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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PUNDAT, DECEMBER 14, 1002. 27 J ) 1 9 EDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE "vltj Demand VerJ H'try ini High Prirxt Ooodi m Best Etqucet. ITHLR ADVANCE IN PRICE OF SUGAR 14 Wealber Grriilr laeyravett 4eeiaeBt of MlnUr Goods n4 Mrrrhitli' Hurkl -Gulag lo Piece at at Maplel Hal. rTo'Iufly trade Id vow In full awing. From 4 dire-tlotia favorable iip'irte hae l.ten jelved regarding the movement of Clirist .tas gnods. Joi.ut'te have been receiv fig neh order snd re ..allele lmvr had nil they ould do to wall uoon their upturn r. . here seem i-'j be tut little doubt thai re-all-r will not only H more stock this easoo thin eicr before, but tltt they will mil a belter clues .f gnod Uian ueual urlrig the holiday. Merchant nay that eople aeem to have penty of money arid hat they are willing to spend It, and as a eault are buying tilgh-prlced goods In referent to the cheap truah which waa ought eo 'freely a lew yeara ego. Takrig verythlng Into cvrislilera t Ion the general I lnion la that thla ia the most sal iHactory .inlay aeHHotl that haa bun experiec'-eJ In ia ny yeara. Houae trade with Jobbers waa naturally 1 stlier quiet last week, owing to the fact tat mert heme were too buty to come to uarkct. but orders, both direct and tnrough iiaveiers. were of liberal proportions, ao hat Jobbera, as well as retailer, ere well t leaned with the present condition of trade, fcutur business for spring is aiu very gratifying, aa traveling salesmen have booked mort ordera bp lo date than during the same period of any previous year. 1'ricea on mutt clamce of gooda havs fluctuated very little during the week under review. (iruceriea nave moveo up ana oown vo aoroe extent., uui "" Una of goods prices have held good and firm, with few quotable changes. Collections ave Uen fairly satisfactory, but a big Improvement Is ex petted after hristma. owlt g to the rapidity with whi'h merchants are now reducing; their stock. Jobbers anticipate very little trouble In making their collections and 1'iacUcally no lotses st all. ssgar aaraarea lea ( rati. On of the most important changes In arocerles last week was tiie savant e sugar, amounllng Co l'i cet.ts per hundred. 'Jhis advsnce effected all lines and tha market may be quoted strong at the ad vance. Owing to the colder weather tha consumption of bean has conflderably In creased, and as anticipated prlcea firmed lip, with prospects favorable for their going till higher In the near future. Thero ia nothing particularly rew to re Itort In the way of canned gooda except that trade Is rather quiet in anticipation of stock-taking the first or the year, it ia claimed that very little corn la now In first hun, m't.iiu iknuiitirutil tiliwk la con trolled by speculators. The situation 1 so strong, however, that there U no prospect of lower prlcea, and many are of the opin ion that every case will be wanted before i.. ..... ia u.i tih at vn hixher prlcea than thoaa now ruling. The market on tomatoea la aiao ramer quiei, wiiu i prices the same aa they were a week ago. Dried fruit have held luat about steady, with little demand except for the fancy line, and even those are pretty well "! .. ' Tha rice market la auoted good and strong at the recent advance and while ordinarily 1 . n,i. ...., t it,, vour titer ia very I little doing the market on the higher grades is quite active. It is now claimed by those who ought tt) know that the early eatlmaten of the crop were nearly 80 per cent higher than the amount of stock that will actually be available for domestic con sumption. The flah market Is still In very strong poaltlon and Jobbers predict higher prlcea for the future. They my that a soon as the demand for Ient aet in prices win un Uoubtedly be much higher than at the proa ant lime. ... Ho far a th volume of business Is con oornett inrol hnuaea aav triat they are en tirely aatlafled and In fact have aold much more slock than usual at thla time of the year. The demand laat week nil naturally of a nolioay cnaracier. wmi hhi'i t-'i fruit, nut, candle and that cla of good gelling to th beat advantage. 1 Cotlaa Good Is rive rev teat. I rirv enoda tnerrhanta enloyed very nice trade laat week, owing partly to the holl- day demand and alao to the cold weather. Traveling ealeamen for local Jobbera aay 1 they never aaw trade In the country better than It naa been lor tne last weea, anu nm way ordera have been coming in, uuin direct from retallere and also through aaleamen, would Indicate that their reports are true, itouae traoe wiin wniesin nf rniiraa. a little oulet. aa ratuuera were too buay lo leaya home, but that 1 tlwaya the case at thl time or t no year. Advance nrnttr for eitring continue very large and In fact are far in excess ci ny former saaaon cllne to accept orders for style that ar oversold. . ... The mark on ronon gnonm coniinu i Xi'!Lr"nJS.!l"dSn,."rY;r HXXl r.',?.i L'llca wide sheetings. Competitive lilies are peeled to follow. . iibpiIhbm Artlva iid steaar. - - - - - - ms Th demand for hardware continue very active and especially I that true of u h tin.. .im.. al.U and all hullday aoods. The trade, however, for all seasonable season of the year, au that jobbers have no entn ill iiln ta to tiffer. Tha market haa shown no particular Changs aluce laat report. Prlcea are Mrm all along tha line, but no very Important changes are looked tor until January 1. when the advunce 111 freight rates will cause corresponding advance on goods The heavier liHaaea will, of course, no unecieu the moat. Heavy Feotwear Very Pogalar Leather and rubber Atonda lubbers have been doing a rushing Tiuhmichs during the past week. The demand In the country for rubbers In tiartlcular haa been something anornioiia anil relallera (tititid their slock entirely too small to meet the demand. Aa a reauu local jnuifri novo n furled wllh ruih order from every dlrec- thin, and have been working overtime In , aiiitulu lltMle tratla nromntlv. Job- , lii'ir, w . -- .-- - - tiers say that a few more weeks of weather like that of laat week will gn a long way toward witting out the atocka In whola- alcra' hands. It aeema that retailer bought rather light thla yea, owing to the fact that many ot them have been obliged to carry over considerable slock from year to year during the past two or three sea guns, so that they bona hi exceptionally IiIii tnu veer, for fear thev would be caught again. The sudden appearance ot erv little innitse III tne tiiiiiaiiona. irie table were also In good iU-muii.l. but thaia were no changea In price wormy or men The iiinilalloiia at which the different Ultra are aelllng will be fouuaV III another ClJol""ra now hsve a full line of Christ mas decoration on hand and have begun In make hlwnent to tne country. 1 ne wax Illlltga look tne ucniaitu win ue me neavirsi on reotd Bill that 1 especially true of - . . . . I , . . V .... . tree. The poultry market waa in good shape mat of the week. Chlckena and turkey held leudy, aa the demand waa fully equal ... tba anmilv. but the receipt of dink and geese were very heavy and the market -..u 'i i. axitM-al iitilitliiu ta that turkeva will aell fully a high for Cnrtetma trad ka they ill.l at Tnaiiasgiving unit. m v. . m. ,L.) na k.rv arm all In week, wlllv the .letiiuiij unuauully large. Lg alao held Arm WKAHU IONIIIO COMP1MY. 