Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1902, PART III, Page 24, Image 24
THE OMAHA DAILY UKEi flUNDAY, DKCEMBEU 14.-1002. i: 1 1 i 3 J ' i 8 ! J; SPECIAL NOTjCES Advertlaemeets for these Ismne Mil be taken until 11 . I tTFDlnt edition said tll : . as. tor norilit Hud Snsdsy edition. Mntea, 1 l-ito word rt loorrlloa, le rrord thereafter. Nolhlna tsWesi for leae tfcao Sftc for the Brat laarr tloa. Theae artTertlaraaoato asset B a a roaaeratlrrlri Advertlaera, by rrqoaatlaaj a aaa. bcrrd rhrrk, ria liara aoawera ireaeed to a numbered letter la vara af Tho Hrp, Iniwrn ao addreaaed will bt delivered oa praaeatatloa af ta book only. mm . ...-. -a- FOH .LK CIGAR", TOBACCOS. WARNING! ' The patron of Omnha'i largest cigar firm. are warned not to be deceived when they have cigar offered to thrm by cer tain dealers at the rata of 8 nnd 10 for 25c. ' Such qualities as these arc can La ob tained In our four atoraa at tlia rata of 14 .for 25c. , If you will come our way we will ba pleased to aell thrm to you. Wi don't have to buy of the jobber, we can lava you the Jobber's and retailer's profit. We are manufacturers. SPECIAL FOR XMAS Tvrkl'h nines for 76c and un. French, Briar pipes with one Inch am , ber, Boc and up. German pipes at 25c and up. ' The genuine Portuando cigar with' Mr. Futtuaudo's signature and picture on every box of 26, $1.00. Tom Keene, '60 In box, $1.50. La Prefencla, 60 In box, 13.00. Location of Stores, Store A: J4"4 Douglas street. Btore 1!: 221 South 16th street. Store C: 304 South 15th strict. Btore D: Myers-Dillon Drug Store. WASTED SITl ATION9. SITUATION wanted by At slide trombonist In concert or theater orchestra; will lo cate in pood city of 40.0W) or more, or travel with good concert company. Ad dress H. K. Turner, cure Western Lyceum Bureau, 1803 Jefferson St., Kansas City, Wo. A-M625 18 A PATENT medicine salesman, with record for largo transactions In principal Itles of sixteen states. Is open for engagement beginning January 1. Willing to travol iijYvntic. nmii-ci;i.-! . irinrm - nlshed. Aduress W. II. StrauU, Hotel I Walton, Lincoln, Neb. A ,20 14' n An I Cil, I'lrmitnii o.v uiuscii mill years' experience; speaks German. Ad- dress P 60. Bee. A 718 14' WASTED MALE HELP. HUSTLING deputies wanted; men or I women: splendid contract. The Garden- ers, 416 Bee Bldrf. B 275 WANTED for U. S. army, ablebodled un married men bit wen ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can peak, read and write English, lor In formation apply to Recruiting; Ollicers, ltfth and Dodge Sis., Omaha, and post- otnee building, Lincoln, .Neb. u 31 GOOD messengerse wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th St. . B MJ3S WANTED, 2 good hustlers. Open until I WANTED rflen with rig to Introduce Mon ti p. in. Western Art Co., 1714 Nicholas st. I arch Poultry Mixture; IJ0.00 weekly and B M2t WANTED, a competent land man to secure purchasers for agricultural lands; state fit ness, experience and give references. Ad dress Wayland, box 332, Council Bluffs, la. ts Mjtm .WANTED, experienced bag maker: one wno can nulla and take control ot lac- tory. Address, with references. P 48 Bee. w i WANTED, blacksmith and two machinists. ulso tinsmith accustomed to inulde work. Apply 41 N. Main el., Council Bluffs, la. B M568 WANTED, an office boy by a manufactur ing company. Address P 64, Bee. .; B-M615 16 WANTED, man not over 32 years of age, with thorough practical experience In general hardware and tools; nne oppor tunity as first assistant in a business ag gregating J-aHi.Wjo annually; will pay good salary to start; give complete references and outline ot experience; state saiaiy ex pected and when can start. Address T. P. Roberts, 114 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. B Mtill 15 WANTED, a rapid, accurate, experienced Dill clerK; state salary ana give rerer ences. Address P 63, Bee. B M039 14 WANTED, person to call on retail. trade and agents for manufacturing house. local territory; biliary 119. iU. paid weekly. and expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary; business success ful; enclose self addressed envelope. Standard House, Caxtun bldg.. Chicago. B tkis 14 WANTED OflUe boy. One who Is bright. active and willing to work. Permanent pos itlon for rlsht boy anu chance tor ad- icement. P a7. Bee. -a&-1 vancement. WANTED, traveling sales men to sell white lead; active, wideawake men now with us are making ,Vi5 to 1150 weekly commissions: good specialty or side line. especially for hardware and drug sales men: superior Inducements to dealers and large commission paid to obtain good lasemen; no experience necessary; no expense money advanc-.d. Address D. T. Weir W hile Ltud Co., St. Louis, Mo. B GOVERNMENT POSITIONS More than 13.UU0 appointments made last , year chances better for 19)3; hundreds whom we prepared were appointed; circular lol giving full particulars as to positions, saluries, etc., sent free. Address National Correspondence Institute, Washington, D. C. 15 MANAGER wanted; large eastern real es tate firm desirca hustling manager fur this cltv. $3,000 ner annum: bond and good references required. Address E. R. Jack- I aon, ia ocnooi ot., isosum, mass. B-736 14 DETECTIVES, every locnllty, good salary, experience unnecessary. International Dtitectlvs Agency, Milwaukee, W is. ; B-734 14" i SEVEN Free Masons in each state given permanent, pleasant piolltable employ ment near home. Whole or part time. Good pay. Fraternal, Thames building, , New York. B 729 14- A. YOUNG MAN. travel; $16 weekly; ex- penses advanced; permanent position; in close self-addressed envelope. Mgr. Per- Kins, Manhattan uuuuing, cnicayn. B-678 14 TRAVELING man wanted to sell lines of cutlery through Nebraska, North and South Dakota on commlssim basis; Hue line, established trade. Address O. A. Clark, Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. B-677 14 WANTED, flrst-claiis, all-around printer for country ornce: permanent position and good pay to right man; no boozers nevd , apply., as trey win not be tolerated. AU- dtvsi. slating wages expected and Inclos ing references. 