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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1902)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TI1UKSDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1902. ; i i I 4 0 i' COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn and Wheat Bis Fraction, but OaU and Prorhioni Drop. MAIN INTEREST CENTERS ON CORN PIT Vree Liquidation, with Small Support, la Drrrmbrr Delivery Bark rniil Allfmplfd St. Louis Corner Fall to rleces. CHICAGO, Dec. 17. The corn pit was the Center of attraction on the Board of Trade today, the heavy liquidation of the De renitor option causing a loss of 6"c In that delivery at the close. May cloaed a shade higher, with Mav wheat alao up a fraction, but oati were Vic lower. January provis ion cloaed from a shade to luo lower. There was considerable excitement In the corn pit, owing to the action of the De cember delivery, which suffered a severe attack, owing' to continued liquidation with practically no support. As a result of th downward plunge in prices, the at tempted corner of the December option, which had been engineered by a St. Ixiuls clique, went completely to pieces, Judging from the way which the long corn came out with apparently no effort on the part of the "pool" to support the market, Large quantities of December corn. It was mid, were Bold out In the pit "for the account of whom It may concern," and the sup position waa that those who had been endeavoring to bull the market had fulled to respond for calls for margins. liberal receipts and favorable weather were re sponsible largely for the wish of longs to dispose of their holdings. December opened kftla lower, at 6:ryu.c. and declined grad ually, wltb now and then a slight rally, until 74o was touched. A little better support developed at the bottom, but the close waa &V4c lower, at i7V4c May was dull and featureless, but held firm, in spite of the depressing influence of the December delivery, closing a shade higher, at 4iic, after ranging between 43i,c and 43c. Local receipts were 264 cars, with four of contract grade. Wheat ruled dull and weak, the favor able weather throughout the northwest causing longs to unload freely, and this, together with selling on short account, was the main factor In bringing about the easier feeling. The sharp break In Dei-ember corn affected wheat, as did also the foreign news, which was a trifle bear ish, the large stocks reported at Russian ports being taken as an Indication that the government report of a large yield In thut country was entirely correct. There waa a little better demand toward the close, which was about steady. May being a shade higher, at 77Vc, after selling be tween 74Mf76c and 77c. December closed Vc lower, at 71c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 132,01X1 bu. Primary receipts were 6C2.000 bu., against 774,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth re ceipts, 252 cars, which, with local receipts of 58 cars, none of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 310 cars, against 693 cars last week and 630 cars a year ago. Oats were dull and featureteaa, and the market waa a little easier on realizing In May. A fair demand from commission houses helped to maintain prices and pre vented any severe break. The cash situa tion was not as favorable as of late. May closed Vc lower, at 32c, after ranging be tween 32Vn.T-Sc snd 3274c. Local receipts were 207 cars. Provisions were extremely dull, and In aplte of a strong hog market, prices de clined throughout the day, and the close was at a lower level. January pork closed lOu lower, at llB.Ofvs 16.574. I-ard was a shade lower, at S9.7ugi9.72Vi, and ribs were off 2ViC closing at 18.37H. Estimated receipta for tomorrow: Wheat, 45 cars; corn, 290 cars; oats, 196 cars; hogs, 37,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: . Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yesy. Wheat Dec. May July Corn ' Deo. Jan. May Oats tDec. May Pork ' Jan, May Lard , Dec. Jan. May Ribs Jan. May 7H 77WV 748V 62SM4 4Vrt, 43-H4Vi SIVil a24f3 I I 16 70 16 70 74H 7S'4'74H,iSVi 77H76H& 74Vi 73 62 43, .1 47H' 43', 10 10 77Vi 17Vi 45 8 82V ST.; 814 82'32ViWi' 1 70 ' IS 55 16 7241 15 524 I 10 2241 774 t 174 45 S24l 10 174 9 70 9 10 S 874 8 26 774y 41774' 744 7 744 ,4 474 454 434 S14 I 18 6741 IS 67 10 2241 70 9 1241 874 8 274 46 434 314 324 16 674 16 65 10 20 t 724 4 8 40 8 30 No. t tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market quiet and steady; winter patents, S3. 408. 50; straights, t3.10iff3.SO; spring patents, S3.40?3.70; straights, S2.909 1.20; bakers, S2.25&3.75. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 74(g76c; No. 8, 684 724c; No. I red, 73'W74Ht COKN No. 2, 474f'-'"c; No. 2 yellow, 474o. OATS No. 2. 814a32c; No. 3 white, 304 324c RYR No. t, 49c. HA RLE Y Good feeding, 8840c; fair to choice malting, 4565c. SEED No. 1 flax. S1.17; No. 1 northwest ern, SI. 25; prime timothy, S3. 60; clover, con tract grade. S10.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., S17. Lnrd, per 100 lbs., S10.15B10.20. Short ribs Sides (loose), H.374o' 24. Dry salted shoul ders (boxedV SS.25&8.&0. Short clear sides (boxed), S8.75I9.00. Following were the receipta and ahipmenta of the principal grains yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 49,700 27.000 'Wheat, bu 163.101) ,ln) Corn, bu ,..469.9: 119.8W Oata, bu 645. 0 178,200 Rye, bu 29.700 1,800 Barley, bu 248,100 29,300 On the Produce exchange todav the but tT market waa quiet and steady; cream eries, 1Sf(j)2X4c; dairies, 17f25c. Eggs, firm, loss off. cases returned, 24j5c. Cheese, steady, 114u'i4c. NEW YORK GENEHAL MARKETS. (notations of the Day oat Various Commodities. NEW TORK, Dec. 17.-FLOUR-Receipts. 19,100 bbls.; exports, 6,900 bbls.; market "ill but steady; winter patents, S3.40; winter straights. t3.45ii3.55; Min nesota patents, ti.SodM.aO; winter extras, S2.854j3.15: Minnesota bakers, 33.26i('3.40; win ter low grades, S2.Mr2.95. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, S3 lo.u3.40; choice to fancv, S3 50 tf3.65. Buckwheat flour, quiet, S2.304j2.3o spot and to arrive. CORN MEAL Dull; yellow western, $1.18: city, Sl.20; Hrandywlne. V3.40ifj3.55. HYE Easy: No. 2 western, 54c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 4. 54tiM4c, track; state, 65 66c, c. 1. f., New York. BARLEY Oulet; feeding, 39tff40c.c I f Buffalo; malting. 4Mj6oc. c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 62.400 bu. Spot, steady; No. 3 red, 834c. elevator, and Vc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. Wc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 864c, T. o. b., afloat. Vp to mid-day wheat was Inclined toward weakness under liquida tion. Later It recovered on small western movement, covering and export rumor, closing 4tff',c net higher. May. 80 ll-lti'4 81 S-16c, closed at 81c; July, 78'H!k;s4e, cloaed t 78Hc; December, S3-ijS3V. closed at t ORN-Recelpts. 26.250 bu.; exports, 24.377 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2, Sir. elevator, and 8t f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 61c; No. 2 white. 