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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1902)
Americans at the Commercial Center of the Alps i 3 ill rriiLic conckkt hall at zuiuch SWISS COMEN MANAGE THE MAKKEiS. (Copyright, lint!, by l'rank 5. Carpenter.! UH1CH, lice. 3. (Speclul Corre spondence of Tho Hce.)-ThU Is the busiest ccl In the great In dUHlrlul beehive of the Alps awl It Is tho best hcudciuuiiers for tho distribution of American goods. Tho chief of tho American exporters to Switzerland have their agents hero and I And many of our goods for salo In tho stores. Our typewriters, machine tools ami agricultural Implement, aro well represented and one of tho llnest buildings f the town bus lurgo storo rooms devoted to tho salo of American olllco furniture and especially Grand llaplds roll-top desks. You can buy lloston shoes at several places nlong Unlmhof Strnsso and I find Yankee notion for sule In tho amtdcB In tho older partH of the town. Zurich Is the biggest city of Swit zerland. It has 170,000 people and among them the richest of tho country. It la tho center of tho silk Industry, tho Flto of tho chief ma chlno and Iron works and tho grout whole sale supply point. Tho city Ib situated In northern Switzer land, a couple of hours' rldo from Husol, the head of the navigation of the Khlne, at a place where the railroads which give access to every part of Switzerland and the Alps meet. It lies on Lake Zurich, which Is twenty-five miles long and two and one halt miles wide. Tbo Llmmat river, which to cultivate them as to American trade. In a ride with Consul Lleberkuocht one spread over the pastures on the sides of the hills. I have seen women pushing carts, harnessed up with dogs, and I fre quently eee them sawing wood In the streets. Another sight of a more modern type is a Swiss girl riding an American mowing machine, pulled by two cows, for, indeed, cows are also worked and for labor there Is no distinction of sex either bovine or human. The cows are worked In most parts of Switzerland. They are some times harnessed up with oxen, and I fre quently see a cow and a horse pulling along sido by side. Returning to the women of Switzerland, they are used very largely as clerks In the stores. Some have government offices and you find them acting as cashiers In tho cafes and :estaurants. They are as good in a business way as their French sisters, and, llko the French women, are among the thriftiest of their sex. The most of the marketing of Switzer land Is done by the women. In Bern the markets are in the streets. The women bring In their vegetables, their butter and cheese and other wares and peddle them out from elands on the sidewalk. In Basel they Dush the goods Into 'own in little .,. , . u,vxr,a wagons like baby carriages and In Bern SCHOOL BOYS OF ZURICH AT CALISTHENICS. yo frequenUy ,ee a dog cart golng from This makes me think of a revolver I saw were 6,000 factories under these laws; they door to door, tho woman hucksters now ... . i tin fin"k fAa a itiA O'in. milling h.I W ikn .Inrva nml nnnr atrtrttnv rn In South America which was the exact copy empioyeu tuu.uuu iwu. vu- iumiiS mm iur uwBa mm n . ride wttn - onu. w. u ,... i American make. It waa tons have their own labor regulations. In pe.l.lle milk or vegetables to the houses. It I! tX Z Ll. S: i Z bore some there are labor buaus and technl- ,s wh these dog, that they bring their connects this lake with tho Khlno. runs Tonhullo Is one of tho features of almost upon lu siie the legend. "Smith & Wesson cal schoo-s. ine worKingmeu coiuu u vu- wares in rrom tne coun.ry. me uo8 t.uK . . IOUI1UIIO IB UIIC Ul mo l(au,,,a .. . . . i I,r t fx fnrlhur thu r nu. n intorea S. 811(1 I hr. nart rt Iho hnrse every Swiss c.ty It Is a public amusement r!t'-lv J ..ere in arg "t- Th y have succd in getting legislate " TVurehr. In the markets are also :?unTin so that the by appealing to tne Swiss congas As it WOnun. Every Swiss housewife does her . bum Tl h private funds and Is South American who cculd only read Span- Is now the railway companies are llab o to own buying. She comes out early and picks own, by a crlvat company but t" lsh and cou,a ",ake out no,hl,,g bUt thBe Uamge8 frm -? Ut lhe th'ngS fr hCrSe,f 8t0PPedwbe- owiHd tiy a private company, uui me iny L. L. . thnlr emntnv and If a man Is Injured In fnr nn wnmnn nhn wan hnvlne some