Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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111 OoDimoilitlii Drop in Price on Chicago
, . iord of Trad.
larrraard Receipts Afterl lnr, Kr
felling" lrnrli llals llrnia and
Higher Unas I. ends In slums
la l'r Islens.
I'lllfA'Hi. Dec H liwer prices prc
Vxilicl IihIh mi ariiliis May wheal i loUng
4'ft u lower. May corn h etuulc nwcr mm
lialn nit 4'U V' J. Hill. il plnvlnliina nt
urn hangt il In In' low ii.
Wlii-ai nih il wistt Mini lower mi canter
tables hiiiI liillir weather In tin- noil h -
nl 1 tin Weakness of ni.irkim
Mini Ihc gtrifial timet I VII v of Hie iniirki't,
due In m. hip ml in I in tiic iiniir lunuiiiuii
of I li wires, ni-ri- alau fit jirt hl iik Inllii
tliita 'I In- lending Inim HHtl iiHllily in
laigtd tin liln line lull II win suppiuM d Unit
l.i' was selling through brokers, und UiIh
Iml Induced 1. 1 In in In dill. Miiv opined
simile In '4n lumr, Hi 7J41' I1 7i'l Vi'V'.
mnl giailnaliy milil off lo i ii 7 . A iHir e n -port
demand rjiiirnl h Hi Ik Ii I rally toward
Hm rinse, whli Ii w.ia '.a'i'vi lower, at n'rl
Ti'V' December rlnsi-d 14' lower, at 744'-4'iraraiu-cs
of wlii'Ht Mini flour with -iu I
tu 2i,imi bushels lummy receipt weir
k., I. Kin Ii i In In- Irt hkiIiihI (m .1.1 "m IiiimIii'Ih it
year ago Minnie polla ami IliIiiiIi re
ported receipts i t tV.k mm, which, with lo
isl receipts i.f HI -Willi only inn. of inn
I mi l - made Intnl rtrrlpls fur t lie three
nints of sfiS cars. hhhIiihI til ti runt last
Week ami Stir) cars a year ago
lucre, im.I leirlpia caused heavy llquldii
llun In December corn, mnl there M
break of 'i'y In I Iml dellvety early In tin;
In y , mnl. all IiiiiimIi .covering ly acallcrcil
aliorta ruiiHnl a rally IhIit, Hip (riiiral rlt
iiatlon whn (Hil.r. ilfiinrta ft out Ilui I'niiii
liy rr lii-ut'lnh. Hl.illim Hint tli malmliv
of ii-valiiia wrin llllr.l Willi nun ami Hm
nliiirliign In iiith wua Hm nnly ilrawluuk
tu llio iniirki't Inn of Hi huiiih. liw i r ch
IiIik. Iml I rr wi.i'lur Mini HM tin rriimi in
in iiitnt re ft h tlnlliln atiiily writ- almi il.'-
tiri-NHliia" InMiuTiri'H. A fair iti'tnnnil
Hint for May, Mini with nnVrtiiM moltrHiH
Hint nitlon waH rtiiiiiiirtllvHy l.n.l,
i I..hIii( only a admin Iuwit, Hi WW III v;,
aflt-r hi.IIIhh lii'lwt n 4.t ' , i l.i v, Mint t:i'ir. w m i ft 'ii-, rlimlnti Hi Mr, nflir
lanaliitf liflwffti ISJ'in Mini fir. Iiial rt1
ii' wrr I'M i in n. w ith 1.4 of coiilrui t
tiula wrra ry titiiler nilhr fren arlllnw
liy rniiiinUitttiii liOiiHt-a. '1'Iih IihiI limn lo
Ilia rakh niHrkft IimiI u tii'iirf hhiiih ffftrt
un Hm rtiri nliillve Iniili' 'I'riulK whh only
moUfrala. Mtiy rliminl VttrS1' lower, at
nfliT kt'llliiK IiiIwitii iUMi.KV: ulll
l.oial rftilita wore ITU ruts.
t'riivlalotia o. iif .1 firm on high in li ra for
Imaa lit lht yntila hut lintil ri-iillzalloti
cailnrtil alight ilrrllne. A fnlr ill liuilnl fur
J.imiury lani waa a aiiiinrlliiR in II iieiiti,
anil Hit rhHi whh atfaily, with laimary
polk off &', at flB6i4. latnl waa llllr'
mi tu lii'.i, wlilli. rlha Wrra i'l'dfn: lowrr, Ht
I nilmalf .1 rrrplita for tii-niurrnw : Wheat,
tm ran; ruin, ihb t ara; oata, 1HU iura; hugi,
U.i mo hi nil
'I' I if icatlinii f'lturea ranted aa fnllowa:
AilU'lfa (iirtt. lilMh. Iow. Cloai Yes y.
I lull.
'. July
1 May
t lata
lai May
l ard -
J Mil.
744 74
i4V73(ij''. 74
I 7it
i i
I 1
i m
15 at)
10 lf
77 St
It 7'
16 ttS
10 2ft
9 72i
la H7H
16 tio
10 W
1 40
1 734
16 674
10 r
I 46
I 36
10 i!S
1 4s
I 47St; 4t)
No. I. tNfW.
i'aah (juotHtlotia war aa followa:
I'l.t H'H -Markrt alow but atfailv: winter
palanla, IS 4tS W; atrulghta. U UnS ;
kuiina iiateuta, H 4n'(t3.iiJi alralghta, tino-
I.Ai, bakera, I2.26aa.75.
WIIKAT-No. it atirlna, 74n,74o; No. S. 7 la
71 Vo; No. I red, 74'jf,V!.',a
(ViHN-No. 3, 62V: No. 1 yellow, 52v
i'Aia-Nu, . alVi No. I white, 314w3i'V.
Ii Y K No. t, Ok:
tAIU.KY Good feeding, a7tf41ai fair lo
ihnlrr. inaltlng. 4txt)6i.
HKKU-No. t tlax. 1117; No. 1 ttorthweat
em, $1 'tk. . irlme timothy, 66; clover, con
trail grade. I HUB.
PKOVIHIONg-Meaa ork. per nhl., M7.
lard, jier loo Ilia., IU.2(K(t lt.ir4. Hhort rlha
aldea llooiei, i 76. lu y aalted ahoul-di-ra
(hoxedt. ViXouM W. Hhort tioar aidra
tbuxed). s.7tu.00.
Follow lug were the recelpta and ahlpmenla
f Die piluciial gialua yeaterduy:
Itecetpia. Shlpmanta.
Klour, hhla ai.7u i.7tn
N heat, hu J!i.tKM ll.lim
t'oru. bu 82?. 400 M.6HI
tUla, bu 300..HO 2I. skw
hye. bu 24,:o0
tiarley. bu fci.uoo
lu the I'roduce exchange today the hut.
ler muiket waa aleady; crraiuerlea. lsrf
b4c; diilrlea, li'v-c. Kgga, aleady, luaa off.
i tiara relumed, lii: t. lu.cau, ateady,
KW VUHK Ufe:k:Hlt UiHHKTi,
aaaiailuaa el ae ly oa Variant
NKW YOKK. IHic. Iw-Kl.Ol'R-Receii.ta.
l.Ai bkila ; exporta. J.714 hhla.; marVet
unarttlvd and liitla eaaler; winter uit'nta,
H.w.uAi; winter atrulghla, H i.i, Muh
lieaola pateuta, II nW 20; winter exlraa.
U vJkb; Mltiueaot t bakera.'3.40; wlii
tar low gradea, U inrinl. hye Hour, ateady ;
lair to good. 1.1 Umtl4v; choice to fancv.
liuckw heat Hour, itulet, U auj ji,
epot and lo arrive.
V'viKNMKAl.-Kaay; yellow weatero.
II M: city, H Il: kiiamlywiiie,
KVr) firm; No. 2 wtatvrn. W'tc t. o. h.,
atloal; No. 2. &4tiH4c. track; atate. bia
Mc. c. I. f . New York
HAKl.KY Steady ; feeding, SikjUiV. c. I. C..
UurTalo; malting. iiioc. c. I. t.. Huffalo
llu-A i- Hecelpta. 1&V460 bu. Spot. e-ay;
!No. 2 red. -!V, elevator; No. I rd. 7kac,
. o. b., afloat; No, I northeru lniluth. iak,
. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 8t4o,
u. b,. alloat. ipllona experienced an
other erratic duy. av tlmea were uuite weak
under heavy aetilng for both long and ahort
account. Ivavther with bualneaa abrottd.
cla.ilug weather weat and acant outntdu
euppoit t'loxlug eaay at 4c net dec Una
May. W..iiM4c cloaml at M4c; July, 7S(
J 7-lo, clvaaa at ifcsc; LM.uiber cloaod at
VUIKN-Recelpta, W,0 bu. ; exporta. H0
Ju, Slt. duirt; No. 2, 4o. elevator, and
lo. I. o. b., alloal; No. yvllow. Hie; No. J
white, il4o. tipitona were eaater all day on
Uige ruieipta. lower cab Ira. the wheat de
cline aud Improving weather weat and
cloned at V,uo uet loaa. January. 6oV, l
6.4c. cloaed at ;V,c; March. 624c, cloaed at
24c; May, u-W 7-ltx-. cloved at 4li-c;
July cloaed at 474c: lecrubr cloaed at lo,
OATei- Itecelpta. 84.WM bu. : exporta, Itc.iwo
bu. Spot, dull, atandard while. 244j,vvVo
No. S, S.o; No. 2 while, S.iWAc; No7 S
white. 3fKi.4r; track nominal, track white
S'SiliV. lU'tKma. dull all day aud eaay
with other utarkeia: leveiuber, Vc, cloaed
at toy-.
