Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1902, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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WWI I I mtm I Ilia
Of A. Hosps's "End of The P0NG support FOR canal franchise
tt Nearly Half Prices. No
More Pianos or Organs
Will Be So d at Cut in
Two Pricis
rfter This Week. If You Arel
Not Quite Ready to Buy
It Will Pay
To Drop in and S:lcct an In
strument. We'll Make
the Terms to S jit You.
Terms on Piano? This Week
$3, $4, $5, $6, $7 to $10 per
Month; Pianos for $20,
23, $37, to40.
And Good Uprights to Qose
For $85, 90, $100, $120
to f J 50 and Up. $5
Only six mora days to avail youraelf of
this great "end of the rear aala" of good
planoa at halt value.
We have no healtancjr In laying that an
opportunity to aecure great piano bargain
like these will not occur again In years.
If the earing of a goodly ium of money
In your -piano purchaae ta an object and
It Is an object to most everyone then you
should make haste and secure one of these
great bargains.
Over half this sale stock at half prices
was sold laat week. The balance will go
quickly. No matter what you are offered
we guarantee to save you money here tbta
week, the last days of the great sale.
A dark cased upright, only $70 cash, or 14
monthly, which is less than $1 per week
Another upright English oak caae, worth
$175, only $90 cash, or payments of $5
monthly, less than $1.ZS per week.
And still another upright piano in ma
hogany case, worth $200, for $120 cash, or
payment of $5 monthly, '
And another upright piano, rosewood ease,
worth $225, only $135 cash, or payments of
$5 monthly.
A cabinet Grand upright piano In a pretty
walnut case, worth $200, only $165. An
other, same make, for $175 cash, or pay
ments of $5 or $8 monthly.
Bring this advertisement with you and
pick out the gooda youraelf.
Any of the above inatruments returnable
in two years at the aale prices toward
brand new upright Knabe, Kimball or
Kranich at Bach-piano.
Fine handsome Knabe planoa to go this
week at factory prices.
Seven elegant Kimball uprights, to close,
at factory prices, $10 to $25 cash, $6, $7 to
'$10 per month.
Six very fins Kranich ft Bach pianos,
marked at veritable slaughter prices, cash
or paymenta to suit.
For beglners we offer Hallet ft Davis
square grand, worth now $150 at least, sal
price, $63. Emerson square, $35. Hardman
square, only $38. Another square for $48.
i Payments $2 to $4 monthly.
An organ In good playing condition for
$8. Another for $10 and still another for
$18. and yet another for $23. Payments of
$3.50 monthly.
Brand new organs, worth $65, $75, $90 to
$140. to clear out, at $39, $47, $53 to $83.
Terms, cash or payments to suit.
Store open evenings during sals until 1:30.
1515-1513 Douglas St.
It is
Real Cozy
That la what ladles say of
Tho California Limited.
Private compartments, ample
dressing rooms and observation
parlor, all daintily furnished.
Perfect dining car meals. '
Chicago to California la lea than
three day.
Why stay at homeT
The California tour described in our
books, mailed for 10o in stamps.
Address Passenger Oflloe,
Atchison, Topeka ft fiant Fa ' Rail
way, Des Moines, la,
Santa Fe.,
SEND US $3.20
and wa wall sWa. aaanas
lsaasat arewaa-
VSmrj. wfcica towe
mmt reports show la the
Only mi dUOAary wast
of the aUactaaiaiil Jvr.
Shawasa Watay a
baea sold far ever 104
years and ts tha vary
bast for wmiMntl sua
soaaa. at. trtaV ros
a aj find It the awra
anootaest eat 10-yaa?
walaVay yoa evar tested,
tutaaadM back at our
. aad roar 93.20
will ha aroaaaUy re-
fcr 103 end Utaatimted
beoklat aa Saswass
(UuwUarf at W
in 1 1 1
' m !n CitiMM DeinKijthttTb7 E Oirei
Upportnnitj Unereu.
farera Petltlea te Coaarll
Akklaa; for ru( of lha
Roaewater Ordlnaaee.