'ltO-111 Ilward ot Trade, Omaha, Nel Trlegboa 1S1. fll!CAOtY Dec. 11 WI1KAT llaa been firm, although It did not unite hold the top rtceav The moat influential neip was ,- i. n.ii.ritna- heavy raltia In Araonllne. l' al-rtwtd were t. !. firm oil g al t'.,tt-.l Kliia.lonn and I ontlttental iletiiantl krunirv rrcelota were j hai bushel Dteuliist 7tS'."t laat year; In the norihweel, 4 car, agalnal 4t a year mj. Lot-el r ...11,1. w.ia 71 vara, wllh -A of contract rente. Clearances were oot large, rt'.tva) uahels There was a sale leported fr.uu .re of lli.i biishrla 1 t No 3 eprln al $ tenia better than waa bl.l last ra World shloments will be about una Vtu.ii!s .l b SiM'". j Euione. a laible l rvntlaw a conablerably laigir rwa-aa itian last week. A liberal .le- ae la exi4-trd on iwin. There s spring aotiua am , ' nalugns, per keg, o utfrv.uo. Wlthtirawn. A srsreny oi tire.s n I CRANIIERRIES Wisconsin, per bbl.. Is elan looked for. and as the machine em- u .. . i,JB B10.b: per bog. A3 .35. i.loyed In ths manuraciiire or tneae gotms tijoi'Icai irnt'lTR !. .. u.nli.H I... r miinilfacllirers da. I I ItU J IC A 1 l' It 1 1 O. t snow and cold weatner uaugni inem unpre- j- . JM,.,- ' - , pared. There la alao an enorm.iiis deniand n,,1H'rru,.-'7 Vn ,.), -u. ! or leggings, du. it-lined co-U and .hat - t; fJ'"&Ji&i t"lCk' I ?ba?.0'f' la C .0 thai reTil erV report a tiATS-W'eak; N I'Vuh." S4Wo bid; for om time paat. RYE Firm at 49fjtlMjc, rralla aa4 Prod oca. FUJlR-Pull. ateady; red winter pat- Although th. cold weather Interfered to jnu $3 a 60; extra fancy and alralght. . ,.n. ayitk the alilninent of fruit $a 'TtS SO, clear xj.t'6'i3 (. 1 t trail. , appb a and cranberrlea a. eme.1 to RNMEAI-Steady at 30. 1 be the most popular lines, but there wss MRA.N-Strong . sacked, east track. 79 ....... 1I..I.. ..I.u..d. In Ik. .1 . I lima VM- T-C evtdetu e of Patten buying TtielMeS. January. 14 TiS; Marvb $ T7 Se . prime ad laeutal mere was gum Armuur selling through wmmltwlon houaea. New York reports 1." load for export. '.l mp'a for Mondny. 4. ers. (.'"KN-Has felt freer offering from the wst, lower fHfh market and ook I.teeem ber price. The Deemler aold off IV and the oeferred future a fraction. Krcssig wire Zi rara. with ( contract. Eftlrr.n'-a fur Monday, t40 car C'learanrea were iJu.' Vj bueneia. New Tork exjiort were f load The Iowa crop report ia bullish, only 47 per cent sound corn of a total of Iftft.vo. V bushets, bjt the Illinois report waa bearish. JEfii.tuj.tiuii. or the largest on rword. and quality VI. Sum ka here will increase about BtK.i.fmO bushels. There waa aome support for the Jj"mher by he Pt. Loula crowd, primary receipt were tVsj.tMi bush tie. araliet o7,i'.i last year. OA'J S There ha leen the aame aort of selling of .ata aa of corn by the reviving Hvmitit. There has ben an Increase In country offering and cah market waa wehk. I" al re "lpta were 19S cars, wl'h lit contract; estimate for Monday, 1M car. Iowa crop report makes it oat crop tr.' it ishelr, rgaliist li4.taKMJU last year atid Vfr.Vf-.vnt in Clearances were b".- 01 bushel. New York reports 0.i bush el tHken for export. Local caeb sale were To.'fv buehel. There waa smie indications of Hilling by the leading long interest. PKOVISIONB Market opened strong on lighter receipt and higher prices. Commis sion houses general seller at openirg. Local crowd bought pork, lard and riba. both January and May. isome January pork aold by long. J here waa little tun uTTre3 at any time. There were 3".tio hog here; market liSrli- higher. Receipt for the week, 2I&M.' head, against 2M,iMt same wtk laat year. Packing to date. ms.j neaa. ataitiat J.4ln.M last year. Estimates for Monday, 44,'i0 head; for next week. ISn.'nt head; in the west, 44,0i head, agaJnat 6.1 AW last year WKAKE COMMISSION COMPANT. OMAHA WHUICULb MikKETI. Coaalttoa of Trait aa 4aatatlaa Staple nl Fasry Prodae. KC,r,S- Car.dled stock. t3SiiC. UVK rLl.TJty -Hena. THSJSc; old foos- itTM Ai" t-irkova ifrtffll'- itur-Ws k!?tr ! fMM. Biyvic; spring chickens, per lb., Kyvc UP.KtI POl "Ii'KY Hena. luc; young chicken, lie; turkeys, 114; 14c; ducks and gcepe. V (f;Uc. Ut.TTKH Packlnr stock. 16S16:4- choics dairy. In tub, "?i'lc; separator, 2trfl!9c. mtMi LALbiiT rlBil 1 rout, c; ner- rlng, 6c; pickerel, kc; pike, c; perch, 8c; buffalo, dressed 7c; sunflsh. c; bluefins, ic; whl'etish, 1X'; salmon. 16-.; haddock, lie; codfiKh, 12c; redsnapper, 10c; .obaters bulled, it, ,,... i. t..r 1 ti Khc: buiiha'ag joe- tatCah, 14t; black ba, 'JUq; halibut. 11c. 'tVNN,w 0c. OATS-tfiC. PYK-No. I, 4Tc. HHAN -Per ton. US SO. HAY Prices quoted by nitiim wnoie- sale Nbv Tlfalers' asatvlatlon : Choice NO. upiaml. Se .in: No. 1 medium, tiM; No. 1 coarse, TOO. Bye straw, '). Theas prices arc for hsy of good color and quality, v msnd. fair: receipts, light. OYFTEK8 Standards, per can. c; extra selects, per can, ate; New Tork counta. per can. 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $L7S; bulk, standaMa. per gal., 1.30. CHRI8TMA8 DECORATION B. TREflH 4 to 6 feet, per dosen, 11.715; 7 to I feet, 13.60; ( to 7 feet. 12.60; 9 to 10 feel. li M: larae. for school ana cnurcn purposes 12 to 14, feet, each, 1 "4 1 50; extra, w w ..v- w, HObhl HKANt.H r.o Per esse orzxzxt feet (about 60 lbs.), 4: per barrel, 11.60. IONQ NEEDLE PINKS-Per doien, $2 60 fia.oo. VtlSTt.PTnR TtP AKCHKR Per lb.. SOc. KVKRORF.KN WRKATHIN'J In colls of 20 yarda, pr coll, 0c: five-coil lots, k&c. WKEATHB Masnolla and galax wreaths. per dosen. fl Wul 00; evergreen wreaths, per doxen. ll.o0U2.0U; holly wreaina. per uoien. tl.(Mi2 00. VKtiKi Ai5L,,B. NEW CELFJRY Kolumasoo. per do., 15c; L'tah, per rtox.. 45c; California, per do., for atAlka weighing from 1 to Ibe., each, v.n-c POTATflFHVew. tier till. 50c. SWEET POTATOE&Kana, per bbl.. $2 26. TLKNIP8 Per bu., oc; canaaa ruta bagas, per lb., le. MKKTH I'er tlBOHrt. 40c CUCt'MHKRSHothous. per tlog., $1.6f. PAlH.Nirai per bu.. oc, I'lllUATU-P.r till Up tilt ken ufiiuNB-uoutnern, per aog. hiincliea Afie , RADISHES Southern, per do, bunche. 48c. waa. J3r.Ar.n-t-er on, oox. j; siring beans. ner bu. box. tl 60. C'AlibAGE-Mlac. Holland eed, per lb.. 14;. , UNI(JN-Kw nome irowir in aacaa, per no; Hitanlah, per crate, 11.76, NAVY MEANS Per bu., 2.0. TOMATOES New California, per 4- basket crate t2 76. CAL1 FLO WE It California, per crate, 12.50. rnunn, PEARS Fall varieties, per- bog, 12.00; Coi'1.-,i. uer bog. 12.25 Ali'LL'H Cooking, oer bbl.. .25; gating. . Jonathan. 14. 00: New York tock. l?.l: Jonathans, 64 00; M ..Hf(r ,a BHHowers. bu. box. $1.0. O RAPES Catawba. 18c; BANANAS-Per bunch, according to lss, tti,. -,...i. s. . iir,aiwiD-v.uiuni.i awuv, n bnu'v, ,3oRANaEs-r.orid. nrights. n.n: can- fortila navels, 3.ki3.6o; California wect ,,7g-,W-ii i.,h . .k w . -ar-. - - ier case of ib. Dkg ..' 12.25. FlOS-tallfornia, per lO-lb. cartons, ; ' FIG Turkish per ai-lb. box, 146180. OHAi'E FRL IT Florida, (A. MISCELLANEOUS. 13.7. t. until new Tora. n ow; per 4fe-DDl.. 63.7B. BAL'EKK RAUT Wktconsfn, ir H-bbl., : ,1; per itui.. so.ia. Holt, AL,M 1 , .. I V. O.. .k.ll d " I WIW Art .w, lirnvu, mv. 1 1 1 1 I. sJ V i 1 d r. ,n 7, V n o ....n l, . I .... I tt . Kin 9 . K' f U. . nr,,,7U, m. . ..w. . I - u , I k , , . U . L veal cair, a to lzy "". s'tc; no. z veal cair, 12 to 15 lbs., be; dry hides tsVc; sheep pelts. 