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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1902)
25 TnE OMAHA DAILY IJEE: SUNDAY,' "DECEMBER 14, '. 15)02. REMOVAL SALE The Largest Stack of Fine Jewelrj, Watches aad Diamond in Omaha TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST I and Am Compelled to More Mill Hell Mr Ooods la Order to Redoco Stock. Bf Januarr I I shall move Into my new quarters, one door east of present location. Aa mr new atore la much smaller than mr present, 1 am forced to unload. For the past month I have been receiving heavr hlpmenta of watches, dlamonda, Jewelry, silverware, cut glass, ebonr goods, plated ware, umbrellas, silver and leather bags. AH these goods will be marked at removal ale prices. It Is a known fact that I carrr the largest assortment of desirable Xmaa goods in Omaha. Mr stock la greater than ever and prices lower than ever. It will par you to look here before buying. We mention onlr a few below: One 6-carat diamond, perfect stone, $475. One 3 -carat diamond, perfect atone, $325. Diamond brooches from 16 up. Diamond rings from $5 up. Diamond lockets from $5 up. Diamond cuff buttons from $5 up. Diamond acarf pins from $3.60 up. WATCHES. Gun metal watches, $3.50 up. Bllver watches, $3.50 up. Gold filled watches, $8.50 up. Solid gold watches. $18 up. PLATED WARE. Rogers knives, set of Six, $1.65. Rogers forks, set of six, $1.65. Rogers teaspoons, set of six, 73e. Rogers dessert spoons, set of six, $1.50. SO pair pearl opera glasses with handle to match.' $8.50. Come earlr and get the beat selection. A small deposit will hold any purchase. A. MANDELBERO, Open Evenings. Leading Jeweler. Northeast Corner 16th and Farnam Sta. HARDY'S, The Pf Cent Mere, 1313 Dodge Street. Sensational selling of toys and holiday ajoods. Every dollar's worth of Christmas goods In this mammoth stock to be cleaned out In the next ten days. Sharp price cut ting to make the selling quick and decisive. No other atore In the city offers the selec tions no other store offers the btfrgalns. Our toys are on the first floor, easy of ac cess, with plenty of air and light, making shopping a pleasure. Don't fail to visit us nnd come, if you can. In the morning. Etore open every evening next week. What happens Monday? The great re ceiver's sale at Bennett'a. Begins 10 a. m. iirand Anneal Ball. Given for the benefit of the church by Coclety of Russian Israelite, Sunday even ing, December 14. 1902, at Woodmen of tho World ball. Sixteenth and Capitol avenue. Tickets, per couple, 60 cents. Genuine Imported beer on draught. Ed Maurer's, 1306 Farnam street. Uoud k-oaltioa Ov. Good opening for a newspaper or tnaga tine solicitor. Permanent position for competent man. Addresa Twentieth Cen tury Farmer, Bee Building,' Omaha. A. B. Hubermann, cor. 13th and Douglas, does not only Import dlamonda direct, but also has the largest stock of Jewelry and watches In Omaha, and all marked In plain figures, and quality and lowest prices abso lutely guaranteed. Publish your legal notices In Ths Weekly Bee. Telephono 238. There's only one Stonecypber. He prints. Holiday Rates Via Wabash Railroad. Oa December 18, 19, 20 and 21 the Wabash will sell round trip tickets from Chicago to many points In Canada at halt fare. Tickets good returning January 10, 1903. Call at Wabash corner 1601 Farnam street, or address Harry E. Hoores, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. No more appropriate Christmas gift can be made by a father to a aon or a aon to a father than a gold bond policy In the Bankers' Reserve Life association, with premium paid for one year. No man knows what mar happen to him within a year. I1AYDFVS FORCED HAI.E BARGAINS. Extra "pedal, la Dry Goods fer Title Meek Store Opea ETnln. R-ad Great Holldar Sales on Page 13. ' $c heavr brown sheeting, 3c yard. 10c extra fine brown sheeting, 5c. iV4c Hill bleached muslin, 5c yard. 18c 9-4 unbleached sheeting, 144c yard. 8c extra glass toweling, 3c. 10c all linen toweling, 6c. 11c 18-Inch pure linen toweling, 6c. Turkish towels, worth 10c, 12',c and 15c, at 7He, c and 6c. 38c blue, red or buff damask, 25c. 60c 64-inch bleached damask. 