Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Lend OommlMiraar Would Dispose af that
Hold for Penitentiary find.
Legislative retnanlttea of State Tfirk
era Association iiarii
Itesaoenl of the Stat
Normal School.
(Prom a BtsfE Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dc. II. (Special.) Land
Commissioner Foil in sr will recommend to
the legislator that th land known aa the
penitentiary land, situated In Lancaster
and Reward countlea, be either sold and
the proceeds turned Into the general fund
for the construction of a new penitentiary,
or else that It be transferred to the school
fund and leaaed, as It la at present. The
land became the property of the state at
the time of Its admission to the union.
The greater part of this land waa sold at
the time of the construction of the present
building. A little oyer a section was not
sold, however, for the want of buyers, and
that land still remalna an unclassified ap
pendix to the accounts of the commissioner
of public lands and buildings. Year after
year recommendations have been made by
the incumbents of that office as to the dis
position of the Income of this land. At
the present time there la to the credit of
this land the sum of tl.OM, the Income of
several years past. Mr. Follmer recom
mende that this amount be turned over to
the general fund or placed In the temporary
school fund.
Small Balance In Fair Fund.
At a meeting of the board of managers
of the state fair, held at the Llndell hotel
last night, the final reports of President
ninsmore and Secretary Furnas were read.
The reports contained an Itemlr.ed state
ment of the expenditure of the $35,000 ap
propriated at the last session for the es
tablishment of a permanent home tor the
state fair. Thero Is a balance of 40 cents
on hand.
The stste fair Is under the control of the
State Board of Agriculture and for the
premiums to ba. awarded each year the
state contributes 13.000. Usually the pre
miums amount to $30,000 and the bsard Is
left to hustle the remainder as b?st It can.
The annual expenses of the board range
from $28,000 to $30,000. For the year 1!02
from Its Improvised means the State Board
of Agriculture has expended for perma
nent Improvements on the grounds pur
chased by the state for fair purposes the
sum of $5,787 42. This for .material, new
buildings, painting. Insurance and labor.
The salaries, the total of which Is $3,500,
arc paid from the fund Improvised by the
Chl-f Deputy Fish, Commissioner O'Brien
and Game Warden Slmpkins submitted to
the board plans for the construction of a
new fisheries building. They contemplate
a structure 60x110. Along each of I's lat
eral walls will bo placed a continuous
aquarium, with a place between It and the
wall for the passage of those In attendance
upon the fish. In the center of the en
closure will be a largt fountain and space
set. apart for the display of birds and
animals, between which and the aquarium
will be large promenades for the public.
It Is estimated that tho cost of the build
ing will be from $3,000 to $10,000. In the
structure will be suitable sleeping apart
ments, an office for the superintendent,
Programs of State Meetings.
Dr. Peters of the 8tate university sub
mitted to the board the program of th
stste meetings which will be held In Lin
coln at the time of the annual meeting of
the 8tat Board of Agriculture. The time
rt the state fair will be from September
7 n 11. The annual meeting of the board
will be January 10. Presidents of all reg
ularly organized county agricultural ao
' rlctles in working existence are members
cf thi stnte bcerd and In cases where the
presidents cannot attend the society must
elect a delegate. Each county society must
furnish a report In accordance wl'.h blanks
submitted and failure to furnish the report
forfeits the right of representation.
President Dlnsmore has named the fol
lowing committees for the work of the
oomlng year:
Auditing Committee L. Morse, Benkle.
man; L. D. Stllson, York; H. L. Cook, St.
Revision of the Premium List S. C. Bas
sett. Clbboa; Elijah Kllley, Beatrice; T. A.
McKay, Aurora; Peter Youngers. Geneva;
P.. XV. Furnas. Brownvllle.
Credentials XV. R. Mellor, Loup City; W.
O. Hervey, Omaha; V. Arnold, Verdon.
Th premium Itat commute will meet
for revision of tho list at the Llndeli hotel
Monday, January 19, and all who have sug
gestions to mske are Invited to either send
them In to Secretary Furnas prior to that
ate or be present at the meeting.