2ri7fc; horss hides, oi.SOuf2.50. j u 1 n v. uiiiuis, no. a sun sneii, per ID., 16c; hard "hell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., yjv; jno. z nan aneii, per lb., 12c; llraxlla, per lb.. 12c; filberts, per In., 12c; slt.wititta Htift shell, oer lb... lsc hartl atij.ll 1 .,r in irt: necana. lams, iisr lh i-'L.,' .mull ner lb.. 11c: cocoanuta. uer ti f.i,.' I cheatnuta, per lb., 10c; peanuta, per lb., 64o; luaalea peanuts, ier iu., ic; Diacg walnuts, tr D., ; hlckury nuts, per bu., 1.6u; to. ttac-ts pnr 100. 14. .kl It M u"V A T a 1;"!''' a n llnl.- . .... v. . m . . iiJil 11 the following prices: Iron, country, mixed. fvr tllll nt Iron, stove plate, per ton, Ui copper, per lb.. hSc; bra, heavy, per lb., tVjc; hraaa. light, per lb., 5Vc; lead, per lb,, au; sine, per in., .sc, ruumi, per id., 00. Bt. I.eale Grain Bad Provisions. ST. I-OlTIfl. Deo. W.-WHEAT-FIrm: No. I red, cash, elevator, nominal: track, Ti& II AY Strong: timothy. 112.006 16.50: Drab tie, $I15012&0. iium nil ma iir.n HAtiillN(- 6-lo4t7 1-10. HEMP TWINE Ik'. PROVISIONS-Pork, unchanged: lobbing atatulard mesa. llSuO. Lard, unchanged at $11)35. I'rv suit meats (boxed), quiet; extra I uh.v-t. Sl 1 VI. I WSJ .... 1 : ; V V . 7 ' . , .6iV Jlacon tboxedl ateady; extra short, $10 60: clear ribs, $10 60; ahort clear. $11. METAI.rt 1-cad, steady at $4.00. Spelter, dull at $4 POl l.TRY-Turkey. higher; chlckena, ic; apringa, stjt)'tc; tjrkeya, irHc; duck, Uli-IEH steady; creamery, 234j30c; dairy. lMrso.'!' KtlOS-iiteady at 22c, los off. rlccelpt. Shipments. I Flour, bb' utl Itw Wheat, bu. ... tl Oho ... 71 0ti ... ti.OOU 12. 0) MiXI Corn, bu Oats, bu IB.0.0 Philadelphia Prodeee Market. PHItADEI.PHIA. Dec. 13-lU'TTER- rlrru, good demand; extra wealern cream ery. 31c: extra nearby iruita. 33c. r.tiuav pteaity, nut unlet; fresh nearby. 2c. Iitaa ofT; flesh western. ?ttc. htaa nff: fiehh eouthwest. rn, los off; frcati aoutnern, -To, lose on. tit 1. r.nE 1 m turn sect: New York full creauia. prime small, 13Wtf 13e,c; fair to good small, Unite; prime large. U'o, fair 10 good urge. u(iii',i. Tele4a Ural .nC ee. TOl.RDO. lec IS WH EAT Dull, but hll tr. cash and December 7c; May, HI He CORN luli, uwr; lievemuer, daWc; May, 44 We. OATf Dull, unchanged; lecemter, 33c; Mav. HC. RYK -No 1. 62C hiltl'd liovrr. dull, higher: Decem'oer $ HVs; gla 1 uiuutny, i.., prim auiiae, o.a rt. v 1 1 . i COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Eullisb rore;fjn Eewi Eirdani Wheat, 1 Which CIomj Aloot Steady. CORN ANO OATS PRICES DROP DURING DAY Provlsleas RersTrr frasa Rerrat tlaasa I Teaavrarlly Rlac, Tbaagh Later Fall OaT Aaala Hews ( Eismri Ssaall Recelata. CHICAGO, Dec. 1J. Bullish foreign news cauaed firmness In wheat today, although the close aa at about steady prices, with May Jc higher. May corn waa VuNc lower and oats aff Stc. January provisioiis closed uncluinged to 2c higher. Keports of rain In Argentine, which have cauaed much delay In the harveetlng of the wheat crop there, were the chief factor In tha situation, although Liverpool cablea were also of a bulllah character. The volume of business was light. The open ing on May wss from a shade to VtlWc higher at 7!iiic. and on lair buying, with light offering, there vas an advance to iikc. Later, on liquidation. May de clined to 77Sc. closing c higher at 77tf TTc. December cloaed unchanged at 7tc. Clearaneea of wheat and flour were equal to 222,000 bu. Primary receipt were 6MH bu., against 67a.0UU a year ago. Minne apolis and Culutb reported receipts of &o8 cars, which, with local receipts of 71 cars, with 2 of contract grade, made total re ceipts for th three points of 6Tk cars, against &j last week and 604 a year ago. The. action of December corn waa the main feature In that pit, there being more business la that delivery than for some time past. The opening waa He lower at 6?c, but a sharp advance to 6&c oc curred early in the day, which brought out considerable liquidation, and there was a sudden declliyr to 6ic, but on the break the offerings were well taken, most of which waa said to be for the account of a ft. Douls pool. The close was c lower at fcOc. In May the trade waa narrow and of a local character, higher cablea im parling aome strength at the opening, which waa unchanged to Uc higher. The close waa tuc lower at 4o Vu W7c, after ranging between uvc and 44c. lxical receipts were 22t cars, with six of contract graoe. Oats were Inclined toward a lower plane. owing to considerable real ring and aelllng. supposed to be against Increased country purchases of cash. The fluctuations were within a narrow range, May selling be tween 23Hc and S3Sc, closing 'ic lower at 33c.. Luteal receipts were l&S cars. Provisions showed good recovery from the recent sluinu and the market was strong on small receipts of hogs and higher prices at the yards. There waa a little advance early in the day on the hog situa tion and expectations of smaller receipts next week, but prices eased on again ana the close was steady, January pork being Zc higher at 116.60. January lard un changed at t9 70 and ribs up 2c at IS 35. Estimated recelpta lor Monday: Wheat, 65 cars; corn, 240 cars; oats, KM car; hogs, 44,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Article. Open. Illgh. Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat Dec. May July Corn Lec. Jan. May Oats I 75 ff4 75H1 75 I 75i4! 77H!77,JH 60S. (6U! 75'4 77'4 67i 4H lt, 1 57H 16 62H 10 22V4 70 07V4 32H 274 7"fc&V 4H4V 67 77- U1 4 47, I 44il 445 tOec. May Sl 1 70 8i4 3iiiaT4 32; Pork- Jan. May 1 75 i m 15 69 10 22V4 9 70 10 t 35 1 00 15 &2V, 16 62ti 16 b2 10 22hJ Lard rec. Jan. Mar 10 2IH 10 rv, 72' I so 15 t 40 vo IS 8 85 20 10 Rl he- Jan. Mar a ao 22Vil 271 No. t tNew. Cash quotations were a follow: FLOUR Market quiet, steady; winter patents, S3.40&. 60; strslghts, $3104(3 0; spring patents, 3.70; straight, 2.90 t.20: hakera, 12. 253.75. WHEAT No. . spring;, T6He7c; No. t spring, S&73c; No. i red, 7Vu75c. CORN Nc. . 664c; No. 2 yellow, btAie. , OATS No. i. Zlc; No. I white. a2a36c. RYK No. 2. 49Hc. BARLEY Good feeding, 3940c; fair to choice malting, tiijW', SEED No. 1 flax, $1.15; No. 1 northwet ern, $1.24; prime timothy, $3.66; clover, cos tract crade. $10.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 117. Lard, per 100 Ilia.. $10. 2!I 10.30. ghort rilta aldea floose). $M fy-iitt 75. Dry salted ahoul ders (boxer). $i 2i48.50. Short clear side (boxed). $S.7&fl9.00. Following were the receipt and shlpmenta of th principal grain yeaterday: Hecelnt. Shipments Flour, bbl 21,500 14,200 Wheat, bu 9,00 32.400 Corn, bu It.2o0 102.209 Oats, bu 145 So0 142,SijO Rye, bu 15.t0 7,100 Barley, bu 72,400 11,100 vOn the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 18ft 2m He; dairies, 17i25c. Eggs, steady, loan off, cases returned, 24c. Cheese, steady, HVtif 12c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatlons of that Day Varloei Comsnodltlea. NEW YORK, Dee. 13.-FLOUR-Rcelpt 12.401 bbl.: exports. 