The Omaha Bee. EtaTAHLIMIEn Jf.VE ID, 1871. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORNING- DECEMBER 18, l'JOU-TE PAGES. SI'GL COPY TUH.EE CE2iTS. Daily STOP MERGERS Iatenrv"'t Commerr Cninmitiion Calls on Congress for Hew Law. COMPETING RAILWAYS NEARLY WIPED OUT Combination of Iaterests Consolidate! Man agwmeut ii Individual Hands. RESULT DISASTROUS TO PUBLIC WELFARE Eagilafii Sufficient Under Old Order Mart Be Bepiaced Sow. CRIMINAL CLAUSES AT PRESENT USELESS Urt T ear's Kxpnnnre nt Secret r.rala Wnnid Hum Been Followed by IiHirtmrali If statute Was Int Dead Letter. WASHINGTON. Dee. IT. The tendency to combine continues the moat significant feature nf railway development, according to the annual report of the Interstate Com merce commission. Issued today. The re part ssys: "It la not open to question that the com petition between railroad carriers, which formerly prevailed, haa been lately sup presacd. or at least brought to the condi tion of effective restraint. "The progress of consolidation. In one form or another, will at no distant day confine ihla competition wttLIn narrow and unimportant llmlta. because the control of moat railway properties will be merged In a few Individuals, whose combination in tareata Impel them to act In concert. "While tola will Insure, aa probably nothing elae can. In equal decree, the ob servance of published tariffs, and ao meas urably remove soma of the evils which the act waa designed to prevent, the resulting situation Involves consequences to the pub lic which claim the most serloua attention. "A law which might have answered th purpose when competition waa relied upon to secure reasonable rates Is demon strably Inadequate when that competition la displaced by the moat far-reaching and powerful combination. "Soma great change tn the conditions calls for a corresponding change In the reg ulation of the statute." The commission reaffirms lta recom mendatlona for amending the Interstate commerce law and urges the grave neces sity for legislation. The report saysj that the fact that no convictions have yet been obtained nor In dictments found in the cases of the roads which were shown by an investigation laat winter to be given secret rates to grain nippers, emphasizes the fact that the crim inal provisions of the present Intoratals law are practically a dead letter. In Ju aef lona KaJeo Rain, The commission says the effect of In junctions to oompel roads to observe pub lished tariffs haa been to materially ad . vane. U)a . rate, .actually received by the earrler and paid By the shipper and that their operation enables advances which Otherwise might not be made. But while the producer will undoubtedly pay from now on from 6 to T cents per 100 pounds more to transport grain from the field to Its destination than he paid before these Injunctions took effect, that must not be regarded as an argument agatnat the In junctions. There ought to be some power to compel the carriers to maintain the pub lished rate and to publish a fair and rea sonable rate. Thirty-eight formal proceedings, double the number brought In the preceding year and Involving rates and practices of 300 railroads, were Instituted during the year. To promote more general compliances with the spirit of the safety appliance law in the use of air brakes the committee rec ommends the passage of an act forbidding the running of trains In which less than one-half the cars are equipped with power brakes. MERGER HEARING RENEWED Laada oa Twe Llaea Warth Vara Tkaa Wh-a Creaaft by Oaly Oa. 8T. PAtTL, Minn.. Dee. 17. The meraer ' Boarlng was today adjourned to be resumed ! at New York on December 29. j C. 3. Staples, railroad commissioner, wss! called to identify the commissioner's map of Minnesota, as showing correctly the railroad lines In the state, and Charles L. Cook. H. A. Hoyt. Franklin Banner and F. Christ ensen of Olivia, dealers ln farm lands, testified that lands close to two or more competitive railroads were more valuable than lands on only ona railway. The Northern Pacific trust deed and a number of the exhibits In tha federal case were submitted. It had been expected that J. J. Hill would he called, but tha state decided not to put him on the stand. He may appear later as a witness for the defense. PLAGUE GERMS IN THE FOOD Ship peat ta Heaelalai tram Japaa and China Carry Dlaoaaa. SAN FR.ojriSCO. Dec. 17.-Advires re ' calved from Honolulu show that Investiga tion proves that foodstuffs shipped to Hon olulu from Japan and China via San Fran cisco are responsible for the cases of plague recently appearing there. A number of Japanese on nearby planta tions were taken with the plague and died In a hospital In Honolulu. An examination of their effects was made but no trace of the germ waa discovered until thorough tests had been made of some ef the Jananeaa irnrHa f.,ri i ... Jaiaue- jroi rnea ouna in the house. These foods under ths microscope showed a trace of the plague germs snd further sxsmtnations made of oriental stuffs showed that the diagnosis waa correct. POISONED TACKS MAKE SICK lrl tukM Werner Carries SJaUa la Month aad 4 1 neat Laeea Life. METROPOLIS, 111.. Dec. 17. A mouthMl of tacks from a dish containing atryrhaina nearly killed Mlas Birdie Wuodard. an em ploye in a local banket facturv today. She la in the hitbu of keeping her mouth full of tat-ka