Th members of the board present last
evening were: Messrs. W. R. Mellor. C.
H. Rudge, Peter Youngers. T. A. McKay.
S. C. Bassett. President Dlnsmor and Sec
retary Furnas.
Discuss School Legislation.
The legislative committer of the State
Teachera' association met at th ofllce of
the state superintendent this afternoon
and discussed questions to be presented to
th legislature. Among the rooat Import
ant waa th normal school question. The
committee paasea this resolution:
"That we favor the removal of the state
normal school In Pern to some point west
or the sixth principal meridian."
On th proposition four of th members
voted In favor, but Dr. Clark, principal of
th school, did not vote and there waa one
absent. Those present were Fowler, Pearse,
Ludden. Ward and Clark. The committee
alao passed a resolution favoring th es
tablishment of junior or summer normal
schools, to continue from ten to twelve
weeks, at from threw to Bve points In the
tat wr-ers there were public school
buildings that could be secured without
eost to the atat. This committee will re
port to th 8tat Teachers' association
Wednesdsy, December SI.
Bankers Reserve) Deposits.
The Bankers Reserve Life Insurance as
sociatlon today deposited with th auditor
$:t.l00, making a total of $50,950 that this
company has on deposit to do busloes dur
ing the next year In Nebraska. This Is the
first company to put up Us guarantee tor
the year 1903.
Tonrt Dennes Malice.
W. H. Miles and Nellie Miles had Charles
Walker and his father arrested five dif
ferent tlmea, on right after another, for
th same offense, throwing down a fence.
Th Walker sued in Frontier county for
try JEIX-O, prepared according to th
following recipe:
DiMolt om M sar Savor J.ll-O la en
slut f kolllos ler. a4 attar it kaa about Salt
aarawae fcaai up thoroughly artth aa aag baatar:
44 whlla of oaa tac Ibarouglrtr fctataa aa
mtr taa wfcols lo4br uuUl thay ara mixaS; pour
lata aupa aa ml la a enol la.-a aatll era This
saay fea aarva with vhtppo craaat or cuatar4.
A nic dessert for any meal, at any
tlin. Four flavors Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry.
At grocers, 10 cents.
malicious pVosperntlnn and recovered dam
ages. Miles appealed to the supreme court,
and that tribunal holds the lower court wsa
correct. If a complaining witness, In his
statement to his attorney before Institut
ing a criminal proceeding, makes a recita
tion of facta claimed to have been per
sonally knowa to him, which the Jury
thinks untrue. It U no protection that be
acted on the advice of attorneys. Malice,
It save. Is not necessarily presupposed to
be personal hatred or 111 will, but an action
based on an Improper motive, Inferable
from a wrongful act based on no ressonable
Tolata la Commercial Law.
A point In commercial Isw Is decided in
the case of Oakley against Csrr, from Lan
caster, which I reversed. The court ssys
that notice of the dishonor of a promissory
note Its being protested Is sufficient If
sent to the Inst Indorser by the first mall
of the day following dishonor, even though
such Indorser Is an agent for collection
merely, and he Is entitled to one additional
day to notify the Indorser Immediately
preceding him. This need not be a new
one, but he may utilize the one sent htm
by the protesting officer.
The court holds that an action In the
nature of a creditor's bill cannot be main
tained to set aside the conveyance of prop
erty which Is exempt to the defendant as
a homestead. The case cam from Phelps
county, where Henry D. Jayne tried to have
a conveyance from the Holdrege National
bank to the wife of Its president, W. E.
Hymer, set aside on the ground of fraud.
The court ssy there was no fraud, that
the conveyance was bona fide, and that the
temporary residence of the Hymers In
University place for the purpose of educat
ing their children did not rob them of the
claim to a homestead in Holdrege. To
maintain an action of this kind It must
be alleged and proven that the relation of
creditor and debtor existed at the time of
the conveyance, or that It was executed
fraudulently-with the expectation on thn
part of the husband that he would become
Indebted to the plaintiff and to hinder the
collection of the debt when contracted.
