Tnn OMAIIA DAILY BEEi WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1002. TWO BUILDINGS IN PROSPECT Facttry at East Omaha and Structure for Iniarance Companies in City. TO EE BUILT ON MOST MODERN LINES lasaranee Compinlra Are lull Have Agreed to Take Qaartera la RallrflnaT to tie Kreeted Especially for Thrm It Is reported that the Omaha Tanning company has plana under way for tho con struction of a building at East Omaha to cost $50,000 and that the work will be started as aoon aa the weather permits In the sprint. The Omaha tannery was started bout a year ago as an experiment, and the claims of the promoter were so success fully borne out that capital was interested, one of the Investors being I. 8. Shepherd son of Rlverton, Neb., who Is one of the heaviest capitalists of the Interior of the state, t'nder the manngrnient of Mr. Shep herdson and his local representatives the plant has been developed so largely that the present quarters at East Omaha are inade quate. When the company first went to East Omaha it secured a conditional contract for the old Kllpatrlck-Korb building and the manufacture of harness leather was begun. The demand for thla leather has exceeded the supply, but the company has decided to consume as much of Its own product aa pos sible and has engaged In the manufacture of harness. The new building In contempla tion will be devoted to manufacturing, the present one to be used as a tannery. St met a re for Insurance A arm In. One of the new buildings planned for the Coming year, and which will be among the first started, probably, will be constructed as the result of the united action of the In surance companies of the city. The matter was first agitated by the Columbia Fire In surance company, which maintains head quarters at Omaha. The representatives of this company brought the subject before a number of general agents, suggesting that they unite In the occupancy of a building which will be devoted almost entirely to the use of the It .urance companies. The project ml with the approval of the other parties and a canvass of the city was mado, showing thnt about seventy-five companies or agents would take space in the proposed building. It was ' ascertained that the companies did not feel warranted in expending the amount required for the erection of the building so It was decided to present the natter to the representatives of one or more of the larger corporations and indi viduals interested In the city. The propo sition is now being considered by them and It Is said that at least one of them will act. If the companies can get the building erected it will be centrally located and one of the most modern of office build ings, adapted particularly to the work of the Insurance agents. BOFT.VKSS OP SEAL.SKIX. la Rivaled by Unman Hair Where Dandruff la Kradleated. Sealskin is adirj-ed the world over tor Its oftness and glob."uess, and yet the human balr is equally as soft and 'glossy when healthy, and the radical cause of all hair trouble is dandruff, which ,1s caused by a pestiferous parasite that saps the vitality ef the hair at its root. Newbro'a Herplclde Is the only preparation that is fatal to the dandruff germ. Without dandruff no fall ing hair, but a luxuriant growth of glossy, oft hair is certain. Scouring the scalp won't cure dandruff. Kill the dandruff cerm. Thousands of women owe their beau tiful suits of hair to Newbro's Herplcide. Holiday Hatea Vl Wabash Railroad. Oa December 18, 19, 20 and 21 the Wabash will sell round trip tickets from Chicago to many points in Canada at half fare. Ticket! good returning January 10, 190S. Call at Wabssh corner 1601 Farnam street, or address Harry B. Moores, G. A. p. D., Omaha, Neb. Holiday Rates. On December 24. 25' and 81 and January 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul rail way will sell round trip tickets to points within 200 miles at fare and one-third. Final limit, January 2. City Office. 