Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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StAtU Will Dima Mcainre Iter Morning
Thii Week.
X On Hope tn Dlssiese of Matter
Till After (krlttatti, Many
geaalors Prepare te Speak
at Length.
WASHINGTON, Dee. II. After -routine
business ! disposed of In the senate to
morrow morning (Senator Proctor will ask
blf bill for the reorganization of the tnl
lltla force of the United States be taken
tip and will continue to' bring It forwarl
each day lb the morning, with the hope of
securing action early In the week and of
getting It passed before the Christmas ad
journment. At 2 tbe statehood bill will be again
taken up and discussed and Senator Dill
ingham will oppose the admission of New
Mexico and Arliona. He will apeak at
length, quoting from the erldence taken by
the subcommittee which visited those ter
ritories, and giving his personal experi
ences as member of the committee. Tbe
bill will be the first erder after 1 every
day this week except Wednesday, which,
by special order, has been set aside for
eulogies on the late Senator Sewell (N. J.).
The present program on the statehood
bill Is for Senator Nelson, also a member
of the committee, to follow Senator Dill
ingham. Senator Nelson will be succeeded
by Senators Burnbam and Kean. After
these members of the committee other sen
ators will speak In opposition.
Senator Beverldge, chairman of tbe com
mittee, will close, though he will also be
beard frequently during the course of the
debate, aa It devolves upon him to explain
dim cult pointa aa they come up.
The senate will adjourn on Saturday for
the holidays, and not even the friends of
the bill believe it possible to pass the
measure before that time.
In case opportunity offers, 8enator Pen
rose will make an effort to bring up the
Immigration bill at odd times during the
week, with the hope of securing action on
It, but tbe prospect now la that It will go
over until after tbe adjournment.
In all probability the bill making an ap
propriation for the Agricultural depart
ment's fight on the foot and mouth cattle
disease In New England will be passed
during the week.
Bone Dispose of Various Appro
prlntlen Bills Before Christ
anas Recess.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. Ths prospects
are for an unlntereatlng week In the house.
Tomorrow Is District of Columbia dsy, and
the bill to give the secretary of agriculture
power to make regulations to prevent the
pread of contagious diseases In live stock
has been set for Tuesday.
Beyond thla and the consideration of an
urgent deficiency bill, which will follow,
there la no fixed program, though the com
mittees may be called and some odds and
ends of legislation disposed of before the
adjournment on Saturday.
Central Branch Lino Alone Owes Gov
ernment Money on Aeoonnt
of Bond Issno.
WASHINGTON Dec. 'lt.The annual re
port of General Longstreet, the commis
sioner of railroads, saya the railroad com
panies which havs received government sub
sidies In bonds have all settled their In
lebtedness, except the Central Branch com
pany, the successor to the Central Branch
Union Pacific.
The report of tbe bond aided and land
grant roads shows an Increase of $20,000,000
in nst earnings over 1901. There waa an In
creaae of over 146,000,1)00 in gross earnings
and of $17 000,000 in expenses.
The report deala with the detailed annual
summaries of operations, embracing the
principal lawa of congress that relate to the
bond aided and land grant railroads, and In
eludes abstracts of the decisions of the su
preme court In eases affecting the bond
aided Pacific railroad companies, to which
tbe United States wss a party.
Statehood Report Is Oat.
WASHINGTON. Deo. 14. The testimony
taken by the sub-committee of the senate
committee on territories on the house om
nlbus statehood bill has been printed aa a
senate document and was mads public to
Bight. It makes a book of S94 pages, with
maps and Includes quotations and anawera
of many people examined with reference
to the size, population, resources, schools
and churches, business, moral and other
characteristics of the people of the three
proposed - states, and miscellaneous Infor
. teals Jaege Will Coatlnoo P rob
ins; Corporation Scandals
BT. DOU1S. Deo. 14. Bight defendants.
former members of the houss of delegates,
will bo called In Judge Ryan's court tomor
row to answer to the chsrge of bribery In
connection with the suburban bill. They
Are Charles Denny, John Sheridan, Edmund
Bench, Cmlle Hartman, Charlea A. Gutke
3. J. Hannlgan, Charles Kelly and Julius
Tbe defense baa given notice that
change of venue will be asked for. It this
Is denied tbe caaea will bs Imemdiately
called and unless tbs defendanta aak tor
severance It will be a combined trial.