The names following, over 400 In number
are Uken from the list of several thousand
signed to the petition requesting the city
council to pans the proposed ordinance
submitting to a vote of the people the An
drew Rosewater power and light franchise:
December, 1902. To the Hon. Mayor and
City Council of Omaha: The underalgncd
cltltena and taxpayers of Omaha havlug
read the proposed ordinance of Andrew
Roaewater, granting a franchise permit
ting him, hla successors and assigns, to dls
tribute and aell electrical energy for
power, light and heat, under certain condl
tlons stipulated therein, subject to ratifica
tion of a majority of the voters at the next
general city election, respectfully petition
that such ordinance b approved and sub
mitted to the voters at the earliest mo
Herman Kountia, Banker. ,
F. H. Davis, Bsnker.
Charles Cleres, Architect.
Relchenberg, 8mlth ft Co., Jewelers.
Thatcher, Cott Hat Co.
Z. T. Llndsey, Wholesale Rubber Goods.
E. H. Sprague, Pres. Tress. and Mgr. On
Rubber Shoe Co.
George H. Lee Co., Chemicals.
Beebe ft Runyan Furniture Co.
Levi Carter, Pres. Carter White Lead Co,
C. H. Oulou, Chicago Lumber Co.
Hitler Liquor Co.
Myers Dillon Drug Co.
Charles H. Pickens, Mgr. Paxton ft Gal
Wright ft Wllhelmy Co.
Lee-Glaas-Andreesen Hardware Co.
A. L. Reed of Byron Reed Co.
D. V. Bholes, Real Estate.
Adler ft Heller, Wholesale Liquor.
Dewey ft Stone Furniture Co.
F. P. Klrkendall.
M. E. Smith Co.
Bemls Omaha Bag Co.
King ft Bmead Co.
John Deere Plow Co.
Paxton ft Gallagher Co.
Wm. A. Paxton.
John Steel, Gen. Art. Northwestern Mut
Life Ins. Co.
Thomaa Ktlpatrick ft Co.
Sunderland Bros, ft Co.
Hayden Broa.
Chas. T. Kountze.
Luther L. Kountxe.
Frank P. Gould, Contractor.
E. C. Spinney, Prea. Bankers Union of the
Wm. F. Rankin, Mgr. P. F. Collier ft Son
Chas. A. W. Johnson, Grocer, 2404 Cuming.
A. C. Ong, Prop. Neb. Business and Short
hand College.
N. P. Dodge, Jr., Mgr. Omaha Realty Co.
George B. Tzachuck, See. and Treas. Bee
Publishing Co.
Geo. E. Turkington, Real Estate and Loans.
T. L. Combs ft Co., Jewelers, 16th and
Omaha Dally News.
Omaha Bee.
Berg, Swansoo ft Co., Clothiers, Continental
Wearne Bros., Foundry.
Carlos Wood worth, Om. Merchants Eg. and
Transfer Co.
Andrew Murpby.
William J. Burgess, Mgr. Boyd's Theater.
Chaa. F. Weymuller, Sec. and Treas. 8 tori
Brewing Co.
John B. Furay, of Furay ft McArdle.
Albert Nast, Tinner, 1216 8. 16th.
Jamea H. Kyner, Broker.
Chaa. Qruenlg, Prop, Nebraska Match Co.
Wm. Voss, of Week ft Voaa, Contractors.
Lewis S. Reed, Pres. Equitable Trust Co
Hon. Geo. B. Lake, Attorney.
Kopp, Woodard Co., Mfg. Confectlonera.
Louis R. Mets, Supt. Mets Bros. Brwg. Co.
Wm. Krug, V. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Fred
Krug Brwg. Co.
A. J. Simpson, Pres. A. J. Simpson ft Son
Louis A. Sautter, Grocer, 20th and Pierce,
M. J. Feenan, Marble Worka.
Payne-Boatwlck Co.. Real Estate.
W. A. Herdman, Attorney.
Daniel H. Wheeler, Insurance.
B. R. Ball. Real Estate.
O. 8. Wood, M. D.
Geo. W. Covell, Attorney.