York Can l'e Sevrern.
The city of York may continue to empty
its sewage Into the waters of Beaver creek.
John Todd and some others resident along
the creek sought to enjoin the city from
doing so on the ground that It would cause
life on their farms to be unbearable and
would amount n fact to depriving them of
the use of tbelr property. On behalf of
the city It was retorted that It was neces
sary for the health of the Inhabitants
thereof to have an outlet of that character
and that as a matter of fact there had
been a lot of hog pens along the creek that
amelled louder unto the heavens than
would the outlet. The district court dis
missed the case as lacking In equity, and
the supreme court affirms this decision. It
holds that It Is always a question of fact
In cases of this character, the law being
that equity has the power to prevent pol
lution and contamination of running
Mont Amend Insnrance Contract.
The Sons and Daughters of Protection
will have to amend Ita contracts of lusur
ance and forms of application If it desires
to avoid paying death losses to the families
of members who have taken their own
lives. The supreme court has Just affirmed
a Judgment cecured In Cherry county by
Emma E. Underwood against the order.
The decision of tbe district court In the
case of the Chicago House Wrecking com
pany against tbe Stewart Lumber company
was affirmed.
Two will cases were decided. In both of
which the validity of the wills was upheld.
They were that of John Knox from Otoe
county and Jerry C. Elliott from - Burt
county, i ,i ,
Terminal Cent pan? Mnst Pay.
The supreme court affirmed the award of
damages for $5,059 in the ease of Reed
against Omaha' Bridge and Terminal Com
pany. The company took property on which
Reed had a mortgage and the question in
volved waa whether Reed bad a right to
appeal from original mortgage.
Rank against Garvy waa a case Involving
the ownership of some land In South
I Omaha, formerly owned by Thomas Ryan,
deceased. Swift and Armour wanted the
i property and through a representative Ar
mour secured option on the land, while the
I sale was pending Swift offered more
money ror it ana the heirs accepted this
proposition. Suit arose over this. The
court held that original contract was
In the esse of E. C. Hager against South
Omaha Hager got $1,000 damages In the
district court because of a fall on a side
walk. The court reversed the decision be
caure the court In instructing the Jury
omitted a material allegation that city
must hsve notice.
V. Wrzensunski against City of South
Omaha was a suit for damages. Tbe plain
tiff while going over a street v'sduct on
foot went through 'a hole, and he waa
awarded $1,500 damages. The supreme
court sustained the verdict. The city relied
on thn fact that no claim had been Died,
but the plaintiff showed that a letter had
been received bv a former city clerk.
.Osteopathic Doctors Meet.
The Stat Association of Osteopathic Phy
sicians held Its annual convention here to
day, with an attendance of about thirty.
The following officers were elected: Pres
Woman's Work in Club and Charity
The newest develonment in tha Interest
of the Nebrsska Suffrage association comes
from ueneva In the announcement
shortly after the holldavi Mrs. p r
ton of that place will give a aerlea of
sops In practical and fancv conker
proceeds of the course to go to the Suffrage
association. Mrs. Drayton Is amonv. the
prominent public-spirited women ct
siai ana waa instrumental In the
ltshment of the library at Geneva
es tab-
two yean ago. The Suffrsge club of Gen
eva la amont the strongest women' organ
izations of that county and Ita work in
cludes educational and philanthropic effort.
Mrs. Brsytcn's home has for several years
been Its regulsr meeting place and It was
st the earneat solicitation of the women of
that vicinity that she has consented to give
the course of Instruction announced.
A large attendance of women apared the
time from their own Christines preparation
yesterday afternoon to attend the meeting
of the Visiting Nurses' association, held
in tbe parlor of the Psxton hotel, from
4 to t o'clock, to hear the reports f om the
sick among the city poor aod plan for
comforts that may brighten the holidays
for them.