36,s50 bbla. : mar ket firm: winter natenta. t3.8uti) 1 po; winter atralghta, $3 4.Vri3 55; Minnesota natenta. $4.ooli4.20: winter extra. $2.u3.16 Xllnneaota baker, $3.2of3.4o; winter low gradea, 12 .V)V1"S. Rye not r, ateady; fair to good, $3.utl3.40; choice to fancy, $3.5o 3 66 ttucKwneat nour, nrm, t..ira..a. put and to arrive. CORN MEAL Dull; yellow western, $1.23; city. 11.21. it y e Hteady : no. z western. 6c. 1. o. t.. afloat; No. 2. 64'a4c, track; tate, 60j6c, I. f. New York. BARLEY Dull: feeding. 3B40c. c. I. f.. uurraio: malting, waw. c. 1. t. tiurraio. WHEAT Receipt. 73.125 bu.; exports, 21,649 bu. spot, nrm; No. x red, S2,c, cie vator. and Jc, t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north' ern. Duluth. 5fc, f. o. b.. afloat; No. ! hard, Munltoha. h6c, t. e. b., afloat. Op tion ruled firm. The chief buying motive were unexpectedly higher cable further report or rain in Argentine, email western recelpta and general covering. Near the close wheat partially reacted on a poor ex tort trade, although last price were HabaC tlgher. May. HI 6-11'nM ll-bio, closed at 8lc; July, 78 ll-lfciflnc, cloaed at 78o; Dei eroner ctoseo at M'ic. CORN Recelpta, 49.300 bu.; export. K1,M2 bu. Spot, steady; No. 1, 4c, elevator, and (lo. f. o. b.. arltiat; No. i yellow, 61c. No. 1 white, (14c. The option market waa firmer, but oulet. deriving ita strengtn from un favorable weatnrr. email contract arrivals cables and tha wheat advance. The market finally eased nil with wheat and closed He lower to 0 higher. May, tru1 tSc, cloaed at 4Hc: December. tt'IHtutiC. closed at o-'40 OATS Receipts. du.: exitorts, sa.741 bu Spot, firm, unchanged. Options were oulet. but nrm. December ctoseu at 3c tlAT twuiet; snipping, ocgivc; goou to chute- Vjttiti. MOPS Oulet; stste, common to choice, line crop. zvUtiTc ; lata crop, 24u-fx-. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 2o to 25 lbs. 19c; Tis ttry. Z4 10 so ids.. 14c. LEATHER Firm; acid. 24'ir25Uc. PROVISIONS Heef, sleady; family. $1.(X) fiiBOO; meaa, aioottti u.uoj. beer nema, K).fyjf r.w; pacaet. 111 ucitfia.w. city extra India mesa, J ttttw. i-ut meats, quiet Blckled belliea. $9.710.60; pickled shoul aers, $5.50; pickled hams, tll.75.iiU.Ou. Lard firm; western steamed, 111; refined, steady continent, ouum America, xn ta comnound. $7 5f&7.75. Pork, steady: family $1$; short clear, $21.0utt23.uo; mess, $18,004 lltw. TALIX1W Dull: city. 6Ttc: country, sc RICE Firm; domealle, fair to extra. 44 so-c; japan, 111,1:, nuatltiai, PEANUTS Steady; fancy hantl picked, 41toc; other domestic. I'aUSUe. CABDAGE Steady ; domestic, per 100, white. $lK(2 6o; red, $1 sovjJ.W. ML'TTER Sleady; extra creamery, $0c; extra lactory. miiisc creamery, commo to choice, 22 (i -'; held ordinary. 22i(j2oc Slate oatry, iiu-.M. renovaicu. l.iir.'o. t'HEESERecelpta, l.ant pkga.: ateady ranry large, atate run cream, colored an while, September. 1J';C; late make. 13c fancy small, colored and white, )3Sc; lata make. ijc. EOOS Receipts. 6441 pkga: steady: Mat and Pennsylvania, average best, 2c; west rn. poor to lancy, anzic. POt'URY-Allve. weak; chickens, 12c turkeys. 11 u 12c; fowls. UW. Dressed, firm western rhtckeiis, liL3c; western fowls, i;eiw: western turkeys, lMilsc. METALft A small amount of business wss tranaacted today in the principal metals, the snowstorm Interfering 10 aome extent with th placing ot ordera. Price held aboal even with yeaterday a ngurea I all quarter Tin was firmly heid. spo being quoted ai Ja si; jz. 40. 1 ne tone the copper market was dull and the uuota tlona in force more or less nominal. Stand ard waa quoted at $175. Iske at $11 6 aud elM truiytio and casting at ill 46 Lead wa ateady at $4 li'- for spot. Spelter was t barvi' steady al H Iron wa easier with a dowrward tendency to prices, which are, however, at the moment unchanged. DEW TORK HOI kl AKO HOXDS. Bask ftateaaeat Dtaapsxtlats pee a la tere, Hl( s.,.11 rreelr aa Reaalt- KEW TOP.K. rec. U Th small de crease In the loan Item of the bank dis closed by the weekly statement today proved a disappointment to speculators and stock were old freely after Its pub lication. The market closed In consequence active and weak. Earlier In the day the movement waa nervous and uncertain on a rather artive market. There were sev eral alternste advances and declines bfor the final active selling movement. The volume of the week s lltuidstlon In stocks under the losses entailed were felt to promise a more extensive loan contraction than that reported, which waa t2.0fi6.stai. In yesterday's late drive against the bears the Impression got around that an Increase In surplua reserve might be disclosed. To day by reason of a heavy loan contraction and some siwclal movemects of cssh from nesrbjr points th speculators were the more dlsappolated for this reason over the actual showing. It ia possible thtit the actual k-an contraction Is understood as the heaviest liquidation was In the latter part of the week and thua figured for only part of the week In the statement of averages put there la also the possi bility that the loans called from the stock market were put out again to syndicates and otherwise. A feature of tb day's news was a number of additional calls for In stallments of syndicate subscriptions. In cluding the tMMO.ouo Installments on the New York Central bonds underwriting, which was reported to hsve csused some surprise to subscribers. At this time there Is no relief In eight from the sub-treasury' drain upon the money market and the time loan for all periods are at per cent and for horter periods a high as per cent. The fallowing are the closing price on the New York Stock exchange: AU-blson ao pfd Btl. Ohio 4e ld Ctusaiu Pacific .. CanaQa so Cite Ob to Cbltago Alios.. oo ptc Cbltato. In. A L. eld . 1 go. Railway pt4.... K . ' Tim ri0i It . t Toledo, St- L.. A W. M . Ao itd 4t .lit Valoa Pacific ! .74 ao pro. . 44 .. do sfa . Wboitnf A L. B . 14 I do 14 P'4 . 1 H it Central .. .. BP4 .. tl .. il .. .. 41 ..tit ..lio . .21 .. W ... I!S .. .. 11 .. .. fS .. C'btt. A O. W... TS : o pit ia lat old ao lam Ex do Id p!d 4e American Ex Chluoso A N. W tit tutted StatM Ex. tbluago Tor. A Tr... 14 Wll-Fro Ex.. to gfd, Anil. Cav;T ... C. C. C. A Bt. L.... MSAmer. far A T ... Colorado Bo W Pfd do 1st ptd ... So Id f.i Dl. A Hadsoa. bol. L. W... bearer R. O de gld Erie do lot ptd.... do id pfd Great Nor. ftf d . Hocklas Valley do pld tlliaots ("antral Iowa Central . . . . Amer. LIB. Oil . 4t"Vi do pfd II Amarloaa A A B. . .:af do pfd . 4 Anar. Mining Co... . W Brovklra R T . W Colo. Fuel A Iron. . 41 Cona. Gas . t! root- Tobacco ptd.. At!' Gen. Electric . Hotklnf Coal . Pi inter. Paper .in do p'd . K. Irtw. Prrwer . Lauleds Caa . 43 National Blsralt .. .. 414 .. 7IH4 ..tli ..llt4 ..174 .. II .. 14'4 .. 714 .. 10 .. 0 .. 44 - ? . .15 .. 4 .. n .. 14 .. M .. ..ZZi .. 174 .. 74 . .U' .. S34 .. li"4 .. 7iV, .. 114 .. U4 .. H1 .. M .. 'H .. II ,.. 174 ,.. do pfd Lake Erie A W.. do pfd Hi National Lead llkVi No. American llSli PaclBc Coaat Hilt Pacific Mall 114, People's Gas 14 Pressed 8. Car lor do pfd 101 '4 Pullman P. Car.... n Republic Bteel .... Fit, do pfd 166 Sugar 150 Tenn. Coal A Iron , (14 I' Dion Bag A P do pfd 17 H V. 8 Leather .... , ir! do pfd U. B. Robber tii to pfd 71 I'. B. f'.eal 44 do pfd , 7a Western I'oloa .... r anhatua L.... et. Bt. Itr ex. Central ... National , ma. A tit. L. Pacific K. a T do pfd J. Oatral .. T. Central . Norfolk A W... do pfd Ontario W... PennaylTanla .. Reading do 1st ptd.... do id pld St. U a. r. do let ptd.... do id pld 4414 Amer. Locomotive., 29 I do Pfd Bt. 1 a w.... do pfd 59 K. C. southern t St. Paul 14DK do Pfd Sit. do pfd ldf ,Rock laland !5 bi do 14 Bo. Pacific 80. Railway ... Hew York Money Market. NEW TORK. Dec 13.