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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1902)
The Omaha Sunday Bee. L EDITORIAL SHEET, j PAGES 13 TO 20. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SUKI?AY MOBNISG, DKCEMIIEK II, 102. SINGLE COPY ElVE CENTS. FHINK IT.PEOP ofOMAHA!D imp LCliiS IIAYDEti BROS. MUST RAISE $328,278.00 IN SPOT CASH BY JANUARY 1st, 1903. The power of cask has always been evident in Ilayden Bros', safes. Every man who has ever handed Ilaydcn Bros, a legitimate bill with one hand has received his money in the other without question or delay. THAT IS TUB IIAYDEN IMPUTATION throughout the markets of the world. It means the saving of millions of dollars annually to the people of the Transmississippi country. It means the buying of goods in all lines as cheap as any mer chant on earth can bay them. To do this and meet the enormous invoices and payments of the first of the year IIAYDEN BUGS. ANNOUNCE A OK1ANTIC FOKCED SALE TO 1JAISE $328.278 00 BY JANUAUY 1st, 11)03. Ilayden Bros, can sell their own goods cheaper and raise this money quicker than any receiver on earth could do it. When you see the army of additional clerks, the sixty heavily loaded big delivery wagons the aisles packed with eager buyers from 3 in the morning until 10 o'clock at night, when you see the extra forces employed by the different freight depots to handle Ilayden Bros, shipments alone, when you see the express company's wagons loaded with Ilayden Bros', packages marked to every point in the western country you will realize what a great organization this is and that NO SUCH SENSATIONAL SALE HAS EVElt BEFOKE BEEN ATTEMPTED IN AMERICA. People of Omaha, you were never so fortunate at this season of the year. The big lines of holiday goods have just been put on sale. Come in now and make your selections. Come as early as you can. Come often. You get the same guarantee and the same service in this tremendous sale as if you paid three times the price. Your money back next week or next year if you are not satisfied. with your purchase. IIAYDEN BUOS. WILL BE OPEN EVEKY EVENING, BEGINNING TOMOKBOW, MONDAY, DECEMBER 15th. Monday in the Cloak Dopt H.ud.lman, Eppstola & Lsvl, Fifth avsnus, New York, catered to the vsry swellest trade. Warm weather and a quiet business forced them to the wall. Our cloak buyer waa in the market and bought their entire stock of women's furs, suits, Jackets, Monte Carlos, long; cloaks, children's cloaks, walBts, wrappers, underskirts, etc In all $43, 898 at 40c on the dollar. Tell your friends. Be on band at 8 o'clock promptly Monday morning. x 69c 2. H., E. A L.'s stock of cloaks on sale at 40c on the dollar. They are the very beat made. H., E. A L'l $110.00 beaver Jackets at H., E. L.'s 30-Inch Astrachan Capes, Skin ner satin lined; f 20.00 value, Q QQ H.,'E. A LL's fur scarfs at half price $3.98, $4.98, $6.98 and $10. It., E. tt U'i muffs, about GOO of them, In every fur that Is known to the I ftfl ' trade, at from $25.00 down to 1 1 U U H., E. ft L.'s women's tailor-made suits, tho newest styles; In fact, some of the advance 1903 spring styles are Included; about 875 of them at less than the cost of the materials only, $8.75, $10. $12.50 and the very best silk lined at 400 H., E. ft L.'s pedestrlenne skirts, worth up to $10.00. at $3.95, $5.90 : and H., E. ft L.'s $20.00 Monte Carlo Jacketa at H., E. ft L.'s $15.00 Monte "1 Carlo Jackets at I II., E. ft L.'s $30.00 45-lnch long Monte Carlo cloaks at H.. E. ft L.'s $10.00 Monte 1 Carlo Jackets at 20.00 rts, worth 2.95 9.98 12.50 mi . H., E. ft U's $2. CO silk waists at II., E. ft Lk's mercerized under skirts, flannel lined, for H., E. ft L.'s children's Jackets at 40c on the dollar; prices Monday. $3.50, $3.00 and 1.00 1.00 t 40c on 1.50 Forced Furniture Sale sr , i m Nothrag more appropriate for a Chrtetmas gift. Our great forced ' salo ' makes the prices Ia Dvor 1RR (100 worth of best made, beat finished, most artistic furniture In highest quality, on sale. Bought for spot cash from the leading manufacturers of Wisconsin and Michigan. Make your selections now. Chiffoniers, hard wood, worth $6.85 aale price only ' Ave drawers- Kitchen Cabinets, worth $5.75, for Iron Beds worth $2.50, for .. Iron Beds worth $3.95, for . Iron Beds worth $6.75, for $3 85 3.95 2.25 $1.35 $1.95 3.35 3.95 4.05 Kitchen Cupboards, worth $7.50, for Solid Oak Extension Tables, 6 ft., worth $8.50, for Solid Oak Extension Tables, 8 ft., worth $10.50, for Iron Beds worth $7.85, for $4.85 Iron Beds worth $8.95, for. $4.95 Iron Beds worth $10.50, tor ....$5.25 Bed Room Suits, solid, oak, nicely carved and fine finish; bed, dresser and commode worth $27.60, for only $15.95. Matressea good ticking, sale price $1.15. Bed Spring, full size; sale price 89c. Center Tables, solid oak, 'worth 95c, at 39c. Center Tables, solid oak, worth $2.60, a BSC. Center Tables, solid osk, worth $2.95, at $1.25. Center Tables, solid oak, worth $3.60, at $1.95. Couchea worth $8.00, at $4.00. Couchea worth $12.00.'at $6.00. Couches worth $14.00, at $7.00. Chairs and rockers In the greatest variety ever shown In Omaha on aale In this great forced sale at one-half regular prices. v ....... ' m" i '" V n i r Greater Assortment This Year Than Ever Shown mSroof SAYS OLD SANTA CLAUS Toys and attractive presents for everyone, big and lit tle Crying Babys Bearing Trumpets, Pretty Story Books and Cards, Carriages and Cabs, Engines, Skates and Cutlery, Tricycles and Sleds, Games and Blocks, V Beautiful China and Brlc-a-Brac slitter and splendor .ever ppti nut aid a nnr TOY FAIRYLAND ON THE MAIN FLOOR EABYLAND'S MESSAGE To gladden little hearts. Think of It; 125,000 Toy Babys here at Old Santa Claus' Headquarters. There are wee llttlo Midgets and life size Sweethearts, Topsys, Dorothys, Jack and Aunt Dinahs, all ready for your-choosing and waiting for NEW HOMES. Little Orphan Babys, 6,000 In the lot; Santa Claus says sell them at 3c each. Wee Boya and Girls, white and rosy, black rs coal thousands of thm, at Cc each. Sweet little Kid Body Dolls, bisque heads, flowing hair, well worth 40c to be sold at 15c each. Kid Body Doll, 18 Inches long, movable eyes,-Jointed body, bisque head, well worth $1.50, to be sold In this forced sale at 50c. Combination Kid Body Jointed Doll, 15 Inches long, movable eyes, dressed and actually worth $1.00; MUST SELL look at the price, only 35c. Patent Jointed Kid Body Dolls with bisque head, worth In every way $2.60 to help raise money, to be. sold at 89c. Kid Body Doll, genuine French bisque head, corked stuffed bodies, 20 inches Is the length of this doll, worth $3.00 in this forced sale, 9c. French blBque head, Jointed kid body, 24 inches long, cork stuffed, movable eyes, "The Sleeping Beauty," worth $4.50 In this forced sale, $1.75. FIVE IMPORTERS' SAMPLE LINES OF DOLLS Including every make, size and quality of doll manufactured. Over 25.000 dolls In the lot at 1-3 less than the Importer's regular prices GREAT EST DOLL BARGAINS EVER OFFERED. Fancy Boxes snd Cases, Including Shaving Sets, Manicure "and Dressing Casea, Hand kerchief and Glove Boxes, Jewel Cases, Collar and Cuffs, etc., all