HAY snipping. 6&$70c; good to
choice. lu..l 00.
IKf8 V'ulet:
atate. common to rhol-a
1kJ rrt.u. .i
.-uJ7c: l;tol crou. X,u Ji- ol.l m
t-Jc, raciuc coital.. crop, ."IMJ.UO, JsniJ
vroo. .!.; oitia, 7vU4c.
Hllf.c-Jilf.iJ . tlalveatoD. 30 to ft lb
lac; Texaa. drM to Iba., 14c; California!
11 to 26 lla .. IV.
I KATHKK -vfulet; acid. Ku.64o.
Hi' 'VISIONS H.f, lcd; f.iolly, iw.J)
4 ltou, uiaaa. II iv: bevf hama, lv j0
j.Ji. packet. Il4.v-,ili.u0. city, extra ludt.
uicaa, lii.viiv. t'ut nirat. eaay; pickled
Wllka. . Ati. 76: plcklvd ahoi.ldfia. ii Juf
tiai: pickled hatua. lilarvLlTi iarv.
ey ; wvateru atvamed. 1.11 su; rettned, eav ;
fittiiut. lit; Mouth America. Ul jo. com
pouuJ. 1.11 I'oi k. dull, fuinilv. lis; ahort
Cir. tfi Kt':i IV. UMM, J!ViAJ l. jo.
i.iv siu'e; S4ly. i,c. country, ij
HOK-Quiet, domeatlc, fair to extra. v
Sv : .lniii, 4u.c, uomiiial.
I'SANt'TaV-Si,J . fancy, hand picked.
4o.h.. othrr vU.iucvatlc, 4oaVc.
I' A riH At. i K iSieadv ; douimilc, per hx
White. 'xl-J0. Ivd. llivJixl.
Ben t-H R-rlota, i.lJu pkga. : ateadv;
Blate dairy, Jc, extra crrauiery, Jiv ;
cwiniiion to choicv creamery, 2-itsc.
V'H ttt-.SK Htceluia. j.aa paj;a.. aleady .
fan, y iure. elate, lull mam. colored and
while, (H-temter, KSc late make, l..
Us,c. faucv a.nall, colored and while. tke;
ton.tvfr. l.'tO l-'-Sc. iaie make. l.HiUV-
tcKi!- hwwi.n, 7 ii: pkga; tvarvlv
atad. atale aud IVnuaylx a n'a. avrrage
bl. wealern. poor ttj fancy. Sut'it'c.
IVl'LTRY- Ali. u.ilet and unchanged.
Lrv.. nonilnallv uiK-hanafl.
Vt-I lil- loi followed up ita advance of
vetii0y with another but more iiKKlerato
fcain today. lxMidon pjlca Ik;-! l. higher
i 411. lor apol and ail.' 7a Xi for f iturva.
1 h tuaxaet waa mm aud a.ijhi!y hiaher.
t.ptxr a Ivaiioed .Wi ,! In l oitdou lo a jo V
k- for aoot and iitlKikl for futurea. but
iwiuaiuea dull and aoaiiuai here, Standard
I iiunlpd at III U. rlertroly Mr t 111 46
l.'H. waa iiilt I ht re and In Nintlnii. Hpel
tt r i niitlniii-il inn ha iiRt-d In l.tindon nt J.19
I.Hhtl, hut waa 6 poiula luwr and ranlfr
lot ally at t.-.4.' Iron wrta unrliahitt d at t4a
:t. In i:i.iii.ia, Iml tlfi llni-d :d In Mlilrllt-a-ii.loiikh
to 4, it :M l.oiiilly linn una ililt
ami urnliHUKtil WarranM ctinthuie nmn
Innl Nu I foundry norttit rn la iiintrd at
.;i H''i'J4 ipi. No 'I foiiiulry imrt ht ru, Nu 1
fouiuirv aunt ttt-rn anil Nu. 1 foundry south
t ru .H at Ii-'."
tt1AII4 W lllll l.a! K. MAItHKIH.
onitlllnn of T rade anil aolatioaa an
Maple anil l'itl I'rnilgrr,
KH iH - miiiIIi d min k, 2.12lr.
I.I V !: I'lil'lIHY-II. iia. JU'iiCc; old ronk
Itra. 6t'; lurkt-yk, 1 1 4j 1 2t -; tint ka, ifff'ir; great,
un: i ; kprhiK hh kriia, per Hi., k4'ii:c.
liKKHHKIt 1'UI i:i ItY- llrna. Ii. , young
rhli ki iiH, lie; tuikrya, l.l'(16r, diu ka and
grf Ht , IIKillr.
Iti I I Kit- I'm kliiK kloi k, 17r; rhnlri
dull v. In I ii In" .. 2"u -'Ic ; ai'iiaratnr. :!i'ni"'.
1'RI.HH ! IHII Truut, Hume; lurrliift. 6c;
p. i krii-l, kr( pike. 1'c; pi-irh, tir; lniff ilo,
iliinkfil. 7c; kunllan, Hi ; tilm-llna. Ur; wIiKh
hhli, He; kniui'.ii, Iim-, liHtl.liick, llr; ftttl rlt-h,
l;r; ri ilkiuiiii i , lor: li linirra. Iiullt-il, prr
lit . .dr. lolifitTH. nr. i ii, r Hi., !ri Inill
iiiiiila. l'ir, calll-h. 14c; black liana, 2uc;
)ut 1 1 tu t , llr.
i t ilt N - New. 4uc.
I lA'l - .'IJr.
II VK No 2, ir.c.
I , It A N I'cr Inn. 113 60
IIAY-I'rlrrk iiuntfil liy Dmnha Whole
kale Hay I'riilii'H' Inn ; I 'hulce No.
I upland i.rn. No. 1 iniilliiiii I7MI; No. 1
roHifr, 17. Kyr kltaw. PI Tht-te prlrea
are for hay of aood I'olor and qiinllly. lie
tuaiiil fnlr. rf t 1 1 . 1 m llithl.
UVH'I KHH- Hluniluriik, per run, 'JS. ; extrn
kelrrta. prr tall, ;itr. New Yuri, roilllta. prr
can, 42c, hulk, extra ki lrrlit, per gil , tl.76;
bulk, KlHtiilaritH, p. r kal . 11 4n.
I'll II I HTM AM iKi'(lllATKiNt4.
THKKH-4 In 6 fret, prr itofirn, 11.71; 7 to
ft fret, l.i tVi; b to 7 fret, 2 .bu; It tu III feet,
14 titi; liirnr, for i honl and chiiifli pur
iiokra, I.' lo 14 feel, each, II Unit 1. 6U; extra
hit Ki 16 to I'll fri t, riich. J.' 0u 4 .mi.
llul.l.Y HKANi lilOH-IVr caae of !x2x4
fitt 1 a In mi t fx i II. h I, 14, ict luirrrl, il 6n
l.i i N v NKKIH.K I'iNKrt -1'e.r iloxi-n. : 50
ii ;t mi
MIHTI.KTOK HUANi'MKH-l'er 11)., 3Uc.
l-.Vr lttlltKKN U KKA1 III.MI Incnllaof
SO ynnis, prr cull Mr; flva-iuii Iota, 66c
KKATIIH MiikiioIIm Mini aiilax wrealha,
per iloxrii, l hu. i J un, uvrrgtfi'ti wrratlia,
pi r iloa. ii, 11 6ii"2 (iu; holly w rratha, pur
dozen, l.6nii)2 on.
v i:hi'.taiii,f:s.
NKW rrcl.KKY Iviiliiinazno, prr do!., 26c;
I tali, prr ilu , 46r; t H It tor ulk , pi T fur
Mlalka weighing t.'om 1 to 14 H'k., euch, itic.
I 'i iTATOKH - New, per bu. , 60p.
HW i:i;T l't ITA TuKH -Iowa MtiBcatlnea,
prr hid.. 1.1 .26.
Tl' ItNtl'iS -IV' bu., 30c; Canada ruta
lingiiH. prr lh., 1c
Itl'.IO I H- I'cr luikkrl, 4nc.
tTl'I'MIIKUrt - llotlioiiac, per dux., f 1.50.
I'AltHNII'H - I'rr Int., Hie.
i 'A It Hi ITS - Pel lh., 1c.
1IHKKN (iNlliNH-Hiuilhern, per doien
lillllrlliH, 46c.
HAIildMi:H- flouihi rn. per doinn hunches,
WAX UK A NH Per Im. box, 3; ktrtttg
brana, per Int. box 1.5it.
I'AHIIAilK-Mlacrllaitfous Holland seed,
prr Hi , IV.
ON IONH -New home grown, in sacks,
prr hu., 7ftc; Hpanlah, prr crute, 11.75.
NKW IlKANS-Per im., 12 SO.
ToMATOHH -New CHllfornl i, per 4-bss-k't
cralf. 1'.' 7n.
t'Al.ll' LiJW Kit California, per crate,
2. bu.
PEAIia-Kall varlrllia, per box, 12 00;
Colornilo, prr box, U
APPI.KH-CookliiK. per bhl., 3 25; eating,
I2 60; JoiiathHiia. 14 HO; New York Block,
1.126; t ' 1 1 1 1 f r 1 1 1 t Helillnwe rn, bu. box, II im.
tl U A PKrt - t'liluw prr basket, Mr;
MaliiKua. per km, lil oudj'i .ml.
('IIANIIKKIIIKH Wlnconaln, per Mil ,
I9 60; lirll Mild HiiKlea, llll 60; prr box, 13.26.
UANANAH IVr bunch, according- to nlie,
$2 tnn 2 Ml.