-MONET On call. nominal; no loan today: tlma money, sixty and ninety-day loans made under special arrangement; six months, per cant; prim mercantile paper, per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Nominal, with actual business ir bankers' bill at $4.87 for demand and at $4 8330-4.8335 for sixty days posted rates, $4.84 nd h m; commercla ..11. ,J ViXtnA fi'UZ nil'., - - ... SILVER Bar. 48c; Mexican dollar. 3714a. UWi.417-IMHIIUOU, ,..-MU,a. , ,UIV, IIUlCIl steady; refunding; 1, registered, ;07; cou pon, 1084; is, registerea ana coupon, 10, HI -.4.t.r..1 11 r. A ..Aimnn 1 e". 1 i rA Am registered, 108Vi; coupon, 1094; 6s, registered and coupon. 103. Tb closing quotation on oona are ai follow: V. B. rot. ia, nt....Vn LAN. nnl. 4 K1U 4s eoupoa luiH Mox. control 4s 75Vt do Is. ro Kti do la loe tt do eoupoa I""1! Minn. A Bt. L. 4s 1024 de 4s. re IBM M.. K. A T. 4s n ao coupon io7) ao as Bl do eld 4a, reg IWSs N. Y. Cantral la 102 do coupon lu4 do gea. i',a..; 104 do 4a, rag ion N. J. C. can. te mvt de coupon Itui, No. PaclBc 4a ltO'A Atchison (an. 4s 101 do Sa 1 do ad). 4a M N. A W. eoa. 4a loo Bal. A Ohio 4a 1004 Reading gen. 4s K ao sfca w l a i s & as. ...ill do cons. 4a IMli Bt. L. A S r. 4s.... rf Canada Bo. Ia 107 Bt. L. 8. W. Is ti Cantral of Oa. U....1DJ t do ta A4 do la Inc 74 B. A. A A. P. 4a M Chos. A Okie 4Ha...l0i Bo. PaclOo 4s UUj Cblraio A A. IVta... II Bo. Hallway (a 11IH c, a. at 14. n. aa.... vo i aasa aa ractnc is. ..ill u, M at r g aa..n t . at. u. w. 4., Tf C. A N. w. e. 7s....l3JUj union PaclBc 4s IMS C, R. I. A r. 4a....l"'4 oo eonv. 4s C C O A Bt L g 4a. ts .Waha.h la usv. cnteaso lr. aa b ' oo as tos Colorado Bo. 4a to do deb. B fly. itenvar ai n. a. b..ivi " oiitri aa 11a Erl prior lion 4a.... I7Vj Wheal. A L. B. 4a.. (1 do general 4a iivrtia. i antral ta tl r. W. i: V. C. It.. .110 Con. Tobacco 4s il nocaias iii'ityi iw t Loadoa Stock Market, LONDON, Dec. IS. Closing quotation: Consola for money... I2Vi New York Central I5KU, do account Ilta nonota at western... l Anaconda 41 Atchlaon $!", no iin se Ontario A Weatera... ts do pfd luo4 Pennaylvanla 7it4 Rand Mlaes 1114 Reading gyi do 1st pfd 4114 do Id pfd la Baltimore A Ohio.... Ilti Canadian Pacific 110 Chaaapaak A Ohio... 41 Chicago O. W X4 C, M. A Bt. r 179 Southern Railway.... 404 rieBesrs 24 llaorar A 11. 0 17 oo pio as Southern Pacific dl do pfd . Union Pacific H'4 Erl 82 do pfd PIS4 United State Bteel.. 3T'4 do pfd wjj do lat pftt 14 do Id aid 49 Illlnola Central 144M T. ..........,,, Ba Loulealll A Naah.,.12S Mlaanurt, K A T. .. US do pfd 41U BAR SILVER Steady at 22M6d per ounce. MONEY per cent. The rats, nt discount In the open market for short bills is atoa'e per cent ana ror mree months bills U 1 13-I6i83 per cent. Bostoa Stock (laoiatloas. BOSTON. Dec 11 Call loans. tUifftox a. cent; time loans, 4VB7 per cent. Official ciuauig ui eiwae anu uonua; Alchleon s KK) , Allouaa Oaa la N Amalgamated . . B5S4 . 2 .43 . 14 . .12t.l . Illtf . 10 ,. J7H .. IS .. to . 11 ,.100 .. 1 .140 . .. BOS .. W-1 .. 44 Mes. Central 4a IS IHlti.h.m Atchlaon TlV'-alumet A Heola. do Dfd I'aCentennlal Boatoa A A loan if ZM Copper Hania Biiataa A Me laj Dominion Coal Boatoa Elevated ISO iPranklia N. Y., N. H A H...1?3S4 Jala Kurale ntchburs aid.. .141 Mobawk . 8'a Old Dominion .Ill .Oeeeoia lit IParmt ' .ISISIQulney . Santa Fs Copper..! 17i I Tamarack . 1114'Trtnlty . 1, I nlled Blatae .ltrt1. l'tah . aos Vtrteria ' . Hitii Winona ,. II IWolrerlna .. li llialy West I'nlon Paclfto American Bufar .... o pfd American T. A T... Dominion I. fl... Oaa. Klei-trlc Mass. Electric ..... do pfd fulled Prult V. 8. Bteel so pfd , Weetlnsh. Cooamoe. Adtrentur Bid. Here York Mlalag Qnelatloas. NEW YORK. Dec. U.-The following are tn.; closing prlcea on mining stocks: Adam Cos 11 Llltle Chief . Alice to Onlarte preec 41 Opair Hruaawtck Coa I Phoenix Cometork Tunnel 4V4 Put oat .. ..I7 ..HO .. .. 0 .. IT Coa. lal. a Va in Bare Hum Silver It Sl.rra Nerada Iroa Silver 71 Small Hopes . Landfill Coa I Standard .... .. VI Ferelga flaaarlaL LONDON. Dee. It -Money wa In fair uply In the market today. Discount were quiet and easy. Operators on the Stock exchange watched closely the course of American, their position dominating more or leaa tne whole situation. The usual week-end disinclination to engage In trans action prevailed. Ihe tendency was cheer ful. Console were heavy. Home rail were Irregular. Americana opened stronger, but vuBiiirH vt a narrow, i ne ruture wa re. garded adversely and there waa a lion to aell. prlcea closed firm on mure reassuring reports from New Xork regard lug the monetary ailuatlon. hlo Unto and Kaffirs hardened. PARIS, Dec. 12. Price were firm on the bourse today. Rente were firm la pit of th condition at Marseilles. Op tions were affected in favor of buyers. In dustrials were supported. Kaffirs were In good demand. The private rate of dlacount waa 1 13-1; t per tnt rentes, Vftf Jc lor tne account. UfcHLlN, Dec ll-BuftineM en tb pours today opened oulet. Canadian rarities war animated on New Tork advices, loiter the tone of the market was more favorable in consequence of the rise In the price of iron and encouraging reports from Vpper fiilesla. Weekly Bask atateaseat. NITvT TORK. Dee' H The statement of averacee of the clearing house banks of this city for the week ending today shows: Loans, tvnt.STl.&no; decrease, tl.t .iHi. De posits, TS 7:n .2tt: decrease, t. tCl 4-W. Cir culation, 4n.rfio.7W; Increase. IM.l'Hi. Legal tenders, tn7.gwi.4tm; Increase. mJti.Mj. Pjtecle, tir K".;mo; decrease, t.1. Reserve, tit 70"; decresse. B3.OM.7tm. Reserve re quired. t:'114:C.m; decrease, tl.&nT.iwO. Pur- Clus. tS.H.!""; decrease, ll.Sxfi.Km. Kx 'nited etutes deposiu, (i&,42&,U.B; decrease, ti,bs:,226. Baak C I earl a era. OMAHA, tvc. 13. Bark clearings for the week a compared with corresponding week last year: 1902. lilol. ii.iM.r r l.SlS.Mt OS 1.24k 4rJ S2 1.202 K1 7 l.isit.2(r; rr 1.076.113 M Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday n.'-'4.7s i 1.2K7.W1 SO l.l'.2ti 1.261.116 t I.p.rt4 44 1.1S7.2 41 Total r.JlS.R50 44 B7,1SMS u Increase I 146.767 V PHIIA DELPHI A, Dec IS Clearings. BBi.tClTTV: balancesi. IIS57.616-. clearings for the week. $!,. &; balancea, tl3,OJ44S. Cettoa Mark.!. NEW TORK. Dee. IS. COTTON Futures opened quiet and unchanged to $ points lower and then became steadier. Following the first call the market aorm rallied tv4 folnts. chiefly on covering, the bears find ng very little cotton for sale and receipt little more than half what they were a year ago. A leading feature wa tl.e small ewlmate for Monday's receipts at Houston, this being gouo to t.flW teles. against J,tw last vear. Current estimates pointed to port receipts of only J40.O00 bales, which t would make Ihe In sight movement next Friday very small. The weather in mucn of the cotton belt wa poor. Selling wa further checked by an Impression that a certain Important Interest stood heavily ahort of March and May contracts. While prices took a higher level Boon after the opening call, the volume of business was ems.!. The market closed barely steady 2 ti4 points lower, except September, wnicn ws nominallr 12 point lower. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 13 COTTON Futures, steady: December. SOf.fiJt.0fjc: Jan uary. 8 120 13c; Februarv. 8.1G l&c: March, $ra.23c: April, g.I6( May, .wa.Jlc: June, 36c; Julv. 6.376 3Sc: AuguBt, 117c bid. Spot, steady: sales, S.050 bales; ordinary, 13-lc; good ordinarj'. 7 6-1 6c; low middling, 70; middling. 6'c; good mid dling. 8-16c: middling fair. Sc; receipts, M bales; stock. 34S.668 bales. LIYEKPOOL. Dec. IS. COTTON Spot. Quiet; prices 2 point lower; American mid dling fair. 5.14(5: good middling. 4 66d; mid dling. 4.52d; low middling, 44"d; good or dinary. 4.2od; ordinary, 4.16d. The sale of the day were 7,000 bales, or wnicn were for Bieculatlon and export and included .SoO American; receipts, 2S,(0 bales, ell American. Future quiet; American mid dling, g. o. c, December. 4.4Sd; December nd January, 4.46d; January and February, 4 4l.:H 4x1; February and Mircn. 4.404400; March and April, 4 4&j4 4d; April and May, 4 46d; Mav and June, 4 4'.(l4 4,d: June and Jjly, 4.4i-4.4:d; July and August. 4.44.47d. BT. LOUIS. Dec. 13. cui Bleaay; middling. 8S-16c; no st-les; receipts, $.129 bales: shipments. $,17 bale; stock. 26,536 bale. Liverpool Grain aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 13. WHEAT Spot: Firm; No. 2 red western winter, Ss lid; No. 1 California, tr. 7Vd. Futures: Steady; December, ta ld; March, 6 ld; May, 6 lSd. CORN Spot: American mixed. new. teady, 6 2d; American mixed, old, quiet, 6s 4d. Futures: Inactive; January, 4 7d; March. 4 3d. provisions Beer, nrm; extra inaia mess. 116s. Pork, firm; prime mesa west ern, B2s 6d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, &3s. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 2$ to $0 lb., auiet. 48: short ribs. IS to 24 lbs.. quiet, 61; long clear middle, light, 28 to 34 lbs., dull, 51s; long clear middle, heavy, 36 to 40 lbs., dull, fy ; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., dull, 51s; clear bellies, 14 to 1 lb., dull, 60s. Shoulder, square, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet. 45. Lard, prime western, In tierces, steady, 68a; American refined. In pan, auu. t9 oa. HI'TTER NomlnaL CHEESE Strong; American finest white and colored, 6?s. TALLOW Prime city, eteady, 28 6d; Australian In London, nrm, 34s m. Kaasaa City Grata and Provleleas. KANSAS CITY. Dee. 13. WHEAT De t ember, 44c, May. 694c; cash. No. hard, 66i69c; No. 3, t4i7c CORN December, 6114c; No. 2 white. 42Uc: No. 8. 42c OATS No,. 2 white, 36c; No. 2 mixed, RYE No. 1. 464346c. HAY Timothy, tl0.6O43U.O0; prairie, $10.00 10.25. BUTTER Creamery, 25(ff27c; dairy, 22c EGGS Fresh, 22c Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bu 53,6i0 0,4O0 Corn, bu 107,200 61,800 Oats, bu 16,000 13,000 Evaperated Apples and Dried Fmlta, - NEW YORK. Dec 13. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues firm, being Influenced by a fairly active demand. Common are quoted at 454c; prime, 6WS 6c; choice, tvj6Hc; fancy, 7b7t4c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot rirunes are firm, with the larger aises be ng In comparatively better demand and particularly strong. Quotations range from JVc to 7VIC Apricots are In moderate Job bing demand and rule steady at 7V412c for boxes and 7'ulOc for bags. Peaches are quiet, but steadily held, at 12 18c for peeled and 6H&IO0 for unpeeleo. tigar and Molasaea. NEW TORK, Dec. 13. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 8 7-16c; centrifugal, 9 test, S15-16c; molasaea sugar, $3-16c; refined, firm; crushed, 6.55c; powdered, 6.05c; granu lated, 4.95c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans. SOfjplOc. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 13 SUGAR Steady; open kettle, 2 13-16V&-3 7-16c ; open kettle centrifugal. 2 7-16Q 3 3-16c ; centrifugal granulated, 4 3-l&t4c; whites, tuihtc; yellows, 3fjtc; seconds, 2kiQ3 6-16c. MOI.AB3K8 Steady ; open kettle, 2ie3Sc; centrifugal. 17r23c; syrup, 23y'2Sc. Wool Market. BT. LOCIS. Dec 13. WOOL Firm; me dium arades and combing. 16ii20Uc; light I fine, l&iii9e; heavy fine, Ugl5c; tub washed, lft29c. LONDON. Dec. 13 WOOLTradlng In wool during the week was limited, owing to the nrmnes or noiaera. Merino ana fine-haired cross-breds sold at prices equal to the hlgn rates pata auring tne recent active sale. The first of the lt"fl sales amounts to 43,123 bales, Including 13,000 for warded direct to spinner. few York Import aad Exports. NEW YORK. Deo. 11 Total Import of merchandise and dry goods at the port of New York for mis wee were vaiuea at tll.4el.020. Total Imports of specie at the port of New York for the week were $16,304 Sliver and $40,197 gold. Total exports ot specie irom tne port oi New York for the week were $oTZ,530 silver and 0,014,404 gold. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 13 DRY GOODS The week In dry goods cloied with a quiet market throughout. No change In quota tion for either tapie or lancy cotton good here. Print cloth quiet and un changed. Cotton yarns steady with a mod erate jemana. vtorsieu yarns scarce anu firm. Woolen yarns steady, demand fair. Linen and jut yarns firm. Mlsraeapella Wheat, Floar aad Braa, MINNEAPOLIS. Dee. 11 WHEAT De eember 74tT74r: May. TS'ac: on track. No. 1 hard. 7&Hc; No 1 northern, 72Vicf No. 1 northern, if. FLOUR First patents, t3.tOJ4.00: second patents. $3.75j3ffi: first clear, $2.0ij3.UO; sect. ltd clears. $2 302 4'l. SHAN In bulk. $12 2S. Whisky Market. CINCINNATI. Dec. 13. WHISKY Dis tillers' finished goods active on basis of ti .. CHICAGO. Dec. ll-WHI9KY-Basls of hle-h wines. $1 32. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 11 WHISKY Steady at PEORIA, Dec. ll-WHI8KY-tl.. Hilnaikc Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Dee. 13. WHKAT Mar ket tadv: No. i northern. 77Vc; No. 2 northern. 7c; May 7i774e. RYK-Firm: No. 1. 62iS2ic. R A RLE Y Dull; standard, tic; ssmplo, SQ ate. CORN My, Se. - Dalata Orata Market. DULUTH. Dec. 11 WHEAT-Tiitl. No 1 hard. 74ee; No. 1 northern, 7lVc; No. 1 northern and December. 73 c; May, 7t'4c. OATS December. ilStc. i Pgorla Market. PEORIA, Dec U. CORN Lower; new. No. I 44C OATS-btcady; JIo, wtUte, C4a. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET 111 Einds nf Oalde OoBsidmbly Lower TLah b Week Afo, HOGS AT LOWEST POINT SINCE HIAfCH A elite Desna a 4 for Fat Mteep III l.a as bs aad Deairable I. r a dee A B ture Jast A boat a Qaarter Feeeler-e gteadg tor rrt SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. IS. Recelrt erere: CatCs. lices. Sher p Official Monday Official Tuesdar I'tTiclel Wednesday. Official Thursday... Cifflolal Frldsv C-fTlclal Saturiay.... Total this week... Snme day last week. Same week before.... .17.21$ .11 71M .1S.KS Same three week ago.. 2;..l Same four weeks ago J4.4l.1t Same davs lsst year 17.1H3 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table show the receipt of cattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha, for Ihe year la date, and comparisons with nift year: l&.il. lia-l. Inc. Dec Cattle 7..y 7SS.1;.