1504 Farnam St. Basaar. The Oeorge Crook Woman's Relief Corps, 88, will hold a sale of Christmas articles at Twenty-fourth and Burdette streets, today (Wednesday). Lunch will also be served. Good i-oaltn Omen. Good opening for a newspaper or maga zine solicitor. Permanent position for a competent man. Address Twentieth Cen tury Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha. Only 8 Cays Mors Until Xmas Order that Suit or Overcoat today and you will not be disappointed. SulU, $22.50 to $40.00. Overcoats, $29.00 to $45.00. Trousers, $6.00 to $10.00. Dress Suits, $45.00 to $60.00. Each and every garment carefully fitted before completed and made by Omaha a best tailors. DRESHER ISIS Farnam. Open Evenings i Remember we have all kinds and styles of Furs from the low est to the best and will guarantee a bargain. See our side shelv ing filled with Christmas goods. Aaaoanceaaeat. of the Theaters. "The Tower Behind the Throne," a story of court life, intrigue, quarrels and ex positions of chivalry of other periods, will be the attraction at the Boyd tomorrow night. Katberlne Wlllard, young actress of country-wide reputation, will be sen in the role of Aria, daughter of the court mu sician, who Is schemed against by a jealous duchess in order that she may separate and gain for herself a young courtier who Is in love with Aria. . The story of the play Is absorbingly Interesting and full of stren uous action. The scenery Is elaborate and effective and the costuming Is magnificent. Wright Lorlmer is Miss Wlllard'. princi pal support. I With Valerie Bergers on the bill the ' Orpheum has a strong feature that appeals to the women who will patronize the mati nee this afternoon. Miss Bergere Is of the winsome type of personality that finds a warm spot as an entertainer In public fancy and possesses a genius for acting that has made her essayals notable suc cesses, which obtains in the case of Jo sephine Paul, her role Id the sketch she Is now presenting, entitled "Billle's First Love," which affords a range of emotion giving opportunities for the versatility of her art, which the shows to good account. I Supporting her are Mr. Munlfee Johnstone and Miss Belle Stoddard, who are eatlsfac- ' tory In their respective parts. A brand new stage setting Is one of the pleasing details of the little production. It was built ex pressly to be used for the first time by Miss Bergere. It wal built by Charles , Gore, scenic artist, and William Landon, , stage manager of the Orpheum. Hochman, whose only appearance will be Friday evening at the Kountze Memorial church. Is pronounced by critics as really great. H. E. Kuhblal, in the New York Tribune, says Arthur Hochman Is one of the youngest and also one of the most gifted of our young pianists an artist of fine technical equipment and refined mu sical feeling. Music lovers should not miss the treat in store. Seats on sale at Man delberg's, Sixteenth and Farnam. Stop-Over at Niagara Falls without extra charge is permitted on through tickets to New Tork or Philadel phia via the Lehigh Valley railroad. New Train Service via UNION PACIFIC. Effective Decem ber 1, the Union Pacific will place in serv ice a new train to and from North Platte, leaving Omaha at 8 a. m. daily, making Six Trains Dally to North Platte. . Seven Trains Dally to Grand Island. Following changes effective same date in time of other Union Paclflo trains. No. 43 leaves 4 p. m.; No. S leaves 4:20 p. to.; No. 2 arrives. 7:60 p. m.; No. 6 ar rives 6:f0 p, m. City Ticket Office, 1S24 Farnam street. Union Station, Tenth and Marcy streets. Telephone 629. Bararaln Matinee at Boyd's Today, The Gordon-Shay Grand Opera company will present "II Trovatore" at the Boyd this afternoon at bargain prices 25 and 60 cents. Good breakfast Ring Cole Whole Wheat Pan Cakes. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telephono 138. ' Before The School Bells Again Summon your boy to school before his Christmas vacation ends, and he returns to "prep" school or col lege, you should re-stock his wardrobe. Bring him to us and we'll attend to the rest and we'll guarantee that your son will be mighty well pleased with the "duds" that we make and you'll be pleased with the prices we will charge. MacCarf hy Tailoring Co. 1710-12 Farnam St. I W tmaha. IB BEAT 'EH IF YOU CAN These prices are the lowest on record for drugs. Read them and compare with any body's. Pure Glycerine, per pint Joe Mennen's Talcum can slightly dam aged Kc Witch Hazel 8alve 10c Carbolic Salve I0o Arnica Salve joo Eye-Brow Pencils t 6o 25c Chamois IBe Lanolin, per pound 40c Atomizers 85c J. P. Suspensory 15c 8ugar Milk 20c Toilet Paper, 1,000 sheets 6c Ext. Pepsin, per pint ....4 50c Fuller Drug & Paint Co 114 S. 14th Street. WE STILL BELL PAINT. it i ' ' iJfr U rnune isus. Bee Bldf WW m . rt, . MRS. J. BENSON. -OUR STOCK OF CHILDREN'S CLOAKS We're Qolng to Close Right Out. $12.50 Coats for $8.50. $10.75 Coats for $0.87. $a,50 Coats fur $5.87. $5.50 Coats for $3.87. $3.50 Coats for $1.1)5. $2.50 Coats for $1.50. JO ENtNINGS L'NTIL XMAS OPEN mmf J 14 11 1 u .. M mm m Today more Bargains from Our Great Purchase for Cash of the Chicago Manufacturers' Stock 2Ke Dress Goods at e All the materials from this Chicago manufacturer, consisting of double width, yard wide, wool dress goods In plain colors, j lalds, checks and camel's hair effects, all guaranteed to Q be 26c quality, at, yard Sl.OO Silk Velvets at 2c All the black silk velvets from this factory thnt were used for OCin trimming, go M. yard M7W Ana an the small pieces from I this factory go at a piece TSe 1 1-2 Yard Wide Ladles' Cloths at 2te All the, 14-yard wide ladles' cloths and water proof repellnnts. etc., that were need for the manufacture OCl of ladles' skirts, go at, yard ..4Vw B Lap nobea at f 1.09 Strictly all rvool reversible lap robes, (plain colors and golf plaids) these are also suitable for lounging robes and other purposes, all 4 qq go at, each I"CJ 2Se Oxford Mufflers at Re 100 dosen fine plaid, warm mufflers. In nice, bright colors, would be a bargain ai c, go" 73o Silk Oxford Mufflers at 2(Ve An elegant variety of new designs In . silk Hne oxford mufflers, 25C Today We Sell Out Fine China Prom the Bl Wholesale Toy Stock which we recently tonght for spot eaah, and It ts one of the btariseat bargains we hare ever aeenred. Japanese China at lOe and 15c We will sell one Immense lot of Ann Japanese China, consisting of cream pitchers, trinket treys, rose Jars, cracker Jars, anlad bowls, teapots, chocolate pots, mugs, after dinner cups and saucers, soap dixhes and hun dreds if other fancy china articles, beautifully decorated and that generally each m l 1'50' W" haV dlv,deKl them lnto two ,ot9 at 10C"ldC 2.00 Austrian China Dishes at SOc One big table of salad dlnhes, covered butter dishes' celery trays, brush and nm ifrRys n ,a" ,the most beautiful German and French decorations. These ' JL " "J1 """ up o i.w a piece; as they last at each ; ftit.OO Caps and Sancera at BOc One big table of finest quality Ger man, Austrian and French hlgh rliuts cups and saucers. These must be seen to be appreciated; thev are worth up to I2. each; go Crtn In one lot at each OUt Holiday Sale of Clocks Today Ansonla, New Haven and Jennings Bros.' clocks, the best clocks in America at prices that attract Christmas shoppers. These clocks are warranted 14-K gold-nlated, a written guarantee given with each clock. In this sale are also marble clocks, hand painted porcelain clocks and enameled clocks with gold trimmings, etc., positively worth aa fl4 O fltt o ft a 1 iu high as $12.80; tomorrow at I.VO 3.tO, 4.VO Special selling of beautiful candel- OOn 4 DQ abra, worth up to $5.00, at VOv UtlU l.VfO Watch Our Windows ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER. I07 North I6th St. Opp. P.O. MORE XMAS SUGGESTIONS Hawkes' Cut Glass Vase (very large and beautiful) for long stem American Beauty roses, $75.00, smaller vases, $2.00 to $40,00. Ixose dia monds You can here select a loose diamond and have it suitably mounted at from $30.00 to $435.00. A good assortment already mounted In' rings, pins, brooches, lockets and earscrews, $15.00 to $50.00. Chatelaine watches (good ones), $8 00 to $100.00. Fine 14 K gold match boxes, $25 and $36, 10K gold and sliver