Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Tnn fm A IT A DA1TT BEE: riUPAY, DECEMBER 10, 1002.
DEMAND FOR FIRE ESCAPES I to reduce interest rate
Owner of Ijme Omaha Buildings Will
Hav to Make Improve meits.
Ballrfla. Inspector Carter and Depnty
jlofv.rimnilatoirr Watsnn !lo
Ilfy Owners and Manaatera ot
; Rsl.tlnsT Deflrlenrlea.
Prompted to precautionary action by the
recent hotel disaster In Chicago and the
enforced resignation of the building In
spector of that city. Building Inspector
Carter haa within the Inst few daya di
rected hla attention very closely to the
Are earape equipment of the hotels and
other large building of this city. Not by
any meana satisfied with conditions aa he
found them, Mr. Carter notified the man
agement of several of the hotels and one
or two business house that the number
of fire escapes on their buildings muet be
Increased before January 1 or he will ap
peal to the courts for enforcement of the
precautions which he considers necessary.
Discussing thin matter, Mr. Carter said:
"In compliance with the state law and
the ordinances of the city. C. E. Watson,
deputy atste labor commissioner, and I
made a thorough tour of this whole city
for the purpose of Inspecting fire escapes
on buildings where such protection la
neceeaary and recommending such Im
provements In that line as we might deem
to be necessary. We found many buildings
not sufficiently provided and recommended
a number of new fire escapee, not only on
hotels, but on flat buildings and business
Bouses, where there are large numbers of
Inspector Will Be Visitant.
"In reading of this Chicago disaster and
the consequences to the building Inspector
f that city I became convinced that I
could not be too vigilant In this branch of
the work and, although I knew our recom
mendations had been carried out In moat
Instances. I also feared that perhaps eome
of th buildings were not even yet properly
quipped. Yesterday I asked the chief of
the Are department to go with me and we
visited a number of the principal build
ings, Including the larger hotels and, whllo
wo found things generally In very satis
factory condition, there are some few In
stances where danger still exists. I And
that the flat buildings and practically all
of the business houses have been equipped
as directed. There Is one large firm whose
new building has not yet been furnished
with fire escapes, but they are to be put
on at once.
"I have named January 1 as the date
for the Improvements to be made, but In
ome cases It may be impossible to have
the work completed by that time. There
fore I shall not be captious about It and tf
I find that all diligence la being exercised
to comply with the requirements I shall
e satisfied. But if I should And that in
any cases the responsible persona are try
ing to evade what Is required of them by
law I shall take the matter directly to
the courts and prosecute to the fullest
Omaha Theaters Safe.
"I will say of our theaters that I believe
them to be as well equipped with means
of exit In case of Are as any In the coun
try. The managers of the houses now In
operation have cheerfully complied with
II suggestions and have fully equipped
their buildings with Are escapes and in
my scrutiny of the plans of the theater
bow being built that was one feature to
Which I gave particular atentlon."
Tne Cans Mast Be Removed, Same
War with DandrnlT.
Rill the grem that causes dandruff, fall
ing hair and baldness and you will have no
more dandruff and your hair must grow
luxuriantly. Herplclde not only contains
the dandruff germ destroyer, but it is also
most delightful hair dressing for regular
toilet use. No other hair preparation is on
this scientific baals of destroying the dan
druff germ than Newbro's Herplclde.
Dewey ft Stone Furniture Co. for holiday
aTlairln'sk Ezearolon Via, "Dixie Flyer"
On Tuesday, January 6th, an excursion
will be run from Nebraska to Florida with
through sleeping cars from Omaha and Lin
coln, via Burlington Route to St. Louis and
the "Dixie Flyer" Route from there to Jack
sonville. This excursion will be a personally con
ducted one and will be in charge of Mr.
George W. Bonnell. C. T. A., B. ec M. R. R.,
Lincoln, Neb., who Is thoroughly familiar
with the points of interest enroute and In
the state of Florida.