D. B. Zlmmer, Mgr. Am. Newspaper Assn
E. M. WUcox, Mgr. Ideal Envolope Sealer.
D. R. Buck, Real Eatate.
H. Q. Meyer, Attorney.
Geo. Tllden, M. D.
A. Breltung, Treas. Newton Land Co.
John M. Haskell, Sec, Forgan-Haskell Co.
Phillip Potter, Asst. Bee. Am. Surety Co.
Geo, P. Windhelm, Pres. Neb. Seed Co,
O. Fred Elsasser, Co. Treasurer.
B. H. Smith, Bee. Will la ma ft Smith Co.
W. H. Wllber, Sec World Pub. Co.
O. Bam Rogers, V. Pres. Rogers Real Estate
D. Rlsley, Cashier Standard Oil Co.
G. H. Palmer, of Palmer ft Son, Ins.
H. C. Plculoll. Coml. Ftt. Agt. B. ft O. R.
R. Co.
J. F. Emmert, Contg. Agt. Red Line Tran
sit Co. l
J. E. Houae, Civil Engineer. '
Hon. E. G.,McQtlton, Lieut. Gov.
John W. Parrlsh, Attorney.
W. S. Poppleton, Attorney.
Henry A. Wagner, Bpl. Agt. Fidelity ft De-
poalt Co.
H. L Fowler, Editor Dally News.
Robert Smith, Pres. and Mgr. Robert Smith
ft Bros., Grocers.
Floyd St. John. Mgr. Oliver Typewriter.
E. O. Wllmot, of Baum Iron Co.
Chaa. Koran, Omaha Trunk Factory.
F. B. Hochstetter, V. Pres. Wright ft Wll
helmy Co.
Frank Vodlca, Merchant Tailor.
Frank B. Johnson, Sec. and Treas. Om.
Printing Co.
A. Heller, Wholesale Liquor.
O. F. Waller, Pres. Richardaon Drug Co.
J. J. Heae, Florist.
Robert Rosenswelg, Bee. and Treaa, Drexel
Ehoe Co.
George Company. Real Eatate and Loans.
Alfred Millard. Banker.
L. V. Morse, Real Eatate.
R. C. Patera ft Co., Real Eatate and Inv.
Anson L. Havens, Mgr.- T. C. Havana ft Co.
Jamea Neville, Capitalist.
Paul Getzschmann, Prea. Festner Printing
Ralph Kitchen, Mgr. Paxton Hotel.
Chas. Mets, Pres. Mets Bros. Brwg. Co
Richardson Drug Co.
Neb. Iowa Creamery Co.
W. M. Glasa, Sec. Lee-QIass-Andreesen
Hdw. Co.
E. M. Andreesen, Treaa, Lee-Glasa-Andree
aen Hdw. Co.
Reese Printing Co.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co.
O. D. Klplinger, Cigars.
Q. E. Shukert, Furrier.
John N. Frenier. Real Estate and Loans.
Guckert ft McDonald, Merchant Tailors.
J. E. Reagan, Attorney.
W. R. Mclaughlin, Eupt. Barber Asphalt
Pav. Co.
J. M. Olbb, Buyer Om. Water Co.
Welslians. Mantel and Tile Co.
Prltchard Broa., Brekera, Bee Building.
Owen McCaffrey, Pres. McCaffrey Real Sa
tale Ck
C. 8. Bhepard, M. D.
W. B. Christie. Asst. Building Inspector.
Andrew Klewlt, Contractor and Builder.
Oeo. P. Bemls, Pres. Bemls Real Estate Co,
Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.
A. Hoape, Music and Art.
Robert Cowell, V. Pres. Thomas Kllpatrlck
Browning, King ft Co., Clothiers.
Mawhlnney ft Ryan Jewelry Co.
Norman A. Kuhn. Druggist.
James Morton ft Bon Co., Hardware.
Henry Hardy, 99 Cent 8tore.
H. P. Whltmore, Art.
John Anderson, Contractor.
Marks Bros.' Saddlery Co.
L. O. McQull'.sn, Contractor.
W. E. Walsh, Commission Merchant.
People's Furniture and Carpet Co.
Gladstone Bros.' Co., Grocers.