It will probably require the entire day
to determine what procedure will bs fol
lowed, and the cass la unlikely, therefore,
to ( to trial until Tuesday.
Miners rropoao to End Their Case
with Evidence Not Called
from Collieries,
CRANTON, Pa.. Deo. 14. Tbe mine
workers, although still expecting to does
their case before the arbitration board
either tomorrow or on Tuesday, havs a
considerable cumber of witnesses among
tkntn soma young silk mill girls they de
sire to call. They may. Indeed, sootlnue to
present witnesses until Mr. Mitchell, who
The only perfect polish
Silver Polish
Reduces labor to g minimum
Poet not cake or fill up imcnticc
AU r pontibls
jewslwa kp it
a cants a package
he gone to his borne In Illinois, returns,
so that bs may be present when tbe opera
tors open their esse.
The companies hope to be able to com
mence their reply Immediately after the
miners close. Simon P. Wolverton, lead
log counsel for the. Philadelphia Read
ing Coal and Iron company, will make the
opening address for all the large compa
nies and possibly the Independents also
After the opening statement witnesses will
be rstled by each company.
It waa the original Intention to have the
operators present their testimony eceord
Ing to the geographical location of their
collieries, beginning at the northern and
ending with the Reading company at the
southern end of the coal fields, but 'the
Delaware and Hudson, whose pits are near
the northern part, may change this ar
rangement, as lis principal attorney, Da
vid Wlllcox. is confined to bis room with
It Is expected that the commission will
adjourn next Saturday for the holidays and
meet again early In the new year. i
There la talk of sitting In Philadelphia
after the adjournment, as snme of the
companies, especially the Reading, would
prefer to sit In thst City. The matter has
not, however, been officially brought before
the commission.
(Continued from First Page.)
purchase, but It should leave the selection
of a location to. the faculty or board of
regents of the university. The experi
mental farm would be part of the property
of the university Just aa la the experiment
station at Lincoln. The expense of con
ducting It would be borne by the state In
connection with the 8tata university and
it would become a part of the publie edu
cational sjatem, but a major portion of
the work thereon would be performed by
the government experta. We want a farm
where experiment can be made with all
kinds of products that will grow in the
arid and seml-arld reglona, both with and
without irrigation."
Continuing the senator said: "Nebraska
Is Justified In establlahlng an agricultural
college and It Is the .duty of the legis
lature to do this In order that the re
sources of the bumld, arid and aeml-artd
regions may be developed to their fullest
extent, for the same reason that Colorado,
Montana and other mineral states support
well-equipped schools of mines. These
states expend large sums of money for
their schools of mines. Nebraska being an
agricultural state and having these varied
conditions, should have an agricultural
college with experimental farma to aid In
developing all Us natural resources!"
Shore Ead of Pacific Table la gno-
eesafally Spliced la Perfect
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 14. "In memory
of John W. Mackay, I christen the Pacific
cable. May It always carry messages of
With these words Lucille Gage, the 11-
year-old daughter of H. T. Gage, governor
of California, today christened the Trans-
Pacific cable and, breaking a bottle of cham
pagne over the shore end, inaugurated a
new era In the commercial development of
the Pacific coast.
The landing and splicing of the shore end,
which is to connect the mainland with Hon
olulu, was accomplished without hitch of
any kind, and was witnessed by 30,000 or
40,000 people. Ideal weather prevailed, there
being acarcely any surf.
Early this morning the ateamer News
boy, carrying six miles of cable, steamed
close Inshore and with the assistance of a
lifo-aavlng boat aent a rope, to which the
cable was attached, ashore. Word was sent
to Clarence H. Mackay and the cable and
Postal Telegraph officials that all was In
Tbe work of hauling In tbe cable waa
done so expeditiously, however, that the
officials arrived on the beach only two min
utes before tbe cable was christened at
9:65 a. m.
While the wire was being spliced to the
land end the mayor delivered a abort speech
congratulating Mr. Mackay on the success- 1
ful beginning ot ths work. He also spoke
of the undertaking and the benefit to the
world at large that would result from Its
Clarence H. Mackay .thanked the mayor
and thoae present.
Governor H. T. Gage, on behalf of the
state of California, paid a fervent tribute to
the late John W.' Mackay. The formal ex
erciaea closed with cheers for ths cable
and all those taking part In its landing.