Mr. W. R. Adams, superintendent of
nurses, reported 41) visits msde during the
lest month, forty-four pstlents. special
nurses provided In seven cases, two deatha
and four patients sent to friends. Th ex
pens of ths association in giving this rare
haa been about $160. Aa chairman cf th
Hemaway Sewing circle, Mrs. L. A. Welsh
reported $37.76 as proceeds of th esrd
party given by tha circle on Wedaeaday
afternoon, which goea to the work of the
association. For some time paat there has
been a desire to make Mrs. Herbert Rog
ers honorary president or ths association,
she having been th founder of th work,
and at Thursday's meeting this was done
and Mrs. Arthur No elected aa vie presi
dent. The announcement was mads of aa
lavltatloa from Judge Wool worth and Mrs.
ident, Dr. Mllllgan of Grsnd Island; vice
president. Dr. Moss of Ashlsnd; secretary.
Dr. Orac Deegsn of Omaha. At the after
noon session addresses were made by Dr.
Little of Lincoln, Dr. Cramra of Fremont
and Dr. Johnson of Omaha.
Action of Railroad Company Pre
Teats Relieving tho
CHADRON, Neb., Deo. 1. (Special.)
Considerable difficulty Is being experienced
during the last few days In this place in
getting a sufficient supply of coal to meet
. th Immediat demanda of th people on
. account of the refusal of the Elkhorn rall
1 road to handle coal from the Sheridan
mines loaded in Burlington car. One of
the largest coal dealers has at present a
number of csrs of coal from the Sheridan
mines at Crawford, the Junction point of
the Burlington and Elkhorn roads, which
the latter road refuses to haul to this
place, as it gives them a haul of only thirty
i miles, while If the coal had been pur
1 chased from the Olenrock mine, which
i are located on their own line. It would
; give them a haul of 175 miles In their own
cars. It is understood that an offer of 60
i cents per ton additional to regular freight
, rates for hauling the cars has been re
, fused by the company, and to relieve the
; situation the coal will have to be trans-
ferred Into Elkhorn cars or purchased
from the Glenrock mines, which are now
unable to fill their present order.
Mickey Inspects Industrial School.
KEARNEY. Neb., Dec. !. (Special Tel
egram.) Governor-elect Mickey waa a vis
itor at the State Industrial school last
night, dropping In without announcement of
his coming. He made a critical Inspection
or all parts of the Institution and went east
at noon today, but made no comment on
the administration of Superintendent Begh
tol. A large number of citizens called upon
him at the Union Pacific station previous
to bis departure.
What follows tirlpf
Pjeumonla often, but never when Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption la
used. It cures colds and grips. SOc, $1.
For sale by Kubn Co.
Saow In Soathern Nebraska, bnt Fair
la Iowa and North, I tho
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. Forecast:
Nebraska Fair In north; probably snow
in aouth portion Friday; Saturday, fair.
Iowa Fair Friday, except probably rain
or snow In southwest portion; Saturday,
rain or snow.
Illinois Fair Friday; increasing cloudi
ness Saturday; probably rain In south por
tion; fresh winds mostly south.
Montana Fair Friday; warmer In south
western portion; Saturday, fair.
Colorado Snow, followed by clearing
in west; fair In east portion Friday; Sat
urday, fair.
Wyoming Fair Friday and Saturday.
South Dakota Fair Friday; warmer In
central and east portions; Saturday, fair.
Kansas Rain or snow Friday; Saturday,
probably fair.
Missouri Fair In east; rain in west por
tion Friday; Saturday, rain in eaat; rain
or snow and colder In west portion.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Deo. 1. -Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of th last three
19rtJ. 1901. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature ... 30 4 61 S3
Minimum temperature ... 8 31 18
Mean temperature 19 1 41 H6
Precipitation 00 .29 .00 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1.
Normal temperature fj
Deficiency for the day g
Total excess since March 1 Mo
Normal precipitation OS Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 29.91 Inches
Deficiency since March- 1 91 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1901 6.75 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900 04 ncn
Reports from Station at T P. M.
3 3
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clear
North Platte, pirtly cloudy....