As you pass through Cairo, Martin,
Nashville, Chattanooga. Atlanta and Macon,
and make a 12-hour stopover at Chatta
nooga, where an experienced guide will
conduct the party through Chattanooga
Park, pay a visit to Lookout Mountain and
Other points ot Interest; the trip will be
on Interesting and instructive one.
An early application for sleeping car
pace Is suggested. Ask for copy of illus
trated booklet outlining the trip at 140
Famam Bt., or write W. H. BRILL, Dlst.
Pass. Agt., Illinois . Central Railroad,
Omaha, Neb.
Hew Train Service Via Cnlon Paelfle.
Effective December II, the Union Paclflo
will place in aervlce a new train to and
from North Platte, leaving Omaha at I a.
m. dally, making
Five paaaenger trains to North Platte:
Six passenger trains dally to Grand Is
land. Following changes In time of other Cnlon
Paclflo trains:
N. 43. leave 4 p. m.; No. S, leave 4:20
p. m.; No. I. arrive 7:50 p. m.; No. 6, ar
rive 8:50 p. m.
City Ticket Office, 1S24 Farnam street
Union station. Tenth and Marcy streets.
Telephone 429.
Dewey ft Stone Furniture Co. for holiday
Member Horn a a of Rehmol Hoard Pre
pares Bill for laeemlasr
W. R. Ilomsn of the Board of Education
has prepared a bill to be presented to the
legislature governing the rate of Interest
on warrants Issued by school boards and
also reducing the rate of Interest on stat
and municipal bonds. In speaking of thi
former feature of the bill Mr. Homan
said: ,
"At the present time the school board
of the city of Omaha Is by law compelled
to psy 7 per cent Interest on the warrants
which are Issued and cannot be paid on
account of lack of funds. The average
amount of these warrants outstanding at
all times Is $100,000, which now according
to law represents an outlay of $7,000 per
year for Interest We have recently made
an arrangement with the banks of the
city by which they psy back to the school
board 2 per cent, making the net cost to
the board $5,000 per year. Under the pro
posed law this will be the amount which
the warrants will draw and no extra ar
rangement will be necessary to bring the
Omitting the formal parts the bill aa
drsfted by Mr. Homan la aa follows:
All warrants or orders hereafter Issued
by the proper authorities of any county,
city, township, school district, except
school districts In metropolitan cities, or
other municipal subdivisions less than a
county, shall draw Interest from and after
the date of presentation for payment at
the rate of 7 per cent per annum. AH
warrants or orders hereafter Issued by the
pn.pef authority of any school district
within the corporate limits of a metropoli
an city shall draw interest from and after
the date of presentation for payment at
the rate of 5 per cent per annum. All
warrants "hereafter issued by the Droner
authorities of this state shall draw interest.
at the rate of 4 per cent per annum from
the date of their presentation for payment.
No bonds hereafter leaned by any county,
city, township, precinct or school district
shall draw Interest at rate exceeding
t per cent per annum.
las Llii Tii lr
la Front of Her Resi
dence. Clad only In her night robe, Mrs. John
McCrae, residing at 2444 H South Fifteenth
street, was found unconscious in front of
her home early yesterday morning by neigh
bors. According to fhe story which she
told Prosecutor Thomas, she was driven
from home Wednesday night by her husband.
Compelled to flee, she bad only time in
which to gather up fier clothing and leave
the home thinly clad. The extreme cold
weather and exposure caused her to swoon
and she was discovered In that condition
after she had been in the snow for some
Frank Schulehardt, who rooms at 2444
South Fifteenth street, called at the police
station In the interests of the woman and
said that she wanted to rescue her 2-year-old
child from her husband.
Mrs. McCrae claimed that her husband
had beaten her during a At ot anger and
that she was forced to flee from the houae
to protect herself from further Injury.
City Prosecutor Thomas at once iasued a
warrant for McCrae's arrest, charging him
with assault and battery. The police say
that McCrae has been reported for similar
actions In the paat
Special Offer of Mere than General
Intereet Made to Reading Public
Probably there are no reading persons
In the United States who have not often
heard of the Encyclopaedia Britannic
And if they have not been fortunate
enough to own It for themselves they
have had access to It In the publio
libraries. For no consulting library, no
matter how small, would care to be with
out this king ot reference works.