614c. Options suffered early from excessive lecember liquidation at Chicago, wheat decline and fine weather, but even tually rallied on covering, late months closing 4c higher, although near months were tlle net lower. January, 6441 jac, closed at 544c; March clotted at 51c; May, 4S 3-U''HS4c, closed at 4SWc; July, 47ft474c. cloaed at 474c; December, 644jc, cloaed at 694c OATS Receipta, 60,100 bu. Srot. quiet; No. 2. 374c; No. 3, 37c: No. S white, 374'ai 3c; track while. 374'j43c; standard white, 8.4c; No. 2 white, S8'tc; track mixed west ern nominal. Options opened easy, but later rallied with corn; December closed at AY Quiet; shipping. 65ft 70c; good to choice. to.9tMl.00. HOPS Quiet; stste, common to choice, 1!)2 crop, 2io37c; 19ol crop. 24y26c: olds, 7i li4c; Pacific coast.. '902 crop, iridic; 19-.4 .crop. 23.1.6c; olds, 7fjr!4c. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs 18.:; Texas, dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 14c; California! 21 to to lbs , 19c. LEATHER Quiet; acid. 2lii;:4c. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family. $16.00 tj IK.OO; mess. $!'Vat:T It : beef hanui, $ju.6tl i:i.00; parktt. S14.0Hi 16.00; rlty, extra India inrna. S2a" "i2S W. Cut meats, quiet; pick VI bellies, S9 tiV9.75; pickled uhouMers, Sn "( 8.50; il,-kle.l hams. Si ik) 11.75. Laiu, easy: wrtern steamed, Sll 75; refined, easv; con tine lit. Sll; South America, $11.50; com pound. S7.5t((iT&o. Pork, easy; family. 118; Bhort clear. $; ma. $lS.w-(!( 18.50. TALLOW Dull; city, 64c; country, ttf 64c MICE Quiet, domestic, fair to extra, 4 tbsc; Japan, 4Vii4c nominal. PKANl'TS Steady; fancy, hand picked. 4V.(0e; other domesllc 3,fcj4e. CABBAtiK Steady; dnnu-stlc, per 100. white. SI &j!6o; red, $1 5.j30' i CHEESE Receipts. 22.J7a pkgs.; firm: fancy largs state, full cream, colored and white. September. 13c; late make. Wit l.'l'-ic; fancy small, colored and white, Sep le:ii(nr, 13' ,i4l:;4c; late m ike, not quote 1. Bl'TTER ilei-elpts, &.A3 pkgs.; steady; s'afe dairy. 2'2c, cxtia trcamery, 3c; common t i i-h jlre, z-it'1'. 1:1 it Rei-elpts, o,72J pkgs.; hnrtly stead v: western, poor to fancv. 2"! 27c. Pori.TRY Alive: Slow: chickens, lie; turkeys, l;ic; fowls, Inc. Dressed: Firm; win tern chickens. 134-; western fowls, ll- jj.121-; wesierti turk-ys, 17'(il!c. METALS T!n lot 12s i!d of Its reeent ad vance in London today, closing nt 1I6 7S(1 for spot and at 11)1 1 for futures In that m.'irket. while It was also eaHer here, with spot quoted at $2.Y53. Copper ailvanceil 3s 6 1 In London, but remained dull and nominal In the local market. Standard Is quoted at $10.7.1. lake at S116" and electrolytic? and carting at $11.45. Lend was unchanged anil quiet locally at $4,124, but declined la 3d In London, where it cloyed at 10 lfis 3d. Spel ter was dull and unchanged In New York nt $4 90 and In London at 19 lis fid. Iron In Olasgow clcecd at 54s and In Middles borough at 4iH 10'-d. locally the market was dull and unchanged. Warrants con tinue nominal: No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $ No. 2 foundry north ern and No. 1 foundry aouthern at $22.00(0 23.00. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Quotations em staple and I'nnrr Produce. KOCiS Candled stock, 2C1i24c. LIVE Pol 'LTRY Hens, I'sftSc; old roos ters, 6c; turkeys, lift 12c; ducks, IWic; geese, Sfo'V: spring chickens, per lb., 84(9c. DRESSED POI'LTRY Hens, 9c; young chickens. 11c; turkeys, lay 15c; ducks and geese, lOiUc. Rl'TTEK Packing stock. lTfflTVlo, choice dalrv. In tubs. 2(Kj21c; separator, LlMrSOc. FRESH FISH Trout, 9'plOc; herring, 6c; plckeiel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunllsh, 3c; bluerlns, 3c; whlte flrh, 9c; salmon, ltk-; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bull heads, 10c; catfl h. 14c; black bass, 20c; halibut, 11c. CORN New. 40c. OATS 32c. RYE No. 2, 45c. LR AN Per ton. $13.50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $8.50; No. 1 medium. $7.50; No. 1 coarse, $7. Rye straw, $6. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fulr. receipts light. OYSTERS Standards, per can, 2Sc; extra selects, per can, 85c; New York counts, per can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75; bulk, standards, per gal., $1.40. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. TREES 4 to 6 feet, per dozen, S1.75; 7 to feet, $3.50; 6 to 7 feet, $2.50; 9 to 10 feet, $4.50; large, for school and church pur poses, 12 to 14 feet, each. $l.Qotf 1.60; extra large, 15 to 20 feet, each, $2.00fj4.00. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of Jx2x4 feet (about 50 lbs.), $4; per barrel, $1.60. IANO NEEDLE PINES Per dozen, $2.60 3 00. MISTLETOE BRANCHES Per lb., 30c. EVERGREEN WREATHING In colls of 20 yards, per coll 90c; five-coll lots, 85c. WREATHS Magnolia and galax wreaths, per dozen, $1.5Op2.0O; evergreen wreaths, per dozen, $1. 502.00; holly 'wreaths, per dozen, $1.50(82 00. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamazoo, per dol., 25c; Utah, per doz., 46c; California, per dos., for stalks weighing from 1 to 14 lbs., each. 46?r75c. POTATOES New. per bu., 60c. SWEET POTATOES Iowa Muscatlnes, per bbl.. H.25. TLRNIPS-Pe- bu., 80c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. BEETS Per basket, 40c. Cl'CI'MBERS Hothouse, per doa., $1.60. PAR8NIPB Per bu., 40c. CARROTS Per lb., lc. OREEN ONIONS Southern, per doxen bunches, 45c. RADISHES Southern, psr dozen bunches, WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $3; string beans, per bu. box. $1.50. CABBAGE Miscellaneous Holland seed, per lb., 14c. ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per bu., 75c; Spanish, per crate, $1.76. NEVY BEANS Per bu., $2.60. TOMATOES New California, per 4-bas-ket crate, $2.75. CALIFLOWER California, per crate, $2.60. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2.00; Colorado, per box. $2.25. APPLES Cooking, per bbl., $2.25; eating, $2.60; Jonathans, $4.00; New York stock, $3.25; California Bellflowers, bu. box, $1.60. GRAPES Catawbas, per basket, 18c; Malsgas, per keg. S6.00(g'7.00. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per - bbl., $9.60; Bell and Bugles, $10.50; per box,' $3.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.00fIi'2.60. LEMONS-Callfornla fancy, $4; choice, $3.75. ORANGES Florida Brlghta, $3.75; Cali fornia navels, $3.00jr3.50; California sweet Jaffas, all sizes, $2.75. DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.25. FIGS California, per lo-m. cartons, $1; Turkish, per 35-lb. box, 1418c. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, $6. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case. $3.75. CIDER New York, $4.50; per 4 bbl., $2.75. SAUERKRAUT--Wisconsin, per 4 bbl., $2.25; per bbl., $3.75. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 4c. HIDES No. 1 green. 64c; No. 2 green. 64c; No. 1 salted, 74c; No. 2 salted, 64c No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 84c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8(12c; sheep pelts, 25"75c; horse hides. $1.6org2.