to the Ills
which have recently befallen the people
of the Islands as calling urgently for
active and Immediate measures of relief.
This is quite as Important in the matter
of the tariff as in that of the currency
and the present congress should supply
relief in both directions. Our trade with
the Philippines has been steadily grow
lng and It Is manifestly desirable from
every point of view that it should be
encouraged. This will be done by re
duclng duties on the products of the Is
lands and giving them a sound and sta
ble currency.
When the South . Omaha charter was
peudiug before the legislature two years
ago The Bte denounced it as a misfit
several sizes too large in the waist and
several sizes too small around the neck
but the patriots who had ventured to
lobby the bill through the legislature
succeeded in foisting the misfit upon the
ptople of South Omaha in spite of all
The South Omaha misfit has proved a
costly garment Its mother hubbard dl
inenslons around the waist have caused
an expansion of expenses and a waste
of money that is represented by
$70,000 overlap In the municipal treas
ury. Ita close fit around the neck has
pretty nearly choked the breath out of
the police and fire departments and is a
serious menace to the safety of life and
property. The cry for relief is spon
taneous and the coming legislature will
be asked to reconstruct the misfit so as
to make it wearable.
With this end in view Mayor Kontsky
has decided to call public meetings for
the discussion of suggested patches and
lop-offs by the taxpnying citizens.
Whether the artists with shears and pins
will be able to accomplish a satisfactory
transformation Is problematic. In any
event, however, some relief must be had
for the protection of the community and
the taxpayers. Provision must be
made for funding the floating debt of
South Omaha at the lowest rate of In
terest obtainable and the rat boles and
leal.s must be plugged np and safely
soldered to prevent future overlaps.
Inasmuch as this work will have to
be entrusted to the Douglas delegation
In the legislature, It will be proper for
the members thereof to acquaint them
selves with the wishes of South Omaha
taxpayers so that the necessity of send
ing a paid lobby to Lincoln this winter
may be obviated.
The reciprocity treaty with Cuba, con
ceding a 20 per cent reduction in tariff
duties In the products of that country
coming into the United States and mak
ing large reductions in Cuban duties In
favor of exports to the Island from the
United States, it Is expected, will be con
sidered in the senate immediately after
the holiday recess and it appears to be
the impression in administration circles
that the treaty will be ratified. There
has been no Intimation, however, that
those who opposed tariff concessions to
Cuba at the first session will not renew
their tight against the proposed reduc
tion of duties. On the contrary, what
Information has come from Washington
regard to the matter has Indicated
that this opposition will be renewed
with unabated vigor and in this event
the defeat of the treaty is quite possi
ble and even probable.
The situation Is somewhat different
from that when this subject was dis
cussed at the first session. Then it was
urged that Cuba was suffering indus
trially and commercially, that there was
much destitution and that conditions
generally were exceedingly bad. This
cannot be said now, the fact being that
Cuba is on the whole better off than for
many years. The advance In the price
of sugar has of course been most ben
eficial to the Island and no complaints
are now coming from there that the
financial and business conditions are
unsatisfactory. The revenue of the gov
ernment has somewhat exceeded ex
penditures, so that the treasury has
more money than when the republic was
launched, while the people are well em
ployed and general business is good.
Thus while considerations of duty and
good faith may still be Invoked in be
half of Cuban reciprocity, the argument
that it is required to save the Island
from disaster la not at present avail
The report of the Interstate Commerce
commission gives prominence to the cen
tral point of public Interest in the prog
ress of railroad merger policy Its effect
In practically destroying the last
vestiges of competition. It was on this
score that public feeling was so sensitive
as soon as consolidation began to em
brace gigantic competing systems, in
some cases of transcontinental scope. It
was met with protestations that such
consolidation proceeded on grounds of ad
ministrative economy solely, and was not
at all hostile to competition In rates and
services. And it was often specifically
promised, as in the case of the Northern
Securities company, that there would be
no advance of rates and that the ulti
mate result would be the general reduc
tion of rates In order to give tus public
its fair share of the economies effected.