An offer Is made today In another
column of this paper which will enable
every home to procure the Brltannlca.
The entire Twentieth Century edition has
been obtained by the American News
paper association, whose great advertis
ing and distributing facilities enable them
to make a special price on these sets so
low as to place them within general reach.
The association also allows the books to
be paid for gradually. The entire set of
thirty-one volumes will be delivered on
receipt of the first dollar.
Announcements of the. Theaters.
Frank Daniels has always been thorough-going
favorite here from the days
when he used to appear as "Old Sport"
In Hoyt s "A Rag Baby" and in "Little
Puck." His appearance here in "The WIs
ard of the Nile," "The Idol's Eye" and
"The Ameer, under Klrke La Shelle'a
management, have been marked by great
prosperity and demonstrative enthusiasm,
and the announcement here of his appear
ance at the Boyd tonight, Saturday matinee
and night has already aroused much in
terest. His success elsewhere in his new
operatic comedy, "Miss Simplicity," has
been so marked that there has been ' no
room for doubt as to the excellence of the
performance and production, and much
stress baa been laid upon the striking
beauty of the big chorus he carries with
htm this season.
Hochman's appearance tonight at the
Kountze Memorial church promises to be
one long to be remembered. He surpasses
soma ot the pianists twice his age, who
have won fame on two continents. 8ale of
seats at Mandelberg's, Sixteenth and Farnam.
Holiday Hates Tin WsSaik Railroad.
Oa December II, 11, 20 and 21 the Wabash
will sell round trip tickets from Chicago
to many points In Canada at half tar.
Tickets good returning January 10, 190S.
Call at Wabash corner 1(01 Farnam street,
or tddress Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D.,
Omaha, Neb.
Holiday Rates.
On December 24. 25 and II and January 1
the Chicago. Milwaukee ft St. Paul rail
way will sell round trtp tlokets to points
within 200 miles at tare and one-third.
Final limit. January 2.
City Office. 1504 Farnam St.
Dewey ft Stone Furniture Co. for holiday
furniture. .
-J. o
We are showing the prettk-st line of Dolls la Omaha. The
celebrated Kestner head Is the prettiest faced doll made, and
with the pink kid riveted joint body makes the handsomest and
most durable doll In the world. Sixes form 14 Inches to 14
Inches long. A new importation is Lady Doll with long hair
done up pompadour style, with real eyelashes. Price, $2.75 to
$5 50, according to alls. White kid body Jointed Dolls, all sixes,
price, 25c up to $1 50. sccordlng to quality and ilea. Small
Dolls of all sorts and kinds. Bee our I Inch Jointed bisque Doll,
moving eyes and long curls, price, 25c. Dressed Dolls from
lOo up.
Prettiest and chsapoat line of Handkerchiefs In the city. Cos
give you the best Gloves ! Kid or Golf.
Immense Bargains Today in
Useful Holiday Goods
For the past month our abundant supply of ready cash has enabled us
to secure Immense bargains In merchandise suitable for holiday trade. Tomor
row you will And our bargain squares laden with the most extraordinary bar
gains of useful holiday gifts.
