Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15
15 STORE OPENS TOMORROW AT 10 A. HL AT WHICH HOUR THE GREAT SALE BEGINS THE OMAHA DAILY TIETa SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1902. 2.69 39c ...89c 1.89 4.95 1.69 95c 3.45 RECEIVERS SALE OF DRY GOODS Thre la nearly two hundred thousand dollar, worth of choice, new, up-to-aate merchandise In our Dry Ooods and Women", and Children'. Ready-to-Wear depart ment.. The, goods will be Included In th. receiver', .alo. W. cannot tell you of all the bargain. In these department. In thl. U.ue. Com. and see them on th. table and counter.. Tho court .ay. w. must .ell them, and the court order, will be carried out to th. letter. CLOAK DEPARTMENT THIS 18 THE DEPARTMENT wher. w. will .utter most, but our difficulty 1. your opportunity. ., Kimona. We will .ell about 100 handiome ktmona. In eiderdown, .erg. Henri etta cloth, all .Ilk trimmed, worth 13.23 $3.50 and $4.00 fCh at mmr Woman'. .Ilk waist., nearly 500, worth from $4.50 to $5.75 at Woman, winter waist, worth 75c at Woman, winter waist, worth $1.25 and $1.60, at FURS! FURS! FURS! A lot of boas, collarette., .carta, worth from $2.00 to $3.00, at Another lot of boaa, scarf, and collarette, worth from $5.50 to $8.50 at Near seal muff., satin lined, 4 OQ Mink tail muffs, worth $2.60, worth $2.25, at 100 at BLACK CONEY MUFFS, satin lined, worth $1.60, at A8TRACHKAN MUFFS, with heads and tall, worth $5.00, at ASTRACHAN CAPES. OUR f $18.60 and $20.00 qualities IvtVU A8TRACHAN CAPES, our $20.00 and 25.00 qualities, 90 NEAR SEAL JACKETS worth $35, 19 90 WOMEN'S SUITS ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE SUITS, worth $12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.50 and $23.60, your choice of them at , Another lot marked from $19.50, $27.50, your choice at WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR HEAVY FLEECE LINED, all size., worth 400, at 200 dozen boys' UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, fine merino, worth up to 75c. RECEIVER'S SALE PRICE, per garment HOSIERY, RIBBONS Children, and mlsae.' wool hose, worth 20c pair, RECEIVER'S SALE price, (all, two pairs for .' 600 dosen CHILDREN'S, MISSES and WOMEN'S cotton ho.e, worth 20c pair. RECEIVER'S SALE PRICE, per pair 600 dozen WOMEN'S fleece lined hose, worth per pair, 20c, RECEIV ER'S SALE PRICE, per pair 3,000 piece, all .Ilk ribbon., all width, 3 lots, at less than half price, ISo, 10c and , $5,000 .lock of CORSETS .old at discount of 10 per cant. KID GLOVES Ladle' and children, kid glove., all styles and make., less 10 per cent discount of regular prices, every pair guaranteed. 1 100 dozen ladles' and children's black double wool mittens, worth pair 20c. RECEIVER'S BALE PRICE per pair SILKS! SILKS! Jl-lnch CHINA SILK, all colors, 35c grade, at per yard 6,000 yards beautiful foulard and satin print., all .ilk, all color., value, up to $1.60 yard, at 26 piece, pretty CORDED NOVELTY SILKS, 75o value, at per yard 24-lnch all .Ilk crepe-de-chine, all color., $1.25 value, at per iyara , Colored Moire Silk., all shades $1.25 quality, at per yard 'I A very elegant lot of fine Evening 811k. and Satins figured, brocaded and weave., all go at big reduction. In thl. RECEIVER'S SALE. i BLACK SILKS ' BLACK SILKS 19-inch all SILK BLACK TAFFETA, WORTH 65c 2 yard, at 123-Inch ALL SILK BLACK TAFFETA, worth 85c Cf (Tl yard, at OVC tl-lnoh ALL SILK BLACK TAFFETA, worth $1.30 yard W o) 5) 1& ii 1 1612 5t HARNEY SIS. ,11 CO. rPonnnnpn sz nn P inn mum mm h iv" 9.9C .17.90 I 19c 39c 25c ..10c 10c .. DC 10c 19c 40c 45c 79c 85c nd plain 37c rm m m m Four Hundred Thousand