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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY 1JEK: SUNDAY, D EC EM It F, It 14, 1002. 25 T rOR S4LK REAL ESTATE. 7e Want to Tell the Reason Why . e Want to Sell You Want to Buy. Arroc About 2 miles north of i J ALlCb pIorence. We bought ' ist Spring at forced sale, have added i small profit and want to sell on ng time. It is our business to buy nd sell. The land is all fenced, nostly good timber, rich, black soil; :an be made a fine suburban fruit- garden, truck, dairy or chicken farm The street cars will run to Flor' ence in the spring, the Boulevard will be paved. Do you realize what this means? If you are interested it will pay you to look it up before spring- Price $3,000. Almost any terms. It is not our business to hold land for advance or to improve it. Rmrh m Front'er county, Neb., auctl on the market on account of the death of the late David Brown of Nebraska City. It is the most complete ranch you will ever be of fered under these circumstances. It has pasture, hay, alfalfa, running water fed by springs that are never dry. It is complete in every way. Price $ 5,000. part on time. It is a good time to go into the cattle busi ness. Potter, Forgan & Haskell, 420 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE- A FEW BARGAINS. Only I lota left In Seymour addition on Fort street on new motor line to Florence. Must be cash or enough to pay off en cumbrance. Lots In Bowers' addition on new 30th St. car line. Just south of and overlooking Miller park. Will be advanced 10 per emit on January 1, but until then will continue to sell at from $75 to 81 TO each; oniy 86 down and 86 per month. Pick nut your lots at once if you want one or more at the low price. HOUSES AND LOTS. Btrlctly modern 8-room brick house, one block from 24th St. car line, In choice resi dence district. Coat (9,000; can be bought for 85,0110 cash. l-room cottage on North 17th St. only 8560. Two cottagea South 23d, near Vinton, 81,2uO, or trade for acreage. 8-room cottage, good cellar, barn and two cisterns, near Rlvervlew park, 80 cash. New 8-room house Bemla park; will sell at cost, or trade considered. ACREAGE. I acres North 24th street; choice property for platting, 82.300. K acres near Benson Place, barn, fruit, etc.. 32.200. I acrea near-Krug's park; Improvements crmt $12,000; will bell for 37,000 cash, or i race tor aesiranie city residence. FARMS. 8)00 acres near Omaha, only 860 per acre. t.v acrea Burt Co.. 850 ner acre. Choice farma near Central City, 835 to 860 per acre or trade. ,usy temia. EXCHANGES. Modem 1U atory house In Lake Park add. South Omaha to trade for so-acre farm In eastern Nebraska. Price, 83.000. Two nice cottages In good residence dis trict South Omaha to trade for good Iowa or Nebraska farm. Price, 83,000. Improved 80-acre farm two mllea from Benson for Bale or exchange for desirable city residence. Price, J0 per acre. Modern 6-room cottage In "walnut Hill to trade as payment on larger bouse In good locality, vviij sen tor xi,;uo casn, GEO. P. BEMIS REAL. ESTATE CO., (Established 1868.) 'Phone 685. Paxton Block. RE 795 14 .R. C. PETERS & CO. GROUND FLOOR BEE BUILDING. Vacant lot. 0xl27V4. 2Rth and Decatur. 8150. l-room cottage, gaa, city water and aewer, 28th and Charles, 81.500. f-room modern house, new, on paved street. SS.UtM. T-room modern house. 624 Bo. 17th. 84.000. i f-room modern house, with barn, at 1017 So. 30th Ave., In first-class condition, fifty foot lot, best residence district of Omaha. See this and make ua an offer. 10-room house, atrlctly modern, good barn, I k In. b!U 1?? OAtiA XT OI-. u -. WVk I acrea Just west of city limits on Dodge f Bt. road. 8750. i I acrea, 4-room house, good barn, fine or- chard, near Florence, 81.000. ; 80 acrea adjoining the town of Herman ! Neb., best Of bottom land; new 6-r. house, j barn, sheda and granaries, good orchard, I 86.600. 120 acrea, well Improved, 3 miles west of Pacific Junction, at 8"i0 per acre. Will o take 82,500 worth of Omaha property as f part payment. 100 acrea first-class land in Stanton county, 848 per acre. 100 acres near Amboy, 111., to exchange for eastern mnraska land. 1,240 acres H mile from I. a Platte. 6-r. house, atone barn, ether buildings, at 80S per acre. 32" acres Imoroved farm In Cedar county 833. SO per acie. t (40 acres U mile from depot at Elwood Neb., If sold at once, 84.000 ; 8500 down and long time on balance.Here is your chance for a speculation. 640 acres hiehly Improved In Stanton county; one of the best large farms in eastern -Nebraska, 110 per acre. 640 acres 6 miles south of Brady Island, 83,000. We have a first-class ranch proposition near Gandy, Neb. See or write ua about this or any of the above properties, when we will furnish full particulars. RE 799 18 NEW HOME AND A BARGAIN. On North 18th St., east front. T rooms, all modern, nickel-plated plumbing, marble washstand, etc., combination hard and oft coal furnace, cellar, hard wood finish; tarn; built by a contractor for a home, but on account of other arrangements must sell. PRICE $3,00. Let us show you through this house; you can't help but be pleased. The Byron Reed Co.. 213 Bo. 14th St. RE 781 14 Tukey & Son ACRE PROPERTY NORTHWEST AND SOUTHWEST OF THE CiTY. We would like to talk with you about this kind of property. 