The Interstate Commerce commission
officially records the falsity of all such
promises and pretended purposes of the
merger process. The commission af
firms that the result has been to arrest
such competition as had existed among
the companies before their merger and
to advance the rates. These facts have
been developed beyond a peradventure
by its investigations as well as by the
testimony in the cases against the
Northern Securities company in the
courts. The full extent of the advance
of rates, It is to be remembered, has
been masked from public sight because
of the fact that the enforcement of the
printed tariff rates Involved a large In
crease, since a vast amount of freight
had been carried under competition on
secretly cut rates. i
It Is perfectly useless to contend that
these results were not a part of the
merger scheme, that they were not In
fact the moving consideration In It In
virtually every case capitalization was
expanded to a point that would require
earnings on the higher rates for which
destruction of competition paveri the
way, and the merger was promptly fol
lowed by actual advances under circum
stances demonstrating premeditated de
The whole showing of the commission
Implies a demonstration of its own
powerlessness to deal satisfactorily with
the menacing conditions, and Is a signifi
cant reminder that it will require a
more efficacious exertion of national
power. It is noteworthy that the com
mission does not specify how this shall
be done, but confines Itself to a strong
official statement of the necessity of
somehow doing It.
An authority Identified with the Har
riman Interests Is quoted in New York
dispatches as saying that the opposition
to President Burt was one of the pri
mary causes of the walkout of the
Union Pacific shopmen. There is abso
lutely no truth in- that statement Every
body in Union Pacific headquarters in
Omaha knows that opposition to Presi
dent Burt did not figure in the so-culled
strike, which in reality is a lockout
The strike was virtually foreordained
when the machinists and boiler makers
employed In the Union raclflc shops
were asked to change from day work to
piecework. Whether the edict Issued
on July 1 to the machinists and boiler
makers emanated from Mr. Harrltnan
or Mr. Burt Is immaterial to the contro
versy. As members of the machinists'
and boiler makers' unions the men were
under solemn obligation to live up to the
rules of their organizations. They could
not remain In the shops without vio
lating the rules of their unions, which
forbid piecework, and therefore had no
other choice left than to quit work.
In other words. Mr. Burt's order was
an ultimatum that they must either
abandon and break tip the unions or
leave the employ of the company. Per
sonal likes or dislikes of their superiors.
Including Mr. Burt, had nothing to do
with the controversy. From the outset
It was manifest that It was a life and
death struggle of the unions and a blow
at organized labor. The struggle hns
been protracted and costly on both sides
and It is to be hoped that Mr. Harriman
and his advisers will realize by this
time that an amicable adjustment either
by mutual concession or arbitration be
tween the company and Its former
workmen would be hailed by the patrons
of the Union Pacific and the general
public with a great deal of satisfaction.
It reaulred the wisdom of Solomon to
adjudge the ownership of a bube that
was claimed by two women. It re
quired the wUdoni of the Nebraska
supreme court to decide what portion of
the property belonging to a man who
married a divorced woman should go
to her in case she concluded to cut short
their mutual disagreeable relations.
The Nebraska Solomons have decided
that although marriage of divorced
couples Is forbidden during the period
of six months after they have been un
coupled, nevertheless If they see fit to
marry again or the new contracting par
ties live together as man and wife
neither of them can set up the plea that
the marriage was null and void because
It was prematurely contracted. And all
whom It may concern must govern
themselves accordingly.
The contention that business institu
tions in Omaha should not be taxed the
same as other property owners because
competitors in smaller towns do not pay
as much in taxes cannot be conceded.
