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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1902)
TIIK OMAHA DAIIY HEEi WEDNESDAY, DECEMHEH 17. lOOil. g FAMOUS DR. ' Tli Inventor of m a ii ii BY 4 t , . X 4 4 4. ... ga r DH. .IOTTN W HTI.Ia tltoorarer of l)t. Bull's Oough Syrup. IT HAS CURED "Yf little bnf bad a tomnb of bronchial pneumonia and Dr Hull's Cough Pynip saved biro, after 1 ha given hlra hut a few doe. My other boy and hit husband had bad nolda also, B"t thanka to the wonderful lir. Bull a Coosa 8yrup they were oured too." Mrs. Annie WinXlo. M Diamond at., Brooklyn, N. T. 1 btMre need Ir. "ell's Cough Strop for my eold and obtained (real re let. I hare a cold every winter and giWsys take Dr. Bull'" Cough Syrup, whli'b helps zne more than snuhlng else and always cures me." Miss Barbara C. Williamson, Anduver, Mass, . "I have used Dr. Bull's Court Svrnp for years In my family and Bnd It Invalnahle when any of my rhlldren are hoarse or cronny." Mrs. 0. T. Wynkonp, fTth and East Ulison Streets, Portland, Oregon. . . "I bare aed Dr. Bnll' Court Ryrnn for the I ant seven year and haTe always derived .great benefit from It. I also recmmended It to many of my friend and they are very well n:aaed with the rr-nlt that followed lis use.'" Andrew Zllllg, ! Hickory bt., Buffalo, N.I. Avoid Substitutes. Po not aooept torn oheap Imitation It may contain harm ful drugs. Neither take the pour substitute offered by the dealer ; he Is after largo profit and you will endanger your health or that of your family If yon fool with a substitute. Insist on DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP, It Is the best It Is the one that will cnra yon and no other remedy equals It. gee that onr Trnde Mark the Bull's Head Is on the) wrapper. Large bottles, only so oentt, at all druggists. A. C MEYER CO., Sola Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. pealed Insults and injuries. The offer to arbitrate comes late Id the day. We are not seeking a quarrel, but we must Insure ourselves against a recurrence of the acta which led ts the present situation." The Foreign office has niRde inquiry as to whether the United States would be will- . Ing to guarantee the fulfillment of Venn- suela's pledges, either at the Immediate cessation of the present action, or pending the award of the arbitrators. This Inquiry resulted In a direct negative from the ' United States. j Wlth the guarantee of the United States the Foreign office says arbitration In the. Venezuelan matter would be an Immediate ! probability, but with only the word of a government, hitherto unreliable, arbitra tion Is difficult, even on the points where International relations admit of such a method of settlement. Say Castro Procrastinates. BERLIN, Dec. 16. The German govern- i ment has not yet replied to President Caa tro's offer of arbitration, being still in cor respondence with the British government on that subject. It is intimated that .Germany's reply Is not to be ready for some days. The opinion In the cabinet appears to be that President i. uasiros propoaais are merely a move in-a , wrA, uonvia, jjoc. is wnne tne no- game to see w tat Germany and ."CreaHvUh'-'goverument Is not disposed to lake Britain are now willing to do and as a test , also of American public feeling. -' '. ' The prevailing Idea Is that it' 1 too late to arbitrate and that the. accepts nee of tho offer to do an would ntoro oormanv In tti ' poaiiiun oi dsviub put. ns nana to me piow snd turned back Italr ('STori Arbitration -.'i I kum,, uec. s.-in the lobbies of the Cabello has further excUed the E- uad -re-Chamber of Deputies today Venezuela was ans but the government will remain Ihe exclusive topic of - conversation. The : neutral. piuioa oi many oepuues is mat uenr.any , ua. ueen too aggressive in us actions, j wuicn are cajcuiatea to complicate the sit- nation. It la therefore thought to be emi nently desirable that the Venezuelan mat ter be settled by arbitration. Secretary Hay Takes Hand. WASHINGTON. Dec. 16. The Italian am bassador today calUd at the State de partment and advised Secretary Hay that Italy had Joined the allies In the opera tions tast Venezuela. He requested j that Mr. Bowen . assume charge of the Italian Interests in - Venezuela and the sec retary granted this request subject to tho approval of Venezuela.) - Italy enters the combination on tho same plan of abstention from territorial seizues as Germany and Great Britain-. The Venezuelan question occupied the at tention of the senate in executive session today for almost an hour. The tone of all of the speeches, whether by republicans or democrats, was that tho attitude of this nation should be of watch fulness. . There was a general agreement that' while the means adopted by Great Britain and Germany for tbe collection of their debts had been strenuous, they thus far had not infringed the Monroe doc trine and therefore had done nothing to which the United states could take excep tion. Senator Bacon (Oa.), a leading minority member of the eommlttee on foreign affairs, aald there was no party division, as every