444-445 BOARD OF TRADE. KB-767-14 $5.00 REQUIRED. TO BECOME A PROPERTY OWNER And monthly paymnnts of 85.00 each. Piles from 11'iO.uO to JliO W each; lays h le. Two lots in Baundt-rs & ltlmeuaugh's add. i nree lots in relghton tielgr.:s ada. Two lota In Orchurd Hill aud. All near Walnut Hill car line. BY RON R. HASTINGS. 213 SO. 14TH 8T RE 7 SO 14 OWNER A NON-RESIDENT. and wluhca to aell his Omaha home In lianacom Place: 7 rooms, all modern in good neighborhood, near school and east aids our. uwner says "get me an offer." IHB BYRON REED CO., 2U SO. 14TH ST. RE 779 14 10 ACRES fine land In IVuel county Neb., for lease for term of years; reason able terms. Mrs. J. B. WeBMer. i;u ft. 24tn St. RE-M770 14 BEAUTIFUL new 6-room modern cottage full lot, on motor line, bemls park. V0 ca.h. 81.2uu mortgage, balance good, clear Innd. MobRN new 7-room cottage, barn, full lot, near 20tn on Maple ft.; cash and clear lot worth' 81. UM. These are tine houses. If you want a good deal, s tue quick. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Ufa. RE Mrni IS 80 PROPOSITION Two houas. lot 54x140, city water. West Farnam dlairlct; chance to make good money. St31 Marcy St.. fc'.l'O 8-room modern house. furnace, bath, gas, everything; good lo cation, en grade, tt acres on Dodge Bt. road. Payne-Bostwlck Co., vi J-l N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Rli-774 U FOn SALE REAL ESTATE. D. V. SHOLES & CO. Tel. 829. no N. T. Life. BARGAINS. . SIC N. 2th ave., half block Lske street enr, east front, 8-room house, full two-story, riwmi lnrge. well arranged, wntr. water, rta and fixtures, new roof, newly painted, two coat (i but paint, all repapered and In first-class repair. Thin la an exceptional bargain. Price, 81.8&0; ttfO cash, balance monthly If desired. On 2Mh near Poppleton. full lot, Ilea fine, 8-room modern cottage, all on onef flour, line location, paving all paid and "SON RESIDENT owner writes "SELL IN TtllKTY HAYS OH LESS." It is up to you. gee ua quick and make an offer. On th ave., between Mnon and Pacific, o.i the very top of the hill, lira superb, 50xl.K foot lot, all modern, 7-room house, oak floors, very choice. Owner Just or dered away and WANTS TO SELL THIS WKKK If poslblc. Asks i,ijO, nut la noi going to stand on a rasonalle offer. The location Is ELKGANT. YOU CAN BUY IT RIGHT. ACRES. 20 srres near COUNTRY CLUB. BARGAIN, 3150 per acre. FARMS. 320 acres near WAIIOO, SAUNDERS CO.. a very elegant farm, close to one of the beat county seat towns In the stnte, only l'-i miles, about two-thirds fine bottom land, balance slopes gently to the east, good soil, medium improvements, and la all right. WANT TO SELL BY JANU ARY 1. SURE. DON'T FAIL. TO IN VESTIGATE. TRADES. Brick block, half-block from postofflce. renting for 3.4no per year. win take part cash and part In" clear Income prop erty or good farm land. One of the finest residences In Omaha, well located, large grounds and desirable In every particular, a'l clear, to trade for a large tract of good land or good farm lands. Chance for some one wanting to remove to Omaha. Price, IJ5.iO. Cost more than this. RE 784 14 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE For the purpore of dividing the money among heirs the following property win be sold st very low prices to Induce Im mediate inler Orchard Hill Lots 14 and 15. block 17, 8100 each; lots 16 and 17, block . ajo eacn; lots 4 and 13, block 20 (Hamilton and 42d), mm Walnut Hill Lot 16, block 8. 8160; O'Neill's Sub., W. H lot 3. block z. 2no; lvountze 4th add., 8. U of 8. of lot 14, block 6, 8360; Wilcox's 2d add., lota 8. 4, 6 and 6. block 17, 8W0 each; Windsor Place, lot 63, 8700; lot 64,. 810; lot 62, with 7-room modern house, except furnace, 2145 8 . 34th St., 81.700; Windsor Place Ex., lot 60 and 8. H lot 49, corner, 8-room modern house, barn, 1936 8. doth Ave., 82.600; S. Vt lot 1, block 18, 8. E. Rogers Add., three frame 6-room dwellings, room for another house on corner, 1408, 1410 and 1412 Dorcas St., rent for 812 per month each, might sell separate, 82,8"0; 396x 260 feet on 13th St., one block south of 13th and Missouri Ave., street car, lays well, will divide, price for all 81.200. F D. WEAD, 1S24 Douglas Bt. ii -a nit.t. R?fi New York Life Bldg. W. G. SHR1VER. 1003 New York Life Bldg. ric iw i t 33 Per Cent Investment In Omaha Rental Property. See Us Monday, SWEET & IIEADLET, 618 N. T. LIFE. TO TRADE FOR LAND. ai-r n.mfnrv hrlrk flats, close In. all modern on caved street ana car line; .iwy rented; pays 8 per cent interest on 840,000. PRICE $30,000.00. And owner will take land In trade to the nf no nno to tis.ouo. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14TH ST. 8a-IO Tukey & Son Disirable Homes at Desirable Prices. 444-4 BOARD OF TRADE. RE 758 14 FOR SALE CLOSE IN-8-room one-story onttmra with furnace, bath and gas: lot 66x132; east front, paved street, permanent walk, barn; price, riimu ia?m7ii. down, balance in paymenta to suit. J. H. SHERWOOD. 937 New York Life. 'Phone JSS. RE 76115 BARGAIN in 8-room house, modern except furnace, well locaiea, corner, and boulevard. Price, 82,100.00 ; 8300.00 cash, bal. to suite. 8-room house, city water, sewer, one block from 24th Bt. car, corner, h.gxj.w. I. N. HAMMOND, 617 p,onjJjk 14. B. R. BALL. V T lit. 'Phone B-1229. l,g60 8-room house, modern except fur nace, im. itn Ave. 82,500 6-r. house, modern except furnace. Miami W-.f gxf 9(h Ht. 11.300 -'r. house, one acre ground, on N, soin Bt. . 81.HUO -r. house, two acres on N. 30th Bt. v v. I iiharr ninpK in neiiBon. 