Dollars Worth of Reliable Merchandise to Be Sold by Order of Court The United States Federal Court has decreed that the entire Bennett stocks Bold be at once. Under the supervision of the receiver appointed by the court we begin TO MORROW at 10 a. m.. a GIGANTIC SACRIFICE SALE. ITS X FEAST OF BAR fiAINS FOD YOIL No greater onnortunitv was ever vours than that which begins at 10 a. m. tomorrow. Christmas purchasing was never more opportune for the buyer, Our mammoth stocks were bought specially for our Christmas trade and Omaha people never saw a store in their city so complete with new Christmas roods as the MAMMOTH STOCKS AT BENNETT'S STORE. We offer you new goods in the largest assortments of styles, novelties and new creations in every sphere of merchandise, and all at your call in val ues that mean the TOTAL SACRIFICING OF PROFIT AND THE COMPLETE IGNORING OF COST. TOMORROW, MONDAY, 10 A. M., RECEIVER'S SALE AT BENNETT'S it' l per yard. j -lnch ALL SILK BLACK TAFFETA, worth $125 per J per yard, at J 22-lnch BLACK DRESS PEAU-DE-SOIE, worth $1.25 per ii yard, at It 22-lnch BLACK SATIN DUCHESS, extra heavy, worth $1.40 per yard, at jl 22-lnch BLACK MOIRE VELOUR SILK, worth 11.16. at... 94c 1.12 93c 95c 89c 1.25 9x12 Wilton Rugs, Including such makes as Selkirk, etc., sold the world over at $37.50, while they last, at 9x12 Axmlnster $27.60, at 8 ft. 3x10 ft. 6 Seamless Axmlnster Rugs, regular price $27.50, at 9x12 at 9x10 ft. 6 Tapestry Rugs, regular price $12.00, at Ingraffc Art Squares, beat, all wool, regular price 75c sq. yd., at....i... $3.75 Fur Rugs, 28x64, at $5.00 Wilton Rugs, 36x63, at $3.74 Wilton Rugs, 27x54, at , $4.25 Axmlnster Ruga, 86x72, at :. '.. $2.76 at $5.00 at $4.00 at $3.60 at Lowell Blgelow, .28.50 RECEIVER'S SALE ON THE THIRD FLOOR OUR STOCKS OF CARPETS, RUGS, CURTAINS, PORTIERES AND UPllOLST .'.Tifin nnnns nnxa ttp in mnnnv vnlno to close on $ 5.000. Everv thread has been re ceived since the first of September, and in this sale all must give place to the "ALMIGHTY DOLLAR." HERE ARE VARIETIES that are GIGANTIC and Mr. Hastings has authorized prices that are positively HEART STARTLERS. 1.89 . 35c ..51c 29c 20c 65c 79c ..98c 1.19 25c 39c 59c 3.75 Rugs, regular price 19 50 19.50 Tapestry Rugs, regular price $15.00, 98 7.65 49c .2.35 3.85 2.70 3.19 .1.98 .3.60 .2.60 Axmln.ter Ruga, 27x63, Smyrna Rugs, 26x72, Smyrna Rugs, $0x60, Smyrna Rugs, 86x72, $2.75 Smyrna Rugs, 80x60, at Cocoa Door Mats, each, at ' Best quality All wool Ingrain Carpet. 75e quality, at, per yard Heavy Union Carpets, 60c quality, at per yard Best grade Granite Carpet, 35c value, at Best grade Tlnwlre Brussels Carpets, 90c value, at Eest grade Velvet Carpet, $1.10 value, at . Best, grade Axmlnster Carpet, $1.35 value, per yard Wilton Carpets, .old at $1.65 everywhere, per yard Floor Oil Cloth goods that sold at 30c, 35c and 40c, per sq. yard Good grade of Linoleum 60c quality, ' at sq. yard Extra good grade Linoleum, 2 and 4 yard widths d 'inmt 091 er square yard Your choice of any Rope Portiere In stock at MENT ' MARKED DOWN TO THE BASIS OF ABOVE EVERYTHING IN OUR MAMMOTH DRAPERY DEPART-PRICE. 