body would stand with tbe administration la doing what was best for the general good. There was no desire te control those on whom devolved the duly of protecting American Interests. The maintenance of the. Monroe doctrine, ha added, devolved on the whole people. Senator Stewart dwelt on the bombard meet of Puerto Cabello and said that la ddrnt should be accepted as a warning of what this country might expect whenever excuse might offer. Nt '.In '. Ura, generations," he said, "could ws build up a navy equal to that of Great Britain, but we can strengthen our ooaat' farttAcatlona,' and In -view of, Vene- soetai experience, tt behooves us to do so." Disposition of the men-of-war of Ad miral Dewey's Heat during the holidays is to be mads under the direction of the sec retary of the navy, Id view of the Increas ing ecrmpllcalioxia arising . tn connection with Venezaila, and tha wishes oi this gov eraxnnnf not to arouse suspicion unneces sarily by dispatching a largs naval force to Venezuelan waters. Orders are now In preparatloa tor the various vessels and An Absolutely Novel . Compound , .', , GORHAM Silver Polish Hu taken years of efTurt to perfect Ii excelled by no other in the world - -vsv- BULL Dr. John W. Bull, who discovered. T. Bnll"s Cough Pvrup arty years ero, was the nort sno nesNful doctor (or all throat and lime diseases the world baa ever known. No other doctor has ever been able to devlne a belter formula. There In no case of throat or lung trouble which Dr. Boll's Cough ".yrnp will not cure. It ts to day the only absolutely sure and safe cnra for couth, oola. h-arsenei, bronohltU. Inflitenaa, croun. whooping coonh. bleeding luoft or hem orrhages and oonnuwptlon. THOUSANDS. "My family baa nsed Dr Bull's Conga Byron for the lent twelve years surreif ully and would ne no o'ber." Kirk Feld, 611 D Street. 8. ., Wauliigtou, D. C, t use none other bnt Dr. Ball's Couch Syrup. It bas been oed In our family i r manyTeara and would not be without It- In the Vmse" Ernet K. furry,' U. I. State Hospital, Morrl Plaint, N. J. "1 used Dr Bnll's Court Syrup with beno . flclal results. It worked like a charm and oared a court In one night. H Is toe nlreet and beH conch errnp 1 ever ued." William Campbell, Faraliunt P. O, 'ewoastlo Co , Delaware. "I want to tell Ton how delighted we all ara With Dr Bull's CoiiKh Byrnp. I am not sarins; too much when I say It Is tl.e very best court syrup, not only for erown people bnt I never found anvthln?to equal It for ohIUIrcn. Dr. Full's Couch Nyrup dpserres the entire credit for my children's go-.d henlth. I r-Himmend It to treryhodv." eo. Oabrlol, lisii Second Are., Mew Tork City. will be forwarded to the a.lmirul iu the next day or two, but no reflection on Ad miral Dewey is Intended by giving him the orders for bis ships Instead of allowing blm a free hand. It is unlikely that men-of-war will be sen! to La Guayra, the feeling being thai , the presence of American ships there might cause uneasiness among the allied powers j and encourage resident Castro to main- 1 tain his defiant attitude. On the other j hand, the situation has grown so acuta , within the last fr-w days that both State j and Navy department officials agree that It j will be wise to mobilize the fieetB In ports within easy range of the Venezuelan coast. Montana Aids Castro. BUTTE, Mont., Doc. 16. It Is stated on whut appears to be good authority a filibustering party Is being organized here ; to go to Venezuela. It Js said It Is a well ; armed compnny, nil crack sh ts and old ' mountain men and will ko si u:h in a few ! St-."" days. A number of Spanish war veterans to the committee on the Interoceanle ca and several vetcrons of the Fenian lnur- Blr jje said th"e presont commissioners rectlon of Canada are among the men en- j were paia $i,D00 a month each and that lste(J- j ttfelr service had extended over twenty- L1MA, Peru., Dec. 18 The eruvian : nie and a rialf months. - ' " -government Is not dlposd to take any -tn rcarinnse' to ah Inquiry front" Mr. Hale action in the Venezuelan master. ariy'dteps fo asMst Venezuela, the news papers express themselves In favor of some joint action of all the republics of South America egalnst the allied powt rs. SAN SALVADOR. Dep. 1t. The . sovrrumiui. ui ouivuuur ,i uoi iiKeiy ia i take any action. . GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador,. Dee". 