Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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th possible exception of Francs, which
remains on pleasant relation! with
Ilovrea Obtains Help.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. The following
table was sent today by the Navy depart
meat to Admiral Dewey at San Juan:
Rerd competent' nrtt with dli'rh In
torpedo boat Destroyer or mher vessel to
Caracas ae assistant to American min
is ur.
The following cable was also, lent to
Commander Diehl of Marle'ta, no lying at
La Ouayra:
Send Van T)iicn a- assistant to the
Amerlrsn minister tTnpornrlly.
The ofllcer from Dewey' fleet wilt relieve
Lieutenant Commander Van Dusen, who la
only an hour distant from Caracas.
The Navy department explains that one
reaaon for tending the officer to Caracal
la that Mr. Bowen la almost overwhelmed
with work Imposed on him by his many
charges. He baa nearly all the English
resident In Caracas domiciled In the
American legation and Is feeding them from
his own table.
The torpedo boat Destroyer will serve at
ft dispatch boat to keep Mr Bowen In touch
with the nearest cable station In case the
La Ouayra cable Is cut.
There will be no effort to resist a war
blockade of the Venezuelan coast as
gainst merchant ships, though custom re
quires that due notice shall be given, and
that fact. In connection with the declara
tions made In the British Parliament, will.
It Is understood, be sufficient to Justify all
neutral nations to agree that a state of war
actually exists.
The State department Is still hopeful that
arbitration will be accepted for the alter
native Is now realized to be actual war. A
declaration of war would at once clothe the
Venezuelans with the full rights of bellig
erents and might greatly protract the ef
forts of the allies to subdue President
State of War Exists.
LONDON, Dec. 17. In the course of
long statement In the House of Common
today Mr. Balfour said there was no
such thing as a "pacific blockade." A state
of war actually existed with Venezuela and
an Intimation thereof would soon be given
to the powers.
Mr. Balfour added that the blockade
would be carried out with as little Incon
venience to neutrals as possible. Nothing
definite had occurred with reference to the
arbitration proposal since bis previous
statement on the subject.
Thla statement was made In re
ply to the desire of the liberal leader. Sir
Henry Campbell-Bannnrman, for Informa
tion on the Venezuelan situation. After re
Iterating Lord Lantdowne' brief statement
In the House of Lords yesterday, the pre
mier continued.
"The blockade will be carried out by
Oreat Britain and Germany alons different
portions of the coast, and though the two
fleets wilt have the same objecta they will
not act as one force. We never had any
Intention of landing troops In Venezuela or
of occupying territory ' even temporarily.
We do not think It desirable on either mili
tary or other grounds,
i "All the conditions governing such a
blockade have been carefully considered
and will be published In due time for the
Information cf neutrals. The government
is most anxious that these operations, the
necessity for which ; we deeply regret,
nhould be as little Inconvenient to neutrals
r they can possibly be made.
"No difference will be made between the
veasels of the various neutral powers. I
hlnk It Is quite likely that the United
States will think that there cannot be
. i urh a thing as a 'pacific blackade,' and I,
personally, take the same view. Evidently
I. blockade Involves a state of war." .
Mr. Balfour concluded his statement
with saying he could make no announce
ment as,; to, whether the offer of arbitra
tion from Venezuela would be accepted
by Great Britain.
The - premier also said the operations
were reluctantly undertaken, not to re
cover debts, but. after a long and patient
delay, to recover compensation for as
f.aults on British subjects and the seizure
r.f British vessels. '
LONDON. Dec. 18. The Times thla morn
ing gives prominence to a letter from Sir
t llobert Glffen, declaring the foreign office
rravely blundered In associating Itself with
Germany against Venezuela. Sir Robert
contends that a blockade will be useless
against a bankrupt state, while the seizure
of the customs will be tantamount to an-,
nexatloo and full of danger, considering
the peculiar relations of Venezuela to the
United 8tates.
Sir Robert strikes his most alarming
note when he refers to the danger of Ger
many embroiling Great Britain with the
United States. He believes that Germany
would not heattate to occupy Venezuelan
territory, and he thinks the less said about
British claims the better, and doubt it
Great Britain has any good moral claim
against Venezuela, and concludes:
The best course la to cry off at all haz
ards, and at the utmost exact punishment
for the injured seamen by getting hold, if
puaslble, of the guilty Venezuelan officials.
The Times, without endorsing Sir Rob
Catarrh la Found Everywhere.
Catarrh is at home anywhere and every
where. ' While more ' commoa in ' cold,
changeable climates. It is by no means con
fined to them, but i prevalent In every
state and territory In the union.
