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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1902)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY I1EE: TIIUHSDAY, DECEMIlEIt IS, W02. LAWYERS WANT LEGISLATION One of Their Bills Prorideg for Extension of Students' Beading Course. FAVOR A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION Omaha AXnrnrri Will Also Promote Bill for liprrma Court Commla. Ion of Ma Mrmbrri I)nr In Seat Two Tears. With the near arproach of the conyenlng f the legislature local attorneys are getting busy In preparing bills for enactment de sired by members of the profewion. There has been prepared already a bill extending the reading course required for admission to the bar in this state to three Instead of two rears, and at last Saturday's meeting the Omaha Bar association adopted resolutions Introduced by J. H. Mcintosh Instructing the association's legislative committee, composed of Warren Switzler, Ed P. Smith. C. O. McDonald. M. A. Hall and O. A. Goss, to ascertain If pome modi fications and Improvements cannot be made la the codo of procedure, and, If they so find, to draft a bill and have It brought before the next legislature. Chairman Swltzlcr is about to Issue a circular letter inviting members of the as sociation to make suggestions to the com mittee. Another resolution declared it to fee the sense of the association that the legislature should rail a constitutional con vention. Another resolution favors making the supreme court commission consist of six members during the next two years. The annual raeetlngvf the Omaha asso ciation Is to be January 10 and probably the legislative committee's report will then be discussed at considerable length, after . the election of the officers of the associa tion. The meeting of the State Bar asso ciation is to be In Omaha January 8 and 9, with the banquet on the latter evening. , For this reason the local association will have no banquet of Ha own, but attend in full strength that of the larger body. Desire for evr Canst It at Ion. In speaking of the various resolutions adopted at Saturday night's meeting a member of the association said: "The de sire for a larger supreme court Is not the only reason for proposing a constitutional convention. The attorneys generally over the stato desire to have the constitution Itself made easier to change. They wish to provide for carrying amendments to it by a majority of those who vote on the amendment Instead of a majority of those who vote at the election. This latter con struction was what defeated the amend ment Itself at the recent election. "The supreme court commission should be cut this year to six members. Now there are nine commissioners, but the work Is partly caught up, and two years hence It should be nearly enough back to normal to make possible a further cut, though some commissioners will always be neces sary as long as the supreme Judges are but three in number." Over the bill providing for a longer term of preparation for admission to the bar there may be considerable controversy, but In It there la a clause barring attorneys from other states who have had lees than the three-year course, so the framers of the bill contend that it Is fair play for all concerned. Hew Train Service Via Inlun Paclfle. Effective December 21, the Union Paclfle will place in aervlce a new train to and from North Platte, leaving Omaha at 8 a. m. daily, making Five passenger trains to North Platte; Six passenger trains dally to Grand Is land. Following changes In time of ether Vnion Paclfle trains: No. 43, leave 4 p. m.; No. 8, leave 4:20 p. m.; No. 2, arrive 7:D0 p. m.; No. 6, ar rive 6:60 p. m. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam atreet. Union station. Tenth and Marcy streets. Telephone 629. Holiday Hates Vl Wabus Railroad. Oa December 18, 19, 20 and 21 the Wabash will sell round trip tickets from Chicago to many points In Canada at halt tare. Tickets good returning January 10, 1903. Call at Wabash corner 1601 Farnam street, or eddress Harry K. Moores, G. A. P. D.. Omaha, Neb. . Good Position nnrn. Oood opening for s newspaper or mags sine solicitor. Permanent position for s competent man. Address Twentieth Cen tury Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha, Oood breakfast King Colo Whole Wheat Pan Cakes. FUNERAL OFJCAJVIPBELL FAIR ex-vices Will Be Held at Trinity Cathedral at Five O'clock Thursday. The funeral services of the late Dean Campbell Fair will be held at Trinity ca thedral at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon In stead of at 1 o'clock, as first announced. At o'clock In the evening the family, with the remains, will leave on the Bur lington for Baltimore, where ths Inter ment Is to be made. ro Know What Is going to happen to the little boy who Is stuffing himself with green apples. A grown man couldn't be induced to try that experiment; and vet the grown man will overload himself with indigestible food for which he will pay a greater penalty than colic. It is this careless and thoughtless eating which is the be ginning of stomach trouble and all its painful consequence 9. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery cures dyspepsia and other forms of "stomach trouble." It restores the weak and run-down man or woman to sound health Some time has elapsed since 1 have written yoa ia regard to the treatment I have txta taking under vour instructions." says Mr. E. F. Ctnginsrs,of Minneapulit. Minn. "Whea first t commenced taking, your remedies 1 was under trsaimsnt U s welt-known sneciaiiat io this city (and bad been for four mouths), for catsrro, and vi-isUy stomach trouble, stid I was lapldty getting worse. Got so bad that I could not cat savthlns thst did nut distress ms terribly ana I was obliged to quit taking ths doctor's treatment entirely. I was gi tally ro- ucen in nesn. ju a wk resort 1 wrote to you and stated m y esse. and. after rsceivtna vour in ; siructloaa I followed them closely After taking five bottles of Dr. Pisces's Golden Msdical IHacovsry and one vtsl of his ' Fleaasnt Pellets t commenced to improve, and decided to contiuus ths medicines sad ob serve your infractions rsgsrdisg hygienic treat ment. It is now nearly Six saoaths since I com menced your treatment and I can ssy that I well and netr felt better In mv life. Am very grstcAU to you for what Jor medianc has done far ass.' Dr. Pierce's relicts cure biliooaneas and tick WscheJ sl Jin nHJIalHlil ff Pf lf 1 B-J ui -'i' H"HffB1ffl OPEN EU.MNGS ISTIL XMS A $40,000 Cloak Purchase Drought to Omaha (or a Record Breaking Holiday Sale. mm I1' ViKyA'ifl SPLENDID FURS AT FRACTIONAL PRICES $2.50 Americau Stone Marten Scarfa at $1.50 $7. 50 genuine Mar' n Streamer tail Scarfs $3.98 31. 00 Hare Muffs .... 25c $2. 00 Coney Muffs .... 98c 20 Astrakhan Capes, 30-in. long at. .. $9.75 330 Astrakhan fe Electric Seal Jacket at $15, $1.50 Eiderdown Dressing Sacques at 73c-Thea are strictly nH wool eiderdown elaborately ribbed and satin trimmed, appllqued. and silk em broidered. Pinks, reds, blues, drabs and browns. On sale main floor OC Ladles' and misses' tailored blouse and revere style, worth' 3.98 110.00, at $2.60 black clotb skirts, good lining, satin stitched trim- O O mlngs, at 7 OC Sale Opens J Today. L$PaNDU l- U (J M -crow -svfr2 ' nrlnv laMW V WWItas? J ' FOR YOUR WIFE or daughter, or friend a piece of cut glass or sterling sliver, or an umbrella, or a nice purse, or a pair of opera glasses, or a ring, or a brooch, would make a nice Christmas gift. Nobby, taaty styles, very moderate prices. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 15 16 Douglas Street. OPEN EVENINGS. , PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Florida Eirsrtlsn Via "Dlste Flyer" Route. On Tuesday, January 6th, an excursion will be run from Nebraska to Florida with through sleeping cars from Omaha and Lin coln, via Burlington Route to St. Louis and the "Dixie Flyer" Route from there to Jack sonville. This excursion will be a personally con ducted one and will be In charge of Mr. George W. Bonnell, C. T. A., B. & M. R. R., Lincoln, Neb., who Is thoroughly familiar with the points of Interest enroute and In the state of Florida. As you ' pass through