Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Operators Sold Oat Ho Hope for Belief
This Winter.
Ufuallj Bliortage at Mines ia ade by
Stored OoiL
Consumption Always Exteeds Btpply
Daring Gold Months of Tear.
laereaa Declared la October Will
Utt lata January May
Rale Darlngr All Cnnloi
Twelve Moalhi.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. Dee. IS. Official
of the Raiding Railway company hold
out no hop (or relief In the anthra
cite coal stringency thli winter despite the
effort! of the company to mine and ahlp
to Ita full erpaclty.
"Voder normal conditions," eald one of
the officials, "the anthracite production le
nerer equal to the demand during the win
ter months and the Reading and all the
other anthracite companies hare been
obliged to draw upon the stock at yarlous
storage points to help out the demands
of the trade.
"This year there la not a pound of coal
at any of these storage points and con
sumers are dependent entirely upon the
dally output of the minee. The Mr dealers
In New England, who usually have In stork
at this season of the year from 60,000 to
100,000 tons, are dependent entirely upon
what Is being shipped to them by the yarl
ous companies.
"Practically all the Reading company's
collieries are In operation. Tbe company
shipped from tbe mines during the last
two days nearly 1,900 cars of coal. This
means a dally production of nearly 80,000
It Is stated that the Pennsylvania rail
road has t,000 of the Reading company's
coal cars on Its tracks In the western part
of tbe state, as well aa 2,000 belonging to
the Central Railway of New Jersey, and
these are urgently needed In the anthracite
trade. Their non-delivery. It Is claimed, is
j csuslng much delay in the shipment of
anthracite to points west of Harrlsburg.
- Reading company officials decline to dis
cuss the question as to whether the ad
vance of 50 cents a ton made In October
would hold good during 1903, but they
admit that it will certainly rule beyond Jan
uary 1, 1903, tbe date died by Mr. Baer for a
reduction to the old rate.
An operator, who attended ths meeting
of the operator In New York stated that
the advance would be retained during all
next year.
DUepa Spread la Wuklirt.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 18. A material In
crease Tn'th number of rase of pneumonia
and aevere colds among the people of this
. rtty Is attributed by physicians to the coal
They aay that In most of tbe homes they
visit only a few of the rooms are heated,
and even many well-to-do residents have
abandoned their furnace.
The price of hard coal fromfthe Inde
pendent operators today waa $12 ton.
Soft ooal at retail brought 18 a ton and
many of the dealers are unable to furnish
even small tot to regular customers.
Stop Sale from Car.
BRIDGEPORT. Conn., Dec. 18. At a
secret meeting here today of the Retail
Coal Dealers' association of New England
plans for protecting the members were
The secretary, O. W. Sears of Arlington,
Mass., said:
"W are discussing plans to protect the
legitimate dealera against the encroach
ment of companies and men who propose
to sell coal direct from the railroad cars.
We, with expensive plants, cannot compete
with them. Our association s'arts from
Chicago and takea In tbe entire east. We
propoee to notify members of the associa
tion of sales to companies doing business
from cars direct and they will be gu'd-d
accordingly. It Is a move for protection
pur and simple."
Mr. Grant' Body Will Be Interred
with Military Honor at
Nw York.
WASHINGTON. Deo. 18. Arrangements
war completed her tod-iy tor the funeral
of the late Mrs. Julia Dent Grant. There
will be funeral services at the Metropolitan
Methodlat church in this city at 9:30 on
Saturday morning, the Kev. Frank M. Bris
tol officiating.
Immediately after the funeral the cortege
will proceed to the Pennsylvania railroad
station and take the train for New York
city The Grant monument association's
representative will meet the coffin at Jersey
City and take It to the Grant tomb in
Riverside drive, wher Orant post, Q. A. R.,
will serve as a guard of honor.
The committal service will be held at the
tomb on Sunday morning. Special military
honors will be paid and all the army and
naval officer In New York city and vicin
ity will attend in full dress uniform.
The honorary pallbearers In this city wltl
be Speaker Henderson, Secretaries Root
and Wilson, Major Grenvllle Dodge, Sen
ator Cullora, Fairbanks, Allison. Foraker
and Piatt of New York. John R. McLean of
Ohio and Hon. J. 1. Bancroft Davis of
It I not expected that they will accom
pany th remain to New York, though Sec
retary Root and some of the other may do
so. There will b no funeral service at
the house.
Through the Japanese minister the sym
pathy of the empress of Japan for the Grant
family In lis affliction was expressed today
In the following cablegram:
Her , ma'eety, the empres. heard with
much orrow of the death of Mr. Orant.
Pls convey to her family her majesty
Inoere oondo'enre.
Minister of th Imperial Household.
Mlehlaa Bay I Again la Custody
a Chare af Slaying.
. rather.