The common definition of catarrh I a
chronlo cold in the head, which it long
neglected often destroy the sense of small
and hearing; but there are many other
forms of the disease even more obstinate
ana dangerous.
Catarrh of the throat and bronchial tubes,
as well as catarrh of the stomach and liver,
are almost as common as naaal catarrh and
generally more difficult to cure.
Catarrh is undoubtedly a blood disease
and can only be successfully eradicated by
an Internal treatment. Sprays, washes'
and powder - are useless, as far a reach
ing the real seat of the disease Is con
cerned. ' 41 ' -'
Dr. Molverney advises catarrh sufferer
to use a new preparation, sold by all
druggists, called Stuart's Catarrh Tablets,
because actual analysis has shown these
tablets to contain certain antiseptic quali
ties of the highest value, and being an In
ternal remedy, pleasant to tha taste, con
venient and harmless, can be used as freely
as required, as well for children as for
An attorney and publlo speaker, who had
been a catarrh sufferer for years, says:
"Every fall I would catch a cold which
would settle in my head and throat and
hang on all winter long, and every winter
It seemed to get a little worse. I was
continually clearing my throat and my
voice became affected to such an extent as
to interfere with my public speaking,
tried troches and cheap cough cure
and sometime got relief, but only for a
short time, untU tbl winter when 1 learned
of the new (.atjrni cure, Stuart' Catarrh
Tablets, through a newspaper Jci-iUg-metu.'
Two ufiy-cent v .boxes which I
bought at, my druggist' cleared my head
and throat In. flue shape, and to guard
against a return of my old trouble I keep a
Cox of 'the tablet on band and whenever 1
catch a little sold I take a tablet or two
and ward off any serious developments."
Stuart' Catarrh Tablet deserves to head
the list. as a household remedy, to check
and break u? eougb and cold, because,
unlike many other catarrh an0 cough cures,
these tahleta coatala no opiate, cocaine or
tuy lajurlou drug.
ert's gloomy views, and while It repudiates
his suspicions of Oermany, saya It cannot
bide from Itself either the actual or con
tingent difficulties Involved In this most
disagreeable undertaking.
Teople Are t nlted.
NEW TORK, Dec. 17. The consul gen
eral of Venezuela In this city today re.
celved the following cablegram:
CARACA8, Dec. 17. Rm;kere, bar. com
merce, society and clergy constituted In
committee, approve the' government's atti
tude and offer President Castro their aid
unreservedly. KOHRM CARDIN.
Secretary to the President.
Secretary Hay has cabled to Ambassador
Tower at Berlin, says the World's corre
spondent at Washington, to ask the German !
government to define for this country ex
actly what IS meant by a "peaceful block
ade." The dispatch was couched In the suavept
language, but It was Insistent that Ger
many should reply. -
This Inquiry, was decided upon at the 1
cabinet meeting, where it was discussed j
fully. i
If Germany Insist on Its right to block- '
ade peaceably and refuses to let American '
ships through, then Admiral Dewey's fleet
will be sent to Venezuela to convoy
American ships through the German and
English lines. Admiral Dewey has been
told to keep his fleet together.
The administration Is waiting Ger
many's answer with some anxiety. The
situation Is now more critical than it has
been sines the trouble began.
Revolutionists Will Oppose Castro.
Senor Rojaa, agent In thla Island of the
Venezuelan revolutionists, according to the
Herald's Port of Spain (Trinidad) corre
apondent, denies the report that they have
Joined common cauae with Castro against
the allies.
On the contrary, according to reports re
ceived, the government troops under Gen
eral Velutlnl have been twice defeated by
the revolutionists, first at Gutra and sec
ond at El Cbico, where they were com
pletely routed and fled In disorder.
Moreover, It is reported from Alta Gracla
that General Rolando, at the head of 6,000
revolutionists, is marching on Caracas with
tho object of capturing the city and over
throwing Castro.
The rebels In Trinidad believe that If
Rolando's movement proves successful he
will elect a new president who will treat
with England and Germany and thus
quickly end the difficulty.
Stand with President Castro.
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, Dec. 17. Tho
Costa Rica government will not discuss
the Venezuelan situation, but It can be said
on good authority that the ministers favor
President Castro's attitude.
Public feeling here is bitter agalnBt the
British and German action. The United
States la much criticised and the Monroo
doctrine is ridiculed. Finally, President
Castro is looked upon as setting a good
example to Spanish-America.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Dec. 17. Tha
Nlcaraguan government and people view
the action of Great Britain and Germany
toward Venezuela with great Indignation.