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazle, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 124c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per doz., 60c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 64c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1.00; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; cocoanuts, per 100, $4 . OLD METALS. ETC.-A. B. Alplrn quote the following prices: Iron, country, mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $S; copper, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., 84c; brass, light, per lb., 64c; lead, per lb., 8c; sine, per lb., -24c; rub ber, per lb., 64c. WE ARE COMMISSION COMPANY. llO-l It Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb Telephone 1810. CHICAGO. Dec. 17. WHEAT-Market has been nervous and Irregular, off 4c early In sympathy with the break In De cember, the favorable weather and the continued feor that this country will be come Involved In the Venezuelan contro versy. There was enough buying by local bulle, however, to help prices finally; north west receipts were small. 252 cars, against 616 cars last year; primary receipts were 662,000 bu., compared with 774,000 bu. a year ago; southwestern receipts were liberal; clearances amall, 132,000 bu. ; New York re. porta nineteen loads taken for export; the mood was Influenced some bv the large stocks at Russian ports 15.uio.00u; local receipts, 68 cars, with none contract; esti mates for tomorrow, 40 cars. CORN The feature In corn has been the breuk In the lecember. off at one time 6c, from Tuesday's close: January at one time was off lc; the May has been firm, off a fraction early, but finally selling better than the Tuesday close. In spite of the weakness in the nearby futures. There was some Inside liquidation and some clos ing out for board of Trade account, which demoralized the December, and it looks now as If It were near a "healthy .level. Clearances. 62( bu : primary receipts. 7W.nj0 bu., against 337.0O0 lust year; New York reports seven loads for export; local receipts, 2tH cars, with fojr of contract; estimates for Friday, 290 csrs. OATS The market hes ben neglected and there has only been a small scalping trade, with prices off a fraction; cart) oats active to 4c lower; local receipts, 207 crs, with 15 contract; estimates for tomorrow, 19i cars; clearances. Kwio bu.; eastern de mand, quiet and offerings from the coun try are free; weather very favorable for movement; receipts here for the last tweny-four hours, 645,0.x) bu. ; shipments. 175 00 bu. PROVISIONS Market opened fairly steady; l.ical shone covered; commission houses bought May pork; market was heavy In symnathy with the grain markets; the higher prices fcr hogs did not have the expected bullish effect aa anticipated; there were 33 hogs here; market firm and Puii-aic higher; estimates for tomorrow 37 .tm) hoxs; In the west todav. 75.0uO head, against 94.00') last week and 103.000 Inst vear WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY. ' Toledo firala and Seed. TOLEDO. O.. Dec. 17. WHEAT Dull; cash and Iecember. 774c; May, M4c. CORN Dull, lower; December, 454c; May. 44c. OATS Dull, steady; December, 33c; May, S3c. RYE No. 2. 62c. SEED Clover, dull, lower; January, $6.6u; March. $170; prime timothy, $1.75; prime Alsyke, $8.uo. No. 1 hard. 75c; No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 2 northern. "14c. FL (L'R First patents, $3.C"; serond patents, MMS.f.; first clears, $2.9oj3.10; ecnrd clears, $2.3"0 2fi" UKAN-'n bulk, i2.2Cfcl2.50; In sacks, $13.0113.76. St. Loots tirals nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 17-WHEAT-Flrm; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, t'ominal: track. 72c; May, 7S4c; July, 72',c; No. 2 hard, K8"(i724i I'liRN-Iiwpr; No. 2 cash. i:4'r4r; track, 't'atc; December. 444c; M;iy, .'-Sc. OATS lower: No. 2 cusn, 2.1c; track. .".24c; December, 33c; May, 32c; No. 2 white, lijc, RYE Firm st 4&4c. FIjOUR Steady; red winter patents. $135 ii3 5o; extra fancy and Btrrtlghts, S3.o5'(i3 .30; clear, $2.! "a 3.00. SEED limothv sfeadv, S2.9oftI3.40. CORNM EA l Steady, $2.3o. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 71W72c. HAY Easy; timothy, $13.(K,r(t 15.50; prairie, $11. ""'y 12.&0. IRON COTTON TIES $1,074. BAGGING- 6-lfi':i7 l-10c. HEMP TWINE !'c. Provisions Pork, lower; Jobbing stnndard mess. $17.95. Lard, lower at $10,774- Dry silt meats, easier; boxed, ex tra shorts, $9.25; clear ribs, $9.00; short clears, $9.50. Bacon, easier; boxed, extra shorts, $10.50; clear ribs, $10.50; Lhort clear, $11.00. MET A LB Lead, steady at $4,774. Spelter, unchanged at $4.60. POULTRY Strong; chickens and springs, 84c; turkeys, 1341114c; dJcks, 12c; geese, 9c- BUTTER Steady; creamery, 24ru30c; dairy. lVri23c. EGGS Steady at 22c. Receipt s.Shlpments. Flour 6.000 1:1,000 Wheat 40,0ii0 75,000 Corn 44.0"0 50,000 Oats 83.000 38,000 Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 17. WHEAT-fpol, No. 2 red western, winter, firm at 5s U4d; No. 1 California, dull at 6s 7d; No. 1 north ern, spring, no stock. Futures quiet; De cember, 6s 14d; March, 6s 14d; May, 6s 14d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 5s 2d; old, os 4d. Futures quiet; January, 4s 64d: March, 4s 2d. PROVISIONS-Beef, firm; extra India mess, 116s. Tork, firm; prime mess west ern, 92s 6d. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 53s 6d. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., quiet. 48s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., quiet, 60c; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., quiet, 50s; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., quiet. 49s 6d. ; ehort clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., quiet, 60s; clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 59s; shoulders, square, quiet, 44s 6d. Lard, prime western. In tierces, dull, 67s; American refined. In palls, dull, 67s 6d. BUTTER Nominal. CHEESE Strong; American finest white and colo'erf. r.9s. TALLOW Prime city, steady, 2Ss; Aus tralian In London, firm, 34s 3d. Receipts of wheat during the past three days, 277,000 centals, Including 102.000 Ameri can. American corn receipts during Jhe past three days, 67,600 centals. Kansas City Ciraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 17. WHEAT De cember, 63o; May, 694c: cash, No. 2 hard, 8F.4iff7c; No. 3. 6365c; No. 2 hard. 61wc; No. 2 red. 6tV&7c; No. 3. S4c CORN December, 374r(J374c; May, 374c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 374)3740; No. 2 white, 3Sc; No. 3, 37c. OATS-No. 2 white. 34c; No. 2 mixed, 324c. RYE No. 2. 45fi46c. HAY Choice timothy, $11.001150; choice prairie, $10.00. BUTTER Creamery, 23gC7c; dairy, fancy, 22c. EGGS Fresh 22c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 81,600 9,900 Cof-n, bu 104,000 22,000 Oats, bu 17,000 6,000 Philadelphia Predace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 17. BUTTER Firm and In good demand: extra western creamery, 31c; extra nearby prints, 33a. EGGS Dull and lc lower; fresh nearby, 28c, loss off; fresh western, 28c, loss off; fresh southwestern, 2627o, loss off; fresh southern, 25c. loss off. CHEESE Firm and In moderate demand; New York full creams, prime, small, 134c: New York full creams, fair to good. 13 134c; New York full creams, prime, large, 134W134C; New York full creams, fair to good large, 13134c Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Dec. 17 WHEAT Easier; No. 1 northern, 77(S'774c; No. 2 northern, TBfgrec; May, 77Vc. RYE Lower; No. 1, HWa&a. BARLEY Dull ; standard, 64c; sample, 3562o. CORN May, 434c Peoria Market. PEORIA. Dec. 17.