82.500 two 10-acre blocks In Benson, small S&.000 M acres north. Joining Benson on DO YOU WANT A mml six. room house, all modern except furnace, on 42-foot lot, at grape anu nrr 24th and Blnney; good churcn ana scnooi facilities convenient. A great bargain. either as a home or an Investment, at 82.011O. and owner says must sell. To insure this great snap, call at J. B. PIPER. 203 Ramse Block, Omaha. RE 724 14 FORTY ACRES In Dawaon county; can be Irrigated; one mue irom l-exingion; c,, Seven acres in town of Florence. Douglaa county, 81.500, and several bargains in other tarmlna- and city properties. Chris Boyer. 2d and Cuming Bis. Telephone So4. RE M67J 1J 8C WALL mm Neb.; gives crops, land prices each Co., etc. inriatian, xora, in " DP HIT- HARNEY BT. BUILDING FOR LEASE 19.800 square feet of floor space in the 4- atorv and basement Dricg running at nra. 1414 and 141V Harney St.; 8J,ou0.i per year. 1J.00O equsre feet floor space. Including all of top noor ana one-nair oi nn noor ii Nash building at No. lAW 4iarney Bt. with heat furnished. Call for terms. GEORGE COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. I LT T.i 1 A W. II. GATES. SIT K. T. Life. 'Phone 14. 8Sxl(3. vacant, Iewey and !6th Ave., 83.000. lo-room modern nuuae, ana (.nicago, ti mil T-r.xim cottage. J527 Davenport. 81.700. 6-room cottage and barn, all in goo oraer, on 20th stieet, south oi manes, a nic hume close In. 81.S60. T-room cottage and lot 50x130, Miami, near soth, I w. 7-room 1W story house and good barn, on Boulevard, near urace; lot mil", front; owner is leaving city and is anx ious to sell quick.- 8-room cottage and lot 50xl3S, east front, lot lays nice, 8460. 6-room cottage, S. E. Cor. 23d and Charles, RE CHOICE 66-foot lots near high school and within block of car line. 31 XI- SNAP In good trackage lot, within four blocks of lttii and Harney Sts. 87.500 bargains In lots, houses, stores snd farm. JOHN N. FRENZEK. Opp. Old P. O. UK M87 14 FARMS. Do you want a good farmT Drop us a line and tell us what you want and where. We will send our list. You can have your Pick. t'n give you a bargain. 1IOMESEEKER8' ASSOCIATION, First Floor N. T. ' Life Building. Omaha. Nebraska. RE M649 14 HARRISON MORTON. FARMS. ttt-3 D17 THERE IS NO BETTER INVESTMENT THAN OMAHA REAL ESTATE AT TODAY'S PRICES READ THE MANY SPLENDID OEEERS BELOW FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Rare Bargain FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, HALF BLOCK OF GROUND, IN BENSON, $1,300. NICE 24-ACRE GARDEN PATCH. IMPROVEMENTS. NO A ?-Acre Tract A 10-Acre Tract A 20-Acre Tract. BENSON & CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Blk. RE-657 14 It Costs Nothing . TO GET a list of our properties. It ought to be of great value to you. W e have a large list to be closed out at much less than real values. 8ome 50 additional pieces, including Improved city property. acreage and vacant lots, have recently been placed in our charge. Present prices are much lower than present valuea. It does not require an expert to see that. Don't Wait Till the price reach the values. Buy Now W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. RE 748 14 RANCH for sale, 2,800 acres, Holt Co., Neb., spienuia opportunity, investigate. Address Glllett & Bowen, 1843, N. 28th St., Lincoln, Neb. Tukey 6k Son VACANT LOTS ON WHICH WE WILL BUILD HOUSES FOR HOSE WHO BUY THEM. 444-4w BOARD OF TRADE. RE-769-14 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor, New xork ine uiog. 220 A neat 6-room cottage on Kim 8L, near 21st; price, 8&o. 53S1 4-room brick house, lot 31x125, on 2$th Ave., north of Cuming, 3750. 63992 neat cottages one block south of Brownell Hail, on tn tst., ior ..uw. 629 In Walnut Hill, on Cuming, near 42d, 7-room modern house, wun gooa Darn; nrlce OUT). 979 On 42d, near Nicholas, a 7-room, all modern house, down stairs nnisnea in oak: Drlce. 82.300. 6632 blocks from Burlington station, on Paclnc street, lot eoxuz, an special taxes of every description paid, 1 5 rnom and 1 3-room cottage: price. 32,800 6392 In Bemls Park, 1 block from car line. a tine new, nioaern, i-room nuuae; price 13.250. REml4 SNAP Strictly modern 8-room home; owner leaving city, inquire on premises, jvh South 30th. RE-663-llr' HOUSES and lota in all parts of city; also acre prerperty and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 562, Bee mag RANCH and- farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 506 W. C. CHISSELL for bargains in real estate. 101a Jones Bt. fnomiiu. RE M354 15 Wll I I A MQON CHARLES E., 1203 (TiLunnijun Farnam street. RE 997 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? it von want to 411 a farm or ranch, tell tho farmers and stock raisers about It. The best wsy to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 homes of farmers ana siocaraisers, so 11 you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of an ad is small 2 cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE-404 THIRTY-THREE acres near Florence; big bargain, t-. H. Bnepara, bsz ss. x. L,ue. RJS-MtiJS 14 HOUSE. NORTH PART CITY. 8 rooms, modern except furnace, corner lot barn, desirable location ana property is ill tirsi-class rtuaii. Price. 32,iOO. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam 8t. Kb Moll ID DO YOU WANT TO SELL farm, or residence, or business? We nave Duyers ana can gei jujc& twu iur you If your price la right. Give us de scription and we will do the rest. W0ME8KEKERS' ASSOCIATION. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. RE-M648 14 FOR llE.Vr-HOlSES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co. ; office, 15UV Farnam, or Tela. 156-!t4. Ij 041 tJf! 'CCC In all parts of city. The O. MUUJLJ ittvta Co.. 60s Bee Bldg. D t)U MAGGARD Van tt Storage Co. Tel. 1496. D HI FOR RENT, forty acres in the city limits of South Omaha; small house, excellent place for teed yard. The Omaha Really Couipauy, hiJl Douglas bt., upstairs. D 239 houses, a. a. Wallace, Brown Block. D (H 9-ROOM modern, near High school, 827.60. 8-rooui house, ioin and Charles, .uu. Inu. 2S4A cap. Ave. iti. t.i. , uoDison. D4l HOUSES and flats. Ring wait, Barker block. 1J Ma 7-ROOM modern house, 2317 Charles. Tele ptijne A-ok. it Hit FOR RENT, one 8-room house, with gaa, water and sewer; just been placed in nrsl-class repair; In good location. C. M. Bachmann, 4J6-3I Paxton block. D 179 FOR RENT, 9-room house, Just newly papered and repaired, all modern except furnace, d St aud Popplrlon Ave., lis. Two s-ruom houses, inh and California Bis., all modern, city water and sewer, 318. One 4-room house, 27th and Cuming Sts., city water, 310. C. M. BACHMANN. 4-e-J7 Paxton Blk. D 625 T-ROOM house, 3423 Bprague. Tel. KM. U M33 FOR REIT-HOISES. NEAR 16th and Howard 8ts., 12-room flat in ttrst-claas condition two molern bath rooms, new plumbing; Va 00 per month. GEORGE AND COMPANY. 16ul Farnam St D 825 D14 2741 8. 13TH ST., 6-room cottage, city water, tin T." D line IViaittB f IV. 1V1II148II6I Xa 6 VVICI( IC.TIr,l( 303 Brown block. D UUSt 24TH AND K STS., South Omaha. I nice 6 room cottages; rental, 816 per month. William K. Potter, receiver, J03 Brown block. D MiB3 MODERN 7-room house, near park. 150S Bo. 28th. D 752 8-ROOM house, excellent condition, city water, 87.60. 1116 Seward St. Bemls, Pax ton block. D 304 HOUSES Hncapete?.r,1 s of the city. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D 40B FOR RENT A fine located 6-room cottage, l'oS 8. 11th St., 312. Also a good 7-room house, 163 N. 22d St., 315. The Omaha Realty Co., 1J01 Douglas St,, upstairs. D 691 7-R house, good condition, mod. except fur nace, barn; near 24th and Ike; cheap to right party. Sweet & Headley. Tel. 1472, D M607 11 ROOMS, modern, 503 8. 21st Ave.. 828. 8 rooms, modern, 2901 Franklin, 316. 8 rooms, modern, ft "4 S. 36th, 3-5. 6 rooms, mooern, 1608 Corby, 313. 6 rooms, ISIS S. 27th. 818. 6 rooms, city water, 3til5 8. 13th, $9. 5 rooms, city water, 117 N. 37th, 37. 4 rooms, 1932 S. lath, 30. 5 rooms. 1716 Fort St., 84. Also several small cottages, $3 to 33. W. H. RUSSELL & CO.. 426 Ramge Bldg. D-659 13 6-ROOM cottage. 2505 Franklin street. D 668 14 2817 DEWEY AVE., 4-r. brick flat, 2d floor, modern, 88. 1913 Mason St., 6-r., well water, good re pair. 312. 2519 N. 20th St., 6-r. all modern flat, good repair, 313. 2510 Pierre St., 8-r., city water. 315. 3T04 N. lth St., 6-r. all modern NEW house, only 316. 209 8. 2th Ave., 8-r., modern except furnace, walking distance, 318. 3407 Jackffon St., 7-r., all modern, good re pair, 318. 3519 Lafayette Ave., 6-r., all modern, new house, BenVs park, 320. 2320 N. 26th Ave., 9-r . all modern, complete In every detail, 822.50. 2215 B'jrt St., 8-r., modern except furnace, walking distance, 822.50. We have" other. Call and see us. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. D 659 14 TWO coxy furnished room's. 2213 Douglas. E M727 20 GOOD cutter for sale, cheap. 1114 Dodge St, D 716 14 HOU8ES FOR RENT. See J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 3S8. D 762 15 SPECIAL WINTER PRICES We have he: largest list of choice .houses for rent In the city, at prices ranging from 3a up. . Special snaps in modern houses, . worth looking up. Will make .big inducements to you on account of .season. See us sure. PAYNE BOSTWICK & CO., .,,.), Wl-J'i.N. Y. Life Bldg. ' ;. . ; ' 1 D M773 14 MODERN 6-room furnished cottage for 4 months; will rent very reasonable to re liable party. Address 3711 N. 19th. D M791 16 838 8. 19TH ST. 9-room modern house with furnace, 826 a month. Inquire R. C. Peters, ground floor Bee Bldg. D 790 14 FOR RENT. 3719 Marcy at., 10 rooms, strictly modern. good repair, t. 2919 Pact lie, 6 rooms, city water, good re pair. 316. 8004 California, 10 rooms, modern, a fine house, 360. 1310 S. 81st st., 8 rooms, modern, 340. 1341 S. 27th, 6 rooms, modern, 822.50. D. V. BUGLES COMPANY. Tel. 829. 310 N. Y. Life. D 783 14 MODERN flat, except heat. Lange Block, son bo. urn. U-Mi.J w CENTRAL, steam, modern 4-room flat, D 803, 220 N. 23d. MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. "WE WILL BE VERY BUSY" NEAR XMAS. DON'T WAIT. OUR MONEY IS GOING FAST. LOANS TO EVERY ONE WHO WORKS WITHOUT MORTGAGE, ENDORSER OR PUBLICITY. We give all .he lime you ask to repay on easy weekU .ir monthly payments. 1RY US ON FURNITURE LOANS. Goods remain in your undisturbed posses sion. Discount if paid before due. Open evenings to 8 o'clock until Xmas. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. GET OFF ELEVATOR AT THIRD FLOOR. ROOM 303, PAXTON BLOCK. X 417 EASY pay Btut explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or If you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN -Without aecurltv. exceul your own agree Incnt to repay. Our service is quick and conndentlal and we always try to please. All we ask la that you give us a call be fore you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Ill Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295, (Established 1892.) 