324c. $1.00 3-4 union napkins; bleached, 69c. $1.00 lunch cloths and atand covers, mer cerised, on sale 39c. Tapestry table covers, best patterns, for Xmas presents, cut prices. Fancy sets hand embroidered sheets and pillowcases , for Xmaa gifts... Two cases extra heavy white domestics, 8Ho quality, at 4c yard. 10c ex'.ra heavy outing flannel, 6Hc. Two cases extra heavy and downy fancy blankets, for bath robes, 85c pair. Two cases bath 'robe blanketa, all colors, worth $1.75, at $1.15 pair. , All $4.50 11-4 wool extra heavy gray bed blankets, $2.98 pair. $5.00 alt wool 11-4 white California extra heavy bed blankets, $3.69 pair. HAYDEN'S SILK BARGAINS. Whole silk waist patterns, exclusive de signs, SV4 to 4 yards, of beautiful silk, worth $5.00, sale price $1.98. Elegant novelties In 34 to 4-yard silk waist patterns, worth $7.50, at $2.98. Black silk drss patterns In peau de sole, 12-yard lengths, worth $12.00, $15.00 and $25.00, on sale at $13.50, $9.75 and $7.45 for entire pattern. FORCED DRESS GOODS SALE. 1.000 finest unmade dress robes, worth $1.98 to $5.00 yard, at 73c. Finest Voiles Etamlnes and Mistrals, worth $1.50 to $2.50, at 97c. $1.25 and $1.50. HAYDEN BROS. Open evenings until Christmas. Ladles of Hanscom Park M. E. church will hold a bazar Monday and Tuesday, Decem ber 15 and 16. An oyster supper Monday evening from 6 to 8. A fine program Tues day evening. Admission free. If It's for your home, your family or yourself If It's to eat If It's to 'wear If lt'a to admire If It's for any serviceable purpose whatever, you'll find It at Ben nett's at the great receiver's sale. Remem ber these portentlous hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. tomorrow. The great receiver's aale at Bennett'a. Sam'l Burns' Xmas adv., society page. Have your lunch at Bennett'a while you attend the great receiver's aale. n more appropriate Christmas gift can be made by a father tq a son or a aon to a father than a gold bond policy in the Bankers' Reserve Life association, with premium paid tor one year. No man knowa what may happen to him within a year. Good breakfast Pan Cakes. -King Cole Whole Wheat The Ladles': Aid society of South Tenth M. H. church will hold a handkerchief and fancy article bazaar at the Nebraska Cycle store. Fifteenth and Harney atreets, be ginning Mondar, December 15. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. What happens Monday J The great re ceiver's sale at Bennett's. Begins 10 a. m. Monroe Coal and Feed Co, 807 N. 16th St. Tel 971. H. E. and B. Huberman. Furs remodeled nd repaired. 118 South 15th street. Vl'NUHAL ROTICK. Funeral of Adolph J. Hartwig will be from his late renldence. 1541 North Nine teenth street, at 2 p. m. Sunday. Interment at Prospect Hill. Friends Invited. Pants $3.50 No More, No Less. Coat and Vest $12.50 No More, No beaa. Maybe you think our goods are not all wool. All we ask Is to come In and see them. Our $3.50 trousers are equal to any $6 to $7.50 trousers in any tailor shop In Omaha, and we guarantee the goods made in Omaha In out store. Grand Pants Go. 205 N. 161!) Sliest., New Location. 93ESU A Ilar.-to-Suit Man Nothing but the best satisfies some men. Nothing but giving satisfaction satisfies us. That's why we solicit the pat ronage of you fastidious folks. That's why we're gaining the custom of Omaha's best and most "discriminating dressers. Can we not hare your custom? Suits to order t25 to $50 trousers gQ to gl4 overcoats, 125 to $G3- MacGarthy Tailoring Co. 