Schnsuber ft Hoffman. Grocers.
A. B. Davenport of Millard Hotel.
H. Rosenatock ft Co., Tobacco Leaf Deal
C. Dietrich ft 8on, Livery.
W. A. Chandler, Kramer ft Chandler, Print
David Cole. Commission Merchant.
Smeaton ft Browne, Commission Merchant.
Fred Wlrth. Prop. City Hotel.
3. Srhlank. Restaurant.
M. C. Klbbe, Mgr. Western Tinware Co.
K. J. Abrahams, Prop. Om. Furniture and
Carpet Co.
he Bell Drug Co.
Pacific Mut. Life Ina. Co.
E. Flelscbraan, Butcher.
Rutherford ft Jensen, Wholesale Wall Pa
A. Martin, Merchant Tailor.
B. O. King, Mgr. Dempiter Mill Mfg. Co.
F. O. Urlau, Wholesale Cheese.
Perry, Bauer ft Ennis, Commission Mer
Robert Purvis, Commission Merchant.
C. H. Mullin ft Co., Commission Merchants.
W. W. Bingham, Commission Merchant.
W. E. Rlddell, Commission Merchant.
Swarts ft Alexander, Commission Mer
Tremaln. Moore ft Co., Wholesale Fruit.
Leslie Commission Co.
H. O. Strelght ft Co., Commission Mer-
The Fairmont Creamery Co.
E. B. Branch, Goal Agt. Equitable Life
Ins. Co. ,
E. W. Arthur, Mgr. Arthur-McConnell-
Twyman Co.
B. Blotcky, Commission Merchant.
R. E. Welsh, Grocer, 2234 Farnam.
Henry Rosenblum. Prop. 16th St, Dye
Sommer Bros., Grocers, 2736 Farnam.
R. D. Duncan, Insp. Om. Water Co.
E. L. Robertson, Robertson Bros., Whole
sale Cigars.
H. B. Allen, Allen ft Bon, Wall Paper.
A. H. Hennings, City Treasurer.
Lew W. Raber, Printer, N. Y. Life bldg.
John F. Flack, Mgr. Conservative Sav. and
Loan Assn.
Chas. A. Tracy, Wholesale Cigars.
8. Arnstln, Prop. Guarantee Clothing Co.
J. M. Borglum. M. D.
Lewie Reed of Reed Printing Co.
W. H. Koenlg, Treas. Thomaa Kllpatrlck
M. Kahn of Kahn Bros., Bottlers.
Blosburg A Cornbleth, Meat Market.
Chas. J. Gerstmeyer, Florist.
Chas. Ederer, Florist.
Gustave Anderson, U. 8. Commissioner.
Cackley Bros., Liquor Dealers.
Schaeffer's Cut Price Drug Store.
Levlne Bros., Furniture.
J. J. O'Connor, Attorney.
John D. Ware, Attorney.
William K. Potter, Rec. Om. L. and Trust
Omaha Fuel Co.
A. B. Cook, Union Fuel Co.
B. A. Blum, Mgr. Neb. Coal and Lime uo,
8. J. Burgatrom, Gents' Furnisher.
O. A. Lindquest, Merchant Tailor.
John L. Boyd, Mgr. Boyd Com. Co.
J. O. Corby, Sewer Contractor.
Ray C. Merrill ft Co., Grain Dealera.
Carl Brandeia. Mgr. Penn. Coal and Coke
Western Distilling Co.
B. Robinson, Druggist.
W. R. Garvin, Grocer.
Nathan Broa., Grocers.
A. Melcher, Livery.
Morris Brodky, Jeweler.
CbasSchlank, Wholesale Liquor.
Samuel Schuster, Com. Merchant.
Harry Merrlam, Druggist.
Philip Nathan, Furniture.
A. M. Lesser, Central Market.
C. W. Eckerman, Mgr. -Smith Premier
Typewriter Co.
L. A. Harmon, Pres. Harmon-Weeth Co.
A. L. Graves, Lightning Mes. and Ex. Co.
John Klein, Mgr. Schlltz Hotel.
Helgren ft Gradman, Merchant Tailors.