3u6 S. 16th St. X-M564 THE 8TAR LOAN COMPANY, Suite 644 Paxton Block. This company enjoys the distinction of being exclusively the private bank of the wage earner and salaried employe. If a clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, salesman or artisan of any kind, you can conndentiaily obtain money on your note of us at a slight dlecount without annoying your employer, friends or relatives, and thus avoid extensive mortgages, uncertain en dorsers and questionable collateral. You can obtain: Semi Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. 1150 return to us... .840.00 320.UO 810.00 iloo return to us.... 26 tie 13.35 6.65 3 50 return to us.... 13.33 6 65 3 Si ! 8 6 return to us.... 6 t 133 164 it 16 return to ua 4.uu 2-uO l.oo Our omen are private ana our ousine confidential. From 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. X-M629 14 MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. WE WILL LOAN MONEY CHEAPER THAN ANY WHO PUBLISH RATES. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. SALARY UAN8 NO SECURITY PLAIN NOTE NO MORTGAGE EASIEST PAYMENTS NO INDORSEK LIBERAL TREATMENT. .NO PUBLICITY Open an account with THE OLD RELIABLE AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY. Third Floor Paxton Block Third Floor. Northeast Comer loth and Farnam Bla. Entrance on Sixteenth Street. THIRD FLOOR. X-M7U BOHROW MONEY WHERE you can get It on FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS. COWS. ETC. ; also on SALARIES. WHERE you get it on short notice and without publicity. WHERE you pay for only the time money is in use. WHERE you can return It on easy weekly or monthly payments. WHERE you get the lowest rates, WHERE can ou do better? m PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 623 Paxton Block, liiih and Faruam Sta MOSEV TO I.OAX CHATTELS. WE LOAN money on furniture, pianos nd diamonds Low rates. Any length of time. Private. OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK, 1404 Farnam, upstairs. Tel. A-2113. X 604 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiert terms; 40 ofllces in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-9S5 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 9S8 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry to salaried people. Foley I.oau Co., Sue. to Duff Green, 8 Barker block. X-9S6 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 S. IS. X-9S7 BISIXESS CHANCES. CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located; If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312, Bk of Commerce bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Y MIL'S D31 THIS BEATS NEW JERSEY" Charters procured under South Dakota laws for a few dollars; write for corporation laws, blanks, bylaws and forms to Philip Law rence, late assistant secretary of state, Huron, Beadle county. South Dakota. Y-665 14 HARRY E. WHITMAN, after a successful European season, has returned to again assume the active management of the rac ing department of the H. E. Whitman & Co. Co-operative Stables. This company is now paying a stated rate of profit in ?:uaranteed weekly dividends; your money s subject to your control at all times and amply protected, making thla the safest and most profitable means of in vestment In existence today. Endorsed by prominent business men and mercantile agencies throughout the country; rigid Inquiry and thorough investigation solic ited. For full oartlculars address. H. E. Whitman & Co.. Callaghan Bldg., San Francleco, Cal. Y Mti74 14 FOR SALE A general merchandise stock In good oo inhabitant town in sotitn eastern Nebraska. Invoice about 37.000: sales about 360 a day. A good opening for somebody with cash. No trades. Ad dress, p 66, nee. x Oil M- FOUR PER CENT and over earned weekly on Investments of 850 and upward In one of the safest and most profitable modern co-operative racing stables. Endorsed by satisfied customers In all parts of the country. Thla Is an opportunity to place your Idle capital in an established bust ness that will net you greater returns than any form of investment now before the public. Your money at your com raand at all times. Subscriptions ac knowledged by certificate of deposit, r or full particulars send for free booklet. Demarest & Co.. 5140 Parrott Bldg.. San Francisco, Cal Y-681 14 BUY MAY wheat and corn at once; margin It 2Hc per bushel, which will amply pro tect you, and your money should double within 15 days; do not delay; buy Imme diately: 850 will margin 2.000 bu.: 3100 will margin 4,000 bu. Remit by cash, draft or postal order. Send for our free book, ' Modern Safe Methods for investments." Flower & Co., Brokers. Traders Bldg., opposite Board of Trade, Chicago. Y-687 14 FOR SALE cheap for cash, millinery stock ana nxtures; reason for selling, sickness. tw ch. Z4tn sc., Boutn omana. T-749 14 READ THIS LIST, you can find any bust ness you want in umana or country towns, hotels, restaurants, cigar stores, pool rooms, grocery stores, general mer chandise, shoe stores, laundries, livery business, hardware stores, Implements, news stores confectionery stores, harness business, meat markets, manufacturing busineHs, office business, newspapers, blacksmith shops, barber shops, bakeries saloons, rooming houses, flour mills, and all kinds of business places for sale, every place, ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Wil liams, Room 411, McCague Bldg. Y-753 14 ROOMING house, cheap rent, furnished good and complete, full of roomers, will sell lease and furniture at low price this week; make offer, owner leaving city, inquire 1&10 Davenport St. x 761 14 STOCK OF GROCERIES, invoice about 83.000. sales 3125.00 per day; fixtures belong to building, tnerefore not for sale; no trade. B. R. Ball, 526 N. Y. Life. Phone B-1229. Y 766 14 GENERAL MD8E., 83.000 to 820.000; GRO CERIES. 