'Phone ISOS. Bee Bldf., 1710-12 Farni-a St. Omaha. feat "THE 99 CENT as' STORE" 1513 DODGE STREET.. Tovs SENSATIONAL SELLING OF TOY S AND HOLIDAY GOODS. ONLY ABOUT TEN SHOPl'ING DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS. THIS GREAT STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GOODS MUST BE CONVERTED INTO CASH. TOVS TOYS TOYS ' BETTER SELECTIONS. BETTER GOODS AXD HALF TUB USUAL PRICES. 1 BOLDIKR3' BUIT3, s 25C UP. r TOT STOVES, (com plete), ltKJ LP. i KID BODT DOM.B, 25Q IRON TRAINS. 10C UP. TOOL CHKSTb. TOY CAKl'KT SWEEP. KR3, IOC UP. DOLLTRl'NKS, IWJ UP. Top oaaBja We have a beautiful line of Reading; Ona or Electric I.timpn suitable for the parlor, den or boudoir. They make useful Christ mas gifts. R M, Russell 3 1 3 South 1 5th St. Telephone 503. ..wiiJW tkm- ","""" iUBlllMaaiaB HAYWARD BROS. SHOE CO., Omaha and Boston. FOR SALE at retail by T. B. NORRIS, 1517 Douglas St.. Omaha; BELL, & SON, 104 Broadway, Council Bluffs, and leading re tailors throughout the state. !LJ1 I. !L L J 1 LLl ili'UJ U--X J. J fi.ii'iH. maam wa "1 jm sSk rx'.JJiix jsr J) LJ JLJ) Christmas Ohoor" You can have it if your house is warmed with one of our Gcnuino r Round Oaks Garlands German Heaters Most economical and satisfactory absolutely guaranteed. To close out the balance of our stock we offer every heating stove we have at Reduced Prices -i'i 'IX- : J. L OAK STOVES, 13-in. fire pot, only 7.50 BASE BURNERS, only ........ 25.00 STEEL RANGES, only 27.75 STOVES M)LD ON PAY- HENTS PRACTICAL CARVING SETS Largest and finest display of guaran teed Steel Carvers, all sizes and varieties, ranging In prices I Oft from $18 down to lOU POCKET KNIVES I. X. I. Ilencklrs, Rogers, and S. & M., every variety and style, at opular prices from 9 Cm B.WV PC 16.00 down to RAZORS Henckles and Jos. Rogers celebrated razors; beautiful s-ts lit cases, Star Safety Razors, Straps, etc. Razors, up from LOO TABLE WARE Rogers' ,,1847" and other heavily plated knives, forks and spoons sets of "1847" knives and OXO forks, only Wrl PRESENTS . CHAFING DISHES Handsome nlckle plated, with hot water pan and alcohol 4 )C stove, from $14 down to fc' J J FIVE O'CLOCK TEAS Bras and Nlcklo Plated Kettles and Stands from $8.75 ' I TK down to ! I SKATES Kllpper Klub, Barney A Berry and Wlnslows large stock from which . to select Just what you want at unusually low prices Aftf up from "tUw SLEDS Coasters, Boh Sleds wagon coasters Steel Sleds up from and strong .110 Hon Rogers & Sons Go. Hardware and Tools 14th and Farnam St 5. J 0ALBERTE . T 107 Northiethjit Opp. P. u. I A HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS VV r Gorham silver tea apoona, set of six, $3.60 to $8.50. llawkes cut glass bowls, $5.00 to $30.00. Heavy silver plate bakers $.i.00 to $12.00. Hawkes A T cut glass liquor sets, $25 to $35. Carving sets, $3.00 to $12.00. Cut glass I A celery trav, $5.00 to $10.00. Silver salad bowls, $20.00 to $35.00. Cut glass f Jh vanes, $2.fli to $80.00. Mantel clocks, $5.00 to $35.00. Cut glna water sets, 1J $8.50 to $50.00. Pearl handled dinner knives, per set of six, $7.W to $12.00. V-f f Cuckoo clocks, $16.00 to $48.00. Silver sardine forks, dried beef forks, T cream spoons, sugar sifters, sjgar tongs and bon-bon spoons, $1.50 to i fib More household hlnta tomorrow. Have You Found It? ' Getting desperate as to what to select? Isn't this Christmas present buying busi ness a BIG JUH, though? KVEKY DRUG GIST HAS fERFL'MB, AND THAT 8 ABOUT ALL,. We have perfume, too all kinds and colors but we also have MANI CURE NOVELTIES. GENUINE CUT GLASS PIECES, STERLING SILVER MOUNTED MILITARY BRUSHES AND SETS FOR THE TOILET, a nice assort ment of GOOD PEN KNIVES, a swell line of POCKETKOOKS FOR ' LADIES OR gents at 25 per cent less than wholesale, because they are samples. bought right. and nt)t soiled or second-hand, either, atomizers. in pairs or single; all kinds and colors of pretty glass; sterling silver chate LAINE BAGS AND COIN PURSES. All these goods are HERE TO BE SOLD and the PRICES ARE NOT ORDINARY ONES. ALL WE ASK IS A FAIR COM PARISON. Full Chamois Veets, Indies' or gent's.. $2. 