-CORN-Flrm; new No. 3, 424c OATS Steady; No. 3 white, 814c Kew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 17. MONEY On call, steady at 4&6 per cent, closing offered at 8 per cent. Time money easier; 60 and 90 days, 7 per cent; 4 and 8 months, 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4,864 for demand and at $4.83434.834 for 60 davs; posted rates, $4.M'fi4.844 snd S4.874H14 88; commercial billa, $4.82i(&4.834. SILVER Bar, 484c; Mexican dollars, 884c BONDS Government, ' steady; railroad, Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. 8. nr. is, re(....107" L. 4k N. ant. 4s 101 do coupon lolVfc Mex. Central 4i li'i do Is. ref ""'1 do Is I no do coupon lfiSi Minn. A St. L. 4s... 224 do new it. Kg 15 M , K. a T. 4 10.1 do coupon do 2a fi7 do 4i, r( 1084 N. Y. Central U....I02V1 do coupon lOtt'i do gen. 34a lt4 do (a, res N. J. C. gen. (a 1354 do coupou No. Paclflu 4a 103 Atctalaon gan. 4a I0P4 do 3a 103 do adj. 4a fct N. A W. con. 4a.... 75 Bal. & Oblo 4a 1004 Reading gen. 4a K4 do ma X'iSt L, I M e. Sa.... .v. do conr. 4a 104 St. L. A 8. P. 4a....lrj Canada 80. 2a 1" HI. L S. W. la 97 Central of Oa. (a 104 do ia 5 do la Inc 748. A. A. P. 4s.... It Chea. Jjc Ohio 44a...l03 80. Paclflo 4a ft Chicago A. Ia... ' 80. Railway (a lla C, B. a Q. n. 4a.... 44 Teiaa a Pacini- la. ..lit C, M a HI P I 4a.. 113 T , St. L. & W. 4a.. 73 "A C. A N. W. e. 7a. ...1334 Union PaclBo 4a 104 C, R. I. A P. 4a....lo do conr. 4a 104 C C C A St L g. 4s. 84 Vtabaah la 1154 ChlcaKO Ter. 4a a5 i do 2a 107 Colorado 80. 4a VI I do deb. B 72- Denver A R. O. 4a...l00i West Shore 4a 113 Kris prior Hen 4a.... t7 Wheel. ALE. 4a.. 11 do general 4a 134 Wla. Central 4a m r. W. A D. C. la.... 1084 Cos. Tobacco 4a : Hocking V1I. I Boston stock Unofntlons. BOSTON. Dec. cent; time loans closing of stocks Atchlaon 4a Mex. Central 4a Ati-hteon do pfd Boaton A Albany Boatoa A Me Reton Klevated .... N. T., N. H. A H.. ntchburg pfd I ,.lou far Idc Mel. Central American Sugar .... do pfd American T. A T... Dominion I. A 8... Gen. Electric Mana. Electric do pfd United rrult I do pfd....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Weattngh. Common. Adventure 17. Call loana, 54S64 per , per cent. Official and bonds: lOO Allouei , 74 jAmalKunaled .... 0Si Hlnrh.m 7i Calumet A Hecla. :r. ICentenlal 2;il Copper Range ... .152 fiomlnlnn Coal ... .224 Franklin 141 Inie Rurale . v4 Mohawk 21 V old Dominion ... 12m, naceola 1174 Parrot , ,M4 Qulncjr t4 Santa Fe Copper. ,171 Tamarack . 34 ,t'nitcd Statea ..... , :iH rtah .los' vii-tnrla , 12 v Winona , S14 Wolverine , , 80 IDaljr Weat 1241 .. J4 .. So .. 2 ..438 .. 154 .. t.24 ..12a .. a .. 10 .. M .. 184 .. 60 .. 22'i ..101',, lkl ..140 .. 104 .. 23', .. 44 .. 4'4 .. 4 London Stock Market. LONDON, Dec 17. 4 p. m Closing: Conaola. money 24'N. Y. Central 1544 do account Norfolk a W 7P Anaconda 4-4)j do pfd t4 Atrhlaon 83'. Ontario A W 28 do pfd... limu Pennsylvania 714 Bal. A Ohio i Kand Mlnea 11V Canadian Pacific Heading lov Chea. A Ohio 47',, do 1st pfd 44 Chicago O. W 24 do td pfd ju C. M. A St. P 174 80. Railway 1U DeBeera 22l do plil tn, Denver A R. 0 17S So. Pacidc do pfd f Inlon Pacific M'4 Erie 32s1 do pfd 3u do lt pfd 44 if. .- Steel a?k I do 2d pfd 4u4 do pfd g3V llllnolo Central 144't Wabaah 26 I.. m M AA nM InU u , k a T.::::::::. ' BAR SILVER Firm at KHd per ounce. MONEY 34m34 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 34iJ4 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 ll-16ca3 13-16 per rent. Kew York Mlnlnar Qnolatlona. NEW YORK. Dec. 17-The followin the closing prices on stocks: Dulota iirala Market. Dt'Ll'TII. Dec. 17 -WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hard, 744c: N- t n-r(hrn. 7l'c; No 1 northern and December, 734c; May, 104c. Minneapolis Wheat, Floor anal Brna. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 17 WHEAT De cember, 734c; May. 754754c; on track. Adama Cos... Alice Breoca Bruniwlck Cod.... Comatock Tunnel Con. Cat. A Va.. liora Silver ..... Iron Silver Leadline Coa 15 1 1. Illl. chief .. II Ontario .. 4u Ophlr . . 3 Hlnenls .. 44 Putoal ..130 Ravate ..13a Sierra Nevada .. Ti Small Hopes .. . . I Standard g are ... ...875 ... ... to ... 13 ... u ... 2t ...310 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Dee. 17-Bank clearings, $1,336. 177.49; corresponding day last year, Jl.llo. eS"": Increase. $."1 254 29. NEW YORK. Dec. 17 -Clearing. tx& -036.r-'l: balances. $10,781,751. BOSTON. D-c ir. Clearings. $24,757,031; balances. $1,861. 70S. CHICAGO. Dec. 17 Clearings. $3J 100 350; balances. $.',106,771. New York exchange. 40c premium. ForeiRn exchange unchanged. Sterling posted at $4,844 for sixty days and $4 H fur demand. ST. LOl IS, Mo., Dec. 17 Clesrlngs. S8 2.1i0; balances, $742.4:8. Monev. stead v, 6uH per cent. New York exchange, 60c pre mium. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 17.-Clearings. $:'3,2il.01i; balances. $2,K47.654. BALTIMORE. Dec. 17. Clearings, $4,215, 2S; balances, t")33.198 CINCINNATI, Dec. 17. Monev. 6 per cent. New York ,-xchange, 10y2oc premium. Clearings, $3.64,9ij. SEW VOn K TtK K9 AI IIO3D8. Prlrea Rise Attain Till Last Hour, When Henry nles Canae Kail. SKW YORK. Dec. 17.-The movement of prices In today's stock market was an almost exact repetition of that of yester day. There was the same broadening show of strength up to the last hour, when a selling movement developed, which wiped out practically all of the earlier gains and carried some prices below last night's. The reaction today was rather more gradual and not quite so severe as yesterday, and was followed by a steadier tone Just be fore the close. There is no reason to doubt that the late selling movement today came from the same sources and with the same objects as that of yesterday, that Is to SJty, from sources in touch with the bank ers' money pool, and with the object of dis couraging any Indulgence In speculation. The sharpness and suddenness of last night's decline led to the supposition in some quarters that it was due to some coming bad news regarding the Ven esuelan situation. Today's decline had no such suspicions to account for It. The early strength In the market was due In no small part to the relief felt over the failure of yesterday's sinister rumors to material ize. The facts developed over night re garding the Venezuelan situation, although containing some unfavorable features, were so much less threatening than had been feared that speculative sentiment showed encouragement nnd disposition to buy stocks and manifested on that score. A number of special Influences also helped tho show of strength. The passage of the Pennsylvania tunnel franchise by the New York Board of Aldermen helped the stocg ot tnat company ana Its subsidiary companies. Stocks of other companies with terminals on the New Jersey shore of the Hudson were