Cairo, Martin, Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon, and make a 12-hour stopover at Chatta nooga, where an' experienced guide will conduct the party through Chattanooga Park, pay a visit to Lookout Mountain and other points of interest; the trip will be an Interesting and Instructive one. . An early application for sleeping car space Is suggested. Ask for copy of illus trated booklet outlining the trip at 1402 Farnam Bt., or write W. H. BRILL, Dlst. Pass. Agt., Illinois Central Railroad, Omaha, Neb. Don't los m Meal Through dyspepsia and indigestion Take Electric Bitters. They cure aiomsch troubles or no pay. Only . EOc. For sale by Kuhn & Co. Publish your legal notices In Ths Weekly Bee. Telephono 23S. Holiday Rates. On December 24, 25 and $1 and January 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul rail way will sell round trip tickets to points within 200 miles at fare and one-third. Final limit, January 2. City Office, 1504 Farnam 8t. Leave Chleasro fci40 P. M. Arrive St. Aasrnstlne IOiSS A. M. Through passenger servioe to Jackson ville and St. Augustine will be resumed for the season sbout January 6, 1903, running over Pennsylvania Short Line from Chi cago Union Station via Louisville, Atlanta and Macon to Jacksonville and St. Augua tine. . For particular Information address H. R. Derlng, A. O. P. Agt., 248 South Clark St., Chicago. LIKES 0MAHAHIGH SCHOOL Prof. Vlnrent Expresses Admiration of the Balldlas; aad the Work. Prof. Vincent, who lectured In this city Monday evening on the subject of "The New Social Philosophy," visited the High school yesterday for a short time before his departure. He expressed great admira tion of the building and was much pleased with the work he aaw In some of tho classes during his brief stay. Marrtags llcenes have been Issued to: Name and Address. Age Emery Kdwarda. Plattsmouth. Nb 32 Louisa Keegan, Plattsmouth. Neb XI Henry J. Pchlekan, South Omaha Cora Shadller, South Omaha Ijj Samuel E Peahl. Omaha J? Lora M. Vll.n. Council Bluffs, Ia U Ouatav Sodertierg. Mad. Neb tlulda larrlfb. Omaha 32 I-ouis C. Bruns. St. Ixiuls. Mo s Mlnnis E. Foerster, Niobrara. Neb tl Paul E. Erlrkson. Newman Orove, la.... SI Augusta O. Johnson. Valley, Neb 2 Everett Miller. Omaha M Lola Uplksr, Omaha 14 OPEN LVEMNGS IN TIL XtlAS Furs and Cloak from this stock make the most Charming Christmas (lifts. . ffk, Sale Begins Today, December 18 We have just closed an immenM purchate of a stock of cloaks, furs and suits of a high grade eastern concern. This huge transaction ranks Jirst in importance among the cloak purchases n our entirt history of successful buying, awl we can make prices never before heard, of at this time of the season. $10 Cloaks on sale, $2.50 $12 50 Cloaks for $5.00 $22.50 Cloaks for $10.00 $30 Monte Carlos $14.85 Children's Fur Trimmed OS-Coats-worth $2, at ....OdC Children's Box Back Coats') no worth Js.SO, at aV.VO $3.60 golf skirts, wide stitched flounces, at 1.75 Sample silk skirts, drop linings, lace. Insertions, etc., taffetas f ft peau de sole, w'th tlS.OeO vF e- Sale Opens THURSTON RIFLES REUNION Members ' and Former Members te Come Together on Ninth Anniversary. The Thurston Rifles will hold a reunion this evening In commemoration of the ninth anniversary of the admission of tho company to the state National guard. There are now about 200 young men living In Omaha who have at some time in tho nine years been members of the company and It Is desired that aa many of them as possible shall be present at the reunion. Since its organization the company has participated In competitive drills In all parts of the country with varying success and taken an active part In the Spanish American war. The Chief or neater. Old sores, ulcers, piles, fistula and like stubborn maladies toon yield to Bucklen's Arnica Salve or no pay. 25o. For sals by Kuhn & Co. Announcements of the Theaters. "The Power Behind the Throne." Theo dore Kremer's phenomenally successful romantic drama, will be presented at the Boyd ' tonight. Miss Katherlne Wll lard's tour last season was marked by the most emphatic success. Many return dates were played, and on each