IRON MOUNTAIN, Mich.. Dee. 18. Nels
Erlrkaon wa agaia arrested today, charged
with th murder of his father. John Erlck
son, who disappeared last May.
A shotgun found near th body, supposed
at th time to belong to the dead man's
son, has been fully Idem! fled and led to the
arrest today. f
Been ot It National Character
Guatemala Newspaper Ie Sot
Refer to Louse.
GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala, Dee.
(Correspondence of the Associated P t. '
It Is probably due to some governs
Instructions that the papers here have nt.
said anything with reference to the erup
tion of the Santa Maria volcano, which
cannot be considered because of Its mag
nitude as a national calamity.
The losses suffered by Oerman capital
alone are not less than $4,250,000, consist
ing of houses and machinery destroyed,
and destrutlon of the present coffee crop.
If the total destruction of many otter prop
erties belonging to other foreigners as
wejl as to the natives Is added to this
amount the actual losses ascend to a fan
tastic sum. The volcano Is still in activity
and a new eruption Is feared at any time.
The suffering Is Indescribable for, besides
the loss of coffee, which Is estimated at
about 300,000 quintals, the corn and wheat
fields are ruined.
Owing to the unusually high rate of ex
change buslnes Is entirely paralyzed, for
all Imported articles have reached such
prices that very few persons can afford
to buy them and most, of the merchants
sell Just enough to cover their expense.
The worst part of the present bad con
dition Is that no one knows how or when
It wilt change and It is almost unendurable
Just now. Articles of first necessity have
reached Inaccessible prices and the poor
class of people Is suffering therefrom.
Paper Think Xo Hesitation Nerd Be
Shown la Accepting- III
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Dec- 18. -(New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Comment
ing on tbe announcement from Caracas that
Mr. Bowen has been commissioned by Pres
ident Castro to make terms for Venezuela,
the Standard this morning says:
The most Mr. Bowen could do would be
to Interpose his good offices between the
belligerent. If they were accepted the re
moter claims of the allies presumably
would be referred to the mixed commission
suggested In Lord Lansdowne's dispatch of
December 2
The measures already adopted have thus
far worked so smoothly that there Is sub
stantial reason for hoping that the latter
stages of the controversy will be equally
The Chronicle also refers to the message,
and says It will prove a pleasant relief to
the people of this country If the Impression
which Is prevalent In Alnerica, that the
critical phase ha passed, proves correct.
If the assertion that Mr. Bowen is to bo
arbitrator proves correct a satisfactory ar
rangement ought not to be remote. We
cannot suppose that either the British or
German government would hesitate to ac
cept the service of Mr. Howen. It. of
couree. Is quite possible that President
Castro 1 merely playing for time, and
that his sudden desire for arbitration Is
not sincere. His last attitude, like his
previous attitudes, may be but a move in
a game.
On the whole, however, we are disposed
to hope that a pacific solution of thlfl
theory problem may be not far away. '
Denlr Himself All the Comfort of
Life and Die la a Gen
eral Hospital.
TORONTO, Ont., Dec. 18. ElyHyman. a
Jew who begged for admission to the gen
eral hospital here on Saturday, Is dead.
An examination of his clothing resulted In
finding scrip worth $31,000. Other paper
showed him to be worth probably $100,000.
For twenty years be has slept in sheds
and stables. He sold papers and begged.
His hdrs are his wife and daughter, living.
It Is thought, In San Francisco.
I Arraigned on Cliararo of Reins; In
Gambling; Hono aad Thea
. MADRID. Dec. 18. General Borbouny de
Castellvl, a cousin of King Alfonso, was
arrested yesterday afternoon in a gambling
house. ,
He was arraigned before tbe captain gen
eral and subsequently released. The gen
eral has been challenged for the energetic
attempt made to supprees elub gambling.
la Addltloa to Fatalities, Nine Thon
sand Honar Destroyed la
Russian Towa.
TASHKEND, Asiatic Russia. Deo. 18.
Three officials, two soldiers and ISO na
tives, mostly children, wer killed by the
earthquake which destroyed the town of
Andljan. Russian central 1 Asia, Tuesday.
In addition 3,00 native and seventeen
soldier were Injured and 9,000 houses of
natives and 130 Russian residence were
Paper Filed at Colorado Spring la
Whloh Many Million Aro
B. O'Hare, one of the original locaters of 1
the Portland mine at vripple Creek, today 1
filed a suit In the district court against
James F. Burnes and the Portland Gold
Gold Mining company, asking for a one
sixth Interest In the mine and one-sixth
Interest in the ore which has been shipped j
since date of discovery. '
The mine haa produced approximately i
$12,000,000, and at the ruilng market price
of the stock is selling at $8,000,000, so that
the clalma amount to $3,000,000 against the
Portland estate. The suit is brought upon
practically the same grounds a those upon
which Jamea Doyle obtained a Judgment
of $500,000 In ths district court at Council
Bluffs, Is,, several month ago. This Is th
largest suit ever brought In Cripple Creek, j
Ma Thousand Irreconcilable Will
Leave Soath Africa for Aater.
lean Weat.