2.25 BARGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION FURWITUR FURNITURE. i 27-inch BLACK MOIRE VELOUR SILK, worth $2.00 yard, at 46-Inch ALL 8ILK BLACK GRENADINES, plain and fancy blacks, a beautiful col lection of One drea. fabrics, marked at very low prices for th. RECEIVER'S BALE. DRESS GOO DS-lm ported Wool Challlea 250 pieces lust In tor the spring .ale. Intended to be sold at 60c and 60c Del yd., will Include them In this RECEIVER .ale BLACK DRESS COODS DEPARTMENT 60 piece. FINE BLACK FIGURED DRESS GOODS, 60o quality, only 48 piece. FINE BLACK DRESS GOODS HENRIETTAS, SICILIAN, M HAIRS, SERGES, ALBATROSS, CHEVIOTS, 65 to75c values at per yd.. IS elegant BLACK DRESS GOODS, all make., $1.00 value., at per yard 76 piece. FINE IMPORTED BLACK DRESS GOODS value, to $1.25 yard, at 65 piece, elegant quality of FINE BLACK DRESS GOODS, every new make la th. collection, from Mistral, to Broadcloth., value, up to $1.45 per yard, all go at per yard ALL OF OUR VERY FINE BLACK DRESS GOODS TO BE MARKED VERY CHEAP COST NOT CONSIDERED IN TH IS SALE. COLORED DRESS GOODS 60 piece, nlc. wool dress goods, pretty plaid, pin. and Dgurea, 15o values, at per yard (6 place, nlc. colored dress goods, 25c and 85 values, at , 40 nlc. On. wool goods, value, to 45c yard. at IS piece, extra fine all wool dre. good., plaid, and plain weave.. 66. value., only 76 pieces COLORED DRES8 GOODS, almost every mak. In thl. grand assort ment, values 75c to 90c per yard, all go at per yard 25 pieces Imported Granites, canvas weave.,, all new shades, values over $1.00 yard, all at BATTING 8 ox. good clean whit, cotton batting only, per roll CALICO All the standard brand, of good grade, calico print., all color. ) 1 and figure, and .tripe., worth up to 64o yard, at 2 WASH GOODS 27-Inch Fancy Colored Mercertsed Tissues, In a great variety of pat terns, suitable for dresses of all kinds, comforter, cover, etc., worth 15c yard, at 81-Inch fine FRENCH DELAINES, all deatrabl. dark colors, for children. dresse. and wrappers, regular lOo quality, at WASH RAGS Made of best absorbent cotton, Turkish weave, at .each Flannelette Outing and Shaker Flannel, all extra value.. In fancy pattern. tripes, and cream color, worth 8 1-Sc yard at SHAKER FLANNEL 30-lnch On. and heavy, elo.ely woven cream color. Shaker flannel, regular l!Ho quality, at per yard BED COMFORTERS Crib Quilts for the baby's bed, filled with fine white cotton, covered with fancy sllkollne, worth 60c, at each 1-4 Bed. Comforters, good, heavy quality, dark color, and quilted. worth 65c, at each -4 Bed Comforter., all dark colore, worth be. at each -4 Bed Comforter., good quality, stitched, worth $1.00, at ALL HIGH GRADE COMFORTERS AT REDUCED PRICES. BLANKETS 10-4 Cotton Bheet Blankets, good close weave, in gray., tan. and whit, regular 86c value, at per pair 11-4 large sUe heavy Sheet Blankets. In grays, worth $1.15. at BOOKS STATIONERY 5c 15c 25c 19c 15c Your own price. 33c 27c .,48c 69c ..75c 98c ... oc 2z 19c 35c . A f .40C 59c 2c .OC .7c! . lc 4c .... 8c 33 c ..49c ...69c ...83c 69c EVERY ITEM IN OUR IMMENSE FURNITURE SECTION is strictly guaranteed by factories and because of our keenly qualified anxiety to handle only the best, there isn't a stick but carries our emphatic guarantee. These goods are all new. These prices author ized by the Receiver make this opportunity for home providing a veritable GOD SEND for every interested home. Morrt. Chair, .olid highly polished, re oak, hair cushion., C value. 112.00 -V Morris Chairs, solid oak, hair cushions highly polished, reg. value 120.00 Morris Chairs, solid oak, leather, hair cush ion, reg. value $28.50 Morris Chairs, mahogany finish frame, hair cushion, reg. value $14.00 Parlor Suite, 8 pieces, genuine mahogany frame, cover silk damaak.reg. value $75,00 Parlor Suite,. 3 piece., mahogany finish, cover silk damask, reg. value $60.00 Parlor Suite, 8 pieces, mahogany finish, damask cover, re, value $28.00 Parlor Suite, 8 pieces, mahogany finish, OX ft va lue JHS.UU -w vv 8 50 13 00 17 50 9 50 50 00 38 00 16 50 cover Uk velour, reg. value US. 00. 