occaalon Miss Wlllard played to capacity. The production of "The Power Behind the Throne" Is costly and elaborate, and It Is promised that the play will be one of the most sat isfactory and enjoyable performances ever seen In this city. Miss Wlllard is one of the few really great actresses In America. She haa the physique, training and, above all, the temperament essential to success. Hochman, who appears on Friday evening at the Kountze Memorial church, la one of the youngest and one of the most gifted of our young pianists. His remarkable plan lsttc talent, which Is Imbued with the In fectious enthusiasm of youth, power, po etical conception and a wide range of dy namical effects, are aome of the traits ex hibited by this brilliant young artist. Seats now on sale at Mandelberg'a, Sixteenth and Farnam. Mortality Statist!. The following births and deaths were reported at the office of the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours end lug at noon Wednesday. Plrths Dan Elatrom, 2510 South Twenty first atreet, girl; Jerry Sullivan. 1712 Clark atreet, boy; Lee O. Lowry, 334 South Nineteenth street, girl. Deaths George J. Adams, 41 South Twentieth street, aged 81 years; Clark Kemper, 2221 Sprue street, sged 47 years. RA!NO THE PURE W rDHU rnrrrr awr In comparing Grain-O and coffea remember that while the taste is the same Grain-O gives health and strength whilo coffee shatters tho nervous system and breeds disease of the digestive organs. Thinking people prefer Grain-O and its ben efits. TRY IT TO-DAY. At grcrsTy where lc au4 ttc pr packags, m i I il-' : f'StH 4 SjlbsStll S - fit ST, Greatest Values In PIANOS Ever Ottered In Omaha The way the people of Omaha and vicinity are taking advantage of thn money-tn-pocket prices now being made on the world's best plsnos st this great Christmas Stock Reducing Sale has exceeded our fondest an ticipation. SCHMOLIER & MUELLER never do things by halves, so st this sale, when we decided to reduce our stock snd turn several hundred pianos Into money, we marked prices down until Competition Shivered Every Instrument was marked right down to bed rock. They de termined that If Quality, Prices and Terms would be an Inducement to the piano buying publlo there should be no dis appointment. . Excellent Bargains In Baby Grands. Art Styles, Colonial Styles, from all the foremost fac tories of America. A Distinctly High Grade Piano Sale Largest stock In the west to select from. A variety not exceeded by any house In America. Terras Will Suit Your Convenienc Schmoller ft Mueller's popular easy payment plan will be In vogue during this sale. That means you can own a piano without working a hardship on yourselr or family, no matter how limited your salary. But Don't Delay Procrastination may rob you of the best piano opportunity of a life time. Open Evenings for the accommodation of our patrons unable to call during the day. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Christmas Cigars by tfjo Box Ladles or rentlemen vhn wish tn mt box of clears for . Chrlxtmas nreunt fur some friend will do well to come to our store or consult this list and order from It. We have cigars in boxes of 12, 25 and 50 all FRESH and with Jxusi-smashlng prices. DOMESTIC CIGARS. No. la. Box In Box. Price. Royal lancer 26 i.2S Robert Burns (Invincible) 25 2.50 Robert Burns (Club House).. 50 4.00 Tom Moore (Perfectoa) 25 -2.00 Tom Moore (Perfectos) 50 4.00 Tom Moore (Conchas) 25 1.60 Tom Moore (Conchas) 50 3.20 Teller Superba (Conchas) 12 1.10 leiier superoa 25 2. I TVUer Buperba 60 4.00 Teller Klegantes 12 1.00 Teller Elegantes 25 1.75 Teller Elegantes 50 3.50 Chancellor Knickerbocker .. 50 4.00 I Chancellor Magnolias 50 8 SO Kelo 25 2.25 Marguerites 12 1.25 CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS. Ml Favorlta (Camellaa) 50 S.25 Ml Favorlta (Elegantes) 50 3.25 Ml Favorlta (Appollos) 50 4.00 Btachelberg & Co, Manvlco... 25 8 00 Stachelberg & Co. Bouquet.... 25 2.50 Btachelberg & Co. Gems 25 2.25 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Btacheiberg r Co. Majors .... 