DENVER. Dee. 18 Nearly t.OOO Boers
are preparing to "trek'' to Colorado, New
Mexico and Ttxaa. The representative of
this movement la Genera! Pearson, let
quartermaster general of th South African
republic, whose headquarters are in New
York. ,
Colorado friends of the Boers have been
In communication with the general with
regard to new land tor the settlers aad
General M. DeVilllers, who Is now looking
ever these lands, has expressed himself as
favorably Impressed with thia stale.
Memben Want to 8ee Correspondence in
Venezuelan Negotiations.
y-hilcan Favor Twenty-Five Per
-f the Dlngley Rate and
' rata Want to Kstnb-
" Free Trad.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 18. The house to
day passed the bill to reduce the duties on
Imports from the Philippines from 75 per
cent of the Dlngley rates to 25 per cent.
The discussion was accompanied by con
siderable maneuvorltig by the democrats to
secure test votes on amendments to lower
the tariff still further. Finally a record
vote was forced on a motion to recommit
with Instructions to report a bill for ab
solute free trade with the Island.
The division on the proposition was on
party lines, with the exception of Mr. Mc
Call, republican (Mass.), who voted with
the democrats.
The discussion of the pure food bill,
which has been made a continuing order
until disposed of, was begun. Mr. Tomp
kins (O.) and Mr. Adamson (Ga.) opened
the debate respectively for and against
the bill. Mr. Gardner opposed tbe bill.
The McCall resolution calling on the
State department for the correspondence
In the Venezuelan embrogllo was adopted
at the beginning of the session.
In the absence of the speaker, who at
tended the wedding of Representative
Blackburn (N. C), Mr. Dalzell (Pa.) today
(resided over the deliberations of the
Call for Letters.
Immediately after the reading of the
Journal Mr. Hltt (111 ), from the commit
tee on foreign affairs, reported back the
De Armond and McCall resolutions calling
upon the secretary of state for the facts
with relation to the clalma of Great Britain
and Germany against Venezuela and gen
erally for a statement of tbe diplomatic
situation, with reference to the Monroe
The report recommended that the De
Armond resolution llu upon the table and
that the McCall resolution, which called
for all the correspondence In the case, be
Mr. Richardson (Tenn.) asked why Italy
and other European countries, which were
figuring In the controversy, were not named
In the resolution.
Mr. Hltt replied that he was advised that
the correspondence was similar la each
case. The recommendation of the com
mittee were agreed to and the McCall reso
lution was adopted.
The house then went Into committee of
the whole and took up tbe consideration
of the bill reported by the ways and means
committee yesterday to reduce tbe duties
on articles, the growth and product of the
Philippine archipelago from 75 per eent
of the Dlngley rates to 25 per cent.
Mr. Payne (N. Y.) explained tbe bill. The
Philippine government, he said, needed rev
enue and for that reason it was Impracti
cable to totally abolish the duties. v
Mr. Richardson (Tenn) said he, believed
any duty was unjust, unconstitutional and
unamerlcan, but he believed In a reduc
tion. He gave notice that he would vote
to recommit the bill with Instruction to
report it back amended so ss to provide
for free trade with the Islands.
Mr. McClellan (N. Y.) recalled the fact
fthat General Wright, vice governor of the
Philippines, In a hearing before the ways
and means committee, expressed the
opinion that the free Importation of Phil
ippine product would best subserve the
interests of the Islands.
Mr. Richardson's motion was defeated on
a roll call by 91 to 122. The bill was then
passed without division.
Pore Food Dlarnssed.
Tbe house next took up the bill to pre
vent the "adulteration, misbranding and
imitation of foods, beverages, candles,
drugs and condiments in the District of
Columbia and the territories," known a
the pure-food bill. It was arranged thst
Mr. Hepburn should control the time for
debate in favor of the measure and Mr.
Adamson (Ga.) that against It.
Mr. Tompkins (O.). who reported the bill,
said It was the embodiment of the views
not only of the majority of the members of
the committee, but of a vsst majority of
all persons and associations who had
sought to prevent fraud and injury in the
sale of food producta and drugs that came
within the scope of Interstate commerce.
The bill did not prohibit the manufacture
or sale rf any food product not deleterious,
however adulterated, or prohibit the sale
of adulterated druga, but It provided that
all adulterated foods and drugs should be
placed on the market under their true
names and In such manner as to advise the
purchaser what he was getting.
He referred to the revelations before the
cemmittee, where It was shown that fraud
and deception was practiced in foods not
suspected of being other than genuine by
tbe general public.