I. KMoNS California fancy, 14; choice.
liltANfiKH-Florlda PrlKhts. 13.75; Cali
fornia nnvela, 13.nti'(r.1 50; California eweet
Juffaa, all alsra, 12.76.
1ATKH Persian, In 70-lh. boxen, per lb.,
c; prr caae of iki-lh. pkga., 12.26.
K II IH California, per 10-h. cartons, 1;
Turklkh, per aii-lli. box, 14(0 18c.
IttAI'K FIU IT-V lorlda, 16.
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame rase,
13 75.
C1IPR-New Yora-, 11.60; per 4 bbl., MTtJ.
H Al'KIlK RArT-Wlai'unsfu, per 4 bbl.,
$226; per bbl.. 13.76.
I'OPCOHN-lVr lb., te: shelled. 4c.
HIPEA-No. 1 green. 64c; No. 8 green. 54c;
No. 1 salted, 74c; No. 8 salted, 4o No. 1
veal calf. II to 124 lbs., K4c: No. 8 veal
calf, 12 lo 15 Ilia., tk'; dry hldea. kli12c;
sheep pelta, 2641, '6c; horse hides, 1.6on2 60.
Nl'Tfl Walnuta, No. 1 aoft shell, tier lb.,
15c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., lHo; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
ilt'MXla. per lb., 12c; ttlberts. per lb., 12c;
dlmouda, soft shell, per lb., lAc; hard shell,
per lb., 15c; pecana, large, per In , 124c;
amall, per lh., lie; cocoanuts, per dux.,
6tv; cheatnuta, per lh., ltK-; peanuta, per lh.,
64c; roamed peanuta, per Hi, 7c; black
walnuts, per bu., 11. U.; hickory nuta, per
bu., 11.60: cocoanuts. per loo, 14 .
tH.l) MKTAI.M. ETC. -A. 11. Alplrn
quolra the following prices: Iron, country,
mixed, per ton, lit; Iron, stove plate, per
ton, V; copper, per lb., 4c; braaa, heavy,
per lb.. 84c; brass, light, per lh., 64c;
lead, per lb., c; sine, per !l., 24c; rub
ber, per lb., U4c.
ttft-ttt Boar of Trade, Omaha, Neb
Telephoae IttlH.
CHIOAOO. lec. Ii-WIIKAT-Msrket
has been weak, price oft at one time 4o
to 14c. but recovering some from the bot
tom. The first beariwh Inilnencea were the
lower cattlca. The unfavorable weather re
port a from Argentine and tho decrt-ae in
world's vialble were without lurlueiice on
prices. The world a vlalble decrvtwed 326,
tn bu., agalnat an tucreaae laat year of
1 SM0.nn bu. The aiiboard reporlel twenty
one load taken tor export; clearances were
incomplete-2.i.iv bu. reported; primary
receipts were Sfrl.OOO bu , agalnat 6f.itw bu.
a year am; In the northwest txs cars,
agalnat .vt laat year; local receipts, M
cara, with one contract: Minneapolis re
ported a better ftoir demand than of late.
The weather weat, favorable. Liverpool
cabled supplies were decreasing; the gen
eral view waa that Armour waa operating
agalnat au advance. Estimates for
Wediieadav, tk cara.
Ci-KN-Market has been weak both for
cah and futures: the Devember at one
time 24c lower, with the old corn In the
ample market following the decline: Jan
uary waa off I cent and the May weakened
bv tirna, finally cloaiug about where II did
Monday. There was no aupport apparent
from the St Louia bulla, but there was a
demand for IVcember on the break through
commlaaioii houaea that looked like short
covering; local receipts, 6o.t cars, with 11
contract; estimates for Wednoaday, 266
cars; clearancea, 2W6.A10 bu. ; primary re
ceipts, k'l.iw bu.. agalnat Jss.o.v bu. laat
ytir: contract stock. l.o;i,ov bu.. tm'rease,
J-H,on bu. Kansas City market was off
1 tent on samples and samples here off
4li lc on new corn.
OATS Market has been quiet and eaav;
samples were 4ulc lower. 8hlpp.r aa'td
the demand from the east la poor; local
receipts, S. cara. with 21 coutracl: et.ll
matea Wednesday. lx cars; clearancea,
t6.0n bu. ; at.H k of atandani. l.J.J.utv bu.,
de reaao, -0.v bu. : east of the Rockies
oat decreased oSM.'iOC bu.
1'KOV ISHi.N- MaJket opened strong on
hs hose than expected and highvr prlcra,
but there waa liberal offerliusa of kly
prxKluct at the opening, chevkln the ad
vance: p-tckera rather liulliifi to bav Jan
uary prod ict; there were 27.M hoga. "prices
6"it0c higher; e.-Mlmatvi for tomorrow S2 -o-vl
hoga. In the west today. u.nv head. 97. im) head laat wevk aud M.uuv laat
Vlalble Sa nily at Urala.
NEW YORK. IVo. l.-8iclal cable and
telegraphic advicea to Hradatreet a this
week show the following changes in avail
able supply, as compared with last ac
counts: VA HKAT-Cnlted States and Canada,
east of Kovklea. increase.. 2.1:..cvm
bu ; afloat and In Europe, decrease, S.jiv,
wat bu. ; total supply, dee rease. 3Jii,.x bu.
.K.- I lilted 8ia'.es and Canada, east
of Rck kie. Inercaxe. I.TV.uw) bu
OA l't-1' lilted States and Canada, east
of Hch klea, dtH-reae. 6SJ on bu.
Among the more luiporia.-t lucreaaea re
ported this wevk were ;iM. ) bu a: p..rt Me.; !W.i bu in Manitoba elevators,
.) bu. at I'oct Huron and iovuu bu at
The U-adit'g dev-reaM are of o.i
bu at iiort .i weait ru interior elevatora, Sh .
bu. at private elevator. uw
bu. at Juliet and ".'A bu. at LoievtHe.
Vllwaake Urate) Market.
VlUWlKtE. Wia. ivpc. 14-WHEVT-lawtr.
Nw I uotthirii. 7.!,c. No. 1 north
ern. 7-(7.4e; Siav. 7.'4f7;i7,t.
KYK SttiJy; No, 1. 6-t.c.
H Vi.Utlv i'u.t, aianuard, 44o; aample
Cv.RN-May, 4J4jV.
Mtaaeasvalte heal. Uar wad Btrasv.
XIINErLlS, IVo lti-WHEAT-Pe-cewber,
;c, 3a), ;4o; o Uaca, N. 1
hard, 75 'tr ; No. 1 noifliern, 744c; No. 1
northern, 7.'S .
Klxl R First palfiilk, .1 !k,m kfrond
pairiilk, II ,,. first t-lears, $2 Iii:ii;
feeroud clratk, I.' .IM',' 41.
PltAN-ln huik. til.M.
I. I.onla (rain and Provlalona.
HT. ItOI IH. I .-.-. IH . WHFAT-lrfiwor;
No. 2 red n.nh, flt .ator. tiuiiiiiuil: trn. k,
7-'t 7;!'4c ; In-'.'inli. r, 7ur; May, ic; No .
hn t d. hi'n iH .
CORN - l.nwrr; Nu 2 cskh and track, 4r.c;
lii'irinlir r, 44i'; May. i 'il . '.I'.jt'.
OAT H - l.iiwrr; No 2 ta-n, xi'v1; irark. J4
i :44 4c; I ti'rr nilirr, Mr; May, a24c; Nu. 2
whin , a.-'i J '.4c. ,
HVIv Mini at 44r.
Fl. M'H- -Hull, klraily; red winter pa tents.
; ii.'iy : 611, extra taury an. I slr.ilght, IJ "u'li
2 ;; clear. 12 nu.
f K K I Timothy , steady at 12 !v,i J 41).
iiI(.NMI:A1-HI at li Si.
ItKA N - Hirotig , carki-.l, eaat track, 7l1f)
II AY-Firm; timothy, 112. (n'd 15 .60; prairie,
$ln ami II 60.
lltoN COTTON T I EH -11.074.
HAiHHMI Ki.-liMr? i-IHc.
1 1 I' M P TWINK-ar.
PltoVIHIoNH Pork, lower; jobbing.
Iimifi. l.ard, lowrr, tin 2.1. Iiry kali meal a
llioxeili, may; extra Hhortn. 1A.I24; clenr
rllis, I'.i; Blun t clears, l!i .in. Ilarnn IDoxrdi.
cany, extra eliorts,; char rlhn,;
shoit rlrar. III.
MKTAI.M-Uuil, steady ut 14 00. Hpcltt-r,
dull Ht II till
PolT.Tlty-Turkryn, firm; 1 lilckeim. kc;
rl rlngH. KiUk4c; lurkeyn, ;AI4c; ducks, 12c;
gi'rk't kr.
HI'TTKU Hleady; creamery, '.'Miltnc;
dairy, Ikru.'.lc.
Ell18-Htedy at 22c, lona (iff.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, lihls in.mii !4,
W lira I, bu 4'i,tm0 4i2,nui
Corn, hu 14n,'iii nM.tkjti
Oats, bu tin, nun 22,llin
Llverpuol tJraln anil I'rm lalona.
I.IVEHI'Ool,, Inc. It) -WHEAT-Bpot,
No. 2 nil. weilern. winitr, firm, lis H4'l;
No. 1 California, dull iia id; futures, ipilrt ;
Here tnher, tik 14d; March, tia l',d; May,
Iia IS't.
Ct iltN-Hpnt, tulel; Amerlcitn mixed, new,
5s 2d; Aliirrlran mlxeil. old, 8s 4d ; futures,
quiet; January, 4h ti; March, 4a 3d.