also affected. Sugar also continued to reflect the hope of benefit from the Cuban reciprocity treaty, but the leaders of the speculative advance stocks in wnicn were powerful pools are known to exist. Rumors are current that some members of these pools had ventured to go short of the stocks Involved during the recent decline, and were now liable to be called oti for their share of the pool hold ings, which had figured in loans of stock for clandestine short sales. The purchase by the I'nlted States Steel corporation of the Union Steel company was received at first with mixed emotions, owing to the prospect of a large bond Issue against the purchase, but the steel shares subsequently necame prominent factors In the advance. Reports from Philadelphia of a coming gas, electric and traction merger had a rather disturbing influence, as doea every development threatening further syndicate enlargements. The sub-treasury drain upon the market is greatly relaxed, owing to heavy pension payments and the practical cession of de posits for transfer to the interior. The banks gained from the sub-treasury on yesterday's operations $324,000, reducing their loss since Friday to $265,000. Today's smau transrer or xbu.wu to new orieani Was the first made through the sub-treas ury for the post eight business days. It Is also reported that heavy receipts have been made by the banks during the last few days on the regular express move' ment from the Interior. Sterling exchange receded further today. In spite of consid erable sales of stock here for London ac count and disappointing seaboard grain clearances. Bonds were irregular, In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value. $2,704,000. U. S. bonds were all unchanged on the last can. The following are the closing prices cn tne rew lorn cttocx exenange Atchlaon do pfd Bal. A Ohio do pfd Canadian Paclflo... Canada 8o Chea. A Oblo Chicago A Alton... do pfd Chicago, Ind. A L do pfd Chicago A O. W... do 1st pfd do td pfd Chicago A N. W... Chicago Ter. A Tr do pfd C. C. C. A St. L. . Colorado So .., do let pfd do td pfd Del, A Hudson.... Del. L. A W Denver A R. Q do pfd Erie do lat pfd do td pfd Orrat Nor. pfd Hocking Valley ... do pfd Illlnola Central ... Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie A W do pfd.. 04 Bo. Railway pfd 4 7Vi Texaa A Pacific MVt . Toledo. St. Ij. A W. ze .13 do pfd 46 .12S4 Union PaclBo M .73 do pfd II . 45TaWabah 2SU .. si ao pta u s .. 48 Wheeling A la. B.... tt ... 74 do Jd pfd Ii .. ft Wis. Central 134 .. 24 do pfd 41 .. 80 Adama Ex too .. 3a American Ex 218 . .2114 I'nlted States Ex 110 .. 184 Welle-Fargo Ex 213 .. 104 Amal. Copper 664 .. 4' Amer. Car A F 134 ,.. X do pfd 874 .. 47 Amer. Lin. Oil 14 .. 404 . do pfd 38 ..l'i American g, a R.... 394 ..2424 do pfd 04 ..36Anac. Mining Co.... 86 .. 884 Brooklyn R. T 24 .. IP Colo. Fuel A Iron... Tt .. (2 Cona. Oaa 20 .. 43 Cont. Tobacco pfd. ...1144 ..1874 Oen. Electric 171 .. M Hocking Coal 11 .. l Inter. Paper 14 ..1404 do pfd 7o .. Inter. Power D3 .. 4.7 Laclede Oaa S3 .. 4 National Blacult 444 115 National Lead 28 L. A N 1194 No. American lot Manhattan L 1444 Pacific Coaat S Met. St. Ry 17' Pacific Mall 17 Met. Central 214 People's Oaa 100 '4 Mei. National 141a Pressed 8. Car 67 Minn. A St. L 104 do pfd s Mo. Pacific 1024 Pullman P. Car 122 M . K. A T 24 .Republic Steel 284 do pfd 63 do pfd 734 N. J. Central 1SR 'Sugar 124 N. V. Central 1504 Tenn. Coal A 1 614 Norfolk A W Unlun Bag A P It do pfd (4 I do pfd 74 Ontario A W 17S V. 8. Leather 114 ...162! do pfd ... 6H4 ,C. 8. Robber ... (5 do pfd ...76 U. 8. Steel ... 74 do pfd ... 7S' Western I'nlon .... t Amer. Locomotive do pfd K. C Southern do pfd ..1M Rock Inland .. 04 do pfd .. SO . 47 V, , 67 .1484 s4 , 16 60 . 324 , 114 . 874 . 2r,4 , 114 , 24 . 52 , 174 7 Pennsylvania Heading do lat pfd.... do 2d pfd St. L. AS. F. . do lat pfd.... do 2d pfd St L. S. W.... do pfd St. Paul do pfd 80. Pacific 80. Railway ... Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dee. 17. COFFEE Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 64c Mild, dull; Cordova, 74fol2c. Futures opened steady at a partial decline of 6 points and ruled generally quiet throughout the session, with prices displaying considerable steadi ness, though sentiment was apparently of a bearish average. The Initial decline waa brought about ny selling, due to disappoint ing cables. Brazilian receipts continue full. BuyerB, however, were sesree and transactions consequently limited. The close was quiet, with prices unchanged to S points lower, and sales amount to 11.000 bags, Including: December, 4.45c; January, 4Boc; March, 4.70c; Mav. 4.90c; September, 6.15jja.20c; November, 5.30c. Wool Market. ST. LOt'TS. Dec. 17.-WOOL Steady to strong: medium gradea and combing. 17 204c; light fine. IfgrlDc; heavy fine, 1318c; tjb washed. lSg:ii4c. NEW YORK. Dec. 17.-WOOL Quiet. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle in Aotira Demand at stronger Prices Than Have Been Paid of Late. HOGS OPENED FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER Sheep and Lambs Said Freely at Steady to Strong; Prices and tonal ity Again Good Jfo Particular tint la Feeder Sltaatlon. BOUTH OMAHA. Dee. 17. Receipta were: Cattle. Hops, tiheep. Official Monday 2.5X1 5 470 S."4 Official Tuesday 4.52s 7,53 12,9X0 Official Wednesday j.duo 10,000 7 000 Three days this Week..l0.9n0 Same days lost week. ...IS. 750 Same week before 13.718 Same three weeks ago.. 15.515 Same four weeks ago.... 16.778 Same days last year 10.207 RECEIPTS FOR tup vi in The following table shnWs the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: 1902. 1901. f.ttle 8S2.216 74.03 Hogs 2.15.3(i7 2.308,0110 Sheep 1,695,1) 1,293.616 The following table shows price 01 nogs sold on the Routh Omaha iiminei me last several days, wltb com parisons with former years: 23.053 29.041 26.3S2 24.092 21.675 30.650 TO 2S.2-J9 36.1S3 81.81 27,o:i2 41.643 7.241 DATE. Inc. 1S7.313 Dec. 151.693 399,544 the average I.. 1. 4. 25. 13.. H0 1 78 .' 1 00 5 t l It.. 8.. 19.. t 1 W .1010 t 65 .lu I 75 6.5 I 15 676 t 744 8 25 23 .i ft US I 40 13 8tt6 4 15 CALVES. 1 !40 (ill 2 180 t 75 2 140 6 bo t 106 S 75 STOCK CALVES. 1 35" 3 on COWS AND HEIFERS. 18 !3 3 26 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 340 2 60 t 370 1 28 m .cm There was a liberal supply of hogs in sigm at inis point this morning, bu c,ulte a string of them were consigned uire-T 10 pacsers. so tnat the actual num ber on sale was not large. The marKe opined fairly active and fuioc higher than yesterday's aveiage. The lightwclghta sold mrgt-iy at ,2v, witn a few trashy ond going below that figure. Tne heavier grade om irum ao.ic. 10 tw.zi1 and aa high a b.3-'4 was paid for prime Dogs. Although a guou proportion of the hogs waa ui posed of In good season, still It was evl dent that packers were paying the prices under protest, and trading became less active. 