16. The news of the bombardment of th fcrts at Puerto BUENOS AYRES, Argentina, Dec. 16 The government of Argentina officially de- nies the reports that it contemplates In tervening in the dispute between Ven ezuela and the allied powers.' SANTIAGO, Chili, Dec. W The govern ment and people of Chill deplore the j events which have led the slatdr republic j Into a serious situation. The Chilean gov ernment, however, has; decided on com plete abstention from any action. Chili's . j principle has always been to pay Its debts ! and ,t ,s heid here that Venezuela ought to do the same. I ' RIO JANEIRO, Brastl, Dec. 16. ThR Brazilian government is absolutely lnd f ferent to the Venezuelan troubles. High officials and prominent men do not sym pathize with President Castro. PANAMA, Colombia. Dec. 16. On ac count of his having helped the Colombian revolutionists. President Castro of Ven ezuela has r no friends in the Colombian government. GRAY ASKS NEW LAW (Continued from First Page.) name of a man who could trove his cao, but did not care' to make the name public. , laveatla-atc Child Labor. HARRISBURG, Pa., Dee. 16. The factory inspector today directed his deputy, E. W, Bishop, to Investigate tbe testimony given yesterday In regard to little girls working st night. Daer Aaarrr with Iadependeata. NEW YORK, Dec. 16. George F. Baer made a statement today deprecating tbe course pursued by the Independent coal operators, who, it Is alleged, have forced the price for their coal up to $11.50 a ton to dealers, equal to $14 to the consumer. He said: Unfortunately there seerns to be no way to comDel them to sell down to the level fixed r-y the railroads. If their senso of ob ligation to the people cannot deter them aaWln0 I.riiVilMl Itr. ..I.... V i ( public or tbe railroads can do would be of any effect. The railroads cannot refuse to transport their coal, as the law regulating the business of all public carriers prevents it. The charge tbat the railroads are sell, insr railroad coal to independents for dis posal In the open mark t ia absolutely fal l We are doing everything In our power to keep down the price of coal and to get U to market quickly. . Rata Flaoda Mlnasw ' SHAMOKIN. Pa., Dec. 16. A rainstorm which set in last night has continued all day. All lower levels of the mines sre flooded with wster,' aad ft- the' rain lasts through the night the mules at several of the pits will be hoisted. TAMAQUA, Pa., Dec. 16. Nearly all tha mines In this section are flooded as the re suit of tbe heavy rainstorm, which hat prevailed since last night. SFANiSH TREATY. RATIFIED Senate Agrees ta Renew Pratestatloas of Frleadahta with Alfoaaa'a Government. - WASHINGTON. Dee. 16--The senste In executive session today ratified the treaty of . friendship .and general . relations be tweea tha United Status aud BpaJa. HOUSE TALKS OF DISEASE Giyi Agricultural Daartmsnt Powar to Deal vith Sick Cattle. TREASURY ACTION ALONE AUTHORIZED Mistake Made la Raiabllahlasr Wlleasi'a Offlre Rertlfled In talclc Order hrs Droaarht to Atlea tloa ( Member, , WASnrNGTOX. Dec. 18. The house to day puscd the bill transferring from the Treasury to the Department of Agriculture the power to establish regulations for the suppression of contaglotia diieasea among live stock, end devoted the remainder of the day to the legislative appropriation bill, on which rapid progresa Is being made. Some minor business was transacted by unanimous consent at the opening, bills being panned to authorize a murrey at certain townships In Wyoming and to au thorize the construction of a lighthouse at Mukilteo Point, Wash. ITpnn the demand for the regular order, Mr. Wadsworth (N. T.) called up the bill to transfer from the Treaspry to the De partment of Agriculture the power to make regulations to suppress and extirpate dan gerous contagious disease among ' live stock. He explained that the change was made necessary by the discovery that when the Department of Agriculture was created, thla power, supposed to have been transferred and to have since existed with the secre tary of agriculture, was left with the Treasury department. The additional power conferred by the bill to prevent the Introduction, from an Infected foreign country, or from one state to another, of hay, straw and forage, was made necessary by suspicion that the toot and mouth disease was communicated - to live stock In New England through Infected hay from Canada, and might be transmitted thence to other portions of the United States bv the same means. The bill was panned without division. The house then went Into committee of the whole, and resumed the consideration of the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill and disposed of 122 pages. CANAL IS MOST COSTLY Senator C'omplnlna of lllifh. Salaries and Wasteful Expenditure on Isthmian Ditch. WASHINGTON, Pec. 16 In the senste today Mr. Dllllnaham (Vt.) concluded his remarks In opposition to the omnibus state- hood bill, nnd by common oonsent the measure went over until January 6. Mr. Morgan (Ala.) criticised the salaries voted the Isthmian Canal commission, and then, for half an hour the militia bill was up, Mr. Bacon (Oa.) on constitutional grounds opposing the section which pro- vldes for a reserve' force of trained men. A Joint resolution offered by Mr. Wet more (R. I.) was adopted appropriating $3,000 for the purchase of a bronze bust of the late President McKlnley, ana Senators Allison. Hale snd Cockrell were named as conferees on the bill spproprlstlng 150,000 for salaries to the strike commissioners, yT Morgan (Ala.) asked that his bill twin the salaries' of the Isthmian canal Mmmiinnr.M ts Oflfi a vear he referred iXlB MUr. -tlnmn M that! out' of) t ha twenly.nine.and a . halt-roontha the com 'mission had spent 'Six weeks la Nicaragui ua and two weeks In Psnama. "That- Is a remarkable