I'KOV IrtltiNh-Itrrl, ttrm; rxtrii Indln
ineaa, II, "is. Pork, firm; prime miha weat
ern, ir.'s M Hams, short cut, 14 to 111 lbs.,
Ulilrl, Ma lid. llacon. t'uilll'ri land rut, 211 to
;i I'im., ijulrt. 4Xa; nhoil rllia. Iti to 24 His.,
dull, 60s; I. in',- clrar nilil.llna, light, 2H to
:4 His., ipilt'l, 6uh; lung clear mi. I. lira, heavy,
,'!6 10 40 Ilia., iiilet, 4IM 6d. ; ehol l clrar backs,
Iti In :'n lbs , .lull, 6"n; clear lielllra, 14 to 111
Hm., dull. 611a; hhould. rr , Hiunrr, quirt, 44-t laird, prime wcslern, In tierces, unlet,
67s Oil; American refined. III pulls, iitlct,
Hit h.l
HI'TTKU- Ni.mliiHl.
CI 1 KIOSK-tst rung ; American finest white
end colofi'd, !!,.
TAI.UiW Prlinn city, steady, 2Na3d;
Aiinli u Il ia In I niuli. 11, llrm, "Is ,1.1.
Itecrliils of whrnt iltnlim thr paat thrre
iIhss, 2i7, toil cenlHlM, Im lulling 1 11J 111111 Ameri
can. Aliirrlran corn rcceiiila ilurlng t lie
paat three tluys, 67,COO centulH.
Plillildrlplila Protlurr Markef.
Firm and good ileiniiud; extra wektern
crciimrry, 31c; extra nearby prints, 33c.
Klitlti- Hteudy iu:d in fair ilnnand; frrah
neurby, lc; ircah western, tc, loss off;
frrah knuthvvelrrn. 2ti'oa7c, Ions off; freah
snuthrrn. 2."ic, loss off.
CI I EESK-Klrni und In fair demand; New
York full creams, prime, small, ll4c; New
York full creams, lair to puod, Htuull. 13M'
13Vjc; New York full creaiun, prime, large,
i:i4'il'13c; New York full creaniH, fair to
giHiil lurge, I3'i13llc.
Toledo (iralil nntl Seed.
TOI.EHO, O., Hoc. 1.-WHKAT-Falrly
active, lower, cash and Heceinber. t7Vc;
May. M'.c.
I'oUN Hull, lower; December, 47c; May,
OATS Hull, lower; December, 82V,c; Mav,
RY E No. I. 62c.
HEKH Clover, dull, lower; Deremher,
Itttvti; Januaiy, 16 05. March, t75; prime
Alalke, lli.OO; prime timothy, $1.75.
Ilnlnth tJralu Market.
Dri.VTH. Dec. Itl-WHKAT-Cash. No.
1 hard, 74c; No. 1 northern, 71c; No. 1 north
ern and December, 73c; May, 7tk
OATH December, Sl4o.
Ievrla Market.
riOORI A, 111.. Dee. ltt-CORN-Lowr;
No. 8. 60c; new No. 3, 424o.
OATS-8teHdy; No. 8 white. JHiO.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. Id. MONEY On cail,
Steady, 4Q4 per cent, cloning offered at 4
per rent; time money, easier; wi and A)
days, Ii per cent; six mouths, t) er cent;
pr'me mercantile papers, 6 vr cent.
8TKR1.INO EX CH A Nil E Heavy, with
actual business In bunker' bills at $4 .Wtiiaff
( !! for demund and II M12ii4 6.U5 for slxty
iluy bills; poMird rates, l.S444 6)i; com
mercial bills. 14 S24i4.K3.
SILVER Bar, 4vV; Mexican dollars,
ItONDS tloverninent, easier; railroad.
The closing quotations on bonds are as
V. a. nt. Is. MI ....10744 U a N. unl. 4a 101
do vouiiou toiic XI0H. t'antral 4a li
do . r( 101 'i da ! luc 1:
do vouioa luli Xliun. A 8t. L. 4s...lu3
da Bw m. nt l M . K. T. Il M
do cuupoo do Us ki
do 4a. ml ii4 N. Y. Central Is 1024
do roupou loui do leu. aa 101
da UO N J 1'. (oil. (a ISi't
do roupuu Iim Nu. PadBti 4t 10J
AtchlioD (n. 4s Pt do 7JV,
da adj. 4 N A W. coo. 4a
Hal Ohio 4t liV' Hoadlns tn. la
do S4 tl Ml L A I kl 0. a....lljc,
do couv. 4a liH St. LAS K la tl
Canada so. Is I..S St. L. a W. la K,
Central of Oa. la....lio do Is X4
da tnc It g. A A A. P. 4a ... a
rbas. Okie 44s ...ln4 So. Pa. lOo 4a ,
t'hicato aV A. IVia... 1 So. Railway (a 111-.
C , U. 4V Q. s. 4a .. 6 Toxaa o Pa.ll.- la ..lis
r, u at r 1 ia .ua t, at. l. a w. 4a.. is
t". a N. W. 0. ts....U34 l aloa HavlSo 4s
C, H I. a P. 4a loi,t do l'ou. ta Isv
f f C 4 I, . k. .Wabaah la Hi
Chlcaao Tar. 4s W ! do 2a 107
Colorado So. 4a J ! 4a drb. B T
IVitivar A k O. 4a. ..toe WVat Shora 4a II
t'rla prior lieu 4a ... .'4 viirl 1 U It a . 11
do uvral 4a a 14 Wia t'antral 4a siu
r W. l. C. Is... las I'oa. To6ai.vo it tl1.
Uwklug Vat. 44a....luV
Doatoat stack tlaolatloaa.
cent; time loans.
1.-Call loans. 54'S fer
4tv74 per cent. Ofilclal
Closing of stocks
XtcXIaoa 4s
Oaa la
Max I'aalral 4a
do pie
Boatoa A Albaoy
Hoalon A Via
Hoalua K'.avalad ....
N V . N. H AH.
VltrhtHirs fid
I'aloa rv-iao ,
anu iionua;
10" Adveutute .......
.. 14
.. IV,
.. &ola
.. !
.. IM,
.. HAj
.. 14
.. M
.. 154
.. 40
.. 131
.. ti
.. a
.. J0V.
.. 114
.. J-
.. u
.. M4
. a Allouaa
. T4 lAnutltawalad ...
. Tula llu.aliaiu
. ti 1 aluuwt A Hacla
.tS a'auttiaulat
. I4 l oppar Kanta ..
.1M llVoilnloa Coal ..
.lit t-ranklla
.Ill .1.1. Koala
. tis Motiaaa ,
. 114 ma Pouiluioa ..
lit 'oae sola
. a Tamara. k
.171 .1 muooutala ....
. tS Trinity
. J l'nlta4 Sutas ...
,17 Hall
. t .victoria
. Il Winona
. XI Woi.Mrina
Msa t'aiitral .
atuar. Sugar .
do sfd
Aantricaa T. A T ..
lKiuialoa 1. A t...
lli,aral KlaelrM ...
Maaa. Klac'lrta
do ttd
Vailed Krult
t'allad IVupar ......
I', s. Staal
do 1M
WaaltasS. Cvaiaioa..
U laly Wast
lasdat Slock Market,
ItONTXN, Pa. It Closing, quotations:
Conaola. aaouay W4 V t .nii-at 164
do acvoual M 11 ia Norfolk A Waatara... MV
Ana. onus S do ptd ta
ALhtaoa - Out. no A Walaro.!! 3S
do pld lno- Paui,ajlajil Is
H It 1 n..ra A Ohio 7V, Hand Miaaa I X
auaJ.aa tclc lflK.llu
Ckaaialia A Oklo. . a 00 lal prd .' a-la
c'Snaao vi. W HV d io p'd Si.
C. XI A St. r 174 Soulhara Ry Ji
tlleers J.'S do ptd pjt,
LWniar A H. G i V Souihata Paclic aov
do p.'d v Inlou rtviBc
Brie al V do pld as
do t pfd VI ,1' S- StM
do M ptd la I do pld
llllnola Vautra) lU4WatMkak ja
Lou.avllla A Naah UJ I do pld a,,
at . H AT M. '"
MONEY-34fl per cent. The rate of
BAR SILVER I'ncertaln at I?4d per
discount In the open market for ahort billa
la 3io4 per cent and for three-months' la 4 ll-lo3' per cant.
New Verk Mlatau 4 aat at laaa.
NEW YORK. lVc. la The following gj,
the closing pricca on mm ng atocks:
ACAiua Coa la l.i'tla v hlaf t
Alua IT ( s;$
ottaia w lipfur ijo
HronaadX ''a J 4
CoaaAock Tan 4 Pouai
Coa. cai. A Vi !- . lo
tlotu Mitai l.'j t. ra Naiada X&
Irva MlHar ai iii H.jta $
LeadMUe Coa I Staaoard )a
ktavak i leariaaa.
OMAHA. Ikrc U. - Bunk ciearlnifs, I! !4?.
St, hi. cvrrrHiid!i'g d.iv luat y ear. U.L.V.
40." 1 ; lit. iv tw. S!.i.s4! nS.
NEW OKtv He, Iw-Clearinga, t53.j02,.
. ; balances, l.a.,1 Jao.
IVS'IMX. IW. la. Clearing, $2.0U.Ta;
balance a. 11 v,.'.7.
fMU AliEl Hl!A. tVo. lt-1.'learngs.
V4.,x:..U. baiaucva, $i'.itjo.Jl ; uionev. 4 per
BALTIMORE. Dex- 14.-CKann4S. t .
all. bjln,r, lnie.vlJ: ui uiev. t per ce-nt
ClilCAvii. ly,-. Iti ClfaringtK. ..". 717;
baancea, 12,131. vs.; New York exchanax. 3c
weuuuut. (oruau excoauae. luicliiiutM.