Refreshment tents were erected on tbe
beach and while the cable waa being apliced
Mr. Mackay served champagne and other
refreshments to a large number of speci
ally Invited guests. '
Mr. Mackay alao aent the following tele
gram to President Roosevelt:
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 14 To the Hon.
Theodore Roosevelt, President of the
United States, Washington: I have the
honor to Inform you that the end of the
Honolulu cable was successfully brought
to shore thla morning.
President Pacific Commercial Cable Com
pany. Wben the splicing waa completed late
In the afternoon horses were bitched to
the end and It was drawn through the
conduit to ths cable station. At the same
time Newsboy steamed out to sea five miles
and anchored the cable with balloon buoys.
It waa picked up by Silverton and taken
aboard. The splicing to the main body
waa completed -tonight and Silverton
beaded tor Honolulu at seven-knot speed.
The first message over the cable waa sent
from shore to the chief engineer on 811ver
ton, congratulating him on the auccessful
landing. Several tests were made as the
cable waa being paid out by Newsboy and It
waa found to be tn perfect condition.
A portion of ths cabls was cut into email
bits and distributed as souvenirs by Mr,
Mackay among bis guests.
During the ceremonies a mllitar7 band
from the Presidio played. Fifty policemen
were buay keeping the crowd from the en
closure where the splicing was going on
Mr. Mackay completed bis hospitality
with a banquet tonight to the officials of
the Cabls and Postal Telegraph companies.
Galveston People Alice Poisoned
German to Be Coneenled
GALVESTON, Tex., Dec. 14. A young
German, who waa known here as H. 8.
Benjamin, Is dead from morphine poisoning
It Is aald bis right name was Hans Graf
blehl von Schoffky, that be waa a Oerman
count and that he owned a large estats
in Germany. His father. It is claimed,
was a general In the Oerman army.
Kma Meats May Enter.
OTTAWA, Out.. Dec. 14. An order
council has been paaaed allowing pickled
or salted meats to enter Canada from the
affected states. This Is on account ot the
large Importations from France and coun
tries arriving at Boston for Canada.
TO (IKK A (OLD (F. ntY
Tske Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
ururials refund the money If It tails te
cure. B. W. Crvve's signature is ea sack
box. 16.
Plead Guilty to Killing Baby and Reoeivei
i Ten-Year Sentence.
Jndsje Thompson Pnssled OTer the
Sltaatlon aad Holds Prisoner
Intll Case Caa Be
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Dec. 14. (Special
Telegram.) O. A. Baxter, the (4-year-old
negro who la charged by his young wife
with having Intentionally and deliberately
killed their 4-months-old babe, has pleaded
guilty to the charge of manslaughter, but
he Insists that he Is not really gull y. When
Baxter was Informed last night as to the
testimony of his wife before the coroner's
Jury he wss willing to plead aa stated and
throw himself upon the mercy of the court,
Judge Thompson wss called, received the
plea and sentenced tbe men to ten years
In the penitentiary.
Thla afternoon the presiding Judge met
the prisoner In the office of the Sheriff
and the prisoner s'ated that now that he
had his sentence be was 'willing to go to
the penitentiary and behave himself; but,
though It was all over, he Insisted that the
death of the child was an accident that
he never Intended to kill It and that never
waa there murder In bis heart. To the re
porter he also insisted that he had never
threatened the life of the child.
It la learned that Judge Thompson has
ordered the sheriff not to take the pris
oner to Lincoln aa yet. Indicating that the
case may be reopened.
Police of Lincoln and Omaha Search-
Ins; for Son of Nebraska's
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. II. (Special Tele
gramsThe police authorities of this city
nnd Omaha have been busy for two days
in an effort to ascertain the whereabouts
of George O. Furnas, son of ex Governor
Robert W. Furnas, who disappeared last
Thursday. He left home at the usual hour
Thursdsy morning, saying to his wife thst
he would be home at noon, and possibly
before, and since that time none of his
friends tn this city have seen hlra. He has
seemed very despondent of late' and Is
known to have been financially embar
rassed. His despondency has been so no
ticeable to his relatives as to occasion
much concern.
His relatives have been prosecuting a
quiet search slues Thursday evening for in
formation, and It has been learned that he
was seen In Omaha on that day and re
ceived an accommodation from C. T. Hos
man and Georgo C. King. The Omaha au
thorities have apparently been unable to
locate him further.