BRUSSELS, Dec. 17. The Belgian claims
amount to several million . francs. They
arise chiefly from the nonpayment of In
terest on Venezuelan government- Issued
as purchase money for tho Water Works
company at Caracas, which was promoted
by a Belgian company.
France Will Reiterate Demand (or
Sixteen .Millions Awarded by
Arbitration Court. ;
LIMA, Peru, Dec. 17. The Frdjich lega
tion presented to the Peruvian government
on November a claim for tie.071,940 in
favor of the Dreyfus brothers of Paris, in
accordance with the finding of the Lau
sanne court of arbitration.
Up to the present the government has
made no reply and It is probable the French
legation will tomorrow reiterate its request
for a settlement in stronger language.- -
(Continued from First Page.)
the citizens of Hot Springs, S. T., and the
grounds of the public school in that city
for the purpose of preventing undesirable
encroachments and of securing an addi
tional entrance to the sanitarium.
Routine of Departments.
Postmaster appointed: Nebraska Rein
hold O. Hellwege, Mlra Creek, Valle7
county, vice A. Ward, resigned. Iowa j
Selma Woods, Tioga, Mahaska county. 1
Wyoming Martin Van Ittln, Granite
Canon, Laramie county.
Moses H. Bants has been appointed sub
stitute clerk in the postofflce at Independ
ence, la.
Two additional rural free delivery routes
will be established January 15 at Ottumwa,
Wapello county, la.; area 'covered, forty
square miles; population, 1.015; the post
office at Ormanvllle to be discontinued. -
The comptroller of the currency has ap
proved the Drovers' National bank of Chi
cago a reserve agent for the following
Iowa national banksr First National of
Greenfield, Livestock National of Sioux
City. Commercial National of Essex and
First ' National of Harlan.
Mines in the Anthracite RetTlon Are
Only Sllahtlr Dnmaared
by Floods.
PHILADELPHIA. Deo. 17. Report re
ceived today from the mining region, are
to the effect that the water are fast re
ceding and the damage to mine will not
be so great as waa- first expected.
A few mines in the Pottsvllle and Haile
ton region were slightly' damaged by the
high water, but the suspensions caused by
the flood will be cf abort duration.
The- 8usquhaana and Schuylkill rivers,
w hich (rose rapidly last, night and in many
places overflowed, their .banks, .are, falling.
i i
WarMMtk laarar Plantation In Lou
isiana Are Flared In the Hnnds
of a Receiver.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 17. On an appllca
tlon of Harry L. Law of the Arm of James
H. Laws Co., of Cincinnati, Judge Par
dee in the United States circuit court today
appointed A. B.f Wheeler receiver for the
Magnolia and other sugar plantations of
former Governor Warmouth in Plaquemlne
A note held by Laws for $15,000 fell due
oa December 1 and was protested and not
paid. It is said various creditors were
threatening seizure of the plantations.
City Legislators Win Writ fer Free,
dont In Itate supreme
DENVER, Deo. 17. The supreme court
today Issued a writ of supersedeas in the
rase of the mayor and eleven aldermen
eutenced for contempt.
The case was take to tha supreme oourt
oa 4 writ ot error.
Operator! F resent Misleading Figure to
Goal Slrik Commission.
Claim In Opening that Recognition of
Men's Organisation la Sot an
Issae Isdrr Terms of Ref
erence to Arbitrators.
SCRANTON, Pa., Dec. 17. The operators
opened hrlr case todny before the strike
commission and began calling witnesses.
At the morning sesRiou the miners chal
lenged the fulrnesa of certain wage state
ments handed in by the Pennsylvania
Coal company, and In the afternoon Mr.
Darrow had a spirited discussion with the
chairman as to whether the miners had a
right to know who mas psylDg the lawyers
representing the non-union men. Simon
P. Wolverton, counsel for the Reading com
pany, opening for the la g' coal companies,
claimed that the recognition of thn union
waa not an Issue before the commission.
Mr. Darrow protested at thla and
claimed In reply that If It were not the
operators should be barred from present
ing testimony to show the union re
sponsible for the alleged violence commit
ted during the strike.
The question of the 'wage statementi
came up as a result of further inquiry Into
child labor.
Today the miners placed two parents on
the stand who swore their earnings, as
stated to the commission yesterday, were
divided ami ng from four to six men.
This surprised the commissioners, and
Judge Gray asked if the figures were taken
from the wage statement already filed by
the companv, and Mr. Warren replied in
tho affirmative.