75c All Wool Dress riaterlals at 25c All the evening shades of albatross,
challls, French flannel and cashmere, in lengths from 1 to 2H yards, many
pieces In this lot to match, enabling lady to make waist, klmona. child's
dress or doll's dress, all oa bargain square, f
r" DC
Short Remnants Imported Dress (foods at 15c These remnants are in
lengths of 4 yard, they are all double width and are in reds, pinks, blues
and black, they are all high class materials, and go, for the 4 C
entire piece, at IOC
Dress Goods Remnants at 25c Dress good remnants la 3, 4 and 5 pieces
that match, all 4 yard long, and all high class Imported materials, worth
$1.00 to 12.00 yard, go on bargain square, for entire OSS
piece, at
Ladies' Petticoats for Christmas Mercerized sateen petticoats, ruffled
and corded, In black and colors, everyone Worth from $1.60 to $2.00; end all
wool yarn knit petticoats, in plain and fancy colors, all go on bar
gain square, at, each , j OC
Imitation black marten scarfs,, also
imitation atone marten collarettes,
11 eacr1.".'.'?: 98C
Walstlngs Albatross, challls and
French flannels in Persian patterns
snd stripes, also silk embroidered
and corded French flannels, incremes
light blues and pinks, on,. At,
go at, a yard oyt-4UC
Electric seal scarfs, beaver scarfs and
Imitation mink scarfs, all trimmed
with clusters of tails, go on QS1
main floor bargain square, st VO
Silks for Christmas Plain and
fancy colored taffetas and peau de
soles, also moire satin, in waist pat
terns and skirt lengths, go on bar-
ryn.rdq"8:.. 49c-69c
Toys, and Holiday Goods
We will 8ll Friday evening, beginning at 8 o'clock, as long
they last, one big counter of fine gold framtd pictures that generally tell for
t.60 in art stores, at 50c each.
Fine Japanese China Cups and Sau
cers, the kind that generally 4
sell for 15c and 60c, go at, each.1-
Fine Austrian China Plates, beauti
fully decorated, these wholesale as
high as $6.00 a dozen, and go otr
on sale tomorrow, at, each ... uv
Fine Austrian China Cups and Sau-
Ser,i h"" generally sell Cflr.
. for $2.50, at, each OUC
Big special sale tomorrow of all the
toy books from this purchase, worth
as'$g26 ....5c-lOc-15c-25c
Ladles' and men's plain white fancy colored border hand- C
kerchiefs, worth up to 20c, go at oC"JC
Ladles' and men's plain all linen and Japanette handkerchiefs, n-, Ti
silk embroidered initial, worth up to 25c, at sUO JC
Men s 60c quality large slse silk handkerchiefs, silk embroidered,
Ladles' and men's sheer linen, wide and narrow hemstitched hand-
srrcnieiB, toe quality, at
Fancy siik mufflers, thousands for selection, black, white and Iflr, e
fancy colors, worth up to $1.60. at uyCiuC
Ladles' all wool golf gloves all new colorings hundreds of styles
WUI 111 UW K11U IOU, Bl
Christmas Kid Gloves 110 pairs, all new shades, about half regular k
price, worth $1.00 and $1.60, at ..
Misses' and children's handkerchiefs, silk embroidered initials
for box of three
, i
ton r?s
r I
uur i
Windows LI
lU3 Windows
Thirty Hen Go Into the OrganisatiM at
Wednesday Hight'i Meeting. (c
Unionist Says Men Are Unwilling to
Sell Their Riant mm Cltlsens
for Tw and Half
Ceata avn Hoar, '
Thirty members were Initiated Into the
Street Railway Employes' union Wednes
day night, the largest number that has been
taken in at one time since the institution of
the union. According to the statement of
one of the employes and an active promoter
of the union, the large number Wednesday
was a demonstration against the action of
the officers of the company. He said: .
"Wednesday John Cahill, an employe of
the company, presented a paper to the non
union employes by which It was agreed
that in consideration of the fact that they
would not Join the union they would be
paid at the rate of 22 cents an hour.
while the rate of wages now in force Is
20 cents an hour. The petition was pre
sented on almost all of the line of the city
and was signed by six or eight of the non
union men. Cahill was told that If the
work was worth 22 H cents an hour that
rate should be paid, and If it were, not
worth that sum the mep would not sign
away their rights aa men for the addi
tional 2Vt cents an hour. Late in the even
ing Cahill reported to Superintendent
Tucker, saying that it was of no use to try
to disrupt the union, aa the men would
not sign, even for the consideration offered.
"The word was passed along among the
boys, with the result that we decided to
make the initiations Wednesday a record-
breaking affair. We were to a slight de
gree handicapped by the fact that a num
ber of the nonunion men had already
signed an agreement not to enter the union
when they were given employment. But
some had not signed the agreement and
others conveniently forgot the terms, so
that out of the thirty more than half ot
them were, possibly, men who had at one
time promised never to Join."
