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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1902)
T THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. December 14. 1902. Tin- Ii.i.LLsiRATm Bij: Published Weekly by The Bee Publlshlng Company, llee Building. Omaha. Neb. Price, Tie. Per Copy Per Venr, J'i.lKl. Entered Ht the (iin;itia Postolllce as Second Clans Mnll Matter. For Advertising Kates Address Publisher. Communlen I lms relating to photographs or nrtlele for publlentlon should lie ad dressed, "Editor The I Must ra ted Hep, Otna hn." Jl ' I - - , Pen and Picture Pointers f r " if z&fs ' ' ' " h - ; ! I V.:.. i ' 1 l II - 1 - . . -V - -J "I I IIOMS IIHAf'KKTT REED filled loo largo n i-paec In American listnry to be disposed of In a newspaper hi r;i urn .)i . It will be n Iiiiik time before Ihe full effect of his perHonnllty on the current of na tional affairs Is felt. What be In best known for In the famous ruling, when spenker of the Iiouhc of repreHcntat Ives, by which he held that n member could .not hn actually present find conxl ructlvely ab sent. He then overturned the traditions -t -.,Y- ? ) : t; s:J ' f " V :YYr ' Xn V , 'Y: il ) "i''--r-1irr.MiTllrrrv, - - -1 'V . fc,. ' C 4 JAl'HETH HUGHES, RED OAK, la. MRS. JAP11ETII HUGHES. Hon read law In one of the local law of- Is much effort among the embryo Booths flees. Later he went to California and was and Macreudys to outdo the effort of the there admitted to practice. He returned class before and the result Is that tho to Maine Just beftre the breaking out of play Is always given with a spirit and a the rphelllon and pnterpd the navy, serv- dash that goes far toward securing satis Ing ns a paymaster. Aftpr the war he ro- factory Interpretation to the several parts sinned thp practice of law In Maine and assumed. This time the piece chusen for was soon sent to the legislature. Next he 'he presentation was a romantic affair of was elected attorney general for his native 'he type now so popular, In which there Is slate and then to congress, where he plenty of heroic declamation and lugging gained his fame. It was In 1S77 that he out of wcrds and some sharp passages ai entered congress and there he served arms "n which the young men were care twenty years, seven as speaker of the fu1'y trained by a master of the foils, to tne ena mat tneir nounsnes, loostee ana the like might bear resemblance to those of the gentlemen whom they were sup pi s d to be), w hile the tale of a love that was mixed with the politics of France In the seventeenth century, was unfolded. That the whole was a success may be gath ered from the pictures presented. J. A. WALTER, M A Yl ll Ol'" M GREGOR. Iu.. AND lit KSI HUNT LEAGUE OK IOWA MUNICIPALITIES. of tho body over which he had been culled lo prcHlde and in thus revolutionizing pro cedure ho look away from a recaliitrunt minority Its power to thwart a majority in tho effort to transact public business. So short a time has elapsed since this famous pronouncement that nil can recall tho storm of protest It aroused, how the bitterest of pernonal ubuse was hcai-cd on Mr. Heed by bis opponents, both In and out of congress; yet even now Ihe fruits of his courageous decision are easily lip- house, retiring In 18!7 to take up the prac tice of law In Npw York. Ills ambition was to be president, but In this he was dis appointed. One must bp either a child or an en thusiast to truly enjoy tho beauty of snow. To tho dweller In a slty It means walks lo clear and slush to wade through; to tho street cleaning department It means extra work In tho effort to keep crowded thor oughfares In passable condition; to the street railway people It means added diffi culty In the handling of their cars, and to Ihe waggoners of a city It means that un usual precautions must be taken to move the heavy loads without accident to man or team. Hut to tho boys and girls It simply means fun unalloyed, for the element of cold, of wet feet and the attendant train of Ills, enters not Into the calculations of childhood II Is n time for the bringing forth of sleds that have rusted and gathered dust In woodshed and attic during the summer, and a resumption of tho frolics that were cut off when the thaw came In the eprlng. City and country youngBters 1 id I, YY m August Swenson, Richard Hunter. nen Cheerington. OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL. DEBATERS WHO WILL COMPETE WITH BEATRICE. On December 3. 18 2, Japheth Hughes, a native of Dembyshire, North Wales, and 2ti years old, took unto himself, at Liver pool, Miss Williams to be his wife, and she Is his bride today, Just as though the to regain broken health, winters and summers of half a century had removed to Iowa In 1SS1 not Intervened. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes came to America In 1S."4 and settled first In Ohio, where he followed his trade as a carpenter, gaining a competence as a contractor, and finally taking up life on a farm in order From Ohio he and became a resident of Montgomery county. He lived first on a farm, but finally moved Into Red Oak, where ho still lives, with his wife, honored and loved by all who know them. The celebration of the goldi n wed- (Contlnued on Seventh Page.) parent, and no mutter which party holds alike know the Joys of sliding downhill, the power in congress it Is no longer pos- Blblo for a minority to breuk a quorum by refusing to vote and thus prevent legisla tion. Opponents to the majority are com pelled to take part In the transaction of public business under the Reed rule. Aside from this Mr. Reed was a powerful factor In legislation during his service In con gress. While no great measure beating his and the trouble of getting to tho top again: but the country youngsters know little of the pleasure of "hooking" wagons, for they do not have the opportunity. In town the boys and girls alike, fearless of driver, policeman or parents, boldly proceed to fasten their sleds behind a moving wagon and settl.' down for a ride whose duration depends on how soon the fancy dictates to name as author has been placed on tho the happy urchin to take another wagon statute books of the nation, ho was quite active, both In committee and on the floor. In shaping the laws that were before the house for action, and he was always con sidered a tower of strength among his party's leaders. As speaker he whs clothed with all but absolute authority lo matters affecting legislation and he wielded tho power fearlessly and, It Is now gen erally admitted, fairly. From Hip time he was admitted to the bar In California, long before the civil war, until death closed his career at Washington last Saturday night he was an active llgure In the affairs of mankind. He was born In Maine In 1839 and after a high school and college educa I going In another direction. Most city drivers have become used to this custom and acquiesce with little or no demur to the hilarious addition to the load the team Is thus required to pull. And now and then the merry coaster has the very de cided advantage of sliding downhill and being hauled back by a passing delivery wagon or coal van. And accidents are miraculously few, when the number of op portunities are considered. Crelghten university haB again prcduced Its annual play, and again have tho stu- lents delighted their friend by their dis play of histrionic ability. Each year there I" im ... FAMILY GROUP AT THE GOLDEN WEDDING OF MR. AND MRS. JAPHETH HUGHES, AT RED OAK, la. Snap Shots Taken by a Bee Staff Photographer During the Annual Class Play at Creighton University T " ii ii an miiimb mttmmm : Y kMfYT7 ACT U, SCENE J "FOR THE HOUSE OK 8T. QUENTIN. , nrtk,'V''aii i ... If - s' - t . i3 -i . J y ST. QUE.NTIN.' i ACT III. SCENE 2 "FOR THE HOUSE OF