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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1902)
iN'ccinlKT 14, 1002. BEAUTY HINTS. THE ILLUSTRATED JlEK. TH0MASB.1REE0 Left the Speaker's Chair Three Years Ago to Engage In Professional Business and to K PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY, lllnatriiHiiK ronaiileiiotia n tuple llie Principle" nf ' liiaiirniirr. Thomas H. Heed"" "tirMen death shocks the whole land ami (Ills every Amerlran'H soul with Borrow. Friend and foe alike acknowledge bin mental rapacity and the purity and Intensity of his Kreat public career. When he abandoned congress and voluntarily lay down his speakers kuvcI three years ago, ho forsook the most au tocrat le as well as the most Influential position In public life afforded by our sys tem of government. tiik rnr.snKvr. .iim.'.i.i has no such power to direct, control and prevent legislation as the Speaker of the American House of llepreweniai lves. Thomas H. Ueed Invented and exemplified In his person the modern speaker, lie wielded his Immense Influence wisely and set tho pace for the future legislative autocrat, which the people must hope will bo maintained. Not only so, but hU reason for abandoning his phenomenally Successful career Is the basic prlnclpl" upon which life Insurnnco associations like tho aggressive. nr.wKHYK i n r. are created, built Into power and con ducted. He retired voluntarily to private life In order that he might provide for the future of those dependent upon h'm and at tho same time lay by something for old age. Every well conducted modern life Insuranco company offers its policy hold ers, Investment as well as Indemnity. In vestment If the Insured lives through the term of his contract. Indemnity for his dear onea If the call conies as It did to Thomas II. Heed before his business and professional plans had reached fruition. II. II. HOIIISON, IMIKHIItKVI' of this excellent company wants the year 1903 to break all records. Ills heart Is set on a $10,000,000 company for next year. Already over $6,000,000 is In force. Kvery death loss Is paid. Every promise made by the company has been kept. The people are Its friends and a wide field of action Is. before tho Association. Already a number of superior traveling nu n have abandoned their usual occupations and are working for the Hankers Reserve. Th Gold nond I'ollcy of this company sells oetter than staples and rustling commer 'ial travelers are superior Insurance un derwriters. Mr. Uoblson can give good places to half a hundred commercial trav elers by January 1st. It will be to the Interest of persons Interest! d to write thi HMii:itM II KM Kit V H I. IKK, OMAHA r and t'p-to-Date Ideas, Hints anil Advice, About the Care of the Skin and Completion. The Most Kinenslve, Kiqulnlte and Perfect Toilet Preparations In the World. Thry consist of A CREAM which Is n perfect tlssuo builder, restoring the skin to Its natural healthy condition, $2. A SKIN TONIC, something entirely new, to be used externally, put up In tablet form. One tablet dissolved In a bowl of water, nol only medicates It, but perfumes it with a delightful odor, converting It In o a cool ing, healing and beneficial tonic, $l.r0. A POWDER for the face which contains no hurtful Ingredients, and Is the finest pow der ever manufactured, $1. A COMPLEX ION RRUSH made In the form of a wedge, the pointed part of the brush being more penetrating as the bristles are stlffer and of unequal length, a new and good Idea, $1.25. A