w ih which to fasten the ends af , the basket bauds. They were taken from a dish, lata nana, it is thought, aumeone put strychnine y.eterday. Today, after using a few mouthfula at tacka, .he became vtoiently 11 1. A doctor was eaae4 Lu Uiaa to save her Ufa. EARTHQUAKE CESTR0Y3 TGWMQFER ON A LEASING BILL adliaa. In RiMlaa Tlrbnlu, Tta.llr Aaalhilnfed. bat lankrr ot Hilled ' Tet Kuwt, .1"'. AHUKABEL. Rusei "f -stan Dee. I. The town of AndljafV. , ne gnvem - men!, waa totally lestrov t. earth- j quake today. The number of fatalities Is u -eet-alned. The population is tm d with starvation. Shocks were felt In ' w Marghelan and surround few village and a railway at Anriljan was a royed tor a considerable dlstanre. Food and clothing are being vnt to Andljan. WASHINGTON. Dec. 1' -The t.te da. part ment has received from the Unitd States consul at Apia. 3amoa. a report that Andljan is a town of Russian central Asia, seventy-three miles from Khnkand. It had a population of about 30,000. SHIPS FAIL J0KEEP PORTS Isvsl VunTm ahnw Sa-aa aata ti Be Hml to Rvolnttoaa Practiced. 9A.V JV.KS, Porto Hlca. Den. 17. The American fleet continued its exercises in squadron formation today. The maneuvers thus far have shown that vessels which have not hitherto been con nected with the North American squadron are not familiar with the present Rxerclaes, they frequently fall to retain their posi tions. Admiral Dewey notea all errors and 11??,! I.!"' of1tho ce ln the errors are committed. He transmits his views to the commanding officers for their guidance. This haa resulted ln a feeling of rivalry between the ships which Is certain to be beneficial. ' The present exerrlses test the ability of the vessels to got under way promptly snd to maintain their position when stand lng and changing formations. QUEEN ACTSAS GODMOTHER llexaara Slarae HegMn wtth othara a( Xaaeheeter. LONDON. Dec 17. Jueen Alexandra to day acted aa godmother at the christening of Lord Mandevllle, the heir of the duke and ducheaa of Manchester, ln the chapel royal. St. James palace. Her majesty signed ths register with the duke and duchess of Manchester. Marquis de Several, the Portuguese minister. Count von Mensdorff, secretary of the Austria Hungarian embassy, Karl da Grey. Lady Lister-Kaye and others. The queen's present to her godchild was a sliver bowl and spoon. Inscribed "To Alex, ander George, Viscount Mandovllla from Alexandra. Regtna. December 17, 1B0Z." BOXERS BESIEGE -TWQ CITIES Chiaeae AsTaira Farther Cn-apllrated by Aprarkisg Abdteatlaa at Empreae Dawaaxev. VICTORIA. B. C. Deo. 17. Mall advices received from Chang King, in the Sscbuan province of China, say Melchou and Klat ingfu have closed their gates snd declared a state of seige, owing to the numeroua bodies of armed Boxers In their vicinity. Troops sent to raise the siege failed. It Is reported from Pekln that Yung Lu. drat grand secretary of China, who since Li Hung Chang died has been the most power- ful man ln China, Is anxious to resign, The empress dowager proposes to abdicate ' next year and Yung Lu wishes to antlci- pate the event by placing himself beyond ! the range of consequent complications. WITH RIGHT TO SUCCEED Coadiator Arehblahaa Iaateaal af Aaaiatant to Bo Earned at St. Loala. ROMS, Dec. 17. The congregation of the propaganda Intends, In accordance with the P"P " settled policy, to appoint a coadju-, tor archhlBhop of St. Louis, with the right j of ucceaslou, InBtead of an aaalstant. j Th" Pontl desires this nils to be ad-j De,r"1 to ln ail caa. except in the most : lmPrtant dioceses, where archbtBhops must " ",m:l". as ae aoes not approve or tne appointment of auxlllarlea who on the aeat a or tneir late superiors are left with out a position. EXECUTED WITHOUT A TRIM i n I nil, High Handed Pveeeedlnnja Kmolayed by the Government af Haytl. PORT AC PRINCE, Haytl. Dee. IT. Or der has been re-establlahed here. During the fighting yesterday a number of per- J zona were Injured, including two Italians, i who were seriously Inlured. I Two men accused of committing crimes were excused during ths day without trial. ' The United Statea legation ia protected by I troops. I BOOKKEEPER DEFRAUDS BANK i laatitatlan a Berlin SLaeea glTa.tMMI ThraasTh tha Dtahoaeety af aa Emplaya. BERLIN Dec. 17.-Th. Darm.tarder bank j has been defrauded of tlTS.OOO. owtng to ; false entries In the books on the part of a bookkeeper. Nessler. who had eh.r-a - ,h. m.i. w.. -- Bussing : .in,.. 4nnrf.- I " I Slaty-Three F reaen tm Dearth. VIENNA. Dee. 17. According to advices from Hungary sixty-three persons were frozen to death during the last three Wolves are devastating tha sheepfolda and have devoured three aheap herds. Uermaa Tamt Shin A. hair. COPENHAGEN, Dec. 17. -The German turret ship Wltteisbark ts ashore near Kos ver. The German warships Kaiser Wllhelm dor Grose, and Trma Helnrtck have gone to Its aaaiaianoe. tleialey la Arrhblahe. ROME. Dec. 17. It la reported :hst Bishop James B. Qmgley of Buffalo, N. Y , haa been appointed archbishop of Chlcsge in auccresluu to the late Arrhhubun Feelian. Weraetllee Strike ia Over. MARSEILLES. Dec. 17. The strlks ia at an end. the sailors baring voted to rttuisi work tomurrow. November 2 two sUDDosedlv extinct crs.te-s i lr""" conierence lonisnt wtth Senators' land o, Savil broke "ntoolent 11'"" 3"al.enberger aver the new "'J't M ! Hon. Heavv e.rthouake sbocks nrereded lprln bil- applicable only to Nebraaka, ,-ndrt P'a at the outlook as L. ' ,.r.J - !!Trdd "ivh It is believed by cattlemen will W. 