Mr. Adamson (Ga.) opposed the bill, tak
ing the ground that the state could deal
adequately with the situation. He believed
In protecting the public sgatnst fraud, but
did not believe In imposing the task on the
federal government. No one could contend
that a state could not punish common
cheats and swindlers If tbey sold one thing
and delivered another.
Mr. Gardner (Mas.) opposed. He de
clared the bill would interfere with, many
legitimate industries. Boraclc acid waa used
in the preservation of codfish, and under
the terms of tbe bill would be regarded as
deleterious to health by the government
chemists. He said he would offer an amend
ment to meet- this objection.
In conclusion, he said there was a good
deal of humbug in the outcry against adul
terated goods. If men ate adulterated food
they did not want to know It, any more
than they wanted to know the unhcalthful
conditions with which they were sometimes
surrounded. The antl-spltting and so-called
health regulations and ordinances were
Without action on the bill the bouse .ad
journed. Currency- for Philippine.
WASHINGTON.'lVe. 18 The aenate com
mittee on the Philippine today agreed upon
a bill for the establishment of a currency
for the Philippines, which is tbe Joint pro
duction of Senators Lodge and Allison. The
bill makes the gold peso of 13 9-10 grain
the unit of value In the Islands and makes
the gold coins of tbe United States legal
tender for all debts.
Paine la Takea HI.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. While on his
way to the White hous today shortly after
noon to see th president Mr. Payne, post
master general, suffered an attack of acuta
congestion. He waa driven to hi hotel
aad two physicians summoned. This after
noon he wa much better and will bo at
hla office tomorrow.
Many Wttaeaee Support Claim of
Laura Bla-aar on
Trial for
18 Mrs. Mary
Roche was the first wltnVss today In the
trial of Laura Blggar, DrJ Charles C. Hen
dricks and Samuel Stantoa for alleged con
spiracy to get the estate of Henry M. Ben
nett. Mr Roche formerly kept house for
Mr. Bennett In New York and she said that
In 1900 he told her he would occupy one
of the flats In his apartment house In Seventy-second
street with his wife.
The witness said that later In the same
year Miss Blggar showed a certificate of
marriage with Mr. Bennett. An uosuecess
I ful effort was merle to shake Dr. J. O. Con-
ley's testimony that he was present when
a male child was born to Miss Blggar at
Dr. Hendricks' sanitarium.
Joseph Rlckert testified that Bennett and
! Miss Blggar stopped In his hotel In Mount
Pleasant, Mich., December 15, 1900, and that
Mr. Bennett had registered as "Henry M.
Bennett and wife." The register wss pro
duced and the state acknowledged the sig
nature. C. E. Keter of New York eald Mr.
Bennett at hla farm In Farmlngdale, N. J.,
June 17, 1901, Introduced Miss Blggar to
him as Mrs. Bennett.
Samuel Stanton, former Justice of the
peace and one of the defendants, testified
that he married Mr. Bennett and Miss Blg
gar at his home In Hohoken, January 2,
1898, and that he gave Miss Blirgar a mar
riage certificate, which later she said' she
lost. The witness said she asked him for
another and then he gavej hi story of the
effort to record the certificates.
William B. Layton, an jemploye at Mr.
Bennett's stock farm, saf1 he had heard
Mr. Bennett call Miss Blggar his wife, but
became confused when cross-examined.
Ho was shown an affidavit and asked If
he had sworn to It. The affidavit wa made
In September and In It Layton had stated,
it was alleged, that he had never heard
anyone address Miss Blggar as Mrs. Ben
nett. The occasion far the affidavit was
not made public in court.
Salelde In Mlanourl Surprised to
Find Himself Ont of
MARCELINE, Mo.. Dec. 18. C. P. Bow
dish of Elburn, 111., shot and killed himself
in a hotel here tonlbtit.
He arrived on the Santa Fe this morning
snd sfter registering at an hotel visited a
physician and complained of being lck.
The doctor -suspected that he was drinking
and ndvleed him to refrain.
- Bowdlsh promised to do so, and returning
to his hotel stopped In the telegraph office
and asked the operator what town he was
In. Being Informed that It was Marcellne,
Mo., he expressed surprise that he was out
of Illinois, and then sent a meseage to his
wife at Elburn, 111., to come and get him.
This afternoon Bowdlsh ' bought an ex
pensive pistol and Just before supper time
went up to his room. A few minutes later
the report of a pistol was heard and he was
found lying on th bed, a bullet hole In his
right temple and his leffer badly disfig
ured where the bullenbarf come out.'"' A
bottle of carbollo acid was found under the
On the table was a letter, In which he
bade goodby to his father, P. S. Bowdlsh
of Elburn and hi aunt, Mrs. Nellie Blttens,
616 Sunnyside avenue, Chicago, and asked
that his property go to his wife. The note
You will find money enough on my per
son to pay expenses anil get me home. I
have one reason for doing this, my money
is nearly gone and I am not strong enough
to work.