MEDICATED SOAP made of thp purest, best and moBt expensive materials ever put Into a soap, equally good In either hard or soft, hot or cold water, 25 cents. All of the preparations are packed In a box called "THE VALIION BEAUTY nOX," price $5. With this box only ao given the Instructions of Louise Vanbonne's physician the most dlstlngulHhed physician In France. His Instructions are worth several times the price charged for all tho preparations. SPECIAL SAMPLES AND ROOK To prove that the Valbon Preparations are "THE FINEST IN TUB WORLD," we mall for ten cents a sample of the Soap, Cream. Powder, Skin Tonic Tablets and our book. one of the daintiest, prettiest books ever printed, full of up to date Ideas about the care of the complexion, the hands and finger nails, the teeth and hair, etc. Its Illustrations are works of art. VALIiON CO , lfio Fifth Ats., New York For 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Souff has kept on Curing Catarrh ThaOldaat Rme1y, tin h nntlonnl rt'p'itntloii and hna iiwvtr Ih-ii'ri fur t ! r-lk-f tnu HriuHiiiit t'urttof ('ittttrrk, CtlU In Oiw U id and thr 4wtftiit UttmlHche and lmff ntn. Itt tortw ."t Ht-tiM of Hmt'll. lmntrtlinta relit f unriuittfri. Huh rant d tM'rrWt.v hrtrnilt. A your donlar for It. lit-fun all nntrt hull. Prii- 86 ciita. All drUKKtnt( of by sua.. potvid. P. C. KEITH. I Mir.). Cleveland, Ohio I EH? dSV cb Ilk) BETTER THINK ABOUT THIS There are engravings and en gravings, but the kind that are really good are the ones we make. J. Manz Engraving Go. CHICAGO: NEW Y0IK: The "Big Four" A Railroad Of the People Operated For the People And Recogniied By the People As the standard passenger lioa of the Central States. 2,500 miles of railway Id Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Kentucky and Michigan Write for folders. Warren J. Lynch, W. P. Deppe. Usn'l Pass. 4 Asst. C..n'i P, Tkt. AKt. A T. A. CINCINNATI. OHIO. 1 15 207 Canal St. .J-2J..7 City Hall Place in I 1 gggggggssSESSm I 1 aMaMSJAassaValB-aM III pi J" . ...ft Are You Within the circle of our acquaintance? If Not, Why Not? Have you seen our handsome new store and handsomer display of Holi day goods, including: Christmas novelties; entirely new In Oiraha. Elegant cut glass and etched decanters, handponie sideboard pieces, euliinet ornaments, etc. Fancy Demijohns of all sizes, and above all the most complete line of Imported and domestic wines, liquors, cordials, champagnes, etc. WE WANT THE LADIES to call and Inspect this beautiful new line of Christmas goods. OUH FREE HOLIDAY OFFER entitles you to a bottle of fine California Port Wine, providing your purchase amounts to over one dollar. It it anno' from llilli r'n it must br oh. We ship to all points. No extra charge for box or packing, etc. Send for our catalogue. er Liquor Company 1309 FARNAW ST. 'PHONE 1241. Branch, 522 North Sixteenth Street. -- 12 ItKASOAS WHY ILER'S PURE MALT 0 WHISKEY In K"lnliiK In popularity over all other nhlnkeya Scotch, Irish, Canadian or domest Ic are lat-RKCAl'SE It Is a happy combina tion of the best qualities of all, without the fuult of one. ad BECAUSE It surpasses In delicacy and mellowness of flavor anything and verythii-K heretofore put on the rmirKet. HKCAIISE It anneals eaually to the fiinnv nf thf rnnnolsseur as well as to the delicate taste and stomach of women and invalids. 