'Hie Courier, Crelghton, Neb. B ttjo 14 BE A PROOFREADER Salaries from $15 to $25 a week: proof readers In demand: ' a-nd for free booklet. "Practical Proof reading:" tells how. The National Proof readers' Assocint ion. The Baldw'u, No. V 72, Indianapolis, Hid. U WANTED, men and wi,m n to make good wages in spare time at Home: no cap. vasslng. The work ia elevating and can be done by any person. Llkliurst Insti tute, Tyrone, l a. b CIVIL service government positions: 14.9JS3 appointments this year. This Is 4.62 mure than last ear; excellent opportunities for young people; catalogue of information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. B $20 PER WEEK and traveling expenses paid balesmen for baking powd r and ex tracts: experience unnecessary. . I'uruy Co., Chicago. B GENTS' or bovs. cony letters at home: nothing to buy; $1- per thousand, paid weekly: send addressed envelope for copy and instructions t nited 1'eu Co.. 87 Nassau St., M, X. u WANTED Ry a leading lace and veiling bouse of New York City, a salesman to 1 carry their line on (ummUtsiou in Ne braska and North and South insula. Send references with application. Ad dress, M J. B.. lus l'ruspcct St., E. u-auge. N. J. li 664-14 WHAT MORE APPROPRIATE' - L- ...CHRISTMAS PRESENT... To an Ambitious Young Man or Woman than a scholarship in BOYLES COLLEGE There is no danger of losing it and the one who receives it will find success in using it. COURSES OF STUDY BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Book-keeping; Rapid Calculation, Business -Arithmetic. Penmanship, Spelling, office Ir1U ami Hanking;, business Practice, Business Customs. Commercial Law, Practical Oramranf, FHOHTHAND DEPARTMENT Shorthand, Typewriting. Mimeographing. In dexing, letter Filing. Spelling. Penmanship, letter Press Copying, Manifolding;, Business Correspondence, Punctuation, Language lessons. EVENING Our Night School affords an opportunity for young people to secure a thor ough a business or stenographic training as the day school. The some studies are taught, the same teachers are employed and every facility for thorough and prac tical work Is admitted. Students admitted any week day. Apply For Advertising Literature BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Building. WASTED MAI.K HELP. 122 WEEKLY and all expenses for men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. M. Parsons, Kan. u Kits 14- WANTED, a few pupils to learn book keeping free and pay for tuition from their earnings utter we place them In po sitions; you can learn at your own home In a few weeks without ioss or time or money; we guarantee It; we teach you free and get you a position. Write for full information and our free book, "How to Succeed In Business.'" It tells you how vou can better vour position and make more money. Commercial Correspondence Schools, Drawer O, Rochester, IN. Y. is WANTED, nmhltlnus vounir man over 21 to travel In Nebraska. uistriDUte. aavertise; roouhlo hnnav advancement : snlarv and expenses. Address F. Gillis, 360 Dearborn, rh pnrn K 14 14- ;vE WANT men and women solicitors to handle our new propositions: never before offered In this territory. It will pay you to Investigate. Haroer &. Brothers. 611 Hee Bldg. B 672 14 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We furnish steady practice by free work. In structlons, lectures and demonstrations bv exnerts. More experience In one .month than old method In one year. Wages and shop experience nuiuraays. Positions waiting graduates. Tools pre sented, board provided, catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber Wollege, r.m Douglas St. B M670-19 TOI'NO man to travel, 160 month and ex penses; experience unnecessary; send references. Williams Co., Chamber Com., Detroit, Mich. B 6S5 14 expenses: years contract, weekly pay Address, with stamp. Monarch Mfg. Co., Box 97, springneid, in. is aios io- WANTED Experienced clothing and shoe salesman; single; lowa town, over z.uuu; best references; particulars on applica tion; steady place; fair salary. Address, P 44, Bee. B-683-14 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack H (.tin. rtiRtrinme circulars, sammes. put.