Stephens ft Smith, Gents' Furnishings.
Martin Meyer, Mgr. Neb. Shirt Co.
Dresher Tailoring Co.
William Rocheford, Contractor and Builder.
L. Pettlnglll, Johnson Hardware Co.
John Swoboda, Grocer.
Fred Brunlng, Grocer.
Henry Rohlff. Agt. P. Schoenhofen Brwg.
Joseph Beckmsn, Cigars.
D. Hartson, Contractor.
Joseph Seger, Harness and Saddlery.
Olson Bros., Tin, Copper and 8heet Iron
C. W. Hakanaon, Contractor and Builder.
Kuncl Broa., Meat Market.
V. F. Bartoa, Grocer.
Howell ft Bona, Grocers.
E. Stelger, Grocer.
Western Button Mfg. Co.
Henry F. Wyman, WynAu-Shrtver Real
Estate Co-
Nelson O. Pratt, Attorney.
Chaa. A. Goes, Attorney.
R. E. Stein. Barber.
Fred B. Dale, Agt. Eetna Life Ina. Co.
Fred W. Clarke, Architect.
B. B. Hogan, Attorney.
A. MILLION AMERIQAN BEAUTIES keep their blood pure), their oomplexlon Boft and dear,
their breath awee and their who., bodies active and healthy with OASOARETS Candy
Catnartlo. Theq'ick effeote of OASOARETS as system cleaners and b''Ad purifiers; their
promptness in 'aring pimples, boils, blotches, liver-spots, blackheads, and In sweetening a
tainted breath t have become known through the kind words of ladies who have tried them.
Hence the sae of nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. The quickest, surest, way to beauty
Is to cleans, tho blood, for Beauty's Blood Deep. The first rule for purifyinT the blood is to keep
the bowen fro, 'gently but positively. OASOARETS Candy Cathartic are the only medicine
to do it, All Jxugifiats, lOo, 25c, 60c Never sold in bulk. The trenuine tablet stamped OOO.
Samp1, and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York. . lai
H. E. Cochran, Attorney.
Samuel I. Gordon, Attorney.
W. T. Nelson, Attorney,
Albert Swartslaoder, Attorney.
Ovando Cowles, Attorney,
John F. Stout. Attorney.
Arthur English. Mgr. U. E. Gypsum Co.
Thomas B. Dyssrt, Attorney.
A. O. Koenlg. Civil Engineer.
J. H. Sherwood, Real Estate and Loans.
E. Sherwood, M. D.
David E. San Franclaco, M. D.
John A. Rlne, Attorney.
Ed P. Smith, Attorney.
C. J. Smyth, Attorney.
J. B. Sedgwick, Real Estate and Loans.
Frank Heller, Attorney.
Byron O. Burbaftk. Attorney.
8. M. Campbell. M. D.
A. L. Knabe, Attorney.
J. H. Johnson, Resl Estate.
W E. Oratton, Real Estate.
W. J. Clair. Attorney.
F. A. Hennlnger. Architect.
William Foran. Contractor.
David 8. Lockwood, Contractor.
C. E. Herring. Attorney.
E. C. Hodder, Attorney.
H. A. Whipple, Attorney.
Joseph H. Blair, Attorney.
C. L. Chaffee, Lumber Merchant.
P. A. Edqulst, Co, Surveyor.
Chas. Bltxt, Real Estate and Loans.
C. H. Kubat, Attorney.
J. T. Wheaton, Mgr. Gate City Loan Co.
Charlee E. Ady, Gen'l Agt. National Life
Ins. Co.
J. A. C. Kennedy, Attorney.
L. W. Wentworth, Wholesale Lumber.
L. H. Bradley, Attorney.
J. P. Outh, Architect.
J. O. Detweller, Attorney.
Albert Foil, Contractor.
Fucha ft Fuchs, Fresco Artists.
M. Carmlchael, Real Estate.
J. H. Parrotte. Real Estate.
Edward Stringer, Real Estate.
S. P. Hughes, Asst. Supt. Reserve In. Co.
George H. Anglln. Pres. Western Pub. Co.