Sti rling p.istert at $4414 for elxty days and
al ! sk f..r demand.
HT. I.OI'IH. lire. 11 -Clearings. $7.H.52;
balanc. a. Ivi;i.4k7; inonpy. steady, i per
lent, Nf York exthatige, 1'x discount.
NKW 1 O ft K mill hi ANII BON PS.
Prices Melt Rapidly In Last Half llitar
f Raalness.
NKW YORK. li,c trt-Thera was an
extraordinary melting swsy of prices In the
i;iki 11 11 1 r rinur or innay a market, following
11 marking up of 11 u.latlnns during the pre.
vliiiis in.rtlon of ihr srkkliin. Hlmrtlv be-
fme 2 3n prices were st the hlghrkt of the
nay, an. I lit I gains of i points or over had
In i n attained by leading slocks herp and
there In all the principal groups, such as
Pennsylvania, Huulhprn Pacific, Missouri
Pacific, HI Paul, Rock Island preferred,
Delawtrr A lliultum and Hugar. In the
last half hour St. Paul dropprd bark ab
ruptly 3V anil some of the other stocks
Were c:irrlnl swiftly downward. The In
trrprrtatlon of the movement was hellrved
lo be that the powerful Interests In the
llnancliil world, which annouticed their or
Kaiilsatlou yeMtrnlay ,for Hip protertlon of
the money market, rierdrpd to convey K
warning that they had no Intention of al
lowing those plans to be Intprfrrpd with.
Thrre Was more or less reallrlng before the
clnar by the profs slonal trsdrrs. who
lioiiKtit on yestrrday's market and early
this morning. Pervious to the ftnnl slump
the cuiiifp of prices was tpilte prosper
ously iiiwurd.
There were reports of sssiirsncpn re
ceived by the Btatp departmpnt regarding
thr Ititriitlons of ilrent Britain and tier
many In Vent'tllela, which tPtided to show
a bettpr feeling n that direction, but the
principal csnse of the rise was the re
assuring formation of the bankers' pool
providing $60. mm. lino for use In n ponnlhle
enirrgenry. The effect was to relieve thp
stock market. Offerings became light In
view of the fnrt that It wns found pos
sible to manipulate prices on vpry slight
purchases. This wns the notshle csne
among sump of the Inactive storks, among
which thp floating supply Is always light,
especially In the Vnnderhllt group. There
was some surprise expressed, however, over
the extent of the protpcllve measures taken
by the hanks. There the excess surmise
s a possible need for these measures,
which has not been disclosed, and a dis
position to" consider that the exlatence of
such a need was Indicated by the forma
tion of the pool. While It wns recognlipd
that no part of this fund would llkply find
its way directly Into the stock market. It
was considered iirobablo that further with
drawals of Ioiiuh from the stock market
would be avoided, owing to the unfavor
able sentiment which the heavy stuck llriitl
ilnllou hsa cutiscil. Thp principal good
which It Is hoped to achieve by the n
nouncpmpnt of the largp resources avail
able. In upon sentiment. Port of the pres
ent strlngrtiry Is undoubtedly due to the
withholding of funds by pprsons who have
become timid, or who havo dptermlnpd to
wait for high money rates before lending
their resources. Cnll lonn rates did not
grl nliove ij per cent today, and ran off
to below 5 per cent when the principal de
mands had been met. Time money market
wns also oiled easier In tone, although not
mu..;i1 Iv chiitigpti. Much satisfaction wns
felt, ' "-uise, notwithstanding the easier
tone money, sterling exchange rates
yli a! .11 additional fraction. The stork
nv.rke c'oned distinctly weak.
Homls became firm, In sympathy with
stocks, hut yielded at the last. Total Bales,
par value, 2.5n6.iO.
1 T. H. new 4s declined 2 per cent on, last
The fallowing nre the closing price on
the New York Stock exchange:
Atrhlatiti lt go. Railway tOV,
do ptd t; do pfd tot
rial. A Ohio M Taiaa A PaclBc ' Isc,
do pfd 1 Tulruo, Ht. U. A W. !',
Canadian Pacific l.'t do pfd iS'
Canada So 70 Vnlnn Pacific tf,14
t 'in. A Ohio ir.4 tin pfd 1,
I'hlc.ito A Alton JlVtW'abaah tn4
.lo pfd lit no pfd 14
ChlcuKo Ind. A L... 14 .WhMllna: A L. K. . . . Z4
In pt.l t I do td pfd 32
Chicago A K. Ill IV.. Wla. Onlral S34
Chicago A tl. W :t'i do pfd 41
lo lat pfd Ml Ailima Kl too
do Sd pfd 33 Amertoan Ex , . S I a
f'hl. ago A N. W til t'nlted Statea t IM
Chicago Tar. A Tr... 1S4 lla-rarso Ex lid
do pfd ansa Amal. Copper 4S
C. C. C. A St. L tsv, Amar. Car A F SI1,
Colorado Ho KiV, do pfd tv
do lal pfd 41 Amar. I.ln. Oil 14
da id pfd 41 do pfd IT
rvi. A tludana IMVtAaier. . A R 4
lf.1. L. A W.
do pfil
IHnivar A R. O..
do pfd
da 1st ptd
da Id ptd
flreat Nor. pfd...
. II Ante. Mining Co
.... X14 llrooklyn R. T 414
.... II Colo, ruel A Iroa... 744
.... ? Cona Oas t
.... 41 font. Tohaero pfd. ..1144
... .li4 lla. Eleetrle 114
Hiking Valley
.. ww Hocams ai 11
do pfd tMa Inter. Paper
llllnola Central 140V- do pfd
Iowa Central t , Inter. Power
ewe i ..iiiBi o inipr. rower ao
do ptd 1 1 National meruit 41 U
Lake Rrle A W It ' National Lead tl
do pfd tl4 ' He. American II
I. A N I4i Paolllf Coast a
Manhattan L 1111! Pacllf Mali ST
Met Ht. Ry l.H'4, People's Oat 1004
Met. Central l't Preaaed S. Car 47
1.1. National lt do pfd to
Minn. A at. L 1Kb Pullman P Car IM
Mo. Pacific lid Heiiubllc Hteel lKVi
xt , K A T M'4 do pfd T4V,
do pfd S3 gugar Ill
N. J. Central 15 Tenn. Coal A I 414
N Y Ceutral l.SO'4 fnlon tlag A T It
Norfolk A W t4 da pfd, U.
do pfd to V. 8- Leather 114
Ontario A W UN do pfd t
Peunavlvania l.?4 I' g. Kubber IS
Reading S7V, do pfd SO
do lat pfd US l 8 .Steel S14
do Id pfd 14 I do pfd II
8t LAS F M -WVatern t'nloa 17
do lat pfd 7t Amer. Locomotive.... tr4
do Id pfd 47 I do ptd St 4
8t L 8 W is K. C. Southern tt
do pfd 17 do pfd
St Paul t7 Roi'k laland IT
do pfd lit 1 do pfd Tte
So. PaclOo St
Fnrelsn Flaaaclal.
LONDON, Dec. li-Qold premiums are
quoted: Buenos Ayres. 127.40: Madrid. 33.90.
PARIS, ivc. 14. l'rlcea oiened firm on
the bourse today, but later tell on reali
sations and became Inactive. Foreigners
were Irregular. Industrials reacted. Rio
tintos were buoyant, owing to a decrease of
1.5i'9 tons on ihe stock of copper. Kaffirs
atarted firm, subsequently reacted and
closed heavy. The private rate of discount
waa 3 IJ-K Three per cent rentea, 904.
UK Rlil N. Dec. 14. International and Iron
shares were firmer on the bourse today, the
former Mulshed firm on realisations. Ca
nadian Pacifies fluctuated slightly on NetV
York advices. Kxchange ou London, 20m
444 pfgs. for checks.
Cutton Market.
NKW ORIiKANS". Dec. lw-CXTTON'-Steady:
aaies. 2.HC0 Kile; ordinary. "4c:
good ordinary. 74c; low middling. 7 11-ltic;
middling. S3-16c; govnl middling. Sc; mid
dling fair. 9 6-lac; receipts. 14.464 bales;
stock. 377.413 bales. Futures steady: le
cemter, 8.14.ti,15c; January, 1. bid!. 17c;
Kebruarv. 8..rl V; March. 8.2yti.?7c:
April, 8. airs. 32c; M.iv, 8.S4li.35c: June. 8 37va
8V; Julv. 84Hi.v43c; August. 8 17o bid.
NEW YORK. lv-c. 1.-COTTON-Otened
Steady at unchanged prices to an iilvtnrt
of 3 points and for a time ruled decidedly
strong and very active. At the best; point
prices showed an advance of 3 to 13 points;
the gain was chiefly III lecembvr and Jan
uary, at one time apparent. It was claimed
that certain doubta had been put through
by the principal long and short Interest;
after January had sold aa high as 8.69c
thla position sold to S.24c, but while Decem
ber aold at 8.57c. the close waa 8.53c, with
the spot markets of the country generally
rtrni. 1 1-loc higher, and aaid to be sup
ported by demand from spinners and ex
porters. Independently of apeculalive In
fluncea, The indications of larger receipts
at New Orleans became the principal
fcatura) for Belling late points: weakness
In the stock market had a tendency to de
press prices. The market was finally
steady at uet advance of 12c to a net loaa
of 8 points. Total sales for the day In fu
tures estimated - 260,'aai hatesi.
tiALVr.'STON, Wo. lw-l.TTOX-Qulet
at S-iSo.
ST. IAHMS, Deo. 14-COTTON-Steadv;
middling. 84c: sales. 60 bales; receipts.