The constitution of Nebraska contem
plates substantial uniformity of as
sessment and taxation and strictly lim
its the classes of property entitled to
If Venezuela Is on its own application
to go Into the hands of a receiver, who
is to net os receiver? What authority
Is he to have, and by what means are
his decisions to be enforced? If the gov
ernment should within a few weeks or
months be overturned by some new revo
lution, as may easily happen, who will
guarantee Ita faithfulness to the receiv
ership? According to the Interstate Commerce
commission government by injunction is
very unsatisfactory-when applied to
secret rate-cutting by railroads, as It
operates simply to advance the charges
which the public has to pay.
Our visiting real estate men are In
vited to make themselves at home. If
they can turn a few bargains in farm
acreage or city lots while they are here
they are entitled to combine business
with pleasure.
Lost om the Way.
Washington Star.
It looks as If the consumer were a great
deal slower in getting the news when a
trust puts down prices than when it puts
them up. '
Weary of the Job.
Detroit Free Press.
Secretary Shaw has finally notified Wall
street that the government is through
walking the floor with the stock market
every time It has a touch of speculation
Lamb Shearing- Ortrfoie,
Chicago Post.
Gotham cankers have made a pool of
$50,000,000 to prevent a panic In Wall street.
Evidently ail the Iambs have been closely
sheared and the thrifty operators must be
lasen care or until more wool grows or
more lambs are born.
' A Profitable Investment.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
It is claimed that the Teat Assouan
dam across the Nile will add over 113.000.
000 to the agricultural earning power of
e-eypt every year. As this Is about the
sum the improvement cost it may be said
mat it will pay for Itself In a twelve
month. She Kept Her Secret.
New York Sun.
A great city, a great solitude. The prov
erb la musty, but Is It true? A dispatch
Introduces us to a woman who has lived
In Coscob for fifteen years and yet nobody
knows her name. Either she has unusual
gifts of concealment or Coscob has a more
than metropolitan want of curiosity. How
few recluses can hope to keep their names
from their neighbors. There Is only one
higher step of perfection In the path of
that Coscob recluse. Her name Is unknown
to other folks; she must strive to forget It
Liberality of Meruer Klas.
Minneapolis Times.
We all remember the new rich man who,
of the scion of his house just returned
from an European trip, queried, "Which
place did you like best, son?" ard upon
"son" replying la favor of Paris, re
marked, "Is that so? Then I'll buy it for
you." Our Northwestern railroad Vlui
presents something of a parallel In his at
titude toward the merger. "What will the
Mammoth Madame have now?" says Mr.
Hill. "The army, transport servle," la th
reply. "Then I'll buy it for you." says the
Merger Magnate.
Ihowlng Pardonable Prise.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Newspapers in other states that are
pointing the finger of scorn at 8t. Louis on
account of boodllng developments should
note the fart that in the eight trials for
public bribery and for perjury connected
with It there have been seven convictions
with sentence to the penitentiary In each
case of from two to five years. The con
victions Include a millionaire briber and s
rich promoter, as well as city officials who
sell their votes to corruptionlsts. Let the
critical cltlea secure even one conviction
of this class within their own limits. The
whole country will bear of the unusual cir
cumstances with Interest and 6t. Louis wll
offer Us cong ratulatlocs.
Chicago Inter-Ocean: Vncle Sam should
take his "great and good friends." Edward
and William, by the hand and lead them,
kindly but firmly, beyond the dsnger line.
Chicago News: Now that Dewey Is near
the scene of action all further shlp-slnklng
operations should be entrusted to him.
Dewey Is a recognised expert In this branch
of diplomacy.
Boston Transcript: Before going" too far
In the blood-letting method. Great Britain
and Germany should be persuaded by us
to' experiment a little further with "dry
gunnery" in Venetuela.
Cleveland Leader: If Great Britain and
Germany succeed In collecting any of that
money from Veneiuela they might use It
profitably In employing a few naval officers
with level heads. The bull .In the china
shop does not serve as a good model tor a
bill collector.