Old St. Nick
has brought home your boy from
Now, what are you golnjf to
give the boy?
Why not give him a whole new
"togging out?" Why not send
him down to ris and let us send
him back to college fashionably,
tastefully and gracefully at
tired? You know we're quoting
special prices to. college boys
Just now.
HacCarthy Tailoring Co.
Phone 1808. 1710-12 Farnam St.
Bee Bide- Omaha.
Marvelous Purchase
of Boys' Suits.
We purchased the entire stock of New York's most
representative boys' suit manufactory. This manufactory
had more boys' suits than they could possibly use on ac
count of the backward season. They needed the money,
we needed the suits. They are made to fit boys 4 to 16
years of age, made of the finest cheviots, cassimeres, made
up in the latest double breasted and Norfolk styles. They
are the greatest money's worth that this or any other
store on earth has ever been able to produce.
1' Jim mi , w wu 1 1 Tfggi
Belter Than m Master.
A ptece of flannel dampened with Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and bound on the af
fected parts, is better than a plaster for a
lame back and for pains la the side or
chest. Pain Balm has no superior as a
liniment for the relief of deep-seated,
muscular and rheumatic pains.
(2nai vosltlon ntkn.
Good opening for s newspaper or ma sa
tin solicitor. Permanent poaitlon fer s
competent man. Address Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha.
Why not something new this year?
nave tnem. our latest odors are
We can supply the above odors In bulk
and fancy bottles in any size you want.
All perfumes sold during holidays may be
exchanged after Christmas if desired. See
our line.
Myers-Dillon Drug Company,
Cor 16th and Farnam Sts
Good breakfast King Cole Whole Wheat
Pan Cakes. "
We are always anxious to give our cus
tomers the bent, and we know s win
please you when you make a purchase of
Dewey A Stone Furniture Co. tor. holiday
Wholesale rlcs) Heat Week Is Likely
te'Be Twenty Cents., ,
m Psssl,
Produce dealers are predicting a price on
turkeys at Christmas which will make the
Thanksgiving figures look smsll. At the
present time the wholesale price of tur
keys Is 17 cents pound and the retail
price all that the trade will bear. The
manager of one of the largest houses in
the city said:
"I believe that by the first of next week
the price ot turkeys to the retail dealer
will be 20 cents, a price never before
reached on this market. There is appar
ently no stock to be had In the country or
It would be offered at the present high
price. This means that many persons who
usually have turkey at Christmas will sat
Fine Chocolates
and Opera Bon Bons
. We have them in plain boxes, fancy boxes
and fancy baskets.
Kuhn & Co., Druggists
' ' 15th and Douflas Sts.
Isfy. their appetites with ducks, gesso or
cbtrkeas snd that the supply on hand will
be enough for the trade which demands
turkey at any price. The dealers have been
troubled to secure stock but with the
present price they have given up the strug
gle and if the birds are offered they will
handle only hat they are certain to dis
pose of.""
Publish your legal notices la The Weekly
Bee, Telephone Ul
Candy for Christmas
Any kind at any price. In fancy boxes
from 10c to $5, or in bulk for your tree.
Christmas boxes of cigars, holding from
12 to 60, and from 60c for 6c ones to $1.75
for the very best lOo cigars. We sell 1
Chllds, Cremos, Lillian Russells or New
Cuba Cigars for Ec, or 10 for 25c showing
that our prices are right, and the same
ratio prevails on the other Christmas
packages, or In fact everything we handle.
$1.00 Peruna for instance 61o
$1.00 Pierce's Remedies for 64c
3fc Genuine Castorla .... 24c
$1.00 New Temptation Tonic 25o
We control the entire output of the
Temptation Tonic Company and Madison
Specialty Company's genuine goods only.
$1.00 Canadian Malt Whiskey, guar
anteed T5o
$1.00 Iler's Malt Whiskey (want It?).. 62a
60c Gem Catarrh Powder 30c
60c "Catarrh Hem." guaranteed 30o
$1.00 Hossack'a Sarsaparllla, guaran
teed 65o
Tel. 11. . W. Cor. itb mn Chla.