31,000 to 82.500: HARDWARI' 32.ono to 36.000; IMPLEMENTS and BUG- Ult.S, 6,UOO; BMOKS. f,&00 to 86.000 DRUGS. 31.500 to 3S.i0: STEAM LAUN DRY. 86.000; FLOURING MILLS, 50 to 75 barrels capacity, fully enuiped: hotels. 20 to 50 rooms, 3600 to 83,500; ROOMING houses. 7 to 42 rooms, well furnished, good location, doing well, price reason able. THESE propositions are In Omaha and live country towns, doing paying business. WILL consider deal for cash and good land at right price. GIVE full description of land and particulars In nrst letter. J. i. jonnson, n. . Y-7S6 14 INVESTORS. ATTENTION. Write us regarding Investments that will net you from 10 to 18 per cent, and abso lutely safe. Western Realty and Invest ment Co., Fremont, Neb. Y sub J 13 GREAT PROFITS 325 and upwards earned monthly on every 1100 Invested; write for booklet; dividends weekly; money can be withdrawn any time; highest references Theo. Stein & Co., 50 Broadway, N. Y City. Y 778 14 TURF SPECULATION If you are Inter- eated in turf speculation send for a copy I of mv Weekly Keview. James Kooerts, 120 Liberty street. New York. Y 777 14 A GOOD paying business in city of about 6,000; price, 35,000. Address 8 1, cure Bee. Y-806 14 MAIL order business, over 3100 net last month; sickness; must sell; price, 85u0; snap for young man; answer only If you ' mean business. Address P 66. Bee. Y-MS02 14 TO GET in or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCagje building. Y-992 IF YOU want to get in or out of business or buy or sell property communicate with Northwestern Clearing Company, First National Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Y-M178 FOR SALE, complete stock of second-hand furniture; doing a good business; tine lo cation; store can be leased or stock can be removed; this can be bought at a bar gain; reason for selling is bad health. Ad dress P49, Bee. Y Ml!6 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange Jour business or property quick see J. Ii. ohnson. 643 N. Y. Life. Y-M990 PERFUMES, 2.000 kinds. Catalogue: Sher man c McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Y-MS-2 D28 FOR RENT, 60-room hotel in Mlnden, Neb. Newly painted and repaired throughout, steam beat. C. A. Robinson, Kearney, Neb. Y-M505 22 FOR SALE, the best paying, best estab lished and ni.-Bt elaborately furnished restaurant and cafe In St. Joseph, Mo. Olendorf Cafe, 115 N. 6th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Y-M6.3 14 FOR SALE. 3600 worth of children, misses' and women's Jacketa, also women's capes and suits, at a liberal aiscount. c a. lngersoll. Klrwln. Kan. Y-M622 14 FOR BALE, furniture and lease, one of ths best paying hotels "in northern Nebraska; commercial house, in a good railroad town; price. S3,6uu. Address P 62, Bee. Y- -M416 17 FOR SALE at a great sacrifice if tsken during the next two weeks. 6o-barrel flour mm; ail machinery in good running order. conveniently arranged. 40-nuraeuower ua gtne and all other necessary machinery; now ooeraicd In a Kood southwestern Iowa town In good wheat country; 83,m will Duy it. Address Cornelius if rums. Bt SMEM CHASCES. CIGAR store and barber shop, good loca tion; price, 3000. Benawa Son, HW N. 15th St. Y-633 14 1 CAN SELL TOUR BUSINESS. No matter where It Is; send description and cash price and learn how. I have or can1 And the business you want to buy. Tell me your requirements. W. M. O trander. Home OrhVe, Suite 1443 North American Bldg., Philadelphia. Offices In fourteen cltiea. T FARM FOR SALE 6 W acres. Stanton county, Neb.; fine Improvements; one of the best farms In state: If taken soon can be bought very low. Particulars of Doug laa county llcalty to., first noor rx. x. Life Bldg. MtSO 14 SUCCESSFUL advertising only possible by our select lists of pullers; our expert au vlce and Advertising Guide free; avoid expensive experimenting. tluenther Bradford Advertising Agency, Chicago. Y 7u2 U SEND for free book. Facts and Figures, explaining option trading; 320.OO margins 1,000 bushel 2 cents. Onborn Grain Co., 17 Old Chamber of Commerce, Minneapo lis, Minn. Members Chamber Commerce. Y 700 14 FOR SALE, small milk route, with extra good cows; seller has other business and will sell right. Address Box B. Bee office, South Omaha. Y M709 16 FOR BALE, steam laundry, fine location. doing profitable business, can re greaiiy Increased; good reasons for selling; price, 83,300. Address P 61, Bee. Y-M721 17 ONLY guarantee against loswea Is reliable Infnmintlnn on rakes as nubllsnea dv me Financial World exclusively. Write for free copy to 119 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 70s 14 MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN MONEY. A safe Investment, weekly dividends; sums of 320 and up received; your money al ways at your command and all money to your credit can be withdrawn on demand: we have earned and paid between 6 and 6 per cent each and every week: this Is no gambling, but a legitimate business prop osition; best of references throughout the United Ktntes: write for booklet, free. Address H. Brolaskl it Co., suite 403, 356 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. x SMALL stock