Indianapolis News: So It seems that In
the bombardment of Puerto Cabello there
was no violation of International law. Evi
dently the Venezuelan trouble Is to be of
the "orderly" kind. And further, the
vessels that were sunk by the English and
Germans were mere revenue cutters, which,
from some points of view, don't seem to
count for much. Perhaps there has been
some undue excitement about the affair.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat: It will be
noticed that neither France, Russia nor
Austria is making any move to Join the
trlplo alliance which Is operating on this
side of the water. Moreover, France's bill
of damages against Venezuela Is much
larger than that of any one of the three
participants and has 'been longer outstand
ing, but it has been willing all along to
submit It to arbitration. France's attitude
In this affair Is In very agreeable contrast
to that of the three allies.
New York World: To paraphrase Shake
speare, It may be excellent to have a bully's
strength, but It Is tyrannous not to say
contemptible to use it like a bully. The
spectacle of the two great military and
naval powers of Europe attempting to
bully a little South American republic,
weakened by revolutions. Into paying
claims that have not been adjudicated, and
violating International law and usages In
sinking naval vessels before war was de
clared and bombarding forts on half an
hour's notice. Is not an edifying exhibition
of high civilization.
Were we fortunate enough to live In
Yarmouth, N. S., we could get Pennsyl
vania anthracite for $7.50 a ton.
Klondike Indians have gone on the war
path, but their war whoops will not thaw
out until next spring when the war's over.
Asking people to do their Christmas
shopping early Is like proposing that they
celebrate the Fourth of July on the day
before. The shoppers like the jam.
An Ann Arbor professor's discovery of
seven new poisons will be welcomed In
certain circles In New York, where all the
old poisons are as familiar as quinine.
Colonel Henry D. Capers, a brother of
General Ellleon Capers, now Episcopal
bishop of South Carolina, Is the oldest
living confederate and this is shown by
his commission.
Germany bas nominated Dr. Slevklng to
be a member of the international court of
arbitration In the place of Dr. Blngh. presi
dent of the senate of the high court.
There Is a superstition thai you should
never present a friend with a gift that has
a sharp point It severs friendship. Do you
remember all those stickpins Emperor Wil
liam sent over here?
To use an expression often heard in this
oountry, Lord Curzon, viceroy of India,
has apparently "bitten, off more than be
can chew." He went out there with nu
merous reforms In view and at once set out
to put them Into operation. But no man
has ever yet succeeded in making the Ori
ent hurry and his lordship has not suc
ceeded In carrying out much of his pro
gram. Years ago Mr. Chamberlain, the British
colonial secretary, while a guest at the
legation In Washington, attended a ball.
An American girl with whom he danced
summed him up in this way: "He's nice
enough, but he doesn't know how to waltz.
He takes such funny little, short steps
that one would think he must have prac
ticed on a postage stamp." It was during
this visit that he met Miss Endicott, who
afterward became his wife.
Efforts to Secure a Substitute for Pres
ent Means of Heat. i.
Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Edward Atkinson Is one of the most
adventurous and Indefatigable of intellect
ual explorers. The Intellectual world con
tains few recesses Into which he has not
penetrated. From fireproof wood he turna
lightly away to, the use of tubs as ovens in
farm houses; from that he hurries off to the
status of subject populations, and from that
he flits to the (diffusion of light on plants
through glassy Just now be Is trying to
find out whether a farmer cannot raise his
own fuel by, devoting about one acre In
a hundred of his possessions to that pur
pose for the supply of one family."
'Anthracite coal." he says, "is becoming
a luxury. In about two generations It will
be exhausted." There Is no way of replen
ishing the supply. There is Just so much
rual and no more. "Why, then," asks Mr.
Atkinson in a letter to the chiefs of the
agricultural experiment stations, "should
we not try at once to discover some sub
stitute?" Consider the corn crop. The ratio of dry
stalk, leaf and corncob Is about one and
one-half tona to the ton of shelled corn.