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake City, snowing
Papid City, clear
Huron, clear
Wllllston, clear
Chicago, clear
St. Ixuta, clear
St. Paul, clear
Davenport, clear
Kanse.s City, clear
Havre, portly cloudy
Ticlena. clear
S0K .00
40 .00
24! .0
4 .00
30 .02
4 .00
i: .no
281 .00
40! .00
621 .110
32 .
?&l .0.)
40' .00
$8 .00
1S .00
401 .00
68 .00
I 18
I 661
1 Rmmarck, cloudy
uaiviaion, clear
T Indicates trsce of precipitation.
Local Forecast Offlclnl
Guy Howard to hold the association's
birthday party at their home February 2$.
The Invitation was gratefully accepted.
The young people of Westml.ts'rr Pres
byterian church will clvo a dinner on
Wedneada for the benefit of the Old Peo
pie's home.
The Sunday school of the First Baptist
church bss adopted ths plan of each mem
ber contributing a Christmas gift to a col
lection to be distributed amcLg th se who
would otherwise receive little. This yeur
their donations will be divided betwreu
the Old People's bom and the Child Sav
ing Institute.
The women of the Home Queen's circle
have Issued Invitations for a library party
to be given at Metropolitan club on the
evening of December 29 for the benefit of
the cooking school.
The annual Pilgrim Mothers' dinner will
be given at the Waldorf-Astorls on Mon
day, Deoemher 22. the anniversary of the
date of the Pilgrims' landing at Plymruih.
There waa a large attendance at Thurs
day mornlQg's meeting of the English lit
erature department of the Woman's club,
the feature of the session being an addreas
bv Rev. George Edward Walk of Council
Bluffs on Thomas de Qulncey.
At 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon
Toung Women's Christian association mill
hold Its Christmas gospel meeting in th
association rooms. Mrs. Byers, tbe
eral secretary, win tni the story of
Other Wise Men." br Henrv Van
and th Ycuna Woman's Chrlstlaa
elation quartet .and Miss Frances Roeder
will furnish ths music.
The members of ths Sunshln club of
South Branch are buay with preparations
Wife BecatU Eor former Btorr That Old
Man Mtrdered the Baby.
Case I One of the Most Feeollar la
the History of Hehraaka Criminal
Court Woman Mentally
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Dee. 1. (Special
Telegram.) The coroner's Jury continued
Its Investigation Into the death of the
4-months'-old Baxter baby and recalled
Mrs. Baxter To the astonishment of the
Jury, coroner and officials she absolutely
denied every charge she had made against
her aged husband last Saturday and admit
ted that what she hsd ssld on Saturday
was wrong. She proved herself Incompetent
to testify, being very weak-minded. She
did not know how long she had been mar
ried, nor yet bow old she was. Baxter,
placed on the stand, told practically the
same story he has told from the beginning.
He Is nearly 70 years of age and of more
tban ordinary intelligence.
The testimony of tbe woman today re
moves every particle of evidence against
him, and his attorneys will move to have
his sentence of ten years set aside. Baxter
was, on Saturday night, finally Induced to
plead guilty to manslaughter, but did so
protesting that he was Innocent. Judge
Thompson on Sunday ordered the negro re
tained here until a further Investigation
could be made. The verdict of the Jury waa
that the baby had come to Its death by
smothering, but whether accidentally or by
malicious cause the Jurors were unable to
Cltlsen to Donate Park.
ASHLAND, Neb.. Deo. 11 (Special.)
Plans are being made by a number of local
business men to purchase the south halt of
block 17, Flora City addition, and present
the same to the city of Ashland, to be used
as a public park. The ground la Onely lo
cated for a park, being within one block of
the business center. F. H. Chlckerlng and
C. N. Folsom are circulating a subscription
paper, headed by a donation of $1,000 from
E. A. Wlggenhorn, and ranging In amount
from $150 down to ISO. It Is estimated that
$4,000 will be required to purchase the sit
and equip it for park purposes.
Box Ofllce Is Attached.
BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. 18. (Special.)