1 ne last end of the market wa rather slow and wesk. Good hogs on the cloee sold at IS 20 and 86.2JW. with llrht below those figures. Representative Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 17 CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.450 natives, 600 Texans; calves, 500 head, all natives: corn cattle active and strong; cows, active and firm; best steers, flrjn; others steady choice export and dressed beef steers, i5.154ifi.2S; fair to good, t3.10fti-5.10; stockers and feeders, t3.0tKti4.3O; western fed steers. S3.00iii5.4O; Texas and Indian steers, i3.oj.ti 4 2t; Texas cows, tl.75 3(i; native cows. tl.9"I'i4.: native heifers t'.' 2iti4.10; canners. Sl.5oftj2.25; bulls, t2.00 4 25: calves, tl .60ftt4S.40. HOGS Receipts. 9,000 head; markeiff opened 610c higher: closed weak; top, K40; bulk of sales. $6Zc?fi40; heavy. 1.274 (iiti.40; mixed packers. fii."fi6.35; light. 16 15 k'274; yorkers, t6.224'a.274; plg t6.ooj 6.15. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 5.500 head, markt steady to strong; native lumba, H.0ii3 4": western lambs. t3.S5'('4.35; fed ewes. S.Oi)(i3 5; native wethers, t3 iXw 460; western wethers, 3.KxjA.2K); stockers and feeders, t-.uuftj-l.35. slonx City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Dec. 17.-(Speela Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, l,0u0; stockers steady, killers strong; beeves. t3.5oU5.25; cows, bulls and mlxd. tl .n"!i3.75: stockers and feeders, t-jftjt.uu; yearlings and calves, (J. 5011-1.75. HOGS Receipts, ,c30; good heavy 5c hinher, others strong. bHEEB Receipts. 100; steady. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Dec. 17 CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.0j head; natives. t3.3Gi;.00; Texas and wesierna. t30fg3.50; cows and heifers, tl.7r.fti4 25; etockers snd feeders, t3.0O4r4.40. Hi iGS Receipts. 8.7"0 head; good heavy, tti 3fivi.474; bulk of sales. 86 274ftj6.40. SHEEP AND LAM P.S Receipts. 1,900 head; top western lambs, t5.25; yearlings, t4.4t'4i4.5u. Stork In sight. The following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal cttles yesterday: t ante. noes. Bnecn. 3.") 10.0i , 1A..SB) II. (Ml g.450 9 0) 8.ii) 4.0H14J 4.'l 8.7' l.uu) t.miO Omaha Chicago Kansas City St Louis .... St. Joseph ... Sioux City ... Totals .... 7.000 18 ) 2.01 n 1 J0 loo ..41.2W) 68.700 S9.tM Date- I 1902. 11901. 1900.189.1898.1897.1898 Nov. 24. Nov. 25. Nov. 26. Nov. tl. Nov. 28. Nov. 29. Nov. 80... uec. 1.. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Deo. Dec. Dec Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2 4.... 5.... .... 7.... .... 9.... 10... 11... 12... 13. . . 14... 16... 16... 17... ( 15 ( 034 4 a I ft! toon I 09 O84; 134 6 224 6 244 164 a 6 074 064, 12 6 08 5 964 6 JS-4 094 6 I641 6 2341 t 06 I 821 S 46 I 27 t 21 5 76 t 77 t 38i I 30 t II ( 7S 4 87 t 23 1 24 t 24 t 73 4 96 I 76 8 2S I 25 4 71 t 73 I 30 t 32 5 85 4 74 t 68 8 19 J SO 00) 4 69 4 71 121 S27 I 88 4 (3 I 74 t 26 8 23 I It 5 95 3 76 8 28 I 25 8 09 58844 3 29 3 19 3 16 6 92 4 68 81 3 21 3.18 05 4 77 3 8OSt7 8 Of 0 4 84 3 86 3 35 3 25 604 4 81 8 81 ?28 3 23 3 00 4 78 3 83 S 30 3 17 8 19 11 3 0 3 2 3 13 3 21 13 4 85 8 31 8 13 3 21 6 14 4 82 8 92 3 15 3 17 6 16 4 77 3 95 3 27 320 6 21 4 81 396338320 21 4 86 3 96 8 33 3 23 3 28 4 84 3 95 3 27 3 24 3 17 6 26 4 01 8 30 3 29 8 17 84 4 83 3 26 3 31 3 17 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. ine official number of cars of stock 'vi in ioaay ny eacn road was: r. Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. Sv ; st p- Ry 2., Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 1 3 ". ' Union Pacific system.... 80 21 21 I C. A N. W. Ry 25 82 2 F.. E. 4V M. V. R. R 41 21 4 1 C,BtP.,M.AO.Ry,.S8 S .. .. B. aV M. Ry 23 14 8 1 . B. ft Q. Ry I n 5 . K. C. ft 8t. J 8 1.. C. . R. I. ft P. Ry., east. 11 1 1 Illinois Central 7 2 Total receipts .". 19 "l44 40 "t The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer -purchasing the num ber or head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hofrs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 696 1,072 C15 Swift and Company 1.1H9 1,960 2,814 Armour ft Co 698 2,320 1,004 Cudahy Packing Co 930 2,371 729 Armour ft Co., Sioux City 461 2,838 234 vansani ec tJO Carey ft Benton Lobman ft Co W. I. Stephen Hill ft Huntxlnger William Underwood Livingstone ft Shaller.... Hamilton ft Rothschild... Wolf & Murnan B. F. Hobbick Other buyers 95 .... 994 Totals 4.876 10.551 6.290 43 3 13 8.1 117 86 .17 23 90 11 CATTLE Receipta of cattle were fairly liberal this morning, but the demand was In better shape than It has been for some time past, and aa a result the market ruled active and stronger all around. The bulk of the offerings arrived In fairly good seaaon and changed hands rapidly. There were quite a few corn fed steers In the yards and-the better grades could be quoted strong to a dime higher than yes terday. The common and warmed up kinds did not show as much Improvement as the better grades, but still even those sold to better advantage than they did yesterday. The cow market was also In much better shape than It was yesterday. The choice loads sold generally a dime higher and In some cases sales were made that looked as much ns 15c higher. The canners and medium grades did not Improve quite so much as that, but they were a little stronger and much easier to dispose of. uus, veal calves and stags were also strong and active. There were only a few stockers and feed ers In the yards, so that the better s-rariea sold at fully steady prices. The demand from the country continues very light, but owing to the extremely light receipts prices have held up In good shape. The common stuff, however, and especially the com.non light stockers, have been extremely hard to dispose of all the week and prices are certainly no more than steady. The few buyers that do come on the market or send In their orders all seem to want cattle of good quality, no matter whether they want feeders or stockers. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 840 8 15 8 1118 4 10 11 1005 3 15 20 1062 4 10 6 972 3 25 20 10S1 4 10 11 932 8 30 37 10KS 4 10 12 686 3 36 82 1138 4 15 9 913. 3 50 6 1100 4 15 8 983 3 50 3 1134 4 15 21 926 8 60 11 1074 4 20 11 9K3 t 65 15 1072 4 26 25 1170 3 66 40 1198 4 25 2 800 3 76 1 890 4 25 13... 960 3 75 6 1154 4 25 9 1060 3 75 18 1243 4 80 4 795 3 75 42 1235 4 35 7 907 3 75 88 1356 4 85 15 985 3 76 80 1141 4 40 1 1050 3 75 1123 4 50 22 90 3 80 35 1077 4 60 40 1046 3 90 20 1294 4 60 10 1025 3 90 6 1280 4 65 11 1069 4 00 1 1250 4 76 18 1150 4 00 14 1219 6 00 13 1092 4 10 20 1260 6 00 COWS. 1 1000 2 00 21 1040 3 00 14 W7 2 10 2 1175 3 00 1 900 2 1 0 22 978 3 00 3 776 3 16 21 977 8 00 9 903 2 15 21 873 3 00 12 796 3 25 7 1"6 8 06 766 3 25 1025 3 10 7 1 2 26 27 ,1029 3 10 14 960 2 25 16 843 3 10 3 1070 2 25 15 944 t 10 1 1060 t 66 1098 t 10 10 948 1 66 6 1053 t 10 3 940 2 SO 20 1096 3 10 66 Ml 3 80 41 1022 3 10 5 826 2 SO 114 3 15 1 9i O 2 40 1 1120 8 15 3 1078 2 40 12 l(t 3 16 3 950 2 40 3 1300 3 15 1 1170 2 40 10 1131 3 15 2 1015 2 40 1 WOO 3 25 2 If n) 2 40 1 1240 3 26 14 87 2 40 1 lt.20 3 25 1 940 2 45 32 1(155 3 25 3 1123 2 4o 9 1067 8 26 2 !(5 2 50 4 1175 8 25 13 1000 2 60 .....1113 8 25 5 928 2 6 16 960 3 26 6 106 2 5 2 1190 3 25. 