Figures May Mislead.
The chairman then requested counsel to
Indicate whether the flgurea given were
for one. two or more men.
"We don't say It shakes our faith In the
statement," he continued, "but unless you
can show that there are cases, such as
are suggested by this testimony, it will
materially shake our faith in it."
. W. A. May stated that the Pennsyl
vania Coal company had two systems, one
where four men worked In a place and
another In which there were only two
men, but the company did not keep a record
of the number concerned In any contract.
It only, kept the names of the men In
whose name the place Is run.
The company, he said, did not pay the
laborer, it only riald the man In whose
name tho place was run.
Mr. Darrow cross-examined, and Mr.
May said he did not know whether two,
four or six men worked to earn the money
Indicated on the memorandum, adding that
he got the figures from the auditor.
"You Baw these figures hand d to me, to
tho newspapers and to the commission, and
you did not state to any one that you
did not know how many, men shared in
the money earned," said Mr. Darrow.
"I did not say anything tbout It either
one way or the other," replied Mr. May.
Mr. Darrow, thereupon, directly chal
lenged the good ful h of Mr. May who
handed the figures to the company's at
torney for presentation, aa" said It was
unfair to have given them to the com
mission without Indicating how many
workmen's earnings were represented.
Operators Snm Ip Case.
The miners here closed their case, and
Mr. Wolverton formally opened for the op
erators by reading a statement, which jep.
resented the views of all the large com
panies, as follows: ' ' ' ' '
All the anthracite coal In the' United
States Is found In a few counties of Penn
sylvania. The conditions of mining are so
different In different Melds, and even In the
same mine, that It is not practicable to
adopt any uniform method of mining for
the whole region.
The respondents will show that it is the
acknowledged purpose of the I nlted Mine
Workers of America to organize all coal
mine employe and thus form a monopoly
of the labor heeded for the fuel supply
demanded by the comfort and prosperity
of the American people.
After the Btrike settlement of 1900 union
men refused to work with nonunion men
and there were over HI0 strikes in one year
in various parts of the anthracite region.
Unreasonable demands not being acceded
to, the ''nlted Mine Workers ordered a
strike May 12, lt;2. though a large part
of he m'ners were opposed to it.
Men were prevented by violence from
filling the strikers' p'aces; mines were
filled with water, and. had It not heen for
the operators' strenuous efforts to keep
pumps going, few miners would have heen
able to get work after the resumption.
Had the union succeeded In stopping the
pumps little or no coal would have been
furnished the public tn the winter ot
The respondents concede the right of
labor to organize for its protection and to
benefit the coi ilitlonn of the laborer, but
they feel that to be subject to any control
of a bituminous coal organization, com-
fiosed of boys a well as men, would end
n the ruin of the anthracite coal business
in Pennsylvania.
liars I'ulon Recognition.
It has been conceded during the progress
of thla hearing that the basis of founda
tion of the appointment of the commission
and Its powers rest upon 'he letter to the
public, signed by the presidents of the coal
companies, dated October 13, la02, and the
acceptance of the terms of thla letter by
the convention of the striking mine work
ers; and that the powers of this commie,
rlon are confined to the questions affecting
the rates of w;igen paid and the reduction
of the hours of labor and In no way In
volves the question of recognition or the
entering into any agreement with that or
ganization as proposed in the statements of
claims tiled by the complainants.
The respondents will show that after the
settlement of 19uu there was apparently a
concerted effort on the part of the miners
to restrict tne output, evidently to prevent
the producers from accumulating a stuck
of coal to meet emergencies surh as floods
and strikes, and when tne strike waa or
dered In May there was less than one
month's supply of coal in the market.
The rate of wages In the anthracite re
gion Is not 40 or 50 per cent lower -than
" As no unwelcome
Signifiei the entry into every
household of an article of
A fact to be borne in
mind by those who are
friends or relatives. The
infinite variety of the
Gorham manufactures
still further recom
mends them for this
purpose. All t-wtes,
ages and predilections
may be suited in Gor
ham ware.
rsapoo stale
kscp It
h uHttttt'u ... 1 1 it nvrrr 'it ivmn
In the soft coal region, but actually higher.
It will be shown that the average earnings
of all employes of manufacturing estab
lishments covering m different classes,
skilled and unskilled labor, is below the
average earning., of the miner In the an
thrati lte region. It will r shown that the
system by whlrh coal Is weighed Is the
only method tha can be adopted, and that
the miners and laborers do not now work
elaht hours, and In the majority of the
cases ot miners less than six.
Independents Open 5ett.