statement," ssld Mr. Hale. "It Is true one," replied Mr. Morgan and show, the ne'eessuy of our doing .om(,ti.ln, to -eaulate these expenses Continuing, Mr. Morgan said $2'i0.000,000 1 bnd been spent on the canal snd there was nothing to show for It except two-fifths of a ditch dug there -which had, to a large ex tent, been filled again. The bill was referred ss requested and consideration resumed of the militia bill. An .amendment offered by Mr. Foraker was sgrecd to striking out as much of sec tion 24 of the bill as relates to drills, In spections and Instruction of men enrolled in the reserve force. At 2 o'clock the militia bill was dis placed by the omnibus statehood bill, but before debate was resumed the senate passed a bill relating to ceded lands on the Fort Halles Indian reservation, Idaho, and a resolution directing the secretary of the interior to transmit to the senate the report of Dr. Jackson upon the intro duction of domestic reindeer In Alaska. Mr. Dillingham then resumed his speech in opposition to the omnibus bill and the senate adjourned. - FIRE RECORD. Merchandise' Store at JfeHirh. . NELIGH, Neb., Dee. 16. (Special Tele gram.) Fire broke out In the Anderson Mercantile company's store at 6 o'clock this evening. Prompt work by the Ore de partment kept the flames within the build ing. Between fire and water the entire stock was badly damaged, perhaps a loss of four-fifths. Tbe value of the stock wss between $12,000 snd $15,000, upon which there was an Insurance of but $2,000. The loss to the building Is considersble. The ! flr8 atarted from a lamp being set beneath a line of women s wrappers, which were suspended from the celling, and extended half the length of the room. Meat Market at LeslnsTtoa. LEXINGTON. Neb, Dec. 16. (Special Telegram.) Fire broke out last night In Telegram.) rire broke out last night In 1 J- A. Bruce's meat market at 11 o'clock. i ne nre department succeeded in saving the frame shell, but the entire contents of the building, which was frame, were destroyed.. Loss, $1,200; Insured for" $800. On account of a heavy fall of snow the ad joining buildings escaped. Mlalnsr Company's Store. OTTUMWA, Ia.. Dec. 16. (Special.) The company store at Darbyvllle, Ap panoose county, a mining town, was to tally destroyed by fire early this morning. Wlllard McConnell, the manager, was over come by the heat and burned. The stock snd building are valued at $1,600. The latter was partly Insured. Korfolk Drag Store ' Baraed. NORFOLK, Neb.," Dec'. 16. (Special Tele gram.) About midnight last night a fire was discovered. In the drug store of D. 7. A. Bryant. Tbe arbek is a total loss, while the building Is completely gutted. The loss Is partly covered by Insurance. Hard work on the part of the firemen saved adjoining buildings. Archer, Iowa. SIOUX CITY, la. Dec. 16. The little town of Archer, In O'Brien county, Iowa, was reported burning tonight. Four build ings had been consumed when the tele phone line burned out. ' Yates t'oal far Poor. NEW YORK, Dec. !. The board of aldermta today voted r.'au.ei'O so buy coal for the poor of the rlly. The resolution passed last week votiu $luU,0UO for this purpose was ntcajiea .. . SAND0Z FAILS TO GET A STAY herlasn Canaty Mast Mast Pay Pea. alty ( Crlaac far Which He Is Coavleted. RUSHVILLE. Nb.. Dec. !, (Special.) Jules Ssndos, who was found guilty of as saulting a couple of his neighbors by shoot ing a rifle In their direction, or at them, and fined $100 and costs and who Is being confined In jail until the same Is paid, was before the caurt today with motion which read as follows: "I want my Judg ment arrested at once .because bow could I assault my neighbors when a quarter of mile away. Do thla and I., will ever pray." When he was told that his motion was overruled ' he said: "Sheriff, I and Roosevelt are Just alike. He Is a western man; he Is a BUnter, be Is a good shot, he Is self-educated, but be Is president and I am prisoner." Jales Is a great hunter and expert marksman' and It Is said he has killed more wolves' and skunks than any man In Nebraska', Blnce the court would not "arrest" bis ' sentence. Jules puts In a good deal of iils lime In figuring out how long It will take him after ha gets out to make his fine and coats shooting wolves, skunks and coyotes. He also figures on writing a book entitled "the Injustice of America to a genius and scholar who ought to be In congress, but Is In jail." During the trial of Alice Hoover, who Is charged with having bought three Indian ponies from Alex Too Too and Sam Big Woir, knowing them to be stolen and the property of Fire Thunder. Good Lance and Black Whirlwind, his counsel raised a con stitutional question. The same was over ruled and In rase of conviction will be set tled by the supreme court. The question raised Is whether or not the receiving or the buying of stolen property brought Into this state knowing them to be stolen con stltutes the crime of receiving stolen prop erty under our statutes. The supreme court came very close to passing on this question recently In the case of VanBuren against the, State from