ones at lower prices. Presentation watches for men in 1SK plain engine turned and 14K beautifully carved and gemmed, prices $50.00 to $235.00. Reliable makes in gold-filled, $12.00 to $40.00. Pearl brooches. $5.00 to $6000. Sliver tea sets $10.00 to $125.00. Don't forget to ask to see our Una of Krements brooches (finest made), $2.25 to $15.00. Watch to morrow for more suggestions. Shrader's Laxative Fig Powder fhe only Laxative that prevents appendicitis sold in 10c and 25c boxes at all druggists. Manufactured by W. J. Sbrader Med. Co,, Omaha it New York. HAKES THE SKIN SOFT AND WHITE- Kuhn's ASK TOIR DKIUGIST THE 2 1 ILIAR! Is the Perfect Piano Player It has attained perfection In the only way perfection ever can be attained by the slow and careful elimination of the imperfections found In the earlier forms. For EASE OK OPERATION. CAPACITY FOR MUSICAL EXPRESSION, DELICACY OF CONTROL, ACCURACY OF TECHNIQUE It stands alone. It gives separate control of the base and treble and is the only player capable ot the clustlc, human touch so much desired. Call at our Parlors. Hear It play. Plav it yourself. $.oo worth of muslo and $5.00 bench free with each player until January 1. Piano Player Go. Arlington Block, lBU-lSli DODGE STREET. OTr Morton's Hardware sad Hariljr l atorom. WOMEN rt-NALS tfrcal lliuoliuf .-run-Uur ; ! ruugeit, beat, af f at -.i-oniaiu KricuU Ta. raimfrojrai; n.H aaiusle fallura; lunjeau uut Zuiauia t-aW rUTe4 lit t daia; iJ st Sherman St McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. The Bee for All News OPEN rvFstr. Wrappers and rettleoata from the Stock make ISKKIL CHRISTMAS UIKT9 11.00 ladles' wrappers, 25C 11.50 ladles' fleece lined wrappers 11.00 ladles' black colored and striped DPtllcoat 50c 25c 1160 ladles' mercerised black QKr1 and colored petticoats J J til ft Handkerchiefs 2Tc silk embroidered hand kerchiefs, at 1,0 ladles' plain white and colored bonier silk handker chiefs. Worth 25c. choice 10c fancy 10c Ladles' and men's plain white fancy colored border and lace edged 01r handkerchiefs, worth up to 10c." ! Ladles' and men's handkerchiefs, hundreds of style, worth er up to 2oc each, go at y' Fancy brocaded silk handker- 1 Rp. chiefs, worth up to c, go at...low Children's Nazareth style knit under walats, small sizes, regular cZ,-, price the world over st 2o, at...-, Ladles', misses' and children's all wool golf gloves, worth 60c, go at Ladles' and children's heavy douhle knlt wool mittens 15c Infants' and children's 'aii"wool knit mittens in white and black Br worth 15c, at J Boys' and girls' vests, pants and drawers worUi up to 40c, 1 fir go at each l"W go in one big lot aa long " 50c Jl.OO Platea at 2Sc One big table of fine bread and butter and dinner plates; they would be cheap at $1.00, go In one big lot at O Er each OC Watch Our Windows Glycerole of Roses KOH IT. l'RICK ICtM.'. WHAT'S IN THE PAPER? It you read the big ads in the daily papers, YOU'LL KIND these articles and if you compare the price you are aaked for them with thla list YOU'LL FIND these prices right! That's all. $1.00 Peruna genuine, one only, at 61c 60c Mull's Grape Tonic 4io Abillnla Mineral Water, 15c and 115c 25c Shrader's Fife 1'owritr L'i)c $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey 75c We Omega OH 4io $1.iO Hostetter's Hitters 75c $1.00 Persian Hair Tonic guaranteed... .75c 50c Remmlck's Kciema, Cure, guaran teed 40c BOc Kodal 40c l gallon best dustleis oil 35c 25c Btcycle Cards 20c or 8 for 50c $1.00 Hossack's Barsaparllla Kc $1.00 Pierce's Remedies file $1.00 Temptation Tonic, new 25c S5c Oenulne Castorla 24o 75o Moeller's Cod Liver OH Clo 25c Laxative Bromo Quinine 15c $1.00 Canadian Malt Whiskey, best 75c $1.00 Iler'a Malt Whiskey (want it?) 62c OPEN ALWAYS. SGIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE Tel. 741. . W. cor. nt mmm Caiaaco. In giving Sorosls Shoes or Slippers for Christmas you may use one of our CERTIFICATES Saving you from the perplexity of selecting for another Thev may be used in this or any City In tL United States where Sorusls are sold. Sorosis