bought from the great New York Importers as sample lines, selling at less than 1-3 the usual coat. Comb and Brush Sets In fancy boxes, worth $1.00, at, each 69a Tool Chest for the Boys, at 49c to $2.25 Oas Engines "see them work" at $2.25 Steam Engines, for boy engineers, 39c Magic Lanterns at ii.ia ana wc ah Kinas oi noveuy toys, mecnanieai, etc. ...IT.OU iron miaeoger iruiu oueciai, ai ui; mi iwuus ui inunvia nuu pitraBiua; uuvniiirs. NO PLACE LIKE HAYDEN'S TOY FAIRYLAND TO DISTRIBUTE THEM SAYS SANTA CLAUS. BRING THE CHILDREN., MAIN FLOOR. . SALMON f r $ Holiday Goods at Gut Prices Only a few more days to close out the largest stock of fancy goods ever brought to the city of Omaha. China Dopt. The most beautiful and useful Xmas gifts can alwaya be found In china and glass. We have the largest and finest stock of One china, glass and bric-a-brac ever brought west of the Mississippi river. In French china dinner sets we beat the world, a 100-piece fine decorated French Limoges china dinner set at $14.69. You pay from $25.00 to $35,000 for the same sets elsewhere. Fine china cups and caucers, decorated, 6c pair. Decorated plates, 7c, 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c each. ' Salad dishes, decorated, 13c, 25c, 36c, 60c each. Fancy bisque ornaments from 10c up. Fine imported crystal wine sots, 69c. Crystal berry sets, 1 pieces, 12c set. A beautiful line of chop, game and flab sets. Decorated parlor lamps with 8-lnch deco rated globes, braes mounting, 89c. Decorated cream sets, very fine, from 89o up. Beer steins, with fine white metal tops, genuine Flemish, from 25c up. Jardinieres, hundreds of kinds,' from 29c up. A splendid line of Rookwood and Miller's Louelsa ware. . The 'only fine line of genuine Japanese Monago ware In Omaha. Decorated china bread a ad milk sets, in French, German and Austrian china, from 35c up. Decorated candles, all colors, 2V4c. Books! Books!! Books!!! The best holiday gift that money can buy. The best appreciated Christmas gift you can find. Haydea Bros, have the book stock of Omaha, and the terms under which this sea son's stock vaa purchased enables us to cut the price of books to. such figures that competition in thia line by any on la simply Impossible. Read the following prices and Judge for yourself: Greatest sale of new books ever held In Omaha. All the latest copyright books, all the newest boys' and girls' books, all the neweat children's books. All at Cut Prices ALL COPYRIGHT BOOM. This line Includes every ki works Kllot. Bulwer. I.ytton. worth $1.60 will be sold ' 03 This includes every copyright book pub lished. TUB HEUTY BOOKS. The finest line of boys' books ever pub lished. We have 2,000 of these books to Oder, Including lienty's complete (Q,. series, at each I9U B.OOO lO-in. CLOTH BOIKD BOOKS, T 1 Se. known author's i nomas a-Kempt. Dickens. Hums, Byron, Long fellow, Whittler, Uoklsmith, Hawthorne, etc. Regular price, lac Ibis lot goes at, each Sfnc 12 MO. CLOTH COOKS. fr'OK IOC. This Is a ridiculous price for this line of books, but we have books by tho carload, and we are going to do the Cbrlelinas book business of thia city. If a clean, well a orted stock at the lowest pri- will get it. I'onseuuenily 10c will buy any of this line of Jtc bouka. w hli'h are the works of all the best known authors. ItULUrtVS BOOKS. Here Is a line of goods that defy any competition whatever. The circumstances surrounding the purchase of this line of boekji are such as to make it simply impos sible for any oi. to meet within ii per ceut tba prices we can a (lord to make. V1K9T