George Furnas was In the employ of the
Burlington freight department for many
years, resigning hla position about a year
ago to accompany to California a daughter
of rare musical talent, whose voice bad
failed her, and who went thither by advice
of physicians. He failed to do well In
California and returned to Lincoln with
his wife, since which time be hss had no
regular employment. It is now believed
that bis financial troublea have partially
unbalanced bia mind, and that he baa
started to Join his daughter In California,
Hie home relations are said to have been
most pleasant. He Is 60 year of age,
about five feet eight Inches In height, and
weighs about 175 pounds. He wore
mustache and had one glass eye. Ex-Gov
ernor Furnaa Is In Lincoln anxiously con
ducting the search for Ma aon.
Inches of It Covers
nnd No Wind
Drift It.
GRANT, Neb., Dec. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Snow began falling Saturday- at
p. m. and during the last twenty-four hours
has not ceased. There Is fully six Inches
of snow, with no wind as yet. Cattle are
thin and feed Is scarce.
(Continued from First Page.)
the German and British vessels should have
found It necessary to resort to such a se
vere step as bombardment for an act for
which satisfaction might have been ob
talned In a more peaceful manner. The
fear is now expreased that this action will
Inflame the minds of the Venezuelans, who
are naturally ot an impetuous nature, and
lead to assaults on foreign residents tn
Venesuela. .
Castro Refnsee Note.
CARACAS, Dec. II. A note from the
commandera of the allied fleets, which the
Venezuelsn government refused to receive
yesterday at La Guayra, waa forwarded to
Mr. Bowen at Caracal and by him to the
proper government official here. Tbe note
Is In the name ot Great Britain and Ger-
many, and requests all Venezuelan ships.
after the lapse of five days,- to refrain
from sailing from La Guayra until ths
present difficulties are adjusted.
El Mocho" Hernandez and certain
other evolutionary leaders left Mara
calbo today for Curacao on thslr way to
Caracas. Hernandes is perhaps the most
popular of ths revolutionary leaders and
baa been Imprisoned at Maracalbo for sev
eral years by order of President Castro.
Tbe news of the bombardment at Puerto
Cabello reached Caracas at a late hour to
night. It caused considerable excitement,
and in spits of the preventative measureo
taken by the police of Puerto Cabello
trouble Is feared.
President Castro learned this morning
ef the Illness of Madame von Pllgrlm-
Baltazzi. aad, accompanied by bis wits and
number of Venesuelan ameers, he called
at tbe German legation.
Here the visitors were received by Mr.
Bowen. who escorted them to the room of
ths Invalid. President Castro greeted
Msdsme von Pllgrim-Baltazxt and spoke to
ber ot her husband In a friendly way, say
ing be held the German envoy In high re
gard. The president produced a favor
able Impression upon ber, and before be
left offered ber the hospitality of the
"Yellow House," the cspitol at Caracas.
The atatement that Italy, through Its
legation here, bs demanded payment of Its
claims against Venezuela has been con
firmed. The arrival of tbe United States gunboat
Marietta at La Guayra yesterdsy wss dus
to a groundless rumor that Mr. Bowen waa
In danger. There was no ground for such
a rumor and the presence cf Marietta was
not required by the minister.
The situation here continues to be crit
ical and there Is much excitement among
ths German residents of Caracas, many of
shorn have called at tho American legation
to seek a refuge. The people . ot Caracas
are astonished that lbs government at
Washington remains silent after the recent
action of tbe combined fleet.
Germans Will Aid Vencanela.
Two thousand men from tbe Interior
reached Caracas today and It is reported
that ninety Germans living la tbe country
have offered to support the Venesuelaa
government against Germsny.
The fact that the people of Venesuela
are In absolute Ignorance of the dealgm
of the allies upon their country create
a deep and disturbing impression here.
The thief officer ot President Castro's
guard aald today:
If there is to be war. let us know and
we will fight. If there Is to be only an
aewault on our const, where we cannot
reach the allies, the only thing left for
to do I to declare that the destruo-
Inn of a debtors furniture is a strnnne
way to force the payment of hie obliga
tions. believe this situation will soon come
within the scope of the Monroe doctrine.
The British legation here will be reopened
tonight under the American flag by W. W.
Jtussell, secretsry ot the American legation.
Mr. Bowen has laid In quantities ot all
kinds of provisions so as to be prepared for
any emergency.