Shos Store, 20J S. 15th St. Frank Wlleos, Mgr. ETC!? A OPfiN NIGHTLY TILL CHRISTMAS A Christmas Store That's Different from Any You Ever Saw Everything desirable and suitable for gift giving is here in the greatest profusion. Wear ing apparel that make acceptable gifts for men and women the youth and maiden the little boys and girls. Of course you expect great things of the "Nebraska' in holiday gifts and the showing will more than realize your most sanguine hopes. The following items are but a "drop in the bucket," as It were, when compared to the vast assortments displayed in every available space and nook of this great institution. We suggest earl j buying. There is not much time, remember, so is it not better to buy early and get something you know will be acceptable than to wait and take what is left close to holidays? This is going to be the biggest gift-giving Christmas ever known. Come to the store today. Men's Christmas Slippers. Special Value at $1.45 If you want to be grate fully remembered, give slip pers for Christmas. Every time the recipient puts them on he will be re minded of your generosity. It doesn't make any differ ence whether you know the right size of not we'll ex change them after Christ mas if they don't fit. The slippers we are selling for ?1.45 are exceptional value. Sherman 16th & Dodge We are in the midst of our 14th annual "Perfume Carnival" which means that our store is a bewildering array of sweet-smelling fluids of various colors and in innumerable bottles of every imaginable shape and size. At this carnival of sweet smells it is only necessary to mention your favorite perfume and it will be shown you in SIZE, FOItM AXE PRICE to suit. But perfumes are not the only thing in which the Sherman & McConnell Drug Emporium excel, and we mention below a few of the many things for which this firm are headquarters. POCKFT BOOKS The largest stork and the lowest prices ever offered in Omaha. MANICURE SETS Fine Roods in attrntotlve cases from 11.00 to 110.00; also every kind of a manicure In strument by the Bingle piece. MILITARY HAIR BRUSHES In sets with or without cases. In ebony, olive wood and rosewood; also various shades of celluloid, burkhorn and burnt wood. Prices from $1.00 to 5.0 per pair. COLOGNES I Many oeonle nrpfer rnlnana niiti,. extract, or "perfume." . Our assortment of rnlncnpa InpliiHoa 1711 tnln-na a .4 cologne. Farina cologne. Caswell-Massey's nl..mA TK.. . . 1 tii . . , j ninuu b L-uiugne. rucusecKer s co logne, Lasell's cologne. All In several size bottles. Ask for your favorite. MIRRORS A handsome assortment In various colored woods and in celluloid, also burnt wood, for ladles' and gentlemen, Trices from 25c to $4.60. CIGAR CASES Aft iA Btvll'B r.l nasal An Ia A- SEE THE GOODS. " "UUl- 16th and Dodge Sts. WHlSEtBES Old Crow. Old Elk. Jam V. Pepper, Old Oscar Pepper, Yellowstone, Old Overholt, Old Taylor. Kentucky Colonel, John Gibson A Son, Ouckenhelmer, FInche's Golden Wedding, New Hope and Clark's Pure Rye. The above whiskies are all bottled in bond. We also carry the famous brands Hunter's Rye, Wilson's Rye and Baltimore Rye. The prices on the above whiskies are: $1.00. $1.25, $1.60 per qt. bottle. We have the following Canadian Whiskies. Walker's Canadian Club, Sogrlaa's Cana dian Whisky and Oooderham wort, at $1.25 per quart. Don't forget oar own brand, the Celebrated JACK DAW 12-year-old Maryland Rye. WINES. VIRGINIA DARE AND ESCAPERNONG, the native wines of North Carolina. Repsold Table Wines, Clarets and Rlealing's El prato Sweet Wines, Port Sherry and Mus catel, Tokas, Maderia and Mallago. Aarenta and Distributers fur the Fa mous RODERICK Dill) ScotrbyWhlsker Sea us before making your holiday pur chases. We have a complete line of One wines, liquors, etc., and can save you money. CAQKLEY BROS., opp. p. o. TEL. 1148. Hot Water Bottles Our 2-qt Far Dam bottle, 48c Our S-qt. Par nam bottle, 68c. By mail add lOo for postage. Myers Dilhn Dru Co. 16th and Far Bam Street. Dealers la all kinds of rubber food. A Gig-antic Collection of Christmas Neckwear FOR HEN. If you are in doubt what to buy "him" for Christmas buy a necktie; no matter how many ties a man has, one more is always wel come. Tomorrow we offer men's silk nnd satin nock wear. They are wonderful values and in a wonderful variety. Uich in quality, sensible and dressy in effect they are neckties that you can give knowing that they will be worn with pride. There, are ties in this lot worth all the way up to $2 they have been divided Into four lots for Wednes day's selling. 