'nced by the declaration of the new dl- Cattlemen and Hebraaka Delegation Work teg on the retails. ' O ft II Drtin O I fr AH i . r- . n n . . .a .... i nrtiLTiuu urtat in trtt SUrrtL.Tlt LUUH I Csrasaar Cballenaea Coaatltnttonailty of Vrih Law aa Damages aa Interpreted by tbe State Caart. (Fmm a Staff Corrennondent. WASHINGTON. Dec 17 .Special Tele - cram.; tiepresematlves of the nhruk Stock Growers' association had in ar- ths much vexed Question arowlnar mit r : . i I . T Jill I.Will . i ii . -. - i I the occupancy of the public domain. Chair- ' Naj,hv,1I" property has passed Into the At man Larey of the public lamkt committee. ' 1ntl Coast Line. It seems eertain that the who has held pronounced views on the i 0A offll!,,r8 of the Louisville ft Natihvllle question of leasing public lands to cattle ' w1" retained and tha old policy con barons for graxing purposes, waa also pres. I tlnup1- t ant. The bill, which Is the r-suit of manv I w- H"tnap presided ard a little over conferencps between representatives of the govornment snd cattlemen, provides for ten years' lease oA public lands, the maxl mum of a leasehold being thirty sections or IS.Ma acres, to be divided Into six classes and to rent from 1 to t cents an acre per annum. The bill also provides for the leading of lands contiguous to free gold, so aa to give the largest range pos- sihle for cattle owners. It provides that half the proceeds from the lease shall be devoted to Irrigation, one-fourth to Ne- braaka and one-fourth to the county. In view of the character of the territory rep- raanntail K W y- It 1. claimed that it require, thirty acre, to feed one steer, snd consequently thirty sections is not disproportionate to the in terpsts of the particular section. Senator Dietrich augR-csted a very similar measure early ln the last session of con gress. The committee of cattlemen bad an in terview with Secretary Hitchcock tcday, at which It was suggested to get the Nebraaka delegation together an a proposition, and tonight's conference waa the result. Toward the close of the conference Representatives Mundell of Wyoming and Moody of Oregon, who are largely interested In this ques tion, entered the conference to urge that Nebraska take the Initiative In the proposi tion to leaae the public domain for cattle grasing purposes. At the close of the con ference it waa decided to hold a further meeting of the Nebraaka delegation, at which time one member would be selected to introduce the measure. James A. Kline of Minden. national bank examiner, la the guest of W. B. Andrews, auditor tor the Treasury department. Bar It arc XaaMs Caaleta. Representative Bnrkett today named W C. Cook of Lincoln and Elmer P. Drake of Pawnee City as alternate cadets to tha military academy at West Point from the First district of Nebraska. Railroad Csm ia Isfnsie Caart. -Tha Oiloaaa. Burlington Qnlacy Bail way Company against Kate a. Wolf, ad ministratrix of John F. Wolf, deceased, ap pealed from the supreme court of Nebraska, waa argued ln the supreme court today. J. W. Deweesa appeared for the railroad com pany and T. 3. Mahoney of Omaha for the plaintiff. This action w&a brought by John F. Wolfe in his lifetime to recover dam ages for the loss of a foot caused by be lng run over by a Burlington car. The ques tion Involved ln this esse is whether the Nebraaka statute, as constructed by the Ne braska courts, ts repugnant to the consti tution of the United States; whether a rail- road company is absolutely liable for in juries sustained by a pasaenger without any j fault of the company, not only without any , fault of the company, but when Injuries were caused by a fault of the passenger In- Jured. Wolf was a passenger aboard a train on December 4, 1894, from Oxford to Holdrego, and was thrown from the train and fell ln such a manner that hia left leg and foot were run over. He sued for 130.000 damages and secured a verdict for 18,000, and at ths same time the court made a special finding oi tact in response to certain questions aa I to whether the train at the time of the ao cldent waa being run in the ordinary way. On the general and special verdicts returned i by the Jury Judgment waa rendered against the railroad company, and on appealing to the supreme court of the state, that court I held that the ralroad company, by reason ! of the Nebraaka statute, waa absolutely lla- ble for Injuries received by passengers j while riding upon railroad trains, and this liability existed without any fault or wrong on the part of the railroad company. Adjadieatlnst Shiiahaao Clalma. Senator Clapp I Minn.) today introduced a bn, r-f-rrtng to the court of clalma the ng to tne court of clalma the : claim of the Shoshone Indiana to title ln all of the Wind River reservation tn Fremont i county. Wyoming. It was provided by ' . a-. c ia iuo . u- i Ti.i... n ,. . iup auunuuua ul rriuu iti . -1 iPiriTftuuu lur the absolute and undisputed use and ocru- j patlon of the Sbosbones. In 1877 the Sho- "hones gave their consent tnat a band of Northern Arapaboea should ba removed to j their reservation as their temporary abid- ln place. This band of Arapahoea haa re- malned ever since snd now claim to own an undivided one-half interest ln the Shoshone reservation. The Arapahoea have by au- thortty of the United Stales, but against ,be protest of the Shoshones, received one- haif of all the proceeds derived from gras- lug leaaea, from the sale of the Big Horn hot springs, formerly a part of the reserva . .. . lion, ana oi au o.ner money as proceed. , from the Shoshone reservation. Therefore , .a tha Shn.hnna trlha nf Tnrliana cl.i-i if. ' own the Wind River reservation In it. en- I tlretv and to be entitled to all proceeds' derived from grazing leases and the sale of I ,k. o. h h, .,. h.