LOT, IHILUHUVS) BOOKS, Includes a line of lor, 15c and toe board bocks and over titles, on aaie at SKCOND LOT Includes a fine line of 30c and Ko books of the very beat authors In the children's Hue. This lot govs at TUIHU LOT Includes the very best Sc. S.V and 45c chil dren's books. This Is the greatest bargain of the lot. Tike lot goes at 19 POETS. , THB WOODBI.1K PADDRD POETS The finest $1 .25 line of leather bound books In the country on QTf sale at O I L S.BOO NEW DRESDEN ls-mo. bonks; the most complete line of titles; a regulai beauty for a gift 4ftc on sale at 13 aa.OO LEATHER BOt JID BIBLES, HIV. Our line of Bibles and prayer books is oertect. Kvery style snd price. The most complete stock In Omaha Monday we sell a teachers' Bible with helps and concordance, for. CHATTERBOX. Under the title of Toung Folks' Companion, for A full line of the Alger. Optic and Henty books for boys. .... A full line of Meads, Caryes and Abbott books for gins. KlfLi.iu's wvsai. 87c 60: 5c 10 ..39c .39c Grand Perfume Salo Nice box containing 2 cakes soap and one bottle perfume, 15c. Basket of perfume, 15c. Great variety of perfumes at 10c. Perfumes, 2 bottles in box, at ?5o. Perfumes, S bottles in box, at 35c. Eastman's best perfumes from 25c up to $2.25 per bottle. Big Music Book Salo Monday Ws will place on aale a nice lot of new books at. only. 48c per copy; by mall, 65c; regular price of these books is 75c. "STAR DANCE FOLIO NO. 2" contains such popular pieces as "Josephine, My Jo" two-step, "Rip Van Winkle Waa a Lucky Man," "Jennie Lee" Walts, "The Golden Summer Time" Walts, etc "THE SOUSA MARCH FOLIO", , contains "EI Capitan," "King Cotton" "The Charlatan." "Manhattan Beach, "Bride-Elect." "Man Behind the Gun," etc "THE POPULAR BALLAD FOLIO." A collection of popular ballads and aentl mental aonga from the en of the best song writers. We have just received a nice new lot of Christmas books for children, contsining words and music, with pictures. A lice Present for the Old Folks We have 1.000 of Kipling's works, in uniform binding, at each HOLIDAV STATIONERY. The only house In Omaha that carries the OMAHA VIEW STATIONERY. A photo of all the principal buildings and parks in Omaha on each sheet of paper and on every envelope-price nu rou, nu suu. We have the most complete line of Ping Pong In the city. AH at cut prices. Juxt the game for the winter evenings. All prices. Kemember. we furnish 1 elegantly en graved vlalilng cards snd the plate for 11.00. A specialty made of wedding Invitations, at-home cards, etc A SPECIAL OFFER. We will accept a part payment on all books amounting to (2.uu or evr. Presents Worth Buying in Our Basement Barney & Berry Skates, Sleds, Coasters, Pocket Knives, Fine Razors, Fine Chafing Dishes, Five O'clock Teas, handsome Carving Sets, , Aluminum and Copper Nickel' Plated Ware. ABV. CARVISG SETS. y ill i. n.n m.ij g 1 "as 2 Two-piece, stag - handled Three- piece set, stag handled. worm S4.0U, tor Three-piece set, stag handled, A sterling stiver mounting, worm so. vilv Christie Set three knives for .. 69c 2.25 15c Fancy Boys Coasters at Fancy Coaster, with round spring runners Girls' Bled full size ' at Girls' Sled bent stags at Extra nice Sled with goose neck ::i9c 39c . 19 29c 49c LADIES' DEPARTMENT Purses, pocketbooka, hand bags, wrist bntrs. chatelain bnsru. Boston bates, srarters, toilet set, handkerchiefs, neck ruffs, hnlr brushes, Mexican drawn work, piano scarfs and lace collars. GENTS' GOODS Cigar and sjlfrarette rases, military brush sets, card oases, pocketbooks, bill books, leather books, shaving mirrors, cloth and hat brushes, etc. Monday Is the first day of the cut prices on holiday goods. With an unbroken stock we offer you a remarkable chance for a selection we can not offer later. MONDAY'S CUT PRICES The A. Stein company's sample line of ladles' fancy garters, worth from 25c to j.bO pair, go on sale Monday. 