general merchandise, cheap; account of health. A snap. J. u. rnii Hps, Friend, Neb. Y FOR SALE at a bargain, stock and fixtures of one or the oldest millinery estannsn ments in Omaha; established over twenty years. Joyce, 1624 Douglaa Bt. Y M756 16 JOHN J. RYAN & CO. of St Louis, co operative bookmakers, pay tt per cent dividends weekly. Mr. Ryan hi well and favorably known as a conservative and successful turf operator: substantial busi ness and professional men irom an pern of the country are Investors with us and will gladly vouch for our responsibility. A chance to make your idle capital earn money on a safe and reliable plan. Write for booklet. Fred H. Belt, Manager West ern Branch, 3o4 Ridge Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. x AN ENERGETIC man with good business qualifications, can secure managerial po sition with Wisconsin corporation capi talized for 3100,000; must come well recom mended and be able to take stock In company during term of engagement, from 31,500 to 33,000, same to be taken up at expiration of agreement. Tills com pany Is composed of the representative business men of Milwaukee; salary, 31.800 and liberal commission. Address John Budge, secretary, Wells Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. x K. J. ARNOLD A CO. of St. Louis. Mo.. race horse owners ana Dooamaaers, in vite the speculative public to an investi gation of their methods. This is an 4ld and long established concern, amply re . snonslble and reliable in all Its dealings. A rigid inquiry Into their business will develop a condition unattalned by any other Investment proposition ever offered for public participation. Subscription to their capital may be made in amounts of 320 and upward, subject to withdrawal in full on demand. Dividends paid in cash flftv-two times every year. The best pay ing safe Investment in the country. Refer ences: Banks, trust companies, commer cial agencies, St. Louis business men and prominent men everywhere. For full par ticulars address, E. J. Arnold & Co., 9th and Pine Sts., St. Louis. Mo. Y FOR SALE OR TRADE A full line of farm Implements and buggies doing a good business In a lively town of 6,000; a good bargain. Address Lock Box 1163, Plattsmoutn. Neb. x EARGAIN Half interest in a well estab- l'shed abstract business in northwestern Iowa: good opportunity for a young man: will sell cheap or trade for North Dakota land. C. A. DOJge, Devils Lake, jsortli Dakota. x GREAT ooentnrs for business of all kinds. New towns are being opened on the Chi cago Great western jty umana exten sion. For particulars address E. B. Ma- gill, Mgr. Townslte Dept., Fort Dodge, la. x LANESBORO, Carroll Co., Ia., on the Omaha extension. Chicago Great Western Ry. ; fine place to locate; started October 7 growing rapidly. For partlculara ad dress E. B. Maglll, Mgr. Townslte Dept., Fort Dodge, la. X BUSINESS CHANCES,. Corporations organized, charters procured In any state, resiaenc uireciors turnisnea, stock certificates and entire corporation outfits, capital secured to handle inven tions and business enterprises; particulars free. Surety Incorporating Company, 304D, Fullerton Bldg., Bt. Louis. X MONEY MAKING STOCKS 810,000 cloth ing, 90c on dollar; elegant location. 87.000, furniture, undertaking; 33,500, drugs; large town. $3,000, groceries; 31.000, cigar store, paying wen. 85.000. department store: 3250 barber shop: stocks clear, with established trade; also improved farms. Box 225. Nebraska City. Neb. T-M698 16 FOR SALE, good paying music business; best town In Nebraska. Other business. Address Box 91, York, Neb. Y-M697 21 A'FORTUNE in May corn. May corn Is now selling 12c a bushel under December; it should be selling 6c above. You never saw such a situation In your Ufe, and those who take advantage of tne oppor tunity offered bv the low price of May corn at this time should soon double their money. We predict that May corn will sell for 60c In January and 75c in May. Large capital Is not necessary to take advantage of this opportunity. Buy now and atand to make a fortune: 326.00 will margin 1.250 bushels, 1 cents; will margin 2.5oo bushels, and 3100.00 will margin 6,000 bushels. Experience on your part Is unnecessary. We will take com plete charge of your account and charge but 10 per cent of the profit we make for you. We devote all our time watching corn, and when we say buy May corn, we know what we are talking about and are confident corn will advance in price. Now is the time to make a pur chase. Do not delay a day, but telegraph us your order at once, and allow your remittance to follow by mall. Write for free booklet, giving valuable Information on the grain markets. Our methods have made many a fortune. Merchants Brok erage & Commission Co.. Bt. Louis. Mo. Y 695 14 GOOD location for a bank: brick building. tine fixtures, safes and time lock for 3900.00. Address P 69. care Omaha Bee. Y-M691 J13 825 BRINGS A STEADY INCOME. days ending Nov. 22, 125 made 87L 6 days ending Nov. 29, 820 made 836. days ending Dec. 6. 825 made 842. 