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, cnicago. n oio ARE YOU dissatisfied with your work? Our booklet, "Are Your Hands Tied?" tells how we have quannea tnousanas in mmrA time for salaried positions In more congenial and profitable lines of work. Write international uurnwjjuiiueim Schools. Box 1668. Scranton. Pa., or call. day or evening, Omaha oftlce, 637 Paxton block. B-679-14' MANAGER wanted in every large county; "Game o' Skill ' nlcKei Slot, macnine ior drinks, cigars or money; takes place of forbidden slot machines; strictly lawful everywhere: rented or sold on easy pay ments; sixty thousand now In use. Cun ningham Furniture Co., Department 86, Chicago, 111. B 74o 14 YOUNG men everywhere, copy letters home evening. $7 we K: sena aauresseu t-iiveiie for particular Filbert, uept. o-i.u, u 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. B-741 14- WANTED, errand boy. Call Monday a. m. Marshall Dental Mfg. Co., zm raiton run. B 751 14- WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, aav. matter, taca Hlgns, etc: no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B 776 14 DiSTRICT manager In each district a ary of $i5.oO per week and expenses. at sal- pa y- ot.'ii wwiilv in re i r esprit lame manufac turing establishment known to every bank in the United States; a man of good hab its and energy requirea; experience noi necesary. A ply, statins, age and qualifi cations, to Manager, uepi. c-., tr. . ixj. 824, Philadelphia, Pa. h wu m- SALESMES WASTED. EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type writers, oionroe k -o., oh ii. mu m., Omaha. -839 SALESMEN, write about our new specialty proposition; salesmen earning $100.00 per week. Central Chemical Co., Cedar Rapids, la. 699 W ANTED, for cominr year, experienced traveling salesman tor iNeorasga. we want a salesman; r.o novice need apply. Box 514, Chicago. iu - BAl.ESMEN to sell perfumes, toilet soaps, etc., to dealers; $iou montniy ana ex penses. Plumer Perfumery & Mtg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED, traveling salesman for- exten sive, tine line of advertising novelties, signs, leather goods and calendars; new line ready January 1; permanent position, exclusive territory: must he experienced In these lines; state experience in detail and send several references. August Oast Bank Note & Lilho. Co., St. Louis Mo. RELIABLE salesmen to handle ladles' belts as side line. Address, with refer. ences. Hub Novelty Co., 133 Summer St. Boston. 65 14" AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for liigh-grade. energetic, resident salesman. with an established trade among tne re tail coffee dealers. H. W. Dudley & Com pany, 7 and , Lake St., Chicago. -672 14 WANTED, salesmen, by manufacturer of grocers specialties; give experience ruuy. Good salary to hard workers. Address Box 517, Chicago, 111. WANTED, experienced traveling salesman of good appearance ior lsus to cover Ne braska. Box 6 8. St. Louis. Mo. 693 14 I CAPABLE salesman to cover Neb. with staple line: high commissions with ad vance of $100 monthly: permanent posi tion right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. De trolt. Mich. -42 14 TRAVELING salesman to take side lines of dress goods, white goods, etc. Purnell Dale Mills, Box 660, Philadelphia. 681 14 LIMITED number wtde-awake, energetic traveling salesman of good address and all-round hustlers to sell unusually attrac tive and salable line. Established busi ness. References. Investigate. F. R. Jennings, sales manager, Detroit, Mich. -743 14 WANTED, first-class traveling man Jan uary 1 to sell staple articles to retail furniture trade as a side line; better goods and cheaper prices than competi tors; sells readily by photograph; appli cations mutt be made at once. Address Michigan Desk Co., 40 Dearborn St . Chi cago. i 14' I TO SELL side line, easy seller, large profits, sells everywhere; carry sample in pocaet. Auuress o nee, council muns. so7 J 13 WASTED FEMALE HELP. lot Girls. Call Canadian ofllce, lith Dodxe. 4J sts SESSIONS OMAHA, NEB. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, Swedish or German girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Call at 126 a. ana m. ; Mm WANTED, first-class waist and sklrtmak ers; only those with experience need ap ply. A. Sceblck, Deadwood, S. D. C M528 18 WANTED, a graduate head nurse at Child I Saving institute, ism ana unio sts.; me usual salury will be paid Telephone 1991. Cjt34 16 WANTED, girl for general housework; lanilly OI IOUr: gOOa Wages lO ngni I Part; help tarty. None but tnorougniy competent i need apply. 126 So. 37th St. C-MG57 WANTED, woman for general housework; mail family. Inquire liua 1'arn Ave. C 710 14 LADIES to do piecework at their homes I We furnish all materials and pay from 17 to 112 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 Monroe St., cnicago. C-707 14 LADIES to work doilies and centerpieces at home. All materials rumisned. Hignest nrlces DiJd: no canvassing. Send stamped envelope to Ely Novelty Co.. Kly Bldg.. cnicago. " I WANTED Lady In each county to man- age business old established house solid flnanclal standing: straight bona fide weekly cash salary, paid by check each Wednesday, with all expenses, direct from headquarters; money advanced for 'expenses. Manager, 352 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. c WE ARE now selling at February prices: 11.85 buya any hat in the nouse. fenneii, the upstairs milliner, lol4 Douglas St., I over me singer umce. v- i MEN and women copy letters at nome; highest prices paid, money advanced I weekly. Send addressed envelope for I couy ana iiisiruciiuiis. oiauaaru rcn i Co., 218 Fulton St., New York. I - ooo ir 15 PER THOUSAND, copying letter at I home, either sex: send two stamps for particulars. Blackney & Co., 5057 Halsted, Chicago. C 660 14 LADIES wanted to do embroidery and Bat- tenberg at th-lr homes; steady work. Chicago crocnet Co., Chicago, in. c ' BE A PROOFREADER; women receive same salary as men, 115 to 126 a week: proofreader always in demand. Send for free booklet, f racticai rroorreadlng, tells how. The National Proofreaders' association, The Baldwin, No. 72, Indian apolis, Ind. . C WANTED. good cook and laundress. 