Thomaa Qrocox, Real Estate and Loans.
Charles J. Johnson, Contractor.
A. A. Newman, Contractor.
O. Belffert, Druggist.
C. W. Brltt, Attorney.
Erastus A. Beuson, Real Estate.
Louis Swoboda, M. D.
Lee Van Camp, M. D.
E. D. Marriott, Live Stock Broker.
F. 8. Cowglll, Prea. Tranamlsslssippl Qraln
C. S. Elgutter, Attorney.
N. P. Swanson, Undertaker and Embalmer.
Z. R. Beeman, Pres. Reserve Inv. Co.
D. M. Haverly, Gen. Agt. National Life and
TruBt Co,
Oliver Rouse, Mgr. Leahy. Mfg. Co.
C. J. Howe, Sec and Treas. Rochester
Shoe Co.
A. R. Cuyler, Dental Supplies.
M. J. Greevy, Real Estate.
Charlea L. Thomas, Real Estate and Loans.
L. A. Merrlam, M. D.
O. R. Kelly, Dentist.
C. Q. Sprague, M. D.
8. J. Quinby, M. D.
E. W. Slmeral, Attorney.
P. C. Morlarty, Oculist.
John R. Rlngwalt, Inaurance.
A. B. Lindquest, M. D.
Charles S. Lobingler, 8. P. Ct. Com.
O. C. Olsen, Real Estate and Loans.
C. D. Woodworth Paving Contractor.
H. A. Westerfleld. Real Estate and Loans.
Charles E. Williamson, Real Estate and
Loans. .
Paul Plats, House Mover.
John L. Pierce, Mgr. Mercury.
E. R. Duffle, 8. P. Ct, Com.
W. H. Gates, Real Eatate.
William Balrd, Attorney.
H. W. Pennock, Attorney.
John A. Storey, Attorney.
E. K. Long, Justice of Peace.
Robert Z. Drake, Prop, Standard Bridge Co.
H. D. Neely, Mgr. for Neb., The Eq. Life
Assurance Society of N. T.
John Harte, Contractor and Builder.
Joseph C. Weeth, Seo. and Treas. Harmon
ft Weeth Co.
E. Jepson, Grocer.
F. A. Heiln, Grocer.
A. R. Hoel, Contractor.
John H. Hussle, Hardware.
H. 8. Farnsworth, Druggist.
Arthur P. Karbach, Carriage Mfg.
Otto M. Stuben, Livery.
Leo Baroch, Plumber.
John F. .Coffey, Plumber.
Kuehn ft Manning, Plumbers.
Thomas 8. Boyd, Co. Auditor.
J. U Kaley, Attorney.
William F. Weber, Deputy Sheriff.
Victor White, Sheridan Coal Co.
H. E. Ostrom, Co. Com.
A. C. Harte, Co. Com.
John Trennery, Broker.
Louis Berks. Police Judge.
Harry P. Duel. Register of Deeds.
MacCarthy Tailoring Co.
Perdeld Piano Co.
George E. Ring, Government Printer.
C. C. Shlmer, Real Estate and Loans.
C. C. Callahan, Genl. Agt. State Mut. L. Aa-
sura rise Co.
J. E. Thatcher,' Broker.
Henry Foley, Grain and Feed.
J. Bastlan, Grocer.
H. BIckel, Grecer.
A. W. Keppln, Cigars.
Jaycox Cigar Co.
A. H. Schuhl, Gents' Furnishings.
Johnson ft Goodlett Co., Grocers.
M. H. Borlow, Butcher.
Frank H. Bishop, Pres. Omaha Wholesale
Grocery Co.
A. C. Adama, Crissey Pharmacy Co.
John J. Freytag. Druggist.
A. C. Kusk, Contractor.
F. Kagtin, Grocer.
Adam Jamleson, Plumber.
Jacob Brown, Grocer.
Wagner ft Buchanan, Lumber Dealera.
Bullard ft Hoagland Lumber Co.
Butler Bros., Hay and Grain.
jit ARiraUAiL BALE
(greatest m the World
Oeo. H. Kelly, See. and Treaa. Adama ft
Kelly Co.