Cherry county. In that case tt. wis held that It was not a crime to hying stolen property Into this state. In the case of Charles H. Rush, who ts charged with selling whisky to Indians, an other constitutional question Is raised. Rush Is being prosecuted under section 3287 of the statutes of 1901, which makes selling whisky to Indians a felony and It is contended by defendant's counsel, M. F. Harrington and Judge Patterson, that this section la unconstitutional because In et feet It amends sections 10, and 11 of the Slocuinb law nnd that the sections ko amended are not mentioned In the act of i 1891. Judge Westover, who Is presiding In this case, overruled the demurrer of de fondant, holding that the legislature made the selling of whisky to lndtsns a separate substantive crime,, and that under the con Btltutlon they had the right so to do. In case of conviction this will be taken to the supreme court. One of the heaviest falls of snow ever experienced In this section of the state Is now on the ground. Some old timers say It is heavier than that of 1888. It has tnt drifted and will not Injure stock In the least. It Is predicted that this Is to be a repetition of the winter of 1888, whlca means good crop, prospects for this portion of Nebraska. Lodare Elections at West Point. WEST POINT, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special.) The West Point Cadet band held an elec tion of officers last Friday evening and the following members were elected: . Ru dolph Brazda, .manager; Otto Kerl, presi dent; Charier Ualchow, vice president; Charles Kahlt'Qcretary: Robert H. Ker kow, treasuresrrWIUtam Faul, janitor. .. . The local, tod gq, , of .the Modern Woodmen of. A,merlca on .Monday evening elected the following ,, .officers: H.. S. Radler, ven erable counsel;,, Louis Nlehaus, worthy advisor; . Barney Hermann, excellent banker; Gus Hanft. clerk; Frank Brazda, "1 - 7"! three years. The Knights of the Maccabees, at their regular meeting Wednesday evening, elected the following officers: J. C. Han sen, sir knight commander; A. Sexton, sir knight lieutenant commander; H.'S. Rep pert, record and finance keeper; William Provasnlk, chaplain; J. F. Zajicek, ser geant; Alfred : Oelst, sentry; Herman Ruehl, picket; Andrew N. Bank, trustee. Photographic Fakirs Disappear. . PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Dec. 16 (Spe cial.) The two strangers who opened a photograph gallery over Help's store about two weeks ago, have departed, leaving a large numoer of unpaid bills and taking with them a large sum of money which had been paid In advance for pictures. They neglected to pay their board bill to Land lord Guthman of the Perkins house, but left an old valise containing an old suit of clothes. Chief of Police Hyers believes they are the parties who worked the same game in Beatrice recently. Saves Life by a Miracle, BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. 16. (Special.) Gus Schmidt, a resident of this city, came very near losing his life yesterday while shoveling snow off the roof of a brick build ing. He accidentally stepped off tbe rear edge of the root that was concealed by tbe heavy snow drifts and fortunately caught himself by a piece of 2ft projecting from tho fire . wall. He hung there for some time suspended forty feet above the ground. and by the greatest effort succeeded in pull ing himself back on the roof, thereby saving himself from a serious If not fatal accident. Beatrice O, A. ft. Officers ' . BEATRICE, Neb., Dee. 16. (Special.) Rawlins post. No. 86, Grand Army of the Republic, met and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: John A. Forbes, post commander; 8. B. Dooley, senior vice commander; F. ,L. Lewis, Junior vice com mander; Dr. Ferd Brother, surgeon; D. H. Dorn, chaplain; J. H. Craig, quartermaster; W. H. Walker, offloer of the day; B. F. Shafter, officer of tbe guard; Steve Bull, delegate to state encampment. Mrs. Barton Gets Ball. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Deo. II (Spe cial.) Mrs. Guy Barton, formerly Miss, Agatha Btull of this city, has been re leased on ball at Sheridan, Wyo., pending her trial for the murder of her father-in-law, which has been set tor hearing Feb ruary t. , To Represent Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. II. (Special ) Samuel Rlnaker, jr., of this city was yes terday selected to represent Beatrice tn the state debating contest to be held In Lincoln December SO. ILLINOIS BANK IS ROBBED Barsiara Get Away with Threo Thoaa aaa Dollars, Taesgh Chased hy Clttseas af Tawa. BLOOMINOTON. III.. Deo. II. The bank at Clarence, In Ford county, was opened by robbers last Bight and $3,000 taken, The gang cut tbe telegraph wires to pre vent an alarm being sent to neighboring towns. Citizens were awakened by the explosion and chased tbe thieves, but they made their escape on a handcar. No clue has been secured. ... CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Indrsw fioiewater Power Ordiaanoe Occu pies the Moef, Attention. VOTE DOWN ADVERSE COMMITTEE REPORT Coaaellanea Haakell aaa Klmniaa Have a Decidedly Warns