224 JN. IStn St. C M693 16 WANTED, girl for housework, two In family. 1337 S. 27th St. C 690 14- LADIES, copy letters at home; $20 per 1 l,ou); send stamped envelope for appllca- cation. Leslie. Novelty Co., Dept. 71, Chicago. c 670 14- PLAIN writers: home employment; copy ing small blanks; rate J5 per 1,000; two stamps ior particulars, occidental com mercial Agency. Desk 23, Chicago. C-667 14- LADIES, something new: making sofa nil terials furnished; no canvassing; steady! work; send stamped addressed envelope. rtousenoia aug. co., ivrie bl, cnicago. C 666 14" GIRL for general housework; wages, $5. t,. a. .tsenson, tool uouge. c 680 14 LADIES or gents, copy letters st home: no names to supply or addressing en velopes; nothing to buy; $20 a 1,000 paid weekly; send addressed envelope for copy ana application manna, practical Mfg. cu, ib juaraei ci., xxewara, jn.. j. C-682 W PLAIN sewing at horn $9 per Week; ma terlals sent every where free; steady work; send addressed envelope for particulars. Du Pont, Dept. 8-131, Lock Box 1882. Phlla- aeipnia, fa. c 742 14- LADIE3 wanted everywhere, copy letters home evenings and return to us. We pay in . v. .......... caAj .... .1 .......... . . i particular aVirt rnnv. Address nimrnnt... Dept. S-131. Box 1362, Philadelphia, Pa. C 73S 14 week: nartlelilara fre tt nil! Mnd nH. aressea envelope. noen, uept. s-131, Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. C 740 14 LADY bookkeeper and stenographer. Ws have a permanent position for a lady who can keep a complete set of. books and do a small amount of stenograDhlc work. Age, experience, salary and reference in first letter. Address P 64. Bee. C-768 14 WANTED, experienced operators on shirts and overalls. Apply to Byrne & Hammer ury uoods CO., I2tn ana Howard. C 792 14 WANTED, competent sales ladles and . package wrappers. Apply Monday morn ing to ii&ray s, ixn jjoage ot. C 789 14 FOR REST FIRSISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. it S4J $1 PER WEEK 422 So. 18th St., one block south ot court nouse. AETNA HOUSE. European. 13th and Dodg. E S4 P.OYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago BTEAM-HEATED rooms, $10 per month. Barker Hotel, utn ana Jones sts. E-M9C3 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. S ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 Bo. Utb St. Bi Al-'il FRONT room, modern. $2 per week. 1717 Webster. E 459 II CENTRAL, steamheated, furnished room. 220 N. 23d St. E-670 FOR RENT Front parlor: steam heat; elegantly furnished. 216 N. 17th St. E-696-14 FRONT room., alcove. 314 S. 20th t. E-M627 14 THREE nlcs rooms, modern. 2109 Douglus. Tel. 1545; 6 fines. E M726 2d FOR RENT, south front rooms, single or nsuite, with board. In good location, within walking distance of business cen ter; terms reasonable. Apply ft" Cass. Tel. A-2593 E M7' FIRSISHED ROOMS ASD BOARD. UEitRlAM, ceutortabls winter borne. Tel 15 F-4 MV SAV SERVANTS ARE HARD TO GET WHEN THEY WANT A PLACE THEY READ THIS PAGE. YOUR WANT-AD, WILL CUING THEM- NO, "ELEGANT EQUIPMENT DOES MAKE THE BUT AN UP-TO-DATE SCHOOL ONLY CAN AFFORD AN ELEGANT EQUIPMENT. The moat elegantly equipped Institution in the west Is the NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Everything new and modern, affording every convenience and comfort. THE TEACHERS MAKE THE SCHOOL SPKCIAL. ANNOUNCEMENT Prof. A. J. Dowry, the best known and conceded to be the most popular and efficient commercial teacher and accountant In the west, is now principal or tne commercial ana Prof. A. C. Outhrldae. principal of the has not only a collegiate education and me oniy snonnana ana typewriter insirucior in ismaiia wno nas auenueu ine uregg scnuui ior teacners anu reueiveu u A11H8 neiKi principal Ul lilts ijiirwiuiUH ljkiui iiueui, in t ie4i:nrr Ul Iflie pllshments. The Influence of her culture and refinement Is felt on every hand. Having instructors ot aucn aDinty anu experience at ine neaa or me omereni ae partments, with their able assistants, gives this Institution a faculty of teachers un surpassed in the west. mjiwtcd tcbu norwc , Jt 1 v"' . v ai.unoj-.t., ... u.,, rro.,,. securing their scholarships In advance In order to make sure of their accommoda- tlon. If you are thinking of a Business or Shorthand and Typewriting education, call or send for our new and elaborate catalogue, and after reading it no doubt will remain as to what school you will enter. " fc lu an l wi "i iijt-ihi,i iu rnm uui. . ui Send lor catalogue. Address, - A. C. ONG, Presidint, Boyd Bldg., Omaha. FIRSISHED ROOMS ASD BOARD. pmvATE family. 609 South 25th avenue. F M1D9 FURNISHED room on first floor and one on second. 212 S. 25th St. ' 324 FOR REST STORES ASD OFFICES. RENT Store In firtt-class location: , ...,.niu A..iv, u i' i.iu ji. Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1266 FOK RENT The building formerly occu- pied by the Bee at 916 Farnam St. I', has lour stories ana a Dasemeni wnicn was formerly used as The Bee press room. Tills will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at ofhee to C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room iw, uee uuuuing, CENTRAL, grocery, drug, meat market, wlth fixtures; also tine lauudry, with cleam neat and power, xizuru, im xm. ajq. store room X61B Howard St., In good repilr, with light hnmmFnt. Lrfi.uo ner nr.nntn. GaOKUH & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St 1 0-1 Ul OFFICES in the Bee building, $10.00 ' per month up. Rental price includes beat, llirht and Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground floor, iieti mag. ii FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at vio r arnam, uuv, iuur stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator,, fire and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C C. Roaewater, secre tary The Bee Building Co., room loo. Bee building. . I M667 FOR SALE, complete outfit of furniture and stove, can at live jn. Ma bi. mono L 2071. I-M609 1207- HOWARD ST., 1st, 2d or 3d floor, to gether or separately. . u. vveii, inn Douglas St. . I-fl2 W ELEGANTLY' modern, hot water heat, sjlte of two rooms In new brick building, ground floor; good location for business offices. Call at 1616 Webster St. I M647 AGESTS WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents in every rnnntv to solicit suDBcriotlons to TH lb TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good in' come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $loo per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha, 213 1,000 AGENTS wanted to sell desirable old line insurance lor tne largeoi compau In the world ot its age; no special con tract fakirs or leg pullers need apply. v anil the beat contract ever written; good territory and commissions given to good, reliable men. Call on or writs to George J. Crane, Superintendent Western . .... I.'...' 1 L J .... I, lll.1v ueparimeni, 019 sirst mm i jn. ,vB. Omaha. Neb. WANTED at once, oil agents, good, re- liable, energetic men to sen our niga grade line oi lUDricating una, etc.: also rooflns and metallic paints. especially to the threshing and farming trade, on commission. The Industrial Oil & Supply Co., Cleveland, O. j ioa i- THE AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE IN- 8URANCE CO., Elkhart, Ind., Insures I persons from 60 to 84. Bevenieen year a ui I business, UDerai contract iu .J I AGENTS can mane z,uw to i,uw uw Dir.. months handling newly patented article, absolute necessity; demand enor- nous, experience unneceanaij, ci-mm , territory given. Household Novelty Co. (Manufacturers), 1612 Broadway, New York. , J-tra 14" WE PAY $26 a week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce i-ouiiry vompouiiu. International Mfg. Co., Iar,Mn8JH7nj4, AGENTS, drop everything and write us for special terms on our latest oiuee clalty; sells itself; greatest money-maker in years. Address American Lock-Crank Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J 6.6 14 AGENTS, a million overcoat owners win buv our newly patentea numfm-iuu Coat" coathanger this winter; 3,421 sold last week by eight agents; no sending orders In to be tilled; yoj make and de liver hanger on the spot; sample with your name on and particulars, hK Alum inum Hanger Co., 62 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. , J-6,914 KW age; automatic washer does a washing in 30 minutes without labor or attention; cheaper than any other; Indestructible; everybody buys; agents coining money; thousands of testimonials. Automatic Washer Co., Station I'. Chicago. J 661 14 AGENTS, don't work for others; learn a profession in ten days mat win pay i to $26 per day. Prof. S. A. Weltmcr, Ne vada, Mo. LAMP that makes Its own gas. costs 1 cent a day; no oil, wicks, chimneys, small model free to those wishing to work tor us. Eastern Gas Co., 130 Fulton St., New York. J- AGENTS WANTED A lady or yojng man to take orders In their home town ior our line of shirt walstlngs, suitings and skirt ings; an elegant line; low prices; oig pay to the right party. Address, Shirt Waist Dept.. Buckley Shirt Co., 2623 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. J WANTED, local agents In every city and village In United States, male or female. Two good specialties retailing at 25c and 6"c each; loo per cent profit. Address F. M. VanEtten &. Son, 617 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. J- WANT traveling salesman to carry our side line to general stores and kindred trades; samples weigh six ounces, tits coat pocket and easily earns $l.uuo a year commission Writs for particulars, the Standard Ring Co., M LaBalle St . Chi. Cgo. 1U. J M It NOT SCHOOL," uanaing uepnrimenis. Shorthand and Typewriting Department, practical experience in oftlce work, but is uipiuinn. IAMI11DV r inn 7 Z . i . vnnuu y x iia. Dim viuy liaco 1I11CU mr uini cvtri uwecatu y vnori to aecuie pum- AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted to handle our goods; needed everywhere; we trust you; estab lished In 1869. We occupy three buildings. Gavltt Manufacturing Co., Topeka, Kan. J WANTED Lady agents wanted for the old established llygela Corsets and Skirts," the agent's best friend and money maker. For particulars apply to Western Corset CO., St. Louis, flio. , j WANTED Agents In every locality to sell contracts for the purchase of homes or the satisfaction of mortgages, the money for such purpose being advanced without Interest with the right to repay same In small instalments. Everybody wants money, especially If It can be had without Interest, and If it can be used to buy firoperty without other security; we make t possible to buy a home at an outlay less than rent; our contracts sell them selves, agents make big money; we pay mem wen. write ior particulars at once, as territory Is being rarddlv allotted. Ad dress Provident Home Co-Operative Com pany or rennsyivania. Odd Fellows Tern' pie, Philadelphia, Pa. J AGENTS for Ideal Spoon Holder; rapid seller, large profits; sample. 