7 bales; shipments, l.XSi bales; stock.
24 i ba lea
LlVt;RPvH"-U Ikv 14. COTTON-Siwt.
In fair demand: prices 4 points higher,
American ml. 1. 1 Una; fair. 5iod. good mid
dling. 4.72d; middling. 4 68.1; low middling.
4 lod. good ordinary. 4.34d; ordinary. 4.2vd.
The sales of the day were lo. kw bale, of
which LotW were for simulation nd e x
lorf. and Included x,Ai American: ruoelpts.
S: bales. tricludiiiK 2.7ix American. ru
tures opened firm and cloaed barely steady;
American middling. 47.On4.63d. January.
4 6Jd: January and Kebruarv. 4.i2d: Kebru
arv and March. 4 iLd ; March and April.
4o2d: April and Mav. 4.52 i. 5Jd : May and
June. 4. Jane and July. 4.xkj; July and
August. 4.63d. August and September, 4.tod.
OU and ttnaln.
OH. CITY. IVc. 14.-OHv-Cre.lit balances.
I! 61. cvrtlricalea. no ."uiles. ahlpments. 44.972
bt)U ; average, m.aj bo. a. ; runs. 2i.!l bo. a;
averages. 73 fJO bt Is.
NKW YORK. iH-o. 14.-OIL Cottonseed,
llrm Petroleum, firm. Turpentine, quiet.
44.t66c. akeo:. K.tin. nroi, sira:ueU. w tu
rn, "i tO g'Hld. ll.S7V.lll .
I I V fc!KPt H.tL. Dec lei OIL Cottonseed.
Hull retiiied. snot. eaiv. 21s 741-
LiiNlK'N. inc. IW-OIL Cab alta llnaved.
si'ot. . tl. l.ins-t-l. '4. Petroleum apinta.
a J. 't'urpent.ue spirits, 3&a 7SO.
Whlak) Market.
CINCINNATI, ivo 14-WHISKT-Dis-til'era'
rtulohed goods active on bavala of
CHtCAi Dec. 14. -WHISKY BaaU of
h " n sine ft 't.
tfP U. CIS, IVc. ll-WHISKT-Stsady at
PKORl.C Cec. l.VVliiSKT-4a H
Cattle Verj How in Arming, but Price
Held Just About Steady.
Active Demand tor Fat ftheep and
Lambs at Strong rrlces. Quality of
Offerings Being; I nasaally Rood
Little Change In Feeders.
Tlecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Mondny 2,tYM 5.470 1.249
Ofilclal Tuesday 8,600 7.200 12,)
Two days this week.
Bsme days Inst week...
Same week l,i.lnra
Same three weeks ago..
Same four weeks sgo...
Same tin a last year
Ir 1.-1 'lei Ufa L'uti m.ii.
..... ' . run 1 nr. 1 r.A n i'i ua 1 r..
The Pillowing table shows the receipts of
rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date and comparisons with last
IQOa tftAI
Inc. Dec.
fattle 97S.157 7!.VI4
Hogs $.140,247 2.2!ej,372
Sheep l.rWt.oM 1.2SM.370
Thp fnllnwlnv ..I.U k.nn,
the average
price of hogs sold on the South Omaha
murget the last several days, with com
parisons with former sears:
Hate. I 1902. 190l.19nn.l89.1898.lM)7.lR90.
Nor. 24.,
. .nl 12.670 10,2411
.12. 3M 1S 621 29,270
.lO.I.'sl 1H 240 24.7K
.12.170 14.7H1 lK..r.!sj
.10.1.' 13.571 31.i fc)
. K.Wm 17.H.k 4.214
t OS
4 87
4 s
4 71
4 741
$ 821 $ 4
I 77 3 3!l
8 23
I 7J
I 7!
3 21
1 II
3 24
3 2.1
3 33
8 (3
8 It
3 09
3 1
8 18
3 09
$ 00
3 It
t n
3 21
3 17
3 30
Nov. 2h
3 30
Nov. 2.,
Nov. 27.,
Nov. 21.,
I 24
3 2s
8 731
I 20
8 II
Nov. PS
8 6
1 80
Nov. ao.,
4 6
4 3
4 ft
8 74
3 7
8 81
I 21
8 26
3 2
I 2S
3 r
8 17
3 25
8 19
3 21
Deo. 1...
Dec. 2..,
Dec. I..,
4 14
1 lec 4
4 ex
4 77:
4 84
Dec. 6...
Dec. ..,
8 80
8 8
3 kl
3 86
t 25
Dec. 7..,
4 M
r 2s
3 23
Ore I
4 7S
8 Kl
3 30
3 I7
Dec. R...
Dee. 10.,
8 0 3 2,
! 8 31
8 821
I 131
4 86
3 13
Dec. 11.,
Dec. 12.,
Dec. 13..
4 M2
4 77
4 811
4 K6
4 M
3 15
8 9.1I 3 37
8 3 3
3 Ml 3 33
3 20
Dec. 14..
Dec. 15..
Dec. 16..
3 23
3 24
3 17
8 96 ! 3 27
4 01 3 30
g hi
3 29, 8 17
Indicates Sunday. Holiday.
The official number or cara or stock
brought In today by ea-h road u:
Honda. Caltla tliwi nh'n Tl'aaa
C. M. & St. P. Ry 9 4 .. ".
Wabash 7 8
Missouri Pacific Ry 3 4..
I'nlon Pacific system 63 IS 14
C. A N. W. Ry 6 2 1 1
K.. K. & M. V. R. R ... 13 19
C, St. P., M. O. Ry.. 21 2
n. A M. Ry 19 17 IS I
C.. M. & Q. Ry 10 4 1
K. C. & St. J..". g
C. R. 1. A p. Ry., east.. 28 14 4)
., it. i. at r. Ky., west .. 3
llllnola Central 3 1
Total receipts 287 100 S7 3
The disposition of the day's receipts wns
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
Der 01 neau inaicatea
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co..
Swift and Company.,
Armour A Co
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour A vjo., Sioux City
vansant to
Carey & Benton
1 .olunan A Co
Hill A Huntrlnger
Livingstone A Shaller....
N. Morris
Wolf A Murnan
R. K. Hobblck
Other buyers
CATTU2 Thers waa a heavier run of
cattle here today than waa generally ex
pected and the trains were again late In
arriving. In fact' It was the middle ot the
forenoon before there were mouth cattle
on hand to attract the attention of buyers,
so that It was late before much business
waa transacted. When the market finally
opened, however. It was evident that buyers
wantea tne cattle ana tne prices paid could
be quoted fully steady with yesterday so
tar aa tne better grades were concerned.
There waa about the uaital proportion of
cornfed steers Included In the receipts and,
although the market was slow In opening,
Just , about steady prices were paid. The
warmed-up cattle were of course neglected,
the same as usual, but still even those
brought Just about the same prices that
were paid yesterday.
The cow market was fairly active and
steady. Packers seemed to want the can
tiers and medium gradra as well aa the
better kinds of cornfeds. so that sellers
did not experience much trouble In selling
out at steady price
Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show
enough change to be worthy of mention.
TheTe was a small supply of Blockers and
feeders In the yards and the demand was
also very limited. Very few buyers were In
from the country, so that speculators did
not care to buy any large number. The bet
ter grades, though sold without much
trouble at ateady prices, but when It came
to the common stuff sellers found It al
most Impossible to get a buyer to even
took at them.
There were not enough western range
rattle In the yards to make a market.
Representative sales-
( S 78
t Si1 1 I 79
- 1 n
I 02 ee
H 6 S''
6 04 & ..
t 13 i fS
6 224 5 flu
( 244, Of,
14 ( II)
J 07 4
06!, 11
12 13
6 OS 14,
fa4 1
6 HX4 21
6 21
6 164 26
Ns. At. rr. No. At. Ft.
4 134 SS It UN 4 14
14 t7 1 to SO 1331 4 IS
I Ha S Tl 44 1111 n
K I TS 1 130 4 3
I in It 1 TS II 1U30 4 35
IS IDJt I M t 1113 4 36
40 l7t I tS It I'M 4 3t
I mil I SS SS... HIT 4 3
St 171 St It 1317 4 SS
17 101S 4 04 17 lift 4 u
4 100 4 40 IT isut 4 7
Xt lota 4 10 It 1M 4 T4
Al not 4 IS 11 1JU I at
11 TX4 S 40 II lot! 4 41
II til I 40 I HOt I SS
14 B 144 II Ill I 16
14 Tt4 I SO SO lost 1 IS
1 lot I SS 14 S....10U6 I to
1 t I SS T 10VT t to
1 tut 1 SS 4 1036 I M
tt 123 S SO 1 ll.t I 00
43 t-4 I M It loot I t
15 SST i 36 I loot 3 111
tl SIS I 36 " S tu S 10
11 ISO I 40 S lost I IS
1 SX3 3 SS S3 tss I a
to I SO t 1310 I Jt
1 tao I ss 1 luo 1 it
1 it7i t to t 1210 t n
t KM& I IS 14. luet I 40
4 It" I TS 1 MM I M
It WJ1 1 10 1 1310 1 SO
17 KHJ 1 SO 1 law 1 46
1 104 t 1 11J0 4 :s
U 1V13 1 Si IS 1.116 4 IS
4 W7S 3 to tt lot It
I T0t I 16 11 let I nt
I 173 I 46 t S20 I 36
1 1 US 1300 4 SS
1 Ilt I tt
1 ISM t 00 1 1S40 1 10
1 13ta) I JO 1 Ii30 3 av.