15c garters, 1 pair In box, pair 25c garters, 1 pair In box, pair 35c garters, 1 pair In box, pair 60c garters, 1 pair In glass box, pair 75c garters, 1 pair in glass box, pair $1.00 garters, 1 pair in glass box, pair $1.50 garters, 1 pair in glass box, pair $2.00 garters, 1 pair In glass box, pair 50c straight front supporters at Eo 0c 15c ....25c ...35c ...50c ...75c 1.00 ....25c $1.00 straight front supporters 5Qc 5c Chlldt-en's, mines' and ladies' 16c and 20c aide clastica Grand holiday sale on gents to $3.00 each. , 10c, pipes, 6c POCKET CUTLERY 15c Pocket Knives for 15c to 35c Pocket Knives for Warranted Pocket Knlve up from Warranted Razors for Very fine fancy handles lor ...Bo ..10c 25c .1.10 1.75 50c ON THE DOLLAR We have secured the snmnle Una nf the largest manufacturer In the world of hnlr, cloth and hat brushes, round, square and oval mirrors, military brush sets and all kinds of comb, brush and mirror sets at 60o on the dollar. This lot of goods goes on sale Monday at tho same discount, 60c on the dollar. This means 30c hair brushes If"- for .....IDC 60c hair brushes OCn for s.0 75c hair brushes c for O0c $1.00 hair brushes - for $1.50 hair brushes ' - - . , for.rni.. ".....A, $2.00 hair brushes ror... $2.50 hair brushes for 60c mirrors for $1.00 mirrors r . for , $1.50 mirrots for $1.00 comb, brush and mirror sets ror $1.60 comb, brush and mirror sets for $2.00 comb, brush and mirror sets tor $3.00 comb, brush and mirror sets for $4.00 comb, brush and mirror sets for $5.oo comb, brush and mirror sets for $6 00 comb, brush and mirror sets for $7.00 comb, brush and mirror sets for $S.OO comb, brush and mirror sets for $10.00 comb, brush and mirror sets for The gents' sets of military brushes go at 75c, 11.00, $1.25. $1.50. $2.00 and $2.26 set Worth $1.50 to $4.60 set. LADIES' NECK RUFFS The lars-eat line In the city and the lowest rices, $1.00 to $16.00 each. Worth $1.60 to .150 2.00 2.50 300 3.50 4 00 5 00 fine turnover collars prli IU2.60. Ladles' at Lndles' fancy neckwear at , Ladles' silk belts at 25c and 25c 50c BARNEY & BERRY'S Solid Steel Skates Nickel plated solid steel Ladles' Skates for Solid Steel for Fancy Nickel Plated for ..49c 83c 69c .89 1.49 Extra strong Iron Wagon steel wheels 13x26 Boys' Velocipede at 1,000 Air rifles, all steel, worth 5c, for Flobert Rifles at Single Shotgun at No. 8 copper nickel plated Kettle Copper Nickel Plated Range Ktttle Copper Nickel Plated Coffee Pot, engraved No. 8 Aluminum Tea Kettle Brace for Auger Bits at .98c .1.49 ..49c .1.95 4-95 ...79c ,.59c ...89c 2.49 19c Bet Auger Bits at. 18-Inch Hand Sai it Boys' 'Claw Hammers nickel plated Two-foot Rules at OOlNtckel Plated Tray and .9U Scraper )Cn 13-incn "icelea Trays .s4u I . 9c ... 5c at. Handsome Nickel Plated Chatlng Dish Beautiful Five O'clock Tea .29c .... 9c 2.69 .1.49 Forcod Salo Jewelry I 'fcjv.-" '-issei sMW f.- b we-' T I i . .. . . l A pair of gold, gold-filled or gold-platod spectaclea, from 8Sc up. No charge for fitting the lenses. The largest stock of opera glasses in the city. "Lemalre" and all the best makes trcm $1.49 up. 