4 75 7 00 9 50 6 50 5 75 Parlor Suite, i pieces, golden oak, velour Oft ft ft cover, reg. value 832.60 AKJ ,K Divan, mahogany finish, velour cover, reg. value $8.50 Divan, mahogany finish, damask cover, reg. value 812.00 Divan, golden oak, damask cover, reg. value 814.50 Parlor Chair, fancy, mahogany finish, silk damask cover, reg. value 112.50 Parlor Chair, fancy mahogany finish, silk dimmk "cover, rea. value 83.00 Davenports, mahogany frame, very hand- fj ftft some. reg. value $28.00 uv Davenports, mahogany finished frame, Oft flfl velour cover, reg. value $3t.oo v' - v Davenports, golden oak frames, Varonna NOC flO velour cover, reg. value 845.00 JyJ Davenports, golden oak frame., Varonna OS flfl .... ... wiii.i-; in J Reed Rocker, reg. value 84.00 Rocker, golden oak, reg. value 85.00 Rocker, golden oak, reg. value 8350 Rocker, mahogany finish, reg. value $7.60 2 25 3 50 2 25 4 75 Rocker, golden oak, reg. value $5.00 Rocker, golden oak, reg. value $8.75 Rocker, golden oak, reg. value 83 50 Mahogany flnUhed rocker, reg. value 810.00 Solid Mahogany Rocker, 1 Rf , reg. value $16.50 11 Jyj Rocker, lBrge, upholstered in leather, reg. 'J Eft value $27.00 ." w ou Rocker, leather upholstered, golden oak f Eft frame, re, value 825.00 lyJ t-MJ Rocker, leather upholstered, golden oak frame, reg. value 814 60 Ladles' Desks, golden oak, reg. value 85.60 Ladles' Desks, golden oak, reg. value 111.60 Ladles' Desks, mahogany, reg. value 814.00 Ladles' Desks, mahogany, reg. Q Eft value 830.00 " JV Parlor Cabinets, mahogany finish, ft ft reg. value 816 00 lyJ ,JV Parlor Cabinet, manogany nnisn, reg. value 813.00 Parlor Cabinets, mahogany finish, fC ftft reg. value 824.00 1l UU Music Cabinets, mahogany finish, reg. value 86.60 Music Cabinets, reg. value 8900 Music Cabinets, reg. f ' value 818.00 1 1 Library Tables, golden oak. quarter sawed, 1 E ftft Library Tables, golden oak, piano polish. reg. value 818 60 Library Table., reg. value 812.50 3 00 5 75 5 25 7 00 9 50 3 50 7 50 9 25 8 00 4 00 6 25 00 00 12 50 9 50 RECEIVER'S SALE OF JEWELRY secure Ol'Ii The miblic enn trulv feci fortunate in being able to fc. XMAS PRESENTS at RANKRU1T SALE PRICES. ENTIRE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT WILL P.E SOLD. Those wishing jewelrv, clocks, watches, novelties, silverware, opera glasses, ret., for Anins presents win ie wise u nic 1 .vi TEND AND PURCHASE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE before everything is picked over. A few items below to show the proportionate reduction nuuie. Ladies' or misses' enameled chatelaine watches with 1 QO pin to match, former price $ .".1)8 Receiver's price . -7 Opera glasses, former price ?r.lM5, now 3.75 Alarm clock, former price C9e, Receiver's price 45c Ingersoll watches, former price Jl, Receiver's price 75c TOYS!. TOYS!! THIS IS THE CENTER and EVEN it comes under CLAUS is in undisputed makes him think "It's an OK XMAS HOLIDAY TRADING the ax of the receiver. SANTA possession though "the receiver's sale ill wind that blows nobody good." Boys' Steel Express Wagon-best on the market Original price 7Sc, now 58c Original price 9Sc, now 64c Original price $1.18, now 74c Original p-ice $ 1.38, now 85c Original price "fl.RS, now 1.00 Original price $1.78, now 1.10 Original price $1.98, now 1.20 Great Reductions in Elegant Doll Buggies and Go-Carts Doll Ruggy, original price, $3.98, reduced to 4,25 Doll Oo-Cart, original price $3.38, reduced to 3.75 Doll Go-Cart, original price $4.25, reduced to .2.98 Doll Go-Cart, original price $0.G8, reduced to 4.75 Doll Buggy, original price $10.28, reduced to 6.85 Doll Go-Carr, original price $789, reduced to 5.25 Boys' Tool Chest, original price $2.75, reduced to 2.25 Boys' Tool Chest, original price $4.98, reduced to 3.98 Boys' Tool Chest, original price $1.18, reduced to 85c Boys' Tool Chest, original price 38e, reduced to 28c Children's Black Boards Reduced to Cost Crokinole Boards, reduced from 58c to 48c Fine Finish Crokinole Boards, original price $1.85, now . . . 