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c & IMonnell's FINE CANDIES We have the exclusive Omaha agency for the Rubel ft Allegretti's chocolates, which are by far the choicest Italian chocalatee made. REMEMBER RUBEL. & AU.K ORETTl'S the PALMER HOUSE PEOPLE the candy store which has the patronage of Chicago's elite. PULLMAN CASES Small ones, neat and compact, from $1.00 to $10.00. SHAVING SETS Pretty and inexpensive. DRUG REMINDERS Lest our patrons forget, we mention some of our regular drug prices: 2.ic Menen's Talcum for n 5c Syrup of tigs for qJS $3.50 Whirling Spray for '.'..'.'.$2 09 vii.firB mum j'owner ror 2 viiBine s vioiet water for $1.00 Pe-ru-na for $1.00 Ltsterina for $100 Wine of Cardui for " $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root for.. t M Kfnliilrv 37c fi2c 6tic 71c WRITE XR CATAIbi;E''6F 'b'RUUS i&c SHERMAN & McCONNELL Wholesale and Retail Druggists. XMAS AND NEW HOLIDAY RATES... To points within a distance of 200 miles from selling station. Selling Dates, D:c. 24-25-31, Jan. I FINAL RETURN LIMIT, JANUARY 2. Round trip rates: One fare to points west and one and one-third fare to points east of Missouri river. 1323 Come and se. the pretty thing, for OPEN EVENINGS. MAWIIINNEY & Jewelers and Art Stationers. Recommended ... 1 1 ... L t- 4 them. Little Anti-Bilious Pills Sample Free Howell Drag Co.. ltta aV Capitol Are. OPEN NIGHTLY TILL CHRISTMAS An Immense Stock of Holiday Handkerchiefs You certainly will Lave no difficulty in selecting hand kerchiefs to your liking in our handkerchief depart ment. The assortments are so great and the range of prices so varied that no matter what your wants ore you will be able to sup ply them here in a most pleasing and satisfactory manner. W have paid par ticular attention to our lines of holiday handker chiefs and there are num berless kinds put up in fancy boxes suitable for children's gifts. Special for today's selling, 5c,10c, 15c, I9c BBC Perfume Carnival HAIR BRUSHES The handsomest annortment ever shown in Omaha, also the lowest prices, quality considered. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE showing some of our styles of hair brushes. MEDICINE CASES What makes a better, a more sensible present thnn something which will con serve the health of the famllv. We have family medicine cases In a dosen styles, some fltlpd with handsome sterling silver tops. Prices, from $1.00 to $10.00. TOILET SETS Containing brush, comb and mirror In up-to-date styles, and at lowest prices. COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES A fine assortment at low prices. SEWING SETS Some neat cases filled with fine duality scissors and other articles. CIGARS nfl?r '"V.,?18" lw be" a favorite place fur ladles' to buy the Christmas box of cigars for hiibband, brother, father or sweetheart Our stock this y.-nr is TWICE AS LA HUE, and prices MUCH LOWER than ever before. We will sell you cigars which will please the smoker. DRUG CO. OMAHA, NEBR. YEAR Ticket Offices: Farnam St. & Union Station OMAHA. Watches That Keep Tims A watch that doe. not keep time I. worse than no watch at all. Our watches are reliable, and sold at close marina, and fully ruaranteed. Indies" rold-fllled case with 7 en American movement, up from i.uU Gentlemen's fold-filled caa. with Amer ican movement, rk a up from J,Q3 ladles" solid rold An nn watches, up from aaU.UU Gentlemen', aolld fold Oat r Watches, up from aaO.UU We are sole agent, for Patck, Put Up pi A (Jo. reletiratetl flwlaa m v. - gift, and favor., or write for eatalscua. . RYAN COMPAKY, 18th and Douglas, 01 A HA HOWELL'S 8