-,.... ": " conferred on tne court or claima to near . .nil numr mina in. friniTn. aw in. ..nn.nnnu. I Le.aa tor Po.tma.ter at Puaea. r . . . J I J. H. Logan was tonay recommended for liuiiiuuim . i uiu ... u j hp pi eaenta. live-elect J. 3. McCarthy. Ths papers were tranamltled to ths Postufflce department by Senator Millard, with, a favorable recom mendation. Senator Millard. Miss Millard and Mrs. W. B. Millard were guest a of Senator and Mrs. Scoti at dinner laat evening. Hsat A.ka far .Vaa.y, a--a.-y njnat tnn.v sent to eon supplemental estimate ror appropriations . to b. "P-nded I at Battle Mountain mnl- tarlum. South Dakota. Mr. Root nrges an ! appropriation of t2tst,iks for the completion ' of the sanitarium in accordance with plans! adopted at a meeting of the Board of Man- j agera of ao Idlers' homes in Washington a i era or more ago. He also wants an ,B. propriation of llo.v to purchase a stnp of ground lying between the site donated by (Continued on as sand Pago.) ? STCCKHCLCERS 111 HARMONY Owners at t.anlevllle At a.hvtlle Rati rwad Meet aa4 Elect Beard. at Dli LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Dec 17. The ad journed meeting of the stockholders of the Louisville Nashville railroad wss held here today. I , More than nrdinarv Inter w cnt.rnl In j the gathering, aa it waa tBe flrst meeting I since the aystem passed under control of I the Atlantic Coant Line. A) board of thir j teen directors was elected. Mr. Beaumont ' waa among those retained. The Atlantic Coast Line waa well represented. ' T! directors will meet tn New Tork ne v- um uu-i-iuii. """'"ding Milton H. Sinitn. president of the rectors. While control of the Louisville A ' 40 t, of the 600,000 shar4 were repre- sented. I After the verifying at proxies the ! following board of dlrecti s waa chosen : AuaTist Belmont, chairman Louisville A j Nashville Railroad company! New York, re- "'ecre-i: h. Erwln. prident Atlantis j cast Line railroad. New! York; M. H. Sm"h. president Louisville 4 Nashville ! railroad, Louisville, re-elected: H. Walter, ' chairman board of directors, Atlantic Coast Um Railroad company, New York; Warren ' De'ano. )r., Baltimore, Md.; Warren G. I K"0,t. president Atlantic Coast Line of I fnrtflnrt1tlt sanrl sanniNil eMaisnwl s 1. a i lntlc Coa.t Line Railroad company. Balti- more; Michael Jenkins of Atlanta, stock holder Atlantic Coast Line; rj. P. Kinsley, third vice president New York Life Insur ance company. New York; Attllla ?ox, president Columbia Finance and Trust com pany. Louisville, Ky., re-elected; W. G. Raoui. pr-1dent National Railroad of Mex ico. New York, re-elected; John L Water bury, Manhattan, Tex., re-elected; Waiter Oakman, New York, re-elected; H. F. EJane. New York, re-olpctml. After the meeting Mr. August Belmont said: "The directors of the road will meet in New York Friday. I prefor not to forecast their action, but I will say that there will be no radical change in policy and that ths officers to be elected will be agreeable to the old constituency of the road." Mr. Belmont and Mr. Milton H. Smith left the meeting apparently in the best of sptrtta. It Is said that Mr. Mitchell will be re-elected president on Friday, with the same authority, and that fhere will be no change among the officers bt Ota road. UPBRAIDS MRS. j MQLINEUX Wretary 9 a ma ad a aarrel Which Oeestrred HesJ AjMut . aaw-ta. SIOCX FALLS, , C-x.--aj)JeJ-Telegram.) The latest iot ef Interesting gossip concerning Mrs. Rufand B. Mollneux la to the effect that herself and a man whose Identity haa not yet been discov ered were the principals tn a quarrel which is alleged to have taken place ln her apartmenta laat Saturday night, but In formation of which did not leak out until this afternoon. According to the stories told, occupants of rooma ln proximity to the apartmenta of Mrs. Mollneux were startled about 11 o'clock Saturday night by a man entering her rooms and bitterly arraigning her. She was apparently greatly angered by his fierce attnek .