The amount of potential fuel, therefore, In
the present corn crop Is over 100.000, 000
tons. Consider now the whole gr.-ilo crop,
including corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye,
etc. The total amount of potential fuel In
volved Is between 150,000,000 and 200,000,000
tons. Further, there are plants, like alfalfa
and the sunflower, which produce heavy
fuel growths. Sorghum, however, Is of all
fuel plants the one which Mr. Atkinson
regards as most promising. Sorghum,
"compressed Into logs In a partially green
stage," and seasoned as green wood is sea
soned, holds out great possibilities of future
usefulness. Besides, there is a new seed
rain plant from Egypt whl h grows rapidly
In the semi-arid parts of this country.
Could not this plant be used as fuel, and
have we not here a means of turning the
em1-arid west to account?
Whatever plant Is used, the problem Is
essentially the same. Corn, wheat, alfalfa,
be sunflower, rye, oats, sorghum, cane
rakes, horse beans, barley and the new
seed grain plant from Egypt are all avail
able for fuel only under one condition.
Some cheap and effective means of com
pression must be devised. The farmer who
ants to prepare his own fuel la confronted
with a mechanical difficulty. If "fuel"
were "cultivated," however. In large quan
ltles on the western plains compression
-culd be accomplished on a large scale at
mall coat. As for the "calorific power" of
vegetable fuel, Mr. Atkinson thinks that
twenty tons of cornstalk and leaves would
qual about fourteen tons of bltumlnoai
oal. This being the case, one may hope
hat the chiefs of the agricultural expi.-rl-nent
stations will give Mr. Atkinson's suft--egtion
something more than the "derision"
bleb he deferentially anticipates fur It. 1!
egetabla fuel Is practicable there are lu--.erestlng
Industrial develupuieots ahead of
lsr Scenes a laeldcata Sketched
oa the Soot.
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachu
setts is a frequent recipient of bunches of
red carnations, which Invsrlably provoke
Inquisitive glances from his colleagues. On
a recent occasion the floral tribute bore
a card on which was written the simple
words, "God bless you."
"How touching," remarked Senator
Hoar, as his colleague read the Inscrip
tion. "Yes, It s touching enough," said the re
cipient, "but It means eggs, eggs, eggs."
"Eggs?" Inquired some one; and then
Senator Lodge explained. He said that
many years ago he had secured a situ
ation for a man In the Treasury depart
ment and at every opening of. a session
since his protege had greeted him with
the carnations and the Inscription quoted.
"But that is not all of it." continued the
senator. "He Is not satisfied with sending
mo the flowsrs, but every week during the
session he sends me eggs, nice, fresh coun
try egw. too. He won't accept remunera
tion. He won't even come after the nice
little baskets in which he packs them. I
have at least 100 of them and still they
come. These baskets are going to crowd
us out of the house some day. I have
heird of senators being embarrsssed with
m 'y things, but I'm the only one that
ever suffered from a plethora of eggs."
"Never mind. Lodge," piped Senator
Hoar. "Just thank God they're not of the
variety some actors are embarrassed
with," and Senator Lodge couldn't see
why his colleagues laughed.
A day or two before the senate got
around to consideration of the omnibus
statehood bill, says the Chicago Chronicle,
a dozen barrels of big, luscious, red ap
ples were delivered at the senate wing of
the capitol and rolcd Into the cloak rooms.
The barrels bore cards Indicating that
they had come from Roswell, N. M., and
around each apple was a paper bearing
the following Inscription:
"Here the desert lands blossom as the
result of Irrigation from various streams
and 600 artesian wells, flowing from 800
to 1,000 gallons per minute. Our fruit
industry is in its infancy, yet we have
shipped 200 cars of apples from Roswell
community this year. Our apple Is a per
fect one, free from insects and the defects
so common to other apple-producing sec
tions. Our apple growers have attained
perfection, as this specimen will attest.