Mr. Darrow took exception to Ibe at
tempt to rule out the question of recogniz
ing the union and then Ira H. Rums opened
for the Independents.
He said:
It Keems to us that the questions, so far
as they concern the individual operators,
may be considered under three general
First. Wages
8econd. Hours of labor.
Third. Nonunion men and discrimination.
Proceeding, he also asked that tho
miners'- union, a uch, should not be con
sidered by the commission, and went on to
say that the question of wages should be
settled separately for each colliery.
He continued:
As we understand It one of the chief
duties of the commission Is to ascertain the
value of labor In and about the mine. It
is purely a business protilem. It is .he
value of th labor and not the necessities of
the laborer that we are trying to ascertain.
The laborer is worthy of his hire, but the
hire Is fixed according to what he dues; not
what he needs.
The length of a working day Is a matter
In which the Individual operator are par
ticularly Interested. As a rule their work
ings are deep and veins of coal thin. "They
necessarily have greater expense for
pumping and lifting the coal. The business
itself ntcesisarlly entails large fixed enurgerf.
It may be that the difference between an
eight-hour and a ten-hour day to the opera
tor might mean the difference between
profit and lofcs.
The varying Conditions of work at the
respective mines make It Impossible to lay
down a hard and fast rule that will do
equal Justice to all concerned
If any award fs made by this commission
In fuvor of the 1'nlted Mine Workers we
claim that there should he some substantial
assurance on the part of the union thnt it
will in the future refrain from In any way
Interfering wltn or molesting persons T ho
wish to work in or about the mines, but
who do not belong to the union.
Who Pays Lawyers
At the conclusion of Mr. Burns' state
ment the nonunion men begad calling
witnesses as to the alleged violence during
the strike.
Mr. Darrow asked who was paying tbe
lawyers representing the nonunionists.
Counsel for the witness objected, and
Mr. Darrow insisted that he and the com
mission bsd a right to know who were back
of the nonunion men, but the chairman
differed with hlra.
Mr. Darrow Insisted, and Mr. Brumm,
also for the miners, claimed that tbe non
union men had virtually formed a union,
because they asked recognition in . tbe
award and an Increase in pay.
Finally Judge Gray consulted hi col
leagues and finally ruled that It waa im
material who wa behind tbe nonunion men.
Mitchell Says Adhernnee to False
Principles Has Prolonged
ConI Tronbles.
Bl'FFALO. N. Y., Dec. 17. John Mitchell,
president of the United Mine Workers, was
asked tonight during an impromptu ovation
in his honor: ,.
"What do you believe is the cause af tbe
prolongation ,of (he trouble between the
miners and the operators?"
"Principally the sincerity of some of the
captains of Industry," he said. "I believe
that Mr. Baer and some of the coal barons
are sincere and, mean everything they say,
but they have wrong ideas and principles,
and it' is nex to .impossible to get them to
aeknowledgfl ; tfie, facts. Mr. Baer, In my
opinion. Is an honest man, and lives ac
cording to Tils VflplP : '"
Will Attempt to Agree on Prlcee
Which HaVe Heen Demoral
ised for Months.
PITTSBURG, Dec. 17. Near'r 200 manu
facturing potters are meeting at Hotel
Henry in this city, In a final effort to reach
an agreement on prices, which have been
demoralized for several months.
Twenty million dollars pf capitalisation
and about $12,000,000 In annual output Is
represented at the meeting. The session
may last several day.
Wright wrongs no man. Wright's old
fashioned buckwheat flour is pur.
Rain In Nebraska Today and Fair To
morrow, While Iowa Haa
Two Fair Days.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Forecast:
Nebraska Rain Thursday; warmer In
west portion; Friday, fair.
Iowa Fair Thursday and Friday.
Illinois Fair Thursday; fresh west
winds; Friday, fair.
Colorado Fair Thursday; Friday, prob
ably snow.
Montana Fair Thursday; warmer In
south Lid extreme northwest portions;
Friday, fair, except probably snow in
northwest portion.
Wyoming Fair; warmer Thursday; Fri
day, fair, except snow In southeast por
tion. North Dakota Fair Thurtday; warmer tn
northwest portion; Friday, fair.
South Dakota Fair; warmer Thursday;
Friday, fair.
Kansas Fair Thursday; warmer In north
and west portions; Friday, fair In east,
rain or snow in west portion.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 17. Official record of tem-
firaiure and precipitation compared with
he corresponding day of the last three
years :
1902. 1901. 1900. 1S9.