The boycotting ot British and German
gooda continues, lbe British and Oerman
colleges here, which were boycotted, have
closed their doors. The University of Car
ess Is alao closed. Priests are preaching for
The note from the commanders of the al
lien fleet, sent to the Venezuelan govern
ment through Mr. Bowen, concerning Vene
zuelan vessels leaving La Guayra, Is sup
posed to herald a blockade, and the people
ot Caracas are astonished that the govern
ment at Washington remaina silent.
- Castro Cnlnts Popnlnce.
Tbe news of the bombardment of Puerto
Cabello caused most Intense excitement
here. Tbe population flocked In the streets
and the patriotic demonstrations continue.
All night an Immense crowd, estimated at
more thin 10,000, gathered In front of tbe
presidential palace and called on President
Castro to appear. Some orators having
advocated reprisals against ths foreigners
resident In Venesuela, President Castro In
rage refused the demands made In the
following speech:
Citlsene: The size of nations, like the
else of men. Is measured only by their
acts. Those tiorn brave prove their valor
on the battlefield, not against defenseless
citizens, who perhaps are innocent, who
are with us In their hearts nnd who are
ashamed of the. Infamy of their compa
We will seek crleonera for Venesuelan
Jails on the battlefield. action will be
directed only against those who come
armed. However great may be our In
dignation, we must behave aa a cultured
and civilized people, especially now, when
the most powerful nations of Europe are
behaving like real savages. I counsel the
red test prudence in order not to abandon
our rights, the Justice of our cause and our
The good name of venesuela must re
main always secure, whatever emergencies
may arise In the struggle. If we fall It
will be gloriously, but I aBure you that our
country will be saved, bees use the Su
preme Being above, who sees and directs
U. cannot abandon us in tnis laiai emer
gency. Justice and right being on our side.
l, wno never trembled betore Ganger,
swear I will fulfill my duty and Joyfully
sHcrlflce my life for the honor and dig
nity of the nation. I recommend great cir
cumspection, prudence and even cordiality,
so that strangers resident In our country
Americans. French, Italians, Spaniards and
even the Germans and English may be the
first to proclaim In the face of the world
that Venezuela Is a cultured and civilized
The speech was applauded and a proces
sion of whites and negroes traversed the
city without an act of violence being com
mitted. The president' la calm and Is giving all
his time to preparation for battle.
Fourteen hundred men enlisted today
from Caracas alone. Including boy and
fifteen priests. The conduct of the British
snd Oerman commanders Is severely cen
aured by all the European colonies.
Alfred Blohm, the banker who went to
La Guayra and saw the commanders of the
British and Oerman cruisers, said tonight
that he did not beftitate, wben meeting the
charge d'affalrs,';to ,te!l him that the con
duct of the German legation bad been
sbamefuir and tnaH the matter could have
been arranged if Herr Von Pilgrim had
only seen President Castro, who, like tho
German colony, was Ignorant of Germany's
London Clamors for News.
LONDON. Dec. 15. The news that the
first shots have been fired In Venezuela has
awakened the most apathetic ot the critics
to tbe gravity of tbe situation and demands
that the government present papers on tbe
matter to Parliament are now most Insist
ent. These demands are accompanied by
comment to the effect that Lords Lansdowne
has failed to display, either In the Foreign
office or the War office, such conspicuous
aballty as would induce the nation to trust
him with a "blank cheque" In such a com
plicated and combustible matter aa the
Venezuelan affair threatens to prove. These
papers will probably be Issued today or, at
the latest, by Wednesday.
Thus far the British public has had to
depend entirely upon press dispatches for
Its news and serious complaint la made
that the public is Indebted to American
newspapers tor the text ot the British and
Oerman ultimatums to Venezuela. The rev
elation of the terms ot the British ulti
matum does not enhance the existing ap
preciation of the British government's man
agement of the affair.
One newspaper, referring this morning
to that clause of the British ultimatum
which demands payment of a sum equal to
that paid to Germany, says such a peculiar
claim makes the British note a sort of ap
pendix to the Oerman note, and asks Iron
ically why Great Britain did not Intrust
tbe whole business to 'Germany, as that
country would have been more expeditious
In the matter. ,
Italy's appearance on tbe scene la not
believed to simplify tbe situation. Spe
cial dispatches from Roms assert that
Bignor Rlva, tbe Italian minister to Vene
zuela, presented the' Italian ultimatum at
Caracas en Saturday. Ths time set tor an
answer to thla ultimatum expired en Sun
day, and according to Rome dispatches
Slgnor Rlva baa already embarked on the
Italian cruiser Vlovannl Dauaan, after
Slgnor Rlva's two daughters had a narrow
eacape from maltreatment from tbe popu
lace. This news cannot be confirmed from
other sources.