'Jewelry for its exquisite daintiness and beauty Is universally favored for friendly token giving. Hayden Bros.' tremendous assortments, great sale and wonderfully low prices give you just the opportunity you want. In silverware Hardens have the largest line in the city, both hollow and flat ware. Special sale of Rogers' cream ladles. aalad forks, cold meat forks, berry spoons, pie knives, etc. . . Haydens' ebony goods, the best to be had. Genuine ebony military brushes up from $2.48. Hair brushes up from 98c. Ebony bst brushes at $1.25 and 98c. Complete ebony sets at $3.75. CLOCKS In fine iron cases, 8-day. hour and half-hour strikes, at from $4.75 up. A gold plated clock. 9 Inches high, fine patterna, on aale at $3.50. Don't forget our 65c alarm clocks and 08c watches. Depeudsble, first-class opera glasses, guaranteed qualities, from $1.49 up. Extra Special Shoe Sale Monday Closing out the Brockton and Lynn floor stock at about 60 cents on the dot lar. Theae goods must be closed out at once. These shoes come in ladies' misses' and men's very fine shoes, made for the fine city trade. All on sale Monday at $2.98, $2.48, $1.98 and $1.48. Misses' shoes worth up to $2.25 at $1.4 j and 98c. Men's satin calf oals worth $2 at $1.19. Youths' satin calf, bala worth $1.60 at $1.00. Women's fur trimmed sllDDers worth $1.50 at 98c i Women's wsrm shoes and i 1 Inner, worth It ?R at Kite Men's fancy leather slip per. worth up to $2 at 68c. Boys' box calf bals worth $2 50 at $1.75. Men's embroidered slip pers worth $1.25 at 75c. 60c -75c ...1.00 ...1.25 ...25 ...50c ...75c E0j 75c ...1.00 25c 50c 50c FANCY LEATHER GOODS Ilaydcn'a leather goods department In by far the largest and best assorted line of leather goods In the city and our prices simply cannot ne equaled. 60c ladles' combination books for $1.00 ladles' combination books for Both these numbers have the handker chief holders. $1X) genuine seal pocketbooks 50 M genuine alligator pocketbooks JQo $200 genuine alligator pocketbooks I QQ $2.50 genuine alligator pocketbooka I AJ tor s $2 00 baby seal pocketbooks for , $1.00 wrist bags for $2.00 wrist bags for $4.00 wrist bags - - for.... , $10.00 French novelties at All kinds of fancy leather goods at cut prices Monday. GRAND HANDKERCHIEF SALE Holiday handkerchiefs go on sale Monday. V.. 1 1 ...... I . I 1 t. B chiefs worth 60c, go at fctfG Pure linen, lace trimmed handker- ITC chiefs, worth $1.00, go at 9UU Pure linen, lace trimmed handker- IC chiefs, worth 25c, go at 13 GRAND HOLIDAY RIBBON SALE The finest ribbon stock in Omaha at cut prices ror tne holidays. No. 40 A 30c taffeta ribbon for No. 40 A 25c liberty taffeta ribbon tor No. 60-A 35c liberty taffeta ribbon JJc No. 80 A 60c loulaene ribbon C' for 40 . 1.00 ..50c .100 200 .4.00 10c 124c Holiday Furnishings & Underwear Grand sale Monday on holiday furnish ings, umbrellas, gloves, suspenders, fancy neckwear, handkerchiefs, etc. The most complete, newest and best stock of holiday goods in these lines ever put on sale. Hundreds of specials Monday at tremendous cuts In price during this great sale. Boys' $1.50 all-wool sweaters, in all the new colors, 3 to 8 years, on sale at 75c. Men's $2.00 and $2.60 all-wool and silk and wool underwear, in plain and fancy colors, some of the best makes, worth up to $2.60; on sale at $1.50. Men's $1.50 colored laundered shirts, with separate cuffs, in all the newest styles; on sale at 49c. Men's $2.00 and $2.50 flannel shirts, in all the newest colors; on sale, at 98c and $1.50. Men's working gloves and mittens, all styles, on sale at 25c and 4'Jc. Men's dress gloves, all the best makes, on sale at $1.00 and $1.25. Ladles' fancy Swiss aprons, bib aprons and large trimmed aprons, worth 60c j price, 25c. Wo