Maximum temperature ... XI S3 29
Minimum temperature ... 12 81 b)
Mean temperature 22 2 47 24
Precipitation ... 00 .04 .00 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 28
Deficiency for the day v
Total excess since March 1, 1902... 19S
Normal precipitation : .03 Inch
Deficiency for the day (4 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 29 91 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 fcs Ini'h
Deficiency for cor. period, 19H.....1 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 19U0. 01 Incb
Heoorta front stations at T I'. M.
I'll !
: :
27 81 .00
22 121 00
14 24 .110
2ol 41 .00
I'll .00
ti 41 .00
Hi 2o .00
2-.M I'.'l .00
s .00
4 4ri .00
So! ' .00
Ml 211 .)
Ml Sxl .00
S4l 3 .00
12i 14! .0
121 4 .00
bZ (4 .00
Omaha, clear ..
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Rait tjike. cloudy
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clcai
Wllliaton, clear
Chicago, clear
Bt. I4ula, clear
Hi. Paul, part cloudy
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear
Havre, cloudy
Helena, clear
lilsrnarck, clear
Galveston, clear
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
iocal . Purecest OttlolaL
Honse Vote Half Million to Aid Wf on
Monopolistic Gombinti.
Only Dlarnsalon la na to Rest Means to
"trenathen Original Motion nh.
milted, with Kesnlt thnt l.nrge
hm la Appropriated.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 Mr. Rartlett,
Georgia democrat, during the considera
tion of the legislation appropriation bill in
the house sprang an amendment to appro
priate $250,000 to enforce the Sherman anti
trust law and to direct the attorney general
to proceed against all violations.
Although such a provision was plainly
amenable to a point of order, not a mem
ber in either side raised objection. Both
sides wheeled Into line and all agreed that
some such action was advisable.
Some of the republicans, however, raised
objection to the looseness of the amend
ment and Mr. Hepburn (la.) offered as a
substitute in the language of the bill he
Introduced on the opening day to approprlte
$500,000 for the enforcement of the law.
This was further strengthened to make the
appropriation Immediately available, and
as amended the substitute was agreed to
without division. The legislative bill was
passed practically a It came from the
committee except for this amendment.
Motion Is Specific.
The Hepburn amendment as adopted 1
a follow:
That ior the enforcement of the pro
visions of the act of Jul- 2, l9n. the sjtn
of $."ion,i00 s hereby arTproprluled out of
any money in tho treasury not heretofore
appropriated to be expended under the di
rection of the attorney general In the eni
plyoment of special counsel of the depart
ment of justice to conduct proceedings,
suits and prosecutions under said act In
the courts of the United States.
Provided, that no person shall be prose
cuted or be subjected to uny penalty of
forfeiture for or on account of any trans
action, matter or thing concerning which
he may testify or produce evidence, docu
mentary or otherwise, in anv proceeding,
suit or prosecution under said acta; pro
vided, further, thnt no person ho testifying
shall be exempt from prosecution or pun
ishment for perjury committed In so testi
fying. This appropriation shall be imme
diately available.
When the house- convened a bill was
passed to extend the act of June 6, 1900,
which authorizes the sale of stone and
timber for use in the Indian Territory, bo
as to provide for It sale to railroads parts
of whose lines are in the territory.
The speaker laid before the house a
letter from Oovernor Smith of Maryland
notifying the housa of the presentation by
the state cf Maryland of the statuea of
Charles Carroll of Carrollton, one of the
signers of the Declaration of Independence,
and John Hansen, president ot the conti
nental congress. These are now in statuary
A resolution was adopted setting aside
Saturday, January 31, after 3 p. m., for the
exercises In connection with the accept
ance of these statues. Tbe house then re
sumed the consideration of the legislative
appropriation bill.
Mr. Bartlett (Ga.) offered an amendment
appropriating $250,000 to enable the attor
ney general to prosecute the violators of
the anti-trust laws.
Mr. Hepburn (la.) offered a substitute
Increasing the amount to $500,000. Mr. Can
non (111.) endorsed the latter amendment.
Mr. Hepburn said the whole country was
agitated over thla subject.
Mr. Bartlett wanted Mr. Hepburn to In
corporate In his amendment a provision di
recting -the -aUorncy. general to proceed
with prosecutions, but to this Mr. Hepburn
objected, because it contained a reflection
on the attorney general,
v Mr. Bartlett said the attorney general
should be criticised because be had not en
forced tbe anti-trust laws. He said there
had been no representative of the people's
Interest In the White House cabinet or on
the federal bench in the fight against the
' Mr. Groivenor (O.) said the Sherman
anti-trust law was a republican measure,
while a democratic administration had cast
doubt upon its constitutionality. Mr. Hep
burn' amendment was adopted without
Without further amendment the bill was
passed The committees then were called.