It Is said that owing to the Italian crui
ser Carlo Albertl beiug Icebound Llgurla
has been ordered to Venezuela. Italy will
thus have four or five warships on ths spot
to co-operate with Britain and Germany
Moat of tbe morning papers consider that
the bombardment of the fortress at Puerto
Cabello puta all likelihood ot arbitration
or any pacific settlement of the difficulty
entirely oJt of the question, snd they begin
to talk aerlously ot enforcing payment of
the debt, should President Castro continue
to defy the powers and retire to tbe In
terior of the country- Realizing that a
prolonged blockade or war would endanger
the Interests and perhaps the lives of for
eign residents of Venezuela, many news
papers are beginning to aak whether tbe
government has not acted over-hastlly.
In a dispatch from Wlllemstad, Curacao,
tbe correspondent of the Dally Mall says
the Anglo-German warships ars blockading
La Guayra. Tbs steamer Yucatan waa
warned by the British cruiser Indefatigable
not to enter La Guayra and returned to
The Venezuelan government haa de
clined the offer of a loan, made by a Ger.
man banker ot Caracas, to aettls tbe claims
agatmt It.
ROME, Dec 14. Italy's claims against
Venesuela are tor damages sustained by
Italian subjects during ths Venezuelan
revolutions of 1898 and. 1900.
As already announced, negotiations are
still pending with Germany and Great
Britain and the foreign minister hopes to
arrive at aa arrangement which will en
able him to make a statement la tbe Cham
ber of Deputies tomorrow.
Senator Galliuf!r Answeri Keene'g Asser
tion in Aiken Case.
rclle of Nameless Horrors and Claims
Experiments on Animals tan
Prove Little of Valac to
Medical Men.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 Senator Gal-
linger tonight gave out the following letter
in reply to that of Dr. W. W. Keene of
Philadelphia, claiming that knowledge
gained through vivisection had alone
saved the life of Midshipman Aiken:
Dear 8lr: Reviewing your letter of De
cember 5. which you gave to the press of
the United Slates, respecting your success
In the esse of Midshipman Aiken, I note
four points:
First That self-advertisement Is prohib
ited by the ethics of your profession.
Second That misrepresentation Is for
bidden by the ethics ot mankind. No
measure thst would prohibit vivisection
or prevent any ot the experiments which
you claim are necessary to give you the
requisite knowledge in the Aiken case, hss
ever been Introduced by ma In the senate;
neither has any such legislation been rec
ommended by me to the senate. Your atate
ment that I bave been engaged In efforts
to secure "Inhumane and cruel legislation"
Is without the slightest foundation in fact.
I have been engaged in efforts to secure
humane legislation that would prevent
cruelty. The bills which I have favored
would. If enacted, only regulate vivisection
In the District of Columbia, so as to pre
vent admitted cruelty, and should have the
support ot every humane person.
Brnlna Differ In Action.
Third That your argument turns en
tirely on an assumption which cannot be
maintained, namely, that the localization
of the functions In the brain of man has
been determined by experiments on ani
mals. Ths brains of animals differ from
the brains of man, and also differ from ono
another, so that stimulation of a certain
part of the brain will produce a different
effect tn different animals. Experiments on
the brains ot animals bave shown that It Is
not only uusafe to reason from the brains
of animals to those of man, but that such
reasoning Is not safe as between the brain
of one animal and that ot another. It has
been so generally with animal experimen
tation. Whan such experiment baa estab
lished a fact with regard to any species of
animal the next thing was, "now, let tis
see If It Is the same In man." The ex
perimenters, therefore, "saw" by experi
ment In some form upon man, and some
times tbe result was similar and sometimes
not That sucb experiments on man, as
results of reasoning from the lower animals
have been to a great extent disastrous is
certain, for It Is the testimony of great
surgeons and physiologists. By "experi
ment"' upon man I mean. In general, opera
tions upon human beings, with the expecta
tion that they would bave the same result
as they had with animals.
Fourth You Ignore, in your direct ap
peal to selfishness, that altruism which Is
the principle of moral progress. To prac
tice cruelty, even In the hope of helping
humanity, la to hurt it and to delay tbe
advance of civilization.