-,1 Ik. ., , i . by a,mtnUtBPlll a tongue-lashing to her and npUlfii TlgoroBl lo tne rr,mlna. tions of her caller. The war of words Is alleged to have continued for some time, attracting the attention of several persons in nearby rooms, who could not help but hear the angry voices of the two, although I d ' it waa only now and then that they couli distinguish what was said. Not enough was heard to reveal what the quarrel was about. Whether or not the alleged midnight caller waa an emissary of Roland B. Mo- llneaux or a New York acquaintance of i Mrs. Mollneaux'a cannot be ascertained. Many people will be keenly interested in solving, if possible, the mystery surround- lng his ldontity. CONSPIRACY TRIAL BEGINS Witness Saya Laura Blajamr Waa at Flrat Tadeelded How to Proceed. j FREEHOLD, N. J.. Dec. 17. The first ' witness todsy in the trial of Laura Big- ; gar. Dr. Charles C. Hendricks and Sai-uel : Stanton for alleged conspiracy to get the ! estate of Henry M. Bennett waa A V n ' Watterson of Pittsburg, counsel for P. J. U..U..W- . ., . .. ' a - v. .. . ! ' ll a ueurm'IKrr UOUPr ' ne Will. i Mr. Watterson said Dr. Hendricks told 1 him last June thi be would either claim tor .hiss mggar ner snare of tha estate under the will or lay claim to the whole j r er as me common law wife of Mr. i Bennett, or put tn a claim for the services she had rendered him during his life. In July Dr. Hendricks waa si ill undecided. Mr. McNulty testified that he went to the Bayonne sanitarium at Miss Blggar's request and met the doctor, who had not made up hia mind what to claim for Miss Blggar. ixnui j v,ojji, cinra in a .nv York sta- tlonerv store, testified i,nniin. .. ' ; - - ---"" 7 " . " xr- aianion. former! " pence, setting rorth the si ,Mrrte Biggar and Mr. Ben- Wlln"" 'd certificates of the kind said ! to have been used by Mr. Stanton war. nrlnted rjernmhae ton -n.. . . ! ' ine . inarrtajrn certtni-.i. f,.r.,. . i Secretary Tucker of the Hohuken nn.-a 1 .,,, , ' , " B",rt of Health, te.tilied that Stan-.on had asked him to nie.- the marriage on the records. " , . n .-n . i ILLINOIS ROAH MmF? mcw tea IIIW.S I Seett Reeamea Aaaiatant Seaeral Pa swages- A are at, with Head. .anrtara at Leai.vllle. LOUTSVTLLE. Kr Dee 17. mimh.. , . . 1 i wen made m tne passenger "v" as iue Illinois entrars south- I " . ' effect, v. on February u T" mosl Important la ths appointment JBa A. Scott, at present division pas- ' ner Pnt ' ,hB ad at Memphis, to i succeed W A. Kellond of Louiavslle aa as- aieiant genaral passenger agent. With this chaugs la also announced the tranafer of I tne assistant general passenger agent s I headquarters rruin Louisville to Memphis i i and ths eatabilshmunt of a dlvLalon ftas- Sanger egeau sere. GREATNESS OF NEBRASKA Pleasant Theme on Which Real Litate Dealers Descant. STATE CONVENTION NOW IN SESSION 1 I """rates Rather tn Hear Osealsg A a1 tl -- aaal Par Flaw t'o-apll-BBeats t the State Where They Liva. A largo number of real estate dealers from the state and an almost full rep rtsentation of the Omaha Real Estate ex change were present at the openlug meet ing of the second annual convention of the Nebraska Real Estate Dealers' asaorlatlun. It waa 8 o'clock when President James Conk I lng of Franklin nailed the meeting to order and Introduced Dr. K. Comtile Smith of the First Methodist church, who offered prayer. The president then Introduced C. F. Har rison, president of the Omaha Real Estate exchange, who, in his address of wolcome. said In part: It la saiu that Iod made the oountry and man mmie tu,. town, but I lieileve Unit Ht iilMo miiite tlie town when He made the combinations of nature winch are re quired uy eltiee. Omaha is the natural re sult of lta location. It is the .i.gieai result of a combination of circumstances and nauini advantages. The loi aimn of t lie i Colonel Blakeman will hava lmedlate eaatern termtmia ..f the Lnlim I'ncitlc rail- phonre of details and hn -one to Buhin. road at miia waa one of the ;ir.t ihums rnBn?0 or "''alls and nna gone to aaning that went to make onulm greut. but we I ton to General Fred Grant, are not dependent upon ihe railroads. We ST. LOCI9. Dec. 17. General F"ed Grant residents of umuha do not know what we th...h a. r .k. . or- doing her- The smelter le doioa a buelnees of tso.uOo. . a year and spends K.Mit a nay tor moor. Ii handles oren from nil parts of the weetem continent. We have come to be known as the ureal pacKing center of this region built up in just a tew years. The-e enterprises are not ao much due to man aa to nature. T!ie man is wtee. Indeed, wno knows where to pitch his tent, but no man can make a town If the Iocs Uuu does nut possess natural advantage. Ohjeeva at the tiaiherlaat. Conventions of this kind are held for three rcaeonH. One to permit the members of the rteaociatlon to get acquainted with each other. Acotiaintanc eshtn seema to be a .mull ihlna ).. . . . t. .. I , , , ... . i acquainted. A aecond reason is to give ; Participation ln the riot at the 3muggler memtiers an opportunity to get Into touch Cnlon mine in July, 1D01, In which two with btislness conditions This la a day of j mP were killed and five wounded. large affaire. Once a million dollars waa a I TT . . ... , . very large aum. Toduy we talk of million. Hb wa" arrested this morning. The ln as we once talked of thousands. The men I dictments against St. John charge him who know are kings and ..hen we meet I with murrinr attemnt tn -ii-ii.. k tunaie. The third reiaon la for the purpose of dis cussing business affairs. V' have five .eolation, taxation. unmiKratlon and aa- soclation. We muet strive to place our lng that real eeYale men a mu relume and ln some cases this is so. It Is better to be fair than to "take all the traiflc will bear'' when tha onnortunltv is offered. Here In Omaha we have set up a standard in Omuha we have set up a standard fnlrne-a -n.l .mi i-h.r--. rrt II n of and the man who violates it la In disgrace. You are more than welcome to this town and if we have forgotten anything (or your comfort we will consider It a favor if you will Htiggest It. J. A. Slatar of Minden, who