The unfinished business was to prohibit
military and naval bands from competing
with civilian bands.
Senate Approves Expenditure of Half
si Million to Stamp Oat
rattle Disease.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. The senate to
day passed the pension appropriation bill
without discussion. It carried 1139,847,000. '
An urgent deficiency bill was also passed
carrying (1,148,400 and Including an Item
of $500,000 to enable the secretary of agri- i
culture to stamp out the foot and mouth
disease in New England.
Tbe militia bill was op for a short time,
Mr. Bacon (Ga.) continuing his remarks
against the constitutionality of tbe provi
sion for a reserved force of trained men.
At 2 o'clock Mr. Kean (N. J.) called up
the resolutions expressing regret at the
death of the late Senator Sewell (N. J.)
and spoke feelingly of the life and char
acter of the deceased. He was followed
by several other senators and as a further
mark of respect an adjournment was taken
until Saturday.
-The senate concurred in tbe amendments
to a bill providing for tbe survey of certain
lands In Wyoming.
Mr. Morgan .gave notice that on Satur
day he would address tbe senate regard
ing the construction of an isthmian canal.
Mar Be Elected I nlted States Senater
by Republicans of North
FARGO, N. D. Dec. 17. The Cass county
legislative delegation of twelve members
met here and enthusiastically resolved to
support I B. Hanna for 1'nlted States
senator. He is a banker and nephew of
Senator Hanna of Ohio. Cass county mem
ber assert that be 1 tbe only candidate
upon whotu the factions can unite. Sup
porters of Senator Hansbrough say he has
enough votes to elect without Cass county.
Esamlner Hestsjns Uniee.
PIERRE, S. D., Dec. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) There Is a vacancy in the office of
public examiner of this state, caused by
It make tha toilet something- to be en.
joyed. It remove all stains and roughness,
prevent prickly heat and chafing, and
leave the skin white, toil, healthy. In the
bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which
no common soap can equal, imparting the
vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish
bath. ( AU GaOCiM AK9 paUcciSTl.
the resignation of George C. Aurand, which
resignation also terminated tbe service of
F. Leclalre a deputy. A new appointment
will be announced within a few day.
gaspeeted Robber Arrested.
m.OOMINOTON. Ill, Dec. 17 Three
men, thought to be concerned In the bank
robberies nt Clarence and other parts of
rrtitral Illinois, were arrested today at
("iltison City. A large sim of money was
found In their vost salon and their shoes
correspond with the sir.e of the tracks
made in the snow around the bank.
a coriPLiru-NT.
More than once The Independent has felt
Inclined to ay that It la a rare thing to
find a business man so thoroughly capable
! of puKhlng bis work as B. H. Roblson ot the
' Bsnkers' Reserve Life. Readers of The
Independent have no: failed to note the at
tractive, readable advertisements of this
company appearing In every Issue of the
paper. But Mr. Roblson is even more
cspshle as an Insurance man than he Is as
an advertiser. Perhaps no man In the state
has a more thorough knowledge of the sub
ject. As a straw showing the attractiveness of
the Rankers' Reserve ads. we quote from a
recent number of the Easton (Pa.) Senti
nel: "In the Nebraska Independent, published
at Lincoln, Neb., Is an advertisement of a
life Insurance company that contains a sug
gestion that may well be styled 'unique.' It
Is the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt
for president and John Mitchell for vice
president on the same ticket. The writer
Is evidently a republican and means what
lie says.
"If Roosevelt and Mitchell should be the
republican nominees it would not be more
surprising than to see Grover Cleveland, If
not the democratic candidate, at least with
the Influence to name him.
"Stranger events than the above sugges
tions have taken place in American poli
tics." The Nebraska Independent.
Christmas is the white
milestone of life's high
way. Ages have .sanc
tioned its custom of ge
nial hospitality where
in now
Hunter j
Baltimore 1!
Rye I
plays its part of giving
cheer and comfort to
host and guest. May
all be merry as a mar-
riage bell.
Spld at all Ont-clasa cafe and by I
Jobber. WM. LANAHAN ft I
SON, Baltimore, Md. I
iiv Omaha s leading Hotel
'K'IA1. ' 1MTISB.
12:30 to 2 p. m.
RT'NDAT, 6:W p. m. DINNER. 7Ro
Steadily Increasing business has necessi
tated an enlargeirx-nt of this cafe, doubling
Its former capacity.