00 Chest Protectors, from 50c to $3.00 $1.00 Peruna, Dr. Hartman's genuine.. Clo $1 Canadian Malt Whiskey, guaranteed 75c $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic, guaranteed.... 75c $1.00 Pierce's Remedies 64c $1.00 Temptation Tonic, new stock 25c $2.00 Chester's Genuine Pennroyal Pills. $1.U0 OPEN ALWAYS. CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE Tel. T47. t. W. Car. Kllk and Chicago. SCHAEFER'S If you like the rich, dark Chocolates with hand rolled, creamy centers, some with chopped nuts, meats and crystallzed fruita, ask foe Virginia Cs. Kuhn & Co,, Druggists 15th and Douglas Sts. Low Prices Still rrevall at our CLOSING OUT SALE Of DRUGS. BEAT 'EM If you can. Tartaric acid, lb S5c Hypo sulphate aoda, lb 5c Buchn Leaves, lb ilOc Salt Pet re, lb 15c Oxalic acid, lb 15c Alum, lb 5c Comp. Licorice Powder, lb 25o Almond Meal, lb 4oc Ground Ginger, lb 2oc Roll Sulphur, lb 5c Boraclc Acid, lb 25c Salts, lb 10o Copperas, lb 5c liroiuo Stiller Sue LOOK US UP. Fuller Drug & Paint Go 114 S. 14th Street. WE SELL PAINT. C0LLAR CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR In hunting around for Christ mas presents don't fall to call In and look over our large atock of handsome shoes and slippers, many of which are most appropriate gifts. There is nothing nicer for a lady than a pair of our beautiful shoes or slippers shoes and slippers for dress and pretty felt slippers for home comfort. Any man will appreciate a Sair of our stylish shoes for ress or street wear or a pair of our handsome Christmas slippers. We also have many pretty shoes and slippers for boys and liU and Our prices are easy to pay. FRY SHOE toDOBGlAOi' CO. IIH1 UUl1 Lf j rTrsthla-tawK' y4 Ja - t"t Jk Only 10 Days Mors Until Xmas. Order that Suit or Overcoat today and you will not be disappointed. Suits, $22.50 to $40.00. Overcoats, $25.00 to $45.00. Trousers, $6.00 to $10.00. Dress Suits, $45.00 to $60.00. Each and every garment carefully fitted before completed and made by Omaha's best tailors. DRESHER 1515 Farnam. Open Evenings CU1U T0URSEU I'M Blf l "unstniat dKklkr(,Ult"iiit,Uotit lir.luo ut ulcortuiu m o( mteii airbnuM ii.a.rJ uragguia, S v M tat iwir4 I frtrtiu Cm A Christmas Gift Of a pair of shoes for the children and mlsseo la about the most sensible thing you can buy. We have a line of box calf shoes with high cut kangaroo tops and a heavy sole that makes the Ideal win ter shoe- Children's sizes, I to 8, $1.50. Children's slaes, ihi to 11. $1.75. Misses' slaes, 111, to 2, $2.25, Santa Claus has Drovlded u with every size and width of these shoes, o that we can fit perfectly the nar row, broad, long and short foot. We guarantee no such value can be found in Omaha outside this atore. DREXEL SHOE GO. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House 1419 FARNAM STREET. Don't Worry about your Holiday Gift we have it. RAZORS AND SCISSORS, ' Single and In Cases. POCKET KNIVES, SHAVING MUGS, BRUSHES," ETC. BARNEY & BERRY SKATES, Carpenter Tools for man or boy; Roast, Bird and Steak Carvers; Bll ver Knives, Forks and Spoons. Scroll Sawa mmd Lathes. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 Dodge Street IUI ii OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Omaha s urcaiosi Clothing Salo The Great Purchase of the Cahn, Vanpold & Co. Surplus Stock, How on Sale. Men's very finest suits nud overcoats, going nt DOc on the dollars, lie on hand Monday or Monday night. OVEK 800 MEN'S SUIT TO BE SOLD AT ?5.00 These suits come In cassi meies, cheviots and fancy wors teds, in plaids, stripes, in checks, and plain colors, all lined with a fine Farmer satin lining nnd we have over 25 different pat terns to select from, one of the biggest bargains ever offered in men's suits, wortli