Art Goods for Gifts.
Only 6 Days More Until Xmas
Marble and Ebony Pedestals, Jardlnlera, Um
brella Stands, Royal Bonn Vases. Austnan Vases,
Rook wood Tottery. FIndland Vases, Scotch Motto
Ware, Russian Souvenir Cups, Fravllle Glass, Que
eal Fravllle Glass, Hand Decorated China, Coalport
Plates, Chocolate Sets. Ramakln Sets, Lenox Vases,
articles for dens, ' Smoking Sets, Steins, Musical
Steins, Masks, Plaques, Tapestry, Busts, Posters,
Pillow Covers, Cuckoo Clocks, Bronze Figures, etc
dome and see the pretty things for gifts and fa
vors or write for catalogue.
Mawhiney 6c Ryan Co,
15th and Douglas St., Omaha.
Trunks Traveling Bags
We carry the finest and largest line of Trunks, Suit Cases
and Hand Dags In the city. Our stock of leather gooda offers
many tempting Christmas gifts. Prices, lowest to highest.
1209 Farnam Street. ' Telephone 1058.
Shrader's Laxative Fig Powder
Cure biliousness, liver complaint Trial box, 10c; large box, 25c,
Your druggist sells it. ;
Manufactured by W.J. Shrader Med. Co Omaha & New York
Order that Suit or Overcoat today
and you will not be disappointed.
Suits, $22.50 to $40.00.
Overcoats, $25.00 to $45.00.
Trousers, $6.00 to $10.00.
Dress Suits, $45.00 to $60.00.
Each and every garment carefully
fitted before completed and made by
Omaha's best tailors.
1515 Farnam. Open Evneinfs
ICuhn's Glycerole of Roses
107 North 16th St. Ooo. P.O.
'aaaestlans for Christmas Buylns-
. m... ti 7K tn fO no chargo for engraving; dainty Enameled
SlgTiet RJnr. V l5i?. same in I'roorhes. $6 to lio" Gold Thimbles. tS
Stick vvSumsVSSIs and UU1 Books. 11.50 to M; Chatelaine
fur5uot,e. .M to l: VVamrThyX' top., or
li2 &'lM"lU quadruple plated Comb.
L'A' S-U . rial" Hurnlshed Oil. bed Hoom Clock, bey.
eled facVwXheVauUfuny Vrved and aVV.s.Tc. nijm anVengraved. In
open-face Watches Df" ' 0ulnea -old- ryj to $235.
ana ia vug." .. -
Made heavy enough to wear
without rubbers and also light
enough to wear with rubbers or
By the way, our Overshoe stork
is complete, from the lowest rub
ber to the hlh 4-buckle Arctic.
We carry no second quality rub
bers nor any machlne-eewed
Sorosls, $3.50 always.
Shoe Store
203 S. 15th St.
Frank Wilcox,
c dialogue
Cure the COLD
and stop the
Ask your druggist, or send 25c to Howell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb.
Cut Glass Bottles
We have a handsome assortment of Cut
Glass Bottles in' tne small stars- aio )
many styles and slies filled with line per
Hundreds of purchasers have availed
themselves of the opportunity we have af
forded them of buying Pocketbooks at fac
tory prices. We have a One assortment on
hand yet. Prices from 6c to ft 00.
Low prices by the box.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co.
Low Prices
St 111 prevail at our CLOSING OCT
ot DRUGS. BEAT 'EM If you can.
Tartaric acid, lb
Hypo sulphate soda, lb
Bucbu Leaves, lb
Bait Petre, lb
Oxalic acid, lb .....
Alum, lb
Comp. Licorice Powder, lb
Almond meal, lb
Ground ginger, lb
Roll sulphur, lb
Boraclc acid, lb
cans, ..... ... .. .
Copperas, lb ...... ....
Brouio tteltier
Fuller Drug & Paint Co.
114 S. Mth Street.
.... 5c
. 5c
. . . . 40o
. ..I0o
.... 6c
... (c