11 lwe t 40 1 lut lb
1 1610 I II
1 .'. let 4 S 1 ut 1 SS
t mo I os 1 its 1 Tt
t Sa ot t im 3 ss
IS sit I se SJ m 1 M
IS let I 114 t-T I as
1 See s at 33 ci j M
1 3 36 St m , ,s
t tea I so
13 cows
3 feeders.
3 valves. .
3 40 1 bull pan ; xy
3 75 1 bull IJiii 3 jo
2 60 1 calf Z3i 1 60
loo Zl cows. tell eas
IS cows 770
Charles Fox Wyo.
4 feeders.. 943 3 76
3 heifers,.
3 heifers..
I 75
i 76
3 25
1 feetler... 7. 3 25
II feeders. . 719 3 75 1 bull
1 heifer ado 3 uw
C feeder. . 971 3 40
23 feeder 1U1S 3 4o
23 feeders.. 1083 3 45
Ueorge McFarland Wyo.
34 steers. ..1014 16 3 steers 940
Sanborn A Dwlneli Colo.
3 75
Tt) feeders. . 773 4 36 4 feeder. . 773 J 75
T John Paine c'oio.
6 feeders 778 4 vt 4 feeders . 7""8 S 25
H'K.; There was not an excessive run
of hogs here this morning and the market
opened fully 7i74o higher than yesterday s
average. The sales wnt mostly at I0.I0 and
16.174. with the prime loads se.ling from
la.ju to 86.224- Trading, though. ws not
brisk, as pack are did not like lo pay the
prtcee. and as a result the morning waa
acll advanced bef-jre n ii he's; ..r iha
offering was disposed of The situation,
however, did not Improve, but. If any
thing, the last end of the market waa a
little weekr. Hog weighing under 2
pounda were very hard to dispose of and
In many caax-e packers would nut give over
St 06 sud tsUu fur the lighter wrignt. 6ev
erai trains were late in arrtvli.g. o mat
the market aid nut come to a cioee until
a late hour. ReprsneuiavUv aa.r.
No. A SS. rr e A an. Pr
st tt ... 4 26 si xrr a 1:1
7SS m 6 e Jl Ul . 11
e ltf ... 4 It 04 fl las t 1.
It 17 ... 4 IS U .' im t U
at las ... 4 is ai SM la 4 It
at tit ... tut U :at ... 4 4
74 til 4t 4 lt4 4S XT 4 IS; ... I iti SS Sit 10 0 174
77 !. It t 14 .IS IIS It t 17c,
n t ltn t 114 70 i;a too 4 n-i
it :m ito 1 1:14 tl 111 ... t w
n U7 ... t 114 to 174 so 1174
41 2 It 4 4 17', tt 171 IM t 11',
t7 HI IM t 114 tt MI ... t 174
17 Ilt ... t ll't II Kl M 174
t t'l 40 4 124 40 SIS ... 4 ITt
M n t if. ss I7t to 1 iTv,
41 HJ J'H t IS SS U7 ... 174
71 IM jot 4 It 74 Ill 44 4 174
7J IM ISO t It 14 lit 4il 4 I7i
104 ;io 4 is n m io 1 174
I Ill U'O 4 IS SS tt4 IM 4 171,
71 JJ.4 40 4 U St nt ... 4 174
SO Ilt Ito IS 117 IM ISO 174
Tl !-t SO I IS St 103 40 4 17V,
131 ... IS 41 34T 44 4 IS
43 Ht 110 t IS SI J2S ... t to
4 lat lin t 16 10 lot SO I 10
4 2l 110 1 IS 43 144 to 4 TO
ta tot too 116 SS IM 10 4 10
3 IM an I 11 m sot 110 4 to
T3 IIS to (It 66 Sit 40 t 10
tt 144 SO 4 15 44 103 ISO 4 10
41 244 ... IIS 41 32t 120 I 124
70 Ill 1J0 it 63 Sf t 1 I 124
74 1:14 Ito t IS It IIS ... I 114
SHEEP There was Just a fair run of
sheep here this morning, but the quality
or tne orrerlnas waa far shove the average.
Parkers all had liberal orders and the
markrt ruled artlve and strong from start
to finish. Buyers were all out early and
the more desirable grades changed hand
Htioiit ns fast BR they arrived. Mauve
lambs sold ss high aa 85.26, yearlings sold
up to $4 40 and some prrte native ewes
brought $4 25. It was about the most satis
factory market from the sellers' stand
point that has been experienced for some
The feeder situation showed but little
change. Thpre were very few feeders on
sole and prices for anything decent held
jiisi nnout steady.
Quotations for fed stock: Choice lambs,
I r, nr.. r.ip in tnMKa , C ... A
v.. vi'v , , cr a1 '., iniuvn, f,.wu
choice yearlings, t4.2.rctH.40; fair to good
yearlings, $3.75ti4 10; choice wethers. $4v"($
4. hi; fair to good. ! choice ewes.
!3.!6fi3.75; fair to good. $3.00418.5"; feeder
lambs, $3.00i'n4.00; feeder yearlings, $3 .OOjf3.26:
feeder wethers, $2.76tf3.0o; feeder ewes, $1.54)
ui.. itepresentaiive sales:
No. Ar. Pr.
1 buck 140 8 00
16 native yearlings 62 3 28
118 native ewes 04 3 66
102 native ewes 99 3 65
12 native lambs 62 4 or)
S3 native ewes J3r) 4 00
2 native lambs 80 4 75
4"0 fed wethers 121 4 40
270 fed lambs 75 4 85
8 fed ewes 133 4 25
104 fed ewes 1.13 4 25
14 fed ewes ins 4 25
238 western ewes 1C9 3 55
28a fed yearlings 74 4 10
1 cull ewe 130 3 00
41 fed ewes 155 4 25
88 fed lambs 86 5 00
4 cull lambs 57 8 75
10 fed lambs 82 6 00
3 cull lambs 64 8 75
1 cull ewe 120 3 00
I buck 210 8 50
fed wethers 130 4 66
729 Wyoming feeder lambs 65 3 27H
7 fed wethers 131 4 to
48 fed ewes 134 4 25
10 fed lambs log 6 25
12 fed lambs 107 5 26
25 cull ewes 99 2 00
1 native buck 110 2 60
10 cull ewes HO t 60
234 native ewes 96 3 36
101 native ewes lot 3 60
220 native ewes loo 3 00
38 native ewes 144 4 W
40 native lambs 73 4 90
1 native lamb 110 4 90
4 native wethers 130 4 60
2 native bucks 12.) 4 00
60 cull ewes 84 2 00
8 bucks 135 2 25
10 fed western ewes 83 2 60
3!8 Wyoming ewes 79 1 60
26 grass ewes 92 2 46
278 Nebraska ewes 83 DO
243 Wyoming wethers 75 3 25
825 Wyoming lambs 63 3 36
2 natives ewes 1 3 50
107 fed western ewes 97 3 56
2) native wethers 106 4 25
227 native yearlings 93 4 60
1 native ewe 80 4 60
60 native ewee 128. 4 50
60 native lambs 92 5 26
2 lucks 150 3 50
110 native ewes 120 4 00
27 native ewes 160 4 25
70 fed western lambs 69 4 65
75 fed western lambs 70 4 66
142 fed western lambs 70 4 45
30 fed western lambs 71 4 45
25 native lambs M 98 6 25
rattle, Sfceep and Lambs Are Steady,
While Hogs Uo Slightly Higher.
CHICAOO. Deo. IS. CATTLE Receipts,
4.400 headr steady; good to prime steers,
lo.4cti.6n; poor to medium, $3 0n4j5.2S; Block
ers and feeders, $2.0CU4.&0; cows. 11.2514 60;
heifers. $2.i)iKj4.75; canners, $1.9034.50; bulls.
$3.7616 25; calves. $3.764.50.
HOUS Receipts today. 25,000 head; esti
mated for tomorrow, head; left over.
6.0VO head: Mi liy- higher; mixed and
butchers', $5.9014.36: good to choice heavy,
$4.40414.60; rough heavy. 169&04.35; light.
14.15; bulk of sales. Kl'"ti-35.
f HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 17.000
head; sheep and lambs steady; good to
choice wethers. $3.75.(14.30; fair to choice
mixed, $2.754113.75; western sheep, $3.65g6.15.
Official yesterday:
Reoetnts. Shipments.
Ccttle 21.429 3.427
Hons 33.044 4.437
l.heep 24,775 1,444
Xenr York Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 774 head, mainly consigned direct:
a few balls sold at 13.9t); a few dry cows at
$-'.50; dressed beef, steady; city dressed
native sides. 74ull4c per lb. Cables
quoted American sice's at 134u 13c
dressed weight: refrigerator beef. li.l'4c
per lb.; exports today. 710 beeves, 1.4S3
sheep and 4.' 80 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts. 55S head: veals
steady; other calves slow and weak: veals
sold at $6.t9.i per lw lbs.; barnyard
calves. 13. 5tip4 00: westerns. $4.124 u-4 26;
cltv dressed veals, Uiil4c.
SHEEP AND I.A MBS Receipts. 7.306
htad; sheep and lambs about steady; com
mon and medium lambs rated slow and
weak In some cases, sheep sold at 12.5a
4.00 per iw lbs.; culls, $J: lambs. ti-OOnrVii;
dressed muttjn. tiuv; dressed lambs. Hi luc.
HOCiS Receipts. 3,014 head; firmer ; state
and Pennsylvania hogs sold at $4.50; west
ern hogs at $4.25.
St. I.onla Live gteark Market.