responded, aaid tn part: We feel proud of Omaha. When I am tn Iowa I take pride In referring to the fact that that atate haa no town Ilk" It. and Illinois haa but one. We have a tight to be proud of Omaha, for we huve helped to make It, and we are aieo proud of the state. tn asn parr nf that etiNSs- ham ease a- thing necessary to make a surreaaful farm ing community. Must of our farms are nwnal hv tboaa m h i nrpnnv tham Their houses are good ami well furnished. The I granartes are full, the creameries are turn-j is one that should not be overlooked. Money ia SJepraaka Fa ma. be" surerin7ufflcientam the ten counties haa garnered In fuil crops 1 of winter wheat, corn, hay and other prod- ucta. Our farmers had a surplus of money ln the banks. Banks were full ail summer. Little of the crop of I9u2 has gone on the market, and the Dank surplus has been somewhat reduced. Nearly ail the corn crop will he fed or stored. Our farms pav from C to S3 per acre on rental of one-third to two-ruths of the crop. Tn York count v a number of -tales have been made at t7 per acre, and If the fall wneat husiness continues au it has for ten years the land will pay fair Interest on do to SMI per acre. The man who possesses some of these broad acres will oe fortunate in years to come, with these good crops there is no h S'ThoVer parrot i bnu.Ha. Few places offer so much a.lvan- , tage to farmers of moderate means. In the ; east the rents are too high. In the south the social conditions are not satlertwtnry ! and on the Pacific coast the work Is done i by large syndicates and companies who , crowd the small owner out. The or- cuaional drouth la all that injuries is and ! if we use good judgment these drouths ' mav be made of advantage, for if cms can i oe nriu niKner pnera wm nue. lob worst thing that ever happened to us wae per- muting men to go east to solicit aid in 1XH We should have cared for the sufferers from our resources and we would have made money. The speaker then read reports from the counties constituting his district, showing that business ot all kinds is satisfactory ln the counties of York. Fill mors, Harlan, Phelps. Clay. Adams, Franklin and Kear- ney, ahowtng much activity in farm lands, i w,ta S81"1 nd IttrKa advance ln price, ThB reports showed much grain still in the hands or tarmers. Tna chairman of the local convention 1 committee announced that the Millard hotel is tha official hotel; that badges may j k. .,.-. .r,.,n rmi ... , inn h. .ii , i , ... .t ...,,(,. tt,. k.h. . ..i- " ..i... w.un i u i.'uiaiu i 'ne Dime an(i address of the delegate; that ! ttlB reception committee is at the servlcs OI i visirors, ana tnat tne typewriters n1 operators ln the committee rooms are ror ,ne use oi tne aeiegaies 1 1 hunt cost. Linvola'a Eloquent Reoreaentntlve. After theaa announcements H. H. Wilson of Lincoln was Introduced and spoke on the subject of "Our State Capital." Mr. Wilson said in part: You are here tonight amid scenes of pros perity, not only In Nebraska, but ln the country at large. This year the state com pletes its thirty-fifth year, and It may be well to taae stock of our r-ourc-a. Ne hraska is pernap. the most exclusively agricultural state in the Union. W have mi m 1 n no forests and nor manor.i,..ii .. ' ''oVy in Amen.-aU me"re hand's breadth on the surface of the aanh and Nebraska la one of the greatest com pr'Miurers ir that territory. During the years -enraaaa nas ranked rtrst. aeeona ana tnira eacn anu third, three f in. !hm ..- ,.j. ,..,.. state In the Union, while Nebraska stanns twentv-slzth ln population. .he stand. seventh as a wheat producing state. But pnn.. a fairer test is the amount a ...... ,-. -. ........ , single man with a single horse can i iiunw cua tiro- i has produced In ore corn than he dure. The average man Nebraaka at per rem m nmilnrkd In fnwa A fuitiwl .t.. .1,1.. 1W miles of Omaha la worth a much as a fatt d sterr ibu miles from Chicago, and there is no reason whv there snuuld oe any difference in the prce of ;and. You gentlemen have not been doing your duty. You should reach the people ln the eastern statea anu iarrv them nvr rii. ""' ot ""hois and Iowa. In the lust ten yar- the I'nlted States census shows i haa increaMvd its population! cent, wnne lowa increai-eo , i that Nebraaaa Dul 1 ecr crni. wnim i.iwa increarao i i Jit before Tr a large numoer of penpie tne.1 to make farms on grazing lamia But this year we have loancl Bm.'ui at I per l-nange t'heir 'oi'.iiuo'n "!tm """"U ttmm at lehraaka'a tdvaataa-e. a.w.i!,''.,l Ja,.1?!Lh 7.hl'w',?rn: the deid. were gold from tba mines the i"1"" would go into th. pockets of tne tConunued on F".fth Faga.) condition cfthe weather j For-csst for Nehrsaka R.itn TVimday Slid Firerist for N.-hrsek;! R.itn TVirdav snd Warmer In Western Portion. Friday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Testa-dart Hoar. Dec. Roar. Dps. la.m 14 l p. aa .! H a. m i.n a p. a :t)i T a. m ii ;i p. m .it He. nt in 4 s. at 31 ! " a. at it It p. aa 2t t a. m...... i 4 a. at i 1 1 a. aa 2.1 T a. m 'jr Ul m. H ft p. m KM . a. oa GBANT FUNERAL ARRANGED Woansneat Imnrlalloa Appelate ram. taittee and Decides Details af (Isiealnsi Tomb. NEW YOR K. Dr. 17. The executive com mittee of the Grant Monument association held a short meeting at the Chamber of Commerce today to discuss arrangements for the funeral of Mrs. C. 3. Grant. All that has been done here as yet la to arrange for the lifting of the top of the gmnlte sarrophagus In which Mrs. Grant's body will He. A committee to have charge of all ar rangements was appointed today, consist ing of Genprnl Grnnvtlle M. Dodge. Ellhu Root and Henry W Hayden. vice president and secretary of 'Be association. Cornelius N. Bliss and Colonel A. L. Noel Blakeman. I .