up to flO.OO, ..5.00 OVEK 900 MEN'S SUITS , AT 7.r.o These tuits are made of the very best fabrics fancy wors teds, cheviots, enssimeres, vicu nas and finished worsteds and serges, all the latest shades and patterus, regular sizes, round or square cut, single or uouDie breasted, also slims and extra sizes one of the greatest assort ments of suits ever offered at such a remarkably low figure, all are lined with a good heavy serge lining, padded slioulders and hair cloth fronts, none worth less' than $12.50 and up to $15, in this remarkable sale at FOR $10.00 AND $12.60 we have over 40 different patterns to choose from. These suits come In all the latest styles and fane y worsteds, and unfinished worsteds. In Scotch plaids, brown mixtures, plain colors and stripes, and lined with the fnest ot tcrge linings, good sleeve lining, and well tailored throughout, cone of these suits worth less than $18.00 to IO Rfl nnfl Ifi flft $20.00-ln this great sale at SltU lUaUU A Special on Overcoats rcoat ever offered at the price. In all our than this splendid overcoat. Made In Una rays, wlih good Italian cloth lining, kersev piping, best black silk velvet "f BTft IiUU HsrtSchjffncr ! r! V M,r - Hind Tailored I . fp 7.50 For $7.60 we. can show you the best ove great assortment we have no better value beaver kersey In blue, black and oxford g frame to the arm holes, best Skinner satin collar IN THIS GREAT SALE AT FOR $10.00 we can ahow you all the la coats come In medium and full lengths,. In pendably lined and artistically tailored an Worth $16.00. IN THIS OREAT SALE AT See the big assortment of all the new, on sale at $10.00, $12.60, $16.00 and $18.00. READ HAYDEN BROS'. GREAT SALE 0 test styles and fabrics In overcoats. These Macks, Hues and or'trd, In all sizes, de- d f.nlshed ONLY 10.00 well styles In H.. S. & M. overcoats now N IAGE 13. Fine Soaps and Toilet Articles Face Powders, Creams and Lotions. We have all the kinds that are popular with, the ladies, and invite your trade. Ash for HowelVs Anti-Chappin. It is the favorite for chapped hands, face and lips. HOWELL DRUG CO. 16th and Capitol Avenue Telephone 247 Christmas Suggestions Manicure Sets, Brooches, Watches, Kings, Military Brushes of ebonv nnd silver trimmings, Silver Jewel Cases. Also tho new B' rnt Leather Hand Chatelaine with silver chain. JOHN RUDD, 115 South 16th v Diamonds c All slsea to 1.0u0. m. ,- aa. 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 befc n Yo ir Christmas Shopping Now. only 10 Buy Ins Days Till Christmas. 0 0 0 0 It may be deferred, but don't forget there is a difference lwtwci a full Biread nnd the crumbs from which to select You'll And It pleasure now instead of a burdensome task uo crowds to push throuKli. '' complete assortment to select from, ample time in which to cIiooho and i many other things in your favor, lie it Rift -giving or etlf-gratlncation, !j. luxuries or necessities all may here be best supplied. ? . . GIFTS FOR DISTANT FRIENDS. 0 The friends who are far away are Just as vividly in bur affection- 0 ate .Christmas thoughts ns those who are near, and they are Just lis easy to provide for if one understands where and bow to make selections. Jj The place to make selections is here. Io your shopping earl v. for the express olllces and mails get extremely overcrowded as Christmas 1 approaches. 0 0 0 Moyer Stationery Co. 220 and 222 South 16th Street. 00O0000000$00000O0000000O0O0 in otr EMtit-iiisa a cons nocron FOR SO ( IRK. Bend to A. Mayer, 61$ Be building;, Omaha, Neb., for a boi of RE-NO-MAY POWDER with directions how to cur sweat r and painful feet for 60 cants CONSULTATION FREE. A. MAYER. 518 Bee Bid?.. Omaha, Neb. WHEN YOU BUY A You are not paying, for CHKOMOS. SCHEMtS k'HEE DEAI S. FTr for FIXE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO. EQUAL to IMPORTEUCIGaS! BHOOIXT ROCKERS, 0C UP. MAGIC LANTERNS. 2SC VP.