Araja sneat Over a Rallasx af tha Chair. In Its various forms and phases the proposition to give Andrew Rosewater a franchise to distribute electrical power throughout the city dominated the pro ceedings of the city council lsst evening and made all other business appesr trivial. The strength of Mr. Rosewater's ordi nance was In a measure put to the test In the vote upon an adverse report submitted by Messrs. Haseall and Whltehorn of the judiciary committee, and the report was defeated by a vote of I to I. Messrs. Has eall and Whltehorn vonry voting for Its adoption. The subject of the franchise first csme up In a communication from the Real Estste exchange reporting Its action taken at tho meeting of yesterday, with the proposed amendments approved at that meeting. This communication was placed on file and Councilman Hasrall seized upon this op portunity to present a petition which he said carried 200 more names than Mr. Rosewater's petition and in which the council is urged to grant a franchise that will be open to any person who wishes to tske advantage of It. Exchange Aaks Too Mnch. Mr. Selby of the committee of the Real Estate exchange wss permitted to make a statement. In which he said that the amendments which the exchange proposed hsd been passed upon at a meeting of fifty or sixty members of the body. One point be thought had perhaps not been given tbe careful investigation tbat It deserved and that was ss to the 6 per cent annuity. He though that was too Urge a percentage and felt sure that the exchange would now favor making It lower. An a report of the judiciary committee on Mr. Rosewater's ordlnanoe Councilman Has eall, chairman of the committee, returned the three different drafts of the ordinance with a long communication, in which was embodied the substance of a great deal of the argument which he has heretofore from time to time used against the ordinance. This document was signed by only Haseall and Whltehorn, Mr. Mount having been out of the city and Messrs. Zlmman and Lobeck refusing to cdncur in this report Accompanying the report also were com munications from J. F. Hanson, secretary of the Fremont Power company, and H. E. Babcock.prestdent of the Nebraska Central Irrigation Company of Columbus. The re port closed with the recommendation that the ordinance be Indefinitely postponed. After some discussion the report was put to vote and lost, as stated. Presents Ilediiilied Ordinance. A new draft of Andrew Rosewater's or dlnsnce embodying tbe amendments agreed upon at the general committee meeting of Monday afternoon was intrcduced by Mr. Zlmman, who moved a suspension of the rules for the first and second reading of tbe ordinance, and embodied in tbU mo tion Instruction to the clerk to have tha ordinance published. Mr, Haseall Insisted that the motion be divided, and It was at this juncture that the discussion became most turbulent. There wss a misunderstanding as . to whether Mr, Zlmman's motion as adopted by the council .carried with It tbe Instruc tion as to the publication of the ordinance, J and the chair ruled mat it aid not, as nn had only put the first portion of the mo tion as it had been stated by Mr. Zlmman. Then Mr. Zimman contested the ruling of the chair in a very emphatic manner, and Mr. Haseall just as emphatically Instated that tbe chair was right, and that the firs part of the motion only bad been passed President Karr enforced bis ruling, and after the ordinance had been read a firs', time In full and a second time by title a motion by Mr. Zlmman to have It pub lished was lost by a vote of 4 to 4, those in the affirmative being Messrs. Burkley, Lobeck, Trostler and Zimman. On recommendation of the committee on finance and claims, the tax depar ment of the city was granted an appropriation of $400 to pay for a portion of It work which bas not yet been completed. Raise Fire and Police Salaries. Councilman Zlmman Introduced two or dinances raising the salaries tn the police and fire departments. Tbe ordinances make a $5 raise in the fire department on all members except the chief and his two assistants, and In the police department the same raise on the detectives and pa trolmen. - These ordinances were given their first and second reading and laid over under tbe rules. The council sustained four vetoes of the ; mayor. Two were for the location of arc lights, on the ground that tbe lighting fund waa exhausted. The other was the grant ing of a special permit to Andrew Klewlt to erect a frame building within tne uro limits, and the other a warrant In favor of C. D. Woodworth for $1.325 83. which web simply to allow a clerical error to be cor rected. Nets Peterson served notice ,of a claim for damages of $5,000 for personal Injuries alleged to have been received by him n falling Into a hole on Thirty-fourth street, near Jones street, on the night of Novem ber 29. A communication from the tax eommlt tee of the Real Estate exchange asking for a detailed statement of the salaries paid to city employes and the duties of those employea and other Information in regard to the city government was referred to tne comptroller for report to the council. Comptroller Reports on Panda. The following from the city comptroller waa received and placed on file: I have the honor to report that In com pliance with the provisions of ordinance Vjo 4itio I did on December 15. WV. at :) a. m.. without notice, count the cash In the bands oi tne city treasurer, wuicn i found to be as follows: . CaBh In drawer $ J.""