May you enjoy this fruit and may It
prompt you to speak a good word for the
Pecos valley of New Mexico and for state
hood for the territory at this term of con
gress." The senators ate the apples and ai-
knowledged that they were the finest fruit
they had bitten In many years. One bar
rel was Identified by the name and trade
mark of Jeremiah Simpson, who turrs out
to be none other than "Jerry" Simpson,
the famous 'sockless statesman, who at
one time represented the Medicine Lodge
district of Kansas In the house of repre
sentatives. When sockless statesmanship
ceased to be a winning card Mr. Simpson
pulled up stakes and migrated to the
Pecos valley, where he is now engaged
in the culture of one of the greatest apple
orchards in the world. He was one of tho
first populists in Kansas who foresaw tho
decline of that extraordinary political
movement and likewise was one of the
first to cut loose from It and its Influence
and get into another sphere of activity,
where fortune seemed to smile more
brightly. He is now a permanent resident
of New Mexico. Undoubtedly, if New
Mexico becomes a state, he will be a candi
date for senator; a
Representative Wesley L. Jones of Wash
ington state says one of the funniest thing
that happened to him during his campaign
was following a stump speech.
'I had concluded my remarks," says Mr.
Jones, quoted by the Washington Post,
"and was descending from the platform
when a queer-looking fellow approached me
to shake hands.
" 'Jones,' said he, cordially, '1 never
heard a speaker who could tell such a
pack of lies as you can.'
"That took me back somewhat, but my
friend added, showing that bis politics were
" 'But, oh, Mr. Jones, if we could only
have you on our aide how we would tear
the republicans up the back.' "
Workmen are engaged In putting In place
a steel screen over the glass roof of the post
office building In Washington to protect It
from Icicles. During the winter huge icicles
form on the tower and when the sun shines
warm fall on the glass roof. Several times
the heavy panes of glass have been shat
tered by the fall of a particularly heavy
mass of Ice and it has been found neces
sary to place some protection over the roof.
The postofflce officials are beginning to
think they are paying dearly for the bril
liant light that filters through the big root.
In the summer it is necessary to paint the
glass to deflect the rays of the sun, and In
the winter, workmen again have to ascend
to the roof to put in place the steel screen
which protects the glass from the Ice. Al
together workmen are on the roof about
halt the year and the expense is something
to make an economical man shudder. The
clerks Jn the postofflce enjoy their advan
tages, however. They have the best lighted
office building in the city, the glass roof
making It possible to give every room nat
ural light as bright and homelike as though
all rooms were exposed to the sun.
Wishing to obtain some special Informa
tion regarding the Philippines, Secretary
Root gave a breakfast at the Arlington to
There is sunshine in
understand this when
every one is who uses it.
their hair, they are annoyed with dandruff, and thev
I 1 . 1 . t ..... .
laisiiEe tne telltale sign or
"Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped my hgirfrom falling when it was to bad 1
vm afriid to comb it. And it gave my balr a beautiful, rich black color."
Mrs. E. G. Ward, Landing, N. J.
Always restores
two men who were thoroughly posted on
the matter. Being unusually abscn;-
I minded that morning be breakfasted alone
and then went Into the lobby, where he
found hll two friends. He Invited them
Into his-office and there talked with them
for a couple of hours, forgetting all about
his breakfast Invitation until they had dc
parted. His apologies were profuse, hut he
has been the subject of much raillery on the
Just before the fight began over state
hood bills in the senate Senator BeverMen
walked across the chamber sad shook hand
with Senator Quay, the two statesmen rdm;
radically opposed to each other on th
proposition. They exchanged a few wor.H
of elaborate politeness and then .Mr. Bevrr
idge returned to his seat. The whole Inci
dent Irresistibly reminded beholders of the
handshaking preliminary to a prize Apht
and Senator Stewart called out shur;!r
"Time!" Quay grinned, Beverldge bliiHhi 1
and everybody else laughed.
Con areas Shoald Give Force and Kffrrt
to President's Rerotnmendntluna.
Cleveland Leader (rep).
President Roosevelt knew what was ex-
I pected by the people when he put Into his
I message to congress the strong recom
mendation of legislation to regulate the so
called trusts.