-. "-uluk -.- I route to Washington to attend the funeral of his mother. UNION MAN IS INDICTED Grand Jsry at Tellnride Makes cent Ht. John. TELLCTUDE. Colo.. Dee. 17. Vincent St. John, president of the Miners' union. Is one of the twenty-two men indicted for bery. Four other arrests were made late tcday. The prisoners are Sam Seed and James P. i Rnn,'r. miners at the Tomboy mine; George WaHhburn, cook at thp Four Metals mine. J""n " '-onn- " " -". . i 1 n-rges against tnem are similar to : those made against St. John, . niuni Win ninre nm mill ! Lt A Nl B LI Ti S CASES ON TR A Court la w tn Paaa Fpna the He form Work Ctimmeaeed Attorney Jerome. by NEW YORK. Dec. 17. The hesrlng of the charges against David Btirklln of being manager of a gambling house on East Forty-fourth street, the Cantleld house, waa commenced today. JSufklln pleaded not guilty and declined to mako iply to the question, "What Is your business " Jnseph Jacobs, the detective who Is said to have gathered testimony against the house, was the flrat wltnpss. He told how i ne played raro and roulette there. Bucklln. ! he said, hired the men who came ln and ,he d,ffnt - Ine neanng was adjourned until tomor- row. DOCK CLERKS TO RAISE PAY Railroads Redare Offlee Salaries to OnTset Inereaaea Granted Artisans. TOPEKA. Kan.. Dec. 17. The difficulty western railroads are finding in keeping mechanical help is affecting the clerks In i P - roads, the j Santa Fe included, have begun reducing salaries of ha office emnlovea. ,ih , ,.. . 71,8 h'Kh waKPB Dld to n"haniral help makes It necessary, the companies say, to retrench expenses and they are doing this . - , amon thelr offlca. tOTC' "' No organlza- tlf" exista among the clerks, but It Is un derstoo.1 that steps will be taken to re- quest the roads to discontinue the policy. NEGROES ARE DENICD FOOD roar Shooting; ASTrays and Ona Marder Lead to Draatle Sleaanrea ln Indiana. SOUTH BEND, Ind., Deo. IT. Four shooting affrays and one murder, ln which negroes took part, hate been followed by the closing of clubs and saloons conducted by negroes, and many oolored people are i leaving the city. . ,..,, 7,ho.h .w. k.-I " " restaurants, annougn tney nave They aay they cannot get fond and serv lae money to pay tor 11. A committee of citizens hss raised $r00 aa a reward for the capture of three negroes who murdered John M. Koonsman on Saturday. WISCONSIN IS NOT TO SAIL Orders Which Waald Hava Taken tha War Shin to Sen Ara Snd. denly Cancelled. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 17. Orders from Washington, which would have taken the battleship Wisconsin to sea, bound for the Bremerton dock on Puaet mnrf ,.-. h n ,lnM ,nrt T !..- n . i ..uiiu.uunr Mayo, temporarily in command, is await ing Instructions from the Navy depart, ment. The reason for canceling the original orders is not known here, but the ves sel's officers expect to go to Bremerton within a few daya. Mwvemeata of Ocean Veasela Deo. IT. ,, , , ..... . 1 Vl1"": Blucher. 'rom Hanihu ," 'r,'',n,a- ",T LJverponl; St. Pau. .t .-vew Torg Arrived Pmia. from ru. Snllot Paui. for Aiuih. amnion. At Liverpool Arrived Canadian. from New Y'irk: Mochanltian. from New tr leans: Tunisian, fnm St. John and Uuiifax. Sailed VI tic. for New York. At Antwerp Arrived dwltzeriaad. from Fhiladelpma. At London -Sailed Colombian, for Bos- idii. ,t B',on Arrived Karamanla, from i'. -!,, . , , rk,' ""'ama Arrived Fmnr-aa nt pn ina. rrura ncnuver. fne n,,n irn. etc. Sailed !nur-pura. from Hong Kong" for Portland. "jre. At W'leenstown Arrived Teutonic, from New Y irk At N.ipiea Arrived Lahn. from New Yirg. At Hamliurg Arrived Teutonltt, from Montreal, via rivdurv At 'iiliraitur I'laeed Phoenician, from New Y irk. '.ir Naples and Ornm. t San Francisco dolled 'armenla. for Melbourne: A.liert. for Honolulu; Wiscon sin, for Hanta Barbara. At Kong Arnved tlaello. from San Francieco, via, Uunuiula and Ioaluna CASTRO TO YIELD Caracal Merchanta lay laUtm'i Honar ia Aaplv Satisfied. MIXED REPORTS ARRIVE ON ARBITRATION Berlin Says Offer ia Declined VsnmueU Claims it is Aooeptad. . i Britain announces war as now on j FTemiHr Tails Parliament Diolomacy nows autnicg af Peaceful Blockades. ITALIAN MINISTER LEAVES COUNTRY Bnwea EntertaJaa Raaltahmew, Wba Live at Kmbaeay While Embrwcllw Cntlaae. and SJaee.aitate. In ereaae at Americas Stan. CARACAS. Dec. 17. The Italian minister left Caracas this morning. At 8 o'clock Mr. Bowen. went to the Italian legation in a state crrrlage and took the Italian min ister. Signer de Rlva. and the Italian con sul. Slgnor Gazrurrelll, and conducted them to the railroad station, where they were met by the leading Italian residents of this city. Mr. Bowen then accompanied the minister to his car. shook hands with him and handed Uim papers and cigars for his Juurney to La Guayra, The Venezuelan newspapers are still Ignorant of the Italian ultimatum and therefore there were no crowds at the station aud no hostile demonstration. This note