8 1150 2 70 8 1196 3 25 36 83 2 70 14 1176 8 26 2 9.15 S "5 2 1200 3 30 17 lot 2 75 3 1093 3 30 10 lmi3 2 75 1215 8 3") 3 f6 2 75 11 1041 3 30 6 1070 2 75 18 1078 8 30 3 104-1 2 80 3 1040 3 30 2 110 2 K5 5 1102 3 30 15 98 2 t& 20 1097 S 40 21 1011 2 5 7 1252 t 40 8 IM3 2 6 1 1330 3 40 20 1016 2 85 18 H'2 1 40 6 970 2 90 4 1j5 i 40 2 890 2 90 6 36 3 40 1 1030 2 9" 1 1270 3 50 13 924 2 90 1 110 3 50 19 1012 2 90 1 ....1020 S 60 14 1"44 2 90 1 1110 3 50 9 12" 2 95 20 971 3 50 26 916 3 00 7 9-I2 3 60 36 ...1101 8 00 20 1125 3 66 1 ...1220 3 00 7 IK 3 65 1 120 3 00 1... 1140 3 80 13 Si8 3 I0 t 1100 4 00 HEIFERS. 1 420 1 50 826 2 1 4 650 2 10 61 861 2 90 7 4.12 2 25 7 765 2 90 8 623 2 35 1 870 3 00 20 h 2 61) t 830 3 40 1 600 2 75 4 165 6 75 BULLS. I! 1180 2 10 1 1670 2 90 2 13!5 2 60 8 1546 3 00 2 13"5 2 60 1 lw. 3 25 3 1246 2 5t 1 12HO 8 25 2 1330 2 75 2 136 3 25 1 1"70 2 75 1 liii 3 60 1 lloO 2 75 1 1730 3 50 120 2 75 1 100 4 10 1330 2 85 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 8M0 2 26 -7 737 3 45 1 4 2 5o 9 K8 3 60 1 710 3 60 7 771 3 fco stuff sales No. 31... 21... 20... 11... 86.... 45... 87... 81... 20... Av. .. 60 ..123 ..12a ..116 ..196 ..228 ..172 ..217 ..201 ..176 76 213 70 231 69 215 192 .260 .2" 9 .216 .227 .213 .235 .232 .242 .216 243 .208 .263 .267 .246 .245 ..226 ..226 ..225 ..216 ,..230 63 264 67 230 89 190 73 215 66 265 47 26 73 264 66 265 31 Ui 87 281 61 242 63 276 15.. 15.. 76.. 27.. 69.. 28.. 67.. 79 86 73.... 61.... 72.... 67.... 84.. 73.. 73.. 74.. 70.. 86. 60.. 66.. 71.. 61.. 60.. 66.. 62.. ..241 ..27 ..264 ..257 ..264 ..276 ..243 .247 127 262 74 227 66 270 60 223 70 268 66 261 Sh. 240 80 120 'so 240 40 40 80 80 120 W 20 80 40 40 'so 160 160 40 '46 160 160 200 240 120 40 40 40 80 40 820 160 2W) 80 120 200 200 120 160 Pr. 4 60 5 35 6 60 5 60 6 00 10 10 10 10 "" 15 6 15 8 15 ' 15 174 20 20 20 8 20 20 8 20 20 6 20 20 5 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 8 20 8 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 224 8 224 6 224 6 224 6 22 4 6 224 6 224 6 22 4 6 224 224 8 224 6 224 224 224 224 8 22U 6 224 8 224 6 224 6 224 6 224 6 224 B 224 No 65.. 68.... 70. 82. 41. 72. Av. .257 .238 ..242 ..217 ..296 .23 45 247 30. 65..,. 66.... 69.... 63. ,257 .26 .263 .20 ,258 68 245 65... 68... 60... 62... 65... 70. 66. 29. 20. 43. 20. 66. 85. 61. 67 .244 ....26 ....290 ....296 ....260 ....271 ....274 ....224 ....258 ....263 ....272 ....259 261 66 274 62 2X9 60.. 65 64 66 64 20 67 25 66 47 .296 .293 .275 .287 .309 .373 .257 .206 .256 1I6 64... 57... 22... 64... 60... 67... 65..., 65.. ,..257 ..338 ..290 ...326 ..811 ..348 ..1492 ..267 .315 73 2S3 47 344 80 261 64.'.. ...267 61 323 64 329 51 355 62 276 63 295 67 819 62 830 Sh. 200 80 320 40 80 120 80 40 360 "w 160 80 120 80 200 40 40 '46 200 40 80 440 20 120 120 160 240 120 160 '46 160 80 120 40 80 160 i2o 200 80 '46 160 160 160 Pr. 8 224 6 224 6 224 6 22 4 6 224 6 224 6 224 6 224 6 224 8 25 6 25 6 26 6 25 6 25 8 25 6 26 8 25 6 25 6 25 8 26 6 26 6 26 6 25 6 25 6 25 8 25 8 25 6 25 8 25 6 26 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 8 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 26 6 274 6 27 4 8 274 8 274 6 274 6 274 6 274 6 274 6 274 6 80 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6. 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 8 324 SHEEP The Sllnnlv f ihun thl. n.nm lng was about the same as yesterday and ine quality was again good, quite a few Christmas muttons being on sale. The de- iimnu was in good shape and the market ruled active and steady to strong. Native ewes sold as high aa 14.25, fed western yearlings brought 4.50 and lambs to.OO. The menium grade sneep and lambs also sold freely at fully as good prices as were paid yesterday. Trading was active from start to finish and everything desirable changed litmus as rapioiy as onerei. ihe feeder situation ehowed very little cnange. rrom yesterday, aa offerings were 1 1 n I And aO . l.n mra m . V. ..... n n T3lnA ueiu practically steady. viuoiations ior red stock: Choice lambs. ao.wnio.ou; rair io gooa lambs, 84.60iiHU.oo cnuice yearungs, 4.a((i-4.bO; fair to good yearlings, t3.75fti4.10: choice wethers ti OHt .a; luir 10 gooa. choice ewes W2ora4.00; fair to good, t3.003.75; feeder lamos, xj.wk84.oo; feeder yearlings, t3.00fti3.25 feeder wethers. S2.76ii3.00: feeder ewes. II M vf-io. representative sales li5 native yearlings 249 red lambs ....7. 1 vearllno- ewe 203 yearling ewes 164 cull ewes 1 cull ewe 135 native ewes 42 native ewes 8 bucks 95 western ewea 299 feeder ewes., 1 cull ewe 1 buck 61 fed ewes S39 yearling wethers 180 native wethers 37 red lambs 20 native wethers 17 native ewes 26 native 1 native 1 native 33 native 18 cull 50 cull ewes.., lamb., lamb.., lambs. ewes tries It western ewes 6 native ewes 242 western ewes 37 western ewes 27 western ewes 50 cull lambs 3.1 native ewes 16 western wethers.. 348 fed yearlings western lambs 72 western lambs 99 native lambs 441 native lambs 98 fed ewes , 37 fed ewes , 7 native ewes 124 fed wethers , 36 fed wethers , 15 native lambs , 89 4 45 80 4 65 60 4 26 75 4 25 73 1 00 90 3 00 94 3 50 - 97 3 00 143 3 00 83 3 65 86 1 90 110 2 60 140 3 60 115 3 75 69 3 75 92 4 00 68 4 26 87 4 23 150 4 25 137 4 25 40 6 00 60 6 00 76 6 00 83 2 00 97 2 00 79 2 60 91 3 00 102 3 50 101 3 CO 97 3 60 67 4 00 121 4 25 89 4 60 95 4 50 6S 4 76 69 4 75 72 6 00 71 6 00 76 8 bO 100 3 75 131 3 75 71 4 40 90 4 50 91 6 26 CHICAOO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle, Hogs and Sheep All Go I'p la Price, Thoogli Hoars Drop Agals. CHICAGO. Dec. 17. CATTLE Receipts. 16,000 head; market strong to 15c higher; good to prime steers, t5.40ftj6.65; poor to medium, t3.0nfti5.25; stockers and feeders, t2.OOftp4.50: cows. tl. 25ftj4.60: heifers. 12.001) 4.76; canners, tl.254j2.40; bulls, t2.0Orij4.5O: calves, f3.75fit7.25: Texas fed steers. U.754C 4.60. HOGS Receipts. 31.000 head: estimated tomorrow, 30, WO head; left over. 8.0U0 head: market opened 10c higher, closed advance lost: mixed and butchers, t5.90ttiti.40: good to choice heavy, S6 50ftj SO; rough heavy, t60045; light, t5.75ftj6.25; bulk of sales, S6.204i6.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.000 head: market steady to strong; lambs, luftiS 15c higher; good to choice wethers, t3.76ft 4.40; fair to choice mixed, t2.75ij3.75; west ern sheep, S3.7tVfj4.40; native lambs, S3.6fftj 1.00; western lambs, t4.40ft4.65. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 6.249 2.603 Hogs 26.233 2.579 Sheep 12,126 2,892 Kew York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,087 head: steers, steady; hulls, steady; cows. 10(u16c lower; steers, 14 Vxfp 6.75: bulls. S3.OOfti4.25; cows and heifers, tl.60 IfM.oO. Cables steady; exports, 601 cattle, 779 sheep and 6,M4 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 1.13: veals, firm; barnyard calves, 15c and JOc lower; veals, S5.00ii9.5o; barnyard calves, t3.25ftj4.00; west ern. S3. 374&4.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.400 head; good lambs, strong; others steady; sheep. J.l"74.28; choice to extra, SI 5oftj4.76; culls, t2.00ftj2.5O, lambs, f5.00ftj6.25; culls, 14. GO 64.75. HOGS Receipts, 6,100 head; market higher; state and Pennsylvania hogs, S6 50; no weaterns. St. l.oals Live Nlork Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, s.OMi head, Including 8.600 head Tex ans; market active, steady; native shipping and export steers. S4 5"fti6.O0; dressed beef and butchers' steers. 