6 days ending Dec. 13. X2o made ! A guarantee to each one of our clients to have been in the racing business 6 years and our systematic belting is so perfect that we never have made a loss. Write for particulars, references, etc. G. 8, Williamson & Co., 1104 Market St., Suite P, San Francisco. Y 719 14 IT'S EASY; learn painting pictures; big proms; agent niuue eav? one evening; partlculara for stamp. F. Pierce, 22 D, ltju Monroe, cnicago. r WE WANT more Investors to Join our highly profitable co-operative enterprise, wnicn naa stood tne severest tests. Alwayi paya its clients 4 to 6 per cent weekly divi dends, payable 1 ueaday of each week. Highest references. Our booklet, "When All Klae Has Failed," free on application. The Mason-Teller Co., Dickey Bldg . Chi. cago. Y 008 14 INDIAN BASKETRY. INDIAN BASKETRY easily learned by anyone; a popular and lucrative paatime; f i.l) line f supplies and books teaching wor t. STEWART' B, U N. 16th; send for ron EXC HANGE. EXCHANGE: Ijind and cash for mer chandlse. Good farm for hardware and implements; farm for livery. T. M Cllne, 123$ O St., Lincoln. Neb. ' Z M5W 15 I HAVE a good rlano to trade for dray tear Address, P 50, Wee. Z 692-19 HAVE a good stock of general merchan dise to trade for land or city property; food business location. Address P 6T, lee. Z-io 14 MEDICAL. DR PRIES treats successfully all dis eases and irregularities of women, from any cause; exierienced and reliable. i;r,i Dodge St., Arlington block, Omnhn. Neb. SURGICAL OPERATIONS See ladles In Omaha who have avoided an operation and been cured after experts pronounced It necessary. See Mrs. K. K. Allen, 723 N. Y. L. bldg. Office hours, front 1 to p. m. M563 14 DR PRIES, German graduate, renowned for his skill and experience in connne ments: cures sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful. profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long standing. Ladles who have suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal Interview la Impossible state your case fully, Inclose stamp ana answer ana advice win promptly be given. Aauress R. F. Pries, M. D., 1513 Dodge St.. Omaha, Neb. DR. NEUMEISTER'S Sexual Restorative is a certain, speedy, permanent cure for nervous debility In Its various forms and from whatever cause; restores lost vigor. Increases nerve force; price, 31.00, at drug gists, or by mall upon receipt of price. Valuable booklet free. Neumetster Fam ily Med. Co., Xansas City, Mo. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning.. All blood, kidney and bladder illseancs cured. A guarantee given in every case treated by w. c. M fix wen, M. u., tn'4 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. M 728 J13 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Fa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children: 30 years practice. Office, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone. F-7790; Office, uiuics, 1 positively guarantee my ixever Falling Ergo-Kolo Compound to safely relieve the longest, most obstinate case o delayed "monthly sickness" in three to five days without harm, pain or inter ference with work. Only 31.50. Double strength, 82.00. Write Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co.. DP-515 Main St.. Kansas City, Mo. LADIES: Use our harmless remedy for delayed or suppressed menstruation; It cannot Tali: trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. MARRIED ladles, suffering from erregu- laruies ncna 40 to lr. rarger, station A, New York, for "Parker's Periodical Pills,1' an unfailing specific. M236 SISTERS in despair, if you have a sup pression write ana 1 will send you the remedy which gave me relief. Mrs. Amanda Green, 216 State St., Chicago. PIAXOS. 80 SAVED IN EXPENSE. See Our Special $98.50 PIANOS Easy Terms The values we are offering are almost be yond belief. It Is hardly possible to feel that your home Is complete without a piano. We offer exceptional advantages to the buyer. Our pianos stand the test of time and wear, and at fifty, ltke the beautiful modern woman, are as sweet aa In early youth. Representative for Weber, Storey & Clark, Farrand Organn, Schiller, Ludwlg, Piano Player, 315, Hampton, Bauer & Co., Cecillan Piano Player, 3250. Easy terms, quick sales, small profits, least expense. Old piano and organs taken In exchange. PERFIELD PIANO CO., Suite 7 Bee Bldg., ground floor, left of ele- vator. Tel. 701. MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma- 103 chlnlst. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cially or lire escapes, snutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 80. 10th St. -104 CABINET making. 116 So. 17th. Tel. L-2358. M301 J3 TIN. COPPER AND SHEET IRON All work promptly done, satisfaction guaran teed. A. Monroe, 1607 Davenport BC phone 2011. M344 J 6 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREOO 8. H., Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, xeieg. cau iree. Kim. com. col., u mx JJoug. 9i6 A. C. VAN S ANT'S school, 717 N. T. Life. 999 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. A. . A. AIIV. 1UOU NEB Business sV Shorthand College, Boyd s l neater. ito BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing ana iiruaning. epectauy Mfg. CO., 41 N. Main Bt.. Council Bluffs. AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Derlght, Ul F-arnsni. 107 LAND TO RENT. TWENTY acres finest garden land in the city. Apply at once at Room 642, New York life Bldg 714 SHIRTS TO ORDER. I OMAHA SHIRT FACTORY. 1918 Farnam. J 13 DANCING SCHOOL. ATTEND Morand's school or Wed. assem blies and learn the latest waits fad of the eastern cities, 'the most' graceful waits ever Introduced. Classes for beginners now forming. Adults, Tues. and Frl; children. Saturday afternoon. Private les sons. 'Phone 102. -447 J 6 COAL AND WOOD. HALD RICE, Kit B. UU Bt, Tel. 1238. 41 Jl Hastings, rso. X Jdui u sa -nines. kuw Jl