2o 3.75 1 Ranches & Haya 50 8 50 Sanches tc Haya 50 4 00 ! Oato 50 8.25 Alexis Bouquet 12 .75 Alexin Boquet 50 3.00 nVE-(ET CIGARS. 1. Capaduro 50 1.85 2. Supreme Justice 25 1.U0 8. The Owl 50 1 S5 4. Henry George 50 1 60 ! Henry George 25 .90 i 6. Fete Dal'.ey 50 1.S5 ! . l.Uilun Russell 50 1.40 I 7. N. B. M 60 2.00 8. Portundo 50 2.00 J . Manon 50 2 00 i Manon 25 1.00 1 10. Uttle Tom 60 2.00 I 11. Mexo-Rlco Stogies 100 1.25 12. Cremo 50 1.50 I 14. Tom Keene 25 .90 15. Tom Keene 50 1 5 I If you wlnh these goods sent by mall add the following amounts to above prices: For box of 12, add 10c. a For box of 25, add Inc. For box of 50, add 2oc. IX KI.DS OF CIGARETTES. Sherman & McGoinslI Dru? Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, DRUGGISTS Cor. 16th and Dodge Sta., Omaha. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER DR.T. FELIX G01R AID'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OK MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES fsi1 rir5k s fan. Ptmplaa, P. Ii-i -V? Irstsiss. slots PatctM. Kaah and akin bls ssas, aad sr blemish on bsautjr and d.Qaa datactioa II ass stood IS"! 'est sf attjr-tw r'.s. snd II u V " last. U sur It la prupsnj siaiIs. Accyt fis couuUr(.lt of slsi- nam. Ir. L, A. Bairr. said Is s lad at la. Saul- loo (a sall.otl : vill jse them. 1 recom mend MJOURAUDB CREAM' as the least harmrui or all the sKin preparations. ror aale by all drusglau and fancy goods deal ers In the 11. 8 nd Europe. KURD. I. MorhlM Prts'r, 7 Orear .Tones St.. N. T Step Into our store and see the display of Chocolates and High Grade Candies Remember we guarantee every pound Wr "II, to please or money refunded. Kuhn' & Co,, Druggists 15th and Douflat Sts. OPfiiN NIGHTLY TILL CHRISTMAS This Is Going: To Be the Biggest Gift-Giving Christmas Matt Throughout the entire four floors of this great store are un precedented evidences of the thoroughness with which we hare prepared for the .greatest Christmas business eTer done by this store. Go where you will, when you will, in this hustling western country and you will not see a better, bigger, brighter collection of wear ing apparel for youngsters and grown-ups. We suggest early buying. As Christmas buying grows shorter the busier we will be. Come to this store today. Travelers' Leather Goods Suit Cases Dags. Trunks There's everything in this assortment of o urs that belongs to lucres the plain Hand Bag tions as you wish, but you'll be absolutely safe in the character of price you pay for it. We've some special Jt-aders where the value is price, uownuie leather Dress Suit Cases, in both 24 and with protected corners, brass locks and catches. It's a standard case, but the price is ?S.50 most everywhere, (We initial it for you) . This department contains nearly everything for Christmas giving. The stock has been so bought that you'll find substantial savings awaiting you when buying. Our special, to which we call your attention to today is a. a line of Woraen'sWrist Hags, made of real seal, nzzaru, niorroeco, calf leatner linings, an witn inside pocket fTr -f " " v w wn.u prices today..- Women's Suitable for Gift Giving As appropriate and desirable a gift as can be selected is an article of fur. If you con template purchasing furs a visit to our fur section will prove not only interesting but prof itable, for our carefully selected stock of skins and fashionably made articles of furs are priced so reasonable that no best value obtainable in this line of children s and misses' sale today at is the Perfect Piano Player It has attained perfection In the only way perfection ever can be attained by the slow and careful elimination of the Imperfections found in the earlier forms. For EASE OF OPERATION, CAPACITY FOR MUSICAL EXPRESSION, DELICACY OF CONTROL. ACCURACY OF TECHNIQUE It stands alone. It gives separate control of the bane and treble and Is the only player capable of the clastic. human touch ao much desired. Call nt our Parlors. Hear It play. Play It yourself. $25.00 worth of muslo and $5.00 bench free with each player until January 1. Open Evenings. Piano Player Co. Arlington niock, . 