have just opened a large assort', ment of fine fancy Swiss aprons, hand somely trimmed, worth $1.00 and $1.25, at 60c and 76c. Children's embroidered and hemstitched aprons, in all sixes, on sale at 25c and 60c. Ladies' outing flannel gowns, plain colors and trimmed, worth $1.25, at 75c. Ladles' outing flannel gowns, In white and colors, extra fine in quality and style, worth up to $2.60, at $1.50. Ladies' extra quality vests and pants, in three lots, 25c, 3Uo and 60c, worth double the price. Great Forced Salo of Groceries Now is the time to buy your Christmas supplies. If you want to do any cook ing for Christmas you cannot afford to buy your goods any place but at Hayden Bros. We carry everything you want, Hayden s la the only firm that carries a complete line of high grade goods. CHOICE TABLE Bl'TTEn, 20 CEBITS. Monday we will place on sale two tons of fresh, sweet Country Roll Butter. This Urge lot was shipped to us direct by the best dairy butter makers in Iowa AA . and Nebraska. Monday you can, get your pick of the lot at, per pound ,U C Cleaned Pa trous Currents. Currants, lb Cleaned Acme Currants. Imported French Currants California loose Muscatel Haislna California Seeded Raisins , Fancy Cali fornia Kaialna ..74c 10c I2c .15 c ...8o ..10c I2ic Imported Hut- iri. tana Raisins 13 11' 40c 35c 35c Tc 15c ..Tc fin iivi L2)LlU Citron In all gradea from 15o to Imon Peel from 12c to... Orange Peel, from 12Vc to... Choice Evap orated Apples Fancy Nlles Apples, 10c, 12Vo and , All new Peaches S-lb. rans California Peaches, worth lf, 26c, in this forced sale UC I-lb cans California Apricots, very Q., beat, worth Jbc, In this forced sale J0 3-lb. can California Plums, all kinds, egg plums. Gage plums, all worth Zoo Bl per can. In this sale 3-lb. can California Orapea, worth T l,t 2bc, in this forced sale at I PEOPLE OF OMAHA Our loss is your gain and we have the goods to sell. We PEOPLE OF OMAHA-Can you afford to Nectarines, lb Blackberries, for .., Cherries, for Apricots, for Tc 10c 15c 10c Tea and Coffee Basket fired np. Japan Tea Ouu Tmr.r.'?.. 38c Ceylon, Java and Mocha IHp Coffee I I k Family Java 4C and Mocha 9 Meat Sale No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams.. No. 1 Sugar Cured. Hucon. Salt Pork,, per lb Fresh Pork, per lb 3-lb. pall 97, Beat Lard L lc Fancy Fat Herring, each Anchovies, per lb Hie 15c IQc .: Tic :2c 10c Fruit and Cheese I2i c . 5o 5ic 121c 10c (lie .2ic Candy Sals Delicious pure sugar Mint Lozenges 14 1 A per pound I 1 Painty assorted Imperials, per lb Pure sugar Hoar- hound Drops, Large Red Apples, dot....... New crop Oranges, each... Peanuts, per qt New Hallow'een Dates, per lb Fancy Nuts, I!i2 crop Brick Chuese at lc and Iowa .Cream Cheese Neufchatel Cheese, each 121c ..10c .10c than P.iver 81c '4 lbs. Oranulated Sugar 2- lu. can best Sweet Corn 3- lb. can best String tteana... 2- lb. can beat Succotash 3- lb. can Lima Uvans..,. 25c 5c 5c 5c .5c 3-lb can Pumpkin, worth 26c. in this forced sale at ", only I'ure sugar Star broken mixed Candy, tmly lb.... would rather sell them ourselves have a receiver sell them. The very het Blood Ked Columbia Salmon, worth 2!c to lie per can. In this forced sale Ilmter, worth 25o per can. In this Ql. forced sale . O" Clams, worth 15c to 25c, In this Gin forced sale Q4 Can Mackerel, car miss tills saleT 3-lb. tan Baked Beans, worth 16c, In this forced sale an Mackerel, worth 35c to 60c per tCn in. In this forced sale at 13. 5c 3-lb. can beets, worth zoo. In this forced eala at .Bo 3-lb. ran Hulled Corn, worth 16c, in thia forced aale..... .5o .5o