! jl Checks and cash for deposit , 170.68 Balances in DanasJiiy runna: Commercial National ....$14,724.66 First National 15,631.07 Merchants' National I,rtl7.75 Nebraska National 26.'6 19 Omaha National 21.146.57 Union National l2.HB.rtl United States National... 17.127.37 Kountse Hros., New York 43.250.60 176,206.01 balances In ban k School funds: Commercial National $12,777.52 First National 12.924-1 Merchants' National 12.447 45 Omaha National 17.W-1 .42 Union National .! United Htatee National... 14.319 41 Kountse Bros., New York l,231.ule .! 7S.356.? I'ollce reller tunas: Merchants' National t.n)m Union National 1.56J 2 Special funds: Nebraaka National $ 1,000.00 United etates National... 2.0U0.00 4,583 2 3.000.00 , . , M Total of fund a on hand... ..ini.384.68 I hereby ... .ify ii.-S- "-a fcrrgolng !t ment is correct and agrees with the books in this office showing the amount of funds which' enouia oe on ninu si mi huh vi business December it, Un charged vlla teallaa; Brass. James Campbell of South Omaha was yesterday evening srrrsted by iM-tectlve Drummy and jailed under the charge of burglary. The police have reason to be lieve that the prisoner entered the building now temporarily occupied by Fairbanks, Morse A Co., snd took therefrom twenty four brass sage cocks There are four or five other breaking accredited to Campbell. . Warld'a Best rile tare, Why endure tortures from piles till you contract a fatal disease when Buckleo's Arnica Salve cures, or no pay. X5o. For sale by Kubn Co. Arrnacd of Forgery. Manly Illghifhoe of Ashland. Neb,, was held In the city prison Inst night for aafe krepinx and will thla morning be taken to Ashland to stand trial for forgeries com mitted there. He was arrested In Council Bluffs nn telegraphic Information and held until )he arrival of a deputy sheriff from the Nebrsska town. TO CIHK A lULO t 0F TAT Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature la on each box. 25c. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Pair Both In Iowa and Nebraska To. .' day; and Warmer In Latter State. i 'WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. Forecast: .'ebras(A Fair and warmer Wednesday; Thursday fair in east; probably snow In west portion. Iowa Fair Wednesday and Thursday. Montana Fair Wednesday; colder In northern portion; Thursday fair. Colorado Fair and warmer Wednesday; Thnrsdsy prdbsbly snow, t Wyoming Fair and warmer Wednesday; Thursday fair, except snow In soutbesst portion. . North Dakota Fair Wednesday and Thursday. South Dakota Fair Wednesday; warmer In east portion; Thursday fair. . ,. Illinois Fair Wednesday; fair to' brisk winds Thursday; fair in north; Increasing cloudiness in south portion. Kansas Fair Wednesday; warmer In north and west portion; Thursday snow or rain. Missouri Fair Wednesday; Thursday In creasing cloudiness; probably rain or snow In southwest portion. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. I)-c. 16 Official record of tem perature and prerlpltatlon compared with the corresponding day of tho last three years: 1902. 1901. 1900. 1899. Mxfmum temperature ... 26 14 48 36 Minimum temperature ... IS 2 34 21 Mean temperature JO 6 41 1M Precipitation 00 .06 T .00 Record of temperature and precipitation nt. maha for this day and since March 1, 19W2: - iorml temperature 27 Deficiency for the day , 7 Total excess since March 1 201 Normal precipitation m Inch iMHiency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 29.91 Inches lxtlciency since March 1 .Clinch Deficiency for cor. period, 19"1... 6.02 Inches 'Lixoess lor cor. period, 1900 02 Inch Reports from Stations at T P. M. " ..31 K 3 3 pa CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. i 3 . Hi, S . -1 Omnha, clear'....;- Valentine, elear North i'latto, clear Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake Ctty. Oa .. Rapid Oltyi clear ..(... Huron, clear Wllllston, clear C'hlfano, snowing' St.. Louis, rlcnr St. iPaul.. clear Davenport, 'clear , Kansas f'lr-y,' clear' '..'.', 'Havre, cloudy , Helena, eleiir Ulsmnrck, War ...Yi.;.', Galveston, clear ........ 261 '' 14 18 24- 24 40 32 8H1 M . 8 18j ' 26 18. .. 22! .(Kt 2 T 34K.IW. 2X .,01. W! T 82 2"! 24i V JWi'.bV. 28' ilV i,l 1. I81 ,) SM 841 .