Finest Cafea Went of New York.
IdO,0u In Recent improvements
Open Jan. 3rd to May 15th.
I'uder New Management
J.-R. Hafts, C. A. Brant, Lessee.
Nappy Day
Dram; to
Hospe's Extraord nary "End
of the Year Sale" Good
FAGTOaY prices and iess
Magnificent Stock to Select
From and Prices Cut in
Two on Many.
Payments So Easy, Prices So
Low, That A I Can Buy.
$1.00 Per Week Up
On Pianos.
Open Evenings, 1515 Douglas
From tbe balance of unsold pianos in
this "End of the Year Sale" we take seven
Instruments and feature them as illustra
tions ot tbe great bargains to be had at this
One "Richmond" upright piano. Inexpen
sive dark case, trlpple strung, .full metal
plate, three pedals; was $150, now I7i;
cash or payments, $4 monthly.
One "C. D. Pease" upright piano lb a
pretty but plain rosewood case, medium
size, three strings, full scale; was 1S5.
now $97; cash or payments, $X monthly.
Large cabinet grand "Hoffmann' piano,
four feet, ten Inches high, in genuine mo
hogany veneered case, rolling fall board,
patent duet rest,' three pedals and soft
stop; It Is low in the regular retail way
at 225, now only $135. Another Booth
Bros, for $14d; cash or payments, $."
"Hlnze" upright, rosewood finish esse,
plain but pretty, rolling fall board, three
pedals and patent soft stop, strictly stand
ard quality throughout; was $250, now $175;
cash or payments, $6 monthly.
"Hlllrr & Co. new" upright, handsome
mottled walnut case, one of the oldest
makes, has duet rest and roll fall board,
hand carved panels, full scale, guaranteed
fully; was $325, now $100.
"Whitney" cabinet grand upright, In
pretty English oak case, carved panels,
three pedals and soft stop, guaranteed
standard Quality throughout, will last a
lifetime; was $325, nod $215. Terms, cash
or $7 monthly.
"Hallet ft Davis" upright gTand( you need
hot be told that H. ft D. Is one of the best
pianos In this country! for sixty-five years
It has been the Boston favorite); a thor
oughly artistic piano In every manner; was
$375, now $248. Terms cash or payment Xi
or $10 monthly.
Greatly reduced prices are offered on very
fine art styles of cabinet grand Upright
"Knabe," "Hallet ft Davis," "Kimball."
"Krantch ft Bach" and other pianos In the
latest colonial and other styles. See them.
Special reduced price on piano-players,
the only make really worth considering.
Here I something that, will drive away
dull care and cause you to wonder why you
have lived without one so long. A fine
Christmas gift. Payment to suit.
An organ, in good playing condition, only
$12; $2 monthly.
An organ, splendid shape, only $17; an
other, $19; and still another, $21; $3 cash,
$2.60 monthly.
An organ as good as new, $22; another
for $26, and still another for $27; $3 to $4
cash, $3 monthly.
A new organ, shopworn, worth $70, only
$32; another, finer case, only $37, and still
another for $43; $5 cash, $3 to $4 monthly.
Fine, new $75, $90 and $125 organs for $47,
$58 to $67; 5 cash, $4 monthly. Piano cased
organs reduced to half price. .
Good square piano for $20, $23, $32, $47 to
$60; term. $5 to $75 cash, $3 to $5 monthly.
It will psy you to attend this sale early to
secure good choice. It only lasts six day
Established 1873.
1515-1513 Douglas
iloax City, Iovrn.
boyd'S. woo,n;a;,a.rlur,
Th8 Power
Tha Throia"
PridM, tie, (0e no. It
Price: Mat., 25c to $1.00; Night, 20c to $1.50.
Telephone, 1531.
Matinee, fljnday. Wednesday, Saturday,
3:16; livery Nlgbt, b.13.
Valerie Rerger & Co., Three Navaroa,
Mehan's Doks. Josei.hlne Bahel. Miles Hiav.
ordul Quintette, Dillon Uros. and the Kin-
Prices 10c, 2Sc, 60o. .
In concert at
BOYD'S. DEC. 23d
! Prices 26c, 60c, 75c, $1.0, $( 50.
Reserved seals on sale at the box office
Friday, December 19, at 9 a. m.
Kountze Memorial Church
frlday Evening, Dec. 19.
Bale of seats at Mandelberg's, Sixteenth
and Karnam Streets.
PRICKS 60c, 75c, $1.00.
eM AffrtcBttt-ral Wctkl.