was transmitted to Irsldent Castro this afternoon, and waa signed by all the leading merchants, bankers and agriculturists of Caracas, who will meet tonight and discuss ways and means of obtaining money to pay Venezuela's debts. The note Is as follows: Sir: The undersigned, having met with the purpose of offering their aid to the government of Venesuela ln the present conflicting situation, which has been cre acted by the agKrestva attitude of Ger many and Great Britain, and upon your request, to give our opinions ln writing, we address you in the following terms: In view of the nctm of violence already commuted and of the absolute Impotence of Venezuela to meet tore with force In response to the allied action of Cermnny and Great Britain, In view of the fact that Venezuela llllH exhausted all the manna required hv civilization and diplomacy to i Pl an end to the present .itnatlon. and th j " ,7'T'"1 ann Pe"Pie or Venezuela have -'"ii""-!! iiiiiiiii miiy nun wonniiy to tne j demands of national honor, we oonelder. i , , ? . '--or. .. won iuh moment to I yield to force hH arrived. I V- therefor-, respectfully recommend that fuil powerr be given to the minister or me i.nned states of America, authoriz ing him to carry out proper measures to terminate the present conflict In the man ner least prejudicial to tha Interests of Venezuela. The blockade of La Guayra, notification of which was onmmuulcated to the Venez uelan government on December 13, went Into effect today. T!ie order applies to Venezuelan vessels only. It haa been decided that the Venezuelan ' difficulty shall be arbitrated and a discus sion, of term of settlement Is now going on. Mr. Bowen will undoubtedly be one of the arbitrators. Tha government fears that coerclvo meaa- ures will follow the establishment of tha blockade, consequently President Castro I continues to act with extraurdinai-r anar-v i H" h" transformed the entire counur Into a vast camp, having raised more than 40. (MXi men, whom be has armed well, equipped and transported to La Quayra, and Puerto Cabello, ln the expectation that I the allies would attempt to land at ona or both of those points. Will Deellne Arbitration. BERLIN. Dec. 17. A formal notification of the blockade of the Venezuelan caast is likely to be issued tomorrow. It la un derstood that ships of the United States will be on precisely the same basis aa 'Ltot , , . .. , President Cas tro's proposal to arbitrate la Inadequate, as It Is unaccompanied with guarantees to pay If the arbitrators direct against him. and a reply in thut sense hss been or will be sent through Mr. Bowen. Great Britain will make a similar answer. These statements are not made officially, but are derived from an excellent source. The Foreign office hero denied explicitly that the German squadron in Venezuelan waters has been ordered to seize Margarita island, adding that no occupation of tha territory of Venezuela la to be allowed. The Foreign office officials allege that a systematic effort la apparently helng made' to represent Germany aa the propelling power ln the coercion of Venezuela and as being responsible for ail tha harsh meas ures. For instance, they say the bombard- ment of the forts at Puerto Cabello la aa ; cribed to German Initiative, whereas the officials say, without reservation, that it waa at the British commander's sugges tion. Topaxe being a British ship. Ths German commander participated ln the fir ing aa a loyal ally. The German government Is not Insisting l on mora severe measures than tha original pian contemplated and regards the sinking ot the two "diminutive, wholly unseaworthy craft" as an "Insignificant Incident." WASHINGTON, Deo. 1 The officials here have come to the conclusion that the protected "peaceful blockade" of Venezue lan porta cannot be recognized, as against United States shipping at lesst. It the allies seek to exclude Venezuelan shipping from entering Venezuelan porta that might be permitted, but they cannot exclude United Statea ships ln regular bus iness unless a genuine stats ot war la recognized. ;, . Senur OJeda. the Spanish minister, and Boron Muncheucher, ths Belgian minister, have not received official advices relative to the Joint note their governments hava addressed to President Castro, asking that ln the event of a settlement of tha clalma of the allied powers Spain and Belgium be given similar treatment. The Spanish minister denies that there la the slightest probability of further action on the part of Spain unless events ln Caracas make It necessary for the Spaniuh representative to withdraw. Min ister OJeda does nut anticipate this ln view of the strong ties of friendship that exist, between hia government and both American republics. Baron Muncheucher regards the posi tion of his country aa thus far neutral, but ln case circumstances change thia at titude it is ".i u'.y that Minister Bowen will be requested ta look after Belgian Interests ln the Venezuelan oapltai. Bel gium, having no navy. It will not ha pos sible for that country to Join ln ths naval demonstration wf the allied fleet. Mr. Bowen'. position is realized to t.e one of extraordinary difficulty He la now in -harge of tne lntereata of Great Britain, Germany. Italv and Holland. besides those of tha United States, snd may be called upon to take charge of tho ra maxntler uf the HVirTpnan, wit