$ Hog 2.1.-.745 2.11s:. 443 14S,6ti Sheep l,6t.4l 1.21, 4tl2 S77.0S8 The following table shows the average price of bogs cold on the South Omaha market the last several daya, Willi com parisons wita farmer ears: Data. I 1902. !!!. 11900. il8.:i!5W.!lS97.l. Now. 24... 1 I lOS;IB2.4Sjl2. in t 0SSI t 76 3 771 S SS, t S0 S 1$ - 6 n 4 6 t 76! I j I ia 04 4 711 $ 73, I 3P; ' $3 5 . $ & 74 6! I ll I 0 I 001 fi 4 71, I 21! 3 2i J ( 4 I 74 $ 3& $ $ IB C (1.-4! 5 95. $ 76i $ $ 2.., $ tJ f IS",: 6 Kk 4 B4 I $ 2fl I 1! $ 1 22s b ! i ' 1 -M ! 14 6 24V 6 05, 4 77 $ Boj I 37 I 0 lb" 6 B 4 P4, I Sfi. $ S.1I t 2a 6 Ot, 4 Pi! $ H; t 2A, 3 2.v I 00 B 07V ! 4 78 3 Kl, 3 , 3 17 3 1 06V ( 111 I I s( I 29 1 U, I U 6 12 6 13 4 ST. I J 31. 3 13, 3 21 6 0s 6 14 4 s2 J 921 j $ li ? L' 6 9; 6 lti, 4 77 1 3 J 37; 1 20 6 -b, 211 4 SI 1 $ W J 3S, 3 2u, Nov. a Nov. 2... Nov. 27...I Nov. g... Nov. 2... Nov. $w... Dec 1.... Dec 2.... Dec ...., Dec. 4.... Lec. 5.... Dec. .... Dec. 7.... lec. g.... Dec .... Dec. 10... Dec 11... Dec. U... Dec. U... Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by ea-h read : Roads. Cattle. Uuca. Sh'p. H'ses. C. M. A St P. Ry i Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific Ry.. .. 1 1 Union Pacific system. ..861 C. A X. W. Ry 32 F.. E. A M. V. R. R.. $ Si I C, St. P., M. & 0 6 4.. 13. A M. Hi 1 15 11 C, B. & Q. Ry & C, R. I. At P.. eat.. 1 14 .. " I T i. a 1 Illinois Central 1 Total receipts IS 107 11 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. She p. Omaha Packing Co isW swift and company i t.u Armour A Co l,5l SS8 Cudahy Packing Co 1.794 t Armour, from Sioux City l.KJO B. F. Hobble k S Other buyers 136 1.2SS Totals 13J 7 2,535 CATTLE There were only a few bunche of cattle In the yards this morning, but for the week the supply has been very liberal. As compared with last week the Increase amounts to about &,0u0 head, and as compared with the corresponding week of last year there Is a gain of nearly Hum) head. Other markets have alao had very heavy receipts, so that packers have pounded prices in bad shape. A liberal proportion ot the offerings all the week has consisted of oornfedx, and the quality has alao shown some improve ment The high price of the week was $tj 25, which waa paid on Tuesday for a bunch of well-fattened cattle. Prices went down all the week, and particularly toward the close, so that values are now at the low point of the season. The decline for the week Is put at right around &0c. There la, of course, some unevenness, so that lome sale have looked better than that, while other have been worse. Pretty good cattle are now selling around $4.60. and It would take something strictly choice to bring tt or better. The cow market also suffered and the decline for the week Is juBt about the ame as on steers J lading was very slow on most anys, ana 11 loos, jiracncany an uuy to make a clearance. The late arrival of train wa largely responsible for that, bu at the same time the market wu very slow. The bulk ot the sales are now going from $2.00 tc t3.1&. with a few sales from t3.60 to $4.00. Bulls may be quoted about a quarter lower for thr week, and stags are fully that much lower. Veal calves have held right close to steady, but the sharp de cline on other lines has had a tendency to weaken pr'ccs There has been very little demand for stockers and feeders, but owing to the fact that receipts have been rather modeiate prices have not suffered as badly as might be expected. The better grades of feeders are probably not over 25c lower for the week, bul the common stuff, and especially the common stockers, have been almost unsalable at any price, and are mors than a quarter lower. The season for western range cattle Is practically at a close. A few cars arrive every day, but not enough to make a mar ket. As a general thing prices fluctuate on the westerns. Just about the same as on the native. The quality of the offerings as a rule Is rather inferior. HOGS There was about an average Sat urday' supply of hoga here today and the market alar tea out zvajc nigner man yesterday close, or about like yesterday morning. The bulk ot the early sales went at to.7H and $6.00, with a few choice load at $S.o2i, and $6.05. Trading, though, wa not particularly brink, a packer did not seem to have very liberal orders. Hy the time about half of ths hogs had changed hands the market weakened a little, so that the close waa rather slow. The receipts of hogs for the week show an Increase over laet week, but there Is still quite a decreaee as compared with the corresponding week of last year. The gen eral tendency of prices has been down ward this week. Wednesday waa the high day, when the average cost was n 12. and Friday the law day, when the average was down to $i.9. On November 26 the average was down to . ana witn mat exception the average up to thla week haa not been below $6.oo since last March. Prices are 2iXfi25c lower than a year ago, but about tl.u per hundred higher than two years ago. AiepreBeniauve saica. No. A,, ah. IT. No. At. 8h. Pr. 1... .14 16 t a?t .127 iuO t 1 .ill 140 I 15 .:ti tto e is .113 40 I M Tl Kl 10 00 i; 24a 10 oo ti 2.r.l BO I 00 II 2f.l M 00 II 261 100 00 (.1 31. 40 I 00 70....... .241 ... I 00 ..., 120 4 00 17 241 2K0 I 00 I 210 10 4 00 225 40 I 00 14 272 4.'. I 17 344 120 lli: 21 Ml ... I 0t II 241 80 I 96 I 247 120 Kl 10 244 10 I IS II 241 HO IS 4S .1 240 i 1711 75 El 40 lit. 181... II.... 15.... 13.... 77.... 14.... 71.... 44... 75.... 71.... U ... 71.... II..., 14... 64 ... UI 40 I 11' IJ 40 t TJ, rM 40 i 17' tat ... I nti Ill 1M I Hi ti no I 1114 ! 40 I IT Ill ... I IT 114 I4 I I14 m ... i n1, ro 1M I us H4 M t 14 ll 120 I tM 20 40 I I1V4 2.4 ... I II t.4 ri 1J0 oo 2IPI 40 I 00 74 2 11 40 I W71. ....:::! 40 I H'4 ....241 ... I 7 ....247 20 I f"l ...!.( 140 I 17V, ...,24 120 17V. .... 2i) -t I7t4 ... 244 120 t IT ....277 120 I 17V, I I 40 I ....241 10 I 00 ....f.l 40 DO ... 14 40 t 00 ... III B0 I 00 ....217 ... 0iV4 IM ... m .4 21 ... 01 41 4i) 00 71.. !.. Tl.. II.. It.. ').. I'.. n.. 44.. 44.. 13.. it . II . II. . 71... 44.. M . II., 1.. 71.. 71.. 17.. 71.. 74.. I.. 44 . ....141 120 4 00 ... '4 110 M ....i4 141) . OS ....!' 10 I 00 ....24 ... I 00 ....264 lliO 4 OA lit 40 00 ... 214 U I 00 ....til 40 I 00 ....241 140 00 ...141 ... 10 271 U IN ... Ft 40 00 41 41 tJI 10 00 4.. ...110 ... 0 HHEEP Ther wer a few car on al this morning, mojtly ewe, and they sold freely at good. Heady urlces. Fur the weelt receipt ar about the same a fur lust weea, put a compared with the cor responding week of Inst year there I un Increase of over to.fiai head, nr. In other word, about three time aa many. The demand on the of tmrkpra bus been In good shape all ihe week and prices have shown considerable Improvement. Choice wether and yearling In pnrlli itlar nave soiti io gomi n'lvaiittiKM ami are uglit arounn nigher titan a week SH't I'.we ar a little stronger also, but could proli attly not ! oitotid over I'siii'm lilulier Kat lamb have also snl.l tn g.m.l ad. vantiae and anything dislrable may be quoted Fc higher. A high a to to has bean paid for a few prime, native. Iefrtile feeder have held about steady. ui iii uenmnu nas neen ome w tiat Inn lied comomn htuff has been hard tn move. Otiotatluii It r fed tock: t'lioli e latt.l.s fA.tVtie.lti; fair to good Limbs. t4 5-ii ..te c.'c.i'e yi arr.t irs. H J .;4 4t., t.ilr to tc yenrt.iig., tl.T . 