but- through It, cutting a beautiful valley, spotted with farms and vineyards. The town Is In the heart of tho Alps and the Rlgl and other famous mountains are In plain view In many parts of It. I rode up Mount Zurich on tho cable line Elv,,, $ 000 a year to Its support. Thi words thought he was buying a genuine iue.r eu.p.oy. uu .l ""- - " " " I. morning for a view of the city. Zurich ".p'o ee that they get more than this American gun, whereas be got a cheap and a factory the owner of the factor, can be ,eP of a white capped fema e butter seller p. at tbe-nor.h end of tho lake, which lt Z I in having cheap music and a good nasty German imitation. made to pay as much as six time, the The butter was molded Into great loaves retches on almost ns far as you can see. ! , i. '? Z for themselves and the I came near being arreted today. I was amount of h.s yearly. earnings or a maxl- from which were cut the portions demanded by the purchasers. The cutting Is done Some of the saddest scenes here are the Wlth a brass wire In the shape of a loop, this lies Blrnlohna rt n nlmnuf na f i i n vmi nun inn . I .. .. k.min l:1 uab anA Ilia winding liko a great river In and out traveling public. There are beautiful casl- coming fiom the bank with my mail and mum oi . v. . vim- l. j- ,n . .. , .i.i. ...ji.. ,,,,! inui turn nnen a letter from the editor borne or tne e ainoilK num. ii t'Aieuuis buiuu um- luig nr lieneva auu Lucerutrp wim ivauiug, j-" " ' , . i, rri . . ,i tlna . . , . . , . . . . . tance c'own on both side, tho lake; It concert and ball room, restaurant, thea- of this newspaper and thrown the envelope nomeo at work. The, Perform all kinds which the woman fits around the loaf and climbs ,be hi... and you can see It. -moke- l.r. and gardens. You can go Into tho cn the street. A policeman came up to mo of labor and I have ee gray- pulIfJ through cutting the butter much uardetia free and listen to the concert and eyed me sternly as ne pointed to it. I " . , 7.1 murc 'uuulu,J' "u "tu" luo" thlch U hed dally at 4 P m. blushed red and at once picked It up, for 1 down her wr.nkles. You see girls pitch- done wlth a knlfe. j asUed a8 t0 prlce8 anJ ,1 ,h ,t .il .lennrtnLt store. ar had heard that It was against the law to ng and raking hay and spading and hoeing wa8 told that good buUer Is nqw worth 14 I find that tho department store. ar ,v, v In the fields. You see them going over , nnil. ...i . . 1. 1 . ... tknln . a w Intn I 111 un "note youvi vu omn. vmu v ... ..... M,iy oui Bum iiiu.i.8 ,hrnw it into the river or canal with- the roads with great loads on tneir oacKs, Europe. I'arls has had them for many even i throw It In o the r ver ox canal Uh. BMl lhem toll. but the other cities are Just begin- " 7 -"- . basketg fun ot manure . . .. . . , rlirlil as to citv cleanliness. All the DeODlo lnK ll"B wun uasaeis ium 01 niauura ) .... v...- . - . ... . ,., inn aUiiie wun uasaeis ium 01 mauuro ?.Pi,!h:;m- 'L1. "!! 'r, TZl : .tu "l." Vl t. them. J., manure comes from Some of the Swiss roads are paved with tack, along the bank, ot the river, mark ing the Sites of tbo silk, cotton and Iron factories for which It Is famous. ZurL'h proper looks more like a city of residences than a commercial and manu facturing center. You see many chunhet. and school and college buildings rising htuh above the ordinary housea. The street are wide and the houses have beautiful marl of the city which looks at though front of their house, and the police help garden, about them. In the older sections lt ,Kht have been lifted up out of an them. The result is that Zurich look, like there aro buildings with gabled roofs, out American town and dropped down onto the lutch kitchen and the whole town is of which quaint dormer windows poke their Alpg lts walls are of iron and glass and llck and span. The streets are well kept heads. The Llmmat I. lined with .uch u u constructed In much the same way and are relald whenever they show signs of structures. They wall It. banks and at one nt our stores. It has, however, about two going Into ruts, Dlaco cross tho rushing river, being erected torLa in m,r nnn and Instead of u.init on pile, so that the water flows on beneath, (he cash carrier sys'em or the cash boy cobbles. I went over such an one this aft. There I. an acre or bo of such houses. In it has little caBh desk, here and there ernoon which the laborers were