Child of Andrevr Carnegie Not to Re
Hardened with Wealth of
NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Tho Evening Post
today prints the following: In our real es
tate columns yesterday, in our reference
to the sale by Mr. Carnegie to Mr. Burden
of certain lots In the "Highlands" of Fifth
avenue, we spoke of Mr. Carnegie's own
house, which Is to be a Christmas gift to
his little daughter. This Item had been
printed before and we took It for an un
disputed fact. We now learn that It has
no foundation whatever and that nothing
could be less in harmony with the Ideas
of Mr. and Mrs. Carnegie than that their
daughter should now or ever be burdened
with great wealth. Least of all Is she to
be taught while in youth that she haa
"great expectations" or any expectations
at all beyond a moderate competence.
Neither of her parents deems great wealth
a desirable possession for the morning of
life, or for a'ny part of life, except as it
may be employed for the advancement of
the human race.
Asked to Devote Cash aad Securities
to the Payment of Certain
TRENTON, N. J., Dee. 18. The Land
Title and Trust company of Philadelphia,
as trustees for holder of gold certificates
of the Asphalt Company of America, today
instituted suit In tbe United States circuit
court against Henry Latham and John M.
Mack, receivers for tho Asphalt Company
of America and the National Asphalt com
pany. The object of the suit is to have the
holders of the gold certificates given pref
erence over holders of common and pre
ferred stock and alao to foreclose a mort
gage held by the Land Title company.
The petitioner ask that securities
mounting to nearly $1,000,000 and $1,080;
540 cash and demand notea of the sub
sidiary companies be devoted to the pay
ing off of the holder of tbe gold certi
ficates of tbe Asphalt Company of America.
Fonad la Idaho and Supposed to Re
that of Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, Man.
BOISE, Idaho, Dec. 18 Th body of a
man believed to be either Earl Bittle or
Andrew Bittle ot Cedar Rapids, la., was
round near Mountain Home, Idaho. The
man Is supposed to have been dead several
In his pocket was a railway ticket from
Cedar Rapids to Portland, Ore., and a purse
containing $190. The purse bears the name
ot Andrew Bittle.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Dec. 18. Edward
Bittle, mho dead body waa found near
Mountain Home, Idaho, left her May 27
to buy land. He wa known to have left
th train at Granger, Wyo., which waa th
last heard of him. He wa a wealthy
young farmer, living at Lisbon, eighteen
miles east of Cedar Rapid.
Bartlett Richards Corfident a Leasing Bill
Will Fast This Session.
Small Public Building- Rill to Be In
troduced, but Nebraska I Likely
to Seenre I.lttle Oat
of It.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) Bartlett Richards, representative
of the Cattle Growers' association of Ne
braska, who haa been In Washington for
the past ten days looking after the. inter
est of the cattlemen, so far as national
legislation la concerned, left for Coronado,
Cal this afternoon. Before leaving for the
west Mr. Richards said:
"I am greatly encouraged In believing
we will secure some sort of legislation per
mitting the leasing of public lands during
the present session of congress. I have
outlined a bill, which 'was submitted to
the Nebraska delegation last night, and to
a representative of the government, and I
have reason to believe that the president
and secretary of the Interior will give the
measure their support. I anticipate that
there will be a united delegation from Ne
braska In tta favor, .and I am confident
that Chairman Lacey of the public land
committee of the house will aleo lend his
assistance. The states contiguous to Ne
braska are Interested In tbe scheme of
making the bill apply only to Nebraska,
and they watch, with much Interest the
manner of Its working out. Of course, I
do not pretend to say that the scheme as
proposed is the best that can be devised.
I do say, however. It Is the fairest measure
yet presented and safeguards the Interests
of tbe government and the cattlemen. The
bill In all probability will not be introduced
until after the holiday recess, but after
that time you can look for some tall hustl
ing on the part of the cattle growers of
Nebraska to bring about Its passage."
Protest oa Moaby.
Senators Dietrich and Millard presented
the delegation of cattle growers, headed
by Bartlett Richards, to the president
today. They went over the bill which will
probably be known as the "community of
Interest" bill, with the chief executive and
It is inferred that Mr. Richards' expres
sion In regard to having the support of
the administration grew out of the talk
had with Mr. Roosevelt. Later the delega
tion ca"lled at the Interior department, but
failed to see Secretary Hitchcock. They
left a copy of the bill agreed upon at last
night's conference and stated they would
return to the city early In January to press
action on the bill.