Recurring to the suggestion already
made that I have not Introduced Into the
senate or advocated any bill - prohibiting
vivisection, I beg to say that the' purpose
has been to regulate the practloe, thereby
removing ;; frbm .k'lt the "Inhumane" and
''cruel"- features which bave shocked the
moral sense of our people.
You will doubtless recall tbe fact that
wben you gave testimony before tbe com
mittee on the DlBtrlct of Columbia on Feb
ruary 2, 1900, I asked you If you thought
It improper tor congress to enact a law
saying that a dog or a horse should be put
under tbe influence ot anaesthetics before
being cut to pieces or the nerves torn from
Hs brain, and that you promptly replied:
"I think it would be most unwise legisla
tion." In view ot that reply, do you not
think that your charge against me, that I
am engaged In efforts to secure Inhumane
and cruel legislation, should be withdrawn
and especially so when we have undoubted
testimony to the fact that one experi
menter Is in the habit of plunging dogs
for thirty seconds Into boiling water; that
another fastens a dog to tbe dissecting
table and, discarding the use of anaes
thetlca, standa above it with a large empty
stone bottle, with which he strikes with all
his strength a dozen violent blows on the
head, while the ssme experimenter saya
that he dialocates both the shoulders, doing
It with difficulty.
Recounts Many Horrors.
Another experimenter claims that he has
consecrated" more than eighty large ani
mals, mostly horses and mules, to tbe ex-
tremest torture possible, not, as be ex
pressly tells us, to solve any problem In
medicine, but simply to see to what de
gree pain can be inflicted through irri
tation of tbe spinal cord. Another says
that be has Invented a new machine, which
hs calls hie "tormentor," and in this
fiendish devtce, which had first been
'quilted with long, thin nails," animals
are moved about, racked with torment, torn
and twisted, crushed and lacerated, hour
by hour, until crucified nature can no longer
endure and death cornea as a taroy
That experimenter says: "I can take an
ear, a paw, or a bit of skin of the animal,
and by turning the handle squeeze it be
neath the teeth of tbe pinchers; I can lift
ths animal by the suffering part; I can
tear it or crush It In all sorts o ways.1
and be adds that these experiments are re
Deated day after day, 'with much delight
and extreme patience for the apace
ot a
If, sir, to attempt to prevent sucb bar
baroua practices brings me under your con
demnation, I am willing to have tbe case
submitted to the Judgment ot the American
teo Die.
Are you sure that you "saved" ths life of
Midshlnman Aiken? Are not blood clots
frequently absorbed by tbe process of ns
ture, and Is not It fact that In many such
experiments death baa resulted because o
ths operation?
Your claim that you located tbe blood
clots because ot experlmenta upon animals
may or may not be true, as we have the
bljhest possible authority for believing that
such experiments sre often times mislead
lng and absolutely without value.
You are doubtless well aware of the fact
that many distinguished scientists havs as
serted that experlmenta on animals In the
matter ot localizing Lrain functions have
led to nothing of value, inasmuch as th
human brain differs Immensely from that
of the highest animals.
Pr f. Ferrler bu aaaerted that "tho great
est disagreements Imaginable exists anion
experimental physiologists on that point.
adding, "It seems to me a matter ot essen
tlal Importance that in generalizing as to
tbe functions of tbe cerebral hemispheres
ws should be careful lest the bypothlies ws
adopt, however well 11 may aeem to accord
with the facts ot experiment on tbe
order ef animals should not stand In flag
rant contradiction te facts equally well es
tabllshed obtained by experiments on oth
Jnsttflable at Times
On tbe genera) question of the value of
..i .vi. v t i - i T
....... . ..
10 interiors Wlin, wn'u numaneiy prac
ticed. It may be well for me to say that I
am fortified In my position by tho opinions
cf many of the lesding scientists ot the
world, Including such well known names
ss that of the late I,awon Tall, the great
est ovarlotomlst of the last century, and by
Sir Benjamin Ward Rlchatdson, the dis
tinguished English physician, surgeon anJ
scientist, and author of a remarkable book
on "Biological Experimentation," who ac
knowledged himself to be a vivlsertor, but
who gave marring to tbe profession that
modern experimentation tends to unfit the
physician for the discharge of his duties,
summing up his opinion In these words:
"Were I again to deliver a course of physi
ological lectures to qualified hearers I
should make the experimental demonstra
tlona on living animals as few snd far be
tween as compatible with duty. They would
be exceptional and painless from the begin
ning to end."