repairing, other places the buildings have arcades or rn tVery floor and the purchaser has to There were perhaps a dozen men at work cloister, on the ground florr, facing the pay all hi. bill, at these desks, the clerk laying the stone., and It .eemed to me that treet, with stores behind them, so that you who nas made the sale going with him and they did it In a most leisurely way. Each walk In tho .hade, the roof of the street carrying the goods to be wrapped up. The mason had a milking stool to sit on a. he being the floor above. This Is the old Swla, ,. ,.rKs aro not allowed to handle the woraea, ana 1 pnoiograuueu duo iu iuo .11. i-oney, and the sytem 1. altogether most He was pleased to have his picture taken. . lumsy and Inconvenient to the purchaser, and I fell Into conversation with him. He Zurich does a big buslnes. In silk. It 10m me mui ins wage, i-rm u 1. mpetes with Lyons as to certain good., hour and that he usually made 80 cent, for 1 ml It ha. wholesale .ilk .tore, which com- his day of ten hours. fvnrnhiv lih n I nw in France. In coming back on the street car I asked i h .ilk. Bro made to suit the foreign the conductor what be was paid, and found deed, the flat system is now common all , .niand and also to catch the eye of the that he got the same a. the mason 80 cents over Europe, lt ha been In vogus In t urlst. I bought, among other things, an but that his day was twelve hours Instead France and Germany for more than a gen An-erlcan flag woven In Zurich as a .ouve- of ten. Car employe, who have been long er.tlon. but it Is now pushlug It. way Intc ,.iri an,j was offered no end of Italian blan- with the company sometimes receive as England. Scandinavia and Switzerland. Ge- ,va made by the Swiss of refuse silk for much as 90 and 95 cents a day. but there neva Is a city of flats, although lt baa som I have spent some time in going through the schools of Zurich and other part, of Switzerland. I am surprised at their ex- the barns and Is being carried up to be (Continued on Seventh Page.) form of building and you find it to an even greater degree In Hern. I have rpent much time In driving utioul tho newer part, of Zurich. Tne cruzo fol flats or apartments Is quito as great hen as In the I" 11 1 1 oil States, and new apart ment houses are going up everywhere. In- beauttful villas. In Bern there are stores on the gruund floors with apartment, above, even In the older section, of the city, and Zurich 1. fust becoming all flats. Many of the new house, are apartment house, pun the tourist trade. aro very rew wno reacn as nigu as i ior a I say Italian blanket., for the Swiss are day of twele hours. The normal Swiss Imitators. Like the Germans, they working day Is eleven hours, and wages 1- py the gocds of other count'le.. and I range from 10 cent, upward. There are nn told they do this even to the trade mauy hands In the silk factories who do n arks. One instance I know of was that not get more than this, and some who get and simple. Other, are apartment, and ,f the MoCormlck reaper. The Swiss saw les. The wages are low In the emDrouery .tore, combined. There .eem. to be no t, se machine, were silling well with their mills and also In those weaving cotton, al flxed rule a. to business location., as In farmers, and one firm Imitated them and though in the latter much of the work 1 other cities. You find a big wkViesal. er. put a fac-slmlle on the market, which It done by piece, and skilled employe, make tablihment way off at one .Ule surroundel named- "the McCormlck." Of course the what are here considered fair wages, by residences, and you have often to hunt American McCormlck company objected. And still the worklngmen In Switzerland for the .tore, that you want. The peopl and as the steal was so apparent the Swiss huve their organizations. There are work are very conservative. They .tlci to thf were compelled to change the name to Ingjiien'. .octettes nearly everywhere. The merchants with whom they are sreustomed the Helvetia, although they did not alter government hai passed factory laws, and to deal- and tor this reason It will pay well the make of th machine. a few years ago lt wa. found that there Christmas FREE In each pound package o DM from now until Christmas will be found a free game, amusing and instructive-50 different kinds. Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game at Your Grocers.