The "Hello Bill" company, which showed
here last night, had the receipts of the box
office and baggage attached by Miss Mil
dred Claire and Frank T. Glenn, members
of the company, who claimed that Man
ager Kellogg owed them back salaries to
tbe amount of $100 each. Mr. Kellogg de
nies the fact that he owes the alleged debt
and proposes to fight tbe case. The com
pany expects to fulfill Its engagements for
the vnext week, after which tho manager
will return to tbe city and settle the mat
ter In the courts.
Some Cora Decaying;.
WEST POINT. Neb., Dec. 18. (Special.)
Over one foot of snow now lies over Cum
ing county. Considerable corn Is
yet in the field, but the major part Is
husked. In the ball belt, which comprises
about ten miles long by three miles wide
In the northeastern part of the county th
corn Is decaying badly since it was cribbed,
cattle and bogs refusing to eat It. It Is a
problem with the farmers what to do with
the corn. Most of them will us It for
To Balld New Elevator.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dee. 18. (Special.)
The Farmers' Grain and Elevator company
of Virginia haa purchased property near
the right-of-way o the Missouri Pacific
road and will commence the erection of an
elevator of 8,000 bushels capacity at once.
The other two elevators of the company
at that town are filled with grain and, aa
it is Impossible to get cars, the company
haa refused to buy any more grain during
the last fow days.
Pythlans to Meet nt Bentrlce.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Dec. 18. (Special.)
The Knights of Pythlss lodge will hold a
district meeting In this city February 4,
at which time representative from Wy
more. Falrbury, Liberty, DeWItt, Tecum
seh and other towns In this section will
attend. Several state officers of tho order
will also attend the meeting.
Painters I'nlon Electa Officer.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dee. 18. (Special.)
Paintera and Decorators union No. 695 met
and elected the following officers: B. H.
Oden, president; Wilson Lunbeck, vice
president; Charles Walter, recording sec
retary; Harry Leach, financial secretary;
Charles Robinson, C. Freeman and Len
Thomas, trustees.
Valuable Farm Change Hands.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dee. 18. (Special.)
Chris Knocbe, a prominent Germsn farmer
residing near Ellis, this county, yesterday
sold his farm of a quarter section for $45
per acre to Otto Scheve. Mr. Knoche will
locate In Plymouth, Jefferson county.
for Christmas party, the Invitations for
which are to be lasued on Saturday.
Mra. W. P. Harfcrd Is to give s Chrlst
mss talk to toe-young women at the Pyrne
Hammer factory next week aud Miss Lil
lian Burgess is to sing appropriate songs
and give a reading at M. E. Smith's.
At the meeting of the board of directors
of the Women's Christian association held
on Tuesday morning tbo following appoint
ments were made to complete the com
mittees for the fear: Chairman of the
board of managers of tbe Old People s
home, Mrs. P. L Perlne; clerk of the home,
Mrs. Che t wood Hamilton; chairman of ad
mlsalon committee, Mrs. O. XV. Clsrke;
cnairman of House committee, Mrs. W B.
Taylor; chairman of devotional and visit
mg committee. Mrs. O. H. Pratt; ward
robe committee. Mrs. L. L. Bolts; auditing
committee, Mrs. H. J. Penfold. Mrs. David
Cole snd Mrs. E. M. Gibson.
A gift of $100 was received from the
A discussion of plana for a new building
occupied the remainder of the aeaslon.
In addition to maintaining headquarters
In Lincoln during the session of the legis
lature In the interests of a more equitable
woman's property rights bill the Nebrsska
Woman's Suffrsge association Is circulat
ing tbe following petition:
To the Twenty-Eighth Legislature of Ne.
braxka: We. the undersigned women cltl-
sens (or voters! of county, NVhrafka
most respectfully petition your honorable"
body to repeal the lew which gives to the
widow the right of dower and to enact In
IIbu thereof a law granting to the widow of
an Intestate Doaeseil at real ettate one-
Ifhl'(,h.rea' 'Ma,e. ,e almpl and
one-half of the peraonal property.
The executive committee of the ststs as
sociation la considering th appointment of
a historian to keep a record of the suffrage
work of Nebraska and the appointment
probably will be made at the next meet
ef taa commute t b held ta Lincoln-
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