I T)iiHii th nrMldent'a frlns to v.Mmi.
sections of the country last summer and
fall he came closely In touch with the
populace, and he had the very best of
means of finding out what public sentiment
Is upon this subject. In all the speeches
he delivered he gave the consideration of
the trust problem an important place.
The reception accorded those speeches
must have convinced the president that he
ought to take the stand he did in his an
nual message.
There is no doubt that a big majority
of the people are. today in favor of carry
ing out the president's recommendation.
Nearly everybody is feeling tho oppression
of the big combinations, and the In
creased cost of living is he)l In, the public
mind to be due directly to the destruction
of competition by these consolidations of
Industrial and commercial enterprises Is
the hands of a few. It Is prohahly true,
moreover,- that a majority of tho people,
as was shown by the vote at the recent
election, preferred to leave the solution of
the trust problem to the republicans rather
than to give the democrats a chance to
apply their theory that the only way to hit
the trusts was by striking at the system
of protection. i . .
Under the circumstances a very serious
mistake will be made by congress if It falls
to give force and effect to the president's
recommendations. Not only was Mr.
Roosevelt absolutely right In demanding
anti-trust legislation,' hut the republican
leaders in congress ought to sea that It
would be good politics to follow his sug
gestions. The republican party must this winter
make a record upon this question upon
which It can appeal to the voters In the
campaigns of next year and the year fol
Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Sometimes
think so hard It makes me tired."
"How thoughtless!" , . - ,
Chicago Tribune: Grieved by the escape
of his Intended prey, the crocodile wept.
"They may bo crocodile tears," sobbed
the saurian, "but they are real tears!"
New York Bunr Johnsons-Will you have
another drink? . .
Johnsteln No; Til take the saraa. 4 ;',.
Boston Transcript: The Acrused-But It
was a case of absent-mindedness, yer
honor. I didn't know what I was dolng
when I took the coat.
The Judge But, unfortunately for you,
the officer did.
Kansaa City Journal: "Podklns Insists
that the Garden of Eden was a roof
"Absurd i How does he mnk that out?"
"He says that's the only way- to account
for the dlwastrous character of the fall
that they fell off the roof."
Electrical Review: . "John," said the, re
tired lawyer to his coachman, "aren't the
horses trying to run away?"
"They be, air!"
'Then drive Into something cheap."
Chicago Tribune: "Yes, It's true," said
Miss De Skreemer. "The death of a rich
relative has relieved me of the necessity
of making my living by singing In public."
"I'm en glad!" Impulsively exclaimed the
other girl.
Baltimore American.
Don't go runnln' on me, fellers,
Somethln's sllckin' In my throat,
For this letter's from my baby.
An' th' first she ever wrote. i '
Qen'rally I'm game you know It,
An' can stand fer lots o' chaflf
Take yer Joshln' good an' plenty
An' not do a thing but lafT;
But this letter, with Its verawlirr".
Strikes a whole lot dlfT'rent note.
Fer It's from my only baby
An' th' first she ever wrote.
Wrote It all herself, dod hlesn her:
Took her three, four hours, I guess,
Thwieh 'hey's only two hort puges
Filled with baby blessedness:
Starts It out "I love you, papa"
Then th' lines all seemn t' ttoat
Do you blame, me? She's my baby;
It's th' first she ever wrote.
'Way off there beyond th' mountain.
By a sunny, luamer sea.
Spellin' out her daddy's letters
An' a-serdln' love t' mc
What? Not you big hoohfes cryln"!
W'y tt hain't your baby's note;
It's my own wee girlie's letter.
Very first she ever wrote.
No no, runnln' on me, fellers.
8omethln" chokes In my throat,
'Cause this letter's from my baby, '
An' th' first she ever wrote.
every bottle. You will Aflivj
vou know hnw Ratufiri m
PeoDle don't like to !n Wi
. ' x
age gray hair.
I.O. AymCe.,
Mwsit, suss.
color to gray liar.