4th BECAUSE Us superior quality, taste, and purity, make it the favorite of the physician, of the family, at the bar, ns well as on ine siueuoaru. Blh BECAUSE It supplants and excels all other whiskeys for making a hot scotch, u hot toddy, or a high-ball. Iltli BECAUSE It is the only Malt Whis key offered by Its bona fide distillers; Is never sold in bulk, but under the distillers bottling and labels. 7th BECAUSE It is distilled at one. of he largest distilleries in the country, whose trade-mark is the best guarantee of high I ii ii 1 1 1 , , , mii-nFPAt'SR it is the only whiskey sold under a substantial guarantee of purity, offering Sl.tfK) to anyone who can detect In the same any Impurities or arti ficial coloring, flavoring, etc. mil ltKCAUSE it is nronerly distilled from the very choicest materials and never sold until fully matured In government bunded warehouses. lot Ii BECA USE It is sold entirely upon Its merits, without the aid of fabulous sums of advertising, which must be added to the price of tne gooas, ami lor which the consumer always pay in hip nm. iiu,iiiTrsE it Is offered, not as a patent nostrum claiming to cure all In curable diseases, but for what It is worth a first-clnss tonic, a rational stimulant, and a concentrated food of the highest possible quality. 1 . - . ...... . . .on it l .. -AM n. 13CI n liCLAor, ii in a small i....i,i.,.atu nrnflt. warranted by Its manu facture anil sale in extraordinary quanti ties, by a distillery paying over mr mil lion Hollars annuauy iur minimi icrnu tax alone. WII.I.OW SIMIIGS IISTII.I.KIIV. niatiitpr nf Golden Sheaf Pure Rye and Bourbon Whiskeys, and Her s Eagle.Oln. t j, i The Best Interna- ticmal Dentifrice Ukaalhatiwth boauttful. til PlnvrlM U !! tuim twlli. Otrooni nil Ui oi.)ou-Mij Mi.l fturr l.iund In iH.dr n"d iKiuld. Vm)iiiwiit t' u mid curry. Sit'KN'I't. At Kll tmiisii C. M. STRONQ 4 CO. Chicsso. U. S. A. i 1 i yniiM-iiikii " tft.tlirlilJ nl V vftk ft tlUtt ftf ft t"l ftroorh.rOfk-t, tluj. trr(Dr 'f t'ifc i. DIOf iWairh. Wft fttuLnaliwft if il fa, rT MIO flftk 99 tH rrir ftn4 kp IL fti. Ol IK- I ft. AH. tu rqv.l tuoull f rUliU. ft wrtttoa (tftxiiW ih awry dioioud, tU tibtc "f' I i'V rtiMrfully rrluod aut)f if fM"l r Bo4li(tH 'ry. r.i f r cil.u-. il laowi Ui.'H HQ, of biit(u. for htilna Wlltilft frh of all. tauiHouf Urrt lrl.4 ttai. uur rtc ftr tu rn u IM pr ftftuft. loMfj tl n tocftl 4ftlr. L0FTIS BROS. & CO.. ?ZZ572& rrkU A t 1. K.U Kb, Unis Hi t.S. A. rv "A WORD TO OMAHA CITIZENS" n.i vnn want a nerfect malt beverage foi your home table? Vo you want a perfect tonic for convalescents In your home? lo vou want a perfect appetizer ana reviviuer for your worn and tired nerves after business? In a word, "YES" VR HAVR IT "BI.IT. RtRBON BKElt" IS I'KHh'KCT and all the virtues and strength of the best ingredients possible go to make It so besides it Is .thorouKhly stertlleed, killing all unhealthful germs "VIA E RIBBON ' has maile it s recoru wlnnliiK nrlsea and medals wherevtr shown Tou can make no misiaKe. oroer inai wnu-n you know to be right and that which has proven all that la ciaimea iur u. Storz Brewing Co., OMAHA. Try sample caaa. NEP Telephone 1260 Dogs for sale of all kinds. Fancy pig eons, Belgian narea anu lerreis. sena rania for catalogue. I-ANDls. uox ii. nowers eianon, ueraa TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Heat Aarrlealtaral Weekly. r . . . . - ' -wwup. .'