( 64J. 5.4 W Zero. ....' T indicates , trace ot precipitation. U A. WELSH. " . Local Forecast Official Always the Samo Good Old Tha Prldj of fillwaakae Send Postal Card for New Brochure which tells why BLATZ B.ER Ii RIGHT BLATZ MALT-VI VINE . (NON-INTOXJCANT) TONIC FOrt THE WEAK All Druggists or Direct VAL, BLATZ BREWING CO.. MilwaikM OMAHA BRANCH, 1413 Dosglss tt. Tel. 10441. FREE SAMPLE ECZEMA CAN BE CURED Call at the below named drug stores snd receive a free sample of RICMICK'S KC. 2.U.MA CUKE, the great remedy for Bo aoili., Plmplea, ijanaruff. Bitln Eruptions and Piles. In cases of long standing, pu rify the blood by taking ftemlck a Papain Blood Tonic, Aa I'asollclted Testimonial. I have been a constant sufferer from eo sema for twenty-five years and have spent I many dollars lor tne cure 01 It, witnoui i receiving any benefit. I waa induced by ji. n-'-virtiia cf W!r.sbors to "r " of Remlck's litems Cure, ana it has cured me. I would advise every suffarer f rum skin diseases to try It. Penn, Tex. . KtV. H. BOLOMOJ For sale by - - ' brurmun A McConnell Drug Co., 16tb and Dolgi bis. Bchaefer's. lth snd Chicago Bts. Kubn Co., liih and Duuglas fits. j. H. Merchant, lt0 and Howard Bt. C.-A Mtlcher, 24ol N St.. Month Omaha George 8 Duvia, 2u0 Wt broadpsy. Council bluffs, U. 4-v'"4--i ilill Mill Hobo Palas, Itching;, Scanay kin niaeaaes. CAWCF.RK, WKLLIJ, PIMPI.F.S, ORKS-rermanentlv cured by -. taking Hotanlc Plnod Palm. It destroys the active poison In the blood. If you have aches and pains In bones, back and Joints. Itching Scabby Skin. Blood feels hot, Swollen Glands, Rlslnsrs and Hump on the Hkln, Mucus Patches In Mouth", Bore Throat. PlmpVe. Copper-Colored Piots. all run-down, fleers on any part of the body. Hair or Kyebrows ailing our. take Hotanle HI.mmI Rnlnt. ira t eel to cure even the worst' snd most deep seated esses where doctors, patent medi cines and hot springs fall. lle.l all sores, stops all aches and pains, reduces si! swellings, makes blood pure and rich, completely rhangins: the entire noxjy Into a clean, healthy condition. B. U. It. has cured thousands after reaching ib.e last stages of Mood Poison, ' Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, F-csema. Ilchlna llrmnr crofnla.i are caused bv an nwftil Poisoned" ondl tlnn nf the Blood. B. ) H. stops Hawking and Spitting, Aches nnd Fiilr. It 'hlng ami Scratching; cures f UheymHtlsm, C"larrh; heals all Scabs. Scales, . Krut Ion. Watery Hllsters, foul festering Sore'nijy fclvlng a pure, healthy I1I00B sutiy tn' HnVcteil-'irts. Ill O'lB !. re .an-er nf all Kinds Suppurating PwerrIng;s.''i;irrtnK Sores. Tu mors, ugly I' Vfrev. K Wile th Cancer Poison and hca'e the nryres or worst cancer perfectly. If yen Wtve a pArslstent Plm o'e. V-t ' ' , 4 . . Pains, take Blood flstfm snft-thev will dls anrear before Ityto Cancer. 4l It H,HAXTK' Rnr a, larae fcirltle Torial; nf nnr dma'alM, fnlt a dl-e-r). lit annle Blood Tlalnl'fR. ft. ).! Btvri n cores when theA rlarflf -quantity la 'taken. If nnf cares? .-fr money rnnr money y taded, with, k BAI.M CO. f will promptly be, vefwaded, with. oat aramen. -.. 1 llaned, RLOOO lloianlc IHoori Rnlm I II. It. H.l tn Pleasant and safe to; ta'ke. Thoroughly teste for 8" years. V. .'ompoed of pure Botanlo Ingredients. . Httengthens weak kidneys and weak stomachs, cures dyspep sia. Complete dlrectltitm with each bottle. gold In Omaha hy Uesbiii More Oruur Department, 10th aad'Doaalaa ls. In ronncll Blorta by. IUH. Anderson, MO Broadway. tn Month Omaha hy Dillon Drag Cpl, 24th aad If. Call or write any atvoro .. stores. Blood Balm ifSl'syVfprm on re. eclpt of i. j1;),,1 ;' Or. Burktiart's Wonderful Offer. k. I m J j-M m ansa r t&OMPOUNIL Dr. Burlhart'B Vegetable Compound has won the Unanimous verdict of oelng the universal remedy. It Cures sleeplessness, stiffness Jn the . limbs, wanL of appetite., headache, dizziness, pimples, blotches, ca tarrh, tired feellt.dn the JiioriUVB, palpita tion of the heart, rheumatism, etc. 10 days' trmT tree. All dmanjrlJHs. w . Ult. W. g. UlHJvllAUT, Cincinnati, O. "FOLLOW THE FLAG.". .'' ''"'. -v.-1. Jtril.' ..' 3.-. -.- i aaa aaa aa avl an aaV r " ' ... : 1 . AkL. runs 1? SOUTH ;f '- Lv. Omaha, Daily, $&i P. ftC Ar. St. Louis ' Or 'TiOa'A.' At NEW STEEL RAILS, . . NEW EQUIPMENT, . 'SOLID ROAD BEO rjveclal rates daaf to all .winter, re ports. City .ottlre, 1J01 Farnam Street, UAhRY'. O. A. P. D., Oinahh. IMtb: AMI SKMKNT8. BOYD'S Woodward Hujgrw, Manager -Return engagement- of . the s. GORDON-SHAY . QRAND QPERA CO. THIS APTER.1iO!-.L : TROVATQRE tonight- : carmen; Prices, Bargain Matinee, 15c, bOc ntglil 2&o" to $1.60. . 0 " THURSDAY NlOtlT CN'T.T. . The" romantic1 drama- "THE POWKFf BE HIND TUB THHONR," with - KatheHne Wlllard. and a big company. ... r . Prices ifcc, buc, 7c and 11.00. , MARY MUNCHHOFF In concert at BOYD'S, DEC. 23d Prices 26c, BSC, 7110, $L. tl-6u. Reserved seats nn ealtt M. the U'X offtoe Friday, December 1. at I a.' m. , ft niia)Ta Tslepbons, 1S31 -- . ' HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Matinee Todays h5uS CHILOUKN, 104'. . - TONIGHT, 8:13. . v , oc. rct so. . . 25c Kountze Memorial Church frlday Evcnlnj. Dec. 19. , HOCHMAN . THE EMIXUXT PIANIST, , Bale of arata at Mandblbarg's, tllxteenttt and Karnam Streets pRIC'fcH-eoc, 75c, tl.00. - HOTEL. Tha MILURDla,VMA,,..,a?,.,H' iiiw nin,wnnu0mllti fading Hotel : ' -i-- j -k. 1 ';' iw kk ti iw:.: , , .LUNCH RON, riVXT CK.VT8. i 12 So to ! p. m. ! SUNDAY. i.M p. m. DINNER. 7&c Steadily Increasing- buefnees lias neceaal. tated an enlargement of this cafe, doubling Its former capacity.