14 (Kfl5.&0; steers under l.ixi lbs., S3. 734 5. 23; stockers and feeders, t2 3"4j4.oO; cows and heifers 32.264.75; can ners. tl 5"ftj2.5o; bulls. 12 4oftj3.6o; calves, 14 00 l7.00; Texas and Indian steers, S-'6uftj4.80; cows and heifers, S2 2tft(3 3o. HixiS Receipts. 4,ouo head; market 6ftJ10c hiirher: pigs and lights ti'vas.2S; packers, S6.15r(i636; butchers', S6.3ni6.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,000 hesd; market steady to strong: native mut tons, 13 25(34 25; lambs, t5.25415.50; culls and bucks, I2.uii4.00; stockers and feeders, tl.60 433.00; Texans, t2.6oftj3.76. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Flyer Lincoln Fast Mall b I 52 pm Furl Crook and Platts- moulh b 8:20 pm ft Pacific Jet.. a 7:60 pm Belltvue ft Pacific Jet. .a l:0U am Kansas City, St. Joseph Blnffa. Kansas City Day Eg. ..a 1.48 am St. Ixiuls Flyer a 6:10 pm Kansaa City Night ttx..al0:30 pm t hleaaro. Barllaa-ton Qni Chicago Special a 7:00 am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm Chicago Local a 1.30 am Chicago Limited a 3:06 pm Fast Mall ISIOS STATION IVTH AND Chleago, Rock Island ft Pael EAST. v .M Chicago Daylight LTd..a 6:00 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7.00 am V mcago cxpresv 1111.13 mil ra ltnlnH Pvnraa 4 111 rim Chicago Fast Express., a 6:36 pm vv co a . Rocky Mountain L't'd..a 8:50 pm Lincoln. Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm Colo., Texas, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 5:20 pm I nlon Pacific. Overland Limited a :40 am The Fast Mail a 8:50 am California Express a 4:25 pm Taclflc Express all: 30 pm Eastern Express The Atlantic Expresa The Cnlnradrt Rr.ju.lal - m 9-1A at. Chicago Special. L,mcoin ueatrice and Stromshurg Express.. b 4:08, pm Grand Island Loca. b 5:30 pm Chicago ft nrthnptirrn. "The Northwestern Line;' Fast Chlcaa-o a s an m Mall a 7:50 Dm Ixcal SIojx City a 5:10 nm Daylight St. Paul a 7.33 am Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am Local Chicago a!0:66 am Local Carroll a 4:00 pm 1:10 pm a 9:17 am bll:05 am 1:27 am ft Coaarll 8 OS pm all 6 am a 4 . IS om ary. a 4:0S pm a 7:84 am all 00 pm a 7:30 am a 2:45 pm .a 4.55 nm ,.a 8:10 pm ..a 8:10 pm , .b 4:00 pm MAHCY. He. Arrive, a 8 45 am a 9:35 pm a 6:06 pm bll :50 am a 1:25 pta a 4.55 am 5:00 pm 11:40 pm a 7:30 pm a 3:26 pm a 4:35 pm a 7:30 am a 1:40 am a 3:40 am bl!:50 pm b 9.35 pm a 7:00 am a 8:30 am a 3-50 pm a 10:23 pm all:20 pm a 5:10 pm a 9:50 am a 4:05 pm a 9:20 am a 8:15 am a 2:40 pm D 9:60 am Put fhtr-Airn Limited Chicago... i-ast st. Paul Fast Mall Local Sioux City... Wabnah. St. IxjuIs "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:66 pm St. Louis Tsoral, Coun cil Bin ffs a 9:15 am Illlnola Central. Chlcniro Evnreaa - 7.SA - C h 1( R Kn, Minneapolis "ft St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:20 am Chicago Express Chicago, Milwaukee ft St ChlcSffO A rim ft h - Vw K -V-Jrt - Chlcaso Limited Ex.. ...a 6:00 pm Missouri I'nclBc. St. Louis Expres-: al0:00 am K. C. and St. L. Ex al0:50 pm WEBSTER DErollWBTH ft W Fremoit, Elkborn ft Valley. Black Hills. Dead wood. Ve" Lead. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 1:00 pra Bonesteel, Lincoln, Nio brara and Fremont... b 7:30 am rremoni uoc&i c 7:30 am llilcsgo, St. rail, Minnen Omaha, Twin City Passenger.. .a :S0 am t-Joux City Passengei...a 2:00 pm Oakland l ocal b 6:45 pm Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a!0:25 am .a Dally. b Daily except Sunday. d Dally except Saturday. e Dally except Monday, c Sunday only. a 8:20 am al0:80 pm a 5:10 pm a 8:05 am bl0-35 pm mill; n-n Paul. b 8:40 pm a 7:50 am a 8:26 pm a 6:16 am EIISTKR Mlsaonrt Arrive, a 6:00 pm 6 :00 pm b 6:00 pm bl0:25 am polls ft a 9:10 pm all:?0 am b 8:45 am STEAMSHIPS. DOMINION LINE SPECIAL NOTICE Resumption of trlpa by the mammoth popular twin-screw steamers Common wealth and New England, to the Medrer. ranean frnm II..-r ,n . . . . . .... Fgypt"' Oenoa' Naples and Alex-dr:. New 'England" .Jan. 17. Feb. 28 "Commonwealth".. Jan. 8, Feb. 14, March 28 To Azores, Naples and Genoa. Vancouver'1 r.K in w Cambroman" Jn. 31. March U Proceeds through to Alexandria on the January and February voyages. a, ouiing million to Liverpool; Fort land. Me I n !.lv.,nnnl I.- i , - - -- - ".v, , . r vt l .rm , ikhik !eVve!.c". aPPlv to Local Agent or COM 1'ANY 8 Or KICK, 69 Dearborn St., Chicago. RAYMOND ft WHITCOMB'B 19th annual iuur OF OLD MEXICO. will leave January 31, and a second tour, visiting the MARDI GRAB, also leaves February 21. Entire trip Is made In spe cial private vestlbuled train of finest PULLMANS. Private car tours to Cali fornia frequently during winter. Panics to Cl'BA, PORTO RICO, FLORIDA. WEST INDIA CRl'ISE January 15. 190.". Annual tour to Egypt and HOLY LAND January 31. Write for booklet mentioning tour. 232 Clark St., Chicago. MS59 18 LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware Company. Omaha, Neb., Dec. 13, 19J2. No tice Is hereby given to the stockholders of the Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware, com pany that the annual meeting of the sfock- loiuers or tne company will be held at the offices of the said company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets, in the city of Omaha, in the state of Nebraska, on Tuesdav, Jan uary 13, A. D. 1903. at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of direct ors for the company to serve during tho ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may be presented at such meet- ng. H. J. LEE, President. W, M. ULASS, Secretary. D18 D3 )t NOTICE. On December 19th, 1902. at 11 a. m.. an an- plication will be made to the State Banking Board for an extension of the bond given oy tne umana Havings tianK to the state of rieprasKa. o-l)-d-6-t-ni Why Not Mexico? lAILWAY TIME CARD. BtKLIaGTOS STATION SOT H ft MASON Burlington ft Missouri River. Lea vs. Arrive Wymore. Eeatrlce nd Lincoln a 1:40 am bl1:65am Nebraska Express a fc:40 am a 7 46 pm Denver IJniited a 4:25 pm a 8:46 am Black Hilts and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a t 10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled You have been to Europe. You have seen California and Colorado. Why not try Mex ico? It Is worth while. The curious architecture; the vast plazas, where the en tire population ot the city gathers nightly to listen to the stirring strains of a mili tary band; the rare beauty of the women; the picturesque attire ot the men,' tbs primi tive methods of agriculture these are only a few of tba cores of things that can be seen and enjoyed In Mexico In MID-WINTER. Cut out this ad. send It to ns, and we will mall you a book about Mexico. Tells Just wbat you want to know. Ticket Office, 1323 jggsr FarnamSt. OriAHA, NEB. P. B. Wears. CA. V-Pr.s. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Members of the Principal Exchanges Private Wtreg to All point. GRAIN. l-HOV .S.OXhT lot K." flONDS Bought and sold for cash or futu.-e delivery OMAHA BRANCH, llo-in Board of Trade. 1 elepbone 118. W. E. Ward. Local M-iager,