1.50 Felt Lined Crokinole Board, original price $1.98 reduced to. 1.75 Doll Hammocks at Less Than Cost 5 dozen Crocheted Doll Hammocks, worth GOc, reduced to . . .30c RECEIVER'S SALE ON THE SECOND FLOOR CROCKERY AND CUT GLASS. Her. 1. a beautiful .ectlon to be entirely .acrlflced at the behest of the Receiver. You hst. admired thl. .ectlon and you have wondered before at th. incredibly low price, that have obtained, but come to thl. sale '.he BAROAINS WILL TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY, AND YOU'LL BE CONSTRAINED TO BELIEVE THAT THERE'S POSITIVELY NO REASON why you .hold cot have the finest China closet in the atate. , A 100 piec. Haviland China Pinner Set, new traced, with .mall flower decoration., a very pretty pattern, a regular 836 et OUR 100 plec. decorated Porcelain Sets, In three A C f color., go at 8S.60, 85 60 and JJ Chamber Sets, Urge size and new shape, In three color., go at k Decorated Table Lamp, with globe or -.had. at SOc and , shape, gold, 25.00 1.65 65c Decorated Table Lamps, with Rochester Royal or Miller burner, thade or glob, with lift out founts, all new lampa, none worth less than $4.00 all go at $4.00. $6.50, 3 00 and , COME IN AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR IOC and EC. Decorated China Cuspidor, with gold bands and as- sorted decorations, at , tJDC Sugar and Creamer at up y r from 25c and..i miXjC 8-Inch full cut Berry Bowla, a 66.00 value for only 2.50 3.50 legantly bound- New Testaments regular 10c value. at Large assortment of Cloth Bound Books works of leading author. at each Book, of Poems selections by great author each Olft Books a handsome and attractive Un each fancy tin. of Box Pspetrte at par bos CALENDARS AND CHRISTMA8 CARDS Be. th. great varl.Ue ill go at- NOTE THE OPENING HOUR, MONDAY AT 10 A; fi WE CLOSE PROMPTLY EVERY EVENING' TILL THURSDAY AT LEAST, AT 6 O'CLOCK. This we are prompted to do on account of the physical strain upon our employes, especially the female eection we are ure the people of Omaha will appreciate this con sideration on the part of the receiver. Freeh relayB of startling bargains from our warehouse and stock rooms will be in troduced every day while the pale lasts. CIR CAFE CN 1HIRD HCCR WILL SERVE MEALS AT ALLKOURS WHILE THE TjBEIS OPEN COME AND TAKE LUNCH WITH US. Art, Pictures and Picture Frames Bundles of the most desirable things for Xmas present giving that Xmas ever offered. The varieties for the play DECOllA TIVE AKT are almost endless in this section and the irrevocable green pencil mark of the receiver is the offering of art attractions for a song. ORIGINAL water colors by Mllholland In , handsome gold frames, regular )Q TC 135.00 at ''I J ORIGINAL water color, by Mllholland In handsome gold frame., regular 1Q QR IBOO, at IO.J Original pastel paintings In hamlsnme gold frames, regular J25.00, 17.80 Original pastel paintings In handsome gold frames, regular $18.50, 15,85 Original pastel paintings In handsome gnld frames, regular $11.60, 8 95 Original pastrl paintings In handsome gnld frames, regular 610.75, J (JQ Original pastel paintings in handsome gnld frames, regular $7.60, gtj Orislnal pastel paintings In handsome gold frames, regular $4.75. J QQ ILATONKTTS In shaded frnme, QQ reitular $2.50 