10c: bice . present to all who answer this. Junior Aiig. co., uept. f, St. Louis, Mo. J-694 14 AGENTS, 130 to $50 weekly easily made; w iiiuve mis; luminous namepiates, num bers, signs, readable darkest nights; earn- fles free Right Supply Co., Englewood, 11. J-668 14- AGENTS and mall order men. Our patent screw buttons for pants, coats, vests and shoes simply screw in; no sewing. Five cents, half dozen. Snlral Button Co.. 1 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. J 688-14 HUSTLERS, Attention! Live, up-to-date agents to sell a nrst class household necessity In your own state. Terms lib eral. Permanent position for good men. Hunt Manufacturing Co., Newark, Wayne County, New York. J 676 14 WANTED, manager In every city, county, to handle best paying business known; legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe- . nix Co., 15 W. 28th St., New York. J-746 14 EASY holiday money; new plan; home writing only; takes scarcely any of your time; postal will bring full details. DIS 1NFECTO CO., 2 Park Sq., Boston, Mass. J-788 14 . WASTED TO REST. WANTED, to rent or buy, modern house or cottage In good condition, 6 or 6 good sized rooms, with barn for 3 horses and buggy; house must have city water and electric light or gas; must be in good neighborhood, not too far out and and on or near car line; give full description and rental, pr lowest price and best terms, If for sale. Geo. E. Townsend, Fairfax, S. D. K 744 14 FOIl SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 967 FOH SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. NEW and secondhand vehicles for sals cheap. 11. Frost. 14th and Leavenworth. P 968 GOOD family horse. 1318 Farnam. P-M773 25 FOR SALE, S-year-old horse, weighs 1,200 pounds; perfectly gentle for lady or child to drive; also new buggy and harness. Will sell all or any part of the rig at your own price. Call at 1424 N. 19th St. P M737 16 STOCK harness and buggies, $4,000; budd ing, $2,2oo: one-third cash; want clear land or will assume same amount as cash on land. i. K. Ratcllff, Hupklnton, la, P 6i7 14 WASTED TO BIY. HAVE 2 nonresident clients who will buy Omaha realty for investment at low cash prices; owners only; see us. Douglas Cuuuty Realty Co., first floor N. Y. Life. N-M797 17 WE WANT or 7-room house, good re pair, well located, north side, to cost not over $2,500. Room 3, N. Y. Life. N-M797 17 IIAVE customer for 2 lots, west Farnam district. If sold low for cah. Douglas County Realty Co., First floor N. Y. Life. N M797 17 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing, combination ladders. 9ul Douglas. y M961 NEW and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam y 969 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical instrument. $5 up. The Wlttmann Co.. 1621 Farnam. y 960 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. J 962 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. FOR SALE, good letter copypresa and stand, lu tlist-class condition, 16 5o. In quire Bee business office. y Mo66 PIANO for sale or trade; want horse and buggy. O 23. Bee. i y M469 17 75 LADIES' and gents' watches. 150 dia monds, left In pawn, good as new. selling at half price. Diamond Loan Oftlce, 11 Douglas. y M761 26 CHRISTMA8 perfumes. Write for catalog, tint mi an at McCounell Drug Co., Omaha, 1 y-M321-2s SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tablea; billiard tabl-a repaired; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Bruuawtuii-Balke-Cullendrr Co.. 4o?- 8. 10th. y-M73 J 7 FOR SALE MISCELLASEOIS. BUY or sel) pool tables. Kern, S21 8. 12th. W 499 18 A BEAUTIFUL LIGHT You try before you buy one of Fletcher's non-explosive gasoline lamps; one week's trial tree. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol ave. vj MS19-26 FOR 8ALE Cheap; two safes. C B. Havens & Co., 219 S. 16th St. y 631 14 FREE FOR XMAS Gold-ed ired glass bottle of choice wine, corkscrew with every order of Prlmo Whiskey, price J3.10 gal lon; charges prepaid. Meyer Klein, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 623 No. 16th, Omaha. y MJ61 FOR SALE First mortgage note bearing six per cent Interest, payable every six months, has abdut 2l years to ruu; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, Jl.suo. Inquire C. M. Bachmann. Room 424, Paxton Block. y 6)6 TWO good double slelRhs, $15 and $66; newly Fialnted; Rockaways. depot wagons, troughams. Drummond Carriage Co,, 18th and Harney Sts. Q M715 Janl3 FOR SALE. A genuine buffalo overcoat. Call at King & Smeiid Overall factory. Size of coat, 44; length, 50 Inches. y-713 14 FOR BALK and to be removed from lot, 2- siory irame nouse at lili Harney St. Ap ply to Geo. H. Lee, lmi6 Farnam St. 7 y-733 14 FOR SALE, cheap, Perfected Oxygenor King, latest pattern, never been used. Ad dress P 62, Bee. Q 730 14' AUTOMOBILE for sale cheap; a light steam runabout. Dally Telegraph, At lantic, la. Q FOR SALE, one 30-ln. band saw, one tire cooler, complete; one power punch. C. F Stroud 4 Co., 14th and Nicholas Sts., Omaha. Q 725 14 2 POOL tabies for sale. A. Jensen, 2318 N. 24th. Q M772 14 SELL Bitters as side line on commission; tine article, well advertised. 