4 10, t tt..ic wether. i t .o i.i tr in gii.i, ... .. i "t : i t.. e fwt.i . 7 IS i.l (" . 6 L' S.7.M lb. . 6 3tC K.bA 4.S41J . 6.114 n.i: ."'l . 'jao 7J" B-ii W.m 46.W 64.4:S 4f..R.;'l 6.43t' 41,'tnT 4S.0S 1406 W.tS M.047 14. .MIS itii,; la uuu. icid-.f lamh. (viff4 0; foeiler vesrlinge. $1 noCiS f.-euer iina, g. 7. v tender ewes, !.!" i IS Rt prcst nta tlx e s;.lcs; No. 411' fed rees r-tti fed en ee , t fed e we fed rvtitt , lip fed aether. Av . i'i . M . T . 11K . f2 Tr. $ n 40 ,1 40 $ M 4 to (nil At. O 111 K Mill K MIRKrt I Hoga Illgker, wilt a Fair atarday Re. relpta iherp nail. CHICAQO. IVc l.T-CATT'-.F-Recrtrl. t bend,; g.o.1 to prime steers, $.'. j ft'; tn medium, $.l6n4iSV; stockrrs and fce.1t rs $2 t -ji f': cews. $1 2S tf :; heller. $1 91. ih tttt, ranners, $l.;'ir2 X; bulls, $2 ttntii ;.: caucs, $." tav ; t; Texas-fed pleers. S..j4 Tn HOtlS-Receipts to.lav, 16(vv bosl: esti mated Monday. 3f.ii bead, left over, mm head; stronic t.-. lic hleher; mixed antl butchers, $..!& 1.'; good tn choice hemy, fi l.-.m 4n; ti'Mv, l''i'.!(l 5; light, $.Vfnr. '; bulk of sales imi ia SHKKP AM' LAMUS Heoeipts, VSHO head; shtvn and lambs, dull, to choice wethers. $.1 ji4 2it; fair to cltoioe mixed, $2 re r,j r. .Vi; atvti rn shci-it. $. Vn4 25; limbit. $7.V7o6n: weftrrn lambs, $4.tttj6 2b. limclal cleriay: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 4.1S 7;' Hoes S;. 6.t? Sheep 11,07$ S.MMl Kmai City l.lvw Block Market. KANSAS C1TT, Dec IS CATTLE Pe celpts. Mi h.1; market unchanged; choice export ami ciese.l beef steers. H.of) 10; fair tr gool, $2 ftV(j.V15.; stockers and feed ers, $2 :-Kt(frS So; wetern-fed steers. $.1 otnift 5 2.".; Texas and Indian steers, $2.S,v.i.1 fiti; Texas cowa, $2.tV?r2 .65; native rows, $1 ?Mf 4 00; native hellers, $17:.3 75; earner, $l (tt'02 2"; bulls, $:.25fif$75; calves. $:! oifi too. Receipia for etk: Cattle, 62.tM bead: calves. i.rj heatl. HOOS Receipts. S.oon fied; mnrket strong to 5c higher; top. f? ! : bulk of sales, $."..!"(7 10; heavy, $ti.07wijit 15' mixed. packers. jt.tiifi lO; light, x.vV lth; org ers. B6.("!tift: pigs, $5.nli5t, Itecelpt for week, tl.000 head. SHKKP AND T.AMHS Receipts, none; market nominally unchanged; native lambs. $4 40; western lambs. H.STff.V SO; fed ewes. $;'. t.iS -V.; native wethers, $3 low 4t'; western wethers, liiVtiiSl, stockers and feeders, t2.wji3.35. Recelpta for week, Sl.KtO head. St. I.onla Live Mark Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 13. CATTLE Receipts, loup head, including !. Texitna: market dull, slow and steady: native shipping and export steers, $4.5ojj :i. with strictly fancy worth up to fIT.S; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.fli 25; steer under l.fto lbs , $? 7rt4jfi.25; etockers snd feeders. $2.46.f4 26; cows and heifers, t2.25rjf4.un: canners. $1 50 tf)2.50; bulls. t2.25(d3.40; calves. 4.ltir7.0O; Texas nnd Indian steers, $2 .9U4.Ma; cows and heifers, t.'.'J"j3.4t. HOUS Receipts, l.VKI head: msrket, strong snd higher; rigs and lights. ." Ti1f 5s.'; packers. $5.w10; butchers. ti .OOtJW ,10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.lXt head; market quiet; nutlve mutons, tIltXi ; lambs, t4-3ti;5.50- culls and bucks, 2.w'"&4.oo; atockers, tl-WvU-Oo; Texan, $2. 43.30. Sesr York Live Slock Market. NET, TORK. Dec. 13-REKVES-Re-ceints, 21) head; no sales reported; dressed beef, steadv: city dressed native sides. 7MiU1'c; cables last reported quoted American steers at KV'llM1 dressed weight; refrigerated beef. luH'flllc. Exports today, 640 beeves, 1.2m) quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 8 head; 63 head on sale. A car of western calves sold at tilZ'i; a few grassors unsold; city dressed veals, general sales, in'-fiUSc. HOGS Receipts, partly estimated, head: about a deck on sule; sternly; state snd Pennsylvania hogs held at $t25. citLTti AVi-i 1 . Rei-e itta. I.45S head; good sheep and good lambs, steady, market weak otherwise: three cars unsold; sheep, t2.50ffl2.75: culls, $3.75: dressed mut ton, 67Hc; dressed lamba, 7H1Jl0c loux City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CTTY, Ta., Dec. 13.-(Ppeclal Tele gram CATTLE Receipts, 300; market steady; beeves. $3.75i?5.50; cows, bulls and mixed, tl.5c4f3.75; stockers and feeders, t2.50 ti4.00: yearlings and calves, t2.5ofri3.i5. HOGS Receipts. 6.500; market Steady, selling at tS.6fVti6.10: bulk, to .SOU6.0O. SHEEP Receipts 100; steady. St. Joseph Live Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Dec. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 70 head; natives, t3.5of25; Texas and westerns. $3.0otfj5.75; stocker and feed ers. t3.0tvji4.40. .a, A HOGS Receipts, 4,861 head; medium and heavy. t.024i.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. Stock In Sight. The following were the receipts of llv Cattle. Hoars. Sneep. ,. 200 7,2i10 2,700 ,. 300 10.000 1,500 ,. 9ii0 5.000 .... .!" 1.500 1,000 . 70 4.W51 . 300 5.500 100 ..S.830 40.061 6.300 Omaha Chicago Kansas City.. ' a, ! S;' St. Joseph.. Sioux City.. Totals.... IV. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. We offer Union Stock Yards Stock, South Omaha, at 105, 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1084 If permanent, must be the reult of abso lute nonesty. i ne urain anu diuck mar ket offer a fertile field for fraud, too often worked by the unscrupulous. If we could so write an "ad" that every reuder woild say, "This looks like an hon est business, I'll Investigate It," we could double our aubucrlptlon list In a week. y" of our htilscrloers renew al expira tion. It's no trouble to hold them, bul we want new ones. !.et us "show you." Send for our free booklets or try our forecasts on grain and stocks for a week. It only cos-is tl oo. Then you'll renew lor a year, because It will pay you. t5o.0O a yaar for tiuiiy lorecasts. THE MARKET CHART CO 406 MALLEUS BLDO.. CHICAGO. ILL. Bargains in Stocks WE I AVbl OV FROM IO TO 75 PER tp.vr Al l. STOCK S. Callfornla-Nevala .10 47 'allfornta-Nevana .15 47 Kat.tern t'onaollilated . .23 Kin t.'rowlher 14 Men haul. & Trader.. 02'a Ulaitteti.r Cnn 17 National Fibre 1 15 Raalarn Consolldatta. .22 Kin Cruwth.r 51 Mrrihanta 4t 1 radera.U2' (.ladlaliir ton 17 Ml. eiiaeta It Write for Ie.rmt-r Market Letter anil complete Bargain Llat, KKKK KMKKHOM A t . '. Y. Life Building:, t llll At.O. NEW YORK OFFICKS. 35 Nasssu 8t. P. IS. Weare, Pre. C. A. Wear. V-lTes. KataMllsnetl ltiZ. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Member of the Principal Exchange. Private Wire, to All Ptilnl. GHAIV I'llOVIBIOMJ. HI4MKM. I)UUB llought and Bold for cash or ftit ui delivery. OMAHA KKANt'll. IM-III Hoard of Trade. 'I eleiihmie 1M W. IC Wat, I. Local Manager BUY WHEAT Wo riei'til cltlei. fur 1.000 bualicl gnd upwards. tillveto made In Chicago aud Ksttasi I'lly. All order alll receive care ful sod itrtiittit alletttlon. I30YD &l MERRILL It Oil M 4 B). V. LiriC ULUtj. Tel. loan. OMB1IA. M il. 3 MONTHS FREE Vp-to-tlale mining paper (fully lllus- trateil. tontHining all the latest tie, from latuoua gold camp. In- I'lU.ltllg , Thunder Mountain T. 8. Mlaiutf Joeraal, $G4I st.!.l. SUCCESS