It was stated today about the Interior
department that the vigorous kicks made
against Colonel Mosby were bearing fruit
and that In all probability he would be re
lieved of duty In Nebraska and sent to
The president has let It be known that he
will permit no Improper or Illegal encroach
ment upon government lands and tbe In
terior department - aatlaa-ala thai Una,
W. G. Comstock of Alnsworth, Neb., and
Daniel Hill of Gordon, who came with Mr.
Richards to Washington in the Interests of
the leasing proposition, left this afternoon
for New York atate to visit relatives.
A. S. Reed of Alliance, another cattleman,
left for Nebraska today.
Small Public Building; Budget.
It was generally understood today that
there would be a small omnibus public
building bill reported Immediately after
the holiday recess. When the member
learned of this there was scurrlrg to and
fro to make combinations for mutual bene
fit. Congressman Smith of Council Bluffs
Is anxious to hsve an additional appropri
ation for the Council Bluffs public building.
Congressman Conner ot Iowa, and member
of the public buildings and ground com
mitter. Is exceedingly anxious to get a pub
lic building at Webster City in his district.
In order to placate the warring republican
factions growing out of the removal of the
postmaster at that place. Representative
Haugen of Iowa wants two public buildings,
one at Mason City and the other at De
corah, but he is not st all hopeful of secur
ing these at thia session. In view ot the
limit that will be placed In the bill. '
There will be little or nothing fo- Ne
braska, except In all probability a change
in the Lincoln public building act permit
ting the sale of the present postofflce build
ing there to the city of Lincoln and pro
viding for the erection of an entire new
building, which Is now pending before the
public buildings and grounds committee In
the form of a separate bill Introduced by
Mr. Burkett.
Place for Lincoln His,
J. D. Harris of Lincoln, formerly clerk
of the district court of Lancaster county,
but recently In Cuba In the employ of the
War department, has been given a position
In the Insular division of the War depart
ment In this city, at the request of Mr.
Senntor Gamble and Representative Mar
tin left for the west today, Mr. Martin,
however, having planned to stop off at St. 1
Louis for a day or two before going on to 1
South Dakota.
Congressman Burkett leaves for home to- i
morrow, as do Representatives Smith and
Hedge of Iowa.
Postmasters appointed: Iowa John Var
enkamp, Sully, Jasper county. Wyoming
Frederick C Ruggy, Glen Rock, Converse
county. '
The comptroller of the currency has au
thorized the National Bank of Pawnee City,
Neb., to begin business, with a capital of
$r,o 000.
Representative Mondell today lntro'dttced
a bill to pension Mary Dewlre. widow of
John Dewlre, late Company I, Second Ne
braska volunteers, at $16 per month.
Advise the Wavy Department Where
Ship Will Go For
WASHINGTON, Dee. 18 The Navy de
partment has received a cablegram from i
Admiral Dewey announcing tbe pro
posed Itinerary of the vessels of his fleet J
during the Christmas holidays. I
Admiral Dewey's cablegram, dated San
Juan, December 14, Is to this effect:
Proposed Itlrerary of vessels for Christ- '
mas holidays: Kearsarge, Alabama, Massa
chusetts. Iowa, fcorpion, Trlnlilad, Illinois,
Indiana, to St. Tlwiman; Texas, to Polnt-a-
Petrle; Chicago. New York, Kagle, to Cura- j
era; Ban Francisco, Albany, Watp, to May-,
agues; Cincinnati, Atlanta, prairie, tugs '
snd torpedo boats, to San Juan; t.'ulgoa. to
Mayagues ami Pun Juan; Olympla, Nash
ville and Machlaa. to St. Kltts; Detroit, to ,
hiikuh; aiayuuwer ann lsen lo i'orto
P.ican waters and vicinity, and Dolphin, to
Antigua ard vicinity.
In reply Secretary Moody bent tbe follow
ing: tarry out proposed Itinera, y. Merry
condition of the weather;
Forecast for Nebraska Fa lr In North.
ITobihly H-iow in South Portion Friday;
Saturday Fair
r i
Hour. lies, Hour. l)rg.
B a. m II 1 p. m it7
a. m u a p. m Its
T a. in II ft p. at. 2K
H a. m a 4 p. m . . . . . tu
a. m 12 Bp. m l
10 a. m ia tl p. m 2.1
11 a. m is) T p. m as
11 n Jt4 a p. m Ktl
O p. m JCJ
Crew of Disabled Vessel, Frost-Rlttea
and Helpless, Take Day to
Attract Aid.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 18. Suffering
severely from exposure and privation evon
shipwrecked men and one woman arrived
here today on the British steamer Mlra.
The victims Included C. H. Clements, owner
of the British schooner J. N. Wylde; Cap
tain Dunphy, his wife, and five seamen. Off
Newfoundland J. N. Wylde was overtaken
by a blizzard, which continued more than a
Week. Benumbed by the cold the captain
and crew were unable to mannge the
schooner, which was tossed helplessly
about. Several vessel psssed, but the cap
tain and crew were unable to answer their
signals. Finally one of the sailors suc
ceeded In fastening a signal to the mast,
which, on December 14, brought Mlra to
the rescue.