ST. LOC1S. Mo.. Deo. 14. CATTLE Re
ceipts. S.5cO head. Including 7.ou head Tex
ans; market steady to strong: native ship
ping and export steers. l4.5u.uS. 5; dressed
beef and butchers' steers. I4.ucti5.25: steers
under l,tH pounds, ti.7i.y5i-'. Blockers snd
feeders. i2.35.'ip4.: cows and heifers. 12 2frr
4.76: canners. Il.5oar2.ot; bulls. 12 5 mi 3. So;
calves, lt ttt7i.i; Texas and Indian steers,
rj ;tn il, cows and heifer. 12.2i'fi3.40.
Hia.13 Receipts, S.oho head: market SqlOc
higher: pigs and lights. 14..aiitit.j0; packers,
14. 15ii4 36: butchers'. !4 2't4.5o.
SHcIEP AND LAMBS Receipts, !.jl")
head: market strong and active; native
n uttons, 13 if4 00; lajnbs. $l.3Of.50; culls
and bucks. I2.'jo(i4.00: "tockers and feeders,
ll.Sotg&OO; Texans, t2.4m'3.80.
Kansna City Lite Slerk Market.
ceipt. 1.I..M) head. Including 2.UO0 head Tex
ans, market steady to lower; native steers.
12.75474. 00: Texas snd Indian steers.
3.75; Texas cows. 11 i3.60; native cows and
heifers. $1.5ti4 75. stockers and feeders.
S3 io-4.ti0; bulls. 11 S1! 3 26: calvea. 11 25.4. ii.
HiKiS Receipts. 9.ia head: market ol"c
higher; bulk of ssles. liiej4i.26; heavy, H'l
4ji JO; packers. tri.aiHtrw 15, medium. 14.1'"
4.2.": llaht. tu.96ii.l5; yorkers. So..-y4 15,
pigs. 86 M-3!.J6
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4..
head; market strong, 13.iii-4. 10; lambs. !o
iio.46; range wethers, 13. 0014 4. 40; ewes, $3.0V(
lens City Live Sleek Market.
SIOCX CITT. Ia , Dec 1C Special Tele
grau.l CATTLE Receipts. l.Juo; market
steady; beeves. 13.77m6.75, cows, bulls and
mixed, 17 5vn.j3.75; stockers and feeder, 12.50
Ig4.u: nariings and calves, rj Sen 3. 75.
HcaJS Receipts 5.5ti; market 5c higher
on gotsi heavy, selling at lo.0a4.JS; tiu.k.
gj vi i-
SHEEP Receipts, 100; rasrket steady.
Stasrk In Sight.
The following
stock at the five
were the receipts of live
principal cities yesterday:
'at'e. H-s. Snerp.
Omaha 3.3ta 7 5w li
Chicago 4.44 2j..a) I'.noj
Kansas City Iti.aei 8..n) 4..wu
St. Louis S.xW 5.. Iia)
&:oux City l.Jiai 5.7 loo
Totals 27.700 S1.7'ti 3e,is
luar and Mulasaee,
and eaay; oien kettie. ;'-rf4e; open kettle,
cenirtfigal. 24't3 I-It,-; c"ttrrfug;il. granu
lated. 4 3-ltWi-i c; whltfs. 3ttf44c; yeiluwn,
'1I e-'i'lhls. 2'3 i-lrio.
M' 'I-ASSE! ijtiict; open ke't.e. Ctvjc,
centriruga1. t2:.c" syrup. ii-Te.
.NEW YOF.iv.. LKv. Is e" I'll A K-Raw. .
steady: fair refining 8 7-liic; t-em rtf igal. M '
ket. 3 15-lM.-: moldsa-a sugar, 3 3-lsc. re-rlm-4
Mi'T.ASSKS Firm.
cnnlr, ta 'id.
t afee tlarket.
NEW TORK Dec. 16. COFFEE goo t
Rio. quiel. Futures opene.J eteudy. with
price net unchangt-d tu 5 points higher. ih
firmer ton bring the result of the
oeaa of ths French market and moderate
purchases by brokers supposed tOTepresent
the local bull clique. Knrrisners seemed
to be working on both sides of the market,
with purchases predominating, howevet
the primary markets were Irrrgular and
exerted no Immediate Infliiem-v on the local
trading, nor did the partial 4 pig decline
at Hamburg gfTect the market. The close
was steady at an advance of 6V 1" points.
Sales footed tip tl.tyaj bags. Including: De
cember, 4 4nftj-4.nOc: January, 4 iiiit4 5.V; Keh
ruary, 4.6nc; March, 4.7(ri4.75c; May, 4 !'".
4 9m:; July, 6r; September, S.i:.tj52oc; tKto
ber, 8.25c, and November, 5.25c.
Wool Market.
POSTON, Dec. ls.-W001,The market Is
fully as strong ss a week ago and prlcps
that were then rather aeking prh-s thsn
otherwise have now become the llgurcs at
which actual sales have been made. The
tendenry Is still upward and somp grmlps
of wool have been further advanced. Manu
facturers are looking the market over and
It la stated ss a fuel that not for years
have the different houses been 1 so well
cleared up on odd and off lots of wool. For
territory wools thpre Is a good demand for
all grades, but especially for tine wools,
with medium wools doing better. Prices
are very firm, with the tendency upward.
Fine staple territory, 6tVfiir; strictly fine,
6041660; fine and medium, 6uff."3n; medium.
4.Vi47c. Texns wools are rather quiet, hut
the tone of the market Is fully se firm ns
previously noted. Kali, rleared basis, 47W
48c; twelve months, 66tne; six to eight
months, spring, n3iff6.V. California wools
are firmer; the demand Is steady st the re
vised quotations; northern county, cleaned
basis, fCitooc; middle counties. 48(1600;
southern, 4i.fj47c; fall free. 44(u"4Sc. The
market for tine flpece wools Is very firm
and sales have been made at full quota
tions. Ohio and Pennsylvania. XX ami
above, Slftc; Michigan X, 25ti064c. De
laine wools are really firmer and better
prices are being obtained. Ohio and Penn
sylvania washed delaine, S3Y34o; No. 1. 811JI
S2c; No. 2, 8iKfi31c; coarse, 2tt','7c. Austra
lian wool Is quiet, with prices very firm
and nominally unchanged. Combing, choice
scoured basts, 5&c; good, 7S1i'76c; average.
fiT. IiOUIS. Dec. 1-WOOI-Flrm; me
dium grades and combing, 112040: llsht
fine, 16igl9c; heavy fine, 13'ijl5c; tub washed,
NEW TOR.K, Dec. 16. WOOL Firm.
Krnporated Apples and Dried Frnlts.
APPLES Continue firm, holders being dis
posed to seek better prices. Common are
quoted at 4ft 5' tc; prime, 64c; choice, ti'tf
4c; fancy, 7(i74c.
prunes are active snd firm, with 50-sns and
"0-SOs reported In light supply, while 40-5ns
are In active demand and offered In mod
erate quantities PtIcps ranged from 34Tf
74c for all grades. There Is a modrrjti?
demand for apricots, which are about
steady, at 74Jl2e In boxes snd 74-5 lic In
bags. Peaches slso sre moving steady, nt
about 12'ulSc for peeled and 641lwc for
Dry Oooda Market.
Thpre has not been any further reduction
In bleached cotton today. The new prices
have brought out an active demand and
thpre may be a recovery In them before
long. In othpr directions the market It
dull at previous prices, print cloths quiet
and unchanged. Export buying of heavy
brown cottons continues Inactive, but more
Inquiry on China account Is noted.
Why Not
You have been to Europe.
You have seen California snd
Colorado. Why not try Mex
ico? It Is worth while.
The curious architecture;
the vatt plazss, where the en
tire population of the city
gathers nightly to listen to
the stirring strains of a mili
tary band; the rare beauty of
the women; the picturesque
attire of the men; the primi
tive methods of agriculture
these are only a few of the
cores of tbtngi that can be
seen and enjoyed in Mexico
Cut out this ad. send It to
us, and we will mall you a
book about Mexico. Tells
Just what you want to know.
Ticket Office, 1323
Farnam Sf.
First See
Partlcularljr groat Southwest and
California, on the Santa Fe.
Titanic chasms, petrified forests,
gky-hliih peaks, prehistoric ruins.
Pueblo Indians, giant redwoods,
and old missions.
Travel on the luxurious California
The California tour described la
our bocks: mailed for 10c in
tamps. A rid re Passenger Office,
Atchison. Topeka Jt Santa Fe
Railway, Lien Moines, la.
Santa Fe
Treats all forma) Ml
17 Years ExDerlsaee,
17 Tears in
Kls remarkable ssa
cess bss never been
equaled and every day brings mxoy flattaf
lug reports ot the good he Is doing, er tat
relief be baa given.
Kst Springs Trsatmsnt for StphHii
And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKING
OUT" on the am in or face and all exUrnai
signs of Us disease disappear at once.
UYCK teUtUUJ stUt'totof
v .a.j . oeMUaxgaa. BtrletaSe,
Doest aJuasy and Btaalder LuBeaaaa, ily
sxucs.a. 4.U1CK CCP-E3 LOW CHARGE.
Treauaauit by oaalL P. U. itog Ita, oHlos
lOU . a.ii
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t''B ' assaa. StaaUawa Saaare, faU. J5
P. ti. cm. Pre. C. A W..r. ar.D...
Established PW.
Msmoers of the Principal Exchanges
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CH l'ut.,., ;0,D
Bough: and oi,i for caiB op
f'Jf ure dpllvery
OMAHA BR.VNCH. U-!!l Euard of Tda
aver sua a. uus ecreaL. set ween s and
tveugiaa suweua. Va4Arta JaausV
fi BsiestlTIS J gBltSUtJat IL
J.iArl. .' rHSU I a.a.4 ... I,,,..
4 aaa BW
aw. aeM
W. E. Wat! uc. M