2658 Cuming. Q M771 J 13 TWO phonographs 'for sale or trade; will svll cheap; a great bargain. Backensen, 2419 Cuming St. Q 769 14- LARGE flat top cherry desk and two oak filing cases. Room 3, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Q-798 14 I Second-Hand SEWING MACHINES Thess machines have all been thoroughly overhauled and are in good condition and are very cheap One Domestic machine...,,. ; $10.00 Two Singers, square bed, with latest head li.00 Singer, high arm 10. 00 Singer , 2.00 Singer Tailoring .' 12.00 One Howe $.60 One St. John ,. 8.00 One White 10.00 New Home 10.00 Household 10.00 Modern drop head machines, slightly used, of any make, very cheap. These are such machines as the usual agents will sell you for new. We rent machines for 76c a week or $2.00 per month and repair and sell parts for any machine manu factured. Nebraska Cycle Co. GEORGE E. MICKEL, Manager Phone 1663, Cor. 16th and Harney. 'Phone B618, 334 Broadway Council, Bluffs, la. 'Phone 4365, 612 N. 24th St., a Omaha, Neb. Q CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street. 8965 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15. S 966 MME. GYLMER, OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. If you desire to know what you are best adapted to and what business you should follow, call on Gylmer, the famous alml8t, and she will tell you. The year i drawing to a close and many changes are made at the first of the new year and benefit Is sure to be derived by know ing whether to change or not, and, if a change Is necessary, what change to make. Gylmer has practiced her profes sion in Omaha for six years and she needs no recommendation to the public. Her work speaks for itself. Parlors, 215 South 15th St., in Granite Block, Second Floor. Take elevator. 8 6!9 14 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, 2d floor. R. 2. T M342 J 5 MISS DUVAL, manicuring. 1615 Howard, 3d floor. T M796 17 MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 16th, R. 7. T 438 IS GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 S. 13th. T-454-17 Miss Iverlng, massage baths, 601 N. 13th St. 351 Jan5 MME. LAUNDERS, magnetic treatment. 1819 Leavenworth. 1st flat. M599 li PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. II. 12, Frenser block. U 9W VIAVI, Woman's Way to Health. Horns treatment. Booklet free. 346 Bee Bldg., Omaha. U 9U RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Send for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO., K32 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U-970 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Douglas. U-9U9 DR. B. M. JACKSON, specialist in chronic diseases. 15u6 Farnam St. Consultation free. U-971 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th St.. 2d floor. U 437-15 TELEPHONE 780 for L M. E. messengers. U-973 SOCIALIST, headquarters. 619 N. 16th st. Literature of all kinds, treating on all subjects. U 262 Janl PRICES are better. Product can be sold. John Barry. U M651 26 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-ltM. U-972 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; babies adopted. 27u3 8. 18th st. Mrs. Fisher. Tel. F-3218. U M238 J2 ECZEMA SALV E that cured W. A. Paxton. B. J. Scannell, agent, 5o9 Ware block. U M33S J5 ANY CASE of dandruff or falling of hair cured for $1; 3o years' experience; this is no fake, but absolute cure; It not cured wilt refund money; can also give many testimonials; ladles can call or address, except Saturday. T. J. Clark, 2419 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M644 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. ! rl h, k5 California L U-M8 16 PERSONAL. WHY NOT ret a rss or gasoline lamp for an Xmas present? "is Just the thing you need. Prices from $2.50 up. clsbach mantels, burners and capa. Louis Flesch er, 1622 Capitol VS. U M620 si "ALICE. Where Art Thou?" Sleigh rids Sunday, 3:30 p. to., same comerj-J.EH. REJU VENATOR CLUB, largest member ship In the I'nlted States; all tisers of Seminole Indian Metto Vigor tonics never arow old. Kcjuvcnator Imparts the vigor ot youth to old age; corrects nervous troubles. Price, $2. no. Trial package, 0 cents, by sealed mall. Remit to Mettos Vigor Co., Miami, Fla. U .01 14 YOUR FORTUNE told from cradle to grave; what I tell you comes true: send dime and blrthdate. Prof. J. Myers, Drawer 704, Chicago. U .06 14 SUPERFLUOUS hntr. warts and moles per manently removed by electricity; consul tation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mis Allender, 1618 Douglas. WE ARE now selling at February prices; $!.K5 bavs any hat In the house. Pennell, the upstairs milliner, 1514 Douglas St., over Singer office. U A. V. SWETTaAND. M. D., speiolnl treat ment of all diseases of Women. 