What I have advocated Is precisely along
that line and If everything you claim In the
Aiken case Is true, students should be
taught tbe tacts that you claim have been
established, precisely as they are taught
the theory of the circulation ot blood, and
not through unnecessary torture of dumb
animals. T. II. GALLINGER.
Foreign Financial. I
LONDON, Deo. 14. While the week on
the Stock exchange closed with some at
tempt at cheerfulnes under the influence
of the recovery tn Americans and the hope
that the New York bank statement would
show an appreciable contraction in loans,
there is little expectation of a real Improve
ment Ir business prior to the new year.
The position of New York dominates more
or less the whole situation here and op
erators follow closely the course of events
on Wall street. Considerable monetary un
certainty still ex 1st d in London, but as
New York and South Africa are supplying
a portion of the South Amerlcsn demand
for gold,' and as there is no contlnentnl
drain on the stocks of this metal held by
the banks, it is considered probable that
any advance In the bank rate the present
year will be avoided. Considerable confi
dence Is expressed that with the flow of
money back to New York from the interior
after the new year and wlih Increasing
recognition that the fiscal situation In Kur
ope is not dangerous, affairs are shnping
themselves for a distinct increase in ac
tivity In 1903.
BERLIN. Dec. 14. The bourse has had a
week of stagnant trading, but values were
rather firm. It Is remarked that the pres
ent season Is utterly devoid of the bull
tendency. The bull situation does not Jus
tify speculative buying in any department.
Yesterday the Westphallan plglron syndi
cate reduced the price on puddling and
steeling qualities of Iron by 2 marks per
ton for the tlrst quarter of the year. This
reduction, however, did not prevent a
slight advance In the quotations on Iron
shares yesterday on the receipt of Friday's
closing quotations from Wall street. Un
der the influence of the year's end money
has a higher tendency. This has had the
effect of fmetlonally depressing domestic
loans. Foreign rentes were slightly better
during the past week.
Pry floods Market.
MANCHESTER, Dec. 14.-In dry goods,
owing to the continued hardening In the
Crlce of cotton, business on the cloth mar
et at the week end waa firmer and more
active. The total of the week's buatness
Th only double-track railway
from tha Missouri River to
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DECEMBER 16, JAN. 6 and 23
wss fair. Miscellaneous demands were
steady and prlnclinlly
from Inilln. though
the oners were nlfncuit to negotiate.
China Inquiry w nirntcrr, knit some of
the lesser outlets purchased more freely.
Pouth Africa bought moderately. The
firmness In the price of yarns seta a ii
check on business. There was some mis
cellaneous Inquiry. 1'urchnses were nu!l.'"
for immediate requirements.
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which tells why
All Druggists or Direct
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ccaalul practise la
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eu r moooy rfn&4n.
e V tit.. II IC u 'a r1"
XiSEUiriw ISUmr RgAgiNa our- m
ulL on Ik akls t. Trl-.nt aoalatM
Ml rltf tlEtl trwn tiiaw VICTIMS TO
WEAK Mfcn Maavovs okbiutt on ax.
mm frn'
ml tt s bw asm traau
aal Ms sslo. ss SatnUles
Bisk ColM. or wits sllfc sseienns ea suaaiBs-"vrT:,r.,,
Lv. Omaha, Daily,
Ar. St. Louis
5:55 P. M.
7:00 A. M
' fpeclal 'rates daily to all winter re
sort. City office, luOl Farnam Street.
Q. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
Woodwaro A HurgtMi.
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Prlces-250, 60c, lie, $1.00.
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Return Engagement
Tuesday, "IPAOALIACC1" and "CAVAL
TROVATORE;" Wed. night, "CARMEN."
Prices Mat., 25c, 60; nikjht, 23c, 60u, jc, 1.
Telephone. 1631.
Matinees. Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday,
ME; Every Night, s:15.
Valerie Mergers & Co., Three Navaros,
Mehan's Dh, Josephine Babel, Miles titav
ordale Quintette, Dillon Bros, and the Kin-
PRICES lOe, 25c, fx-.
131 h nnd Douglas Stl
Omaha a Leading Hots.
12:30 to 2 p. m.
SUNDAY, 6:30 p. m. DINNER. 76o
tii.ii.1l1u Inrr.BHlnr business has neresal
tsted sn enlargement of this cafe, doubllni
Its former capacity.
Ticket Office
1323 Farnam
Omaha, Neb.