1RI1-151U DODGE STREET. Ov.r Morion's Hardwara and Harilji's M Stores. UiAlU PROTECT YOUR FEET With pair of $3.50 or $2.60 "Onl- mod" Shoes. We have a special waterproof Shoe for winter wear made In the latest style and guar anteed to be the equal of any $4.00 or $5.00 Shoe sold by the ordinary 8boe stores. Remember ONIMOD ONAMAN gives satisfaction. We manufacture them. Regent Shoe Co 205 So. 15m 3 ihiii i I, i f-r -EVER KNOWNc and the Suit Case. You can Women's Wrist and walrus. Wrist bags in every stylish color, with silk opcl.itl.l ills m HA9 and Children's Fvirs matter what your selections may be you will be securing the tui tjcurt-iivno uinj juu nui uc ecvuiing l lie 75c, 1.45, 1.90 city. A special FJ put fur sets go on ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER. 107 North 16th 8t- Opp. P.O. C IIHISTM AS HUTS Umbrellas, srold and silver mounted handles, $3.80 to $36: Lemalre Opera Glasses, $4.50 to $25; Pearl I'aved Diamond Center Heart Iiorkets and Pendants, $30 to $i0; Silver Belt Pins, French gray flnlfh, $1 to $li; Alternate Turquoise and Pearl Bib Pins for baby, $5; Link Buttons, in Roman, blight, rose, antique green; 14 k Gold Beads, $3.50 to $14; Ebony Military Brushes, $2 to $5 a pair: Silver Shaving Cups. $4 to $10; Plain Roman Gold Ixekets, $5 to $20; Filled Gold Lockets. $2 50 to $6: a hand some quadruple silver plate Comb, -Brush and Mirror Set, $B; Turquoise (December birth atone) Rings, $2 to $75; Cut Glass Loving Cups, Cigar Jars. Punch Cups, Jewel' Boxes, Rose and Violet Bowls, Marmalade and Whipped Cream Seta, Sugar and Cream Sets More suggestions to-morrow. flakes You Feel Better After the First Dose. Howell's 25c per box at Howell Drg Co., 16th and THE NEW SIZE Many of our patrons who are using our Egyptian Lotus Cream ask this queatlon, "WHY DON'T YOU PUT THIS UP IN A LARGER SIZE?" We have always shown these inquirers that the bottle we sell at 10c la the SAME SIZE A3 THE PATENT AND OTHER LOCAL PREPARA- ! TIONS FOR LIKE USE WHICH SELL AT 25C. But as there has been a 20 per cent j advance in the price of bottles, we have decided to PUT UP A NEW SIZE OF EGYPTIAN LOTUS CREAM WHICH HOLDS FOUR TIMES AS MUCH AS ALL OTHER 25-CENT PREPARATIONS FOR CHAPPED HANDS, ETC.. and sell the , new size (holds 8 ounces) at 26c. Don't forget we are selling: Two Chllds Cigars for Two Lillian Russell Cigars for Two New Cuba Cigars for Two Cremo Cigars for , 6c Co Bo Be 61c $1.00 Peruna, genuine, at... $1.00 Temptation Tonlo for 25o All the output of the Madison Specialty j Co. and the Temptation Tonic Co. Is now controlled by us. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. OPEN ALL NIGHT. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE Tel. 747. S. W. ( nr. iNlk sal Chleasju. We have a beautiful line of Reading Gas or Electric Lamps suitable for the parlor, den or boudulr. They make useful Christ mas gifts. F, M. Russell 3 1 3 South 1 5th St. Telephone 803. WHEN YOU BUY A You are not payion lor CHKO.MO-. ! for FINE QUALITY HAVANATOBACCO. EQUAL to IMPOKTEDCIGARaV I r. SL illCS MRCANTlLja C1UAA CO, Ms nt, HL Leul Vnlou MsuW nrwniTM wrniffTTiiT i' 1 i hi mil' mm i f i vuniuu'i travelers' requisites. be as ela borate in vour sclec- your selection and the extraordinarv for the 2G inch, made over steel frame 5.50 Bags 47C -v )qa B SB 9 X 9 9 Anti-Grip Capsules Capitol Arenue. TELL SANTA CLAUS To stop at Drexel'a and get you pair of men' patent leathers one particular shoe we wsnt to men. Hon Is "alt patent. Blutcher cut, military heel and narrow pick last" this la the swellest shoe ever sold for the money $5.00 We have the patent leathers from $3.50 up with twenty different styles to select from Nothing will please a man more than a pair of patent leathers. You can have your purchase fit to his feet after Christmas If you don't get It right when you pur chase. It's the same with our Christmas Uppers we've ao many there will be no trouble In exchanging them DREXEL SHOE GO. Omaha's Ito-to-Date Shoe Home MIV rAKil ATl bTREET. RE-NO. MAY U1 do It Price SOCcat Address A. MAYER. 618 Bee Bid. Omaha., Neb, Consultation Free. mmin anniAMniix SWEATY FEET CURED TO STAY CURED .cilfcMt t'UtE DEALS. ETC Kwt 1 I St (n m!f4 J2M