M. A. Di threw ft Co.
Aermotor Co.
J. F. Twamley ft Son, Feed and Grain.
The Alfred Bloom Co., Flatting Mill.
A. M. Thorn. Contractor.
R. Homan, Real Estate and Loans.
W. J, Hunter. Grocers.
Heath Bros., Grooers.
N. E. Dillrsnce. Livery.
8. 8. Lanyon. Druggist.
Alfred Coralsh, Saddlery.
Miller Bros., Model Restaurant.
Wright ft Lasbury. Real Ettate and Loan.
George D. Rice, Hald ft Rice, Coal.
Twin City Express Co.
The Nebraska 8eed Co.
Douglas Printing Co.
John Hochstrssser, Bar Fixtures and Sup
plies. Thurston Hotel.
J. J. Hantghaa, Plumber.
I. G. Barlght. Prea. Royal Achate.
J. F. Helln. Helll Thompaon, Tailors.
Moyer Stationery Co.
Byron R. Hastings. Real Estate and Loana.
Van B. Lady, Bankera Reserve Life Assn.
John Latenser, Architect.
A. E. Baldwin, Justice of Peace.
C. D. Hutchlstn, Real Estate.
P. W. Blrkhauser. Real Eatate.
Oeo. N. Hicks, Real Estate.
A. P. Tukey ft Son, Real Estate.
Garvin Bros., Real Eatate.
C. H. Henderson, Sec. Eq. Tontine Sav. Co.
R. J. Hahn. Aast. Supt. Om. Ptg. Co.
E. C. Wolcott, Attorney.
Frank L. McCoy. Attorney.
Lyman W. Chase, Real Estate.
Why la Cook's Imperial Extra Dry
Champagne endorsed by the medical fra
ternityT It helps digest your food.
A Tarrant county girl who is attending
school in Fort Worth, says a Texas paper,
wrote home to her parents: "I am Just in
love with ping pong!" Tho stern Texas
father is alleged to have said when he
heard It: "You can write and tell Amarlllls
Jane that if she ts going to fall in love
wilh any of them blamed Fort Worth
Chinamen eho can just count on being cut
off without a cent."
Mrs. Alexander Dewey of Oalesburg,
Mich., was attacked by her eat In her home
one night recently. She opened a closet
door, when the animal sprang from a shelf
onto her head. Ita clawa became fastened
in Mrs. Dewey's hair, aiad the more It
struggled the more firmly It became en
tangled. When her husband arrived on tho
scene he found she had tainted, while the
cat was making frantic efforts to ' free
Itself. It wa found necessary to chloro
form the animal before tt could be disen
tangled from Mrs. Dewey's hair.
Often a picturesque fancy la displayed
In names of American societies. Something
rich and large, often something original or
devil-may-care, appears In many of these
titles. The Grand Concatented Order of
Hoo-Hoos is a well known specimen of this
embroidery of appellation. In St. Louis the
other night was held the thirtieth annual
celebration of the Knlghta of the Golden
Knocker. Brooklyn contains tho only other
society with this admirable name, used. It
will be noticed, in ita proper sense, and
with no connotation of fault finding, carp
ing, and so on, aa in the living present
words "to knock," "knocking," "knocker.
Probably the moat aristocratic caddy In
the country Is the one employed by Justice
Harlan of the United States supreme court,
who is an enthusiastic golfer. He la a
bright faced lad ef 12, polite and attentive
to a degree. When the Justice reached the
links the other day the boy was not to ba
found, and he took another boy. As Justice
Harlan approached the fourteenth hole the
handsome Victoria ot a rich senatorial
family drove up. The boy who had been
the Justice' caddy the previous day Jumped
out. He ran up to Justice Harlan, cap In
I hand, and said: "I am awfully sorry I
couldn't get here at 2 o'clock, but, you see,
mamma had a luncheon tor Senator Depew,
and' I just couldn't get the carriage to come
out in auy sooner.