..WHIWIMW 1 inula". I f Point? WHAT TflOTK Fl I I'RR COIfTAm WILIi IK TOLiO Vat) IBSOLtlKLI fBU The Sdeac jf Astraiorf nWe im m wm i4ikfrat4 -t4r. wtut ttwr iMuld do tO ammlM A Mftl ftll thk vttbeal hftYtnf tm par ft juij ft. Too A vtiftt oilzfommea ftr m yam pats, ft tnat voa emm mwma i bm taJd vhftt ta tMM ftltll foetal imca. In UI lite. Wbat you IUU o M i I In lor. In man-tag. k t Koowledsi That Will Mali Too 1 Winner. The Scienca of Aatralorr enable yea to eunr wenmi the bard thini In life, and to be far more .occenral aadproe perout tbaa rno hare en before dreamed of bemc. You are therefore edrtted to write at once e take eoaa-taa-e ef that tree offer, widen la made thronrh the fcuefuerry of a Una leane ef earneet occult Mr Aoepra, who ene eiven eD their Se to a etudv of rjercnk dcetre rhat thetr tellcmien may profit thereby. Yea win have to per abeolutely notrilnf lor ran letiiye ' year life. It will be rren yoa entirely free, u. at the ef year life. It will be rren yoa seme the there wiu A ! 1 1 1 laei ewti irr If OB t ojm, ftttd aiao ft ropy o that wonderfully forceftai and berp fol truftulM, called tha) NEW YORK MAGAZINE OF alYSTKallia. fartririi ribntel Hth words oihaotl end OOOm ttaa aatd w foD f InfbnDatloo wtiich will ftviftbU jrtm to mftkft 70a Uftj wtmt at taMak. bv Accept TdIs eritt Free Offer it Once. Tat. I an, at MyitJc Adeptt "fa yon to take adrmn tara ef Ira be offer and to write at eace, and your boreecope, wjwether wtth the book and the copy of the MAGaIYnBOP MYSTERIES, will be aent you entlrelyfree of all chart, and the Information you will (at tram them will be ef Immeaeurabl value to yon, an m. rm! An i. in ta,e wTMir aex. the date of tout brrth. and ec ttamp for return postage, and the horoarope. toerther with the treatise a Astrolory and I he MAGAZINE OF MYS TERlriS, will be aent you entirely free by return mail. aneej ir.rwi,(i aui-i., l ralnrlea, H4 ftorth City. I TER1ES, wtU be aent you en tin I Addre. ran letter to The Hi I pare or The Watraalne ofl I Wllllaea St-, new lark Clt 6t 20yr- H K GOLD Filled" case willi EUln. Qalitam cr taincdtn wtnks. Ladies' or Gent's Sie fi litC O. II with prlvlleae of examination. Mawhinney (EL Ryan Co.. Omaha, Neb. Write us for catalogue. Read What "I'm t I itd to r aw Mr at 'ti , circula am con" wondering, are able lo buch a fund U.K. atllla iiiaiiioii. ou making a much more asked for it." A uai i. j j eSaia X - 7 r l -,r v i J w , - 5 .y Coburn Sfvys. bearollhe Ktowuig lion, and siantly how ou pull to- eacli week of intertrsf ,,,(.,r- f aie.urely paper Kurlli than the motley ' i lifiara. .Vi oar J Aat , uiturt. Mure money is 6iHnt for articles by the prominent men and for the handsome and iiitcreMing illustrations than lv anv other farm journal. TWENTIETH CENTURY TARMER., I arnaaa at., Oataka. .Sea. S.J 'i-r MFF. SAW7 : COPV. WE WAM A 0X)U AU NT AT EVtkV HuSIOfFKE. RED -I- GROSS WHISKEY 4 Full Quarts V OK S3.00 Kxpress chargei pre paid Recommendad by the leading phyal clana and used In all prominent hos pitals. the Red Cross Whiskey enjoys to day the best of rep utations and stands above all In quality and purity. References: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA OR ANY KXPRESS COMPANY. Western Distilling Co., 716 S. Kith M OMAHA. Sole owners. Orders from states west of Nebraska will be shipped by freight. MADE $ 1 05 THE FIRST MONTR rite FRED. BLODGETT, of N. Y. 3. L. annuo., ui u., wriuttt Am m 1 u& .uu vo vni.i ererr anj 1 wora. Bl ika. 1 M. AM.KHHON, of Iowa, writeai "I on w e".nu a am) txuaana$ tl.Mnii UaHwiea. Bo oaa yo. 6m to tlnuu daily mads pla. tmc wlr7. tablewara, blc! 1 fx c , Digital goods with gold, all k?i r, Dickal. u. t norm out d w., . 4 U J a 1. sa. aak. a Saa 'IKU. SatT a CO. riatlea -rs A Ma, ruie.u, o .1 Co.. I'm.