at LOT 1.29 89c PLATONETT8 In shaded frame. regular Jl.w. nt PLATONETTS In ohaded frame, reaular $1.23. at PI.ATONKTTS In shaded frame, fiRf roirulur ftXf nt "vv COLORED FLATK8 In S green wood frames to match Dlcture.. resru- CRr lar flfio value, at VMM l ULOKEU rliA l t.H in s green wooa frames to match picture, regular KKr 75c. at JJ Ht'NDREDS OF OTHER FRAMED PIC TURES tpo numerous to mention at abov. proportionate cut prices. Picture frames, ready made. 16x20. to fit nnrtralts or anv other style of picture. compleet with glass, regular J AC $9 60 value at ,,UJ Plcturn frames, ready made. 16x20, to fit nnrtrnlta nr anv other style of nlcture. complete with glass, regular CL $1.75 value, at H Picture frames, ready made, 16x20. to fit portraits or any othur style of picture, complete with glass, regular J 7 ft $4.6o and $:t.50 value, at Z. Picture frames, ready made. Itix20, to nt portrait, or any other style of picture, c mplute with glass, regular 1 "IfZ $2.60 value, at 15i) 11x14 and 6x8 oval plated and gold frames only, regular vulue 86c, 48C 150 llxii "and" 6x8 "ovol plated and gnld frames only, rcgalar value 65c, 29C Bt AND 'M AN Y OTHERS." SPORTING GOODS Never before have you GLOVES, Striking flags, GOODS at such prices. per et, MAIN FLOOR had a chance to obtain BOXING Footballs and all ATIIELETIO ,94c 1.16 Boy.' Boxing Glove., up from Men's Boxing Gloves up from Boxing Trunks, all colors, per 1 )7 nalr i.JI oot from Balla, up fjgp PINd PONG! Indian Clubs, per pair, up ")(r from Ul Dumb Bells, per pair, up ")flr from QUARTER SLEEVE SHIRTS, JgQ Full length' Tightii Jgp Iron Dumb Bells, per Ar pound PING PONG! We have a large stock of Tiug Pong and must close out at once. Also a Folding Table at $G.00. Our SOc sets at . ,42c Our 1.00 sets at 78c Our $1.25 sets at .98c Our 1.50 sets at 1,28 Our ?2.00 sets at 1.78 Our $3.00 sets at 1.Q8 Our $4.00 sets at 3.08 Our $0.00 sets at 5.07 1700DENWARE DEPT.-Basemont HANDY LAUNDKY HELPS Every one of which will suffer the receiver's "knockout" blow! CHALLENGE WAS11EU 6.48 VANDEKGniET KOTAKY WASIIEK 5.45 VANDEIiGKUT "WESTEI5N WASHER. . . .2.59 $1.28 WILLOW CLOTHES HAMPEIt 1.00 9Sc Willow Clothes Basket 80c 5Sc 4-fold CLOTHES HAH . . .49c Washboards Qc Enameled Towel Kings 4C Potato Mashers 2c HARDWARE DEPT.-Basement EaStSt' WE HAVE CARRIED MAMMOTH STO CKS In this department and the money ln. volved 1. astounding we mum make a clea n .weep end realize everv dollar. wnph unassailable value, to the very QUICK 1 pencil mark ha. cut hitherto . 5c 12c 36c ..8c th. receiver. READ!!! Toy Broom., formerly 10c, now for Arh 81fters, formerly l&c, now for Counter Brunhes, formerly 5c, now Flour Sifter, formerly 14c, now Only the other day we received a Mg shipment of nickel plated and brass table ware, huflng dishes, baking utensils, tea and cntfee pots and bath room fixtures. Chafing Ltnm, regularly sold at O Oft $3 1)8, the receiver marks thun ''0 Brass Five O'clock Teas, rtgu- I CO larly marked $1 MS. at I.JO Berlin Nickel Plated Coffee pot, t pints, retculurly wild at 48c, receiver'. "iftr price Th. biggest cutting Into HARNESS P PAINTS AT COST! PAINTS AT .old at $1.20, now for Broom., 26c, at Dinner I'al's 26c, at .... Dinner Palls, 82c, at Round Dinner I'ails IMc. at Long Handle t ire Shovel, 14c, at i Mdlum Long Handle Fire formerly loc, at Bread Boxes, No. 1, formerly Mo, now Bread Boxes, No. t, formerly ac, now Dust Pans, formerly he, now '" RICES EVER KNOWN. COST! ! PAINTS AT COST!!! What w. Bennett quality, formerly No. 1, formerly No. 2, formerly 4 qt., formerly formerly Shovel" 12c ,.19c 22c ,18c ...7C 4c 48c 54c ...5C 80c