A Missouri editor who Is about to pull up
and leave tor lack of support sarcastically
remarks in parting that edltora don't need
money. "Don't worry about the editor,"
he aays. "He has a charter from the state
to act as doormat for the community. He'll
get the paper out somehow, and stand up
for you when you run for office, and lie
about your pigeon-toed daughter's tackey
wedding, and blow about your big-footed
sons when they get a $4-a-week Job, and I
weep over your shriveled soul when It '.
released from your grasping body, Kf.&
smile at your giddy wlfe'a second marriage.
He'll get along. The Lard only knows Viow
but tho editor will get there somehyw."
A week ago tho hero of Nlafira Falls
died at the age of 72 in the perron ot Wil
liam. Ellis. He won his titl.e of hero in
1848, when the first suspension bridge was
being erected across the orge. The first
footbridge had been thrown over the gorge
and a second one was .building forty feet
away on the second se of cables. Between
the two crude plpyrtorms the old Iron
basket was operated. A terrific storm broke
from the southwest, which swept down the
gorge and wrec'xd the bridge or platforms.
Four men wf caught tar out over mid
stream, hanging by two strands of No. 10
wire. It 'itemed as though nothing eould
save ihora but Ellis volunteered to go out
to the y0n basket after them. Warned not
to take more than one at a time aboard, he
could, not pass them by and brought all
ba'Jr. to the cliff.
Sensible Gifts
Much money is lrittered away in the giving of ue
lest, fragile presents. There is nothing that is more
appreciated aa a gift than a substantial and ornamental
piece of furniture. Our stock of Holiday Goods is now
at its height. Buyers do well to make their selections
now. We will hold gooda and deliver later. Easy
Sideboards In solid oak.
French pattern plate mirrors,
piano polish, worth HO, 00,
tomorrow ,
Couches, upholstered in beautiful
patterns of Imported velours, deep tufts
and sanitary construction, worth
IJ5.00, to- y 7
morrow tA O
Three-piece rafloT suits, upholstered In
tapentrlea p.nd velours, raHhogany flnUihed
framua. worth 140,00, tomorrow
9x12 Brussels
rugs In a lot ot new
sr. at......
on sale tomorrow
' Rope portieres in raany combinations
$5.00, tomorrow........
The People's Kwrattnre and Carpet Co.
Still going on in our building, we are compelled to remove
our Cloak, Suit and Millinery stock and beginning tomor
row we will sell our entire stock of Cloaks, Suits and Mil
linery at
U i f I
H '
N r)'
Genuine seal skin jackets, only 3 left,
worth $150.00, for this week, only...
One lot of genuine marten scarfs, with cluster of six
tails, worth $10.00, for this
One lot of dyed opossum scarfs, with clus
ter of six tails, worth $5, for this week, only.
All our fine trimmed hats that were sold as
high as $15, this week only
bookcases and
writing desks,
In golden oak
or mahogany
finish, highly
pollened, French
beveled pattern,
plate mirrors,
worth $27.00, on
sale tomorrow
China closets,
In golden oak,'
bent glass eiids.
all well finished,
worth $25, aale
-U" 13.75
Rockers, In golden oak or mahogany
finish, wood and eobler seats, in
many different patterns, on sale to
morrow in three lots-
4.50. 3 75, 1.98
Morris chairs In assorted finishes and
tomorrow, one In solid oak, the other
golden elm, at the very low prices ot
98c and 79c
Morris chairs in assorted finleh and
cushion, ail frames hlnhly polished,
worth regularly $20.00, on C()
sale tomorrow
Dinner Sets
lain dinner
ots, u nil e i'
p lai'd pat
terns, worth
$12.0.1, sale
French China
dinner sets ot
one hundred
pieces, worth
$36,00, tomor
patterns just received, f C A
of colors, worth
2 75
All of our fine Monte
Carlo coats, black, tan,
castor, red, etc. made
of the very best quality
of kersey, with the best
of Skinner lining hand
somely finished aud trim
med, which we have been
selling at $17.50, $19.00,
$2.50 and $24.50 for this
week at
Electric and near seal,
22 and 24-inch length
jackets lined with guar
anteed Skinner lining
nat we k&ve been selling
at ?32 5(. 37.50 and
$12.50, for this O Q Cfl
week only dtKUU