After battling five hours with the heavy
seas, Mlra's crew succeeded In transferring
the sufferers to their vessel. All of the
victims were badly frost-bitten and four of
them are now in a hospital.
Sentiment on Wall Street Chan arc
nnd Price for Stock I
NEW YORK, Dec. 18. The stock market
opened very strong and active today,
gains of 1 to 3 point being registered In
the early trading. The Improved howlng
was primarily due to a better feeling re
garding conditions In Venezuela.
Gains of over 1 per cent were made at
the opening by Baltimore & Ohio, Louis
ville, New York Central, Reading, St. Paul.
Rock Island, Brooklyn Transit and several
others. Some of these, notably St. Paul,
more than held their early advances.
The list, while showing some decrease In
activity, held firm during the morning ses
sion. Call money was offered at 4 per
cent and the demand was moderate. There
was a tendency to slighter ease In the rate
for time money.
Family Want III Kstate and Spirit
Him Away from Neighborhood
of Coast.
MARION, Ind., Dec. 18. John De Camps,
80 years old, who mysteriously disappeared
from OeeenWUe, ' O., a yeatago,. ea. been
located et Somerset, a village near here.
De Camps and nn older brother owned an
estate valued at $100,000. The older
brother died suddenly and the next day a
sister, Mrs. Harriet De Laplalne, filed a suit
In partition. Another faction of the fam
ily tried to get possession, and it Is said
De Camps was kidnaped and brought to the
home of one of his nieces at Somerset.
The Greenville court has been notified
and an effort will be made to take De
Camps back home and restore his property
to him.
Canton Man Charged with Confiscat
ing; Cola on Ground of
CANTON. O.. Dec. 18. Edmund Haueer
has been arrested by United States officials
and will be given a hearing at Warren to
morrow. He Is charged with representing himself
aa employed by the government to examine
and withdraw from circulation counterfeit
coins. It Is alleged he visited a number of
stores, showed a badge which seemed to
prove hi statement, and was allowed to
examine money In the cash drawers.
In several Instances he Is Bald to have
taken money and placed It In his pocket on
the ground that It was counterfeit and
would have to be confiscated.
Indiana Counties Spend Million
on nig Reclamation
CROWN POINT. Ind., Dee. 18. Prelimi
nary step are under way In the north
western counties of Indiana to construct a
large artificial waterway which will re
claim hundreds of thousands of acres of
Kankakee marsh land now regarded as
A contract has been let for the first four
teen miles In Laporte and Starke counties
for $120,000. The ditch will be eighty feet
wide snd sixteen fect deep. It Is the plan
of other counties to continue the ditch to
the Illinois line, a distance of sixty miles.
The total cost will be about $1,000,000.
Two Million Doll it r to Re Spent oa
Tblrty-gis Mile of
DENVER. Dec. 18 Contract were let
today for the grading of thirty-six miles
of the Denver, Northwestern & Pacific
railroad In front of the mountains between
Denver and the tunnel through the crest
of the continental divide. The work on
this section Is heavier and more expensive
than on any other portion between Denver
and Salt Lake City.
The contracts let today call for pav.
ments of $2,000,000. Work Is to be begun
within ten days. Further contracts will
be let soon.
Movement ot Oeean Vessel Dee. 18.
At New York-Sailed: I Touralne, for
f Naples Sailed: Heaperla. for New
At Glasgow Arrtvtd: Furneasta, from
New York. Sailed: Carthinenlan, for Bt.
Johns. N. F.. and Philadelphia.
At Rrowhead Paed: Haverford, from
Philadelphia, for Liverpool.
At Queenstown Arrived: Haverford. from
Philadelphia, foi Liverpool, and proceeded.
Palled: C' Itlc, fr.m Liverpool, for New
At Cape Town Arrived: Inverlc from
Tacntna via Montevideo.
At Hamburg Arrived: Pennsylvania, from
New York.
At Havre Arrived: I-a limine,, from
New York.
At Genoa Arrived: Ijihn, from New
York via Gibraltar and Kaplca.
Cutro Clothoa American tyinister with
Complete Jurisdiction to Settle.
Suggests Diplomat Approach Allies with
Ofer of Usliation.
Attempt to Close Trouble Will Be Maile if
State Department Allows.
All Earopeaa Governments Interested
Claim thnt War I Not Wanted aad
Suspend Operation la Hope of
Venezuela Yielding;.
CARACAS, Dee. 18 Lopei Paralt. n .
exuelan minister of foreign affairs, ha
transmitted to the I'nlted State minister,
Mr. Bowen, a document signed by Pres
ident Castro, as constitutional president of
the republic, and countersigned by himself
as minister of foreign affairs. In which Mr.