1715 Dodger U 738 14 AUCTIONEERS' headquarters, 1306 Doug las St., Omaha. Neb. All kinds of sales taken. Satisfaction guaranteed. We make sales any place. U 732 14 AM PROFESSIONAL: would meet Chris tian young lady or widow; up-to-date; no lower class; explain. Address P 56, Bes. U-4T75 14 A WEALTHY, attractive lady, unhappy and lonely, seeks husband to share her wealth and affections. Address "Amiable," 716 Locust, Room 63, St. Louis, Mo. U-4R4 14 WEALTHY, lonely, kind-hearted gentle man, with elegant home, seeks wife to share his home and wealth. Address "Mr. Roberts," 817 Holland Bldg., St. Iyouis, Mo. U 673 14 YOUR fortune free, send me your blrthdate with 2 stamps for postage and I will send your life reading free. Matters of love, health and speculation made clear. All questions answered. Address Prof. Aeolls, 1M5 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. U A CHARACTER SKETCH FREE. Particulars and h-puge, illustrated paper FREE. Address, Nat'l Institute of Palm istry, Grand Rapids, Mich. U "401" DON'T! See me first. "301." U 722 14 WILL tho young man who gave up seat In Farnam rur Saturday, 2:30 p. m., to lady with fur boa send his address to P 63, Bee Office. U-723 14 WIDOWER with means wanted to corre spond with unincumbered German-speaking lady about 35 years old; object, matri mony. Address P 68, Bee. U 717 14 AMERICAN lady, wealthy, good appear ance, 28 years of age, widow for past three ycarsv unencumbered, will give full particulars of myself and what I am worth, also send photo, to sincere, re spectable gentleman who desires early marriage. Mrs. Marion. Grant Works, 111. U-C3 14 MATRIMONIAL PAPER, over 600 bona fide descriptions, 10c sealed. R. L Live, Denver, Colo. U 675 14 CHRISTMAS stories. Christmas sugges tions. Christmas hints. December "What to Eat." Newsdealers 10c. U 680 14 I WAS saved from consumption after my case had been pronounced Incurable and hopeless by eminent physicians. If you are suffering from this dread disease and will write me I will gladly tell you how it was done at home. My sole object Is to be of some benefit to humanity. Rev. Melvln L. Peden, pastor Church of Christ, 144 Stone street, Glbsonburg, O. U-683 14 MATRIMONIAL JOURNAL, December Issue, large list, sent sealed, 10c In stamps. Box 663 Omaha, Neb. U 765 14 YOUNG man, acquainted In Omaha, wishes to meet musical young lady, for mutual benefit and amusement. Address P 67 Bee. t U 804 14 VITALITY low, debilitated or exhausted cured by Dr. Kline's Invigorating Tonic. FREE, $1 trial bottle containing 2 weeks treatment. Dr. Kline's Institute, 931 Arch Bt., Philadelphia, Pa. U .94 14 MOSEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4ty PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. ME1KLE, 401 S. loTli ST. W-974 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, Brennan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th. W 9J5 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters it Co., 17ol Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W 081 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 916 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat, Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam, W 978 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith tc Co.. 1320 Farnam street. W 90 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. W 979 MISES AND MINING. FOR SALE, 600 shares Brsganza Gold Min ing Co. stock at $1.25 per share; company price $1.60. P. I. Condon, Hibernian Bank, Chicago, ill. M642 14 CAN SAVE YOU 10 TO 80 PER CENT ON all mitdng, oil and Industrial stocks. Send for list and list your stocks. Regular price. My price. U 1 a a i a i o r uonsoiiaateu (Crabtree) Braganza I .80 $ .17 2.00 1.1s .76 Bargain 1.00 .60 1.00 .16 2.00 .90 .75 .46 2.00 .90 3.00 .95 .76 .12 1.00 .38 13.00 10.00 .40 .18 Battle Creek (Doano Ram- blur) Cracker Oregon , Great Western Hidden Fortune (Black Hills) California Nevada Horse Shoe (Black Hills).... Model Mount Shasta Mergenthaler . Geo. A. Tredwell Mining Co Turnagaln Arm Gold Send for list and list your stocks Wapt some more bargains In the above and any other active mining or industrial stocks, MARK T. LEONARD, 607, 159 La Salle St., Chicago. -662 14 LOST. BTRAYED, sorrel horse, 1,100 lbs., strips In lace. W. T. Graham. 6u6 Bee bldg. Lost M643 14 PAIR of pearl and sold opera glasses, en graved Frank E. Coe. Boyd's theater, Friday evening. Return o 202 N. 18tn and receive reward. I.ost 654 14 LOST, $30 00, one $20 and one $10 bill, be tween 17th and Farnam and Trinity Ca thedral. Liberal reward if returned to 119 So. 34th St. Lost 766 14 LOST. Interchangeable mileage book, No. 3644S3. containing $130 of bills, railroad re ceipts, etc. Kinder will be liberally re warded by returning to the ueiione hotel. Omaha, J. V. Sweeny. Lost 747 14 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. II. Pbllbin, 15o5 Farnam. 'Phone 784. 119 CUT RATES Member Am. Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. W. C. Norrls. 1406 Farnam. Phone B 2113. 280 J 2 CANDY AND CIGARS. AIXO school supplies and" laundry office. Mrs. L. Daffit, 3220 N. 24th St. M615 J12 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 B. 13th. It SEEDS AND POILTRY Sl'PPLIES. E. II. ULLERY CO., UU Howard st, urn J li J i I J 'f l