Bowen Is recognized aa the only repre
sentative of Venezuela In the matter of ef
fecting a aettlement of the present dif
ficulty. According to the terms of this document.,
Mr. Bowen may act without restriction, and
he la to use all means possible to protect
the Interests of Venezuela,
Events here are dependent upon the
answers of Orcat Britain, Germany and
Italy to the proposal of arbitration ad
vanced by Veneiuela. These answers are
expected tomorrow. Should they be fav
orable the Venezuelan government strongly
desires that a conference of the ambas
sadors of Great Britain, Germany and Italy
to the I'nlted States then be held In Wash
ington, and that Mr. Bowen leave La
Guayra on December 23 for the United
States on board the steamer Caracas, which
Is due to reach New York on December 29.
Mr. Bowen would thon meet the ambas
sadors In Washington.
No meeting for terms of settlement Is to
be held on Venezuelan toll.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. New of Presi
dent Castro's offer to Mr. Bowen has
created ome excitement here and It Is
understood power will be given the min
ister to act provided the allies agree.
Whether tho consent of these govern
ments can be obtained will, it Is believed
here, depend entirely upon the sufficiency
of any guaranty that can be given for the
faithful discharge by Prealdent Castro of
any obligations he may assume as tbe re
sult of Mr. Bowen'a efforts.
The allies claim that they must be as
sured against the consequences of another
revolution and the repudiation by any pres
ident who may follow Castro.
The effort to Induce the United State
government to act a guarantor. It 1 safe
V ay, wtll not succeed aid It 1 begin
ning fo appear that thera s likely to be a
mixed commission appointed to receive all
Venezuelan customs and. setting apart a
certain portion for the maintenance ot tho
Venezuelan government, disburse the re
mainder among the powers until their ob
ligations shall be met.
The government of France haa now en
tered the field as an active party In the
trouble. The French government has,
through its ambassadors, charges and min
isters, served notice upon the govern
ments of Great Britain, Germany and
Italy and by way of information has also
told Secretary Hay that any provision made
for the settlement of the claims against
Venezuela must recognise the pre-eminence
of the French claims.
France Is reported to have received as
surances from the other governments
named that any arrangements made would
provide for the security of the French In
terests In the Venezuelan customs, but this
Is not certain. Indeed, at a late hour this
evening it Is stated that the allies desire
to look more closely Into tbe proposition,
which Is especially distasteful to Italy.
Money Payment "ot Raouah.
The State department confirms the report
that a mere money payment will not meet
German's desires.
Count Quadt. the German charge, had a
long Interview with Secretary Hay today
touching Venezuela and the fact Is now
apparent that while money will satisfy
Great Britain and Italy, Germany muet
have an apology.
The difference between its case and that
of the other powera Is that the German
legation at Caracas was attacked. Its win
dows broken, the minister's sick wife ter
rorized and the German national honor
otherwise touched In a manner that cannot
be healed by money.
Touching the question of a guarantee ot
I any obligations assumed by Caetro and aa
: a result of Mr. Bowen's good offices. It Is
1 suggested thst the United States, being
I without power In the absence of th lega
tion to assume directly any responsibility
for the execution of Castro's pledges, It Is
still possible for tbe Stat department to
give assurances to any parties who might
be Induced to produce the money to pay
: the Judgment against Castro, that, when
the time shall come for repayment, th
United Statea would exercise Its good offices
to see that the obligations were kept. It la
distinctly stated, however, that no pledge
will be made on the part of the UnlteC
State to forcibly collect any. Indebtedness
of this kind.
Will Reeostals Blockade.
Aa understood here the blockade to b
declared by the allies against Venesuela
on Saturday is to be a "war blockade," aa
contrasted with the "peace blockade,"
which has been In operation since the
trouble assumed an acute stsge. Ordi
narily a legal blockade Is preceded by 4
declaration of war, but at times this for
mality Is dispensed with.
A formal declaration that a blockade haa
been established will be sent to all power
and It will be recognised by the United
State government.
The notice of the formal blockade I not
understood here to mean that Mr. Bowen'a
efforts to adjust tbe difficulties have failed.
It I believed the naval commanders of the
powers are acting under explicit Instruc
tions which Included the establishment of
a blockade, and It Is cot expected that
these Instructions will be suspended until
negotiations through diplomatic channels
have assumed a phaso indicative of a final
and satisfactory adjustment. As Mr. Bowen
ha only today been appealed to to en
deavor to effect such at adjustment It Is to
bo expected tbe threatened blockade will
be duly published next Saturday unless In
the meantime Mr. Bowen Is able to offer
sufficient assurancea that the Venezuelan
government Is ready to meet tbe ultima
tums. Representative Shafreth (Colo.) apprV